#pregnancy kit
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प्रेगनेंसी किट से प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट कैसे करें ? Pregnancy Kaise Check Karte Hain
प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट किट (pregnancy test kit in Hindi) एक विशेष हार्मोन — ह्यूमन कोरियोनिक गोनाडोट्रोपिन (एचसीजी) (human chorionic gonadotropin [HCG]) की तलाश करते हैं — जो केवल गर्भावस्था के दौरान किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर में विकसित होता है।
ये प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट (hindi pregnancy test) एचसीजी की जांच के लिए आपके पेशाब या रक्त का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। घरेलू गर्भावस्था परीक्षण (pregnancy kit use in hindi) जो आपके पेशाब का उपयोग करते हैं, सबसे आम प्रकार हैं। जब सही ढंग से उपयोग किया जाता है, तो घरेलू गर्भावस्था (pregnancy check karne wala) परीक्षण 99% सटीक होते हैं।
प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट क्या है? Test of Pregnancy in Hindi
गर्भावस्था परीक्षण (pregnancy test in hindi) यह निर्धारित करने का एक तरीका है कि आप गर्भवती हैं या नहीं। यदि आपका गर्भावस्था परीक्षण सकारात्मक (pregnancy kit mein) है, तो इसका मतलब है कि आप गर्भवती हैं। यदि परीक्षण नकारात्मक है, तो इसका मतलब है कि आप गर्भवती नहीं हैं। गर्भावस्था परीक्षण ह्यूमन कोरियोनिक गोनाडोट्रोपिन (एचसीजी) का पता लगाकर काम करते हैं, यह एक हार्मोन है जो आपके गर्भवती होने पर आपका शरीर बनाता है।
प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट कब करना चाहिए? Pregnancy Test Kab Karna Chahiye
यदि आपको लगता है कि आप गर्भवती हो सकती हैं (pregnancy test kab kare in hindi), तो परीक्षण कराना और सुनिश्चित करना एक अच्छा विचार है। घरेलू गर्भावस्था परीक्षण (pregnancy test at home in hindi) इस बात में भिन्न हो सकते हैं कि वे कितनी जल्दी गर्भावस्था का पता लगा लेंगे। कई मामलों में, आपको गर्भधारण के 10 दिन बाद ही घरेलू परीक्षण से सकारात्मक परिणाम मिल सकता है। अधिक सटीक परिणाम के लिए, परीक्षण लेने के लिए अपनी अवधि समाप्त होने तक प्रतीक्षा करें। याद रखें, यदि आप बहुत जल्दी परीक्षण (kab pregnancy test karna chahiye) कराते हैं, तो यह नकारात्मक (pregnancy test kit result in hindi) हो सकता है, भले ही आप गर्भवती हों। यदि आपका परीक्षण नकारात्मक आता है और फिर आपकी माहवारी छूट जाती है, तो दूसरा परीक्षण लें।
प्रेगनेंसी कैसे चेक करें घरेलू उपाय: Pregnancy Check Karne ka Tarika
घर पर गर्भावस्था किट (pregnancy kit test in hindi) में विशेष स्ट्रिप्स होती हैं जो एचसीजी का पता लगाती हैं। सही ढंग से उपयोग किए जाने पर अधिकांश घरेलू गर्भावस्था परीक्षण लगभग 99% प्रभावी होते हैं। ये परीक्षण अधिकांश दवा या किराना दुकानों में उपलब्ध हैं। वे उपयोग में आसान और सस्ते हैं। इन परीक्षणों को लेने से पहले उनके निर्देशों को पढ़ना महत्वपूर्ण है।
घर पर गर्भावस्था परीक्षण (Pregnancy Test at Home in Hindi) करने के तीन तरीके हैं:
एक साफ कप में पेशाब करें। फिर, अपने पेशाब की एक से कई बूंदों को एक रासायनिक पट्टी पर रखें।
पेशाब करते समय गर्भावस्था परीक्षण पट्टी को अपने मूत्र प्रवाह में रखें।
एक साफ कप में पेशाब करें और फिर जब वह कप में ही हो तो परीक्षण पट्टी को पेशाब में डुबो दें।
इनमें से कई परीक्षणों के लिए, गर्भधारण के लगभग 10 दिन बाद आपके मूत्र में एचसीजी का पता लगाया जा सकता है। हालाँकि, आपकी माहवारी (Periods in Hindi))छूटने के बाद इसे लेने से गलत-नकारात्मक परिणाम प्राप्त होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है। आमतौर पर गर्भधारण के लगभग 14 दिन बाद मासिक धर्म नहीं आता है।
प्रेगनेंसी किट कैसे चेक करें? Pregnancy Kit me Kaise Check Kare
गर्भावस्था परीक्षण आपके पेशाब या रक्त में एचसीजी की मात्रा पर प्रतिक्रिया करके काम करते हैं। मूत्र परीक्षण (Urine Pregnancy Test in Hindi) में, प्रतिक्रियाशील कागज का एक टुकड़ा एचसीजी का पता लगाता है। यह परीक्षण प्लस चिह्न (plus sign), दोहरी लंबवत रेखाएं (2 pink lines) या यहां तक कि “गर्भवती” शब्द भी दिखा सकता है। विभिन्न परीक्षण अनूठे तरीकों से सकारात्मक परिणाम दिखाएंगे। यह जानने के लिए कि सकारात्मक परिणाम कैसा दिखेगा, परीक्षण के साथ आने वाले निर्देश पढ़ें।
अधिकांश परीक्षणों में एक नियंत्रण विंडो होती है जो सबसे पहले दिखाई देती है। इस विंडो में एक प्रतीक देखकर आपको पता चल जाएगा कि परीक्षण काम कर रहा है। ध्यान रखें कि विभिन्न ब्रांडों के परीक्षणों को परिणाम दिखाने में अलग-अलग समय लगेगा।
क्या सभी घरेलू गर्भावस्था परीक्षण विधियाँ समान हैं?
