#tumblr tags are so much more fun than insta tags
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bumblevoid · 9 months ago
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a wild mags!
yes hi this is my design for mags. specifically for my au
for sparkbird's circle maker contest! i don't think that's on tumblr at all but im proud of this piece which is rare
w/o the lyric version:
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tried a lot of new things on this! i can remember exactly one other time ive actually drawn a face in 3/4 view and it was awful (but also middle school art class sO). also new style of digital shading,, usually only throw an actual noticeable light source drawing traditionally and not characters for some reason?? idk
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notaeldritchmoth · 7 months ago
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omg. I posted him on my instagram and it went off?!? Like 10 likes. proud of myself ig. i think i met my quota of drawing him not upset so back to my roots. I don’t know why I never post anything else but shhh. We love Vittorino in this household
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valyrfia · 5 months ago
RE: This ask on fanfic, fandom, and lestappen
(preface with, I love fanfic and fandom, and I've written for very big and small)
I have never experienced such bad fandom etiquette as I have with 1633. I wrote one multi chapter fic for the ship and 99% of ao3 comments I got were people asking when I'd publish the next chapter, which has always been a big no no in fandom. I deleted the fic because it felt bad that people didn't want to engage with what I had written, but, just ask about my update schedule. Also, people changing the date of their published fic to be more recent, so, it appears at the top of the 'recently updated page'! I have never seen this in any fandom before now! AO3 isn't Instagram! If you tag correctly, people will find your fic if they want to read it.
People are pushing 1633 constantly in very public spaces like Twitter, Insta and TikToK, where we know these drivers have accounts and look at comments/posts about them or on their own posts. Just today on Twitter I see Dan Howell (which what a fucking weird intersection of my past and current interests) being asked at a public panel about lestappen, just because he's mentioned liking F1 in the past. I know it gets easy clicks and engagement because it is popular. But, it's so far removed from behaviour that was ever considered acceptable in fandom.
I remember, back in 2013/14 there was a huge backlash to people bringing up fictional ships to actors/writers. There was discourse after every Supernatural or Teen Wolf fan forum/con panel when someone would inevitably ask about Destiel or Sterek. People would argue whether fanon and ships were appropriate to ask the real people behind the show about.
RPF is fine, I have written, currently write and will continue to engage in RPF spaces. But, there are boundaries that you must keep if you are going to engage with it. Tumblr and AO3 have always been considered locked fandom spaces. If a person goes onto these sites and searches themselves out, that's on them. But, it's implied in fandom that you keep to just these spaces or private chats
(personally, I'm sad I just missed out on the livejournal days... I got into fandom when everything was being moved over from there and fanfic.net onto ao3)
I understand younger social media users are used to an algorithm finding content for them. And on sites like Tumblr where the algorithm sucks or ao3, which doesn't have one. You have to search out the content you want yourself. Liking and kudos isn't enough, you actually have to engage in meaningly conversations and comments if you want to make friends. That can be scary! But, it's a soft skill that is slowly getting lost and with it fandom etiquette is going down the drain.
This is like...one of the last big serious ask I want to reply to on this topic because not everyone agrees with me (which, fine), but OP you put a lot of time into typing this up so I will honour that.
I think fandom, much like a lot of other things nowadays, have become less about fun and more about hitting a certain number of likes and interactions. That's why people push Lestappen on other social media even though most of us have explicitly said "can you not, thanks". The changing the date of the fic to push to an 'algorithm' infuriates me and is a personal pet peeve of mine. There's one that's doing that now on the Lestappen tag and I've point-blanked refused to read it literally BECAUSE of the date changing. People will read your fic if they want to, constantly pushing it to the top of the 'Date Updated' list does nothing except piss people off.
I will say I think the fictional ship discourse of 2014 was maybe driven in part by the fact that being gay was still seen as something much more 'novel' than even now. If we think about when marriage became legal in the US and all that...I still think though that it shows a level of self-awareness and self-regulation that we've lost in fandom. As my partner and I often to lament to each other, we've become so individualistic that people have lost the concept of shame. It's an idea that YOU are the exception and something should cater to YOU, instead of the other way round. In the case of fandom, this comes out as people acknowledging fandom etiquette in an abstract way, but still logging into their twitter account (WITH THEIR FACES ATTACHED! WHICH! THIS IS A TANGENT BUT IT BAFFLES ME! WHAT HAPPENED TO DIGITAL FOOTPRINT!) and posting about RPF. Fandom is not an abstract entity, fandom IS the people that interact with it–from authors to artists all the way to those who consume the content.
