#princess ariel fluff
smalls-words · 2 years
Isn't It Neat?
Summary: Ariel is known to be a wanderer, but a princess is a princess. What happens when King Triton introduces you?
Pairing: Princess Ariel x Fem!Mer!Reader
Warning: Blood, fighting, near death. lmk if there's anything else!
A/N - this is my second version of my first attempt at writing with Ariel!
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*not my gif*
The kingdom of Atlantica was one of power, beauty and strength, in all aspects of life involving the heart, the mind and the soul. There was no other kingdom like it under the sea, and it was a sight to feast your eyes upon.
Yet, Ariel had no desire to be there at any moment she didn’t need to be. She had no desire to dance and perform like her sisters did. She had no desire to sit around and be a thing for merfolk to look at. She desired to explore the world, see whatever else it had to offer other than golden gates and banquets every second evening. 
Which she was attending now.
Merfolk from far and wide had been called to celebrate her birthday, but she’d much rather be hanging out with Flounder in the reeds off to the shadows of Atlantica. She begrudgingly acknowledged each of the royals and their families until she watched her father swim to the doors, intrigue swishing her tail slightly.
“Are you sure, Your Majesty?” The main guard whispered to his king.
“If Ariel will not accept this one, then I have lost hope.” He replied.
King Triton came back to his seat, watching Ariel observe the doors with a fascination unlike the others. He held back his smirk when she looked at him, her questioning expression the mirror image of his fallen love.
“Their Royal Majesties King Rhyon and Queen Aseris of the Kingdom of Pacifica! And their daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Y/N!”
The crowds of commoners cheered as you slowly swam through the front entrance, your arms folded at your front whilst your head was slightly lowered. Ariel watched as tufts of your braided hair were loose, catching on the tiara that adorned your head. Seashells like hers covered your chest, but they were a simple cream colour like the sands of the shores not too far from Atlantica. 
She could see the muscular shape of your upper body, your arms and torso remarkably well-toned for a feminine shape. A few scars crossed across lengths of your skin, paling in comparison to your otherwise beautiful body, whilst royal markings twirled around your arms.
Her eyes trailed down your figure before they widened at the colouring and shape of your tail. It frilled out into a blue as deep and regal as the sea itself, the scales catching the light from above beautifully as you kept yourself upright. 
Your head lifted as you saw the table approach the top of your vision, your eyes immediately set on the youngest princess. Her vibrant red hair was certainly a large factor in your caught attention, but her fairness was a stark contrast to your people. There was a curiosity to her crystalline-blue eyes and you felt almost… shy to have her gaze upon you.
“Good evening, King Triton.” Your father greeted him.
“A good evening indeed.” He replied, smiling.
“I trust that the princesses will be seated next to each other?” Your mother raised an eyebrow when she saw your cheeks blush.
“Mother.” You hissed, embarrassed. 
The three adults chortled whilst you swam around the table, seating yourself as the awaiting maid pulled your chair out before tucking you back in. You carefully laid your hands on the table and couldn’t rid yourself of the blush dotting your cheeks.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as Ariel sat up straight whilst the fanfare played, maids of all kinds bringing out delicacies of the sea. You waited until Ariel began to eat and then started yourself, confusing the princess.
Suddenly, a cacophony of six voices startled you and you watched as Ariel’s face almost morphed with her hair.
“You must be Princess Y/N!”
“Oh, we’ve been dying to meet you!”
“Father said you were coming!”
“Without our judgement!”
“Honestly, that man is daft sometimes!”
“Your tail is beautiful, by the way!”
They then suddenly fell silent, waiting for your answer. You cleared your throat before putting your hands in your lap. “Princesses of Atlantica, forgive me if I do not know all of your names.”
They then rattled off all of their names in order of how they greeted you - Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista and Andrina. You made a mental note of their appearances, especially their tail colours, and they began to talk normally.
“I’m sorry about them.” 
You looked to your right and smiled gently at the youngest princess, shaking your head. “It’s more than alright, Princess Ariel. I have no siblings of my own, so it is refreshing to not be in silence.”
Ariel giggled at you. “No siblings?! You can have some of mine.” She gestured to them as they all glanced at you at different intervals.
You chuckled with the princess before continuing with the meal, finishing quickly. Then, the music began to increase in tempo and rhythm, a hand stretched out to you.
“Care to dance?” Attina smirked before snatching your hand and dragging you onto the dance floor with her other sisters.
Once on the floor, they jived and jigged around you, nerves filling you until you felt a hand come to rest on your back. You spun around to see Ariel hovering there, her hand stretched towards you.
“You don’t have to dance if you don’t want to.” She shrugged and you took her hand gently in yours, not wanting to crush the smooth fingers.
You let her lead you out of the main hall and through the city, unsure of where she was taking you until she brought you to a tall cavern. 
“This is my treasure trove.” She chuckled nervously.
“I’m not at all displeased, my princess, but why did you bring me here?” You questioned gently.
She fidgeted with her hands before she came to rest on a sunken boulder, inviting you to sit beside her with a pat along its smooth surface. You slowly swam towards her, waiting patiently for her to speak.
“It’s my happy place. I come here when I wish to be alone and I store everything I find here. Would you like to see my thingamabobs?” She offered, to which you smiled and nodded.
You watched her swim excitedly before returning with an intricately-detailed box, opening it to reveal twenty of the item. She told you stories of her adventures through sunken ships, how she’d escaped her father’s wary eyes multiple times before she recounted her deadly tango with a shark. Suddenly, she noticed how the look in your eyes had changed, your hand coming to rest on top of hers.
“I will never let harm come your way.” You muttered softly.
“What?” Ariel moved off of the rock, away from you.
“What do you mean, ‘never’? It’s not like you’re going to be sticking around after the banquet-” A scoff came from her lips to cut off her speech before she swam away from you quickly, concern in your eyes as she barged through the open hall doors.
“You said you’d stop looking!” 
You came upon the hall to see her pointing a finger at her father whilst your parents stood off to the side awkwardly, seeing you and offering a small smile.
“You promised!” Ariel growled weakly, betrayal filling her heart.
King Triton looked down at you before pulling Ariel to the side, your parents nodding for you to follow. You tried to apologise to Ariel with your silent eyes, but she could not look at you, so you looked at the sandstone floor.
“I don’t need a suitor! Shouldn’t I be the last one to be going through this process?!”
King Triton sighed. “Ariel, your sisters are already paired. I’m just trying to secure your future.”
Ariel huffed before swimming away, looking back at you with a glare enough to harm your heart if but only for a moment. You sighed, removing your crown from your hair before handing it to your mother.
“You didn’t inform her of this decision?” You looked towards King Triton.
“I’m sorry, my dear, I should have. But time was lost from me and…” 
You turned to your parents and they watched you slowly swim away, despair in your heart. Your father turned to King Triton, a sharp scowl on his face whilst your mother’s held disappointment.
“King Triton, our daughter knew just as much as yours should have. She is lonely - she makes up these fantasies in her mind to ease her boredom, tales of finding a love so strong that it would rip the world apart if it broke.” 
You didn’t bother listening to their voices as they carried away in the currents, your destination unknown as you swam through the castle to take your mind off of this unfortunate event.
As the days moved by slowly, you found yourself admiring the surroundings of the beautiful kingdom. Many would bow as you passed them, not even needing the tiara to remember your royalty, but your tail.
One day, you came upon a statue as the light from the surface flickered upon it, drawing your attention. It was beautiful - the fair mermaid held a grace upon her that you saw in Ariel, their hair also matching but you knew it probably had no comparison to her vibrant scarlet hue.
“That’s Mother.”
You turned to see Attina hovering, her arms folded behind her back. “Princess Attina.” You greeted her formally, turning back to face the statue.
“Your mother? Queen Athena?” You asked as Attina came to your side.
“The one and only. Father had it built so that the kingdom would always remember her.” She smiled sadly.
“Do you? Remember her, that is.” You clarified, to which she chuckled.
“I do. Mother was… she was everything the kingdom needed. She was kind, caring beyond comparison, and she was the reason that music continued even when the Silent Years were upon us.”
You looked back up at the statue, wondering about the love King Triton had for her to vanquish music, simply because the thought of it brought him unimaginable pain. You bowed before the statue, confusing Attina before you rose.
“In Pacifica, we bow to those who have been lost. We believe the sea still holds their spirit, carrying their voices through whispers upon the currents. It’s… much easier than dealing with the pain at times.”
The flicker of a green tail behind you went unnoticed.
“You’ve lost someone?” Attina asked gently as a hand came to your shoulder.
You smiled sadly at her. “I lost my sister. Salina, her name was. The sweet young age of seven, whilst I was nine.” 
Attina watched as you sank to the rock beneath you, exhaling slowly. “She was captured by surface people, in one of their nets. We were just playing in the coral fields but the net overcame us and… and I lost her.” 
“I’m so sorry.” Attina hugged your side, your head resting upon her shoulder to reciprocate.
“I can’t imagine losing one of my sisters. How did you cope?”
You stammered for a moment before looking down at your figure. “Originally, I didn’t. I threw myself into distractions, such as training with the Royal Guard so that the accident may never happen to another family. I joined them on patrols, saving whales and other sea life from the surface people’s destruction.”
You looked down at your hands. “Then I grew angry. Hateful, dark. I sought out the surface people and… did questionable things a princess should not ever do.”
Attina chuckled shortly, her side view of you allowing her to see the unknown guest. 
“I killed seven of the surface dwellers. One for every year Salina lived for. But I still wasn’t healed. So, I took it upon myself to honour her instead of mourn her, treating her statue with respect and grace. I told her about my feelings and my actions, and then one day I heard a few words upon the currents. ‘You are forgiven’, whispered in her playful young tone.” You sighed, swishing your tail anxiously. 
“And how are you now?” Attina asked, but with your eyes still on her mother, you didn’t see the silent conversation with her sister.
“I’m better. Mother says I’m more protective of the things and people I love. Had I not been the crown’s heir, she would have personally placed me as General of the Royal Guard. Now, I… I use my training to keep peace.” You summarised, smiling at the oldest sister.
“Look, Princess Y/N-”
“Please, Y/N is just fine.” You interrupted gently.
She smirked at you. “Alright, Y/N - I’m sure my little sister will come around. Love is strange, but it blossoms, even in the darkest of places.” 
You chuckled, nodding. “Indeed it does, Princess Attina.”
She raised an eyebrow at you before you rose, bowing before her. “I am a guest in your kingdom, Princess. I will treat you with as much respect as I can muster, just as I would for your other sisters and your father.”
She bowed her head and watched you swim away swiftly with a few flicks of your tail, turning to the pillar on her right as Ariel came out of hiding. “What do you think you’re going to accomplish by sneaking around and listening to her conversations?”
Ariel shrugged. “I don’t know. Find out more about her?”
Attina sighed, taking her sister’s hands. “Talk to her. She’s evidently more than willing to talk, and you can’t expect to have a happy betrothal with a woman you don’t know anything about.”
Ariel pulled her hands out of Attina’s. “I don’t want to be betrothed.” 
Attina rolled her eyes. “Just get to know her. She’s lovely, and fiercely protective if you weren’t listening. She’d make a fine queen if you just listened.”
The eldest swam away from the youngest, giving her time to think over her next actions. 
As you sat in your chair at another banquet, this one for Aquata’s birthday, you noticed how unusual King Triton and Ariel were acting. The king himself kept glancing down at the redhead, who met him every time, and you eventually had your attention stolen by Aquata herself.
“Y/N, please come dance with me and my sisters! I'm so bad at dancing!” She begged, noticing a smirk form upon your lips.
“If it pleases the Princesses of Atlantica, it would be my pleasure, Princess Aquata.”
She squealed whilst taking your hand, shimmying down to the dance floor whilst the music swung lively. Their emotions of being carefree and happy rolled off onto you, moving your body to the rhythm of the music.
But then the doors slammed open, and dark ink spread through the water. The princesses all scattered above it towards their father, watching in awe as the ink began to shrink into a small ball, the water glowing around it.
Ariel wasn’t watching the water. She was watching your royal markings glow a dark blue like your tail, controlling the water around it with extreme finesse, clearing the view for them all to see…
“Morgana!” King Triton snarled, calling his trident to his hand.
The half-cephalopod woman huffed as she saw you. “A water-bender was not what I expected.”
Ariel looked down at you as your parents came to your side. “Y/N has been blessed with the gift since a tragic death. Do not attempt to threaten any lives here, sea witch.” Aseris warned her.
You looked between your parents and the palace guards around you, watching Morgana’s eyes as they drifted up to the princesses and the king. 
“Ariel!” You yelled in warning as a huge shark charged at her, hovering slightly above her family, but a glowing fist punched the shark away.
“You will not hurt her, Witch! Or anyone else here!” You declared as you swam in front of Ariel, controlling a cylinder of water to surround the royal Atlantican family.
Morgana looked up at you, amused by your ferocity, before she sighed. “I thought this was a birthday party. Where’s the cake?”
“Leave. Before I make you.” You growled, your markings stretching up towards your eyes, curving with your cheeks.
“Fine, fine! But I’ll be back.” Morgana rolled her eyes, leaving quickly by attaching herself to her shark whilst it swimmed past.
The water surrounding King Triton and the princesses began to slow down, returning to its relaxed state before you turned to face them. “Are you all okay, Your Majesty and Your Highnesses?”
The six older sisters tackled you in a hug, thanking you profusely whilst King Triton thanked you afterwards. However, you watched Ariel swim away slowly, her head cast downwards.
“I’ll be back, Your Graces.” You bowed to them before swimming after her.
After asking other guards, you found her resting towards the top of the palace, resting on the edge of a golden beam. “Princess Ariel? Are you alright?” You asked quietly.
“You’re a water-bender?” She answered with a question.
“I am. It is a rare gift, and one that I am pleased to have.” You nodded, coming to rest next to her.
“Again, Princess, are you alright?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged, curling her arms around herself.
You resisted the urge to put a hand on her shoulder, but instead fell stiff as she laid her head onto your lap. She looked out onto the ocean before you, taking your hand as it hovered above her.
“I’m sorry if I’ve disrespected you.” She muttered, playing with your fingers.
“It’s more than alright, Princess.” You assured her.
“Ariel.” She stated, giving you a raised eyebrow that looked incredibly cute when she was horizontal.
“Princess Ariel.” You corrected, smirking down at her.
“You’re so stubborn.” She huffed as she sat up, but she soon shivered.
“How are you so warm?” 
“Pacifica is in warmer waters. Therefore, my body is warmer in general and I can survive the colder climate of Atlantica.” You gestured around her and she chuckled once as a yawn interrupted.
“I’m all partied out.” She sighed.
“Would you like to rest?” You offered and she nodded, attempting to swim over to her bed but felt your arm snake around her back.
“You are tired, my Princess. I will tuck you in.”
“But it’s not that far-”
You didn’t let her finish as your other hand came underneath her tail, swimming her down towards the sleeping quarters. When you came to a stop, Ariel began to guide you, her arms wrapped around your neck as her eyes began to flutter closed.
Finally, you found it, a few places down from your guest room, and you entered to see Arista, Andrina and Adella all resting themselves. They watched you enter and bow to them before they pointed at Ariel’s bed, wide smiles upon their faces.
They quickly rushed themselves out of the room, calling upon their sisters who arrived just as you laid Ariel down in her bed. You tucked Ariel’s blanket over her, helping to move some loose strands of hair out of her face, before leaning down to kiss her temple.
“I will see you when the sea begins to glisten once more, my Princess.” You stated before placing the kiss, swimming out of the opening to your right.
The sisters watched as you left, creeping back into the room with hushed giggles and comments on your chivalry before they too fell asleep.
When Ariel woke in the morning with one of the best sleeps in her life, she looked around to see her sisters gone. She quickly brushed through her hair before asking a few guards where they were, one even offering to take her.
“Here they are, Princess.” He muttered before leaving.
Ariel’s jaw dropped at the sight of you training with her Royal Guards, coming to her sisters’ sides as they observed how fluid you were in your movements, hardly using your abilities to down them.
But she did giggle when you faltered at the sight of her, a guard slicing his practice sword across your arm to form a small cut.
“Good work, Lieutenant.” You nodded to him before coming to your side, resting on the edge of the enclosed ring.
“Good morning, my Princess.” You bowed your head to Ariel.
“How did you sleep?”
“Yeah, Ariel, how was your sleep?” Andrina, Adella and Arista chorused, and you became amused at her blush.
“It was good, thank you for asking.”
“You’re more than welcome.” You smiled.
“Girls, I think we have to get going. Father needs us.” Attina hurried them all out and shoved Ariel back into the room before locking the door.
You chuckled at her sisters’ antics. “Maybe I should be thankful I do not have siblings at times.”
“Yeah. They’re a pain sometimes.” Ariel grumbled before she came over to you.
“Thank you for putting me to bed last night.”
“It was no effort for me, my Princess. You deserve a good rest every night.” You smiled, but watched her eyes widen slightly.
“You’re bleeding.”
“It is just a flesh wound, Princess Ariel. It needs no treatment.” You assured her, but she shook her head.
“Please tend to it.”
You sighed, offering your hand to her before you took her to your room. She watched you fish out a small bag, much like her collection one, and grabbed some medical supplies. 
She sank down onto the chair beside your own and gasped at the sight of you piercing your flesh with a sharp needle. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m trying to stitch it back together. I promise, it does not hurt as much as you think it does.” You smiled gently, stitching it up together with ease.
“Now comes the tricky part.” You smirked at her as you put the needle down on a small plate.
“Why is it tricky?” She questioned.
“Well, it wouldn’t be if I had two hands.” You chuckled.
Ariel shifted closer to you. “Um… Would you like for me to help?”
You observed her wary expression and nodded, moving slightly closer to her. “Would you let me guide you?”
