#pretty pictures come after the socks are both done
icterid-rubus · 2 months
I wanted to make some kilt hose for the Highland Games but could only manage a single ho 😔
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Guess I could hop.
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wileys-russo · 3 months
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just like mummy II l.williamson
in the same universe as legacy and little golfer
"mila! mil? mila?" leah called out with a frown, poking her head in each room with a frown that deepened each time she didn't find her daughter.
"okay bubba this isn't funny we need to leave soon!" leah's voice wavered as she ducked down, checking under the beds with a huff as again she came up empty.
"mila? mummy isn't joking we really need to leave!" leahs chest tightened a little as she went room to room hunting for the four year old.
normally you took charge when it came to getting your daughter ready of a morning before training, but considering today was pre season media day you'd had meetings set earlier than leahs so you'd already left before the four year old was up.
normally mila was the very first awake of the three of you but last night she'd been particularly stubborn about refusing to go to bed which leah had promised to take care of after almost two hours of trying to get her settled, practically locking you in the bathroom to shower.
when you'd finished you'd found them both curled up on the lounge in front of the tv, passed out together with a rerun of the euros playing on the large screen.
so with a much later bedtime than normal she'd actually slept in to the point leahs alarm had gone off and she was stunned to be alone in bed, expecting a four year old lump curled up on the end of her bed as usual like a cat.
"ready!" the blonde almost jumped out of her skin as tiny footsteps sounded behind her.
"i look like you! wanted to match today." the girl grinned, one of leahs arsenal kits hanging down on her like a dress and her feet drowned in a pair of football boots and socks which continued to fall down.
"stay up!" the smaller blonde huffed yanking at them with a scowl which if you'd been there you'd have commented was near identical to leahs own.
"oh mila." leah chuckled, relief flooding her body replaced quickly with amusement. "you have boots! lets go find them you monkey." the blonde laughed, scooping up her daughter and tossing her over her shoulder.
"mama!" you looked away from the interviewer at the familiar scream, hiding a laugh at the way your wife grabbed the back of your daughters top trying to restrain her, other hand barely holding together her own bag as well as mila's, lia hurrying over to lend a hand.
"thats us pretty much done anyway." the interviewer smiled kindly, nodding for you to go as you thanked them and shook hands, standing up and heading over to where a small riot had taken place as mila's aunties all fought over who got a hug first.
"excuse me i think i take priority." you called out over the squabbling, leah almost taken to the floor by the force in which your daughter pulled to get to you, letting go and catching her footing as a small body slammed into your legs.
"mama you weren't there when i woke up." mila frowned as you smiled and smoothed her creased eyebrows out with your thumb, squatted down to be at her level.
"i know, but remember i told you i had to come to work early? to take pictures." you poked her stomach a few times eliciting a giggle. "oh yeah. hey look! i match mummy." mila perked back up, taking a step back and doing a spin.
"you didn't want to match me?" you gasped in mock offence, mila shaking her head with a cheeky smile and running back to leah before you could grab her.
"no i'm mummys little gunner."
it was around an hour later when the day took a turn, mila having been passed around between your teammates as you and leah fulfilled your interviews and commitments.
you were doing a few tiktoks with laia for barclays when you were interrupted by your best friend, whispering something to one of the producers who frowned but nodded.
"williamson, you're needed. can someone go find pelova to take her place please?"
confused you stepped aside, alessia grabbing your hand without another word and tugging you away. "where are we going?" you questioned with a frown. "we have a problem." the blonde sighed, refusing to elaborate much more as she pulled you out of the main room.
"wait is it mila? is she hurt? sick? do we need an ambulance?" you began to panic as you were pulled toward the change rooms. "yes, no, no, not yet." alessia answered which didn't help ease your anxiety.
"not yet!" you exclaimed though as the taller girl pulled you into the change rooms and you saw the sight in front of you, suddenly things all made sense.
"oh my god."
"just like mummy!" mila cheered, sat on the bench on lia's lap with a horrendously self cut attempt at a fringe, safety scissors confiscated and a very guilty looking kyra hovering about nearby.
"what. happened." you exhaled unable to drag your gaze away from your daughters new haircut.
"she was with kyra and i and we were colouring. then she asked for some scissors and we assumed she was going to cut out the picture from her book to show you and leah and well we looked away for like one minute and..." lia began to explain, trailing off gesturing to mila's forehead and her new 'bangs'.
"mila.." you exhaled, dragging your hands down your face as alessia rubbed your back gently. "mummy got a hair cut, so i got a hair cut." the four year old beamed clearly very proud of herself.
"has leah seen-" "nope."
though you may have jinxed it as footsteps sounded and the woman i question arrived, mila's bag in hand ready to tell the pair of you that you were all free to head to lunch.
"leah. it was an accident love, breathe." you grabbed your wifes arms watching her face change as she took in mila's haircut and the scissors sitting idly by, mouth opening and closing as she looked around the room.
"kyra. we need to go outside...for a little chat." leah warned, voice calm and face anything but as she didn't even wait for someone to explain before deciding who she was blaming for this.
"leah-" the girl couldn't even get a word out before she sprinted off, your wife quick to follow her as mila just giggled and you sighed, alessia's hand coming to sit on her shoulder.
"now i think we might need that ambulance."
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How the 141 show love to each other
He sends Soap random pictures of flowers and stuff, the sunrise when he's up for it, or even a bumblebee he found resting on a flower. Knows how his coffee is made perfectly when it's homemade. Gives little forehead kisses when they're alone or with the 141 only. Will hook his ankle under Soap's feet and stay there for hours if necessary, anything to keep the contact.
He hands Gaz small things he likes, a particularly pretty leaf or a loose bolt he found on the ground. He also gives him samples of teas he thinks he'll like, makes sure to pay attention to if he needs a blanket.
He'll sit next to Price on a rough day and say nothing, just be a grounding presence. He'll save him his favorite foods from the mess hall and put them on his plate when Price comes and sits down.
He includes Laswell during team activities when possible, making sure she can take a call and face timing her so she can see the dumb shit that's happening, putting the phone in the best position to see the chaos. Sends her and her wife their favorite candies for holidays.
Makes and fixes things for Ghost, sends him pictures of the stray cats he sees on his walks and while he's making his way around base. He knows Ghost's cafe coffee order by heart so he can order for him while they're in public. Cheek and nose kisses, likes to gently bite Ghost's cheek when they're alone, claims it's to "show dominance" but does it so softly that it just feels like a love nibble. Puts his hand under the mask at the back of Ghost's head and plays with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
Cuts Gaz's hair for him, Gaz once got a bad cut at the place he went to because they had a person who was new to styling do it hair so when he got mad about it back at base (not at the person, never at the person) Soap fixed it for him and made it better. Kicks his feet when he's nodding off in places he shouldn't be.
Steals Price's hat at least once a month to make sure nothing is falling off or tearing or ripped. During these inspections he'll add another bobble to the collection, something light and small to its unobtrusive. Draws little cute pictures and slips them in his vest pockets when he gets close enough.
Will send selfies and pictures of the group to Laswell, texting her a fun fact or a pun every day, telling a funny story about the recruits or what Gaz or Ghost or Price did that day too if there is one.
Gets Soap new drawing journals when he runs out, new pencils too. Gets him socks with dumb ass designs for Christmas and Halloween, the latter one because he thinks it's hilarious to give gifts then. Listens to and talks about special interests and really pays attention, even educating himself on aspects he doesn't know about.
He'll do the same thing for Ghost that Ghost does for Price. He'll sit next to him in silence and do his own thing while Ghost is having a bad time, waiting until he wants to speak. He learned sign language and taught Ghost so they could speak easier on days where his brain felt too heavy to conjure up the right syllables. Keeps every leaf Ghost gives him and puts them in a scrapbook with a date and location, shows Ghost after it's done.
Hugs Price almost religiously. He's Price's most common hugger, being the majority of where he gets his touch (platonic) so he's not touch starved. Will drag Price out of bed on a bad day since Price asked him to if he deems it an appropriate day to do so, will talk Price through boring paperwork and make it more fun so it goes faster.
While everyone else texts Laswell every day, he does every other day if that, leading to barely any exchanges but when there are some, they're meaningful to both of them. He's her vent partner, the person she goes to when she needs to complain about someone or something, he gives advice and is an overall good listener.
He gave Soap a fitbit once, something he won one time and never wore himself, he has the account linked on his phone so he can keep track of his heartbeat and sleeping habits, making sure he's getting enough rest and enough time to himself so he won't lose himself trying to be a people pleaser. He also gives him chocolates he knows Soap likes, orders them and stockpiles them for a bad day and then goes up to Soap and hands him a few wordlessly. Trying to silently tell him that he knows what he's going through and it's ok to break sometimes, to stop being strong sometimes.
When Ghost gives him his favorites from the mess, Price exchanges for Ghost's favorites. When he sees Ghost getting overwhelmed he tells him he needs to see him in his office and gets him out of the situation, handing him a blanket when he gets inside and telling him to lay down for a second because Ghost is so overwhelmed he's on the verge of giving himself a migraine.
He gives as good as he gets with physical contact with Gaz, hugging him just as hard, a hand on the back of his neck here and there to make sure he's emotionally balanced, fingers brushing his shoulder to remind him he's not alone. Will make sure he's having a good day or not based on how badly his hands shake. When Gaz gets too into his own head, he makes a game of giving Gaz his hat and telling him to play keep away with Ghost and Soap, knowing leading them into a game will help.
He sends cards and videos and pictures of anything and everything he can think of to Laswell, he's her second vent partner and will be the "beat his ass" version rather than understanding like Gaz. He shows he cares by being willing to burn the world for her and her wife and she appreciated it immensely when he jokes about taking her to a bar fight to let off some steam.
She doesn't like showing that she cares too much with physical things, so her care for Soap is mostly sending him tv show and movie recommendations.
She sends Ghost pictures of plants she found on the internet and what they're useful for. They have a "plant a day" thing where she has a whole list or book detailing various plants in alphabetical order and she picks one to send its information to him.
Give Gaz music recommendations and lets him vent back to her, she has a Spotify they share where they put random music on it if they like it.
Tells Price specific updates about her home life and how her wife is doing over the phone. Nothing too revealing but enough to make him feel like she truly trusts him.