Also, I also JUST missed out on the lj days–the great migration was happening just when I was getting involved in fandom and I can't help but feel like I missed out on something special.
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moeitsu · 22 days ago
just wondering, do you have any reference images for what siren!Arthur looks like? 👀 I'd love to draw him when I get the chance. no worries if u don't!
- 🌙 anon
OH MY GOD!! ABSOLUTELY I DO!! Thank you so much for asking anon!! 🌙💙
This is exactly how I reacted to this ask btw ↓
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Okay, I’m a very visual person and I pretty much make a Pinterest board for everything. So I’ll share some pics that I think would be most useful to help you visualize him! 💙🪼
I will also try my hardest to give credit bc like I said these are all from Pinterest
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^^ This is AI art so I’m not crediting the person who generated it lol. But a lot of the color inspiration and the “dark tide” title came from this pic. It was one of the first I saved to my board. I love the alien-esque aspect to him! And the fin ears hehe.
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Okay, now these two photos are very dear to me. The first one is done by @ wizzylee on Insta. The second is by @ hel_7_7_7 also on Insta.
But these pics are from a novel by Emma Hamm’s “Whispers of the Deep” depicting Arges and Mira. I started reading this book after I started writing my fic because I had absolutely no clue how to write a merman romance. But let me tell you…I FUCKING LOVED THIS BOOK. There’s 3 more stand alone novels in the series and I already ordered the second book as soon as I finished the first. If you ever get the chance to read it you’ll probably notice similarities between my merman Arthur and Arges. He was wildly inspiring to me!! And he’s so fucking hot I mean just look at him🤭
Arges is more alien and serpent-like than Arthur because he’s not half human. But I still drew a lot of inspiration from the colors, his gills/fins, the hair, and the glowing bioluminescence!
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^^ These pics are by @ Jyuukichanart on Insta. I believe this guy is an OC from the video game Arcana? I could be wrong, I’ve never played the game. But I pictured Arthur to have some similar human-like qualities like their OC!
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These were some tail inspo pics! On the left by MerChrissi Tails and on the right I couldn’t find the artist/shop. But tbh I still can’t find a picture that exactly captures the colors/shape of his tail. But the one on the left is pretty much what I picture in my head :) 💙💜🩵
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And of course, his eyes play a major part in the story. It was very hard to find pictures that captured what I had in mind. The pic on the left is technically a dragon eye, and the pic on the right is a siren eye. So I guess combining the two it would be the color and pupil shape!
Tumblr only lets you add 10 pictures per post (which is cruel imo) But this was super fun to put together!! Thank you so much for asking, if you have any more questions or want to see more specific body parts *wink* please let me know I’d love to talk about it!
Also, if you do end up making art of him I would Love Love Love to see it! Whether you tag me or dm me I would literally be honored to see what your creative mind comes up with!! 💙🩵💙🩵
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dianagj-art · 1 year ago
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
1)Oh man, just one?
uuuhhhhh.... Im gonna go with this animation for@/onionninjastuff's DTIYS
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this as a whole was very fun to do and I ended up doing more than I originally planned because I was having so much fun with it
2) uuhhhhh *checks my archive* the "who broke it" crossover animation
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and these two DTIYS for @/geminforest's Coin Toss AU and @/tangledinink's Gemini AU
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3) damn, top 3 pieces that live rent free on my head? that's hard to say, specially because it'll have me infinetly scrolling down my friends' blogs and I dont have the brain power for that now
But very quickly I can say these two crossover drawings from @teaableu and @intotheelliwoods that I have saved on my wallpaper folder (I also have one from Dae but I dont think I've seen it posted on tumblr or insta so I'm not posting it)
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asides from that the whole Cass' Apocalyptic Series by @/somerandomdudelmao (I'm not tagging them because they already get tagged a lot in random stuff and I dont wanna bother them)
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multi-fandom-lunatic · 3 months ago
my very unsolicited and nonetheless important review of kotlc unravelled
ive tagged spoilers yall and im warning you NOW.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This book was SO GOOD. And that is one hell of a compliment from me (hi. Been highly critical of this book for two years. two very long years). Why:
It was fun. I was reading it and thinking "Ah, there's that childhood whimsy that comes with reading an awesome book". It feels so very KotLC, in its style and the fact it's Keefe, and everything they said, the way the characters talk, the things they did, the jokes... very middle-grade. In the best way.
