#pretty sad bc i wanted more time to work on this but hey at least i finished it (vaguely) on time!
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technicalknockout · 6 months ago
guess what day it is🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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kithtaehyung · 2 months ago
holiday (3tan special) | myg
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title: holiday  pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f)  series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call | busted | broken (pt. 1) | broken (pt. 2) | lollipop rating/genre: pg (18+) ; fluff ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au, holiday au summary: from what you can gather, holiday gift exchanges are supposed to be pretty straightforward. but this one quickly escalates. because no one can follow directions. note: this is all thanks to the person that suggested a 3tan crew secret santa! they don’t do actual secret santa, but they do host a gift exchange. so enjoy this speedily but still tenderly written holiday special! i wanted to get it posted asap so that we could all have it during the holiday season. hope it helps lifting spirits in any way<3  warnings: yoongi looks like sin, but reader does too🤭, kissing, no one follows directions, but especially jimin, hella kissing, no fr jimin is chaos incarnate, sibling holiday woes, tense situations, tender moments, gift exchanges, dialogue heavy i���m so sorry, also not too edited i'm sorry again sdfkljdskl. reader is adorable y'all i wanna cry, 3tan crew being wholesome af drop date: december 27th, 2024, 8:37pm est word count: 8.1k bc i love y’all???
“Wait… I’m in this, too?” 
Your brother winces while checking his phone, probably also seeing the texts that Jimin sent to a freshly created group chat. “Tae and Chim roped us in this time. But it’s cool if you don’t wanna.” 
As you both don work attire in your foyer, you shake your head, one hand firm on your bag strap, “I don’t even know how they work.”
“I think we random draw names. Then just give a gift to whoever we get.” 
Seeing the names and numbers in here, you’re already running through a lot of possibilities. Maybe too many possibilities. But you don’t wanna make things more complicated or awkward, so you quickly concede, “I mean.. I’m down if you are.”
“I guess it’s cool.”
Head lowered, you notice that your brother’s shoes are the ones you gave him for his birthday a couple years ago. Because those days are the only ones you both celebrate every passing run of three hundred and sixty-five. “At least we’re doing something this year.” 
He chuckles to his feet. “Two years in a row.” 
Your sad laugh tumbles and rolls next to his. “Wild.” 
“Hey.” When he pauses, it’s to wait for you to look up. “If you ever wanna talk about it, we can.” 
There are a lot of times in which you dismiss your brother. Because it’s just what siblings do. 
This time is not one of them. 
“Same,” you offer, the weight of the world dragging your smile down. 
He gives you a hug, and you feel the luxury press of his suit as you lean in with scrunched brows. 
Two years in a row. 
Maybe things do suck less with time. 
When you both head out the door to your cars, you wonder if your brother knows how much you appreciate him and his friends for including you in things. Even if you don’t show it as much as you need to. 
Guess this time of year is a good place to start. 
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Work drags in the wake of oncoming holiday. 
But you’re learning to appreciate the decorations around the office, including the little cards that coworkers have given you at your desk—despite your many protests that they didn’t have to. 
When you look up, you start to notice other things. Like the way people smile just a little more. Or the way peppermint and cider waft around the building, smelling of sweet instead of spice. 
You wonder if Jungkook has decorated the studio, too. Or if he recruited everyone else to help with decorations, which means that Yoongi and the guys had to fuss with lights and whatever else people spend money on.  
Laughing to your many stacks of papers and documents, you start daydreaming of what it would be like to decorate the house.
Would you and your brother do it someday? You do admit that it’s kinda nice to look around the neighborhood. And when you went into the mountains last year, you concede that the surrounding town decor was pretty inviting. 
Maybe your house would be a little brighter on the inside too if you both just���
You get a notification on your phone. When the screen brightens, you see that it’s for the app that shuffles you all for the gift exchange. 
You have no fucking clue what you’re doing.
But here goes.
Opening and hoping you get someone that’s easy to please, you stare at your device and blink a few very hard times. 
And after every time, you still get a name that has your heart quickening faster than reindeer working overtime. It’s reindeer, right? You think that’s cor—
“You okay?” 
Snapping your head up, you notice that one of your coworkers stopped mid-stride to check on you. Staring at his candy cane tie, you try not to be distracted as you slightly cringe, 
“What do I get a guy for the holidays?”
“Friend or lover?” 
Well, that was not what you expected to hear! 
When your jaw unhinges, you’re quick to snap it back into place. “Umm.” 
“Oh, this is juicy,” he perks up, quickly settling into a nearby chair and resting a strong chin in his hand. “Tell me more, I got time.” 
Laughing, you shake your head while pretending to type on your computer. “Nothing to tell.” 
“That means you got a whole lot.” His eyes are way too shiny right now! “But alright, I’m gonna assume both. In which case, I suggest something nice.” 
“Something nice?” 
“You know, like. Nice nice.” 
“It’s for a gift exchange, though,” you slump, hands stopping on the keys. Looking at his whole holiday ensemble, you divulge, “The money limit’s definitely not enough for nice nice.” 
“Then fuck the limit?” 
Your answer is more of a sound than a word. 
But he does get you to consider, even if just for a little bit. “Maybe…” 
“Fuck the limit,” he advises again. “He’s gonna dig that. Especially since everyone will see it.”
Your face falls from the snowy sky. “Everyone?” 
“Uhh, yeah? You said gift exchange, right? Everyone sees what everyone gets.” 
“Oh. Right,” you pretend to agree to your computer. Because no, you actually didn’t know that. “Guess it’s been awhile.” 
“Well, that’s what makes it fun! Good luck.”  
While you would normally agree, you have a whole hoard of conflicting feelings. Because while seeing Yoongi’s name on your screen is enough to get you giddy as hell, you know there’s a couple people that may not share the same sentiments. Especially if you gift him something nice nice. 
In front of everybody.
As your striped and jingling coworker strides away with a hum, you drum your fingers on your minimally decorated desk. 
Maybe there is a way you can finess this. 
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After a few weeks, the day has come for not just one exchange, but two—your friends also decided to have your own. Because it’s the easiest format, you convinced them with logic, seeing their shock at you being the one to suggest the exchange in the first place. 
When they asked if you were sure, you assured them that it was okay. And the way they all brightened told you that you made a sound decision. Even if they still seemed hesitant, you know it’s because… 
You’ve never done this. 
So as you observe everyone in your bare living room, you start to see how their presence alone illuminates the space, with gifts in shine and glitter painting the area in holiday colors. 
This is nice. 
“So… Uhh.” You clear your throat, watching everyone look at you at the head of your coffee table. “How do we do this?” 
They all laugh before Taehyung explains, “So one of us goes first and says who we got before giving the gift—you can sit, you know.” 
In the midst of more teasing, you settle onto the floor while exclaiming, “I’m nervous, okay! This is really new to me.” 
“You have a gift to give, right?” 
“Then you’re already doing great,” Reia assures, and you’re even more excited to give yours away. Because you drew her name. 
But before you can say that, Taehyung continues, “So after someone gets their gift, they announce who they picked, and so on.” 
“Pretty straightforward,” you observe. “I wanna go first!” 
Dom cackles, “You just wanna get it out of the way.” 
“And?” you question, grinning when you shoot up and grab your very amateurishly wrapped bag. “Okay, okay, I got…”
“This is adorable,” Yuri cuts in, and everyone’s agreement makes you suddenly shy. 
“No! Don’t make fun.” 
“We aren’t!” Taehyung reaches out to rub your leg. “Promise. Who’d you get?” 
“I got… Reia!” You exclaim, raising your bag a bit as she yells with everyone. The sudden raise of noise gets you a little shocked, but hyped nonetheless. And maybe a bit nervous that your gift won’t live up to the excitement. “Sorry about the wrapping job.” 
“What are you talking about, this is so good,” Reia soothes, smiling wide as she delicately takes out the folded paper. “Wow, the wrapping is nice?” 
Dom chimes in as she leans in, “Yeah, this is too good. Did you watch videos?” 
“Uh huh.” 
Everyone laughs again as you keep your nose held high. Because sucky or not, you were not gonna half-ass your first ever gift exchange. With seasoned people, at that. No way. 
When Reia opens the gift you carefully picked while perusing through a local music store, you watch with the anticipation of a small child, eyes wide and waiting. Hoping that the best outcome is the real outcome. 
And when she quietly yells behind her hand, everyone cheers while asking what she got. When she turns the package around, they cheer even more, because it’s a guitar pick set in her favorite colors. And one that you knew was so, very much her. 
She stands up immediately and opens her arms for a hug, and you blink before getting lovingly crushed. 
“Thank you,” she whispers in your ear. “This is more than great.” 
“Of course, babe,” you murmur back, feeling her jean jacket under your palms and a beating in your chest. “Thank you, too.” 
The rest of the exchange goes off without a hitch, with you cheering with everyone and understanding the cues more and more. Everyone’s gifts are wonderful, and Yuri’s the last to go out of the five of you. 
And she got your name. 
You figured giving the gift would be the hardest part. 
But somehow, this part is a lot harder. 
Braving it anyway—because there’s ironically no time like the present—you carefully unwrap the thin package and stare at what’s inside. 
It’s a photocard. But the picture is of the five of you, one that Taehyung took with his long ass arms while the four of you huddled behind him with drinks in hand. Around its edges are stickers, hearts and stars and cute little animals. 
And it’s the most precious thing you’ve ever seen. 
You don’t even realize you’re crying until Yuri rushes over to ask if you don’t like it. 
“This is the best thing ever,” you choke out, and she smiles before laughing and tearing up, too. “I love us.” 
“We’re the best, duh.” 
“Got that right,” Dom adds to the air while Reia and Taehyung start cleaning up the wrapping scraps. “You like your first gift exchange?”
“I should’ve joined y’all sooner.” 
“Joined us?” Taehyung looks up from the ground. “What do you mean?” 
“Oh. I figured you guys do this every year.” 
Tae looks at Yuri, who then looks at you again before very seriously admitting, “We’ve never done this, either. Not with each other.” 
“Yeah.” She taps the back of your now most precious, most coveted photocard ever. “We didn’t even think about it since you wouldn’t be there.” 
Smiling at your prized possession, you vow, 
“I’ll be here now.” 
Regarding all of them, you start to decorate your place in your mind. Seeing where all the lights go. Where all the little trinkets hang, or whatever. You don’t quite know how this goes just yet, but you do know there’s trees involved. So that’s gonna be figured out in a year’s time. 
“I’m not missing this again.” 
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With bellies full of laughter and a little bit of cider, you and your friends head over to Jimin’s cul-de-sac. 
