#anyways. bestest guy who deserves the world and lots of birthday cake
technicalknockout · 15 days
guess what day it is🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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kpopluvclb · 5 years
City Lights
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Pairing: neighbor!jisung x reader, bestfriend!jisung x reader
Genre: fluff, definitely
Word counts: A LOT
Summary: the story of Park Jisung and you
Song recs: crush culture - conan gray + lovely - billie eilish
Author note: It was written late in the night and i’m sorry for any mistakes:/ but please don’t judge me about the birthday part please. Thank you!
You were 12, when you stepped out of the apartment of your parents. You lived near the city center. You were on your way to the supermarket to buy some snacks for the evening, since your parents been away for two weeks nearly, because of work. They had to trust you and your brother fast, because of their work they would be away often, but you take it well. You enjoy the time alone. You were about to lock the door as you noticed the package in front of your neighbor door. With a confused look, you let your body move forward to the door frame to look if someone is standing there and of course, they stood a small family. Two adults and their son. He seemed taller than you and so older as well. His head turned around still unknown with the new surrounding. He noticed you at the door frame and a small smile appear on his lips. His body turned in your way and his legs started to walk towards you. “Hi, I’m Jisung.” He held out his hand. You looked at the latter hand confused, then you connected your hands. “Hi, welcome in the neighbourhood. I’m y/n. I’m living right there, if you need anything.” You smiled at him. His parents noticed you and you introduced them as well. “Jisung, why aren’t you going with y/n. Maybe she can show you the surrounding.” His mom said. He looked at you, while you were nooding. You two walked down the floor to the elevator and you immediately pulled out a lollie. He watched your actings and smiled at it. “Soo, why do you move in here?” You asked, looking at his side profile. “Well, my parents aren’t that often at home and so we couldn’t be in our old house, because they didn’t wanted me alone so often, since I have no siblings.” He answered. “Oh, I know what you mean. My brother and I are often alone as well. If you want you can come over. Isn’t it hard to leave your friends behind you?” You asked him. “Well, I didn’t really had friends when I lived there, so it wasn’t a big deal.” He said, looking at the floor. The elevator arrived and you two moved inside the empty metal box. “Oh I’m sorry, but now you have friends and good ones.” You told him, pushing his side a bit. “Oh really?” He asked. You laughed his reaction. “Yes jisung.”
Time flew and even before the school started again you and jisung became closer. You two weren’t so shy anymore around eachother. Jisung got to know your brother Jaemin, who is 2 years older than you and him. He saw Jisung as a little brother to him with the time. You three hang out often, since you were often alone. They were many sleepovers with movie nights or backing or cooking sessions. Jaemin often brought his friends over too, so you all started to form to a group. School started and it was even funnier with Jisung than before. Lunch time which were often in the library. Time flies and years as well.
Your 16th birthday and since it’s always in the summer holidays so it’s was for sure that you held a small party. It was the second birthday were your parents couldn’t make it, but they called you and wished you the best. The present you will get when they are back.
“Y/N!!” Jaemin yelled. “YOUR GUESTS ARE HERE!!” “DON’T YELL AT ME, EVEN IF YOU ARE OLDER.” You yelled back. “YAH, I can yell at you whenever I want! You little ugly cucumber.” He said while walking in the kitchen. “Yess, drrramaaa” Hyuck said while sitting down. “Don’t name me cucumber when you know that I hate them you little rat.” you said. “OKAAYY. Let’s stop your little fight and let’s start celebrating.” Mark said. “Oh Canadaa. You crashed it.” Hyuck growled. You laughed. “Hello to you too my sunshines.” You went in a hug, but Mark held something in front of your face. “Happy birthday lil sis. I wish you the best. You deserve everything in the world. Unbelievable how fast time flies, I feel my tears again. I’m crying over that for a few days haha.” He said. “No joke he really does. I went to his place a few days and he sat there with old pictures and cried on the floor. I went home in the second I came.” Hyuck throw in. “Thank you Hyuck for exposing me like this... anyways, i love you. Thank you for the time we spent together and will.” You hugged him and stayed for that. “Thank you Mark. This means a lot like you do.” You said. “My LOVELY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD. MY SUNSHINE. Happy birthday to you and you only. Just the best for you and I wish you the best. Love you, you know that. Stay the way you are and please keep sharing your lollies with me. I’m addicted because of you.” He said. “I will Hyuck. Thank you to you as well. I love you both so much.”
You knew them before you could even speak. The 3 of your moms were best friends and that’s how you became friends. You are the youngest of them so it was sure all of you were like siblings and everyone was okay with that. You told each other everything.
