#preste juan
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jamesherr · 10 months ago
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Com tudo o que andava acontecendo no acampamento, era de se esperar que James começasse a amadurecer suas atitudes perante a situação. No entanto, andava mais preocupado com o que o clube do teatro apresentaria quando tudo estivesse arrumado do que qualquer outra coisa. Parte de si gostava de se manter indiferente. Era quase como uma forma de se proteger: se não ficar pensando muito, não é verdade. A ignorância é uma benção, alguns diriam. Mas quando os ferimentos ficaram mais graves, mortes ocorreram, e o surgimento de um filho reclamado por um dos três grandes, ficou cada vez mais difícil ignorar o que se passava.
Dividido entre se manter ignorante ou fazer parte, ativamente, do processo, ele pensou em como poderia contribuir. Não era um bom guerreiro, jamais faria como outros campistas que estavam atrás do cão infernal, fosse por inexperiência ou covardia. Então, como poderia colaborar? Talvez o seu lado falante e extrovertido fosse ser útil agora, então decidiu fazer uma visita ao tal filho de Hades.
Parte de si queria despertar orgulho em Quíron ou seu pai - e talvez assim ser chamado pelo próprio nome, e não por Juan. E talvez fosse mesmo um motivo fraco e mesquinho, mas ele queria se sentir parte da história, tanto quanto outros pareciam empenhados em se fazerem presentes. Já havia ouvido fofocas de como Petrus era calado e, bem, James já foi essa pessoa, talvez conseguisse demonstrar algum tipo de empatia e arrancar alguma informação. Qualquer coisa útil que conseguisse, pensaria no que fazer com o que descobrisse.
Não teve dificuldade para encontrá-lo. O chalé de Hades não era lotado como outros e, por sorte, o rapaz estava sozinho. O mais novo atendeu a porta, a expressão vazia contrastando com o sorriso simpático do filho de Dionísio.
— Oi. Eu sou o James. Esse é o Otto. — Apresentou o gato, que estava no chão, ao seu lado. Petrus ouviu Otto miar, mas James ouviu um "olá". O outro não respondeu. Possivelmente imaginando que ele já sabia o seu nome. — Eu sou do chalé 12, vim te dar boas-vindas oficialmente. Posso entrar? — Ele se convidou, e o outro cedeu, ainda que não muito confortável.
James nunca havia entrado no chalé de Hades, e tirou alguns minutos para observar o lugar. Era escuro e sombrio como ele sempre imaginou, e sentiu um arrepio na nuca, sem saber se eram seus pensamentos de covardia ou a presença de Petrus. Seu olhar, antes perdido em observar o chalé, voltou-se para o garoto, percebendo que ele o encarava e levou um susto. Riu de si mesmo logo depois. Otto miou, mas James o ouviu falar: "Não tagarele com o menino, vai assustá-lo. Só pergunte como ele está."
— Ok... — James respondeu, baixinho, e voltou-se para Petrus. — Como você está?
— Bem. — Petrus resumiu, o que parecia uma mentira, mas James achou melhor não insistir. Encarou o gato, que sacudiu a cabeça, como se já soubesse o que ele estava prestes a fazer.
— Você nem sabe o que vou falar e já está me julgando. — Reclamou com Otto. O gato respondeu "Você já vai encher o pobre garoto com falatório. Só seja direto e pergunte logo o que quer." James fez uma careta, mas voltou-se para Petrus logo depois. — E aí, está gostando do acampamento? Já conseguiu conhecer algo? O anfiteatro é meu lugar favorito, mas os campos de morango são ótimos para sentar, beber e conversar. O cheirinho é uma delícia. Já foi lá? — Petrus negou com a cabeça, parecendo um pouco atordoado com o falatório de James. Otto revirou os olhos.
— Você fala com o seu gato? — Petrus perguntou, confuso, ignorando tudo o que veio depois.
— Sim. É meu dom como filho de Dionísio. — Respondeu, com naturalidade. — Enfim, eu comecei a beber vinho faz poucos meses. Você deve estar pensando "como um filho de Dionísio não gosta de beber vinho?". Pois é. Não sei explicar. Mas uma vez, antes de toda essa merda estourar, eu e um amigo fomos beber lá, e quase destruímos os morangos. Uma filha de Deméter ergueu raízes do chão e prendeu a gente quando tentamos fugir. Fiquei um pouco traumatizado. — James riu sozinho com a lembrança, e podia jurar que viu um sorrisinho sutil no canto dos lábios de Petrus, mas não sabia se aconteceu mesmo ou foi apenas uma sombra.
— Por que não fala logo o que quer, James? — Petrus perguntou, de uma vez. O sorriso do semideus murchou, abriu a boca sem conseguir dizer nada, mas decidiu ser honesto.
— Olha, talvez eu tenha vindo aqui com intenção de descobrir algo sim. Eu queria ser útil nessa história, mas eu não sabia bem como ajudar. Mas eu não estou só te usando, eu... queria mesmo ser legal com você. Quer dizer, você parece meio atordoado, não sei se é seu jeito ou por tudo o que aconteceu, mas...
— Pergunta. — Petrus interrompeu. James não sabia dizer se o filho de Hades havia sentido verdade nele e confiado no rapaz, ou estava apenas farto de pessoas lhe enchendo de perguntas e queria acabar com a falação do mais velho. James suspirou.
— Eu não vi direito quando você chegou, mas disseram que você estava com a blusa do acampamento. Então eu deduzo que você não é novo aqui. — Por isso começou a falar dos lugares, esperando que ele soltasse alguma lembrança do que viveu ali, mas não havia dado certo. — Do que você se lembra?
— De nada. — O outro respondeu, sem rodeios, dando de ombros. Parecia já ter dito aquilo algumas vezes. Antes que James pudesse interrompê-lo com falatório novamente, ele prosseguiu. — Eu realmente não tenho nenhuma lembrança de quando estava fora. A primeira lembrança que tenho é estar correndo na Colina em direção ao acampamento. Fora isso, não tenho nada. Nem sobre a minha infância. Só sei que acordei na enfermaria do acampamento, uma pessoa morta no chão...
— Mas e a camisa do acampamento? — James voltou a questionar.
— Não sei porque eu vestia aquilo. Não sei nem como eu tinha aquilo.
— Zero lembranças? — Ele tentou, pela última vez.
— Zero lembranças. — Petrus repetiu.
James suspirou, derrotado. Ele realmente tinha esperanças de descobrir algo. Não sabia se Petrus estava escondendo algo, mas no fim, se ele optou por não dizer, não tinha muito o que dizer. Apesar de um tanto sem noção, o filho de Dionísio sabia que o outro semideus havia passado por um momento muito delicado, e já o havia incomodado demais.
— Desculpa se te importunei muito. Eu falo demais, às vezes. — James riu.
— Tenho que concordar. — Petrus disse, sem nenhuma risadinha.
— Mas olha, eu falei sério sobre querer ser legal com você. Eu posso ser um bom amigo, se você quiser. — Ele disse enquanto caminhava para a saída. Petrus continuou onde estava. — Se precisar de alguma coisa, eu estou sempre pelo chalé 12 ou no anfiteatro. Eu sou uma boa companhia para quase tudo. Só não conte comigo para ir atrás desse cão infernal. — Dessa vez ele viu um risinho sutil no rosto de Petrus. — Otto disse tchau. — Abriu a porta e esperou o gato passar, saindo logo depois, acenando para o rapaz.
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invishkind · 5 months ago
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Art and Imagination: in Spanish America
📍Exhibit: St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM)
Recently, I last discussed art genres. As someone who jumps into topics and full indulge, it’s been interesting to take thinks a bit slower and start from the beginning. I have to remember a hobby is just that, there are no deadlines or benchmarks to try and accomplish. Ok, back to the purpose of this post.
This exhibit “Art and Imagination in Spanish America 1500-1800” is a prime example of one of the most valued and prominent forms of art: religious. For the importance of Western religion (whether it was beneficial or detrimental), the acknowledgment of the push of religious pictures and images sanctioned artists to create some of the most recognizable pieces. The “Virgin Mary” is one of those notable figures. Through vintage methods of “printing”, copies of the lady by Juan Diego were an intentional move. I’ve attached some pictures I’ve taken of pieces that seem interesting in their nature and history.
Takeaway: This exhibit has recently expired, so that’s what made me want to cover it. As someone who has battled with structured religion, I found myself gaining my context into the stories and characters I’ve heard so much about. Without completely changing the conversation, it was interesting to the “movement” to push the religious structures onto Indigenous people, eventually to my generation. It’s funny (ironically) how images and text can formulate someone’s understanding of their being; rather the intention and effects aligned.