घर पर गर्भावस्था परीक्षण के अधिकांश ब्रांड विश्वसनीय हैं। यद्यपि विभिन्न गर्भावस्था परीक्षणों की सटीक परीक्षण विधि एक प्रकार से दूसरे प्रकार में भिन्न हो सकती है, वे सभी आपके शरीर में एचसीजी की तलाश करते हैं। यदि आप घरेलू परीक्षण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो अधिकांश आपको वही परिणाम देंगे।
आपके घरेलू परीक्षणों में अंतर परीक्षण की संवेदनशीलता का होगा। कुछ अन्य की तुलना में अधिक संवेदनशील हो सकते हैं और दूसरों की तुलना में जल्द ही सकारात्मक परिणाम (आपके मूत्र में एचसीजी का पता लगाना) दे सकते हैं। सबसे सटीक रीडिंग के लिए, यह अभी भी अनुशंसा की जाती है कि आप तब तक प्रतीक्षा करें जब तक कि आपकी अवधि समाप्त न हो जाए। उस समय, सभी परीक्षण सटीक होने चाहिए।
Interesting Reads
प्रेग्नेंसी के पहले लक्षण — Symptoms Of Pregnancy In Hindi
Piles During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
10 Things You Should Do Before Getting Pregnant
गर्भावस्था परीक्षण (Pregnancy Test) से कोई व्यक्ति यह पता लगा सकता है कि वह गर्भवती है या नहीं। अधिकांश लोग घर पर ही अपने पेशाब का उपयोग (pregnancy test kit use in hindi) करके गर्भावस्था परीक्षण करते हैं। हालाँकि, आप अपने प्रदाता के कार्यालय में रक्त के नमू��े या पेशाब का उपयोग करके भी गर्भावस्था परीक्षण कर सकती हैं। सबसे सटीक परिणामों के लिए, घरेलू गर्भावस्था परीक्षण करने के लिए तब तक प्रतीक्षा करें जब तक आपका मासिक धर्म न छूट जाए। यदि आप गर्भावस्था परीक्षणों का सही ढंग से उपयोग करते हैं, तो परिणाम 99% सटीक होते हैं। यदि आपके गर्भावस्था परीक्षण के परिणामों के बारे में आपके कोई प्रश्न हैं तो अपने OBGYN से संपर्क करें।
हर्ष हॉस्पिटल एंड मैटरनिटी होम, सूरत का एक बहु-विशिष्ट गर्भवती माताओं के लिए उत्कृष्ट देखभाल प्रदान करने वाले अस्पतालों में से एक है। हर्ष हॉस्पिटल में, हम गर्भधारण से लेकर दर्द रहित प्रसव (Painless Delivery in Hindi) तक, आपके साथ अपने जुड़ाव के दौरान व्यक्तिगत देखभाल और पूर्ण विश्वास प्रदान करते हैं।
डॉ. पूर्वा पटेल अदजान, सूरत में शीर्ष स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञों और प्रसूति रोग विशेषज्ञों (gynecologists and obstetricians in Adajan) में से एक हैं। उन्हें प्रसव पूर्व और प्रसवोत्तर देखभाल (Pre-and Post-Partum Care), सामान्य योनि प्रसव (एनवीडी) (Normal Vaginal Delivery), और उच्च जोखिम गर्भावस्था देखभाल (High-Risk Pregnancy Care) में महत्वपूर्ण अनुभव है।
अपनी गर्भावस्था यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए आज ही हमसे +0261–2781652 पर संपर्क करें।
#प्रेगनेंसी किट से प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट कैसे करें#Test of Pregnancy in Hindi#pregnancy kit#Normal Vaginal Delivery
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Testing for pregnancy is a vital part of the pregnancy journey, because it’s an exciting time for expecting parents. However, it can also be a time of confusion and uncertainty. Traditional pregnancy testing methods such as urine tests and blood tests have been in use for decades. However, with the advent of advanced technology, there are now more advanced methods and kits available for women who want to confirm a pregnancy in less than 5 minutes.
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Are You Using the Pregnancy Kit Right? Here’s How to Check!
Are you trying to get pregnant? When you miss your periods for a week or two, the first thing that comes to your mind is, “Am I pregnant?” right? Well, home test kits have made getting assured of your pregnancy quite easy. But you need to use them properly to get that confirmation. Many women are still not aware of the basics of these test kits. If you are among them, you are just at the right place. Let us help you not only to understand how the test kits work but also to get assured of your pregnancy if you are at all.
What do the pregnancy test kits detect?
The pregnancy test kits detect a hormone, called Gonadotropin, which appears in a pregnant woman’s urine some 20 days after the last menstruation. The level of this hormone reaches its peak in 60 to 80 days of the last menstrual cycle and is detected by the testing kits effortlessly, thus confirming the pregnancy. However, there are some basic factors that one should keep in mind:
Using the test kit early in the morning increases the chances of accuracy.
You should keep the test kit at room temperature for a while before using it.
The collection of urine should be done in a clean container and not one having residues of detergents or other materials.
Do not urinate on the reading strip, as it may hamper the results. Use a dropper to take just a few drops of urine and put it on the strip.
It takes about 3-4 minutes to show the test result on the strip. So be patient and read the result properly before disposing of the strip. You can even take a picture of the strip to analyse the result later on or show it to somebody.
How to read the results accurately?
Most of the women’s test kits have two letters, C and T marked on the strip. While C denotes control, T stands for the test sample. If you notice only one pink/purple mark near the C region, your result is negative. But if two such lines appear on the strip, one near the C region and another one on the T region, you are pregnant. However, there are situations when no line appears on the strip. It means that the test is invalid and should be performed again after 72 hours with a fresh kit. Then again, sometimes, the mark on the T region is faint and almost invisible. It is mainly because of low levels of Gonadotropin, which is normal if the conception is not too long. To get assured of your pregnancy, you should repeat the test after 72 hours with a new pack.
FAQs regarding pregnancy test kits
Is it okay to perform the test if I have just missed my period?
The test kits can detect the Gonadotropin even on the same day of the missed period. However, in some women, the levels are low in the earlier days of pregnancy, and the test results may come negative. If you are somewhat assured of your pregnancy, you can perform the test again after 72 hours with a fresh kit.
Are all kits the same?
Home pregnancy tests are based on detecting the levels of Gonadotropin, a hormone that appears in the urine of a pregnant woman some 20 days after the last menstruation date. Even if there are different brands of pregnancy kits available these days, the basic principle remains the same. Hence, they all work the same.
Now that you are aware of how to use the pregnancy kit properly, you will face no difficulty getting assured of the good news, whenever it is. Have a safe and happy pregnancy!
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When Do You Need a Pregnancy Test Kit?
Pregnancy test kits are an easy and accurate way of detecting your pregnancy. It’s simple to use, gives instant results and easily available. So, if you recently had unprotected sex and missed your period, take the pregnancy test to clear you confusion. Read the article to know how it works, when is the right time to take the test and all about it.
How Pregnancy Test Kits work?
Pregnancy kit works by detecting a hormone in your urine. The hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is released in your body if you are pregnant. This hormone is released when your egg is fertilized and is attached outside the uterus or to the uterine lining. It takes time to build hCG in your body. Your body produces hCG every day of your early pregnancy and by the time you take the test, you will have enough amount to get accurate results. If you take the test early, you might get negative results as the amount of hCG might not be sufficient to be detected.
When do you need to take a Pregnancy Test?
It is advised to take the pregnancy test on the first day after you missed your period. In case you don’t remember when your period is due, you can take the test 21 days after you had unprotected sex. Other symptoms include experiencing cramps, tender breasts, nausea, exhaustion and frequent urination. It is always better to take pregnancy test and clear your confusion with the results. If you missed your period and still get a negative result, you should consult your doctor.