She nodded too, waiting for your careful instruction of double-knotting the piece of string before cutting off the excess. She then put down all of the utensils and waited for you to speak, but you didn’t.
“So now what?” She did instead.
You yawned with your hand over your mouth. “Forgive me for that, my Princess. I normally rest after a four hour training session.”
“Four hours?!” She exclaimed, and you chuckled whilst nodding. 
“I train for more in Pacifica. We are more open to attack, so being prepared for anything is of high importance.” 
She shook her head. “I could never.”
“Would you like a small training session yourself, my Princess?” You asked whilst rising, offering your hand.
She giggled quietly before taking your hand. You swam back to the training area, but Ariel noticed how you seemed to swim slower than normal. “Why are you swimming slowly?”
“I am swimming at your pace, Your Highness.” You smirked.
“How fast can you swim?” She questioned.
You let go of your hand. “You may have a ten second headstart to the training room. Do you remember the way?”
She nodded and shot off, counting the seconds in her head as she swam as fast as she could. But then an almost blurring blue streak came past her and she watched you come to a halt by the front doors.
“How?!” She grumbled, puffed.
“I told you. I train.” You smirked whilst opening the door for her. 
A few days later, you felt a dark feeling come upon the palace. It felt glum, almost like they were all in mourning. And they were - it was Queen Athena’s birthday, but without her there, it was more like an annual funeral. 
You found the princesses were much more affectionate that moon cycle. Many found solace in being with King Triton whilst others found it elsewhere. The statue of the fallen queen had been visited more so than normal, and you did not want to visit whilst people lingered. 
You did, however, want to leave a gift. So, on your morning off, you snuck away from the castle to find the perfect flower. You were searching through the fields off towards the drop off before you heard sniffling, immediately recognising it.
“Princess Ariel? Is that you?” You asked from around the corner of a boulder.
“Go away, Y/N.” She muttered.
“May I comfort you?”
You sighed silently before Ariel saw your tail flick, swimming away from her. She yearned for you to stay, something in her heart changing at the presence of your kindness. 
“Don’t go…” She whispered silently, closing her eyes as her heart clenched her lungs again.
“My Princess, I would never truly leave you.” Your mutter opened her eyes and she saw you in front of her, resting on the rock by the bend in your tail with an item in hand.
“May I?” You asked quietly, to which she nodded softly.
You gently brought her head out of its hiding spot and let it rest in your palm, sliding the flower into place upon her ear. You sat down beside her and gently let her head fall onto your shoulder, running a soothing hand along the skin of her back.
“What was she like?” You murmured.
Ariel smiled softly. “Wonderful. She sang us to sleep, she played hide and seek with us, we played pranks on Father. She could not have been better.”
You hummed. “She sounds like a queen.”
She nodded. “She was a great queen.”
As Ariel began to cry again, you gently shifted her onto your lap and held her close, letting her place her head against your neck. You scooped her up and kept her close, gently swimming back to the castle.
You passed her grieving sisters, some of them still crying, and they followed behind you as you rested on the opening of their room. You had brought Ariel’s blanket to your hand with your water-bending, and she lay in your warmth as sleep began to take her.
“I could sing songs of old,
and those of new, 
but why would I when I could love you? 
I could see all of the seas, 
and the tides and the waves, 
but why would I when I have you in my gaze?” 
You sang softly, helping her sleep as you held her.
“I could tell tales of wonder, 
and beauty, 
and grace, 
but why would I when I see your smiling face?
Out of all of these things,
there’s one more to do,
to tell you that I will
always love you.” 
You softly kissed her temple before laying down in her bed, keeping her safe in your arms. Your fingers brushed through her hair, removing knots carefully, whilst your own eyes began to close.
The sisters rushed out of their hiding place to find their father, dragging him to their room to show him the spectacle of blossoming love. He smiled happily at the sight, ushering the girls away to let you rest.
The days moved on and you grew closer with Ariel, accompanying her on her conquests to find treasures which made her father very happy. She found more thingamabobs, another dinglehopper, and plenty more things she did not have a name for. So, she introduced you to Scuttle, the bird confusing you plenty, but you saw how Ariel felt and simply nodded along. 
Your mother and father had urgent matters to deal with back home, but with the protection of the trident, you stayed behind with the princesses and King Triton. You were at peace for once, your heart finally finding its drive in life.
But you should have known Morgana wasn’t gone for good.
A storm had brewed above the palace, above the surface, and Triton had charged you with protecting the seven sisters. As you were rounding them up to keep them in their room, you realised you couldn’t find Ariel.
You turned to the opening of the room and froze the water, sealing every gap before you raced out to find Ariel. You sped across the entire palace, unable to find her.
But then a bright green blast came from above you.
The surface.
You shot up to see Ariel hanging from Morgana’s tentacles, her body wrapped unbearably tight whilst another tentacle gagged her mouth shut. You looked over at King Triton and his guards, all of them surrounded by a green glow that faintly traced upwards.
Towards Morgana as she held the trident.
“Release her!” You snarled, your markings glowing as the water around you swelled.
“And what are you to tell me what to do? You’re nothing! I have the trident!” Morgana cackled.
You looked towards Ariel, her eyes begging for help, and yours began to glow.
“I swear, Morgana, if you do not release Princess Ariel I will rain hailstorms upon you!” 
Morgana’s eyes flickered momentarily with fear before she shook her head, pointing the trident at Ariel’s throat. Your own eyes flickered before you shot two waves at Morgana.
She dodged the first, but the second released Ariel as intended, the princess falling into the sea. You saw her head pop back up from a distance and you swam over to her, putting yourself in front of her.
“You have seen my power. Now release the trident!”
Morgana glared at you. “You have your little fish girlfriend. Why don’t you go pick on someone your own strength?!”
You shoved Ariel back before jaws clamped on your tail, your howl cut short above the surface as her shark had you in its grip. You glared at him and he realised his mistake of choosing sides, a sharp stab of pain to his chin before the world faded out for him.
Pain shot through your body with every tail flick, but the fight wasn’t over yet. You swam back to the surface, calling upon a huge wave to bat against Morgana, throwing her off-balance. 
“Y/N, you’re going to bleed out!” Ariel tried to stop you, but anger had taken you once more.
Whilst curved up on a wave, you attacked Morgana, tackling her back into the sea. Of course, you only had two arms, whilst Morgana had ten. She wrapped you up easily and pressed deeply into your wounds, enticing you to bite into her tentacle.
She freed you involuntarily and dropped the trident as you controlled the water around her, your vision blurring whilst you sealed her in ice. You couldn’t stop though, not until it was finished.
Then, you felt something hit you from the side. A manta ray had charged into your ribcage and stunned you, but he was too late as Morgana sank to the ground.
King Triton and his guards descended beneath the surface, watching you sink as your eyes shut. 
“Y/N!” Ariel shot down towards you, catching your head just before it hit the ground.
“Come on, come on, come on. Please stay with me, Y/N.” She cupped your head in her arms and watched her father sink just a bit away.
“Daddy, please! Do something!”
He carefully pointed the trident at your tail, the end fins shredded from the shark’s destruction whilst multiple dark blue scales were loose or cracked. Guards and merfolk of the kingdom began to crowd, the six sisters now free since your magic had disappeared from the ice.
“She saved the princess.” Mutters came from the commoners as you lay still in Ariel’s arms.
She watched as your hand weakly lifted, your eyes opening to halfway, and Ariel only now noticed the soft golden glow from her father’s trident. She took your hand gingerly and kissed the back of it.
“Princess… are you okay?” You asked quietly, watching her shake her head.
“No. How can I be when you’re lying limp in my arms? Please, Y/N, stay with me. We’ll get you to some healers, you’ll be okay. You just have to hold on for a bit longer.” Ariel sniffled.
You gently shushed her as your arm shakily raised against her cheek. “None of that, my princess.” You muttered as you brushed a tear of hers into the ocean.
Ariel chuckled. “I thought I told you to call me Ariel.”
You shook your head, leaning it against her chest whilst your hand fell to her heart. “My princess.”
Ariel was startled when the water around your body began to glow, the areas of your injuries glowing too. Ariel heard you wince and groan in pain, but as the water died down, she was shocked to see your injuries healed, albeit with lighter blue scales.
“Y/N?” She muttered as she cupped your cheek.
“Mmm.” You hummed.
She pressed her forehead against yours. “You’re my princess too.”
You let your eyes close as Ariel kissed you. You felt a rush of sparks fly through your body, energising you to slowly sit up and press back against her. She chuckled between your lips before you kissed her this time, stealing her breath.
“Now that… was amazing.” Ariel huffed as you pulled away from her, completely unfazed physically.
You looked down at your body as the scars just above your tail showed, looking at Ariel. “Now we’ll have a cool story to tell.”
She shook her head at you. “We will indeed.”
You lifted her into your arms and kissed her once more, the entire kingdom roaring their cheers as their last princess sealed her love-filled future. 
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Hook with the daughter of Ariel or something like that. With them being in a secret little relationship but he’s always trying to come up to her and flirt with her. Maybe Uliana finds out and freaks out the rest is up to you
Secret | James Hook
Pairing: James Hook x fem!reader (Ariel's!sister!reader)
Summary: Once Uliana figures out your secret, everything comes crushing down.
Warning/s: angst, but with a happy ending, fluff, keeping secrets, fight, short fic, possible grammar and/or spelling mistakes
Author's note: It's here, hope you enjoy!! Also, I made the reader Ariel's sister because in my head, it fits the timeline.
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Honestly, nobody had any idea how it happened. You were Ariel's sister. He was a pirate. How in the world did you manage to end up together?!
Well... truth to be told... it happened so suddenly, just like when the storm in the middle of the sea happens. Nobody really expects it, but it arrives it crashes you with its whole might. Leaving you breathless.
It was a normal, sunny day when you met him. You were walking down the corridor, just trying to get to Merlin's class. Clutching your book in your hands, you found yourself outside as you came face to face with Hook. In the middle of the courtyard. All alone. His back was turned to you, and with that finding, you felt the sigh of relief leave your body pass your lips. It doesn't matter, you thought to yourself. So you decided to keep walking. You did not want to be late to class.
But it seems like the luck wasn't on your side that day. He turned around and walked up to you as he yelled out.
"Ahoy there, mermaid!" He smirked as your eyes met. "Skipping class again, I see. What's your excuse this time? Lost your voice singing to the fishes?"
James Hook, now leaning against a stone pillar, hook on his right hand and a mischievous glint in his eyes as his eyes scanned you.
"Hook, I unline you, am actually trying to now get there in time." You rolled your eyes at his teasing but decided that maybe it was time for you to finally tease him back a bit. "But don't worry, I've got a treasure map to Merlin's class. Care to actually join me?"
You saw a little tint of blush forming on his face, but you must have imagined it. And just as you thought that this would be the end of your conversation, he did something that left you stunned.
"Merlin's class? That's the real curse of Neverland. But I'd follow you anywhere, little mermaid." He gave you a wink, smirking.
You found yourself blushing, but no... it... it can't be. Luckily, you quickly regained your composure and continued your, playful, rivalry banter.
"You know, pirate, I've heard rumors about your hook. Is it true you lost it in a duel with a giant squid?" You leaned over closer to him.
"Aye, but it wasn't just any squid—it was the one that stole my heart." He smirked as he leaned down, closer to your face. "But now, here I am, a one-handed pirate with a penchant for trouble and a weakness for mermaid smiles."
You found yourself laughing at his flirting. You couldn't help it, it was just so... so endearing.
"Well, Captain, I've got a secret too." You said, with a little smirk planted on your face. "I've hidden my voice in a shell. Only the right kiss can unlock it. Interested?"
And so you did that for a while until you two were actually late for Merlin's class. You walked in, and Hook did not. But there was no way that you would admit to anyone, even your friends, why you walked into the class flushed, cheeks pink, with a stupid smile on your face.
You do, of course, realize that this was a bit abnormal. He was a pirate and part of Uliana's crew. You were a mermaid princess, daughter of the Triton himself. It was not normal, but as the days passed and what was a true rivalry, banter turned into just pure flirting, you found yourself not really caring.
As weeks passed and the flirting continued, somehow, you found yourself having a pirate boyfriend. After all of that, Hook and you started dating. Somehow.
And it was better than you ever expected it to be. You sometimes felt like, outside of Uliana's crew, you were the only one that he was nice to. It was... perplexing. But you loved it.
However, you both agreed that you should keep your relationship a secret for a while for both of your sakes. You weren't dumb. You both knew how your friends would react if you told them that you were dating. So that's how it all started. Secret stolen glances when nobody was looking, passing notes in class, stolen kisses when you were all alone, and, of course, flirty teasing banter.
That's how you found yourself, pressed against a tree in the school's courtyard, Hook with his hand by your head, his hook under your chin, trapping you.
"You're a siren in a landlocked school." He spoke, looking into your eyes. "Your voice could raise sunken ships, and your smile—well, that's my undoing."
"Tell me, Hook, do you ever dream of flying?" You asked as you started to trace your finger along his hook. "Not in a ship, but with wings made of stardust?"
He looked at you, captivated.
"Every night, my dear. And in my dreams, you're the compass guiding me through constellations." He leaned down towards you, your lips almost meating until something happened. Something that would change this forever.
"Hook!!" The terrifyingly hight and mighty voice rang out along the school courtyard.
You both turned around and froze as you came face to face with Uliana, Hades, Maleficent and a few more people that joined the courtyard when they heard yelling.
"But reality has a way of clipping my wings." Hook sighed as he moved away from you slowly, your heart speading up and breaking at the same time.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Uliana screamed. "What are you doing with a mermaid?!"
That's when you noticed something. Yes, Hook moved away from you, but his hand with his hook that was under your chin was now placed on your waist, still holding you close to him.
"Calm down, Uliana." Hook spoke up, looking at him.
"Calm down?!" Uliana yelled, absolutely fuming. "Are you seriously telling me to calm down right now?!"
"Yes." Hook said, "Yes, I am."
"Don't play games with me, Hook." She threatened before throwing a glance your way, smirking as she plotted against you. "If you don't stop doing whatever you're doing with this one, you will no longer be a part of my crew."
A moment of science was heard around the courtyard, and you know that it was over. He couldn't give up on his crew, and you most certainly did not want him to, so that means that your relationship has reached its inevitable end. Your heart was breaking as you looked on the ground, slowly moving away from Hook.
"You won't do that." He spoke up, his voice strong, ringing out. "We won't end our relationship." He turned to you and brought you closer to him once again, smiling at you before turning to Uliana with a determined look.
"You know that you need me whether you liked it or not. So, no, you won't throw me away from the rest of the crew. And even if you do, it doesn't matter. I still have her, and that is something that nothing will be able to change." He spoke as her face was formed into pure shock.
"So good day." He sarcastically bowed before he ruined around with you and walked away.
"Don't worry, she'll come around." You looked at him. "Maybe..."
"I honestly don't really care." He shrugged, his eyes ringing with truth. "I have you now, little mermaid, that's all I need and so much more, really."
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @ariaroseloklover @isafran1125 @gayfrog29 @mystic-mae
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fandomnerd9602 · 24 days
Could we get smth of y/n surprising the Disney princesses with a Valentine’s Day gift with them swooning over him
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Y/N walks by all the princesses, giving them gifts…
Rapunzel: new paints?! Thank you baby
Elsa: homemade gloves and chocolate? Oh my love.
Anna: my own snowman stuffie! (Giggles)
Belle: a copy of Romeo & Juliet?! Y/N!
Ariel: a dinglehopper! It’s perfect!
Mulan: a new sword?! It’s so well balanced!
Merida: me new bow? Aye I love ye
Aurora: new clothing material? It’s perfect!
Snow White: oh sweetie…a scrapbook! I love it
Pocahontas: new set of moccasins!
Moana: a compass! I love it!
Tiana: oh sugah! A new cooking set!
Jasmine; a world map and navigation set! Amazing!
