#praha ritual
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mcqraw · 3 days ago
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i'm so normal about them | ( X, X )
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vulcanette · 6 days ago
iv & vessel; summoning solo shenanigans
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stromuprisahat · 1 year ago
RULÍK ZLOMOCNÝ - bylina, jejíž kořen, omytý červeným vínem a ozdobený košilkou, přinášel do domu bohatství a prý byl schopen sdělovat skryté věci. Rulík byl zjištěn v jámě (nejspíše pozůstatku po obětině) v Praze na Malé Straně. Nález je datován do konce 8. století. ~ DEADLY NIGHTSHADE- a herb of which its root, washed with red wine and decorated with a shirt, brought wealth to the house and was said to be able to communicate hidden things. A nightshade was found in a pit (most likely the remains of a sacrifice) in Prague's Malá Strana. The discovery is dated to the end of the 8th century.
Encyklopedie slovanských bohů a mýtů ~ Encyclopedia of Slavic Gods and Myths (Naďa & Martin Profantovi)
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balonatee · 9 days ago
Sleep Token Exclusive Artprint Praha Ritual On November 15th 2024 Merchandise Wall Decor Poster Canvas
Check here: https://balonatee.com/product/sleep-token-exclusive-artprint-praha-ritual-on-november-15th-2024-merchandise-wall-decor-poster-canvas/
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oomphband · 2 years ago
OOMPH! continue work on new studio album with new singer! Big headliner tour postponed to autumn 2023 - purchased tickets remain valid
Video message from OOMPH!: “Dear fans and friends, we haven't allowed ourselves any breaks in the last few months and are working together with our new singer highly motivated and at full speed on the new songs of our next album and it all feels absolutely good and right! Our label Napalm Records, selected partners and close confidants have already heard the first demo songs and are without exception excited about our new material! The follow-up to our 2019 #1 album "RITUAL" will be groundbreaking in our band history. That's why we decided together with Napalm Records that all sides want to give themselves the time it takes to produce the perfect album and, as usual, only deliver the highest quality. Each song is carefully worked out to the smallest detail to show the world that the new OOMPH! are stronger than ever! Of course, as usual, we want to release our new album with accompanying music videos and singles a few months before the tour! Due to our meticulous way of working, as well as long vinyl production processes these days, the production of our new album has been delayed. Therefore, unfortunately, our big headliner European tour has to be postponed by half a year to November 2023. Check out the new tour dates below. All tickets already purchased remain valid, of course, but can also be returned. Of course we are very happy about each of you who keeps and secures your ticket! We and our entire team rely on the trust that you, our loyal OOMPH! fans, has brought to us for many years. Please understand that further details cannot be given at this time for various reasons, but rest assured that you will receive all information as soon as we are able to share it with you. Above all, of course, the burning question about the identity of our new singer! We ourselves can't wait to finally present you our new material and our new frontman and to celebrate together with you again on the stages of this world! Until then!"
OOMPH! +special guest(s) Tickets: www.oomph.de
02.11.2023 DE Hannover Capitol 03.11.2023 DE Hamburg Markthalle 04.11.2023 DE Dresden Tante Ju 05.11.2023 DE Berlin Huxleys Neue Welt 07.11.2023 PL Poznan Tama 08.11.2023 CZ Praha Meet Factory 09.11.2023 AT Wien Simm City 10.11.2023 DE Munchen Backstage Werk 12.11.2023 DE Bochum Zeche 13.11.2023 DE Frankfurt Batschkapp 14.11.2023 DE Ludwigsburg Scala 16.11.2023 FR Paris Le Trabendo 17.11.2023 FR Lyon Marche Gare 18.11.2023 FR Strasbourg La Laiterie 19.11.2023 CH Solothurn Kofmehl 21.11.2023 DE Koln Live Music Hall 22.11.2023 NL Arnhem Luxor 23.11.2023 DE Osnabruck Hydepark 24.11.2023 DE Rostock Mau Club
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t--r--p · 3 years ago
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The plague-wielding spectre of T × R × P returns to the stage, with two rituals in November of 2021 e.v.
November 6th Alternativa Festival Praha (CZ)
November 12th Ascension Festival Gufunes (ISL)
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uberstip · 4 years ago
The world is temporarily closed. Save it now, travel later. Kata-kata yang belakangan sering saya lihat di stories. Nabung sekarang, jalan-jalan kemudian. Mumpung vaksin belum ditemukan, tingkatkan penghasilan dan perkecil pengeluaran. Cari peluang hasilkan uang. Setelah pengobatan berhasil dan border dibuka kembali, baru deh hepi-hepi lagi.
Sekarang kita semua menghadapi realita yang sama, seperti burung dalam sangkar. Ga peduli betapa menyenangkannya nonton, nyemil, dan rebahan, kita rindu terbang bebas dan menggila di dunia baru. Selagi menunggu momen itu tiba, let’s fight a good fight, live both for now and prepare for tomorrow.
Menabunglah goban sehari. Maka saat usiamu 70 tahun, kamu akan memiliki cukup uang untuk pensiun dan menikmati hidup.
But for me, that’s not how life works. What’s the point to go through life with money if you feel like shit every day?
Would you rather have sex in the Maldives when you’re 70 or when you’re 30?
Enjoy our life right now, not later.
Kejar pasangan impianmu, berpegangan tanganlah, berciumanlah, tertawalah, menangislah, berlarilah dari kenyataan dan panjat tebing itu! Don’t wasting away your youth. Experience life as much as you can.
Bagaimana kisah cintamu selama pandemi? 
Yang tinggal serumah, apakah mulai muncul konflik? Apakah Kadar cinta mulai berkurang karena hal-hal sepele yang menjadi besar? Perbedaan prinsip dan kepribadian yang mulai terasa? Tidak bisa terselesaikan dengan baik lalu putus? Ekonomi yang memburuk membuat kalian terjebak dalam baku hantam?
Dari yang tadinya ala ala Masimo ‘Are you lost baby girl?’ Kini menjadi ‘Get lost baby girl?’
Yang LDR, apakah banyak rindu yang tak tersalurkan? Apakah kalian saling menunggu dalam ketidakpastian? Apakah dia diam-diam main gila? Sudah jatuh tertimpa duren? Atau yang lebih parah cintamu bukan lagi cinta segitiga, tapi cinta lingkaran. Soalnya ada kamu, dia, selingkuhan pertama kedua ketiga dan keempat?
Yang jomblo, apakah jadi lebih sulit untuk berkencan dan menggauli orang baru? Apakah kerjaanmu hanya stalking instagram mantan dan sulit move on? Ataukah kamu terisolasi dan kecanduan drakor terlarang? 
Bagaimana cara kalian menemukan jalan keluar di tengah peliknya situasi.
Ceritakan di komen. Oppa sebagai sarjana akan menanggapi dengan berfaedah.
How to get around Prague?
Prague merupakan kota yang nyaman untuk dilejajah dengan berjalan kaki, tempat-tempat wisatanya juga relatif dekat. Arsitektur yang cantik membuat saya lupa sudah berjalan jauh. Namun disaat lelah, public transport yang murah dan tepat waktu selalu ada di tiap penjuru.
Kereta Metro beroperasi setiap hari dari jam 5 pagi – 12 malam
Once you have purchased a ticket, it must be validated at the time of travel: insert your ticket into one of the yellow machines located at the entrance to the metro, or inside trams and buses
For travelling within the area of Prague choose a ticket for 24 CZK – 30 minutes, 32 CZK – 90 minutes , or 110 CZK – 24 hours. I bought this 1-day ticket when i have to go to Vyšehrad
Tiket untuk naik metro, tram dan bus di Praha berdasarkan waktu. Ada yang 30 menit (24 CZK) dan 90 menit (32 CZK). Selama jangka waktu tersebut, kamu bisa gonta-ganti 3 moda transportasi. Ada juga tiket full harian, 1-Day dan 3-Day. 
Jika berencana sering naik angkutan umum, belilah tiket 1-Day 24 jam seharga 110 CZK. Tiketnya dijual di pusat informasi dan mesin kuning bertuliskan Jízdenky di stasiun metro, halte tram dan bus. Sebelum naik, jangan lupa memvalidasi tiket di yellow box (seperti foto saya diatas).
The vending machines accept only coins, not banknotes. Some airport and main train station are equipped with machines that accept Credit Card as well.
Do not forget to validate the ticket – Stamp in the yellow box. 