The best time to take the test is in the morning. This is because the amount of hCG hormone in your urine is concentrated and can be detected once you pee on a pregnancy strip.
How to use Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit -
Pregakem pregnancy kit comes with a testing card, a dropper, a unique urine collection tray and a silica pouch. By just following three steps, you will get accurate result.
1. Collect your urine in the unique collection tray.
2. Using the dropper, put three drops of urine in the sample well marked ‘S’ on the cassette.
3. Within 5 minutes you will get your results.
Double pink lines indicate you are pregnant while the single line indicates you are not. It is an easy and reliable way to get confirmation. Other tests require you to either pee on the stick or dip the strip in the urine. There are also digital pregnancy test kits available which gives the result by displaying the words ‘pregnant or not pregnant.’
Getting results for early pregnancy will help you get the proper prenatal care. Consult your doctor after the results as they will be able to guide you better and take the potential next steps.
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Creation of Impossibility
TerzOmega ~ Smut ~ Breeding k!nk ~ Domestic Bliss
5.1k words
Ao3 Version
Terzo and Omega are finally able to start the family together that they have always wanted.
Mostly sweet, tooth-rotting romantic fluff, but with sex.
The biggest thank you ever to @puuuders for beta-ing, workshopping with me, and giving me so many amazing ideas 💖
Content Warning: Pregnancy, breeding, mpreg(cis), brief biting and blood mention
The room was dim, illuminated only by the light of the full moon pouring in from the window. Terzo was lying on his back with his ass propped up on a pillow, legs hiked underneath Omega's arms as he was nearly folded in half. Omega pounded into him in a punishing rhythm, pinning Terzo to the mattress with the force of his thrusts. Tonight was unlike any other night they’d ever had. Tonight was special: they were on a mission.
In their thirty-plus years together, Terzo and Omega swore that they had tried just about everything that a couple could do together in the bedroom, or at least everything that was within both of their boundaries. Something that they’d never dared to incorporate, however, was the concept of, well, conception.
As desperately as they’d always wanted to start a family, they had never brought it up during sex, too afraid of the crushing disappointment and hurt feelings that loomed once the afterglow had faded. There was just too much heartache there, with a myriad of reasons why they couldn’t have children together.
For starters, for most of their relationship, they'd had to keep their love a secret; ghouls were considered within the ministry to be lowly creatures, and fraternizing with them was frowned upon. They weren’t sure what would happen if they were caught, but they weren’t willing to risk finding out. It had taken Terzo’s death, and eventual triumphant return to the realm of the living, to free the ghouls from their caste, Terzo leveraging every ounce of power he had left to officially cement them as equals.
A seemingly more insurmountable obstacle, though, was the issue of their biology. Neither of them had the right… equipment to carry a child. At least, that’s what they’d always thought, until one day Primo let it slip that there was a precedent for such matings. Over the next month they’d frantically done their research, performed countless rituals, made their deals and sacrifices in pursuit of something they never thought possible, all under the reluctant guidance of Terzo’s older brother.
Now that there was hope, all bets were off.
“Nnn… You’re such a little cumslut… My little cumslut… You take this cock so good. Do you want me to breed you? Do you?” Omega growled, feeling himself throb with every word that dripped from his lips.
“Sì! Please, Omega, oh fuck, please, I need–” Terzo choked on a groan as Omega thrust hard into him, his balls smacking against Terzo’s ass as he pushed as deep inside as he could. They were connected through Omega’s quintessence, shared thoughts and sensations buzzing across their bond.
“I'm gonna fill you up… You’re gonna get so big and round, carrying my kits. They’re mine. I’m the one who’s gonna do that to you, no one else. Everyone's gonna know that I bred you.” He gave another hard thrust for emphasis. His own dirty talk was starting to get to him, feeling feral, possessive. “The other ghouls will smell me on you,” Omega snarled, testing Terzo’s flexibility by leaning impossibly further forward to sink his fangs into Terzo's shoulder, yet another way to mark him. Terzo let out a quivering cry. “You're all mine,” Omega added after he'd greedily taken his fill of Terzo’s blood, his voice graveled with lust.
“Please, please, Omega please…” Terzo’s begging trailed off into a whimper as Omega licked up his neck, Omega’s breath harsh in his ear.
“I’m gonna cum so deep inside you, you’ll be leaking my seed for days,” Omega ground out through gritted teeth, riding his mate mercilessly until Terzo shattered with a loud, pained moan. Terzo writhing under him, clenching around him, was too much for Omega, and he came hard. Omega supported himself with shaking arms on either side of Terzo, reluctant to pull out, wanting to keep going; pulling out felt like giving up.
Eventually, though, he could no longer support his own weight and reluctantly withdrew. Omega settled for situating himself snugly between Terzo’s thighs, his tail wrapped tightly around Terzo’s leg and his head on Terzo's flat stomach, lavishing it with kisses and praying with everything in him that it would soon start to blossom. Terzo played with Omega’s hair, his horns, not wanting to let him go just yet as he felt Omega’s quintessence caressing his mind. They fell asleep like that.
They went on like this for months. As their trysts became more frequent than ever, they both became more and more aroused and desperate, unable to get enough of each other. Terzo became more irresistible to Omega with every passing day. When Omega caught Terzo preemptively online window-shopping for baby clothes, he took him right there on the kitchen counter.
Despite their exhaustive efforts, nothing seemed to be working. They were hopeful when Terzo started to feel tired and a little nauseous, but when test after test came back negative, they began to lose hope, chalking the fatigue up to Terzo’s increasingly stressful ministry duties. Omega questioned whether conventional pregnancy tests would even work because of the differences between their union and a typical pregnancy. It was hard to keep an optimistic outlook, though, after so many disappointments. Omega kissed Terzo’s belly reverently every night regardless.
In January, about 6 months into their journey, something peculiar happened. Omega was cleaning up after dinner while Terzo was idly browsing for toys on his phone. When Omega began to feel a tingle at the back of his mind, he paused, analyzing. Without warning, Omega’s body locked up in shock, dropping the glass in his hand. Terzo jumped up from the table, startled, beginning to race over to where Omega stood stock still, but Omega held out a hand to stop him. He stood with his back to Terzo for a long, agonizing minute. When he finally turned around, his eyes were wild and brimming with tears. He stepped over the broken glass, paying no mind to the hazard and picking Terzo up bridal style. Omega sat him down on the sofa and knelt at his feet, his hands shaking as he grabbed at Terzo’s.
“Amore, what’s wrong?” Terzo asked, voice worried and tinged with fear. Omega’s eyes were full of awe and something else, reaching up to brush the hair out of Terzo’s eyes. Omega opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Flustered and frantic, he reached out to Terzo with his quintessence, needing to share what he couldn’t yet put into words. His tears began to spill over.
