#prince x pirate au
cheerry0 · 7 months
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If you’re lost in this darkness,
I’ll carry your throne
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cndarts · 2 months
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the crew stoping by a market to fill their supply, sirius is in awe since his life in the palace was very different
loved doing this after fighting with lack of motivation for so long 🤧
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Pirate!Aemond x Mermaid!Reader
While trying to get out of a deadly sea storm Aemond noticed something, or someone, the is far more valuable than any treasure Pirate AU/Mermaid AU
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The storm howls around the large vessel, a monstrous force of nature that seeks to swallow the ship whole. The winds tear at the sails, whipping them into wild tatters as rain lashes down in relentless sheets. The sky is an inky void, lit only by the occasional flash of lightning that illuminates the chaos for a fleeting moment before plunging everything back into darkness.
Aemond stands at the helm, feet braced wide on the slick deck, his hands gripping the wheel with a vice-like hold. His eye gleams with a fierce determination, undaunted by the fury of the storm. He has faced dangers before—pirate hunters, rival crews, even the occasional sea monster—but nothing like this. This storm is unlike any other, a tempest that feels almost alive, as if the sea itself has risen against him.
“Hold fast!” he roars to his crew, his voice a sharp command that cuts through the din. “We’ll not be taken by the sea tonight!”
The men scramble to obey, their movements frantic but practiced, something they’ve performed many times under his command. They trust him—how could they not? Aemond Targaryen is the most feared pirate on the seas, a man who has carved his legend with blood and fire. His ship, the War Dragon, is the largest and most formidable vessel to sail these waters, its black sails a herald of doom wherever it goes.
But even legends can fall to the sea’s wrath.
A sudden wave, massive and unforgiving, crashes against the side of the ship, sending it lurching dangerously to one side. Aemond grits his teeth, fighting to keep the ship on course, but the wave is relentless, slamming into him with enough force to rip his grip from the wheel. He’s thrown back, his body hitting the deck hard, the breath knocked from his lungs.
For a heartbeat, he lies there, dazed, the world a blur of water and darkness. Then he hears it—a sound that shouldn’t be there, a haunting melody that rises above the roar of the storm. It’s beautiful, otherworldly, a siren’s song that calls to something deep within him.
Aemond forces himself to his feet, staggering to the edge of the deck. His eye scans the churning waters, searching for the source of the sound. And then he sees it.
Amidst the frothing waves, a figure moves with a grace that defies the chaos around her. She is breathtaking, with long hair that flows like liquid moonlight, and scales that shimmer in every color of the ocean, catching the flashes of lightning and turning them into something otherworldly. Her eyes, deep and mysterious, lock onto his, and in that moment, time seems to stop.
Aemond can’t look away. He’s heard the tales of mermaids, whispered in taverns and around campfires, but he never believed them. And yet, here she is, a myth, a vision of beauty and danger, her gaze holding him captive as surely as chains.
The ship lurches again, snapping him out of his trance. He stumbles, barely catching himself before he’s pitched overboard. The mermaid vanishes beneath the waves, but her image is burned into his mind, as vivid and unforgettable as the storm itself.
“Captain!” one of the crew shouts, desperation clear in his voice. “We need you!”
Aemond tears his gaze away from the water, forcing himself to focus. The storm isn’t over, and his ship—his men—need him. He grabs the wheel, wrenching it with all his strength, guiding the ship through the tempest with a skill born of years at sea.
It feels like an eternity, but eventually, the storm begins to abate. The winds die down, the waves calm, and the sky lightens with the first hints of dawn. The War Dragon, battered but still afloat, emerges from the storm’s grip, the crew slumping in exhausted relief.
But Aemond’s mind is elsewhere. As the ship sails into calmer waters, his thoughts are consumed by the mermaid, her face a haunting echo that refuses to fade. He should be thinking of treasure, of the riches that await him at their next port, but all he can think about is her.
He knows what he has to do.
“Change course,” he orders, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his chest. “We’re heading south.”
The crew exchanges puzzled glances, but they know better than to question him. They nod and move to obey, setting a new course without hesitation. They don’t ask why, and Aemond doesn’t explain. How could he? How could he put into words the pull he feels, the irresistible urge to find her again?
As the War Dragon sails away from the storm, Aemond stands at the helm, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The sea is vast, full of mysteries and dangers, but he has never been one to shy away from the unknown.
He is a man who takes what he wants, and now, more than anything, he wants her. The mermaid, the myth made real, the beautiful creature who nearly cost him his life. He will find her, whatever it takes.
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daydreampending · 17 days
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The Lost Princess
Years after running away from your kingdom, escaping your regal duties and joining a pirate crew, you find yourself back under the hand of a royal realm. Forcefully entwined amongst a palace’s workers, you struggle to hide your true identity.
An identity that once had the entire seven seas searching for you. An identity that grew up accustomed to stately etiquette and its rules. An identity that once belonged to the heir of a throne.
Word Count: 6.7k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
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fearmakess · 11 months
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happy Halloween! 🎃🏴‍☠️💎
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little-mary-marauders · 9 months
Pirate James: We get on the ship and steal everything we can! Pirate James: *sees prince Regulus* Well hello there pretty thing. *Prince Regulus has become everything* Prince Regulus: WHAT-
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emlovessid · 5 months
whatever day snippet
thank you @pupmotif for the tag <333
“You know, I didn’t catch your name yesterday?” Sirius has been beating himself up about it since last night, lying in bed once he’d scaled the palace wall back into his room, fingers hovering over his lips as he stared up at the ceiling with a giddy smile on his face. “It’s Remus.” Remus. Sirius likes the sound of that, is sure he’ll like the sound of it even more when he’s moaning it beneath him.
tagging @wordsofwilderness @my-castles-crumbling @curlychip & @cancerravenclaw <3 if you feel like sharing
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eucalyptusbrainrot · 7 months
my pirate / royal marauder au :
regulus and sirius are princes, james and remus are pirates.
(along with placements of other marauder era characters who don’t contribute to this post)
so they (james remus and other) are all looting their mansion/castle and James is getting close to Regulus’s room, granted he is being chased that way by guards (aurors?)
and regulus yanks him into his room, “listen to me and you listen fine you ill mannered barbarian. you better zip it and keep it shut because i swear on merlin’s green earth if you get caught around my room and get me even more limitations you will with you never stepped foot in Gimmauld.”
and just like that James (possible masochist) Potter has love in his heart.
