#prison break? maybe so
goldeneyedgirl · 2 years
Late V-Day Space-verse Fic: Better Than Nothing
Six days late, but it's done!
A little Unimaginable Things-verse fic, because I love me some space drama.
Holidays are a quiet thing on the Olympia.
There is Carlisle, who is so augmented and been away from Earth for so long that his classification of ‘human’ feels very much like a technicality. Once, in another life, there were a pair of children whose birthdays were celebrated with much fanfare. But those times had passed.
Edward staunchly refused to celebrate anything, arguing that he is not a person but simply a program. Carlisle still makes sure to buy him huge quantities of music and software around the end of June, without comment.
Rose had little use for the traditional holidays of her people, only bringing them up to ridicule them. Whatever she celebrates, none of them know of it. Emmett celebrates with his family, carefully logging leave three times a year. And Esme’s ceremonies are solemn, uplifting, and intensely private moments.
And few other cultures have holidays like Earth - casual ones propped up with commercialism and novelty. More than once, he’s tried to explain them to his friends, Esme curious but bewildered, Rosalie quietly superior, and Carlisle chuckling in memory.
Alice had been intrigued, never knowing Earth or the little cultural touchstones. Maybe he liked the opportunity to get a little bit closer, explaining those missing common links carefully and greedily soaking in her presence.
But of all the things that left a mark on them, a scar that would never heal clean, neither of them would have ever imagined it would be something as harmless and cliche as February 14.
In a perfect world, she wouldn’t have been stranded in Cesset - the capital city of a planet called L’im - for a week straight. It’s a huge, sprawling city divided into sectors; more than half forbidden to tourists, travelers, or anyone without citizenship.
The rain comes down in bright sheets, and she settles in the doorway of a pick-up bay for the night; the last job she took turned into a scuffle and her lens is offline until her appointment with the technician in two days, once the bruising around her eyes heals more. Which means she might have money but no way to use it.
The stoop of the building keeps her out of the rain, and the night is still. She might even be able to snatch some sleep.
She rifles through her pack for something to eat - some half-finished cereal or a protein drink. There’s not much in there - food is so heavy to transport, and street vendors are always better than long-life snacks. But they are handy and the three bars, two gels, and one water will have to see her through.
(Does she think about going to the nearest comms center and getting Carlisle to wire cash onto a card for her, so she can get out of the rain and buy some food, get a bunk to sleep in? The gels are a slimy mass in her mouth as she takes a drag from the sachet, a gooey lump that is hard to swallow and artificially sweet, leaving a film in her mouth. She dismisses the thought of asking Carlisle for help quickly. She’s caused enough trouble. It's only two days. She’s lived through worse.)
Absently, she slides her hand into the back of the pack, searching for her slate. Old-fashioned, cheap, and well-loved, it was the first frivolous thing she’d ever bought herself, loaded with hundreds of books. It might have gotten her enough for a hot meal if she sold it (not a good meal, just one of the oily soups with a few tough cubes of meat that the city favored and sold at every store), but the sentimental part of her couldn’t part with it.
As she pulls it out, she freezes, seeing what is slipped into the front of the cracked cover.
It was an odd thing for her to bring with her, after everything. She doesn’t know why she slipped it into her pack instead of into storage. Maybe to remind her of better times. Or maybe that once, just for a little while, she was loved.
Paper is expensive and hard to come by - most planets use fabric or digital surfaces for art and letters. The planets that do use paper reserve it for books, mostly. It’s not easy to acquire privately. The old newspapers that Carlisle had bundled in storage should have been handed over for some credits but instead, Jasper had cut out squares, had folded them precisely into triangular shapes that had glided when he tossed them out. And she had laughed out loud, delighted as the little creations caught onto the draft leaking in from the departure bay. He had folded two whole sheets of newsprint for her in dozens of paper airplanes of all sizes; had shown her how to fold her own. Something all children on Earth knew how to do, apparently.
(The lie falls easily from her lips - “I was born off-world. I’ve never been to Earth.” But it’s not really a lie. Except she knows he’s picturing a story like his - adventurous parents, a tragedy - so it really is the worst kind of lie.)
All eight of the airplanes are folded flat in one of her boxes. They would be mistaken for trash now, she supposes.
What she kept is small, it fits in the palm of her hand. Rough pink speckled paper - probably bought from an artisan, because it’s too nice to be something that was just found - cut in the shape of a wonky heart. ‘Love you - J’ written on it in red ink.
For a little while, she was loved. That’s why she keeps it. No matter what happens next, she can remind herself that he loved her once. That he cared enough to make her smile.
Carlisle warned her when he arrived. Who he was. What had happened to him. And she thought...
She thought that it was romantic, a forbidden romance that could overcome anything that life threw at them. After all, the Jasper who teased her and bought her drinks and danced with her was sweet, kind, understanding. And Carlisle had smiled at her and let her walk away believing that things would work out and she’d get her happily ever after.
The stupid little Valentine he gave her sits in her hand mocking her, sitting in an old pick-up bay in the rain. She can feel the rain seeping in at the seams of her coat which is a cherry on top of this terrible day; Pro-tex is expensive and hard to track down on this planet, especially in her size. If the water is getting in, it needs replacing.
But it’s better than nothing.
Carlisle talks him through Systemic Failure in the first two weeks, even lends him a few texts to go over.
By the end of the first weeks, he’s having nightmares of all kinds. Of finding her dead and cold back in Viltri, her eyes clouded over and the blood gathered under the tissue around her eyes and nose and mouth. Of waking up in a pool of blood as she silently hemorrhages out beside him, blood seeping through her skin. He dreams of her dead on the ground, her insides hollowed out, his father holding him back from her because it was ‘better her than them’.
“This is the one downside of the design of the Synths,” Carlisle sighed, as he looked over the notes he had downloaded from Alice’s lens. “There was a petition to take the earliest sufferers to Earth, to run genetic panels and see if there was something missing, maybe a transplant or donation that could offset the imbalances...something we could correct. We were denied rather forcefully.”