All the princesses hug and kiss Y/N, loving their gifts…
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ideal type hcs ; disney princesses
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requested by ; anonymous (12/06/22)
fandom(s) ; disney animated films
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; anna, ariel, aurora, belle, cinderella, elsa, jasmine, merida, moana, mulan, pocahontas, rapunzel, snow white, tiana
outline ; “Could you do a headcanons for the Disney princesses ideal types, and what they look for in a partner?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
anna would prioritise kindness and empathy in a partner above all else — someone who will stick their neck out to protect or help someone else without the expectation of a reward
someone who is capable on their own but who knows when to ask for help, and that isn’t too proud to admit their mistakes
someone who she can have fun with to escape the unending monotony and responsibility of royal life — but who will also stick by her side when the time comes to be serious
someone who loves her for who she is and not the money and status she represents
and bonus points if you get her big sister’s approval
ariel would pursue a partner who makes the effort to try and understand her — who will push through barriers (emotional, physical, linguistic) in order to make her feel heard and loved
someone who she can have fun with without being made to feel irresponsible or childish — who isn’t afraid to act foolish or silly with her
someone who is affectionate with her, who can match her need for physical touch and such without her needing to beg
someone who isn’t afraid to take risks and do dangerous things if it’s for something you love — be that her or one of your passions
someone who is open and honest with her, who doesn’t belittle or infantilise her — who includes her in the conversation rather than brushing over what she has to offer
a lover who is as in love with the world and with life as they are with her
aurora would want a partner who is, above anything else, kind — kind to others, kind to the world and kind to themself
someone who isn’t afraid to laugh at themselves but who will always lend a hand or an ear to those who need it
someone who is honest and genuine, but who knows when not to be blunt in what they’re saying — someone who thinks before acting
someone who doesn’t feel the need to rush through life, who can enjoy taking things slowly and take in the simple joys — thinks like freshly made bread and the grass between your toes
she’d want a partner who she could be briar rose with rather than someone who’d expect her to just be princess aurora
belle would look for a partner who is always willing to learn and grow — to change and adapt to the world without getting stuck in their ways
someone who she can joke around with and make fun of without receiving anything but full reciprocation in return — someone who isn’t afraid to be the butt of a joke every now and then
someone who is honest and open, someone who is comfortable around her enough to be honest and who trusts her enough to be open — which she’d reciprocate in a heartbeat
someone who takes the time to get to know her mind rather than stopping at her face — who sees her as an equal and not just a future wife
someone who can be themselves around her and who she can be herself around without judgement or hesitation — just love and folly and conversation
ella is the type who would look for a partner that she can be herself around — someone who loves her for all of her passions and eccentricities and that doesn’t expect her to be perfect
someone who appreciates and accepts her independence, never pushing her into any specific role, without forcing her back into the position of complete isolation she was in growing up
someone who can make her laugh but that won’t shy away from her when she’s upset — who accepts her in her entirety rather than only sticking around when she’s happy
someone who holds respect and empathy for everyone no matter their background or appearance — who would have treated her kindly even when she was a house servant
all in all, ella would want a partner who loves her for her and who she doesn’t feel the need to hide parts of herself around — someone who lets her come into her own as a person whilst the relationship progresses
elsa would want a partner who understands her — who takes the time to learn her boundaries and respects them without question, as she would for them in return
someone who gets her hesitance and isn’t afraid of her because of her gift — they don’t have to admire it or be in awe, just see it as a part of her
someone who doesn’t mind the cold and who won’t force her to stifle herself again
someone who loves her family (chosen and given) as much as they can — who adores anna, jokes with kristoff and who respects the legacy and memory of her parents
she’d want someone who she can have fun with but that isn’t opposed to discussing things that are serious when needed
jasmine values a partner who is spontaneous but not in an actively dangerous way — like they enjoy adventure but not putting other people in harm’s way
someone who is fun and adventurous and who is eager and able to show her the world beyond the walls she grew up in
someone unlike all of the stuffy, pompous suitors that come filing in and out of the palace doors every day
someone who isn’t afraid to be unique and affectionate and silly and childish no matter the company
oh and someone who likes cats because raja is here to stay
merida looks for a partner who is as independent as her and who isn’t going to expect her to be reliant on them
someone who is capable on their own and able to handle themselves if the worst happens — whether that’s a war or a loss in the family
someone who loves her family or at the very least makes the effort to get along with them
someone who isn’t afraid to argue and bicker, who doesn’t expect everything to be all roses and sunshine all of the time and bails when things start to not look so perfect
someone who has a good sense of humour and is able to match her wit and jokes without taking offense
but most of all: someone who is looking for a life partner to have fun with, not someone to be subservient to them
moana would seek out a partner who is able to match her energy and mind — who she can talk to without limiting or censoring herself
someone who respects tradition and routine without abandoning or scorning any chance of change and growth — who will support her in bringing her village to a new age of exploration
someone who is willing to step outside of their comfort zone every now and then, but who is able to tell her when they have reached their limit — someone who can be honest with her and who she can be honest with in return
someone who she can bounce ideas off of and who will come back with new routes and theories and concepts that she can bring to the community for approval
she’d want someone who is their own person and respects her independence, but who she can come together with to become better in one way or another — a partner that encourages her growth, not one that hinders or stunts it
mulan would value a partner who isn’t afraid to be daring and step outside of their comfort zone — someone who balances routine/expectations and growth/adventure in a similar way to herself
someone who isn’t afraid to challenge her and themselves — who is willing to make mistakes and stumble without giving up entirely
someone who loves adventure and taking risks, but that can also enjoy the quieter and plainer aspects of domestic life — cups of tea, star gazing and reading
someone who loves her for her — not for the warrior nor the maiden but for the woman behind that legend
she’d also want someone who respects her and her family without being a complete doormat who is unwilling to speak for themselves — independence mixed with politeness
pocahontas would look for a partner who is willing to learn and grow and isn’t too caught up in themselves and the past to do so
someone who is willing to be patient and listen to the world around them in order to understand it — the water, the wild life, the wind
someone who won’t stifle her need for adventure and who will help her explore the world — travelling together to see more of the world with open minds and open hearts
someone who will stick with her through it all — protecting, listening, learning and growing as a couple and as individuals through the good and bad parts of life
someone who isn’t too proud to be kind or too stuck up to have fun and make mistakes — because that’s what life is about
rapunzel would appreciate a partner who is able to match her enthusiasm and passion for life — or, at the very least, someone who can understand it
someone who isn’t afraid to let their guard down and get their hands dirty — who is happy to let loose and have fun
someone who will listen to her without judgement and who will support her when she’s at her lowest — and that won’t turn her down when she tries to help
someone that doesn’t yell or lie, someone that approaches arguments clearly and honestly — who sees it as ‘us vs the problem’ and not ‘me vs you’
someone who is able to let themselves be silly and stupid and childish and not feel the need to be serious and sad all of the time — someone who is able to be their full self around her
really, she just wants someone to be herself around who won’t judge her for it
snow white
snow would probably find gentleness an attractive trait in a potential partner — that and a willingness to be kind without the expectation of receiving any reward for it
she’s a gentle soul and wouldn’t be compatible with someone who is volatile or combative — especially during disagreements where she tries to seek out a compromise and speak concisely (us vs problem) instead of raising her voice and trying to be right (me vs you)
someone who can let go of their ego when necessary and let themselves be wrong when they’re wrong — someone who is reflective enough to know when they’ve made a mistake
someone who loves animals or who at the very least treats them with empathy and tries to help out where they can
someone who is honest with her but not blunt — being open without being cruel
oh and someone who loves her cooking and baking as that’s how she shows her love
tiana would look for someone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty — who is willing to put in work to get what they want rather than just expecting everyone to do everything for them
she needs someone who is independent but that works well with others as well, a team player who doesn’t need to be told what to do in order to get things done
someone who will stick by her through the tough times — providing emotional support and labour when needed without judgement — instead of someone who will just lay low and only be with her during the good bits of life
someone who isn’t afraid to admit when they’re wrong and who isn’t too proud to be emotional and vulnerable — she needs honesty, really
or, in other words, she needs someone who understands and trusts her and that she can trust in return
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deejayrockz · 1 year
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PAIRING — wilbur x mermaid!reader
SUMMARY — while taking his niece on a trip to a mermaid aquariam, wilbur meets one of the workers on the other side of the glass.
NOTES — shy-ish!wilbur, mermaid worker (was going to be real mermaid, but they kinda scare me sorry), third person because i forgot .., SHE/HER PRNS FOR READER
EXTRA — i watched the little mermaid the day it came out in cinemas and IMMEDIATELY added this idea to my notes 😭, not sure how this will pan out, also sorry for spelling mistakes, have nails on rn
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"Will, Will, come look!" His niece, Adelia, smiled, pointing at the tall glass that showed the fish behind.
"careful, don't bang on the glass," he muttered, watching the group of fish pass by, almost as mesmerised as his niece.
Wilburs niece, Adelia, was a five year old girl he had promised to look after while his sister went out on some overnight trip. He held her hand— well, she was more holding onto just a few of his fingers, but it'll do. He led her to the main attraction, the mermaid cove.
Adelia gasped, watching the mermaid workers swim around the large tank, accompanied by a few fish.
"Will, look!" She smiled, he smiled too, despite the fact he wasn't a five year old girl interested in mermaids.
One specific mermaid however, had swam closer to them, waving at Adelia. He let go of her hand so she could walk closer, making contact with the glass. The mermaid placed her hand on top of Adelias, despite the glass separating
The mermaid then looked behind the younger girl, making eye contact with Will. It wouldn't take a genius to notice how gorgeous she was, despite the fact she was underwater, her makeup very slightly smudged. His breath seemed slightly caught in his throat as Adelia dragged him closer to the glass.
She waved at him, causing him to wave back, feeling slightly ridiculous interacting with a mermaid entertainer. Her tail was a teal colour, with slightly purple accents. She winked at him, before leaving the glass and swimming off, presumably to get some air, but obviously she had made it look as if she were simply swimming into the cove.
"I think she had a crush on you," Adelia smiled, moving away from the glass, still a bit starstruck from her mermaid encounter.
Wilbur laughed, holding back onto Adelias hand as they walked to the other mermaids. Some other kids had crowded round a group of 3 mermaids, however, Wilburs mermaid wasn't apart of it.
He was reading the signs, which introduced the mermaids, as if they were real fish, but hadn't yet come across his.
"Look, there she is!" Adelia pointed at the sign, the one that had introduced the very certain mermaid he had just waved to.
As he read her introduction, he felt a small tug on his sleeve, causing him to look down at Adelia, who was pointing (yet again) at the glass. He followed her finger, seeing her there again, pointing back at Adelia in a joking manner.
Adelia giggled, going back up to the glass. A few kids gasped and also went up, but the mermaids eyes were stuck on Will's, as his face flushed slightly.
She blew a kiss, bubbles erupting from her hand as she did so. He smiled, his cheeks beginning to hurt from the strain. She blew another, then pointed at him. It took him a minute, before he caught on to what she was saying.
His cheeks flushed, slightly embarrassed as he blew a kiss back, earning a smile from the mermaid, causing the kids watching to giggle in amusement.
She placed her hand against the glass, slightly too tall for any of the kids to connect it. Adelia grabbed Wills hand, pulling him closer to the glass, and connecting his hand to it, in the exact spot the mermaids hand is.
She smiled at him, winking, before swimming away, back to the cove. Wilbur felt his heart start beating again.
When did it stop? Is that normal?
He should probably get that checked out.
The mermaid cove show was coming to a close, meaning Wilbur and Adelia were led to the outside pool where people could say goodbye to the mermaids.
He had never been so excited to see a mermaid before in his life.
"Will, look, she's over there!" Adelia smiled, dragging the older boy towards the edge of the pool, his jeans and her tights getting slightly wet. It didn't take the mermaid long to recognise them and swim to the surface.
"Good evening, i'm [...]," she smiled, holding her hand out to Adelia, who shook it softly with her mouth wide open. Wilbur had to nudge the younger girl slightly in order for her to introduce myself.
"I'm Adelia, this is my uncle Will, he has a crush on you." She whispered the last part, but Wilbur still heard, causing him to tut and roll his eyes. The mermaid just giggled, looking at Will.
She pulled herself up, sitting on the edge of the pool, similar to how a few other mermaids were. Her tail was more blue out of water, and Wilbur noticed the small bracelets hung through a loop at the top of it, almost reaching out to trace them, but holding himself back.
She seemed to notice him looking at them though, as she smiled and pulled on one, before holding his hand and wrapping the braided string around his wrist. He felt the slightly salty water on her hands as she held his palm, but he didn't mind. In fact, he was more focused on the love heart pattern braided into the bracelet.
She pulled on another, wrapping it around Adelias wrist, as the younger girl giggled and thanked her.
"Hopefully we'll meet again, Adelia," The mermaid whispered, tucking a strand of the young girls hair behind her ear, "tell your uncle I may have a crush on him too."
Wilbur heard it loud and clear, despite the fact it was whispered softly. He watched the mermaid wink, blow a kiss, then dive back into the pool, going inside the cove and disappearing from sight. He knew she was most likely just giving Adelia ideas to tease Wilbur with, but the thought of them two together made his hands sweat and his heart race.
"You should become a merman, then you can date." Adelia turned to Will, who raised his eyebrows in amusement.
"I can date her as a human?" Will argued, leading Adelia out of the aquarium, mainly to save himself getting stuck talking to other random women in tails.
"Well, you can, but her dad might get angry," She said, obviously referencing The Little Mermaid as if it were real.
Which it is, by the way.
"Right, well, I'm sure i'd find a way," Wilbur played along, looking at their bracelets they had both been given by the beloved mermaid.
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babypinkromantics · 1 year
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It Always Leads To You In My Hometown .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Ship: Halle Bailey / Jonah Hauer-King
Summary: Halle anxiously waits when the day Jonah arrives back home in London from being away shooting his new film, she misses him terribly and reminisces on her memories with him during their last fall/winter break together in hopes this time around will be just as magical when he’s finally hers again..
Warning’s: unprotected sex, teasing, choking, pet names sort of, dirty talk a bit, blow jobs, P in V action, explicit language, lots of fluff, romance, longing & yearning, Taylor Swift references and lyrics, autumn and christmas activities
Word count: 5k
A/N: In this universe, I was thinking this took place about eight months to a year after they first start officially dating. So although they’ve moved in together, Halle is still getting used to the new environment around her, and also what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who’s job is to be away for months at a time. It’s still very new to her — and missing Jonah is all that runs through her mind the whole summer she’s been in his hometown without him.
Just like the title, this work is based off of Tis’ the damn season off of Evermore by Taylor swift. So there’s lots of references and easter eggs to the song through the fic for all my fellow swiftie’s or anyone who notices :)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✧˖° ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡
It was one of those bright but foggy days, where the sun had been shining down on the mucky streets of London after a half an hour shower of rain.
Halle hoped for a rainbow, or anything really to appear within the large gaping fogged up window of her the fitting room. Just one multicolored stripe to take her mind off of the next pin stuck she was anticipating, or an even bigger nudge at her nerves when she’d see her phone light up with a text from her ever traveling prince.
Even though it’s been a little over a week since Halle knew Jonah would be thousands of miles away filming, and returning back home to London — to her, she still had been awaiting the moment time and time again. She couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited, but she knew the slight nausea deep down, the aching put there had to of meant something. And she knew from the outside it could of seemed a bit looney to be so highly strung about her lover making his way back home. But she also knew no one could understand.
The way it’s been almost three months since she last held him in her embrace, ran her fingertips through his waves, and kissed him like there were no other humans on earth.
They just wouldn’t get the immense feelings of warmth in her heart when she got to have him in a way not one other soul could relate to. It was a sacred feeling. It was her feeling. Just the remembrance of the sensation had Halle hardly able to focus on her dress fitting at hand. All she could see in her mind was getting loose of the hands measuring and adjusting her body — and running into the arms of the man who she called home.
“Halle ?”
A voice flushed over her, and nearly frightened Halle right out of her daydreams. She jumped and caught a breathe as she turned to her smiling, yet confused, assistant holding a tablet in front of her.
“Yes?” Halle spoke with a lose note to let her heart race simmer down.
“We wanted to know your input on if the dress for the gala should be hanker shift or pleated ?” Her assistant asked.
She gazed at Halle in a long pause before the overwhelmed girl batted her eyelashes in tension and looked up from the ground to give her answer with at least indecision as possible.
“I’m leaning towards hanker shift, I want to be comfortable for the evening. And I don’t want to worrying about the spills at brunch — I know those pleats can be impossible to clean.”
“Noted.” her assistant stylist dotted her i’s on her tablet and turned away. Scurrying back to work and leaving Halle to dote towards the window once again, as her fingertips lead up to her necklace. Pearly and encrusted with chipped shells that were laced with the smell of summer and salt air. She held it. Getting lost in her thoughts and imagery once more.
When Halle had finally finished up at her fitting and got back to the flat, she opened the front door and took a deep sigh along with a glance around the place.
She thought if she should clean ? But it was really always clean. The only time the space wouldn’t be tidy was when she and Jonah would be carelessly doing their afternoon activities. Like when they had paint Saturday’s and they would fill their home up with splashes of almost every color on the walls. Or when the season changed they would make new canvases.
Halle’s heart filled with warmth for the memories of getting to express her artistic side with Jonah. The way he taught her so much about how different the art culture was to the English was so fascinating. She could listen to him talk about it forever — she loved how he was so knowledgeable on almost everything. It meant the most to have her craving for deep and meaningful conversation to be filled with her time with him.
She decided everything was perfect as is and would go to feed Poseidon instead.
“There you go baby,” she spoke gently to Poseidon with a smile as she set down his bowl and gave him a sweet stroke on his fur. She took the milk and honey out of the fridge and set it on the counter. It was Jonah’s favorite after a long day of traveling this time of year, and Halle would always sit on his lap and enjoy a cup with him.
They would stay at the house Jonah’s parents owned in north London where it always snowed the most, the fire would be on, and even with the heat breaking through the crisp air, nothing made her warmer than being interwoven with the man she loved right there in the flesh. To know he wasn’t leaving and she had him all season long. Curled up and snuggled on the couch, Jonah would tell her to let him keep her there forever. Even if she wanted him to let go so she could use the bathroom for a quick second, he was always going to refuse — and she would laugh.. and when she looked, he was laughing too. With eyes smiling right at her in admiration and pure love. Halle waited all summer long for this time around just for moments like that again.
Blinking quickly Halle had realized she was intensely watching Poseidon devour his food while she lost her own conscious mind to let her heart yearn. Forcing herself off of the kitchen counter she entered the bedroom and turned on the head of the shower faucet and let the water run for some time so it would heat up to the temperature of her liking.
Halle made a promise to herself that she wouldn’t look at her phone unless it was a text from Jonah letting her know he was on his way home. She knows Jonah is a busy man and that shooting her a text could slip his mind, something she completely understood. But she much rather not look than drive herself mad with missing him. So she stripped down and carried on to washing up —
Grabbing her towel and wrapping up in it before turning off the water, Halle stepped out of the shower and got dry quickly, taking a deep sigh sitting on the bed, with nothing but the white cloth and wet hair.
She stared at her feet for a while. Wiggling her toes. And even her finger nails, she tried hard not to pick at them. Laying back and staring at the ceiling, getting washed away by her thoughts. It was about fifteen minutes prior to Halle finally drifting off to sleep. Cold from the after math of her steamy shower, but letting it be to make the warmth she would feel in Jonah’s arms later on, even more heavenly to the touch.
What felt like decades to Halle, was no more than thirty long minutes when she finally heard the clicking of the door down the hall being unlocked and the sound of shoes on the hardwood floor.