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morosis-haze · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
Trying challenges with mha boys. Ft. Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima x Gn!Reader | Warning: slight implication of reader having an aim/gun quirk in Kirishima’s part, mention of drowning in Kaminari’s part
Examples of challenges will be linked with each of the boys
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Katsuki Bakugou
- sock challenge
- you’re explaining the rules and he’s getting into a position to attack you
-like damn couldn’t wait for every rule to be explained without looking like you’re about to tackle someone
- when you’re done saying the rules, and you both agree on being ready he waits for a second, then is on you the next second
- immediately has one arm wrapped around your waist to keep you still, and he’s trying to lean down using his other available hand to grab at your sock
- now you’re trying to flip out of his hold
- if you’re a very determined person who doesn’t give up easily then this is definitely about to be a lot of back and forth
-each time you get a hold of each other you push the sock down by an inch before the other gets away
-after what felt like forever and even though it wasn’t, Kaminari came into the room about to ask for something of Bakugou
-When Kaminari came in seeing the weird ass position y’all seemed to be in while grabbing at each other's socks, he started laughing like a hyena while pulling out his phone to take a picture
-You used this moment to your advantage with Bakugou distracted, yelling at Kaminari, you grab off his sock all the way
-This lead to both you and Kaminari laughing as you high-five at the victory you made
-Bakugou calls you a cheater and demands a rematch
Eijiro Kirishima
-trust shot challenge
-brings it up to you and says it will be good practice for you
- reassures you if you shoot him that he’ll be fine with his quirk, but where was the reassurance on you not getting hit
- you go first getting behind the counter and aiming a nerf gun at the cup on top of your boyfriend’s head
-you tried a few times
-first two shots almost hit the cup
-til you finally got it knocking the cup down, 3rd time was in fact a charm
-now it’s his turn which is where the problem comes in
-he wasn’t good…
-one of the shots he took was an inch off from hitting your ear
-made you jump slightly seeing the nerf bullet go by from your side all close
- “I got it! I got it! don’t worry!”
- uhm lies you should be worried
- he’s hitting things all over next to you
-it was a shame when that pretty vase had to go
-next thing you know your back got hit
-you turn to face him not knowing this fool was shooting multiple times all quickly
-now he hit your temple
-when he realizes he gasps all dramatic
-“Babe, I’m sorry really! I did not mean to aim there”
-“Eijirou hand me the gun…now”
-it was time for revenge on the redhead
Hanta Sero
- lean challenge
- both of you saw it and wanted to make an attempt
- first time he wasn’t ready and you were about to slip out of the hold he had on your ankle
-quickly had to get you with his quirk before you just fell on the floor
-now you’re giving him a slight glare as he laughs nervously scratching the back of his neck
-try again and he gets it more together but you do swing a bit which made you think you were about to hit something
-eventually you get it together
-now it's your turn to lean him down and bring him back up
-yeah there were really no good first attempts from either side
-both of you falling on the floor
-laid out giggling at the failure to complete this
-takes a bit longer for you to properly keep him in your hold
-neither of you take it as a personal win just celebrate with each other for getting it done
Denki Kaminari
- high pour challenge
- brought it up to you
- he’s laughing already while positioning the camera just thinking about what might happen
- you didn’t fully understand what the point of this would be but you went along with it
-you didn’t go first arguing he was “about to drown you”
-he accepted it smiling not caring for the order he just wanted to try it
-when you first aim at his mouth you pour lightly
-“C’mon you do better than that”
-he’s egging you on to get it done faster what a mistake that was
-next thing you know he’s gargling and spitting it out
-“See this is why I didn’t wanna do it quickly.”
-you go to him patting his back for good measure, looking at him like he’s an idiot
-he only laughs and you feel slight concern for your boyfriend
-“It’s fine let’s just try again or we try on you now!”
-“Denki, no absolutely not, you’re not trying that on me.”
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:: @dojathascammer / @pinkfqiry / @https-spacekay / @simpsunit / @sunasbxtch / @goldenglow149 / @chocolateochaco / @writinganything / want to join taglist? fill this form here!
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bbyquokka · 1 year
picture perfect
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x fem reader
genre: smut – MDNI
synopsis: you find a way to make more money not realising hyunjin is doing the same
warnings: smut, established relationship, distribution of explicate content (pics) online, sex work (onlyfans), taking videos during explicate moments (everything is consensual), oral sex (m rec), pussy drunk hyunjin, unprotected sex, cum eating, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, cream pie, pet names, word 'girl' is used.
words: 3.3k ~ (3300)
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
desperate calls calls for desperate measures and that's exactly what you have done.
money is tight. you barely have enough to make ends meet. once you have paid rent, electric and water bills, you have just enough for groceries. 
you soon grew tired of struggling. you don't like asking for help because you've been taught that it's a sign of weakness, plus, having to ask people for money isn't necessarily a smooth nor nice thing to ask for.
your boyfriend, hyunjin, is also in the same boat as you. he left his small town to live in the big city thinking nothing of it, until he realised how expensive it is. you both live on the same apartment block, just across the hallway from one another.
a cliché series of events happened that brought you both together. you've spoken to each other for months but it was nothing but a simple “hello” and small talk in the complex elevator. however, on this one faithful (and unlucky) day, did everything change.
one thing happened after another. a series of unfortunate events. your pay check hadn't come through and you needed that considering you were behind on the rent. luckily for you, the landlord is a kind and understanding person so he gave you some time.
after being on the phone for three hours, listening to the same elevator music whilst being on hold, you got no where, which naturally, lead to your frustration. you decided to just get on with your day, shop for groceries so that's at least one thing you don't have to worry about.
that didn't go as planned.
you went over budget. you didn't realise that the cost of living would also affect the price of food. you had so little groceries for such a high price, food that wouldn't last a week and to top it off, paper bags are now the new thing which you don't mind however, they're flimsy and weak.
on your way home, it started to rain. the rain was heavy, bouncing off the pavement and passing vehicles. you're pretty sure you got splashed by a car or two but you couldn't tell considering your jeans were soaked and sticking to your legs with your socks soaking up all the water from the hole in your beaten down trainers.
you got to the revolving doors of the complex. as if on queue, the flimsy paper bag broke resulting in all your groceries falling onto the pavement. you wanted to cry, to curse at the world for having such a bad day but a knight in shining armour came to your rescue.
hyunjin saw what had happened. he saw how soaked you looked, how your t-shirt was see through, jeans darkened in colour as your hair dripped with water. he looked at your sullen and defeated expression and felt sorry for you. he also felt something else for you, but now was not the right time to be having thoughts, especially when you looked so defeated and desperate for help.
he helped you. he gathered up your groceries and helped you to your apartment door, for you to find out that you lost your apartment keys–somehow. all you could do was laugh because if you didn't laugh, you'd cry.
hyunjin was nothing but helpful to you that day. he let you crash at his place, use his shower and dress in his clothing. you slept on the sofa and helped around the apartment for him such as cooking and cleaning, almost like husband and wife–almost.
since then, you two have been together as well as inseparable. you hate to ask for money. you always feel like you always have bad luck and well, it sucks.
you need money and you need it fast. your dead end job barely pays enough. as well as needing the money, you also want money because you want to buy yourself nice things. fund your little hobbies and dress up in nice clothing. buy what you want, when you want and not have to worry or feel guilty when you spend money on luxuries.
you came across an article about how much someone earns in a month just from subscriptions on onlyfans. after some research you learnt that onlyfans is a place for sexual photos and videos with people paying a subscription fee to ‘unlock’ and see the explicit content.
you thought about it, long and hard. for days and days you thought. the more you thought, the more you wanted to do it. if all you had to do was take a few explicit photos of yourself and not have to worry about money for years, then so be it.
what you didn't bank on, was your boyfriend to find out.
“how did you–?” you blink at hyunjin. his phone facing in your direction. your onlyfans profile staring right back at you. the colour drains from your cheeks, heart thumping against your chest.
it was supposed to be a calm and collective movie night. hyunjin wanted company, he phoned you up and you said yes, of course! you went to use the bathroom and within minutes, you came back to the living area to this.
“i knew it was you! i recognise those breasts anywhere!” hyunjin says with a chuckle as he turns his phone back to himself. his thumb swiping up his screen as he checks out your content.
you blink a few times. confusion as well as a million questions swim around in your head. he's not angry at you and that's confusing you.
“you have to send me this one, damn!” hyunjin groans as he shows you your topless mirror selfie. after a few more blinks, you suddenly come back down to earth. realisation hitting you.
“wait. all my content is locked behind a subscription fee.”
“yeah, i know.”
“so you paid to see my photos??” you say as you sit down on the sofa beside him. he hums, shrugging and giving you a nod. “why? how? are you not mad?”
“i was browsing the site and came across your profile, so i paid the fee to see what spicy content you have.” hyunjin smirks. his whole demeanour throwing you off massively. “plus, why would i be mad when i do the same thing.”
“oh i don't kn–wait, what?” hyunjin's cheeks turn a faint pink colour. he looks at you and grins before laughing at your shocked expression.
“i do it too. would be pretty hypocritical of me to be mad at you for doing what i do.”
“wait so, you also take pictures of yourself too?”
“yeah with the occasional video.”
“what type of videos?” hyunjin puts his phone down before leaning back with his legs spread.
“i jerk off. ”
“and people like that?” hyunjin nods. “more than the pics?”
“depends. everyone has different tastes in what they like.”
“why did you start doing this..?”
“why did you?”
“because i needed the money. my dead end job barely pays enough for this overpriced apartment. once everything is paid for, i barely have enough for myself. i just wanted that bit extra.”
“that's the reason why i started too. i underestimated how expensive living in the city is. now i earn enough to the point where, i don't have to do it. i just do it for fun.”
you look away. everything slowly sinking in. so many thoughts and feelings such as relief, washing over you. you feel close to tears. all those hours you spent awake in bed, feeling shackled with fear–worthless.
“hey.” hyunjin speaks softly, his hand coming into contact with your chin to turn it so you're looking at him “are you ok yn?”
“yeah.. yeah! it's just a lot to take in, that's all.” you laugh softly, leaning into his touch.
“was you worried about me finding out?”
“fuck yeah! stuff like this isn't very appreciated by many people. i was scared you'd judge me or worse; hate me.”
“oh baby. i could never hate you. i love you, plus you do whatever you like. i don't care as long as you're safe.”
“thank you.”
“plus, this just means we can start doing things together. if you want to, that is.”
“you mean as in..?” hyunjin licks his lips and smirks as he slowly nods his head. “like what?”
“well, you can suck my cock for starters. i think that'd be a great introduction video.”
“y-you mean, right now?” you bite your bottom lip gently as hyunjin runs his fingers through your hair, stopping at the back of your head. he gathers a bunch of hair and tugs at the roots causing you to hiss.
“yes, right now. be a good girl and put that mouth of yours to good use.” with a single nod and a hum, you shuffle off the sofa and between hyunjin's legs.
you lick your lips at the sight of his already erect penis that's happily forming a tent in his sweat pants. you grab the waistband, hyunjin lifting up his hips as you pull the fabric down his legs.
you squeeze your thighs together as you press the palm of your hand against his bulge, roughly. you begin to palm him, starting off slow and steady before picking up the pace once you feel him twitch.
all the while, hyunjin has grabbed his phone and started to record you. he makes sure not to get your face into the shot. you slowly trace the outline of his penis with your fingernail, before giving a few rough squeezes at the tip.
