redfoxv · 4 months
The sleep setting in. My eyes becoming heavy. Mind is drifting off. I roll over wrapping you around me. I can feel you warm embrace. Exrasensory tingles harmonize with something deep inside. Completely enveloped. Free to abandon the physical. Into the dreamlands synchronized with thw harmonic bliss of the extasensory physical ensations.
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catiuapavel · 1 year
Donnalto Presance's death quotes
Donnalto is one of these characters I find are unfairly overlooked. To me, he's one of the best examples of how Tactics Ogre's large secondary cast is written with a lot of care and continues to develop alongside the narrative. He's one of the first characters you meet and while he's not essential to the game's intrigue, his story as a pious man seeking revenge after the orphans he cared for in his church die as consequence of Almorica falling ties in well with Denam's patriotic and vengeful zeal which people like the duke and Leonar embolden (though he ought to have more maturity and distance). In spite of his status as a minor character and an early recruit, Donnalto continues to interact with enemies you face, even well into Chapter 3 in Chaos route's case.
Donnalto's death quotes are some of my favourites. They reaffirm his personality alongside his various exchanges throughout Tactics Ogre and complement his growth on each route.
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CH2 Lawful
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CH3 Lawful
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This is my personal favourite! The switch between the previous one and this one is acute as he goes from showing a hint of remorse to outright believing he's made a pact with the devil... which is an intense analogy for a churchman. And its implications don't bode well for Denam.
CH2 Chaos
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CH3 Chaos
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CH3 Neutral
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In his ending, Donnalto moves back to Almorica where his former church lies destroyed with children the war has orphaned, and he's able to resume his former life albeit with a more pragmatic approach to his faith. The contrast between his CH1 quote and his last CODA's quote highlights this very well.
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featheredcritter · 1 year
Being thought about is genuinely a jumpscare. Ain't no way i'm in peoples heads
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society-of-non-cats · 5 months
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H-hey, what did you mean by the Nikos back-
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*Zera gets an Arial view and sees between 10 and 20 Nikos going about daily life*
*Searching for any other type of creature, Zera fails to spy any...*
*Zera does however detect the presance of a working, if not strained, world machine*
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Loving the Wardlow appreciation rn. Can I request a one shot where the reader is feeling self concious, and Wardaddy shows them how much he loves and appreciates them? 💚
Positive Affirmations
Wardlow X Fem reader
An: Let's pretend that this request was in my inbox since October....
Main Masterlist Wardlow Masterlist
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I hated seeing Y/n so down on herself. Ever since her injury she had developed this dark cloud over her head. I know not being able to wrestle or travel was hard on her, in fact it was hard on me too. I missed spending all day every day with her. It was lonely spending sleepless nights in random hotels. All I wanted was her next to me.
When I finally returned from another long week on the road I was looking forward to spending the few days I had off with her. When I opned the front door I was expecting her to be on the other side with open arms, waiting for my return. However that was not the case. When I entered the house I was welcomed by darkness. All the lights had been turned off and all the blinds were shut. I would have assumed that Y/n was not home but her car was in the driveway.
I called out to her and awaited a response, nothing. Turned on the lights on the main floor and noticed the house was oddly clean. Sure our house wasn't necessarily messy but it was never this clean. It was strange how organized everything had seemed. As I went farther into the kitchen I noticed a thin layer of dust on a cookbook. Weird, I thought to myself. I knew Y/n was in the house, I could feel her presance but where could she be?
I quietly made my way up to the second floor where I noticed our master bedroom door was open ever so slightly. I carefully opned it to find a blob of blankets.
"What's wrong honey?" I asked the blanket monster who I know knew was my girlfriend. "I'm so tired" wispred Y/n. I removed the layers of blankets and joined Y/n in bed. "I know baby, I know it's been hard but you are doing so well. I'm so proud of you" I told her reassringly. She nussled up to me, laying her head on my chest as I began to trace circles along her spine. "I'm a mess" "Baby you are not a mess, why would you say that?" "Look at me, I can't do anything. All I do is rot away in bed like a sick victorian child. I look horrible, I look sick"
I could feel her tears begin to fall. I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me as she cried. "I know, I know. It's okay, you're okay now. I'm here" I told her as I kissed her temple. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this" Y/n said barley above a whisper. "There is nothing to be sorry about. I love you so much. I want you to understand there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you. We are going to get through this together."
