sofiahahaaa · 5 years
Demigod Delinquents | Pt. 9 | OOh thEy’rE iN tRoUBle
Summary: Man, this mr. Richardon is a real douche. Hate him tbh. But i like this crew dynamic.
Rating: Keaton gets jealous, but nothing else. 
A/N: for real you guys, I’ve been feeling so motivated to have these out. cherish this while it lasts. as always, i love you guys and i hope you like this bit because i worked on thi s s o mu c h
Leo’s POV –
As we stumbled into the Dean’s office, I wondered if I should saunter in and say: You called? #458 in the house! 
But then I reconsidered. 
The dean sat at her desk, a stern look plastered on her face.
“Well, well. The delinquents finally get here.” She clicked her tongue– a sound I despised, for some reason. “The director has been waiting.” She turned to Mera and Keaton, not saying anything– but her look said it all. You guys are dead. Keaton looked at his lap, but Mera glared back.
Eventually, the dean gave up. “I’m calling in. He might be on a phone call, so bear with me.” She buzzed the intercom, and we waited. I scratched my leg with my foot, then tried shifting my posture to see if it made me look cooler. No such luck. I tapped the armrest agitatedly, looking at the others every 2 seconds. I didn’t want to say anything, because the tension in the air was making me uncomfortable. And besides, the dean was there. She would not approve. So I sat and waited, tapping my foot to keep my calm.
Finally, when it seemed an eternity had passed, the dean looked up from her computer. “You may go.” We started to stand up. “Stay out of trouble, next time.” Ari rolled their eyes, but the dean didn’t see them, apparently. We walked into the other room single file.
The director was a pudgy man, busting through his suit. His form was oddly shaped, which made me wonder, but I tried not to look at him in general. His face was worse. It was rosy and mud-colored. I felt a memory tugging at me– but I let it slide. We already had a pretty good idea that this guy was a monster.
There were only two chairs available. The man in front of us looked like he could take up several, but he sat in an upholstered leather chair similar to a throne. The other two chairs, opposite him and separated by his grandiose wooden desk, were fold out.
“Well? Take a seat!” He demanded. There was an awkward struggle as we figured who got to sit and who didn’t. Then, he waved his hand impatiently and ordered us instead: “Just– the blonde one and prisoner 120. Sit down, I need to talk to you two first.” Jason looked at Keaton, realizing that ‘the blond one’ was him, despite Keaton’s hair color. Jason, who was not one to get in trouble, sat down awkwardly in the rickety chair. Mera clambered into hers, looking upset. 
“Sir?” Jason asked quietly. The director went red in the face.
“You do not speak unless I tell you to!” Spit frothed from his mouth, and he dabbed at it with his shirt sleeve. “Pardon. I know you are new here, and you may not be accustomed to our requirements. Please do be considerate.” Jason looked annoyed, but I focused on the glint in Mr. Richardson's eyes.
“Of course, sir. I meant you no disrespect.” He responded in a monotone voice.
“What did I just say?” Mr. Richardson crossed his arms on the table. “Oh, forget it. You children are so stubborn. Never learn.” His voice was gruff and coarse, like sandpaper. “You two have been a cause of some trouble.” He glared pointedly at Jason. “Especially you, I hear.” I almost snickered at the thought that Jason could be more of a troublemaker than me, but remembered what the dean had said. I kept my mouth shut. 
He drummed his fingers on the desk, then reached down into his drawer to take out a file. “Well… here it says you slapped another inmate unconscious– we do not, in any circumstances, tolerate physical abuse. Do you understand?”
“I punched him, actually– I mean, yes, sir.”
“Once again, I did not ask you to talk.” Jason opened his mouth, then closed it. “I am disappointed with you, newcomer. You have been given the privilege of a fresh start here at our establishment, and you have already ruined your presence with the board. I would like you to lay low, or be extracted from our system and our penitentiary.” Jason nodded slowly, meeting his eyes. “You may speak.” Jason’s eyes traveled around the room– a sure sign he was coming up with an excuse.