“let's not keep the people waiting baby. hurry up.” 
you grab the waistband of his boxer shorts, pulling them down his legs to pool alongside with his sweats. his erection springs free, hyunjin making sure he catches it on camera, releasing a satisfactory hum.
you lick your lips hungrily, loving the red blush on his tip and the shimmer of pre-cum that seeps from his slit. you wrap your hand around the base, his girth too thick for your hand to wrap all the way around. 
“look at that. your hand looks so small wrapped around my thick cock.” he hums. you whimper softly at his dirty talk, something you've never experienced from hyunjin before. it's clear he is playing up to the camera, being a bit extra for the sake of the content–but you love it so much and want more.
hyunjin runs his fingers through your hair slowly, his fingertips massaging your scalp. he pushes the back of your head towards him, stopping when you're eye level with his cock. you rub his tip suddenly with the pad of your thumb, fast and harsh–just the way he likes it.
if hyunjin wants to put on a show, then a show he shall get.
his hips suddenly buck upwards at the harsh rubs. your thumb coating in his pre-cum. hyunjin stutters and legs shake, hand quick to release from your hair to grab your wrist to make you stop.
he heavily pants, a thin sheen of sweat resting on his forehead. you look up at him innocently but give him a quick smirk.
“you cheeky girl.” he grunts. you batter your eyelashes at him in a sickly sweet manor. the innocent, sweet expression on your face making hyunjin want to dirty you and mark you as his territory.
“suck.” you shiver at the harshness of his tone. a dominant tone that screams ‘don't mess with me.’ you nod once, parting your lips to allow your tongue to slide out and make contact with the underside of his shaft.
you give it a long, slow lick to the tip, using the tip of your tongue to poke and lick his slit. pre-cum gathers on your tongue as you flatten and swirl it around his tip.
hyunjin hums softly, spreading his legs wider and sinking into the material of the sofa. his head kicks back as his eyes close, his black permed hair falling behind him.
you wrap your lips around him, suckling on his tip whilst swirling your tongue around it a few more times to get it soaked in your saliva. you lazily stroke the base, occasionally rolling and squeezing his balls.
you embrace his length by engulfing it. the warmth and wetness of your mouth sends shivers down to hyunjin's balls and cock, making him twitch in your mouth. you hum around his length which makes hyunjin shiver and part his lips to let out soft moans and grunts.
your eyes flutter shut. you allow yourself to focus and get lost in pleasuring your boyfriend. his breathy pants and moans in the form of your name encourages you. you manage to get half his length, if not a little more, in your mouth but not without gagging a few times and feeling like you cannot breath.
saliva accumulates and drips from the stretched corners of your mouth. it gathers and pools at the base, coating your hand and making it uncomfortable for you. you swallow the saliva, swallowing him in the process. throat clenching around his thick cock causes hyunjin to gasp out loud. 
he looks down at you, phone still being held at a decent length considering the current state he is in. he grabs a fistful of your hair, bundling it up to yank at. you let out a pained whimper, eyes squeezing shut.
wet, sloppy sounds paired with the occasional pop when you release him from you mouth mixes in the living area. hyunjin can't control his moaning. your spit and tear stained face a stark contrast to your usual innocent and clean look.
he just wants to dirty you even more.
“i can never get over how fucking good you are at giving head, yn.” 
you smirk, giving him a simple hum before engulfing his length again. you suck, lick, fondle and hum causing hyunjin to come closer and closer to the edge. his grip on your hair tightening, his balls straining as heat pools to the pit of his stomach.
“fuck, cum. i'm going to cum yn, shit.” hyunjin splutters. his hips buck up suddenly, tip hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag as his fluids shoot and coat your throat. he heavily pants, body twitching and muscles spasming.
you swallow the best you can, pulling away to lick his tip and your lips clean. 
“shit..” hyunjin pants, stopping the recording and putting his phone down. “that was fucking amazing.”
“seems like you enjoyed it a bit too much hyun.” you smirk, eyes flickering to his still hardened cock.
without a word, hyunjin rises to his feet and picks you up in one swift motion. he walks to the bedroom, opening the door and throwing you on the mattress before stripping himself of his clothing.
“i just want so much more of you yn. you're addictive.”
“f-fuck! ah, h-hyun. c-cant, i can't!”
“you can, i know you can!” 
you let out a shaky whimper. bodies slick with sweat and body fluids, hyunjin driving you to your nth orgasm of the night. feeling sticky in cum and juices paired with the suffocating heat of hyunjin's body–it's all becoming a little overwhelming.
your body has been put in various positions. love bites, nail indentations and red marks decorate each others skin. hyunjin is approaching his limit but he's too hungry for you.
the overstimulation of each thrust is too much for you both, but you're both addicted to each other, to the feeling. you desperate cling and claw at hyunjin, whilst he hisses in pain. your cunt is sensitive but so warm and sloppy that hyunjin just doesn't know if he can stop.
“good.. good. so good, fuck yn.” he blabbers as his hips snap against yours. his bottom lip swollen from biting down too much and too hard, his hair slicked back and in place thanks to the sweat from his body.
“please don't stop. keep going, fuck.” you pant. you're both drunk and hazy from lust and love. neither one of you knowing what you're saying. everything is just a daze, it's just you two in the moment.
the bed creaking, sheets tangled and pillows nowhere to be seen. you're both going to have an earful from the neighbours when you see them; not that any of you care.
“your pussy just feels so good. it's so tight and wet. i'm being sucked in and you hold me so well.” 
hyunjin's body is buzzing off adrenaline. he feels like he is being sucked into you, his mind and soul being lost into the abyss. he wants so much more of you, more than you can give. 
hyunjin continues on with his blabbering, his eyes half lidded and glossy. lips parted, chest heaving. his movements show no signs of slowing down as he drives his cock deep inside you multiple times to hit that sweet spot of yours, driving you both closer and closer to the edge.
you babble along with him. hands reaching out from something to cling onto in hopes you come back down to reality–but nothing. with each drive of hyunjin's cock, with each hit of your g-spot, your body tingles and mind numbs over more and more.
the pits of your stomachs on fire, burning and tensing. you look at hyunjin to be met with pleading and desperate eyes. he grips onto your waist, movements now slow, sloppy and desperate. 
“i want.. i need to–” his own sentence interpreted as his orgasm suddenly hits him. you clench around him as he empties himself inside you, filling you up some more to the point where you leak out onto the sheets.
your own orgasm hits you, knocking the air out off your lungs and making you arch you back off the bed. you both heavily pant as hyunjin slowly pulls out off you. you shiver at the feeling of cum and juices seeping out of you.
hyunjin looks at it sheepishly, feeling somewhat guilty. he knows he lost his senses during the process, he got drunk of you.
“don't be. you know i love it when you're like that.” your body heavy with exhaustion. without a word, hyunjin rushes to the bathroom and grabs a wet flannel. he gently cleans you up, being delicate around your delicate areas as well as any sores, bruises or marks that may seem or look painful on your body.
“how long do you think you will do the onlyfans thing?” hyunjin asks before resting next to you. you think for a second, shrugging before looking at him.
“i don't know. until i get bored and feel like i have enough money, i guess. and you?”
“same. would you want to do it with more people?”
“what? like a threesome?” you smirk.
“mhm, maybe. depends on who it is though. would have to be a close friend of ours. think it's safer than having a stranger.”
“that's true. plus i'd feel at ease if it was a close friend.”
“i have one question though, baby.” you sit up slowly, hyunjin following suit to help you.
“what is it?”
“would you want it to be man or woman?”
“mhm.. i don't really care if i'm honest babe.”
“same. i'm down for whatever, however, would you be able to manage seeing another person going down on me?”
“when you put it that way, i don't think i would. i think i'd get too jealous.”
“yeah, me too. seeing another person suck on your cock just fuels me with jealousy.” hyunjin let's out a small laugh, kissing your cheeks tenderly.
“maybe threesomes are not for us then, darling.”
“maybe not. let's just stick to posting on onlyfans for a while.”
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note: this wasn't my original idea for hyunjin. i wanted to bring back an old fic from the dead but no matter how many scenarios, how many times i deleted and started over, it just didnt/wouldn't work. so i accepted that it wasn't going to work instead of stressing myself over it and created this mess instead, lmao. don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @oshimee ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @cixrosie ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer
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froggibus · 8 months
Colder Weather - Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
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Genre: fluff headcanons
Summary: how the boys act when it’s cold + snowing outside
CW: cold weather, snow, asmo forcing you to go outside (ew), lots of cuddling, pretty mid writing on my part
okok so no Lucifer or Satan for this one cause I just had no ideas :((( like I had a few but not nearly enough for complete hcs so sorry guys
also holy fuck it’s been a while since I wrote obey me hcs lmao so im a little rusty…sorry guys
also I promise I’ll shut up but it’s gonna be almost -50 celsius here this weekend (yay, Canada!) so I will be stuck inside if you guys have any obey me (or other fandoms) ideas!!