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nox140497 · 9 months
What the Hell?
SUMMARY: You are the current Batgirl after Steff . The Titans have not met you yet, but you know who they are. In this one, Raven has had a crush on Damian for a while.
Prompt List
Part 1 part 2 part 3
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~~~~~~~~Y/N p.o.v.~~~~~~~~~
I was sitting at the Batcomputer waiting for Bruce and the boys to come home and listening to Tim and Damian arguing through the comm in my ear, occasionally one of the others wiuld chip in and make a coment.
I had been benched from going out because I had been sick last week and Damian being the overprotective boyfriend he is did not want me out in the field until he deemed me 100% better, and of caurse Bruce agreed because where do you think Damian got it from.
So here I was whatching the camaras and making sure all my boys were safe, because despite Damian being my boyfriend his brothers were like my own big brothers especially Jason.
~~~~~~~Raven's p.o.v.~~~~~~
We were on our way to the Batcave to get Robin(Damian) because we had a lead on a vilian in Jump City, and we needed his help.
As we got in the cave, there was a girl that we had never seen before sitting in front of the computer.
I was confused by the girl's presance here. I mean Damian has told us about all of his family members. So who the hell was this chick.
~~~~~~~~Y/N p.o.v.~~~~~~~~~
I turned descreatly at hearing others in the cave and saw who I knew to be the Teen Titans, though I had never met them. What? I'm not a Batkid for nothing, I informed the boys that we had company and to get their butts over here.
I whatched them attempt to sneak up on me and I rolled my eyes, pppfftt you can't sneak up on a batkid, nevermind the current Batgirl, I let them think their plan was working, I was  curious as to what they would do.
Suddenly, I feel myself being pulled out of the chair by Ravens magic. I knew what demon magic felt like. After all , I met Ras Al Ghul, and she might only be half demon, but she was still a demon.
I was floated in the air as everybody looked up at me.
"Who are you?" Raven growled at me.
I was about to say something when everyone was distracted by the motercycles coming in. So it's only the birds.
"I would put her down if I were you." I heard Dick say with a slightly colder tone than usual. It was weird to hear the normally happy bird speak in such a cold tone.
Raven looked at me and then to all four of the birds, then back at me, finally letting me down.
I looked at them and then turned to the boys and noticed that Jason was bleeding and I nearly facepalmed as I sighed walking over to him and grabbing his arm. "I leave the computer for not even 5 minutes and you somehow manage to get yourself hurt." I grumble in exasperation. The bugger just smiled at me sheepishly as I patched him up as the others spoke to the Titans.
~~~~~Raven's p.o.v.~~~~~~~~
So this girl, Y/N they said her name was, is Damians girlfriend. I must admit I am slightly jealous I mean I've had a crush on him ever since he joined the team and now he is dating some other girl. All that aside I don't trust her.
~~~~~~~~~Y/N's p.o.v.~~~~~~~
After the Titans left, with Damian saying he would join them sometime tomorrow, we all headed up to bed.
I got into Damians bed beside him, as I do every time I know that Damian is leaving the manor for a while, I snuggle into his chest and soak in all his warmth.
"I love you, Beloved." He said, burying his nose in my hair. I smiled softly."  I love you too, Dami."
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fbfh · 2 years
Hello, recently I finished the school for good and evil books, and I fell in love with Hort, but he has literally no content x reader, so you can give hort simps some romantic content? Sorry if my english is confusing, it's not my first language .
