#pretty forest hike today
restinthewest · 1 year
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saguarobaby · 2 years
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it was only a hike
how did it come to this
(the answer is lidar data and an obsession with mapping things)
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
there's something about walking around in a forest that's been mostly burnt down tbh
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vnards · 7 months
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>dinner's ready!
Price was grumpy. There was a tightness in his shoulders he couldn’t release and it had been driving him mad. He was at work, taking his 7th lap of the forest today, trying to run off his extra energy. But no matter how hard he tries, there’s been a smell in his nose. As he makes his way back to the ranger’s station, a grumble emits from him unknowingly.
Ever since his last visit to the store, there’s been this itch under his nails and a tension in his neck that just wouldn’t go away. Nothing he does gets his mind off you. Off your smell. “Dammit.” Price grumbles under his breath and leans back in his chair, wiping his eyes, as if he can make everything go away.
There’s footsteps outside the ranger station that catches his ear and a quick glance at the clock makes him sigh in relief. Marcus walks in, throwing a polite smile John’s way as he heads towards the back, getting ready for his own shift.
John couldn’t be more grateful to be able to get out of here. He quickly starts shutting down his things and begins packing. “Long day?” Marcus asks as he comes from the back of the station.
He grunted in response, “It was fine.” He quickly dismisses.
He hears a pause come from Marcus for a moment. Damned humans and their stupid social rules.
The former military captain tries again, remembering he only got the job because of Marcus’ good nature. He clears his throat again, “I think I may be coming down with something.” He says instead.
“Yea,” Marcus starts, “It usually takes a while to get used to the mountain air.” John falsely agrees, simply wanting to get out from under scrutiny and judgement. “Maybe you should take the weekend off.” He suggests.
That gives Price pause for a moment. He doesn’t want to misuse any good graces with Marcus, but with the coming winter, he would not look a gifted horse in the mouth. “I can still come in on Sunday,” He offered.
Marcus thought it over for a moment, “Yea, that sounds pretty good.”
Price smiled politely, a renewed vigor gave him enough momentum to grab his stuff and head out.
Price lumbered around the forest aimlessly. The sky was a light grey, but despite that, the trees gave an enchanting look and feel. He was in his bear form, finally able to stretch his legs and enjoy the mountains in which he resided in. He hasn’t had the chance ever since he’s moved to the area and the serenity he feels makes him feel truly at home.
No orders to give. No gunfire raining over him. No crushing weight on his shoulders. He can meander as slow as he wants. Scratch his back for as long as he wants. Even pick the berries without a care in the world.
There were a few hikers out in the late afternoon. Probably coming from work. Families with their dogs mostly. Everyone gave him a wide berth, some taking pictures, but most too scared to move until he’s ambled his way further. He’s not out to scare anybody so he leaves them alone.
Until that smell.
The bear sniffed the air again. Certain of the familiar scent. A pleased rumble began in his chest, heading a direction further into the woods and closer to the river.
Price didn’t even realize that he had changed directions. Simply moving as his bear asked without question. It wasn’t until he got closer that he came to and realized something was off.
Your smell got stronger. The hints of a floral and rich scent beckoning him. And Price followed.
John was able to take in your scent fully with his nose this time and it was even better than the last. Honey. You smelled like fresh honey mixed with a salty air and a floral scent. Bodywash, maybe. He was so distracted, he missed another scent in the air.
He traveled for about half a mile, paying no mind to the other hikers that had spotted him. The rushing of the river began a craving for fish. Price thought he saw salmon on one of his routes. As the clearing came up, there you were.
Sitting at the edge of the river, squatting to look under the water was you. You were out hiking it seemed, your backpack too light for anything else. John watched you in silence. It seemed the tranquility of the forest extended even to you. Almost adding to its beauty.
You threw you head back and gave a hearty laugh. What a wonderful sound it was. The trance Price basked in was interrupted by a stranger.
A man, walking closer to you from behind. He was about the same height as John, but not nearly as muscled or big. Not nearly as strong as Price. He was on the younger side, but still a threat nonetheless. The bear readied his stance, ready to intervene at a moments notice, when you turned your head and spoke to the man. You knew each other. And by the way the man put his hand on your back and sat next to you, it seemed you knew each other better than just friends.
Price had to focus on staying hidden in the trees. Watching. Observing. Calculating his next move.
He could shift back and approach the “couple,” giving some bullshit excuse for interrupting them. Maybe you’ll pick me over him. The thought pleased him, but no. That wouldn’t be enough. You were too smart to believe anything he’d come up with.
His mind ran a mile a minute, trying to figure out what to do. He could leave. Neither of you had spotted him, his fur helping him blend into the foliage, keeping him concealed. And as the two of you sat on the edge of the river, looking over the horizon, none the wiser, the stranger said something that caught your attention. Price got down lower, his years of stealth being an innate skill drilled in his bones.
Your voices were too soft for him to hear. But as the man touched the soft skin on your cheek and leaned in carefully, the bear roared, an anger carrying Price forward into the clearing and disturbing you both.
“Oh shit!” The man was on his feet in an instant, spotting the bear immediately. The look of confusion on your face was adorable. But the pure fear that replaced it tightened something in his chest. The big, bad bear had made himself known and there was no going back. So Price led into it with full force.
He raised onto his hind legs to his full height, his eyes never leaving the man that dare touch what’s his. The frustrations from the last few days came forth. The itch for violence that was always under his skin reaching a tipping point that he released in a bellow.
The call of the wild.
It didn’t take the man long to get to his feet and start running the other direction. He hadn’t even looked back to see if you would follow. A coward. He sneered.
Staying still under the scrutiny of a beast like him, you were too stunned to move. The pure fear in your eye was enough to tell Price everything he needed to know. You were smart not to run in front of a wild creature.
As the coward continued to run, further than necessary, Price might add, and once the threat was deemed safe enough, the bear dropped back on all fours. He let out a chuff of annoyance as his attention turned back to you as a sniffle caught his attention.
Price wasn’t close, but he could still see the tears growing along your tear line, threatening to fall. John almost felt bad about scaring you the way he did, but he knew there was no point fighting instinct.
So instead, he laid down on all fours, his arms and leg splayed out under him and put his chin on the ground. He hoped you knew what he was trying to do, look as non-threatening as possible. That was his mission.
You stood up on shaky legs, unsure of what to do with this strange bear’s behavior. You’ve of course have had tips you’ve picked up over the years on what to do when you encounter wild animals in these mountains, but the blood coursing through your veins wipes away any memory of them.
But…there’s something different about this bear. You can’t put your finger on it, but you trust your intuition and you get a burst of courage.
Price has to focus on staying still, but he can’t deny the burst of excitement in his stomach as you take careful steps closer. His eyes never leave you, watching your confidence grow with every step as you come closer to him.
Mission successful.  
Something speaks to you. You’re unable to tell what has come over you. Walking up to a wild bear after being abandoned by Tim. There’s a flame of anger that begins to start, leaving you like that, but you tamp it down in favor to focus on the wild bear in front of you.
The bear chuffs again, it doesn’t sound threatening, but you stop anyway. What you are you thinking!? There’s still a possibility of being mauled by a bear out in the middle of the mountains because you walked up to it? The thought doesn’t get any less crazy.
You’re about to turn back around when you examine the bear again. He hasn’t moved. Staying still as you approached him. It’s like he knows. You can see it in his eyes, something human about them. You finish crossing the distance to the bear, close enough to touch.
Price makes sure to not make any sudden movements, but he does lift his head up closer to you, seeing if he can get lucky twice. At his insistence, you finally reach your hand out to him, close enough to gently pet his head.
Price was in heaven.
Your hands are soft against his skin. Softer than his fur even. Gentle. John knew you’d have a gentle hand. A pleased rumble starting in his chest. Something he hasn’t done in years and it feels good. It feels great.
“You’re not so scary, huh?” You giggle lightly, your nerves settled after the adrenaline wore off.
Never for you.
You get a burst of courage and reach a little further, reaching behind the bear’s ears. Price melted.
He wanted more. He needed more.
He tilted his head to the side to allow you more access behind his ears. He can’t think of the last time someone showed him so pleasantly. The bear leaned over completely, laying on his side and showing you his belly as you make sure to show the other ear as much attention as the first. So thorough. Such a good girl. The pleased rumbles grow louder.
A flick of the bear’s ear causes him pause and suddenly sits up. You are able to move out of the way and step back, remembering you don’t have any protection on you incase this bear changes it’s mind. But he had other concerns.
The sound of a truck rumbling through the trees on the ranger’s path he took many times that day. How could John forget the protocol for spotting large animals? He’s never been so reckless before.
A new tension replaced your fear, concern as the truck came in sight. “Go,” you told the bear, “they might hurt you. Shoo, shoo.”
No one has never shooed away John Price before. He knew the protocol for a sighting and Marcus wouldn’t shoot him unless it was a last resort, but who was he to deny an order from his pretty little bird? He raised up, shaking his fur a bit of any debris and sticks he accumulated. He checked on you one more time. Your hands were still shaking, maybe from adrenaline, maybe from fear, but you looked more stable. Better. “Go,” you insisted again.
He chuffed again, but followed your orders. As Price worked to blend back into the words, he knew one thing for certain.
He will never let you go.
-been thinking if it would be easier to set up all my works in one place if it'd be helpful?
(edit: I did it -> list)
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prettyfastcars · 8 months
Skin and bones | Lewis x Reader
Summary: Family vacation was over, and it was time for all of you to go back home. Your mom and Lewis’ dad would go around the world, travelling some more. Lewis would go back to his glamorous, fast life and you’d go back to your quiet life in Paris. So whatever had been going on between you and Lewis this whole time, it all ends. Right? 
Themes: stepbrother!lewis, smut, possessive!lewis, fluff
a/n: read part 1, part 2, and part 3 here ;)
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“What do you think you’re doing?” 
You came back from gathering wood for the bonfire expecting to find everyone setting up tents – since Lewis had the brilliant idea of going camping in the middle of nowhere in this dense forest – but you found no one. Except a devilishly handsome ‘stepbrother’ setting up one single tent. 
“Lewis,” You spoke again, dropping all the wood near where you were supposed to have the bonfire. “Where’s my mom? And your dad?” 
“They went back to the cabin.” He answered like it was nothing at all as he finished setting up the tent, shaking it to check if it was sturdy enough. It was.  
You frowned. “What? But we planned to camp out here, all of us. This was your idea.” 
“Relax babygirl,” Lewis stood up and walked over to pick up the wood you’d dropped. “They probably wanted some alone time before we leave tomorrow morning.” He winked at you before walking away again. 
You winced not wanting to think about it for more than a second, “Okay, gross.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. It was beginning to get cold, the sun had just set and the forest was getting dark really fast. “So it’s just you and I out here? They just left me here with you and decided to walk back to the cabin for no reason?” Something didn’t add up. 
Lewis was kneeling on the ground, setting up the wood to make a decent sized fire. Then he looked up, smirking at you, “They trust big brother to keep you safe, little sis.” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. That whole bondage episode happened just two nights ago. Lewis had been less of an ass since. But you could tell some plotting was happening in that head of his. So this morning at breakfast he announced that you all should probably camp in the forest tonight since it would be your last night here at the cabin. The parents agreed of course. 
So the four of you hiked up here in the afternoon and began setting up. After a quick dinner, you realised you would all need a bonfire to keep warm through the night, so you volunteered to go find wood for it. When you got back just now, the parents were gone and Lewis was being a smartass again. 
“You convinced them to go back, didn’t you?” 
You figured that’s the only way they would’ve left you here with him. Lewis had a way of… persuading people easily. All he had to do was stare at you with those soft, warm brown eyes and give you that innocent smile and there’s nothing one wouldn’t do for him. You knew because you’d been a victim of those pretty eyes yourself. 
He finally lit the fire, and it caught perfectly, gradually growing. Lewis smiled at you again, a mischievous spark in those eyes of his. “I just told your mom that maybe this cold, humid weather would be bad for her occasional joint pains. And dad decided they should probably head back and be warm in the cabin.” He added, “They didn’t want to take the risk, you see?” 
“Right.” So the game you two had been playing was still on. You shook your head at him. “Okay, what do you want?” 
“To talk.” He replied quickly, standing up. 
Gods… he really was one of the most beautiful human beings huh? His braids were not tied into a ponytail today, they were loose and nearly reached his shoulders. And he looked so warm with all the layers he was wearing. Part of you wanted nothing more than to just snuggle up to him and let him wrap those big arms around you to keep you warm. 
“Talk about what, Lewis?” You forced yourself to look away from him as he approached you, the fire growing behind him. You looked down at your muddy shoes instead. “There’s nothing left to talk about. Tomorrow morning we’re all leaving. You’re going back to… I don’t know where. And I’m going back to Paris, and we won’t see each other all year–,” 
He stopped you by grabbing you by the chin and tilted your face up so you looked at him. “Really?” He questioned, staring deep into your eyes. He leaned closer, but not close enough. “That night a couple of days ago can’t be the last time I touched you. I want more.” He confessed, and almost kissed you again. 
But you pulled away, crossing your arms over your chest like that would act as a barrier between the two of you. “We can’t keep doing this.” 
“Why not?” He leaned closer again, pulling you into him by the waist. When you avoided his eyes, he grabbed you by the chin again, “Look at me.” He demanded. When you did, he said, “Are you sure you wanna be done with me?” 
You placed your hands flat on his chest. His warmth made you sigh in bliss. Then with a shaky voice you asked, “What’s the endgame here, Lewis? Whatever we do, it’s gonna hurt our parents.” 