“It was not my intent to knock him unconscious, sir.”
“Well–” Mr. Richardson started.
Jason interrupted before he could spew more nonsense. “He was abusing other inmates, as well. And it seemed like the best solution at the time. I do acknowledge that it was a rash decision, but the past is the past.” Jason stopped to take a breath. “And I also can agree that two wrongs do not make a right, but I have opted out for this special scenario.” 
Mr. Richardson looked taken-aback– or as much as he could with his triple chin. Jason started up again. “Sir, I apologize,” he turned to Mera. “For acting out. I assure you it will not happen in the future.” He cleared his throat. 
Mr. Richardson straightened his tie, his arms making a weird smushy sound when they moved.
“Mera!” He boomed. “Too many times I have had to call you to this office!” He banged his fist against the table. “Oh… too many.” He clasped his hands together and eyed her hungrily. “If you will, children– I will deal with Ms. Taylor alone.” Mera’s eyes widened. Her eyes went to Percy, and Percy met hers reassuringly. 
I wondered what had gone down between them. I knew it wasn’t just about cake. Well, sort of. I guessed it wasn’t just about cake. 
Percy raised his hand timidly. “Yes?” Mr. Richardson scowled.
“Do you mind if I remind her of something we must do after this, sir?” Percy said with a shaky voice.
“What?” He demanded, getting impatient.
“We have this guard… she needs something. But it’s quite embarrassing actually, and I don’t think she would appreciate us telling you.” Percy raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, alright.” Mr. Richardson was one to be a skeptic, but so far, Percy hadn’t done anything too bad. He had just hung out with Jason. Percy leaned forward to whisper into her ear. His words were not audible from where I was, but his face showed urgency in what he was telling her. Then, with one last showy gesture, he handed Mera a pen. Riptide. “What is the pen, 456?” Percy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“My good luck charm.” He coughed into his fist.
“Ugh. Just get out of here.” We filed out of the doorway. When the door was closed, we sat down in the Dean’s room. Old Stern wasn’t there.
“What was that, Jackson?” Percy’s eyes warned me.
Keaton seemed to study Percy a little more carefully now. Like he was… jealous? “What was it, Jackson?” Percy touched his pocket out of habit. Then he snapped to look at me, a look of accusation spreading through his face.
“It’s not my good luck charm.” He laughed. “That should’ve been obvious. Man, that Richardson is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
“Then what was it?” Keaton asked again, this time looking upset.
“Like those pen weapons. Except… better.” Keaton looked a little offended, to say the least, but he was intrigued. “You’ll know what I told her when she gets out.” So we sat in silence as the clock ticked, waiting for Mera to be released. I heard a scuffle, then the door creaked open. “Did you…?” Percy asked her, looking at the pen in her hand. Mera shook her head.
“He, like, looked at me, then his face contorted a bit and he changed the look, and then he had to take off. No idea why.” She handed Percy the golden pen. “Thanks, anyways.” I dusted my hands off on my lap.
“Well, we can go now, then.” Keaton nodded. His eyes bobbed from Mera to Percy, trying to decipher what was going on between them. He looked at his lap, defeated.
“Okay.” And we clamored down the halls, eager to be gone from the horrid room.
A/N: I know this chapter is soooo short but the next chapter is going to be out in a quick moment so no problemo i promise
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aussie-em · 7 years
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Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
All art is from @viria
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jewishpercy · 4 years
i wouldve paid so much just to see someone in hoo look at percy and annabeth and be like. you’re not soulmates you’re just 16 years old and regularly work together in life or death situations.
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pjoandaftg · 5 years
Chapter 4
It was two days before Halloween and Annabeth was one more jump scare away from punching someone. Honestly, who thought that it was a good idea to make a holiday of scaring the shit out of people. April fool's day was bad enough. Don't get her wrong though, she didn't hate the holiday itself, just the idiots who took it upon themselves to run around campus, dressed as the walking dead or killer clowns, jumping out at everyone who walks around a corner. She might actually enjoy it if she wasn't running on 3 hours of sleep and six cups of coffee. And what made it infinitely worse Piper and Percy have made a bet on how much times they can scare Annabeth and get it on camera. Percy was currently winning at 6-7. To say Piper was bitter was an understatement. She regretted ever introducing them to each other.
