#pre totk
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achiepy · 2 years ago
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aufi-creative-mind · 2 months ago
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A work-in-progress preview for a something I'm planning. ;3c
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just-brighteyes · 5 months ago
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If only it were that simple...
AU fic snippet under the cut 👀
Finally, the formal event was over and Zelda allowed herself to be whisked away from the tiring night of politics. The rulers of each race and village, like Link, were unhappy with her Zelda's resumption of her traditional throne and the strained, yet polite, negotiations had worn her patience thin.
Though Link had been happy to return to duty as a royal guard and trusted confidant, his relationship with Zelda had become tense as he expressed his agreement with the rulers of Hyrule; the monarchy should be dissolved in favour of a council of representatives.
Walking through the gardens on the way back to her rooms, Zelda could feel his stare on the back of her neck.
"I know you don't agree with my ruling Hyrule, but you don't have to be so surly about it."
"Hm," came his non-committal response.
"I can't abandon the kingdom my father worked so hard to protect, even if he made my life a misery back then. I have to carry on his legacy, otherwise it was all for nothing."
She stopped walking and turned to face him. Link caught up and was standing close to her, the moon illuminated his tired and stern face as clear as day.
"Don't look at me like that, you know I have to rule so we can have peace in Hyrule."
His expression softened and he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her in a familiar hug. He'd grown a few inches since the calamity, now a fully grown soldier, and she took comfort in these moments when they could be just Link and Zelda, not the Hero and the Princess.
After a moment, she felt him stiffen, as though he had made up his mind about something.
"What's wrong?"
"Abdicate," he said.
He raised a gloved hand to her chin, tilting her face towards his. A warm glow dusted his tanned cheeks as he repeated,
"Abdicate. Hyrule has ruled itself for a hundred years, it can take care of itself. Then... maybe..." his voice quivered and failed.
Her ears burning, her eyes flicked unwillingly from his eyes to his mouth. How desperately she wanted to live the life he was boldly offering to her, finally giving voice to the tension that had been building for months.
He was offering her a simple life among the people where they could simply be. No critical decisions, no complex political events more dangerous than a battleground, no treaties to write or prisoners to sentence.
It was impossible.
"Link. You know why I can't..."
She knew it would happen. It hurt just the same.
Disappointment and hurt flashed across his handsome face, before his eyes hardened as he slipped back into his role as the perfect soldier. He dropped his hand and stepped back to a respectable distance.
"Very well, Princess."
"Link I-"
"It's late, your highness. Let me escort you to your rooms."
Evan as a man of few words, he had never been this formal with her, despite her numerous protests. She knew at this moment, she'd lost him.
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fishieda · 2 years ago
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Meanwhile, at the Hateno Clothing Shop (post-BOTW, pre-TOTK)
Link, being the ever silent protagonist, often has difficulty finding the right words to say
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He also has no qualms letting Zelda dress him up
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boomxyzu · 1 year ago
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“Hold me a little longer,” Zelda whispered
“I’ll hold you for as long as your heart desires,” Link promised, embracing her even more.
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kbluebirdart · 1 year ago
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You're my comfort.
in BOTW Impa tells Link that 100 years ago his presence always brought comfort to Zelda and something like giving her strength too.
this should take place around pre-Totk after Link returns the master sword to be restored in the forest, where he can be free to be himself.
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exactlyonespoon · 1 year ago
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visiting lurelin
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dilfmansion · 1 year ago
once Link finds out that Zelda is still up there, a seemingly permanent fixture in the sky, he visits her often.
during the first few visits he can’t bring himself to do anything more than simply sit with her and cry, tears wetting her mane as Link presses his face into golden locks. he missed her so much, doesn’t honestly know if he will ever get to see her again the way he could before.
gradually, it gets easier. Link visits Zelda more often, brushes fingers through her hair and tells her about his progress towards defeating ganodorf. towards bringing her home. he tells her about their new house, the one he’s building for them in tarrey town. the study he set aside for her, with the nice windows and a big desk. the stable in the back where her horse, Catherine, stays. he promises to feed her lots of apples.
sometimes, when he can gather the courage, link reads to zelda. he brings the scientific journals and textbooks from her workshop, the ones with words he doesn’t understand. he sounds them out to her carefully, tripping over syllables, practicing speech to ensure he doesn’t lose the gift while she’s gone.
she never responds. doesn’t talk back or give so much as a hum. link doesn’t hold it against her. he can still feel her there. the deep rhythm of her breath, the tears that have welled in her eyes and never seem to ebb.
she’s still there. he has to believe she is.
