#prince felix yusupov
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adini-nikolaevna · 22 days ago
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“Both bride and groom seemed to have stepped out of some ancient legend as they knelt before the gold-clad priest who joined their hands in marriage. This marriage, marked by so many dramatic events, lasted fifty years until "death did them part.”
Hélène Iswolsky on the wedding of Prince Felix Yusupov and Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia.
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lesyoussoupoff · 11 months ago
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"I forgot to say that at Torby (home of Countess Sophie Torby) I saw the last photograph of Ksenia Alexandrovna's daughter. How beautiful she is..." Letter from Prince Felix Youssoupoff to his mother, Zenaida in October 1910.
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royal-confessions · 9 months ago
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“Prince Felix Yusupov is probably the hottest man from history I’ve ever seen.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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herbertwest · 1 year ago
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Happy 137th birthday to my favorite historical figure, who was Rasputin's assassin and the reason movies have an 'all persons are fictional' disclaimer [drumroll]: Prince Felix Yusupov! To celebrate, I baked a very elaborate cranberry spice cake.
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ykzzr · 2 years ago
Deadly love (22 June 1908)
(On this day 115 years ago, Prince Nikolai Yusupov and Count Arvid Manteuffel duel took place, in which Nikolai was killed for his beloved Marina.)
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In March 1908, at one of the dinners of amateur artists from high society youth, Nikolai was introduced to the young Countess Marina Haydn. Marina, as a lady-in-waiting to the Empress, was invited to take part in a charity performance.
She was 19 years old and was about to marry the captain of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, Count Arvid Ernstovich Manteuffel, heir to an old Baltic family.
Yusupov played the role of a man in the play, and Marina unexpectedly boldly chose the role of a nasty hunchbacked old woman, who played her role deftly and cheerfully. Nikolai Yusupov could not help but pay attention to such a charming girl.
Their meeting can be called a fatal chance. Passion broke out between them instantly, and the fact that Marina's wedding took place a month later did not stop them.
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Nikolai Yusupov was going to marry Marina, but his mother, Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova, did not agree to this marriage.
When Marina learned of Zinaida's refusal to see her as her son's wife, she began begging her lover: "Let's run outside and get married!" They planned to escape, but Marina's mother intervened: she couldn't allow her daughter to escape so shamefully before the wedding with a man.
The girl tearfully begged her parents to cancel the wedding, but to no avail. On the eve of the wedding, the two lovers met. On April 22, 1908, Nikolai Yusupov and Marina Gaydin arranged a farewell dinner in a separate room of the restaurant, Marina and Arvid Manaville's wedding took place on April 23, 1908, as planned. There were three hundred guests at the wedding. Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova sighed softly: this is all resolved.
After the wedding, they went to France for their honeymoon. Left alone with her unloved husband, the beautiful, eccentric Marina realizes the horror of her situation as a recluse in a golden cage, She bombarded Nikolai Yusupov daily with passionate letters, begging him to come, and Nikolai followed marina to France
Marina asked her husband for a divorce, but was refused. Seizing the moment, she secretly met Nikolai Yusupov, who settled nearby at the Hotel Maurice in Paris.
After that, Marina and Nikolai, as if forgetting about decency, appear together in society, at fairs, at operas and restaurants. Arvid finds out quickly enough and demands an explanation from his wife, Marina in the midst of a quarrel, boldly says to her husband: "I'm leaving you. It's all over between us!" Indeed, she leaves her husband.
Inspired, Nikolai Yusupov writes a letter to his mother and again asks permission to marry Marina, who is on the verge of a divorce.
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Then Count Manteuffel, in order not to become a laughing stock in society, challenges Yusupov to a duel. He is instigated by regimental comrades: "Yusupov insulted your honor and dignity! It can't be left like that. Only a duel..."
Nikolai wrote to his beloved Marina in their last letter:
“I am not afraid of death, but it’s hard for me to die away from you without seeing you one last time.
Goodbye forever, I love you."