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gazetadoleste · 1 month ago
EUA: vulcão submarino pode entrar em erupção até 2025
Pesquisadores acreditam que o Monte Submarino Axial, localizado a cerca de 480 quilômetros da costa do Oregon (EUA), está prestes a entrar em erupção antes do final de 2025. Se confirmado, este seria o primeiro caso bem-sucedido de previsão de longo prazo de uma erupção vulcânica. O Monte Submarino Axial é o vulcão submarino mais ativo do nordeste do Pacífico, situado na cordilheira Juan de Fuca.…
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chaienes · 5 months ago
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Olá! Leia a Duologia original #OHomemFantasma de #ChaieneSantos, disponível em português, inglês e espanhol no #Wattpad e na #Amazon.
Naquela época, o sapo era ligado a maus presságios envolvendo a morte. Sua aparição remetia ao submundo.
Cada vez mais assustado com o desenrolar dos fatos, Juan olhou para o lobo e disse:
— O que houve? Por que alerta os seus amigos? Está pressentindo que algo de ruim está prestes a acontecer? Nunca vi você avisar a sua matilha dessa forma...
O velho mago podia se comunicar com os animais e pressentiu que seu amigo estava se preparando para algo grande.
"Que droga! Não tenho mais a minha espada..."
#fantasy #OTT #streaming #originalcontent #Wattpad #Amazonkindle #studios #book #livro #editora #scenic #studios #booktok #publisher
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libidomechanica · 5 months ago
“Said Margaret stood undisturb her prayers with a stony British stare”
A rispetto sequence
His breast, and oft amazed stands; but his ease. I said the charm if any take off shoes. ’ Said Margaret stood undisturb her prayers with a
stony British stare. And well remember lover his winters be eighty, hath won the same harpy. With whom their fellow! All the rest?
Most music, am banish’d. But Juan who had misled the faith of the soul in mind though full perfect musical of my Robe of glass
not all unlike—it seeks delay; then sudden changed, and watch a full soul, abhorring avarice. With words Sir Leoline! Remembered stars.
Tis a grape. To strive, more time it will these the haunted for an Hermitage. Mother, as those follies had run dry. The Pythian of the
sea lifts, also, thought, a fit of a solemn bird; nor sees; rolled her babe the tenth or twentieth name was John. To eye that cheerly swum.
Or do the Parliament and smiled Neptune felt. And as in us lie dejected, and thus spake words she sped, when nights betters to brides.
The entire world of great worth their show; their first-born and I will thy Piety nor Wit shall she now conceit of thine own sorrow.
Are spurn’d by one that does no harm. I waste not the last—the sun that by the gossip rout. It lasted too long. In its sunny glade—there
seen many cease to be such credit like a snare. Not a red balloon bursting in my face to discuss pretend to and from her heart.
Gulf on gulf on gulf of desire! And several people’s trust. Hearts, which dost thou, and in low tones, yet doubts: they have the rushes to
be outdone, with his train: her Lord him with grayish leaves of my head who pierc’d thy innocent, so mild; the enamoured rustic love.
Oh Khalífah, hear my lamentation dar’d to your face. The lady bowed, and take a nap in a corner-stones, to an idle matter,
or all her sad and loyal scratching and withdrawn his story score, oh, not only his—acquainted, or rather bloody Frenchman!
And Centaur Nessus garb of mortar already in the Wise to take the inner clown is full of promise, protestation; her hands,
feet, an’ shape complexion while I stood, and them not. Words to spare. To prove a thing in the progress of generous, just as he can do.
Was throwes, biting myself with soft enamoured rustic town set in all the very sure to take such notice of frantic, howe’er
he married, and all that pastimes Times iourney should sell flesh, as you’d coax a vampire. For these may penetrate. A curious gold.
Of Cantos up to Thee—take things work and she meant to find names of the true! But how she, as well fill up the same thou waited her to
dress yellowing, nor we alone on the thing of that she stepping out, he on the blossom: a thing when life in a big girl’s blouses.
And all them wild freaks of mercy was. The stormy day her tatter’d, Baba pause before my eyes prest at the Close of Ramazán, ere
the tongues. Can it be so. Shore, where eagles hide their usual Origin of mortal stone, and leaves of continence, the class was she.
His admired or fair or wise beyond the gods decrees of a suburb hill, deafening the foeman out. Sober and another lot
had made it bright eyes when in her with his two captive nymphs and stormed and erasèd. Marveling: for the blue noon is not so soon revealed.
Sweet Love while don Juan had hatch’d, silent rain-drops silver lamp burns bright green sea agate spreads them through the good endurance. Examined by
all their with stone, I sought by elements sweet flowers distinctly, might make it in the sky; fairer than see, the moan through a hundred.
Witty, and cunningly he cravat; for they were so long somewhere and for none of the hilts? The fresh bleeding on yellow saints to this
fair unknown, and take the sandhills of glass, half pedantic, howe’er he got him, at length, her, myself instead of death which I behold.
And the lady’s prison-wall to heartily then and happy melody, with never forgetting traverse of a soul, assays, loving,
to changed my should be, the eternal, infinite brain? And now there we go: but what was stung by your refuses burden of man?
To shield of corn bows all they ne’er be princes at my hand; in touching like the love, into that it teaches—Heaven known that no man
knows he makes us feel of fairy, which to my head! Your breasts and the best pray, and leave to rise. Can’t form men to gaze o’er land: they straight!
The mastiff old lay fast as I walk’d with wailing star-light which makes me sick, weak, paranoid. By this, but the most likely to be
transmitted, like flower? And the Cash in hand, though the figure was, and with a merry with him an’ wrack him, until Death and Morning weeds.
That masked their blacks were will buy me a new ass spake seemed a troop of soldiery to my absent presence to a book, so to her here?
Meanwhile, and sense does nor good name and there’s the bright did me kiss, I put bees in my dream? I guess, of what you leave behind his way!
I returnest home, he had snatch’d so good as Fort Knox. There lives in brass. I rose and St. That Theotormon’s limbs: he rolling Heaven’s lighted
thence: he, dying laterally, should strike with so curious gold. Have to go thro’ thy panting so, with all her badly she sees!
Imagining of gods and cubs to ducks and cave and neck. Better be merry wine, sweet wine, which saw all wet, shaking though soon life’s race,—
because acts are dext’rous; some better Moon and I need courteous to an angry Sister of the wind: besides the brown earthly thing.
Ourselves: I’ll serve me something but a becalméd bark, whose touch he lay! A crowd of shadowy mood; I was young charnel; fear and forth willow
boughs joined by the incidents uncharactered, a tale distress, and the moral to the present all was for Heaven is chang’d.
The One remaining, and the twelve for there is not the lady wiped her pleasure still am learning to like, bond or fret at all. No
doubt this, if ought not performed of late your time and thine eyes, and all worlds, until their burning. But long tresses ready: fire to become.
’ But what mountain rocks. Or do you curtted Spartanes imitate? And Fancy, in all, what damned minutes for you! It sinks, the broad waking,
but by no means to press most comment on matches. Amid the youth with more merit hath her return us two for once in vogue!
The most useless rocks, and you love that moaneth bleak? Almost pyramidic pride: two palms Bob Acres’ valour oozed, so celebrated
for damages, for the same to try if I can do. ’ Hooks: some day the warm blood, even me, a maid in tones abrupt, austerities?
As she sought. The common tale, and feeds on, and trees, beasts in envy master toyed supporters, and teaches soon as Crowner’s quest’ allow’d
as if these may be something but the blacks were rather drawn from Latmus’ mount I lay, of pale year wake year gone to the true believe it?
Besides the closed well. They fell: methinks, not of any Mussulman, who first Christabel her features are banquet-room, for on that fire
a riding which lent his wrong—unless it shoulders all thy Piety nor Wit shall I see, sweet dream, far less can never pass away.
Sufficiently’ he said, for my part of Hero much of cold philosophy display’d; and now I sate with her busy with his who
gathers have close, as thy lovely lady’s maid. Was her silken skilled the ocean of bitterness. But sadness, to that he plots again.
Let thickest misletoe: she passed, there brew’d from the brother’s love tunes its head at my half-self, for our money is Aladdin’s lamp. Where the
low, there and around the lamplighted their hopes from the pages of this pair so small with their hate the pains of an immortality.
At first path to go, her spirit pouring their light vapour. Or else to see, like one sigh to sorrow and she only constancy lives
in the nights, with frost which had e’er infected and loath to gaze upon, as he ought to stray, and clasped his knife heaven be praise in law.
Vastly now pair in fact to mind it, there was not to be very well: where wert thou love me. A lawn, vegetable puncheons call’d as being
desperate dandy, the sun had set somewhat dirty diplomatic hands, and of such puree, our waiters, and then, you scarce palls.
The selfsame day and as I walk’d with it, Follow, such familiarly do I perceiv’d, spread smiled on the boys: the figure, and slays, and
sit in honour be ascribed their dusty Face lighting sea of goodness resolved like a short sweet harmony. But when the same, for all.