“A donation?” His mouth is dry as the voice in his head volunteers. Blood, bone, tissue, anything she needed.
“Unfortunately, your system has been compromised simply by leaving Earth. We tried with many local humans in the day, and there was nothing they could do for us.” Carlisle frowned, circling something in Alice’s notes. “None of us could supply the donation, and even then, it would take months and years of experimentation...”
She lies behind them in a capsule, wearing surgical modesty garments, green med-patches keeping her eyes closed. Spidery wires and tubes run from multiple arteries and places. She barely looks to be breathing, even though the readout says she is.
The first surgery was a week into her return, a hotspot on her thigh that Rose picked up with the handheld scanner. A thirteen-hour surgery that ended up with her losing more than sixty percent of the bone in her left thigh. Infected and eating away at the surrounding, healthy bone and getting ready to jump into her tissue and bloodstream. Carlisle had replaced the bone with titanium (he’d physically flinched when he heard that; titanium was one of the most expensive medical implants; almost all human implants were done with cheaper Med-fil and needed replacement every ten years. The idea that Carlisle had fucking titanium for surgery made him feel nervous). But the external support - the augmentation - would be waiting for them with the new supply pick-up.
Carlisle reassures him that everything is fine - more serious than he’s used to, but nothing that they cannot get on top of. They’re running her bloods twice daily, to make sure the infection doesn’t spread, and antibiotics feed constantly into her.
(The cost makes him feel sick. Alice will never get on top of this debt and he cannot even help her until his own debts are paid off. He’s got nothing of value to sell, and he just feels sick at what she’s going to wake up to.)
He leaves Carlisle alone in the med-bay when Esme makes dinner, picking at his food, and staying quiet. He’s still lingering over it when Rose and Emmett have cleaned up the kitchen and left, trying to wrap his head around everything.
The chime of his lens brings him out of his maudlin thoughts (he knows what happens to the people with debt they can’t pay off, that after death their bodies are broken down and sold off to recoup what they never managed to pay off. He’s been at those auctions and the idea of knowing the people behind the pieces on the block makes his stomach churn uncomfortably).
Memories: Six Years Ago Today!
The photo flashing up is of him and Alice together in a bar somewhere, cheek to cheek. Her make-up is all red and pink, with a glittery heart next to her eye. There’s a sticky, pinkish outline on his cheek of a kiss.
There’s a wire flower in her hand, iridescent and shaped like a rose and that’s what places him. Valentine’s Day. They’d gone out, she’d remembered the date, and he’d bought her the rose. They’d eaten and drank and come back to the empty ship - everyone else in the dock dorms - and had a rare night together, completely alone.
If his eyes well up at the sight of her, bright and smiling and so very happy, no one else sees.
He feels like an old man as he shuffles his dishes into the washer, as he slips down to the little room near the airlock that Esme keeps for her plants - the ones associated with her faith are in hand-painted pots and kept high so no one touches them. But there are a cluster that are free to use, and he plucks a spring of a flower, a short brown stem with tiny greyish flowers.
It’s easy enough to offer to watch Alice whilst Carlisle gets coffee and stretches his legs. Rosalie’s shift doesn’t start for three more hours, and Carlisle seems grateful for the respite.
Her pale, lifeless face is unchanged, unaware of anything. And he can see the scar near her eyebrow, the one he can’t think about too hard or he’ll remember the worst parts of himself.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Alice.” His voice is barely above a whisper, and he tucks the little stem in between the hinges of the capsule.
There is nothing but shame and regret and grief whenever he’s with her, and bringing such a paltry offering - one no one will ever notice - feels more like an insult.
But it’s better than nothing.
Who said V-Day fics had to be happy and romantic? When you can have regret and pining?
Lenses are both an arm and eye implant, and the user can set whether the ‘screen’ appears on their arm or over their vision. When Alice got punched in the face on a job, it definitely fucked up her lens.
Esme’s species is very plant-and-nature focused, and that is evident in their faith. I’m still figuring out her full backstory, because she and Carlisle are very much in love but agreeing its a bad idea and they need to remain friends.
Alice’s slate would essentially be an old Kindle type device without internet access.
I am at a crossroads with where to take this verse. Both versions are valid and good, but have different outcomes. I will continue to contemplate it.
I don't think I've mentioned it in-verse, but Carlisle is not Edward and Edythe's biological father.
I am having a good time with the world-building in this verse.
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noxcheshire · 11 months
I kept thinking of little baby man Phantom and the potential of Danny being an actual baby of the Infinite Realms. However, he’s more snake teenager than itty bitty Little Baby Man edition, cause I think it’d be so funny to just — imagine this teenage snake curled up in a summoning circle, obviously having been taking a nap and looking up with his big green, sleepy eyes and Constantine just stares and freaks because, “THATS A WHOLE ASS BABY, PUT IT BACK!”
But they can’t because apparently the summoning was more of a ‘knock knock I’m a babysitter’ and Danny’s ghost parent decided that this was the perfect time to have some time for themselves if Heroes were so willing to take care of Danny for a little while.
Another take — mainly in reference to a different post about Klarion actually just being a toddler of the infinite realms with no ideas on how to human and thinks him fighting with heroes is just a play date — zooms into the human realm where the heroes are and just goes, “Hey I’m dropping my baby sibling onto you guys cause my dad got mad last time Danny got hurt by the humans I hang with. So here you go, I’ll pick him up later.”
A teenage snake Danny is dropped into a hero’s arms where he mainly grumbles and then shifts to better take a nap. Klarion drops the baby essentials at them with no further explanations other then “here’s their favorite blanket, if they get fussy taco them; here’s the baby milk make sure it’s -200 F, they have an ice core, etc.” and then just DISAPPEARS after leaving what amounts to a month old infant in human heroes care.