Untuk info lebih lengkap, klik pragueexperience.com dan Honest Guide Youtube
Download Metro and Tram Map full HD from czech-transport.com
Sebelum membaca tulisan kali ini, ada baiknya membaca petualangan saya di Prague sebelumnya: My First Day in Prague
Bangunan gothic abad pertengahan berdiri megah diantara alun-alun luas dan berlikunya jalan berbatu. Istana dan budaya Bohemia melebur bersama shopping malls. Saya seakan berada di dalam dunia penyihir yang cantik. Once upon a time in Prague…
Berikut tempat-tempat epic yang saya kunjungi di kota penuh romansa:
1. Old Town Square
The most iconic area in Prague. The heart of the city that remained almost untouched since the 12th century
Sesuai dengan namanya ‘Old Town’, alun-alun ini dikelilingi bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah, ada gereja Tyn dan St. Nicholas, Astronomical Clock dan Jan Hus Monument. Mungkin jika namanya ‘Young Town’, bakal banyak mama-mama muda.
Wake up before everyone else and have the city for yourself
Pagi itu ketika matahari belum beranjak tinggi, langit seakan tertutup embun. Saya menikmati kota tua dalam keheningan. Keheningan yang segera beralih menjadi pusat keramaian di siang hari.
Staroměstské náměstí
Oldest square in the historic center with 10th-century origins, site of many Gothic buildings
Staroměstské nám., 110 00 Josefov, Czechia
Direction: Google Maps Location
2. Cafe Milani
Saya mengawali hari dengan sarapan di Cafe Milani, kafe kecil yang ngangeti. Aroma kopi menguar saat saya melangkah masuk. Dengan wajah beku, saya mencari kehangatan di sofa sudut kafe.
Tak lama setelah order, perpaduan sepotong cheese cake dan seteguk hot espresso lumer di dalam mulut. Meleleh bagaikan lava yang lembut. Dari mulut mereka bercinta di perut. Sebuah kebahagiaan kecil di pagi yang sederhana.
A good day doesn’t need to be one where something big happens. It just needs to be small thing that makes you feel joyful
Cafe Milani
Cute place with good coffee and pastry selection
16/ Czech Republic, Kaprova 9, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha, Czechia
Direction: Google Maps Location
3. Apple Museum
Many of the streets of Prague are laid in cobblestone with a lot of different patterns and designs. I walk through this beautiful little streets before i found the apple museum
The museum is filled with Apple gadgets that have ever beed created from the beginning to 2012
See how the apple family grew and become the most profitable company in the history of the world!
Sebagai Apple fan boy,  saya menyempatkan diri berkunjung ke Apple Museum. Museum yang menampilkan gadget Apple dari awal berdiri hingga sekarang. Dari Mac dan iPhone pertama, sampai motor BMW milik Steve Jobs.
Menengok cerita bagaimana Steve Jobs memulai Apple pertama kali. Berawal dari garasi rumahnya yang kecil, hingga kini menjadi perusahaan teknologi terkaya di dunia. Gimana gak kaya, biaya pembuatan iPhone 11 Pro per bijinya $159 dijual $1099. Margin keuntungan besar dengan produk yang sangat laris. Boom!
Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
– Steve Jobs
Apple Museum
Museum devoted to Apple founder Steve Jobs with exhibits of computers built 1976–2012
Husova 21, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM – 10PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
4. Charles Bridge
It’s our last night in Europe, and I had this plan that I wanted to tell you. I’m just going to, I’m just going to tell you. MJ, I…’ ‘…am Spider-Man?’ ‘No. Of course not!’ ‘I mean it’s… kind of obvious’
– Spiderman Far from home
This 14th century stone bridge has two large towers on both sides linking Prague’s old and new towns
Legend has it that he planned out every detail of the bridge, including the 30 statues
It’s a popular pedestrian bridge lined with imposing statues
The construction of the bridge dates from Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor. Legend has it that he planned out every detail, including the 30 statues
This is the place where Peter finally tells his secret and MJ spouting off facts about how they’d execute people on Charles Bridge and loving the Black Dahlia murder like. Awkward but really cute. Dark sense of humor on the most romantic bridge in Europe. That Peter and MJ kiss was romantic and shows how weird teenage relationships can be. And i love what she said in the end before the perfect kiss: ‘I don’t think i deserved that kind of happiness. I dont have much luck when it comes to getting close to people’. 
I felt her.
Make sure to touch the statue of St. John Nepomuk. Touching the statue is a must ritual. It’s supposed to bring good luck and to ensure that you return to Prague
Karlův most
Landmark stone bridge linking Prague’s Old & New Towns, with street artists & entertainers
Karlův most, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Open 24 hours
Direction: Google Maps Location
5. John Lennon Wall
Many might think of it as a simply graffiti, but it means much more than that. Toward the end of Communism in the 1980s, students started writing John Lennon lyrics on this wall as a way to air their grievances. Today, the wall represents love and peace
Di tahun 1980, para pelajar menyuarakan kegelisahan pada komunisme dengan coretan di tembok ini. Mereka menulis potongan lirik lagu The Beattles yang mewakili isi hati mereka.
Lirik lagu yang ditulis oleh sang vokalis John Lennon, yang saat itu baru saja tewas ditembak oleh fansnya sendiri. Kini, dinding grafiti ini menjadi magnet wisata yang melambangkan cinta dan perdamaian. 
Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace 
– Imagine, John Lennon
Lennonova zeď
Wall that, since Communist days, has been covered in graffiti, often politically focused messages
Velkopřevorské náměstí, 100 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Open 24 hours
Direction: Google Maps Location
It was an autumn morning. The loveliest season of the year. Musim dimana daun-daun berganti warna dan jatuh perlahan. Musim dimana taman publik terlihat begitu indah.
Salah satunya di area Malá Strana ini. Saya duduk sejenak di bangku taman di bawah pepohonan. Kaki yang beristirahat, pikiran yang relaks dan hati yang bersenandung.
6. Kafka Museum
The 3D Piss Sculpture, the famous statue in front of the museum. Created by David Černý, a Czech sculptor who knows how to bring quirky to life
Saya mendengar gemercik air saat berjalan mendekati museum. Tadinya saya pikir itu suara air sungai, ternyata air pipis. Pipis dari 2 patung yang pinggulnya bisa goyang-goyang sendiri. Air seninya mengalir ke dalam kolam berbentuk peta Republik Ceko. Tentunya bukan air seni asli. 
Franz Kafka merupakan penulis novel paling tenar dari abad ke-20. Sayangnya semasa hidupnya, penulis yang lahir di Prague ini belum sempat menikmati ketenaran. Bahkan menjelang kematiannya, Kafka sempat meminta temannya untuk menghancurkan semua tulisannya. Tampaknya Kafka introvert sejati.
Tak mengindahkan permintaanya, sohibnya malah menerbitkan tulisannya dan memberi kredit penuh kepada Kafka. Salah satu karyanya yang paling mendunia adalah ‘The Metamorphosis’. Kini, patung dan museum yang didedikasikan untuknya, berdiri di tiap sudut kota Praha.
Di sebelah museum terdapat toko roti kecil yang unyu. Mereka menjual berbagai cookie yang terlalu menggemaskan untuk dikunyah. Dari segi rasa si biasa aja. Jadi jangan beli banyak-banyak. Cukup beli 1-2 untuk di update di instagram dan ngemil di jalan.
Muzeum Franze Kafky
Czech writer Franz Kafka’s letters, diaries & photographs are on view, along with 3-D installations
Cihelná 635, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia 
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–6PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
7. Náplavka
The city’s fairytale feel. A great view of Charles bridge with swan’s family partying on Vltava river
Embusan angin dingin menemani saya berjalan melewati jalan berbatu, menyebrangi jembatan Charles, dan menatap angsa-angsa putih di pinggir sungai. Saya seperti berada dalam kisah pengantar tidur. Zzzzz….
Swans are highly intelligent and remember who has been kind to them, or not 
Observation deck
Malá Strana 1, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Open 24 hours
Direction: Google Maps Location
A hidden gem that shows beautiful panoramic and naturalistic point on the Vltava river
Most contented-looking Swans I’ve ever seen
Saya sempat mendekati angsa putih yang cantik. Saya mengagumi keanggunannya dan mengabadikannya. Beberapa saat kemudian, entah kenapa dia memalingkan wajah dan pergi menjauh. Ditinggal pas lagi sange-sangenya memang menyedihkan.
Mungkin juga karena angsa hewan yang setia. Dari yang saya baca, jika angsa sudah bertemu jodohnya, dia akan setia seumur hidup. Ga akan gonta-ganti pasangan kecuali kekasihnya meninggal atau tidak bisa berkembang biak. Hmmm… mungkin karena itu dia menghindari Oppa.
8. St. Nicholas Church at Malá Strana
The greatest Baroque church in Prague. The carving all along the side and front of the church are quite remarkable
Gereja Barok terbesar dan terindah di Praha. Bahkan Mozart pernah main organ disini. Gereja yang didedikasikan khusus untuk St. Nicholas of Myra. Santo yang semasa hidupnya banyak melakukan mukjizat dan mencintai anak-anak. Kebiasaannya yang suka memberi hadiah, menginspirasi lahirnya nama ‘Santa Claus’. Diambil dari panggilan sayangnya ‘Saint Nick’.