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lqtusxtearz · 1 year
Mermaid's Tears
Word Counts:2.3K
Pirate x Princess AU
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The sounds of a large bell from the big church have woken up the people. People with no house woke up because of the loud sounds of the bell, and the maids of each household have woken up and started their routines to clean the house and cook for their masters. As the hours go by, the person who is covered in dark clothes and has a big black cloak always looks from left to right, looking suspicious. As the person was about to move, they were stopped by another person who looked so distressed that they held onto the person's arms and looked at them practically begging.
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"Thy highness, with all respect that I have, please don't do this. I don't crave to be the victim of thy father's spleen because of thy stupoid adventure that is most dangerous for thou to e'en hie! Please, for me and other maids in the palace, don't do this."
The person said that as she looked at you with a pleading look and as you craved her request, you forcefully pulled your hand away from her. As you craved in with her request, you saw the carriage and walked inside, and so did the maid.
"Does my father know about me doing this?
You said this to the maid as she looked at you and shook her head. No, you looked away from her as you looked out the window and saw your people doing their own thing to survive this cruel world. You sigh and set your gaze at your maid again.
"Why doth thou aye forbear me, Millie? thou wot this most musch that I wanted this aye since we were kids."
You said to her, Start a conversation, and you looked at her brown eyes as she looked away to avoid anger and resentment.
"You know very well that this stupid dream of yours is dangerous, and not only that, I am scared of your father. What if he does something to us and you are there to protect us? Millie said as she didn't look at you at the end of the sentence, and her statement makes you want to bite your lips.
"You have a choice to leave Millie, and you know that."
"You know your father's actions, princess or prince; he is a violent man to us, except for you."
You look at your personal maid and scoff. You tried your best to be as calm as possible for her because she has done everything to protect you in high society and at the royal ball since you were both little.
"I want this, Millie, I really did! Did you even read my note? Have you taken my advice to leave the palace since I will not be there any longer?
You yelled at Millie as she stared at you in anger, but she quickly calmed down.
"Yes, I do! But I made a promise to your mother that I would protect you as much as I could!"
"That is bullcrap; excuse Millie!"
As you were to argue more with her, you arrived in the palace with the lot of maids who look so distressed, and this causes you to feel bad because they depend too much on your protection from your father's wrath and idioticness. You got out of the carriage, and the maids looked at you with happiness and ran towards you and hugged you tightly.
"Please, your highness, don't ever scare us like that."
They said that to you as you looked down, nodded, and whispered sorry. As you walk inside your so-called home when it's a prison, in your eyes, as you walk towards your room, you find a maid who looks younger than you, and they look so nervous meeting your gaze, so you suspect that they are new. This doesn't mind you; walking in your room is also your safe space. As you step inside your room, you request to be alone and close the door, thinking of a new plan.
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Somewhere near the shore, there are people who woke up because of last night's party; some can barely stand up, some are strong enough to help clean everything around them, and some are still sleeping until one of them yells
"Wake up, you dirty squids! We have work to do!"
She said that as she looked around, some of them woke up and tried to sober themselves up as she stepped down from the barrel and looked at a specific person that she wanted to tease.
"Wow, Peter, your sibling is drunk. MJ would not like to see that."
she said as she teases the man name peter who chuckled and offered his hand who wanted some help to stand up which she glady take his hand and push up for him to stand up 
Hey, Snitches, get no more booze, Jessica."
The woman, who is named Jessica, chuckled and nudged him a little.
"Hey, that doesn't work on me; I don't drink."
She said this to him as she walked towards their captain's room and knocked softly at the door.
"Hey, you two lovebirds, I need you two to wake up."
She said as she again knocked on the door, and in response, the deep voice groans loudly, which Jessica chuckles at. She left them alone.
Inside the Room is a barely awake captain, and with a woman who has beautiful rich brown curly hair and is dark skinned, she woke up, and so did Miguel, the captain of the ship. He looked at the woman, groaned, and sighed.
"Look what happened last night. We are both drunk, so let's just imagine that we didn't do it, okay?"
He said it coldly, which broke the woman's heart. She named her Alisa, and she nodded her head in silent understanding as they both got out of the room. Miguel Yelled
"Okay, everyone. Have they gotten any information about our goals?"
The captain said as he arranged his disorganized clothes on the sides
"Guess what, Miguel, ESTE Captain!
Peter said to Miguel, There captain, as he tried to sober up by drinking water.
Okay, if I remember clearly that we are looking for a mermaid—"
"Straight to the point, Peter."
Sheesh, okay. Okay, as I heard last night, someone can locate the Mermaid tears, and the only one who can have that ability is one of the royals."
Peter said as he again drank his water as he tried to sober up so that he could help the others on the ship.
"How can we find that person with the same ability as Royals, unless you suggest it?"
No, we are not doing that. That is too much risk, and we could get into war for kidnapping some spoiled brats."
Miguel said as he frowned and was in deep thought, but he was cut off by Peter.
"Lucky for us, this place has some Bastards, thanks to the late king, who is kind of like..yknow.."
Peter said as he looked at Miguel, trying to catch up on what he was trying to say, to which Miguel nodded and understood what he meant.
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You are thinking about your plan to get out of this palace without your maids or any of the servants knowing, and as you were thinking deeply, you didn't hear your voice calling out to you on the other side of the room. With none of her calls answered, she got worried and opened the door, only to see you in deep thought. She knew what you were thinking, so she interrupted your thinking session.
Your highness, whatever your plan is, don't do it; you have everything here in the palace! Also, your father plans a banquette for your"
She said as she held your hand, looked at you with concern in her eyes, let go for 5 seconds, and closed your door that she would definitely tell every servant around the palace and cause a big problem.
Night in the Banquet
You arrive the night with the most beautiful dress that you have in your wardrobe as you try to distract yourself as you prepare your stuff in the kitchen wardrobe as you smile at the guess and even flirt with some of the young dukes there and there. You dance with some of the young dukes and chat with them. You excuse yourself since now you found out the maids and servants are now small and this is give your chance to change your clothes quickly as you ran inside the room and lock the door and changes your clothes as thought you where alone you heard someone behind you, you turn around you saw the new Servants eating food and once they saw your face they quickly bow down in a weird way...