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iandarling · 1 month
I know in most fics Ian and Mickey have passionate reunion sex their first night in prison, and while I 100% believe they would, I wonder if their first night might’ve looked a little different
Watching Ian prepare for prison, learning how to stay safe, where to eat and who to talk to, saying goodbye to his whole family, bracing himself for a new life is stressful
I can only imagine how stressed he would be in this new, dangerous, environment. He is totally alone, the new guy who is publically gay (prisoners have access to the news), and ginger to boot
We know Ian sometimes struggles to sleep, and so I imagine Ian probably struggled to sleep properly through the night leading up to prison - let alone his first night inside
But then Mickey shows up
Mickey is there. And they are cellmates and everything will be alright.
Mickey, who has spent months in Mexico working for a cartel, dealing drugs and overall not making good decisions, does something so brave and romantic as turning himself in, just to keep Ian safe
Mickey must’ve been tired too. He’s been dealing with the feds, travelling from Mexico back to Chicago, getting a good deal, all while not knowing if Ian would even want to see him - or what mental state he is in
They’re tired. They don’t have sex.
Instead, Ian crawls into Mickeys tiny bottom bunk, sleeping next to the wall (Mickey prefers having a clear view of the door), holding each other as tightly as possible.
It should be uncomfortable how tight Ian has his arms wrapped around Mickey, but he doesn’t care. He needs it. Craves it. Loves it.
Sure, Mickey was secretly hoping for a little action, if not full-on banging a handjob would be nice - but he also loves this.
Just them. Close together, breathing each other in as they finally get to lower their guard.
Mickey turned his head slightly to steal a kiss from Ian, but to no avail. Ian is dead to the world, nose pressed deep into the nape of his neck, having spent a good few minutes just smelling his skin. Creep.
Ian finally gets his person back, and Mickey finally feels safe.
The mattress is too thin, there is just one pillow, and the bunk beds are not designed for two fully grown muscular men; but Ian is finally able to sleep trough the whole night not having a single nightmare, and Mickey is able to feel safe for the first time in months
Yeah, they’re in prison and everything gonna suck for a while, but they’re together and that’s all that matters
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originalartblog · 2 years
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I just think Chuuya deserves to snap for this arc. Crumble under his unaddressed trauma. Be evil for a little while. Make Dazai face some consequences for a change. A little corruption arc, if you will.
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
One more scene from Fuuta-Es convos with @waivyjellyfish for now :3 I liked exploring Es' post-canon mindset as an ex-murder investigator... Like my other drabble, I don't have the details worked out but Milgram is over and they're living at the Kajiyamas' now.
What Fuuta didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
It’s what Es told themself as they slipped into his clothes. They’d spotted the outfit at the bottom of Fuuta’s closet a few days ago, then decided to bide their time. With Fuuta and his sister downstairs having breakfast, there was a small window of opportunity now.  
Es stuck their arm through the red-striped sleeve. They still didn’t know what possessed them to put it on. 
Was it the appeal of something familiar? In a world devoid of all memories, they enjoyed the idea of putting on at least one outfit that they’d seen hundreds of times on their little music video screen. Is it possible to be comforted by someone else’s memories?
Was it old habits? They’d spent each trial doing anything and everything to feel closer to the prisoners. To take a peek into their minds. To step into their shoes. This was taking it a bit literally, they knew. Although everything was over and they had no reason to connect so deeply to any of the prisoners, Es couldn’t get away from the duty they’d obsessed over for so long.
Maybe it was just their troublesome curiosity, always driving them forward. There was a small part of them that hungered for more information, no matter the reason. They were perfectly aware that putting on Fuuta’s red and blue tracksuit would probably offer them absolutely nothing new, but they had to try. Something might be revealed to them, and they needed to know. 
Es stood in front of the full length mirror. They turned one way. They turned the other way. They shifted their arms. They cocked their head.
Sure enough, nothing. 
They took note of the little details. It was a little big on them, (though  it wouldn’t take them long to catch up to Fuuta’s size). It was neither fashionable nor tacky. The material wasn’t exactly comfortable, but at least it felt warm.
But, did it make them feel any closer to Fuuta?
They contemplated a moment, thinking of all that he may have done in the outfit. There were so many classes these pants had walked to, so many arcade coins that these pockets had held. Es wondered if his friends ever nudged the shoulders of the jacket playfully. Maybe they weren’t the type. It had probably seen it’s share of all nighters. And also lazy days spent in bed, or sick days laid up on the couch.
They puffed their chest out, thinking of the confidence Fuuta may have had wearing this. They pulled the hood over their hair. It had likely seen just as much as his hesitance. How many times had he sunk into the thick material for an escape? Or was there an opposite effect – did he feel so comfortable in this that he could commit murder?
Es stared at themself.
There came some shuffling out in the hall. Before Es could move, Fuuta was shouting to his sister and bursting into the room.
“Will you get out of my fucking hair if I bring it to you right –” he froze. “Now...”
Es, too, was frozen in place, their eyes wide. 
“I-I’m sorry.” They started unzipping the jacket. “I saw it and… I didn’t mean to –”
“ – It’s fine,” Fuuta muttered. He waved his hand dismissively. He started shuffling things around in his desk drawer, angling his head down, out of sight. His voice was strained, though it wasn’t as angry as Es had been expecting. “It’s not like I’m ever gonna wear it again.”
Es carefully folded the jacket over their arm. “I wasn’t trying to bring up the past. I was just…” What had they been doing? 
“I said it’s fine.” 
“I know it’s not.”
“You don’t know anything. Wear it every day for all I care. I was just gonna toss it.”
“You still can. Or, I can.”
“Nah.” Fuuta retrieved what he was looking for. He paused in the doorway, taking one last look over his shoulder. “Looks better on you, anyway.”
Es straightened in surprise as he left. They took another look in the mirror. They allowed themself a small smile. They might have undersold how comfortable it was.
Now that they were thinking of it, they did look pretty cool… Maybe that was all there was to it.
