#pr: levi/mc
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temis-de-leon · 26 days ago
Sewist MC who makes clothes with his clothes
Characters: Demon Brothers x gn!MC (separately)
Main Masterlist
C/W: established relationship, possessiveness, very suggestive in Asmo's part
At first, he suspects your talent will be spent fixing clothes and creating pieces for cosplay, just like Levi does, but it doesn't take him too long to discover how wrong he is.
There's more to you than meets the eye, and he enjoys every second of it, although it would pain him to admit how long he spends watching you transform something as simple as a t-shirt into whatever else you have in mind; a creation of your own much more interesting and flattering.
If you catch him staring at you with fascination while you search for the best thread to use in the fabric, no, you don't.
Stop looking so much at him and pay attention to what you're doing, MC.
Things will change the moment you ask him to give you any clothes he may not use anymore, though.
Are you telling him that not only are you a resourceful, skilled, creative and patient artist, but you also want him to mark you?
Because why else would you want to wear his clothes if not to show who you belong to?
But the symbolism goes deeper than that.
Seeing what had previously been his possessions fit you so perfectly makes your relationship feel more raw and natural.
It is as it should be because it couldn't have been anything else.
Wear as much as you like; he can always buy more.
The Great Mammon will tell you that it is a waste of time and you should join him at the casino downtown instead.
You want to upgrade your wardrobe? How about waiting for him to win the biggest prize and then he'll give you anything you want?
Mammon, however, will tear his clothes just to see you fix them, so if the cuts or holes look too purposeful, don't mention it.
You seeing right through him is one weakness he's gonna have to learn to live with, so be merciful and don't say anything about his poor excuses.
His quivering dignity will appreciate it.
They're PR gifts from his modelling gigs, anyway. He hardly wears anything that changes his style too much.
When the inevitable day comes in which you ask to "borrow" some of his actual clothes for personal use, he will blush and stammer like crazy, even as he laughs at you for being so obvious in your affections.
Of course you want others to see who's your boyfriend! And he is glad to make your wish come true!
What do you want exactly? In which colour?
...can you make a matching piece for him...?
Don't laugh at him, MC!! He was asking for your sake!! In case you were too embarrassed to ask, you know?
Dumb human
He's one of the brothers who appreciates what you do the most, not only because he admires every form of arts and crafts by default but also because he is a fellow sewist.
And a good one at it.
Sure, his talent mostly (almost always) comes up when cosplay is on the table, but there is serious work involved, and barely anyone complains about the results.
Your shared interest deepens your relationship on a genuine level, and the innocence of it makes it very endearing.
Sometimes, you're catching up to your favourite piece of media in either of your rooms, but on other occasions, the rest of the family will probably find you working around each other, silent or deep in conversation, with eyes always focused on the task at hand.
Mammon almost had a heart attack once because he was hanging out while you both worked in the same room and suddenly you started talking after a whole hour in silence.
Levi enjoys your presence every moment of the day, but doing the same thing makes him feel all warm and tingly.
He especially likes it when you both make little trinkets for the other to wear or carry around, like a reminder that you'll always be together no matter what.
If it's the other way around, though...
If you want something that belongs to him to make customised clothes for yourself...
He won't be able to give you a clear answer for at least a week, mainly because every time he sees you after the question is made, he blushes deeply and has trouble coming up with words.
Will eventually agree to give you something, but only if you do the same.
Low-key cringe, but the thought of people seeing you in his clothes and vice versa, even if they're altered, makes him tremble in excitement.
The most curious about your abilities by far, he will be hovering over you and asking all types of questions. Of course, he will stop if you ask him to, but he won't go too far.
He can always grab a book and read it next to you.
His questions aren't meant to intrude, anyways. They're mainly directed to how long you have been doing this and how it started. Also, do you only make human sized clothes? Have you ever tried making them in smaller sizes? Say... cat sized?
Just imagine, MC! Imagine how cute the stray kitties would look with a costume or something to keep them warm during the dead nights of winter! They may even remember you for it!!
Is he getting too excited? Forgive him; he can't help it.
Imagining his favourite stray cat with a creation of yours is more than enough to make him blush.
You are dating, yet he is still surprised when you ask him to give you something that belongs to him.
The many ways in which you show how much you love him are endless.
If you teach him how to sew, maybe he can return the gesture...?
He's a dork.
Real tears of joy.
Finally someone with talent that doesn't throw it away in cosplay! Levi can defend his costumes all he wants, but at least you make fabulous clothes for daily life!
He shows great interest in your projects and isn't shy in the slightest when he voices his opinions on what would look better or where you could improve your designs.
Why settle for good when you have the potential to make it perfect, right?
That's why you're dating 🩷 Because neither of you settled for less 🩷🩷
It would be wise to listen to him, though. He knows what he's talking about.
Will absolutely yell and cry in delight if you ask him to give you clothes to adapt for yourself.
Whether you're a romantic person or not, he now thinks you are and has no problems showing you how much he likes it.
His brothers are horrified by the amount of hickeys on your neck the next morning.
Those are the visible ones.
Not long passes until he invites you to his room just to show you an arrangement made out of a selection of clothes and accessories chosen specifically with both your styles in mind.
You'll make an outfit for him too, right? You have to match!
Better be ready to take his measurements, because you will be the one doing it even if he knows the numbers by heart.
Oh, you have a hobby, MC? Nice!
He doesn't totally understand the appeal of it, but he's content knowing that it makes you happy.
Plus, it's a good way of spending time together. No one demands your attention whenever they see you so focused, so he can enjoy your company in peace during those moments. It's just you and him, and occasionally Belphie, sitting together while he eats and you work.
Some of those times he isn't even hungry. That's how satisfied he is.
He's asked on very few occasions if you could mend his sportswear after a rough training session, but he doesn't want to look as if he's taking advantage of you or your talents in any way.
If he breaks something of his, then it should be his responsibility, not yours.
The moment you ask for his clothes so you can wear them instead, however?
He is grinning and humming in joy like an eager puppy.
One moment you are asking him and the next you are standing in front of his wardrobe choosing what you want to use.
Surprisingly, Beel will offer to use his laundry detergent even if they're now technically your clothes.
They may have your measurements, but that doesn't mean you bought them in that size.
He still wants others to know that they were originally his.
Won't be extremely excited about your capabilities, but he'll show interest and, if you haven't flaunted about them already, then he's encouraging you to do so.
You are talented and other people should know.
He won't force you, though.
After all, those peaceful moments spent alone while he naps by your side and you sew are some of his favourites. The only downside is that he can't use your lap, but he isn't complaining too much.
And the presence of other people would only ruin it.
He likes to be there as you work; to fall asleep as you frown and the tip of your tongue peaks out deep in concentration; to kiss your fingers if you prick yourself.
The sight of the needle disappearing in the folds and the thread blending with the rest of the fabric is hypnotic.
These are the naps he enjoys the most, but he will never tell you directly.
When you finally ask him for some of his clothes, he's immediately nodding in agreement. Even before you finish the question.
What more is there to ask? As long as it is for you, then everything is available.
He also relishes in his brothers' sour expressions when they recognize your "new" outfit, but that's a secret.
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010 @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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shall-we-die · 4 months ago
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Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Yandere behaviors}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0093}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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He definitely has no guilt. And absolutely he’d never let you go. The idea of you out there, in the world with other demons who could take you from him makes him feel disgusted and furious. If he had you, he’d never let you go- no matter what. You’d belong to him entirely. There wouldn’t be any way for you to escape him.
Mammon would likely never feel guilty about abducting MC, and would never willingly let them go. He would see MC as an object to possess and control, and would do everything in his power to keep them under his control. His obsession with MC would be so intense that he would not allow them to have any freedom or autonomy. Mammon would view MC as something that he owns, and would not feel bad about forcing them to stay with him.
Levi might feel a sense of doubt or guilt about abducting the MC, knowing that it's wrong and that they are hurting them. however, his obsession and possessiveness would likely overshadow those feelings and he would justify his actions by believing he is doing what is best for their relationship. as for letting MC go, that would almost certainly be a no. he might promise to change, or even genuinely try to be better, but his possessive nature would prevent him from ever truly letting MC go.
Despite being a yandere, Satan would likely have occasional moments of guilt or remorse about abducting MC. However, these feelings would quickly be overshadowed by his obsession and possessiveness towards MC. He might even try to justify his actions by convincing himself that he's doing it for the sake of their relationship and that MC would thank him someday. As for letting MC go, a yandere like Satan would likely make it as difficult as possible for them to leave, using manipulation, threats, or even physical force to keep them under his control.
Asmodeus is pretty unhinged and has a twisted sense of right and wrong. He wouldn't feel guilty for abducting MC at first, as he sees it as a necessary step to keep them all to himself. However, over time, it's possible that he might start to feel a little guilty for keeping MC captive like that. He might start to question his own actions and doubt if he is doing the right thing. However, he would probably not let them go, either way.
Beelzebub may struggle with feelings of guilt about abducting MC, especially if he has any shred of conscience or empathy. However, his obsession and need for control would likely overshadow any guilt he feels, and he might justify his actions to himself in some twisted way. He would be unlikely to willingly let MC go, as his entire reason for abducting them was to have them all to himself. He would likely go to great lengths to ensure MC can't escape or be rescued.