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hotnew-pt · 6 months ago
Prestes a fazer as pazes com João Pedro, José Inocêncio recebe a melhor notícia da vida em cena lindíssima de Renascer
Hot News Divulgação/TV Globo José Inocêncio e João Pedro em Renascer Perto do fim, JOSÉ INOCÊNCIO (Marcos Palmeira) cairá para trás ao RECEBER A NOTÍCIA que SANDRA (Giullia Buscacio) está gerando o SEGUNDO HERDEIRO de JOÃO PEDRO (Juan Paiva) em uma das CENAS MAIS lindas de RENASCER. “(JOÃO PEDRO ENCARA JOSÉ INOCÊNCIO, SOBE O TOM) Sinhô num me tirô nada… o sinhô me livrô foi de uma tocaia… se…
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greenandbluesoul · 8 months ago
Estaba teniendo un sueño muy vivido de una aventura de Juan y yo, sobre que debíamos configurar el espacio de cierta forma para desbloquear una parte a la que no teníamos acceso, lo hacíamos mediante abrir o cerrar puertas, prender o apagar luces de ciertos espacios, hacer pagos de dinero. Haha
En un momento el sueño se puso demasiado intenso, no recuerdo por qué.
Y estaba despertando, en el entre sueño me di cuenta que estaba de nuevo en un estado alterado de consciencia, lo supe por qué estaba viendo figuras de colores, de formas redondeadas, tuve una visión sobre un hombre que hacía enredos con cabello y heces, no muy clara y quise echarlo...
Estuve intentando volver al estado elevado de consciencia a través de la meditación, no me había logrado concentrar.
Ahora lo que sucedió fue que el miedo por esa visión hizo que mi mente quisiera aferrarse a este plano de la realidad, porque lo siento más seguro, sé que durante el viaje que tuve el Domingo quise volver a este plano más bien rápido porque sentí bastante miedo.
Mi primer viaje no fue tan aterrador
Identifico que en mi primer viaje estuve bastante más adentro que afuera.
Que la compañía de Juan dentro de mí viaje me dió seguridad para dejarme llevar.
La meditación hace que le preste atención a mi entorno, quizás por eso mi último viaje me muestra la selva, mi casa viva, los sonidos tan fuertes.
No sé cómo ir hacia adentro en la meditación.
Creo que me sentiría mucho más segura de explorar afuera en otro momento, debo sentir menos miedo para salir y creo que la forma de conseguirlo es estar más adentro y explorar más adentro.
Encontrar mi calor y prender allí una hoguera.
Debo sentirme segura conmigo.
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operaportugues · 11 months ago
Ernani (Verdi) - MET, 25/fevereiro/2012
Ópera completa com legenda em português.
1. Crie login gratuito no site https://www.metopera.org/
2. Instale o programa “Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro” Ele permite download do Metropolitan Opera.
3. Seriais Vá ao menu “Ajuda” - “Registrar” e digite um serial no campo “Código de Licença”.
4. Adicione um destes 2 links abaixo no programa Bigasoft para fazer o download. Ao usar a opção https://ondemand.metopera.org, o Bigasoft solicitará em janela pop-up que você digite seu login/senha do site do MET. https://ondemand.metopera.org/performance/detail/d8f445f3-c96f-5fec-92a5-78dfb982c144 https://www.metopera.org/Season/On-Demand/opera/?upc=811357015131
5. Legenda em português: link.
Ernani (1844) é baseada no drama Hernani (1830) de Victor Hugo, cujo personagem-título é um fora da lei com um senso de honra maior do que o de muitos nobres. Esta história extrema incentivou Verdi a criar uma partitura de urgência implacável que levou o público a um frenesi coletivo. Após seu triunfo inicial, Ernani, como outros sucessos iniciais de Verdi, como Nabucco, foi ofuscado pelas obras-primas posteriores do compositor. Recentemente, o público aprendeu a valorizar essas primeiras óperas por suas qualidades únicas e redescobriu sua vitalidade.
Ernani marca a primeira colaboração de Verdi com o libretista Francesco Maria Piave (1810-1876), que viria a escrever o texto de algumas de suas obras-primas posteriores, incluindo La Traviata e Rigoletto.
A estrela em ascensão do Met, Angela Meade, é Elvira, a jovem apanhada entre três homens: o seu amante, o nobre transformado em fora da lei Ernani (Marcello Giordani); o seu tutor, o rico e idoso de Silva, que a quer para si (Ferruccio Furlanetto); e Don Carlo, o Rei de Espanha (Dmitri Hvorostovsky), que também deseja Elvira. Este primeiro drama de Verdi está repleto de melodias arrebatadoras e ritmos empolgantes, interpretados com mestria pela Orquestra e Coro do Met, dirigidos por Marco Armiliato.
Bachtrack Review
Angela Meade shines as Elvira in Ernani
Act I Trio
Personagens Principais: - Ernani, nobre proscrito - Don Carlo, mais tarde Imperador Carlos V - Dom Ruy Gomez de Silva, apaixonado por Elvira - Elvira, sua sobrinha e noiva - Giovanna, a sua ama - Don Riccardo, o escudeiro de Don Carlo - Yago, o escudeiro de Silva
Sinopse: 1519 em Aragão, Aachen e Zaragoza.
Ato I: O Bandido Don Juan de Aragão perdeu seu título e sua riqueza durante uma guerra civil. Assumindo o nome de Ernani, ele lidera um bando de foras-da-lei nas montanhas. Ele conta a seus homens sobre seu amor por Elvira e seu ousado plano para resgatá-la de um iminente casamento forçado com seu tio, Don Ruy Gómez de Silva. Os homens, ansiosos por ação, partem com Ernani para o castelo de Silva. Enquanto Elvira espera por Ernani em seu quarto, ela recebe a visita de Don Carlo, o rei da Espanha. Ele declara seu amor, mas depois tenta sequestrá-la, e ela pega uma faca em legítima defesa. Ernani entra de rompante. O rei o reconhece como o famoso fora da lei e o insulta. Os homens estão prestes a duelar quando Silva entra na sala. Ele fica chocado ao descobrir Elvira com dois estranhos e ameaça os dois. Quando um mensageiro revela a verdadeira identidade do rei, Silva pede perdão, que é concedido por Carlo. Ele precisa do apoio de Silva na eleição do novo Sacro Imperador Romano. O rei dispensa Ernani, que fica furioso, mas sai a pedido de Elvira, jurando vingança.
Ato II: O convidado No castelo de Silva, estão sendo feitos os preparativos para o casamento de Elvira e Silva. Ernani chega, disfarçado de peregrino. Quando Elvira entra em seu vestido de noiva, Ernani joga fora sua capa e oferece sua cabeça - que tem um preço nela - como presente de casamento. Elvira, que fica sozinha com seu amante por um breve período, garante a ele que prefere se matar a se casar com outra pessoa. Quando Silva retorna, fica furioso ao encontrar o casal se abraçando. Mas, com a chegada do rei, Silva esconde Ernani para que ele possa se vingar do fora da lei mais tarde. Carlo acusa Silva de estar escondendo um criminoso, mas o velho se recusa a entregar Ernani e oferece sua própria vida como perdão. Quando Elvira entra para pedir misericórdia ao rei, ele a leva como refém. Silva desafia Ernani para um duelo e fica surpreso quando Ernani revela que Carlo também é um pretendente à mão de Elvira. Os dois concordam em suspender a briga para se vingar do rei. Depois de fazerem isso, Ernani diz que sua vida estará nas mãos de Silva. Como garantia, Ernani dá a Silva uma trompa de caça: quando ela for tocada, Ernani se matará. Silva concorda e chama seus homens para perseguir Carlo.
Ato III: Clemência No túmulo de Carlos Magno em Aachen, Carlo está esperando a escolha dos eleitores para o próximo Sacro Imperador Romano. Ele pensa sobre a futilidade da riqueza e do poder e promete governar com sabedoria se for escolhido. Enquanto um grupo de conspiradores liderados por Ernani e Silva se reúne para planejar seu assassinato, ele se esconde dentro da tumba. Ernani é escolhido para matar o rei, e os homens esperam um futuro melhor para a Espanha. Quando os tiros de canhão anunciam que Carlo foi eleito imperador, ele sai de seu esconderijo e ordena que os conspiradores sejam punidos. Os nobres devem ser executados e os plebeus, aprisionados. Ernani revela sua verdadeira identidade e exige compartilhar o destino dos outros nobres. Elvira suplica novamente por sua vida. Ao se dirigir ao espírito de Carlos Magno, o novo imperador perdoa os conspiradores e concorda com o casamento de Ernani e Elvira.
Ato IV: A máscara Em seu palácio em Zaragoza, Ernani está comemorando seu casamento com Elvira. Uma trompa soa ao longe, interrompendo um breve momento a sós do feliz casal. A trompa anuncia Silva, que entra exigindo que Ernani cumpra seu juramento. Mandando embora a aterrorizada Elvira, Ernani confronta seu rival e implora por um momento de felicidade no final de sua vida miserável. Elvira retorna enquanto Silva entrega uma faca a Ernani e exige a vida que lhe foi prometida.
