#pretending he sent them
wormtime123 · 7 months
thinking hard. about last life grian saying about etho “he has no loyalty to you, he’s just immediately teamed up with the next guy that’s come along. if he loved you why didn’t he give you a life" and secret life etho saying about grian “he had to move on with his life, what was he supposed to do, mourn the whole time?" both projecting their own reasonings for ‘abandoning’ certain alliances when they turned south. these two being teamed and staying loyal until the end. can anyone hear me
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fortyfive-forty · 29 days
im gonna be a dickhead for a second cause this is actually pissing me off:
i NEED y’all to deep the fact that most of these players do not care about what this man has done. carlos will probably shake his hand on sunday. maybe even a hug. they will compliment each other during the trophy presentation. no doubt the players will be asked again about the trial and no doubt the VAST majority of them will give the same non-answers as in australia. many of them are friends with him. many of these ‘friends’ are your faves. i’m not telling you to change your allegiance or find new players to be fans of or anything of that sort (this is the nature of sports, unfortunately a lot of them are very very flawed people, including many of the players i am a fan of). but i cannot sit here and watch all y’all go on saying ‘omg carlitos needs to defeat the evil on sunday 😣😖😫’ he literally does not care. most of them don’t. please, for the love of god, for everybody’s sake, i need us to understand this.
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foxgirlmoth · 4 months
So F1nnster just came out as genderfluid but still I super fucking hate him. Making trap content and constantly making money off of a performance of being a fake girl, getting a name change and gender marker change and posting about going through that all while basically shoving it in the faces of trans women who have struggled over years and years. You've been a performance and you've gained wealth essentially making fun of us and enforcing horrible stereotypes, and saying "Yeah I just don't care about gender" Does Not Make Me Fucking Forgive Any Of That. What fucking hatred you've tossed onto your channel towards trans women will not go away easily, and Fuck You.
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scintillyyy · 4 months
actually there's no actual canon that the drakes sent tim to boarding school at 8, it's just something we've collectively decided because. that's generally the absolute youngest age that boarding schools will take, and even that's kind of rare tbh
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toxifoxx · 4 months
What is happening with the eggs????
well BASICALLY springtrap started laying eggs. got real broody over them. wouldn't let me check if they're fertile until an anon helpfully suggested i lure him away - and they are fertile, by the way! now he's sitting on them and i guess they're gonna hatch at some point. who's the father? uhm. well.
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eurydicees · 11 months
atsumu who gets a tik tok account and makes it everyone else’s problem. kiyoomi who downloads it for the sole purpose of blocking him.
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sammygender · 2 months
there’s also the obvious dimension that well. dean’s whole life is built around this tiny family unit. him and john and sammy. even if it ruins him, even if it’s toxic and abusive and codependent, it’s who he is. it’s who all of them are!! then sammy leaves. sam leaving is selfish! not in a bad way, in a way where it’s an intensely brave act of self-preservation that must’ve required so much strength to pull off! but that idea of selfish as at all ever being good….... well. dean cant even comprehend that. not when he’s so thoroughly invested in this decades-long act of Dean Winchester, big brother and soldier son and surrogate wife. not when he feels like nothing and has no real sense of self at all. how dare sam be selfish etc etc is basically asking How dare sam even have/try to take ownership over his own identity and his life since when was that a thing that happened…….
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At least once a year, William bakes dozens of chocolate chip cookies to bring to the labs for fellow employees
He always says that baking is just like science, and therefor his cookies are the best one will ever find
The more seasoned employees who see him walk in with the basket whisper amongst each other and make themselves scarce 
Wesker sighs and walks along behind him. It is going to be a long day
William passes them out to a group of new workers, knowing they are about to taste the best cookies they have ever eaten
Wesker stands a few feet behind William, who is watching the employees expectantly 
The new employees look back and forth at each other after taking a bite, confused and trying to hide their sour faces. How is it possible for cookies to taste so bad? 