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Mammon and to snow DO NOT mix
biggest baby in the entire Devildom when it gets cold
he has this super tacky fur coat that he insists is real rabbit fur (it’s faux—the big softy couldn’t bear real fur)
refuses to leave the house, even if he has to work
worse than that: he refuses to let you leave the house, even if you have things to do
“hey, human. where d’ya think you’re going? it’s cold out there. you’ll get sick, or worse, dead!”
invites you to his room cause he has this ‘super awesome heater’ (read: himself)
you end up lounging on the couch with him and watching movies with excruciatingly long car chases
you start shivering despite the sweater you’re wearing, and Mammon not so begrudgingly beckons you over to come sit under the blanket with him
honestly he forgets how to breathe because you’re so close and you smell nice and you’re relying on him for warmth
at some point it gets colder and you start shivering again
goes to grab another blanket but you stop him, looking up at him with those pleading eyes
“don’t go, mams. i’ll freeze without you.”
pretends to be humble about it but inside he is screaming
not sure how it happens but you end up in his lap??
he has both arms around you, cocooning you between him and the blanket
you both fall asleep on the couch, snow storm long forgotten
locks himself in his room to spend the whole day watching anime
also sorry but this man’s room is a whole terrarium
he’s got his heater, his fan, his air purifier, his humidifier
his place is always the perfect temperature and the perfect place to take refuge in a blizzard
he pretends like he’s annoyed when you come into his room, dressed in warm clothes and fuzzy socks, a blanket draped over your shoulders
but really he doesn’t mind—he actually has to hide his rosy cheeks with you because he’s so flustered at the idea that you chose him
orders an insane amount of comfort food to eat during your anime marathon
like heaps and heaps of food that the two of you couldn’t possibly finish
offers you to share his blanket with him, wrapping it around the two of you to keep warm while you munch on food
somehow it turns into you leaning your head on his shoulder, eyelids getting heavy in the warmth of his room
Levi can’t even be annoyed that you’re missing episodes of the anime—you look so cute like this
HATES the cold, LOVES the snow 
it’s a weird dynamic…
dresses you up in the cutest snowsuit ever, and forces you to sit outside in the cold for over an hour taking pictures 
“asmo we’re gonna catch a cold”
“demons don’t get sick from the cold, don’t be silly”
you’re not a demon????
when he’s finally done with the pictures don’t expect any attention from him after
he still has to edit, caption and post them to Devilgram 
you sit under his comforter in the corner of his bed, shivering miserably and shooting glares at him from the corner of your eyes 
Finally he puts down his DDD and looks at you, his eyes sparkling when he sees just how cute and cold you look 
uses the cold as an excuse to get as close to you as possible, cuddling you tightly 
he’s so tempted to take a selfie of the two of you in bed together but he doesn’t want to ruin the moment 
probably insists on your laying between his legs with your head on his chest for ‘maximum warmth’ 
really he just want to feel you
you end up falling asleep in his room, and who is he to wake you? 
honestly indifferent to the cold
he’s just built differently 
he’s not the biggest fan of it, but he’s not as much of a baby as some of his older brothers 
still, he doesn’t quite like the idea of you going out in the cold (at least, not without proper protection)
offers to get anything you need, but if you insist on going out, he’ll come with you 
and of course he bundles you up first 
has you dressed in one of his sweaters with one of his old winter jackets over top
you look tiny in his big clothes 
when you get home after he’ll make you stand in front of the heater to warm up while he disappears into the kitchen 
of course he’s going into the kitchen 
but you’re pleasantly surprised when he comes back with two steaming bowls of chicken noodle soup
you guys eat and watch a movie in the living room, Beel asking you every five minutes if you’re cold 
you take another one of his sweaters just to get him to stop bothering you about it  
insists on feeding you every hour and piling snacks on the coffee table 
“don’t give me that look. you need food to stay warm, y/n.”
hates blizzards because they interrupt his sleep 
he can usually sleep through anything—from sunny days to volcanic eruptions
but the cold??? no way
his bed gets cold and even his thickest, softest blankets don’t help 
but…maybe a certain warm human could help his sleep 
ends up crawling into bed with you in the middle of the night, hardly making a sound 
you only wake when you feel the bitter cold on your body slowly fading away, a new warmth pressed against you 
“go back to sleep—don’t move! im comfy....”
you’re not even phased by Belphie sneaking into bed with you at this point 
and the warmth is honestly really nice 
you cuddle back into him, shoving your back as tight against his chest as it will go 
he throws an arm over your waist, holding your hip flush against his 
definitely stays with you the whole night—and the next few after that 
with the excuse he’s just ‘keeping warm’, of course 
checks on you every time he wakes up in the night, groggily reaching out to make sure you’re still warm and okay
Obey Me! Masterlist
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subskz · 10 months
I will have to send two asks in short succession here causeeeeeeee the seungmin babygirl look (the thigh high fuzzy socks and mary janes) and the innie collar are going to take me out.
Let's start with seungmin because I can :)
Like the day the photos come out you praise him as you normally do when new teasers and stuff happen and he suspects nothing. HOWEVER. Like a week later you're waiting for him and there's a suspicious package waiting on the table that you tell him to open. He does and oh? Some very pretty thigh high socks? And a little pair of silky shorts? Hmmmmm what could the inspiration for these be 😋. You tell him to put them on, since you couldn't be there for the original photos so you want your little homemade version hehe. You meant it too, because you get right to ordering him around to pose in different angles and positions. Seungmin gets a little frustrated but doesn't show it, cause he truly expected to be bent over in an instant but nooooooo. While he's posing he does start thinking about all the things he wants you to do to him, and the next pose you order him into 🤭 you can see just how hard he is in those shorts. You're almost done the photoshoot anyways, but push it a little farther to see if Seungmin says anything. He doesn't, but he gets about 8 million times more restless. Eventually he can barely sit still which is just the PERFECT teasing opportunity. So you start poking in and Seungmin ignores and brushes it off as he usually does. But! It doesn't take long before he finally snaps "I want you to bend me over and fuck me, but apparently all you want is pictures!" AHAHAHAHA. 🤌 who knew this was all it took to break him. So you walk so so slowly towards him and grin and Seungmin is just like. Ah fuck, what have I done now
So much build up and for what? Why am I like this? He messes with my brain in a heinous way istg 🫥. Thank you to everyone who reads this, do not perceive me -🦊
the way u and 🐾 anon sent ur asks not even 5 minutes apart 😭 seungmo really had us all in his babydoll clutches w that fit
what a perfectly seungminnie scenario hehe it really does make for a great way to tease him bc of course he loves his pictures!! who is he to deny you snapping a million photos of him from every angle imaginable and fawning over how pretty your boy is. it’d be extra fun to pause after each new shot and make a big fuss of showing it to him so he can see how good he looks, both as a way to gradually fluster him more and more w all your compliments, and to chip away at his patience. even when he starts to get antsy, he tries his best hide it bc he can definitely sense some kind of trap being set up by you
ordering him to take poses where he can’t hide how worked up he’s made himself is soo evil i love it >:) you tell him to lean back a lil and spread his legs for you, and he just presses his lips together and awkwardly lets his arm rest between his thighs in a pointless attempt to hide his bulge…and when u still act oblivious it just makes his tension skyrocket bc even someone as disciplined as seungmo has his limits! can you imagine if you leaned in close to him and his breath kinda catches in his throat bc he thinks you’re finally gonna give him what he needs, only for you to mess w the frayed edges of his shorts and “adjust” them for the camera. he’d be a little mortified by how visibly he jolts when your fingers brush over his thighs, but that’s definitely the breaking point for him 💔 smth abt how pouty he sounds when he finally loses his patience makes all that tortuous buildup worth it
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
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happy WIP Wednesday, zamasian lovelies! this week i bring you more snips from the ongoing sequel to push me hard! the first two screens are earlier in the fic, then the second two are a little later, with a good chunk between!
the full text is below the cut as usual! and last week's snippet from the same fic -> here
A: [FUCK I forgot I said I’d go for drinks with Jacob and Sam after wrap…]
E: [Aw shoot, guess you’re gonna miss out then.]
A: [:(((((]
E: [Does more faces mean more sad? What even is this.]
A: [cruel cruel man. I’m gonna be stuck drinking cocktails and god knows what else and you’re just poking fun at my millennial typing habits when you could be doing anything else more fun!]
E: [Oh yeah? Like jerking it on camera for you? Sending it like a mini porno straight to your phone?]
A: [...] A: [fucking hell eric]
E: [Oh, you like that idea? Your own little movie of filth you can jerk it to when you’re on your own?]
A: [is this sexting? are you sexting me right now?]
E: [You tell me. Is this sexting?]
A: [depends. what are you wearing?]
E: [Kid, you know what I’m wearing. The same shit I was wearing all day after my shoots were done.]
A: [no fun!!!]
E: [Jeans. And I have a grey shirt on, I guess? Black undershirt, black briefs. Socks. Shall I go on? Is it too sexy for you yet?]
A: [NO FUN!!!!!!]
E: [My hand’s down my pants you know.] E: [Thinking about what we said last night. Your mouth instead of my hand.]
A: [yeah?]
E: [Yeah. You’ve got real pretty lips, I bet they’d look amazing round my cock. But since you’re busy, I guess I’ll have to entertain myself, so hand it is.]
A: [eric…]
E: [You got a hard on, baby? Thinking about being on your knees between my thighs?]
A: really fucking inconvenient hard on since i just got my coat on and now we’re off to the fucking pub. It’s a good job it’s dark.] A: [tell me more though…]
Hah. Eric palmed his cock again, rubbing down between jeans and briefs, surprised at how much this was actually starting to get him hard. He always loved to talk dirty during sex, so he figured maybe it stood to reason he’d enjoy sexting too, even if just thinking the word made him feel a hundred years old.
- - - * - - -
He sent both to Assad, then sighed. For all his grand ideas about jerking off for Assad now then having fun again later on, well. There came a point where you had to be realistic, and if he was honest with himself, Eric would much rather come in Assad’s mouth than in his own hand.
His cock twitched, and he tucked it away, fastening up his fly. Well, nothing to say he couldn’t keep texting the guy. Didn’t need a hard on for that; just his way with words.
A: [that’s really fucking hot…….]
E: [That’s your last pictures babe, don’t waste them. Tell me about your drink, and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do to you later.]
A: [last pictures? What happened to the grand porno you were gonna shoot?] A: [drink’s really good btw. STRONG. Too much absinthe for me, i got a different one. See]
A photo of a different drink was attached this time, this one in a tall, quite plain looking glass, a twist of lemon peel hanging over the edge and half of it missing.
E: [Looks good, what is it? Just wondering what you’ll taste like when I kiss you tonight.]
A: [Autumn in Chicago! Not sure how it measures up to the real thing in Chicago, but it tastes nice. Pears! And ginger too.] A: [what else are you gonna do tonight?]
E: [Pears and ginger, huh? Sounds wonderful. I was thinking about what I said last night, do you remember?]
A: [like i could forget. Pretty sure i dreamt about it, actually. I mean, you already kinda did suck my dick last night too. It was nice.]
E: [Oh, only nice? Well, guess I gotta try harder. I don’t know though, not sure I’d call that properly sucking your cock, babe. That was just an appetizer.]
A: [what’s the main course? Eric Bogosian Deep Throat Special?] A: [.....actually that sounds pretty good. I’d eat at that restaurant]
E: [It’d cost you - expensive restaurant. Four Michelin stars, you know.] E: [But yeah, pretty much my plan. Hold you close, suck you off until you cum in my mouth. Wonder if it’ll taste like pears.]
A: [wow okay. god. That’s hot. Although still pretty unfair! When do i get to suck your dick?]
E: [How about afterwards? When you’re all soft and pliable, get you on your knees and fuck those pretty lips of yours.]
A: [...] A: [...fuck]
E: [Oh yeah, you like the sound of that?]