Speaking of the devil, Piper ran up to Annabeth. "Hey," she said falling into step beside her.
"Given up already or just not in the mood?" Annabeth asked in lieu of hello.
Piper laughed. "Oh, please. I'm no where near giving up. Still got two more days until its over babe, be prepared."
Annabeth groaned. They walked along and chatted about everything and anything back to Annabeth's apartment. Half way there they stopped in the coffee shop that Piper's blue eyed boy-crush worked. They got in line but before they could order Annabeth heard a voice shout.
"No, fucking way. I don't believe my eyes. Is that Piper Motherfucking McLean." Annabeth immediately went into defensive mode. She knew who Piper's father was and Piper was recognised quiet a lot, but she knew how much Piper hated it and how it sometimes got out of control. She looked over at Piper but instead of the usual annoyed/frustrated look she got when recognized she had a shit eating grin on her face.
She finally found the face that belonged to the voice. It was a small elfish looking boy, with a brown, mop of hair on his head. His skin was a dark colour and his mouth was quirked in a grin that meant trouble. Looking closely she realised that it was the smile Piper had when she first met her.
Piper squealed beside her and Annabeth was thankful for the basically empty café because they would most definitely be causing a scene right about now. Piper ran up to the boy and wrapped him in a bone crushing hug. When they separated, Piper gave a light punch on his arm that he overexaggerated about, a lot.
"Valdez? What are you doing here?" Piper asked.
"Getting coffee, obviously." He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Not in the café, here, on campus, in New York?"
"Didn't you hear, Leo Valdez is a college student baby," he winked at Piper seductively, and at that she just rolled her eyes and snorted.
Annabeth was now next in line so she ordered her coffee from Piper's blue eyed boy.
"Do they know each other?" he asked nodding towards Piper and Leo.
"Clearly," Annabeth said. "Why do you know him?"
"He's my roommate, moved in about three weeks ago."
Before Annabeth could comment any further, Piper and Leo joined her at the counter.
"Annabeth meet my good old friend Leo Valdez."
Annabeth shook his calloused hand, "Annabeth Chase."
"Nice to meet ya," he said and then turned to blue eyes. "Jason, buddy, did you know Piper went to school here?"
Jason put his hands up mock salute. "I didn't know her name, just her face." He said and if Annabeth saw correctly, she thought she saw the tip of his ears turn a dark red. Interesting. Leo must have seen it because his smile turned into a teasing grin. 
"Well, she does have a pretty face, its easy to get distracted." and this time Jason was definitely blushing.
Annabeth laughed and checked her watch. "Shit," she muttered under her breath. She hadn't meant to stay here so long. "I have to go," she told Piper apologetically.
Piper waved her off, "No problem, I'll catch up with you later right?"
Annabeth nodded, said her goodbyes and then walked out the door. When she reached the apartment she just got there in time to run straight into Grover who was half way out the door, Juniper and Percy behind him. 
"Good I'm not too late," she said. Grover smiled at her and out down the bag in his hand and pulled Annabeth into an embrace. When they pulled apart Annabeth said, "be safe ok? And come back because I might kill Percy if you're not there to play referee." Grover snorted at that and Percy let out an amused huff that he tried to pass as annoyance.
"I need to go now, but try not to kill each other while I'm gone. Its only two weeks." Grover said picking back up his bag.
"No promises," Percy said which earned him a light slap on his arm from Annabeth.
They all hugged one more time and said their goodbyes until it was just Annabeth and Percy left. Percy looked at Annabeth, "Pizza?" he asked. Annabeth let out a sigh and a smile. Its like he read her mind. "Only if theirs pineapple," she said because she knew it would annoy him. As expected he made a gagging motion. "Gross," he said. "Absolutely not." But when he put in the order, Annabeth heard the half pineapple half pepperoni pizza he ordered.
