#precure leaks 2024
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pastel-tyranny · 1 year ago
Wonderful Precure is coming!
My general thoughts and theories on the leaked Wonderful Precure designs. (SPOILERS FOR THE DESIGNS UNDER THE CUT)
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It’s that time of year again, it’s Precure leak season! (Please take my opinions with a grain of salt.)
With the new designs comes theme speculation, lots of people pointed to pets or dogs with this one but I disagree. For some reason this gives me Alice in Wonderland vibes? Cure Wonderful has a queen’s crown, Cure Lillian is a rabbit, Cure Nyammy (I cannot believe that’s her name) is the Cheshire cat, which would make Cure Friendly Alice? I mean that is a stretch of course. Taking a closer look at the idea of this being a dog theme, it could very well be dog breeds. Cure Wonderful could be a King Charles cavalier, Cure Freindly is a basset hound… and that’s where the comparisons stop because Cure Nyammy is clearly a cat! A silly idea is maybe occupations pets do? Detective dog, royal lap pet, circus animal, and therapy pet? I’m pulling straws on this one.
Cure Lillian is the strangest name for a cure, not Cure Lily but Cure Lillian. And again, Cure Nyammy is now a thing and I cannot fathom as to why they chose that name?
Now as for the colors, I am digging this pallet! I once drew an old team of angelic precures way back when using these colors! (I don’t have the image anymore). I think the only reason Cure Friendly has blonde hair is because we are 100% not having a yellow/orange/gold cure this year. I am positive. But if we were to have a cure of a warmer color scheme, a Bronze cure would be interesting!
And in conclusion, I hope for a good Precure season. Because believe me, I fell off Hirogaru when Elle was revealed.
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precurearchive · 1 year ago
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the precure 2024 logo has dropped! the name is “wonderful precure!” and seems to have a dog/animal theme!
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springtime-creations · 1 year ago
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rhemaji · 1 year ago
Some musings abt the soon to be Precure season
So i took a look at the new website and bruhhh
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they're so tacky looking and cute I love them! I'd actually gotten spoiled for Cure Wonderful and Cure Nyami's designs thanks to fanart on pixiv, and at the time I thought the season was going to have an Alice and Wonderland motif thanks to Wonderful's crown [thought she was gonna be like the queen of hearts but nope]. After checking out the website and trailer tho, it seems like the theme is more of a zoo and or animal companion theme. When I first realized that I thought to myself "wait haven't we been here before?" but thinking about it further Healing Good's theme was more along the lines of veterinarians and the earth[?] and Kira Kira Precure's was moreso just animals as window dressing/attack inspo with sweets being the main theme so I suppose we're not technically retreading old ground here. Speaking of not retreading old ground- HOLY SHIT THE MAIN CURE IS A DOG??
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Just like...a full on dog dog bruh, like dang man I never thought i'd see the day where we'd essentially get a fairy leading the team. It seems like the team's split into both humans and animals, with Cure Nyami definitely being that white cat
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This is exciting! I love that Precure's held onto having fairies transform into humans, it's so heckin fun! Back to the designs- In order of my favorite to least favorite it's Cure Nyami [look at that hair bruh! she is beauty, she is grace]
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Cure Friend [the poncho and hair are my fav]
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Cure Wonderful [she looks like such a peppy kid awwww]
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and lastly Cure Lillian [her arm thingies remind me of Futari Wa and I adore that ribbon]
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Honestly, I think this may be the first time since Kira Kira Precure that I've been immediately on board with the designs. I ended up loving Hirogaru's over time but at first glance, I couldn't get over how weird they looked [never fully ended up liking Cure Wing's design but still love the character]. The only thing I dislike about them is Lillian's headband, and the big heart on Friend's shoes. I'm sort of a big sucker for poofy/frilly skirts, long straight hair, and ponchos so I feel well-fed. I'm especially looking forward to seeing them all in motion, especially Lillian since based on her turnaround she seems to have a bit of sass to her. Based on Nyami's turnarounds/previews she seems to be more of a kuudere[?] type which isn't something we've gotten for a main cure in a while. There's also all of these guys just hangin' out on the site too
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Can't wait to see what these lil guys can do, hoping that they'll be connected to powerups and maybe even special outfits/attacks [really enjoyed it when Happiness Charge did that]. But maaaan this is so cool. It seems like ever since Hirogaru decided to play around with Precure conventions they're going all out with unique approaches to the formula. One thing I hope they continue doing this season tho, is keeping the fighting style as a literal fighting style like super sentai where they actually throw punches. I love Kira Kira, but there's only so many times [like 2] that I can watch someone fight by pointing a wand at something before I start skipping the battles. Really loved how Hirogaru frequently would have the characters strategize in battle, it really kept me engaged even if I always know how it'll end. All-in-all, it's sad to see Hirogaru go, but I'm excited with what new stories await in the new season! ^^
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bonni · 1 year ago
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christine-ye · 1 year ago
So the silhouette leaks for Wonderful PreCure are out, huh
I have brief but interesting thoughts which I'll get to under the cut
I like the color combo they're using for the team, maybe more so since I've been hoping for pink, purple, blue, and green team (maybe not necessarily in that order haha) for a while since I started watching PreCure three years ago lol
Now about the bag leaks from earlier: the Cure designs are nice but Lillian (green) has my favorite design and she's definitely gonna be my favorite in the show. (Also gee I hope the green Cure wanters are satisfied enough now)
That's pretty much all I'll say here lol, at least until the official reveal in January
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magicalgirlsugar · 1 year ago
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1800ruvibing · 1 year ago
okay i feel like i'm alone on this. warning for 2024's pretty cure/precure series leaks! including pictures!!!!!! read at your own risk!!!!!
i cannot find it in me to believe these leaks are real.
