#ppl who used to chat with me in DMs or on my Discord group have pretty much disappeared
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battleshipgarcy · 6 months ago
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#i don't remember when i first saw this on tumblr but i frequently reread it#i haven't fallen out of love with Timeless or Goran or Garcy - i think i'll always love those#but the lyat bullying in 2018 & the backstabbing asshole garcy/goran fans in december 2019 changed everything#mainly my enjoyment of participating in online fandom#i know there are good people who are my friends- this does not apply to them#i've known for years that many in the goran/garcy fandom have hated me/not wanted me around#after getting that rude comment on TRLT yesterday- it's making me reconsider whether it's worth sticking around#that comment wasn't the first of its kind#i've been told by anonymous assholes before that i should leave the fandom bc i'm not wanted#and i'm really feeling that this year#visits to my fansites have dropped- interactions with my social media posts have dropped#ppl who used to chat with me in DMs or on my Discord group have pretty much disappeared#i wonder if this has happened bc someone is privately messaging ppl who interact with me to tell them lies about me#which i know is still happening in the year 2024 (even as recent as a few months ago)#i don't feel appreciated & wonder if i should get rid of Team Garcy- Goran Višnjić Archive- and Timeless Fansite#GVA is the only one still getting actual new content updates but w/another Goran fansite out there- is it worth the stress of maintaining?#with so few actual interactions on my non-multi-chapter fics- is it worth the time/effort to keep writing?#probably not#i've wished i could leave the fandom(s) for years but i enjoy(ed?) creating fanworks so i stayed#i'll still update TRLT & share fanworks i create but there's a part of me thinking i should gradually bow out#fandom is supposed to be fun & it's rare that it is for me- i find it stressful <- which isn't good for my mental health#anyway... just me venting/rambling on in the tags - feel free to ignore#also: my real life is stressful enough- i don't need my fandom issues making it worse#thank you for reading if you made it this far
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unhingedkinfessions · 1 year ago
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ok thats cool and all but all i asked is if you wanted fries with that not so happy meal. a bit weird that you're admitting to harassing some random maybe-system who got overwhelmed and prolly didnt deserve to get hated on like its such a funny story. from what youve said here in this drivethrough with the broken sign and cracked pavement it sounds like you guys were weird and in the wrong. "dumb children" 2022 was last year own up motherfucker
have a bit of shame and compassion in your heart girl we aint your friends. but what do i know im just a humble worker here at uhkfdonalds or some shit
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neocores · 11 months ago
hey mutuals!! im looking for 1 (one) extra person to join my dnd group
i'm going to be running a small prelude module (link here if you wanted to check it out), which leads up to doing the main module Descent into Avernus.
the above book is made for one to two person 'choose your own adventure' style, but has stuff to adjust it to a bigger party, and i'll be doing a few of my own changes just to get it to fit. that said, it's a pretty short module!
we will probably only be playing this prelude thingie for like, 3 sessions, it's relatively casual and uncomplicated, and also a good way to intro to a new group.
important infos:
it'll be starting on the 18th of May, and then sessions after that will be every other week! (so 1st of June after that, then 15th of June after that).
it will be at 7pm gmt / 3pm est / 1pm mst
we play using Tabletop Simulator (you can get it on steam). if you can't get it/run it, lmk and we can just use Foundry or Roll20 instead.
it will be done via discord voice chat
there's currently 4 other players, with one likely only staying for this prelude. they aree @miquellaslily , @subhumanself and @pucciverse . the 4th is my brother who doesn't have a tumblr lmao.
after this prelude, we're then planning on having a pre- DiA 'session 0' to see who wants to continue on to the bigger module, if anything needs adjusting, character changes, etc.
dm me here on tumblr if you wanna join and/or have any questions!!!
and we'll exchange discords + steam then too.
here's the blurb text from the prelude:
Not far west of the exciting and sprawling city of Baldur’s Gate, rests a sleepy Sword Coast hamlet. Ulgoth’s Beard is home to mostly shepherds, fishermen, and -- most notably -- the weird wizard Shandalar. Naturally, as is the case with most strange sorcerous sorts, Shandalar requires the help of an eager would-be adventurer. That’s where you come in. Your quest will take you into the fey-haunted Cloakwood on a seemingly simple mission. But what you witness in the forest will start a chain of events that will lead you through hell itself, requiring you to use all of your skills and wits to survive. Can you escape Avernus unscathed, or will you become just another lost soul in the planes of the damned?
this is staying rebloggable for ME to keep it up for the next few days but pls dont rb (unless u are the three ppl above lmao) :'3
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tweedledummidum · 27 days ago
My friend group had a huge falling out and has kind of split. I know already that I am in the wrong and I feel really bad for what happened, but I also feel bad because sometimes I feel like I am not in the wrong. I just want other ppl to give me their point of view on the situation so I can’t delude myself anymore. Also, I want some advice please. I’m sorry in advance. This was all during midterms, so I was stressed, but that’s not an excuse.