Dom took the wheel this time, so you get to stare out the passenger side window, eyes reflecting golds and colors as you take in the surrounding lights. 
Were they always this pretty? You don’t remember being so taken by electricity and staggering electric bills, especially the houses that go all out and cover every nook of their yard in lights. 
But it’s a spectacle on every corner and street, and Jimin’s little half circle of houses keeps the holiday illumination alive. 
“Uhh, I think we can park down there,” you point, noticing there’s some space a little bit beyond the street. It’s alarmingly next to where Yoongi had to park once, and you cherish that memory with stars in your eyes. 
“Everyone have their gifts?” 
“Tae, if anyone lost theirs on the way here, we have other issues.” 
It’s a quick walk to Jimin’s, and the music around the house gets louder as you approach his entrance. There are people already set up in his open garage playing what you assume are card games, and everyone greets your group as you pop in to say hi. 
“Hey!” Namjoon calls. “Y’all are late! Everyone’s inside.” 
“We had our own party first,” you call out, struggling with your gift bags and food tray. “Can someone—”
Before you finish your ask, you smell nice cologne and feel a big presence at your side. 
When you look to see who’s assisting, you slow in your motions before uttering a small,
“Thank you.” 
Jungkook slightly smiles as he grabs your last bag. “Your perfume’s nice,” he compliments behind tousled bangs. Which makes you blink because that comment is more than hard to come by from him. 
So you can only grin. “Just got it,” you explain as you follow your friends inside the house. “It’s a dupe, can you believe it?” 
“Damn! It’s a good one.” 
“I know,” you agree, very proud of your find. Taking the gift bags from his hands, you tilt your head. “Can you bring the tray to the kitchen?” 
“On it.” 
When you make your way to your friends at the front area, they all eye you with concern. But you wave it off and shrug off your coat to hang on the loan coat hanger—earning teasing and whistles.   
“Shut up,” you groan, laughing with everyone before straightening the reason for the noises. It’s a dress you’ve been eyeing specifically for holiday parties. Because as soon as you started to shop for your gift exchanges, that quickly spiraled into shopping for outfits to wear to them. Did your coworker spook you into looking good because it was a public event? Maybe. Absolutely. 
So you shopped around before finding a dress that even you knew you looked good in. And the past couple weeks were the longest stretches ever because of your anticipation to wear it again. 
As you and your newest fit walk into the kitchen, you start to greet everyone, giving them hugs and smiling bright at their compliments. Because you feel good. You feel nice. Maybe you’re just drinking the holiday cheer and letting it consume you but you don’t care because it’s fun this time. This isn’t like any other year, and it’s wonderful. 
But then. 
Even the most wonderful moments have to come to a halt. 
And yours crash when you see Yoongi. 
Leaned back on one of the kitchen counters, his body appears relaxed in another damn black button-up, telltale silver chain hanging from a neck you wanna devour in front of the whole house. 
He was already annoying last year. But this time, his hair’s longer, and made up with just the right amount of disarray and a little bit even tucked behind his ear.
Fuck, this is so much worse! 
If he wasn’t so attractive and magnetizing, you’d have way less than ninety-nine problems. It would be a lot closer to zero. 
But you make your way over to him anyway, because of course you would. Of course he knew you would, too. 
“Hi,” you greet him, hands tingling with the desire to cup his beautiful chin and yank him in for a kiss. 
But he greets you back while giving you a hug, not without giving you a very obvious once-over. 
“Beautiful,” he whispers in your ear before pulling away, which can only make you babble out, 
He grins wide. “You look nice.” 
Oh. Oh, he really did say that. Why are you surprised? Why are you always surprised? But you have to stay poised so you stick with a neutral, 
“So do you.” 
“Thanks,” he says with a sly curve, still leaning back on the counter with a drink in hand. “Say something else.” 
“Goodbye forever,” is what you go with, back heating with his staccato laughs following your speedy retreat. 
No, no, no. He cannot notice how excited you are to give him his gift. Your bubbling excitement needs to be projected elsewhere. Because you know you picked perfect. It’s something you know he’d appreciate. 
But he cannot have his ego inflated anymore or else the house would float to the sky. 
But fucking hell, he looks damn good and he knows it. 
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After an hour or so of socializing and keeping to your little friend circle, Jimin gets everyone together in the big living room to do the exchange. 
“Okay! One, two… Okay, we’re all here, so. Who’s gonna start?” 
When someone calls his name, the man grins and shakes his head. “Nah, I’m host.” 
“So shouldn’t you be the one to start?” 
“My house, my rules!” Jimin argues with zest, pointing to the guy that dared to challenge him, “So you go first.” 
And that man just so happens to secretly be yours. 
Shouts erupt around the living room, and you can mostly hear Hoseok and Seokjin since they’re closest,
“Go, Yoong!” 
“Ah, Yoongi’s first for a change.” 
Secretly and not so secretly, you’re hoping and wishing that he pulled your name. But the odds of that would be pretty slim if you pulled him, even though it was an even chance across the board. 
But as he gets up from the arm of Jimin’s couch holding a small gift bag, you determine that maybe it’s best if he didn’t pull your name. Because you already had trouble opening Yuri’s gift. How the hell would you control yourself opening his? 
“K, uhh. I got…” 
Wait, he’s looking towards you from across the room.
Shit. Is it happening?
A pang of disappointment and relief shoots through your veins, even when you shout with everyone while watching Tae smile from his place right next to you.
Yoongi walks right up to your seats, which are really some extra fold-out chairs by Jimin’s decorated tree. And he smells so good. Why do you have to be close to him again? 
But this moment is about Taehyung, so you watch as he opens the gift. When there’s a small box inside the bag, he opens that to reveal a nice, slim… wallet? 
Wait, is that leather? 
Your mouth drops as everyone’s up and raising questions already, and you can clearly hear Jungkook and your brother protest the highest,  
“Wait, huh?” 
“We set a limit for a reason!” 
Yoongi’s hands stay in his pockets when he refutes, “It was on sale.” 
“Nah, he’s lying!” 
Taehyung doesn’t know what to say, so when he looks at you, it takes all your strength to encourage him neutrally, 
“It’s so you! Deserved.” 
Yoongi looks at you before asking your friend, “Is it okay?” 
“It’s perfect,” Taehyung says, full of gratefulness. “I’m just shocked.” 
Jimin and Shiv chuckle from one of the couches, 
“Oh? He’s never shocked.” 
“This is new.” 
Yoongi smiles as Tae gets up to hug him, and you’re immediately okay not being the one receiving anything right now. 
Because you don’t need anything from him. 
All you want is his happiness. 
Once the initial gift is given, everyone goes down the line. And you’re feeling a little lighter after knowing who Yoongi got. Also, you feel less and less awkward about your gift, since the chaos of Yoongi’s was only the beginning.
Because when Taehyung gifts your brother a chain, everyone’s up and yelling again while your sibling is shocked to hell. 
On one end of the living room, Namjoon shakes his grinning head while Jungkook throws his back, 
“Alright, there needs to be a penalty for the most expensive gift.” 
“We obviously didn’t give a shit about the limit.” 
Everyone’s laughter fills the house, even drowning out the faint holiday music floating from the surround speakers. 
Immediately clipping on his necklace, your brother shouts, “Am I the only one that stuck to what we agreed on?” 
“Sucks for who got yours then.” 
Everyone starts laughing or reprimanding Yoongi for saying that—you with a cackle included. 
But then your brother busts out a fucking watch for Shiv and everyone goes bananas. 
At this point, Taehyung’s fully laughing behind his fingers on his forehead, and Jimin collapses on a gawking Yoongi when Shiv quite literally jumps up. 
“What the hell? Dude, I can’t take this.” 
“Yes, you can! And you will.” 
Fingers are pointing in every direction while people are calling each other liars, and your brother laughs on like a gremlin.
But it’s all so adorable that your heart is squeezing. Shiv’s damn near tearing up. “I’ve been eyeing this one for forever.” 
“I know! You wouldn’t stop running your damn mouth about that thing.” Your older sibling claps him on the shoulder. “You can shut up now,” he says with a grin, and Shiv gives him a big hug. 
“Thanks, man.” 
“Don’t sweat it.” 
Shiv’s turn. And everyone is waiting for what he decided to gift. 
Turns out he keeps the shenanigans going by gifting Jungkook a luxury tie set.
The blond’s jaw drops as he stares hard at the package. Looking up quick, he has to ask for sure, “A set, dude?” 
“It was on sale!” 
“Are we all gonna say the same lie?” 
Everyone can’t hide their amusement, with creased eyes and fake annoyance in every seat. Jungkook can’t believe his luck, since he’s been telling himself to get dress clothes forever but hasn’t gotten around to it.
“You gotta dress like a man now, kid,” Shiv tells him with a bright smile. “There’s a lot coming now that you’re making it.”
A light bulb softly glows when you realize that Yoongi might need to do the same. Trying not to look obvious, you peek in his direction. 
As he stares at the floor, you already know he’s mulling over the same thoughts. 
But it’s Jungkook’s turn now, and you still haven’t gotten a gift yet. 
So you’re waiting with all the air in your lungs. 
As the blond teases his pick, the studio boys are quick to handle him as Yoongi only huffs.
“I got… I got… I got, I got, I got, I got—”
“Kook, just say it.”
“Always like this.”
Your heart beats again as the host pops up from his couch, everyone cheering as Kook meets him in the center. Around you, speculation from your friends mixed with a little laughter spikes,
“He probably stuck to the limit.”
“Jimin’s gonna be the only one left with—”
Cackles and screams rip as Jimin kicks his head back in laughter, because in his hands is a sleek white box that everyone recognizes. 
This man got Jimin designer shades.
Your cheeks hurt as you react with everyone, giddy and bubbly with how absolutely ridiculous this whole night has gone. Everyone accusing each other of cheating, while all the while every single gift has been over the top.
You really don’t feel bad about revealing your gift anymore. Quite honestly, you almost feel more bad about it not being enough.
No. It’s enough.
Yours is the best and you stick to that.  
Jimin takes the sunglasses out of the box and protective pouch, slipping them on and modeling immediately.  
Oh’s and ah’s echo before his friends inflate his ego,
“Damn, you sure you aren’t a model?” 
“You’re one step away.” 
“He really is.” 
He looks great and he knows it. And he carefully puts them back in their packaging before giving Jungkook a hug. They exchange conversation, and you can feel the latter’s smile as he laughs before sitting down. 
Suddenly, you have the strongest intuition that you’re next. On Jimin’s turn. He’s getting out a very nice bag from behind a couch and your brain is firing off. 
“Okay! The best gift is going to…”
You were right. He calls your name.