One of them spits the cookie out into a napkin and is about to say something when he sees Wesker reach for his holster, scowling
"I-it was so good I had to relive the experience,” the employee stuttered before cramming the cookie back into his mouth and walking away as quickly as possible 
William is beaming, and walks away swinging his basket and whistling, looking for more people
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Quick question, how old is Seb in the boy king au when they get married, I'm asking because I was rereading the fic & directors cut from September and you said he’s so obsessed with calling Seb little. Is Seb shorter than Nando or is Nando trying to feel a bit taller when actually he is a itty-bitty war criminal kitty? If Seb is shorter but still has time to grow how badly will Nando take it
Hello! This one is much easier to answer than your other one(You're really making me think deeply, thank you 🥺), so I think I can answer this pretty quickly(hopefully)
So you've probably noticed that I don't mention actual years too much which is just bcs the timeline is so vast and I've not decided on a lot 😭. But they basically have the same age gap as modern day, so I'd say they were born in 1681 and 1687 respectively(which matches up well enough with the real world history.) Irl, the war that I'm canon divergencing away from takes place 1701-1714, so stuff regarding when their coronation and marriage happens is somewhere in there. So I'd say Nando becomes king in like, 1705 and then they marry somewhere between then and 1710(when seb ideally becomes emperor??)
So to answer your actual question. Seb is def taller than Nando by the time they get married. But in that ficlet, Fernando is obsessed with calling Seb small because he wants to make himself feel bigger!! It's less about actual height and more about power dynamics. He's belittling him by literally calling him little! And it's also about Nando being older than him. Seb became a king as a boy(hence boy king), whereas Fernando became a king as an adult so he calls him little because he still sees him as that little boy king who is too young to have that amnt of power.
They first met pretty young, not knowing what their future would be like, and didn't really see each other for a while. And so until they meet again, when the marriage plans start happening, their perceptions are: Nando thinks of Seb as some little boy king, and Seb has a childish crush. So it's very odd for Nando to suddenly now meet this kid, all grown up, and he's now taller and even more powerful. So I think Nando still associates Seb with that image in his mind, thus calling him little all the time.
Conclusion: Fernando IS shorter, and he wears heels and calls Seb little all the time as a way to cope
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eddis-not-eeddis · 9 months
I have had a sword for a little less than 24 hours, and already I have driven off a man with it.
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cryingalexanders · 2 months
people crying about how pre-crisis Superman is problematic and acting like post-crisis fixed him is the most tedious thing in the world.
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bataranqs · 2 months
5 Happy Things
May 13, 2024
Been drinking this expensy chocolate milk that this family from my church makes and it's so insanely good and doesn't trigger my lactose intolerance we're winning
Had manga class todayyyyy
Finished last week's overspilling projects for my Shakespeare course!!!
Texted my mom after waking up quite late and she was like "yay I'm glad you slept well <3" hi that's love
Made pasta with spinach and a new pasta sauce! The new sauce is not good but I had it!
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
The Demon Prefect Rides Again
Bertram Harroway put on his evening clothes as if headed to war. In a way, he was. It would be an emotional war, he supposed. He let his valet help him into his coat and glanced down at the letter from Vera Dalrymple that kicked the whole thing off.
Darling Bertie,
That certainly wasn’t what she’d called him when he found her in a compromising position with Hector Grantham in her fifth year. And Eliza Dearborne in her sixth.
As you are possibly the only person on this planet who can make Albus Dumbledore mind you,
He thought, perhaps, one other existed, but it didn’t do to dwell on Gellert Grindelwald. He’d never liked the little wart, no matter how infatuated Albus was with him.
could you please do something about him? I popped into town last weekend and ran into him in Diagon. He looks dreadful. And his robes!
Bertram sighed. He knew precisely what Vera meant.
He’s gone old on us. I know it started creeping up on him in the aftermath of That Man followed on by That Gobby Upstart in the seventies, but something is really, terribly wrong. I suspect a whacking great load of guilt and grief, but really, Bertie, he looks like a stiff wind will carry him off. He looks more like he’s in the middle of his two-hundreds than just past his first century.
Trust Vera to look at a dark lord terrorizing the country and call him a gobby upstart. He’d seen photos of Albus recently and he agreed with Vera. Voluminous robes only his so much and Albus always had been nervy, no matter what he pretended otherwise for the magical public.
Honestly Bertie, I’m worried. He’s always worked much too hard and taken on too much responsibility, but he’s never been so frail before. He wouldn’t even go to tea with me and there is little Albus Dumbledore loves more than a cream tea and a good gossip. He doesn’t go anywhere, either. He used to love the theater and I can’t remember when he last made up part of a theater party. I think he might be punishing himself, in some bizarre way.
That was the part that spurred him into action. A quick note to the Deputy Headmistress and he secured a Saturday evening away for Albus.