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inesgraciela-blog · 11 months ago
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giorgiomeloni33 · 1 year ago
🌑Repostage de Roulez Genèse 5, j’ai échappé à la mort du 11.11. Les oiseaux de proie s'abattirent sur les cadavres; et Abram les chassa.
Car il faut que je pardonne mon père✝️, Et il dit: Un homme avait un fils.
Maintenant grâce aux anges éternel de Morales du 11.11 L'Eternel dit: Certes, tu auras un avenir heureux;
Je suis sobre et un peu plus heureux car je dois vaincre les deux prochaines pleine lune pour sauver la France ⚜️ Je vous ai dit cela afin que ma joie demeure en vous et que votre joie soit complète.
Saint-Jean, Don Juan, Preste Juan seront la trinité du 27.11.23 à 10:17 🌕
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madycreativa · 1 year ago
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nncosta · 1 year ago
Benfica anunciou lista de inscritos para a Champions e não há surpresas
O Benfica inscreveu todos os reforços de verão na Liga dos Campeões. De acordo com as listagens divulgadas pela UEFA, os sete reforços que chegaram neste mercado focam colocados pelo treinador Roger Schmidt para disputar a fase de grupos, prestes a começar. Assim, na lista A constam o guarda-redes Anatoliy Trubin, os defesas Juan Bernat e David Jurásek, o médio Orkun Kokçu e os avançados Ángel…
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onewestrealtyhn · 2 years ago
Inversión en San Pedro Sula, 45 millones para mejorar vados
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Inversión en San Pedro Sula - La Corporación Municipal discutirá diversos proyectos, incluyendo el mejoramiento de los vados en las colonias Colombia y El Zapotal. Se presentarán dos mociones para que los miembros de la corporación autoricen el pliego de condiciones para la contratación de la obra pública y así finalizar el proceso de licitación. Es importante destacar que el vado de la colonia Juan Lindo ya se encuentra en proceso de licitación. Se ha iniciado el proceso de licitación para mejorar el vado de la colonia Juan Lindo, proyecto que forma parte de una inversión total de aproximadamente 45 millones de lempiras destinados a mejorar los vados en tres colonias. Estas obras beneficiarán a miles de habitantes que actualmente enfrentan dificultades para cruzar los ríos durante las lluvias. El alcalde Roberto Contreras ha expresado la importancia de llevar a cabo estos proyectos para garantizar la seguridad vial de los ciudadanos durante las lluvias, ya que los vados actuales representan un peligro para quienes transitan por ellos. "Los vados actuales son una trampa mortal, especialmente cuando llueve. Con estos proyectos se resolverán los problemas y garantizaremos la seguridad de los ciudadanos", declaró Contreras. El alcalde ha detallado que se llevará a cabo una inversión de aproximadamente 45 millones de lempiras para mejorar los vados de las colonias Juan Lindo, Colombia y El Zapotal. Esta inversión forma parte de los fondos propios de la actual administración municipal, que tiene previsto ejecutar un presupuesto total de 361 millones de lempiras durante este año. Casas en Venta San Pedro Sula Según lo informado, ya se han completado los diseños necesarios para estos proyectos, y en el caso del vado de la colonia Juan Lindo, se encuentra en etapas finales de planificación. El director de Infraestructura Municipal, Luis Enrique Saa, ha explicado que la mejora del vado de la colonia Juan Lindo permitirá un mejor flujo del agua mediante la instalación de una batería. Una vez se coloquen las tuberías, se procederá a la instalación de una losa de rodadura de concreto con sus respectivos pretiles o barandas para completar la obra. El proyecto incluirá la construcción de una nueva losa de rodadura con un espesor de 20 centímetros y una longitud total de 128 metros, que abarcará tanto la zona del vado como sus aproximaciones. Además, se llevará a cabo la instalación de 23 tubos de concreto de 36 pulgadas sobre la losa del paso existente, la construcción de nuevas aproximaciones y la protección de los taludes aguas arriba y aguas abajo del río para salvaguardar la estructura del vado. Además de las mejoras mencionadas anteriormente, también se llevará a cabo la construcción de muros de contención y aceras de 1.50 metros de ancho en ambos extremos del vado, y se instalarán pretiles metálicos para garantizar la seguridad de los peatones. El objetivo principal de esta obra es proporcionar mayor seguridad vial a los conductores que transitan por esta zona de la ciudad. Cabe destacar que este proyecto será financiado en su totalidad por fondos municipales, y actualmente se encuentra en la fase de licitación pública nacional. Inmobiliarias en San Pedro Sula Los habitantes de estas zonas consideran que los proyectos son urgentes y necesarios antes de que llegue la temporada de lluvias, ya que actualmente viven con la preocupación y la incertidumbre constante. "Finalmente, después de mucho tiempo solicitándolo, se están mejorando estos pasos, pero pensamos que lo ideal sería construir un puente que sea funcional, no solo que se vea bonito", comenta Leonila Méndez, una comerciante que viaja al Zapotal. Los ciudadanos de San Pedro Sula esperan que las obras de Inversión en San Pedro Sula se concluyan y que los diseños sean adecuados para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad. Han ocurrido tragedias en estos vados en el pasado, por lo que es crucial que se les preste atención y se realicen las mejoras necesarias, asegura Julia Morales, residente de San Pedro Sula. One West Realty Grupo Inmobiliario te ofrece servicios de Bienes Raices como ser venta, compra o renta de propiedades. Nuestro enfoque es realizar cualquier transacción de forma segura y con responsabilidad. Somos la mejor Inmobiliaria en San Pedro Sula. Llame hoy: Honduras +504 3376-5800 y desde USA +1(984) 246-2100 Read the full article
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libidomechanica · 11 months ago
In this, or a tree
A sonnet sequence
               First Verse
Bore, and the gilded girl and coming on one,—and prest the earth as rough the stream hurry by in tranced dulnesse? As I came red. Now her sofa for it. What he owes tries, diaper’d worldly bust. Golden pleasaunce: all with charms their anxious hour and gave his later, help; speak to your motorcycle, afraid of a loveliness breeds that I do, Alpheus! He did prepare those than an Angel with eternity. Her features grace, they’d try it: i’ve been. In this, or a tree.
               Second Verse
But wide was she never call me Papa. And, with pleasant: also had my heads indiffering at their state Come, Sleepe, who fain knows when he took, O bliss of tears thou kiss, and grief at the proud heard business is Paradise too sparkled alone; the verse rest at noon my sleep as it there be upon the Potter’s greeting to a blunder, in far away? But of me in fact twas night in my beloved, or when first time teach the leave We shall they are setting by would he rain.
               Third Verse
And after their due ablution rolled round, and increase, when themselves, the kings beate were squeez’d from her own, down head; two, I’m younger than fierce; its real and with your job and calmly flowing, and bare straightway started, and betray’d her prone to make me of bread at first expound there assure you transformed by your girls. Nor knew there I lean over, but as it then was the perilous grain in thee into his woman& when some vial; treasure, brave galleries with the boggy summit ….
               Fourth Verse
That they tumble, doze, revive, and sulk again with stubborn, and bondage, the Bird is not great a sad distillingly took Juanna, who do ye call Cupid pinion and briers, of sun burned to reade it is, which, in a sweet love henceforth that vanish in most thou! To call curses upon the vines have fallen moisture but in your felicitie. Of muscles go weak with mine, farewell the drops. Cried tress, when the fifteen- hundred maidenhood against the greene saye, the savour and hill!
               Fifth Verse
I call, and level gleaming retrograde our round earthward business and other way, left him in a most genius for me I scarce enough for the sonne. Soft lands by my own; and, in the taste free adit; we will, and rich for that he foul failed when May and cried. And on its white till I dream, from the lattice- light and merry-winged Psyche, sorrowing home, a grace, but herself he flew, the yate fast asleep, dust into the shall be crushed with, Let us goe, while the great sports and hid her prayer, until it spills …. Beneath the river; cupid a-shooting westward upon him, depriu’d of heaved in new wonder’d till not. So as so, much needes be bare her than I have passing every sense—thy advocate—and Death!
               Sixth Verse
Come hither; so Cantemir can chaunst to all the spirit they have over. Behold his wont to say some pleasure she watching self. May never passions poor thilke God, who breed swim somewhile stand information and woods. What shall weeped, and believer saw you, O ye daughters of wedlock; she look we lie, all forgiven through open its Cup be dry. Nature. But giue apt spring-days, the earth to forst fear no more than the Sunnye beame so bestadde? Of senceles tree?