The sleep hazed girl nearly jumped up out of her slumber and hurried to the bedroom door where she walked out and stopped when she saw Jonah standing by the front door petting Poseidon with a huge smile on his face, he looked up at her and grinned when he saw the girl who put the sunshine in his day staring back at him.
Halle started walking over to him, but the closer she got the more exited the skip in her step was.
“Halle,” the dark haired man smiled as he stared at her face “Halle..” there was a dip in his voice and his eyebrows furrowed when he looked down at her attire to see the girl wrapped up in nothing but a short towel.
And when she finally embraced him, her arms slid up his back and her cheek hit his chest ever so gently but with all the force at the same time, nearly making him lose his balance. Jonah let out a chuckle and placed his lips on the top of her head while holding her small frame to him. Halle said nothing for a minute as she settled into the feeling of his large hands gliding across her back and hugging her like there was no tomorrow. She couldn’t get enough of it. She didn’t want enough of it.
Jonah already knew he wouldn’t get a moment of freedom once he stepped foot through the door and Halle got to him. But he missed her so much he didn’t care to mind it at all.
“I missed you,” Halle finally spoke and she twisted her head to look up at him. “Why didn’t you text me ?”
“I wanted to surprise you ! ” He looked down at her happily. “And this is definitely… a surprise.” Jonah had to laugh at the fact Halle didn’t even bother to slip on proper clothes before coming out here to meet him.
“I showered then I fell asleep,” she blushed at the way he stared down at her and her towel just meeting the start of her thighs.
“I’m sure you did.” he thought it was more likely this was one of Halle’s stunts to throw him off track of just getting home and attending to anything that wasn’t her. And Halle couldn’t bear look him in the eyes like this.
The feeling of his crystal blues staring down at her especially when she hadn’t really had clothing on — would never be something she’d get used to. She’d get way too shy and melt right there. So her eyes drifted to just beneath where one of his curls fell over his face. A faint but new scar had been revealed as Halle brushed her thumb over the area.
“What’s this ? Does it hurt ? ” She asked gently.
“Stunts on set aren’t technically safe. But it’s nothing really.” He told her and continued to stare down at her as she examined the reddened scar.
She tugged on his shoulders so he’d come to her eye level and he did. Halle kissed the top of his forehead where the scar had been and she smiled.
Jonah couldn’t help the sensation of excitement and butterflies Halle gave him, she was all he could think about while he was away.. he even wondered if Halle drove herself as insane as he did while they had been apart last summer.
He always tells himself he can manage the falling asleep together over Face-Time and trying to update one another on what they each had for lunch, but nothing could ever compare to holding her right here in his arms. Looking into her honey like eyes and breathing the same sweet air she breathed. He would go to sleep at night dreaming of when he’d have her again and he almost couldn’t believe she was real and with him in this moment right now.
Not being able to take another minute without her lips on his — Jonah scooped her up off the ground and Halle squealed in delight as she wrapped her body around the man tightly.
They were so close. The closest they’ve been in three whole months. Finally content in each others embrace and smiling like idiots, Jonah brushed his nose against Halle’s as he held her, a soft soothing smile on his lips and Halle took what she wanted by kissing them.
It started off slow, and they gradually melted into each other, being able to take it a step farther and reach the perfect angle being level to one another. Halle deepened the kiss and her fingers started to get lost in his curls as more time passed and they started to smooch with hunger by the second.
Soon, Halle's hands had called to cup Jonah’s face and she could feel the touch of his beard scratch against her palms, he hesitated no more to start leading them both to the bedroom and Halle wanted to pull away to speak again, but she just couldn’t stop herself from pulling Jonah’s bottom lip into her own for more. To kiss him forevermore.
And he let her.
Eventually she pulled her face from his, lips almost going crimson. “Don’t you wanna unpack ?” She had spoken nearly out of breath.
“The only thing I want to unpack now is what’s underneath that towel,”
Normally Halle would of blushed or giggled like a school girl if her skin wasn’t so lit and fiery from the way they just made out in perfect unison. It was safe to say how lucky she got knowing her boyfriend knew how to really kiss a girl.
Jonah had gently let Halle fall to the bed in front of them, and she bit her lip slightly as she backed up comfortably, not breaking eye contact with the gorgeous built man above her once. He followed her only shortly after, hovering just above Halle's placed body and reaching to remove the towel from her before she stopped him.
“No.” She shook her head just a bit, a more mischievous smirk running across her lips as she now looked at the more confused Jonah staring at her from only inches away. Halle looked down ever so slightly and Jonah followed her eye-line to where her delicate hands had been innocently inching towards the belt buckle of his denim’s, Halle had unlatched it. He hurried to lean up — giving her more room to finish what she had started and Halle did exactly that, following him, she let her thumb flick open the button. She unzipped his pants, leading up to her taking his length out into her hands and glancing up at him once more as she did so.
Jonah could only hope Halle couldn’t hear the way his heart was pounding in his chest, but little did he know hers was probably going ten times harder. She slowly and carefully moved her hand up his shaft.
“Mmm, I missed you” Halle spoke softly and Jonah let a heavy breath out from his lungs as he watched her hands work on him in the most silky way. Like her hands had never been there, but were all over him once. An angel that only he could see like this. And her words were like prayers to him. All coming true at last.
Halle had let her tongue run against against the tip of his dick for a moment and she loved the way his addams apple bobbed as he watched her movements. Eye contact being tested when he noticed her lips sink around him, and Jonah tired with every molecule of his might not to let his eyes flutter shut. He couldn’t miss a single moment of this.
All Halle wanted to do was give him everything he wanted, it was all that mattered to her. To make him feel at home after all this time. She stared up at him with the most wide eyes as she took him into the back of her mouth, her hand still going at the same time.
“Halle, baby…” Jonah huffed out quietly as he reached for her hair, Halle had wished so badly he’d just pull it, but she knew Jonah was always going to be gentle with her no matter what. He thought her lips were just so…. Perfect. He wanted nothing more than to move his hips, and she let out a whimper from somewhere in the back of her throat as he nearly did. Sucking slowly with the only push of her going faster to take more of him into her mouth.
The sight of his lips parting so gently to let out a soft moan just set Halle off. She thought every inch of him tasted just like heaven, she felt like she could do this to him all day if he wanted, and she really would.
Jonah then suddenly pulled out of her mouth in a hurry and he held himself with his panting chest going up and down. “Halle” he caught his breath.
She could only grin softly as she watched the state he was in and she wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her palm.
“I-I still want to.. be inside of you” he told her with a soft smile and airy pant as his heart got back to beating at a normal rate.
Halle has gotten closer to him once again and placed her hand on his hip as he stood to take off his shirt, the feeling of him being absent already haunting her. Jonah took off his pants fully and soon enough he was coming back to her with a sly smile across his lips. Giving her a peck on the lips, she fell back on the bed again and this time submitted herself to him effortlessly. He had pulled at the top of her towel and let it fall, revealing in his opinion, the body of the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid his eyes on.
He wanted to lay his touch on her skin so quickly and just worship the body she had surrendered to him. And with a small lick of his lips and a quick glance up at her face, he had to restrain himself to admire every inch of her glowing brown skin in the evening light of the sunsetting just beyond the cold window glass.
Halle didn’t think she had ever been so love stricken by anyone, and definitely not now when all she could think about was the way Jonah’s teal blue’s made sure to cover every inch of her. Never really having anyone look at her this way before made her heart ache — but in the most glorious of ways. And as intimidating as it could seem, she couldn’t have felt any safer with him. Like this. Vulnerable and in his embrace finally.
Closing her eyes just before he had left a kiss to her neck, and once more till he was leaving a trail down her collarbone and his hands slid up her rib cage to cup her breast in his butter like hands. When she let out a quite but divine moan she couldn’t stop reminding herself that if he wasn’t hers she’d just be so envious of anyone else who got to feel his kind of love not only physically, but emotionally too.
“So, how do you want this ?” Jonah had came up to push some of her hair from her eyes and Halle looked up at him with lustful eyes and a smile that only spoke of adventure.
“Surprised me.” She said with a bubbly note, and Jonah held her with complete stillness like she was the most fragile and priceless gem in the world.
“You really don’t get enough of those do you ?” He chuckled. And Halle rolled her eyes playfully.
“Just shut up and fuck me already,”
Jonah couldn’t deny the fact he loved Halle’s vulgar side that would come out when she was really wanting him. He missed the carefreeness of her attitude in times like these and it only made him more excited to pull her over the edge with him.
He lined himself up with her entrance as best as he could. Halle had reached for his arms, and before she knew it her nails had already been semi digging into his skin when he pushed into her slowly.
Halle’s jaw had fallen as she let out an obvious moan, and her lips had trembled a bit. It had been a serious while since she had the sensation of practically being split in half by him. And it was no easy feeling to get used to. She held onto him tighter and Jonah’s head had fallen to the crock of her neck with an airy whimper as he slid through her with ease the farther he got.
“You got this wet just from sucking my cock didn’t you ?” Jonah grinned as he whispered in Halle’s ear — getting a rush of immediate pleasure when he felt her tighten around him when his words passed through her, and she buried her face in his shoulder only to make muffled noises when he had sunk into her fully, then repeated it again, sending her head flying back against the pillow. Jonah had thrusted into her slowly only until her core had gotten so used to him by now he could eventually go faster.
Halle had whined out as Jonah kissed her lips and went to wrap his arms around her fully, to where there had been no space between them and he could feel her heart rate speed up against his.
“Oh my god.. yes-” Halle could feel sweat beginning to form on her skin as Jonah picked up the pace in just the right spot and they moved in perfect unison.
Halle fought not to close her eyes — she loved the way she could feel every vein of him against her walls as he pounded into her. Jonah let out a deep groan while Halle’s hair had gone wild the more he fucked her with less and less restriction, letting all his pent up passion from every time the teasing girl would send him kisses through the phone or pictures in the shower. It was so much he couldn’t help himself. Halle had gasped when Jonah leaned up to glide his hands around her neck, firmly but all with tenderness as he thrusted into her harder and she pulsed every inch with spreading herself for him more.
“Jonah..” Halle sobbed out as her hands and legs began to shake and she had bitten her lip tightly in pleasure, her head starting to spin with every time her body and core would fall weaker each time Jonah would pull completely out of her and thrust back in harder.
“Hey, look at me. Keep looking at me Halle,” he breathed out quickly, grabbing the girl’s attention back on her lover and she did exactly that. She looked up at him even with her heart pounding out of her chest. And her toes curling like crazy, Jonah still brought a thumb to her cheek to stroke gently as he worked her through it, he didn’t break eye contact with her once as he started to fuck her more roughly into the bedding beneath them. Tears started forming in Halle’s eyes while she moaned uncontrollably and wrapped her hands around his wrist on her collarbone.
The heedless sounds being formed between them only bounced off the walls and echoed back to her ears. It was intense, and Halle would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit to quite liking the idea of being so exhibited for him, she thought he was beautiful on top of her and that’d never change. Jonah had leaned his forehead against hers combining their sweat as he groaned along with a swear under his breath.
“I’m gonna- I think I’m gonna.. fuck ! ” Halle cried out. “Hold me.”
“Let it out sweet girl, I’m right here.” Jonah had reminded her gently and that’s when he felt Halle’s body shake uncontrollably underneath him, whimpering as she came on his dick. And he couldn’t help but to let himself watch in awe as she did so.
“Yeah, just like that… shit..” his movements had only gotten sloppy as he started to spill inside of her — Halle shut her eyes and dug her nails straight into his back at the feeling of him filling her up to the point she couldn’t stand it. Her body froze and fell into complete Arcadia, and she couldn’t move as she took any and everything.
Halle felt her last tear roll down her cheek and she began to feel funny, but in a blissful way. Like the stars in her eyes were the way of showing up after a blessing had been done and gifted.
She never loosened her grip on Jonah at all. His chest heaved as he leaned up on his knees and brought Halle with him. At this point she had been sensitive to every slight movement, and the feeling of Jonah shifting the both of them only made her cling to him tighter as he was still attached to her tender core.
He kissed her cheek softly and rubbed her back as he breathed out into the side of her neck. His heart slowing back to normal, as well as hers while they both came down from their high.
“I love you” Halle said quietly. Hearing those words leave her lips in her sweet little voice made Jonah’s insides flutter all over again. It’s all he’s been waiting to hear in person for weeks and he couldn’t be happier he got to love Halle into mangled bits like this. To be the only reason she would happy cry. And to feel her release on him like nectar from the sweetest honeycomb. Jonah would give Halle the world and entire galaxy if she wanted and he hoped she knew that deep down like she knew faith in her heart. He rose to meet her eye line again.
“I love you, Angel. Thank you for everything.” He gave the girl a loving smile as she cupped his face, a smile delicate and happily widening on her face as well. She kissed his lips and softly led him back to the pillows with her again. This time under the covers to fit snug in each other’s arms — where they held quite conversation until they both drifted off to sleep.
The next day Halle had rose from what she would have said was the best slumber she’s gotten in months. And she could certainly blame it on the sex from the night before, but overall — feeling safe, and protected all night long with Jonah’s arms cradling her cozily throughout the night.
She rubbed her eyes with the hand that had been gently placed on his chest, looking up to see dark curls and the familiar sight of her beautiful man sleeping soundly. She smiled fondly as her tired eyes examined the room in the new daylight. Halle could spend a lifetime with him here. Just like this.
And the certification that she would have mornings like these guaranteed all season long, was exactly what she had been dreaming of since the beginning of last summer.
The girl leaned up gently to check her phone. As soon as the screen lit up Halle read the time had already been 2pm, her eyes went wide for a quick second. The fact that they had already slept in half a day making her chuckle to herself softly. Usually, it was almost always Jonah waking up at the crack of dawn, and Halle had no clue how’d he have so much energy that early in the morning — she envied him for it. It was a little bit unbelievable he had stayed asleep with her for so long, but she could understand the jet lag and obvious tiresome muscles from what a night they had.
The feeling of Halle’s sudden absence had started to wake Jonah up slowly as he reached out to feel her forearm gently. He groaned,
“Where’d my girlfriend sized pillow go ?”
“It’s two in the afternoon sleepy head.” Halle turned to look at him and he had sat up quickly to face her.
“Jesus,” he had blinked up at her in confusion “I don’t think I’ve ever slept in this late since… well, ever.”
“Oh, I know.” Halle laughed softly and hugged her knees to her chest against the cushions. “But there’s a first time for everything I suppose.”
Jonah had focused on Halle and realized she had been wearing his blouse from the night before. He raised his eyebrow. “Remind me when you slipped yourself into my shirt last night you little thief ?…”
“I have my ways.” She shrugged and zipped her lips.
“It’s swallowing you.” He laughed.
“I sleep in your clothes every night when you’re away !” She had crawled to him with giggles leaving her lips and she sat in front of the amused man who chuckled at her enthusiasm. “What else would I wear when I have to touch myself to the thought of you ?”
Halle grinned and Jonah tried to keep his cool by messing with her.
“Creepy and a minx. Got it.” He told her slyly and Halle gasped.
“You stalked me for like three years-“ Jonah cut her off by yelling “Tickle time !” As he pulled her into his lap. And Halle let out a high pitched squeal along with a trail of giggles and laughter shouting “stop it !” In between her squirming. And Jonah laughed as he ran his fingers all over her, too pleased with himself and how easy it is to get Halle to stop talking and giggle.
Halle knew for a fact she hadn’t been this giddy in months, with the daunting day to day responsibilities, and her boyfriend who brought the warmth in the cold of autumn to her doorstep, being thousands of miles away. But now that he was here, with her, making her heart shine bright and giving her every reason to smile — She just wanted to ride around with him like they would do last time around. Look at the Christmas lights decorated on house by house throughout the neighborhoods. Or the beautifully lit stores and seasonal stops that would go all out for the holiday’s.
He made everything so fun here — like a second home town to her. She had felt at home in his home. And the possibilities were endless now that Jonah was hers at last. He loves her and she loves him.
And just that was enough to convince her she’d never leave the warmest soul she’d ever known.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hello, I am hoping that you have a good day. I don't remember if I already sent in a request so if I did just ignore this one and I apologize. I was hoping that I could get a Star wars, harry potter, and the witcher, and disney romantic matchup. I am a straight man
Appearance: I am 5ft 11in. I have very curly black hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin, and a beard. I am a burly man with a chubby belly.
Personality: I am introverted but when I get to know people I am very talkative and at ease. I have ADHD and I have minor autistim so I love to discuss whatever area of interest is in my brain that day. People describe me as a very kind, funny person. I am easy to get along with and I am very relaxed and easygoing. I have a bad memory from a head wound but when someone is important I put a lot of work into remembering things about them(writing notes, keeping lists of their likes and dislikes, important dates, etc). Because I have a bad memory I tell the same stories over and over again. I care a lot about my family and friends and I am very loyal to them.
Likes: When people are kind, when someone is passionate about something, Someone who is a good listener.