He scoffed in that arrogant way of his which you loved despite everything. “We’re grown ups. We can do whatever we–,” 
You cut him off, “Yes we are grown ups and it’s still taboo and wrong to fuck your mom’s boyfriend’s son!” You whisper-yelled. 
He argued still, “It’s different for us! We didn’t grow up together or anything. Hell, I met you only a couple of years ago. Our parents aren’t married, it’s different.” 
You had nothing to argue back with so you shut up and pulled away from his warm embrace. “Lewis… I don’t know what to say to you. Maybe we should just go back to our lives and–,” 
He cut you off again, this time pushing you against the nearby tree. His strong arms grabbed you by the hips, his chest pressing against yours. You felt hot. And it wasn’t because of the layers that you were wearing. 
He got really close to your face, his soft lips just inches away from yours and said in a terribly bitter tone which sent shivers down your back, “Go back to our lives, huh? So you mean to tell me that these past few weeks mean nothing to you?” He questioned in an accusatory tone. “You mean you’re gonna go back and forget about all this? You’re gonna go back and let other people fuck you and pretend you’re not gonna be thinking about me each time they fail to make you come like I do?” 
His words shouldn’t affect you but just imagining having sex with anyone else seemed… wrong. You stared into his pretty eyes and your emotions were all over the place. You were sad, angry, you hated him, you craved him, you wanted him gone, you didn’t want to let him go. 
“So what?” You asked, sarcastically. “What do you think is gonna happen here? We’re gonna do a risky, long distance thing? We’re gonna keep meeting behind our parents’ backs? We’ll lie to everyone? I’ll fly out to come see you race whenever I can and you’re gonna fly home to me during your breaks? And we’ll be happy together until we grow sick of sneaking around and come clean and tell everyone to just deal with it!?” 
Lewis opened his mouth to argue, but then he closed it again. You did the same thing. Twice. You two just stared at each other because whatever you just spit out in a fit… it didn’t sound so bad, did it? Well, except for lying to the parents part. 
He didn’t know what to say so he just said, “Get inside.” He pointed at the only tent that was set up. 
You didn’t argue even though you saw what was coming. It physically hurt to walk away from him and to even think about all the miles that would be between you two come tomorrow. 
You began overthinking everything as you took your muddy shoes off and got in the tent. It was more spacious than you thought inside. You saw the double sleeping bag and a familiar shiver danced down your spine. 
You peeled off some layers and immediately got into the sleeping bag. And your mind began racing again as you forced your eyes shut. Say you and Lewis keep this madness up, what would happen when your parents would find out? Family dinners would get real awkward, that’s for sure. 
But then, given who Lewis was, what would happen when the world finds out about you? Your parents’ relationship was well hidden from the media. But Lewis always had eyes on him. Now that you thought about it, maybe that’s why he wanted to come here in the middle of nowhere and not vacation in a tourist-y place. There were no cameras here. 
You opened your eyes and found that you were snuggling next to something warm. You saw tattooed arms wrapped around you and you tried to hide the smile that formed on your face. 
“How long was I asleep for?” You asked, placing a hand on his chest. You felt his strong heartbeats beneath your palm and smiled again, sadly this time. Fuck, you were gonna miss him. 
“Just an hour or two. I guess you worried yourself to sleep.” He teased. “It’s okay though, it’s only around midnight right now so we have time to talk about everything.” 
You sighed, pulling away to get a better look at him. He turned on his side, arms pulling you closer. You shoved your face into the crook of his warm neck and groaned loudly, “I hate you.” 
He chuckled softly. “Oh do you?” 
His hands slipped under your thin sweater and t-shirt, stroking your skin. He drew lazy circles at your lower back and side. You couldn’t think about anything. His warm, slightly rough fingers against your skin was the only thing that made sense. It was beginning to drizzle outside, you could hear the random droplets hit the tent.
Then you blurted out, “I don’t want to fight with you. But I don’t see how we can be together.” 
Lewis was quiet for a while. You let your head rest against his shoulder, your fingers tracing the visible tattoos all over his hands. Then Lewis asked, “Do you truly want me out of your life?” 
“No.” You answered with a sleepy voice. 
“Then stop fighting this.” He stated, his hands wandering a little more, now sliding up to cup you through your thin bra. “Stop fighting me.” 
You sighed, letting him touch you wherever he wanted. If this was the last time, you wanted to cherish each moment. “I don’t want to. But–,” 
He cut you off with a kiss. Soft, sweet, his lips brushing against yours slowly. Like he was tasting you for the first time. “That little head of yours thinks too much,” He murmured, moving so he now hovered above you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, as you looked up at him. “Let me worry about everything. Just, stop fighting this.” He said before leaning down for another heated kiss. 
You moaned and whimpered into the kiss. You needed him badly. “Okay,” You whispered against his soft mouth. 
His hand touched you wherever he could, lingering at your breasts and taking his sweet time, caressing and kissing your skin. His other hand slipped past your leggings and cupped you between your legs firmly. You moaned and gasped into the kiss as his fingers teased your clit. 
“Lewis, please,” You begged, desperately grinding against his hand. “I need you, please.” You whispered against his mouth. 
Lewis chuckled. “Still wanna go back and pretend we never happened?” He teased. “Hmm? Think you’ll ever be able to look in the mirror and not think about how I kiss you?” He kissed down your neck, “How good my fingers feel inside you?” He slid two fingers inside you then, stroking you perfectly, just how you liked it and he had you whining and squirming under him in no time. “Answer me, little sis?” 
“Fuck,” You whimpered, “You know I could never forget you.” 
He smirked through the kiss, happy with what you said. Then he quickly lowered your leggings while you helped him by lowering his sweatpants, and he easily slid inside you without breaking the kiss. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as best you could. Your clothes and the sleeping bag got in the way but the two of you were too needy to care or stop. 
Lewis moved in and out of you, slowly at first, then sped up once he found the right pace and angle. Your back arched off the surface each time filled you up completely, mercilessly thrusting into you hard and fast. 
At some point he grabbed both your hands, laced your fingers together with his and pinned your interlaced hands down above your head. He finally pulled away from the messy kiss and stared into your eyes, lips parted and breathing heavily as he fucked you. He rolled his hips against you so well that you began tearing up. 
You were gasping for breath, struggling to keep up and not come too quickly because you didn’t want this to stop. You never wanted him to stop. 
“You can’t get rid of me, babygirl,” He mumbled breathlessly as he pushed deeper into you. “You can’t forget me,” He fucked you harder, as if proving his point. “You’ll always feel me,” He kissed your open mouth, shoved his tongue past your lips while he rammed in and out of you, “All over your skin, and in your fucking bones,” He growled, and your legs trembled around his waist, but he still thrust deeper into you, fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
You cried out in pleasure, your back arching as you felt a familiar warmth washing over you. Lewis growled and bit down on your shoulder while he fucked you relentlessly. You were sure that his bite left a mark but you didn’t care. 
“Lewis,” You gasped, “I need to come, please… please,” You begged. 
“Not yet, babygirl,” He whispered, kissing your cheek softly as if it made up for the way he pounded into you like you were a doll. “Don’t you dare fucking come yet.” His hand found its way to your front and he pressed his palm against your lower abdomen. “You feel me in here?” He asked, feeling his cock thrust deep inside you. “You think you’ll forget this anytime soon? Hmm?” His hand travelled all the way to your neck and he gently squeezed the side of your throat. He squeezed hard enough to make you lose your mind while he kept pounding into you incessantly. 
“No…” You whispered against his lips. With a few more strokes, you felt his thrust becoming irregular, and felt his cock throb against your walls. You tightened around him, feeling the burning hot need to come. “Lewis, please I can’t–” 
You came with a loud cry, unable to hold back. 
Lewis came right after you, buried deep within you – growling under his breath. He remained on top of you, lowering some of his body weight onto you. You welcomed it, it felt nice. He was warm and you were a whimpering mess. 
“Shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay,” He whispered, kissing your face as he slowly pulled out and collapsed next to you in the sleeping bag. You were shaking just a little as he tucked your head under his chin and ran his soothing hand down your back. You placed your head on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeats again. 
After a while of cuddling as you both caught your breaths, you said, “We have to leave in a few hours. We should get back to the cabin soon.” 
He wrapped his arms around you, as if he’d never let go. He kissed the top of your head and said, “Stop thinking for a moment. Just be here with me, baby. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it.” He spoke so confidently, like he always did. “I’ve got you.” 
You smiled and kissed the compass tattoo on his chest before placing your head on it. You didn’t want to worry anymore. Whatever happened, you two would deal with it. 
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justporo · 1 year
Hello! Very sorry if your post was rhetorical, but you asked for Astarion fluff and I had an idea. Since he's a canonical cay person, I like to think that a druid Tav would enjoy wildshifting into a cat and lounging in his lap, either acting as a heat source or letting him run his fingers through their fur when he's nervous or upset.
Anon, thank you so much. I immediately had a scene in my head and this was a true delight to write.
So now that I'm already crying from replying to that other Anon message (not their fault ofc), let's return to our regularly scheduled fluff, eh?
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You, Druid this time) Wordcount: 1,8k
Cats with Benefits
Sometimes it got all too much. Those were usually the moments you used your wild-shape abilities to shift into a cat and strolled off into the forest to have some moments of peace and quiet.
Today had been an especially exhausting day – the party had been fighting and bickering trying to figure out how to get through the Mountain Pass. The way was always steep and only loosely fixed, so you only made very slow progress and all of you were already completely exhausted came noon. So, you had decided that you’d take an additional rest midday when the sun was high and hot, adding to your already physically demanding hike.
You had put down your pack, went a few yards into the nearby patch of trees you had stopped at today to use their generous shade, and shifted into your usual form of a fluffy black cat and started to stroll around the small patch of forest. For some time you just wandered over fallen trees or through the underbrush, enjoying how differently it was to experience nature from the perspective of a feline creature. You loved it – it was almost like meditation for you.
The others didn’t know you wandered off like this sometimes. Or at least they hadn’t mentioned it. They wouldn’t leave without you and so far, you’d always gotten back to them in time. And as of late tension was high enough that everyone was pretty much occupied with just themselves, so they didn’t miss you.
After some time, you found a nice big rock in the sun on a clearing in the woods. Perfect for a cat to lounge on and take a nap. You jumped up, allowed yourself a long full body stretch and a big yawn and then rolled up into a ball of fur to enjoy the sun and some time alone.
As you laid there, your thoughts started to wander. You thought about your companions. You liked them, each and every one of them. Naturally, some more than others but you respected them all. But the path through the Mountain Pass had been a strain on all of you. And it really hadn’t helped that today everyone had just seemed on edge from the very first step on out.
Specifically, Astarion had been incredibly annoying today. Not being able to stop complaining about everything. Always replying with a sarcastic remark. To be honest, your relationship with him was probably the hardest and most formal of all thus far.
You had already realised that his flirty and sassy behaviour obviously were his coping mechanism for something deeply troubling, but by the Gods, it seemed he could never shut up. He was hand full at the best of times. Your furry ears started to twitch and the tip of your tail zig-zagged just thinking about it.
You tried to clear your mind then after your thoughts kept spiraling, hoping to relax enough that you could actually sleep a little.
But only shortly after your peace was broken.
“Well hello, who are you my beauty? A descendant of a mighty mountain lion? Rawr.”
No, it couldn’t be… The damned vampire had found you.
Of course he didn’t know it was you, but…
You opened one eye lazily and saw Astarion lean down to you, reaching out one hand to stroke you. Your jaws opened and you could already feel the hiss inside you rising to the top, but oh.
His touch was so gentle. His fingers softly stroked from the top of your head down your feline neck and back and you couldn’t resist leaning into his hand when he started again from the top.
“Someone likes that, hmm?”, Astarion said softly while petting what he received only as a wild but friendly cat.
Shifting into an animal also meant adapting some of their unique abilities and habits, so you couldn’t help when your feline body responded to the gentle touches by purring.
The vampire was positively intrigued when he heard that. As you opened your other eye you could see his big smile – a genuine one. You had never seen him smile like that. “Seems like someone’s just as touch-starved and desperate for some comfort as me”, he whispered while continuing his pets. That made your ears perk up and you immediately felt for the pale elf. Questions filled your mind about his unknowing revelation.
But you had barely any time to ponder them because suddenly the vampire scooped you up into his arms and sat down in front of the boulder you had laid down on. You yelped – or rather meowed at the sudden change of position.
Astarion moved carefully with your cat self in his arms until he was laying in the grass, legs angled, and you snuggled up against his chest. Since he had donned his armour and was only in his camp clothes you could feel his body, beneath your own.
This was incredibly weird and would probably end up with an awkward revelation but – you couldn’t deny that it was also very delightful.
“We can be cuddle buddies, my beauty, at least for an afternoon. So we can both get some much needed affection, hm?”, Astarion whispered to you. His red eyes looked so sad saying that. Whatever you had started to think about to get out of this situation evaporated. Suddenly, you only wanted to keep him company – it seemed he desperately needed it.
And the way he unknowingly had started opening up to you: it was a good albeit saddening look on him. You wanted to provide some comfort it that was what he seeked.
Also, it felt incredibly good to lay there on your new vampiric stone, soaking up the sun together while Astarion carefully continued petting you: scratching behind your ears, stroking down your back with both hands, even when he tickled one of your paws with a single finger. And you couldn’t stop purring. That bastard knew exactly what to do to keep the purrs coming.
Then after a while he just laid there with you, hands on your soft and shiny fur. He sighed: “I wish I could take you with me. You seem to like me. At least more than my other companions.”