first of all TASTE. Hort is so underrated. okay I'm not gonna lie. by the time you realize you're in love with Hort, he has already been very in love with you for a very long time. he's not really one to keep that quiet either. the vibes are a little similar to my loud simp eddie munson series bc they both have very public shameless crushes on you and full unwavering belief that you'll end up together. and with how devoted Hort is to you, he notices when you start to fall for him. the first sign was when your hands brushed in class, and when he stopped swooning he noticed the way you glanced back over at him. you weren't looking at him like that last week. that night he prays to whatever evil entities are out there that this is the first step to you liking him back. it turns out it is, and he watches you start to get more and more flustered by his attention, start really noticing him in a way you hadn't, appreciating his presance in a way others take for granted. he suddenly gets why evers make such a big deal about shouting their love from the rooftops, he could climb on top of mischief tower and scream to the entire endless woods about you until he's hoarse. the tension between you builds and builds as you start to realize you like Hort, like a lot, which makes him even more devoted to you, think about you even more than he has been (which is impressive since it was almost constant before). when your crush on him starts to get you distracted in classes you used to excel at, when the tension is too much for him to bear, he'll corner you in the halls late at night. the moonbeams cast a hazy glow through the fog outside the windows as he grabs your shoulders, firm and gentle and spills his guts to you again. it's not the first time he's declared his love to you, but it feels different this time. really different. it's making you flushed, making your heart pound, and it makes you think back to the way he's turned down every girl who's ever looked at him without a second thought, declaring his heart is already yours. he's nearing the end of his speech, about to beg you to give him a chance, when you pull him in, pressing your lips to his. he freezes, then he melts, pulling you closer to him and kissing you with everything he's got, everything he's felt for you since he's known you. he's not sure what it's like for evers, but he thinks this has to be the most true true love's kiss there's ever been, and he has never, ever been happier than he is with you in his arms.
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fokron · 1 year
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I’m still thinking about a post that said something like: It’s so funny during the timothy arc how Kanda and Allen are attached at the hip + sharing a braincell. After Allen said, with a sad, stupid-ass smile, “yeah kanda just hates my presance lol” 
anyways compilation of exactly that. I hate them <3
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infernothechaosgod · 7 months
Okay so we all know that mickey stayed in wasteland at the end of epic mickey 2 and I know for a fact in em 3 either he was suppoust to get out and find a way back bc something was wrong with him(and the blot still being very much a part of him) or his friends from the cartoon world were meant to notice his absense and somehow find a way into wasteland
But since em 2 is the end and were cut from any action I like to belive mickey just settled in wasteland, since he still has the brush he could probably be a nurse, in epic mickey 2 we see that mickey can use paint on oswald to fix him up as he dies/melts so probably he could do the same to others but diffrent wounds and overall damages work diffrently so being a nurse would make alot more sense for him than just spraying paint on lets say broken arm and poof its fixed! It should be in the right position and looked at before fixing up
Also since fanny used to be a nurse during old oswald shorts she could be his guide/mentor in it, they could be work buddies and the sald coming out of their mouth would be enough to make ocean jaleous and id love that, plus i think mickeys optimism and positive/calming presance would work really well with fanny's sassy and often grounded views/realism since shes been a nurse for much longer
They could even have their own clinic somewhere a bit further away from action where theyd chill after going around wasteland checking and helping people
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maxismp1 · 1 year
I'm here now, König...
König x reader. Angst, comfort and bit of graphic stuf
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You and König knew eachother since the very start.. Him being a colonel and you a simple lieutenant. Many missions togetger and separated, feelings caught, hurt and yet again, revived.
This OP was no diferent then other. A simple get in, grab intel and get out. Nothing can be simple. König was caught. Evryone only found out after a week of his absence. And you, the second you found out , volontered to find him. Assembling a small squad of 4 people to find was a quick thing. Everyone wanted there colonel to come back, even tho some daubted he was alive at all.
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"Blitz in, climbing levels" your voice chimes true the coms while you climb the stairs where he was held. Once clena black uniform now coverd in dark red liquid. Many bodies behind you, left to rot. They have died by your hand, and so will others in your way.
Soon, you reach the final door, quickly and quietly taking out the two guards. Painfull yet hushed groans and pleades are geard from the other side of the door.. All of them to familiar.
With your strenght, you push the heavy door open. In there you see something that would make even the Ghost puke. König was chained by his hands to the roof, making his body dangle a bit. His legs tied to one another. Body bare, only underwear on. Many bruises, newly opend wounds, blood driping from his body onto the cold concreet floor. They striped him off of any pride or secretys. Even the mask torn and trown onto the floor. His soft ginger hair that you loved to run your fingers true now fallen onto his face, sticking onto the bloodied forhead.
Inside were two other guards and a man holding a dagger, once drgaing it over his body but noe standing aware of your presance.
You fully push the door open, standing in the middle with a dagger in hand, eyes widen in rage and discust. Without a word you leap and attack. Slicing the mans neck and hitting his head onto the floor. The dagger trown onto one of the other guards, hiting dead centar of its chest. As the final guard gose to fire his wepon, you duck and trip him. Quickly stanfing up and stoping on tgere skull. Killing them aswell.