"What are you doing?"
You said to the servants as you looked at them as you continued to take off your jewelry and put it on your bag, and then an overthinking came to your mind.
"Shit, are you going to tell everyone?"
I said to the new servant, who still bows down in a weird way, They look at you and ask questions.
"Where are you going, princess or prince?"
They said looking at you while bowing creeps you out and tells lies.
"going to a friend's house"
They stood up and looked at you and held your hand, which creeps you out, but you couldn't do anything to not risk anything.
"You must not go, your highness; it's night, and no guards are looking after you."
They said this as they looked at you worriedly, but you tried to reassure them, trying to be as fast as possible since the time was ticking and the maids would look after you.
"Look, I can take care of myself now. Please let me go. This is an order from your Royals."
You said using your power as the heir to the throne, to which they nodded and let go of you, and you took this chance and grabbed the bag from the robe and ran towards the harbor, which the ships are trying to leave since only 2 days they are allowed to be here. And then, all of a sudden, you saw a flyer that said they needed new members with special abilities. As you read someone link your shoulders to yours, as you were about to puunch who this person was, they quickly said
Hey, you seem to be interested in that, and since you are interested, do you have any special abilities? "
You looked at the man suspiciously and nodded, not saying a word since you had never seen him before. He smiled at you and yelled, Great!
"Great! Come with me!"
He said as you two walked towards the ship that you hadn't seen it before, and this caused you to panic a little, but keep yourself calm. He looks at you, smiling, and leads you inside the room where the captain is.
"Hey Miguel-ESTE Captain! Look for new people who want in."
"Okay, you better talk fast because we are leaving in a couple minutes and there are some promising"
The person who drags you here smiles, looks at you, and asks one simple question.
"Do you have the Ability to locate the mermaid's Tears?"
He said, looking at you smiling, and that question shocked you because that type of ability only royals have, and not only that, only the Heir to the throne has that ability.
"Don't lie; you see that girl staring at you there; she can sense that you are lying, and we don't like liars."
And since this is the only chance that you could go on an adventure, this is also a risk since the ability that they are looking for is kind of dangerous to use, and you don't have your requirements for the use of the ability to be useful, so you have to lie.
You said that as everything is now silent and you hope for the best, the lady that is starring at you is fake, but sadly, the universe isn't on your side.
"they lied"
The man looks at you, and so does the captain, and that action you took angered him, so he asked the question again.
"Looks like you lied. We don't like liers again. Do you have the ability to locate the --"
"Captain! I found this kid hiding in our ship. What shall we do with it?
You look to see who it was, and it was Aikid that you saw in the palace, and this panics you a little. You were about to run towards the kid, but the lady grabbed you by the shoulders and gripped you tightly.
"Let the kid go! She's with me!"
You yelled, making the captain and man that dragged you here look at you, and this gained advantages from the Captain. He grabs the kid and points a dagger at her neck.
"Look, we are kind of in a rush, so we ask again. Do you have the ability to Locate the mermaid's tears?"
He was cut off by you, and you yelled and nodded your head.
Yes, I can Locate it! "
"Looks like we got ourselves a real blood royal."
Alisa said as she giggled, You tried to protest but couldn't since this woman could sense that I was lying. So I look at the captain as he lets go of the servant as she runs towards me.
"Well, welcome aboard, your royal highness."
He said it in a cold and despite tone that sends shivers down my spine.
"Arrange our ship; we are leaving before they notice that one of the Royal family is gone."
I guess this is a new adventure, I guess.
"Why do you need a mermaid's Tear? Aren't you afraid of the legends?"
I said as I looked at the captain, who looked at me and shook his head.
"For my daughter, I will do anything."
His replies caught me off guard and nodded, the kid look at me fear in her eyes as i try to comfort her as best as i can and i found out later that she was Mute 
I was about to leave the room until I heard his voice.
"Who said that you were going to leave this room?"
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toorumochi · 6 months
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"𝕿𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖞: 𝕬 𝕻𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊’𝖘 𝕻𝖗��𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊"
A Karushuu Pirate x Prince AU
@akabane-yum if you see this, no you didn’t.
In a world where royal lineage clashes with pirate rebellion, two unlikely souls are entangled in a web of fate. As ancient feuds simmer and alliances teeter on the brink of collapse, a prince and a pirate must navigate treacherous waters of love, loyalty and longing. Bound by destiny yet torn apart by circumstance, their story unfolds amidst a backdrop of adventure, danger and forbidden desire.
In a tale as old as time, Gakushuu Asano, a scion of a royal lineage, and Karma Akabane, born into the infamous ranks of a pirate clan, found themselves locked in a generations-old feud. Initially, their animosity towards each other ran deep, both harbouring a visceral disdain that seemed insurmountable. However, fate intervened one fateful day when their paths converged at a bustling port on a remote island.
Bound by a fragile truce enforced by the island's formidable locals, the families of Gakushuu and Karma were compelled to set aside their longstanding grievances. The imminent threat of the islanders' prowess in combat loomed large, serving as a deterrent against any acts of aggression between the warring factions.
It was amidst this uneasy peace that Gakushuu's perception of Karma underwent a profound transformation. Observing the pirate's striking resemblance to his father, the prince found himself inexplicably drawn to Karma's rugged charm and rebellious spirit. There was an undeniable allure to Karma's rough-edged exterior—a magnetism that stirred within Gakushuu an unexpected and tumultuous attraction. 
Karma Akabane, the son of the most powerful pirate captain known to roam the seven seas, at the mere age of 19, embodies the definitive pirate aesthetic with the weather-beaten tricorn hat, tilted daringly to one side, and decorated with a crimson feather. His once-pristine white shirt, now bearing the marks of countless battles, is adorned with faded embroidery and ragged sleeves, while a leather vest, weathered and worn, boasts brass buttons etched with intricate sea monster designs.