Smiling, you shakily stand as Jimin approaches, a twinkling look in those features glowing in incandescent lights. 
Eyes on you. Many eyes. 
A little overwhelmed, you thank him before sitting down. Because it’s much easier to do this while on a solid, structured surface. 
“Hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will.”
Best gift? What could Jimin possibly mean by—
Your scream shoots out as you clamp the bag shut because no fucking way you saw what you just saw in there. 
Jimin’s laughing his ass off but it’s not funny. 
“Jimin, what the fuck!” Now you know how Shiv felt and he is absolutely valid for his reaction. “I can’t accept this.” 
People are concerned around you, and you quickly think they may have the wrong idea.
“What did he get?” 
“What’s in there?”
Quelling some thoughts, you explain, “It’s a box.” 
You just gotta say it. They’re all gonna know as soon as you take it out anyway. So you breathe out,
“…It’s Dior.” 
It’s the loudest it’s been all night, even though your friends are completely speechless. All the guys are up in arms and Jia’s scream for penalty can be heard through the chaos,
“Where’s my Dior?” 
“What the fuck?” 
“Okay, that is way over limit! That’s cheating!” 
Jimin’s sneaky smile as he turns around doesn’t help, “You know I get everything for less.” 
“Still, what the hell, man!”
You know Jimin works there. You do. But this is still making your limbs jelly and you can’t even speak. 
There’s no way Dior is passed around at every gift exchange. 
“You deserve it. For dealing with him.” He looks at your brother, but the look in his eyes is too sparkly to be completely truthful. Does he mean Yoongi? Or is he being serious? 
Of course, your sibling throws out a droning, “Wow.” 
After lots of shaky unboxing, you reveal a stunning bracelet, your friends bending down around you to gawk at how brilliant it is. Dancing in your fingers, this piece shimmers and gleams, and every single person is quiet. 
Guilt. You feel guilt. 
And you can’t even look at the reason why.
“Whatever you’re feeling, don’t. It’s okay.” 
You’re tearing up because it’s way too nice. Which proves worse because you also feel bad for crying for the sole fact that Yoongi’s watching. You don’t want him to get the wrong idea. 
You get up to hug him. “I… This is really nice, Jimin. Thank you.” 
“Stop by the store sometime,” he offers with a smile. “Maybe I can slip more in your purse.” 
“Easy,” your brother eyes him. 
“So are we all getting fancy gifts or what?” 
“Nope! Ran out of my discount, sorry.” 
When you finally glance around, everyone’s either a mix of shock and awe, visibly confused, or just jealous and wondering what the hell just happened. 
Yoongi straight up looks like he’s holding his tongue. 
And you suddenly feel really bad. 
Hopefully giving him his gift will make up for what just happened. Even though you’re going after the hardest hitter of the damn night, this one’s special. 
But who are you kidding? People are definitely gonna talk in private about Jimin’s little gift. 
So now you have to try and mend this while acting like Yoongi’s just your brother’s friend. Cool. Awesome. 
Just try your goddamned best. 
“Yoongi is mine.”
Your secret looks your way immediately while everyone snaps their heads to him.
What the fuck did you say?
Wait wait wait wait what did you fucking say?
Flapping your arms, you reach for words while everyone starts teasing, “Oh, god. I mean—I have Yoongi—I mean, wow. Hold on.”
Fucking fuck fuck, he’s grinning.
Thank the lord above for someone cheekily asking,
“First time at a gift exchange?”
You look away from the laughs while trying to compose your grin of embarrassment. Get it the fuck together, this is peak time to get it right.
“God. Okay.” You look down at your bag. All of its carefully folded and primped paper, the delicate folding inside. “For the gift exchange,” you clarify with a forced firm tone, “I got Yoongi.” 
You feel Dom try her damned best to hide her laugh. And you know for damn sure Jimin and Taehyung are thoroughly amused right now. 
All the oh’s sounding off in the living room are already enough to set your ears smoking. Your brother’s voice can be heard, but you know that’s for a specific reason. 
Everything had to be carefully calculated, after all. 
You walk up to him, and you cannot—absolutely cannot—look too long at the way he’s looking up at you. Him sitting in any capacity is enough to drive you up a wall, but now? When he looks so freshly fitted and prepping to tease you about all this later? You can barely think straight. 
“I don’t think I can beat Jimin’s gift,” you sigh to his curious eyes. “But it’s a little too late to change.”
His smile turns so soft. He shouldn’t be the one comforting you right now when you probably broke a little of his heart. “It’s all good.”
Keep going. 
Cleaning your clogged throat, you brave the crowd and breathe before starting again, “Anyway. This is kinda from both of us, but I picked it because I have better taste.”
“Hey, what the hell?” 
Ignoring your brother’s protest, you watch as Yoongi softly opens the gift before pulling out a basketball jersey. 
Of his favorite player. 
“Holy shit.” 
Shouts start erupting behind your back as you laugh, your sneaky gift joining the rest of them. 
“Hello? That’s way too much!” 
“That’s over the limit for sure.” 
You wave your hands frantically among their teasing arguments, and your brother chimes in on your side. “I didn’t know what to get!” 
“So you got a real jersey?” 
“Relax, y’all. It’s from both of us.” 
“Wait, which one’s Lillard again?” 
“Damian,” Yoongi softly says in awe. “How’d you know?” 
You can only blink, smiling faltering by the slightest amount.
Fuck, he’s gonna be cheeky right now? Knowing you know and exactly how you know? Cuddled up with him in his bed as he shows you highlight reels and tells you the guy’s whole story and that he happens to be a rapper, too? 
Looking back towards your brother, you explain, “Well... He gave me a list. And I just picked off vibes.” 
Yoongi’s eyes sparkle so much when he grins. “Good choice,” he compliments with creased eyes. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome!” You say back with a little too high of a pitch. “But tell him he still owes you a gift. This doesn’t count for him.” 
“Uhh, it sure as fuck does!” 
Yoongi breaks eye contact to shout behind you, “Didn’t you already tell me you got me something?” 
“Yeah, it was that!” 
“What a lie,” Yoongi says through a smile.
“Yeah, I did,” your brother surrenders. “The shoes are in my bag. Okay, next!” 
Hilariously, two pairs of people end up getting each other. Yuri’s older sister Jia got Seokjin, who also drew her name—to the slight angst of your brother, you imagine. 
And Hoseok ends up getting Namjoon. Which turns out being twice as funny because they both got each other the same pair of earphones. You can’t breathe with how hard you cackle with everyone, and your heart skips when you catch a glimpse of Yoongi’s eyes across the room.
By the end of the exchange, everyone’s bellies and cheeks sting from laughter, and every eye in sight has twinkles embedded inside.
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Throughout the night, everyone starts branching off into different groups. You and your friends talk in the kitchen, and both in and out of the house, there’s groups of games and conversations. 
The holiday decorations everywhere shine bright. Enveloped in the music, you keep looking at the lights, feeling happy but a little bittersweet. 
You really wanna set the record straight with Yoongi. You had no damn clue that Jimin was gonna give something like that, much less in front of everyone. 
The fact that you haven’t been in the same room for a bit makes it worse. What could he be thinking right now? You can’t tell because he’s nowhere in sight. 
Screw it. You’re gonna at least text him. There’s no way you can survive the night if you’re gonna plague your own head without checking in with him. 
Fishing out your phone, you sidestep away for a second to type something quick. 
You [10:38pm]: i know it’s not dior.. but hope you like your gift :’)) 
Yoongi [10:38pm]: You know I do. It’s perfect, doll. 
Well. He texted back super quick.
Maybe he’s really okay? Maybe he and Jimin already talked it through? 
Then again.. Yoongi didn’t look happy at all during the big reveal. To the point where he was actively showing emotions you rarely get to see.
But if he says he likes his gift, that’s a good sign. 
You [10:42pm]: i can’t believe jimin did that
Yoongi [10:42pm]: That was bold. 
You [10:42pm]: seriously!!! 
Hmm. So he didn’t know. That’s even more surprising than him knowing, now that you think about it. 
You’re called over to get another round of food, and you turn down the initial invite but stay around as they get more to eat. 
When you see a tray that smells way too good, you do break and get a piece anyways. 
“Yeah, those are amazing,” Yuri chirps. “Shiv made those.”
“Really?” Dom grabs a couple pieces. “Lemme try these then.”
“You’re gonna want more.” 
As you find a place outside to eat, you stand next to the heater while conversing with Taehyung. It’s adorable how you can tell how excited he is about his gift, turning it in his hand before pocketing the leather again. 
“It’s so nice,” you compliment. 
“He knows how to pick, I guess,” Tae smiles, looking at you and making you shy. Because hello? There’s no way he’s gonna be bringing that up tonight. 
When you silently mouth for him to shut up, he grins like a madman. Glancing down at your hands, he suddenly asks, “Are you gonna put that down?”
“No,” you say with a tiny pang of guilt. “Afraid not.”
Your phone buzzes again, and you’re thankful for the interruption.
Yoongi [11:09pm]: Guess I have to do better😔
Instantly, you take that gratefulness back.
You [11:09pm]: NO!! you don’t have to worry about me at all
Yoongi [11:10pm]: I can’t lose to you
You [11:10pm]: trust me, i just… 
You think about sending the other text or not. But you do anyway. 
Taehyung sees the look in your faraway face, but doesn’t comment as you peer down again. 
You [11:11pm]: i just wanna see you happy
That’s all you want. If he’s happy, you’re happy. So it sucks to have part of the night come as quite the shock. 
Interestingly enough, though.. Someone else in the house should also be pretty upset about your gift, and you haven’t seen Jimin cornered by him yet. 
Unless your brother is just deciding to be courteous and beat his ass after everyone leaves. 
Yoongi [11:13pm]: Then come over here
You’re not gonna argue with that. 
So when your friends finish their plates, you suggest you all head into the garage. It’s already rowdy before you open the door, so the sounds get booming loud when you all enter. 
Looks like everyone is blowing their money on other things tonight, too. The gifts were the nice part of the party; now everyone is fiending to take everyone’s cash.
“Damn, Yoongi’s clearing me out.”
“Told you not to go all in.”
“He did.”
As the cold weather rolls in, you watch as the games go on, with heaters humming with energy and your brother’s friends radiating competition. 
No wonder Yoongi wanted you in here.
He’s on a damn roll.
As everyone groans after another win, Namjoon and your brother are in tatters, 
“Yoong, what the fuck!”
“You hiding cards in those sleeves?”
“I told you!” Yoongi boasts, “Don’t get too cocky.”
“Says him.”
“Cocky, my ass.” 
When you laugh, you earn a tiny glimpse of his eyes. But as his vision falls to your hands, you’re quick to look away, out into the night to look at all the lights instead.