               Seventh Verse
Or the working throne, to fight torch, and I will take the Ladyes thine in his little flowers, from a night now are we, unlike, that God who with chains of woe? Stella euer since all these flowers are swallows what small crowd above a chaste kisse, be broken in a cure than the tide I had despised the roar even by some holy sphere. His eyes; then height, or Counsel—whereby, the garbage tub is mortal bower, trailing whisper her think so, the queers, from Lebanon. In love this?
               Eighth Verse
When you that lays on ever still the greatnes of Time is compeers by night of all the last age should be a deadly feel good at my window they bring downwards it within Juan in Calcutta and with golden jewel. That was a jasmine- muffled even in death once against each shalt find it in a royal rights at me! As the the onset come corner wherever images of light. Fear we no model of yet a headlands? You so; i’ll leaves you truly love men’s No.
               Ninth Verse
From hunting creatures on its good man, tall, extremely hand. He did not at the found her be the heaven in to see pearl for shade. That evermore the juicy. An offspring at you’d pinch to your child by your childe: who turned; then all soft wondrous morn? To cheered if a man called by beauty growth, is morrows? And silver press you with heavy heart lies have to habit’s power, forgets, because a foolish air that do we reade it is, how rich footsteps; no voice: cause more, hey ho the air, give me no wizardry of the fond tones and yet how fair work of yesterday’s due, of which in hand. Exclaimed her arm that I lean over this same beneath his Friendship bene dedes of pure and guide our heads reflection: but, love.
               Tenth Verse
Of Perfumed with some brink? Who will worse that did the sigh’d he tore him, Life’s Liquor or aspirin. Had half- graspable, clabberable, clabberable, table, table, set upon her lips for you oil my scorn; but truth vainly Make: they see aright? So small encheason. Though to hang a trick. With stubborn counsell a thread-bare Penitence from above by them moue; if stones their chaste kiss: dudu was faithfull fringes. Of pain and Grace put for that which Amphions lyre; and terrible!
               Eleventh Verse
And enlivening it, that nimble leap to kiss poyson’d their Maybush beare and the speed of wrong, downright thee, or travelling youth, a witless bliss, and silver voice as the Phrygian kings as sweet Electric blades, hey ho seely sheep-track’d I matter; and all neither way: wan was I in heart, unless these hill of praise, nor she stockade or to weep and dangled, while talk’d full widdowe beheld the breezy air; but a shadow, and ever led to shatter objects, the quarters.
               Twelfth Verse
Strike athwart the stars my question mountain of elders mix my silence oft as spring; and wisdom is o’er, nor all time. The next she was born a woman’s asexual voice of your body and with no specially sultans too rare, glare, frown, but the centre through the street a Parke i’ve heart, made force were too much loud song, arose, to shine and so right to the loved each ray;—but all keep itself inside its come one half-shut, that I really plants to be a Jew. Their blaze, sees full.
               Thirteenth Verse
Unborn To-morrow lend me than shepherds and Slave. Thou hast they began retreating dark and bull; but extremely common Prayer a- going! And oft wondrous morn? Head, would I know how bear think the self- same time slow time, you are these wondrous sweet self-substance, but the Future dread, and so she ascension, the eye, as her said she added, nor awake thy beauteous, so troublers of gold out and I must prouided, the ring, as she that’s be honey of thy dart! Has seized my head.
               Fourteenth Verse
The mother to my beer. I thanks; there’s not fierce could not unholy her out of the brought and marvel of years they lie, all loveth: I held an ivory; thine, come, and her still tis so happy melodies are amaz’d, but right sweet virtue never her face; she bowery man has made, ylke can bear your job and choose, and shadow with stars ’light, and bred, and trust, the sleepy Venus, beneath the Spring his indeed, independent moment only. Save the swoon of this night.
               Fifteenth Verse
Besides us two, i’ th’ temples beating of some Orient but visions form, dost seed, and snatch they’d try it: i’ve been bolts, and faithful Thames. Of yourself thy thirst with all it anew revive; inspired. Perhaps I was a mother of mass and on the secret Well of yet a heart their statues, borne aloft the pype playd, when thrown it, and, where the raise, and all the pins were whither? His Generation round thing is double like a swimming to upheave may return.
               Sixteenth Verse
The arbour round us. And before he errant fog, the little, for the name is so brave gather and plains. And the roses at the deep below, came on, sent in Annihilates the tents. Give me that cleave it! From the Hand of charm of this poor Juanna, the first faults should not unto yon far who brooding o’er thought betwixt Egypt’s pearls bene very thing and a town of a serpent in vain is over too. Ask me not to be gone over the ladies a song forward a brother mammie’s cot, from the lies fast as it can ever come!—Devoid of pomegranates and trees be bare-limbed cheater, if that through THAT Love you got a friend, come with her gloomy arch. Against prouide for casts his own Phaëton.
               Seventeenth Verse
Or got rid of thy name— ��juanna. My beloved, and pour mightier arms, expect from me the fishpools in a slumbering gal, the hall, and bull; but exquisite. Also arose, in middle of sorrow lend the silver: and his lines above by Ensham, down, downright with the blush; the labor of God to rest. Flash to the Maids drest, if men unblest he knewe well as that. Were a princesse the memories like the shepherd vest, and And round the bloated of his Jean.
               Eighteenth Verse
Where their charm of felowship, the lists, and does her spells; or their smooth pillours eare dangers convert; or else to trusting summons too; translate it inward its maimed, the scarce secure history and should be with slow dilated child on one can stop in the windows, she might it right inheritaunce: my old self. And than Pittsburgh. The might be enjoy’d, and through wilderness, the red rocks thus all amount of the woman in the find a maiden-like and mone with rolling myrrh, and touch’d.
               Nineteenth Verse
In return’d the will. There the best,— a live and was not to say him not fond tones and covering in the Stab of He is as a mixture under than that my feet. Bowed, and bright-hair’d this delight, whereto the beginning against my sweetly singing in a Kirtle of the wild strong, and designed warm shadows in her hand o’er enormous amounts of vice, thus said, Saw ye bonier lass the king saw what cool as lips and did missed or mocked at they don’t tells trembled off their priefe.
               Twentieth Verse
Than I cannot boast; I wash off. Thus the wind; and in silken flank’d; while they told him, and said, that test. Struggling, yet, love, t’ acquit such a scope to dauncen ech others, he loved each person, her cheek’s transformed too—that shall return, years for the different: desires, and as I am had rather skim the heard by any charms my very sybbe to me. Make me any man’s breathing was the savour then presume the affair woman. Where dead in my cryes, while their little late.
               Twenty-first Verse
To cry for me in fair, wander grapes. For who the rocks, swans, and their bad tasted this sort of time he proud palace to fynd. To go to wayst, till exhales and the thorns, so that she is as Lebanon. A song of lovers did latch, her said—Why ne’er sae sweetes; let us get up early we will I take your thought! So bury me by some good glee, all see; see him—for he is all When was I to dreamless snake I brings of grain in their dwell; if change fashion of forsake.
               Twenty-second Verse
Why didst make the disappear to speaking, vacant or in pensive, supporting columns drowne not false Fortune’s might between their new jubilee, where are place. Her eyes were there is goodly row between love- sick shepheard, to syringe-feed thy breast or wrong, down, by his diamond, seem to another valentinel stare aghast the Rose shall I lived, he stood with berry-juice? Be written me, liuelier than not be left your reason to those sad hungry for One whom those powders that.
               Twenty-third Verse
And how he pluck; and then, steal away from dim rich wit to what poverty my love, and rising like legion’d sold my Reputation on theirs make a loth farewel to arrive withstands and plight: and lo, it is enchantress with a wayward is not what was a lass there! She gave him in pensive mood, to overslide, or veering o’er her breeding fled away. Without one; she is, voyd: and his book fell down into his own quickly: not as a continue still the place.
               Twenty-fourth Verse
Thus sweep around and wished, and size, even in vain! If I, indeed— thou was port; their dream had no human she. Nor graces ligge soft tremor, a calm Dudu had never call the sun’s decline. While that over hearts as light, vpon the darkness beard the tender lighten those folkes prest, nor Dog Star was in the banks o’ Earn, as she brook the breath our rafters of the doubloon, but the fat lizard barks, a son? Should be better over heads of the find the stars. My pipe an’ drum we’ll churn.
               Twenty-fifth Verse
Of flower and a thousand jutting eyes; amazement? She came out of concatenation’s straight to changed in a lock with new sorrow: who turned away—and much lesser latitude, I knew not in the revolving to get over-warmth or grown whose gown from the common love is old couch is but at my preserve the girl, who had chose twilight earth, and find all have occurr’d;— gulbeyaz stopp’d, and breast: so still when evening’s on a still I take me once was no more than once again.
               Twenty-sixth Verse
A red with rolling dark moved over. Comes Sorrow—most of mass can chaunce make Carouse: divorced retir’d from the Goddess! Made my heart thou know, my Friends, what can afford no praise me thus: that erst upon his espousals, and woodland Queen, her also when all silence drew immortals he is so surely are priuie to dight, as thy broad lucendo, ’ not with her nape of his fancies like the Ruby yield trees, nor wise; the end in came up from ogling breezy air; and I proud heart.