Your ears perked up again, you looked at him but he had his eyes closed, head lolled back to enjoy the warming sunlight.
“Especially, Tav”, Astarion continued with another sigh “I wish I knew a way how to change that.”
That was it. You couldn’t in good faith continue to lay there with him as he offered up his innermost feelings. You got up and jumped off the vampire’s chest who got up on his elbows looking sad by your departure. You sat there and shortly pondered if you should just leave, keeping your secret. But you couldn’t, you needed him to know – and also have some words with him.
You changed back into your humanoid form, making Astarion scurry back from you, eyes wide with shock.
“Hi Astarion”, you whispered as you knelt beside him.
“You – what? How? Oh, I knew your eyes looked familiar!” His voice rose several octaves and you kept silent as his mood changed from shock to anger – but he stayed where he was.
“What the fuck was that about? Trying to spy on me?”, he hissed at you. Excuse him? He invaded your privacy. “I was here first, you bastard!”, you spat back and crossed your arms over your chest.
“And you didn’t think to reveal yourself before I proceeded to make you fucking purr?” “How when you didn’t leave me anytime in between petting me and lifting me up? I only wanted to be alone!”, you screamed back.
That made Astarion’s shoulders slump a little, some of his softer side returned. “I’m sorry”, he said quietly.
“No, I’m sorry”, you replied and looked down at your knees while pressing the balls of your head against your forehead “I should have said something way earlier.”
You looked up at him: “But then you sounded so sad and I… didn’t want you to be sad so I let it happen and it was kinda nice... I’m sorry, I invaded your privacy like this, Astarion. I’ll just leave and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
You saw the surprise on the vampire’s face who remained silent. So, you moved to get up, but Astarion quickly grabbed your wrist. “No, please. Stay… It was nice”, he confessed and looked into your eyes. The look he gave you was almost pleading.
The urge to move in and hug him overcame you, so you acted upon it – you had already laid on his chest, hadn’t you? How much worse could this make it?
You moved in and wrapped your arms around him – surprising the yelping vampire so much that he fell onto his back again. You were scared that you had crossed yet another line but to your own surprise you felt his arms wrap around you in return slowly.
And so you hugged him long and tightly. He was tense at first, but you felt him relax after some time. He even started to stroke your back again. You squeezed him and held onto him trying to offer him as much comfort and affection you could muster.
“For the record, I do like you, Astarion. You’re just annoying sometimes. But so can the others be, and I too”, you spoke into his chest, squeezing him yet harder. “And if… if you need someone to maybe talk to or hug you or just, you know, lounge in the sun… I can also change back into a cat, if you want me to. I could be your cat with benefits so to speak”, you brabbled into his shirt before you got too shy to make the offer. Your words were muffled but you hoped he heard you.
He did and the vampire chuckled softly. “That sounds… nice. Thank you. I may take you up on that if you promise you will keep this our little secret”, he answered hesitantly. You lifted your head from his shirt but not letting him go. “Would you like me to change back into a cat?”, you asked him and blushed as you realised what kind of weird deal you had just made with the vampire.
“No, Tav, not this time. This… this is very nice too”, Astarion replied and gave you another – the second this afternoon! – genuine smile. And this time it felt even better, knowing it was actually meant for you. You smiled back and placed your head on his chest again. Astarion’s hands kept softly wandering over your back as you kept holding him.
This is where you comfortably remained until it was time to get back to camp. But you were both sure it wouldn’t be the last opportunity to enjoy a nice cuddle in the afternoon sun.
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munivrse · 10 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Dead Man Walking
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c/w: light threats. mafia esque gambler bada. possessive bada (yall know thats my shit). smut. bada fingers reader!
a/n: hiii, just wanted to drop something small i did. i'm feeling a little better today. enjoy!!
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──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“god- fuck. you feel so good on top of me.”
bada’s hands are gripping your waist so hard you’re sure you’ll see bruises in a couple hours. she was so angry. she was fucking pissed.
──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
she’d had you perched in her lap as she sat at the oval table, balancing a couple chips in her hand. she brings you gambling and calls you her lucky charm each time. you know the real reason she wins is that she’s got a killer poker face (and knows the dealer personally,) but you humor her anyway.
she’d gotten caught admiring you for a little too long as the man across from her coughs,
“your turn, miss.”
bada doesn’t take her eyes off of you. not to check her hand, not doing a double take as she smoothly drawls out,
bada’s hand moves three forest green poker chips, each worth $25,000, to the pool. the man who addressed her earlier lets out a determined “call”, matching her bet. bada’s eyes stray from yours to his. a smirk stretches across her lips,
“brave of you.”
the man mirrors her smile,
“the money isn’t all i’m after.” his eyes flick from bada’s to your own, scanning your body up and down.
bada’s smirk falters and you feel her fingertips tap against your skin in irritation.
“tread lightly, sir. i wouldn’t want you to regret coming tonight.”
the man lets out a light chuckle, “oh come on miss lee, she can’t be worth more than a couple grand. you can’t give her up for just a night? she’s so pretty.”
bada’s jaw clenches as she tries to keep up her cool facade,
“she is, isnt she…”
bada looks straight at the man as she lays down her hand- a royal flush. she grabs your hand and kisses the back of it,
“you’d be wise to leave now, especially if you want to keep hold of that reckless tongue you have.”
the man’s smirk drops and he pales as he begins to realize that bada is not joking. he takes note in how the entire room tenses and how each dealer seems to stiffen at her words, almost ready to flee the scene at the drop of a hat. he slowly steps out of his chair, dignity stolen and $75,000 poorer. his steps are slow and soft as he exits the room.
bada’s leg bounces as she looks around. everything seems to be pissing her off now. the noise of poker chips hitting the table. cards being shuffled and sorted. all of it- every noise setting her off. she’s pulled out of her stupor by your soft hand tucking her hair behind her ear,
“you okay?”
her eyes close as she takes a deep breath. she counts to three and opens her eyes again. her personal dealer looks to her for confirmation and bada offers a short nod. the dealer stands and announces the following,
“okay, we’re closing up shop. time to go.”
──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
and now you’re here.
bada’s lips smashed against yours, tongue licking into your mouth. her hands gripping your waist like you’re going to disappear any moment now. she takes deep breaths as she parts from you, planting short kisses on your lips in between each pant.
“so pretty.”
you pull away, “only to you.”
bada scoffs, “i wish it was only to me,” she hikes your dress up to your waist, pushing your panties to the side as her fingers ghost over your cunt,
“fucking bastard-,” two fingers start to circle your clit and your legs spread more in her lap, “should’ve taken his fucking eyes out.”
bada’s fingers make their way from your clit to ghost over your opening,
“tell me baby,” her thumb applies pressure to your clit as her fingers dip into you, “who are you?”
you hiss as she starts a slow pace,
“your pretty baby.”
bada hums and plants a kiss at the base of your neck,
your hands grip her shoulders,
“your pretty baby.”
bada sighs and decides she needed more. she grunts as she removes her hand from your cunt and lifts you off of her lap. she lays you onto the table, knocking down the mountain of chips in the center.
she fully removes your underwear and one hand circles around your neck, the other goes back to toying with your pussy. she inserts two fingers again and starts at a much rougher, faster pace than before.
“say it again. louder.”
you moan it out this time, hands coming up to grip her arm, “your pretty baby, bada. yours.”
she lets out a low chuckle as she towers over you, leaning down to press her lips against yours.
“so good for me, isnt that right angel?”
you nod against her. she keeps her lips against yours, swallowing your moans. she wanted to keep every part of you to herself. if she was just a little more fucked up, she’d lock you up in your shared home, not letting you leave under any circumstance. the way you’re mewling in her mouth, back arching and pussy clenching around her fingers, it makes her ponder on it for longer than normal.
“you gonna cum for me?” her fingers slow down, opting to curl up and press against your g-spot. you cry out, nearly thrashing against her. the hand around your neck tightens just enough to make you lightheaded. your eyes roll to the back of your head and your body lights up.
bada kisses the top of your forehead,
“cum for me, pretty girl.”
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moonydustx · 4 months
Hey, Brazilian here!!! Can you write about Law x Sick!Reader?
Oi oi! Mais um dia, mais um atraso om os pedidos. Primeiro, muito obrigada pelo seu pedido <3 Aqui e aqui temos algumas histórias sobre Law x Sick!Reader. Mas como é quase irresistível escrever sobre nosso pirata favorito, hoje eu trouxe mais uma. Espero de verdade que goste!
And here’s the translation: Hi Hi! Another day, another delay with orders. First, thank you so much for your request <3 Here and here we have some stories about Law x Sick!Reader. But since it's almost irresistible to write about our favorite pirate, today I brought one more. I really hope you like it!
Requests are back soon, don't give up on me!
one piece masterlist
The isolated
Law x Sick!Reader (F!Reader)
warnings: idiots who don't know how to show their feelings, maybe there is a wrong use of DF, certainly medical errors because I'm not very good at writing this topic.
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The sun shone brightly outside the Polar Tang, matching the summer island you had stumbled upon. Beaches, parks, and even a small forest trail awaited you, and despite Bepo's grumbles, it promised to be a good time to relax.
"Are you two staying here?" you adjusted your backpack on your back and stopped beside your captain. "There's so much to do."
"I only leave here to buy ice, or ice cream." Bepo, sprawled on the deck, grumbled. Your eyes soon turned to the captain's.
"And you?"
"Maybe I'll go to the city later, need to buy some things." he said, assessing you from head to toe. "Aren't you going to the beach with them?"
"Not really. From what I saw, there's a pretty cool trail to hike, I can take the opportunity to get some new herbs."
"Hm, alright." he replied, returning to contemplating Bepo suffering in the heat.
"Any problem, Captain?"
"No, nothing serious." Lie. The invitation for you to accompany him on the small visit to the city lingered on his lips, but apparently, it would stay there. "Enjoy your trail."
"Thanks, Captain! I'll be back before the end of the day."
You disembarked from the ship without further difficulties, following the small map you had bought earlier. On the Polar Tang, Law watched from afar as you walked away. He held a certain fondness for you - one you would never suspect - making it difficult for him to approach. Despite the shared breakfasts and the plant and herb lessons you gave him, which he insisted on attending despite knowing most of the content already, he enjoyed being with you. It was a pity he didn't know there was a reciprocal feeling on your part.
On the other hand, you even expected an invitation to accompany him, but just as he didn't seem very interested in being on your trail, he also didn't seem interested in your company. The hours passed without end, and with each passing moment, you grew more and more exhausted. Even before the sun set, you were already making your way back up to the Polar Tang.
"What the hell happened to you?" Shachi was the first to ask, catching your attention as you headed towards the submarine's interior.
"What the hell what?" you looked over, seeing nothing abnormal except for the fatigue and heat in your body, likely from all the walking.
"We better call the captain." Jean Bart advised and didn't wait for a response, running further into the submarine.
You tried to see something in some reflection as you watched your colleagues avoid you as if you carried the plague within you. Your irritation with your friends was replaced by concern as soon as Law saw you. You expected a scolding, you expected some acidic comment from him, but you didn't expect the lack of words, except for the ones that made you teleport with him straight to the medical ward.
"Captain, what's happening?" you stumbled backward as he guided you not so gently to a stretcher.
"Open your mouth." he completely ignored your question, and you could tell he was more worried than usual, so you just obeyed. With a small flashlight, he checked what you believed was just your throat. "Can you breathe normally, have you felt anything?"
"I'm just a bit tired, that's all. I don't understand all this fuss." you grumbled.
Only then did Law realize that indeed, you knew nothing of what was happening or why everyone had practically become concerned. Looking for a mirror and finding it impossible to find one in the medical ward of the Polar Tang, he grabbed a small sterilized steel tray and passed it to you, indicating that you should look at yourself.
"What?" your cry echoed through the enclosed room. Your face, neck, and every piece of skin you could see were adorned with red and swollen lumps. "Law, what's happening to me?"
"At first, I thought it might be an allergic reaction. But with unobstructed airways, I rule out that possibility, given the size of these lumps, if it were an allergy you shouldn't be breathing." he touched your face, gently turning it from side to side.
"And you're speaking so calmly?"
"If I spoke more agitatedly, you'd get nervous, your body would pump your blood faster, and if it were poison it would only take a few minutes for you to drop dead here." again, that calmness in dealing with serious matters infuriated you. "It might be that," he muttered to himself.
"Poison? Am I poisoned?" you stood up and immediately stumbled, leaning against his arms. "Am I going to die?"
"Probably, maybe, and no." he helped you sit back down. "Just give me a minute, I suspect what it might be."
He disappeared from your sight, and immediately, it was as if exhaustion dominated your body. You allowed yourself to lie down and wait for a few minutes. When your eyes were already heavy - even though less than five minutes had passed - you saw him appear with a book in hand.
"Can you stand up and take off your clothes?" he asked, seeing you nod, even though it took minutes just for you to stand up.
Remaining only in underwear, Law took care not to touch your body disrespectfully. The lumps already occupied almost your entire skin, giving him some trouble finding what he needed. After turning you around a few times and bending down to see better, he unfortunately found what he suspected.
"Here!" he pointed to the side of your body and again picked up the small steel plate that served as a mirror. As soon as he showed you, you could locate two red dots. Law then stood up and took the book he had brought. "It's a type of bug common on this kind of island."
"And what does that mean?" you leaned on the cot, not bothering to put your clothes back on.
"Well, it's going to be a few difficult days, and I'll need to isolate you from the rest of the crew, but you'll be fine."
"What do you mean by difficult days?" you tried to grab his book, but he didn't allow it. The way the symptoms were written was much scarier than it should have been in reality, at least that's what he hoped.