1. cure friendy??? friendly maybe. but friendy? (it could be a typo/mistranslation. this is a lesser issue in my mind)
2. cure wonderful and cure lillian (?) look far too much like delicious party. like the resemblance in my eyes is uncanny. they look almost like beta designs. if these are real i personally believe it'll be the worst case of cut-and-paste in precure history
i'm unsure, and i'm taking these leaks with a grain of salt bc of how early they are. but hirogaru is soooo good i'm really excited for next year's season and if this is what it is.... idk guys
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mahou-furbies · 1 year ago
We're so due for another main green Cure. It's time to manifest your green energy everyone! Precure 2024 should be 6 green (different shades) Cures, period.
As the leaks draw closer, hope springs anew again!
An all-green team would be a funny thing, maybe I should try designing one (I noticed that like 90% of my magical girl ocs are some kind of reaction to the generic pink heroine so it would be a change of pace)
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blobitech · 2 years ago
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Erm what the flip. Precure 2024 leak!!!!
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girlinthetardis04 · 1 year ago
Between the 2024 PreCure logo getting leaked and Floor 13 of Arcana Twilight being announced I'm eating so well today
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springtime-creations · 1 year ago
Longwinded over-explanation as to why I DON'T think these Wanderful PreCure leaks are real or at the very least not be taken as 100% accurate if they are real.
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As someone who's been into PreCure for almost a decade, and has been studying art in an informal setting (self taught artist go brrr) I've noticed some issues with these leaks.
First is obviously the names. Never in the entire history of PreCure have we had a cure whose name lines up with the title. No Cure Smile in Smile, no Cure Suite in Suite, no Cure Fresh in Fresh- you get my point. Cure Wonderful is a highly suspect name, however could still be real as PreCure is always experimenting. Cure Friendy on the other hand is WAY more egregious. Friendy isn't a word, and PreCure isn't known for making mistakes that bad. But it could have either slipped through the cracks OR as these photos look like prototypes that were meant to be destroyed, it's possible Friendy is a typo and she's meant to be Cure Friend, Cure Friendly, or an idea my phone gave me via autocorrect Cure Trendy. Any of which could fit my theorized theme of dog styling or the latter to with a blanket theme of dogs. But they could also be placeholder names. Fake names used to differentiate the characters before they're ready to start publishing their real names.
Secondly is the design. Although I'm not classically trained (see above for self taught artist go brrr) I have a good grasp on art fundamentals via independent study. I was wondering why the designs looked so off to me, and outside of it looking like it was traced off of Aikatsu, I realized that these silhouettes SUCK. Having a strong silhouette is an important aspect of making an identifiable cartoon character. Case and point, a few previous seasons compared with these leaks:
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(Pardon the rough nature of the silhouettes, I had to make my own on my phone) without the details, I have no idea what I'm looking at with these designs. With previous seasons, the silhouettes themselves gave us an idea of the vibes or even themes for the upcoming season. Here though? I mean my crappy silhouette of Cure Wonderful made her pigtails look like a cat sitting on her head when I asked my boyfriend for input. These silhouettes are incredibly weak with their long hair basically ruining their design by hiding their dresses. Fun fact! These are the same issues I had with Colgate-chan- oh sorry Alear from Fire Emblem Engage that made me think those were fake too. The minor details were the only thing that separated them from other characters since their silhouette was awful.
Now weak silhouettes aren't always a crime against art, however for a piece of media that is meant to sell toys, is in animation, and for children? Yeah no you need a strong silhouette for the audience to easily identify. The only reason such a weak silhouette would work in PreCure is because no other Cure has one this bland. You can tell which PreCure is Cure Wonderful because "oh that's the least fun looking one". Since her charm comes from the details you can't see when it's just her silhouette, that means that although they're all still cute, they could have been MUCH cuter, which Toei is typically really good at.
So in conclusion, are these definitely fake? I'm not sure. Given these products were probably taken home without permission from the manufacturer, it's possible these leaks are one of three things.
1. An INCREDIBLY well done fake leak, potentially by Toei themselves since they do that sometimes.
2. Real prototypes made with VERY early drafts of the characters and placeholder names that were intended to be destroyed once the designs/names got updated.
3. This is the real deal and this is going to be a fairly weak season in terms of aesthetic.
I'm personally leaning towards 1 or 2 since PreCure usually has higher standards of production. But hey, this is just my theory regarding these leaks. I know one of my girlfriends loves Cure Friendy, and I'm always here for more green rep in PreCure. I'm still excited for this season even if the aesthetic might be a bit weak. If there's anything I've learnt from PreCure, it's that even the most casual of seasons can get real dark real quick and somehow still work. Didn't Cure Grace literally leave someone to die... idk I haven't been able to watch a full PreCure season since like Go! Princess first came out 😭 fuck I'm getting old-
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linettefox · 1 year ago
Wonderful Cures
These are not leaks, the Precure websites just updated to give us these.
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