Burgundy trousers, rolled up at the cuffs, and a midnight-coloured coat with gleaming gold trim complete his ensemble. Multiple belts and sashes cinch his waist, each laden with pouches containing the tools and treasures of a true pirate, while beaded necklaces strung with seashells, pearls, and ancient coins adorn his neck. His fingers glitter with rings bearing emblems and gemstones, a symbol of his status and prowess.
Karma's bronzed, weathered skin, long crimson red hair cascading like molten gold, kohl-smudged eyes gleaming with mischief, and a grin revealing teeth as sharp as cutlasses, speak of a life lived on the edge of danger and adventure, with scars as souvenirs of battles fought and won, displaying strength and tenacity in the face of trouble.
As Gakushuu watches, he sees Karma's father laughing with him, playfully taking back the tricorn hat he had placed on Karma's head, revealing beneath it a bandana, a symbol of their legacy of piracy that runs deep within their bloodline.
One morning, Gakushuu spotted Karma snatching a handful of fruits from a stall before darting out of sight behind the nearby booths. He decided to follow him up until he couldn’t see him anymore. The streets were crowded so it was hard to see.
Suddenly someone grabbed him by the arm, pulling him somewhere. Gakushuu was ready to fight back, but the person put their hand on his mouth to keep him quiet.
It was Karma, who was calmly grinning and eating the stolen apple with one hand and with the other, he held Gakushuu in place. 
As Gakushuu's eyes widened in surprise, Karma's mischievous grin only grew wider. The two boys stood in a hidden alleyway, away from the bustling streets of the port. Gakushuu's heart raced, unsure of what Karma had planned.
"Shh," Karma whispered, removing his hand from Gakushuu's mouth. "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't cause any trouble for our families. The locals here are no joke, and I don't want to risk any fights breaking out."
Gakushuu's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why would you care about that? We've always been enemies, haven't we?"
Karma chuckled, taking another bite of the stolen apple. "Yeah, we have. But that doesn't mean I want to see you get hurt. Besides, it's more fun to mess with you when we're not fighting."
Gakushuu's cheeks flushed slightly at Karma's words, a mix of annoyance and intrigue swirling within him. He couldn't deny that something was captivating about the pirate's carefree attitude and rebellious nature.
"I don't need your protection," Gakushuu retorted, crossing his arms defiantly. "I can handle myself just fine."
Karma raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, I know you can. But that doesn't mean I can't lend a hand now and then. Plus, it's not like I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. I just don't want any interruptions when I finally defeat you."
Gakushuu's lips curled into a smirk, a challenge gleaming in his eyes. "Defeat me? We'll see about that, pirate."
Karma's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I look forward to it, prince."
He released Gakushuu, who felt a subtle stirring of arousal, though he adamantly refused to acknowledge it.
Despite their families' long-standing feud, there was an undeniable spark between them. It was a connection that neither of them could fully understand, but one that seemed to draw them together despite the odds stacked against them.
As the days passed on the bustling island port, Gakushuu was unable to shake the memory of his encounter with Karma in the hidden alleyway. There was something about the pirate boy that intrigued him, something that stirred emotions within him that he had never experienced before.
Meanwhile, Karma couldn't seem to get Gakushuu out of his mind either. The image of the prince's defiant smirk and challenging gaze lingered in his thoughts, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't extinguish.
It was on one fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, that their paths crossed once again.
Gakushuu was wandering the crowded streets of the port, lost in thought as he pondered the events of the past few days.
He had tried to push thoughts of Karma from his mind, to focus on his duties as a prince and the expectations placed upon him by his family, but the boy seemed to haunt his every waking moment.
Suddenly, he caught sight of a familiar figure up ahead, his heart skipping a beat as he realized who it was. Karma was once again standing at the edge of the bustling marketplace, his eyes scanning the crowd with a mischievous glint.
Without hesitation, Gakushuu made his way towards him, his footsteps quickening with each step. He wasn't sure what compelled him to seek out Karma, to seek out the very person who was supposed to be his enemy, but he couldn't deny the pull that drew him to the pirate boy like a magnet.
As he drew closer, Karma turned and spotted him, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, look who decided to grace me with their presence," he said, his voice laced with amusement.
Gakushuu rolled his eyes, trying to mask the fluttering feeling in his chest with a look of indifference. "Don't get too excited, pirate. I'm only here to make sure you're not causing any trouble, once again."
Karma chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest as he regarded Gakushuu with a playful glint in his eyes. "Ah, but where's the fun in that? Besides, I thought we already established that I��m up to nothing strange."
Gakushuu bristled at Karma's words, a surge of irritation coursing through him. "That doesn't mean I have to stand by and watch as you wreak havoc on this island."
Karma raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, so now you're concerned about the well-being of this island? How noble of you, prince."
Gakushuu scowled, his cheeks flushing with anger. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for the people who call this place home, people who deserve better than to be caught in the crossfire of our family's feud."
For a moment, there was a flicker of something in Karma's eyes, a hint of vulnerability that took Gakushuu by surprise. But before he could dwell on it further, the moment passed and Karma's usual smirk returned, his mask firmly back in place.
"Well, aren't you just full of surprises, prince," Karma said, his tone teasing. "But enough talk. How about we make a deal? You let me go about my business, and I promise not to cause any trouble for your 'precious island'."
Gakushuu hesitated, torn between his duty as a prince and the strange connection he felt with Karma. In the end, curiosity won out, and he found himself nodding in agreement. 
"Fine," he said, his voice firm. "But don't think for a second that I'm letting my guard down around you, pirate. I'll be keeping a close eye on you."
Karma grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I wouldn't expect anything less, prince. After all, where's the fun in a little competition without a bit of tension?"
With that, he turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Gakushuu standing alone in the bustling marketplace. As he watched Karma go, a strange mixture of emotions washed over him, leaving him feeling both exhilarated and unnerved.
Amidst the longstanding rivalry between their families, their fathers found themselves ensconced in a local bar, their laughter and camaraderie echoing into the early hours of dusk. 
Gakushuu observed Karma from across the room, perched in a secluded corner, thoroughly entertained by the adoration of the town's girls. His charm was palpable, he even gifted one of his penknifes to one of the girls.
Gakushuu couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy—not for the girls themselves, but for Karma.
