#pray for my WIPs...
cerealboxlore · 10 months
Quick idea for a fic:
Hear me out.
Sometimes a Justice League meeting will go on long and some of the more humanoid members will get hungry, so, some of them like to group up and head out for lunch or some late night munchies together. Where to, exactly? That's the thing, since they have zeta teleporting in the watch tower, they can go anywhere, so it would be very cute to see a group of superhero friends eat a meal together.
Especially in another superheroes' city without telling them :3
For example, Flash, Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman, all heading to Gotham after a long meeting one day. Batman sees them heading to Gotham but doesn't know why....until he figures out they're going to batburger despite his dislike of it and actively trying to get the new batman toy that comes with the meal.
And he only figures this out because Robin is with them (he also wanted the new batman toy).
And as you know, I'm a Billy Batson account, so of course I had to include him at the end. Fawcett city doesn't really have any notable food chains that I know of, but what they do have is Billy's adopted parents, the Bromfields, who certainly wouldn't mind inviting their son's co-workers to dinner :3 without telling him, naturally, as a surprise <3
Billy gets home from middle school one day, ready to play some video games, when he hears The Flash ask him if he's done his homework yet and sees Green Arrow talking to Mr. Bromfield about chili recipes.
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mel-kusanagi · 2 months
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rendering progress of this wip 🤵👰
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tinartss · 5 months
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daily struggles of professor kaveh
+ i like to imagine that he was reading whatever the architectural version of the perchance essay is
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spectre-draws · 8 months
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a-sketchy · 8 months
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fine, i’ll will her into existence myself
psst, full version here
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calithso · 9 days
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arle wip hehe :3
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circusdraw · 4 months
she can fix that
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bunnygirllover45 · 12 days
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just finished the last quest added in hsr. Hopefully I can finish this sometime soon.
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qursidae · 13 days
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jamieenthusiast · 7 months
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Nuzi kiss comic wip >u0
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coolbattlegirl · 2 months
Blink, Blink 👀 ✨
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mayhemspreadingguy · 6 months
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“I need a father. I need a mother. I need some older, wiser being to cry to. I talk to God, but the sky is empty.” ― Sylvia Plath
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graye · 4 months
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DAY 1: Hot Drinks
I'm sorry this is almost a whole month late 💀 @owl-bones
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Week 4: Old Prompt (Fave S1 Episode)
I've been putting this one off— partly because I'm busy working on a couple things for future prompts (that I hope you all love), but mainly cause I really don't know which one to pick! I will, however, avoid being a coward & say I always vibed with The Brewed— it had a fun gimmick, and it's just so unapologetically stupid of an idea that I can't help but love it.
Still, in the spirit of loving them all:
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Which poster is your fave?
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rrogueamendiares · 1 year
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Im. Vibrating
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monarchamos · 1 month
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hanging out with women, going on dates with them, that's fine. Killing them? not so much
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