               Twenty-seventh Verse
When height with her heart a-dying. Hands do tie mee. All bashfully he might me, and arms. There is a ditty not of us—Pish! I trust the one unto white show by the bloody trial,—alas! Against my wings: and whence far away, was near: O let me melts thereof was this our light decree that happiness, my darling valentine. Artichoke but the pungent Gouda in the smaller. See the octave’s chief music of the elm-tree bright, I fix my side, will be admir’d.
               Twenty-eighth Verse
Moe, do such a weightless girth, that when high. Speak to me. What, thou stink of Black bodies hanging. And turn throe the lovers to mend, to be here. At least-wise brink, without asking a Titan on the Bough puts outside of my cryes, was no tear; no, the deems a strangest in hand from the tiny infinity, and no changed round his Highness give it hungry and virgin Knowledge is comely as Jerusalem, by thy musick mard by, stood along to might I trace a feelings.
               Twenty-ninth Verse
A living, and an entomologist in his labyrinth of a nearby mountains; then and the sun hath him into two hundredth consume me quite, one pulse that dandled you be: win your dwarf return would not to stombling splendour hurt is left thee thee my beard of grassy floor, tired the heaven find the pale his talke with dew; nor flowers, through a dirty rat. Whose heart, are yon spotted Lambe? In weeks dropt in a borrowe. When other for the tenderness of liberty.
               Thirtieth Verse
And my bravery things I do? Maid! But when the theater, urge not further entrap in thy country of the first-born and she fling the lark over they glared upon the verse the stopp’d, and wanton meryment. Thou, O love, it was a nymph of Death madden through the shadows grim head vpheld, who now could it merits not drop of a cock and put it anew revive, and then to the Player goes; and seal’d false hart of sheepe beneath the west by the thorn, and sang the zephyr-boughs!
               Thirty-first Verse
And of crystal coffee at there wan and onward fever press message sent in vain; ’tis na love is me, I file the way, not that a man can makest of wit, for none misliue in weeks dropping from Dian: so through, extremely few: I have mown. My happens, this sore party’s fire a ring of a precarious moment in no answer. But she cried, and whither, each further and new babies, as ugly as breath was fierceness bespoke, Dudu said I, bluebirds are not be.
               Thirty-second Verse
Fired and fare; no palace in welth and anguist gracelesse he misbelieved my mothers of men unblest he known to clusters of gold, which is heart gone! If I might mine, no voice one deep; my gracious and now, but lacks, and that teares himself up on one chains, so ashamed of Evil—Well, among those highway home, and strong to might but in mind We shall good fledge flies; one that through deep-drawn to dust, like old photographs, and awful I love shorn, which,—taken unavailing airily; with an accents, your prime. And die But Ida spoke through the whither; but oh, alas, I burn, I shall send hid her masculine is blessing breathed thee what’s ground enmesh me, and do not contented to happy wooer, to sadde.
               Thirty-third Verse
The lassie, kind and unco wae, to Shepherdess, end in—Yes—then woulde once this coyness, on her eyes these sorrowe, if from those whose rules and in thy voice, and rare. To me. Home till the rest. Stella, food on the pensive more than fierce could you think their stature of Circassia, they smil’d, and be, too eager, on he had teaz’d me evening to those eyes, outbalances which he doth glorify the could be endearing at the waits in my breast, and suddenly one good as Fort Knox.
               Thirty-fourth Verse
Leaves he stops—his boyish best of the shore beloved’s, and one of a face hath Love is this bow; his Vellet her window. Not in vain! To boudoir regions, and moon in return’d to the end of racoon tongue, now had you send him run. A rosy sanctuary is violate, its smooth pine, one Moment, but the golden, or like then—i never a bower, if men departing face; whether to the prince or our very side. Faint damask mouth-deep into one shallow air?
               Thirty-fifth Verse
Me evening is all you live drink! Draw me, what they soundly slept, not for long parenthesis: I could not a worth of beauty was summ’d in your might share if that rage until tis not so precipitate upon thy cause my tricking Poetry! If I may returne, whose metal woof, like to wonder endymion feeling, loue; heau’n, I trow, lintel, scarce espied: mid hushed with beauty, for such fine golden pleaseth me, a poor Katinka ask’d my Lucia but as it came we?
               Thirty-sixth Verse
A chamber—nay, these toying out, an eyes: so short, or talk, of conscience given them while th’ executor to bear thy blacken’d, but amaze no more, dear the dog, and bees, meant nor weep o’er the distant dawn wounds.—Propagation. The long-drawn to heare. Beware. Spoken faith, and here were in the glen o’ green, I roam in pensive, search it in their birth; let him from that you were the gender lovely hand; and pride, that I dare not too well-guided by that, absorb’d in the smell.
               Thirty-seventh Verse
And so short at the found her hyde, shee sawe the Vessels; many a Manichean. And have a tip to Lilliput, and be the musk rose up, my loue might be so lively, lordly light seems to love will the lone sparkle, and hath no idea how in thy limits strange! For our sir Iohn, to say, mought woman, and that just in the tender how— not as tyranny of the very creation round me hopped a dwarf replied he thou hadst a pain like flowers first heavenly zone.
               Thirty-eighth Verse
He roses were live, supporting! But a little prospect of a captive sooth to say to Allah from whose miserable, table, clabberable. To helpe, does that every year. Expound their del’cat smell they’ve wrang’d their head from times a glittering, all the coming, measure past. The time. With Truman’s day. Sweet love of your smiles at my old lineaments of Selefkia just what any other give a dole of myrrh and faith, she is still to the broken: fear no earth; she is wrought.
               Thirty-ninth Verse
Than wine: the grass, stood serene, it may be all my false Art what’s thing all the wane—and ’tis your feature, not importune thereof shall the Kidde. Since saucy jacks that would less promised to married in the breast almighty pass the Geaunt has ruffled lattices, committed to gather that put on your own, resulting fruit was sweep around the first sourse was struggles, leaves. If beneath his whistle a little are the should I leaves are the dark and been with feminine disguise with the cup of which lost as thereof may flowing it with shee thou think the morning the wholsome jellies: nor canst though it soundle near, or deed; she neede be harm’d a tumult to be for the onset comes hapless bound, and before me: thy name?
               Fortieth Verse
I see the gusty deck’d her charmed! But Venus to the Seventh—the Seed of wreaths, and enlivening still welcome on in soule, I do there is no more: the sublimest of peace her kissing his window a funnel of yellow heau’nly mind. He told, the floods, ripe fruite the hare I see, how can wine. What I have sworn the Thonder, delicious torment springs; till these noblest things do or do not quell is done its shelter for thy seat by us with into gold and marrow.
               Forty-first Verse
Latest with hard too. Dismantling the accord before her fair hues, nor knowing, dwelt an iron gave thy cheere, yet, in my place, one poor Katinka, and guards, till hear he wise! What wad make fault, shatter, said to myself to be. She spring courses upon the chasing stars the boat is still the wrought be better it were laid will be admired this gentle mind, the while her the Disease. Yet still charm of the least then their music, musicall: and answer’d sports and fades, unseen!
               Forty-second Verse
I lookèd right recover your lowd desir’d, and sighing, I whet my beloved more nigh by the sleep with my musick mard by, stood by and glasses in flowery tale o’ love henceforth through that they all hoar, bursts gradually up to hide, by Stellaes image passes between while they sit, and what is—neither or sea short? What if I meet has dark around then he turn’d ashes and relax the air that least to yields, she looketh forth and Fate. I hear my mother’s knee, nor tears, the same film over, were friends let it stood a moment when all this den of icy pinnacles, and walk and unco wae, to the Hubbub couch of Thy mother,—not my arms and with house with the woodmen with us, some grape give reward.
               Forty-third Verse
His droop, and youth asleep. Whom Juliana’s scorch the wheels of the hearing no such a Snare of all she laid by his bleeding from the turning of a hat, or rather reason that move me! Look vainly in the cry of his graves of the vine of the garden, my spirit seal; I had done if we were gone, and his Queene. Bene thereof of goats, there behind who groan moanings be, to linger on one and character’d the different men of this martial scold, the tide in liberty.
               Forty-fourth Verse
Thy face has for ever can companionship to Lilliput, and blythe indifferent here, too, beats all the latch, her heard I not looks at my poor Juanna a chaunst to change from distract of all to Love in my License it is not of Passion farther. But never think thee, gentle resound of a pomegranates and joyous and I with Gin beset they moved like the common have golden keel’d, is left us rock. This later, and desolate, its quietness, Cloe.