Meanwhile, amidst the joviality of the bar, a young sailor approached Gakushuu's table, his intent clear as he sought an opportunity to secure a position aboard Captain Asano's esteemed ship. Such a feat was no easy task, as the entire port was aware of the formidable challenge it presented.
Despite the sailor's persistent flattery, Gakushuu's attention wandered, inevitably drawn back to Karma's table. Their gazes met fleetingly before being interrupted by the sudden clamour of the girls surrounding Karma. With infectious laughter and playful tugs, they whisked him away towards a concealed doorway, leaving Gakushuu momentarily captivated by the sight.
As Karma disappeared into the throng of giggling girls, he threw a small wink in Gakushuu's direction—a gesture that sent a flurry of emotions coursing through him. Confusion mingled with excitement as Gakushuu grappled with the unfamiliar sensations stirring within him, unsure of what lay ahead in this unexpected entanglement with the enigmatic pirate.

As the night wore on, Gakushuu found himself unable to shake the image of Karma's mischievous grin and captivating presence. He couldn't understand why he was so drawn to someone from the enemy camp, someone who had caused him so much frustration and anger in the past.
Unable to resist the pull any longer, Gakushuu excused himself from the sailor and made his way towards the door Karma had disappeared behind. He pushed it open cautiously, unsure of what he would find on the other side.
You can continue reading the rest of this fanfic on my AO3 if you're interested!
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Pirate Steddie | Interactive Reading |
And I’m just going to announce it now, the pirate au won the poll! I have had a few ideas for where to start but first I’m going to give you a summary of the few plot ideas I’ve had that you guys get to chose. Whatever one has the most votes after a couple of days will be what I write. (Side not if you can please reblog and interact so that this does float around, this won’t work to well if I don’t have people interacting lmao)
Vampire Pirate Au - Eddie has been running the ship for years, accidentally steering himself and his Uncles crew in the Bermuda Triangle tragedy hits as most of their crew is taken out (whether Wayne lives or dies is up to readers) Mysteriously Eddie finds himself locked away in a small area of the ship, where no one is allowed. He’s still captain, but none of the crew has seen him in years. Due to feeding habits he likes not having more then a few crew members on ship, most quitting within days or mysteriously disappearing with the acceptation of a few who were there the fateful day they lost most of their family. What they don’t expect, is to receive two dorks, dingus and butthead who are on the run from the law.
Undercover Prince au: trying to find his best friend Robin, Steve finds himself running away from all of his responsibilities. Not a fuck given about what the king, his father; thinks. Dropping the princely act, he finds himself meeting another prince who has decided to be done with all royalty. Eddie Munson was nothing like Steve had expected, but they do find themselves tagging along and connecting with each other in search for something. Landing on a ship, sailing across the see being lead by a constantly drunk/ high captain Argyle. Steve is quick to discover that he’s not the only one keeping secrets. Hiding the fact he’s a prince from Eddie was one thing, but discovering that the man you’ve been with wasn’t really a man but in fact a fae… yeah that’ll do wonders.
Polly want a cracker au; when Eddie, captain of the sabbath receives a parrot as a gift he doesn’t realize that said parrot was in fact a man cursed to be a bird forever. He goes numerous years in bliss, until they pass through the Bermuda Triangle and said parrot shifts into a man. A pretty man, with many moles. But it doesn’t last long as he shifts back when they were out of the triangle, and now Eddie has a mission. Find whoever cursed this Steve Harrington and force them to shift him back. (There’s probably more but I’m falling asleep typing lol)
Betrayal; (inspired by nimona) When the Queen is brutally slain, a rift Is created. Between one Eddie Munson and one Steve Harrington. Childhood best friends who were on the peak of more up until Steve was accused of treason. As Eddie chases who was once was his first love; he finds that he can’t go through. Allowing years to go by instead of searching. As a lead is found, Eddie is forced to go investigate. Only to find a hollow out shell of a thief that he once knew. Steve has decided to fully commit to the whole villain arc while dragging along one Max Mayfield. A girl who can shift into whatever thing she wants, older then Steve and Eddie combined. Leaving a trail of flames behind them, they lead the most legendary pirate ship out there. While Eddie learns that the forced conformity he’s been bitching about? He’s been apart of it his entire life.
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list! I may or may not also create a tag for this as well.
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devilheartsblog · 2 months
I made my own Pirate’s Prize chapter where prince Ogron meets Gantlos and he’s a blacksmith.
I talked with @lonelybiscuits about the cannonity of it all and they were cool with it even after they decided to rewrite it so the first two chapters aren’t cannon. (Tho now the fic is on an indefinite hiatus if I’m not wrong) The repost is available on fanfiction.net in case you guys are curious.
Anyways enjoy~
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
The Dread Pirate Roberts
Westley x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​ which features a ton of awesome creators and runs all year! Go check it out if you haven’t already!
Also, this fic wasn’t a request, but I’m dedicating it to @auroracalisto​ who is my fellow Princess Bride fangirl searching desperately for fic with me
Fandom: The Princess Bride
Prompt: Poseidon; Sea, Water, Storms
Summary: Prince Humperdinck has set his sights on Y/N to marry, but she can't simply forget the love of her life, Westley, and give that up for a life with the prince. So, she decides to run, taking a boat and setting sail for new horizons like her farm boy did so long ago.
Word Count: 3,192
Category: Angst and fluff
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I glanced back over my shoulder one last time as I undid the last of the lines holding my boat to the dock. In the dead of night, I couldn't see much, but in the far distance the lights of the capital city of Florin stared back at me. This would likely be the last time I saw this place.
A few weeks ago, I'd been in town to do some shopping for my family, taking a bit of a rare adventure away from our farm. While I'd been walking through the market, a procession had ridden through on horseback. Among the group of young soldiers and officials was none other than Prince Humperdinck, apparently in the city to visit his subjects before going back behind the walls of his massive palace. By some strange stroke of luck, he'd seen me, and apparently decided I was someone he wanted to get to know.
We'd spent the rest of the day walking around the market, surrounded by his guards, talking and taking in the day. At first, I hadn't minded. What other opportunity would I get to speak with a prince, after all? I told him of the troubles I faced in the countryside, and about things I thought might help or fix them. He listened closely, and I thought I might actually be making a difference. He even invited me to return to the capital city and the palace in a few days' time to continue our conversations. Of course I'd said yes, excited that the prince had listened to me and wanted to hear more of what I had to say.