The duel took place on June 22, 1908 in St. Petersburg, on Krestovsky Island At the predawn hour.
At 8 o'clock in the morning on June 22, 1908, Nikolai Yusupov was mortally wounded in the chest. An honest passion cost the prince his life: the cold-bloodedly offended Manteuffel shot Nikolai, who shot twice into the air, from a distance of fifteen steps.
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Felix Yusupov described this tragic day as follows: “I heard tearful cries from my father's room I entered and saw him very pale in front of the stretcher on which the body of Nikolai was stretched out, my mother, kneeling before him seemed to have lost her mind. With great difficulty they separated her from her son's body and put her to bed after they had Calmed down a bit, she called me but when she saw it she thought it was her brother it was an unbearable sight then the mother fell into prostration and when she came to herself she would not let me go for a moment.
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Nikolai Feliksovich Yusupov was buried in the Arkhangelsk family estate. Marina begged Nikolai's family for permission to say goodbye to her lover, but she was refused. Shaken by Yusupov's death, Marina was in a terrible state. Her family sent her to a clinic in Geneva, where she spent several months.
Marina and Arvid's life is turned upside down: they become outcasts in society. She is a shameless married woman who killed a brilliant young man, a cold-blooded killer.
They finally got divorced. Count Manteville left military service, went first to Latvia, and then to France, where he died in 1931 at the age of 52.
Marina in 1916 married Colonel Mikhail Mikhailovich Chichagov, with whom she left for Europe. They had one son, who died in infancy. Marina and Mikhail's marriage collapsed.
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At the end of her life, Marina Haydn published the book "Sapphire brings misfortune", which was published in only 100 copies. Marina Alexandrovna died alone in Monte Carlo in 1974 at the age of 86. Marina Haydn kept Nikolai Yusupov's letter as a great relic.
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
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Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna with Felix Yusupov and one of Xenia's children visiting Yelagin Palace.
Yelagin Palace is a palladian villa on Yelagin Island in Saint Petersburg, which served as a royal summer palace during the reign of Alexander I. After Nicholas II ascended to the throne, he purchased the villa from its owners for his mother, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna.
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Princess Irina Alexandrovna with her only child Irina Felixsovna Yusupova (Bebe)
Irina looks elated with her baby. Little Bebe was raised by Felix Yusupov's parents until the age of nine. Apparently, this was a bone of contention between Irina and Felix. Irina wanted to be with her child and Felix kept on calling her "selfish" (because apparently his mother also wanted the baby with her.) I do not know much detail about the circumstances.
According to what I have read, Felix though his daughter was "ungovernable." Elsewhere I have read that Bebe had a personality very similar to her parents (and this is the reason why she was ungovernable.) Unfortunately, Bebe never became very close to her mother.
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thephantomofanastasia · 1 year ago
Rare Interview with Prince Felix Yusupov
This is a translation into English of this 1967 interview in French: Interviewer: Prince Felix Yusupov, you killed Rasputin? Prince: Yes Interviewer: How old are you prince? Prince: Nearly eighty Interviewer: How old were you when you killed Rasputin? Prince: Twenty-nine Interviewer: Prince, are you part of the Imperial Russian family? Prince: No, but my wife is the niece of the Emperor Nicholas the Second Interviewer: Princess, were you aware of the plan of your husband? Princess: Yes, I was aware of it. Interviewer: And did you approve? Princess: Yes. Interviewer: Princess, we have said - we have repeated, that you had been in (unclear) Rasputin to his home the night of the murder? Is that true? Princess: It is not at all true. Interviewer: Why? Princess: Because I was not there, I was in Crimea. Interviewer: Prince, in the evening of your life, when you think about Rasputin again, what sentiment comes to you at the thought of him? Prince: Disgust. Interviewer: Did you have a personal interest in the murder of Rasputin? Prince: None. Interviewer: Prince, in identical circumstances, if you had to make the same decision, would you do again what you did then? Prince: Yes. Interviewer: All of your life you have refused to let anyone tell your story. The films that have been made about Rasputin have been made without your (approval). And now, for the first time you have authorized our film. And for the first time, you appear before the camera. Prince Yusupov, why? Prince: Because the other films did not tell the true story. Interviewer: The man who has just spoken to you, the man who killed Rasputin, that man will now revisit his memories.