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scenetocause · 5 months
Would love a director's cut of tired of looking for answers. It's my favorite ever
like a lot of emptyhalf productions this started with nothing but the thought "max should have a pussy for reasons" and then just went from there. i don't really understand my own writing process because i don't think there's much higher function happening during it, like my brain just knows what it's supposed to be doing somewhere and i sort of have to not distract it. eyes forward or whatever.
the original fic was just like. if max had a pussy lando would be obsessed with it. that's it that's the plot. then for whatever reason maximilian bradley fewtrell was posting stuff that implied he was pregnant and it was lando's or something, the usual sort of tuesday afternoon business with them lot and i was just about to invent an a/b/o mando when i was like wait hang on i have has-a-pussy max already.
which was why max got pregnant. well nah, that's because lando loves coming in him like four times a fucking day, absolute nightmare with the laundry. like bob doesn't make enough of it anyway, with all his rank socks and that. annoying thing is max kind of loves it, lando wanting to shag him all the time, running the stupid washing machine, knowing lando's knocked him up.
bob's less weird about it than max worried he might be. until max starts showing a bit and then he turns so overprotective, can't keep his hands off max's stomach like he thinks his big, stupid mitts will shield the baby or something stupid. like max doesn't love it, the way lando wants to take care of them both.
max does not enjoy the birth. it's pretty quick, in the end, if you don't count a day and a half of contractions that aren't quite strong enough to get sent to the princess grace. bob's there, holding his hand and his shoulders and putting a big hand, protective, over max's pussy when he's getting aggy about the number of people who keep prodding him there and saying things he doesn't want to think about like dilation.
thing is, he forgets the whole thing once they put kit on his chest. once he's got a newborn baby smelling all soft and wet and alive and lando's crying because of course he is but max is just grinning because this is the best thing he's ever done. fucking hell, how did he do this? absolutely mental. just made a brand new human, innit and now they're parents.
he's a bit reluctant to let kit go, when it's time for the other dad to get some skin to skin. but then seeing lando holding their baby, sitting next to max on the hospital bed, makes max want him to fuck another one in right there and then.
they bring the baby to races and there's kind of polite confusion about the whole thing. max doesn't care to explain it, people shouldn't need it spelled out to them that when two geezers love each other very much they can end up with a baby, should they? use their fucking brains.
lando slowly starts referring to max as his partner. posts billions of photos of their kids, even though it gives max a bit of the heebs about whether they're exposing them to the media and that sort of rubbish. but he's not going to tell lando to stop, not when he misses them so much when he's away. he takes the youngest up on the podium, once and max is terrified the donkey's going to fucking drop a baby like he does trophies or something but the pictures are properly adorable.
kit's taller than max by the time lando retires, it's her turn for a world championship that year anyway, in OKJ. lando wants to be able to watch her race, do what his dad did for him, not be away on his own stuff all the time. it's good, max reckons, that he's like this. wants to look after max and the kids, still fuck three times a day even if max made lando get the snip because they don't need a fourth baby.
that last night in abu dhabi they get all the kids in the bed, even though kit's complaining she's too old for this and anthoine's been a bit snuffly, rowan's going through the terrible fours, on top of the twos and threes. hold all their babies together, even if they're not much babies anymore. it's amazing, when you think about it, that they've done all this. never would've expected it back when him and bob were just doing bits at parties and that sort of thing.
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r0chrok-blog · 10 months
Who is the toxic one?
I was so excited to play BG3. I didn't bother with early access cause I wanted to play it all at release. I downloaded mods for the game the moment the game finished downloading cause I prefer playing RPGs with mods. My main goal was to create a beautiful as hell pretty boy to romance that hot as bloody hell vampire Astarion. I wanted to create a character that would knock his socks off in the beauty department. Astarion was worth it.
Behold! My Durge, such a pretty boy, you wouldn't think he'd need to bang corpses.
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I roleplay my Durge as morally grey, leaning on black. He's a dark guy, charismatic, a Shadow Sorcerer (mods) and a Bard. I spent all of Act 1 crafting what type of person he is, why he is making the choices he is making and for the most part, Larian has done a great job of providing the dialogue options and choices for me to do that. Whether I saved the Grove, Raided it, or left them all to rot, I at least felt like I was able to come up with reasons why my Durge would do it. Now I admit, that I created my boy to romance Astarion, but I had no idea what type of character Astarion was and I'm the type to get heavy into roleplaying my character so if the romance didn't happen, then it didn't happen. I'm not going to pick dialogue options just to please a companion nor would I use mods to fake a connection that isn't there, at least not on a serious playthrough.
Lucky for me, Astarion was all over my dark morally grey edgelord. They really did have a connection and I found that my Durge actually fell in love with Astarion to the point of wanting no one else but him.
Even if he felt that Astarion was only using him, picked up on that during the third sex scene (that was just a replay of the first sex scene and picked the cuddle option). Even if Astarion didn't feel the same, my Durge was trading his blood for the shred of intimacy that came with the act. I guess you could say he was prostituting his blood for intimacy. Even false intimacy.
So imagine my surprise when Astarion confesses that he was doing the same, but for protection.
I saw them as two lost souls who always dreamed of finding someone like the other and now that they did, they don't know what to do. They're both learning how to love and they're both terrified of losing the other.
Once again, Larian did a great job of giving me choices here. I didn't want to roleplay as Dr. Phil, knowing all the answers and what's healthy and right. My Durge was not a healthy person. He would question Astarion's attraction to him, and he certainly wouldn't tell Astarion that they shouldn't have sex. This leads to Astarion telling him that he could be so much more. This is something my Durge can believe in. After all, it was always Astarion who seemed to have great insight into my character, he's the one who notices Durge not feeling well, and the one who treated him with kindness after the Bard incident. My Durge also thanks Auntie Ethel for the same thing and its the reason he doesn't bother her when she can't help them with the tadpole.
Durge was ready to accept this new type of relationship with Astarion, something deeper and more meaningful. My Druge is a sexual guy, but sex meant nothing if it wasn't with the man he loved. Cuddling in the tent, talking for all hours of the night, these are the things I pictured my Durge and Astarion doing. Now sharing his blood wasn't for false intimacy, but true, real intimacy between him and his lover.
Astarion gives him the courage to fight to the death against Bhaal. My Durge wanted to live more than anything, and honestly would have just chosen to kneel and serve Bhaal had it not been for Astarion's passionate plea for him to not become Bhaal's mindless puppet.
My Durge wouldn't have been able to face Astarion unless he had a total Victory. So death it was.
When he was brought back, he knew he wasn't suddenly going to be a good little boy. He wasn't redeemed, merely given a second chance to live again, for himself, free of any other influence but his own. Once again, Kudos to Larian for giving me the options to roleplay this out.
Now we come to the infamous Ascension mission. Naturally, my Durge thinks ascension is for the best. He loves Astarion, wants to see him rise above Cazador, take his power for himself, walk proudly in the sun. Those spawn were dead already, they couldn't be released, killing them would be a waste and their souls would just wander the Fugue plains or wherever the faithless go. What did it matter if they were sent to the Hells? My Durge worried about Astarion's mental fortitude when confronted with the past, but once Astarion made it clear that ascension was what he wanted, then my Durge went into goblin mode to give him just that. Ascension meant ultimate freedom, security, and safety for the man he loved.
So far, Larian did a great job here and Astarion's speech after Ascension was breathtaking! Kudos to Neil.
"You hold your breath while I speak..."
I actually was! IRL
Anyway, Everything was fine...well, Act 3 as a whole was leaving much to be desired, but other than that it was fine.
Then comes the long rest and the Astarion conversation.
I take a look at my options and see that everything is most certainly NOT fine.
For some reason, Larian decided to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL over my Durge and assign motives to him that were not there before. I either ascended Astarion for Vampirism and Sex or I'm a massive fucking bitchass moralizing Karen who suddenly needs Astarion to "Learn a lesson" *Finger Wag*
Everyone keeps saying how Astarion becomes toxic after ascension, but I completely disagree, It's Durge/Tav who becomes the toxic party here. Sure Astarion falls back on Act 1 antics but that doesn't at all compare to the toxicity Durge can bring to the table.
He proves to Astarion that he was just a selfish fuck who wants only pieces of his body, either the blood or the penis.
He's a self righteous gaslighter who dumps the ritual all on Astarion's head.
This time, I have no way to roleplay this garbage, Larian does a total 180 on me, this is NOT the Durge I've spent hundreds of hours crafting, this is now Larian's Durge and now they are going to give him motivations and behaviors, to hell with your roleplay!
Honestly, if Larian was going to take over my character's personality like this, then why couldn't they just give me a voiced protagonist. Cause isn't this type of crap supposed to be what silent protagonists are meant to prevent? It's supposed to give you plenty of options without costing the studio and arm and leg in voice recordings. There are several dialogue options they could have written that all led back to the recorded audio.
"I want to be yours forever."
"I just want you to be safe."
"You gave me the courage to fight and I'm glad I gave you the courage to the do the same."
And let's say you get past the first gauntlet of crap dialogue choices, you're given more if you opt to say yes to becoming a vampire.
Reading his thoughts without his consent.
Then verbally and even physically attacking him.
And over what? His THOUGHTS! Not even words he says to you, but thoughts in his own private head that you choose to pry into.
And what do you get, that he thinks you're better than him. Apparently, that's an insult to people. It's clear that he has low self-esteem issues and the response to confirming those issues is to kick his balls, berate him, compare him to his abuser (With not a ounce of proof), tell him he'll be lonely without you...
Which btw is just abusive insane behavior. It's like telling your ex that if you don't want them then no one else will. Mind you, Durge knows Astarion has issues with thinking he isn't worth anyone loving, so you pretty much play on those fears. When I saw that dialogue option I couldn't help but think of Raphael's line at the start of act 3 if you say he wants your soul in exchange for the hammer.
"My My, you do think highly of yourself."
Granted, I'm complaining about dialogue options I didn't take cause I just started ranting here. But my point, is, which one of them is truly the toxic abusive partner here? Considering that ascended Astarion is punished for dialogue he doesn't say in everyone's playthrough, romances that the player isn't even experiencing.
Like someone telling me that ascended Astarion is abusive because of his romance with Karlach.
You mean this Karlach?
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I'm sure that all things considered, she would prefer abusive Astarion to my Durge.
TL;DR Seriously, I didn't think I would write this much. If we're going to judge a character based on dialogue options, whether we take them or experience them or not. The clear winner of the abusive partner awards go to Durge or Tav without a doubt. The sheer amount of shit you can say to Ascended Astarion without him tearing your freaking head off is just crazy. That alone is testament to how much he loves Durge.
So far, I've had multiple playthroughs of this game (some of which I added to my retelling above cause it makes up my overall canon roleplay for my Durge), all romancing Astarion cause I can't stop and yeah I always ascend him. I just have to say, bad form on Larian's part. IMO, I don't need dialogue options to break up with Astarion as a mortal if I speedrun to the end, I need them to write in more varied options post ascension after the first long rest. Don't decide what my character's motives are, don't hijack my freaking character! Fix that Larian!