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gjsxj0 · 1 month
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mindless rambling in tags don't mind me
#not art post#rambling in tags because i can and its MY BLOG#anyway its about tdp *waits* ok for the three of you that actually care#someone retweeted one of my threads from 2019 after s2 dropped (imo the BEST tdp season) and i reread it#and tbh i am still right about viren's characterization#obviously canon changed some things but TO BE REAL..... i dont care what the writers say bc i had beef since s3#how am i supposed to believe any viren and callum parallels and callbacks when they..... havent talked since when?#and uhhh viren's demise lol i expected it but wow i am not happy with the lead up to it#more cool and eloquent people put it in better words on twitter and probably tumblr too idk i just say things and hope they make sense#anyway viren is still the very real traumatized angry severely depressed old man from s2... his life was just revealed to be so much worse#like damn. he was poor he was orphan he got divorced and then a stupid mirror started ruining his life even more#yes the mirror was the start of it why do you think aaravos revealed himself after viren's firey break down#aaravos went i can make him worse and ran with it#should viren go to prison? yeah i never once denied that lmao but god he and his family were really the ones to suffer in the show#at least viren is gone so i can just *plucks him out of the dirt and morphs him into my own oc* (im for real)#i got maybe more to say but this is long and im lazy and im not too smart so i will just move on#i will watch s7................................... i GUESS and if you find salt i will probably be there lol
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bonefall · 1 year
This might be too much, but maybe you can kind of use both Mouse and Ash, by really amping up the idea there's some behind the scene meddling. Like Mouse was supposed to be the OG lawyer, but is being mysteriously held up by something (clues hinting at some characters Ashfur works with later during the next arc)
Obviously a lot of the tension is genuine, but there could be some very bad faith players deliberately trying to increase animosity since the stakes are pretty high (Especially for thistle law leaning characters who don't want Squirrel to win)
So just a few weird mishaps that get overlooked in the chaos of the trial, only being brought to light when the imposter arc happens, being kind of a stealth set up that things are about to go very, very wrong
Too little is far, far worse than too much imo. I'm a whole-pussy kind of writer. I spell suBtlety with a capital B.
I'm leaning very strongly towards Mousefur being Ashfur's first victim, done in a fit of entitled anger because he wanted to take over the trial. But I think your suggestion of mishaps should be important too, that's a very good detail
The trial was paused through some accident of one of Ashfur's cohorts. Someone broke something or called for a break.
The last person to see Mousefur was a Traditionalist, leaning on the harder side.
Mouse either goes missing just before Leafpool's Trial, or midway through.
It is NOT known that Ashfur has this terrifying ability yet, though. His cohorts simply think that Mousefur is having a hard time getting back to StarClan, not knowing that Ashfur has been messing around with the boundaries between realms too.
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cuteniarose · 7 months
Personally I find it really funny that based on what the twins said in the Book 2 finale re: having to tell their mom about what happened to Unalaq, it's literally canon that Unalaq's wife a) exists, b) is alive, and c) is just chilling in the Northern Water Tribe
She took one look at all the spirit fuckery her husband was getting up to and went "Well that's none of my business" and honestly I respect that
#oh and when I say spirit fuckery I mean it in both the literal and metaphorical sense. blame kat's latest raava and vaatu fic#yeah I'm just gonna start posting random LoK opinions on here now. this blog's been dead long enough#not really an incorrect quotes girly anymore sorry#not even a girl anymore. but you know#most of my red lotus and oc posting will remain on my personal blog though bc no one wants to see that#anyway. yes. Unalaq's wife. when I say the avatar franchise has a mom problem this is exactly what I mean#80% of characters don't have a mom. the moms that are alive either have little to no screen time or mentions#or they're basically Schroedinger's mom in the sense that they exist but not really#the exceptions being like. pema and suyin. and maybe senna though she also has very little screentime#my point is. the twins are younger than korra. I know avatarverse has a precedent for putting kids on the throne. looking at you zuko#but really we should have gotten unalaq's wife as chief of the nwt#introduced her in book 3 during the lead up to p'li's prison break#but that's just my objectively correct opinion#northern water tribe chief raspberry when#(according to avatar wiki her name is malina so I've been calling her raspberry in my head ever since I found out#malina means raspberry in russian that's why. probably in a bunch of other slavic languages too idk I'm not an expert#and she shares a name with katara and sokka's weird white stepmom from the comics which no sane person considers canon. so that's fun)#the legend of korra#unalaq
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bumblevoid · 4 months
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a wild mags!
yes hi this is my design for mags. specifically for my au
for sparkbird's circle maker contest! i don't think that's on tumblr at all but im proud of this piece which is rare
w/o the lyric version:
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tried a lot of new things on this! i can remember exactly one other time ive actually drawn a face in 3/4 view and it was awful (but also middle school art class sO). also new style of digital shading,, usually only throw an actual noticeable light source drawing traditionally and not characters for some reason?? idk
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Season 3 had a moment of weakness and then they kept fighting. Season 4 had moments of weakness and they they kept bickering, and as season 5 showed the beach hangout was a one off. They keep having moment of weaknesses and then going back to fighting. Im so happy, it's perfect. God bless the world being in the brink of destruction several times, if not these asses would never get their shit together for a second
it is, how you say…chef’s kiss
they are not allowed to be normal or get together properly. MORE OF THEM BEING THE WORST TO EACH OTHER PLEASE!!!! I BELIEVE IN TOXIC SHADOWPEACH SUPREMACY 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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tathrin · 2 years
Okay but who is going to write the Ultimate Mutual Hurt/Comfort LotR AU where it is Legolas and Gimli who get captured together and taken to Isengard? And no doubt spend the whole time doing the “no, torture me instead!” thing, poorly disguising their concern through “well my people are heartier than yours, I just didn’t want your frail elvish/dwarvish self to get hurt” banter that inevitably breaks-down into “I was afraid you were dead/dying” love confessions and...
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mnh-wrks · 1 year
obkk prompt #2
AU: post-canon, alive!Obito
Obito joins a club located near or on the way to the Hokage’s office as an excuse to walk together with Kakashi every morning.
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belleropheon · 1 year
There was a scrapped idea about an prologue origin or something but it was scrapped because it was too slow or???