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After some time passes, you find yourself alone on a balcony. Yet again. Cold wind blows through your coat, chilling you but making you feel alive. Too alive in this moment. Too aware.
The holidays aren’t so bad this time around. But you do need to set this one thing straight before things go a little sideways with Yoongi. 
If he’s upset, you don’t want him to be. Even if he doesn’t say it, you want him to know you’re considering his feelings. There’s some things you just can’t control.
So you wait for Jimin, telling him earlier to meet you up here for the best chance at privacy.
When you hear the door opening, you see him come through, hair lifting in the breeze and his lips in a slight curve. 
Get right to it. “Jimin, I—”
“Isn’t it so nice tonight?” 
Stopping, you settle into a smile, watching him walk up to stand next to you before you both look into the night. The neighborhood glows beneath your feet, and everyone in the backyard mingles while puffs of air leave their lips. 
“It really is,” you say with a smile, clutching the gift bag in cold fingers. Because you haven’t let go of it ever since it was given to you—it’s way too expensive. You’ve been guarding it all night. 
Which is why you need to hand it back to the one who gave it to you. “We haven’t done something like this before, so.. It’s a nice change of pace.” 
Jimin turns before realizing something. “Oh. I meant the weather.” 
Embarrassed, you let out a laugh while his eyes crease. “Ah. That, too.” 
“Got deep real fast.” 
Both of you puff out laughter as you look down, just in time to see someone gazing right up at you. Someone that makes your heart squeeze on sight. 
Oh, shit. Is he gonna get the wrong idea again? 
You need to do this quick. Yoongi can’t be let down more than once tonight. 
Sighing, you start to hold up the bag again. “Thank you—”
“He’s lucky you came around when you did.” 
Jimin leans on the railing before eyeing you with a smile. “You don’t even know, do you.” 
“I don’t…” When you look below, Yoongi’s not looking anymore. And you panic. “Jimin, thank you. But I seriously can’t take this.” 
Why does he look so calm? Why does he keep acting like this isn’t a big deal? “You can.” 
“No, really. I—” 
“I may have gone too far this time.” 
Your eyes still as you breathe out a confused, “...What?” 
Jimin’s face is dusted with peach in the cold, and you get a good view of his jawline as he peers down below with a regretful curve. “I kinda tricked him,” he admits. “Into picking your gift for the exchange.” 
The shock you feel prevents you from even blinking. How the hell can this get even more overwhelming? “What do you mean?” 
“I wasn’t lying when I said I got some good discounts.” Jimin turns around to lean against the railing. “So I thought it would be fun to rope him into getting you something.” 
When he laughs to the chilly night sky, you don’t join him—the shock is preventing you from doing anything. 
“Didn’t think he’d pick a whole bracelet, though. Made for one hell of a gift exchange pick.” He looks at you at a tilt. “You like it, right?” 
Even if Yoongi was the one to pick out the jewelry, Jimin still had to purchase the damn thing. And even with his discount, it’s still expensive as hell. It has to be. You haven’t let go of the bag once because you don’t want to lose it. “But you still had to pay,” you blurt out. “I’ll find a way to pay you back if you aren’t gonna take it.”
“I didn’t pay for it, either.” 
Your heart stops. 
Full on halts. 
When he turns his head, he looks toward the sky in thought. “Well, I did secretly pay the exchange limit. But..” He straightens before staring back at your absolute silence, dropping the biggest surprise of the whole night,
“Yoongi paid the difference.”
The sudden sob that leaves your throat startles him immediately, and he rushes forward to put hands on your shoulders. “Hey, hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, I just—”
The sound of a door slides open, and you turn to see your favorite, favorite, favorite person walking through. You must look like a wreck but you don’t care, don’t care, don’t care. 
“I’ll leave you both to it then,” Jimin says to your watery eyes before squeezing, heading out to give you both the quiet space you need. 
But Yoongi clutches his arm as he walks by, and you hold your breath as he stares him in the eye, voice burning with a steady glow,
“Don’t pull that shit again.” 
“I know,” Jimin agrees without pause. “I owe you one.” 
“No one comes up here then.” Yoongi releases him slow. “Until I come back down.” 
The host of the night shares a quick hand clutch before assuring, “You got it.” 
Bag clutched tight in your hands, you watch in wonder as Yoongi approaches you with a quiet determination. His presence alone makes your heart beat warm and soft, but you cannot stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. 
All you can ask as he gets close is a wondrous, “Why..?”
“He’s a very persuasive salesman.” When you wipe your eyes, he helps with a little look of tenderness. Though there’s still some frustration evident in his features. “But I didn’t know it would be for tonight.”
“Oh, shit,” you sigh. “Why did he do that?” 
“I’m not sure.” Yoongi holds your chin, rubbing your frosty cheek with a handworking thumb. “Taehyung didn’t know he’d do it, either.” 
“Tae knew, too?” 
“Yeah. He thought I had it, not Chim.” He sighs to the side, hair lifting slightly in the breeze. “I almost stood up when you screamed.” 
Your heart shrugs off some chill. “Really?” 
Yoongi nods before looking up with scrunched brows. “It took all of me to keep my ass down. Honestly, I’m still pissed the fuck off.” 
You believe that. One hundred percent, you believe that. Because you’ve never seen him talk to Jimin like that before tonight. 
Reaching to cradle one of his cheeks, you feel how cold he is before whispering to soothe, “Tell me how you wanted it to go.” 
When Yoongi looks at you, your lips curve into a small smile. Peppered with a bit of your tears and willingness to make him feel better. 
He softly grips your hand on his face before turning to kiss your fingers. Voice low, he reveals, “I was gonna take you straight to dinner. After you got off work one day.” Another set of kisses makes your fingers both hot and cold. “Then I would’ve faked needing something from the studio. And you would’ve gotten it there.” 
“Oh…” You blink as your vision blurs. “That’s…” 
“Among other things.” 
At his suggestive look, you playfully pat his jacket. But your heart starts leaking from your eyes.  
Because you just want it all to be out already. Just everything. Everything, everything, everything, you’re so tired of keeping it under wraps. 
“What’s wrong, doll.”
“Nothing,” you sob. “I’m just… I didn’t know, and… This is a lot.” 
You’re overflowing with emotions. From all the experiences you’ve had tonight to this very moment, everything has been wonderful and magical and there’s nothing quite like this feeling. But you’re also so embarrassed because he definitely brought out much bigger guns than you did. 
Sniffling into his jacket, you whisper, “Thank you… You got me something timeless. This is so much cooler than my gift.” 
“No! Yours is great, are you kidding me?” 
“It’s a jersey… That’s much less cool.” 
“Mm... You also called me yours.” When you freeze completely, Yoongi's shoulders bob with his pride. “Gotta say, that was the highlight of the night."
“Oh, shut up!" When you groan into his clothes, you feel him laughing through his chest. And it's one of your favorite feelings in the world.
Shoulders slumped, you heavily yearn,
“I want it all out now. Everything.” You squeeze him closer. Closer, closer, closer. “I want everyone to know it was from you.” 
Yoongi doesn’t say anything, though you do feel his heart beat a little faster. When he finally answers, you close your eyes. “I know I said this last time, but.. Next year. For sure.” 
“Can we decorate, too?” 
Yoongi looks into your starry eyes. “You wanna?” When your nod is quick, he laughs. “Guess I don’t have a real choice then, huh?” 
“Nu uh.” You squeal as he hauls you into a full kiss, squeezing you in his arms and more tears out of your eyes. “Wait!” 
When he tilts his head, you grin at his adorable quirk. “Let’s do it anyway.” 
Holding up the bag, you cheekily suggest, “Everything you said. Let’s do it.” Biting your lip and feeling the chill on your ears, you finish, “There’s a new place I wanna try with you anyways.” 
Yoongi just stares, smile unsure but huffing amusement from his nose. “You sure?” 
“Duh! And I’ll act even more surprised, just for you.” 
Your giggling is purely born from excitement. Because you can’t wait to take him somewhere you know he’ll enjoy, too. And you get to see the studio? It’s gonna be a fantastic—
You’re brought into a tight hug before your thoughts finish. The bag between you crumples a tad, but you’re more focused on the way your head is moved for a soul-tying kiss. 
Warmth and gold and sparkles burst from your chest as you’re completely taken by Yoongi’s lips, and you start to feel your house inside change. It’s festive. It’s decorated. It’s made just for you and him. 
You've never been one for this season. But getting to spend it with Yoongi two years in a row? It's becoming one of your favorite times of the year.
“I just…” he murmurs to your features before gripping you close. “Thanks, babe.” 
“Thank you,” you whisper into his handsome features. “Once you give it to me for real, I’m gonna wear it everywhere.” 
“Please do. Get my money’s worth.” 
When you both laugh, your affection leaves in puffs of white. And you give him a more tender kiss than the first. 
You feel so at home it hurts. But it hurts because your heart is so full you can’t fit it all. All the love for everyone that fills that hole in your life that you and your brother have had for years. 
You’re gonna tell him one day. And it’s gonna rip you apart. 
But you hope everything will be okay. This time next year, all of you will be okay. More than okay. 
When you lean in close, you whisper something you’ve never really said to anyone. But you’re gonna try to start, even if you aren’t quite familiar with it yet. It’s a good year to start, start, start. 
“Happy holidays, Yoongi.”
His lips spread slow before giving one more kiss to your chilly nose. And every anxious feeling floats away in the frosty breeze.
“Happy holidays, doll.”
fin. :)
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so... how did it go! | join the server! | join the taglist!
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a/n: happy holidays, merry christmas, happy new year to everyone that celebrates! just wanted to get this one out for the ones needing a little bit of cheer around this time. we learn quite a bit about some of the crew's backstories and where they work now, huh. is this a pocket universe, too? who really knows! but it all flew out of my fingers as soon as we got the suggestion, so thank you again to that anon message! a/n 2: thank you to everyone that's stuck with me and 3tan this year. it's been a rough one, but i also wanted to post this one to let you all know i'm still here. 3tan will forever stay with me, and i have not ever forgotten it. not one day goes by where i don't think about it, or y'all, or them. trust me. also, stay on the lookout for some physical copy interest checks! we are getting closer and closer to 3tan copies being A Real Thing! ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ more links: ⇥ masterlist  ⇥ three tangerines masterlist
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rumeras · 1 month ago
Self-indulging my domestic Sylus train bc I need this rn this is not proofread I’m half asleep lol
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You couldn’t sleep. It was so infuriating. You were trying so hard. You pulled out the works. Rain sounds, warm milk, a hot bath.
Nothing was helping.
So you had to pull out the big guns.
