#pride lore
Clan lore!
The Cycle pt 1 childhood
Cats of the prides in the area around whistling stones believe strongly in something called the Cycle. It's the strict following and training that comes with being a productive member of the pride.
For the first 6 months after birth you are a Cub with one name and traditionally very little urgency. A cub is just learning to exist and is about the age of a 7-8 year old human child when moving to the next step in the cycle.
The next 6 months is the same for every young cat. It's filled with basic universal training. Learning the steps to basic camp running (keeping flames going, food prep, and basic tool and implement creation) and the different positions available in the pride. Like healer, seer, hunter, or fighter. All apprentices get a solid foundation in each job to make sure they are able to do anything to help the pride. At the end of the basic training cubs are a year old and equal to about 13 human years
The next 6 moons are a focused training. The young cats choose which career they want to pursue (most choosing fighter or hunter) and are given a official mentor and get into the specifics of their place in the pride and prepare the young cats for adult life. They are also given their full name for the first time
At 18 moons the young cat is given their complete title and welcome as an adult and considered, if not an expert, capable of performing their tasks with minimal supervision. Roughly 20 human years old
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perplexingly · 1 month
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Spirit companions
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licollisa · 1 year
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Three Earthlings
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In which Sans was a dinosaur kid instead of a space one (.)
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prideplus · 1 year
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therogueduchess · 3 months
Dear Penthouse I never thought it would happen to me— No
No shit, there I was. My very first ever Pride, in Providence Rhode Island. It was overwhelm in all the best ways. Sunny, music I could feel in my belly, people people people people people
Eventually, after wandering the stalls, seeing so many things, smelling so many smells, reveling in so many of our people all in one place, I got some pricey but really delicious chicken tenders and sat with my companion by the river. We talked about all sorts of things, and I took great joy in unfettered compliments to folks who walked by. Ears, wings, dresses, tiaras, skulls, glitter, tattoos—
And then someone walked by with, roughly, this shirt
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I have only ever seen this referenced on tumblr. And the person was wearing sneakers with colorful ties, and as they came level in front of me, I took a chance.
“Hey!” I called out, “I like your shoelaces!”
It took a moment before the person looked over at me from their phone, said thanks, and kept walking. My companion was chuckling, and I figured, ah well, I tried—
The person sitting on the low wall on the other side of the walkway was staring at me with the most singular expression. I pointed a finger, delighted. “YOU. YOU KNOW!”
That person was giggling now, and the person beside them turned to make a shame gesture with their fingers.
“Oh no,” I crowed, “you know too, which means you can’t shame me!”
Then we were all laughing. Like, tilted my head back, mouth wide open like the animated guy from the reach toothbrush flip top head commercial (if you understand that reference right away we are brain-buddies now) and laughed so hard my belly aches
And then the first person, the shirt and shoelaces person, was in front of me again, confessing. “I had a visceral reaction!” they said, they’d frozen. “…I stole them from the President.”
I l threw up both hands, fists triumphant. “YEEESSSSSS!!!!!”
After all - it is law.
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tomfrogisblue · 3 months
i forgot to post this during june but i think one of the reasons qsmp was so important was how unapologetically Gay it was
for starters, the number of creators and admins involved who are irl queer of some variation, just chilling in a place where any kind of phobia would get Philza's legendary ban hammer faster than you could say "rainbow jelly"
and then the characters.
i remember showing up that first day and being shocked that somehow foolish had an ex-boyfriend already (I had missed the squidcraft lore apparently)
that server. gay. all the gay. all kinds of gay.
govermentally assigned platonic husbands that stayed together the whole time (despite one of them being gone for months at a time), not a chance in hell of infidelity. Proud fathers of two wonderful children.
governmentally assigned partners who yelled full volume at each other about cheating any time they were in the room together and between the two of them killed two children.
a grieving father and ex-convict becoming one of the most solid couples in the server, with a beautiful wedding and consistent public displays of affection via the in-game chat.
a demon ashamed of who she was and a lonely detective struggling with family trauma, now with a lil girl of their own, to love together and take care of, with more moms than could ever allow the little girl to ever be lonely herself.
a 2b2t warrior coming to terms with his sexuality with the support of his beautiful baby boy at his side, slowly but surely opening up to his eventual Brazilian Boyfriend. Where they went from the most cautious couple (baby steps) to the most sickeningly sweet couple on the server.
- and this list doesn't even scratch the surface.
gay characters, trans characters, ace characters, aroace characters, gender fluid characters, all kinds of relationships and families.
all presented without negativity or shame.
the point of the server was to exchange languages and cultures, without the biases and barriers seen so much in both the content creator scene and the wider world.
it also had a beautiful little side effect, practically by accident.
our lgbtqsmp.
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satemha-the-warlock · 3 months
I honestly love checking Twitter to see how transphobes are losing their minds over Micah-10 and on top of that Datto does a special stream for Pride Month and Byf posts stuff like this:
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Sure, Destiny 2 community has the usual Gamers™️ but the creators and the majority of the community makes sure they’re not the loudest voices. Which is quite important these days.
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lorelune · 4 months
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regency au jing yuan how you are haunting me.
(continued here!)
a retired general who at the ripe age of thirty five has never taken a wife. never showed any interest in procuring a spouse nor does he entertain any attempts by the mamas of the ton to throw their eligible children at him. he is a polite scoundrel, kind-hearted in a way that makes those with half a mind question how someone with his demeanor could ever be the famed general who's strategies downed Shuhu during the Abundance Upheaval. he doesn't seem to care for his legacy, as much as he has cultivated one. he doesn't mind gossip, but doesn't entertain it much either.
you only meet him due to fortunate circumstances.