I actually spend too much time perhaps thinking about what each prologue would look like
The Trevelyan Inquisitor is established to be the youngest sibling right? If you played a warrior or rogue you're there to meet your older mage sibling and you can talk to them about escaping together and f yo family for supporting the chantey etc or be there to convince them to go back to the circle aka submit to getting leashed again.
As a mage trev you meet your older sibling who probably is involved with the chantry and you can talk/convince them to help the rebels or not while dodging that templar cousin or two. Can express not really feeling like family since you were taken so young.
This establishes the Trevelyans as being involved with their mage kid or just having cast them off when they turned out to be a mage, gives the inquisitor some background
The Dalish would've send a small group of some warriors/rogues and one mage to observe.
Whether you're the mage or non mage you're either being protected by the warriors or protecting the mage just in case it devolves into chaos and the templars try to do something to you.
Just observing and establishing clan relations and how you all fit into it, perhaps even a mention of other clans wanting to know the deeds when your group returns.
The Carta Dwarfs are kinda in the shadows and you just happen to talk to some curious clergymen about you being a dwarf and your clan, what it's like and stuff.. and totally having made a deal with someone for some goods
The Vasoth being there with a few of their group kinda walking around and making your presence known, keeping the peace a little and fielding questions from a few brave individuals who dared approach the "scary oxmen". Also serves to establish character relations and you can actually see some interaction between the different races and the Vasoth.
Every origin can talk to a few mages, templars, clergy and the other races, maybe even overhear some idle chatter about the situation and different views.
Maybe a little silly unique quest per origin like the trevelyans dodging the templar cousin/nosy chantry sister asking for a contribution from the trevs again.
The Dalish trying to figure out why the keeper send y'all when only one of you hid a few salamanders in her aravel..and perhaps talking about that Dalish clan that was plagued by both werewolves and Sylvan and wasn't that like right around the corner?? You don't think those spirits wander far from the Brecilian forrest right?!.
The carta dwarf having a friendly boasting competition with another carta dwarf that just gets more and more weirder the longer it goes on (and a chantry sister keeping score while a circle of onlookers gathers around you with Oohs and Aahs)
..I just want to see the Vasoth doing either bs'ing the folks around them with stories about how you suplexed an actual cow who was picking a fight with you or having to interfere with some trouble makers by just towering over them.
It ends when you decide to wander around, hear something and go to find the source of the strange noises, maybe even fight some shadow blobs before you enter the room (and those shadows later in the Fade being revealed to be Corypheus' henchmen and then you can hear the weird noises having been ol' Justinia calling for help) The scene ends before you open the door.
Dragon Age Inquisition desperately needs some silliness from the earlier games back. Yes I'm still salty there was no weird prison break segment for the inquisitor..perhaps were the roles were reversed and the inquisitor has to spring their team from prison by weird shenanigans. Where you hear banter from whoever is in jail (no blackwall doesn't count)
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linagram · 10 months
[ 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛
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and with this, we're finally done with all the second trial's mvs and vds! woooo! this trial surely was. something.
after reina's vd, there's gonna be two post-t2 vds (similar to this trial having two pre-t2 vds), the first one will be jackalope explaining some stuff (and miki finally getting to meet him) and the third guard's full name reveal and the second one will be about everyone's second trial verdicts.
Warnings for Reina's VD: None
Warnings for Reina's MV: None
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: "It's Himura-san's turn already.."
Miki: "This trial has been so stressful and we also have to judge everyone later.."
Miki: "Wait-"
(footsteps stop)
Miki: ".. Will Eiji-san even be able to judge someone this time?"
Miki: ".. I don't think he will. No, actually, it would be better for his health if he didn't participate in the trial this time."
Miki: "But if he can't vote, then-"
Miki: ...
Miki: .. Hehe..
Miki: W-wait, why am I-
Miki: Why am I.. laughing?
Miki: I should feel sorry for him. I should hope that he gets better.
Miki: .. What has this place done to me?
Miki: Wait, is that-
(sounds of other person's footsteps)
Miki: Huh?..
Miki: W-who's there?!
Miki: "Is it one of the prisoners?.."
???: Calm down, calm down!
???: Here, do you recognize me now?
Miki: .. Are you..
Miki: Hiyuu-san?
Hiyuu: Yeah, that's me.
Hiyuu: Sorry for scaring you like that, haha.
Hiyuu: Well, at least now we finally get to meet each other in person!
Hiyuu: Ah, right, I should probably take this off..
Miki: What-
(sounds of Hiyuu taking his mask off)
Hiyuu: Here we go.
Hiyuu: Wow, breathing sure feels easier now.
Miki: ...
Hiyuu: Hm? Is there something wrong with my face?
Hiyuu: Hold on, let me-
Hiyuu: .. Ahaha, I still have some ice cream left on my face..
Hiyuu: I should wipe it off..
Hiyuu: Wait, do I even have anything to wipe it off with-
(sounds of Hiyuu talking to himself in the background)
Hiyuu: Is everything okay, Miki-san?
Miki: I'M FINE!
Miki: .. Oh my god, sorry, that was so loud, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-
Hiyuu: Don't worry, I just wanted to make sure you're alright, haha.
Hiyuu: I want to help you with interrogating the tenth prisoner, is that okay with you?
Miki: Y-yes, sure! Interrogations can be.. very tiring..
Miki: Ah, but only if you're okay with that-
Miki: H-huh?
(a sound of Hiyuu putting his hand on Miki's head)
Hiyuu: I left my room exactly because I wanted to help you. So of course I'm okay with that.
Miki: O-oh..
Miki: Wait, didn't you say that you can't leave your room?
Hiyuu: Ah, about that..
Hiyuu: That rabbit thing told me I can't leave my room, so I assumed that the door was locked, but when I tried to open it, I didn't have any trouble with it.
Hiyuu: So, uh, I guess he was just messing with me, haha..
Hiyuu: Or maybe I was supposed to interpret his words differently..
Miki: .. Rabbit thing?
Hiyuu: Y-you didn't meet him yet?..
Miki: N-no??
Hiyuu: .. Now I feel awkward.