Heavy breathing come out if your lips as you catch your breath. A small groan if pain leaves Königs lips, slowly turning your head in his direction before walking to him.
"what have they done to you.." you move to gently remove the chains around his hands. As the restraints were cut off, Konig slumped over onto your shoulder. He breathed a sigh of relief now that the fight was over, but the injuries he had sustained were obvious.He winced as he put weight on his legs, wincing in pain.He tried to regain his footing, but you could tell he wasn't doing too well.He took a step towards you before his knees collapsed, and he went down hard.
"hey hey hey.." you stand infront of him. Even as he is kneeling, he is few inches taller. "konig, hey.. Take it slowly... All of them are dead, no one can hurt you.. Others are outside waiting... We have time.." you sit on the floor and move so his head rests on your lap. speaking into the coms for rainforcments to help lift him and get him to the vheicle broth hid atention back to you, but it didnt last long.
He rested his head on your lap, taking a couple deep breaths. He then looked up at you, his injured face was now only a few inches away.
"You came..." he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Blitz could see a faint blush come across Konig's face as she realized that he was resting on her lap. He glanced down but didn't move off, instead he stayed where he was, allowing her to comfort him while they waited for reinforcements.
"of course.. Always.."
Konig nodded again, glancing down at his naked and injured body. It had been cold, but now that he was with you and no longer fighting for his life he could start thinking about other things.
"Blitz...can I ask you something...?" he said softly, still keeping his head on your lap.
"save your energy.. I need you to stay awaik for me, okay?"
Konig smiled faintly at you before he let out a small sigh. His head was still resting on your lap, and now he was covered by your jacket as well.
"You...you really care about me, don't you?" he said softly, glancing back up at you.
"You came all this way to help me..."
He paused for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Thank you, Blitz..."
"of course König. Always for you, onky for you.." his eyes start to drop, and eory groes within you
"König, please dont.. Stay awisk for me"
"Mhm..." Konig mumbled as he closed his eyes.
He leaned a little forward, his body now resting completely on your lap. He was so close to you that you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
You gently ran your fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his face. His face was still injured, his forehead still had some blood on it, his nose bruised, his cheeks covered with scrapes and cuts.
"come on.. Please"
Konig was drifting in and out of sleep as you spoke to him. His body was exhausted from fighting and from the torture he had endured.
Despite your protests, he continued to doze off. You could feel his body shifting slightly in your lap, as if he were falling asleep.
Konig's breathing became slower and more shallow as he drifted off.
"fuck.." you nudge him, trying to get him to wake up, but no avail.. Soon, footsteps are heard of the others. Once they reach you, everything becomes a blur.. Medic yelling, people pickint him up and bringing him to the vehicle .. Everything was happening to fast.
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Gotta admit. I havent done any of stories in more then a year. So eola.
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
The Mist (Law X reader)
Plot: A strange mist rolls in out of nowhere causing the heart crew to see strange things, can they find the source of it before its too late?
WARNING: this contains dead loved ones, suicide, reader self harm, trickery, drugs, bad language and violence. This deals with some heavy shit so if your not in the right mind or can't ready stuff like this please dont read.
Minors DO NOT read
Reader is GN and in an established relationship with Law.
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Leaning on the railing of the deck you watch the water, the cool breeze wasing over you as the sub moves half submerged in the water letting the crew get some fresh air. Bepo lies asleep on the floor next to you finding the sub to be too hot sometimes with his thick fur. Other crew members came and went taking breaks from their work to look out at the sea. You spend most of your day outside enjoying the sight, a familiar presance moves closer before hands go around your waist pulling you back into Laws chest while laying his chin on your shoulder. With no one on the deck besides you two and a sleeping Bepo your captain felt comfortable enough to share a moment with you. After a short while you turn in his grip so you can face the man and wrap your arms around his neck looking into his beautiful eyes "Taking a break?" you ask only earning a nod as he leans in placing his lips on your, his soft lips move against yours before he licks your bottom lip asking for more, happily opening your mouth for him you let your hand run through his hair and under his cap pulling the captain closer. The two of your hum in unison as your tongues meet while your lips move together enjoying your rare alone time together. Pulling away breathless Law places his head in your neck as his arms hold you close wanting to saver the moment before he has to go back.