The dome has a massive diameter of 20 metres, and the interior height to the top of the lantern is over 49 metres, making it the highest interior in Prague. Franz Palko painted the Celebration of the Holy Trinity on the ceiling of the dome. This is a visual masterpiece
The interior has statues and decorations in marble and gold and frescoes. On the ceiling of the ship, Jan Lukáš Kracker painted a fresco about the life of Saint Nicholas with an area of ​​1500 m²
Begitu masuk, dekorasi marble berlapis emas membuat saya terkesima. Langit-langit kubah setinggi 75 meter itu bersinergi dengan fresko ‘the Celebration of the Holy Trinity’. Lukisan yang menggambarkan Allah Tritunggal, Bapa Anak dan Roh Kudus merupakan 3 pribadi dalam 1 Ketuhanan.
A fresco inside the 70 metres high dome by František Xaver Palko
This visual masterpiece is located 5 minutes away from the tram stop
Kostel sv. Mikuláše
Elegant church that was started in 1745 & took 100 years & 3 generations of architects to complete
Malostranské nám., 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Hours: Senin – Minggu 9AM – 5PM
Entrance Fee: 100CZK
Direction: Google Maps Location
9. Prague Castle – St. Vitus Cathedral
Berdasarkan Guinness World Records, Prague Castle merupakan istana kuno terbesar di dunia. Kastil seluas 45 hektar ini berdiri diatas bukit, melingkupi cakrawala kota. Area istana yang dulunya tempat tinggal para raja ini terdiri dari katedral, menara dan taman yang luas. Kemegahannya membuat saya bermimpi untuk menikah disini. Tolong bantu saya Bill Gates.
St. Vitus Cathedral merupakan bangunan tercantik di istana ini. Gereja sekaligus makam bagi santo Vitrus dan raja Bohemia Wenceslas. Gereja yang dibangun pada tahun 1344 ini terlihat begitu elegan. Gereja yang menjadi saksi sejarah ‘Defenestrations of Prague’.
Pada tahun 1618, massa yang muak diperintah oleh the Catholics Hapsburgs of Austria, melempar keluar gubernur kerajaan dari jendela lantai 3 setinggi 21 meter. Entah bagaimana, dia mendarat di tumpukan sampah dan selamat. Peristiwa yang menyebabkan dimulainya Perang 30 tahun.
‘This is awesome’ ujar saya setengah berbisik saat memasuki gereja yang begitu magis.
The spectacular view after climbing 287 steps to the south tower. It was completely worth it! When i reached the top, i stood in silence for a while, taking in the remarkable view
Tak hanya interior, pemandangan kota dari puncak menara juga menakjubkan. Setelah setengah bengek menaiki 287 anak tangga spiral yang sempit, saya berdiri terdiam sesaat, menikmati keindahan yang tak terbantahkan.
Pražský hrad
Vast castle complex with buildings revealing architecture from Roman-style to Gothic & 20th century
Free Admission but you will have to pay 150 CZK if you want to get to the tower. The entrance to the tower is outside of the building and around the side from the main entrance. Purchase tower tickets at the entrance to the tower.
Hradčany, 119 08 Prague 1, Czechia
Direction: Exit from Malostranska Metro Google Maps Location
The castle, which lords over the city, consists of multiple sections: St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, The Story of Prague Castle, St. George’s Basilica, Golden Lane with Daliborka Tower, the Powder Tower, and Rosenberg Palace
10. Náměstí Míru Subway
Náměstí Míru is the most deepest station in the world. It’s located 52 metres under the ground. The longest escalators in Prague metro. Length 87,1 m, vertical distance 43 metres
Stasiun kereta bawah tanah terdalam di dunia. Saat saya turun dan naik eskalatornya berasa lama banget. 
Beautiful architecture of the metro station
Náměstí Míru
The deepest metro station with the longest escalator in Prague
Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2, Czechia
Direction: Google Maps Location
11. Vyšehrad
Vyšehrad was settled in the mid-10th century, and was even the seat of the first king of Bohemia.  This area offers good upriver views of the city. It’s beautiful!
Menjelang senja, saya mampir ke Vysehrad. Karena terletak di bagian selatan Praha, sekitar 20 menit dari pusat kota, saya naik tram untuk mencapai istana raja abad ke-10 ini. Karena jauh dari pusat keramaian, area istana ini terasa begitu damai. Seperti tak ada tanda-tanda kehidupan.
Prague’s oldest surviving building, the Rotunda of St. Martin
Bangunan-bangunannya juga terpelihara dengan baik. Yang paling keren, dari sini saya bisa melihat pemandangan kota yang surreal. Dengan mata yang berkaca-kaca, tanpa sadar mulut saya menganga ‘whoaaaa’ dan jiwa saya melakukan standing applause. 
Fortified castle with a museum, hidden passages, large grounds & remains of a medieval basilica
V Pevnosti 159/5b, 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad, Czechia
Direction: Google Maps Location
12. Vyšehrad Cemetery
The most beautiful cemetery i’ve been visit so far. The amazing headstones and sculptures are stunning. The bright memory of people who have contributed to their country
Selama di Prague, jalan-jalan kemana aja?
Ke kuburan.
Hah?! Jauh-jauh ke Praha kok main ke kuburan? 
Mungkin akan terdengar epic bila kita menceritakannya ke teman dan keluarga di rumah. Walaupun suasananya terasa gelap dan muram, namun makam ini tidak terkesan horor. Mungkin karena saya tidak datang pada jam 12 malam. Kalo datang tengah malam, mungkin saya akan ‘dugem’ – duduk gemetar.
The final resting place of some of the most famous Czechs throughout modern history, including that of Antonín Dvořák Tomb, the first Bohemian composer to achieve worldwide recognition, noted for turning folk material into 19th-century Romantic music
Saya berjalan diantara batu nisan yang dihiasi patung-patung bernilai seni. Memperhatikan nama-nama yang terukir disana. Nama dari tokoh-tokoh penting dalam sejarah Ceko. Diantaranya adalah komposer klasik Antonín Dvořák dan Bedrich Smetana, penyanyi opera Ema Destinnova, serta penulis Svatopluk Cech. 
hřbitov Vyšehrad
Graveyard with the 19th-century Slavin tomb, holding the remains of renowned artists & musicians
K Rotundě, Vyšehrad, Praha 2, Czechia
Free Entrance
Direction: Google Maps Location
13. Saint Peter and Paul Basilica
The church is the center point of Vysehrad. This lovely old cathedral is like a mini version of St. Vitus. Even though it’s not small at all. Its 58 meters high twin towers can be seen along the Vltava River in central Prague
Suara lonceng yang berdentang menyambut kedatangan Oppa. Sebenarnya, bukan karena Oppa juga. Melainkan memang tiap jamnya lonceng di gereja ini berbunyi.
Bangunan gereja bergaya gothic ini mengingatkan saya akan castle terkutuk Moon Young. Semua terkesan gelap dan misterius.
Gereja ini didirikan pada tahun 1070-1080 oleh Raja Ceko Vratislav II. Bayangkan betapa tuanya gereja ini. Di tahun tersebut, bisa dipastikan bahwa embrio saya belum terbentuk. 
The interior is richly decorated with Art Nouveau ornamental and figural wall paintings. The church’s treasury houses an exhibition of jewellery and rare textiles from the Vyšehrad Chapter
A wonderful art nouveau paintings
The stained glass windows and statues are explaining the suffering and glorification of Christ
The atmosphere of silence and prayer
Saat masuk, saya menatap kagum pada lukisan-lukisan bergaya art noveau yang menghiasi dinding gereja. Semua lukisan, detail kaca patri dan patung-patung seni yang ada disini menggambarkan tentang penderitaan dan kemuliaan Yesus di kayu salib.
Bazilika svatého Petra a Pavla
Neo-Gothic church featuring elaborate frescoes, carvings & mosaics inside
Štulcova, 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad, Czechia
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–5PM
Entrance Fee: 50 CZK | Rp. 33,000
Direction: Google Maps Location
14. Franz Kafka Metallic Sculpture
The moving art: the Head of Franz Kafka. This futuristic silver sculpture depicts writer as his head turns outside the Quadrio shopping mall
Patung logam berwajah Kafka karya seniman kontroversial, David Cerny. Wajah besar seberat 39 ton dan setinggi 11 meter ini dirancang dengan 42 lapisan mesin yang bisa memutar. 
Franz Kafka – Otočná hlava
In honor of Prague’s renowned author, Franz Kafka, this metallic sculpture is constantly changing.
Direction: Národní třída metro station
15. Dancing House
Dancing House, aka Fred and Ginger. The location of the famous buildings is of historical significance. An old house on this corner was bombed in 1945, until a Dutch insurance company Nationale-Nederlanden purchased the lot and commissioned the the Czech architect Vlado Milunić to design a new house with an unlimited budget
Gedung yang terlihat hidup seperti sedang berdansa. Pada tahun 1945, tempat berdirinya ‘rumah goyang’ ini dulunya pernah hancur karena di bom. Sampai akhirnya di tahun 1960, perusahaan asuransi asal Belanda membeli tanah ini dan menugaskan arsitek Vlado Milunić untuk merancang bangunan baru yang artistik.