At least for the first bit, we didn't get those long drawn out conversation that KotLC is otherwise riddled with. I am SICK of Forkle telling Sophie she needs patience. And that was the benefit of Keefe being alone for the first bit. No more of those long convos that have me asleep at the end.
Very headcanon-y. It felt light. The book felt like a breath of fresh air. Shannon wasn't too fixated on tying up or unravelling some loose end (for the first bit) so it didn't feel... blotchy.
THE TAYLOR SWIFT REFERENCE. FINALLY. MY "It's me. Hi. I'm the problem it's me." MOMENT. THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. KEEFE AS A MIDNIGHTS TRUTHER?? CANON. Now all we need is to introduce him to folklore and TTPD.
And yes, we are ignoring timelines here. Because vibes.
In depth Lord Cassius. Like yes. He has had depth before. But Unravelled had really good PARALLELS. And there aren't many things I love more than good parallels.
ALVAR. I have never had any sort of opinion on Alvar EVER. BUT THIS BOOK... has changed me. Yes I'm still weary that he tortured a bunch of kids. And yes I'm going to click my heels and snap my fingers yelling "YASS" when he deserves. I am a person of nuance.
Alvar. Sprawled on a sofa. In silk pjs. Wearing a sheet mask. Telling Keefe to try one. Can we immortalise this?
Also I take this as Raviolli foreshadowing thank you very much.
QUEER PEOPLE!!! I gasped out the fuck loud when I saw this. Again. sets up Raviolli.
(And yes. I'm aware it was two offhand mentions and two side characters. Very Disney. And has faults. BUT I will not deny this is a LEAP for Shannon. Check her Insta comments if you think otherise)
And hey maybe if the heat dies down Raviolli will happen.
THE WRIGHTS?? THE GIRL?? Did not expect it. Fully expected a oneshot book with Keefe trying different foods.
I wish they visited more places. Like I'm Aussie and all but I need them to visit. More. Places. GO SOMEHWERE IN ASIA. AFRICA. EXPLORE I BEG. But I digress.
Keefe coulda been more gay but I guess thats not happening so I will shut up about it.
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steve-brules-rules · 3 months ago
I signed up for a wizard101 central account yesterday because I was sick of the wiki being empty lol
And I’m legit sad that it’s effectively dead. :[ it used to be THE place to talk to other ppl about wiz. I remember getting in so many arguments with people as a little shithead kid who probably shouldn’t have had an acct lolol
But, ofc, with Tumblr and Twitter and Bluesky and Reddit and TikTok and AO3, it’s just. Obsolete. There’s more effective ways to get your opinion and/or content out there now that we have laser-trained algorithms and tags, and I can’t deny the fact that central’s code of conduct was really strict (I got in trouble more than once for saying “omg” lolol)… I genuinely enjoy the freedom of using my tumblr for silly and crass topics, reclaimed slurs, and totally unhinged posts about my blorbos that would get me insta banned from central LOL
But it’s become so.. isolated at the same time. You can just shout into the void and, with the right tags and the right blood sacrifices to the algo, gain a following while barely interacting with others. I was just a kid, but I remember how people on Central were well known and respected when they interacted with others and were kind, good leaders, lifted others up, etc. It wasn’t about audiences or gaining traction, it was just a bunch of ppl posting stuff for only other forum members to look at
With how much people love the early 2000s internet nostalgia stuff, I wish forum boards like this were popular again. There’s just nothing like having a little account with your finely crafted signature and avatar
Anyway, if you’d like to experience early 2000s internet kitsch, PLEASE go get a Central account and have some old-fashioned fun reading thru guides, talking about pets, sharing ur art, etc
And if you do sign up, remember to make the most 2000s avatar and siggy u can imagine. I had a TON of fun making mine lolol
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zimmbzon · 10 months ago
This is the way @visualtaehyun taught me that there is an On Repeat playlist on my Spotify. And honestly, I'm not sure I like Spotify calling me out like this.
The tag game goes like this:
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs!
TEEKS is from Aotearoa (where I'm from!) and honestly you can stop reading this post after this, because as soon as you hear the first note out of this incredible person's mouth you will be like: “HOLY SHIT ZIMMBS!” And you will right, Holy Shit is right.
If a song could get an alpha pregnant, that song would be “First Time” by TEEKS
Okay, so I like the TIlly Birds. I saw them live last month AND IT WAS SO GOOD. The energy is just so fun, I like the fan cam footage they put up in their insta stories very much.
This one confuses me a little cos Thai songs are a sometimes food for me. They are so far beyond my comprehension level that my mind wanders and starts thinking in English, and shuts off to the Thai, and then i run the risk of my brain viewing the language as not a language but background sounds and that's bad for the particular way in which I am learning Thai.