As Omega connected their minds, he shared the sensation he’d felt a few moments earlier: a strange, foreign prodding at his consciousness, one that felt eerily familiar somehow. It had reached out blindly, innocently, as though seeking something. It had taken him a moment to process, to pinpoint, but once he did his heart had stopped. It was originating from Terzo, but not from Terzo. Not from his mind, anyway.
Terzo was confused at first. When the realization dawned, he stared back at Omega in disbelief. Omega knew that Terzo didn’t dare to hope, and yet he could feel the warmth blooming in his chest through their bond anyway.
“A-are you sure?” Terzo stammered out, his voice quivering. Omega couldn’t do anything but nod as his throat closed, choking back a sob. Terzo began to cry then, too. He was so afraid of the joy that was threatening to overtake him, but he couldn’t fight it. There was no other explanation: they were expecting a budding quintessence ghoul kit. The love they made that night was tender and tearful, both of them wanting to be as close to the other as possible. Omega handled Terzo as gently as if he were made out of glass. Terzo felt so emotionally fragile that he may as well have been.
It took a full day to get over the initial shock. They were in disbelief, nervous about the illusion shattering at any given moment. Terzo called Primo, since he was the only one who knew of their efforts, demanding that he set up a private ultrasound appointment. Terzo’s nails were bitten down to nubs by the time they were snuck into the infirmary in the dead of night. The scan confirmed it; their wildest dreams had become a reality. They were having a little girl.
According to her measurements, Terzo had been pregnant for about 3 months without either of them knowing. They were too excited to mourn the time that they had missed out on. Both of them were glued to the monitor, squeezing each other's hands as they saw her strong little heartbeat. Omega stole a kiss from Terzo on the table, unbroken until the technician impatiently cleared her throat. They hurried back home to their chambers, deciding to take a bath together, Terzo feeling sticky from the ultrasound gel. Omega’s mouth trailed all over Terzo’s body worshipfully, and Terzo couldn’t stop giggling.
“A little girl…” Omega whispered, making Terzo shiver. Terzo leaned back heavily against his husband. Omega’s hands drifted almost unconsciously down to Terzo’s still-flat stomach, and Terzo sighed.
“What should we name her?” Terzo teased. They spent the rest of the night brainstorming and laughing giddily. They had always bathed and showered together, but from then on, Omega treated every evening like a special occasion, pampering Terzo with candles, flowers, fragrant oils and lotions, always taking their time together. It became a part of their nightly ritual.
Everything about their lives immediately changed, Omega taking every opportunity he could to dote on Terzo. Omega began cooking every meal for him rather than sharing the responsibility between them. Terzo protested to Omega taking on the extra burden, and Omega shot back by pointing out how much of a burden Terzo was taking on by carrying their kit. Terzo was secretly pleased about Omega feeding him, though; while Terzo had been the one to teach Omega how to cook, Omega had quickly surpassed Terzo’s skill level. Omega was whip-sharp, an excellent student and a proficient learner. Now that Terzo was eating for two, Omega obsessively ensured that he was getting a healthy, well-rounded diet.
They held the belief that it was never too early to start on enrichment, and so they would regularly speak and read and sing to their kit. Music was always a regular feature in their household, but now Omega broke out his guitar more regularly, his fingers having never forgotten their rhythm. Terzo would sing at all hours of the day, his voice as haunting as ever. They took turns reading books for new parents aloud to each other, wanting to learn as much as they could before her arrival.
As Terzo’s body changed, they found themselves unable to keep their hands off each other, always touching just to touch. Omega would spoil him rotten, never letting him lift a finger around their quarters. He showered Terzo and his bump with affection whenever he could. Their regular positions on the sofa shifted, now with Terzo reclining against him as Omega’s hands explored his belly. Omega was obsessed, and he knew Terzo loved it.
“Amore, stop sniffing me!” Terzo cried in faux offense as Omega’s nose tickled the spot under his ear, unable to fight back a giggle, giving himself away.
“Mm, never. You’re so delicious.” Omega had always been a fiend for Terzo’s scent, but now he couldn’t get enough, always nuzzling and sniffing, sometimes even stealing Terzo’s worn clothing. He was soaking up the pheromones, Omega loved to say.
Omega was lovesick. Lovesick, and territorial. Omega had lost count of the number of times that he had growled under his breath as another male ghoul stared a little too long at Terzo, even though they were no doubt simply trying to puzzle out his peculiar scent. It would slip out before he even realized what he was doing, possessiveness turning into aggression and quickly bubbling over. He could tell it excited Terzo. Omega could practically hear his heartbeat quicken, head swimming with electric tension when they’d connect. Neither of them would forget about the incidents, the day invariably ending with Omega sweating above him, claws digging into Terzo’s hips.
They were shopping online for supplies for real now, together this time. They ordered so much baby stuff that the siblings who staffed the front office knew they were expecting before anyone else did. Whispers began to spread around the ministry. Rumor was, they were adopting. They stayed as quiet as possible about it for as long as they could, wanting to keep it special, between themselves. When they finally made the announcement, it was only to Terzo’s family and their close friends, mostly ghouls.
They decided to tell everyone together and in person. Secondo rolled his eyes dramatically, to no one’s surprise. Copia had fanned his face to stop the tears from smudging his makeup. Primo, of course, had known for nearly as long as the couple had, but he rubbed at his temples as he watched Omega and Terzo get perhaps a little more affectionate than was called for at a family function.
“I’ve created a monster,” Primo grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. Omega ignored what he hoped wasn’t a double entendre.
“You will feel differently when you have our principessa in your arms, fratello.” Terzo’s smile was smug, his hand resting on his middle. Omega rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to let himself feel uncomfortable at being called out on their PDA.
At home, Omega connected with their kit with increasing strength and frequency as the weeks wore on, having wordless conversations as they traded emotions back and forth. Omega made a point of sending her wave after wave of love and assurances of safety, strong enough that Terzo could feel the reverberations. Terzo found it too heartwarming to feel excluded.
“What is she saying, mia ombra?” Terzo joked, running a hand through Omega's hair.
“How much she loves her Papa,” Omega cooed. Terzo scowled.
“That is not funny,” Terzo scolded, suddenly sounding irate and incredulous.
“I'm not kidding, tesoro!” Omega insisted with a breathy chuckle, looking up from where his head was resting on Terzo’s belly, unable to fight back a dreamy smile. He connected to Terzo's mind, relaying the emotions that he was picking up from their kit. Terzo's eyes began to sting with unshed tears, his mouth agape, for a moment speechless.
After a while, Omega’s touch alone began to make her more active, so much so that Terzo sometimes had to shove him away in the middle of the night just to get some rest. No matter how badly Omega wanted to spoon, needed to touch him, he agreed that Terzo’s rest was more important.
