#they need to TALK
noveratus · 3 months
Thinking about why Zoro and Sanji's rivalry is so important to both of their characters beyond 'just a gag.' To Zoro, Sanji is the closest thing to Kuina that he has now. Not in the sense of an obstacle he needs to overcome, that's Mihawk, but rather as a rival, he is constantly competing against and pushing him forward in a way even Luffy really can't since while Luffy reminds Zoro of the finish line and his goals, Sanji is the baby steps, he is a representation of getting them and their bickering is the reminder that he has to keep getting stronger and that, even if he hasn't reached where he wants to get yet, he is improving because Sanji is improving and he can't let him become stronger than he is.
Then there is Sanji. I honestly think that Sanji really looks up to Zoro, more so than any other Strawhat. He has done so from the moment they met, and Zoro proclaimed to Luffy he wouldn't lose again. He admires Zoro's strength, yes, and his ability to protect those he cares about without needing to change who he really is, but he also admires Zoro's ambition, his determination to keep going no matter the odds, how important he has made himself to be due to sheer force of will alone and deep down he craves that, to be important and wanted for who he is, but believes himself to be less important than Zoro.
I think that is particularly clear during the 'nothing happened' scene. Sanji offered himself to die there because he thought he was the least important of the straw hats. He owed his life to them, particularly Zoro and Luffy. Zoro, however, offered himself because he refused to see another person he loved die like Kuina did. Sanji was ready to die for that exchange. Zoro wasn't, he was trying to hold on to life until the very end, but he was willing to for the sake of his captain and his crew.
I think that the tragedy of their relationship is that I don't think either of them truly understand the other at all, despite understanding the other better than anyone else in the crew besides Luffy. They don't truly understand how much the other truly cares about them, and so they end up thinking their relationship is considerably more superficial than it actually is.
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the “just try being normal” moment is such a good example of miscommunication conflict done right.
because you can tell that when she says it, Lois is coming from a place of fear for Clark- he’s been running himself ragged, and she wants him to stop. take a break. the ball is already rolling at this point in the episode, and she knows that if it continues unchecked, Clark is going to keep making mistakes due to his exhaustion, and things could get worse. She’s also, privately, scared by the alternate realities she’s seen, and despite knowing that her Clark wouldn’t do that, she’s on edge about it.
Clark doesn’t have the time, or mental space, to think about any of this at the moment.
Clark (having a terrible 24 hours) (on a time crunch) (exhausted) (upset) (trying his best) (oh my god) only hears “you’re different, and it’s causing problems.”
this is, understandably, devastating, and even though Lois IMMEDIATELY realizes that she’s fucked up, he flees before she can correct herself, and throws himself at the problem that he thinks he can fix.
this was an amazing example of how people are fallible, and was executed in a very realistic way that makes sense for the characters. both of them were coming from a good place, and the circumstances placed enough stress on them that the execution went horribly awry.
that said:
“I don’t want you to treat me like an alien; I just want to be your friend.”
“Take a break from being Superman, and just try being normal.”
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
I can't do this anymore Fluffy. Macky was always always watching Wukong but apparently he was always watching Macky too. He would smile and joke and laugh and act like he's the strongest, he wanted to be the stronged but he never voiced how sometimes he wished Macky would fight to protect him too, but he could NEVER say it. "There's so many things I've left unsaid." LITERALLY BOTH OF YOU. *takes notes* ok, so I need to put them in a contrived situation that makes them scream and sob their confessions to each other holding on for dear life with a tasteful fur sniffing on Macky's part like the loser he is.
[..]but he never voiced how sometimes he wished Macky would fight to protect him too, but he could NEVER say it.