"Some symptoms are quite annoying, but with the right treatment, in about six to seven days, you'll be cured." he explained, watching you nod slowly. "It's normal to feel a bit tired at first; you might feel a bit itchy tomorrow too."
"You said you're isolating me here, is there a risk I've contaminated someone?" contaminated you, you wanted to add, but preferred to keep the thought to yourself. "I haven't touched anyone, but you never know."
"Contamination is through fluids, so no, for now, we'll all be fine. Here, I can still use my fruit to ensure a bit more protection for myself." he closed the book and stooped down, picking up the clothes you were wearing. "I'll get rid of this, alright?"
"Can you ask Ikakku to bring something for me to wear?"
"You're isolated, for a few days, only I will be able to come here, okay?" His hand almost touched you, but retracted in the last moments. "While you're not feeling better, we'll stay here on the island, but visits to the trail will be prohibited to everyone. I'll bring your clothes in a few minutes."
Law left and left you alone for a few moments, only returning to bring your pajamas. Even though you said it didn't need to be that type of clothing, Law warned that you would still be thankful for it.
On the first day, you were completely alone as the captain made sure that no one was infected and that everyone was aware of the necessary precautions. The lumps on your face seemed even redder, and when you noticed, you were already scratching and clawing, seeking some relief from the agony crawling on your skin.
"Don't scratch, you'll regret it." Law's voice appeared, and only then did you realize that he had entered the room. "It'll hurt more afterward."
"But Captain!" you grumbled and brought your nails back to your legs, barely reaching them before he grabbed your wrist. "It's itching too much!"
"I brought this." Only then did you realize that he had come armed with things. In one hand, a small pot that from the smoke and aroma, should be food. In the other, a small bag. "Here are ointments that can help, Ikakku also set aside some more clothes and other things that you might need."
You barely waited for him to finish speaking and began rummaging through the bag, searching for the ointment. As soon as you smeared it wherever you could reach, under his attentive gaze, you didn't need to ask. It only took a single exchange of glances for him to reach out and take the ointment from you. As soon as the cold cream reached your back - and perhaps because of the gentle way his fingers slid - you swore you could melt.
"I think it's good." He returned the tube and lowered your blouse carefully. "I brought soup for you."
"I'm not hungry."
"But I need you to eat, please." His eyes seemed to plead on their own, making it almost impossible for you to refuse.
Law stayed longer than the day before, watching you eat and updating you on what had happened outside. From Shachi and Penguin almost getting beaten up by two women on the beach, to Bepo swimming with buoys and several other amenities. Although he stayed longer than the day before, it didn't take long for Law to leave you alone again.
The next morning, you understood what Law meant about regretting scratching. The vivid memory of your nails scratching your body was replaced by an unbearable burning sensation, which left you almost immobile. Except that it also itched, making you seek friction, however minimal. That morning, you were taken out of bed by Law's appearance. A tray was in his hand, and as soon as he placed it on the table, he transported two more bags in.
"How are you feeling today?" he stopped by your side, looking at your still-laying face. "Burning, isn't it?"
"Like hell!" you grumbled, and saw him laugh, as if to say he had warned you. "Can you fix this?"
"At best, alleviate it." he warned, and saw you nodding against the sheets. "But first, breakfast." His tattooed hand stretched out, and you used it as support to sit up.
Grabbing the bread and juice glass, you pushed the fruits in his direction.
"Eat too." he just waved his hand, and you insisted. "Please, Captain. It'll make me feel less strange."
"Okay, just a little." He grabbed one of the grapes and ate.
As soon as you finished, Law used the power of the Ope Ope no Mi to get you to a shower, and apparently, he had already left that isolation for you. He leaned against the outside and left you alone, washing your body. Even against his will, Law could hear your grumbles and sniffs, he knew that the contact of the water against the skin would be torture at that moment, but it was the best solution he could think of. How he wished he could take that pain away from you.
In the afternoon of that same day, you didn't expect to see him again, until once again he appeared in the room, armed with things that barely crossed your mind of what they could be.
"I-I…" he started, feeling a little insecure. He felt that perhaps, just maybe, he might be crossing the line between doctor and patient. "I believe you might be feeling lonely."
"You have no idea." you weakly laughed, accepting the package he offered. Some books, crosswords, and candies were piled in the package. "That's very kind of you captain, thank you."
"I brought more of these too." He piled some books next to you, with a glance you realized they were comics. "They help me pass the time, I think they might help you too."
"This is that story... Sora, right?" you flipped through some, excitedly. "I've always heard about it and even tried to read it, but I confess I didn't understand much."
"What didn't you understand?" he sounded almost offended, sneaking a peek at what you were talking about.
The idea was for him to just leave things there and leave you alone, but it seemed almost impossible that afternoon. Law got lost in the hours, what was supposed to be a simple explanation ended with him reading some issues aloud to you. He only realized this when he heard your stomach growl, knowing it was already dinner time.
In the following two days, you alternated between scratching, trying to avoid scratching, getting scolded by Law, and him losing hours again, talking to you. It had reached the point where Law and you were counting the hours to know when you would see each other's faces. You because you loved the company of your captain and how soothing his voice sounded when he read, or how he got excited gossiping about the "outside world," and Law felt he needed to see you up close, to ensure that you were and would be fine.
The last bout of symptoms was what worried Law, and it was when he entered the room and found you lying on the floor in a fetal position that he knew it had finally arrived. Although it meant that the illness was leaving your body, he knew it would be the most painful part.
"Law." your tearful voice called him as soon as he picked you up to put you back in bed. "My body hurts so much."
"I know, I know." he tried to calm you down and saw you curl up even more. "I promise, just one more day, and you'll be okay."
"I don't know if I can handle a whole day with so much pain." you sobbed and hugged yourself. "It hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, and-I-I don't know what to do."
He sighed, trying to think of how he could take that away from you. It was just one more day of symptoms, but it hurt him to hear from your mouth that you couldn't handle it. Just one more day, one more day, and you would be well again.
"Do you remember when the pain started?" he stepped away to start preparing a serum with medications for you.
"About two hours ago." you whispered, pulling the blankets against you and trying to press against your own body, the contact of your skin seemed like a relief.
"Okay, we have a few more hours ahead." he gently pulled your arm, and with the dexterity that only he could have, hit your vein on the first try, plugging the medication. "Maybe this will help a little with the symptoms."
Law stepped back again to get the book he had found the information about the insect that had bitten you. Most of it was that the symptoms were difficult, but they overcame themselves, and although it seemed like you were going to die, the probability was minimal. Pain and complications, pain and complications. Law finally found the topic he needed. When the disease was leaving the body, the heat provided by fire, blankets, humans could help, as well as pressure on the painful area.
"I have an idea." he murmured and began to take off his shoes.
While you were lying down, barely having strength to open your eyes, you saw him take off the shoes he was wearing and take off the hat he had on. The first thing he did was cover your head with the hat, making sure to keep as much of the top of your face covered and warm. Soon, he climbed onto the bed with you, his legs intertwined with yours, and his hands began to press against your body, promoting such relief that it drew a sigh from your lips and allowed you to stretch.
"Sorry." he apologized, his hands now pressing against your back intensely. "It's the best I could think of quickly."
"It's perfect." with some difficulty, you turned to him. "Thank you for taking care of me, Captain."
"This is my duty, isn't it?"
"Well, not when I'm a mess here, in pain, and crying." you tried to laugh, but a memory of a conversation you had some time ago struck you. "Enough, Law, you need to step back."
"And why would I do that?"
"Why do you think? Contact equals contamination, don't you remember?" you grumbled. Even though the massage he provided was the relief you needed, the last thing you wanted was to infect him.
"You're no longer so contagious. You're on the last day of the illness, full of symptom medications, and I'm protected, there's no possibility of you infecting me." he explained and felt your hand against his chest, trying to push him away. "Don't you believe me?"
"I'm a mess here, of course I'll infect you."
Instead of answering you, Law just stole a quick kiss from your lips, in an impulse of courage to show a little of what he felt and in the desperation to stop you from continuing to push him and, consequently, pushing himself out of the bed.
"I wouldn't do this if you were contagious, you know that." he simply said and pulled you closer, allowing your face and body to almost merge against his skin. "Now let me take care of you."
The last day of the illness passed faster than you expected, mainly because much of it you spent sleeping in the arms of your captain, who didn't stop for a second trying to ward off the pain from you.
The next day, you were finally free to walk around the submarine, take a shower freely, choose your own clothes, free from the small medical ward you spent those days in. As soon as you finished putting on your uniform, two knocks on the door caught your attention.
"Can we talk?" Law inquired, not waiting for the answer to enter the room. "About yesterday…"
"There's nothing I would change about that." you interrupted him, and you swore you could see a certain blush on his face. "Except the pain, I thought I was going to die."
"I would never let that happen."
"Captain?" you approached, stopping a short distance from him.
"Law, please." he corrected you. He liked to hear his title leave your lips, but hearing his name was a much more savory experience.
"Law, aside from all the pain and stress, it was good to spend these days alone with you." you confessed, seeing him nod. "Although I'm also ridiculous with those lumps that have now turned into scars, I really should have listened to you."
"Don't say that, even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be that." he refused to name you in such a rude way. "And I also enjoyed our time together."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I want to do it right." he cleared his throat, adjusting his posture and asking the question that could avoid all the stress of you having gone to do the damn trail. "Will you accept to visit the city with me?"
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Monster Mayhem: Lion's Pride [PART 1]
Gender Neutral Reader x Leona Kingscholar Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: You fall into a hole. There is something in the hole. Something with teeth, and claws, and a garbage attitude to boot. Today is not your day.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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Let it be known, that of all the ways you could have died in your miserable and unlucky life, falling into a pit trap had not been on the list. Or, well, if it was, it hadn’t even managed to crack the top ten. And that was what was making this whole ‘sudden demise’ thing feel really pathetic.
On top it also being an uncovered pit trap. No subterfuge or class to speak of. Just a big ol’ hole in the ground that you had waltzed straight into. Ace would keel over dead laughing if he ever found out.
It was a pretty nice trap all things considered. The walls were dug into some strange sort of stone rather than just packed earth, and rings of fresh talismans curled along its sides like hundreds of ugly finger paintings. Certainly something so impressive had not been built to catch some lowly, little, idiot such as yourself. But you were here now, so that was your captor’s problem.
You were wandering aimlessly around your new prison when you stepped on something weird, and long, and thin. You paused, brow furrowing in confusion, and glanced down at whatever had found itself wedged under your heel. And, hey. That was odd. It sort of looked like a—
There was a horrible, screeching, snarl, and you wheeled back in hysterical panic as an honest-to-god lion lunged from the shadows—jerking its tail out from beneath your boot and swatting at you with its absolutely massive claws that could definitely take your eyes out. And half of your face. And probably your brain too. You fell backwards on your ass in an ungraceful heap and immediately scurried back towards the opposite wall as fast as you could. You were one-hundred-percent ready for the lion to just follow you into your little corner and murder you dead, but instead, it just stood its ground—growling, and spitting, and whipping its tail back and forth like a rattlesnake.
The thing was absolutely massive—bigger than you thought a lion was supposed to be, at least. Weren’t they just, I don’t know, like the cat equivalent of wolves? Because you’d seen plenty of wolves before on the road, and they’d never been so… looming, in themselves. And size aside, the beast was just weird looking. With thick, ash-brown, fur cut through with strange, almost geometrical, whorls of black. Now, you didn’t know much about lions (they weren’t exactly native to your little, forested, corner of the continent, after all), but weren’t they supposed to be regal? Or something? With lush, red, manes and tan hides that glowed majestically under the sun’s light? Not some… scraggly looking monstrosity with too-large canines and limbs stained in black like it’d taken a hike through a field of ash.
Its eyes were the strangest part of all of it—a sharp, emerald, green that cut through the gloom of the pit with all the efficiency of a dagger. One of them was bisected with a thin scar that ran crookedly from brow-to-jaw. They were eyes that spoke of an intelligence that no animal ought to possess, let alone one that was perfectly capable of mauling you to death without the aid of functional brain cells.  
You continued your silent inspection of your new nemesis, and when your gaze hesitantly fell to its hind legs, you jolted in surprise.
Iron shackles.
Or, more specifically and horribly, a spike trap. A grim, metal, contraption that would snap into its victim like a vice, and then unfurl row upon row of jagged barbs—tangling them up like an unfortunate bug caught within the web of some really fucked up, sociopathic, spider.
You winced in sympathy, out of habitual concern for your fellow down-and-trodden if nothing else. The lion, with all its eerie intelligence, seemed to notice the pity flickering across your expression and put every single one of its too-sharp teeth on display. As if to say ‘how dare you?’  You held up your hands in surrender, hoping it looked placating and not threatening, and smooshed yourself even harder up against the wall.
After a few more moments of grumbly glaring, the beast dropped back down to the ground with a pissy huff and closed its eyes. Clearly, you weren’t worth the trouble—which was perfectly fine with you.
You gave yourself the rest of the evening to just lie around like a sad little slug and lick your wounds. Falling all that way had hurt, okay? And while the adrenaline rush of ‘oh shit, I’m going to be lunch’ had helped push away some of that initial pain, now that it was fading you could feel every twinge in your ribs, all the bruises climbing your back and the cuts littering your hands.
When the sun rose once more over the mouth of your prison, you stretched as best you could and prepared to make your escape.