The bell rang again. “WHERE IS MY FAVOURITE BIRTHDAY GIRL??” Someone yelled from the other side, which cause you to smile. You opened the door and a happy Chenle jumped in your arms. “MY LITTLE BAMBI. I WISH YOU THE BEST. LEMME LOOK AT YOU. SO GREW UP OMG. I can’t believe that. Happy birthday sweet cheeks. Love you!!” He said while hugging you. “Here is your present.” He handed you. You hugged him again and mumbled a small “thank you so so so much”.
Time flew not that fast and the bell rang again. You opened the door and 3 boys stand before. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOSER! I wish you the best and more! Love you, you cinnamon roll.” Renjun handed you his present and pulled you in a hug. “Thank you junnie!!” You hugged him back. “Happy birthday bubbles. I wish you the absolutely best! You deserve the world! Love you peaches.” Jeno gave you a soft hug and gabe you a small present. You don’t lie, when you say he gives the best hugs ever. “Thank you Jeno pie.” You said in the hug. “Happy birthday to my best friend.” You can hear the soft voice of Jisung. “I wish you the absolutely best and all what you wish for! Be happy and bubbly forever. That’s just you. Love you sweetheart.” He went for hug and you could feel your heart skipped a beat. You ignored that and hugged him back. You maybe hugged for to long, because you noticed how quiet it got. You enjoyed it. You enjoyed his company. You went back to the kitchen and found your group in a very quiet, but with suspected smiles, mood. They all looked at you with a suspicious smile while you walked in the kitchen. You let it be and brought the cake.
You guys had lots of fun and laughed like A LOT. But your eyes always find the way to Jisung. You thought it would be unnoticed but as soon as the most of them were away and you were alone with Hyuck, Mark, Jeno and Jaemin, you knew there is something up. “Y/n... i have a question.” Mark got to your side. “You know we can talk about everything,, soo...” “Ugh Mark you make it more complicated than it is.” Hyuck said. You looked at them with confusing. “What we wanted to ask: Do you have any feelings for Jisung which are not on a best friend level?” Jaemin blurred out. Then it hits you. Do you? He was always at your side in the past years, he gave you reputation, you cried yourself out when sad feeling hits you, he gave you cuddles when you felt lonely, he gave you his hoodies when you felt cold, he gave you small kisses on your head when you felt nervous. You were kinda shocked. “Well, maybee.” You turned around and hoped they didn’t noticed your blush. “If that isn’t that what I waited for the last year than I’m not longer Hyuck. Finally.” Hyuck stated his thoughts. You were confused. “What?” “Nothing darling. We are just happy for you. Since when are the feelings there?” Jeno asked. “Hahah, to be honest I don’t know, I just realised it after I got reminded.” You said in a quiet voice. “Ohh-.” They did in sync. You got panicked. “I would love to continue that conversation, but I’m really tired and I want to shower before I go to bed. I wish you all a good night and to those who I see tomorrow in the morning, I will bring some things. Anyways, I love you guys, Good night.” You walked out of the kitchen not letting them a chance to talk back.
Never in a million years you thought you would fall for your best friend. You heard a soft knock on your door. “Y/n...are you up?” Mark asked softly through the door. He always came into your room when he stayed over. He liked your company and the late night talks with you. “Yeah,, come in buddy.” You told him and were about to make the spot in your bed for him. “Thank you.” He layed beside you, taking you in his arms. You stayed like that for a while and you could continue that forever. There were never a awkward silence between you two and you liked that a lot. “Since when do you like him for real?” He started. You wanted to “huh?” but you knew about who he was talking.
“To be honest, I never really thought of it. It felt all so normal and I was sure there was just friendly feelings for each other. Of course I laid in my bed sometime and thought about it, but I came to the conclusion that when I would like him, he wouldn’t like me back, so I decided to held against it. But then you guys ask and all the feelings came again and I questioned myself. It’s not even out of my mind now..” you told. “Oh okay.” “You have nothing to say more about it?” “What do you want me to say? I’m happy for you little one. You deserve to be happy with a partner. I hope Jisung has the same feelings. Do you wanna tell him?” He stated. “Hold on,,, I just realised it.. I will watch it and then I think about it again.” You said. He grins at you and with a sleepy voice he cuddle himself in your blankets and before he drove of he told you: “Everything will be okay, hun. Just take the time you need.” “I will Mark, thank you.” “Good night lil peach. Sleep well”
So the holidays were almost over and your feelings for Jisung just grew. Your heart flattered when you heard his laugh. You felt the blush in your cheeks when he hugged you for to long. He were everywhere and you were straight falling. Falling in love.