TEEKS!! Seriously, I will take all the love I have and can put into my laptop so that it might come through your screen, kiss you on the cheeks and whisper TEEKS. One note is all it takes, ooff that voice!
I got the haircut. It looks more like 80s-pop-punk-girl-band on me than tumblr's-favourite-jender-thief but I like it. (I look like my mum)
I like fun.
Um, my Jeff bias is showing.
Ooooh, this is my reminder to listen to Hozier again. What a musician! What an ally! What a poet! Also I'm seeing Hozier in November and my ticket stipulates that I must bring my own chair.
This and "finally found you" are songs I WOULD LOVE (oh look the all caps are back) to be able to sing. Like, those are songs that have homes burrowed deep inside my soul.
... yup. yes. this is a thing.
Aaaaaaaaanyway… TEEKS!!!!
Whaddaya reckon @cryingatships @peachandpinwheel @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @paintedmasks @ppeonppeonhan
no stress though
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mud-muffin · 2 years ago
Im sorry but NOTHING beats reading tags under your art on Tumblr😤😤😤
There is simply ISN'T a more furfilling way to enjoy your own art and the interactions it creates, between you as an artist and the viewers. Than reading the weird comments, stories and theories people leave under art and fanart on this website. It is simply *cheffs kiss* an outstanding experience!💗
I feel like i actually get to interact so much more with my audience through looking through the tags than replying to a few comments saying they love my art, don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting praise and patted on my back for my hard work. but replying "Thanks" 30 ways can get so tiring. In the tags no one EXPECTS the artist to reply which is so freeing, cus i read EVERY comment TRUST ME, but its nice that you dont HAVE to reply to all of them💗
I'm guessing its because it's so unformal? writing stuff in the tags rather than leaving actually public comments(Like on other art spaces such as Twitter and Insta) can be slightly more intimidating while writing in the tags are more casual?
But seriously! People either leave their messages for the artist themselves or for their own followers, which creates something new, engaging and Fun! The tags are never just: "great art" or "well done" its more like: "#THIS IS ME AND MY BEST FRIEND WHEN WE GOT HIGH ON PAINKILLERS IN 9TH GRADE AND ROLLARSKATED INTO THE FOUNTAIN IN THE PARK AND GOT CHASED BY A HOMELESS MANS RAPID DOG, #THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME REMEMBER" or "#THIS MADE ME CRY ON MY KITCHEN FLOOR FOR 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT" and then they leave 😅
OR(x2) they write out half a fanfic of the fanart in the tags bringing all the weirdest or cutest headcanons to life and maybe later they will reblog with a link to their AO3 with the full novel. 😂
This place is insane for artist interaction and validation
Thanks Tumblr keep it up!
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carpisuns · 2 years ago
Hey sorry reddit refugee with a quick question, I dont really identify with the super-fandom side of tumblr. A lot of my feeds get a lot of random like (character)x(character) fanfics and I'm wondering if there are a few common tags i could block to minimize seeing them?
Hey there, welcome to tumblr! Sorry if I tell you something you already know but I think this info is really important for curating your experience here.
While tumblr does have an option for a feed based on an algorithm, I’d say like 90% of users don’t use it. We use the “following” option, which shows only posts from people you follow, in the chronological order they were posted—with no additional posts chosen by an algorithm. If you’re on mobile it looks like this.
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I just wanted to make sure you knew about this because if you are not interested in seeing certain kinds of content, I’d say the best way to not see it is to not follow people who post it a lot. Fill your dashboard with content you enjoy by following people who post the kinds of things you like.
That being said, of course no one is gonna share your taste 100% and the people you follow will likely post about things you don’t care about. Blacklisting tags will definitely help with that. People usually tag fandom posts with the fandom name or an abbreviation for it. so for example if you don’t want to see posts about the owl house you could block the tags #the owl house and #toh. (Also, if that’s the case, you should probably unfollow me, since I post about that a lot lol.)
Most shippers use a specific ship name, usually a combo of the two characters’ names, so figure out what it is and block it if you don’t want to see that ship. So for example, #zelink for zelda x link. I think that’s a much more common way of tagging ships here than character x character or character/character.
When you come across a post you don’t like, it might be helpful to check how the reblogged or the op tagged it and then block those specific tags.