At the start, definitely no. He'd be smug and arrogant about it, probably teasing you for falling into his trap. But after some time? Once he is sure that you're completely his and you won't try to go anywhere, and once he's fallen in love with you, he would start to feel guilty and maybe a bit remorseful about it. But would he let you go? Hell no. Even if he felt guilty, the thought of letting his beloved go away would make him furious and scared.
Diavolo's guilt over abducting MC would be minimal if not completely absent. He would likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled by having MC in his possession. He would also never willingly let MC go, as he would see them as his most precious and prized possession. He would do everything possible to keep them trapped in his grip, even resorting to more sinister and dangerous methods to ensure that they never escaped.
Barbatos would likely feel no guilt for abducting you. In his own mind, he believes that he is doing what's best for you and that you belong solely to him. Whether he would let you go would depend on his level of obsession and how much power he feels he has over you. If he believes that he has full control and that you have fully submitted to him, he may let you go - but only on his terms. In his mind, you are still his.
He may feel a twinge of guilt for abducting mc, but his obsession and need to control her would overpower any guilt he feels. He'd likely try to justify his actions to himself by convincing himself that it's for their own good, and that he's protecting them from the world. He may tell himself that he's doing it because he loves them and wants to keep them safe. He would also likely feel a sense of possessiveness and entitlement over them, and may feel that he has the right to keep them all to himself.
It is unlikely that Solomon would feel guilty about abducting MC, as he would likely see it as a necessary measure to have her all to himself. However, he may occasionally have moments of doubt or guilt, especially if MC expresses distress or sadness about the situation. As for letting MC go, it is highly unlikely that he would ever willingly release them, as his main goal would be to keep them under his control. He may only let her go if he feels that mc has become completely dependent on him or if he is somehow forced to.
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janahanooo · 1 year ago
Have some Christmas themed silly bros and Mc
Mc: Merry Christmas guys!
Mc: Wooo! I can finnaly be free of my annoying cousins this year!
Mammon: Mc..
Levi: you do know you are in devildom, right?
Mc: ...*snifle*
Mc: then I guess I go and celebrate with Simeon and Luke
Mc: bye guys
Mammon: WAIT MC-! And they are gone...
Lucifer: you want to do what?
Mammon: celebrate Christmas...
Levi: yeah, can we?
Lucifer: this is The dumbest idea I ever heard from the two of you.
Mammon: Asmo, what do you say?
Asmo: well, Idk Mams... it would be weird to celebrate it after a long time, so I pass on this one.
Levi: pretty please Satan!
Satan: *sigh* I already said it. It's a dumb idea. We're demons, not angels.
Belphi: nope.
Beel: sorry guys, I'm out on this one too.
Mammon: come on! Just this time?
Belphi: nah, I'll rather sleep.
Levi: you do that anyway
*after christmas*
Mc: guys I'm back! I brought back some cookies and pr-
Mc: ... what the
Mammon and Levi: *made the whole living room christmas themed and even bougth a tree and presents*
Mammon and Levi: Tada! Merry Christmas Mc!
Mc: guys... *snifle* you guys made my day a 1000 times better...
Mc: *snifle* I brougth back prensents for you and the others... and cookies for Beel.
The other watching from afar: ...
Asmo: let's celebratet it every year from now on.
Satan: agreed
Beel: they even brougth back cookies for me... *sob*
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indiavolojones · 5 years ago
helloooo just lettin you know that your sex pollen fic is the only thing on my mind. I’m absolutely in love with it. i haven’t felt this way about a fic in ages. Thank u for blessing the public
asljfas thank you for your kind words! since i’m working on it now, here’s a snippet from another chapter, not tellin u which one it’s gonna be tho!
His hands are batting at you through the doorway, trying to push your squirrelly limbs back out into the hallway as he wails, “What are you doing!?” 
 “I’m sick! You can’t leave me out here like this!” 
 “You liar!” Levi almost shrieks, both hands covering his bright red face, “Aren’t you supposed to be weak right now!?” 
 “I am! I’m so weak! I’m about to faint!" You say, even as you’re shoving through the doorway into the other’s room. Riding the high of managing to bully your way in here, you sit yourself down in his gaming chair, crossing your arms triumphantly. Levi shuts the door and follows after, grumbling under his breath.
(i am affectionately calling the chapter “get fucked, levi” but like, in a good way)
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devildom-drabbles · 3 years ago
Snippet - Moments with Him
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are some cute little moments between MC/you and each of the boys (minus Luke) using sentence starters by @myfriendthedictionary. Enjoy!! 💕
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“You want your usual, right?”
Lucifer glanced up from his paperwork to lock eyes with MC after hearing their question, a hint of surprise flashing briefly over his features. “And you know what that is?”
“Of course,” they replied with a grin. “I’ve seen you have it enough times to figure it out. I’ll make it just the way you like it, too.”
He gazed at their figure in the doorway of his study. The candlelight seemed to shine on them in a way that made them appear even more radiant in his vision than they normally did. No, perhaps it was the fact that they took the time to memorize these tiny details about him, such as his favorite drink to have while he’s working, that enhanced his view of them in this moment. Falling for a human was shocking enough, but falling more in love with them every day? The eldest demon brother wasn’t sure how they managed to do this to him. Even so, it was a strange phenomena that he couldn’t ignore any longer. He may as well accept it.
“Very well,” Lucifer said, a smile tugging at his lips as he refocused on the documents on his desk. “I look forward to it.”
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“This really isn’t going how I practiced it.”
It was meant to be said in his head, but Mammon ended up muttering the words aloud in front of MC. He was trying to properly convey his feelings for them without deflecting or stumbling over himself, but the exact opposite was happening. How many times had this happened now? Why couldn’t he just say what he really thought? Despite how much he motivated himself and the time he spent making sure he’d do it right, he always got tongue-tied the moment MC was in front of him.
“Practiced?” MC repeated curiously, causing Mammon’s face to flush a darker shade of red.
“F-Forget ya heard that!” he demanded.
“Seriously, don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I needed to practice tellin’ ya how much I like ya or anything! I can tell ya how amazin’, intelligent, attractive, funny, and important ya are to me just fine without going over it for hours in front of a mirror, got it?!”
MC bit back the giddy grin that threatened to form on their face in favor of taking Mammon’s hands in theirs. “You sure can. Thank you, Mammon.”
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“Would you maybe want to... I don’t know... do this again, sometime?”
Leviathan’s question came out hesitantly, his fingers fidgeting with the plastic bag in his hand. He never imagined that MC would actually agree to go to an anime convention with him, and yet they had. The two of them spent the whole day there, and Levi had a blast getting to experience something he loved with the one he loved. It was a wonderful combination of his favorite things! However, did MC enjoy it as much as he did? He wasn’t sure, already overthinking everything they had said and done during the convention.
“I’d love to,” MC responded without missing a beat.
“R-Really?” Levi asked, worried he may have misheard somehow. “You didn’t hate it?”
They shook their head. “Some of the stuff there was pretty cool. Plus, I liked seeing you look so happy and comfortable in your element. Make sure to let me know when the next one is, okay?”
Tears pricked at the corners of Levi’s eyes, overwhelmed with joy by MC’s answer. “I-I will! And, um, if there’s any place you really want to go to, let me know! Even if we’re surrounded by normies and extroverts, I’ll still go! B-Because I… I want to see you happy, too!”
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“They say not to touch the artwork, but I have to ask... can I hold your hand?”
Satan’s grin widened as he observed MC’s reaction to his sudden flirty remark. He had invited them on a date to an art museum since both of them were curious about how the creative works in the Devildom and human world differed from each other. With the way it was going, it seemed more like an educational field trip than a date, prompting Satan to change his approach to the day’s activity. He was pleased with himself for having caught the human off-guard when he leaned in front of their line of sight to softly ask for their hand.
“Wh-Where did that come from?” MC inquired, playful nudging him away in an attempt to hide their blush.
Satan laughed lightly at their embarrassment. “What do you mean? We are on a date, aren’t we? Isn’t it natural that I’d want to hold my lovely partner’s hand? Besides, you’ve been looking at this piece for so long, I was beginning to wonder if you forgot I was here.”
Now it was MC’s turn to laugh, the familiar sound bringing a gentle warmth to the demon’s chest. Once they placed their hand in his, the two never separated for the remainder of the date.
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“You always look beautiful to me.”
Asmodeus delicately lifted MC’s chin up so they could see that his expression matched the sincerity of his words. The two of them had gone out shopping for new clothes, and Asmo had suggested a variety of things for MC to try on in the dressing room. With each outfit they came out to present, Asmo gushed over them, showering them with adoration. However, when MC viewed their appearance in the mirror, nothing seemed to look right on them, and they ended up expressing this concern to Asmo when he noticed they weren’t acting like their usual self. They stared at their feet as they spoke, unable to face him from how they felt about themself in that moment. They weren’t expecting his remark or the way he brought their gaze up to rest on him.
“Even now, there’s a certain beauty in the sadness you’re showing,” Asmo continued, his hand moving to cradle their jaw while his thumb tenderly stroked their cheek. “No matter how you’re dressed or how you’re feeling, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, MC. And I’ll always see you that way.”
MC reached their hand up to place it over the hand he kept on their face. “Thank you, Asmo.”
“No need to thank me. I’m just telling you the truth. I’ll remind you as much as you need me to until you believe it, too--and even long afterwards, okay?”