Scaling the slippery, stone, walls had proved to be an instant failure. The rope in your pack wasn’t long enough to reach the top, and you smacked yourself in the face with the thing more times than you would like to admit. Trying to find grippy-bits to just crawl your way up the side like a bug hadn’t worked either. The first talisman you touched didn’t spark or bite at your fingers, but it had been seared into the stone with some sort of magic that made it slide like oil beneath your palms. And you’d plummeted back to the bottom with a lackluster thump. The lion had made some kind of huffing noise from its place in the corner, like it was laughing at you. And you fought the insane urge to flip off a creature that could just eat your entire hand in retaliation.
Next you rifled around in your pack, hoping for a miracle. You were pretty decent at throwing together little bits and bobs to create a cheap but generally functional solution. Like the time you’d rigged Deuce’s bow to spit stink bombs as it shot through the air, or when you’d managed to scrounge together a decent fishing-line trap out of Ace’s shoelaces to lure out a rogue pixie that had been cannibalizing your vegetable garden. But you’d only been heading into town for your monthly grocery trip, so the most you had on you were genuinely practical things. An emergency medical kit, a dagger, lock picks, some rations that lived at the bottom of your bag no matter where you went. Nothing nonsensical, and therefore nothing useful.
Your stomach gurgled irritably, and, well, maybe you had something useful after all.
You fished out some neatly wrapped bits of cured meats, and cheeses, and bread. You made yourself a tasty, little, sandwich, and hey? You know what? How many other Hole Prisoners could claim to have such phenomenal catering? Probably not many. You’d take that win, at least.
You were just about to take your first bite when your eyes guiltily swung towards the lion curled up and sleeping at the opposite end of your makeshift cell. It hadn’t even flicked its ears your way when you’d started to loudly rustle around in your bag. And it certainly hadn’t sniffed at the air or anything else dramatic like that when you’d unearthed your packed lunch. Which was… didn’t animals usually go nuts for tasty treats like this? The foxes that snuck around behind your cottage would scream like banshees if you didn’t toss them your leftovers. Even the bunnies that lived in the hole in the wall by your cellar had some food aggression issues.
You tore off a chunk of your sandwich and palmed it nervously.
Maybe if you fed it, it wouldn’t eat you quite so quickly.
You cautiously pushed the stack of toasty breads, and meats, and home-made cheese, towards the beast with the toe of your boot. When it didn’t move, you scooched the offering a smidge further, until it was nudging up against a paw.
The Lion lifted its great, dark, head to bare its teeth at you with a lazy twitch of the lip. You scuttled back as quick as you could, and once you were a fair distance away, it stopped glaring at you long enough to observe whatever you’d just shoved at it.
It nosed at the food with a level of apathy you didn’t think was even possible, before reaching out with a heavy, black, foot, to smoosh it ungratefully into the dirt.
“Hey!” you gasped, genuinely offended. Because you were just trying to be a polite cellmate, okay! Was that really so terrible?!
With a sharp little twist of its paw that looked far too dexterous for something its size, it speared through the meat with one of its curling claws, and raised that from the dejected pile of mush. It popped the chunk of cured ham into its mouth with a satisfied little grumble, and you felt your completely rational and not at all ridiculous discontentment ease. It lifted its head a little higher and its tail swished—not in the whipping, angry, way it had been the other day when you’d squashed it, but the gentle twitch of something closer to a cat lazing about contentedly in a windowsill. The lion kept looking at you then, with those too-cognizant eyes. You pulled another bit of meat from your sandwich and tossed it over. It caught it easily in its massive jaws with that same, contented, rumbling.
“I made that,” you beamed. Because you had. And it had taken you ages to balance out the perfect spice-salt-sugar combination for a proper cure.
The lion looked entirely unimpressed.
You sighed and sat back against the wall with a string of irritable mutterings. The lion made another one of those huffing noises, like it had earlier when you swore the thing was snickering at you. And then it closed its glowing, emerald, eyes and slipped back into its seemingly never-ending nap.
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed in relative peace. Despite its lackluster (read: fucking rude) response to your earlier offering, come dinner time, you still slid the beast a makeshift plate stacked high with meat. It ate the food without complaint, which was better than outright scoffing at you, you supposed. You started to hum some nonsense under your breath, just for something to do, and the lion made a noise like you were physically torturing it. So instead you shifted to folding and refolding the scrap bits of parchment paper from your wrapped rations into ugly, veritably unidentifiable, origami shapes. This was apparently deemed acceptable, as the lion just sighed and rolled over to make itself comfortable for the night. Irritably, you flicked one of the little flowers you’d made at its dumb face. But it shot wide and landed somewhere off by its paws. The beast didn’t even bother to twitch its ear at you.  
The next morning came with little fanfare, and you stared longingly up at the warm light of the dawn.
Your eyes once more roved across the spiraling talismans dripping from the walls, and the great, iron, trap that certainly wouldn’t have belonged to any ordinary sort of hunter.
“You’re not a real lion, are you?” you asked, and the thing had the nerve to roll its eyes at you. You bristled and again had to tamp down the urge to do something very, very, stupid, and which would no doubt end in your immediate disembowelment. “Yes, yes. Laugh it up. I only mean that because—I mean, you can understand me, can’t you?”
Another long, slow, eye roll. Like it was making damn well sure you could see.
It was a lot harder to bite down your anxious ticks and ramblings when you knew you were speaking to something that could maybe speak back, rather than just a wild animal trapped at the bottom of a hole (there was a very good reason you lived in a quaint little cottage in the middle of fucking nowhere), but you grit your teeth and soldiered on.
“Alright then. Fine. I just wanted to say then. Well. I mean—I could… You know.”
When you held out the lockpicks from your bag, the beast’s eyes lit with genuine interest for the first time in this entire nightmare situation, and a teeny bit of your nerves eased.
You gestured to the spike trap entangling its legs and the lion turned to sneer at the mess of sharp ends with a genuinely bone chilling snarl.
“I can probably get that off—unlock the mechanisms, I mean,” you explained. “But you have to, you know—” You made a theatrical imitation of gnashing teeth over the meat of your forearm, “—not eat me.”
The Lion sat up on its haunches and its tail twitched restlessly at its side. After a long moment where you were genuinely concerned that the thing would rather eventually justbleed out and die in its trap rather than let you touch it, the lion raised its head and perked its ears in an imperious sort of way. And then it dipped its chin—a nod.
You scooched forward cautiously, pausing every few feet or so to make sure the thing wasn’t going to change its mind and maul you. The Lion just huffed at you, and shifted to give you better access to the horrible agglomeration of cold metal twisted around its limbs. You reached out carefully, the picks a light, familiar, weight in your hands. It was certainly a complicated looking contraption, but you’d yet to encounter something you weren’t able to break with enough force of will and sheer, dumb, luck. So you grit your teeth and got to work.
After a few minutes of poking, the first spiral of jagged spikes loosed with a rusty groan and the lion noticeably perked up—like it was shocked you’d managed anything at all. You decided very resolutely that you weren’t going to allow yourself to be offended by the implied emotions on the face of an animal, and continued your work. Your tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth as you focused, intent, and slowly—steadily—the barbed monstrosity gave way beneath your gentle fiddling. Every now and again, one of the spikes would ease itself from the lion’s hide, and you had to fight the urge to fuss over the oozing, painful, wounds that were exposed. You were almost there, you reminded yourself feverishly. Just a little more, and—
The last of the iron fell away with an echoing clatter, and immediately the lion reared up with a roar. But instead of lunging at you and your very accessible throat like you feared, it crouched back on its battered hind limbs and craned its head towards the open hole above your heads, and the blue, sunny, sky beyond. A swirl of strange, sandy, magic began to seep from the beast’s mane. The green of its eyes glowed hot and bright amidst the outpour of arcane energy, like the sole light in a storm. And then its fur was fading, its limbs cracking and groaning as they folded in on themselves into something more contained—more bipedal. The strange, geometric, patterns along its coat rippled like living things. They expanded and contracted as the creature did, before eventually settling into some new pattern that you hadn’t seen before.
And there, standing before you now, was a man. Tall, and lithe, and tan. With a head full of thick, dark, hair that looked startling like the mane that had just poofed from existence—except now it was twisted through with braids, and precious gems, and the occasional patchwork of beads and leather. The inky shapes settled themselves along his biceps, curling into the skin contentedly as if they’d lived there all along. There was still a pair of tufted, feline, ears atop his head, and a long, thin, tail whipping back and forth at his rear. His teeth were still much too sharp, and those eyes of his much too feral. He observed his clawed limbs with distaste, letting out a sigh that seemed to rattle his bones.
“Of course it’s still fucked,” he grumbled. His voice was deeper than you were expecting—smoother, too. Like it was meant to belong to someone regal and powerful, someone doling out orders and ruling nations. Not a sad, little, half-man-half-lion trapped at the bottom of a pit with an ever sadder, littler, human.
After a minute or two of what was clearly some very displeased inner reflection, he raised his hands over his head. A pale, dusty, magic swirled along his fingers, not dissimilar to the stuff that had coiled out from his furs. You watched in awe as one by one, the talismans began to burn away—disintegrated into nothing.
Once he had finished utterly decimating what had once been a nearly foolproof trap, he turned and looked down at you for a long, tense, moment with an expression that you couldn’t quite place.
And then he was leaping out of the hole with all the grace of a hurricane—tearing through stone and dousing you in waves of dust and debris as he went. His claws tore into the sides of his prison like it was made of paper, leaving deep, jagged, gashes in their wake. Some of the wall seemed to melt beneath his attacks—collapsing into a thin, sandy, mess beneath the weight of his irritation. With one, final, swipe that shook the pit from base to rim, he leapt out of the dug-in prison cell entirely and vanished from your line of sight. Lo, the Angry Lion Man was free at least. And you? Well—
“Hey!” you shouted after him, enraged. “Thanks for nothing, asshole!”
And so, despite all your hardships and good deeds, you were still stuck at the bottom of a fucking hole.
You stomped around for a bit, kicking at rocks and ranting at nothing. Once you’d tired yourself out enough to think a bit more rationally, you sat back and took stock of your continuing predicament. With the talismans burnt out, you might be able to try climbing out again without slipping down in the messy remnants of gooey, protective, spells. And actually, the guy had destroyed quite a bit of the stone in his rampage. There were enough tall heaps of fresh rubble that you’d probably have plenty of leverage to try and use your rope again.
So you went around collecting all your little scraps of paper, your meager personal items, and any bits of fabric that had been scraped off in the initial tumble. With traps as intricate and expensive as this, it was better not to leave behind any traces of one’s presence. Just in case the owner of said trap tried to go sniffing around for his lost quarry.
The rope ended up being a resounding success, and you hauled yourself out of the pit with a surprising amount of ease.
Once you were out, you breathed in the clean, crisp, air and looked around. Absolutely no sign of Mister Lion-Shifter to speak of. Or, well, there was a clear trail of dusty destruction leading towards the forest, so you would assume he’d run off somewhere in that direction. But you were well and truly alone again.
You shook your fist at the tree line for good measure, before turning around and starting the miserable trek back home.
Everything was as it had been when you left. Your chickens were quite happy to see you, happier yet obviously to be fed. You greeted the various other woodland residents that had taken to living out of your ramshackle little home (the foxes in particular were quite happy to nibble on the remaining scraps of bread and cheese in your bag). Your garden looked a little munched on, but nothing too terrible. All and all, things were… fine. It was honestly a bit underwhelming.
Later that afternoon when you were dumping out your bag to give it a good clean and restock, a dozen little, horrible, paper creations fluttered down to your kitchen table. You decided you would keep them, ugly as they were, as a kind of trophy for making it out of the Hole in one piece. Look at me, world. I—nothing more than a humble idiot—managed to survive in a Pit Trap alongside some sort of Skin Changing, lion, man. Who only almost mauled me twice. And here are the paper blobs to prove it.
Except—huh. That was a bit strange. You’d made a nice little flower too, hadn’t you? The one that you had tried (and failed) to shoot into the lion’s face. It had been the only piece that looked even halfway like it was supposed to. You’d checked every bit of the hole pretty thoroughly before you’d escaped, so certainly you would have scooped it up. After a moment of silent fretting, you shrugged and deposited the others into a nice, glass, jar. It had probably just been buried beneath the rubble or something.
Something had spooked your birds. You frowned out the window and into the rain. It was a gloomy, grey, day, and normally all your little farm friends would hunker down in their wooden huts to avoid the drizzle. But you could hear the geese honking and the chickens squawking in that indignant way of theirs as they flapped around and made a general nuisance of themselves.
There was a hard knock at your front door—a heavy, sharp, rap-tap-tap against the aged frame that sounded entirely unfriendly. You snuck a glance through the little, round, porthole and nearly doubled over in shock. You yanked the door open before you could think better of it, and there on your front porch, looking half-drowned and wholly grouchy, was the Lion Man.
His emerald gaze settled on you like a tangible thing that you could feel digging along your shoulders. His lips quirked up into a loose smirk that was entirely feline in its smug satisfaction and unfairly attractive. Especially considering he looked like someone had dunked him in a lake. His round, tufted, ears flicked irritably beneath each drop of rain.
Your brain whirled into overdrive, coughing up wave after wave of scenarios—each more outlandish than the next. Maybe he had come to eat you, to get rid of any witnesses. Or maybe this was the start of some epic quest, like you’d managed to save some Skin Changer Prince or something and were now due to be swept up in some wildly entertaining political drama. Or maybe he had come to thank you finally, after abandoning you so outright. To grovel and apologize for leaving the person who had so selflessly rescued him.
“Well, herbivore?” he huffed instead, crossing his arms irritably over his chest and rolling his eyes at you in a way that was far too familiar. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? It’s wet out here.”