Tančící dům
Curving modern office block by architect Frank Gehry, with top-floor restaurant offering city views
Jiráskovo nám. 1981/6, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Pekatnya malam di Prague, terasa makin dingin. Lampu jalan yang bersinar kuning, memantul indah bersama sungai Vltava. Saat saya berjalan di tepi sungai, tiba-tiba gerimis menyapa. Kemudian terlihat sepasang kekasih saling berbagi payung.
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Sambil berjalan, saya melihat mereka mendekap satu sama lain. Dengki perlahan menyeruak. Ingin rasanya Oppa mendekati mereka dan berkata:
‘Halah, bentar lagi juga putus!’
Namun, niatan jahat itu oppa urungkan. 
Oppa hanya bisa berlari menerjang menembus hujan, meninggalkan mereka berdua dalam keheningan.
I wish i had someone to write stories with happy endings that night, to sing a song that would put us a sleep together.
But no, there’s no romance in the most romantic city in the world
Memorable day in Prague. Top 15 things to do The world is temporarily closed. Save it now, travel later. Kata-kata yang belakangan sering saya lihat di…
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burpenterprisejournal · 3 years ago
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2021/09/17-18 Hlukovæ Mysteria 2021 GVOZD / WJM MASEN / POGO HRUSKA / PÁTRA / TAVIL JEALOUSY PARTY Ostrava - CZ
Jealousy Party have a couple of dates in the Czech republic to finally play live the new material they are developing with Utku Tavil on drums.
Starting from the use of a new archive of exploratory death metal samples WJM (mixer, playback devices), Mat Pogo (voice, mixer, playback devices) and Utku Tavil (drums) are pushing into uncharted territories the established practices of instant composition, abstract collageism, impulse-driven polyrhythm layering. Through the use of BUSS: Big & Ugly Soundsystem, a system Utku has assembled for his Multiversal series, capable of power and detail, designed specifically for noise and extreme abstract material.
This trio combination will play in Prague on the 15th and at the amazing HLUKOVÆ MYSTERIA festival in Ostrava on the 18th. The 17th will be dedicated to different combinations. Mat Pogo with Michael Masen Roberta Wjm with Pavel Gvozd Utku Tavil with Stepán Hruska and Krystof Pátra.
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Wednesday September 15 19:00 Punctum Krásova 27, Praha 3, Czech republic
A2+ #102 Dave Phillips (Ch), Jealousy Party & Utku Tavil (DE), Astralapithecus (BLR), Ken Ganfield, Daniel Jakeš & Martin Režný (CZ)
A2+ is a music series of the cultural fortnightly A2, running since 2012. It focuses on marginal or borderline areas of contemporary music, especially experimental approaches, free improvisation, various hybrid manifestations and subversive forays into the territory of pop. Punctum is a community project residing in Prague's Žižkov district. A home base for various cultural and educational activities.
http://advojka.cz/A2plus http://punctum.cz
The last A2+ of the summer will be a taster of Ostrava's experimental festival Hlukovæ Mystéria, presenting a diverse range of approaches to sound creation and performance.
Swiss sound artist Dave Phillips has been active since the mid-1980s and has been moving between sound art and extreme musical styles ever since. In addition to continuously working as a solo artist, he has also been active in the radical performance group Schimpfluch-Gruppe, the grindcore formation Fear of God and the experimental quartet Ohne. One of his long-standing interests is field recording, which he presents both on record and live. In recent years, he has released mainly conceptual solo albums that combine an environmentalist and anti-civilization ethos, as their titles suggest: Songs of a Dying Species (2015), Sixth Mass Extinction (2019), Post Homo Sapiens (2020) and Humanity Is the Virus (2021). He considers his approach to his work to be sonic activism and calls his production ritual protest music. He has not abandoned the conceptual position on this year's To Death, inspired by his father's long dying process. However, it is not about a personal experience with the passing of a close person, but about different views on death as an ontological problem. https://www.davephillips.ch
Berlin-based Italian duo Jealousy Party mixes noise and improvisation with funk, dub, experimental rock and idiosyncratic electronic collages, calling the resulting fusion "punca". JP was founded by Roberta WJM Andreucci and Mat Pogo in Florence in 1995 and from the very beginning it was a project open to variations, experiments and collaborations with other musicians, led by multi-instrumentalist Edoardo Ricci. Nowadays, their performances are based on live resampling and remixing of older material using DJ CD players and other electronics and spontaneous playback, which has become a characteristic feature of Jealousy Party performances. They will be joined at the Prague concert by Berlin-based Turkish-born drummer Utku Tavil, who uses unconventional - and very dirty - methods of drum kit amplification. https://jealousyparty.bandcamp.com/ https://utkutavil.bandcamp.com
Astralapithecus has existed since 2016 as the solo project of sound hooligan Pavel Gvozd, whose work moves between noise, ambient, industrial and experimental electronics. Gvozd has been present in the Belarusian underground not only as a musician, but also as an activist and organizer of experimental concerts since 2010. Among other things, he was a member of the drone-ambient duo Noizov_Kov4eg. At Astralapithecus concerts he combines the method of free improvisation with analogue instrument processing and also works with his voice and his own body. http://astralapithecus.bandcamp.com
Opening the evening will be the trio Ken Ganfield, Daniel Jakeš & Martin Režný. The modular synthesizer player Ken Ganfield does not shy away from solo performances, but above all enters into various permanent and more random collaborations. He plays in the band The Mond (with Pasi Mäkkela and Petr Vrba), is a member of the Prague Improvisation Orchestra and has long collaborated with the free-jazz trio Frisk from Pardubice. Daniel Jakeš, who plays and publishes under the name Koroze, also uses modular synthesis and is also active in the duo Jasnovidec. The Prague musicians will be accompanied by Ostrava's spiritus agens, music dramaturg of the Fiducia gallery and organiser of the Hlukovæ mystéria festival Martin Režný alias Säkkikangas. https://vimeo.com/461187985 https://koroze.bandcamp.com https://www.radiocustica.cz/martin-rezny-sakkikangas-7586878
The event takes place with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Municipality of the Capital City of Prague. Prague.
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Friday and Saturday September 18 - 19 Various Locations Ostrava - CZ HLUKOVÆ MYSTERIA is a festival of fringe genres (from noise and industrial through dark ambient, post punk, free jazz, psychedelic krautrock, contemporary, let's say classical music and improvisation to performances and sound installations and experiments). Guest venues are Antikvariát and club Fiducia, Důl Michal, Gospoda, Otvor v Doku, BUSS: Big & Ugly Soundsystem. Pre-sale: https://goout.net/cs/hlukovae-mysteria-2021/szkudrr/ DAVE PHILLIPS has been on the scene for more than 25 years, appeared on more than 190 recordings, played around 500 concerts in 40 countries. Ritual protest music, sound activism, humanism. Composition, audio art, psychoacoustics, experimental noise, musique concrète, performance. voice, microphones, objects, electronics, field recordings, video. On the scene since 1987, co-founder of Fear of God, mentioned alongside Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror (so currently, the main thing he has in common with these formations is incredible intensity!), represented by his recordings on 150 albums, Swiss sonic magician Dave Philips.
https://dave-phillips.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/dave-phillips Dave Phillips will play two shows at the festival, field recordings on Friday, live action on Saturday.
OPENING PERFORMANCE ORCHESTRA - a seven-member ensemble that, after nearly two decades of non-public musical and extra-musical activities, has systematically devoted itself to its own music since 2006. In recent years, the Sub Rosa label has released several notable albums in collaboration with such luminaries as Blixa Bargeld, Bill Laswell, Iggy Pop, Luciano Chessa, Phil Niblock and others.
TROTTEL - A TALAYAPA PROJECT - on the road since 1989, the year the first album 'Borderline Syndroma' came out on the legendary French record label Gougnaf Movement. Since then, more than 1400's concerts, one and a half million kilometers done, and 12 albums
FS MASSAKER - Members of infamous Austrian sound terrorists Sex On The Beach and Regolith are joined by ayleresque saxophone blasts Blending Free Jazz with analogue synths and high-energy Rock into a fiercely turbulent and intensely cathartic improvised wall of sound this trio will blow your head off. Imagine a monster truck crashing full speed into a symphonic orchestra playing Mozart.
UTKU TAVIL - playing drums and electronics, freelance sound person for live and studio applications for loud music. Tavil hit drums and fiddle with various electronics, he build and operate BUSS: Big & Ugly Soundsystem. Organizational activity under Multiversal.
Label/Radio Show: brainpussyfication.com.