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karakulialiny · 2 months ago
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It's been a century since I participated in DTIYS, and I missed it so much. Of course, when @aufi-creative-mind started her own contest, I couldn't ignore it. Thank you for your contribution to my fight against the art block.
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zeldas-hair-pins · 22 days ago
New drawings and sketches
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And I don’t feel like cropping all of the other stuff out so here a full page that’s mostly Loz stuff
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Just ignore Nico and Varian
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legofanguy · 2 months ago
A Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild fanfiction using @zazuprompts January prompt garden.
Charlotte Hyrule is glad that her mother Zelda is able to hang out at home instead of traveling around for some reason, but the dirty blond hair girl see her mother planting some flowers and Charlotte ask her mother, “I’m making a garden, Charlotte. I once have a beautiful garden full with flowers when I was your age, my dear. One of the hardest to grow is my favorite flower, the Silent Princess.” Charlotte ask her mother, “The Silent Princess? Like the pretty flower on your nightstand?” and Zelda answer, “Yes, Charlotte. The Silent Princess is hard to grow in a controlled environment. There is a legend that the first Silent Princess came to be from the tears of one of our ancestors over the loss of her loving parents and how the princess spirit lay in each Silent Princess, refusing to be caged.” Charlotte said, “Oh.” and then help her mother with the garden.
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definitelynotapossum · 2 years ago
Battle Scarring
You can find this fic, and many more, on my ao3!
An arrow whizzed through the air, striking the hay bale target with a distinct "thwack" before it fizzled with a slight crack of electricity, then stopped.
Zelda had wanted to learn how to use the shock arrows properly since, as Link learned the first time he used them, firing them wrong can result in the user becoming just as damaged as the target. That, and she felt like they were the type she should use. She found she had a knack for the electrically charged arrows, and they made her think of Urbosa.
Link had worried about her using such destructive ammo when she was still new to the bow, but he was able to craft a shock arrow that was far less devastating for her to start with. He watched her pull another from her quiver and load it. "You're a quick learner. Last week, it would have hit the pond." He pointed at the small body of water that was just behind the target.
Zelda shook her head at the memory. "Goddesses… all those poor fish. Serves me right for forgetting that electricity conducts rather well in water."
"It happens." He flinched slightly at the sound of another charged arrow hitting its mark, and crackling with electricity. "I promise you whatever mistakes you'll make with that thing will be nothing compared to what I managed to do with mine."
"Have you forgotten I kept watch?" She giggled. "I saw some of the ludicrous things you managed with those bomb arrows of yours. I'm surprised you came out of it all unscathed."
"Mostly." He pulled up his right sleeve and pointed at a small patch of skin that was warped and hairless compared to the rest of his arm. "That's what happens when you mix up your bomb arrows with your regular ones, then fire at close range. Kind of surprised this is all I walked away with."
Zelda sat the bow down in the plush grass, and walked over to him, looking at his arm. "I'm shocked your eyebrows didn't come off with it. I remember that fight. You were trying to dispatch a bokoblin, right?"
"Yep." Link cringed at the realization that she had seen that. Of all the things she had seen him do, it had to be that. 
The encounter had originally terrified her, but now she did her best not to laugh whenever she thought of it. She could still perfectly recall Link's high-pitched screams of terror. "You scared me to death, you know. Still do. I've probably got gray hairs from keeping watch over you." She placed a finger on the scar, feeling the formed ridges. "How have you walked away alive from most of these instances?"
" Most ." The memory of the guardian's laser gnawed at him before he shook it away. "Experience, pure luck, and a lot of healing elixirs."
"And plenty of calls to Mipha's power, I'm sure."
"I'm sure she's getting sick of saving my ass."
"Goddesses, I miss that woman." Zelda took another arrow from the quiver and set her sights back on the target. One final shot before resting. She fired and watched as the arrow hit the small, central dot in the center of the target. Bullseye. "What other scars have you collected from your various… excursions?"