 The next morning Annabeth was eating a bowl of cereal on the couch while watching the episode of 'Grey's Anatomy' she missed the night before when a loud banging came from the door. Annabeth sighed and put down her bowl to open the door and almost get knocked down by Piper trying to barge into her apartment.
"Tell me you have a Halloween costume," she said.
Annabeth just rolled her eyes and went back to her breakfast, "Why hello to you, please come in."
Now it was Piper who rolled her eyes. She plopped down onto the couch beside Annabeth, making some milk slosh out of the bowl. Annabeth sent a glare her way.
"So do you?" she asked.
"Do I what?" Annabeth asked.
"Have a Halloween costume?"
Annabeth snorted. "No why would I?"
"Because Leo told me about this party he's going to tonight and you get free drinks for the night if you have the best costume."
"You only want to go because Jason will be there," Annabeth deadpanned. Piper's cheeks flushed.
"That's not the only reason, just one of them," she mumbled.
"Fine, I'll go with you, but you owe me." Annabeth said pointing a strict finger at Piper. Piper just grinned, "Yes ma'am."
They sat and watched the rest of the episode before going to the store to buy Annabeth her costume. When they got to the store, Piper went browsing through costumes occasionally throwing one back at Annabeth, while Annabeth followed behind her uninterested, or so she pretended to be. As much as Annabeth hated the scary and spooky part of Halloween, she adored the dressing up, not that she'd ever tell Piper. She's never hear the end of it otherwise. But Annabeth had always loved the idea of being someone else for the night. Anybody she wanted.
She remembered when she was in 2nd grade and every girl dressed up as a Disney princess and every boy was either Spider-Man or batman. But not Annabeth, she had come dressed up as Amelia Earhart. She had loved it. All the others made fun of her and at the time she hated that costume and she had come home after school crying, giving out to her dad for not getting her a princess dress. But now, Annabeth realised that that was her favourite costume ever, simply because her dad helped her make it. That is only one of the few happy memories she has of her parents. 
Piper threw another costume at Annabeth, snapping her out of her daze. She shoved her towards the dressing room and after Annabeth tried on multiple outfits [a cowboy, a mummy and a carton of milk among her favourites] and modeled them for Piper who sat down and rated the costumes. They finally agreed on a Greek goddess costume that included a flowy, white dress with a slit going down the whole left leg. 
On the way out Piper picked up some golden glitter, essential for the costume she said, and a golden headpiece. They payed and went back to the apartment.
 Percy wasn't at the apartment as he had swim practise so the girls had the place to themselves. They connected music to the speaker, got out the costumes and their make up and got to setting up. Annabeth took a quick shower beforehand, Piper had one before coming over. When she came out she was only wearing her underwear which included a matching knickers and strapless bra, Piper was talking to someone and thinking she was on the phone, Annabeth walked to where she left Piper. Only Piper wasn't on the phone, she was talking to Percy. 
She stopped for a minute, frozen in place and that's when Percy saw her. He looked away almost immediately, but not before, Annabeth noticed, he quickly looked her from head to toe. Annabeth rushed back to her room to throw on her robe to the sound of Piper's amused cackle. When Annabeth returned she gave Percy a sheepish smile, in which he returned. There was an awkward silence but thank god for Piper, Annabeth thought, as Piper broke the tension with,
"You have any plans tonight?" she asked Percy.
He just shook his head, "nope," he said emphasizing the 'p ' sound.
It was then Annabeth noticed the mischievous glint in Piper's eyes. "Do you have a Halloween costume?" she asked.
Annabeth took it back take her back, she thought, she prayed, but she knew t was too late because Piper didn't miss a beat when Percy shook his head.
"Well then, I guess we have some shopping to so." 
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
46 for prcabeth id you feel it
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another slightly (barely) mature one. oops
percy was sure he left his laptop charger right here, the same place he left it everytime. he was two seconds from turning the living room inside out before he realized annabeth probably knew where it was, the same way she did with all of his possessions that he lost. he trailed down the hall to their room, turning the knob and pushing it open.