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“What do you mean you burnt the popcorn?”
Beelzebub rubbed the back of his hand in guilt when MC discovered the blackened kernels that were supposed to be part of their movie night snacks. He hadn’t meant for it to happen. MC had tasked him with watching over the popcorn heating on the HoL kitchen’s flaming stove top while they were putting the finishing touches on the sweet treats they had made. Beel’s focus had drifted from the popping kernels to MC’s figure, working diligently on the other side of the kitchen. Not even the wafting smells from the food around him could peel his eyes away from the human. As a result, he hadn’t noticed the popcorn burning until it was too late.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized with an expression rivaling that of a kicked puppy. “I just wanted to see what you were adding to the treats, but I ended up staring at you instead. I like how you look when you’re focused on something, and then I started thinking about how great those treats are going to taste because you’re the one working so hard on them. Everything you make always ends up tasting better than anything I eat at a restaurant or bakery. ...Then, before I knew it, the popcorn had been on the stove for too long. I’m really sorry for burning it, MC.”
It was difficult for MC to stay mad at Beel for an honest--and cute--mistake. “It’s all right, Beel. We’ll just pop another batch. I’ll even stay with you to watch over it this time.”
That was all it took for Beel’s wide grin to return. Still, after disposing of the burnt popcorn into his mouth, he couldn’t keep his loving gaze off the human beside him as the new batch of kernels popped on the stove.
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“Nope! Not moving. Too comfy!”
That’s what I should be saying, Belphegor thought bitterly to himself after MC vocally refused to remove themself from his chest. The two of them had been studying for a while in MC’s room when Belphegor suggested they take a nap break. No amount of pouting or whining could pull MC away from their notes, so he reluctantly plopped himself on their bed, all alone. Well, that is, until he tricked them to come over because of a “hilarious picture Beel sent.” Once they were near, he pulled them down onto the bed with him and claimed that they had to take a break now with him since they were already there. As revenge for duping them, MC managed to situate themself to lay on his chest, which was one of his lesser preferred napping positions. Belphie wanted to be more upset, but he was actually kind of impressed they got the better of him. Still, that didn’t prevent him from complaining for a bit until he was too tired to do so anymore.
“Fine, I guess you can stay there then,” he conceded.
MC giggled triumphantly while snuggling closer to him. “Good! It’s rare that I get to rest on your chest like this. It’s nice.” They sighed in contentment as their eyes drooped shut.
Belphie wrapped an arm around them before following suit. When he thought about it, it really didn’t matter how his body was positioned when he slept with MC. He was satisfied just having them by his side. If it meant that the human he cared deeply for would stay with him and enjoy his company more, then he supposed he could let them lay on his chest more often.
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“Oh, hello again!”
Diavolo greeted MC once more with a bright smile that stretched from ear to ear after bumping into them for the umpteenth time that day at RAD. What might have seemed like strange coincidences to MC were entirely intentional on the prince’s part. He had been wanting to see them more, but his duties typically kept him busy and farther away from the human whenever he wasn’t at RAD. So, he decided to find them every chance he got between classes that day in order to spend some time with them. As nice as these short interactions were, there was one last part to his plan that he was looking forward to the most, and since the school day had just ended, it was finally time to carry it out.
“Are you headed anywhere before returning home, MC?” Diavolo inquired.
“No,” they answered with a slight shake of their head. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, they have a new live show at the aquarium featuring Black Dolphins and Devilkiller Sharks. It’s said to be an exciting experience you’ll never forget! I’ve been wanting to see it since it was first announced, so I was wondering if you’d like to join me.”
“Sure, sounds like fun!”
Diavolo beamed at their enthusiastic response. “Excellent! I’m so glad I’ll get to enjoy it with you. Ah, one other thing. It may run a bit late, so allow me to treat you to dinner as well afterward. …Perhaps we can call this a date, then?”
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“Yeah, I somehow don’t think this was how the recipe was supposed to turn out...”
MC’s comment brought Barbatos’s attention to the deflated cake that they had recently taken out of the oven. MC wanted to recreate one of the cakes they saw at Madam Scream’s, and when they had asked Barbatos if he knew the recipe for it, he had instead voluntarily offered his assistance in making the dessert. Lately, he had been making more of a conscious effort to engage in activities with them outside of his usual responsibilities, and since it wasn’t often they got to be alone with the ever-busy royal butler, they readily accepted his help. Although, with the way the cake looked right then, they wondered if their baking skills with Devildom desserts were beyond even Barbatos’s help...
“Actually, this is how it’s supposed to look after being baked,” Barbatos explained reassuringly. “There’s one more ingredient we need to add while it’s still hot in order for it to take its proper shape. I prepared it before you arrived.”
He brought over a heart-shaped chocolate and dropped it within the opening the unique baking pan created in the middle of the cake. The candy quickly began to melt within the cake, causing it to rise until the chocolate completely filled the inside of it and oozed slightly out of the top.
“Whoa, how’d you do that?” MC questioned him, amazed by the magical sight.
“The recipe calls for a special kind of chocolate that can only be made by someone who has overflowing feelings for another.” Barbatos turned his head to make eye contact with them, a tender smile gracing his features. “So, you could say I simply filled our cake with love.”
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“There’s nothing that could keep me from coming back to you. Nothing.”
MC stared back at Simeon in awe after he finished reading aloud the draft of the latest chapter in his manuscript. The angel author had invited them over to his room at Purgatory Hall to receive their input on a new story he’d been working on. He had been mulling over a pivotal scene between the two main characters for so long that every rewrite he did seemed worse than the previous version. MC noticed how absent-minded he was during one class at RAD, so when they had asked if something was wrong, he decided to seek their outside perspective on his writing. He must’ve done something right in the draft he read to them, considering they even started clapping once they recovered from their initial astonished reaction.
“That was amazing!” MC praised. “I felt like I was right there in the scene!”
“You did?” Simeon questioned them, a feeling of shock overtaking his bashfulness from their feedback. “How so, if you don’t mind telling me?”
“Your descriptions were so detailed I could picture exactly what the area looked like. And I could feel the tension in the air and the physical and emotional pain the characters were going through... You know, I actually lost myself for a bit. Like, I thought I was the love interest for a while there and you were the protagonist. …Is that weird?”
Simeon gazed back at them with a warmth that resonated in their chest. “Not at all. I’d say you understood the characters quite well.”
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“Remind me why I love you, again?”
That was the first thing MC said when they saw the state Solomon was in after he had asked them to come over to Purgatory Hall and help him with a “small problem” he was having. He had been experimenting with Hell Jasmines to see if he could alter the effects its aroma had on demons, which resulted in him creating a scent that drove every cat within a 10 mile radius into the building. Simeon and Luke were out running errands, so he knew he needed to get this mess solved before they returned (if they even could among the sea of cats). And who better to call on for aid than his beloved fellow human?
“Ah…” Solomon trailed off while a cat leapt onto his shoulder to nuzzle the side of his head. “Because I’m a witty sorcerer who teaches you magic, cooks for you, and would do anything you ask? And...I love and appreciate you above all else?”
“That was almost correct,” MC noted, stepping around the swarming felines to reach where he was trapped by a group of them.
“Almost? What did I miss?”
“We can worry about that later. For now, I’ll keep the cats off you so that you can stop whatever is causing this.”
“Thanks, MC. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
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obeythedemons · 4 years ago
Hello! Love your work btw, Can you do headcanons for the brothers (and newdatables if you're okay with that) with an MC who is a famous Idol in the human world and they didn't know until MC was asked to perform for the Devildom by Lord Diavolo or smth like that. I've been really into Idol! Mc but soo little content lmao, Thank you! Have a nice day! 🧡
Obey Me! Masterlist
Is annoyed that there's another even Lord Diavolo wants to have pulled off at the last minute
Eats his word when he sees MC performing
He read your file, but how did he miss this?!
Will tap his fingers on his arm as he watches you perform
Somehow gets a bouquet of roses last minute to give to them after their performance
Wondering how to make their music into a cursed record for his music collection
Will ask them to sing for him when he's had a particularly stressful day
Will talk to them more about different types of music
Please thank him as he is now their manager
Has so much merch to sell to the lesser demons
Of course, he'll be taking his own cut from the merchandise
He can't stop thinking about how much money he's going to be making
Might try to climb on stage to dance with MC
Planning an after party for the concert and him and MC are VIPs
N-No way is MC actually an idol in one of his favorite groups!!!
How did he not know this?! Sure, MC looks different with the outfit and stage make up and they use a stage name, but still
How can he call himself a fan of theirs?!
Stammers as he tells them how much he liked their show
Asks for their autograph on a lot of their merchandise
Is always trying to get limited time merchandise from them
Wants to do karaoke with them, but is nervous he isn't worthy of singing in their presence
Not too surprised
MC has the right voice for singing
Will ask Lucifer why he didn't know about such an important part of MC's life
If MC has any promotional pictures of wearing a cat outfit, Satan will buy all of them
Knows all of the ins with different people to perform and offers MC to use his connections for them
Is in love
Will want to collaborate with MC and sing duets together
Is already daydreaming about different outfits they could wear together when performing both in public and in private
At the very front dancing while dragging his brothers with him
Posts a million of selfies of him at the concert with MC in the background
Will gush over MC saying how much he enjoyed their performance
Buys MC's colored glowstick with Levi
Very supportive of MC's career, after all they support him at his games
Will go to all of MC's concerts - they have popcorn there, right?