A few minutes later Law pulls away looking down at you "I need to get back to work" he signs as you cling onto him not wanting it to be over so soon "Just a few more minutes" you beg even though you know it won't work, when the captain needs to do something even you can't stop him. Law presses his lips against yours again only giving you a short kiss before pulling fully away from you "Don't catch a cold" he comments before walking away and back into the sub. Turning to face the water again you lean against the railing watching the water and the slightly cloudy sky. As time passed the sky got darker and darker a light mist appearing above the water getting thicker as the sub approached it. Snapped out of your thoughts by a loud sneeze you look down at Bepo who woke himself up, rubbed his nose the bear looks around seeming slightly confused "Come on lets go back inside" you smile down at him helping him up but the bear's attention went to the mist rolling in "Something wrong?" you ask concerned for your fluffy friend "I don't know." he simply says before getting up and turning to you his eyes filled with uncertainty "We shouldn't be out in that. Somethings off" taking your hand while making sure no one else is on the deck the polar bear drags you inside closing the door behind you and locking it.
You've known Bepo long enough to know when he senses somethings wrong there is something wrong "I'll go let Law know. You should tell the others" walking down the hall you wave at the bear who nods and head off the other way. Down the hall you feel a little strange, the vents of the polar tang feeling colder than normal and a heavyweight sits on your chest but you pushed through it soon making it to Law's office. You knock before entering but the captain isn't there, the only place he can be at this time of day is the medical rooms. A child's laugh catches your ears causing you to spin around with a gasp, the sudden earie child's laugh now gone. Walking out the door and looking down the hallways no ones there, no kids and no crew members. Shaking your head with a sigh, trying to get your head in the right place before making your way down to the medical rooms. It felt much colder now your body shivering and warm breath meeting cold air as you breathed, rubbing your arms you try and make yourself warmer while looking for your captain "Law?" you call out walking into the medical area hoping to get an answer back from one of the rooms.
Still not being able to find your Captain you stepped into the surgical room leaning on the stretcher for support as your head goes fuzzy and a sickening feeling runs through your body "Law?" you called out almost in a whisper feeling your body shake as the cold mist fills the room. Looking up at the vents you notice the mist seeping out of the gaps before flowing onto the ground making it hard to see where your feet are. Pushing off the streacher you walk over to the door but before you can reach it the door slams shut, a click fills the air making your eyes widen while running to the door as the room starts to fill up with thick cold mist. Juggling the handle and trying the lock the door refuses to budge so you start trying to force it open, using your body to try and break it open but your body feels weak and tired, your trapped. "Hay... Help.. Law, Bepo, Anyone" you try yelling out but your voice hurts some words getting stuck in your throat. "Y/n?" a female voice behind you speaks up, a voice you haven't heard in a long time, a voice that shouldn't be around anymore. With a shaky breath you turn looking at the woman in a long white night gown, long curly hair and a beautiful face you miss so much, "Mum?" you ask as tears we'll up in your eyes, she smiles at your words while opening up her arms to you, beckoning you to come in for a hug. With tears falling down your cheek your legs move before you can tell them too, walking over you wrap your arms around her waist letting your head rest on her shoulder, she feels real, solid even though she should be dead, she was here standing in front of you, holding you and stroking your hair "Hay my baby. It's ok, i'm here now" her voice almost puts you in a trance as she sooths you whispers sweet things into your ear.
Bepo makes his way through the halls telling the other crew members not to go outside and to spread the word, most of them nod but there were a few who told him calm down since it was just the weather. Making it to the kitchen Bepo stops in his tracks seeing Penguin, Shachi and Law standing next to or leaning on the counter with a cup of coffee or tea in their hands "C-Captain, the mist that's rolling in, there's something wrong" Bepo gulps seeing his captain raise an eyebrow not really understanding what's so wrong with some mist "Dude clam down, its probably just a dream, you were crashed out there" Penguin laughs earning a growl from the bear "I mean it. i can sense it." He yells shaking a little hating how no one but you are taking him seriously. Sharchi goes to make a remark before some one down the hall lets out a blood curtalling scream. Putting his mug down Law rushes out the room gripping his katana as Bepo follows close behind. Penguin and Shachi stand shocked for a second before looking at each other, the two quickly put their mugs down and follow their captain out the door gripping their weapons in case they need to fight.