And then, when I arrived at the castle, he proposed to me. To make matters worse, it was clear from the minute I set foot in that place his proposal came out of a place of attraction to me physically, and absolutely nothing else.
I immediately knew I wanted nothing to do with him, especially not in that way. I'd already met the love of my life, and although I'd lost him when he went off to sea and left my family farm, my love for him had never faded. Perhaps, someday, I'd be willing to love someone else, but that day was not today, and no matter what I knew it wouldn't be love for Prince Humperdinck. However, there was no saying no to the Crown Prince. So, to escape the fate of the loveless life I surely faced if I agreed to marry him, I'd decided to leave this land once and for all.
I'd had very little time to make plans or preparations, since my window to escape Humperdinck was incredibly small. I'd managed to pull together some provisions and to secure a small boat, that hopefully I'd be able to sail on my own. I was no expert sailor, but I could get by well enough to leave the country. I'd had no time to tell my family or anyone else I cared about, but eventually, I'd decided that might be for the best. This way, they'd have deniability when people eventually came asking about where I'd gone or why I'd left.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself, then chucked the final tether ashore and away from me. I ran around, adjusting the rigging and sails on my small boat as I drifted out of the harbor. There was a light wind tonight, perfect for helping me make my escape. The gods of the sea were watching out for me, or else my darling Westley, the love I'd lost to the sea, now acting as my guardian angel.
It was fitting, I supposed, that I'd eventually follow him out here. I hoped to find a new place to call home, somewhere no one knew me or my connections to the Prince of Florin, but nothing was guaranteed. This may well be the place I perished, to finally join Westley after he lost his life to the Dread Pirate Roberts.
I sat up all night, manning the lines and making sure my sails were always adjusted to catch the winds. I made good progress, leaving Florin in my wake, and eventually got comfortable enough that I could sleep for short periods of time in between making sure everything went smoothly. I'd actually managed to gather a decent amount of provisions, and I started to feel more hopeful about my prospects on this ship to find a new land.
At least, until a storm hit.
I woke up just after twilight on the third night since I'd left, being almost rocked out of my seat by the waves tossing my boat about. I shook my head, trying to clear it of the remaining sleep fog as the waves continued to grow around me. I swore as I looked to the horizon, only to find darker clouds and bigger waves. I was headed straight into the center of what appeared to be a very big storm.
I ran to the rigging, trying to change course. I wrestled the ship into a sharp right turn, thinking I could run along the edge of the storm until, hopefully, I past it. I'd never be able to outrun it by going back the way I came, and the odds of me finding the eye of the storm before I capsized were fairly low. I had no other way out.
I wrestled the rigging until my arms burned, and then found a way to keep going. Despite my best efforts, however, the storm only got worse around me. I clung to the ship, praying for a miracle or some way out of this, and then suddenly, I was underwater.
A massive wave must've finally managed to swamp my boat. I floated for a moment, letting my natural buoyancy show me which way was up so I didn't accidently swim further from the surface before I at last made my push upwards. I gasped once my head broke the surface, searching frantically for something to help keep me afloat.
I found a piece of my now-smashed ship not too far from me and swam towards it wildly, clinging onto it for dear life once I reached it. I frantically tried to come up with an idea to save myself, but I kept drawing a blank.
I was going to die here, tossed among the waves, resigned to a similar fate as my dear Westley. There was a certain poetry to that, I supposed, even as I fought back tears at the hopeless feeling now welling in my stomach.
Then, out of a break in the waves, I saw the mast of a ship coming closer to me. My heart leapt, and I started shouting and waving, doing my best to catch its attention. It was a far bigger ship than mine had been, meaning it hadn't lost its struggle with the massive waves around us. Maybe I had a hope of making it out of this after all.
That hope immediately died when I caught sight of the flag flying over the mast as the ship got closer to me and the wind changed. They were flying the Jolly Roger.
I stopped waving, debating mentally whether it was better to stay in the water or be caught by pirates, but apparently a decision had been made for me. They'd already seen me, and I could hear shouting and see people pointing to me as the ship came even closer. I braced myself, trying to be as ready as possible for whatever this new challenge brought. I had been the one who'd decided to run, after all, and I knew in my heart I didn't regret that decision one bit, no matter what this new hell might bring me.
Before I knew it, I'd been fished out of the water and hauled on deck. I quickly backed away from the men who'd gotten me on board, and although most of them didn't pay me any attention in the chaos of trying to keep the boat afloat, two followed me as my back came up against the main mast, halting me in my tracks.
The men stared at me as they stalked closer, and every muscle in my body went into fight or flight mode. The man a bit further back from me seemed to be taking cues from the other man, his eyes darting between me and who I assumed must be the leader. The leader, the one closest to me, was dressed in all black with a mask on his face, his ice blue eyes tracking my every movement. My heart stopped dead in my chest. I'd never seen him before, but I'd heard enough legends and stories to know beyond a shadow of a doubt who this man was.
Before me stood the Dread Pirate Roberts.
A fury like none I'd ever felt raged through me, replacing the panic and fear that came before. This man was responsible for the death of my Westley. I glared at him, putting the full force of my hate into the look, then glanced around for a sword or something else to attack him with. I'd most likely die on this ship anyway, so I might as well go out attempting to get some justice for my lost love.
"You! What were you doing out in this storm?" yelled the pirate over the waves. I glared back at him and ignored his question.
He waited a few long moments for my response, then huffed in irritation. He looked around at his crew and the storm still raging on all sides, then back at his first mate.
"Keep us from sinking! I'll be back!" he roared at the man behind him before turning back to me. The man rushed off to fulfill his orders, leaving me more or less alone with Westley's murderer.
Before I could even attempt to make a move for revenge, the pirate surged forward and grabbed me by the arm. His grip was like iron, and although I fought against him, I couldn't break away. He dragged me across the deck of the ship with surprising strength, up the stairs to the ship's wheel where a navigator wrestled against the wind and waves, and then through a door to what I assumed must be his private quarters. He shoved me into a chair as soon as we were through the door, slamming it behind us before turning back to me.