"Misadventures?" Link corrected.
"Scuffles, if you will."
He had to think for a moment. Sure, there was no shortage of scars on his body, but he had forgotten the stories behind most of them. After a while, all the bokoblin bites and lynel scratches just blended together. He thought about the prominent one on his left eyebrow, which sliced right through it. "Got this one swimming with Sidon, one day."
Zelda raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Yeah. He had me on his back, and I thought it would be funny to try and stand up. You know, like a surfboard. I guess…"
Zelda sheathed the bow, biting back a grin. "I think I missed this one. Do tell."
Link lowered his head, and his ears twitched, slightly abashed. "I… slipped off of him and got sent careening right into a rock. Got knocked out cold and he had to fish me out of the water." He blushed slightly. It wasn't one of his finest moments. The red hue deepened when he heard Zelda snort. "I could have been concussed, you know!"
"Nothing your brain hasn't already been through I'm sure."
"And this one?" She said, pointing to a cut in his ear. She used the tip of her finger to trace it slightly, and it made his ear twitch.
"Careful, it's sensitive." He perked them slightly. "Hate that one. Yiga scar. I was fighting one and his blade just barely scathed me, but I was left with… this. Makes it harder to hear out that side." The blade had taken out a sizable notch in his ear. Hylian ears were designed in such a way that they could hear the slightest movements. "Now I mostly just rely on my sight, and gut instinct."
Zelda's own ears mimicked his movements: a habit that had grown on her since the calamity. "I… definitely don't remember that one. I would have tried to help. Somehow."
He could see her slight frown. She probably couldn't have stopped it even if she wanted to, but, Zelda being Zelda, of course, she would still feel guilty. "Hey, It's alright. Just another scar. Believe me, there's worse and better." He said, pulling the collar of his shirt down slightly, exposing yet another blemish, and he started to talk about a lynel that had caught him off guard while he was riding away from the stables.
She learned very quickly that he was absolutely riddled with scars. She must have been busy when most of these happened because only a few of them jogged any memories. What had he gotten into? "My word… There are so many! How did I miss all of these?"
Link pulled his shirt back down over his torso, covering himself, and all the little imperfections, back up. Zelda mourned the loss. "You were pretty busy, you know, saving the kingdom and whatnot. I'm not the only one with scars. You got your fair share too." He gestured at her thigh. Beneath her pants, Link knew of a large mark she had earned when she launched herself between him and a bokoblin's mace. She couldn't walk for a week, and it had barely missed a major artery.
"That I did, but mine pale in comparison. You've been through… so much." She lightly grazed her hand over the covered mark on her thigh, the memory burning in her mind. Link had scolded her for what felt like hours for charging to his rescue like that. No matter. She would gladly do it again.
Link took a few tentative steps closer, close enough to catch her hand in a gentle cradle, rubbing his fingers along the back of it. "We both have. No more one than the other." Feeling bold, he brought her hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, making her smile and blush. "We've come a long way, princess."
"That we have, Hero."
It was more than just the physical and mental scarring. Link was Link, he had always had his fighting spirit, but after Ganon's defeat, Zelda had accompanied him on pretty much every journey, hike, and battle he had gotten into. Though she was more than winded after the first few, she quickly learned to keep up. She had mastered her way with a sword, even finding her own technique, and was more than skilled with her power, now that she had a hundred years of usage on it. She was turning into a knight of sorts too.
It was more than her skills. Her body had changed too. Her physique closely matched that of Links, she just wasn't as skinny, and scars were starting to make themselves plenty. Hell, she had a new one forming on her calf from falling off her horse a week ago, and her hair was cut short, something she did immediately after a Yiga clan member had yanked her to the ground by her long ponytail. He had nearly sliced her in half while she lay there. 
Her hand still in his, he gently pulled her towards a nearby tree, its orange, and amber-colored leaves just beginning to fall. A telltale sign of the season's change. He spun her around slowly before placing his other hand on her waist, bringing her close. A little trick he had learned a hundred years back, waltzing in the ballroom. She admits that was the first time he had, literally and figuratively, swept her off her feet. "You were once a princess without a single scrape on your body. I'd call you fit to be a warrior now, or the most beautiful knight I've ever seen."