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no bud you’re right tho and i am so glad you said it because Wukong has always been the one who was placed as their ex machina or trump card and also being the character you place to get hit the lost since he can technically take. AND YET NO ONE HAS SHIELDED WUKONG THE MOST IN LMK EXCEPT MK (who, mind you, only entered Wukong’s life a millennia into his life like 🫠). and maybe Macalooney wanted to in the past but worried it might insult his friend who wanted to be the strongest and never appear as weak. but now come s5, and Matooney is shielding Wukong and saving him (and the others but this post ain’t about them) and wants to reach out and i just—
anon, please confine them in whatever chamber is needed for them to air out their issues because maybe that will break the fragile line they’ve drawn between themselves (and maybe that will fix me)
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laz-kay · 5 months
Don’t touch me.
Currently thinking about the Queen Charlotte speech between Charlotte and George, but replace Charlotte with Stolas and George with Blitzø.
I’m raging. RAGING!😭
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next chapter better be a heart to heart between them or atleast a normal conversation no fucking way they dropped the most banger of a bakugo line ever and dipped
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
I want a long buddie talk where they like talk about everything & obviously for Buck to acknowledge & apologize for his behavior & reassurances of their place in each other's lives but also I want Eddie getting to share like why the friendship with Tommy has been so nice like all the stuff they have in common & how that doesn't take away from his friendship with Buck it's just another good thing in his life & how he was so happy that the three of them hanging out & he feels bad he missed it bc he's Eddie so ofc he does but Buck is like I should've communicated better & didn't realize what it meant for Eddie & it overall brings them closer but also I want Buck to have a like "oh shit" moment like idk he wants Eddie to have good things & he got so in his own head & his own feelings he almost sabotaged something that makes Eddie so happy & hurt him physically over it that now he has to really grapple with his abandonment/insecurity issues bc that's not the kind of friend he wants to be & if he believes when Eddie says he's important to him then he really needs to work on that (which as someone with similar issues it's hard but it's still on him to work on yk) & maybe Buck will go back to o therapy but also him being extra cautious or worried bc he doesn't want to ruin Eddie & Tommy's friendship going forward but he wants to explore this thing with Tommy & it's messy & weird & complicated & yeah I definitely want an eventual realization that he really wants Eddie but there's potential for so much growth before we get there & him finally being able to be secure in himself and his relationships & as for Eddie getting to keep & enjoy all his good things but not being jealous per se more unsure? Like Tommy seems content to keep being friends & if Buck is like no this is good you deserve to have this friendship no matter what & Eddie is like great but also not sure how this new dynamic works & I love the whole thinking he's homophobic but it only really makes him uncomfortable in regards to Buck (like maybe he already knew this about Tommy & was so chill about it but now it's Buck & he's like wait what ????) and yeah idk sorry for rambling in your inbox but my 911 friend hasn't seen it yet & I'm just feeling a lot of things but I kinda like Tommy & he was so gentle with Buck & I love the idea of him being eventually like helping buddie along too (imagine the 3 of them & Chris hanging out with Tommy & Chris looking at each other like "you seeing this" & then being like we're going to the movies so you two can talk or make out or whatever about this lol) & like staying their friend bc it is so important to have lives outside of each other it's so healthy & makes a good relationship stronger I think so I'd love love love Buddie being canon & Eddie still doing the weekly thing but Buck is able to just like kiss him & hope he has a great time & mean it? and it'd be great if he could get there before they get together & be genuinely okay about it (but realizing the ache is bc he wants to be with Eddie & yeah) and they're able to actually build their relationship from there? Idk if I'm making any sense but yeah sorry hope this is okay????