Currently active with: BEEATSZ v....., VVRNGDNG, Turbohaler, Haram, BNSU, WOW.
RAW DEAL - improv kraut from Stoned to Death. In terms of improvised krautrock, it's hard to find a more authentic band in the Czech Republic than Raw Deal. A band of instrumental skill and also absorbing atmosphere of uninterrupted live sets on the border of rock'n'roll predation and acid madness.
ASTRALAPITHECUS has existed since 2016 as the solo project of sound hooligan Pavel Gvozd, whose work ranges between noise, ambient, industrial and experimental electronics. Gvozd has been present in the Belarusian underground not only as a musician, but also as an activist and organizer of experimental concerts since 2010. Among other things, he was a member of the drone-ambient duo Noizov_Kov4eg. At Astralapithecus concerts he combines the method of free improvisation with analogue instrument processing and also works with his voice and his own body.
KAREL BRAUN AND BLACK MAGIC is a formally young solo project that blends music with poetry. Karel Braun studied at the School of Witchcraft and Magic, where he penetrated the secrets of white magic. However, he was seduced by the black craft. He became a fake guru and started messing with people's heads. He led seekers of truth and spirituality astray with conspiracy theories, esoteric pseudo-inspired tales, hypnosis, noise music and, above all, poetry that is more like incantations.
USNU? is a peculiar solitaire from Brno, a well-known figure of the local grindcore scene (band 6mas). He builds his straightforward noise on the contrasts of pop or folk samples and various toys, such as a table-top chirping football driven by a cruel combination of effect boxes. His collaborations with Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus have so far seen him tackle more challenging power electronics surfaces, but his live shows are legendary for their energy and disarming humour! You'll enjoy this even if you're not looking for noise!
PETR VÁLEK - Jeseník artist and sound researcher has gained worldwide fame for his home-made electronic movements and an incredible number of published recordings. He usually builds mechanical and electro-mechanical sound instruments, various self-propelled or kinetic objects from household items and found objects. In recent years he has also been recording "instructional" videos in his home studio, garden, or landscape, which he posts on Facebook. Thanks to these videos, he has arguably become the world's best-known contemporary domestic experimental artist.
WOJTANOVSKÝ - REŽNÝ (members of Sklo, Massola, Aural/Audio etc.) One beats, the other fries. Someone screams. They each start from a different end of the end, so that at the end of the noisy summit, having avoided all the genre drawers, they stand together over the broken, trampled verge of sound.
JASNOVIDEC - Michael Nechvatal (Cult of Masks, Raw Deal) and Daniel Jakes (Koroze) = Jasnovidec = one release on Stoned to Death + another self-release by 2 MCs in the manner of ritualistic raw arctic drone music.
LOUFR is a Polish composer Piotr Bednarczyk. His composing activities are focused mainly on instrumental chamber, electroacoustic and electronic music. In his works focuses on searching for interesting sound structures using unconventional sound extraction techniques. His stylistic interests revolve around aesthetics of noise, glitch and club music.
BOLEHLAV is Michal Milko's electro project that breaks genres like dubstep, breakcore or even metal and then folds them into strange mosaics.
Bolehlav combines the best moments of hard dubstep with the swing of drum'n'bass, the punch of industrial and the glamour of dirty experiments.
RUINU - noise-improvisation trio from the Klang-und-Krach label circuit. Jan Klamm and Patrik Pelikán use guitar and saxophone respectively in a way that is humiliating for the instruments: they play them as if they were throwing them away. Using dictaphones, they fragment the emerging sound matter, while percussionist Ondřej Parus tries to bury everything that Klamm and Pelikán disintegrate with his beats, and when it can't be sustained any longer, all three of them start following the motto "the fastest survives". The existence of the band is not dependent on interplay, ideas or energy, but rather on whether there is still something to throw away, decompose, bury and run away from. Since 2007, they have released a number of recordings, collaborating with To Live & Shave in LA vocalist Tom Smith and improviser Martin Klapper, to name a few.
JEALOUSY PARTY is a Berlin based abstract R&B outfit blending noise and improvisation with funk, avant rock, dub and idiosyncratic electronic collage - a fusion they term Punca. Founded in Florence, Italy in 1995 by producers Roberta WJM Andreucci and Mat Pogo, JP keep their line-up open to variations and explorations, with multi-instrumentalist Edoardo Ricci as their main collaborator. Right now they are active as a duo with founder members WJM and Mat Pogo on players, electronics and vocals playing metamorphic samples from the burning library of sessions that the duo recorded with an open collective of musicians involved in the Jealousy Party since years. ROBERTA WJM ANDREUCCI - percussionist, an experimental producer and DJ, and on air personality. She practices plagiarism and the cutting and mixing of musical and ambiental aural sources. Through the years her percussion set morphed into a hybrid encompassing a dj booth, a radio dj one, a microphone station for electroacoustic experiments, and a mnemonic butcher's slab. She is a founding member of performing music units such as Jealousy Party, Semerssuaq, The Secretaries and Sistemi Audiofobici Burp. She is the director of the music label Burp Publications. Among many others she pertormed with Carla Bozulich, Eugenio Sanna and Nels Cline. MAT POGO - vocalist and graphic artist. In the 90?s he was one of the founder members of the Burp Enterprise collective. In the years he developed his own language as a singer/voice-artist using his experience as a rock singer, an improviser and radio-artist where music, sounds, anecdotic and narrative elements fuse constantly. Beside Jealousy Party other projects he's been involved in the last years are Pokemachine with Anders Hana (MoHa! Noxagt, Brutal Blues), Penates with JD Zazie, and B Unit with JD Zazie and Peter Schlewinski. Duo collaborations with Ignaz Schick, Michael Renkel, Nicolas Wiese. Among others he recently performed with Burkhard Beins, Lasse Marhaug, Arnaud Rivière, Sec_, Axel Dörner and Tristan Honsinger. He's a proud member of DJ collective Sistemi Audiofobici Burp.
EINE STUNDE MERZBAUTEN - Free form improvisation. No style, no instrument limitation.
OUR YES - A bit of improvisation, nerves or sweaty comfort makes the production of the duo Our Yes, which brings together members of Zabloudila, Ruin (and many other bands), a pretty normal living room affair. The combination of saxophone and synthesizer suggests that it's going to kick. The ground is soft and contaminated, like a landfill. It's not so much the need to look for something in it as the joy of digging through it and the desire to dig into it. Tuning, switching, occasionally letting loose. The brothel - Chundy and Patya decided to say yes in it.
PORNORET - performance by artists Martin Froulík and Zdeněk Janošce Benda and their friends. They opened the Hospital Brut set at last year's Mysteries.
RADEK KOPEL - the father of Czech noise, brutal sound breaking, grunting, grinding and vibrating. With his project NAPALMED he worked for twenty years, during which he baked dozens (maybe even hundreds) of original records of all kinds. Currently, he releases dozens of quite varied recordings a month under dozens of monikers on mostly digital labels around the world. So it will be interesting to bring him out of the digital world into the light of day and experience his various sonic positions live. In addition to the band Eine Stunde Merzbauten, we will also see him as RytmiKstra and, under the moniker _R_K_, as part of an ad hoc improvised line-up created especially for the festival.
KOROZE - Daniel Jakes creates massive constructions of drones and sounds using modular synthesizers, electronics and field recordings in the Koroze project.
JIŘÍ SUCHÁNEK - sound artist, musician, multimedia experimenter. He deals with the creation of non-traditional interfaces and experimental musical instruments. The sound of the interactive objects exhibited at the festival will be influenced by the humidity of the soil, but they also count on the involvement of the audience, who can co-create their final behaviour.
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mcqraw · 6 days ago
still can't believe i saw them live fr 😭 vessel sounds AMAZING irl 👌 and they performed all my fav songs too ughh I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!
Prague - 15.11.2024
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zlutyzakaznik · 5 years ago
Týden kávy 2019
(14. 10. 2019) Kriticky nad devátým ročníkem brněnského kofeinového svátku.
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Když jsem předminulý pátek – v první den Kávových trhů – po menším pátrání ve stanu zakotvil se svou úvodní porcí espressa u nejméně obsazeného stolku, zaslechl jsem, jak jedna ze dvou zhruba dvacetiletých dívek říká s mírně zasněným výrazem druhé: “Byla jsi u Rebelbean? Mají tam docela dost hezkýho baristu.” 
Zalétl jsem pohledem za kávovar jundrovské pražírny a pochopil, že asi nemá, ve vší úctě, na mysli Michala Stece, se kterým jsme se o něco později při korzování po place pozdravili – je hezké, že na takové akci dělá kafe jeden ze dvou zakladatelů firmy a nedelegoval tuto řeholi na někoho z mnohačlenného t��mu – ale jeho o něco mladšího kolegu, který splňoval, nahlíženo ženskýma očima, všechny atributy elegantního krasavce. Jeho baristická zástěra byla nažehlená a bez poskvrnky, jeho vous pečlivě upravený avšak mající daleko k nablýskané unifikovanosti brněnských barbershopů a jeho klidný, laskavý a milý výraz hodného chlapce s přiměřenou špetkou rebela byl nepochybně tím, co dotyčnou plavovlásku okouzlilo.