You smiled—perfectly, utterly, serene. And slammed the door in his face.
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sluttywonwoo · 8 months
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instead of you [part thirty-nine] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst
word count: 3.1k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
“How much longer until we reach it?”
“You’ve asked that six times in the past ten minutes!”
“That’s because no one’s given me an answer!”
“Because no one knows, Felix! None of us have hiked this path before.”
Felix grumbled something behind his brother’s back but he must not have heard because he didn’t argue further.
The majority of the hike thus far had been uphill, something that the park rangers had neglected to mention when they sent you off into the forest. Thankfully, the mountains and canopy of trees provided some kind of shade but it was still scorching hot. And humid. And you were sweating like crazy. 
Everyone was. Minho had already taken his shirt off and Felix had completely sweat through his. That was probably why he was complaining so much. He refused to take it off, though. Something about not wanting to get sunburned again. 
“You doing okay?” Jisung asked, looking over at you. 
The two of you had found yourselves in the middle of the pack for once, walking behind his parents and in front of his brothers. 
“Yeah, fine,” you answered, trying not to sound as out of breath as you felt. 
“Did you bring your inhaler?”
“Why do I even ask?”
After fifteen more minutes of walking and a bathroom break, you finally reached the waterfall. 
Felix sighed. “That’s it? We walked all this way for this?” 
“Shut up, Felix,” Jisung snapped. “It just looks small from the bridge, it’s not actually that small.”
“I’d say it’s a pretty average size,” you added, “maybe even kind of big.”
Minho laughed behind you. Thankfully, his parents didn’t seem to hear your comment. To be fair to Felix, it wasn’t a huge waterfall. It certainly wasn’t the biggest waterfall in Hawai’i, but it was one of the few that visitors could swim under. That’s what made it so popular. 
And the bridge had made it look smaller than it really was. 
There was an area to rinse off before and after getting in the water so you all took turns under the showerhead. 
Nikki was the only one who didn’t want to swim, which meant that she was stuck with all of the bags. You felt sort of bad when Jisung handed over the backpack you were sharing but Nikki assured you that it was fine, that she would rather hold them for you than have you rent one of the rusty lockers to store it in. 
Waimea Falls required everyone to wear a life jacket, regardless of swimming ability. You knew it was a liability thing but you still couldn’t help but shiver when you slung on the cold, wet vest and buckled it around your chest. Who knew how many people had worn it before you today.
Shoes were optional so you left your sandals in the gravel by the bleachers and tiptoed your way back over to the edge of the water. The boys did the same. 
The five of you stood there, staring at the rocks leading down into the lagoon, trying to figure out how to proceed without falling. It was hard to determine the best way in as all of the rocks that were big enough to step on were either jagged and/or slippery.
“Ladies first,” Felix said unceremoniously.
You glared at him but decided to take a step down anyway. Someone had to go first and since everyone else was being a pussy it might as well be you. You moved at a snail’s pace, trying your best to move in a way that wouldn’t send you tumbling down the incline if you misstepped. 
The rocks seemed stable enough to hold your weight without sliding around in the mud but one of them wobbled under you upon stepping on it, making you nearly lose your balance. 
“Careful!” Jisung and Minho shouted at the same time, causing you to turn around and make a face at them both. 
They traded weird looks with each other before turning their attention back to you, who had made significant progress toward the water. By the time you finally reached the edge, the boys had started trekking down behind you, much more haphazardly than you had. 
You extended your leg out in front of you to feel it out, trying not to scream when your toes grazed the water. It was freezing, way colder than you expected, but you knew it would feel incredible once you were fully submerged. It was one of if not the hottest days of the trip and you had sweat through everything. Even the life vest they’d saddled you with was beginning to feel sticky. 
“How is it?” Jisung called from behind you. 
“Feels good!” you lied, not trusting yourself to turn around and show him your face. He’d know you were bluffing instantly. 
Since you didn’t want to hold up the line, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself off of the ledge, finding your footing with both feet in the water. The bed of the lagoon was also covered with rocks. They were more slippery than the ones on the path seeing as they were wet and covered with algae so you had to be extra careful. 
You moved away from the shore so that the boys could get in after you. 
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!” was Jisung’s shout from behind you.
You turned back to see him submerged up to his waist. He apologized to the people around him for cursing before glaring at you. 
“You little brat!” he muttered, lunging at you.
You let out a yelp as the weight of your best friend dragged you under. You both emerged with dripping hair, laughing and sputtering. 
“You said it felt good!”
“It does! It’s refreshing!”
“It’s cold as fuck,” he muttered, “and you knew that.”
“What, can’t take a little chill?” you taunted.
He splashed you. 
“Are we going to swim over to the waterfall or what?” Minho’s voice echoed from behind you both, sounding annoyed. 
Jisung smirked before turning around to face his older brother. 
“We don’t all have to go together. You could have gone on without us.”
Felix was the last to get in, gingerly stepping on the algae-covered rocks to make his way over to the three of you. Dom stayed by the edge, content to keep Nikki company from the water. He claimed to be too old to swim against the current just to get thousands of gallons of water dunked on him. 
“Let’s go, babe,” Jisung said, jerking his head over his shoulder in the direction of the waterfall.
Swimming to the base of the waterfall proved to be a lot more difficult than it looked. The current was strong and moving against it required a lot of effort. People who weren’t strong swimmers had no chance of making it all the way under. 
It was doable for you, but not without struggle. The boys seemed to be in the same boat, save for Minho, who was the fittest out of all of you. He was already several strokes ahead of the rest of you when Jisung called out for him to wait up. He paused and tread water while he waited for you and the twins to catch up. 
“I thought we were going together,” Felix panted bitterly. 
“Not my fault you guys are slow,” he rebutted. 
“Maybe we should hold hands,” Jisung suggested and pointed to another family who was making significantly more progress. “They’re doing it.”
“You think that’s going to work?” you asked. 
“Yeah, how do we know you guys aren’t just going to hold me back?”
Felix clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Minho-”
“You could stand to pull some more weight, K-pop boy,” Jisung pointed out.
“Tsk, fine. How should we do this?”
Minho obviously helmed the line. You were stuck between him and Jisung, with Felix bringing up the rear. You didn’t argue about your place in the order but it did feel strange to be holding both Minho and Jisung’s hands at the same time. You couldn’t tell whether they felt similarly but you had to assume they did. 
Minho tugged you along and you pulled Jisung in turn. They held on to you tightly so as not to lose you in the tide. You tried to focus on keeping your head above the surface instead of the feeling of both of their hands in yours. 
Jisung’s hand-holding strategy actually worked and you made it to the waterfall twice as fast as you would have on your own. 
Trying to get under the waterfall was another ordeal. The water pressure was so aggressive that you had to fight against the water in order to get up on the rocks right beneath the stream. 
“This kind of hurts!” Jisung shouted over the roaring of the water. 
“Yeah, I think I’m getting bruises!” Minho agreed. 
“You guys are pussies!” you yelled, even though it did hurt and you wouldn’t be surprised if was bruising you. 
“I think Mom is trying to take a picture!” Felix screamed.
Automatically, all four of you posed even though you couldn’t see where Nikki was and you could barely open your eyes under the stream. You grabbed for Jisung but got Minho instead, accidentally squeezing his ass in an effort to hold his hand. How you mixed up the person standing beside you and mis-approximated where their wrist was, you didn’t know, but you immediately let go once you realized your mistake and fumbled for the right person’s hand instead. 
If Jisung noticed what happened, he didn’t say anything about it. Minho definitely did notice and you could see him trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye. 
“Should we swim back now?” one of the boys, you weren’t sure which, asked after you had stood there for what felt long enough for their mother to have snapped a couple of photos. 
“You guys can, I think y/n and I are going to swim around by ourselves for a bit longer.”
That was news to you but you weren’t necessarily upset about it. You hadn’t been in the water for long anyway and you wanted to make the most of it. And if Jisung wanted to be alone with you, you weren’t going to say no. 
Your number one priority was winning him back, making it up to him, as much as you could. 
You followed Jisung to a secluded part of the pool, letting him tug you along as you floated on your back. Minho and Felix either got out or fucked off to another part of the lagoon. You weren’t paying attention when you split up and you weren’t about to look for them. 
“Did you want to talk about something?” you asked your best friend. 
“No, just wanted some space from my brothers.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Did you want to talk about something?” he parroted. 
You made a face. “No, unless you’ve changed your mind.”
You could tell he knew what you referring to immediately from the way his expression shifted. 
“Not here, yeah?”
You nodded in agreement. He was right, you should have that conversation somewhere private. Still, you took his answer as a good sign. ‘Not here’ implied that there was somewhere that you would have that conversation, which meant that he was willing to have it. You counted that as a win. A very small win, but a win nonetheless. 
“What?” Jisung asked, squinting at you through the sunlight. 
“What’s got you smiling like that? What’s on your mind?”
You hadn’t realized you were smiling until he pointed it out. 
“Just happy to be here with you.”
You had dinner at some famous burger place that night. You were too tired to pay much attention to what you were eating or what everyone was talking about but you’re pretty sure the food tasted good. 
The restaurant was in the middle of their dinner rush when your party arrived so you had to wait for a table. There was a small surf shop attached to the same building so you went with the boys to check it out while Nikki and Dom scoped out somewhere to sit. Everything was expensive so no one bought anything but window shopping kept you occupied for the time being. 
After dinner, you rode with Jisung’s parents back to the resort. He seemed indifferent to your presence this time, which you took as another win. He held your hand in the back seat and you rested your head on his shoulder. Neither of you fell asleep but you kept your eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
“We’re here, kids,” Nikki said softly once Dom had parked in the lot.
Jisung stretched, forcing you to sit up too. You thanked them for the ride, and for dinner since they paid, before Jisung asked if you wanted to take a walk on the beach. 
“Sure, let’s go.”
He led you by the hand through the maze of buildings to the hotel’s beach entrance. You passed other couples as you strolled past the pool and the firepits and it made your heart sink a little. You were jealous of them. Jealous that they could enjoy each other’s company out in the open like that. Jealous that they looked so happy. Jealous that they weren’t sacrificing one relationship for another. 
You were definitely projecting, they absolutely could have been in the same situation as you and you would never know but you refused to acknowledge that possibility because you were resolute on feeling bitter. 
The sun hadn’t fully set yet despite the late hour. Being that it was still the middle of summer, it wouldn’t get dark until much later than usual. You were also convinced that daylight lingered longer in Hawai’i than it did in other places but you had no evidence to back that up. 
“Here, I’ll carry your shoes for you,” Jisung offered, holding out his free hand for them. 
You paused. “Oh, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t like the feeling of sand in your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
You bent down to undo your sandals and handed them to Jisung. He looped the straps around two of his fingers and resumed holding your hand. 
The sand was still warm, holding on to the heat of the day. 
“Are we going all the way down to the water?” you asked. 
“If you want to,” Jisung answered. 
“I don’t really feel like getting wet again.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You settled for walking along the outline of the tide where the sand was still dry. You followed the curves of the waves from hours past, tracing the remnants of high tide with your arms out like you were walking on a tightrope. Jisung trailed behind you for a few moments before catching up with you again. 
You had pulled your hand out of his grasp moments earlier to run ahead, distracted by the seafoam in the distance. You waited for him and put your arms back by your sides. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ditch you,” you sighed when he reappeared at your side. 
“I know,” he replied. 
Instead of offering you his hand this time, he gave you his elbow. You took it gently, resting your hand on his bicep. 
He was uncharacteristically quiet. You wondered what was on his mind. When he invited you down here, you thought it would be to talk, to finally have that conversation. Maybe it had been and he changed his mind. Or maybe it had never been his intention in the first place. 
You were starting to think you’d never get an answer when he finally spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
You tensed but kept walking, not wanting to confront whatever expression might be on Jisung’s face. If you stopped, you would have to look at him or stare at the ground. If you continued walking, you could just look straight. 
“I... didn’t mean that shit... about wishing I never met you. Or any of it really. I wanted to mean it. But I couldn’t, because none of it’s true. I was just really hurt. I still am, to be honest.”
“I understand,” you responded. 
“I want us to move past this,” he continued, “but it still feels really fresh. I mean, I only found out about you and Min a few days ago.”
You nodded as you listened. He was right. It had only been a handful of days even though it felt like an eternity. Being at odds with Jisung was hell. He was your best friend, after all. You had lived life with him by your side for the past four years. You didn’t want to imagine what that would look like without him. 
He cocked his head to the side, lost in thought. 
“I’m sorry too,” you added, wanting to reiterate just how shitty you felt about the whole thing. 
“I know,” he said softly. “I know you are. I knew you were then too. I’m sorry for invalidating your apology-”
“Don’t be!” you interrupted. “My actions and my words... they don’t add up. I would’ve thought I was bullshitting too.” ��
Jisung scratched the back of his neck and forced a laugh. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy to wrap my head around. But I get it, I think. There’s just something about Minho, isn’t there?” 
You snuck a glance at him but didn’t say anything. You had a feeling it was a rhetorical question. 
“You must have been miserable this whole time. Trying to push down your feelings for him and then finally acting on them but being consumed by guilt when you finally do.”
“It hasn’t been the best,” you admitted, “but it’s my own fault.”
“Not entirely,” Jisung reasoned. 
You were surprised he was coming to your defense but you figured he’d go up to bat for anyone if it was against Minho. 
“Enough of it is.”
Your best friend shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like you’re known for your decision-making skills.”
You scoffed and nudged him with your shoulder. He laughed a real laugh for the first time in days. You had missed hearing it. It made you smile too. You rested your head on his shoulder and for once it felt natural. 