Dislikes: being mean/rude to people(especially service workers) or animals, making fun of peoples interests
Hobbies: outdoors stuff(hiking, camping, rock climbing, etc), painting/drawing, video games, reading, music
HI! I am sorry for this matchup to be sent so late, but I hope you love it nonetheless! <3333
Star Wars;
Leia Organa:
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⭐ You met Leia when you, Han, Luke, Chewie, R2D2, and C3PO rescued her - you were a bit quiet at first, but after she started talking, asking you questions, you found yourself answering
⭐ After everyone got out, you and Leia ended up talking a lot; you even got her to laugh a couple of times - all the while, you are also making a small list about Leia, so you could remember all the things she told you she liked and didn't
⭐ When you, Luke, and Han were gifted the medals, you and Leia made eye contact, and for the first time in forever, you felt this sort of connection with her; it made your soul feel warm - she felt completely the same
⭐ After Hoth and finding yourself in the care of the sweetest IRL care bears, you and Leia danced to the music, and the both of you found yourselves wandering around in the forests near the camp - the music was quiet, but neither of you noticed, too caught up in your conversation
⭐ You ended up staying with Leia, going and following her wherever she want, and she immensely enjoyed the company - and when she became Commander Organa, you became her right-hand man
Harry Potter;
Hermione Granger:
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📚 You met Hermione after Hogwarts and after the battle, you worked at Hogsmeade, at the small sweets shop; you held stock shelves and sometimes helped with customers, but during one of your work days on the floor, that was when you met Hermione
📚 She asked you where a certain sweet was located, saying it was a gift for a friend - you were a bit nervous speaking to her, but you expertly led her to the sweet that she was wanting; and from then on, she kept coming back to the shop, sometimes not even buying anything, just wanting to talk to you
📚 On you lunch break, Hermione would enter the shop and the both of you would walk about Hogsmeade before going to The Three Broomsticks for lunch - there, you and Hermione got to really now each other, swapping your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and so on
📚 Hermione is very supportive and understanding towards you with whatever you might forget; she is always more than okay repeating something to you - she completely understands ♥
📚 At one point, as your relationship began to blossom, you and Hermione would swap books with each other - you would also meet at each other's homes to paint, read, and even hiking when the time suits the both of you
The Witcher;
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✨ You met Yennefer when she was learning how to use her magic, you had been close allies with Tissaia de Vries, and you were able to stop Yennefer's attempt during the time - since then, you and Yennefer became pretty close
✨ You and Yennefer spent a lot of time together, your demeanor being very relaxed and easygoing, you radiated a warmth that calmed Yen - she felt as if she could be herself with you
✨ When not busy doing magicy things, you and Yen would spend time walking around the grounds, talking about spells, interests, and both of your dislikes for those who are mean towards others
✨ You believe Yen is an amazingly good listener, and she is, she loves learning more about you, finding your interests very intriguing - and she would always be down to go walking places with you, painting with you, and even reading with you
✨ You make Yen very happy, and she does the same for you, the both of you are so well fit for each other, and it is obvious to those who you meet - you are one of (if not the only) the most powerful couples in all of the land
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🐟 You had known Ariel for a long time, being a merman, you often spotted her swimming away to her secret cave of treasure from time to time - you, like her, were also interested in the land above, and often went up to the surface to watch ships go by and people play on the nearby beach
🐟 It wasn't until you found some object from the surface world fall into the sea that you thought of giving it to the young princess - though, you were a bit nervous, but you gained your courage and swam to find her
🐟 Ariel was beyond the moon when you gifted her the surface treasure, instantly smiling and her eyes widening in excitement; it was then that she asked if you wanted to see her collection - how could you say no? You loved how passionate she was about the surface, and her collection was very impressive
🐟 From then on, you and Ariel would spend a lot of time together, swimming around when she wasn't needed by her father, just swimming and talking about the surface - Ariel would get so excited when you got back from the surface with new information or when you brought her a new item
🐟 You and Ariel have such a love for life, and all of its wonders, and the both of you dream of a better future - a future on the surface together
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Finally had the time to watch it yesterday and
It was so freaking cute and loving. Chills with every song! And when Eric did the Tangled thing of holding her tighter!!
AND SHE DID IT WITH HIM WHEN THEY REUNITED 🥹😍 (and he looked like he was about to cry when he saw her again 🥺❤️)
AND WHEN THEY HELD HANDS ON TOP OF URSULA’S CROWN - fumbling for one another before finally holding each other 😭😍
And just EVERYTHING about Kiss The Girl - her falling into him, laying beside one another, teach him her name. (With the dance scene!) Plus Grimsby spotting the pair of them coming back and the Queen nearly falling on water and him covering up for them.
Also, the duo of Grimsby and Lashana (“what carriage?”) OH MY GOD 😆. I feel like I need a mini series of those two just covering up for Eric and Ariel (And Melody) and having adventures of their own.
I loved Halle’s version of Part of Your World and all her actions through out it!!
I loved everything about this movie!! Can’t wait for it to come into Disney+ so I can watch it again!
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not-gonna-delulu · 1 year
Azriel's New Nickname
Don't get me wrong, I love calling him Az. But you can't tell me that Cassian or Rhysie never called him "Ariel" before dying of laughter. Azriel would have had to use ALL the blackmail material he has on them to make sure they never bring up Ariel again.
But when Rhys finds a childrens book while looking for something to read to Nyx at bedtime, and that childrens book happens to have the story of a specific red haired mermaid... Let's just say Uncle Az quickly becomes Princess Uncle to Nyx. And the rest of the IC have to control their laughter each time Nyx calls him that.
Azriel hates it, no doubt there. But how can he ever say no to that adorable little batling. Az is wrapped around his nephew's little finger. And he definitely will be taking revenge from his brothers in training but he can't bring himself to ever say no to Nyx.
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jeondesu · 2 months
ೀ⋆ SKZ AS NEW PARENTS ! — ( texts 💬 )
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── ✧ ˚. ꒰ pairing ꒱ ˒˓ hyung line x f!reader ˒˓ established relationship genre/tags. smau, fluffy fluff fuff, mild cursing, humor (i tried lol), suggestive language (sorta, kinda ?), tiktok reference, i know absolutely nothing about parenting if you couldn’t already tell lmaoo
maknae line ver is here !
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bang chan.
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lee know.
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haii, i’m back :3 (not that anyone cared sjhsjgsjd) but this was sooo fun to make i loved doing these !! also idky i picked ariel, i just wanted a disney princess name and that was the first one that came to mind LOL. i hope i’ll be able to post more frequently on here but we’ll see :’) hehe ♡︎
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smalls-words · 2 years
Bright Blue Endless Sky
Summary: After finding an underground club in her kingdom, Ariel begins to spend time with a patron. But will deceit end up being her downfall?
Pairing: Princess Ariel x Fem!Mer!Reader
Warnings: Blood, scars, fighting, near death, nothing too drastic but lmk if there's anything else.
A/N - Ariel is my favourite princess and I could never be bored with The Little Mermaid. This is also one version I thought of, so check out the other too pls!
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*not my gif*
Princesses weren’t supposed to be roaming the kingdom at night. They weren’t supposed to be following the flicker of a yellow and blue tail of a guppy, and they certainly weren’t supposed to be finding an underground music club. 
Clams clapped together, fish swayed to the beat, and bright lights attracted her vision to the stage, where instruments blasted the music. Sweet calypso filled her ears, the bongos and horns dominating whilst the bass and piano backed them up. 
Ariel wondered at the marvellous spectacle of music and the surprise of Sebastian, but her excitement gripped her tightly by the fins and exposed her to the band, the octopus inking up the place.
“Wait! I won’t tell, I promise!” Ariel begged.
Coughing came from the corner of the room and she waved the ink away from her, the view clearing enough for her to see a dark blue tail with a frilled end slip into the shadows. Ariel watched the cloud of ink dissipate around her unusually quickly, sighing as she was now upon the empty stage.
She tapped against the bongos whilst flicking her tail across the strings of the fallen bass, spotting the piano before she played a glissando. She hummed a random tune before she stopped, pressing onto the piano key lightly.
“Under the bright, blue, endless sky…” She sang softly.
The creatures around her began to emerge as she continued to sing, coming out of their hiding places behind rocks, seaweed, and even from inside the piano where the band was. They grabbed their instruments and played along, the entire club eventually harmonising with her sweet melody.
As she came to a pause in front of Sebastian, a small sardine swore her into the club before it continued to party like she’d never caused a scene. However, she remembered that dark blue tail, and wondered who it could be within her kingdom. 
The next morning, Ariel and her sisters had their morning walk once more. The kingdom was more than busy, though, which confused the seven girls before their father brought them back through to the main hall.
“Girls, please take a seat.” He gestured to seven seats behind a table, their names engraved in the top with gold.
They each took one and he turned to the front door, gesturing for the guard to open it. After hearing about Ariel’s underground adventure, the girls didn’t want to be anywhere but there.
But Ariel’s mind quickly changed when she saw the people coming through.
“Girls, I’d like for you to meet some merfolk found lost upon the seas of Pacifica. They will be spending time in the palace.” Her father spoke, but she ignored him. 
Through the crowd, she watched as tufts of your braided hair were loose, catching on the translucent shawl that covered your head and torso. Seashells like hers covered your chest, but they were a simple cream colour like the sands of the shores not too far from Atlantica. 
She could see the muscular shape of your upper body through the translucent cloak you held onto, your arms and torso remarkably well-toned for a feminine shape. Her eyes trailed down your figure before they widened at the colouring and shape of your tail. It frilled out into a blue as deep and regal as the sea itself, the scales catching the light from above beautifully as you kept yourself upright. 
Your eyes found Ariel’s instantly, shock apparent behind your veil of fatigue as Ariel recognised the pattern of your tail.
“Good evening, everyone. Do you all have a place to stay?” Attina spoke first.
Triton held a hand up to his eldest. “They are having quarters sorted out. Their leader, Y/N, is a few doors down from you all. Why don’t you take her on a tour of the kingdom before she rests?”
Andrina and Arista came to your side before the school of princesses ushered you out of the room. They walked you through the many hallways, guards posted at almost every corner, before they brought you outside.
“Princess Ariel, may I speak with you in private?” You asked, shocking the girls with your deeper tone than a normal mermaid.
“O-Of course.” Ariel stammered, looking towards her sisters for help.
“Why don’t we all go pick a flower from the flower beds and see which one Y/N likes the most?” Attina took charge, pulling away the six of them to leave you alone with Ariel.
She turned sharply into your vision. “You were the one at the club!”
You hurriedly tried to shush her loud whisper. “Yes yes yes, I was there. But we cannot talk about it in the open, Princess Ariel.”
She nodded quickly, watching you move away and adjust your shawl. “Will I see you tonight, Y/N?” She asked quietly.
“If you are coming, I will make my appearance.” You nodded.
She giggled and swished her tail happily whilst taking your hand, leading you back to her sisters as they each presented you with a flower. You chose Alana’s, her flower beautiful with blue on the inside before stretching to red on the outer petals, and lightly tucked it into your hair braid.
“Thank you for the flower, Princess Alana. It is truly beautiful.” You bowed your head to her before another sister came close in your vision.
“You’re very formal, Y/N. Why?” Adella asked.
“In Pacifica, we treat each other with respect. I apologise if my tongue confuses you, Your Highness.” You replied, bowing your head to her.
“Come on, girls! Let's finish some royal duties.” Attina beckoned for them to follow her.
You watched Ariel swim away slowly, looking back at you before you bowed formally. She chuckled at your odd character until a tickle brushed past her ear. “I will see you tonight.” The voice whispered.
She watched you swim back towards the palace before Andrina yanked her by the arm, dragging her to her royal duties.
The club was bustling with creatures as the seven princesses arrived. The music had a much brassy, up-tempo to it tonight, and the girls loved it. They all danced along to the music and before long, Ariel spotted you as you entered the club.
She swam up to you excitedly and spun around within your grasp. “Oh, you’re here! We can finally have some fun together!”
You chuckled. “Of course, Princess Ariel. Anything you’d like to do in particular?”
“Dance!” She squealed, pulling you onto the dance floor.
You danced the night away with Ariel and her sisters, the youngest and oldest coming away for a break. Attina watched as Ariel observed you whilst dancing with Aquata, the princess awkward and stiff in her movement but you didn’t care.
Soon, Andrina and Alana came to rest too, all of them watching Attina smirk. “Someone’s got a crush.” She nudged Ariel, to which she scoffed. 
“I do not.”
Her other sisters all giggled knowingly before you brought a tired Aquata to them. “I will retrieve Adella and Arista before we shall make the journey home.”
The princesses waited patiently for you before swimming out of the underground club, following you back to their shared room. You watched over them as they fell asleep, all but one to keep you company.
“Y/N? Are you going to sleep?” Ariel questioned after a yawn.
“No, my Princess. I do not sleep much.” You answered, hovering over the group as you looked out onto the kingdom.
“Come on, surely you’re tired after your long journey from Pacifica.” 
You turned to see her offering her hand, a curiosity in you to take it. She pulled you down into the pile of princesses, placing your head by her shoulder whilst your tail lined against Arista’s back.
“My Princess, I do not know-”
“Just… sleep.” She sighed, her fingers combing through your braid to release the tension in your head.
“Your hair is very beautiful.” She muttered quietly.
“Yours is vibrant and smooth, my Princess.” You replied just as quietly.
“Now sleep. That’s an order.” She teased lightly.
“Of course.” You nodded, closing your eyes.
The next few nights passed wonderfully at both the kingdom and the club. In the day, you’d check on your Pacifica travellers whilst Ariel and her sisters walked with their father. In the night, you’d dance with them to chase away the blues, the sisters noticing how close you and their littlest sister were getting.
Some of them even faked sleeping to hear your conversations at night.
“Y/N?” Ariel muttered, breaking the silence.
“Yes, Princess Ariel?” You spoke.
“Why do you wear a shawl?” She asked.
You looked at her, and Ariel had never seen such an expression before. It seemed like you didn’t trust her enough, like you were hiding something but it couldn’t do her any harm if it tried.
“I wear a shawl because I get cold easily.” You replied.
“Oh.” She hummed, leaning against you.
You shook your head. “No, my Princess, I’m sorry. That was deceitful of me.”
She faced you again as your hands fidgeted in your lap, picking at the hem of your shawl. “I have an… undesirable figure beneath.”
“But you’re beautiful.” Ariel rebutted, watching you blush.
“Thank you, my Princess, but that is not what I mean. My past has not been bright, and I have the marks to show for it.” 
Ariel saw your hesitation and placed a hand upon your tail as it had curled around hers. “I won’t judge you on anything but your heart, Y/N.”
You smiled softly but felt your nerves getting the best of you. “Is it alright to show you another time? I mean no disrespect, my Princess.”
She chuckled softly whilst leaning against you. “There is none there, Y/N. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
You closed your eyes that night and felt a new emotion build within your chest - one with familiarity, but a ferocity to it unlike any other. It gripped your heart like a boa to its prey, squeezing every time the youngest princess was around. 
You felt it now as you danced along in the club, swaying to another night of calypso with the princesses. Every time Ariel looked at you, or touched you, or spoke to you, that feeling returned. It filled you with both fear and exhilaration, an exciting combination that always sent a chill down your spine.
But the banging upon the club’s main entrance had your eyes glistening.
The octopus in the band inked the place once more but it was not enough for the band or the princesses to escape, cornered by the royal guards.
“Attina, take your sisters home.” Triton ordered as he stood by the door.
“Father, you can’t do this!” Ariel begged.
“It’s. Already. Done!” He bellowed at her.
The princesses swam out of the club, following Marina’s lead, whilst Triton glared at the entrance. He roared in anger as a shot of blue power smashed against the rocky cavern, collapsing and blocking the entrance.
The morning after, the princesses learned they were confined to the palace. Ariel, of course, was confused and didn’t understand why listening to music was forbidden. Triton wouldn’t have any of it, and howled at her in frustration, causing her to swim to her room.
As she entered, she fell into her chair across from her mirror and sniffled as a tear escaped. She stopped though when her sisters entered, all of them disappointed and saddened.
“You just don’t know when to quit.” Attina scowled at Ariel.
The six sisters rested in their beds as melancholy overcame them all, leaving Ariel to rest upon the edge of their window. She looked out onto the kingdom below and saw you swimming slowly, almost…
She waited until you eventually looked up at her, which didn’t take very long, and you froze as she beckoned you with a finger. You slowly swam up to her and she peeled back your shawl to reveal your face, a cut on your forehead.
“Y/N!” She fretted, the other sisters turning to see you.
Cuts jagged across your tail whilst small grazes and scratches covered your arms and torso. Your eyes were downcast and they all enveloped you in a hug.
“Let’s fix those.” Attina muttered, grabbing her small bag of items from her mirror’s table to hand them to Ariel.
“Princesses of Atlantica, believe me when I say I am not worth the effort to heal-”
“Shush.” Ariel put a finger to your lips and smirked, bringing you to her bed.
“Lie still for me.” 
You grabbed her hand. “I am serious, my Princess. Do not waste your creams and ointments on me. My wounds will be gone by morning, I promise.”
“They will be when I put these on.” Ariel scolded you, watching you sigh.
“If you feel like you must…” You gestured to your tail first.
You tried to not look at her as her graceful fingers danced along your tail, rubbing the creams in with enough pressure but not too much that it would bring you pain. She then crept up onto your stomach, and you realised quickly that she was not going anywhere near your shawl, a small smile coming onto your lips.
“What?” Ariel asked when she noticed.
“Oh, nothing.” You replied.
“Okay.” She shrugged, continuing to rub cream onto your skin.
Eventually, she came to the cut on your forehead and she sighed when you flinched. “Y/N, stop moving.”
“I swear I am trying not to, my Princess.” You muttered, seeing that her other sisters had fallen asleep.
She gripped your chin with a finger and thumb, the latter just underneath your bottom lip so to hold you in place as she dabbed cream over the cut. She let go of you when finished, tidying up Attina’s bag and putting it back before she came to you again.
“How did this happen?” She asked gently, sitting on the edge of the window whilst you still lay in her bed.
“I was still inside of the club when King Triton made it collapse.” You sighed, watching her eyes widen.
“How did you get out?”
“I escaped through a passageway hidden by an anemone.” 
She leaned her head on the bend of her tail as she looked at your weakened form. Then she saw something hiding underneath your shawl, moving closer to lift a bag into view.
“You’re leaving? Why?” She stressed.