She giggled, still pressing close. "Only because of you. You kept me safe all those years ago. You still do. Though, I don't think I'd quite recognize myself now. All bruises, bumps, and muscles."
Link had let go at this point, stretching his arms as far as they could go, then leaning back against the tree's rough-barked trunk. "Man, what would that young princess in Hyrule Castle think if she saw you?" He said, referencing a young, less experienced Zelda.
"I think she'd faint."
"In terror or joy?"
She leaned back with him. "Both, and you? What would that little countryside farm boy think of you?"
"Oh, he would drop dead ." They both laughed at that. "The Princess' royal knight, hero of Hyrule, and I can talk now? He wouldn't believe it."
It was true. Before the Calamity, Link was best known by his fellow knights for being unusually silent. Even the princess had commented on it a few times before she had grown fond of him. " You never even chirp. You can't always let your sword speak for you, you know. Part of being in the royal family is having quick wit, and a sharp tongue."
"Like watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly." Zelda took a seat under the tree, with the ground covered in once near-extinct silent princesses. She patted the dirt next to her, silently asking Link to sit next to her. "You've come a long way, hero. You should be proud, and I think it should be commended. If I could see to it that a ceremony be held, I would. I guess my praise will have to do for now."
Link smiled. "Your praise is more than enough."
"Yeah? Guess I'll have to say it more often."
"We should both be commended. I mean… look at you."
"Look at me." She copied, gesturing to her body.
"Oh, I am." He punctuated it with a cheeky wink.
"Ugh, you are truly awful." She gave him a light biff to his arm. "If only my father could see me now. I look like I could lift a bull, I probably could, and if he heard my profanity now, he'd fucking gasp too." That earned a chuckle from Link, but he watched solemnly as her smile faded, and she looked at something on the distant horizon. "I feel like I've lost half of what makes me a princess."
Lost it? She seemed more like a Princess now than she ever was. Fit to be queen, if Link could have a say in it. "Zelda." The sudden change in tone made her tense. "You are still very much a princess to me. You haven't lost a single bit of your charm or beauty, and if anything, I'd say you've gained a whole lot more."
"You think so?" Her eyes were still focused on the distant hills.
Aiming to shake her from her downcast state, he silently scooted up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, making her squeal in surprise. He pulled her back into his body, and placed little, feather-light kisses along her neck, making her chuckle and sigh. "I do think that, Zel."
"Zel…" she turned and cupped his face in her hand. "Now there's a name I haven't heard in… a long time."
"You'll hear it more. I promise. I remembered how much you liked it." Lifting his head, he saw that the sky had begun to take on a slight pinkish glow. Night was on its way and, as much as he'd like to stay right there, all night, a snug, shared bedroll in their tent was much more enticing. "Sun's setting, love. Wanna get a move on?" He held out a hand for her to take, and pulled her up off the ground.
"Alright, but I choose where we set up camp this time." She began collecting their things and went to pull her used arrows out of the hay bale.
"What? What was so bad about last time?"
That earned him an eye roll. "You may be used to sleeping on sharp rocks, but I'd at least like a nice patch of grass under the tent. With my luck, you'd stick us over a mud puddle."
Link gestured defeated, though he would admit he was used to just picking random spots and setting up camp. Zelda had a much better sense of comfort than he did. Good thing she was royalty. "Alright. Alright, I'll get the horse."
He returned a few minutes later with a blood bay stallion in tow. Zelda took her time tying everything snug onto the saddle before she took his hand, and he lifted her up with him. 
She wrapped her hands around his waist, leaning into him. "Let's go, Hero." 
"As you wish." With a click and a light boot to its side, the horse reared slightly, and they sped off toward the forest, leaving their cozy little archery spot behind.
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edgy-dragon-trash · 2 years ago
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Comm for an irl. They wanted “short hair zelda reading in her semi repaired study”, so pre totk Zelda?? Or post botw if you will. Anyways I figured this is the perfect thing to drop a day before totk, I’m so hyped
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lokiwaffles · 2 years ago
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When I said old art, I wasn't kidding. Here is a pre-TOTK link redesign I did in in April. He is inspired by the thought of a gardener link (vaugly) but I was mostly just having fun. Here are some ideas for lore/redesigning.