They were getting regular ultrasounds at that point, roughly following the schedule for a human pregnancy despite not knowing if there were any differences in ghoul gestation. Their kit was very much ghoulish, sporting a tail and little horns. Omega couldn’t tell who was more proud of that fact, himself or Terzo. No one was sure what such an unusual delivery would entail, so Terzo was urged to get a C-section, something that he eagerly agreed to. Their estimated due date was August third.
“A leo,” Terzo said with a soft smile as he stared into the monitor, the probe still pressed to his growing belly. Omega raised an eyebrow.
“Is that a good thing?” Omega didn’t know anything about astrology, but he had seen enough realms to have his doubts about the concept as a whole.
“Sì. Mia amata sorella was a leo,” he said, a wistful expression on his face. He shook his head as if to clear it, gazing directly into Omega’s eyes. “You’re going to be such a good father, Omega. I mean it.”
“So will you, Papa.” Omega responded teasingly. They had discussed their titles as parents often, eventually deciding that for Terzo, “Papa” was only natural, that it made the most sense. “Papa” had been an honorific, a symbol of the authority that he deeply resented being forced upon him. But the thought of his little girl calling him that, Terzo had said, seemed to soften its edges, soothe away his bitterness. Perhaps they had the opportunity to turn something painful into something precious.
From the day they found out about their kit, Omega had begged Terzo to take leave from his role within the ministry and stay home with him. Terzo had refused, not wanting to allow himself to be slowed down. He was a fighter, after all, and there was work to be done. But as he progressed further along, so did his exhaustion. And his back pain.
Their secret was soon out, too; once Terzo began to show, he could only hide beneath robes and cassocks for so long. The whispers had turned into a roar, rooms falling silent once he entered them. New recruits would openly stare in shock at his figure, and older clergy members would glower in disgust at the Emeritus who allowed himself to be bred by a filthy ghoul. He was all but ostracized, but Terzo refused to be ashamed of his family. He wanted to spit in the faces of those who derided them, to shake them by the shoulders until they understood that ghouls were people and deserved respect. The only friends he had left were the ghouls, and his brothers.
Between the physical pain and the dirty looks, Terzo shared that he was beginning to feel very run down. Terzo came home a wreck one day in April, having decided enough was enough. One knowing look from Omega was all it took to break him, and before he knew it, Terzo was sobbing in his arms.
“I can’t go back, Omega. I cannot do it anymore!” Terzo wailed. “I cannot take another second of their hateful bullshit!” Omega shushed him softly, running his hands through Terzo’s hair.
“Shhh. You don’t have to go back, I promise. We’ll talk to Copia. You can stay home as long as you like,” Omega soothed, rubbing Terzo’s back. He heard Terzo try and slow his breathing.
“If this is how they treat us now, how are they going to treat our kit?!” Terzo was working himself up all over again. Omega winced as a pang of sorrow shot through him. That was a good question, one that he didn’t have an answer for.
“Terzo, I–”
“I want to fight them, Omega! I mean it! I would kill every last one of them myself for our daughter,” Terzo said through gritted teeth, and Omega found it endearing despite the gravity of the situation. Of course his feisty little human mate would want to defend their family with his life. Omega would never let it get to that point, they would run away to a secluded cabin somewhere if they had to. Anything to keep them safe. They’d make it work.
“I know you would, tesoro,” Omega said, his voice hushed. “And…” He paused for a moment, thinking on how best to deliver his next line. “That’s why I know you need to stay home. Even if you don’t get in a fight, all this stress isn’t good for her. Please, mia luce…”
Terzo looked up from his place against Omega’s chest, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Omega could see his internal struggle. He wiped away Terzo’s tears with the back of a clawed hand, and after what felt like an eternity, Terzo reluctantly nodded, gaze fixed on the floor. Omega’s heart skipped a beat, feeling cautiously optimistic.
They spent every day together from then on, Terzo temporarily freed from his duties. Now that Terzo was home full time, he went into full-blown nesting mode, babyproofing the entire house in an evening. They spent the next month meticulously decorating the spare room that they’d turned into a nursery in soft pinks, accented with gold. Omega was grateful to be involved every step along the way.
Together, Omega and Terzo hand painted an intricate mural of a swirling galaxy on the far wall, hiding little hearts within the stars and peppering sweet messages throughout. They worked nearly every day, pouring endless amounts of love into their project in the hopes that their little girl would one day be surrounded by it tenfold. By May, they stood back and appraised their work: it was perfect. Almost. It needed something else, one final touch. They finished it with two handprints at the bottom, both wildly different sizes, one signed “Papa loves you” and the other “Daddy loves you”.
“Come here, amore, you’ve got something on your face,” Terzo called to him, beckoning him to where he sat resting on the floor. Omega had warned him not to sit down, knowing how hard it would be for him to get back on his feet again, but in typical Terzo fashion, he hadn’t listened. Omega approached, leaning down so that Terzo could inspect him. Before he knew what was happening, Omega felt something cold on his cheek: a wet smear of paint. He growled playfully, leaving a paint smear of his own along the line of Terzo’s jaw. They traded paint smudges until Terzo surrendered under threat of being tickled. Omega had to help Terzo up off of the floor just as he’d told Terzo would happen. They showered together, taking much longer than was necessary to scrub away the paint.
Omega had been working on a project of his own; he shared his plan with Copia, requiring his help to pull it off. He had the man acquire the necessary materials, and arranged for a two-hour work meeting with Terzo twice a week, every week, for a couple months. Initially Terzo was furious at being roped back into his duties, but he calmed upon realizing that Copia had primarily wanted an excuse to hang out. It was a nice outlet for him, after so much isolation. It was also a convenient way to keep up with and influence ministry affairs without going through the stress of his regular responsibilities.
Omega needed the blocks of privacy because, in secret, he had been learning carpentry, picking up woodworking with the ease that he seemed to acquire most skills that called upon his dexterity. The hardest part was keeping it a secret from Terzo, especially when they connected with his quintessence. Omega worked hard to shield that corner of his mind, rather than cut off their bond altogether. That was something he was unwilling to give up.
When the time was right to bring a blindfolded Terzo into the nursery, Omega was treated to a reverent gasp when he allowed him to look. Before them sat an ornately crafted crib, made from dark cherry wood and carved with a tasteful heart motif. Omega lunged to catch Terzo as his knees buckled, tears streaming down his face.
“Omega, did you…” Terzo whispered, hands covering his mouth.
“I did.”
That night as they sat together on the sofa, their touches became heated, as they so often did. Terzo ended up in Omega’s lap, his ghoul buried deep inside him, caressing him as Terzo bounced.
“Mm, getting tired?” Omega teased in his ear as Terzo’s movements became more shallow, beginning to falter.
“N-no, shut up,” Terzo panted. “I can handle this.” Omega chuckled darkly, one hand coming up to play with Terzo’s oversensitive nipples while the other found his cock. Terzo let out a shout.