The phone rings once before it’s picked up.
“Speak,” Sylus’ voice is low, deep. His tone is one you’ve become unaccustomed to over time.
“Hey,” You say softly, and you can tell he hadn’t realized you were calling. “How’s…work?”
You hear his low grumble of laughter, “Well, hello there, Kitten.”
You hear the soft chatter of voices fade, seems you may have caught him in the middle of something.
“I’m sorry, I can leave you alone—”
He interrupts you, “—And why would you think I’d ever want that?”
You can’t help the soft giggle that leaves your lips, curling up deeper into your cocoon of blankets. You can smell Sylus on the fabric, and it soothes you a little more.
“I don’t want to bother you, especially when you’re working abroad like this.” You say softly, voice tinged with the slightest bit of exhaustion.
You hear Sylus hum noncommittally, “It’s always important when you call, now. What’s wrong with my beloved?”
You purse your lips, a soft pout on your lips, “I can’t sleep, I’m not used to you not being here..”
There it is, he thinks to himself. Settling into the couch cushion of a room far away from the commotion of illegal dealings. He’d come abroad to find a rat amongst the sellers he’d been looking into recently. Which had lead to him being away for over a week. Far too long by his standards, but work was work.
“Poor thing,” He drawls out softly, chucking when he hears your tired whine. “And what is it you’d like me to do about that?”
His tone is teasing, and you’re sure you’ll hang up on him just to spite his tone. But you know he’ll help, that he’ll do whatever you ask. Because he loves you.
“Talk to me?” Your voice sounds so pretty laced with that soft grumble of exhaustion, he finds the sound endearing.
So he caves, but is it really caving when he’d burn the world just to have you in his arms?
He talks to you, the baritone grumble of his voice vibrates through the phone. He talks about nothing in particular, just rattling off his days and what he’s done while away from you.
You hum along, voice slowly losing its normal tone and becoming breathy. A telltale sign you’re getting sleepy, he chuckles every now and again. Especially when you mumble something incoherent in response to his voice.
When he goes quiet too long, you whine, soft and just loud enough for him to hear.
“So fussy,” He’d say, before speaking again, “What if I run out of things to say? What would you do then?”
“I’d be..” You mutter softly, “So sad then..”
He thinks his heart may burst, his eyes soften, and if you were with him, he’d bury his face into the crook of your neck and pull you impossibly close to feel your warmth.
So he talks longer, until your breath is steady for at least twenty minutes. Then, and only then. Does he think to hang up.
Muttering a soft, “I love you.”
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gouraminnow · 4 months ago
... So when do we get the reader insert fic where we co-parent with Marco? /hi I love the fic!
Birds of a Feather <- link to OG, tldr orphan baby harpy mistakes Marco for their own kind so he's a dad now
I'm not doing any proper one shots/multi chap things with it but I could do some hcs for you :) this is... a bit light on the actual Marco x reader tho tbh
Honestly if you're already in a relationship with him, this would realistically be a point of tension. No, the harpy kid latching onto him isn't his fault, and you're not some villain who thinks the kid should just be abandoned- but it's kind of a big deal if your boyfriend spontaneously adopts a child without consulting you whatsoever. Needless to say a very long conversation is going to be in order at the very least. He's not a bad person for taking in an orphan, and you are not a bad person for going "hey bringing a kid home isn't something you just DO to a partner wth man"
But assuming you do have that discussion, and you are okay with things after they've been explained, then it's gonna be him trying to make it clear that You are his partner. Kissing you while they're present, making sure you're included in meals, having you groom his bird form and just playing up the casual affection in general.
If you share a bed with Marco that might be challenging the first couple nights. He sets up a little nesting box by the bed, but the kid really really wants to cuddle. They think it's really weird that you're there- but is able to settle if you stay on his opposite side.
But they warm up to you and Thatch pretty fast. Thatch is the food guy and you are... another parent. I give it three days tops before they interrupt the performative preening of your boyfriend by plopping themselves down in your lap with some grumbly chirping sounds, fluffing themselves up and expecting you to do the same. Marco grins at you and you try not to get too excited- don't scare em off!
I can see it ending with you in his lap while the kid is in yours, melting into a little feathered pile. Now they want to sleep between you two at night, squished between both of their new parents.
They're not gonna get your name right. Marco is "Maro" for a bit, and then "Margo" for even longer. With Thatch, they struggle through what sounds a bit more like "Tadge," but gets frustrated bc they know it's not right. If they're especially fed up they settle for yelling "AAA" at him. Ace gets it the worst he's "Ass" for awhile. WILL glare if you laugh about this.
Good chance you end up on baby bird duty while Marco is doing medical work.
Late one night, after the kid is a sleep, he asks you if he should still call you "Baby Bird" as a term of endearment and that it feels a little weird now... you agree but you aren't sure. Maybe it's just an in private thing now..?
Finding babysitting for dates isn't an issue this kid has hundreds of aunts and uncles. Thatch is a common choice- he's had special gloves commissioned so he can teach the kid cooking without their hand fluff getting dirty.
Meanwhile, you two get some alone time together, whether it's on some island for a proper date or just relaxing together in his cabin. Despite the reputation of the WBP, Marco is a reasonable person who understands that bringing a random child into a pre-existing relationship is a lot. He does check in with you a lot- he's a busy guy, but he does his best to make it clear you're still a priority. Odds are you're used to this sort of thing since he's a doctor and a division commander. He's got shit to do.
If you two have the uh. Equipment to reproduce, then one night he asks how you feel about another kid. He's very careful about it. He isn't certain on whether or not he wants another, but he'd be lying if he hadn't thought about it, is all. Odds are you don't wanna handle pregnancy on a ship this busy. But you do joke that if you happen to find some other sad little bird kid on some other island... Well, it might be good for them both, honestly.
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gingerbravecookie · 5 months ago
devlog 1 - cursor and the horrors of game making. the agony and such of making a rewrite fangame
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hello!! name's cursor/siffrin and i'm a poor loser making a fangame!! why did i commit to this i could have just made a fic but noooo i gotta pick up rpgmaker again
this devlog is made because. well. all devs do one ithink. also to write down my ocasional progress in this project!! this won't be monthly but whenever i have the time and got something to report yay. spare me from this hellhole
we begin 💥
ever since cookie run the darkest night got cancelled a few months ago and left us with only chapter 1 i did feel sad!! i liked the story!!! gingerbrave cool and fucking awesome moments. BUT!! because i am mentally ill,, i decided to rewrite the game myself and give it the ending it deserved to have!! will the ending be proper i dunno. i am still writing this stuff waugh. but hey it will have an ending at least
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to gamedev stuff proper. i got rpgmaker mz around 2022 for the purpose of making a cr game still. an original one!! however after making a few stuff i left it in hiatus bc i had to focus on school (i still do. college is breathing on my neck dear lord). i still plan to continue that one but it will be after i'm done with this rewrite. in either way. i've been changing placeholder stuff for now,, such as menu icons and figuring out how to make the party have five members. also re learning how to use aseprite because i gotta make all sprites haha (breaks down)
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i should remind folks that i am an artist/writer first and foremost. i will very likely go through pure trial and error while making and 'coding' all of this (why did i plan 14 chapters oh my godddd),, though i do have notes i took from the rpgmaker tutorial so i can refer to when i'm stuck whenever and hey!! forums are always a thing!! i wouldn't have figured how to have 5 party members if they weren't!!
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to writing stuff. i've been planning the prologue and the locations of the first 3 chapters so far. as well as a vague idea of chapter 12 and the epilogue. with point A and point B set,, now i just gotta make the middle point. aka the rest of the game</3
the main party and a few relevant npcs and characters have already been set. as well as brainstoming stuff and showing said stuff to the gingerbrave council (personal friend server) for approval of sillyness. you guys are fucking awesome btw if you're reading this. also hi chat
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mentally i've been setting a timeline of events. i plan to write these in a notebook so i can have them at anytime and not have to open my laptop whenever i get a cool idea. or dig through thousands of discord messages just to find an idea i wrote down in the moment. overall i believe writing (in comparison to art making and the game making process) will be the easier part for me. also i gotta decide for a proper name for the rewrite. naming it the same as the og is lame. i need something with more sauce. i'll figure it out. in the meantime. have this goober
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i'm sure this should be it for this devlog!! hooray!! what have i gotten myself into!!!
in all seriousness i'm honestly pretty excited,, i really want to make this game work and for people to play it!! even if it might be a bit of a pain i really wanna finish this project so there's tgat
that's all. see you all in the next devlog whenever that might be 💥
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luddlestons · 2 months ago
2024: Fic in Review
Borrowed from @ziskandra because it seemed like a very nice format to review in!
Total Number of Fics: 33 (the count on AO3 lies because I have two works posted this year that are art, not fics)
Total Wordcount: 201,240 (why am I like this)
Fandoms: 2 (Critical Role - 31/33, BG3 - 2/33)
Smut scenes: 32 - I am counting the orgy fic as all one long sex scene.
Most Popular Fic (by bookmarks): Buttoned Up and Undressed, which tracks, as it was a gift fic for the one and only zmeess, was written relatively near the beginning of the year and is for the largest ship I wrote about this year.
Most Popular Fic (by kudos): Same ^
New things I tried: Incorporating more of my art into the text of my fics and deliberately illustrating fics in general.
Fic I spent the most time on: As for which I spent the most time actually writing, I have no clue, bc I don't track that, but the one that took the longest to complete was Sleep, and Lack Thereof, which I started in February and finished in August. I spent a lot of time dithering because I was writing some new kink stuff, and because I continually got distracted by Ashton Greymoore.
Fic I spent the least time on: Twenty-Five Words or Less, which is entirely dialogue and under 1k besides.
Favourite thing I wrote: you're the universe i'm helpless in, which has so much fun prose and fanciful descriptions of plants! while being horny! and sad!
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? oh WAY more. I spent SO much time being busy being gay, and I still wrote TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND WORDS??? insanity. What am I doing.
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: I don't know if anything's UNDER appreciated, but if people want a deep cut rec from me, A Completely Normal Vacation is my favorite I've done that doesn't seem to have a lot of eyes on it compared to my other stuff. probably because it's about Kingsley!
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: uhhhh well Home for Winter's Crest literally has a paragraph about me falling for my boyfriend in there. It's not outright like "A/N: this is about my love life," but have fun guessing what it is, I suppose!
Biggest Disappointment: Just that I didn't have the motivation to finish Certain as the Moon Rises, but hey, there's always next year!
Biggest Surprise: The amount of folks who were all-in ready to go with my Ashton/Essek series! The ship literally didn't exist when I got there (there was ONE Ash/Essek/Caleb fic but I started off the Ash/Essek tag) and still has hardly anything in there but so many people told me they loved it. I'm constantly desperate for more of this ship too!