-His main gimmick can be coaxing plants to grow faster, enabling him to reach different areas. His influence over different place expands throughout the game.
-A companion korok. Need I say more?
-A steampunk, industrial setting. Not really a Zelda idea, but I still love the thought of a fully mechanical Ganon akin to the one in BOTW.
-Just like in BOTW, there's the theme of nature reclaiming its territory.
-My boy’s costume can look a liiiiitle more organic. Axe the armor!
-Finding the Master Sword is a lot harder this time because there aren't really any sacred places left. It's very well hidden, and when found, is dulled because it has lost it’s connection to the land. It becomes more powerful in wild places.
-Bring back Link’s hat!!!
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sunset-peril · 1 year ago
Link, Wolfbred King - Chapter Two
“Good morning, Link.” 
He awoke to the most wonderful scratching of his ears. “Morning, Zels.”
“Zelda Ivee said you two had a fun night last night.”
“Yeah, well I broke Cece and Reede up again before they started fighting.” He tried to stretch himself out, but his wife held him down.
“Zelda Ivee? Could you get the herb salve for your father?”
“Yes, Momma!” The small child hopped off the foot of her parent’s bed, where she’d been sleeping the night before, and headed down to the kitchenette to retrieve her father’s salve.
“Honestly, Link, you need to stay out of their business. Reede’s lived this Hyrule longer than you have, and he’s a little less… volatile.” 
“He’s a pushover, Zelda. He’ll do the show by confronting her, but won’t do the work of restoring peace.”
“Link.” She grasped his face. “You cannot keep acting like the town’s overlord. You are better than this.”
“But she's not.”
“Momma! I brought the salve for Daddy!”
“Thank you, dear.” Zelda took the salve gently from her. “Would you go see if the horses still have water? I can refill the troughs in a moment if they are empty.”
“Yes, Momma!” Once the little girl had gone out the front door, Zelda gripped her husband’s face hard enough that couldn't turn away. “Link.” She stared into his eyes until he began to lean away from her. “I know you’re hurting. But that does not give you permission to act like this. You are very quickly emulating the very behaviors you overthrew a century ago. Do not turn my husband into my father. You are better than this.” She released his face, then opened the salve and began to rub it onto Link’s elbows. “Cece is no Shamia. She has no true influence. You are King, my dear, and I can’t have you destroying yourself before our kingdom is restored. You reunited Hyrule’s tribes in your quest to free the Beasts, and that is inclusive of the Wolfbred.”
“The horsies are good, Momma! Can I help Daddy?”
“Thank you! Of course you may. Bring the mighty thistle milk, will you?” 
The toddler quickly grabbed the bottle and ran up the stairs. “Got it, Momma!” She held out the bottle so her mother could de-cork it, then handed it to her father. “Here you go, Daddy!” 
“Mmm, thank you, princess.” He tipped it back once, then set the bottle and his head down.
“Feeling better?” 
“I’m alright. Your momma’s taking good care of me, and so are you.”
“...You can still see me, right?”
“Of course, I’m looking right at you!” He kissed her tiny forehead. 
“Why do you hurt, Daddy? I wanna fix it…”
“You can’t fit it, baby, but I wish you could. Daddy’s just old.”
“But all the other daddies are older than you are…”
Zelda set Link’s arm down for a moment and picked up her daughter. “Daddy’s a pedigreed Wolfbred, which means he doesn’t have any Hylian in him like you, or me. Pedigreed Wolfbred get very old much faster then Hylians do.” She reached over and stroked his forehead, a weary purr came from him. 
Thinking about what her ancestors did to his made her sick. The Royals of ancient times took the Wolfbreds’ bodies and changed the very nature of their beings for their benefit alone. They encoded synthetic instincts to keep them subservient, they changed the makeup of their bodies… making them stronger than any natural creature no matter the consequences on their health. Her hand tightened over his forehead and she thought. 
They tried to domesticate him! He was no less Hylian than a Sheikah, and her ancestors tried to reduce him to a pet! A working animal! And then they just discarded him for ten thousand years when they were done! Her husband was a Hylian man with agency, who cares if he is descended from some ancient werewolf?!