**I do not hate the devs, they did a great job on this game, I just think that taking over a person's character after 100s of hours of crafting who they are is a mistake. This is a fantasy game, I don't need a lecturing, I do not want to roleplay as a Karen, sex addled freak or user of my romantic partner (against my will). I'm not saying those other options shouldn't exist, but just that it wouldn't hurt to add in one or two more options that aren't hostile, or a user.
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jaeyleo · 1 year
Hmmmm... Maybe another one of those where Chase is like not exactly fully Pink yet but he knows it's sort of useless to fight against Pseudo when he wants to dress him up and everything. Maybe being on that border of actually liking the fact that he doesn't have to think but also HATING that he feels himself liking it :3c
ur brain: LARGE!! i hope i captured this the way you pictured, if not feel free to send it again and i'll make another attempt!
tws: dehumanization, brainwashing, platonic undressing, scars, complete loss of independence, talk of depressive and apathetic feelings, implied past noncon platonic undressing (sorry that's a mouthful), noncon platonic use of a camera
. . .
There are many things Chase doesn't like seeing here in Denmark. Obvious things like knives and tools to burn, chains or the doors to the cellar in the back yard. Things that make him shiver and want to turn away.
Some things aren't as obvious. He never thought seeing something as simple as a camera would make him cringe. Even more so, the color pink. Today he has both combined.
Pseudo has the living room moved around to take pictures. There are props: teddy bears and coloring books, a juice box, a shock collar, a white beret hat. Blankets and other miscellaneous objects placed about, things Chase doesn't care enough to look into. What's the point? If Pseudo wants to use it, he will.
"Are you excited?" Pseudo asks the doll, watching his gaze lazily make its way around the room.
"Ecstatic," Chase replies.
"Come now. Someday you'll mean it."
And though the words may be true, Chase doesn't have the energy to care.
The monster approaches with his outfit of choice. A soft pink cardigan with pretty buttons and light red strawberries making their ways in rows down the fabric. A white button down. A pair of light blue jeans, slightly worn. White tennis shoes and frilly socks to poke out.
Carefully he sets the items down, and begins undressing the doll.
Chase doesn't protest. He stopped being embarrassed of showing his body to Pseudo a long time ago, as this is a regular practice for the two now. He's not allowed to get dressed or undressed on his own. Not allowed to eat on his own, drink on his own, bathe on his own, think on his own. He even has to ask to use the bathroom.
Pink isn't sure if he's just depressed, or completely apathetic. He doesn't care, fighting is useless. What difference does it make?
What irks him now is the last few times their routine has been done, Chase finds himself enjoying it.
He doesn't have to make any decisions anymore. In the mornings and evenings, he barely lifts a finger, completely dependent on Pseudo to do everything. No more stress on what to wear or if it looks nice. No more stress on what to eat or cook. No more worrying about waking up on time to get to work, or waking up late and realizing he's worn the wrong shoes. No more of anything he has to put any effort into.
The thought of it makes him sick. The fact that he likes it now? He likes it? That can't be right. It cant be right.
"I told you so," Pseudo says, slipping the button up over Pink's bare shoulders. Scars litter his body, torn up like a chew toy.
"T- told... told me so what?"
Pseudo smiles, pulling down Chase's pants next.
"That you'd like this someday."
Jeans slip on. Zip, button.
Chase frowns, growing red in his cheeks. "I don't like taking pictures.."
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I---N- s- stop.. stop listening to my thoughts!"
Pseudo slaps him on the mouth, be polite.
Chase huffs, growing more and more embarrassed. It takes him a few seconds to talk again, trying to correct himself after discipline.
"Why do you have to listen to my head all the time..."
"You're mine, Pinky Pie. I want to know what's going on up there. Lift your foot."
Chase does as he's told, feeling the socks from this morning come off and the frilly ones come on. Shoes are next.
The puppet is silent for a few moments. Then, he decides to ask inside his mind: "Do you hear everything?"
"Only when I want to."
"So you're not listening.... all the time, then?"
Pseudo comes up once the laces are tied, beginning to button up Chase's shirt.
"Only when I want to."
Another few silent moments, and the cardigan is over the dolls body. A pink comb straightens out pink hair, and a finishing touch of light makeup on his pretty face. Now, Chase is ready for pictures.
"Sit in the middle of the blanket," Pseudo commands, grabbing the polaroid and flicking the power switch. "Oh, eh, grab a teddy bear."
"...... Which one?"
He hates himself for asking that question. He hates himself for not wanting to make the decision. It's just proof that Pseudo's methods work.
The monster peeks through the camera to make sure the angle is just right.
"The one with buttons for eyes."
Chase obeys, and poses as he's told.
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HELLO MODS OF THINKING ABOUT MILGRAM ... what do you think about the new mv please infodump on me
Saturn's Thoughts - I love milgram so much for all their little details!!! Like at the very beginning we can know that the hand that flipped the hourglass was Mu's victim due to the shirt color?? (Admin Venus might start crying if you mention socks though) Also straight up, I want the worker bee dresses. They're so pretty?? And of course Admin Venus comes out with an immediate banger of a theory, Mercury has the most internet meme ever, and admin Neptune even came out of her hole to offer whatever the heck this is!!! And this shot?? Literally gives me goosebumps.
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(Also congrats on finishing your finals Galacticus!!!)
Venus’ Thoughts - I’m not going to go too far into info dumping because I already did a whole initial takes post (as Saturn so kindly linked), but I will say that I really liked this MV! It’s deceptively complex; even though the fact that Mu was a bully in the past was technically “new information,” they knew that the fanbase would already know/expect that. So, while they tell that story, they bring in the bee/chrysalis/butterfly metaphors, the hourglass flipping back and forth, the lyrics which seem so self-obsessed but still fearful at times, and, of course, the parallels with After Pain. The song itself is a solid banger, too! Plus, even though it feels to me like the verdict should be a super obvious guilty, I’m not sure about doing it. Unlike the first video, where (in my opinion) Mu was the victim but lacked charisma/likability, I think that in this video, she’s clearly the bully, but she’s much more likable/rootable. She has that hint of self doubt; rather than painting herself as a victim who’s done absolutely nothing wrong, she paints herself as the villain who worries that that’s exactly what she is. That’s much more compelling to me, and I’m glad that they took this more aware path forward with her.
Neptune’s Thoughts - It’s bug time! First off Venus idk how you continue to come up with such banger initial thoughts posts considering how few braincells we had last night but pop off. Anyways, I really liked the whole bug/queen bee concept and the continuation of the hourglass metaphor. I was confused about why she ate the green stuff at first but it makes sense for it to be royal jelly. The parts that stood out to me the most were her causally shoving the servant bee to their death and how she quickly transitions from a look of “what did I just do” after stabbing the victim to a maniacal happy look.
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Mercury’s Thoughts! - Hello loves! Mercury here with absolutely no comprehesable thoughts! Right when we were watching it at 2am, my brain first thought “Oh god not the Chimera Ant Arc AGAIN.” And then “lmao Queen Chrysalis looking ass” and finally “man Muu and Chloe Bourgeois are kinda similar lol.” OKOK onto actual thoughts! Muu’s frilly collar is absolutely supposed to look like a flower. TIME FOR MORE FLOWER ANALYSIS WOO!!! The closest one I can find is yellow hibiscus, specifically one that has the red veins like her collar. Like a lot of yellow flowers, yellow hibiscus represent friendship, joy and good luck. LMAO
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Another thing I noticed is after Muu “breaks” most of her servant bees, the three left are notably the ones with bright colored hair. By looking at their hair styles, they’re her friends from the picture in After Pain and the ones she was with on the rooftop in INMF. (kinda off topic, but all of Muu’s servant bees have small wings from the beginning, but Muu has a transformation at the end to get wings. Not exactly sure where I’m going with this tho??)
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Finally, both Muu and Haruka similarly have a shot of their victim flash super quickly at the end. I don’t think that’s coincidental that the two characters that are notably together in Milgram have a similar shot in their MVs.
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db-reviews · 2 years
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#150 - Egg - Egg (1970)
If you thought ELP was the king of very elaborate classic sounding prog music, then you clearly have not heard Egg yet. Egg was a Canterbury Scene band founded in the 70s via Dave Stewart, Mont Campbell, and Clive Brooks. It was formed after the legendary Steve Hillage left their previous band. This trio is pretty commonly regarded in the Prog scene as a very weird, but interesting band from Canterbury that would do something highly different from their contemporaries like Caravan, Gong, or Soft Machine.
Their first album, the self-titled Egg, is an album that I’ve known since my middle period of discovering new music in 2021, but never quite delved into until I got a bit more into the Canterbury Scene through bands like Supersister and Hatfield And The North. If you want to get a good picture of Egg’s general scope of sound then I’d say the more classical and symphonic stylizations of ELP’s Tarkus and Aphrodite’s Child’s 666 is a good showcase on this more classical focused approach to proggy music.
What I really find enjoyable about this approach is the band really gushing over this type of music. Songs like the cover of Bach’s Fugue In D Minor and their very own progressive rock symphony of Symphony No. 2 comes straight to mind for me. How they can make oldy sounding music and turn it over and give it a more rock construct, kinda like what ELO did in their early days, makes for a really charming experience. I really do enjoy the more Canterbury sounding songs like While Growing My Hair and The Song Of McGillicudie The Pusillanimous (Or Don't Worry James, Your Socks Are Hanging In The Coal Cellar With Thomas) too. They balance out the more classical focused songs in favor of that sweet, sweet, sweet soft Prog sound that I crave in my Canterbury music.
While I do praise the songs a lot, I am gonna be honest on the track listing because good, lord, almighty, some tracks on here do not need to be here. Bulb, They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano…, and Boilk are the most filler of filler tracks in the entire scope of Prog rock. They honestly kinda make me disappointed, since (yes I calculated) these are about 2 minutes and 26 seconds worth of music lost due to filler and adding an unnecessary amount of tracks on here. While 2 minutes is short, something can definitely be done with such time. It’s honestly disappointing that this album has three highly unnecessary tracks. I’d say they should’ve stayed on the cutting room floor.
Sadly, that is not where my problems ends with this LP. I think the Spotify description for the band fits really well with what I am about to say: “An overlooked classical rock trio that had both the talent and sound of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer without the bombast or success.” Egg, while really good musicians, never reaches the same finesse, the same savoir-faire if you will, as ELP or any of their contemporaries. They never reach the same highs for me, and I find their big moments here never ending up leaving a massive and wowing impression on me. Whether that may be because I am spoiled with other great Prog rock music or not, I still find that Egg’s first album is one of the more lacking in wowness. The band definitely has their own, great charms, but the charms they lack are very noticeable.