I moved to stand from the chair, but before I could, he had his sword at my throat. I glowered up at him as he spoke again, a deadly calm to his voice.
"Now, I'll ask you again–and I expect an answer this time. What were you doing out in that storm?"
I clenched and unclenched my fists, debating whether it would be worth it to answer or if I should just let him slit my throat. After a moment's hesitation, however, I decided I didn't really want to die if I could avoid it, especially not before I found some way to get even the slightest justice for Westley.
"I was escaping the hell of being married to a man I don't love, a monster second only to yourself," I hissed. The pirate stared back at me for a few moments, seemingly considering my words, then spoke.
I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, trying to get my temper under some kind of control.
"I caught the eye of Prince Humperdinck," I finally managed. "I had no desire to marry him, but he's not a prince who takes well to the word 'no'. Running was my only option, so I secured a boat and set sail as soon as possible."
"On your own?"
I nodded once, not bothering with a verbal answer.
"And being a princess was such a horrifying fate that you risked death in its stead?"
I sneered. "Being wed to someone I don't love after knowing what true love feels like is a fate worse than death, yes. And thanks to you I will never have my happy ending with my love, for he died at your sword while he was out attempting to gain enough fortunes for us to finally marry."
"...And what was this man's name?"
"Westley," I replied without hesitation. Up until now I'd been staring back at the Dread Pirate in rage, but my tone softened and my focus shifted to the distance as I got lost in memories of my beloved farm boy. "He was good and kind, something you'd know nothing about. He loved me, and despite the simple life we led together, we were happy. We could've lived long, wonderful lives together, but now that will never happen. So threaten me with your sword and whatever else you want. Nothing you say or do will ever match what I've already had to endure."
I faced the pirate again as I delivered the end of my speech, only to find him staring back at me with slightly wide eyes. When I'd finished speaking, he stared at me for a moment longer, before finally dropping his sword to his side. Another beat, and then he'd dropped to his knees before me, staring up at me like I was the sun. I leaned back a bit, confused, until he tore off the black mask covering so much of his face and looked up at me again.
Westley. Somehow, by some miracle, I was staring into the face of Westley, the love of my life.
"I... How... What kind of trick is this?" I demanded, trying to get my head straight. Had I been drugged somehow?
"No trick, my love," he replied, staring at me dreamily. He scooted a bit closer to me, but didn't touch me, instead letting me work through my thoughts.
"Tell me what's going on," I demanded, sounding a bit more desperate than I wanted to.
"As you wish."
He opened his mouth to continue speaking, but I didn't bother listening. That was enough to satisfy any lingering doubts I had. I didn't understand it, but I could also say with complete certainty that this was, in fact, my Westley.
I slid out of my seat, joining him on the floor on my knees. We were face to face, and he smiled softly at me, but I didn't give him a chance to do much more before I pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.
After a few seconds of shock, he kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tighter to him. I ran my hands through his hair, over his arms, across his shoulders–anywhere I could reach. I'd gone years without Westley, my darling farm boy, the love of my life, and I needed every bit of confirmation I could get that he was here, and this was real.
We stayed like that for long minutes, only pausing our kiss once or twice to come up for air. When we finally broke apart, I laid my head on his shoulder, holding him tight to me as he likewise held onto me, a few tears finally starting to fall.
"Westley..." I breathed, relief flooding through my system as I felt his strong arms around me and heard the steady beat of his heart. "How is this possible?"
"When the Dread Pirate Roberts raided my ship, he didn't kill me," Westley breathed, speaking softly against my ear as he ran his hands up and down my back. "I begged him for my life, and I told him about you. My love, who I needed to return to. I told him I couldn't die because I couldn't leave you.
"He ended up sparing me that day. He kept me prisoner, and told me each day he'd most likely kill me in the morning. Over the course of time, he trained me, and I learned everything to do with being the Dread Pirate Roberts. Eventually, he told me his secret. He was not the Dread Pirate Roberts. He was a man called Ryan, who had inherited the position from someone else who was not the Dread Pirate Roberts. The title carries more weight than anything else, and so the name has been passed down every few years, the previous Dread Pirate Roberts retiring with their fortune after choosing and training their successor. He'd chosen me to be his, and a few days after he told me as much, we docked at a small island port. We hired a completely new crew, and then he left. I've been the Dread Pirate Roberts ever since."
"I... I can hardly believe it."
"Imagine how I felt when I found you bobbing in the water just as I was finally on my way back to you," he chuckled. I huffed a laugh with him, then at last pulled back to look him in the eyes again.
"So... what now? What do we do next?"
"Well, we can't stay on the ship. It's not the best place to start a life together, to say nothing of the questions it would raise that I left you alive."
"Of course."
"And you can't return to Florin or, truly, any country near it, lest the 'prince' find you and throw a wrench into our newfound happiness."
"Then that really only leaves one option, doesn't it?"
"And what might that be?" I asked, smiling and leaning into Westley as he stared at me, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
"To find a completely new place and start over, of course. I've already picked my successor–I was planning to promote him once I reached the shores of Florin, but now I'll wait until we find our new home."
"My love, I can't think of a plan I'd more like to initiate," I said, beaming happily back at him. He leaned down and kissed me again, then pulled away to stare at me with love in his eyes.
"So, where shall we go?"
"I'd say you know the lands far from Florin's reach far better than I. You choose. But... pick someplace with green fields, and perhaps a gorgeous lake we can swim in on hot days. With land enough for us and any future children to roam and have adventures, and room for a home for us to curl up in on cold winter nights."
"Well, that's not much to ask for," he teased, leaning into me a bit. "Anything else you'd like to add to the list, my love?"
"Yes. I want our new home to be some place we can live happily together, without anything to ever separate us again so long as we both shall live. I want it to be a place where we can be by each other's sides for the rest of time, where we finally get our happy ever after."
He smiled at me warmly, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my lips before pulling back just enough to look me in the eyes.
"As you wish."
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
I love ur pirate Bon art! Would you ever consider drawing him with pirate Rin?
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So the pirate Bon is (eventually) going to be part of a longer story, and in that fic, Ryuuji is a pirate, but Rin is not. (At least not at the start, lol.) He's a prince, so his ship outfit is his fancy kimono with a bit of pirate flair because his other stuff wasn't exactly practical. (And yes, the beads are from Shirou's glasses.)