If you don’t know how to block tags on mobile:
Tap the person icon on the bottom right of the screen. Then tap the gear icon on the top right. Go to general settings > filtering and add each individual tag you want to block. (On desktop I recommend downloading XKit—it has a lot of helpful customization options.)
There really isn’t a way to guarantee you don’t see any shipping fanfic posts on your dashboard in general, but again, if you don’t want to see that, don’t follow people who post it a lot. And don’t feel bad about unfollowing if you need to. I feel like the culture here is a bit different from something like twitter or Insta because our follower counts are private so they’re less of a focus. I wouldn’t worry too much about someone being offended that you unfollowed. Most people understand that we’re all trying to curate our experience.
Hope this helps! Have fun :)
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aristocratic-otter · 1 year ago
Trope Grading
I've not been on Tumblr much, so this missed me, and it looks like a lot of fun. So thank you, @bazzybelle for the tag, I'm gonna give it a shot!
I'm not picky either, though I've got a few hard nos. But I can even put those aside for a really compelling story. For example, I'm driven away generally by MCD, but my two favorite fics right now, What's Left by @cutestkilla and The Mirrors that Hold Us by @artsyunderstudy both involve MCD, so clearly I don't hold to my principles that hard 😂
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: +6
Not my favorite, but one of my favorite previous ships was Grissom/Sara from CSI, which is a twenty year age gap, so clearly I'm not that bothered by it.
Codependency: +5
This doesn't bother me precisely, other than you see it a lot in fluff fics and established relationship fics, and neither of those is my jam.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +7
I like this generally, though if there's a power imbalance in the relationship it can be squicky. But if it's SnowBaz, it's a guaranteed angst-bringer, and I love the angst.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +8
I don't need this in my fics, but I do like it. Exploring how people are different from each other is fun!
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Fuck yes
Friends with benefits: +8
This is lower because (especially with SnowBaz), I feel like it's unrealistic. They're so deep into each other that I don't feel like they'd ever settle for friendship. There are a few fics that have done it well, but it's just not as angsty, so I don't like it as much.
Sex to feelings: +10
It's hot, 'nuff said. And often angsty, which is brilliant. If you disagree, I challenge you to read Someone Wicked by @artsyunderstudy
Fake dating/relationship: +8
This can be good if it's handled in a fun way. I truly loved The Wedding Bet by @facewithoutheart and How To Avoid a Scandal by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
Friends to lovers: +8
Just like Friends with benefits, I may enjoy this when it's done well, but I find it less exciting and realistic than enemies to lovers (at least in the Simon Snow fandom)
Found Family: +8
I like this, but not if it's the only point of the fic, because then it verges on fluff, which I don't enjoy.
Hurt/Comfort: +5
I don't mind this, but not if it's the whole point of the fic. I prefer more depth to the stories I read. But I never mind it being an aspect of a fic that has more than just that!
Love Triangle: +5
I don't feel one way or the other about this, but I'm guilty of using it to ramp up the angst when I write. I've liked plenty of fics with this trope though, and written quite a few myself!
Poly, open relationships: -5
This is my only negative! I think because I'm ace, and I can't imagine wanting MORE than one lover, I find it off-putting when I read it. I'll make an exception when the point is pure smut, but I prefer monogamy in my serious fics.
Mistaken/hidden identity: +5
This can be very good when it's done well, but mostly I find it's hard to do it in an original way.
Monsterfucking: +10
Pregnancy: +10
So, this requires a little background. From the time I was a child, I'd tell myself stories to help me fall asleep at night. And without fail, sooner or later, a baby would happen in those stories. I don't know what deep psychology explains it, but I can say I love seeing how couples deal with the unexpected, and an unplanned but desired pregnancy fic is great for exploring that. So yes, given I'm entrenched in the Carry On fandom right now, I'm a diehard mpreg fan.
Second Chance: +0
My only zero, and this is because I fall solidly on the fence here. I love a fic where Simon and Baz never got together, but connect later on and fall in love. It's one of my favorite things. But I hate a fic where Simon and Baz were together, fell apart and then get back together. I guess it's because I can't handle break-up fics.
Slowburn: +10
I love angst and what's more frustrating and angsty than a slowburn?
Soulmates: +10
Odd as it seems for my science mind, I'm unapologetic when it comes to soulmate AUs. I love them all.