“I really am sorry, Ji,” you sighed, your voice wavering. 
“I know. I can’t pretend that I’m over it... but I will be. I also know that I can’t ask you to end things with him...”
“You can-”
“No,” he murmured. “I can’t. You would resent me for it.” You opened your mouth to protest but Jisung shook his head and you closed it again. “You would. Maybe unconsciously, but you would. Things wouldn’t be the same.”
“Things won’t be the same if I don’t end things with him,” you pointed out.
“I know,” he agreed solemnly. Then he sighed as if it was something he had already come to terms with. “But you’ll still love me the same. And that’s enough.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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jmdbjk · 1 month
All things Walmart, poo, ticks and inspiration...
Spoiler alert but to hell with it, I know y'all have watched it all already.
Things I cannot relate to and will never happen to me:
• Pushing my cart down the snack aisle at Walmart and running into Jungkook searching for Tostitos and a sponge.
• Going out to the mailbox to gather the day's junk mail and two guys on a Harley drive by and wave at me and me not know it was Jimin and Jungkook.
• Hiking through the forest and not realizing that guy way up ahead swatting at mosquitoes is Jimin.
• Enjoying my lobster mac & cheese at a restaurant and not know Jungkook is discreetly (not so discreetly) staring at my food trying to decide if he wants to order what I'm having.
I didn't have time today to spend on this like I wanted to and I feel like everyone has already talked about the finer points they're most interested in so I'm going to just drop a few things that made ME laugh, smile and cherish the fact they even started this thing, this show. Episode 3 will be here tomorrow night (for me) so I don't want to delay this anymore so I'll be brief for Ep. 2.
Saturday, July 15:
They left the campsite and Jungkook got to ride the motorcycle. Jimin said he looked like a proper American.
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They stopped at a park and hiked a trail. Jimin fought mosquitoes. It was brutal. I've seen people worried about ticks. And snakes. Jimin pointed out a spider on a tree. Jungkook fantasized about alligators. Tick inspections occurred all around later on I hope.
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We didn't see the transition from woods to marina. Maybe they had to make a bathroom stop for Jimin. Or urgent care to get him some meds. Who knows. Poor thing was suffering.
On the yacht, Jimin was still feeling puny but he tried. He ate though he knew he was risking it all.
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He horsed around with Jungkook with the beast still rolling around in his guts.
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I really wasn't expecting so much poop talk during Are You Sure but here we are.
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I think this summed up the yacht trip. Especially after how it all started with the excursion being leaked by the boat captain himself. Perhaps the editors did this on purpose.
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FYI those concentric ripples in the images are my camera trying to capture the screen in a different frequency than the monitor refreshes or some tech mumbo jumbo. Apologies and please ignore. It's Disney's fault for not letting us screen cap using an app.
I think Jungkook was looking for ticks. He would take something like that seriously, don't you think?
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But Jimin mostly slept on the yacht. He had a rough night before. They still salvaged what they could and they still seemed to enjoy the experience.
A trip to Walmart. On the way they have one of those rambling conversations where Jungkook, who is not the most talkative type, decides to talk Jimin's ear off. They talked about making music and what drives them personally in their choices about their work.
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We'll visit that thought again in a minute....
The whole Walmart visit is surreal to me. I go to Walmart at least once a week so to see Jimin and Jungkook browsing the aisles just blows my mind. NEVER did I EVER dream I'd see them looking for bacon at WALMART.
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They look just like anyone else pushing their shopping cart going down the cereal aisle past the boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Sugar Pops.
Jimin was a tad testy when JK disappeared. He even cussed him out. HAHAHAHAHAAA. BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!!
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I know Jimin-ssi, why are men like that? I swear to god...
I saw someone say this sums up their dynamic perfectly: Jimin calculating in his mind how to work the self-check out while Jungkook does the helicopter cam above him.
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You gotta give it to Walmart though, they do know their customer. The self check out is pretty self-explanatory.
The content of their cart:
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TWO boxes of Twinkies???? And both Prego AND Ragu...
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Getting to the AirBnb accommodations. Cooking. Chilling out before bedtime and Jimin lets Jungkook hear Who.
Horsing around in bed. You know, all these years, I've wondered how they keep the toothpaste spit inside their mouths while brushing their teeth? We've seen them brushing their teeth backstage, in the bathroom, walking around the green room, outside practicing choreo... HOW DO THEY NOT DROOL ALL OVER THEIR CUSTOM MADE OUTFITS? And now wrestling on the bed...
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Waking up, JK and his frosted flakes. Jokes about abandoning Jimin...more horsing around on the bed. And then they doze off again. I know they did. Hard to tell but Jungkook is glued to Jimin's back.
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Jimin gets to ride on the back of the Harley with JK. It starts to rain. I guess they were bringing it back to the rental place.
Going back to the store for a sponge.
I think Jimin was feeling much better. Looked like he slept better.
We see the Army who said they met Jimin and Jungkook last year. When I first heard about it I thought how lucky and random and what kind of stars need to align for that to happen??? What a great experience!!! When will it be our turn???
And then the next idea for Run BTS (the show)... hide and seek while shopping for specific ingredients to cook with and the twist is they're in a foreign country. WORLD TOUR RUN BTS!!! BIGHIT I HAVE IDEAS!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!
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Its raining, dancing in the rain as they exit the store. They leave in the Jeep and head back to the house to eat their pizza.
Army in Connecticut won in life.
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Then they start their journey back to NYC (I'm assuming) so Jungkook can go on to London and Jimin can head back to Korea. They stop one more time for lobster rolls and lobster mac & cheese.
That's when we see Jungkook contradict himself...
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In the Jeep just a little while ago you said nothing inspired you. Was it the rain or the beer that was inspiring you? Or was it the head full of new memories and ideas about the next trip that were swirling around in there?
By the end of this trip, they are back in sync.
Their closing interview: JK wants to keep doing this until they're 50, 12 more seasons! JK said "practice being better variety show entertainers so the two of us can continue doing this" as motivation to continue doing this type of thing way into the future. Jimin found humor in that. And that's where we fade to black.
And during the credits, Jimin is eating again, spicy ramen, possibly the next day. Apparently his stomach is back in order as he readies to fly back home.
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What a trip.
Deeper thoughts:
Jimin and Jungkook wanted to spend time together. We knew that. It didn't seem to happen when it could have. They even said so in the Jeep. But JK concluded the discussion succinctly:
Finally they were spending quality time together. Though their talk was brief, we have no idea if there was more to it before or after what we saw of it. The editors showed us that much enough to explain the situation and why it had not happened. The end result of it all was: finally.
Finally, after wanting this. Finally, after saying we would. Finally... doing something together that we loved doing before and we've wanted to do again. Finally.
Jimin pushed for it. He knew. He made it happen. Finally.
They are two distinct personalities and their journeys through this solo era leading up to their enlistment were different.
Jimin is a leader and doer. He is the initiator. Jimin said if he hadn't pushed for this show to happen it would not have gotten done.
There were a few moments in these first two episodes where Jimin brought up MS. Jungkook didn't seem thrilled to talk about it.
They truly didn't know what they were going to film for this show. They got in the car and started to make it up as they went. I can see how that would be awkward.
They don't understand that just them being themselves is what we want to see. They don't have to try to make something happen. Its the spontaneous moments that make the best content (see kayak dump and Walmart trip). Maybe Jimin was more in tune with this than Jungkook was but he is the one who turns on a live and sits there and watches Netflix while eating chicken. They had to get back in sync and they did.
So the first episode was a little slow, a little cautious, a little quiet. Reserved. That first day they were finding their groove, getting 're-acquainted' if you will, finding the slots and spaces in each other that fit and feel the most comfortable to them. You could see them relax as the day wore on.
But, they still had challenges. JK's head cold. Jimin's stomach bug. You want some TMI's? Watch Jimin run to the bathroom for the fifth time.
We may see a little bit of this quiet re-acquainting when BTS does its first group live next year. And yes, I am 100% confident we will see this first live shortly after Jimin and Jungkook are discharged. We will see them in a way we've never seen before.
After both episodes... my conclusion is we saw about 2 hours out of the roughly 3 or three and a half days Jimin and Jungkook were together. Thursday evening, July 13 through Sunday evening, July 16. I'm not exactly sure when JK left for London but Jimin went back to Korea on July 17.
I wonder if the plan was to create hour long episodes or if there was so much they wanted to show the episodes just ended up being that long. They could have easily hidden Jimin's stomach issues from us. They could have edited a lot of it down. But in making the episodes this long, they showed more and more of their dynamic in play.
I didn't put everything into this post that I wanted to but we've got six more episodes coming and I still haven't had time to watch Run Jin.
Hashtags arent working... I'll add them later.
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spicerackofblorbos · 7 months
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Chasing Waterfalls | Toge Inumaki x gn!Reader
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☾ summary ➼ Toge takes you out on a surprise date.
☾ content/warnings ➼ fluff, canon world, toge talking in his specific language, established relationship
☾ wc ➼ 1.4k
☾ a/n ➼ this was a little fic I wrote for my friend Eri (as well as the 9 panel moodboard) a while back and she has given me permission to share it with y'all!! Toge is so baby :3
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The wet mud underneath your boots squelches as you try your best to keep up with Toge. He's a good yard away, his back turned to you so that all you see is his backpack and blonde hair. You can't blame him though, it's not his fault that you're lagging. The scenery was just too stunning to not take your time.
Late morning sun rays filter through the green leaves above offering just the perfect touch of warmth that balances out the cool floor of the forest. You pull out your phone to take a snapshot of the leafy canopy and when you're satisfied, you look over to see purple eyes watching you curiously.
“I'm sorry, it's just really pretty out here. How much farther do you think we have till your mysterious destination?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Tsunamayo onigiri.” He responds, pointing behind him.
“Oh, that's not bad. I'm right behind you.” You smile up at him as you adjust the backpack on your shoulders.
Toge woke you up early today with wide eyes and an even wider smile. For once, you both had an off day, and he was adamant that you two take advantage of it. He didn't tell you where he was taking you, only that you needed to pack a bag and wear clothes appropriate for a hike. What you didn't expect was to be taken a few hours from the city and up to some forest hiking trails. Not like you were complaining though, you loved being out in the crisp air.
Eventually, Toge stops at a clearing surrounded by tall trees. The sounds of rushing water and birdsong continue as you stare over at him with furrowed brows. There wasn't much here in the empty space and based on the information he gave; this wasn't meant to be a camping trip.
“Toge? Are we here?”
“Shake.” He nods.
Your eyes scan the area in case you missed something. The only thing you see are the same trees and leave speckled ground.
He turns back around and marches to the back of the clearing before using an arm and pulling some branches up to show a little dirt path. You can't see anything past that as the sunshine peeks through, obscuring everything.
“Sujiko.” He beckons you with a hand, a small smile on his lips as he calls you forward.
With a nervous sigh, you step forward and walk through the leafy archway. Instantly, your breath is taken away as your eyes adjust to the change in scenery. The two-hour hike was absolutely worth it.
The sound of rushing water makes sense now as you watch crystal clear water cascade from rocks high above. The water splashes into a pool that is just as clear, the mist from the impact rising into the air and creating beautiful rainbows as the sun hits just right. Surrounding you are dense trees, ensuring maximum privacy for whoever stumbles upon this little oasis.
“Toge Inumaki, how the hell did you find this?” You twist around to see your blushy boyfriend rub the back of his neck.
“Tsunamayo. Takana?”
“It's great, I love it. Are we having lunch here?” You point to the ground, a smile gracing your lips. He only nods back as he pulls his backpack off and starts digging around in it. Despite how small it looks on the outside, he takes out more than you expected.
A large blanket comes out first, then a container of what you suspect must be onigiri – stuffed with the best fillings you can only assume. A smaller container stuffed full of gyoza follows. Then comes a bottle of clear soda and two cups. You wonder when he had time to get all of this made.
It doesn't take long for the both of you to demolish the delicious lunch Toge provided and before you know it, you're resting your head on his lap as you stare over at the waterfall in a daze. The sun had moved quite a bit since you both settled down, but the same birds chirping above remained the same. You swear you could fall asleep right here, but you know you'd have to leave soon if you were to make it back to campus on time.
“Sujiko? Takana?” His long fingers brush down your cheek before nudging your face to look up at him. Concern laces his violet eyes as he stares down at you, a small frown directed at you.
“I'm wonderful. This whole thing has been wonderful, silly. I could stay here forever with you if I could.” You reach up to poke his face as you give him a reassuring smile.
“Tsuna tsuna mayo.” he says as he gently pushes you off to stand up. It's your turn to frown as you stare up at him from his feet. He reaches down to help you up which you do so hesitantly.
“Do we have to go now?” It comes out whinier than you hoped, but he laughs anyways.
“Okaka. Tsuna.” There's a slight blush across his cheeks. And you watch as he carefully pulls his shoes off before tugging his shirt off, showing his bare chest. Instantly, a flood of heat goes straight to your face.
“Here? Toge, I don't know about that.” Your eyes scan the muddy ground, anxiety bubbling in your chest.
“Kastuobushi! Onigiri sujiko.” Despite the red that tints his pallid skin, he laughs as he points to the water. You sigh in relief, only to be filled with nervousness yet again.
“Toge, no that's too cold!” You wrap your arms around you in a show of how even in the clothes you're in, you're still chilled.
“Tsuna mayo.” He says as he shrugs before pushing down his pants. He's only in his boxers at this point but you don't have time to focus on it as long as you’d like because he rushes past you and dives straight into the cool water.