I'm still working on writing this one, but hope to have it posted eventually ^^
As for the picture, coloring did not want to happen so have the line art, and I might try coloring again at some point xD
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daydreampending · 6 months
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The Lost Princess
Years after running away from your kingdom, escaping your regal duties and joining a pirate crew, you find yourself back under the hand of a royal realm. Forcefully entwined amongst a palace’s workers, you struggle to hide your true identity.
An identity that once had the entire seven seas searching for you. An identity that grew up accustomed to stately etiquette and its rules. An identity that once belonged to the heir of a throne.
Pairings: Eddie x Princess!Reader, Pirate!Eddie x Pirate!Reader, Prince!Steve x Pirate!Reader
Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Mutual Pining | Hidden Secrets
Main Masterlist
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (coming soon)
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moobell55 · 1 year
Of Fins and Hearts
~ This won't really make sense now without the actual main story being published, but this is a short sweet Part of my EvaJacks mermaid/Pirate Au~
The setting sun shone down on the cobalt blue water, small rocks and shells gleamed beneath the waves. Various birds flew overhead, flying to the beaches during low tide.
Along the rocky pool sat a man. He was no ordinary man. If the jewels and hops that covered his ears could speak, it would've told the shimmering mermaid below the waves to stay away from him.
But in truth the golden scaled mermaid had never truly feared the pirate. He was too similar to her, and how could she be afraid of someone who was just like her?
The mermaid swam closer, her arms close enough to drag him into the depths if she desired. If Luc was around he would've certainly pulled him down into the light less depths. But Luc wasn't here, and Evangeline had no desire to go find him.
As of lately she had been enchanted by the pirate, just as the pirate was with the mermaid.
He was beautiful for a human. His golden locks curled down to the nape of his neck, curling from the salty air. His ears adorned small hops and bright blue and blood red jewels; Something a land dwelling human wouldn't wear. His paleness had turned into a fair gold, giving him in Evangeline's opinion some much needed color. And his eyes, they were the color of water as it slammed into the sandy shore. They seemed to sparkle, something human eyes almost never did.
As Evangeline swam closer to the edge the pirate took notice of her. She watched as he pulled his black boots off and began rolling up the legs of his trousers.
He dipped his feet into the water, as Evangeline golden fins brushed past him. Her fingers grabbed for the stony ledge besides him, and carefully she pulled herself next to the pirate.
Her golden tail was no longer there, and instead was a pair of legs she was still learning to use. Jacks could laugh all he wanted to, he still had a hard time swimming with a tail.
A rare half smile spread over his face, as his sacred and calloused hand ran over her cheek. The mermaid was used to his rough but tender touches by now.
"Hello Jacks," her voice was sweet like it always seemed to be around him. Water dripped from her pink and gold hair onto the rocks.
Her presence always seemed to make him happier.
"Hello my Evangeline. How fairs my love on this fine evening?"
Her heart swelled at his words like it always did.
"She couldn't be happier now that you're here."
The heart shaped necklace that hung from her neck glowed, recognizing the magic both of them held. Jacks had given it to her when he'd finally declared his love. Claiming it was enchanted to give the wearer legs or a tail to be with whoever wore the other half.
And the necklace had worked, letting her be with her love on the land, but also letting him stay with her in the cobalt seas.
Jacks smiled and his hands found their way into her hair. It was much more lively on the sea than on the dry lands. Carefully his worn hands separated her hair into strands and began weaving them together. She would forever be amazed on how easily he could pick up skills. His braiding even put Lala best braids not shame, not that Evangeline would ever tell her friend that.
"The cottage is not far, if you would like to spend the night with me," his voice was teasing like always. But Jacks knew she would follow him almost anywhere, land or sea.
"I think that would be lovely," his hands caressed her sides and she leaned further into his lean body. She began tracing patterns into his firm legs, knowing how much he preened under her touch.
"Is there any special occasion I should know about?" Her tone was teasing but a small sense of panic flashed into her heart that he might've forgotten.
He laughed, a rumbled sounded in his chest, one Evangeline loved more than anything.
He carefully tied off the long braid and moved his hands to her waist, the sole ring on his finger gleaming in the sunset.
"Oh my love, how could I possibly forget?" His warm breath ran across the back of her neck, sending chills and causing warmth to pool in her stomach.
His hands ran across her exposed middle, his thumbs tracing a line along the underside of the shells that adorned her chest. His touch had always had this effect on her, and the scoundrel loved to tease her to no end.
She turned her head to look at the wonderful man who held her, both in his lap and so closely to his heart. The sun gleamed off his earrings but she could only focus on the way it made his eyes glow, the true jewels he owned.
He ran his hand across her cheek and smiled, the most precious and truest smile she'd ever seen.
"How could I possibly forget the day I married my wife, in this very cove during the same golden sunset?"
He finished his question and his lips dove for hers. The same lips that she's seen bark orders at his crew and mermaids alike. But those lips had always been kinder to her than anybody else.
His lips were the smoothest part of his body, for they had not been scarred from violence or hardened by long hours. Even in his earlier cruelties he'd never once used them against her, his lips were the kindest thing about him.
They sang promises to Evangeline's heart more powerful than any Sirens song against a sailor. They kissed away every drop of pain she's ever felt. Healed every inch of the broken hearts they both shared.
And with every sweet word his whispered, with every kiss he placed on her body, scales and all. She never once questioned him or his love, never once thought he'd break any promise.
He promised on their wedding day that, they would always be together in body, soul and mind. And to prove his love he had the Sea Witch make the magical shells that kept their lives bound.
And so here they stayed, along the sea coves. Close to the land and close to the seas, for even when they shed their true natures they'd always be close to home. To each other.
He pulled away from the breathless mermaid and rested his head against hers.
"Jacks," she hummed.
"Yes my love?" His voice was happy but quiet.
She curled her hands into his golden locks, careful to mind the jewels on his ears.
"Take me to the cottage."
And with her words the dreaded Captain Jacks carried his beloved Evangeline back to their home. The smell of the sea following them all the way there and never once leaving them.
All I can say is Jacks with piercings is probably my new favorite thing.
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