Tagging (again, haven't been on Tumblr much, so feel free to ignore if you've done this): @artsyunderstudy, @annabellelux, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @frjsti, @fatalfangirl, @facewithoutheart, @giishu, @hushed-chorus, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @larkral, @messofthejess, @moodandmist, @prettylightsbigcity, @penpanoply, @raenestee, @theearlgreymage, @stardustasincocaine, @tea-brigade, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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shadowscommand · 9 months ago
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mara and syd dont follow each other and dont know each other have tumblr blogs even though iskra knows both. mara is under the radar just enjoying funny posts and pretty pictures. syd is getting into drama bc she thinks its funny to troll tumblr users. its TOO easy. immaculate aesthetic. gore poster. grinch is posting pictures he takes himself hes got asks off he doesnt gaf. probably connected to his insta. mace will rb posts but he also does a lot of image reposting himself. morte is almost 100% rbs except for a few pictures he takes himself. velikan has a fun aes but he also steals images and edits them w/out permission. if he gets caught and fussed at he will respond by sending someone their ip address. krueger has a blog bc syd has a blog and he likes keeping up w her also posting gore. wyatt uses it like twitter until he gets bored and goes back to actual twitter. gaz uses it to look at images and sometime post music. alex is reposting shit from reddit w like a million tags. he also has asks off. hes a little embarrassed about it. nikolai knows abt tumblr bc syd will tell him about the people shes fucking with. otter knows from wyatt telling him. price will watch gaz post. he like KNOWS what it is but he doesnt like know. hes like this w all social media. soap i can see having a sister who uses tumblr so hes like. fully aware. roze knows. she just knows. (ex tumblr user). sparks would use it if he didnt use insta for pics. azur knows bc mace uses it around him. bale knows bc he was bedbound for a bit so he actually knows more websites than the average person imo. rodion knows bc of syd he could easily be convinced to use tumblr but he doesnt want like. a million accounts. he has twitter and insta. golem and farah would have blogs where they post pics but they dont SEE tumblr ever. alex doesnt use it in front of her and she doesnt look at his phone when he is using it. griggs would use it to post music. mino would be so confused but having so much fun posting pics and reading posts. hed be replying to shit and have a mile long bio. frank im preparing with carrots and potatoes.
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marcianoliterati · 2 years ago
claudio benedict pedro and tagalong little brother john are roadtripping
they pay a visit to their old friends' parents house, where hero and
beatrice are also holidaying.
hero and claudio have been heavily flirting online
beatrice and benedict have been fighting online for like a decade,
basically since they met
everyone who follows them but doesnt know them irl thinks it's just a
game and that they're actually dating
all of them are online but none of them are big influencers or anything,
no one has more than 5k followers
and their followers beyond friends and family dont even cross that much
they all post about different things outside of life stuff
only beatrice and benedict intersect, theyre the only ones who have a
lot of different active accounts and they follow each other on every
single one, from like lj to fb to tumblr to twitter to insta to tiktok,
they even regularly show up in each other's reddit posts for the sole
purpose of disagree,most of the time, theyre not even in the same
subreddits or fandoms
but their spats are amusing and a few bits have gone viral before.
but then you get a lot of late-twenty something stuck together, and
posting all the time, reviving somewhat dormant account, it's like an
impromptu accidental reality show
at first its just like games, from tag and hide and seek to passionate
games of uno and clue,tours of the place, building shit, improvising
stuff, and theyre constantly posting little snippets, and so on
benedict and beatrice both post the same thing like "worst person to get
stuck with" and at first people thing they went on holiday together but
now theyre just stuck at like a villa the parents rented
"oh so you just met up while on holiday. riiiiiiiight"
they keep posting, complaining about dumb shit the other is one, about
their disgustingly in love with friends, and so on.
their friends also post clips of them arguing, like during games where
theyre always rivals,and others of them always seeking each other out
a new account pops up something like beadick updates or something, that
takes the time of trawling through all the accounts to post compilations
and builds a bit of a timeline of them through the years
then a different account pops up that start sending them personal
videos, clearly some of their friends having fun
they also post about the group discussing b&b (crucially hidden from
and later both bea and ben hearing the others discussing them and how
they react
cue compilations like "no women will ever tempt me" next to "but it bea
wants me im down" and ben dissing bea next to talking her up after, same
for bea.
it goes like that for a bit
the leak continues posting them acting awkward around each other, trying
to argue then running away, spying on the other,trying to do something
nice while seeming like they dont care
then theres some event theyve organised
a lot of posts of everyone looking nice
a few of people drinking
and then a livestream of dancing is interrupted by a lot of shouting the
sound of stuff breaking and what seems like a physical fight
and then everyone goes quiet
then it switches
the audience, which had been steadily growing, is left in the dark, the
fourth wall is broken when they decide to reach in and find out what the
hell is going on.