My Favourite Part Of Fandom This Year: I got to work on some pretty awesome collaborations this year, specifically working on Unlaced, Undone with zmeess and doing art for a few of the latest chapters of Mistakes Aren't Regrets, which I've been following since near the start!
Writing goals for next year: keep doing whatever the hell I want! I would also like to do more original fiction, but this is a fanfic review lol
Did you meet last years goal?: last year's goal was also 'do whatever the hell I want', so yes!
(Not doing any specific tags, but if you do this after seeing it from me, please tag me bc I'd love to read!)
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When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Kei, thank you for thinking of me!! 🥰 Picking five out of 102 was hard, bc all of them are special somehow, but here goes!
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🐉 Hic sunt dracones 
15 chapters / 99,705 words / Fantasy AU / Dragon!Eddie, Royal!Steve / rated E 
The day that Prince Steven Harrington turns twenty is the first sunny spring day after a seemingly endless spell of heavy rain that left the castle grounds drowning in mud and its inhabitants freezing and miserable in the inescapable dampness of everything.
But that is not why he will remember it so vividly for the rest of his life.
It is also the day that his father, King Richard, chooses to ride off into war with great fanfare, to strengthen the glory of Hawkins and expand its wealth and territory.
But this also isn’t why the day will be forever ingrained in his memory.
No, the actual reason Steve knows that he will not forget his twentieth birthday until the moment his heart stops beating and his eyes close forever is an entirely different one.
It is the day he finds the dragon.
👪 Someone who cares
14 chapters / 83,986 words / Modern AU / Single dad!Steve, Nanny!Eddie / rated E
Hey, babe …
It takes Robin only a minute to respond, and apparently she can read his mood even through text message.
Hey, love! What’s wrong?
The terrace seems weirdly quiet and empty without Eddie’s presence. Eddie, who is all loud and wild on the outside, but kind and considerate on the inside. Who will gladly reopen the scars of his own past to make a sad little boy feel better. Who calls Steve cute, and a softie, and thinks his son is the greatest kid in the world.
Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He digs his fingers into the bridge of his nose so hard his nails leave little indents in the sensitive skin there. Then, he lets out a heavy breath, types and hits send before he can overthink it for too long.
I think I’m fucked.
The one in which Steve Harrington, overtired and over-stressed businessman and single dad, hires Eddie Munson as a nanny.
🧜‍♂️ Just add water
5 chapters / 21,382 words / Summer Camp AU / mer!Steve, human!Eddie / rated E
It's one of the unwritten laws of Camp Lovers' Lake, as solid and immovable as the official rules. Curfew is at nine. No swimmers or boats are allowed past the buoys.
And Steve Harrington does not go in the water.
Or: Three times Eddie wonders what Steve's secret is, one time he learns, and one time he finds out a lot more.
🔥 Whatever you want it to be
5 chapters / 18,683 words / omegaverse / Omega!Eddie, Alpha!Steve / rated E
Steve, who has just ripped through the tape binding his wrists in an impressive feat of strength, freezes mid movement. His nostrils flare and Eddie can practically see the moment it clicks for him, even before his eyes flick down.
“Wait a second,” he mutters, and then his eyes are back on Eddie’s face, wide and panicked and disbelieving. “You are-”
“Pretty fucking hot when tied up?” Eddie rasps around an aching jaw, voice still hoarse with misuse. “Why, gee, who knew you were into that kinda stuff, Harrington?”
“Stop joking, that’s not what I meant!”
The command is sharp, and Eddie finds his jaw clenching shut against his conscious will. A red-hot flush is crawling up Steve's neck, but his face is full of serious concern.
“You're in heat,” he murmurs.
Or: The one where Eddie goes into a drug-enduced heat courtesy of Jason Carver and his goons and Steve saves him. (And then they fuck about it.)
🌹 Kiss that ring (mini series)
6 parts / 5,926 words / Mafia AU / hitman!Eddie, Mob baby!Steve / rated E
The boy tries to shy away from his touch, but he doesn’t get far, bound in place as he is. Eddie chuckles.
“Shhh, honey,” he scolds, cradling that pretty face with both hands. “It's okay. The name's Eddie, I work for your dad. Well, worked.”
The boy blinks at him, hazel eyes large and confused. Eddie laughs softly.
“See, the firm’s under new management. My management, to be more specific. I’m trying to keep it minimum bloodshed, so your old man’s gonna make himself scarce and I’ve agreed not to bother him. In return, I get to keep this fine house … and everything in it.”
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circumlocutive · 1 month ago
i didn't realize you were still dating that guy, didnt he cheat on you?
lol yeah I took him back a while ago
He apologized, he agreed to certain things to rebuild trust and also smooth out problem spots in our relationship, and has been doing the monog partner thing pretty well. I don't think I'm fully monogamous, dunno if we can do poly well either, but a lot of my issues were based around supporting him (and he's got his shit together recently), sexual frequency (we have gotten a LOT better at navigating this in a way that works for both of us; ex. he's more helpful when I'm jerking off, he's better about saying hey not now but maybe later, he's been more prolific with verbal reassurance and expressions of physical desire etc), and investing conscientious effort into the relationship (going on more dates at least once a month was something I requested, he on his own has been making more efforts with dates and playlists and loving)
Basically all to say, he made mistakes and hurt me badly, he apologized, he communicated, and he's been better. I've also positioned myself so I can leave if need be (we moved to an apartment I can afford without him) and have been working on my part in being codependent by focusing more on my shit. Some people have been like AUUOAUA ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER HE'LL DO IT AGAIN, but I wanna give him a chance. I choose to try again. And if he does hurt me again, I don't feel stupid/humiliated for being stupid- because I am not stupid. I know the risks and I'm choosing to be generous and open and forgiving to someone who wants to love me and is willing to work on it. He knows the stakes so if he hurts me again I have no guilt in leaving. It will be a sad and painful moment, but I won't feel bad for having hoped.
Anyway the threesome posting is probably why it came up? It was really weird timing yeah. He didn't seek it out at all and has been letting me make all the moves and has been vocal about our ability to brake anytime. I was nervous and thought we ought to stay in our monog vessel, where it's simpler and easier and less scary, but ultimately it was a positive experience and shows me a bit more of what nonmonogamous dynamics might actually work for me emotionally and not just theoretically, and therefore work for us. Maybe we can't do poly, maybe open-together is available tho. Maybe it'll change shape as we get more experienced and continue to improve communication. Maybe this was a weird one off! Idk! We are talking to digest but he's not pushing.
And it's been oddly helpful. I feel closer and more confident that he's choosing me on purpose and that he'll adjust if I need it bc he values my longer term well-being over momentary pleasures. And our ability to have hard conversations after the near break up has really improved. He's a lot less secretive, which is what fucked me up the most I think.
Anyway yeah. Imperfect. But such is life. I have made horrible mistakes and hurt my partners in the past, and I know that doesn't mean I owe him another chance, but I want to give the grace that was afforded to me, to him. There was much good. I think there's still good potential here. Everything isn't ruined.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months ago
And…what if I asked to start this new year off with some angst headcanons? Specifically the gang accidentally forgetting Two-Bit’s birthday. (Bonus points if you throw in either Dar-Bit,Dalbit, Or TimBit,you can decide.)
Idk everyone always says they’d forget Ponyboy or Sodapop’s birthday. And I genuinely can’t see that happening with how the Curtis brothers act. But I can definitely see them accidentally missing Two-Bit’s birthday. I can also see Two having very mixed feelings on this especially if his own family forgot as well.
id tell u that ur soooo real for it i love drama too
•FOR THE CURTIS GANG AND BDAYS, mrs curtis actually made a whole list of everyones day so she doesnt forget and after she died, darry followed that tradition on (or at least tried to). darrys the one who tells everyone whos bday it is so EVERYONNEEE wishes them well, this time however, he was so exhausted from work he misread two’s bday as being later on in the month
•tbh, two bit never striked me as the type to put a lot of emphasis on his bday, he loves having fun but i dint think hes BIG on the attention that comes w it being ur bday, he doesnt complain about it however. in his head its just if u remember u remember, if u dont, u dont, hes not gonna wish death upon u or somethin
•he expected that from a LOT of ppl to not know it was his bday, but not the gang. maybe one or two ppl but all of em??? hes a lil hurt, but hey they got their own lives, he was probably gonna spend most of the day celebrating on his own anyways, hes not totally bogged down thankfully
•if u want him to b extra sad, be tried hanging out w at least one person from the gang, but they all brushed him off, he was like a stray cat walking around for one singular crumb of attention. they didnt even have to know it was his birthday, he just wanted to b around someone
•what would b two’s tipping point is the fact that he doesnt have cake, and i dont mean this in a “he wants to eat cake cause two loves cake, thats all his character is” kinda way. its bc he wouldve liked to have a littttllleee moment of connection w ppl he loved, its more what the cake represents ig u could say!!! the cake being good is just a bonus
•so god damn it if he cant have cake, he might as well get free drinks over at bucks, make something good out of a not so good birthday. thats where he bumped into,,,hold my hand for this🫴🏽,,,,tim,,,woah,,,,,
•tim was there playing pool and noticed two looking slightly defeated, which means a lot cause hes never seen that guy upset so whatever happens has to b solve IMMEDIATELY🗣️🗣️
•tim personally doesnt care much for his own bday, like truthfully he doesnt, so when it comes to listening to two, he has a bit of a hard time relating to him, not that he doesnt care, but he does brush it off a bit, he sees it as something pretty simple but its BC he sees it as so simple that he decides to stay w him for a bit, for his sake
•they played stupid games, they now have 2 inside jokes, yet they could never rlly explain to someone WHAT they talked about, they were just yapping asay. their asses were totally carved into this bar stool chairs, they didnt leave for HOURS, hell they didnt even realize they were there for so long till bucks place got pretty quiet from most ppl leaving. am i allowed to say that tim even gave two his number to call if he ever needed anything bc if all the free drinks two gave tim??? dudes loving dudes, u love to see it,,,
•as far as it goes w the curtis gang, they dont realize his bday passed till a few days later, darry took a look at that piece of paper and his heart dropped, he felt so bad about it and apologized. does two have any bad feelings over it???? nooo bc the gang made a surprise late bday party just for him and he got his cake :D
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oakthcrn-a · 5 months ago
respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
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roleplayer name: Jackie
roleplayer pronouns: she/her
muse name: Larkspur Oakthorn ( @oakthcrn ) Eden MacTavish ( @dionadaiir ) Gwayne Hightower ( @kastaegros ) And a canon character multi ( @chthonicsouls )
preferred communication: Discord all the way babyyyyy.
experience: I started back when I was a teenager on msn / aim / gaiaonline / live journal and evolved to this. It was many moons ago.
preferred roleplay type: Longer threads for plotted stuff, and smaller threads for winging it.
pet peeves & dealbreakers: I like to think I'm pretty chill. I don't think I have a deal breaker per say other than like bigotry. I try to work any differences out. I do have a couple of pet peeves and I guess a deal breaker is that you get a mutual, you'll start talking and getting excited about a plot idea, you make a starter, and it never gets replied to. The person you plotted with stops responding to you. This is a sure way to getting softblocked / blocked, sad to say, I just don't want to pour my heart and soul into something and have it not go anywhere, and if communication stops, it snuffs out my desire to rp with you. Now of course I have some moots we purely wing it and don't speak much, that's kinda different, I don't know how to explain it, but I am talking about those who wants to be " friends " and mutuals, and when you try to be friends, they just don't respond or they take over a week to respond to you. Life yes, I know, but it takes two minutes to be like " Hey, let's talk later, life is hectic at the moment. " It spears a lot of hurt feelings, I think.