“Are you sure, tesoro?” Omega asked oh so sweetly, working him harder. Terzo whimpered in overstimulation, trembling under Omega’s ministrations. To Omega’s surprise, though, Terzo began to move faster, turning the tables on him as soon Omega was begging for him to slow down, to draw things out. Terzo didn’t listen, hungry for Omega’s release, chasing it faster. Terzo only stopped once Omega’s cock kicked inside him, filling Terzo with his hot seed. When Terzo went to move off of him Omega stopped him, still inside of him, gripping his hips firmly.
“Stay,” Omega murmured against his skin, soft but not a request. Terzo listened, leaning back against Omega and craning his head up, lips searching. Their kiss was bruising, burning, Omega’s tongue plundering Terzo’s mouth as his hand returned to Terzo’s cock. Omega swallowed Terzo’s moans as he pumped him. His free hand explored every inch of skin he could access, taking his time to show Terzo’s body the appreciation it deserved.
When Terzo finally came into Omega’s hand with a guttural groan, he slumped heavily against Omega, who buried his face in the crook of Terzo’s neck. He kissed delicately along the deep scars that he found there, thanking every inch of scar tissue for bringing them back together. Omega carried a sleepy and sated Tezo to their bed, unwilling to make his mate move.
When June rolled around, Terzo was becoming restless. Being unable to sit still and yet also unable to stand for very long was taking its toll. Omega did everything he could to keep Terzo distracted and mentally engaged, but it wasn’t enough. Terzo became testy, frequently snapping at Omega, only to shed guilty tears over his outburst afterward. His hormones were raging, his mood unpredictable at best. Omega didn’t take it personally, feeling far worse for Terzo he did than for himself.
Exacerbating the irritability was his physical discomfort. Terzo felt swollen and achy and exhausted, back pain becoming his new constant companion. His need for frequent naps was a marked change from his previously bustling lifestyle. While they were both undeniably grateful for having the domestic life together they’d always dreamed of, there was no avoiding the fact that Terzo needed an outlet. Omega called on Copia yet again, utilizing his fear of Terzo’s pregnancy rage to get what they needed.
Talking Terzo into venturing down to the ministry’s indoor pool wasn’t easy. Being as far along as he was at that point, Terzo didn’t much like to go anywhere that he didn’t have to, and it had as much to do with the stares as it did with the back pain. Terzo wanted to enjoy this phase of their growing family, not be made to feel ashamed of it. Being soaking wet and exposed in a swimsuit was the last place he wanted to be seen by disapproving eyes. Omega knew, though, how much Terzo loved swimming. He also knew how good it would feel to get the pressure off of his back, and how much channeling his pent-up energy into easy physical activity would help him.
Terzo allowed himself to be coaxed into the idea when Omega dangled the key in front of his face; they would be going there after hours. Just the two of them. Shades drawn.
They snuck down to the pool in the dead of night, Terzo wearing simple sweatpants and one of Omega’s t-shirts over his swimsuit. Omega knew his husband well enough to know that he would normally be mortified to be dressed so casually in public, but Terzo had a harder time dressing himself nowadays and needed something easy to get on and off. Terzo’s willingness to give up his dignity in exchange for relief from his discomfort made Omega feel guilty for having done this to his body in the first place. He shook his head, trying to banish the thought; Terzo would hate for him to think that way about their kit. Omega hated it, too. Comfort was a sacrifice that Terzo was willing to make, and Omega had to respect that.
When they got there, Terzo bemoaned not being able to use the hot tub, but they had read that it was bad for developing babies and wouldn’t take the risk. Still, it would’ve felt so nice on his sore muscles. Terzo hesitated in getting undressed, blushing as he went to pull his shirt off over his head. Omega reassured him that they were alone and that the door was locked. It was safe.
Terzo slowly stripped, and though Omega knew that his intention wasn’t to tease, he felt his heartbeat quicken anyway. His heart stopped altogether when Terzo finally stood before him clad only in his old speedo. Omega had forgotten that Terzo might need something a bit… roomier, now. The garment managed to somehow be even more enticing than before, digging a little into his now wider, softer hips and accentuating his plump ass even further. Omega had to resist with every ounce of his strength not to take Terzo right then and there. He was entranced.
“Please stop staring... I know it is too small, I look awful,” Terzo muttered, his flush deepening. Omega moved behind him, slowly running his hands up and down Terzo’s sides.
“You’re so beautiful, Terzo. I wish you wouldn’t feel ashamed of your body. You’re perfect,” Omega assured him, kissing along Terzo’s neck and shoulders. Terzo huffed, clearly not believing him. Reaching out with his quintessence, Omega brushed against Terzo’s mind, asking to be let in; Terzo hummed, yielding easily to the familiar sensation. Omega flooded his own attraction to and desire for his mate through him, although perhaps a little too quickly, he realized, as Terzo swayed on the spot. Omega guided him to the water by the hand once he had steadied, inviting Terzo to join him. It took a long time before they got to the actual swimming part of their excursion.
They fell into a routine of going to the pool to swim lazy laps every other night, giving Terzo breaks to recover from the exertion. Both his mood and his pain improved immensely. Omega was happy to see Terzo growing more content by the day. By the beginning of July, the two would often simply relax together and watch their kit, able to see particularly strong movements now. Their hearts ached to hold their baby girl in their arms. Less than a month, Omega would often have to remind Terzo. They were so close.
One evening in late July, while they sat together in one of the ministry’s gardens on a brilliant, cloudless night, admiring a sky that looked so much like the one they got married under all those years ago, something big happened. The pair had been agonizing over their kit’s name for the entirety of Terzo’s pregnancy, adding and crossing off names on their list nearly every day. Nothing seemed to fit, was worthy of such a precious being, but the date was quickly approaching. As Omega was studying Terzo’s face in the celestial glow, thinking about how often that glow had guided their lives, an idea occurred to him. One that ended up sticking this time.
In that moment, Omega knew her name: Starlight.
#I hope you like it supportive anon#terzomega#terzo and omega#terzo x omega#omega ghoul#papa terzo#ghost the band#papa emeritus iii#terzo#ghost bc#ghost#cw pregnancy#cw mpreg#cw breeding#omega and terzo#omega3#omega ghost#terzomega smut#terzomega fic#terzomega fanfic#the band ghost#original ghoul kit#ghoul kits#ghost fanfic#ghost smut#ghost fanfiction#domestic bliss#resurrection au#morningstars writes#as one au
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Thinking about Aether and Dew baby...
This follows Calida's timeline!
CW - Pregnancy, Mentions of past Traumatic Pregnancy (but this is a fluff post!)
It's been a good few years, now. Calida now a rambunctious teenager, the ministry settled down while there's no tours for a good while. It's comfortable! The topic comes up one night, Dew settled in the bed with Aether on their day off together;
"Promise you won't bite me if I ask something?" An eyebrow raise but Dew promises. "How would you feel about another baby?"