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lord Luocha, a successful travelling merchant, pledged patronage to you sometime ago. he keeps you in a little cottage on the grounds of his manor where you're allowed to mostly do as you please as long as there's a new painting hung on the lord's wall every few months or so. the lord likes when you play too. he brings back new instruments for you to try, though he never expects mastery. he has an air of mystery to him that, despite all of the time you spend near him, keeps you from understanding him fully. you aren't one to pry about it either.
lord luocha invites jing yuan over to partake in fancy spirits from a country and city you can't ever hope to visit, let alone find on a map. you bring lord luocha your newest work-- (a meticulously completed oil painting. something more abstract, suited to the odd lonely and isolation you feel in your little, cozy cottage, despite all of the comforts you are afforded)-- and happen upon the pair.
lord luocha examines your newest work with pride, and shortly after introduces you. 'his patron' he calls you, but offers jing yuan no title. you--
(do not have one. it was stripped from you a long time ago. you think being an artist suits you better, anyways.)
jing yuan offers you his name, though you already know it. you recognize him based on the prattling of the girls and boys at the market. they swoon over his stature, fawn over his good deeds, and make note of his identifiable red hair ribbon. he has the same soft, sun-colored eyes that you had heard the eligible young of the ton giggle about.
you bow to him politely.
you have no reason to linger, but luocha calls you to anyways. perhaps he is lonely. perhaps you want him to be lonely, so it gives you a reason to stick closer to his side in the rare moments he is home for more than a day or two. the proximity is shared with jing yuan, who regards you with keen eyes and a lazy smile. the attention upon you feels weighted, important, like you're something special.
you savor it, however fleeting.
perhaps, however, you misunderstood jing yuan. or lord luocha's intentions.
because as jing yuan rises to take his leave and you bow once more, he catches your hand, brings it to his lips, and presses a kiss into the soft skin. you're sure you smell of linseed and yarrow oil. he lingers there for a moment before meeting your gaze. there's a light of mischief in them that sends your heart fluttering. your breath catches.
when jing yuan is out of the manor, lord luocha pats your shoulder gently, "quite the man, isn't he?"
"i suppose... he is."
"you may speak freely."
"i am," you mince, and shake your head. you must be careful, entertaining such fanciful thoughts. "he is... kind."
"and handsome."
"lord luocha," you barely keep yourself from whining. "please, do not tease me. or the poor man. from what i hear, he has enough to deal with."
"the mamas do chase after him like foxes to a hen," lord luocha chuckles and studies your painting once more with a curious tilt of his head. "he'll ask to see you again, i'm certain."
"and why do you say that?"
"general jing yuan has never taken the hand of a potential suitor."
your heart feels heavy and warm in your chest, burning. "my lord, you cannot possibly think that this single action indicates that the general will... call upon me? that is highly unorthodox and i don't believe that's... quite allowed."
"jing yuan has never cared for the dances of decorum." lord luocha guides you into your gardens. the peonies are in bloom, full and lush in the humidity of late spring. "and, for the record, i don't believe he'll simply call upon you. court, properly, certainly."
"you're bluffing."
"what reason do i have to lie?"
"to tease me, as you so enjoy doing," you huff.
lord luocha simply hums and pauses near a bush of lilacs. they're fragrant, at the peak of their season. the scent rolls over you.
"if i truly intended to tease you, i simply would abstain from telling you of jing yuan's interest and allow you to be terribly surprised when he arrives and formally asks for you and your time. consider this a warning. i'll walk you to the modiste tomorrow, hm?"
you want to squawk at him. your linen dresses and tunics are fine (albeit smeared and stained with paints and oils over the years. you rarely bother replacing them.)
you want to protest and pry more, but lord luocha strikes you silent when he breaks off a cluster of lilac and tucks it behind your ear. he leaves you with your thoughts, however tortuous. and, perhaps horribly, you find yourself believing him. perhaps the warm-eyed general really was charmed. perhaps, your dresses needed replacing and you should contact your perfumer friend for a fresh vial or two.
perhaps perhaps perhaps, you can still feel where his lips lingered on your skin, like a brand. you never thought you could ache for burning, but in the gardens, you find yourself clutching your hand to your chest, craving the lick of the his sun's heat once more.
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finnprof · 4 months
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the year was 1972
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kociarz200rawr · 4 months
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hello brandina nation
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mimudraeg · 4 months
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High effort memes
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raviniaraven · 1 year
Hey just a heads up if you're going to Minneapolis Pride this weekend, if you pass a booth with people asking you to watch a video and they'll pay you a dollar, don't do it. They're a group like PETA that's trying to trick you into watching a graphic video about animal slaughter. It's a ten minute video of animal gore that they're trying to play off as activism. If you are any type of sensitive to gore, don't watch the video.
This isn't any sort of criticism of vegans or vegetarians, this is just a friendly warning about groups that want to show you animals dying and covered in blood. Regardless of your opinions on animal welfare, that's not okay to show to people with no warning.
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padmaddean · 3 months
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Pride month Day14
Stephanie & Harper Gotham Knights (2023)
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fluff-e-boy · 1 year
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Love this meme format
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isawken · 3 months
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breaking news: gay clown on vacation is maxing and relaxing in ways once thought impossible for clownkind
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sun-e-chips · 8 months
Ended my day with some magma on the @daycarefriendpickup discord!
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Doodle of Sun from my waterpark au
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