someone hacks the complex's cctv
the updates account posts different bits, claudio having a huge jealous
tantrum and starting a fight, hitting hero in the process
then b&b left alone in the garden, with confessions of love to follow
and then shouting and storming off "i will cut his heart out with a
"for you, i will defy covid and the goverment" promises ben before
the others try to pack and leave, but are stopped and so they hide in a
small cabin on the edge of the property, where they start drinking
it is there where ben finds them, smashes the bottles and dares them to
make it right or he will reign fire on them
claudio laughs at first going "but why is the rum gone?????!"
but then he gets actually worried
the audience witness this via cctv, they see ben through the grounds,
finding the cabin,hear the smashing and shouting
then they start looking back seeing if there is any back footage or if
its been deleted.
it hasnt
they find a treasure trove
not knowing how to contact them discreetly,beadick updates posts a video
of little brother john discussing sabotage plans with some minions and
they tag every account
the cctv is only outside for privacy reasons so they only know it worked
when they see john making a run for it, trying to climb the walls, being
caught by claudio and beaten before john pulls him off
then everyone reunites outside, when they see them coming up
hero goes up to john and hits him, then she goes up to claudio and does
the same
she spits at pedro and calls him a coward
claudio falls on his knees and begs for forgiveness
but she tells him he's clearly not worth her trust or love
everyone is feeling hurt and sore and not sure where to go now
pedro steps up and apologises
he shouldve known better than to trust anything john says, he's always
loved stirring up trouble for no reason
and they shouldve come to her not make a huge deal and ruin everything
claudio also apologises but more begrudginly, same as john
as they all just sort of stand there, their phones ping
and so pedro goes 'hey whats the deal with the video? who found it?"
before anyone gets an answer someone checks and gasps
the audience, stirring shit up, sends the video of them all plotting to
get b&b together, and laughing as they talked it all up
"so you do not love me? it was all a ruse?"
they both accuse each other and then turn to their friends, who in turn
took to look at the cameras in suspcion
their phones ping again. only b&b's first, which makes them both put on
pained faces of "what now?"
so then everyone's faces ping
it's a video compilation of b&b doing nice things for the other in
bea spent an afternoon learning to make ben's favourite biscuits, and
then just left them in the kitchen for him to find
ben spent forever tracking something bea forgot, and then hiding it in
her room to make it look like it was just temporarily misplaced
bea finding ben's favourite movie and casually engineering things for a
ben coming up with a thousand different ways to distract bea whenever
she starts to look sad or worried
they all watched, as it dawns on them that a) apparently, theyve had an
audience this whole time
and b)it was never a ruse
b&b were always in love, just too afraid or stubborn or emotionally
constipated to do anything about it
so hero turns to bea and goes "all this time? what the hell happened
between you two?"
beatrice and benedict look at each other and just shrug
"it doesnt matter. we're here now"
they kiss
beadick updates posts a playlist of several hours on yt featuring their
whole story, with videos of them as teens, shyly flirting, to a lot of
screenshots and clips of them arguing online, to the whole saga in
italy, ending in their big kiss
as an epilogue, the two post a video of them in the airport, they thank their audience, and say now they can travel so they will be going off together
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lawlliets · 6 months ago
no nsfw allowed. what games you been playing? :) how come you decided to come back? the current tumblr is pretty fun, I been here for 13 years (yikes lol) and saw it change and evolve, is definitely not the same as it was, but still one of the best, I much rather be here than on twitter/insta. The trending tags aren't what it used to be bcs of the twitter ppl that migrated here and use the tags as hashtags (like in twitter) instead of additional comment space/info and so the trending topics aren't really um.. it. but yeah tumblr is still alright :)
hello!!! damn no nsfw allowed huh… twitter was the best place to find art in general :( also me too i’ve had this acc since like… 2009? went from anime to movies then to anime again and then to kpop and then whatever this acc has been since 2019-ish lol i used to draw a while back too!
i play mostly story and single player games and i’m very into souls like! i finally was able to play life is strange 2 last month and it was amazing (psn finally had a sale for all the episodes lol) and besides that ive just been playing the elden ring dlc this year.. haven’t had much time to play much stuff actually (or the money lol). do you also prefer story-focused games? i’ve never been into online and multiplayer stuff besides co-op in soulslike and like, red dead redemption 2 online
this place is alright tho, ur right! best way to find quality content for your fav stuff, as always! giffing is still a big thing (and i miss making gifs actually lol) and fandoms never seem to die here.. i see hannigram is still trending from time to time actually LOL good to know this website is still kicking.