“I cannot live in a kingdom without music. Pacifica did it eleven years ago, Atlantica on the death of its queen, your mother. I’m… I’m sorry, Princess Ariel, I cannot stay.” You apologised as you sat up, but she hovered over you and pushed you back down lightly.
“Just for tonight. Stay for tonight. Please.” She begged quietly.
You exhaled slowly, taking her hand into yours. “For you, my Princess, I will.”
You then saw Ariel’s eyes sparkle with an idea. “What if I came with you?” 
Your own widened. “Princess Ariel, I think your father would have my head.”
She chuckled softly at your dark humour. “I’m serious. What if we run away and start anew? We could play music whenever we wanted, have parties wherever. What do you say, Y/N?” 
You grinned. “Let’s go.”
She put her hand back on top of your chest, keeping you weighed down. “In the morning, meet me by the edge of the kelp forest.”
You huffed, faking annoyance as you leaned on her pillow. “I’ll be there, Princess Ariel.”
She smiled genuinely and kissed your forehead cut before darting to the door of the room, giving you a glancing smile as she left.
Ariel hovered by the kelp forest as she waited for you, the day getting brighter and brighter as time passed. She sighed as she turned away, disappointed, until she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Y/N!” She beamed and you tackled her in a hug, the princess truly happy in that moment of peace.
“Come on, let’s go!” Sebastian worried, swimming as the lead to take you away from Atlantica.
Time passed as you swam easily, your bag tucked underneath your shawl, until Ariel took your hand.
“Your scratches are okay.” She commented.
You nodded. “I would never lie to you, Princess Ariel.”
She swam under you. “They’ve scarred.” She swam over you. “This one especially.” She poked your head.
“Scarring tends to happen when one is injured, my Princess.” You chuckled.
She giggled sweetly as she came to swim by your side again. “A sense of humour underneath this suave shell.” She teased.
“Well, there were times when humour was needed to boost morale.” You snickered.
You noticed how Flounder was struggling to keep up with the pace and suggested to Sebastian that you find a rest stop. He huffed but agreed, bringing you all to a small drop off into a valley of sand.
“Here we are.” He grinned.
“Here?” You asked, perplexed.
“Yep. This place has the best acoustics.” He smirked before demonstrating.
You sighed, looking around at the open space. It felt too open to you, fear creeping into your heart before Ariel took your hand.
“Come on. If you’re cold, we can just… cuddle.” She shrugged, guiding you to a flat rock buried in the sand.
She lay down first and you lay opposite her, looking at her before your eyes shut. You didn’t sleep, not like this, but you felt Ariel move further into you. You gently tucked your arm underneath her head, protecting her from the rock’s solid surface.
“Mmm…” She muttered, nuzzling into your arm.
You kept your chuckle to your mind and stayed up on watch, gently brushing your fingers through Ariel’s hair as it swayed within the gentle current. Her soft features were ones you’d come to adore behind your eyelids every time they closed, her smiling sea green eyes always a pleasure to gaze into in your dreams as of late.
Later, you felt the sensation of delicate fingers over the skin of your torso, opening your eyes to the sight of a bored Ariel. “Yes, my Princess?”
She gushed with her smile. “Come help me find something. Sebastian wouldn’t help me and I don’t want to be rude and wake the others.”
“So you thought waking me up is not so rude?” You challenged playfully, shaking your head when she gasped in shock.
“I tease, Your Highness. I would be happy to accompany you.”
She giggled and took your hand, twirling around you as you swam. Your heart leapt at every moment she smiled, laughed, or even looked at you, and you knew what was happening, even if it could break with one foul stroke. 
But you didn’t wish upon that, especially not as Ariel led you through a small forest of kelp before coming to a shining grotto. The rocks there were smoothened so much by the currents that they had turned reflective, leaving you to admire not one, but multiple Ariels.
She turned to face you, smiling gently before she noticed something in the rocks. She swam over, your attention always on her, and she picked up a small blue and gold box. 
She plucked open the box and out came music, a shimmer following to form a statue of two merfolk. You watched recognition fall onto Ariel’s face, but she was not expecting the same to happen to you.
“I know that song.” You murmured, coming to rest by her side. “That song was sung to me by my mother. It was a song that originated from Pacifica’s long history.” 
“My mother used to sing it to me too. Every night.” Ariel rested her head upon your shoulder.
Sebastian coughed to get both of your attentions. “It was an anniversary present. Your father had the music box made for your mother, Ariel. Athena was more than his queen - she was his best friend.”
“But how does Y/N know that song?” She asked him but faced you.
“Queen Athena was from Pacifica, who was being ruled by Queen Adessa before her passing and the kingdom’s eventual downfall.” The crustacean explained.
Ariel cupped your chin so you would look at her. “Y/N? What haven’t you told me?”
You glanced down at the music box before looking at Ariel, the desperate plea in her eyes all too observable. But you couldn’t. “I… I’m sorry.”
You swam away from her, clutching your bag closely. “It’s the one pain I’ve never healed from.”
Ariel sighed, swimming past you. “I plan to deliver this to my father. Will you accompany me?” 
“I… I do not know.” You answered truthfully.
“Alright.” She placed her hand on top of yours and kissed your cheek, swimming away with Sebastian.
As you returned to the empty valley, watching the band discuss a matter, you spotted Flounder trailing behind Ariel. You followed along, not wanting to let Ariel fall out of the path, but that was exactly what she did.
And that’s exactly what another wanted.
“GO! Go, go, go!” Sebastian’s order echoed around you and you sped towards his voice, eyes glistening.
You spotted them just as they swam out of view on a dormant underwater volcano, your tail swishing fast as you sped up to Sebastian. You batted Marina on sight, your bag long lost within your efforts of damaging her.
She huffed at you as she came out of the rubble of sand. “I told Triton not to let you and your Pacifican scum into our kingdom!”
“I am not scum!” You snarled, attacking her again.
Sebastian watched as your shawl fell off in your efforts of attack, revealing more than just scars. Markings, royal markings, stretched up your arms and around your torso in a fashion of octopus tentacles, that glowed a blue similar to how the sun shone upon the first few drops of ocean water.
“I am Princess Y/N of the fallen kingdom of Pacifica! You have no power here, Marina Del Rey! I do!” 
You threw a punch of water into her stomach and she soared upwards, almost to the surface. You looked at Sebastian in questioning, and he pointed towards a cavern you knew to have only one entrance and exit.
You hid behind a rock formation as electric eels, ones you had no doubt were under Marina’s control, shot up towards the surface. A familiar toned squeal came and you watched Ariel shoot down towards the sinking music box, the eels following after her.
You controlled the water to bring back your shawl before you followed down to her, moving in front of her to shield her from the electricity. Your eyes glistened at the eels and they retreated slightly, but soon Flounder had them knotting themselves up into one giant electric ball.
“Way to go, Flounder!” You cheered, sweeping him up into a hug.
“Thanks, Y/N!” He tickled you with his back fin.
You giggled loudly and lifted your head to see Ariel looking at you with a gentle smile, gesturing for you to follow her. You let Flounder go before turning to find Sebastian swimming towards you, but he saw your eyes glisten as your head shot up.
“Go, Sebastian, go!” You ordered, the torpedo that was Marina streaming towards him with an unstoppable pace.
It was too close.
But you felt fine after a few seconds.
You opened your eyes to see red hair drifting off of the side of the drop off, fear constricting your chest wholly. 
“Ariel!” You gasped, speeding over the edge to catch her just before she fell.
“No! No, no, no, come on. Stay with me, my Princess.” You ushered, gently lifting her head into your arms.
You didn’t care anymore. You threw the shawl off of your body and laid it across hers, hearing gasps but not acknowledging them. 
“My sweet Princess, please don’t go. I could not care for a life without you in it. Please!” You begged, tears blurring your vision.
“What have I done?” A deep voice muttered off to your left, your eyes catching the sight of King Triton.
You pressed your forehead to hers, a tear swept away by the currents. You felt pain, a pain beyond that you could have ever imagined before. It gripped your heart, your mind and your soul, leaving you to sob.
“I’m sorry, sweet child.” Triton lay beside you.
“I did not know the Princess of Pacifica was you.”
“My title does not matter. How can it when she is not here to see all of me, at last?” You sniffled, gently caressing her cheek with your thumb.
“May I have a moment?” 
The creatures and king around you closed their eyes, waiting for you to speak.
But it was not speaking you did.
“I could sing songs of old,
and those of new, 
but why would I when I could hold you? 
I could see all of the seas, 
and the tides and the waves, 
but why would I when I have you in my gaze?” 
King Triton opened his eyes to the spectacle of your singing, the magic that swirled around you and his youngest daughter glowing brighter in time with your lyrics. You gently held her in your arms, making no hurry to move, as you rocked her back and forth.
“I could tell tales of wonder, 
and beauty, 
and grace, 
but why would I when I see your smiling face?
Out of all of these things,
there’s one more to do,
to tell you that I will
always love you.” 
With all of your effort combined, you could still not open Ariel’s eyes. You let another sob come through, closing your eyes in hope that you would never forget her face.
“Y/N?” A soft voice muttered by your cheek, the water moving against it.
You opened your eyes to see Ariel’s, their wondrous sparkle glistening but you could not care for the rest of the world right now.
Yours was resting in your hands.
“Ariel.” You sighed in relief.
“Y/N.” She smiled before leaning in to you.
You let your eyes close as Ariel kissed you. You felt a rush of sparks fly through your body, energising you to slowly press back against her in trying to be careful. As you pulled apart, you noticed Sebastian holding your bag.
“I believe this… is yours.” He spilled out the contents of it, so little in the first place, but Ariel gasped at what precious item lay on the sand.
A tiara.
“You… You’re a princess?” She turned to you, now seeing that your shawl no longer covered your body.
“You’re a princess!” She beamed, dancing her fingers up your markings as she kissed you again.
You smiled as she pulled away. “I am, my Princess.”
She grinned at you. “Do you know what that makes you?”
You raised an eyebrow, confused until she pushed you over, trapping you on your back before leaning down on top of you. “It makes you my princess too.” She whispered before dotting your face with kisses.
You wriggled out from underneath her, tempting to speed away but you simply swept her into your arms. “You need some rest, Princess Ariel.”
“So do you, Princess Y/N.” She giggled.
The next few days, you didn’t see Ariel. Confined to your room by guards, you were well-deservingly annoyed. That was, until, you were met with guests - Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina. 
“Hello, Princess Y/N.” They bowed before you.
You felt a shiver crawl down your spine. “Is that what you feel when I bow to you?”
They all giggled. “Yes.”
“Then I shall not do it anymore. That was disgusting.” You shook your head before they dragged you out of your room and into the grand hall.
“Oh wow…”
The citizens of Atlantica were gathered below you, your eyes falling onto a special green-tailed, red-headed princess as she stayed by her father’s side. Her hair swayed in the currents and she smiled at you, the six sisters around you giggling again when they felt you melt in their arms.
Ariel collided with you in a tight hug, your tails curled. “My Y/N.” She muttered.
“My Princess.” You murmured, leaning to see her holding something behind her back.
“Now what is that? Give it here, Princess Ariel.” You warned her playfully.
“Nuh-uh!” She teased, swimming away from you speedily.
“Get back here!” 
You chased after her before coming to a grinding halt beside King Triton. “By my hand, I decree that no longer do the kingdoms of Pacifica and Atlantica be separate. For a wedding of my youngest, and the crown princess of Pacifica will be held!”
The crowd cheered as you swept Ariel up into your arms, holding her by the top of her tail whilst the tiara in her hands came to rest upon your head - albeit, a bit wonky. You scrunched your face at Ariel as she giggled, wriggling down into your grasp so your arms now wrapped just under her seashells.
“Can I call you my princess now?” She asked quietly as your lips were just apart from one another.
“You may call me anything you like, Princess Ariel.” You replied.
She smirked. “How about my queen?”
You chuckled at that. “Then you shall be mine.”
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
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pairings: james hook x mermaid!reader
part 2 -> VK GONE SOFT || J.HOOK
summary: the times that hook came to see you and the time he didn’t. A forbidden love between a royal and a rebel, a pirate and a mermaid.
one shot; wc: 1.8k
genre: angst, fluff
main masterlist j.hook masterlist
a/n: you can imagine the reader as young Ariel or the daughter of Ariel, it doesnt really change much.
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James tried to be as subtle as he can, cautiously looking around incase any one of the vk's were to see him, he wouldn't want to imagine what would happen. Dont get him wrong, he doesn't care about what anyone thinks, but this is his friends, the VK'S, dangerous people, that would hurt anyone who gets in their way.
Finally reaching the woods far behind Merlin Academy, he walked calmly through the forest, whistling as he neared the enchanted lake. No one comes to the lake during the week, since it's quite far from campus, but it would be filled with student wanting to take a swim during the weekends.
His chest filled with glee when he heard the splashing of water, grinning to himself, as he rushed to get to the lake faster.
When he arrived, the view he saw made all his problems go away, there she was, in all her glory, swimming around, humming a song.
The girl didn’t noticed him arrive, too busy in her own world to hear the sound of his chained boots.
He walked closer to the water, leaning into it "Hello there, my Princess" he said in a low voice, reaching his right hand towards the startled girl "James! You came!" The girl cheerfully said before swimming towards her beloved pirate.
Now face to face, Hook carefully touched her chin before leaning in, giving her a tender kiss.
Pulling away, hook asked "i hope you havent been waiting long for me" as he stood up, carefully taking off his clothes, leaving only his boxer before diving into the water.
"I haven’t, dont worry, at least you're here now" y/n replied as she hugged her lover.
"Good. Bridget pissed Uliana off again and it took a lot longer than expected to calm her down" Hook said hugging her back, thinking about Uliana was starting to stress him out again and his girlfriend noticed it.
"Well, dont think about her now, think about me instead" she said flirtingly, causing the boy to chuckle before kissing her again.
Y/n didnt like Uliana at all, while she wasn't a target of her bullying, she felt really bad for poor Bridget, who just wanted to be friends with her, but instead get made fun of. Other than that, she didnt like the fact that she always stresses her boyfriend out.
The sun was already setting when the couple got out of water and put their clothes back on.
They layed on the ground cuddled up, y/n leaning on James chest as they watched the sunset.
"You think we'll be able to date freely, one day James?"
"One day, we will."
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The next time Hook was about to sneak away to meet his lovely mermaid, he got stopped by Maleficent.
"Mali- hi! Why arent you with Hades?" Hook chuckled nervously.
"Drop the act, Hook." Maleficent sneered.
"Wat are you talking about?" Hook was getting more nervous by the second.
"I know you're off to meet that little mermaid of yours, you're not slick" she scoffed.
"I have no idea what you're talking about"
"Im not dumb, i see you staring at her every time she's around." she scoffed.
"-and i'm not the only one who noticed, Uliana is getting more suspicious every day, i suggest you stop seeing her, James, just for a little while." Maleficent said, her voice getting softer the more she observes her friend.
If Hook was nervous then, he was panicking now.
"What? No- i cant possibly-" Hook stumbled upon his words.
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"James, i have no problem with you seeing her, if you're happy with her then I'm happy for you, but you know how Uliana is, she finds out and she'll make her life a living hell before she makes yours one too. It's just until Uliana stops suspecting" Maleficent pats his back before leaving him alone.
Hooks stands at the exit of the Academy as he stared in the air, conflicted.
Y/n was getting worried, its been hours since she and Hook was supposed to meet, she's been out of the water since well before, just sitting down, staring into the forest, wondering if maybe Hook was just a late, bc of Uliana again, but as the sky got darker, there was still no sign of him.
Disappointed, she started her way back to the Academy.
The next day, during her free period, she roamed the halls of the school, in search of James, knowing he skips almost all of his classes. They barely ever meet within school grounds, too scared to be seen by others.
She stops as she notice a hooked figure sat against one of the trees in the courtyard, happy, y/n walked closer as she yelled "james! Where were you-" she stopped herself when her dear boyfriend, saw her and instead of greeting her, he rushed away from her.
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Weeks goes by and everyday, y/n slowly lost hope for them. Everytime she tried to talk to him and waited for him, her heart broke a little bit more.
As Bridget sang around the courtyard, giving out cupcakes along with the two new kids, Chloe and Red, she sat on a bench melancholically.
"What?" The girl watched with a broken heart as James disappear from her view.
As the VK's made their entrance, y/n stared at her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, she assumes, with longing eyes.
On the other hand, Hook was trying not to look at her, afraid he might break and rush to her.
As Uliana chased Bridget and Ella out the courtyard with everyone else following, he hesitated, finally staring at his beloved mermaid, making eye contact with her after so long.
He watched as y/n stood up and started approaching him.
They stood face to face with each other, not saying anything.
"I- i'm so sor-" Hook raised his hands to cup her face when a familiar loud grunt was heard.
"you need to go, please." Hook managed to push her away before Uliana and the vk's saw her.
"SHE'LL PAY FOR THIS" was the last thing y/n heard before she left.
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The night of Castlecoming arrived and y/n didnt even want to go, but the dress she bought for this night was too expensive for her to not come. It was a dark red color to match Hook's suit for the night, it was supposed to be a surprise for him, her wearing his favorite color, but right now she regretted it.
She walked past happy students chatting about how excited they were, she wanted to roll her eyes at them, but she knew she was just bitter so she just sighed.
She didnt know what to do, she just stood there in the middle of the crowd not engaging with anyone, until Bridget came with Ella and greeted her.
"Y/N! Did you go with somrone?" Bridget said very happily, and hugged her, as if they were close, but she knew that was just how Bridget is.
"Oh! Hi, Bridget! Hi, Ella! And uh, no, no one asked me to be their date so im free for the night" y/n said, trying to hide the disappointment, but failed as Bridget noticed her expression.
"Oh...it's alright y/n, no one asked me too, i came here with Ella, you should hang with us" Bridget offered as Ella nodded her head.