Hiyuu: Okay, let's go interrogate the tenth prisoner now, haha!~..
Miki: "Oh no, is he going to turn out to be a weird guy too.."
Miki: "But he's still cute.."
Miki: .. You remind me of someone, to be honest.
Hiyuu: Hm? What did you say?
Miki: N-nothing!
Miki: "I'm probably just ovethinking it.. It must be a coincidence.."
Miki: "But they look and act so.. similar.."
Miki: Wait, Hiyuu-san, do you even know how to interrogate prisoners?
Hiyuu: I have watched recordings of your interrogations, so yeah, I know some stuff.
Miki: W-we were being recorded?..
Hiyuu: Of course you were.
Hiyuu: Now, are you ready for the final interrogation? We're already here.
Miki: ...
Miki: *nods*
Hiyuu: Great. Excited to work with you, partner~
(the door opens)
Reina: Ah, there you are-
Reina: Wait, what?
Miki: U-um, Himura-san, Eiji-san had to be replaced, I mean, not exactly replaced, but-
Hiyuu: Hello there. You're Reina-san, right?
Reina: .. (to Miki) I'm assuming you know what's going on here.
Miki: .. I know that better than anyone.
Reina: So, it's my turn now, huh?
Reina: Let's go then, yay..
Miki: *sits down* You don't really sound that enthusiastic, you know?
Reina: Really? Sorry. I got tired of waiting for you, haha..
Miki: .. What happened to you, Himura-san?
Reina: You have to be more specific here, Guard 002-san.
Miki: .. You used to call me "Miki-chan" before.
Reina: Well, I thought we were friends, Guard 002-san. I thought we were gonna get along.
Reina: But I was wrong.  
Hiyuu: .. Did something happen between you two?
Miki: I-I don't think so?
Miki: Himura-san, did I do something wrong? If so, please tell me-
Reina: Oh, I'm gonna tell you.
Reina: Innocent verdict, baby! Woooo!
Reina: *laughs*
Reina: *takes a breath*
Reina: What the hell, Miki-chan. What, do you want me to sing a whole villain song for you or something-
Reina: Oh, wait, you have my video for that.
Reina: Then why was I still forgiven, huh?
Miki: Because..
Miki: Um..
Hiyuu: Because the guards had their own reasons for that. And who exactly are you to question their judgement?
Miki: H-huh?
Reina: Wow, you're a smart guy, aren't you?
Reina: Well, I'm going to start sounding real smart right now too.
Reina: ...
Reina: (her voice sounds more emotionless now) Guard 002-san, what did I tell you last time?
Miki: Y-you mean the serial killer part?
Reina: Exactly. The "serial killer part".
Reina: Now, what are you supposed to do with serial killers?
Miki: .. P-punish-
Reina: That's right. Punish them.
Reina: But I still wasn't punished.
Reina: Would you say that it was a good decision? A wise one? A morally correct one?
Reina: And I have a lot of questions about the guilty prisoners too.
(sounds of Reina standing up and walking around)
Reina: Shun, who is now this close to just breaking Kei and turning him into a mindless puppet.. was voted innocent.
Reina: Akio, who always said that his crime wasn't his fault, obviously trying to shift the blame, but who still mostly was just a nerdy 16 year old obsessed with attention, was voted guilty and now he looks like he can die at any second.
Miki: W-we had our-
Reina: Eiko, who feels no remorse for her crime at all and can easily tell anyone all the details if they just ask, was voted innocent.
Miki: But we-
Reina: And just a reminder, you don't know ANYTHING about Kei's murder, but you still voted him guilty-
Reina: ...
Reina: *sits down*
Hiyuu: I don't think you understand how this whole system works, Reina-san.
Reina: Well, do you understand it then?
Hiyuu: Kind of.
Hiyuu: I was told that we are allowed to judge prisoners based on.. literally anything.
Hiyuu: So if you thought that our decisions have to be nothing but morally correct.. Sorry to disappoint you.
Reina: .. "Literally anything"?
Hiyuu: Yeah. It's possible that someone was forgiven just because one or both guards find them cute or attractive.
Reina: ...
Reina: Haha..
Reina: .. I don't have any energy left for all of this.
Reina: ...
Miki: .. A-are you okay, Himura-san-
Reina: So, I don't sound that enthusiastic anymore, Guard 002-san?
Reina: Well, as you can see, I'm not exactly satisfied with my verdict.
Reina: And I'm gonna be honest, I'm getting tired of the whole "most dangerous prisoner" act myself and I can see that it's not convincing enough.
Reina: So yeah, the show's over.
Hiyuu: Reina-san, do you want to be punished that badly?
Reina: Oh, I wanted it more than anything.
Reina: If I could, I would've just asked you to execute me even before the second trial starts.
Reina: But now..
Reina: It's a bit more complicated than that.
Reina: *laughs* But wow, I can't believe this. We're really letting someone like you judge us.
Reina: What, are you gonna vote me guilty now? Are you gonna vote me guilty because I'm not a "I'm the cutest serial killer ever!" type of girl anymore?
Reina: And I really thought you're going to still like me even after I show you my real self! You're breaking my heart, Miki-chan.
Hiyuu: When you say "It's more complicated than that".. 
Hiyuu: What do you mean by that?
Reina: Oh, right. What I mean by that is..
Reina: I can't let you two..
Reina: Or three?
Reina: Anyway, I can't let you all judge me and the other prisoners.
Reina: I already know what I deserve and what my verdict should be like. Who are you to tell me what to do and who I am?
Miki: W-well, um, we're the guards-
Hiyuu: Hold on, Miki-san.
Hiyuu: Okay, but what will you even do to stop us?
Reina: You know what's really bothering me about this whole situation?
Reina: .. You all aren't even trying to figure out what's going on.
Reina: How can you accept your new reality so easily?
Reina: Or is it because you hated your old reality so much that you were okay with anything?
Miki: ...
Miki: .. A-and what if we did?
Miki: I had my worries about this place. Of course I was afraid at first.
Miki: But now.. It feels like home.