Will hum along happily during the concert
Listens to MC's music when he's working out
Asks MC if they'll release special food items that are themed after him
This music is keeping him awake and it's not the worse thing ever
Will be on Beel's shoulders as he lazily waves his DDD back and forth
Sets his favorite song of MC's as his ring tone
Posts a picture on Devilgram of him cuddling with MC while they nap teasing MC's fans that only he has this privalage
It's a PR nightmare for MC and their team
He's not even a little sorry
Lord Diavolo
Well of course he knew
Thinks that all humans are an idol because of MC, well except Solomon, but he doesn't count
Wears t-shirts of MC at the concert and has their glowstick
Forces Lucifer to dance with him
Whole-heartedly thanks MC for performing for all of Devildom and hopes that they'll do it again
Tries to keep Diavolo reined in
Has to act as security detail, but he's not sure if he's protecting MC from any of the lesser demons or from the brothers
It's a bit exhausting
Will be a huge fan if MC is in a group similar to BABYMETAL
Will also discretely ask for MC's autograph
Accompanies Beel to a cafe that releases drinks related to MC
Is just excited to be there with everyone, but now more excited to hear MC perform
Thinks they have the voice of an angel
Wonders if he should add this to Henry's story
Writes a great review of MC's performance online under his pen name and gets MC a whole new group of fans
Helps MC with any PR issues (thanks Belphie)
Doesn't understand the glow sticks at first, but gets one anyways
Sees how everyone waves them in time with the music and tries his best to follow around
Barbatos has to help him try and match the beat
After a while he gets it and he's laughing with joy
Asks if MC could perform in the Celestial Realm
Is very impressed
Wants to be involved with MC's performances and adds magic to make MC stand out
Random bits of glitter here, some fire there, bubbles now? Whatever best matches with MC's songs
Records MC's performance on his DDD so he can watch them long into the future
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mammonswhore · 4 years ago
request: by @albedos-jacket
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a/n: thank you for your request,I hope you have a wonderful day too <3
prompt: MC turns into a Sheep for the Paws & Claws event (first edition). Brothers react!
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Brothers React to MC Turning into a Sheep for the Paws Event.
Laughing his ass off in private. He can't resist it,the human who more than once decided to test their luck with him was now a cute sheep.
He is a wolf so he takes the chance to flirt in a not very subtle way.
"I could eat you right now,MC."
It's on you to keep on flirting and maybe have Lucifer in a good mood for a couple of hours.
During the event he is not allowing any of the foods to include any type of lamb because he just can't bring himself to eat it.
If for some reason someone makes lamb and MC makes a joke about it,my man will loose it.
"Wait so this is what happened to the last exchange student? When is my turn to get eaten?"
"MC shut up now."
He is taking his chance and taking pictures of you,he just can't see you dressing up so cute and not wanting to keep a memory. Don't be mad he just loves you so much.
He is going to try to get your wool to sell it. Probably the one who is the most invested on admiring the way you look and trying to make jokes about that to hide his embarrassment.
So happy that he can also refer to them as "his sheep" now.
"That's my sheep and mine only."
He is tiger and he is aware his instincts might tell him to hurt them so he is self aware of his strength and the danger he possess.
If you are feeling bold and confident enough that he won't do anything to you, you can make a move on him but beware of the consequences. Mammon in his usual self will probably blush and get full tsundere but he is a tiger now so be careful because it might get steamy.
Still he's very respectful (and keeps his instinct away as much as he can for your sake and his).
Look,MC is the cutest!
He is the one to point out that you are a sheep and offers to help you go away from the obvious predators around you (even tho he knows full well they will not hurt you).
Asks you a lot of questions to be sure you are feeling alright and that you are not facing any side effects or anything.
He makes sure to tell his brothers,Beel specially,that they cannot eat any type of lamb in front of you even if you don't mind it.
*worried Leviathan noises*
If you are okay with it,he is making you clothes that match your horns and little bell.
"MC,can we make a cosplay? you just need to sit there and l-look pretty I mean it's n-not l-like if you didn't look pr-pretty already!"
He is blushing every time you say something to him about his appearance,for sure.
Still makes it clear that he is 100% committed to keep you away from his brothers for """safety reasons"""
He is thrilled and is stunned by your majestic looks.
"Look at you,MC. So stunning yet so dumb to make the same mistake as we did."
He is joking (a little) and doesn't really think that you are dumb. He thinks that your dumb attitudes are because you spend a lot of your first time here with Mammon even if it's just your personality to be dumb sometimes.
He is taking you away for research purposes not because he wants to spend time with you,not at all.
He is a bashful mess,he is losing his facade every time your bell rings and he wants to hug you and caress your little horns as much as he can.
This little time you are a sheep he is a full time simp. As much as he would like to deny it,he is very much aware of his simping attitude and doesn't give a shit.
He is a fluffy animal too and he wants to share the thrill with you.
He is buying costumes from Akuzon for you two.
As worried as he is about the whole situation,he is soothing himself and you with little details. Maybe a makeover or brushing your hair are the things that soothe him the most.
Not the type to make jokes about how you look because he knows it can feel a little odd to be out of your usual form when you don't have multiple forms like demons do.
He is trying his best to keep you two comfortable and gives you cute nicknames, "my beautiful sheep" "my dearest lamb" and "cute lamb" are his personal favorites.
Asmodeus feels at ease when he is with you so in this difficult times when he can just rest on your shoulder and be as calm as ever.
He is worried as fuck. He has never been the tyoe to overthink but now he was a nervous wreck at the sole fact of eating you on accident.
He knows he is not supposed to be able to eat you because a demon cannot hurt their master but he is not 100% sure if that still applies to this situation.
After some reassurance and a little bit of investigation he finds out that that still applies even when he is kind of a bear.
Prepare yourself for the best piggyback rides ever. Beel has more stamina now due to him being a bear and he needs to get it out one way or another and if workout is not leaving him as tired as it usually does,he knows he can go to you and that you will help him.
Beelzebub is 100% not eating lamb for a while now. Every other type of meat is okay but not lamb,at all.
If you make jokes about eating lamb in the future,he might as well not eat it consciously because he will remember the whole thing and feel guilty.
Yes,he is living his best life now.
"Hey MC,would you mind to sleep with me? Because you know you are fluffy and warm,we could have a good nap now."
You two are making pillow forts and pretend that the brothers want to eat you and he has to protect you inside of the pillow fort.
Probably the brother who is less worried about you being a sheep,it doesn't even matter to him. He loves you anyways so he loves every single variation you might have.
He is a fox but he is not letting himself even think about the possibility of eating you or even hurt you,he is still lazy and he is still very ashamed of his past actions towards you.
He might be a little self conscious when you two are curling up inside the pillow fort and starts rambling to himself but then he remembers that you are not afraid,that you could just walk away to one of his other brothers who would not hurt you being in their animal forms but you didn't.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years ago
Imagine Levi being a major simp over MC once he sees them as royalty
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Levi is literally shaking. This precious demon is, without a doubt, frozen to the spot until you coax him out of it.
As soon as you do he takes a deep breath and bows low. (The blush on his face as you bring him back up by his chin is so, so sweet.)
He's so nervous and doesn't know what to do. You have to guide him through the process of anything that he truly needs to adhere to rule wise.
He hardly believes he can just talk to you at all ever again. Don't you have a pr team or something? Sure, he may be the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy, but you're... royalty.
You're so far out of his league to him. He'll need plenty of reminding that he still holds your heart.
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weekly-fandom-rambles · 3 years ago
Hellooooooooo I have a request!
What if the Demon brothers played monopoly? Who would win?
Board Game Brothers
Headcanons on what types of games would be the brother’s favorites.
Been having a rough time writing fics, so hope these headcanons will suffice. -S
*Obey Me Masterlist*
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In dealing with mindless paperwork constantly, Lucifer has found a twisted sort of enjoyment in Management games.
Whether it’s because of the sense of control and power he gets, or because he is frighteningly good at it, Luci is a self-proclaimed master at these types of games.
This takes form in quite a few ways.
There’s the casual farming simulator on his D.D.D., which he optimized in no time flat.
Or the money-based board games he plays with his brothers.
Lucifer absolutely kills at Monopoly, to the point where it might as well be torture for the other players.
Everyone always tries to gang up on Luci, until he puts the tiniest amount of effort in and crushes his opponents.
The brothers have decided to only play Monopoly when MC is out of the house. Otherwise, there could be a major injury without them even playing the game.
It might be because of his sin, but Mammon’s favorite games are those of chance.
Cards, dice, roulette, slots. All right up his alley.
However, it’s not just the incentive of money that makes them Mam’s favorite. (although that does sweeten the deal)
No, Mammon likes these games because of the statistics and psychology involved in them.
Understanding how your opponent thinks or what odds he has changes the games from chance into games of skill and patience.
Mammon is scarily good at understanding these kinds of tactics and using them to his advantage.
Not that it always works out in his favor.
And not like he could articulate that clearly to anyone else.
Of course, Leviathan’s favorite games are JRPGs
There are so many aspects of the game he can fall in love with.
There are characters and storylines that he can easily get immersed into.
There are stats, resources, and speed runs to optimize.