i’ve always found twitter more practical to interact with and keep contact with friends so it’s a bummer but it’s nice to come back to tumblr and find your niche 🙌
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kyunsies · 11 months ago
I loved it when everyone used to talk in the tags! I still do it sometimes but I've noticed a lot of people get annoyed by it lately (probably due to people from other platforms coming to tumblr and just not being used to the experience? I see similarities with things like liking a lot of someone's posts too) and I get worried I'm gonna ruin someone's day lmao tags used to be so much fun to go through I would spend hours just looking through reblogs just to see what people were saying even if half of them were just excited nonsense. I hope people start getting comfortable doing it again I think that would bring back some of the fun tumblr used to have!
yes it definitely seems as tho ppl would write stories in the tags back then!! you can see a difference now for sure :/
but honestly tho friend you should put whatever you want in the tags! i used to feel self conscious and try to make my tags seem “cool” haha but honestly just being yourself and saying what’s on your mind in that very moment is literally the best. there’s no right etiquette for how to reblog things so don’t focus so much on if others get annoyed! poopy for them! i think in terms of being a context creator here tho i think if ppl are new and are coming to tumblr reblogging things really is the best way to help others. i know twt and insta thrive on likes but obviously it doesn’t work like that on good ol tumbly so that i can see why likes are more frowned upon than reblogs!
anyways LONG STORY LONG pls keep reblogging, share your blurbs and stream of consciousness LOL as long as you’re nice to ppl you can say whatever <3 this is your tumbly experience after all so you have my total support in writing novels in the tags!
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yourlocalabstraction · 2 years ago
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Greetings from me, Tap!! I’m a self-taught multifandom artist, amateur webmaster, and abstract character designer. I (plan to) post things like complete pieces, digital paintings, wips, design processes, ramblings, headcanons, maybe even trinkets I collect! We’ve got it all!!!!
Fun fact: I don’t have a pc, everything I do is on iPad.
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I’ve decided expand my presence to tumblr for multiple reasons.
The Instagram algorithm is absolute ass, and trying to please it is quite impossible.
I wanted to share more things that don’t fall under the “finished pieces” umbrella that I couldn’t really post before. I mean I DO post stuff like that on my spam account, but only 2 people and a rock see it.
When it comes to my more obscure interests, it’s easier to find folk with said interests on here than probably anywhere else.
I am now cringe i am now free
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Fandoms (my taste is all over the place):
Current fixations:
Starlight Express, The Divine Comedy, Splatoon, Cult of the Lamb, Chonny Jash
Other notable fixations/fandoms:
Camp Here & There
Ghosts (BBC)
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Ride the Cyclone
Slime Rancher
Yume Nikki
Music I find quite enjoyable:
Cojum Dip
Food House
Graham Kartna
Lemon Demon
Logan Whitehurst
Miracle Musical
Oingo Boingo
Pink Floyd
Talking Heads
Tally Hall
The Caretaker
Will Wood
Yuno Miles [mostly /j]
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#taps art - (more complete) Art. Pretty self explanatory.
#taps merch updates - Updates on new or restocked stuff I sell.
#taptorials - Art tutorials about my process.
#design lore - My thought process when making my blorbos.
#abstracities - My silly oc universe with the same name. Most of the cast is based off various music fixations I’ve had over the past few years!
#overlayposting - Anything (mostly doodles) of my sona, Overlay.
#mjs trinkets - For sharing trinkets I find/own (this tradition originated from my insta spam account).
#taps asks - Asks. Yea.
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My art can sometimes contain subjects such as eyestrain, body horror and gore. Posts with these won’t be too frequent and will be CW’d, so don’t worry too much! But I just wanted to give a heads up.
Things to Note:
What I draw is heavily based on what my autism fixates on. I wouldn’t recommend following for just one fandom since what I draw can very heavily fluctuate.
I have like. 8742578 different art styles. It fluctuates a lot and I’m always trying new shit out.
Feel free to draw fanart of any of my blorbos !!! Just don’t be weird. No NSFW or anything like that.
As of right now I’m new to Tumblr. Being autistic makes it kinda hard to learn UI/website etiquettes, so please be patient with me !!!
If there’s any problems with the custom theme, pls let me know!! I know there’s not too many drastic CSS changes but still. Plus I’m pretty sure the theme doesn’t even show up on mobile so fuck it we ball
If I ever wake up one day and think “damn this intro sucks ass”, i will update it.
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Thanks for reading, enjoy your stay !!
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