Her beloved was doomed long before Hylia ever chose him. Wolfbred were known for dying in their thirties. Both Link's parents were in their thirties when they passed away, his mother passed from organ failure and his father died in his sleep about a year after the Calamity. Even if his parents hadn't met such early demises, enough genetic problems existed in Link's family line she'd been warned several times during their courtship that she'd likely outlive him. His body was a mere twenty-three years of age, but his right leg was painful and his left eye had begun to fog over around Zelda Ivee's second birthday. Not to mention that he preferred to walk like a wolf, swearing it eased the pain of his hips.
Link's spirit was mostly undampered, thankfully. He was very argumentative when she retired him from the Guard a year ago due to his blind left eye, and since his retirement he'd been getting himself into trouble either by starting fights of his own or trying to end someone else's… like he was currently doing with Reede and Cece. He also still hunted on a nearly daily basis and was a volunteer guard at various stations around the village. The ancient Royal Family had designed him as a soldier and not a lapdog, so his inability to settle down didn't surprise her. He still had the energy of a twenty-three year old man, just with a bad leg, a poor hip, a blind eye and a mountain of emotional issues from the Calamity itself. And she'd expected the leg to go lame prior to the Calamity; honestly, due to how often he would throw his entire body weight onto an already abnormally small joint. Purah had already confirmed his blindness was cataract-related, but because Link is the stubborn man he is, she's not sure whether he had damaged his eye fighting the Divine Beasts (and simply refused to tell anyone until the eye was bad enough that he couldn't hide it) or whether it was because he was aging. She hoped it was Beast-related. If it was aging related, that meant he'd told her nearly immediately about his eye failing. A lack of stubbornness terrified her. 
If they were still living prior to the Calamity, the Sheikah probably could have restored his vision, but alas, much of the quality-of-life technology being developed at the time was lost. 
“Me and Daddy are gonna play spies with Narah and Nebb still, right?” Her daughter pawed at her arm and she began to rub the salve into her husband's favored leg.  
He jerked away once when she tried to rotate the leg onto a better position, she gently pulled him closer. “Of course. You and me are gonna be the best spies.” A puppy's whine came from his lips. “That hurts.”
“I know it does, Link.” She kissed him as she worked. 
Link's love for the other kids in the village made Zelda's heart soar. If he was able to settle into a mentor role for these Wolfbred-Hylian children, maybe it could help him move on from his bloody battle days and the days where he and Hylians were enemies. The children adored him. The four school-aged children were especially fond of her, of course, but even the littlest of the village children worshiped the ground Link walked on. And not even because he was a hero! The kids knew nothing about his heroics, or his royal status, he was simply ‘Grandpa Link’ to them, the old Wolfbred who lived out near the village entrance with Miss Zelda and had great stories and even greater food. He was also known for always being willing to wrestle with the children. 
Of course, wrestling with multiple children probably wasn't the best for his arthritis, but it kept him in the village and out of trouble. Both Link and the little boys were significantly better behaved after the fact, reminding her of when Revali was alive and the two would always want to duel (and usually would break some amount of property in the process). Perhaps it was just part of being men from warrior tribes. As long as the children's parents didn't mind Link's rough manner of play (which most of them actually appreciated Link for doing so,) she was perfectly happy to let him indulge. He was definitely happier on all fours with children tugging on him from all sides. 
His beloved finished rubbing the last of his joints. “Alright, Link, you can get up.” She offered him a hand in case he needed it. 
He shook his head when she offered it. “I'm alright, love.” Once he was upright, he took their daughter down to prepare breakfast. 
This world was so good for her. In this world, her little Zelda Ivee was one of many, many Wolfbred-Hylian individuals instead of the first one in ten thousand years. She was normal, not a ‘disgrace to the kingdom.’ Although she was supposed to arrive in the Hyrule of a century ago, Zelda was grateful to the Goddess that her daughter made it to the current age. Being able to welcome their little girl, beloved by all the friends they'd lost, helped her move on. 
