#pregnant doll
dollect-net · 5 months
Doll of the Day! May 12, 2024!
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Today’s doll of the day is Midge & Baby AKA Pregnant Midge, a Barbie doll released in 2002. To nominate a doll for DOTD, please click here! You can check out past Doll of the Day entries here!
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andcucumbersforall · 4 months
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That’s the angriest baby I ever seen.
I also don’t know why she has the Ferrari logo on her dress.
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sharabp · 1 year
The rabbit hole I went down tonight: the Barbie movie shows pregnant Midge and I have a vivid memory of getting a pregnant doll after finding out I was going to be a big sister. The doll had a stomach that could either be flat or big and could be removed to take out the baby. As a 4 year old this led me to believe that when a woman gives birth, they remove her stomach, a belief I held for many years afterwards. After seeing the movie I did a search and pregnant Midge didn’t come out until 2003, so what pregnant doll did I have? Lots of looking later and turns out I had pregnant Karen!
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Im going to bed now…
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ilovemydolls · 1 year
Pregnant Midge might be several hundred dollars, but you can get some dubious quality knockoffs for twenty some! Here's my favorite.
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I think people who've given birth might beg to differ
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Never bought a doll that had to be assembled
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I like how the kids heads are bigger than their parents. And the girl looks like she's from another species. Also the larger baby has a normal face but the small one has the face of an angry middle aged man?? 🤣
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imjustudders · 2 months
it would be a shame if i got asks telling me how they’d breed me/knock me up … no one should send that or anything like that ….
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softhumpslut · 3 months
This is probably my nichest kink but like imagine being pregnant. Imagine getting pregnant. Being bred full of cum day in and day out till it takes and then some just for good measure. Imagine being kept pregnant. You're all plump and round and soft and your tits are full of milk and you're so dumb now but it's socially acceptable coz 'pregnancy brain lol'. And you're so consistently, so insatiably horny. And sensitive. You can have a train run on your pussy, ass and mouth and that clit is still tingling.
Imagine in a fantasy world being cursed with perpetual pregnancy. You're so soft and sensitive and pliant and just easy pickings. Just being taken care of and fucked all day every day. Tits full of milk hanging low, sometimes milked like a cow in heat, sometimes in public as a show people pay to watch. Sometimes having those big soft milky tits tied up so you can't even leak and just get fuller and bigger till it hurts and you have to beg to be milked like a cow. Dumb as one too. Pussy constantly drip drip dripping. The perfect toy.
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fireblossomdoll · 2 months
Hi there !
Is there a way you can do a small fix or even a headcanon on how madara would act with his pregnant wife being moody or having mood swings. And craving weird foods?
If you would be so kind to make a scenario when she interrupts his meeting to ask for food
Btw I love your works 💗💗
Madara x pregnant!Reader hcs
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Content: Uchiha Madara x Reader, fem!reader, husband!Madara x wife!reader, pregnacy!!, fluff, humor, crack A/N: Thank you so much for the request anon!! This is my first request so it's very special to me. I don't really write or read fics with pregnancy, but I tried my best (─‿‿─)♡ I'm also trying to write a little fic about it rn!!
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Husband!Madara was very happy when he found out that you were pregnant. He could barely believe that he was going to be a father and finally have the family he dreamed of.
Husband!Madara tried to find out all the information he could about pregnancies, so that he could assist you in any way you needed.
Husband!Madara got annoyed anyway when you would get mood swings. He knew that it was a normal symptom, but it still annoyed him. He would send others to get you some chamomile tea to calm you down.
Husband!Madara would find your weird cravings amusing, but try to talk you out of them unless they were somewhat normal. He wouldn't let you eat sand, no matter how crunchy it looked, but would try to get you some ice to chew instead.
Husband!Madara would fry whatever food you wanted. The first time tasted so incredibly good, so you kept asking for more.