He isn’t researching and he won’t meet with friends and it’s as if all he’ll allow himself is duty. It can’t go on. It simply can’t, Bertie. You remember how he got after exams? We’re headed for a crash the likes of which we’ve never seen and I’m so frightened it’ll take him from us. You’re the only one I could think of who might get through to him. Our Vally needs the Demon Prefect to come out of mothballs.
He'd see what he could do. Vally Dumbledore (nicknamed for the way he’d valiantly come to the defense of anyone he thought wronged) was the most infuriatingly stubborn young man he’d ever met.
We’ll plan a little reunion for all of us this summer. Dahlia wants everyone to see her gardens, in any case. She’s doing some interesting things with roses these days. Or perhaps, if you can persuade Vally to take care of himself, we could make up a theater party. I hear the latest from that Carruthers girl is splendid fun.
With love and thanks,
PS It probably isn’t my place to say so, but I’m going to anyway. He always had. G.P. for you and you ought to have swept him off his feet, all Oxford-polished, before That Man had a chance to get his hooks in. You helped create this problem by being as obtuse as a box turtle, so you can fix it.
Bertie sighed and went down to the Floo room. He knew he bore some responsibility in never acknowledging his own feelings. He simply hadn’t thought it appropriate since he was a perfect and then Head Boy. He could easily have picked up their acquaintance once Albus left Hogwarts. Although…there came a point where Albus pushed everyone away after his mother died, when all those lovely plans he’d made fell through so he could care for his sister. He never really let any of them back in after.
He wondered if he could have made a difference there, kept Albus from ending up so cut off from the academia he loved that he clung to the only person able to keep up with him. They would never know, he supposed.
He checked his pocket watch and collected coat and hat from his hovering valet.
“Thank you, Deverell. Don’t feel the need to wait up if I’m late returning.”
“Of course, sir.” If he didn’t know better, he’d think his valet quietly judging him.
Most likely the man judged his early departure. If he knew Vally as well as he once did, it would take quite a bit of persuasion to rout him out of his office and make him dress properly, especially if Vera was right and he was somehow punishing himself for his failures, perceived or otherwise.
Vera, irksomely, was usually right.
As he stepped to the Floo and gave the direction, he wondered if he should bring his old slipper. It always made an impact on a  recalcitrant Vally.
Hogwarts hadn’t changed in the decades since his leaving. Like Oxford, she endured, only she housed grubby schoolchildren instead of grubby undergrads. Professor McGonagall sending him through the internal Floo system came as a surprise. He’d never really thought about the professors needing to get somewhere quickly before.
He stepped out into the Headmaster’s office and brushed the slight traces of soot from his clothes.
“Good evening, Vally.” He began.
Albus looked up sharply from a thick book propped on his desk.
“Bertram Harroway? What are…how…”
He ended by staring as if he couldn’t quite believe his eyes. Thankfully, he looked a good bit better than Vera described. Still too thin, of course, but he’d always forgotten meals or spent an hour just moving his dinner about his plate when in the grip of An Idea (or nerves). He looked as if he'd let go of some of the guilt and grief weighing him down. His hair, which had turned white practically overnight, had regained its more youthful ginger hue. The deep lines carved into his face by decades of worry seemed to have filled in. He looked more like he ought to look, like a non-magical of fifty or sixty instead of a man nearing the end of his life.
“Vera sent me, Vally. She said you’re getting old and could do with a bit of livening up. I thought you might like a night out. I have a box at the Savoy. They’re doing Pinafore at the moment and I know how you feel about well done G and S.” He moved into Albus’ office, helping himself to a chair when Albus continued to stare.
“Vera Dalrymple said she’d rather be boiled in Frederica Morningside’s failed potions projects than ever communicate with you again via any medium.” Albus finally spoke.
“I had just gated her for the rest of term. You can’t blame her for being distraught.”
“I couldn’t possibly go out on such short notice. This whole idea is patently ridiculous.” Albus nodded firmly, as if he’d made up his mind.
“You can go and get dressed right now is what you can do.” Bertram insisted. “The show starts at eight and I booked a table for supper after, at the Palace.”
“India Palace?” He at least looked interested at that. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve been there.”
The wistful note in his voice belied his firm refusal.
“It was the day you got Greta Saatchi’s autograph after standing in pouring rain for two hours and we spent a further two getting you properly warm again when you returned.” He chuckled at the memory.
How had they been that carefree?