“hey, have you seen my-” he stopped, taking in the sight of her. “oh?”
she turned away from the mirror, showing off the front of the black lace and mesh set adorning her body. “seen what?” she asked innocently, as if she didn’t look straight out of a dream.
percy blinked, whatever he was looking for long forgotten. “i don’t remember…” he muttered, stepping into the room and crossing it to place his hands on her waist. “where did you get this?”
“ordered it last week, it just got here,” annabeth smiled, clearly pleased by his reaction. “you like it?”
“um, duh,” he said, still focused on the way it fit her perfectly. his eyes flicked to the mirror behind her, where he could see the whole entire back on the set. it really did fit her perfectly. “you should wear this more often. every day, actually. all the time.”
annabeth grinned, using to fingers to tilt his towards her so their eyes met again. “all the time?” she asked, that innocent tone still present in her voice.
“mhm,” percy hummed.
his girlfriend tilted her head, a playful pout on her lips. “bummer. i still had another set to try on.”
send me prompts!
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
till death do us part
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PmJdbgS
by prcabeth
On October 31st 1989, James and Lily Evans-Potter spent their last night alive. They sat together, Harry in Lily’s arms, a wistful smile on James’ face. Clueless that they’d both be dead before the clock struck twelve.
Words: 2012, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Hurt No Comfort, POV James Potter, dorcas marlene remus sirius mary and peter are all mentioned but none of them actually appear
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PmJdbgS
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demigodsrunningwild · 3 years
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@winchastiel @lawnenthusiast13 @estranha-revoltada @bookcharactersthough @thebooksbabenoel @voglioungufo @oodingthroughtime @wickedeast-blog @uzumaktonkachi @diariodeummeiosangue @musicgeek2195-blog @stoptakingallofthenames @a-rambling-brain @oceanicteatime @next-gen-of-dragon-riders @frankdiangelo @thelostandfoundhero @eelmy @prcabeth-blog @jakethegirl @contigorbd @percabeth-just @thelanguageofsarcxsm @you-can-call-me-your-queen @deeperwithgod @similaraddictions @suck-1t-4nd-s33 @o2lfangirlforlife @lifeinthecatlane @vankale 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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ephemerql · 11 years
He ^.^ Voted #99 I think and I also voted for finnickoedair
thank you! xx
url: 9.8/10theme: 8.5/10sidebar: 8.7/10posts: 8.7/10overall: 8.9/10comment: i love your url! maybe make the background of your theme completely white? and the whole circle icon thing i loVE THEM
you know you want it
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mxttyheally · 11 years
hey! just popping in to say thanks for following ^.^ your blog is super cute!
Ohh thank you! btw i love your url omg
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demigodsrunningwild · 3 years
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@winchastiel @lawnenthusiast13 @estranha-revoltada @bookcharactersthough @thebooksbabenoel @voglioungufo @oodingthroughtime @wickedeast-blog @uzumaktonkachi @diariodeummeiosangue @musicgeek2195-blog @stoptakingallofthenames @a-rambling-brain @oceanicteatime @next-gen-of-dragon-riders @frankdiangelo @thelostandfoundhero @eelmy @prcabeth-blog @jakethegirl @contigorbd @percabeth-just @thelanguageofsarcxsm @you-can-call-me-your-queen @deeperwithgod @similaraddictions @suck-1t-4nd-s33 @o2lfangirlforlife @lifeinthecatlane @vankale @icansenseyou @thaliaxreyna-blog @theunderwaterkissing-blog @pantasticjuh @wunderkerzenzauber @aliciasepulveda @lausdeo70 @sumirashakee-blog @firebreather-jackson @percyackerman @dancingfishees @niceshootin-sweetheart @izukjshun @missereanity @iasmym-maluca @lildarkshade @that-sassy-book-character @tzinro @sunnyncity @every-url-i-tried-is-taken 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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