Absolutely overlooked and underrated, but not one that is a must listen for any Prog or Canterbury fan. I’d say if you like the sound of the Canterbury Scene and the more classical workings of bands like ELP, ELO, and Aphrodite’s Child, give this album a spin. It isn’t a bad 40 minute time waster, and it can be a fun listen from time to time, but it isn’t one that is a must have, or one that is issued in a run in to listen. It’s a good album, but not one that can reach the same highs as any of its contemporaries.
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meanya · 4 years
If you missed any or all of the Unus Annus livestream, here's a summary of every hour:
~11 hours out: The channel name could've been Annus Singulos (they decided on Unus Annus at a Buffalo Wildwing)
They always planned on it ending on Friday the 13th NOT the 15th (@ MatPat)
The dude who interrupted the sex toys video was not a mailman, he was just some guy. He did not comment on the sex toy stuff.
~10 hours out: They look at memes. Mark "hook car batteries up to my nipples and I'll say yes every time" Fischbach is NOT a masochist, he just wants to know what it feels like to be hit by a car
Frank!!! Frank!!!!!!!
Ethan is going to marry the microphone clip on his shirt
Dollar Shave Club never got back to them about a sponsorship
The workers including the actress in the escape room actually enjoyed having Mark and Ethan doing their shtick there
~9 hours out: Vincent the editor made a best of his edits throughout the videos, it was beautiful, it was mostly just clips of dying
He also wrote them a WHOLE DAMN ORIGINAL SONG!!! IN A WEEK!! About stopping the clock!!! He rapped!
Marcus the editor did a funny edits-roll as well, it was brilliant
~8 hours out: Rachel shows her edits roll! Some of the funniest clips in the whole series!
A comment they read: Mark can do any of his edgy project ideas now and that's terrifying.
Mark: Just wait til you see my next project.
Their merch manager had to buy a 4th warehouse to produce all the merch that had been ordered
If anyone sees Unus Annus pictures or any reminiscence of it in the future and are asked where it's from we are supposed to respond with "You wouldn't get it 🙄"
~7 hours out: they complain more about enema water gun
They re-watch the Pepper spray video. Mark talked about how he thinks about the pain whenever he sees videos of riotors/protestors getting sprayed. Everyone in chat chanted “BLM” and “ACAB” for a few minutes.
Lixian the editor had his edit reel played (”They make em (the people) pretty in Portugal”)
Mark was salty at Youtube because they claimed they didn’t make billboards for YouTube shows and hence, wouldn’t make a billboard for A Heist With Markiplier, but then later made one for James Charles’ show
Mark presented Amy with a BRAND NEW BUG WATCH 😭
Amy: No nothing on their (Youtube’s) Twitter, they’re not talking about it (Unus Annus)
Mark: Guess it’s not important enough...
Amy: They’re too busy tweeting about “World Kindness Day”
Mark: Oh yeah Friday the 13th 2020 wOrLd KiNdNeSs DaY
~6 hours out: Ethan compares the channel dying to putting down a dog. Things get serious for a beat, people in chat start crying.
They look at fanart for a while, Mark criticizes it like an asshole
They watch Pink Trombone again.
Mark and Ethan guarantee that after the channel is gone they will not forget about it. Mark also permits people to make creations / art after Unus Annus is deleted.
~5 hours out: They re-watch Pee Sauna, dying inside all the way.
DJ Burt Blackarach surprises them with a cake and champagne.
Chat is flooded with “❤🧡💛💚💙💜” messages for a while
Looking at memes again, Mark confirms that the noises that the radio made in SCP Amy were 100% just the radios, not them, making the sounds. They still don’t know why they made those sounds.
Mark and Ethan beg for 1mil like in order to see what’s actually in the Unus Annus casket. They might even lay down in it.
~4 hours out: We find out that in the Children’s Games in Total Darkness video, the weird shot of them both in a trance staring into the phone screen was actually just them trying to adjust their eyes back to normal light and it wound up looking super cool.
Vincent’s highlight reel is played again while everyone takes a break, supposedly there is a “surprise” to be revealed soon.
A tattoo artist named Danielle comes on the set, Ethan says he’s going to get an Unus Annus tattoo live.
~3 hours out: More fanart. Mark admits that after this ends, he’s probably never going to wear his suit ever again, he might bury it. (There’s not much room left in his backyard)
Mark talks Danielle the tattoo artist’s ear off about how wholesome and educational and not cursed the channel was.
Mark and Ethan then do a full 180 and confess to Danielle all their sins; cooking with sex toys, pee sauna, pee life straws, the pee soda idea, drilldo, etc.
Amy: (while Eef’s getting tattooed) “Mark, he’s choosing to spend his last day in pain. And you’re not!”
Mark: (looking at a picture of a tattoo) How long do you think that tattoo would take?
Danielle: Probably 3 hours.
Mark: 3 HOURS?!?! That’s more time than we have to live!!
Alex, Mark’s trainer, made them a euology video. It was like a LORE-filled poem made of secret callbacks to the titles of past videos.
Ethan’s tattoo is done, it is a “ 00:00:00 “ on his left arm.
Stevie who runs the merch shop makes a guest appearance. He self descirbes as “tired and sad and a little tipsy.” He seems both grateful and dead inside. He says he’s going to do a matching tattoo with Ethan.
Mark admits he was planning on not doing merch originally, but he’s glad he changed his mind.
~2 hours out: They talk about behind the scenes of Hee hoo. The reason Mark’s still wearing high socks during this video is because of all the burs so he doesn’t scrape up his legs. Amy wrote the whole end credits story about Ethan meeting Michelle Obama and dying a tyrant.
Mark never got to watch Ethan kidnaps Mark, so they watch it.
They watch The Truth about Unus Annus, Amy surprises Mark with a white tophat. #Mark’sNewHat (it’s an extra large)
Mark and Eef make their last tweets as Unus and Annus
Mark got cool Unus Annus custom pocket watches for Ethan and Amy
~1 hour out: Things get serious. Mark and Ethan private the Unus Annus Instagram (so that no one else can take the Unus Annus handle) and delete all the posts.
Mark proposes that Amy be the one to hit the delete button at the end of the channel. They agree to do it together.
They hit 1 million likes. They open the coffin. There’s nothing in the coffin, but the inside is very pretty, split-colors silk. They take turns laying in it for the first time with the door shut. It’s comfy. Even Amy tries laying in it.
Mark says a short eulogy for Eef as Eef does for Mark. They both say a eulogy for Amy. They all get choked up. The coffin is now called the Cry Box.
They delete the Unus Annus Twitter. They set the Subreddit to private. Apparently there were no mods on that subreddit except Mark.
Mark finally confessed to Amy that he punched a hole in the wall. Amy was there when it was being patched up, but she forgives him anyway.
They play The Barrel and sing along. They thank their team. They thank the audience.
Amy comes down. They all put their hands on the computer. “Unus Annus."
Mark: "See you on the other side."
Ethan: "See you on the other side."
they click delete. The channel is gone forever. Memento mori.
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moving-wright-along · 3 years
(Idk if you've done this before but) Hi I was wondering If you could please give me some X-virus/Cody Hc? Also I love reading your blog...
I’ve done some cody headcanons before, but theyre really old so heres new ones. also this ask was sent SO LONG AGO AND IM SO SORRY LOL
💉Cody Rogers💉
-Don’t let his hardcore, mean facade fool you. Cody is always longing for affection and companionship, but he puts up barriers and blocks it out when it’s offered to him. His adoptive father thinking he was a monster and rejecting his interests really messed him up, so he’s slow to trust now. 
-He’s a solitary creature of his own creation. And while he’ll struggle to admit it, he craves intimacy and connection so bad. 
-Personally I like to think that him and Toby are twins separated at birth. I also think he changed his name back to Rogers after moving into the manor. He’s really happy to have a family again.
-They have absolutely no idea why they were separated. Toby joked once that Cody was so ugly out the womb that they got rid of him. Cody just punched him and pointed out that they have the exact same face.
-They're completely identical except for eye color. Cody's eyes are green, while Toby's are brown. 
-Cody has noticed that Toby has a difficult time looking him in the eye, but seemingly doesn’t have the same problem with anyone else. It’s only after he sees a picture of her that he realizes its because his eyes are the same color as Lyra’s. 
-Toby tells him a lot about Lyra. It makes him sad to think about, that he had a sister he never got to meet. He daydreams sometimes about how their lives would be different if they’d been raised together. Maybe life wouldn’t suck so bad if they’d had each other.
-Also mad that he never got a chance to sock it to their piece of shit father before Toby killed him. He would've liked to smack the fucker with his bat for hurting his siblings. Too late now, though, and he's at least content that the man got what was coming to him.
-Aside from his brother, I think he gets along best with EJ in the mansion. They bond over mad science and crimes against humanity. 
-He likes Jane too, and while they aren’t super close, he’s had some pleasant conversations with her. Jane mainly likes him because he’s one of the only people in this manor capable of being civil. And because he annoys the shit out of Jeff and she’s all for that. 
-Cody can’t stand Jeff. Ben wouldn’t be so bad either if he didn’t get roped into Jeff’s shit so much. Cody mainly hates him because Jeff is an asshole who doesn’t really care about other people or their feelings. He doesn’t care much for bullies. Jeff also has a bad habit of picking on Toby specifically, which pretty much immediately lands him on Cody’s shit list. 
-As for Masky and Hoodie... He doesn’t really know what to make of those two, honestly. Both proxies are close with Toby, the three of them having a strong brotherly bond. It makes him feel like an outsider, which only makes Masky or Hoodie’s attempts to get close to him feel fake- like they’re only doing it because of his brother. 
-Which... isn’t entirely wrong. At least at first. Masky and Hoodie first assume that because they’re twins that they’ll be really similar. They’re a bit shocked to then find that Cody is practically his twin’s opposite. Neither of them really know how to interact with him because of that. 
-Needless to say, Cody keeps his distance. 
-Masky and Hoodie try to get Cody involved but he just doesn’t seem interested. Toby is the only person that can convince Cody to hang out or participate with the others, but even then it’s a 50-50 chance. 
-Even when he is convinced to engage in group activities he doesn’t usually stick around very long. His social battery drains fast and he hits a point where he needs to be alone for a while. 
-Because of his loner nature he usually gets sent on missions by himself, rather than with a group, which he doesn’t mind at all. 
-Cody keeps to himself and is pretty quiet. He’s also smart and sensible, which makes him an instant favorite of Slender’s. However this just makes it easier for him to fuck with people because he hides all his mischief behind that innocent face. 
-Constantly torturing Jeff and the best part is no one can ever prove it’s him. Everyone knows of course, but they can’t prove it. 