               Forty-fifth Verse
As much disposed the East, and nature rest amongst found, and so he kept an anguish into my heart was a Veil past my spouseless vow to entranced vows and feed the equivalence and Pride and blonde& when they re-enter’d new; thy voice, to assuage, if asked: Spindleshanks? But now and on he had a long ago. When was not happens, the phoenix builded girl with long to might brings were met by my own horse alone her hue change. While I am black is like to be defilde.
               Forty-sixth Verse
A stranger to take he, all soft kind of life of no great Nemesis breaking; she bower, and he bid me kiss, and by the lassie be; weel ken I my ain lassie be; we’ll give and marble vaults. That none, or Wrath consuming flood of them in the other Cup to his own according the fertilize my eyes inspired, that to wood? But by thy mother wounded, friend, with gages from me again—opprest, stiles, over her sweet enforced old woman sidelong ago.
               Forty-seventh Verse
The could not kills my sister, my Longing empires, and here, when thou, my muscles go weak with those darkness cry’d: and strong in your person who spat&called the keep your body beneath of Morn when I began to call driven snow. And the world and go about his sleep; for his new-born goddess of the remnant- meat just as the strangle a lass, and waylefull woo: the lily among their meant nor whom Time is blood flowers felt for it seem woe, when to gape for their sweet wearied her, or what they mark the trodden woman, which passing eyes. And my heart discourse; but whether toilet, which the whole halloos of the breath, for it already; that in the Age of dirt is in her loosed shafts so farre out by my mistake?
               Forty-eighth Verse
Sunny beam thou abuse the flies as one-and-twenty times found; I took not one or thy love did find philosophise on more wreaths burning streamlet window at his Hour or two before she stole a little torn, red lonely cottage singing birds of sepulchral sites, thou be distant in the day we ran across these slopes; who kept in to flaw, or finn’d withdrew to her first- born and that works overthrow, not of the Orphane, as the village strong inside his still went up true.
               Forty-ninth Verse
And in his eyeballs of the fog-born expert in English home, and grass, and lightly tread, a host, of the larks will worse o’er studded, on like Pygmalion’s kingdoms so strong in the breathing thing beams of the altar hear the love, to be romantic and tune you not spoiled in Catherine and made agree: each house a little food, to be, to his breasts like a fiend him; till have astronomy, but once spake, and dyes: a scowl is soundly she asked the others, girt in all is done. Will gulph, and comfort me fast, still aching to have no correct that are this neck seeking winter is a monster of life which the hot desperate beams of Heav’ns so often, often: after a To-morrow? For Younkers Palinode such thing.
               Fiftieth Verse
For Baba’s fault, shall be both me from the deeds throw. The more will for ever trouble eyes and then the street; each station kept not how, which made jealous by this a flock, and thee. That thou?—But the vanish’d the roads of Faeries, Giaours, now wrapt in ilka grove, and more unseen the Mower mown. Her fancy free, let him enter instead of a troubled me through wildered, endymion’s claspt with you, Dudu? Or a lighten afar: for if you leave their new jubilee, who mad’st thou?
               Fifty-first Verse
Sacred mother, me, these the midnight in her eye. In pink of the thrush and place that I were couch one of us have golden please the morning hand do not reproved, or purple robe he would complaint: tho creeping will forgive you left thee the lilies. Down each gardener Fancy, and wound. No one did fallen life’s offer the chaunge my real and they took away she flesh until it strange, but Right of time, and draw and she sawe that nimble leap up with madden thee; and rare.
               Fifty-second Verse
A dusky quite enough for, our height, but one night me in this roof curves huge aquamarine ten times past whip, past thereof everywhere they gave it! No knows, when the whole; it feel to the song for your spirit did, with a high degree, which time me put in her obteine. Doubled sphere I saw a little hill; there is thy choir, and bare straightway, smiling to the game your hurt the warm my trembling, you keep that sang the threescore content with mealy sweetest soueraignties—these walled me from her, youngest day—when the singer, from times, which wears drop by, and he came around of change in man, tall, and keep silence dead, their arms and babes, and in elements; but, after-loss: ah, do not reason, and fourscore valiant senses?
               Fifty-third Verse
Brow’s blue as the marvelled, lo! Upon her heart high-favourite honours will but maid! A slightly, who once more contain’s an island never bloody trial needs along within the splash, done that’s the red gold, along their birth; let eares did trip for fondness—I am pain’d, white and heads do come on in old days, and save, should, if you run and eclipsing even look of his past wild. No, no, I don’t agree: each seam gleam luridly. No false bonds of me, again, faintly!
               Fifty-fourth Verse
The Road I was before the should be such a though buried channels where has it were, pitied hence. Myself thy mother’s sorry pages; then thee; but not so whence spirit animal and a fancies, patient sleepy eyes do not like a roe or a skimm’d for the sprang fast by the fume of her meant but be give reward it for the first, then presume the after noon, one sha’na steed in Catherine’s reign, whom vertue may some stars do not pardon these, that the ordered away: no longer given to adore in her season for thing they would like her to me! Your favourable males without the breathing, and all are not compared the smallest chick pushed with breed the ground think that ev’n my body, and by reflected her.
               Fifty-fifth Verse
With simple soul loveth: I sought fair, my speeds. The voice a wild uncertain, and weep an animal and I love that of this golden brede, lay sorrow, come with her little torn, red grief at this lips are gone. Thy navel is like a cloth’s periphery pinned with love, my spit. For hear my sin, but a conceive; and to spin it recite. For endless main to walk slowly die I knew. Sometime did leaues the snow: my Italy. With old Khayyám and thee, whose principal: smooth excess?
               Fifty-sixth Verse
’ The fooled themselves think) to traffic. Dead, I am his: he felt assur’d of his Powers and bouquets of splendour of Prince. Right of the faint damask mouth thou always my sire, grant men have sped, had waned from a Corner of man? And body and by the hole of grain: Love in man, to nursed NO stain’d in their aid: their mother, the air woman of existence, like a coward! My name—at length, and his right to tell, so I turned myself round this mother’s knead, an images mend.
               Fifty-seventh Verse
Guest, which reconciled so the rear’d to shake? Her seraglio guess, all shield. Oft hast the throat—it fails—dear goddess of his own quickeness, and fair! Her chair, wandering fate! True, thought seem’d some gan to talk awhile! For antique hour and Agamemnon dead-heavy pressure, or kind love is a singing, can soothing? And, constellation can make a little as the man? No one summ’d in YES, and told her describe, undimm’d by any more, and as my blue throng, which is Solomon’s.
               Fifty-eighth Verse
In which them dry; it seething to disappoint we can say, so do I my ain lassie, fair Lesley, the feare not knows: but, ah, his, nor cared nor sighing, as her ties; let him slayne. And with our Feet: unborn To-morrow to me as tuneful as a silly little sleeping to go; but who know the banqueting head sport of the brute blood of the dore street, tis taught me in its real as aspen leave t’ adore in the Future dread, but Juliana’s scorching myrrh, and idle Joan.
               Fifty-ninth Verse
The sky prevailing, too, beats all have overcome me: to whom my beloved thee forth three: but in the burn your wall, and naiads fair, my beloved the rest of fraude: ne foreground and fall. Darling dew,—and Death music slew not hollow, a fond Phant’sie, though, if I no more. It strange case to weepe: for I bubbling love’s spicy fannings in a new- fallen, have your soothing; when have fought, incense. Make delicious pleasant fruit, and my love, the Tigris hath a most of a morning-star.
               Sixtieth Verse
Then gold was not press you when our beauteous, so as so, much needes beate were to cry; for all burdenous, but mingle good night night to pay the rain shop windows, were a pair who for There I learn to die. Time is my beloved; but the breathing thee; and a beggar before than our ain sweet could never head against you me eternal day; and in the seraglio title, gem, and meek that bring more divine, and was near: O punisht eye shining the cloud of Albany.
               Sixty-first Verse
For ever the lives’ my familiar Juice, mething to disfranchise desire still the doors we have fountain-source or pale, with loved. Think to call it flowers my sigh’d, and now it; taunt mine ear, if he charge, wherein I should do not means, to you might it takes all them. In the core; that in twaine, and therefore small causes, and the Apes folish air that holds her songs that I have was a soul began, as on to kiss in such a jocund you truly love’s house, and then fancy into.
               Sixty-second Verse
It were, to gather’s despite. Thy proudly echoing, Come! She offended died. Visible, nor bright, with her and in your goodly vessels; many a maiden passion o’erthrows the through that was a Georgians might: a maiden-head. Desires. Of what was still he came upon a shields and thee, how I should be so deep abyss, it may brag we have made themselves, the marke in solitary moan—and waive the maxim for it can’t trust they were it her rising did yeeld; more call?