A chápal jsem ji, protože to pochopitelně funguje i naopak a jakkoli se při návštěvách kaváren soustředím z cca 99.982 % na kvalitu kávy, v tom téměř neznatelném zbytečku registruji i slečny, které kávu připravují a musím říct, že už dlouho mne nikdo nezaujal tak, jako pro středoevropské oči exotická ex-baristka MyMiKy, která jakoby ke kávovaru přišla ze starších filmů Luca Bessona. Ta mi před asi 5 týdny připravila doppio v Industře, kam jsem se vypravil ověřit si, zda má smysl investovat do cappuccino šálku notNeutral anebo zvolit totéž od ACME, které myslím v Brně standardně používají jen v Kafe Friedrich a je nesrovnatelně lepší než GoatCup nebo Loveramics. A jakkoli je notNeutral krásný na pohled i uvnitř, excesivní tlak na prostředníček při úchopu za ouško mi potvrdil, že novozélandský porcelán je to pravé a jeho ultrapohodlné držení způsobilo, že jsem poslední měsíc klasické dAncapy na cappuccino nepoužil ani jednou – prosím, promiňte mi.
Vzápětí po vstupu do stanu Trhů kávy na nám. Svobody v onen pátek jsem zaznamenal příjemnou atmosféru způsobenou jak v rovině vizuální (hradba kávového hardware vyjímající se na stolech), tak auditivní (téměř neustále se spouštějící nebo dojíždějící mlýnky, které vytvářely slastnou kakofonii upomínající na záplavu pípání turniketů v rušné stanici londýnského metra v ranní špičce). Ideální čas dát si po vydatném obědě první espresso.
Tak jako vždy na podobných akcích, zaměřil jsem se primárně na pražírny či značky, které se mi zdály být nějakým způsobem zajímavé anebo jsem je ještě neměl možnost ochutnat. Jako první jsem zvolil QB Coffee Roasters, jednak pro technologické zázemí stánku (poprvé jsem viděl osobně San Remo Opera 2.0, 2 hlavy, jako mlýnek měli jedno z gravimetrických Fiorenzat) a hlavně proto, že na něm extrahovali promytou Rwandu Gitambi, bohužel jediný případ, kdy se na trzích vyskytla africká káva na espresso mlýnku, což pro mne svědčí o očekávání konzervativních návštěvníků (na filtrech bylo už ovšem afrických káv osm druhů). 
Jelikož zdejší jednotku tvořili tři pánové, měli na rozdíl od většinou dvojčlenných osádek dalších stanovišť relativně snazší práci a tak jsem se mimo jiné dozvěděl, že pražírna QB je matkou mnou tak nemilovaného Rituale. Pil bych nejraději doppia (jednotná cena kávových nápojů 30 Kč), ale pokud jsem chtěl vyzkoušet za dvě hodiny aspoň tři porce, musel jsem se uchýlit k espressu (ráno jsem měl ještě svoje cafe latte se dvěma shoty), jakkoli výběrovka tak prakticky vždy utrpí. Rwanda nebyla úplně špatná, ale na mě pořád dosti konvenční v rámci afrických káv, jakoby i zde byl patrný přístup Rituale: hlavně nic divokého, acidity jen střídmě a chuťově jednorozměrné (12 – 13/20).
Nejzajímavějším ze tří vyzkoušených espress bylo to z poděbradského Amáres Coffee (prémiová řada First Crack Coffee), pražírny, kterou mi již dříve doporučoval kamarád. Honduras Caballero El Campo mělo lehoučké tělo a neobvyklou chuť, která mi připomínala lékořici (silných 13/20). Kávu barista připravil s pečlivostí na žlutém La Marzoccu Linea Mini a nejen on byl rád, že jsem měl adekvátní šálek na espresso v podobě klasického porcelánového dAncapu, který jsem si vždy vypláchl přinesenou vodou nad přilehlým košem, vytřel dosucha ubrouskem a pak mi ho ještě vypláchli horkou vodou před další porcí.
Posledním espressem byla Panama Finca Hartmann Epresso Natural na stánku Doubleshotu, ale to bylo spíše východisko z nouze, protože z mého pohledu nebylo už v nabídce skoro nic zajímavého. Goricoffee, MOTMOT, Monro, Kopi Luwak nebo La Boheme znám a myslím si o nich své, Jizba dodává do jedné kavárny v Králově Poli. U dobře známých Dos Mundos bylo pro mne nejzajímavější vybavení (stejný kávovar jako ten můj, jen o generaci starší, bez loga firmy na kohoutu s párou a úplně stejné Fiorenzato na mletí, jen v bílé barvě). A jakkoli holky na stánku pražské pražírny patřily k nejmilejším, když jsem pak zpovzdálí sledoval, jak jim to teče, byl jsem rád, že jsem si nic nedal. 
A doubleshotí espresso? OK, v principu nešlo nic namítat (13 – 14/20) a stejně jsem si ho dal asi hlavně proto, abych viděl v činnosti jejich Kees van der Westen. :-) Na to, že bylo jen tři hodiny po zahájení, na mě působili oba pánové z Doubleshotu coby veteráni, tj. unaveně, ba rezignovaně, ale já to chápu. Musí to být docela otrava objíždět akce pořád dokola, brzy ráno přijet, nachystat to, pak jet do večera, zase to sklidit atd. atd. Ale ve srovnání s lidmi z ostatních stánků, kteří byli daleko usměvavější a v rámci možností informativní – ocenil jsem například dámu ze stánku, která mi na vyjevené preference a očekávání sama poradila, abych si jejich kafe nedával s tím, že mi nebude chutnat, protože je dohořka – to bylo docela znát.
První den bylo narváno už kolem poledne a myslím, že s postupujícím odpolednem to muselo být ještě intenzivnější a ohlasy na Facebooku akce byly reptající do té míry, že jsem cítil potřebu zastat se pořadatelů. To se ovšem týkalo Trhů kávy ve stanu na náměstí. Mé dojmy z celého Týdne kávy jsou ale nanejvýš rozpačité.
Letos jsme v Brně zažili 9. ročník a situace je výrazně jiná než před několika lety, kdy mírný poplatek uhradilo několik desítek brněnských podniků. Když se dívám do seznamu zúčastněných kaváren na webu, nacházím jich tam v rámci Brna jen 23 a z toho ani jednu z ikon brněnské kávové kultury. A pokud sedm z nich, tedy necelou třetinu, tvoří vozítka Kofi-Kofi, je to víc než vypovídající. Absurdní ráz zastoupení kaváren dokresluje Praha, kde jsou to dvě Kofi-Kofi pobočky a dále opravdu jen symbolická přítomnost Olomouce, Leštiny, Náchoda a Rychnova nad Kněžnou, které mají po jednom podniku. 
Další věc je zrušení praktického souhrnného programu Týdne kávy, který byl přesunut na Facebook akce anebo se zájemci mohli zapsat do newsletteru a být tak bombardováni avízy pořadatelů po celý rok (“Na základě zpětné vazby kaváren i vás, kávových fanoušků, jsme dospěli k tomu, že své aktivity rozšíříme. Kávové události tak nebudou již jen jeden týden, ale v průběhu celého roku.”). Méně je velmi často více a ubývající počet a zejména kvalita zastoupených kaváren pro mne svědčí o něčem jiném. Týden kávy už také zdaleka není ve svém snažení sám. Je tu jen o rok mladší Prague Coffee Festival, ve stejném termínu jako v Brně se koná kávový festival Zlínského kraje a připomenout je nutné i brněnský The Filter.
Z mého pohledu jsou některé kolonky na webu Týdne kávy úplně zbytečné. Proč tam například zahrnovat blog, ve kterém jsou dva promo článečky o dvou či třech odstavcích (mj. reklama na aplikaci Máme chuť, kterou v prvních dnech stihla porucha). V sekci Galerie není zase jediná fotka, a to ani týden po skončení Týdne kávy.
Kávové trhy a Týden kávy ve své stávající podobě působí jako dvě odlišné entity, kde dílčí součást předstihuje zastřešující akci (i když kdo má opravdu zájem a vytáhne paty z Brna, zase tam toho tolik nenajde). A je to škoda.
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balonatee · 9 days ago
Sleep Token Strictly Limited City Shirt Praha Ritual On November 15th 2024 Two Sides Classic T-Shirt
Check here: https://balonatee.com/product/sleep-token-strictly-limited-city-shirt-praha-ritual-on-november-15th-2024-two-sides-classic-t-shirt/
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oomphband · 6 years ago
Hello United Kingdom! During our RITUAL European Tour we are looking forward to play our very first show ever in London, UK!!! We are supported by the great German band Heldmaschine in London...so don't miss this show!!!