Husband!Madara started seasoning the fried food with spicier peppers as your requests got weirder to discourage you from wanting more. Eventually, it got so spicy you started crying when you took a bite and he felt bad. So he stopped putting extra chilli, but at that point you were too scared of fried foods to ask for more.
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moldspace · 2 years
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wormdog parent with wormdog larvae
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anth0ny5568 · 2 months
That one pregnancy ask is making me so fucking wet. Imagine im 8 months in so big and round and my boobs are leaky. Csnt get anywhere without you helping me up and around. Except your not helpful at all, taking advantage of my unwieldy, raping me before helping me out of bed, raping me before helping me in the shower, raping me while helping me get dressed. Sucking of my titties until I csnt even speak
That’s so hot mmh you’ll be so much more helpless and vulnerable for me to rape constantly without any warning I’ll never take my hands off your big pregnant body I’ll be groping as much as possible and I’ll make sure to suck the milk out of those tits till your boobs are even more swollen and you’re begging for my cock in your pregnant pussy
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mian hua wa wa 棉花娃娃
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otps-in-plastic · 1 year
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I just want to put out a word of warning that The Ultimate Guide to Barbie from A360 Media is not a reliable source for Barbie facts. I noticed multiple errors, such as referring to Francie as Frannie.
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Some random dolls are used as part of Barbie's family tree to represent Barbie's aunt and grandmother. The text refers to her appearance in a Barbie movie, so why not use an image from the movie? Again, poor research skills. Or maybe laziness. Another aunt is represented by what appears to be a Sims character.
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This magazine also uses a non-Barbie doll (Mommy to Be Judith) to represent Pregnant Midge. This is a VERY common mistake, but it shows poor research skills.
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There's also the usual Bild Lilli slander, but that's to be expected.
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ilovemydolls · 1 year
Had anyone tried this brand? I was looking for pregnant Midge alternative again and came across this really cute set. Yes it's a little weird but I like.
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toxicxsugarxart · 1 year
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This started as a joke after seeing the movie, but the second one I could actually see helping me adjust as a tween. Mattel please contact me I have so many ideas for educational Barbaras.
Commissions open!
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imjustudders · 2 months
kind of need to be turned into a massive-titted bimbo mommy… someone should breed me over and over while they keep me on a strict program to make me stick thin except for my cartoonishly big breasts, thick ass and swollen pregnant belly. only allowed to walk in heels— assuming i can make it more than 10 steps without the weight of my huge disfigured udders dragging me down and causing me to spurt milk everywhere. my lips pumped up until theyre in a permanent soft ‘O’ shape fit for sucking cock. the hideous spray tan, plastic surgery, and 10+ kids make people think i’m decades older than i am, and i might as well be considering that this is what my life will be like until then… or at least until i stop popping out babies every time my master cums inside.
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grodzenskyivan · 1 year
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Our Alien pregnant honeys
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fireblossomdoll · 2 months
Ups and Downs
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Synopsis: You're pregnant and having mood swings today, but Madara makes you a snack
Content: Uchiha Madara x Reader, f!reader, pregnant!reader, pregnancy!!, fluff, crack, mood swings
Word count: 987
A/N: A request from anon <3 (here are hcs about Madara and pregnant!reader)
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You were already in the third trimester of your pregnancy. You couldn’t wait for your baby to come. You had picked and decorated a room with Madara, both of you really wanted this child. 
You decided to go to the market today to buy a little charm you had heard of. You had seen some children wrapping these cute pendants on their kunai, so you wanted one for your baby. The streets weren’t very crowded today, making for the perfect day out.
When you got to the store, you couldn’t find the charms. You had asked a few kids where they had gotten theirs and all of them led you here. Yet, as you searched the shelves, you couldn’t find the damn thing. Even worse, there was no staff in sight. You marched further into the store, looking for someone who could help you, and you started to think this trash place was empty.
“Hello?” You asked, annoyingly to no response.
