#ppth in the pokemon world =/= pokemon center
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marc--chilton · 7 months ago
house md pokemon teams, as meticulously picked out by someone who's been into pokemon since birth:
house - cyclizar, audino, gothitelle, mabosstiff, toxtricity amped mode, hisuian zoroark
wilson - blissey, morgrem, male meowstic, cinccino, absol, zoroark
cuddy - kangaskhan, leavanny, male pyroar, jynx, lucario, hatterene
foreman - alakazam, noctowl, ferrothorn, luxray, midday lycanroc, malamar
chase - yamper, komala, liepard, klefki, alolan raichu, lurantis
cameron - sensu oricorio, froslass, crobat, mimikyu, female indeedee, sylveon
taub - alolan persian, glameow, snubbull, starmie, swanna, male oinkologne
thirteen - houndoom, drifblim, gardevoir, sneasler, armarouge, cloyster
kutner - goodra, seel, aipom, quagsire, mr mime, pawmot
people tend to assume that house's ace is one of his 'cooler' pokemon - zoroark, toxtricity - but it's really audino. can mega evolve and everything. he loves throwing people off by bringing him out when running diagnostics (audino have excellent hearing; his can detect heart issues typically only found through invasive testing)
cuddy's hatterene HATES house. and he knows it. if threats of clinic duty doesn't get him to leave her alone when he's bothering her, she'll threaten to get hatty out, and hatty has NO qualms about beating the fuck out of him
wilson doesn't bring absol out at work. with his profession and the species' reputation as doombringers, it wouldn't exactly be a comforting sight. he doesn't even really remember how he acquired her, nor does he know that she's not concerned about his cancer patients but for him.
taub hardly trains his pokemon, making him the most unready for battle of everyone listed.
kutner and his pawmot get into many defibrillator adventures (accidents)!!! quagsire, being water/ground, is unaffected and therefore happily takes up the task of putting out fires when needed :DD
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