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princefelixyusupov · 1 year ago
So I need to know
For science
What is your favourite Felix pic?
Because there are so many good ones
There are SO many good ones and I can't choose just one or two, so here are a few of my favorites off the top of my head. I also love all the ones where he's with his dogs, and pretty much any picture where he actually looks happy.
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This one is a classic. One of the ultimate Yusupov pictures. The confidence. The class. The splendid costume.
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On the other end of the scale is Yusupov as a baby. He is ridiculous and I love it.
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I love that he's getting his portrait painted and I love that he's with the dog.
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He looks so happy here with the King of Portugal! No doubt they are going to cause Trouble
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He looks very noble here. This is a man determined to kill Rasputin.
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„Princess Zenaide was worried about the company her daughter-in-law was keeping. Irina was frequently visited by a friend whose presence seemed to bother Zenaide.
In my opinion she poses most impudently as a member of the family, Zenaide told Felix on 11 December. She calls Irina by her Christian name, and even Tata [sic, she means Titi]. I strongly object to her behavior. When I visit Irina I constantly find her there, lounging in a chair… She sports a kind of operatic costume of a sister of mercy [nurse] and generally spoils the whole atmosphere by her presence. Irina seems to accept it all as inevitable…
Most books wrongly identify this ‘sister’ as Grand Duchess Ella, who at the time was away at a monastery. The young woman was Olga Vassiliev, a nurse at Grand Duchess Olga‘s hospital in Kiev, where she had been seeing rather too much of Sandro. At the end of 1916 she was at Ai-Todor recovering from illness. Olga Vassiliev would cause Irina‘s family a lot of distress in the future, before redeeming herself many years later.“
- Rasputin‘s Killer and his Romanov Princess, Coryne Hall
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kurgarru · 1 month ago
Ok so just from this alone I’m guessing he met Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov, who left the USSR with his wife Natasha due to the 2017 Revolution. If it was him, he moved to Paris, ran some businesses badly, and is responsible for the disclaimer at the end of almost all movies now, which disclaim connection to any real people or events. He and Natasha sued MGM over the film ‘Rasputin & The Empress’, which claimed Rasputin raped and/or seduce Natasha, and they were awarded enormous damages.
I would not be at all surprised to find out he met Christopher Lee.
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Sir Christopher Lee met Rasputin's assassins, saw the last guillotine execution, hunted Nazis, recorded a heavy metal album, spoke 9 languages, was Ian Fleming's cousin (James Bond) & was the only actor in “The Lord of the Rings” to have met J.R.R. Tolkien
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empress-alexandra · 2 months ago
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Prince Felix Yussupov and Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia on their wedding day, 1914
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lesyoussoupoff · 1 year ago
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"The Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess Vladimir spent their summers at Tsarskoe Selo. The Grand Duchess had the graceful bearing of a great lady of the Renaissance. She was born a Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and ranked immediately after the two Empresses. She was very able and intelligent and carried out all the duties of her position with perfect tact. She was always very kind to me, and was much entertained by accounts of my adventures. For a long time, I was in love with her daughter the Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna, later Princess Nicholas of Greece, whose beauty fascinated me. She had the loveliest eyes imaginable, and everyone fell under their charm." -Prince Felix Youssoupoff, Lost Splendor
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royal-confessions · 1 year ago
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“Princess Irina Yusupova defo needed more attention from her mother Princess Irina Romanov, only her Father Prince Felix Yusupov was more understanding of her when it comes to parental matters.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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herbertwest · 1 year ago
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My new motivational picture is here
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ykzzr · 2 years ago
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Princes Nikolai and Felix Sumarokov-Elston (Yusupov) in Rome 1907.
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