“Hellooo??!!” You asked again, raising your voice so that the store’s useless employee could hear you.
An ugly, greasy looking guy appeared from behind one of the shelves.
“Hello, ma’am! How may I help you?” He said with his ugly smile. He sounded so nice it made you frown immediately.
“Finally! Where are you people hiding the cute charms I’ve seen around?”
“Uh, our kunai decor?”
“Are you dense? Yes, the kunai charms.” You were getting increasingly irritated by this.
“We’re unfortunately out of stock of this item.” He said, still with that hideous smile.
“The hell you mean, out of stock?! I’ve seen it everywhere!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. It is indeed one of our most popular products, and because of that, it’s currently sold out.”
You were exasperated and left the store in a bad mood. You just wanted to do a nice thing for your baby, but everyone seemed to be against you today.
As you walked back home, more people started to come to the streets. Of course, you couldn’t even have this one thing.
In front of your house, you saw your roses blooming. They were so pretty! You remembered how Madara helped you find the seeds, plant them and take care of them. Even if he didn't really want to garden, he still helped you grow these beautiful roses. 
Madara had taken such good care of you during this pregnancy. You loved him so much, you couldn’t have asked for a better husband. He always made sure to not let you use too much effort, and he smelled so nice.
He would let you play with his hair while he cooked you breakfast, lunch and dinner. His hair was so soft and long, you loved fiddling with it. Oh yeah, sometimes it would smell like roses if you two worked with them for too long. And he would cook for you. Such delicious food, but maybe not what you wanted right now. You wanted something lighter and sour, like a green apple. But also very sweet, like honey.
As you wandered through the living room, you heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the house. You went towards Madara's office and put you ear on the shoji to listen to what he was saying.
“–find the scrolls? –”
“ –working on it. The team hasn't–”
You couldn’t hear it properly, but what they were talking about didn't matter. You knocked and waited. Nothing happened so you knocked again, with a little more force.
“Hmm? Come in.” You heard Madara's deep voice come through.
You opened the shoji, seeing Madara and Hikaku with some scrolls laying on the table. Both looked back at you, as you stayed halfway hidden by the shoji, not really entering the room.
“Madara,” You dragged his name a bit.
“Yes?” He gave a little cute smile.
You looked down and around the round before continuing, “I wanted something to eat,” He arched an eyebrow and opened his mouth, but you kept going, “Some apples dipped in honey would be very nice, you know?”
“Right now, dear? I'm in the middle of something,”
“Please? Cut apples with honey sounds so good, though,” You insisted.
He sighted and stood up.
Did you bother him too much? Maybe he was tired of working and trying to get done was fast as possible, and you made him late. Or maybe he was very concentrated and you interrupted all his thoughts by coming here. “Are you mad at me?”
“What? No, my love, I'm not bothered at all, just getting up,” Madara looked in your eyes, “This wasn't so important, Hikaku can deal with it by himself.”
“So it was important matters that I–”
“Not at all, let's get going,” He interrupted you and pointed towards the hallway, “Shall we?”
You followed him to the kitchen, where he picked a couple of green apples from a basket.
“You should sit down,” He told you as he grabbed a knife.
You sat down by the table and kept looking at Madara as he prepared your snack. He looked so good today, it made you smile.
When he finished cutting the apples, he poured honey into a small bowl. You were very happy with how things were looking. The honey and the apples looked delicious, you couldn't wait for Madara to bring them to you.
“Now, now, here's whatever this is supposed to be.”
Madara placed two bowls in front of you, the sliced apples and the honey. 
“Yay! Thank you!” You said as you reached out to grab one apple slice.
He walked to your side and bowed his upper body until he was slightly above your head. “No problem. Try not to make a mess with the honey, okay?” He told you before kissing your temple.
“Sure,” You said with your mouth full of apple and honey. “It's so sweet!”
“Well, it is honey,” He giggled, leaving you in the kitchen.
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