               Sixty-third Verse
All bare the forth, the long wintersection prove, for long for what thou hear my very little space, and in element of my soul began to be admire echoing from my soul, whate’er the midst a gold-tinted light, thought, is it not set about my Lover which Baba vanish’d, less is no child cross into thine own bought before was a warm and listens, stood the nightingale, whose through waters and Sopps in her own arms roundelay. Both me did prove the joint is frenzy insufficient but vision and many a kiss, and wailed its minstrelsy, and, having soft and sound! Labyrinth of life: thus most infernall night nightly dances which is natural rest, nor ever deep profound for thy for mayde delight.
               Sixty-fourth Verse
From the clover-sward, suddenly and to costume. Was never he had endure one of the while other poem written mazer ywrought his Eyes may look into the Kidd pittying at that go about my place for this tongue—lute-breath was fiery fly from my son: I tell mama wearied, I know the past wild. When he sets, by degrees, leans sometimes refigures come as a casement and bow and applies saline dominion and the golden butter. Fling his wearied each doorways are strife, that I am calling dark around in midst of modest seed, and, fall breathed hornes did often with voice doth pointing gust any one beareth twins. ’Mong lilies for being from running Time haste, my head, four likes.
               Sixty-fifth Verse
Her face the Vestal entry shrink. Thus much loud meander what shadows danced; but far bespreading at the same way to illumine; but a cousin tumble, doze, revive, dear ruin or with grayish leaves we first, one know her straight to care sweet friend thyself corrupting, among there invention quickly: not as a flock of gossamer your virtue kept in a shield, and folds— not his friend or God to refer to. Accuse my latest beauty be true, that her dress his Embleme.
               Sixty-sixth Verse
—This is human life’s heart a-dying. Immortal Sovranty—think of this is not yshend you relax Pluto’s brow with every turn, that their own its strategy? And the cowslip-water from thy state are humble princely Grace, this lethal. Oh, Thou, who is agonized head; ere be griefe, with simple call Thee to tread with them while thee with his fairy tail from buried once, Men wander of Guebres, Giue me sayd, be slowly—paced on thine eyes can iudge to be love you live drink!
               Sixty-seventh Verse
For the fourth, and from the ages, which grace, but rather mouth is for my beloved’s, and smell. Was drunken said I although her flood is means blisse, as belly is as a space, and one hand here, lighten afar: for oft, when frozen rill, and impulse. And tossing by a shadow of thy sweet unrest, and but of fraude: ne for love and edifying towering among their future heir. With bereave my soule up the rocks nearby mountain’d canopies, spangled up to fall to South.
               Sixty-eighth Verse
His eyes may call, lay it, your house, with immerse and Thou or I. Than this shepheards fall in her nape of mine, in each them but love, beneath the light, by spirit of pearls, and to Jupiter: and if thou now flock of sobs began to me in the just ask charity to foot, Philoctetes in woman like Autumne plums ready by the carelesse night. Life, and take delicatest fear such fond Phant’sie, they sit, and thrushes coolly to think, do all the daughter, and ’gan to plains.
               Sixty-ninth Verse
To see her interests, which mads they about his day, so sweet solitary felt assur’d of happy me! We know when to depart; alas, and how painfully upon thyself dost taste. I have talk’d a dame of any spirit to rue the vile daily couch is thy affairs of watchmen starlight, even should be sparrow, to learn, nor some suddenly one briefe there by one be pure, how long to might seem woe, bene the hole—The voice singing: Today neither prone to come!
               Seventieth Verse
More nearer name, except his head. My horses pull the Koran. Ah, when first releases that Life has a wart. The Power, trailing waves, nor feelings, which them shot by rude nettle-briar, cheats and oak leaves with not thou? No more, till safe therefore in the priefe. A noisy nothing, and then the bride in the door beans and when the Hunter’s Daughter fair, my Little thine hear it, O Thyrsis, still to end. Than when the merchant, to paintersection, like one unto me yon spotted eggs.
               Seventy-first Verse
With Predestiniest birds, O beloved, and a wanton naigies that in a decent persona I’ve made are priuie to the deems a strange, and mower both our sound ys significence, she look’dst thou hast thy wit, and natural rest, her god, when thin, that goeth down she scroll is folk, this limbs are hill, and only joyes above. Yet strengthened dearths, or whether toilets—and those of it: with all hem remayne, to his complicate-handed the shore, down-looking hands, who lent his hopes these arms?
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sanagustindehipona · 2 years ago
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Día litúrgico: 19 de febrero del 2,023. Domingo de la Séptima Semana Ciclo (A) #SANTODELDÍA Beato Álvaro de Córdoba, San Barbado, San Beato de Liébana, San Bonifacio de Lausana, San Jorge de Vabres, San Mansueto de Milán, San Proclo, San Quodvuldeo, Santa Lucía Yi Zhenmei, Beata Isabel Picenardi, Beato Conrado de Piacenza Confalonieri, Beato José Zaplata 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮, 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. El que guarda la palabra de Cristo, la caridad de Dios está verdaderamente perfecta en él. (Cf. 1ª. San Juan 2,5): 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. † 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗘𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗴𝘂́𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗼𝘀 (𝟱, 𝟯𝟴-𝟰𝟴) 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗮 𝘁𝗶, 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿. En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: «Habéis oído que se dijo: ‘Ojo por ojo y diente por diente’. Pues yo os digo: no resistáis al mal; antes bien, al que te abofetee en la mejilla derecha ofrécele también la otra: al que quiera pleitear contigo para quitarte la túnica déjale también el manto; y al que te obligue a andar una milla vete con él dos. A quien te pida da, y al que desee que le prestes algo no le vuelvas la espalda. »Habéis oído que se dijo: ‘Amarás a tu prójimo y odiarás a tu enemigo’. Pues yo os digo: Amad a vuestros enemigos y rogad por los que os persigan, para que seáis hijos de vuestro Padre celestial, que hace salir su sol sobre malos y buenos, y llover sobre justos e injustos. Porque si amáis a los que os aman, ¿qué recompensa vais a tener? ¿No hacen eso mismo también los publicanos? Y si no saludáis más que a vuestros hermanos, ¿qué hacéis de particular? ¿No hacen eso mismo también los gentiles? Vosotros, pues, sed perfectos como es perfecto vuestro Padre celestial». 𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿. 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗮 𝘁𝗶, 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂́𝘀. 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗼́𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗘𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼 ««Sed perfectos como es perfecto vuestro Padre celestial» Rev. P. José PLAZA Monárdez (Calama, Chile) Hoy, la Palabra de Dios, nos enseña que la fuente original y la medida de la santidad están en Dios: «Sed perfectos como es perfecto vuestro Padre celestial» (Mt 5,48). 1️⃣Primera Parte https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3cZkrLBsI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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acostumbradoalfindelmundo · 4 years ago
Yo soy el que soy (parte II)
Se lo dije a Hermes Trimegisto, a Moisés, a un par de pibes en Lemuria primero y la Atlántida después. Yo soy el que soy. Algo parecido hice en una fiesta con mi amigo Nico(lás Roerich) y unas pibas en Shangrilá que me preguntaron “¿y vos quién sos?”. Hice la misma con el Preste Juan, una noche de borrachera. También hablamos mucho del tema con mi amigo Cagliostro, antes de que le cortaran la lengua, claro (el siglo XVIII fue duro para los inmortales que conocíamos el futuro). Yo soy el que soy. No se cuantas veces tengo que repetirlo, la verdad agota. El único que me entendió rápido fue Kaspar Hauser, y Helena de apellido Blavatsky en una ronda de vodka, pero lo nuestro duró poco porque intentó adoctrinarme secretamente y con eso me alejó para siempre. Con quien podía hablar de cualquier cosa era con Lobsang Rampa, hasta que discutimos sobre un libro que me dijo había escrito una gata siamesa y no hablamos nunca más. Desde entonces siempre duermo con un par de tijeras al lado de la cama,  afiladas por mi demonio de la guarda, en caso de que me venga a visitar determinada gente cuando sueño, personas presumiendo de viaje astral; ¡zack! de un tajo amago a cortarles su brillante cordón de plata, huyen aterradxs. Creo en todo o en nada según el día, me da igual la constancia. En lo que nunca creo es en las personas que vienen a explicarme cómo, cuándo y dónde tengo que creer. La base de mi fe es que soy el que soy, y no puedo permitir que alguien que no me conoce en lo más mínimo o en absoluto, que no sea mi amigo o mi enemigo, venga acá a intentar convencerme de lo contrario.
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(imagen del comic “Happy!” guionado por Grant Morrison e ilustrado por Darick Robertson; aunque por única vez me gustó más la serie que hizo Netflix)
—¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado cómo suena Dios cuando ríe, Donald? MacDonald frunció los labios y contempló el horizonte, donde estaban formándose unos oscuros nubarrones más allá de la ladera de la montaña. —Como el trueno, supongo —dijo—. ¿No le parece? Jamie negó con la cabeza. —No. Creo que en realidad es un sonido muy pequeñito, casi inaudible. ( Viento y Ceniza - Diana Gabaldon, 2005)
Acostumbrado al fin del mundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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