Hi!! I strongly agree with what you're saying, except for the part of Eddie having problems with Buck dating Tommy. I feel like with the whole Buck was jealous of Tommy with Eddie, if you make Eddie jealous of Tommy with Buck, it would be boring, too fanfictiony. And that could create problems in the friendship Eddie and Tommy have going and I want Eddie to be able to keep that SO BAD. He was SO HAPPY. Doing these things with Tommy was great for him and the idea of anything getting in the way of that because of the Bucktommy of it all makes me so mad. Buck and Eddie need lives outside of each other, and outside the 118, and like, even s6 there's the joke that Eddie only has Carla to talk about, so to take that away from Eddie because Tommy is now Buck's boyfriend would be tragic. Like, what do you mean Eddie made a friend, his best friend freaked out, actually hurt him, started dating his friend and now he lost the first because of it? I would lose my shit. Then I would actually hope Eddie has problems with the relationship and calls everyone out on their bullshit because making Eddie the middle man and then pushing him aside would be cruel. Especially if Buck is going to be weird with Eddie because of the date, because then the only information he's gonna have is that Buck freaked out on him, hurt him, is now hanging out with Tommy, and being weird with him, he would have every right to get mad about it. I do hope they keep the individual relationships buddie has with Tommy, I think they would both benefit from it and I'm interested to see how Tommy could work when applied to the buddie of it all, even more considering the way Tommy seems to even have a relationship with Chris, like, I hope there some plan on at least keeping the mention of Tommy, especially if Tommy and Eddie were hanging out that much. But yeah, Buck and Eddie need to have a very deep conversation about what happened that also gets to Buck realizing that Tommy is someone who was good to Eddie and apologizing for it all. They need a conversation where they establish that while they do know each other very well, they are not in each other's minds and sometimes they won't understand why they are acting some sort of way AND THEN LEARN TO COMMUNICATE. Honestly, I might actually start screaming if they actually have an open conversation. Like, legit, scream. They don't talk about their relationship and need to. If they go there and talk about this, and promise to start doing it and actually following through, they are there to make the change in their relationship. That's the thing that needs to be addressed, their lack of communication, if they do, it's game over, even more with Buck knowing he's bi now? Buck realizing he likes men, stopping to think about what he actually wants, having an honest conversation with Eddie and being like "oh, this is what I want"???? Hello????? I would DIE. But yeah, I'm currently carefully eyeing Tommy to see how they'll handle him when it comes to both Buck and Eddie. I do love how gentle he is with Buck. Don't love the way he was ready to excuse Buck's behavior. So I have complicated feelings. I am waiting for the next episode to settle into anything really. But I'm interested in where it's going.
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apocalyptic-byler · 1 year
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michaelqueerler · 1 year
"Never before Had I wanted to say So much, But said so little; Felt so much But stayed So silent."
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anxious-shadowling · 1 year
Both of them keep trying to protect and make the other happy, but instead they are hurting each other because their flavors of trauma and the ways they see the world are fundamentally different.
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eliomii · 2 years
This is low key dreamling tho like
It's not fair, it's not fair how much I love you It’s not fair, 'cause you make me laugh when I'm actually really fucking cross at you for something
literally the emotionally constipated dream?
At night when light is fading Just to let you know I'm old, waylaid and feels like I am wading Into carpet burns and carousels Christ, you'll be the death of me
Hob??? after so many years???
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diazly · 2 years
eddie taking chris to surfing lessons…. healing from trauma from years ago…. realizing that things like this take time and it’s okay….. talking to buck ab the shooting as they watch chris from the shore….
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
loving cbeeduo is wanting them to be happy but also wanting them to temp divorce and let ctommy watch their kid for a minute until they aren't Like That anymore
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sheepydraws · 6 months
The secret Dungeon Meshi sauce that's getting people to eat better is that it's so non-judgmental. Senshi and the rest of the gang never talk about what not to eat besides things that taste bad and literal poison. They don't even talk about "health" that much besides the importance of a balanced diet. It's so much easier to eat well when you think of food simply as something your body needs, and that it's often worth the extra effort to make it taste good, especially when you understand how to connect "things your body needs" with "things that taste good"
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stimmingandstruggling · 4 months
more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.
they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.
i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.
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needtotalkilllisten · 2 months
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potsiefaerie · 3 months
It can be really hard to learn to engage in positive self talk, but sometimes it's easier to start by pretending it's coming from a friend, first 💜
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