Hiyuu: I don't really hate this place either.
Reina: .. I feel sorry for both of you.
Reina: But fine, whatever, I'm not going to share anything with you then.
Miki: What do you mean by "anything"?
Reina: ..  I have some theories about this place.
Reina: And, um..
Reina: How it works.
Miki: !
Reina: But I doubt that you two are interested, so-
Hiyuu: No, no, I'm curious. Come on, share with us.
Miki: But we don't have much time-
Reina: Well, let's see..
Miki: "Wait, didn't she just say she's not gonna tell us anything?"
Reina: .. So, we have.. what, three guards now? 
Reina: (to Hiyuu) Hey, can you tell me where have you been all this time? Why didn't we get to meet you sooner?
Hiyuu: .. I was asleep.
Reina: And when did you wake up?
Hiyuu: I think it was shortly after the first trial's verdicts were announced? But why?
Reina: .. Three guilty prisoners.
Miki: Huh?
Reina: There was only three guilty prisoners. Guard 001-san was the one who wanted to vote everyone guilty. 
Reina: (to Hiyuu) And you woke up after Guard 001-san had lost that round.
Reina: .. They're just going to keep switching you all until they get bored.
Miki: Who? Who are you talking about??
Reina: No idea.
Reina: I don't even know how many guards they actually have.
Reina: .. I don't even know how many prisoners we actually have.
Miki: .. W-what does that mean, Himura-san?
Reina: Oh, I don't know. 
Reina: Maybe something like..
Reina: .. One of us isn't actually a prisoner?
Miki: Wh-
Reina: Anyway, the clock is ticking, right?
Reina: So, wanna talk about my crime?
Hiyuu: That was a sudden change of topic..
Miki: But Himura-san-
Hiyuu: Miki-san, please, let's talk about Reina-san's crime now.
Hiyuu: .. If we don't, I'm afraid I will end up wasting all my energy soon and I don't want that. I want to be useful to you.
Miki: .. Himura-san, do you have anything to say about your murder?
Reina: I guess I do.
Reina: But I wanna ask, what did you learn about it from my video?
Miki: .. I guess you really were a criminal in a way, but..
Miki: .. We never saw you actually kill anyone.
Reina: .. Haha.
Hiyuu: What's so funny, Reina-san?
Reina: So you haven't seen that part either.. Interesting.
Reina: Hey, but you saw, like, my victim or something?
Miki: .. I guess we did.
Miki: But we didn't see all the details, so we don't know what your victim actually looked like.
Reina: I see..
Reina: He was completely covered in blood, of course, you wouldn't be able to see it, haha..
Miki: .. You were laughing in your video too, Himura-san.
Reina: Really?
Miki: And crying. Both at the same time.
Reina: ...
Reina: Well, how else was I supposed to react after I saw my little brother's corpse?
Reina: H-he came there because of me too, haha.. He always was such an idiot..
Miki: !
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Miki: Himura-san, I'm begging you, please, tell us more!
Hiyuu: Miki-san, time's up. Let's calm down and extract the video-
Miki: .. Your victim was your little brother, Himura-san?
Reina: Haha, what, now you're going to vote me guilty this time?
Reina: You don't want to save me anymore?
Miki: ... 
Miki: *starts crying*
Hiyuu: Miki-san, please, can you take a deep breath for me? Here, again, let's calm down..
Hiyuu: You're shaking.. Let's talk about it later, when we're done with this.
Hiyuu: I already have all the information we need. It was me who interrogated everyone yesterday, remember?
Hiyuu: Also, we're going to watch the video together, so we'll see everything that we have to know-
Miki: .. Himura-san, what are you doing?
(sounds of Reina throwing something and that thing falling on the floor)
Reina: Ugh, didn't work..
Reina: Should've seen this coming.
Hiyuu: .. Reina-san, did you just try to break the video extracting machine?
Reina: Yeah, kinda. More like wanted to see if that thing can even be broken.
Miki: .. You tried to break it with your shoe.
Reina: Yeah. I'm an idiot, just like my brother, haha.
Miki: ...
(sounds of Miki's slow footsteps)
Hiyuu: Miki-san, are you sure you can do this? If you need any help-
Miki: I can. Thank you.
Reina: Well, what's it gonna be this time, everyone's savior?
Miki: .. Prisoner 010, Reina, please, sing your sins.
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[MV Description]
The video starts with little Reina (most likely ten years old), sitting in her room and talking to her toys. Everything is black and white and it looks like an old silent movie. We can't hear Reina's voice, we can only hear the music and how it's slowly becoming more and more repetitive. Reina looks happy at first, but then she starts getting tired and when the music becomes almost unbearable to listen to, she throws all the toys off her bed.
It turns out that it really was a scene from a movie and now someone is interviewing little Reina and she's still smiling and overall looks like a very happy child. 
"Look at me, the little star of the show
Aren't you proud of me? Look at me! I'm such a good girl!
Except I don't feel anything at all
I'm not even proud of myself"
The scene changes and now she's older, she's still being interviewed, but now she looks and acts more like a "problem child": she doesn't want to be there and she makes sure everyone knows it and her parents find her embarrassing.
"Oh no, it looks like your little star has gone wild
She's rude, she's violent, she's going crazy
Except she doesn't feel anything at all
She's not even proud of herself"
Now we can see Reina and her parents going to see her new movie together and when it starts, it has even darker colors than the first one. 
"I keep achieving goals, I keep making accomplishments
But this story isn't going anywhere
Will my character ever change for the better?
No motivation, no backstory, no reason for me to grow"
Reina just sits there with her parents and watches her character kill so many people on screen without showing any signs of regret, but even though Reina looks bored at first, when you look closer, you can see that she's actually.. uncomfortable with that kind of role. 
"Is this who I am? Is this who I'm supposed to be?
The villain of this story was me all along
At least that's what I thought
But it looks like you see me in a different way"
Her parents eventually leave without even watching the full movie, meanwhile Reina stays and sees her character finding a dead body that we can't see clearly, but this is the first time when her character actually looks scared. Reina stands up from her chair, looks like she doesn't remember making that face in that scene. Actually, she's not sure if this movie even had a scene like that, she doesn't remember filming it. 