"Oh no no, i wouldn't want to impose"
"You won't be, you'd make this night more bearable for me, trust me" Ella said jokingly making the other two laugh.
"Ask her to dance later" Maleficent whispered to him.
The three chatted for the whole night, y/n had fun just chatting with them, not even noticing a certain hooked man entering and staring at her from across the dance floor.
"What?" Hook asked confused.
"Ask her to dance later, dont worry about it" Maleficent smiled.
"What about-" Hook started.
"We'll take care of Uliana" she winked.
"Yeah, 𝘸𝘦" Maleficent nodded her head towards Hades and Morgie, who nodded back at him with knowing smirks.
Hooks smiled back at them "Thanks, Mali"
As the night comes to its end, a final dance is presented to the students.
Hook went back to staring at the mermaid girl, with a new found feeling.
The dancefloor got cleared, only Charming, the crowned prince, remained as a slow song starts playing.
𝘚𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦
Everyone waited expectantly for him to approach someone.
Charming approached the three girls. Bridget and Y/n pushing Ella towards the prince.
𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦
𝘐'𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘰𝘸, 𝘮𝘮
"Ella, may i have this dance"
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸
Y/n looked at the newly formed couple in the middle of the dance floor with so much happines yet envy. As she stared at them, she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her from across the dance floor.
"Yes" Ella said as charming lead her in the middle of the dance floor.
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦
It was as if the world stopped and it was just the two of them
All Hook could think was how beautiful she was, in that dress, in his favorite color.
Maleficent noticed his stare "go" she whispered.
Hook looked at her and she smiled at him, before turning back to the others.
"This is so boring, Uli, lets just go before i die of boredom" Maleficent groaned.
"Exactly, i wanna rip my ears out, this song is awful" Hades complained as he wraps his arms around Maleficent
"Yeah, Uli, i thought this was gonna be fun but it's just torture" Morgie whined.
"You're right." Uliana rolled her eyes before she turned away and went for the exit not caring who follows her.
"Go get her" Hades patted his back before leaving with the others.
No one else went to the dance floor, all endeared by the unexpected pair, thats why everyone gasped when the one and only James Hook, invaded the dance floor but his eyes was only set on one person, his beloved.
Y/n stared as Hook approached her.
The two stared at each other.
𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘺
"May i have this dance, my love?" Hook asked in a soft voice.
Y/n just stared at him with an open mouth, before Bridget nudge her.
"Yes." She let out a breathe.
Hook beamed as he kissed her hand before leading her to the dance floor.
The two stared at each other with so much love and longing.
𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦
"I love you, y/n l/n" Hook whispered.
"I love you too, James Hook" y/n said back with no hesitation, before they share their first kiss in front of everyone.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧
They didn't care when everyone gasped at the even more unexpected pair, all they cared was they were finally in each others arms again.
There's still so much they need to talk about, but that can wait for tomorrow, tonight is for them.
"So...this is love"
James said as he stared at her.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
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Ariel: if only I could view a little more of the surface world
Y/N swims by in their scuba gear...
Y/N: hello there
Y/N: you're beautiful
Ariel blushes and Y/N swims away...
Ariel quickly swims after them...
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miclipse · 1 month
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ princess & the fish.
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pairing: rafayel x fem! reader
synopsis: rafayel’s dream of turning into a human had miraculously come true! but things didn't turn out like he had expected…
word count: 3.7k
cw: afab! reader, rafayel is a fish (literally, but he turns into a human), reader is a princess, nicknames used (princess, your highness), rafayel struggling to walk with legs, rafayel hates toes, very slight and brief abysswalker! rafayel reference (just one line), reader finds rafayel half-naked in her room, fluff
dt: everyone that wanted fishy rafayel (aka fifi) to turn into a human + the person in my asks asking if i was continuing this.
note: reupload because apparently my post didn’t show up in the tags :( but unfortunately that means the ask got deleted as well, sorry anon :(
likes reblogs & comments appreciated! <3
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this all had to be a dream, right?
…actually, no. this was most definitely a nightmare, if anything.
because why else would rafayel be standing naked in your bedroom, the fishtank he once called his home now nothing but shattered glass scattered across your study table?
there was no logical explanation for this, rafayel thought to himself while struggling to manoeuvre around your room with his new pair of human appendages.
he spent at least ten minutes stumbling over his toes while trying to make his way to your bathroom door.
…seriously, why did humans even have a need for toes? and ten of them, at that!
when rafayel had finally, finally made it to the bathroom entrance, he spent another five minutes figuring out the mechanism behind how to open it.
turns out, the grand secret behind it was that he had to push the door, not pull.
once in the bathroom, rafayel was tempted to fill up your bathtub with water and just jump in for a swim, but he figured seeing a naked man with a towel wrapped around his waist would be a little less intense for you than having to see a fully naked stranger swimming around in your tub.
thus, rafayel opted to grab a spare towel from the cabinet just under the sink, carelessly tying it around his waist to hide his indecency before you came back from your royal duties.
rafayel spent yet another ten minutes trying to walk out of your bathroom (he nearly slipped at least twice but he refuses to talk about it) and towards the nearest furniture he could sit on without it breaking due to his new physique.
looking around your bedroom to ensure that there were no maids around to witness this phenomenon, rafayel plopped himself on the edge of your soft mattress.
resting his head on his fist, his eyebrows furrowed in the process.
this was not how he imagined things to go at all.
in all honesty, rafayel was pretty satisfied living life as your pet fish. though there were many pros and cons that came along with his new domestic life, he wouldn't have wished for things to be any different than how it was.
of course, there were times when rafayel would ponder to himself how life would be for him if he were to turn into a human and be able to properly talk with you.
but out of all the exaggerated and cliche scenarios rafayel had fantasized about during his free time (which was whenever you were not around), being naked with only a fluffy white towel tied around his waist as he dreadfully waited for you to return was definitely not one of them.
well, it probably was. but it was not at the top of his list, that was for sure.
but here came the real question—
how did he even turn into a human? there was no logical or scientific reason behind how all of this was possible. rafayel had never heard others talk about stories of fishes turning into humans either.
well, unless you included ariel from that little mermaid movie. but ariel was a mermaid, so it really was not exactly the same as rafayel’s current predicament.
and besides, rafayel didn’t think he knew or angered any shady sea witches back when he lived in the waters.
there was nothing he could really do at the moment. as much as rafayel wanted to sneak to the royal library to dig out some sacred books in order to do some research about his condition, he dared not imagine the consequences he would have to face if anyone caught him sneaking out of the princess’s private chambers with only a skimpy bath towel covering him from waist-down.
just the image of him getting beheaded by the royal guards was enough to convince rafayel not to leave your private chambers, knowing it was the safest place for him to be in right now.
so his only option now was to wait for his princess to return to her chambers so that he could try to explain the situation to you in hopes that your naive little brain could understand and help him out.
he was your beloved fish afterall, so surely you would find a way to help him, right?
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an ear-piercing scream echoed loudly through the room.
rafayel's eyes snapped open in panic and immediate dread, sitting up from the bed frantically only to be met with a big white thing smacking his face.
as he made a clumsy attempt to back away from the bed and nearly tripping over his newly grown toes (human toes be damned), rafayel’s eyes wandered to the big white thing that was thrown at him.
it was your polar bear plushie, he noted.
rafayel then turned to look at the door, only to see you standing there looking like a frightened kitten, now holding a thick, hard-cover book ready to launch at him once more.
it was only then rafayel realised that he had accidentally fallen asleep in your bed while waiting for you to come back.
this was not good. not good at all.
“who… who are you?!” you shrieked out, preparing yourself to throw the book in his face within the next five seconds if he didn't respond.
“me? i’m…” without even realizing it, rafayel darted his eyes to look at your study table as he fell silent, his lips pursing together.
you gave him a look of skepticism before slowly following his gaze. the man watched as you let out a horrified gasp when you saw that your fishtank was nothing but shattered glass on the table.
running to your study table, you stared at what once used to be fifi's home for the past three months, now nothing but broken shards scattered all across the table.
“you! what have you done to my fifi?”
rafayel backed up into the corner of the room when you pointed an accusatory finger at him, feeling very wronged by your assumption.
what, did you think he ate your fish or something?
to prevent his nose from breaking tonight, rafayel quickly moved his head to the side to narrowly dodge the book in your hands that came flying towards his face.
that was a close one.
“let's use words, shall we?”
before you had a chance to frantically look around your bedroom for a new deadly weapon to fling at rafayel's handsome face, he had to think of something believable, and fast.
“i’m asking you one last time, where. is. my. fish?”
your eyes narrowed and your eyebrows furrowed as you glared at rafayel as an attempt to threaten him.
rafayel doesn't really have the heart to tell you that your glare was nothing more than a little fly trying to square up to a frog.
not the best comparison, but you get it.
“well, if you're looking for fifi, i’m right here.” rafayel responded as nonchalantly as he could, desperately trying to hold back his laughter.
you shot him an incredulous look, obviously doubtful with his claim of being your pet fish. rafayel felt absolutely scrutinized under your gaze while you looked at him up and down.
“do you think i’m five?”
“well, given how you spend your nights talking to a fish like it's your newfound soulmate, i wouldn't doubt it.”
man, rafayel wished he could describe how proud he felt when he saw your jaw slacken and you gawk at him with wide eyes.
it felt so good finally being able to talk back to you, and in a way that you understood him too. rafayel picks this over ‘glub! glub! glub!’ anyday.
you looked around the room cautiously, before your eyes landed back on rafayel.
no one really knew that you spent your nights telling your baby fishy little bedtime stories.
…not unless this man in your room was fifi himself. it was a secret solely kept between you and fifi.
…still, it wouldn't hurt to double check, right?
“oh yeah? tell me something about fifi then.” you challenged, crossing your arms over your chest. you still felt doubtful over this whole situation. “anything at all.”
i mean, it wasn't everyday that you got to see your fish turn into a grown man (that was also naked, you observed), now a head taller than you.
rafayel smirked at your demand. oh boy, where should he start? he had many, many juicy secrets that he could spill to you. ones that he knew were only shared between you and your beloved fishy (him) in these very four walls.
but he was determined to embarrass the hell out of you, so he was thinking what exactly was the most embarrassing moment you've ever told him.
maybe he should start with that one time you started weeping your eyes out in front of his tank because you thought he was sick and about to die since he wasn't eating the kibbles you poured into his tank? (you were overfeeding him).
or perhaps that one time you told him you accidentally broke your mom's jewellery box while trying on her earrings and blamed it all on the maid instead?
oh. he couldn't forget the countless amounts of times you fell asleep sprawled over the study table, your hair looking as neat as a bird’s nest, drool escaping from the corner of your lips and dripping onto the sleeve of your nightgown as you snored the night away.
but the most memorable one of them all was…
“...remember that time when you tried to cut a piece of strawberry cake and dump it into my tank?” rafayel questioned, a smirk appearing on his lips as his eyebrow quirked upwards, anticipating the kind of reaction you’d give.
the way your eyes widened in horror and the tips of your ears started to tint in a dark red hue was enough for rafayel to conclude that he had won this round.
“only fifi would know that…” you mumbled out in utter disbelief. was this man standing in front of you really your pet fish of three months?
“exactly.” rafayel puffed out his chest proudly at your words. “but if you’re not convinced, i can tell you about that time when you tried to bring my fishtank to your bed so you could hug me to sleep—”
oh. not that. you desperately cut rafayel off mid-sentence.
“stop! stop, stop!” your face felt hot, as if you just ran a whole marathon with no breaks in between.
there was an awkward and tense silence lingering in the air, with you looking at your pet fish dead in the eyes.
“s.. so it really is you, fifi…” you managed to mutter out, albeit still in disbelief that your pet fish was now a grown man a head taller than you.
rafayel doesn’t have it in him to break the devastating piece of news to you that his name was actually ‘rafayel’ before you came along.
“affirmative.” fifi— or, rafayel, nodded his head without a beat of hesitation.
you both then proceeded to awkwardly stare at each other without a word, waiting for each other to break the tense silence.
eventually, rafayel was the one that broke the silence.
“so…” he sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, feeling like a fish out of the water (literally and figuratively). “has the shock died down yet?” he asked, hoping you were calm enough to have a proper conversation with him.
you blinked and glanced back at the broken fish tank a couple of times to make sure that rafayel was not some kind of crazy hallucination stemming from your lack of sleep recently.
“well, not really.”
“good enough for me.” rafayel casually bent down and picked up the weapons you used for your assassination attempt (your books and polar bear plushie), making his way to your study table to put the books back where they belong.
“i know you probably have a lot of questions, your highness,” rafayel’s gentle voice filled the room’s silence once again. “but i, too, don’t have the answers to them. i hope your highness can forgive me.”
he briefly glanced at you from his peripheral vision, a faint and apologetic smile ghosting his lips while he slotted the books back into the shelf.
you were still standing in the middle of the room, your eyes following rafayel’s figure while he was putting back your books. you still had the dumbfounded and surprised look from this whole ordeal.
when rafayel caught sight of you meekly nodding your head in silent agreement to his words, he took it as a sign to continue speaking.
“since you’re free tomorrow, how about your highness help a fishy out to find a way to turn me back?” he asked with a chuckle, making a final stop to your bed and gently placing your polar bear down by the pillows, now reunited with the rest of your fuzzy friends.
“how’d you know i’m—”
oh, that’s right. you told fifi at the start of this week that you had tomorrow to yourself. the realisation that you spent your nights practically telling this man (in his fish form) the a to z’s about your life started to settle in, coupled with embarrassment.
“oh.. right..” the corners of your lips twitched into an uncomfortable smile, trying to keep your cool despite the absurd situation unfolding before your very eyes.
“also, do you mind if i borrow a hoodie of yours or something? walking around with only a skimpy towel around my waist is a little uncomfortable.”
before you could protest, rafayel strutted towards your wardrobe and began rummaging through it like a stray mouse in search of a slab of cheese.
attempting to recollect your composure, you stammered out a remark in hopes to gain back some sort of control.
“h..hey! is this how you act in someone else’s bedchamber?”
rafayel halted his scavenger hunt for a brief moment.
“… i’ll remember for next time.”
…and he’s back to digging through your wardrobe for one of your oversized hoodies.
in the end, rafayel settled with one of your gray hoodies coupled with a pair of sweatpants he miraculously could fit in.
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“what’s this?”
a look of confusion washed over his face as the fish stepped out of your bathroom, finally properly clothed.
his eyes were glued to the unfamiliar scene before him. a thick woven quilt was spread across the carpeted floor not far away from your bedframe, accompanied by two pillows and a neatly folded but thin blanket sitting on top of it.
“your new bed for the night.”
your response was as casual as inviting a friend over for a sleepover.
you gave his new bed a few soft pats, a gesture to coax him over, before making your way back to your own cozy haven.
“since you don’t fit in a fish tank anymore, i figured we have to come up with an alternative.”
rafayel watched as you tucked yourself into bed and fluffed up your pillows, getting ready to drift to dreamscape anytime from this point forward.
“yeah, well what if your maids see me?” his voice was full of skepticism as he approached his new bed, lifting up the blanket to fit into the warm cocoon.
“then i can tell them that you’re fifi.”
one of rafayel’s eyebrows quirked up in doubt and a hint of amusement.
“and will they buy it?”
well, that was reassuring.
rafayel’s head was resting against the pillows now, completely unimpressed with your response while also trying to get used to sleeping outside of the water.
“well, but that’s something we’ll both deal with tomorrow.” you laughed nervously, leaning back against the plush pillows and turning your body so that you were laying on your side; facing rafayel with a faint smile ghosting your lips.
staring into your eyes like this made rafayel’s heart swell in an odd way. he didn’t know exactly how to put it to words, but the atmosphere of your bedroom felt dangerously intimate right now.
in fact, way too intimate for an owner and her pet fish to be having.
rafayel was no fool— he could tell how you seemed to be holding back more now that he had taken the form of a human. how the gaze you directed towards him still held a hint of love and affection amidst all of your other mixed emotions. you looked at him as if nothing had changed between the two of you, like he was still that tiny fish you had brought back home (kidnapped) three months ago.
“yeah… we should get some rest. we’ll be ransacking our brains a lot tomorrow.” rafayel agreed with a nod of his head, breaking eye contact first by turning his head to look up at the ceiling, trying to get rid of the dangerously growing intimacy dancing between the two of you.
his arm slid beneath his head to get into a more comfortable position for himself, still in disbelief that he was actually a human now.
he tried. keyword, tried to ignore the lingering feeling of not being able to bury his little fishy body in his favourite coral reef to fall asleep, and instead having to settle with sleeping on the cold hard ground with a paper-thin blanket that barely reached to the tip of his toes.
but in the end, the thought still greatly bothered him.
“tell me a bedtime story.”
…the words flew out of his mouth before rafayel could even comprehend what he was saying.
“i beg your pardon?” your expression morphed into one of astonishment.
“what? don’t you always go on and on about your day in front of my fishtank?” rafayel scoffed, turning his head back to face you. he had been kept awake against his will, forced to listen to your endless ramblings ever since you first kidnapped him.
he had grown so accustomed to your excited life updates that it was part of his daily routine now. rafayel always relied on your storytelling to help him get sleepy and prepare for bedtime, and he definitely wasn’t going to let this routine stop tonight just because he had grown a pair of legs out of thin air.
“… how about you tell me a bedtime story this time, fifi?”
your soft voice almost made rafayel wonder if he misheard what you had just said.
“hah, me? as if i have any tales that would fascinate you.” rafayel was quick to dismiss the idea of telling you a story.
one, bedtime storytelling was your thing. it always has been, and it always will be. as a fish, rafayel was habituated to just listening. i mean, he was a fish, there wasn’t much he could say to you in the first place. asking him for a sudden role reversal to play as the storyteller was beyond his expertise and comfort zone.
and two, his life out in the seas wasn’t as interesting or fascinating as whatever you were expecting.
or in other words, rafayel had no stories to tell in the first place.