"Another?" Dewdrop sits up a little, resting more on the headboard as he grimaces some. "I dunno, Aeth... Calida's was rough as is. I had her early, and all the complications, and just the mental side of it? I'm not sure... Why?"
"Just been thinking, that's all. Maybe something in the air, all the babies I've been helping deliver with the siblings. I dunno either. Just thought, maybe, it would be nice to have tiny feet running through the den again."
Dewdrop just chews his lip and nods, eventually going into silence before going to the bathroom suddenly. Closes the door and stares at himself in the mirror for a bit, so many thoughts racing. He doesn't realize how long it's been until Aether knocks to check on him, Dew opening the door and looking up, holding his breath.
"Okay, what?"
"Let's have another. But on my conditions."
"What- Oh, okay! What's your conditions?" Aether can't help his tail wagging.
"We're gonna go talk to my therapist and double, triple, fucking quad check that this isn't just a breeding thing for you... A-and I only want you, or Phil, or- or just that really nice midwife you introduced me to at the Halloween party, Alexa... If... If I get pregnant again. No one else."
Aether just nods, taking Dewdrop's hand, leading him back to bed. "Those are all reasonable. I can call for an appointment in the morning. Sound fair?"
"Yeah... Sounds fair."
It's about two months worth of sessions, both privately and together, making sure that YES. They want this! Dew is mentally ready for this again, Aether isn't in some kink phase, etc. They even talk to Calida who's more than excited about a little sibling! Dewy gets off his testosterone and starts taking supplements, and circles his first heat for them to start trying. They keep everything quiet for a while, and even more months of failed attempts to conceive. It's about month four when Dew wakes Aether up, sitting on his lap with two positive pregnancy tests.
They're SO fucking excited but keep their expectations mellow. Dewdrop's health has much changed since Calida, plus they don't know if the egg will fully stay intact. Still, it is exciting for Aether to smell how fruity Dewdrop is. Constantly scenting him to see if there's any changes but also to cover the smell around the others. Every night Aether has his eyes full of stars and a gentle hand on Dew's stomach, whispering to Dewy what he sees, how small it is, but still so full of fluids and cells.
Two months, they agree to tell the others. It goes as they expect, excitement and extra affection, a ghoul pile that even Copia makes time to join.
"Have you started thinking about names or anything like that?" Sunny is laying her head on Dew's thigh, smiling SO wide.
"No, not just yet. Things can still change so we're waiting at least until near the end of the second trimester."
"Makes sense," Swiss chimes in. "Does Calida know?"
Aether is the one to laugh, leaning over. "That girl scared the birds away from how excited she got. She was the first to know."
Now, Dewdrop wouldn't trade Calida for the world. But he wishes he had this gentleness when he was expecting her. The kindness and a huge pack so that he doesn't have to strain and try to keep up, that he knew early, how accommodating everything's been. There's times he'll just hold his stomach and look in the mirror, so much deja vu of when he did it in hotel bathrooms while on tour. Speaking to Calida and telling her she was going to be the light of his life, and now he's doing it again. Just another piece for a puzzle he didn't know wasn't completed yet.
He's put on bed rest once more, too many high risks going on, and he starts eventually experiencing... Symptoms.
"What do you mean they're weird?"
"They're just fucking weird, Aether! Just, okay, tickle me."
He blinks. "You hate being tickled."
"I know! Just do it!"
He shrugs and does a little wiggle of his fingers before attacking Dew's sides and armpits. Listening to him squeal and laugh, grimacing and eventually - the TV turns on. Aether is staring at it while Dew catches his breath.
"See? Weird fucking shit! If I sneeze the lights turn on and off, when I get headaches my phone's battery dies, and like... It's so strange!"
Aether whistles a little, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh we're so having a quint."
Aether looks him dead in the eyes, but a big goofy smile. "You're having magick surges. Little bit is reacting to you, and quintessence is a hell of a thing. Starts while still in the womb, my mother in the pit had almost the same things happening. Less technology and more of like, levitation. We're having a quint!"
Dew blinks before breaking into cries. "Woah, woah! What's wrong, my love?"
"I'm gonna look like a fucking watermelon you ass-wipe!" Hitting him softly but still crying.
Poor thing isn't even six months yet, but he looks like he's eight! Mumbling about his feet hurting, his legs more swollen than normal, cravings that are insanity to even be thought of. It's when he's in the nursery, tying ribbons on the crib when he gasps at a feeling, holding his stomach... It happens again.
He doesn't even get the full trill out before Cumulus and Mountain are RAMMING into that door.
"What's wrong?!"
But, he's smiling, beckoning them over. Takes both of their hands and puts it on his bump, shushing them every time they try to ask. There's a kick and their eyes go wide, Dew just as much. It's much softer than normal kicks, but that's to be expected from the egg sack still around them.
Then, finally, a gender reveal. Expecting a tiny little girl, Aether excited as he's always been a girl dad, adjusting some of the things in the nursery to match her.
Dew is playing with a tiny onesie, keeping his eyes locked on it. "What do you think of the name Starshine?"
"Yeah," his thumb going over the embroidered star on the onesie. "For our daughter."
Aether hums, thinking it over a little before he nods. "Yeah... Yeah, I like that."
He makes it to full term, after an agonizing day and a half of his water being broken and no dilation. Clutching to Aether and Mountain, Alexa between his knees to help course their daughter out. Mountain's fur is sticking up from the amount of electricity from Dew holding him, then with how hot he is. There's a bit of a power surge at the final push before the lights come back. Dewdrop sobbing as he dead weights against the two, staring at the ceiling but ears completely focused on Starshine's mad cries as she's cut from the sack.
Good god they though Mountain was furry? That poor girl is gonna need haircuts WEEKLY. Aether and Dew laughing a bit as they're holding this purple blob of fur, some soft white on her belly and in her ears. Hair blonde, just like Dewdrop's.
Mountain congratulating them and helping Alexa clean up a little while the new parents again bask in the afterglow with their new daughter :3
#the band ghost#ghost band#rabrev writing#ghoul kits#dewdrop ghoul#aether ghoul#dewther#cw pregnancy
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rules — list the names/titles of docs in your WIP folder + open your inbox to have people ask about them!