For the next minute, all you hear is the rustling of leaves above and water hitting the surface of the pool. You start to get worried if he went into shock at how cold it was and before you know it, you're stripping down to your undershirt and underwear.
When your feet hit the water first, you can't stop the loud gasp that escapes your lips. It is indeed cold. Not freezing of course, but cold enough that you want to scream. But your boyfriend was more important and with him in your mind, you dive straight in after him.
You don't stay under for long as the air is instantly pulled out of your lungs and the iciness that surrounds you. The moment you break the surface, you do your best to take deep, slow breaths – a technique you saw on the internet that helps your body not go into shock. When you're able to get a feel of your body, you look around. Toge isn't anywhere to be seen and a different kind of panic surges through you.
“Toge?! Toge!” You whip around to scan your surroundings. You almost miss it, the boy with blonde hair and bright eyes watching you in amusement from the veil of the waterfall. He's laughing.
“You asshole, you scared the shit out of me!” You frown as you wade over to him. You feel cold water raining on you as you get closer, having to shield your eyes from the projectiles with your hand.
“Tsuna.” He chuckles as he makes his way down to you, making the shield you made with your hand all but worthless. Before you’re able to lower your arm, you feel Toge's hands grasp your waist and pull you into him. His warmth is inviting so you don't hesitate to cling onto him.
You must admit that the water is extremely refreshing after such a long hike. The cold has woken you up as well, though you suspect it's more from the adrenaline. As your feet kick below the surface, you finally feel your body temperature level out.
“Yeah, I'll be fine. Just don't scare me like that again, dummy.”
“Tsunamayo.” His fingers make their way to your chin, and he tips it up so you're looking him in the eye. “Tsuna.”
“Yeah, yeah. I forgive you.” He squeezes your chin gently, pursing his lips. “Yes, I love you too.”
He pulls you closer until his soft and warm lips meet yours. His kisses are ever so sweet, just as he is. Your thoughts from earlier don't change, you wish you could stay here with him forever. 
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whole-circus · 1 year
Fun summer activities with creepypasta boys! x gn.reader!
➥ with Homicidal Liu, Jeff The Killer, Masky, Ben Drowned, "Ticci" Toby, Laughing Jack English is not my first language so i can make silly mistakes! >:)
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☆ Homicidal Liu - gardening
Okay okay.. but he totally gives off this "plant mom" vibes!!
Just imagine you two planting flowers (eg. Hibiscuses, Marigolds, Daises, Asters, Salvias) or berries (oh god, and later making jam of them..!). Taking care of plants alternately! Because they are your babies and you need to take care of them, right? Almost like parents simulator. Going together to this big markets with plants and spending there literally hours..! Choosing these fancy pots.. OR! Making competition and planting the same plant, see which one grows prettier and faster! And what winners get? Silly question..kissess of course! Also sitting on chairs, having the view on your pretty work and just chatting or drinking tea/coffee and snuggling! Nights would be also cozy..just saying! You two sitting on a blanket, holdings hands or cuddling..dunno man, there is some warm and proud feeling when looking at your plants. Its almost like you watch your kids grown..
„Oh look at them grow! Im so proud of us Y/N” he says with the brightest smile, as his eyes almost shine!
☆ Jeff the Killer - forest hiking
Wild men in wilds? What can be better than that?
Listen, I am sure that Jeff knows forest like the back of his hand. Just you holding hands and walking around forest. You could also do a little competition on picking berries or looking for pretty rocks for eachother (what is more romantic than that??). Also! Maybe animal tracking? That sounds like a fun activity..! On really warms days the bathing in the stream (or just soaking legs if you are constantly cold) - he would definitely push you into water tho, so good luck. If you are behaving well enough, maybe you could even try carvings in wood? And after long, tiring day of having fun? Just laying on the blanket and stargazing, holding hands..
,,I actually had fun today, you know? I love being around you...” he looks into your eyes and gently kisses your hand.
Just remember to be careful and look for ticks after that!..maybe on eachothers body..? (just kidding..or am i?)
☆ Masky - campfire
Im sorry..but I would totally make him a nice marshmallow!
A bit of a dad on barbecue vibe?? Sorry, kidding. Just imagine a nice, warm night and you both sitting on tree trunk, snuggling under a blanket! What will you roast? Anything you want, veggies, meat or marshmallow..just not each other please! I bet he could play something on guitar, and what is more hot than a man that can do that? You singing along to campfire songs or..or whatever he could play. We slowly turning your silly little date to some slasher movie..so why not tell some scary stories or urban legends? You could jump together at the tiniest sounds (it sounds like a good reason to hold hands..just for security ofc). After all, everything is terrifyng in the dark. Oh, just you spending a warm night eating and cuddling..just you two together!..and maybe his bad dad-jokes..and mosquitos..anyways, good luck!
,,Only two of us..I could get used to living like that, you know sweetheart?” he says as he caress your cheek ad look into your eyes, smiling.
☆Ben Drowned - trampoline sleepover
I know its not 2020 anymore..but come on!
First of all..making the trampoline all nice and cozy..many, many blankets, lights and pillows (definitely a pillow fight in the meantime)! When the trampoline-fort is ready? Get snacks and come in! All kinds of junk food are welcome - popcorn, chips, jelly, candies..! Just not the healthy things..okay, maybe strawberries are invited but thats it! What will you guys do? No worries, Ben is definitely a funny fellow (so are you!) so you won't be bored. Playing games on Nintendo? Watching some movies? Playing board games? Just cuddling and laughing at the silly things? Its all up to you! ..Just be careful with scary stories..I dont want you guys to have a heart-attack! And after a night full of cuddling and laughing? The best part of your sleepover - putting cream to help relieve itching on mosquito bites!!
,,Oh man..you are my favorite person in the whole world..you know that?” - Ben gently whispers, giggling, as you hold each other.
☆ "Ticci" Toby - Monopoly night
Good luck..i hope you will survive this devilish game!
You and Toby treating it completely serious.. you know, getting all dressed up into elegant clothes and having the night of your life..or maybe even longer..Hey, you are serious investors! Monopoly deserves to be approach with respect! The other funny idea is just creating the background of character you will play as and trying not to come out of it! Anyways..you sitting opposite and playing against each other. If he is in a good mood, he will let you win just to see your pretty smile! ..well and maybe to finally end your endless game..
,,Ah you got me..you are the best Y/N, arent you? Now..what do you want as a reward?~” - he chuckles softly (if his pupils could turn into the hearts, they totally would!) as you enjoy your victory.
☆ Laughing Jack - making homemade ice creams
Yeah right..what is better than spending time with someone you love and make sweets at the same time??
I think that the whole making process would be way funnier than eating..but hey, how can you ever be bored with Jack? On the nice warm day, you go into kitchen and come up with this brillant idea - its ice cream time. You would definitely wear this silly aprons (you guys look so cute in them!). And even if you put nice music in the background, your laughs are way louder than it..the whole house fills with your happiness! Do I even have to say how much mess you made? The cooking turned into small food fight, the ingredients are anywhere but where they should be. No worries tho..after a long long process the ice creams turnet out great (you will not get poisoned, i promise)! Now you can enjoy your sweet meal AND your company!
,,You are so sweet doll..maybe instead of the ice-cream I should eat you?~” he chuckles and picks you up, giving you a gentle twirl in the air.
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jerefishvr · 2 years
neteyam secretly being obsessed with his brothers best friend, enemies to lovers type beat with LOTSSS of sexual tension.. and him taming the brat in her when she gets too mouthy with him 😩😩
🦇 ˖ ࣪⊹ —— PROTECT ME
ᥫ᭡ content warnings : aged up!neteyam x reader smut , mean!dom Neteyam , enemies to lovers , dirty talk , grammar mistakes probs
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being Lo'ak Sully's best friend came with its ups and with its downs. well mostly ups.
you knew you had your person, someone you could fully trust even with your deepest darkest secret and someone who you could do the dumbest things with without getting fearing of getting judged. even if he was lowkey stupid ( highkey tbh... ) he would always find a way to comfort you. Plus his parents and siblings loved you. except from his brother, Neteyam.
and here comes the downs. You'd always get in trouble with Lo'ak and have Neteyam scold you. He despised you and you despised him too. but oh, did he make you have unholy thoughts.
how many nights you've spend with your fingers buried in your cunt while thinking of him, but what you didn't know was that Neteyam also craved you.
you didn't notice the longing glances he gave you whenever you walked past him to find Lo'ak or how your loincloth would hike up your thighs slightly when you were laughing.
Today was another day of you and Neteyam fighting. You went to the forest to hunt but instead found Neteyam and the minute he saw you he knew he had to annoy you.
And now there you were, getting pounded by your enemy against a tree into the forest just cause you told him that he acts like such a bitch because his skills aren't as good as yours, so he showed you his other skills to prove to you that he's good enough.
gasping and moaning his name as he gave you a smirk while looking at you holding on his broad shoulders to steady yourself.
sure, your back felt like it was on fire by being pressed against a tree but it didn't matter in this moment. His mouth leaving wet kisses all over your neck making sure to make you as he fucked you so hard you swore you saw Eywa.
"Gonna cum for me huh?gonna let the whole clan know how much of a whore you are for me?" Neteyam said while rubbing circles on your clit and rutting his hips on yours. You could only scream and tighten around him, warm tears running down your face from the overstimulation.
"Gonna fill you up with my babies, be a good girl and take it for me" he moaned out as he delivered his last thrusts before spilling his seeds inside you bringing you to your orgasm too.
your legs trembling as Neteyam carefully placed you down on the mushy grass,kissing your head and praising you for taking him so well.
"you did so good pretty, so good" he rubbed your back to soothe out the pain and to comfort you.
maybe he wasn't that bad after all?
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
happy birthday
pairings: ooc! soft Wednesday x fem reader
summary: birthdays have never been your thing often sneaking away from your own party to think
warnings: use of drugs, mention of abusive households, angst?, comfort
a/n: got a bit carried away kinda like this one tho :) hope you enjoy ❤️
The “surprise” party had been in full swing for about an hour now and it seemed that everyone but you was enjoying themselves, enid and ajax had jumped in the pool wednesday had disappeared to god knows where, and then there was your parents mingling with there friends they’d invited, pushing myself off the living room wall i trudge to my room.
as i lay out everything in my tray i hear a soft knock on my door “come in it’s unlocked” i yell to be heard over the loud music outside, wednesday steps into my room closing the door behind her with a click “i’ve been looking for you” i roll my eyes at her signature glare “well you found me” she hums and steps closer “you know you really shouldn’t smoke that stuff it’s bad for you” pausing as i bring the joint up to my lips to wet the paper “you gonna lecture me addams or are you gonna keep the birthday girl company” not waiting for a response i stand and make my way to the front door both of us slipping out unnoticed.
the walk through the forest was completed in comfortable silence and i reach my destination in record time as i sit on the grass wednesday settles in next to me “beautiful isnt it” i ask looking at the view of field after felid sprawled out below us “found it after me and dad had an argument when i was 10 been my smoke spot since i hit 14” i bring the joint to my lips and light it enjoying the feeling of smoke hitting my lungs “what about you got any cool spots near home i don’t know about” she thinks for a second and the ghost of a smile crosses her face “there’s an old secluded graveyard a short hike from my house not even my mother knows about it i go there when i don’t want to be bothered reading by pugsley” she bumps shoulders with me and i turn my head “thank you, you know for coming im usually alone on my birthday it’s nice to have you here” she reaches up to caress my cheek “you’ll never be alone mi amor, but didn’t we just sneak away from a party thrown in your name” she quirks an eyebrow at me and i chew on my bottom lip thinking about how to explain it all.
i take a breath and it all comes flowing out “and out of everyone there not once person has noticed, not today or any of the other years i’ve left, those parties aren’t for me weds god even my cake says 16 and i turn 18 this year” i run my hands through my (h/c) hair and let out another exasperated sigh “it’s always been rocky with my parents, they always expect more from me and then i ended up at nevermore and it was like a new beginning yeah they would send me letters telling me how upset with my grades they are but atleast i wasn’t going to bed bleeding anymore” i drop my head onto her shoulder not wanting to continue in fear of crying.
wednesday reaches into her pocket and brings out a little necklace with a “W” on it “i know your not one for big gifts or anything but i wanted to show you how much i care” i try to say something and she cuts me off with her lips on mine i sigh into the softness and pull her closer by her jacket “i meant what i said (y/n) your never going to be alone again not now i’ve got you and this just means you’ll take a part of me wherever you go” resting my forehead against hers i smile “thank you weds honestly this has been the best birthday in a while” she pulls away and stands holding her hand out “dance with me pretty girl”
i oblige throwing the butt of my joint in the grass as i stand it hits me and i stumble slightly into wednesdays waiting arms giggling she puts the necklace around my neck and attempts to spin me but being much shorter than me it fails causing more giggling “who would have thought you couldn’t spin someone nes” a blush creeps up her neck and she grumbles out “not my fault your a giant” i giggle at the statement “it’s getting late we should make our way back” she nods reluctantly knowing neither of us want to leave the bubble we created, the walk back was filled with mindless chatter reaching the back gate she turns to me “you seriously think there are pots of gold at the bottom of a rainbow” her eyebrows raised in amusement “personally i think it’s weird as shit that you DONT believe that addams, honestly your supposed to be the smart one” i smile reaching over her to unlatch the gate “ready to go back in?” she looks up and places a kiss to my jaw “i feel like i should be asking you that question but yeah i’m ready” i smile and push the gate open and am met with the screams of people in the pool “oh and for the record i still think your weird as shit” wednesday looks at me as a smile graces her face “the feeling is incredibly mutual amour”
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