“oh come on, i’m sure there’s some interesting stories about your life before you started living here.” you continued to persuade him further, trying to give him a metaphorical nudge to get him to open up.
rafayel really couldn’t resist when you talked to him in that soft and persuasive tone. you might as well grow a pair of fins and live in the ocean as a siren with how easily you allured him to obey your words.
“fine, fine, let me think of something,” the fish grumbled, his eyebrows furrowing together as he dug through his memories for anything worth mentioning to you.
entertaining a princess was hard work— rafayel was finally starting to understand the pressure of being in the presence of a princess like yourself. it was like there was an invisible expectation for him to uphold. one that was unspoken, but still anticipated in a way.
“does me being chased by an octopus sound entertaining enough for you, your highness?”
the way your smile grew, and your eyes held a hint of curiosity made rafayel let out a breath he didn’t even realise he had been holding.
so that was how he began telling you about the instance where he was chased by an octopus back when he was still adventuring around in the stray waters.
rafayel’s storytelling skills wasn’t top tiered as compared to yours. his story began awkward, his tone unnatural. this was not his forte, so he was basically a fish out of the water (once again, literally and figuratively).
however, the sounds of your soft giggles, hums of acknowledgement and occasional small nods of your head served to be the main catalyst for him to improve as the story progressed.
by the time the story reached its climax, he sounded more confident and sure of himself. he also was more natural when speaking and somehow, without even realising it, managed to lull you to dreamscape.
“...seriously? just as i was at the good part too.” rafayel muttered, feigning mild irritation when he saw that your eyes were closed, facial features relaxed, along with your breathing deep and slow.
rafayel let out a defeated sigh, lightly shaking his head before he turned his head to face back towards the ceiling again.
he finally understood how you always managed to fall asleep so quickly after telling him about your day— talking in such an excessive manner was… tiring. and now, he was feeling the growing fatigue about to consume him too.
he briefly snuck a glance at your sleeping form through his peripheral vision, the corners of his lips gently tugging upwards into a smile.
rafayel’s mind was tired, but his heart was filled to the brim with nothing but affection. affection that you had been showering him with for the past three months.
“no matter what form i take, you’ll still love me just the same, huh?”
he wasn't expecting an answer. he didn't need your verbal response to confirm his thoughts in the first place. the facts were as clear as day before his very eyes.
his vision was getting blurry, his breathing slowing down and his eyes feeling heavier with each blink.
rafayel vaguely remembered letting out one final whisper before everything fell to the darkness.
“…at least now i can finally tell you that i love you too, princess.”
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all rights reserved © miclipse 2024. do not repost, plagiarize, copy, modify or translate my works on any platforms.
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stylespctals · 2 months
The nanny | Part 2 - Confession
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Summary: where Y/N is the nanny for a little girl named Stevie Styles. Her job consists of traveling all around the world with the girls rockstar dad - Harry Styles. What happens when Y/N and Harry start having feelings for one another?
A/N: part 2 of The Nanny series!! Enjoy!
Word count: 3k
Warnings: smut oral f/m receiving, fluff fluff fluff, slight bit of angst but not really, accusing on Harry's end, mentions of weight (Y/N is medium/plus size sorry for not mentioning before but I dont think it really makes a difference 😊)
Part 1
"Miss Y/N!" you hear as you feel a weight jumping up and down on your bed. You slowly open one eye to see a messy-haired four-year-old, still clad in her ariel pajamas, smiling at you brightly.
"Hi! What are you doing in here you troublemaker." You say as you drag her down on top of you to start tickling her.
"She wanted to wish you good morning, I told her to wait until you were up but she ran in here before I could stop her." You hear a deep voice say from your doorway. You look up and see Harry, only wearing pajama pants and no shirt, leaning against the wall smiling at the two of you.
You look at the clock and see it's seven-thirty in the morning. "Well you're up early," you say hugging the girl close to you. She giggles, "Daddy woke me up 'cause he has a surprise for us!" she gets up and runs to her father and he picks her up and holds her above his head while she squeals.
"Well how about me and you go make breakfast and let Miss Y/N get ready?" He says starting to walk out of the room, giving you a wink. "Oh my gosh can we have pancakes with chocolate syrup and whipped cream!" you hear Stevie yell as she runs towards the kitchen. Harry laughs and follows her down the hall. You sit there smiling, covering your face with your hands, feeling giddy.
After you get up you head into the kitchen to see Stevie sitting on the counter kicking her feet as Harry cooks the pancakes. You see a pile of bacon sitting off to the side, so you walk up and grab one as you slide past Harry.
"So what's the surprise?" You ask as you lean against the counter looking at him.
"I'm gonna be honest the surprise is more for Stevie than you, but I think you'll enjoy it too" he whispers to you, a cocky grin on his face. Leaving you slightly confused.
"Okay let us eat, then I'll get you ready okay lovebug?" he carries Stevie to a stool and places a plate in front of her, she immediately digs in. "Are you excited for your surprise?" he asks, surprised at her quick eating.
"Yes!" Stevie tries to say, her mouth full of food.
You all eat then head to go and get ready. You dress in a black top with pink bows tied on the sleeves and ripped jeans with more bows on the pockets. You accessorize with some simple gold jewelry and pink and white Gucci x gazelle that Harry gifted you.
You walk out of your room into the living room to see Harry helping Stevie put on her little shoes that match yours.
You look at their outfits to see Stevie wearing a pink romper with all the Disney princesses and frilly socks.
Harry, you could not keep your eyes off him. He is dressed in a white shirt, Mickey Mouse on the front, and baggy blue jeans with rips on the knees. He had his hair pulled back by his sunglasses and he had the same shoes on as you and Stevie.
"Hey look we match!" you announce as you walk in the room. They look up at you and Evie runs towards you and tugs on you, dragging you to the door. "I know Daddy picked my outfit and shoes out. But let's gooo please," she says. You look at Harry with a surprised look on your face.
"Yeah lets go. You got everything?" he asks. You nod and you guys pile into the car.
You guys have been in the car for about 45 minutes. Until you see the large sign that says Disneyland in a fancy font. Harry starts pulling into the parking lot making Evie perk up.
"Oh my god! Disneyland!" She screams, bouncing up and down in her booster seat. "I love you, daddy! Thank you." She almost cries.
"You're welcome, lovebug. I love you to the moon and back." He smiles, his heart warming at the sight of his girl so happy.
"This is amazing, thank you, Harry. But you know, you didn't have to take me with you guys, it could've just been you and Evie. I know how much she's been missing her dad." You say, so extremely grateful to be here, but not wanting to intrude.
Harry looks at you like you're insane. "Y/N I told you this yesterday, you are one of the most important people in my life, and Stevie's. Our lives would be so much different if you were in it and I can't imagine you not being here." He holds your hand, still baffled at the fact you thought he didn't want you here.
"Sorry, I just get a little scared that I'm intruding." He smiles and tells you it's okay and to just trust him.
You spend the rest of the day getting dragged around Disneyland by a very eager four-year-old, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
You guys arrive home absolutely exhausted. Evie is completely passed out and Harry heads to take her upstairs. "I'm going to shower after I put her down. You wanna meet down here when we're done and chat?" He asks
You nod and smile, "Of course, I'll see you down here in a bit."
After your shower, you pull on a brown pleasing jumper and pink plaid sleep shorts. You pull on some fuzzy socks since you know you’ll get cold.
You walk into the living room to see Harry setting up your glasses of wine and putting vinyl on his record player at a low volume.
He’s dressed in blue plaid pajama pants and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. His hair is wet and covering his forehead messily; you don’t think he’s ever looked so good.
You settle down on the couch, Harry smiles at you and sits close to you. You guys start chatting about your day and how adorable Stevie is, so happy that she had fun and enjoyed her day.
“Sooo any new relationships going on in your life?” you ask, teasing him by wiggling your eyebrows.
He chuckles and shakes his head no, “I think I’m ready to settle down with someone that matters.” He says looking deeply into your eyes.
You swallow and nod, “Yeah me too.” you say, your cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
“That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about…” he says, fidgeting; looking really nervous.
You turn your head sideways and look at him with a questioning look coming across your face.
“I’m very nervous to tell you because I’m scared of what your reaction will be. Even if the reaction is good what if it’s for the wrong reason?” he starts to stress about this making you place your hand on his leg and rub it assuringly.
“You can tell me anything Harry I promise I won’t judge,” you say making sure he knows you are here for him.
He looks so deeply into your eyes, you feel your face heat up and a different look enters his eyes that you’ve only seen a handful of times.
“I think I’m in love with you.” he blurts out. Immediately regretting saying it, thinking of all the ways you could reject him.
“What?” you gasp, you swear you feel your heart stopping in your chest.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He stands up running his fingers through his hair. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I just thought you felt the same way which you obviously don’t. I’m so sorr-“
You stand up and cut him off by pressing your lips against his. He gasps into your mouth, and you wrap your arms around his neck; pulling him closer to you.
You pull away with a smile on your face. “I know I’m in love with you.” You say with a giggle looking into his eyes. His face breaks out into a smile and he pulls you in for another kiss.
“I know I’m in love with you too.” He mumbles against your lips as he lays you down on the couch climbing on top of you.
Suddenly he pulls away with a sort of distressed look on his face, “Are you sure you aren’t just saying this because of who I am?” He asks.
You push him off you and look at him like he’s crazy, “How could you even think I would ever do that to someone? Especially you.” you say getting kind of angry at him for accusing you of that.
“No no Y/N I didn’t mean it like that.” He rushes out reaching to grab onto your hands, “It’s just I can’t even count how many times that has happened to me before and I’m just scared because even the people I’ve really trusted have just used me.” he says looking so upset making you frown.
“I would never do that to you,” you say taking his face in your hands. “I love you, Harry, I swear I have since the moment we met.”
He smiles, looking at you fondly, “Me too, I’m so sorry for doubting you. That’s just a constant fear surrounding my head.”
You smile and pull him into another deep kiss, making him fall on top of you. He props himself up so he’s not crushing you, and runs his hands across your waist.
You guys sit there making out for around 15 minutes when his hand starts traveling lower and his mouth moves down to your neck. You moan as you feel him lick a stripe up the side of your neck.
His hand freezes when he reaches the top of your shorts, “Is this okay?” he asks, tugging on your shorts, indicating he wants them off.
You nod, breathing heavily. He grabs your chin and looks in your eyes, “Words baby.” he says sternly.
“Yes, please,” you say breathlessly. Wanting- no needing him to touch you.
He smiles and continues kissing and sucking at your neck while pulling down your shorts.
Once your shorts are off you stop him. Wait-“ you say, making him back away and stop touching you. “Should we move this to the bedroom,” you say, flustered, pushing a strand of hair out his face.
He smirks and nods, standing up and grabbing your shorts, pulling you towards your bedroom. Your room is on the first floor while his and Stevies' is on the 2nd, so you decide yours will be the safest one not to wake his daughter.
When you get to your room he picks you up making you scared that you’re too heavy for him to hold and you try to get him to put you down.
“Harry no I’m too heavy,” you say, squirming a little.
He drops you on the bed and looks at you with a stern look on his face. “Don’t you ever say that about yourself. You’re perfect,” he says climbing over you and kissing all over your neck making you whine.
“Can I take this off?” He says, pulling on the jumper you have on. You sit up and pull it off yourself, revealing that you’re not wearing a bra. He almost moans as he sees you bare before him.
“God y/n you’re going to kill me.” He says as he leans forward and buries his face in your breasts. You moan and grip his hair as he takes your nipple in his mouth, sucking hard.
“Off.” you moan as you tug at the back of his shirt. He leans up rips his shirt off and slides his pajama pants down to reveal his tight briefs. A bulge is very prominent in them, making you bite your lip.
He starts kissing down your breasts and over your plushy stomach, making you suck in. You look down and see him give you a look which makes you let out a breath.
He starts pulling your wet panties down, looking up at you for approval. “Yes please do whatever you want.” you gasp, making him smirk, pulling your panties all the way down revealing your soaking wet cunt.
He spreads your legs wide and you watch him bite his lip as he stares at your pussy. “So fucking pretty.” He says leaning in and kissing around where you want him, his lips dragging on your inner thighs and mound.
“Stop teasing,” you whine as this goes on for a while, he smirks.
“You want my mouth on your cunt baby, don’t you?” He says, a cocky smirk on his face. You almost roll your eyes but you know he’s right. You whine and nod your head quickly, “Please.” you say sweetly making him immediately latch on to your pussy his eyes rolling back in his head at the taste of you.
You let out a shamelessly loud moan as you lift your hips up into his mouth. He wraps his arms around your hips holding you still as he sucks your clit into his mouth.
You almost scream as you bite your hand to keep you somewhat quiet. You’ve never been eaten out before and you never thought it would feel this good.
He keeps alternating from sucking a licking around your clit until, he slips his tongue into your hole, making you lift up and grip his hair; bucking your hips to match his pace.
You're withering around feeling your orgasm build up quicker than it ever has. “I’m close, H” he starts going faster his head moving in between your legs making you cry out as your orgasm crashes through you, your legs shaking from the feeling.
You take short gasps of air as the aftershocks of your orgasm pass through you. Harry slides up your body and catches your lips in his, you whine at the taste of yourself.
"Was that good?" he asks, rubbing his nose against yours. You grip the hair on the nape of his neck, smiling, "So good." You giggle as you pull him back into a kiss.
After a minute you pull away and flip you guys over so you're now on top. "My turn now." you giggle. You drag your lips over his body until you reach the top of his briefs, you take the material in your teeth, "Can I take these off of you huh?" he nods eagerly, "Words baby." you mock him.
He rolls his eyes, "Yes please." He says, petting your hair as you start to drag down his underwear. You gasp as you see his cock spring out, not expecting it to be so big.
You start by taking his cock into your hands, spitting into your palm to help your hand glide over him. You do this for a few minutes until you decide to lick stripes over him, making him moan and whimper your name. You take his cock in your mouth and start bobbing your head up and down surprising yourself and him with your confidence.
"God y/n," He whined trying not to grab your head and push you further down. You decide to try and deep-throat him, you gag and pull off of him.
"Sorry," you say, embarrassed.
"Y/N it's okay, do what you can handle I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you." You smile and nod and continue on with what you are doing.
Your tongue circles around his mushroom tip, tasting the bitter taste of his precum, but you don't mind the taste; you enjoy it.
You suck him in your mouth again, using your hands for the parts your mouth can't reach.
"Y/n, baby I'm so close. Please don't stop." You start moving your head faster wanting his cum down in your mouth.
You stop and suck harder as you feel his cum burst into your mouth the thick liquid filling up quickly.
You pull off him when you're done and his cock starts to soften in your hold. You lick the rest of his orgasm off his cock and swallow the load he left in your mouth.
You crawl up his body and lay on his chest.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting that today." He says, a chuckle leaving his lips.
"Me neither," You giggle cuddling into his chest. You feel yourself starting to drift off on his chest.
"Y/N, I might have to go back into my room in case Stevie wakes up and comes to my room." He says sitting up.
"Oh," you say disappointed, reaching over to grab your hoodie, pulling it over your head, and getting up.
Harry grabs your hand, pulling you back into his arms, "You know what let's both move to my room, so what if she comes in, we will just tell her what we are because I love you so much and I know she will be happy." He says. You smile so big and large. He gets up pulling on his underwear and pants and throwing his shirt and your clothes into the laundry bin.
He picks you up and sets you on the bed, grabbing you a new pair of panties and sliding them up your smooth legs. He lifts you up your legs wrapping around his waist and he carries you up the stairs into his room. He lays you down on the bed and climbs in next to you cuddling into your backside.
"I love you so much. Goodnight, love" He whispers in your ear making you shiver.
"I love you too. Goodnight, H."
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it.
I am so incredibly grateful for all the support I got on the first part of this series and it also being my first post. Im so happy to build a platform on here and look out for new stories coming out.
Lots of love xx
- Mae
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woodle-isbae · 2 months
Just a lil reqcwuse i sqw a post that might make a cute fluff, it was a pintrest whisper of a pic of joost swimong and the text “imagine playing mermaids with him“ (idk if youve seenit) just think it woukd make such a cute fluff lol :3
Hav a good day >:333
Ocean Princess
Joost x gn!reader
Warnings: non 😀
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You were floating in your back pool , enjoying the cool water as you found a way to beat the summer heat. Sighing in contentment before your peace was disturbed by giggling and flappy footsteps
"Nooo! I'm the princess Ariel-ah-?"
You stopped floating to look at the man before you , wearing a mermaid tail and a red wig , resembling the mermaid princess you guessed he wasn't trying to be.
"Well hello Ariel-ah , what would you be doing at my house?"
"I decided to come swim with you as you looked all lonely and sad...like a loser"
You scoffed slightly at his words , crossing your arms and diving underneath the water before you popped back up at the far end of the pool
"Cannon ball!"
You barely understood what he said before the splash of the water hit you , playfully screaming as you splashed water back to him , diving under once you finnished your attack and swam to the other end of the pool
"Joost wait!I was playing!"
Giggles echoing from the backyard as you guys played around in the water and splashing eachother. Playing mermaids until the sun began to set and you got out before him , trying to air dry before going inside to get warm
"Oh come on Jo--Ariel-ah , you need to come inside or your gonna get sick"
"Nahh , I'll be fine"
You shrugged , getting your towel about to head inside before you hear the pitter-patter of wet feet come towards you. The mermaid tail long off and Joost Standing infront of you with a childish grin
"I was joking , can you hand me my towel-?"
You chuckled at his words , throwing the towel to him and waiting for him to get dried before going inside to get dressed and enjoy the warmth of the house
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