Turning the corner Jean Bart is trying to calm down another crew member who is pressed up against the wall pointing at something in the room in front of him "There's nothing there your ok" the big heart pirate patted the mans leg trying to clam him but the crew member continues to shake a horrified look on his face "I-its right there... can't you see it. Get it away from me" The man yells out point at the door while starting to mumble in a panic, Law looks into the room only seeing thick mist floating to the ground. Bepo runs over and slams the door shut earning a glare from Law "Bepo" The captain yells as Penguin and Shachi walk over to their crew mate on the floor seeing him start to calm down now that the door is closed. "Im sorry, Captain" Bepo bows making Law sigh and pinch his nose but it was probably a good thing that the bear closed the door "What's going on?" the captain asks looking at his crew and the man on the floor who's managed to stand up with the help of the others "I saw a man, but he wasn't a human. he just wouldn't stop saying things" Shaky the man holds onto Jean Bart, steeping closer law places his hand on the man's shoulder while looking him over glad to see there's no injuries. "What was he saying?" concerned for his crew's safety, Law wanted to know everything, a mental threat can be just as bad as a physical one "H-he said it was my fault and that - that... I should-" the crew member breaks down unable to finish his sentace as Shachi brings him in for a hug while Penguin pats his back.
Ikkaku runs down the hall finally spotting her captain and calling out to him before skidding to a stop where she starts to pant wanting to get her breath back "Some of the crew are going crazy, saying their seeing things and hurting themselves." she manges to get out while looking to her captain for advice on what to do. "Bepo, do you think this is the mist's doing?" Law turns to the bear who nods his head determination in his eyes "We need to get this stuff out of here. Submerge the ship and turn up the heat, it'll push the mist out, then activate the emergency power" With the captains orders heard Ikkaku, Jean Bart and the crew member run off to do just that while Law turns to the three in front of him "Get everyone together and into engine room, that has the least amount of vents" They nod and run off as Law goes down to the medical area hoping to get some medication for the crew that have been affected. Something to relax them or sedate them if things get out of hand should do, getting closer Law starts to hear banging and yelling just down the hall. Running to the voices Law makes it to the surgical room seeing Hakugan and Clione banging on the door and trying to break in "Don't do it, Stop Y/N" Clione yells kicking the door. Your name being called out almost makes the Captain's heart stop but he refuses to freeze, running over to the two Law stops behind them looking through the glass of the door. Your figure is obscured by the mist, but he can see the blood running down your arm and the blade in your other hand while you talk to someone who isn't there. "Room" Law's hand raises casting a light blue bubble through the door and around him while grabbing a random object "Shambles" twisting his hand activating the command he switches you with the object in his hand.
Your mother pulls away wiping your tears and cupping you face in her hands "I miss you, i'm so sorry, i wasn't there to help you" you whisper feeling guilty for not being there when she passes away "I-I shouldn't have gotten mad at you and ran off.. Please forgive me" you cry as your mother pulls her hands away from you, your body already missing the feeling of her touch. You watch as her hand reach over to a try where she picks up a scalpel "You can make it up to me" she whispers getting you to look up at her, she looks different now her once beautiful hair now matted, her skin pale and wrinkled, looking more and more like when she died, as she holds out the scalpel, you notice the puncture marks littering her arm. Your mother was a drug addict, she promised you she would quit but when she broke that promise you two had the biggest fight ever causing you to leave her. A few days later you came back to find her dead, drug overdoes and you've been feeling guilty ever since trying to do what ever you can to make up for your past mistakes. Your mother placed the cold metal scalple in your hand snapping you out of those old memories, when you don't close your hand around it she folds your fingers in for you helping you grip onto it. "I can't do this for you... you have to do this yourself" As your mother speaks you look down at the scalpel in your hand giving it a look over "You can make all of this go away. The hurt, the guilt. We can be together again" her sweet voice echo's around you as she let's you go starting to step back from you.