She knew Link would rather be in that Hyrule, despite his daughter's benefit. He did have friends here, but his best friends were buried a very long time ago. His mentors and family were left behind, his ‘safe and familiar’ lost now that he'd regained most of his memories… He'd rather have his sister again, instead of his sister's great-grandson. Reede tried , but he often just ended up butting heads with his ancestor. Link probably gave him a very stern talking to last night. She knew it didn't help that Link usually ended up alone at night, participating in the activities that he and his loved ones participated in with confusion and frustration that the others weren't interested. His culture often just left him so depressed and defeated… he probably felt that his daughter was his only chance at preserving and passing down the ways of the Wolfbred.
She'd originally wanted to press forward with Zelda Ivee's formal education, but decided not to after getting advice from Clavia that her dad should teach her about being a Wolfbred before her mother taught about being a lady. She hadn't realized the sheer amount of social development that Wolfbred have in their first few years of life. 
For her next birthday, Zelda Ivee would accompany her father to a cave somewhere in the area and learn their history and why they have the traditions they do, just like Link did with his own father all those years ago. 
Another concern that Zelda had uncovered during her research was that Wolfbred struggled with sudden lifestyle changes. They'd either completely avoid the change and protect their familiar or, if forced to change, would showcase signs of anxiety and hostility. 
To say Link had a sudden lifestyle change would probably be the understatement of the century. Link had experienced multiple extreme lifestyle changes in the past few years. If the whole ‘waking up after one hundred years’ thing wasn't extreme enough, their daughter was born about four months after he rescued her, she retired him two years later due to blindness, he started developing joint pain at some point doing all of that and he really hadn't done much since her rescue except sit around at home and take care of their daughter. He'd gone from running lengths and lengths every single day to sitting on the floor with an infant. 
Maybe an adventure was what her beloved needed to become himself again. A controlled one of course, he was half blind, but an adventure nonetheless.
“Zelda! Breakfast is ready!” Link called from the first floor, waving up at her as she finished placing everything on the desk. 
“Coming, Link.” She quickly made her way down the stairs, and over to him. He kissed her happily before providing her with a warm meal, then served their daughter, then himself, and was seated at the table. 
Despite his issues, she'd still have to say that Link was probably healthier than he'd been before the Calamity. He'd put on some weight since retirement, but she'd always believed he was a little too slim prior to the Calamity, and he was finally on a healthy sleep schedule instead of pacing around her for all hours of the day and night. It astounded her how stress, a chronic lack of sleep and a diet tailored for Hylian guards instead of tireless Wolfbred men had a more negative effect on his overall health than arthritis and blindness! In fact, the months just before Zelda Ivee's birth were probably the healthiest she'd ever seen him. His joints and eye were still healthy, as far as she knew, and he'd spent the six months prior to that listening to his body's needs. Of course, she'd also never seen him so stressed, but that was to be expected for such a time. 
Their little girl was turning out so much like him. She wanted to be just like her dad, to be a real ‘Woofbred’ like him and make him proud.
She'd worried before the Calamity, that such a proud soldier like Link would struggle with a daughter. Of course she didn't tell him such. She didn't want him feeling pressured to ‘perform’ in his parental duties like her own father had often done to her. She confided in Urbosa, as she could not shake the fear with logic alone, and her dear friend assured her that her fears were unfounded.
And Urbosa was right. Link was a wonderful father to their daughter. In her likely biased opinion, he was the best ‘girl dad’ in the entirety of Hyrule. Of course, Zelda Ivee was born with her father's Wolfbred traits - his dewclaw-like thumbs, facial markings, fur-like hair and temperament - and she longed to be like him. Zelda had a fear that Link would not have been so doting had their little one been born with a more Hylian appearance and personality, or without such a strong desire to imitate Link. But, she tried to remind herself, her daughter was incredibly similar in personality to her husband. Link's female carbon copy, Zelda would jokingly say, even though the child had her green eyes, ear shape and figure. There was proof of this, right across the table from her: Zelda Ivee seated in her dad's lap as they ate, talking to her dad in his native tongue. 
Zelda sighed in contentment as she ate the wonderful meal her husband had made. How did she get so lucky?
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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dilfmansion · 1 year ago
The Art of Beauty ~ Post-BoTW Zelink
words: ~900
read on ao3
“Your hair’s getting long.”