There are easter eggs and developer details he can gush over with other fans.
Levi can spend days invested in a single game and be the happiest demon in the world.
Only to have it swapped out with the next JRPG that catches his eye.
Even though he hates it, please remind him to touch grass.
Wow, a shocker. The book nerd likes visual novels. /sarcastic
But, no, seriously. Satan gets really into visual novels.
At first, he didn’t get it. Why clutter a perfectly good story with unnecessary game elements?
But just as Satan learned to like other media, he grew to find the additional elements charming.
How the music and visuals of the game serve to enhance the experience of the novel.
And especially the choice options, letting him enjoy the same story from multiple angles and multiple endings.
Satan tends toward more story-based visual novels rather than the relationship otome games.
Also likes the human world games over the Devildom games. (please don’t actually put him inside the game again)
Asmodeus doesn’t play many games, but the ones he does play are often rhythm games.
It started with dancing games to stay in shape, but it progressed beyond that.
Asmo has one or two rhythm games on his D.D.D. that he plays when he’s not busy.
The main draw for him is the game’s music.
He gets to enjoy the music in his daily life, even if he doesn’t play the game constantly.
Despite being a “casual”, Asmo is shockingly good at all the rhythm games he plays.
Like, he put a high score on one of the arcade machines without breaking a sweat.
Levi is annoyed at Asmo’s effortless skill, but can’t really stay mad at him.
Beelzebub is another who doesn’t game much, but his favorites are side scrollers.
They’re easy to get good at and fun to play.
Especially when he gets to play with other people.
Both in co-op multiplayer or switching competitive, Beel likes to have a friend to enjoy his gaming time with.
Super Devil Bros. is probably his favorite game, despite how hectic it gets.
Everyone’s yelling at each other and trying to outdo one another in-game, but they all get invested.
The common goal is enticing in the same way Fangol is for Beel, and he loves it.
That is until one of the controllers gets broken in a fit of rage.
Belphegor likes search games, like spot the difference or “find x number of object” games.
Firstly, it prioritizes mental power over actual gaming power (a plus for this lazy demon).
Second, the skillset has real-life benefits.
Someone misplaced something in the room? Belphie can see it in 0.5 seconds flat.
Also lets him have the best hiding spots, for his stuff and himself.
Third, and most important to him, he’s better than his other brothers.
He doesn’t gloat much, but when he does Belphie will rub it in Lucifer’s face so much it’s not even funny.
Hides all of Lucifer’s left shoes just to piss him off. Only the left ones. Luci takes 3 hours to find them all.
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Requests are closed.
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sussysatann · 3 years ago
~ My Obey Me! 7 Brothers Headcanons ~(Part 2)
Part 1
-MC introduces Ace Attorney to Satan and Levi and now they yell 'OBJECTION!', 'HOLD IT!' and other quotes when the opportunity arises (Lucifer is the main target of this).
-Lucifer has a trainset. Either he used to have one or it's still in the house somewhere, but it's this huge miniature train track with luscious hills and fully functioning steam trains. All aboard the Morningstar Express!
-Asmo once got kicked out of a Moonbucks for a single drink order that was too long and complicated. Seriously, the order receipt literally trailed out the door!!
-Mammon loves to race MC and his brothers down the stairs, sliding on sleeping bags or blankets. Sometimes he and MC slide down together. Either way, they always bump into Lucifer waiting at the bottom of the stairs looking unpleased.
-The House of Lamentation residents will often see Beel carrying Belphie and MC over his shoulders at the same time.
-Belphie loves commenting and critiquing films on movie nights "wow that was a dumb decision", "How the hell is that even possible??", "That guy's forehead is bigger than yours, Levi."
-Satan once rescued and took care of a hedgehog that had crawled under one of Mammon's cars. Everyone pitched in -no matter how big or small- to help the hedgehog. Belphie even donated a couple of his blankets.
-Asmo has a whole wardrobe full of PR packages from beauty companies. Literally. Every single nook and cranny of that wardrobe is filled to the brim with beauty supplies. It's worse than the one for his clothing.
-Levi once summoned Lotan and flooded most of the house when he got jumpscared in a VR horror game. Lucifer barely gave him 5 seconds to run-
-Mammon is easily fooled by chocolate grimm coins. hehehe
-Beel straight up eats blocks of ice in the summer. Not the tiny cubes. BRICK SIZED BLOCKS. nom nom.
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jessamine-rose · 3 years ago
♡ Let’s Make a Mug Together ♡
The wholesome, romantic activity of making a mug together…..but with the whole cast bc what is Obey Me! if not chaos and everyone fighting over Mc?? Fufufu~ I’m not very confident in writing for Obey Me! but I wanted to flesh out this idea I’ve had for our beloved demon brothers and side characters!! I hope I gave them justice  ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Spoiler warnings:: Main Story lore up to Season 3 in Belphegor, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon’s parts
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♡ Lucifer’s mug is simple but elegant. He goes for a classic, practical shape painted in shades of black and grey, with either deep blue or brilliant red accents for a pop of color. If you compliment his mug, he will respond with his classic smirk and a hand over his chest. “It’s just a mug. It doesn’t have to be overly complex or garish.” *eyes his brothers*
♡ Unfortunately, the calming nature of the pottery workshop is disrupted by his brothers’ constant arguments. Which results in Lucifer threatening to reshape them like clay before a clay war or a paint fight breaks out. Whenever that happens, Satan and Belphie will sneakily attempt to hex his mug  ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
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♡ Right off the bat, Mammon proclaims that his mug will clearly be the best!! The first time he touches the pottery wheel is…...an epic fail, as quoted by Levi. Once his mug has the right shape, Mammon will go for a striking design in black, yellow, and gold. The entire process would have taken less time if he hadn’t been competing with his brothers -.-
♡ He will insist on sitting beside you at the painting table. Halfway, you will glance at his mug and see…….isn’t that detail similar to your own design?? “Oi, what are ya lookin’ at?? Huh?? I-It’s not like the Great Mammon wants our mugs to match or anythin’!! And don’t you dare let my brothers try to match with you, got it??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
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♡ Even in a pottery workshop, Leviathan’s otaku speech is activated. “Waaaaaa this reminds me of that anime Let’s Make a Cauldron Too about pottery from the human world!! The protagonists were a mix of professionals and novices but they were all able to make such great designs!! Aaahh and one of them was good at making fun, moe sculptures--I wonder if I can copy her technique?? The--” “We get it, Levi!!”
♡ Don’t underestimate Levi’s art skills!! He makes good work of the assorted paints and brushes to illustrate a flattering likeness of Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan!! Later on, he shyly offers you a drink from his mug…….and would you look at that?? He sculpted some mini goldfish inside so it looks like an army of Henry’s is swimming in your tea!!  (╯✧▽✧)╯彡✿
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♡ Satan chooses cat designs!! His mug very much resembles a cat, with two sculpted cat-ear triangles on the rim and a tail for the handle. Or even better, what about a bunch of mini cats climbing the rim, handle, and surface of his mug??!! Satan will paint them with a variety of patterns and faces. It is a catty design which he adores and which won’t be compared to any of Lucifer’s ideas--
♡ He may offer to paint a small addition to your mug. Just a minor detail which no one will notice…...after your mug is glazed and washed, he insists on making dark coffee to maintain the surprise. When you finish your drink, you will find a secret message cleverly painted on the bottom interior of your mug. "I hope your day is full of joy. ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ"
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♡ Asmodeus’s mug needs to be gorgeous and creative to complement his beauty!! He incorporates some of his nail art techniques to paint a glamorous, one-of-a-kind mug worthy of his lips. As a finishing touch, he presses his lips against the glazed mug to leave behind a pink kiss mark. Would you like one, too~ “We don’t want any of your gross kisses, Asmo!!” “Aww, are you sure?? <3”
♡ He uses his mug for Devilgram selfies!! Soon enough, his account will be filled with pictures of aesthetic drinks within the fabulous mug…...but the focus will always be on Asmodeus as he holds the mug with a bright smile, of course!! Doesn’t he make the prettiest beverage model?? („─‿─„) ♡
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♡ Beelzebub’s mug is amazingly oversized. It might as well be mistaken for a bowl or a pitcher, considering how gigantic it is. “Beel, how many drinks are you trying to fit in there??!!” “It’s big enough so I can fit all of the vegetables and rice when we have curry.” “Are you saying that curry is a drink??!!”
♡ On top of that, Beel’s art skills are simply horrific. After much thinking with Belphie, he paints on his mug a simple sunrise gradient of solid warm colors.....Then he decides to draw a wholesome picture of his family (Mc included) holding hands around the bottom of the mug. The final product ends up insulting his brothers and giving them nightmares for days  _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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♡ Fully aware of his terrible (but better than Beel’s) drawing skills, Belphegor comes up with the idea for him and Beelzebub to use solid colors. He paints his mug a muted dark blue to resemble the night sky, with white dots for his favorite stars and constellations from the human world!! Their mugs match, too  =w=
♡ After chatting with you and Beel, he decides to make a simple addition to his mug!! A green mountain with a little pink puffball on top. The cloud-like shape has a yellow circle for a face and little horns--is that sheep Mc?? Looking up at Beel and Belphie’s twin stars?? How adorable!! “It’s you, me, and Beel. Let’s look at the stars again later.”