Placing the blade to your exposed arm you dig it in, pain overtaking your body stopping you from moving it, Voices behind you call out but your mothers voice overrides them talking you through it, giving you promises and kind words she smiles while watching you drag the blade up your arm from wrist to inner elbow. The pain was almost overwhelming but your mothers words seemed to numb the pain as she told you sweet words. "I-im scared" you let a few tears run down your face forcing, your body screaming at you to stop it managing to overpower what ever hold your mother had on you. Managing to stop yourself you let your arms go limp not wanting to continue but your body refused to drop the scalple. your mother yells at you to finish it, her voice getting louder and louder as you shake your head. "I-I can't, i dont want to" panting you manage to bring you cut arm up, your eyes widening when seeing what you've done as your mother starts screaming at you her voice becoming almost inhuman. Suddenly her voice vaneshes letting your hand finnaly drop the scalpel. The clattering sound brings you back to reality seeing your no longer in the surgical room but out in the hallway in your Captains arms. "It's ok" Laws voice hist your ears as his arm hold you close to his body, he orders the two crew members to get the medical supply's he needs as he presses his hand on your wound trying to stop some of the bleeding. Pain rush through your body again as his hand covered over some of your wound but you mange not to push him away. "I-im sorry. I d-didn't mean to" You stutter while placing your hand on your arm trying to help hold pressure, Law placing a kiss on your forehead trying to calm you down as he waits for the other to get back "I know, it's not your fault. it's ok now, iv got you" his voice was calm despite the situation which made you feel a lot better, The captain places another kiss on your head as he pulls you close and helping you feel safe and calm in his arms.
With all the crew in the engine room and the heat pushing out the mist everyone seemed back to normal, although Bepo was boiling but insisted on clinging into you for deal life. Law stitched and bandaged your arm up before checking on the rest of his crew leaving you in the safe hands of Bepo who cried out how sorry he was for leaving you alone. No matter how many times you said it wasn't his fault he still apologies causing Penguin and Shachi to get mad at the bear telling him to shut up. Law makes his way back over to you and with a simple hand on the polar bears shoulder he pulls him off you Bepo letting go since it's his Captain. Sitting next to you he takes your arm and has another look at it to make sure it's not bleeding thru the bandages. You go to apologist again only for Law to stop you "Don't... you have nothing to apologist for" his eyes meet your sending a sense of calmness over you giving him a small smile in response "What did you even see for that to happen?" Penguin asks earning a glare form Law scaring the man behind Bepo "Mum" you answer their eyes shifting to you softening as you look down at your arm. They all know about your past and why you set out to help others, but they didn't know how much it hurt you.
Smiling up at you took Laws hand and leaned in a little "Thank you. For getting me out of there" placing your forehead against Laws you were surprised when he pulled you closer giving you a hug. he normally isn't one for PDA but you took the moment hugging back pushing your head into his neck "Im sure this is the work of a devil fruit user" he speaks over your shoulder gaining the crew's attention. with his eyes covered by his hat showing his anger he holds you a little tighter "They will pay for messing with my crew" he snarls most of the crew nodding in agreement wanting to get back at who ever did this to them. Almost everyone experienced something either running in fear or hurting themselves, who ever was doing this was sick and could do it to others.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 5 months
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my presance...
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Universal Month :Jaws 2
So this is my first official review of Universal month ,where I look at one of my favorite film studios ,Universal
Now where to start with universal,Well I am already working on a big project for the Universal Monsters so cant do that yet .I was gonna look at the silent classic Man Who Laughs ,but while thats still on the table ,Im gonna wait to do it
Of course there is a property very unimous with Universal and Summer ,the big blockbuster hit JAWS .....But I've talked about Jaws already ......But I havent talked about the sequels
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In this 1978 film Police Chief Brody (Roy Schieder ) fears another shark is attacking Amity Island ,and things get tense when his own sons get involved in the danger
So before I go into the film I might as well share my thoughts on the franchise....A franchise that kind of is surprising it is one .The first film I actually recently revisited on the big screen and it is a perfect thriller ,great characters ,great suspense ,good scares ,and a nice mix of horror and adventure .While I had never seen Jaws 2 till today ,I had seen Jaws 3D which to my memory is shlocky fun and Jaws the Revenge which is...Bad....Just bad .I also wanna mention I rode the Jaws Ride at Universal Studios Florida THREE times,and I miss that ride cause it was cool