Link’s eyes flutter open, drawn by the words from the soft lull of his meditation. It was something that Zelda had recommended he try after the Calamity, when he couldn’t sleep through the night and was restless all day. It helps. Clears his mind, helps him focus. He thinks about Zelda, or the comfort of the Gerudo sun, or nothing at all. It’s nice.
Do you like it? Link signs. He tips his head back, smiling as the princess comes into view upside-down. She matches his expression, impossibly elegant.
“I do.”
There’s no school today– the children are allowed the weekend to play and so Zelda is too, the duties of teaching briefly forgotten. She sits down behind Link and curls the ends of his hair around soft fingers.
“I do believe it’s longer than mine.” She laughs, bright and easy. Her hair is cut short now. She had cut it after moving to Hateno, eager to rid herself of the symbol of royalty and opt for something more practical. Link had helped her. This new style falls in a gentle frame around her face, barely brushing the line of Zelda’s jaw. She tucks it behind her ears or braids it into a band around her head when she wants it out of the way– Link likes it best loose. When she’s just woken up in the morning and it falls over her face, glowing with sunlight. Sometimes she’s so beautiful he can’t even bear to look at her.
“It’s lovely.” Again, her words draw him from thought– she’s awfully good at that.
Link feels his cheeks flush, warm and sunny, lips quirking up into a smile as he casts his gaze down to a small patch of wildflowers in front of him.
“Thank you, Princess.”
Absently, as if she doesn’t quite notice what she’s doing, Zelda begins to gather honey blonde strands of Link’s hair and weave them together into intricate little braids that cascade down to the tops of his shoulders. She doesn’t fasten any of them, letting the plaits trail off loosely at the ends.
Link doesn’t even notice that his eyes have fallen closed. Zelda’s hands are deft and sure, trained in the art of beauty. She touches him like he’s a delicate thing. Her hands card through soft hair and her fingertips brush ever so lightly against his scalp, like some sort of worship. It makes Link want to cry. She has shown him impossible kindness, has never once wavered in her reverence. Perhaps the only one close to him, now, for whom that is true.
“Why don’t you wear your hair up more often?” Zelda asks gently, working sections into a braid that follows the curve of Link’s hairline above his ear. “It looks so beautiful.”
Link feels his cheeks begin to flush, the heat of the sun nothing compared to the warmth of her compliments. Not used to it, he signs, almost embarrassed, don’t know how to make it look nice.
Zelda’s careful, practiced movements never falter. She begins to join two braids at the back of his head, a perfect golden circlet. “Your mother never showed you?”
Link thinks better than to shake his head, humming a small dissent.
“Well, it’s not too late,” Zelda announces. She picks a small flower from the ground next to them, a little blue blossom that mimics the color of Link’s eyes, weaving its stem through the braid. “I can teach you.” Another flower is plucked from the grass to adorn Link’s hair. “I know my hair’s quite short now, but it should still be long enough to learn.”
Link’s eyes widen. The two of them had slept in the same bed every night since the Calamity. They share every meal, travel the world together, tend to each others’ wounds– yet still, the simple idea of braiding her hair makes the breath leave his lungs. He has to take a deep breath before even thinking of responding.
“Yes, please.” Link swallows, his heart suddenly pounding, the flush on his cheeks only growing darker as Zelda laughs.
“I’m sure you’ll be very good.” Zelda reaches around to press a soft hand to Link’s cheek and encourage him to turn towards her. He follows the gentle direction obediently, eyes wide and face warm. The corners of Zelda’s eyes crease with smile lines. Link can’t wait to watch them grow constant with age.
She beams at him, thumb tracing a soft arc over her knight’s cheekbone.
“I think it suits you.” Zelda leaves no room for argument.
Link can’t even summon his voice to say thank you. He signs it instead, hands more sure than his voice could possibly be.
Zelda lets her hand drift away from his face after a few moments. She lets out a sigh and falls back into the grass next to Link, smile quirking into mischief as she tugs on the back of his tunic to persuade him to join her.
It works, of course.
Link lays back alongside her and lets his eyes drift shut once more. The pleasant buzz of Zelda’s touch still plays on his skin, and he feels his heart skip a few beats when she reaches over to lace her hand in his. Not quite an embrace— just a few fingers tangled together, childish and sweet. He could stay like this forever, he figures, sun-warm and happy with her.
At least a few years should suffice.
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