tyyy for the tag, rheya my love 😌😌❤️ the fics u hv listed sound so so interesting!!! i have my eyes set esp on the tigerhybrid!sukuna fic---tht i'm sure u will write very well, as u always have 🥰🥰 @satoruxx
to fall in love is to create a religion (that has a fallible god)
geto suguru x reader; set in hidden inventory arc; senpai x kouhai; koi no yokan (means 'premonition of love'); canon-compliant
let me take your coat (and this weight off of your shoulders)
geto suguru x reader; slightly insane cult leader!geto; married life; parenthood; nice simple domestic stuff <3 (until jjk 0)
i'll love you forever (and we'll never be in the same room again)
geto suguru x reader; geto survives jjk 0; amnesiac!reader; angst with a happy ending; final installment of this series :D
gojo satoru x reader; angel!satoru; soulmates (sort of...); tw dubcon (but not really???); tw pregnancy; angst with a hopeful ending
heartbeat star
gojo satoru x reader; angel!satoru; developing relationship; more-or-less domestic vibes; tw pregnancy; epilogue-ish to the above fic :))
the heart is an eye
ryomen sukuna x reader; brother's best friend!sukuna; unrequited love; arranged marriage; regency era; 'falls first' x 'falls hard' trope (but amped up to a 100)
no pressure tags 😊😊❤️ ---
@diremoone, @risuola, @sukunasweetheart, @yuujispinkhair, @avatarofstars
@songsofadelaide, @sukunasteeth, @strawberrystepmom, @afortoru, @pupkashi
#tw dubcon#tw pregnancy#geto x reader#geto x you#gojo x reader#gojo x you#sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#pls excuse the fic titles tho 🥲🥲🥲 i'm not the best at naming stuff#i'm not sure if i should have tagged this...#anyway... sources:#1: quote by Jorge Luis Borges#2: 'Two' by Sleeping At Last#3: 'In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive' by Clementine von Radics#4 & 5: space words#6: from 'The House of Glances' by Octavio Paz#ASKS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!#kit interacts 👋#dividers by @/inklore
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It was as night drew in on a cold January evening that Meg felt the pain that could mean only one thing -- she was in labour. Her cries quickly drew Kit to her side, from which he didn't stray for a second, even if it meant enduring his wife's bone-crushing squeezing of his hand.
With snow still piled deep across the roads, taking the horse for assistance was perilous, and a journey on foot was nigh on impossible. Thus it was just the two of them, Kit doing his best to hold Meg through the pain, all the while praying desperately for it to be over.
Morning brought with it the reward, in the shape of Margaret Eliza Calloway -- though no sooner had she been named than her parents were calling her Daisy, as Margaret seemed too long a name for such a tiny child.
#ts4 decades challenge#decades challenge#ts4 historical#ts4#sims 4#simblr#ts4 legacy#ts4 story#meg calloway#kit calloway#daisy calloway#first baby yay!!!#also ps daisy is actually named after meg!#there are like nine million nicknames for margaret#and in case you haven't realised yet i love old names with nicknames#pregnancy tw#birth tw#calloways#calloways 1890s#1891
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Pregnancy Test Kit Updated
Pregnancy Test Kit
A working pregnancy test kit for your fertile Sims.
Updated to fix using the nearest toilet/sink on the other side of a wall rather than one in the same room!
Requires Distance Globals
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EYE do not want to have kids . i have NEVER wanted to have kids (source: three year old me who lived thru my mom's very unpleasant experience having my twin siblings and literally made up deep lore for every doll i ever had to ensure that everyone knew they were adopted and did NOT come from my tummy (the tummy thing is also a direct quote)). HOWEVERRRRRR. when people are good w kids i turn into a fucking puddle of goo.
#like i do think being decent w children#(like. treating them like human beings. being kind and silly n attentive w them and taking their concerns seriously)#is a pretty key consideration for like serious dating for me#not in a 'well they need to be a good co-parent' way (necessarily. have not ruled out adoption/partner carrying. just pregnancy 4 myself)#but in a 'i plan on being a very involved aunt to my siblings' kids my cousins' kids my friends' kids the neighbors' kids etc' way#and in a 'if you cant be decent to children for even fifteen minutes there is something fundamentally mismatched w us' way i guess#i have drunkenly told MANY people like bro when ur kids r old enough i am showing up to ur house w a $400 lego kit#and sending u out on date night or whatever. idc get out somewhere. so me and ur kids can build some crazy shit#i ALREADY send my one hs friend who has two kids copies of my fave books from when i was that age#ANYWAYS. basically it's sweet AND it's also . hot ? so u can imagine how much psychological damage lando does to me on a monthly basis
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WishClan - Moon 5
#clangen#clangen comic#warrior cats clangen#wishclan#wc moon#clangen oc#clangen challenge#unplanned pregnancy be like#i wasn't expecting this to happen tbh#welp#alright get ready to see her kits soon#after my midterms ig
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what does it say about me that the thought of being pregnant wants to make me upchuck but if i could give birth to either a ghoul kit or a plushia i would be the first in line. me? terrible with babies. also me, seeing some creature with horns or a stuffed satanic cardinal? my child.
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Start the beautiful journey of parenthood on a happy note! Confirm your Good News in just 5 minutes with India’s No. 1 Pregnancy Detection Kit - Prega News!
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Soccer pregnant
#baptiste couilloud#mpreg#pregnant man#gravido#belly#male pregnancy#pregnant#man pregnant#pregnant guy#incinto#mpreg belly#rugby world cup#rugby kit#rugby#soccer pregnant#soccer mpreg#soccer
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When Do You Need a Pregnancy Test Kit?
Pregnancy test kits are an easy and accurate way of detecting your pregnancy. It’s simple to use, gives instant results and easily available. So, if you recently had unprotected sex and missed your period, take the pregnancy test to clear you confusion. Read the article to know how it works, when is the right time to take the test and all about it.
How Pregnancy Test Kits work?
Pregnancy kit works by detecting a hormone in your urine. The hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is released in your body if you are pregnant. This hormone is released when your egg is fertilized and is attached outside the uterus or to the uterine lining. It takes time to build hCG in your body. Your body produces hCG every day of your early pregnancy and by the time you take the test, you will have enough amount to get accurate results. If you take the test early, you might get negative results as the amount of hCG might not be sufficient to be detected.
When do you need to take a Pregnancy Test?
It is advised to take the pregnancy test on the first day after you missed your period. In case you don’t remember when your period is due, you can take the test 21 days after you had unprotected sex. Other symptoms include experiencing cramps, tender breasts, nausea, exhaustion and frequent urination. It is always better to take pregnancy test and clear your confusion with the results. If you missed your period and still get a negative result, you should consult your doctor.
The best time to take the test is in the morning. This is because the amount of hCG hormone in your urine is concentrated and can be detected once you pee on a pregnancy strip.
How to use Pregakem Pregnancy Detection Kit -
Pregakem pregnancy kit comes with a testing card, a dropper, a unique urine collection tray and a silica pouch. By just following three steps, you will get accurate result.
1. Collect your urine in the unique collection tray.
2. Using the dropper, put three drops of urine in the sample well marked ‘S’ on the cassette.
3. Within 5 minutes you will get your results.
Double pink lines indicate you are pregnant while the single line indicates you are not. It is an easy and reliable way to get confirmation. Other tests require you to either pee on the stick or dip the strip in the urine. There are also digital pregnancy test kits available which gives the result by displaying the words ‘pregnant or not pregnant.’
Getting results for early pregnancy will help you get the proper prenatal care. Consult your doctor after the results as they will be able to guide you better and take the potential next steps.
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