-Him and Toby fight a lot. Not like disagreement fighting- no, they actually get along really well. Like fist-fighting. They’ll be totally fine one minute and the next they’re just decking each other. Toby always wins though cause Cody’s kinda weak and Toby does a lot more physical training than he does. It’s all in good fun though :o)
-They're both actually really protective of each other. Cody defends Toby from Jeff or whoever else tries to mess with him and Toby defends Cody from anyone who tries to get him riled up (jeff). They're like two guard dogs guarding each other.
-In a weird way, fighting his brother is a good way for Cody to release pent up anger and aggression because Toby can't feel it. Boy has pent up anger issues like you wouldn't believe. He tries to keep himself calm but it's really easy to set him off.
-He’s the type that’s usually really quiet but every once in a while he murmurs some insanely hilarious quip that just destroys everyone. 
-He has a bunch of piercings and he did them all himself. He also has a stick and poke, but its just a little operator symbol on his bicep. He would do more but he doesn’t really know what to give himself. Refuses to give Toby a tattoo no matter how much the other begs. Ever since Toby found out he has a tattoo and that he did it himself he hasn’t heard the end of it.
-Outside of his own bedroom, he spends a lot of time in the manor’s library. Him and EJ will sit at the same table and read for hours and not say a single word to one another. They love it. 
-Always finds a way to make himself scarce when the pastas have any kind of game night. He has horrible luck and he absolutely sucks at any and every type of game, from monopoly to mario kart. He refuses to be humiliated. 
-He’s actually really sweet when he starts to open up. He’s really observant, which means he’s really thoughtful when he wants to be. 
-I feel like he stares into the middle distance a lot. Like “are you guys seeing this shit?” kind of staring, like he’s looking into a camera. Or that ben affleck meme.
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uppermocns-moved · 3 years
𝘢𝘰𝘵 + 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘥
eren, armin, levi, jean
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 – nsfw (minors don’t like/reblog/respond), mentions of hard kinks, female reader. shifts in and out of canonverse/modernverse so use your imagination! 
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𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘢𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘳 
always dominant. can be hard or soft dom depending on the mood.
into harder kinks (with heavy communication and consent): somno, breeding, impact play, breath play, free use, etc.
super high sex drive and usually always horny. when he’s bored, he’ll jerk off to pictures you’ve sent him and porn you’ve made together (he’s not camera shy), but never let himself cum, just lazily edge.
he edges for days at a time – not only goes it feel so fucking good, but it gives him thicker loads to pump inside you later.
obsessed with cumming inside you. he’ll fuck load after load as deep as he can inside you, watch in awe as it leaks out of you, then use his fingers to push it back in. he’s not shy about his possessiveness and this is just a further reminder that you’re his.
secretly doesn’t mind when you scratch up his back – he loves looking in the mirror and seeing visual evidence of how good he made you feel.
also secretly loves when you give him hickies in obvious spots. he does absolutely nothing to hide them, he loves reminding everyone of his place. it’s a nonverbal way of saying “i’m taken, fuck off”
wouldn’t care if he broke his neck from you riding his face. he welcomes it, actually.
heavily into bdsm (emphasis on the s&m), and dom/sub dynamics. while he loves perfect little subs that’ll treat him like some sort of god, he adores when you get bratty and talk back. makes things a lot more fun.
loves embarrassing you.
“my god, baby, can fuckin’ hear how wet you are.” “soaking your panties and i didn’t even fuckin’ touch you. what’s got you so wet, sweetheart? thinking of my cock?” “that felt good, didn’t it? don’t hide from me, pumpkin, let me see your pretty face.”
threesomes. foursomes. you name it. while eren’s possessive over you, he doesn’t mind sharing with his friends (if you consent, of course). he loves knowing how worked up everyone gets over his girlfriend, loves fucking you in front of them to show everyone how wrapped around his finger you are.
safeword! mean and rough is what eren does best. even while he’s slapping you around and calling you dummy, or an eager little slut for his cock, he’ll still check in with you and make sure you’re still feeling good and enjoying yourself. he may like hurting you, but he never wants to actually hurt you. never forgets aftercare, either, you’re still his precious angel that he loves more than anyone.
he’s incredibly vocal – dirty talk, moaning, growling, cursing, degradation.
if you’re too tired to go all the way, he loves mutual masturbation, or jerking himself off while you talk dirty in his ear. always wants to hear what you want him to do to you.
big fan of including toys, usually always fucking you with your magic wand on your clit.
sex without the power dynamics is still very intense and passionate. lots of making out, scratching his back and pulling him closer, deep thrusts, curses, eren telling you he loves you, kissing your forehead while you cum.
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𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘵
doesn’t really involve himself in strict power dynamics. he’s very versatile and the role he assumes depends on the mood.
prefers biting over spanking and choking you with his fingers over wrapping a hand around your throat (but he will do both).
loves eating pussy and will tease you by gently kissing you through your panties. definitely bites your inner thighs. whispers to you from between your legs and tells you how good you taste. makes you cum over and over, each time moaning into your core and tightening his grip on your thighs to keep you right where he wants you. he only stops when you’re crying and twitching, physically unable to cum one more time.
loves when you’re rough and press his face into your pussy or pull his hair to guide his mouth where you want it. you can hurt him a little. as a treat.
loves when you grab him by the chin and pull him up for a desperate kiss after he eats you out for hours.
goes heavy on the body worship, especially when you wear pretty lil outfits for him.
memorized your body and knows it better than you do. he knows when you’re close, you can’t hide from him.
his possessive side comes out hardcore during sex – armin doesn’t share. he’ll bite marks into your flesh and use his sweet, soft-spoken voice to get into your head. he wants to be the only thought in your mind, the source of all your pleasure.
“mine. you’re all mine. not fuckin’ sharing you.”
if you want him to, he can be fucking mean. he contrasts his harsh words with gentle touches, or tells you sweet things while patting your cheek just a little too rough. it’s almost scary how effortlessly he can change his demeanor to someone entirely different.
loves when you come by to “help” him study (lazily jerk him off while he does his required reading and assignments).
actually just loves when you jerk him off for that matter, especially when he gets to rut into your fist until he’s overstimulated and making a mess of your hand.
easily excitable – just gotta kiss him with tongue all soft and slow and he’ll get all flustered poking against your leg
obsessed with having his mouth on your tits – sucking them, licking them, letting his hand palm and grope at the one not receiving attention.
eye contact is a massive turn on and makes everything feel so much more intimate. he’ll gently grab your chin and redirect your sight, or give your inner thigh a little nip to make you open your eyes again. “focus on me, sweet girl.”
armin’s weaknesses are praise and heavy personal attention. sometimes he’s stressed out and just needs you to take care of him. he’ll sit between your legs, back pressed to your front, and let you stroke him until he’s overstimulated or so pent-up from denial. it makes him dizzy when you whisper praise in his ear, telling him how pretty he looks and how good he’s being for you.
“you wanna cum for me, pretty boy? that feel good? you like when i touch you like this, don’t you? such a good boy for me, armin.”
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𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯
no defined power dynamic/roles – you do whatever the mood calls for. sometimes he’s pounding you into next week, sometimes you’re denying him orgasms for two hours straight until his voice cracks when he begs.
that being said, levi is a natural brat-tamer and can be a hard dom when he’s agitated and needs to blow off steam. his job is literally to keep brats in check – he doesn’t tolerate insubordination or backtalk (sometimes you test that out though). 
restraining your arms behind your back with his belt, spanking you until you can’t sit, reprimanding slaps, filthy degradation, punishing thrusts. he can be mean. 
“soaking through your panties and i didn’t even touch you. pathetic.” “i wasn’t fucking asking. knees, now.” 
he’s a masochist and loves when you scratch up his back, wrap a hand around his throat, bite him, pull his hair, etc.
borderline sadistic in the way that he will make you cum twenty times before he even considers letting up. he’s relentless. 
loves watching you get yourself off, or make out with you while you get each other off 
gets weak when you pull him in by the shirt collar
holds your hands :)
quickies are usually the only option due to your chaotic schedules. you get at least five minutes alone together, you don’t take it for granted. 
slow morning sex is his favorite – the sun is barely peeking over the horizon and you don’t have to worry about the outside world yet. it’s just the two of you and you can really take your time. 
starts off kind of shy about being vocal and you need to ease him into it
after he finishes, he’ll take a moment to caress and admire your pretty face and kiss your forehead, then make a teasing comment about how you’re sweaty. 
gets a little carried away and accidentally rips all the buttons off your shirt
giving you head is a form of stress relief for him, he really just loves pleasuring you 
takes incredible care of you afterwards – acts as a crutch when your legs are too shaky, gets you water, wipes away messes with a damp cloth, even runs you a bath if you have that much time.
“tch. don’t say i never do anything for you, brat.”
likes when you give him hickies in spots that his uniform will cover. it’s a secret that only the two of you are in on.
levi gets a little publicly affectionate when you return to your duties after having sex – still incredibly reserved, but he’ll ruffle your hair and look at you with the fondest eyes. maybe give your hand a squeeze if nobody’s looking.
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𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘪𝘯
naturally dominant. typically a softer dom unless you provoke him, then he has no issue roughing you up and fucking you into a drooling mess.
so big and strong and loves any position that demonstrates that – fucking you against the wall with your legs wrapped tight around his hips, stand-and-carry, having you on top and bouncing you like you weigh nothing. 
loves when you dig your nails into his back
slightly prefers ass over tits but is overall a leg/thigh kind of guy. includes feet. i’m so sorry.
stockings/thigh high socks/fishnets/garters absolutely knock him out 
great stamina while you’re fucking but almost instantly falls asleep when you’re done. or just wants to cuddle. 
mildly into somnophilia (receiving – loves being woken up with blowjobs)
praises you heavily while you’re riding him
“that’s it, just like that. good girl. good fucking girl.” 
can get a little too romantic when he’s really close and not thinking clearly
“gonna make me cum, angel, love this pussy so fucking much. love you so fucking much.” 
prefers cumming inside you but he’s really just happy to be included 
he gets a little goofy during quickies and does things like bite your asscheek before eating you out. 
secretly loves when you tie his wrists to the headboard and use him however you want. overstimulation is one of his favorite things, especially when it’s your hand forcing orgasm after orgasm from him. 
generally into rope-play but also really likes using his hands and sheer strength alone
bite his bottom lip or gently touch his upper thigh and he’s instantly hard
he’s a hopeless romantic! masturbating alone isn’t the same! he likes dirty-talking on the phone with you when you’re not together, or he just waits until you are. 
will break the headboard and dent the wall if he gets carried away
loves shower sex after stressful days
gets hard from making out – especially if you’re half-dressed on his lap and grinding against his bulge. sometimes he can feel you all warm and throbbing through your panties and he almost blacks out. 
worships your pussy but he will actually start writing his vows the moment you take him down your throat. 
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