As for my thoughts on this film...There are things that work,,,,,,,But its more interested in being a greatest hits album
OK so sequels are a tricky thing to do .Basically a sequel is supposed to be like"Hey gang you like these characters and this world,are you curious what happens next " ......But often the reason for a sequel is less "We have a story to tell" as much as "Hey this made money ,I want more money ",and honestly its hard to think of a movie that lends itself least to a sequel then JAWS cause its pretty one and done ,its a very simple story :Big fish is eating people,three guys go to stop it ,the stop it .Thats it,and having ANORTHER shark attack with these same characters in this same location feels stale.Also for a seque to feel necesarry ,t must care about what happens to the character after the story is done.......And while I like Martin Brody,I just dont like him like that .To use another sequel others find unnecesary but I like ,Psycho II,where I totally care about what happens to Norman Bates after the first film and see potential in taking him in new directions.MArtin Brody however to me is a one and done character ,he beat the shark ,thats it
IRonically while I dont think Brodycoming back is that necesarry ......He is the best peart of the film,Roy Scheider is a damn great actor so he sells his paranois ,love for his family and the best scne in the movie is him after he is fired realizing he hsa no clue what to do next .Honestly the film does hit on a neat idea for a sequel ,as it couldve explored Brody's PTSD .He is clearly traumatised,and that is something I do wonder about after thrillers and monster movies,once the monster is slain how do you pick up the pieces after that .....But the trick is to do that well,the shark shouldve either all just be in Brodys head (Which as cool as the Shark just being a metaphor for Brody's trauma would be,theyd never do ,you need a real threat or else audiences will feel ripped off ) or make it ambiguious at first and reveal the Shark in the third act ......Which leads me to the movies big problem
So in the original film the Shark is not seen a lot,but it is built up like crazy,you FEEL its presence and when it does show up it is super scary ...Here it shows up too much ,it shows up early with little fanfare and frankly it doesnt look as good to me .It lacks presance and menace.Yeah it eats a helicopter and I think giving it burn scars to distinguish it from the first shark is neat ,but I dunno I didnt find this Shark that scary.Also the final fight with the Shark was a bit of a "Thats it ? " for me (Though I like how they kill it )
Cast is good,but I have nothing to say,as I really dont care for anyone except for Martin and Ellen.We have some teens in trouble who I didnt want them to get eaten ,but stil cant remember their names .The douchey Mayor is back,and while I love seeing Muarry Hamilton ,I struggle to believe this guy didnt learn his lesson after the first film...Then again,politician
Also I loathe South Park and the whole Member Berries thing that was popular for a few things.Call backs and nostalgia for a previous film arent bad things.....But maannnnn I was getting annoyed by the refrences to the first film"Oh remember the Orca ? Remember Hooper? Well they arent in this movie but we will bring them up"
I dunno.....Its not BAD ,its well made,and like I said I like seeing Schieder again but,,,,OK maybe this will make sense.This feels like a movie MADE to be shown on TV .Like your flipping channels ,spot Jaws 2,and are like"Eh Id rather watch the first one ,but this'll do " and just mindlessly watch it.
My final thoughtsa re it is a mediocre OK movie ,with a good performance.....That is overshadowed by a much better movie.I guess watch if your curious,but honestly just watch the first film
@ariel-seagull-wings @countesspetofi @piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie @@themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @barbossas-wench @professorlehnsherr-almashy @amalthea9
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featheredcritter · 2 years
Yo mister white you have to introduce me to the new house pet slowly and carefully so i can get used to its new presance in my territory properly bitch
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These two are nostalgic to me and I both really like them separetley (I'm both April and Donnie apologist ok AND I WON'T STAND FOR SLANDERING THEM IN MY PRESANCE) and I like some (some is key word) of their moments. So I decided to be delusional and ignore the rest of their writting and pretend that they're my ocs that did nothing wrong 💝
So um I KNOW HOW BADLY THEY WERE WRITTEN BUT I CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT also transgirl 2012 Donnie is my fav hc so im yeah I made them lesbians
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ominousmotion · 13 days
Hi Kai 🤗, I am here for the emoji thingy ask game and wanted to sent you these: 🫂🧠💿🪻🪻🪻🌻🌻🌻💧🍬🕹🌑♟️🍁🍁🍁!
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Ahhh thank you Lena 💕💕💕
🫂- i wanna hug you
🧠- i love hearing you talk. You should ramble to me more often
💿- i wanna listen to music with you in a tree house on a summer night
🪻- you are so cool and awesome omg
🌻- im proud of you
💧- you are an important presance in my life
🍬- id go to the candy store with you and steal all the candy
🕹- i wanna go to an arcade with you
🌑- you worry me sometimes. Just remember im always here if you wanna talk about anything
♟️- you me, board games
🍁- im so glad your my friend
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