Get your tickets + VIP Meet & Greet here: https://www.oomph.de/tour/
01.03.19 DE - Hannover / Capitol 02.03.19 DE - Berlin / Astra 03.03.19 DE - Hamburg / Markthalle 05.03.19 DE - Bochum / Zeche 06.03.19 DE - Wiesbaden / Schlachthof 08.03.19 DE - Stuttgart / Im Wizemann 09.03.19 DE - München / Backstage Werk 10.03.19 DE - Dresden / Kraftwerk Mitte 12.03.19 DE - Leipzig / Täubchenthal 13.03.19 DE - Nuremberg / Hirsch 15.03.19 DE - Cologne / Live Music Hall 16.03.19 NE - Drachten / Iduna 17.03.19 FR - Strasbourg / La Laiterie 19.03.19 UK - London / O2 Islington Academy 20.03.19 FR - Paris / La Machine 22.03.19 ES - Madrid / Sala Mon 23.03.19 ES - Barcelona / Razzmatazz 2 24.03.19 FR - Lyon / Ninkasi Kao 26.03.19 SW - Solothurn / Kofmehl 28.03.19 AT - Dornbirn / Conrad-Sohm 29.03.19 CZ - Praha / Meet Factory 30.03.19 PL - Warszawa / Dark Electro Festival
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brazilskavyprava · 3 years ago
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Rituals, 2021, kombinovaná technika na platne a zlato , 90x130 cm #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #femaleartist #blue #gold #abstractpainting #composition #structure #czechrepublic #praha (v místě Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPxgvKuL1Md/?utm_medium=tumblr
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estudioevan · 5 years ago
Tá fácil!
É um milagre atrás do outro! Apenas com isso consigo detalhar minha vida. Deus tá colocando no meu caminho só gente perfeita! Quer dizer... algumas tempestades, mas logo em seguida temos um arco íris.
To caindo nesse mundo! Acabei ficando mais um tempo em Wrocław, lá eu encontrei o Kamil que abriu as portas de sua casa, de seu trabalho, de sua geladeira, de um novo mundo... me emprestou sua bike e eu pude dar vários roles pela cidade! Espetacular! Entrei em um casa abandonada (eu sempre adoro esses lugares haha), fui para uma rave em baixo da via expressa fora da cidade, rodeado de florestas e plantações. Durante a festa até escutei uma vaca mugindo. Fomos pedalando até lá! Que experiência! Uns beques rolando, um cara aparecendo do nada e me oferecendo uma cerveja (fechada!)! Ah, Deus provém até a cerveja pra mim haha
O dinheiro que tenho ganhado desde estes dias estão vindo através das indicações do banco Neon, e eu nunca imaginei que esquema de piramide pudesse me trazer algum lucro! Altas comidas estou comprando. :D
Inclui no meu roteiro Dresden, na Alemanha, onde eu conheci o Ahmed e o Alejandro! Bons tempos com esses meninos também! Um marroquino e o outro colombiano, nessa ordem. Dois lindos e maravilhosos! Eu nem quero comer e a galera quer cozinhar pra mim, kkkkk altas pastas. Lá tentei vender minhas pulseirinhas, sem nenhum sucesso, só ganhei umas esmolas. Foi útil pra comprar o pão nosso de cada dia! Só gratidão!
Me joguei na estrada de novo e meu Deus!, mais uma vez só milagres! Eu tava do lado errado da estrada com uma plaquinha ilegível improvisada, um carro parou e me orientou a direção certa, eu fui pra direção certa e apareceu um casal, que me deu um canetão para eu reforçar a escrita e melhorar minha placa. Eles me orientaram ir para um lugar diferente e foram embora, parece até que eles foram ali só para me ajudar e depois desapareceram, dois anjos.
“Praha” estava escrito, e em cinco minutos parou um jovem senhor que me trouxe quase até meu destino e partiu. Um fofo, me lembrou meu avô. Fiquei no McDonald’s e fui perguntar para pessoas se poderiam me levar até Praga, o primeiro cara me deu negativa, mas um outro escutou que eu estava procurando por carona e se prontificou em me levar. Ondrej e Jan, os dois tripulantes, empregados do governo, em uma espécie de serviço secreto. Sem muitos detalhes sobre profissão, porém com um detalhe que encheu minha viagem de cor: Sofi Tukker. Esta cantora que já virou minha nova paixão.
Cheguei em Praga, sem teto, fui pro shopping mandar uns pedidos de moradia, comprei uns pães pra comer com minha mortadela que eu tinha da última compra, e fiquei horas e horas até achar um lar, onde meu novo host, uma bichinha meio metidinha, Luke ele se dizia... tentou me bolinar durante à noite, me bodiou essa atitude, porém seguimos em frente e aproveitamos ao máximo! Ele também decidiu cozinhas pra mim, lavou minhas roupas e me largou na rua sem eira nem beira, mais uma vez.
Isso foi talvez um livramento... era eu ter ido trabalhar, mas eu desencanei, afinal, eu não queria chegar no meu “novo emprego” com minhas malas... eu pensei algumas vezes e me dei conta de que aquele emprego talvez seria uma furada... fui procurar uns Hare Krishnas pra pedir abrigo.
O caminho era longo, mas eu não me abalei, peguei minhas malas e subi no primeiro bonde que ia até a metade do caminho... não paguei como de costume. Cheguei no ponto de ônibus para pegar a segunda condução com destino à minha esperança, o próximo busão só chegaria depois de 1 hora... levantei a mão e fiz sinal de carona... ninguém parou durante esse período. O busão chegou e eu entrei na esperança de ir na clandestinidade mais uma vez... o motorista encasquetou comigo, e pediu pra eu não comer no ônibus, depois pediu meu ticket, eu não tinha e tampouco tinha dinheiro pra pagar, tentei dar um migué com o cara que não falava inglês... uma velha maldita com um olhar diabólico me tocou pra fora do ônibus. Que raiva!
Eu não podia desistir: sinal de carona mais uma vez... menos de 10 minutos e um anjo parou, me levou até a metade do caminho. Logo em seguida, mais um anjo. Este era muito engraçado, tinha um rosto caricato e adorava fazer imitações das pessoas. Era pedreiro, disse que conhecia gente da tv, falou que vai me dar um contato, esperamos.... kkkkk... ele me deixou na porta do templo Hare Krishna e eu fui pedir abrigo.
Fui recebido com um prato de Prasada, aí que delicia de alimento abençoado! Comi como um rei. Passei a tarde conversando com Alalanatha, e então chegou Kusha, mais um devoto que me orientou muito sobre o caminho espiritual... eu continuava sem lar, porque ali eu não poderia ficar... buscando no couchsurfing, achei um rapaz que morava “perto” do templo, mas só poderia me receber no dia seguinte. Sobrou pedir para meu nov amigo uma ajuda. Kusha permitiu que eu dormisse em seu caminhão e apenas não me levou para sua casa por sua namorada “é meio louca”... pra combinar com ele, claro.
Hoje voltamos ao templo. Que período incrível! Como eu amo essa energia! E que banquete!! Eu tava precisando. Foi um ritual lindo, eu adorei, senti muita energia boa, e resolvi me dispor a ajudar no templo. Sobrou pra mim a limpeza. Vamos que vamos!
Kusha me trouxe aqui para meu novo lar que arduamente eu conquistei. Bohdan tem um apartamento lindo em meio a muito mato e uma vista privilegiada da cidade. Ele é artista e tem um ateliê sensacional em sua casa. Já se mostrou muito interessante e eu mal posso esperar para conhecer sua cidade.
Por enquanto vou descansar depois do banho de flores que eu tomei. Estas que foram mais um presente dos Hare Krishna pra mim. Mal posso esperar pelos próximos dias...
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aainunika-blog · 7 years ago
Pura Lingsar: Potret Toleransi Masyarakat Lombok
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Jika ada yang berkata bahwa luar negeri merupakan destinasi wisata terbaik, menurutku Indonesia merupakan surga terindah di bumi ini. Betapa tidak, jutaan suku dan budaya membuatnya menjadi indah dan berbeda dibandingkan tempat wisata lainnya. Ketika yang lain sedang berlomba-lomba menawarkan keindahan alam, Indonesia secara alami memiliki warisan budaya yang sangatlah kaya akan misteri.
Mari kita berbicara tentang kearifan lokal budaya pulau Lombok. Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu pulau besar di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pulau Lombok berada diantara pulau Bali dan pulau Sumbawa. Pulau Lombok dikenal sebagai surganya wisata alam dan budaya. Mari kita telusuri jejak wisata budaya di pulau Lombok.