“Are you listen to me Y/n?” He snapped you out of your thought. You shaked your head. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You gave him an apologetic smile. “Do you want to go the roof tomorrow? Just the two of us with the pretty view like in the old days. Kinda celebrating our last holiday day.” He looks at you while drinking his milkshake. “Of course!!! I would love to. When ?” “Is 5pm good? I will bring everything and you have to make popcorn okay? We will stay there over night as well.”
Tomorrow came sooner as you thought and you stood there making enough popcorn for a big family. “It should be okay.” You looked at the time. *4 pm*. You jumped in the shower and clothed yourself in cute, but comfortable clothes. While showering you decide to take the chance and tell him about your feelings.
Around 5 you heard a soft knock. “Y/n~~~” Jisung said. “On the top is everything ready, are you ready too?” “Of course Jisungie.” He told you a joke while going up and your stomach kept swirling. He was your mood maker, whatever it was. As you got up you saw what he did. He turned your little place into a beautiful watching spot. The matresses which laid there were decorated with blankets, blankets and even more blankets. As well as pillows. In the middle stood his laptop and a series of movies. All the favourite ones of you two. “How beautiful you did that oh my god.” “You like it?” He asked nervously. “Of course,, it’s so chill and relaxing. Really really beautiful.”
You heard him something mumble but couldn’t get what he said. “What did you say?” You asked him with interest. “Nothing, just that the view is beautiful.” He said. Hours went and so the sun went and the moon came. You liked the night, because it was so quiet and it brought so many mysteries with it. You saw how the city was lighted and stopped the movie to go to the edge. “Isn’t it beautiful?” You asked Jisung while looking at the sight before you. You didn’t noticed the look Jisung gaves you: “Yeah.” He answered.
“Y/n? Can we please talk?” Jisung started. You looked at him confused. Your heart beats faster but you nod. “About everything you know that.” You answered him. “But I don’t want to talk about everything. I want to talk about you. I want to talk about us.” He looked you in the eye. “W-why do you want to talk about u-us?” You asked with stutter. “You know Y/n- Ever since I know you, you left a big impression in my life. I knew people, who stepped in my life and I was with them 24/7, but I got tired of them easily. Till I met and had the chance to know you. I still thank you that you came over as we moved in and that you showed me the surrounding. Timing couldn’t be better. If you were just a minute to late, everything could be in a other way. But I don’t want that in a other way. I don’t want us in a other way. I don’t know since when but I started to feel more than just friendly feelings for you. I always pushed them aside because it felt weird. But they came always back. But that’s okay. And I wouldn’t be angry at you or mad if you don’t feel the same. I know it’s a bit running over, but I held it in for to long..” he finally said.
“Jisung-“ you started. He looked at you. “I want you to know that you are an incredible human and no one in the world can take that away from you.” You said while tearing up. “Why are you crying softie?” He laughed while taking your face in his hands. “Please, hear me out.” You said. “I don’t know when or what happened, but since my birthday I realised my feelings. You are breath taking. Absolutely stunning. I would lie if I say that your laugh wouldn’t warm up my heart. And Ilove your hugs...” you said. “Park Jisung, I like you.” You said with happy outcoming and burning salt water on your heated cheeks. Finally you had that weight off your shoulders. You could breathe finally normal. He were shocked at first, but then he took you in his arms and hugged you tight. You took your arms and slung them around his waist while he brought you closer every second. You stayed for this for a while, eyes closed taking deep breaths of his scent. “We are now girl- and boyfriend, right?” You asked with a soft voice. “If you want us to. Of course.” He answered. “Do you want?” You looked at him with worries. He kissed your forehead and nose. “Definitely. Please be the light in my darkness.” He asked you still holding you and looking at your beautiful face. You laughed at it. “Only if you are always shining so bright as you can beside me. Like thoses city lights.” You looked at him. He kissed your forehead with love and agreeing. “Can we lay down please? I’m a bit sleepy.” You half yawned and resting against your boyfriends chest.
You two came back to school, seeing each other before you meet the others. Walking towards them hand in hand. Close to each other, smiling and laughing. “I knew it! I mean, I’m happy for you two!” Hyuck greeted you with hugs. “Thank you haha.” The others who came over the day got it that you two are together now, but weren’t surprised. They said: “It was a matter of time, but we are still happy for you!”
Dating Park Jisung is connected with lots of cuddles and hand holding. He is still the softie you know and there weren’t a sign of it that would change. There weren’t many new things, you just went to dates and cuddling in your bed whenever you had both freetime.
For both of you it could stay like that forever. You were both the others safe place, the others light.
The city lights for each other, which guide you through life.
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