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♡ Diavolo is like a child exploring the limitless world of creativity. He molds a mug which is decidedly…….unique. Asymmetrical. More fit to be a museum art piece than a piece of everyday drinkware. He also has fun during the painting process--his design could either be a colorful abstract work or a collage of his favorite Devildom landscapes and places!!  o(^▽^)o
♡ For the latter design, he will happily recount his memories from those special places as he paints. “Lucifer, here is the private beach we rented out 6000 years ago!! Barbatos, do you remember the Snapdragon Skull meadow where we hosted my childhood tea parties?? Mc, if you don’t mind, I would like to revisit these places with you next time.”
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♡ Barbatos decides to mold a cup meant for tea. His set of teacups--plus an expertly molded teapot--are painted with sophisticated designs impressive enough to star in Diavolo’s next royal tea party!! From Japanese cups to European china with matching saucers, he is very interested in the different types of teaware!!
♡ He watches Diavolo’s mug creation and protects their cups from the demon brothers’ shenanigans. If you need help with your mug, he will politely smile and guide you through the process. Barbatos will stand over you, his hands lightly holding your wrists as you shape clay and paint designs. “Diavolo-bocchama, such childlike creativity ( ◠‿◠ ) Moving on, Mc, this is how you paint a traditional teacup.”
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♡ Simeon’s mug gives off a homey, sophisticated vibe. He helps Luke during the clay-shaping process and comes up with a mug which feels comforting to hold. He paints a dazzling image of the Celestial Realm on the surface along with some original quotes in pretty, cursive lettering. At one point, Mammon almost tries to sell it on Akuzon as a personal item created by Christopher Peugeot.....
♡ His mug is always filled with coffee for recipe experiments or writer’s fuel. Oftentimes, you will visit Purgatory Hall to find Simeon expertly pouring steamed milk into his mug to finish off the newest menu item on The Angel’s Halo. “Mc, you came just in time. Would you like to try our Special Blend Coffee with Cloudy Sheep Latte Art?? Ꮚ • ⌄ •Ꮚ ”
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♡ Luke is intent on making a perfect mug to pair with his sweets!! With Simeon’s encouragement, he happily sculpts a classic mug with everyone. Originally, he thought of painting assorted desserts on his mug…….then he considered the consequences of Beel’s reaction. To which he switched to a design of Celestial Realm imagery and the human world constellations he had learned from Michael!!
♡ At one point, someone *cough* Mammon *cough*  points out how cute and little Luke’s mug looks in comparison to everyone else’s creations. “Aww, isn’t this mug just like the Chihuahua??” “Ehh?? That wasn’t my intention!! It’s just that all of you consume bigger portions than me!! ໒  •̀ ﻌ •́ ७ ”
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♡ Solomon’s mug looks exactly like what you’d expect from a sorcerer. Being familiar with various historical models of pottery and symbolic magical tools, it isn’t a surprise for him to come up with a special mug which may have mystical properties and functions. (It reheats his drinks.) Combining his skills in art and sorcery, Solomon effortlessly creates a vintage mug decorated with magical runes and embellishments  (∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.*  
♡ The finished mug is a gorgeous piece of pottery…...until Solomon uses it for his beverage concoctions. Suddenly, in everyone’s eyes, the work of art has become a sinisterly deceptive vessel for logic-defying poison. “Do you want a sip, Mc?? You won’t believe how good black coffee tastes with bloodberry sauce and devil’s chili peppers.”
To my darling Belphewhore friend who proofread and contributed to this work:: No, you did not see me simping for S*lomon. Thank you very much for your assistance <3
Tagging:: @sunny-xty @panicattheattic @luminari-mc @kitsune-oji​ @souielle​ @moemoemammon​​ @dorkus-mcdingus​
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melodiesofblueroses · 4 years ago
Hi I saw that you were open!!
If love some fluff for levi, Lucifer, satan, mammon, and belphegor if you dont mind.
As part of mc's magic training they burn incense too focus. But this time Solomon switched the regular intense with demon nip ( cat nip for demons) as an experiment.
Suddenly the bro's get hyperly aware of mc's presence more than usual and become extremely lovey.
Plz remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself!💖💖
Aw thank you so much for the request!! This was so fun and cute to write.  I decided to go with hcs, and I hope that I managed to write what you had in mind! Take care of yourself as well, remember to take breaks, and I hope you have a good night/day  ❤ ❤
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✦ Lucifer
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Lucifer immediately knew that the incenses were changed and by whom, whether deliberately or by accident and regardless of smell or not
it was as if he had eyes all over the house (although that wasn’t too far of a stretch since the portraits did talk)
the moment he was aware that the usual incenses were changed with demon nip, Lucifer wanted to so badly march down to Purgatory Hall and punish Solomon
but you were so excited for your training, and you practically begged him to stay
ok, that was a lie. Lucifer just didn’t want to admit that he’d rather you not miss a lesson, although that was also just an excuse to spend more time with you
he could always punish Solomon later, and besides, he was one of the strongest demons, he should be able to ignore the effects
oh boy was he wrong
in the following days, Lucifer began to take notice of your presence more and strike up convos way more often, which did confuse you a bit, though you brushed it off as him not wanting to be held liable if anything were to happen to the human exchange student
what really bewildered you was the fact that he was acting so sweet towards you?? like, he’d usually address you formally and with a neutral tone
but now, although it was a bit subtle, his voice went a bit soft whenever he spoke to you, and you couldn’t help but notice how he smiled much more now around you
it was a surprising change, but a welcome one
“y/n, if the work at RAD is too much for you, I can always bring it up to Diavolo and have him lessen the workload”
“would you perhaps care to join me for dinner with Diavolo tonight? you can bring up any concerns you have with the program”
he began to take notice of your wellbeing much more, and while it did freak you out a bit at first, you grew to love it. his soft side was just too adorable
when the effects wore off, Lucifer made you swear to not tell anyone what had happened
if word got out that the demon prince’s right hand demon grew soft, it’d be a pr disaster!
and he also made it his mission to sabotage Solomon’s stay whenever possible in order to get back at him
although the effects did wear off, you noticed that he did begin to take care of you and notice you more, although it was wayy more subtle and you couldn’t tell whether or not he thought it was his obligation
whatever it was, you were glad that Lucifer had managed to open up to you just a tiny bit more
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✧ Mammon
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honestly, he’d have no idea that the incenses were switched
not because he didn’t know the difference (that was a possibility though) but because he was just too excited to spend some time with you
so you both thought it was a successful session and didn’t think much of it
when the effects kicked in, however, you began to notice that Mammon became a lot more clingy and affectionate
it was as if he was glued to your side, never wanting to leave you with some other demon for too long
“do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?” some demon asked you in class
“of course, here you g-”
“hey, what are ya doing with MY human??”
it does get a bit annoying at times, so when you tell him to knock it off, he’ll try to keep his distance
he was no exception to the power of the demon nip after all, but he would try to butt in less, although he was still by your side at all times
on the plus side, this means a lot of cuddles which you didn’t mind whatsoever
he was so warm and cuddly. it was a great way to end the day, especially when the two of you would accidentally sleep in each others’ arms while cuddling
he’d also shower you with gifts
that pen you offhandedly mentioned that one time when you were bored in demon history class? bam, it’s on your bedside table when you get home
you had absolutely no idea where he got the money from but decided it was better not to ask
you’d have to tell him to stop since the gifts were becoming a bit too much, but you really did appreciate the gesture
when the effects wore off, Mammon would become all flustered and try to come up with some excuse as to why he suddenly became all affectionate
“w-well, I was only tryna look after ya! it’s my job!”
you’d miss all the cuddles though, so when you told him that, Mammon would make sure that he’d make time for a cuddling session, although he said it was because you begged him and he, being the oh so great and generous Mammon, couldn’t turn you down
you were just glad that you were able to relish in his touch once more
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✰ Leviathan
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he’d probably pay no mind to the switched incenses or he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference since all that was going through his mind was laalkjr0*%#$ I’m spending time with y/n
when the effects started kicking in, however, Levi would definitely know that something was up
he was starting to think about you a lot more than usual, and he was super sensitive to your presence. you could very well be in the kitchen, but Levi would still be able to pick up on your location from his room
he’d deduce that someone must’ve made him unknowingly drink a potion or perhaps changed the essences during the training, to which his mind would automatically think of Solomon
ugh, how could he betray him? he was a fellow fan of tsl after all
although he tried to restrain himself, Levi would find himself always dragging you to his room, making excuses that he wanted to show you a new anime or game when in reality, he just wanted to feel your touch
you didn’t mind spending more time with Levi, but you did have a feeling that something was certainly off about him
he was asking you to come hang out with him in his room way more often, and whenever Solomon came over, Levi would say that he was too busy spending time with you??
it was all very odd, but it did mean more time with Levi so you weren’t complaining. this was a win
although Levi tried to restrain himself from asking or doing anything embarrassing, he’d often fail and ask to cuddle or hold hands
your warmth calmed him down, and the effects of the demon nip would wear off whenever you were around
you took this as a sign of him gaining more confidence in himself, so you were quite happy and often obliged to his requests
you did love cuddling him anyway. his jacket was so comfy
“h-hey y/n. could we, ya know, cuddle?”