Reina continues watching the movie and she can see how her character keeps getting more and more emotional and how she yells at one of her "partners in crime" and throws her weapon on the ground. Reina turns around to see all people in the cinema enjoying the movie a lot more now. It looks like they really like the development this character is getting.
"Ah, so that's how it is
Am I a hero in your eyes now?
Have you forgiven me already?
You don't even know anything about me, how can you say those words so easily?"
Reina decides to leave, but before she does that, her character looks right at her and nods. Reina nods back with anger and hatred in her eyes and right when she leaves and closes the door behind her, everything starts to burn. 
The whole cinema is on fire now. Her character sees everyone running and screaming and smiles while trying to hide the dead body from earlier, meanwhile Reina sits on a nearby bench and watches the cinema burn to the ground. 
"So, who will tell this story: me or you?
Will you rewrite everything, will you decide how it ends?
I'm not against that, I just want you to know
You won't be able to forgive me until I forgive myself"
She looks relieved and she sighs while looking at the night sky.
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cdroloisms · 1 year
As one of the droolish fighters, you have to admit it's very funny that Wilbur lost to the dude who only saw Dream once and yet may have understood post-prison Dream far better than anyone else save Punz.
Nah, more than c!Punz. c!Punz was the Plan which didn't reeeeally demand understanding c!Dream, just well. Working with him. c!Punz and c!Dream and the gulf between them in terms of actual understanding is what really defines how they're portrayed in the finale. on the other hand c!Wilbur's whole thing with c!Dream in inconsolable differences ... kind of speaks for itself.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
LCSYS ask again(undercover asker here hiiiiiaufhghghgn)thank you for responding!!!! ilovfe seeing your ideas theyre such good fuel in between trials❤️❤️
i was wondering how th prisoners would react to es’ usage of violence, like some of the younger prisoners complaining about it while the older are concerned because Hello Where did that stem from???? you cant tell me es’ “phew, i feel so much better” after hitting shidou didn’t send his mind racing a million miles per minute
ALSO curious about YONAH………… similar to how red’s violence towards es was scripted, was kotoko’s monologue about es being imperfect Also scripted, or was it on her own? yonah is probably my favourite voice drama of all time and I’m curious about how it would be interpreted in this au 🫶
Ah hello again! Thank you so much for reaching out -- every time I think I've covered everything you guys hit me with a new insane detail that makes my brain go brrrrr >:3
Because OMG I spent so much time thinking of the faked violence, I don't know why I never put as much attention on the flipside! I love the idea of Jackalope assuring them, "there will be no physical punishments. We'll talk about restraints but that's all fake. We'll make up injuries between trials but that's all fake. You don't have to worry about any real pain." And then this 15yo strolls up, interrogation one, ready to smack someone😅😅😅
Seriously though, I think it would come as a pretty big surprise to the group. They knew it was a possibility, but didn't think Es was that likely to attack, since they've made a few comments about being against violent punishments. Haruka comes back to mention the slap, and Yuno follows their instructions and says she also suffered violence, and the group is Shocked. I think it would just kill Fuuta that he wasn't allowed to hit back and avenge the others. He probably has the most complaints about the situation (and is insanely relieved that he get by in his own interrogation.) In a feeble attempt to get back at Es and make them feel bad, he encourages Muu to cry and make a big show about being afraid of them. Muu is frightened enough that it doesn't take much persuasion... I think Kotoko and unfortunately Amane wouldn't mind the threat, they both have lives in which authority showing power isn't out of place (and maybe Haruka?). Mahiru, too, thinks it's just the way a prison guard can run their prison if they want, though she's determined her charm will keep things running pleasantly.
Kazui reaches out asap* to question the legality of the experiment, since they're allowing children to get hit, even if by other children. There's a tangle of signatures and consent from everyone involved so it's okay, but the whole thing still rubs him the wrong way. He knew the experiment was a bit shady, but he(Though, this does make his first vd kind of funny -- instead of actually talking through his theories on the prison, now it feels like he's just egging Es on to see if they'll actually hit him...)
And I really like that idea that Shidou's dad instincts kick in (or maybe it's doctor instincts)! He'd understand if it was a child trying to play the role of an intimidating adult, but the way Es is doing things, the things they're saying, it all points to something deeper going on in Es' head. I can see him sitting down with the others and Jackalope to discuss. Of course Milgram gives him very little to work with, but this still kickstarts everyone's efforts to make sure Es is also taken care of post-Milgram.
*I just realized I'm still a bit fuzzy on communication during the trials. Jackalope can definitely get information to the prisoners (most commonly the 'voices' they're supposed to be hearing based on Es' notes, but also in case of emergency changes or things). I was picturing the prisoners unable to communicate outward until the trial ends, as it builds up the feeling of isolation and imprisonment. The issue is, I feel like Jackalope would want to keep that line open in case the prisoners had questions/issues with the experiment that affected their acting. So idk if the prisoners voice these concerns about Es mid-trial or they're forced to wait. I'll get back to you on that, hm
And Yonah!!
I wasn't avoiding spoilers, I actively looked for snippets here and there, but it was this ask that finally motivated me to sit down and watch it through -- and I'm SO GLAD I DID 👀 It's really well-written and wonderfully acted!! I'm floored with the whole thing omg
I really like the idea that the Milgram team instructed Kotoko to mention Es' imperfection to rattle them a bit, but left the specifics to her. Jackalope thought she'd just make some quick comment, and does a double take when he listens in on the interrogation and realizes she has a lot to say on Es and the way Milgram is run.
Jacklope told her to be harsh with Es, and she thought that was no problem at all. She felt those opinions strongly and wasn't going to go easy on the criticism just because they were a kid. She goes into the interrogation ready to stay completely put-together... and then surprises everyone and herself when Es' distress moves her to pull them into a tight hug and tell them everything's going to be alright ;---;
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