master-missysversion · 3 months
How many times can they do a "this tech being given out for free is actually evil" storyline
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jbfly46 · 1 month
There is no judge in the U.S. that is fair and unbiased. It is the ideology of the U.S. Government, whether through crowd psychology or something else, to make prejudgments without first witnessing all of the evidence and facts of the matter. When some of the evidence and facts are presented, they are not heard, because the judge has already decided how they’re going to rule. On top of this, judges tend to be impatient while carrying stress from home to their work.
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patchesjam · 2 years
I was so worried in the lead up to this that the good Spanish cc's were like ultra tryhards with no sense of humour that would just have it out for dream personally and have a hate campaign when dream died so it's been such a lovely surprise that they're joking about and liking /jk kissing art like they're actually nice fun decent people who banter with them 😭
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lonestardust · 1 year
no because if we get some kind of paralleling conversation of their resolving conversation in 2x04 where they grow through what they go through together even more — where TK tells him that he's fully on board.. and as long as carlos needs.. and reassures him that on a positive note, nothing ever stays the same.. that he's so valid for 'i just want us to have a chance to be us' because TK understands that Carlos has felt unsafe for so much of his life, that he has a very different experience from him as a queer man who has struggled so much navigating a heteronormative functioning world and a family that made it even harder to simply be himself. that it hasn't been so long either since he's found TK, whose love is so right and unconditional and keeps on reaching new phases and so he just wants to savour the comfort of it and be in the moment before there is anyone else to care about.
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andromerot · 2 years
“I want to be a body for you. I want to chase you, find you, I want to be eluded and teased and adored; I want to be defeated and victorious—I want you to cut me, sharpen me. I want to drink tea beside you in ten years or a thousand. Flowers grow far away on a planet they’ll call Cephalus, and these flowers bloom once a century, when the living star and its black-hole binary enter conjunction.I want to fix you a bouquet of them, gathered across eight hundred thousand years, so you can draw our whole engagement in a single breath, all the ages we’ve shaped together.” PLEASE READ THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR. MOVE IT TO THE TOP OF YOUR LIST
LOOK I KNOW. I KNOW. I PROMISE I KNOW. one day i will read it and lose my mind for now i am reading other very good books
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cotidianoseeder · 1 year
I can't stop imagining Jesus pretending to be a gay guy who has been rejected by his parents and needs help testing the Christians (who would most likely kick him out of hate and disgust) and then he says this to them:
Then he will also say to those on his left, Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; Because I was hungry, and you did not feed me; I was thirsty, and you did not give me drink; Being a foreigner, you did not take me in; being naked, you did not clothe me; and sick, and in prison, you did not visit me. Then they too will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve you? Then he will answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it not to one of these little ones, you did it not to me.
Matthew 25:41-45
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spaceymcspaceship · 2 years
me, foolishly, a few hours ago: maybe the new companion will be an older woman? that could be novel and exciting and an interesting combo
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capaldiera · 2 years
i know i literally posted beejcahy twice today but when i read a fanfic by an author who doesn't get mulcahy i feel physically sick
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telekineticmaniac · 2 years
I made a video guide on what to expect in CRAFTSMANSHIP PREJUDGING AT COSPLAY COMPETITIONS!!
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barrymccaulkinem · 2 years
i think being completely anti religion comes from an idea that mystical thought is solicited from ppl and not an inherently human trait.  and I think that comes from wanting to believe that one is fundamentally superior to those under the sway of any religion
I think its a bit like an idealist who wants to return to an era before firearms too.  you’re not ever gonna eradicate entire schools of thought without committing large scale atrocities, similar to how you’re never gonna uninvent the gun.  and it necessitates buying into a lot of bullshit to want that in the first place, chiefly the idea that they’re all bad and equally so, and neglecting to account for the positive use
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when rachael and i went to nyc in 2015 we wandered into a closing h&m and wandered around looking for the dumbest shit we could find
and we found a tiny crop top on a hangar and we were like "this is the dumbest shit. alex you have to try it on"
and i did as a joke. but then i looked at myself in the mirror. and i made rachael look at it. and i still own that crop top
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
Tumblr media
telegraph, 7 Nov, 2022.
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transmandayoung · 23 days
I think John put so much effort into Jeff's test and designing it to urge him into specific actions of helping people bc he sees so much of himself in him and sees what he could have become
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pearwolf · 2 months
all nighter on my period god hates me
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nowlander · 8 months
Coworker asked for my surname today and never have I been glader that I don't use my surname on facebook
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astralkingdom · 1 year
We respond not to reality as it is but to reality as we construe it.
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