the last part would come out as meek and quiet, so it’d be a bit hard to hear although you picked it up nonetheless
“of course Levi! I’m always up for some cuddles”
as a result, you practically lived in Levi’s room the entire time the demon nip affected him. the other brothers did pick up on this, but since no one else was allowed in his room, there wasn’t much they could do
like Mammon, when the effects wore off, Levi would be so flustered and go all red, finding it hard to even get out a sentence or two
he couldn’t believe he managed to not only spend so much time with you but also get to cuddle
he did love it, though he’d never admit it. Levi would miss all those cuddling, gaming, and binge sessions
but to his surprise, you always showed up either way, even after all the effects wore off, so he never did bring it up to you
Levi would like to think that he grew a bit more confident after the whole ordeal
plus, he’d have to thank Solomon for being so mischievous and switching up the essences
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✣ Satan
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Satan had sensed that something was off about the incense during you guys’ weekly training session though he tried his best to brush it off and paid no mind to it
he would soon come to regret that decision, however
Satan is a pretty perceptive guy, so he’d pick up on his symptoms quickly and realize that someone (cough Solomon cough) must’ve switched up the usual incense with demon nip
he’d try his best to keep his distance from you, but it was really difficult when he would catch on to your every footstep and breathe if you were anywhere near him
everywhere he turned, the tiniest little thing seemed to remind him of you
Satan couldn’t take his mind off of you, so he decided that the next best thing to do would be to confront it
so he’d invite you to his study where the two of you would read books by the fireplace (it helped liven the atmosphere) and discuss them until the next morning
you couldn’t really tell that anything was off since Satan kept his composure so well
but he was dying on the inside. he thought that having you close to him would help stave off the effects, but it seemed to only worsen them
so when he decided to ask if it’d be alright if the two of you cuddled, you were a bit taken aback since it was so sudden
but you happily accepted, especially since Satan did look a bit cute with pink on his cheeks
the moment he felt your touch, Satan felt his symptoms alleviate. it really was so relieving, but especially so because he loved your touch
it was so warm and welcoming, similar to that childhood home feeling that he never got to experience
having been born from the wrath of Lucifer, Satan often felt as if he didn’t belong anywhere, but your touch changed it
its warmth told him that he belonged here, and Satan couldn’t be happier
and so he relished in your touch for as long as he could, and even when the effects wore off, Satan found himself still missing your touch, as if the demon nip still had some sort of effect on him
once he felt your touch, he couldn’t go back. it was almost like a necessity for him, similar to how Beel reacts around food
and so, after this entire ordeal, you still spent quite some time clinging on to Satan
you, on the other hand, also greatly appreciated these cuddling sessions. Satan used to seem so distant, always having his nose in a book in order to learn more about the three realms
but now, you felt as if the two of you had grown closer (you had no idea what caused this change but you didn’t complain)
whatever it was, you were grateful, and Satan was grateful for that little experiment Solomon had pulled
»»————- ♡ ————-««
★ Belphegor
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would realize that something was up during the training session but would probably be too sleepy/tired to try and pinpoint it
as much as he loved spending time with you, Belphegor was about to pass out at any moment, and he’d rather do so in a comfy bed than on the hard floor
since Belphie is always sleeping with you beside him, when he wakes up with the symptoms of the demon nip, he thinks that it’s nothing more than him missing your warmth since you were nowhere to be found
eventually, he’ll begin to realize that no, it isn’t just him missing you but rather due to some sorta spell
he’d most likely try to sleep it off at first
but to no avail
even when he was sleeping, he’d dream about you and pick up on your presence so it was pretty hard to even escape from the thought of you
so he’d probably start being a bit more clingy, although it’d be more like he’d drag you to try and take a nap with him so you didn’t think anything was off at all
“hey, y/n, let’s go take a nap in the attic”
“Belphie we’re in class-”
you would notice, however, that he stuck by your side way more often
it was truly bizarre, but you thought nothing of it
perhaps he just felt left behind since he spent the least amount of time with you?
well, you didn’t mind seeing his adorable sleeping face everywhere, although your arm did often fall asleep at times, which wasn’t ideal when you were in the middle of taking notes
the demon nip would also have an effect on his dreams
in his dreams, Belphie would often feel your warmth, and everything felt at peace. there were no family tensions, no following Diavolo, and no troubles. it was such a shame whenever he woke up from it
and he’d immediately crave your touch once he did, since that felt similar to his dream, similar to his home
as a result, he’d spend a lot of time around you when the demon nip was in effect, always clinging on to you and dragging you to the strangest napping places
you didn’t mind it, however. for one, you got to spend way more time with him, and secondly, it was a good break from the workload of RAD
though he may become less clingy the moment the effects fade away, if you ever showed the desire to have him by your side again, Belphie wouldn’t hesitate to comply
he lived for your touch after all
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thirsthourdemon · 5 years ago
Headcanon on their online platforms but mainly on Twitch, onlyfans stuff, patreon, tumblr
Includes: Demon bros + undateablesss
Genre: Crack, Fluff and slight smut
Warnings: NSFW mentions
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-He didn’t have a big online presence because he was active, no no
-He had an online presence cause everyone always sees him on Diavolo s pictures and such so for a time they shared an audience
-One time Diavolo and Barbatos were doing a thing where they read a book aloud for some sort of game
-Diavolo kind of recorded that for a little bit
-People liked it so much they suggested for “the one with the deep cold voice”, luci, to do asmr on youtube or something
-He doesn’t know what an Onlyfans is however he does have a patreon.
-Diavolo was interested in the idea and discussed it with him
-His fandom consists of either people who are interested in what he reads or...Horny people who get off at how proper and low his voice is
-His profile picture is a picture of him with his head cropped out where he’s fixing his gloves
-Luci isnt like super famous but he has a loyal fanbase that appreciates him a lot also lots of simps with daddy issues
-He was confused as to why someone would ask him to be their father
-He gets the daddy kink but why???
-Last post: A picture MC took where he’s holding a whip cause mammon fucked something up 🙂
-Bold of us to assume he didn’t already have one
-You already know why he’s on here.
-He has random content but he mainly got his audience since he kind of tried modeling thing for a while. It was for a big brand on their new jock type jackets
-Mammon really wanted cash at that time and he got the thing over and done with making him a couple more grims richer
-The photographers told him they could transfer the pictures though! So he just saved his pictures because “Who wouldn’t want a picture of THE mammon?”
-That gave him the idea
-His audience? Whoreknee
-They even accept the fact that his captions for some pictures are “You should be honored you get pictures of me”
-He posts that with a blushing face half of the time HAHAHAHA
-Levi found it and just laughed at the pictures
-Surprisingly enough the pictures were actually well taken because MC was forced into em
-His most popular picture was the one with him was actually a picture that the brothers took of him tucking in what appeared to be goldie on a seperate MINI BED WITH A SMALL TOY LAMP BESIDE IT
-He did a QnA for his followers to celebrate on his instagram
-PFFTT He got so many questions about Goldie
-Was dubbed “Goldie’s Daddy” after that
-Last post: A picture of him wearing the new Luxury brand jacket he got and his keys in front of his car with the caption “Daddy’s going for a ride”
-I’ve always head canon that Levi knows how to draw digital emotes. Like he just picked it up cause he wanted to make fanart of him in henry together 😔
-Also has a red bubble or an etsy where he sells some prints and stickers of fanart 👀
-He went on twitch since there were so many TSL streamers there who just played games while they discussed theories as well
-Levi is an emote artist and while he draws he sometimes just discusses the theories with his fellow Yucky Otakus
-He’s the type to really interact with everyone even though he barely does that in real life
-Sometimes though when he gets packages that fans sent or ones that he ordered he’d stream unboxing them.
-He hates showing his face? Oh dont worry He’s wearing a facemask and all that
-His fandom is genuinely into him. Like they actually like him as a person but kinda once got into a scandal on gatekeeping
-He took a break for a bit but he kind of said sorry and everyone just forgave him because he isn’t really the type to do drama and it was just that one instance-
-Overall loved by the community due to how chill he is and how invested he is on fan theories
-He has a twitter btw and lemme tell you it’s just threads and threads of discussions
-Whenever he does stream unboxing videos though and he shows his shelves everyone freaks out how he has EVERY FUCKING VOLUME OF EVERY ANIME AND GAME
-People sometimes ask him personal questions and he tries his best to try to answer them but he shows a face where he looks uncomfy
-Everyone just bullies anyone who makes him uncomfy giving his fanbase a very protective reputation
-Last post: “Unboxing fanmail L8er @ 10pm LOL CYA GUYS XD”
-He has a tumblr. You cant tell me he doesn’t have one.
-He had tumblr like back in the old day though like when porn was still available here.
-Get this...He’s known all through out the academia blogs. He INVENTED Academia
-Satan has 1 blog and that’s it. It’s his main blog and he just posts pictures of the book cover and does essays, reviews or sometimes he writes the ending he wanted to happen.