“Di Lombok kita bisa menemukan Bali, namun tidak menemukan Lombok di Bali”. Pernyataan ini menjadi pembuka perjalanan saya di Pura Lingsar, Lombok Timur. Maksud dari pernyataan tersebut merupakan gambaran banyaknya Pura di Lombok. Pura identik dengan pulau Bali yang merupakan daerah yang mayoritas beragama Hindu dengan ratusan Pura berjajar di setiap sudut rumah warga. Hal inilah yang menciptakan anggapan bahwa kita bisa menemui suasana seperti Bali di Lombok, namun tak bisa menemukan suasana seperti Lombok di Bali.
Bertolak belakang dengan Bali, Lombok mendapat julukan sebagai ‘Negeri Seribu Masjid’ karena persebaran bangunan masjid di setiap blok rumah penduduk. Dengan julukan tersebut, pemerintah daerah membangun sebuah masjid besar untuk dijadikan ikonik pulau Lombok, yakni Islamic Center di kota Mataram. Masjid tersebut berdiri kokoh di jantung kota Mataram.
Wilayah Lombok dibagi menjadi dua bagian, kepemimpinan raja Karangasem menguasai wilayah Mataram dan Lombok Barat, sehingga banyak bangunan Pura tersebar di dua wilayah tersebut karena raja Karangasem menganut agama Hindu. Sedangkan wilayah Lombok Timur dan Lombok Tengah merupakan daerah meilik Raja Arya Banjar, seorang muslim yang saat itu memimpin kerajaan Islam di pulau Lombok.
Terdapat banyak pura-pura bersejarah di wilayah Lombok, salah satunya yakni pura Lingsar. Pura Lingsar dibangun pada tahun 1749 Masehi dengan memadukan dua budaya yang berbeda yaitu Islam dan Hindu. Keunikan Pura Lingsar yaitu terdapat musala di tengah pura, di dekat sumber mata air. Pada awalnya, Islam terlebih dahulu masuk di daerah tersebut pada abad ke 15, lalu pada sekitar abad ke 17 agama Hindu mulai masuk. Karena sikap toleransi yang tinggi akhirnya pembangunan pura tetap dilaksanakan tanpa menghancurkan tempat ibadah yang sudah ada sebelumnya.
Pura Lingsar merupakan pura terbesar dan tertua di pulau Lombok. Pura Lingsar memiliki nama tersendiri yaitu ‘Kemaliq Pura Lingsar’. Kemaliq memliki arti sakral sehingga siapapun yang ingin mengunjungi pura tersebut harus dalam keadaan suci. Beberapa pantangan yang harus dipatuhi ketika ingin memasuki wilayah inti pura yaitu harus memakai selendang yang berarti kita menjadi warga setempat. Selain itu, kita tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa makanan yang mengandung babi dan anjing, tidak boleh memutar musik keras dan beberapa larangan lainnya.
Sebelum masuk ke bagian pura, pengunjung disuguhi pemandangan dua patung yang disebut ‘Dwarapala’ yang merupakan representasi sifat baik dan buruk. Begitu juga kain berwarna hitam dan putih yang juga melambangkan sifat baik dan buruk. Masuklah saya ke dalam pura Lingsar.
Di dalam pura terdapat tiga pendopo besar dengan balutan kain dan beberapa patung di dalamnya. Setiap pendopo dibalut dengan satu wana kain dengan beberapa kembang dan dupa di dalamnya. Terdapat empat warna yang menjadi ciri khas pendopo tersebut dengan masing-masing filosofi. Keempat warna tersebut yaitu merah, putih, kuning, hitam.
Warna merah dan kuning melambangkan unsur api yang dilambangkan sebagai Dewa Brahma; warna putih melambangkan unsur angin yang merupakan wujud dari Dewa Siwa karena sifat angin yang kerapkali merusak alam; dan warna hitam yang merupakan unsur air yang merupakan sumber kehidupan yang merupakan simbol dari Dewa Wisnu. Jadi, cara terbaik untuk menentukan tempat sembahyang yaitu dengan mencaritahu warna dominan di pendopo tersebut.
Masuk ke bagian pura lainnya kita bisa menemukan sebuah kolam ikan ajaib. Jika di Praha kita bisa melempar koin dan mengajukan permohonan, kita juga bisa melakukan hal serupa di kolam ikan ini. Dengan beberapa ritual seperti berdoa kepada Tuhan YME lalu melepar koin. Ritual pelemparan koin ini semata-mata bukanlah mengajak wisatawan untuk percaya pada hal-hal gaib, karena hakikatnya kita harus tetap berdoa sesuai agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing. Apabila dirasa koin yang dilempar selama tiga kali tidak masuk ke kolam, kita diperbolehkan melempar koin lagi namun dengan harapan yang berbeda. Karena bisa jadi harapan yang pertama tidak direstui atau bahkan membawa petaka.
Asal muasal kolam dan ikan-ikan disini tak jauh dari sejarah panjang pura Lingsar. Konon, setelah perang Praya, terdapat seorang pengembara bernama Datuk Milir yang berdiam diri di daerah Lingsar. Saat itu mereka mengalami kemarau panjang sehingga tidak ada air di sekitar situ. Datuk Milir terus berdoa kepada Tuhan agar desa tersebut segera turun hujan dan dapat mengairi sungai-sungai lagi.
Pada suatu malam, Datuk Milir mendapatkan sebuah ilham untuk menancapkan sebatang tongkat kayu di daerah dekat musala. Dengan ijin Tuhan, sebuah mata air kecil muncul di permukaan dan mengalir ke beberapa tempat di daerah tersebut. Hingga akhirya tongkat Datuk Milir berubah menjadi ikan yang akhirnya dibuatkan kolam agar ikan tersebut bisa tetap tinggal. Setelah melalui beberapa fase, ikan tersebut berkembang biak hingga sekarang. Untuk ikan yang mati, biasanya penduduk akan memasaknya dan dimakan bersama-sama.
Hanya ada satu ikan besar yang seringkali sembunyi di balik bebatuan. Menurut cerita, ikan tersebut hanya keluar jika ada ritual pemanggilan khusus. Itu pun jika ikan ingin keluar pada ritual tersebut. Ritual pemanggilan bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan pawang khusus dan beberapa telur bebek sebagai umpan. Saat itu, saya sedang menyaksikan ritual tersebut atas permintaan wisatawan mancanegara dari Jepang. Meskipun telah habis setengah telur bebek, ikan pun tak kunjung keluar. Hingga akhirnya di telur kedua, si ikan mulai mengintip keluar. Munculnya ikan dipercaya akan ada pertanda baik dalam diri seseorang pasca melihat ikan.
Turun ke bawah, saya bisa melihat sebuah musala sederhana yang bersebelahan dengan empat pancuran air. Terdapat Sembilan pancuran yang melambangkan jumlah wali songo yang juga dipercaya sebagai wali Allah dalam menyebarkan agama Islam di Indonesia, khususnya Pulau Jawa. Empat pancuran berada di musala dan lima lainnya di dekat danau replika segara anak. Air dari pancuran tersebut dipercaya bisa menyembuhkan penyakit dalam, bisa juga sebagai awet muda. Jika ingin mandi, pengunjung dilarang untuk memakai pakaian terbuka dan juga dilarang menggunakan cairan seperti sabun dan sebagainya.
Spot terakhir yaitu replika danau segara anak. Danau ini dibuat atas permintaan Raja Karangasem yang sangat ingin mengunjungi Danau Segara Anak di Gunung Rinjani. Hal ini dikarenakan saat itu Raja Karangasem sudah sangat tua sehingga tidak mampu naik, sehingga Raja memerintahkan untuk dibuatkan miniatur danau Sedara Anak.
Masuk ke Pura Lingsar tidak dipungut biaya, hanya saja kita bisa memberikan donasi seikhlasnya ketika akan masuk untuk menyewa selandang wajib. Di sana juga terdapat jasa pemandu yang siap mengantar perjalanan dan menjelaskan segala macam sejarah tentang Pura Lingsar. Untuk biaya pemandu wisata, kita bisa memberi uang secara sukarela tanpa ada patokan khusus dari pihak penjaga Pura.
Belajar tentang sejarah peradaban manusia memang tak ada habisnya. Sejarah diceritakan bukan hanya sebagai dongeng pengantar tidur, melainkan sebagai penanda sebuah peristiwa dan juga pembelajaran untuk kehidupan di masa depan. Tetap cintai sejarah seperti pesan Bung Karno “Jangan sekali-kali melupakan sejarah”.
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escapisti · 7 years ago
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Per terminare la giornata Escapisti completa anche il rituale della strega di Escape Praha a meno di un minuto dalla fine. A presto la recensione. http://escapisti.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/escapisti #escapisti #escapististoriedifuga #storiedifuga #escaperoom #escape #room #roomescape #enigma #enigmi #quest #giochidilogica #giochi #logica #indovinello #indovinelli #rompicapo #rompicapi #rebus #quiz #avventura #gdr #rpg #praga #prague #praha #MindMaze #EscapePraha (presso Escape Praha)
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