A pet peeve that could potentially get you softblocked is liking a starter that specifically says " hey multis, pick your muse. " bc I don't like picking people's muses for them, just throw me the one you feel most strongly about. I have it in my starters specifically, and if you don't pick your muse, im sorry but you're not getting a starter until you do, and i don't mind at all messaging you and asking, and even helping pick, but at the end of the day its your blog. If you like my plotting call, and I come to you, and don't have a general idea what you want, or at least putting input in an idea, this rubs me the wrong way. Why like my plotting call if you have no plots?
and I'm not talking about like vague ideas that we can throw out there and see what sticks, I am talking about the instances of me messaging you and you be like " i don't know..." or " I have no ideas. " That puts all the work on one party and that's not very fair. Its okay not to have an idea, but don't like my plotting calls until you got something, plot generators exist too.
plots or memes: Both are fine by me! A lot of great threads come from memes.
best time to write: I don't think I have a set preference, I suppose when the mood strikes me. I write way more on discord than tumblr tbh.
are you like your muse?: Not really, but I have been inspired by my own experiences and shape it to fit Lark.
tagged by: @everpoet ( thanks boo ) tagging: @starlsssankt @oflorien @mirkwvd @korolnichevoya @korzion @blackarrcw @leg0lais @legendaerium @loriensainted @celevrian @wornkindness @wulfmaed and you!
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meg2md · 7 months ago
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My life, in two pictures:
Exhibit A, trying to get swole but only succeeding when the lighting is on point, and still failing at pull-ups by trying my damndest
Exhibit B, my re-ignited love of Naruto, as well as a new obsession with non-alcoholic beers
That being said, I did drink... way too much last night. I went to trivia and truly would have been okay with 1-2 beers, but then a friend came late and wanted a drink, and my other friend is going through a rough time and wanted to go back to my place and keep drinking... and truthfully at ANY POINT I would have been okay with an NA beer, and I know for next time that I shouldn't give in to peer pressure and keep drinking. I'm confident I wouldn't have kept drinking on my own (which used to be a problem in college and medical school - binge drinking!!) and that I can do better next time. So even though I was hungover today and felt a little bit ashamed, I was able to be there for my friend when she needed it, I still went to my tennis clinic, and I know next time I'll be able to intersperse more NA beers and overall drink less.
And honestly, overall the past few months I have been drinking DRASTICALLY less and it's been very good for my mental, physical, and emotional health. Go me. I'm very proud.
Despite it all I'm actually somewhat on top of things, even though I spent most of the morning sleeping in bc I stayed up until 2 AM with my friend drunkenly singing MCR and Evanescence, and then it took awhile after tennis for my hangover to go away and for me to feel awake enough after extreme physical exertion while slightly hungover to get anything done. But I mayyyyy have this abstract I've been working on ready to submit for SGS if all goes well, and I'm also hoping on to be a middle author on a project with one of my co-residents which will also get submitted to SGS! And I actually have two ORs I can go to next week to film this video idea I have - submissions for the conference I want are due 8/8 so it's pretty tight and stressful but doable. I'm just gonna be SUPER busy next week with video stuff, in the same way i was SUPER busy this week with the lit review/IRB prep for my other project.
I'm gonna go crash into oblivion. It's already been a week of my research block and me not needing to be at the hospital barely at all but I feel like it's gone by so fast since I've been relatively busy working on all the things above. I'm definitely not efficient - a more competent research-oriented resident could probably have done it in a fraction of the time. But hey, I'm at least being academically productive, AND I played tennis, AND I'm going to two concerts this month, AND I've been allotting video game time to the start of every morning I don't have to be at the hospital.
All in all I think it's actually worked out nicely that I didn't rush to get an away rotation together last minute. I have 3 projects to work on at home AND I get to do things I like around the the neighborhood like watch Naruto, play tennis, read, and go to the gym. And I saw a pic of my ex earlier and while I was a little sad and nostalgic, it didn't rip me up like it used to (yes it's been 1.5-2 years w/e I love swiftly and deeply lol), and it just further motivated me to kick ass and be super swole and hot and buff up my CV >:)
I'm gonna be p sad going back to real work when this block is over bc ngl it's p cush
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dangopango00 · 1 year ago
Legato x gn reader
It was pretty rude of me to just randomly put an au fic without explanation so heres the explanation bye still self indulgent; always will be i fear
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more utc
- OK FIRST ABOUT HIM. He works for knives still but in this au his job is to cause vash suffering by 😭😭… outselling him??? Ridonkulous ik but go with it
- Knives wants him to outsell vash so vash realizes that art and human creativity is obsolete and instead help him run his tech/AI company that also focuses on helping global warming (humans suck they should die. robots go!)
- Hes apart of a band to rival Vash’s and ofc its the Gung Ho Guns; he hired them to play for him
- Tbh i think their genre isnt set in stone bc theyre purely doing this to outsell vash so I think theyd keep the core of it rock or indie but it has a lot of shifting gears, doing wtv gets the most traction
- Legato is the bassist but he knows keyboard if their keyboardist is absent
- I think legato writes most of the songs himself (to impress knives ofc this is still HIS mission afterall) and gets a lil sad and defensive if it flops LMFAO even if its just his first album; considering how Knives talked down on music Legato thought it’d be somewhat easy
- It DEFINITELY took him a while to write things that had some semblance of humanity in it tbh he had to have either another less emotionally stunted member write it or a ghost writer but he did still practice writing in his spare time since he had nothing better to do
- NOW ABOUT YALL. Ur roommates in a college dorm; if it were up to him he’d have an apartment but knives wanted him to keep an eye on vash and vash lives on campus
- He only has like one or two official rules as roommates but if ur pissing him off with sth thats not on the list he WILL let u lnow LOL
- The only rules established off rip are:
2. Do not touch him (no tolerance rule if u touch him without permission he WILL be out of there asap even if its a lot of trouble and will probably even idk push u or sth ignore u forever, hope and pray on ur downfall idk its hard to translate his violent tendencies to modern society without getting him arrested ok)
- You often eat together when he isnt busy tbh usually in silence but its ok its comfortable silence (to him at least)
- Ok im gonna try to say this in the least creepy way possible but like. He likes to observe you for inspiration HEAR ME OUT. Just seeing u go about ur day and since hes always in first person POV seeing someone else just… live gives him immense inspiration on what to write
- He also gets inspo from other artists and heres where u come in hehe. You are a solo artist who doesn’t show your face and your speaking voice is pretty much completely different from ur singing voice (Not like insanely different but if you heard the two separately you wouldnt really connect the dots unless ur one of those people who connect voices easily + depending on ur genre u could be using a completely different tone of voice than usual)
- Your genre is a little similar to Legato’s in the fact that although you keep your core component (Love theme IMO but hey i dont make the rules yes i doo) you change around the other moving parts such as the instruments or wtv so he listens to your music often though he never really thought it would be you; just never really thought about the possibility
- Im not gonna say hes like obsessed with your artist persona or anything but he does (as much as he would rather khs than admit it since according to Knives music is the bane of this world) greatly enjoy your music and often finds himself getting your songs stuck in his head
- Hes def a gatekeeper i mean this is the guy who can name every song in ur discography (Not saying much though since you dont post too often)
- ANYWAY u have no idea this is going on since hes prone to just listening to music in his headphones rather than showing you or blasting it for the world to hear so ur relationship is developing as normal roommates
- You often get him stuff from the college snack shack and in return he often gives u whatever he doesnt want from the dining hall (that sounds crappy but its usually good stuff like ur fave fruit or cheese and crackers or sth)
- After u become a bit closer going on trips together becomes common not like vacation but like a little drive to a department store or him taking you with him to practice/performances
- SPEAKING OF PRACTICE U work part time at a coffee shop and it has a practice room which is where he usually brings his band it sounds random but I’ve encountered a coffee place like this before ok
- Killing two birds with one stone, he gets to see you on his way in and out and he gets a quiet place to practice + Vash often brings his band here too so ig killing two birds and one afterthought with one stone
- Other GHGs (NOT greenhouse gasses. Gung ho guns) think that ur another one of his groupies probably 💀 he def has tons i fear
- He def writes songs about you or rather than about you, references how u make him feel but he is in denial and thinks feelings are embarrassing so hes just like no they just gave me inspiration
- Its ok though the only one he has to justify himself to is himself bc hes like. The only one who knows its about u since his songs are never rlly about romance and in the rare cases that they are its very subtle
- When, if ever, he feels ready for touch he frames it like hes doing u a favor lmao “I will allow you to (blank)” he is tbh
Random Misc:
- Hes majoring in Ecology or Conservation Biology prob minoring in sth like computer science (his entire life surrounds Knives what did u expect)
- Sleeps in his daytime clothes and ur always like ???? Esp bc he wears jeans often… U two went to the department store one time and u convinced him to let u buy him pajamas so he could wash the day clothes overnight
- Hes a big ass fan of vinyls and cds and just physical ways of owning things like music or games but wont admit to himself he likes it its just for the aesthetic ok even though he has a record and cd player
- Wants to cut ur hair and feels like its one of the most intimate things u could do without having to touch too much (forever subscribed to knives cut his hair hc)
- If u have a lot of accessories and generally just a lot of stuff he gets annoyed if it isnt properly organized and will organize it for u wnv hes having writers block
- If ur an artist he has u make his merch designs n stuff 😍😍 he pays very generously he rlly dgaf abt money tbh + Knives sponsoring him
A/N: irrelevant but idk whether to imagine him as tristamp or trigun design like both are so good but Ok im done yapping ty
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gutsfics · 7 months ago
trying to figure out if i can get a timeline that makes sense with both prime and choices hss that i also like
just going off of the years theyre released, i'd say prime starts in the 2013-2014 school year, and since Mia was a grade below everyone else, that means the prime cast + mc have to be sophmores or older.