-Dont get me wrong he has a patreon but only because people loved getting more exclusive takes of stuff like his book notes on certain pages or sometimes his notes and thoughts on Artistic Erotica
-Probably has a Ko-Fi because he though he needed it after most of the blogs he followed had it
-He thinks it should be “Table of Content” and not “Masterlist” so he uses just that
-Profile picture is him wearing his signature washed out green grandma sweater while he has a book in hand and a cup of earl grey on his table
-People go to him falling in love with his aesthetic and Book reviews but they stay in love with him because he is big on one on one discussions actually
-He goes for one on one voice calls where he just...He talks to you about any book of your choosing
-Fans send him tea but he knows better than to eat something a stranger gives so he makes beel take a taste first sometimes but ultimately scolds the boy when he takes too much
-He wasn’t supposed to have merch but everyone liked the idea of small packages (More like letters) that really do look old and vintage
-He usually only give those to the people who pay for the top tier stuff
-It usually contains 1 type of tea, a letter he wrote for them himself and a bookmark with his name stamped on it
-He got the stamp custom made ❤️
-Last post: (Insert 5k word essay)
This is what I thought of Edgar Allan Poe’s “A cask of Amatillado”
Playlist: (Insert soft classic Music playlist on Spotify)
Tea: Black Currant
-Is a brand influencer as well
-The brand ambassador of this pretty well known semi-luxury skin care brand
-His devilgram? Perfectly made by his PR team which is just him and solomon
-Before I move onto the NSFW stuff I want to emphasize how Beautiful his instagram is and his aesthetic
-His aesthetic is romantic/sexual tension/Unparalleled beauty
-Also a make up brand influencer and has his own make up line
-something along the lines of “The Devil’s box of charms 🖤”
-The type to DG live whenever he’s just showing off the make up look he did or the outfit he got
-The house of lamentation may have PR packages stacking up due to how most of them have an online influence but out of 10 boxes 7 of them would be for Asmo
-Lemme tell you this...He has a specific drawer and space in his closet just for the sexy outfits he has.
-The demon’s onlyfans has pictures of him just teasing his audience where he’s wearing a black skintight get up and his bulge is showing
-Nudes are for mid and top tiers
-His fandom loves seeing in stocking and chokers
-“The choker is from etsy and here’s the link to their shop~”
-He doesnt completely show his body but...Him in suggestive clothing gets everyone pre cumming
-His fandom is just filled with simps 😔
-He loves them and blows a kiss towards the camera everytime he ends a live
-Probably has had a scandal or 4
-Posted an Ahegao once and everyone lost it
-Has been the face for Ahegaos ever since
-Belle delphine who?
-Definitely tik tok famous too 😎
-Has memorized all of Doja Cat’s songs
-Last post: “Hope you guys are ready for tonight’s session~ 😈” With a picture of him in an Fuchsia and black themed lingerie set. A collar with a bell on it.
-Bonus: One time Solomon summoned him while he was taking pictures and he was still in his lingerie set. 😛
-Was originally inspired by Mukbangs Channels so he did them on youtube too
-You get his Mukbangs on your recommended, You subscribe because of his cute and funny reactions whenever someone in the backgrounds is astounded to how much he’s eating
-Everyone knew beel as a cute guy who just does Mukbangs and loves to eat
-He once did a fridge raid and ended up eating everything in the fridge
-That was THE MOST CHAOTIC VIDEO on his channel cause you can just see luci and MC trying to make him stop
-He eventually got a patreon because mammon told him people will give him more money for food like that and to be honest he made a patreon but mammon takes care of it from time to time
-Oh you knew him as this sweet beautiful boy who just likes eating? hERe HavE sOmE WorKOUt pICs
-His body got everyone thirsty or may I say Starving
-S I M P S everywhere
-His patreon content is just him making small videos eating or pictures of him being all sweaty from the gym 😛💦
-“Eh? You should feed me instead” *opens his mouth*
-Fans send him lots of boxes of weird food to see his reaction sometimes
-Did the fire noodle challenge a bit late but everyone is surprised to how he isn’t giving the reaction like they expected him
-Spice tolerance? Unmatched
-His fandom is either “UwU Beel please eat try this!” Or “Daddy Please FEED US WITH YOUR DELICIOUS THIGHS! 😩🥵💦💦💦”
-He does the service where he sends you his body building pictures except he isn’t sending them, Mammon is.
-Manager Mammon 😎 Gets a half of the profit
-Can I just...BeelProbablyHasnevergottenintoanyscandalbuthasalotofhaterssayingthefansonlylikehimforhishandsomefaceandgreatbodyandnicevoicebutlikewhatiswrongwithlikinghimbecauseofthosethings?Itisntbadtolikethatstuffatall
-Last post: “🍙 Thank you to @(Your Username) for the Onigiri! I finished the whole batch! Please send more food”
-Sleep Guru
-Im sorry but I cant see him having any other social media aside from tumblr, twitter and Devilgram
-Belphie barely checks his phone but he has tumblr because apparently there’s a thing called the SandMan’s Box Community
-It’s like LootCrate, a subscription service that gives you stuff like Comfy Pillow sheets and tea for better sleeping
-This even gives you something like sleeping masks or ear muffs.
-The community is well...nocturnal
-His ask box is always full of his 100+ mutuals who just discuss stuff with him
-Whenever he actually does try to type online he makes articles about the best sleep positions or stuff like that
-His fandom is just loving mutuals who sleep and take care of each other
-They have a discord server where it just plays soft music to help everyone sleep
-Last post: “Humans aren’t so bad when they’re asleep”
||Luke and Simeon
-He has a big following on twitch where he just bakes sweets in his cute little hat and-
-Clearly you can tell I follow him on twitch
-The type of twitch streamer that no one hates on because why would you? He is literally just baking and cute comments
-Sometimes he streams with Simeon and everyone loves both of them
-When people give money they dont give “money” no no...they call donating headpats
-Luke is just so adorable that everyone just...
-“Angel Lulu’s Protection Squad⭐️”
-He got famous when he...He doesnt want to call it a collab but He made a lot of sweets and gave them to beel so everyone freaked out and thought
-He is now pissed that everyone thinks they’re friends 😠
-Basically his fans started making dishes and candy inspired by him
-Sometimes they send it in and Simeon has to confiscate some because
-“Im sorry, guys. You are all really sweet and I know that you mean well but Luke isn’t allowed much sweets yet”
-No one ever EVER lewds luke
-Fortunately Luke’s fandom has the least amount of pedophiles because everyone drives them away the moment they try something
-Whenever luke does fan mail/unboxing videos people just adore how Simeon places a glass of water at the table below the camera and the scissors or cutter he uses is child proof
-Even though Luke is the main person on his account everyone also notices Simeon.
-How couldn’t they? He looked like he wanted to make everyone in the audience live a better life
-Add that with luke’s wholesome baking and BOOM! You are now ready for a better life🌟
-Last post: It’s a picture of Luke shyly showing of his new batch of sun and moon shaped sugar cookies. “Sun and Moon. Tune in later at 3 pm to see how we made these!”
-He barely posts but he helps asmodeus with his stuff
-Too busy with anything else but helps out when things get interesting
-Proposes Ideas for Asmo sometimes when the demon doesn’t know what to wear for a live or a story
-Laughs at Asmo sometimes when he gets into scandals and drama
-Happy cameraman ❤️
-People follow him because 1.) He’s hot 2.) The fans ship him with Asmodeus
-Last Post: “When will you learn 🙂”
-He is a vlogger~ Not a very active vlogger but a vlogger nonetheless
-He films anything he can but he’s more known on tik tok and devilgram rather than twitch or youtube
-People have been thirsting for him ever since and no one can convince me that they dont just shamelessly call him daddy whenever he goes on live
-Barbatos makes sure however that whenever it isnt appropriate anymore that he would tell diavolo to turn the camera off
-Wranggled Luci into his mess and now everyone knows the face of that one dude who just reads documents
-Everyone lowkey ships them
-Diavolo is the type to take a picture of a big meeting or a retreat out of instinct to just document his life
-He actually didnt know about vloggers before but he just liked the thought of documenting it
-Everyone picks up “Master” vibes as they say from him hehehe
-He doesnt have an Onlyfans or patreon 😔😔😔
-I honestly would have subscribed to his services
-Last post: “Barbatos made a delicious meal for us at the retreat today” Along with a picture of the Beautiful Demon Delicacy Spread in the table.
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Taglist: No one yet (Please be part of the taglist for more content like this ☹️ It’s getting really discouraging)
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loveantoniolove-blog · 2 years ago
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➡️🌼🙏Sabato 14 Gennaio 2023
S. Felice di Nola; S. Nino; S. Malachia pr.; B. Odorico da Pordenone
1.a del Tempo Ordinario
Eb 4,12-16; Sal 18; Mc 2,13-17
Le tue parole, Signore, sono spirito e vita
Non sono venuto per chiamare i giusti, ma i peccatori.
+ Dal Vangelo secondo Marco 2,13-17
In quel tempo, Gesù uscì di nuovo lungo il mare; tutta la folla veniva a lui ed egli insegnava loro. Passando, vide Levi, il figlio di Alfeo, seduto al banco delle imposte, e gli disse: “Seguimi”. Ed egli si alzò e lo seguì. Mentre stava a tavola in casa di lui, anche molti pubblicani e peccatori erano a tavola con Gesù e i suoi discepoli; erano molti infatti quelli che lo seguivano. Allora gli scribi dei farisei, vedendolo mangiare con i peccatori e i pubblicani, dicevano ai suoi discepoli: “Perché mangia e beve insieme ai pubblicani e dei peccatori?”. Udito questo, Gesù disse loro: “Non sono i sani che hanno bisogno del medico, ma i malati; io non sono venuto a chiamare i giusti, ma i peccatori”.
Parola del Signore.❤️🙏
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