Well, he hadn’t. He’d had to play the heavy when the miscreants tried to slip back into the castle with the Hogsmeade crowd, as if they hadn’t slipped off to London for a matinee and a curry. Albus shifted slightly, as if remembering Bertram’s method for warming him up.
“We were thrilled when you finally left to terrorize Oxford, did you know?”
“I’m sure you were. I’ve returned just to terrorize you, Vally, you know?”
“Oh how lucky am I.” Albus replied acidly. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve decided.”
How well he remembered that rather sulky tone. He certainly heard it often enough.
“I suppose I could go and fetch my slipper if you need convincing? I don’t care to see Vera so distressed, you know.”
It wasn’t often that anyone shocked Albus Dumbledore into complete silence.
“You still have that…that thing?” It always entertained Bertram to see shades of their youth in his friends.
“Of course I do. It’s an exceedingly motivating piece of footwear. Now, be a good chap and go get dressed. Theater waits for no man and Professor McGonagall assured me you were overdue for a night out. Something about you working all hours?” He put a bit of the old Demon Prefect in that one, the same tone he’d used countless times when locating an Albus who quite forgot about such mundanities as curfews.
Albus was out of his chair and halfway to the door to his quarters when he stopped.
“What do you mean Professor McGonagall assured you?” he asked waspishly.
“Of course I wrote her first to ensure you could have a nice evening with an old friend. It’s no use organizing a surprise one can’t pull off in the end.”
Albus gaped at him. “You cannot just go about organizing the world as you please.”
“It’s worked for me thus far.” Bertram answered mildly. “Do go and get dressed, Vally.”
“I can go as I am.” Albus insisted.
“Oh no you are not. I know you own perfectly nice evening clothes. Go and put them on.” He cared very much for Albus, but he’d rather chew his own arm off than attend a public event with Albus wearing golden yellow robes patterned with swirling suns. “We aren’t leaving until you are attired to my satisfaction.”
Albus stared at him for a moment before turning, very clearly not stomping to the door, and entering his quarters. He shut the door just shy of a bang.
Bertram settled down, quite pleased with his evening’s work. They’d make the theater in a timely manner now, and he could treat Albus to a lovely meal after. He’d have to suggest Dahlia and Hitty invite a little party for dinner one evening. And perhaps Albus would join him for the theater more frequently now. Albus, now more than ever, needed the people who cared for him to pull together.
The feelings he once thought faded raised their heads again, like a parched garden in the rain.
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princeconsortroad · 7 months
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Casey via their Instagram stories; 23.12.23.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Not many people saw it but regarding the last ask but I have deleted it due to what the creator is currently experiencing/dealing with due to the rapid and sudden growth of the popularity of Welcome Home. All i have to say is please respect his wishes and remember that it is a single person leading this project and to be patient with them. It saddens me that deliberate defiance of basic wishes and decency has caused this to happen so early
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#holy fuck. i dont think ive ever been so angry for so long#i got the email abt the change to the end of this experiment at like 7.30am and i was like crying while i was watering#and that dispair consolidated into anger over the course of the day. by like 2pm i was like possessed#by the spirit of a angsty teen boy and wanted to punch some holes in drywall. i was so fucking angry#and the 1st email i got back was like: well u can do sunday/monday for extra measurements if u want#and i was like fucking WHAT? why the fuck cant i just start thr fucking dry down tomorrow?#literally why??? fucking why????? the other half of the experiment is drying tomorrow so what the actual fuck???#and apparently it just didnt occure to them that we could do both at once. and they wanted to give me the option of a break#which. i appreciate the sentiment but jesus fucking christ u have no idea the atrocity we just avoided#if i had to drag this out until Wednesday i genuinely dont know what i woulf have done. if i had to drag this out until Wednesday only to#find out i didnt have to. i dunno. i would probably have thrown a tantrum like a child. god. ive been here like 10.5hrs now and 1 more to#go. fucking editing and emailing and fixing stupid shit. and my boss is like: email the editor both proofs so he can show reviewers the#changes. as he stated in his email. and im like fucking: ok. ok. ok. ill fucking do it but he has the 1st fucking proof already and the#fucking production office just asked me to send the 2nd proof which i already fucking sent. so maybe its just i cant fucking read#ugh. im not mad at her. this isnt her fault. im just unwell. ugh. i dont wanna b around ppl this week. i dont wanna have to pretend to be#a person. just leave me alone to cry in my freezing apartment as i let all my problems boil over#unrelated
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