choices hss takes place in the 2017-2018 school year, putting 3 years between the two. if mia was a freshman and the rest were sophmores, that would mean theyd all have graduated before choices hss started
i was already planning on that being what it is for my fic world bc i think itd be pretty easy to split hss prime into thirds and having it be a third of story a year, but why would the most of the hss prime cast be seniors during choices hss? theyd all have graduated the year before
i could bump it up a year so the begining of prime happens during the 2014-2015 year w Simon being a junior, but that would mean trying to split All That into two years. which i mean sure i probably could do but that would mean having to shift events around in the timeline, which is more work.....
i have kinda grown a little on choices prime wes/autumn ngl. wesautumn thoughts below the cut. bc its not Super relevant but i dont wanna make a second post
like so my thoughts of wes/autumn was that they were a will they/wont they for a good chunk of prime before Wes decided he wanted a solid Will They Or Wont They, and started dating Simon instead bc he really liked Simon and he didnt wanna keep waiting for Autumn to make up her mind. Autumn was a little sad at first, but bc shes still good close friends w both of them she decided she was fine w that outcome. Wes and Simon date, Autumn does... idk whatever she wants to, it works for all of them.
except then Simon and Wes break up bc Simon's about to be really busy and he doesnt wanna hurt Wes by having him drop lower and lower in his priorities until he's basically just stringing Wes along, so he like figures it'd be better in the long run if they call it good here. it was mutually understood and amicable, but its still sad.
and then Wes and Autumn realize that theyre both single again at the same time. and decide, hey, what if we actually try to make this work? no will they wont they bullshit, just two friends who start dating. and it does work, they do both like spending time with each other. at least at first. i think it some point they realize that tgeir relationship is a little.... hollow? the friendship is there, and they do love each other, but theyre just sort of........ aware. that they dont love the other the way the other wants/needs from them. and they try to keep it up, make it work, but then it just kinda. blows up in their faces during that argument about isa
it takes a while, but by the time they graduate theyre on amicable terms again, with the thought that theyll be able to be friends again
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dearopheliaimsorry · 2 years ago
Person of Interest (Praise + Personal Stuff)
Follow me through fanfiction, reality, and my love of film real quick! I'll do my best to be concise.
I first learned about Person of Interest through Tumblr user and famous ao3 writer, astolat. I think I was reading some of their various fics from other fandoms and saw just how many fics they had written for this "Person of Interest" thing. So I started reading, doing my best to avoid spoilers (it didn't work) and fell in love with the characters. Or at least fandom interpretation of them hahaha
Anyway, time goes by. I watched Fanvids, a historical movie where Michael Emerson (Finch) acted his heart out, and refound my love for Taraji P. Henson (Carter). And eventually, I caved and watched the show.
It's great y'all. The writing is not always perfect, but I never expect perfection lol. Still, I have to acquiesce the show has its own goofy moments, but the actors eat it up every time. Especially Henson.
Good lord, that woman is in a league of her own. After her I'd say Emerson is the next best actor, but still. Henson is just amazing to watch. So if you want to see some Black Excellence, Black Woman Excellence at that, the show provides.
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It is such a good show, let me pitch real quick:
A Kooky paranoid billionaire hires an ex-military man scarred by the government running on trauma, guilt, and heavy artillery. The two have a boss/employee, partners, besties, married couple vibe going on. They work with two detectives, one that used to be dirty and another with a heart of gold. They have such fun interactions all on their own as well as with the other two men. Together they all stop crime bc the kooky paranoid man created a machine that spies on all of us all of the time. Because 9/11 was a tragedy (duh.) and the government wants to stop it from happening again. But the government is...well...the government.
No matter who you are, what political party you align with, or where you are, no one fully trusts the government. And the show plays off that heavily.
Also, there is a wonderfully sapphic relationship between two characters (Root and Shaw) but I'm on at the very beginning of season 2 so...idk how that even starts lol. But hey, I'm all for representation!
Also (no spoilers) but from what I've had spoiled, the ending is pretty sad for all parties.
Anywhoo it is a really cute show with some absolutely amazing and deep relationships. These characters got me clinging to the show far more than the plot and the plot is actually fire.
So watch it or don't idc, but here were my two cents! (And of course gifs for your troubles)
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lolly-047 · 2 years ago
current newest brainrot is diluven as fairytale everythings
I mean like - fairytale AUs. ALL the fairytale AUs - og, disney, reworked, e v e r y t h i n g
So far i got:
Cinderella/Fae AU (totally not in the process of writing that one, nope, not me) - just. Venti in a pretty dress, yes pls (also lots of probably not-that-true fae lore, bc i am a beginner with fae lore but once i grab an idea i grow several wildly different things out of it, oops)
Tangled AU with Diluc as the princess for a change - babyboi be struggling with expressing his need for freedom and Venti!thethief helping him (yes to all the musical scenes) - i have this really strong image of Dottore as Mother Gothel (bc of the manga, where he was being very predatory towards my poor boy Diluc) also Corona/whatever the name of the kingdom is def has a missing person poster left up for Diluc (his fake/new name could be Phoenix? Bc that sounds vaguely science-y and i don't wanna name him after a vegetable) and Crown Prince Kaeya (also Captain of the Guard aka, taking the role of Max the horse in this) spends half the runtime trying to figure out if Venti is scamming him with Diluc or if that introverted idiot is really supposed to be his older brother (the answer is yes. Yes he is.) I have no idea what to do with the magic hair bit, but i am sure it can be worked in somehow - i am really hoping my hoe of a muse won't decide that i wanna write this one, i am in the middle of way too many projects
Mulan AU, bc we love that one too - i admit, i don't really have the logistics worked out, even in my head, but i got this image of putting people in squads - like Anemo, Pyro, etc... Poor Venti wanting to be in a squad with hotguysecondincommand!Diluc but gets stuck in the Anemo squad instead (i have no idea where that one would go or even who would fight who, or even how the plot of Mulan - og ballad or rework - would fit into it, but i can hear BE A MAN be sung by genshin characters and that is a GOOD image)
Little mermaid AU (yes Venti as a princess again. We love Venti in pretty dresses!) - basically usual premise, but couldn't leave my fav princess story out - would have a bit more time for the bois to fall in love tho bc yes, we love some extended date scenes (no idea who Ursula/the sea witch would be or if they were even malevolent or benevolent in this story, but... yeaaaah. The rest of teh Archons can be mermaids too, cause why not, there's supposedly 7 of them anyway)
Beauty and the Beast - kinda more like the og tales (aka Venti!Belle is not an only child, there isn't really a Gaston character, etc... i might end up writing that one if i am not careful enough xD) - fairy!Lumi gets drunk and curses Diluc, bc everyone's fav redhead is a mess when it comes to love... Nobody turns into furniture, instead, they are locked in paintings (only one painting per person, meaning they can't even reach anyone! So sad, but hey at least they can gossip with Belle!Venti about the master of the house... i put way too much thought into this help xD
Just. All the fairytale AUs. I need more and even more than that
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salaciousslut · 1 year ago
Done! Also do you have a favorite tequilla brand? Just curious! 🫣
Technically i have freckles all over my face but i only really count the ones that are darker and in a line under my eyes and over my nose, the other ones aren't prominent enough to call them freckles imo. And i'd feel more than lucky if you did worship me, sweetheart<3
I would love to take you to the gym with me, it honestly helped me with my depression as well! And of course i'd watch over you sweetheart<3 i wont lie, i love to go after dark bc theres less people. And i had the same problem but now i catch myself and try to stand straighter. I mostly lift weights when i work out so I know my posture improved due to needing to have a straight back to lift. Plus its super fun imo!! I miss the gym so bad but i hate going alone. I also miss feeling sore, im a bit of a masochist so i love feeling sore the day after working out🤭
Dont apologize for giving me info<3 organization's overrated anyway. Ive found that girls with glasses tend to be my type🫣 you literally sound so pretty sweetheart<3 i knew i wasnt wrong calling you a pretty princess<3 im kissing the tip of your nose and your forehead rn🥰 you are literally so cute, puppy coded too🥺 ive never had crawfish it seems yummy but im not sure if i should try it! Shrimp ceviche used to be my favorite but then i developed a shrimp allergy to uncooked shrimp and around 17 i had to call it quits bc it stopped being worth it to risk it. Im still pissed but at least i can still eat shrimp its just gotta be thoroughly cooked, not just get cooked through the acidity of lime juice like its sucks so bad i just miss ceviche so bad. Ohh just a butch latina and a pretty asian girl what ever will they do hehe<3 and i knew but not cause you told me 🫣 your dni made it obvious, like yeah im just now saying hey but ive been aware of you for a little bit now🫣 also please lemme be ur body pillow one day<3 savory is good!!! Whats your favorite kind of snack?
Also thats adorable, youre just a cute little puppy that has to get off once a day to function her best<3 i mean if i were stressed from school i'd probably need the same thing🤭
tbh im not too picky about my brands, as long as it gets me drunk, then im happy!! also tequila makes me take my clothes off oopsies i think i should warn u about that!! but if im buying for myself, i typically will get espolon bc i feel like its yummy and reasonably priced!
yes i love feeling sore after a workout!! i am also a bit of a masochist (omg who knew)!! but ive never lifted weights before. all the dude bros scare me and i feel like im always being judged but if we went together i know u would take care of me!! i like aerobics and like calisthenics (i had to google how to spell that word) and love yoga sm!! the burn of stretching feels amazing!!
hehe i am very puppy coded! i used to think i was more kitten coded but now ive grown and realized puppies are sooo fun!! so much energy and just wanna be cherished and loved!! which is everything i want!!
nooooo thats so sad that ur allergic to ur fav food :(( i love ceviche but at least u can still tolerate the cooked version. i know its not the same but its still something!!
ohhh i forgot that i put that in my dni, people are so weird about race here smh i just gotta cover all my bases so i can have fun on this website!! but aww we would look soooo cute together
im a sucker for chips. u know how they say all bi girls do is lie and eat hot chip? yeah all i do is eat hot chip hehehe. not so much lying but hot chip very much so. i also loveee chips and salsa and chicken wings and yeah all the fun savory stuff i guess!!!
hehe cumming is like a lil treat!! a reward for myself for being sooo good you know? but it would be a million times better if someone else was making me cum rather than myself 😳🫣
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