Main Situation
Our friend group was made up of people of different races, religions, sexualities, etc.---so we were inherently incompatible in a way, but we tried to make it work. The main people involved in this story though are two guy friends of mine—let’s call them Wayne and Liam. In freshman year, Liam was not a good friend to put it bluntly. He would often lie, manipulate, and say scary things. Wayne had a hot temper and is the type to curse someone out once they’ve put him over the edge. Both have grown a lot from who they used to be in the past. A girl who I’ll call Liza was also in our group from the start. About six months before the big fight, Wayne’s other friend Lucas joined the group, but I don’t consider him to be my friend. We had a discord server (kind of like a large group chat) for us to talk—I was the owner.
At a school event, most of the group got the chance to meet up in person. I had been excited to talk to my friends because I hadn’t been as active on the server because of some personal issues. But I was surprised to see that people were shipping Liza and Lucas. In the past week or so, I made a channel to ship Lucas with my other friend Beth, but I confirmed with both of them that they didn’t feel uncomfortable by it. Liza and Lucas would never work together, but I did notice that Lucas kept waiting for her to arrive. I also remember that he said something about Liza that made me think that he might’ve liked her, but I don’t remember exactly. Once Liza did arrive, I hopped on the bandwagon with the shipping because it seemed like it was all in good fun, like with the LucasxBeth thing. Simultaneously, Wayne, Liam, and another friend Paige was messing around with their own thing. I had also just found out that Liam and Paige were being “shipped” but as a teasing way, or so I thought. Wayne would tease them together and Paige at some point pretended to propose to him and grab his arm and stuff. It seemed all in good fun because Liam pretended to show off the ring to the crowd. Also, Liam is gay, so nothing would’ve come from it anyway. 
Fast forward to after the school event was over. That night, I joined a call with Liza, Wayne, and Paige to talk about things that were going on. It was there that I found out that Liza was NOT okay with being shipped with Lucas, so me, Wayne, and Paige apologized profusely. That’s when Liza starts alluding to the fact that she suspects that Lucas actually had a crush on her. I also said that I did too and told the three of them what I overheard Lucas say. Wayne has been Lucas’s friend for a long time, so said that he would find out more information. It’s important to note that we all agreed to not tell anyone what had happened in the VC, especially to Lucas. The next day (Sunday), I took a long nap, and when I woke up, I saw an invitation to a smaller group chat that Liam had sent me in DMs. He said that he had something important to talk to me about with Lucas and Liza. 
I joined the group chat (let’s call it LLL), and they basically show me that Lucas had made an announcement to @everyone in the big server. He basically called everyone children and revealed that he knew what had happened in the VC. He also said that Paige pried with Liza about what happened, he knew that I told people about what he said and Liam did the same thing except privately. He said that he knew that Wayne told another friend of ours named Carol, and that he was upset that he told her even though Carol suspected it already. He added that Paige and Wayne had actually been making fun Liam at the school event and apparently before then as well and that we were all shattering the friend group.
To recap/clarify: Wayne and Paige knew that Lucas had a crush on Liza before we talked on VC; Liam had found out that Lucas liked Liza, so Wayne and Paige pushed the PaigexLiam thing too far in order to prevent him from saying anything to Liza about Lucas in yet ANOTHER VC that took place on Sunday afternoon; Lucas didn’t mind the shipping between him and Liza until it was taken to far because he did in fact have a crush on Liza; and no one really liked Wayne or Paige at the moment, myself included.
Back to the group chat with Lucas, Liza, and Liam: they wanted me to give up server ownership because I wasn’t qualified enough. They told me that I should give it to Liam who would then share power with Liza and Lucas. I asked them to write out all of their complaints about me because I wanted to ask other people in the server if they agreed with the three of them, so Liam wrote out seventeen lengthy complaints that the other two approved of. For context, they were about my recent availability, my passiveness, my incompetence, my gullibility, the way I ran the server (they described it as a monarchy), division of power. In short, I didn’t equally represent the interests of the server members and when I at least tried, I took too long to do so. They gave me a deadline of the next day, and that ended that.
I was shocked to see that they had all of these complaints with me, especially because I hadn’t remembered most of them being brought up before. I wanted the server to be like a massive, more complex group chat where there weren’t any specific admin or anything because I didn’t want it to seem as if I was ranking some of my friends over others. Also, we’re all equal and high schoolers who can solve their own problems, so I didn’t know that they wanted the owner of the server to be so involved with everything. Since the start, we all had admin access—I had to fiddle with things a bit though about a year prior because there were issues with some people kicking people from VCs. So basically, some people couldn’t be kicked out from a VC or be banned (because if you know discord, their roles were ranked higher than others), but everyone could make/delete channels, make events , and other permissions. 
More than anything else though, I wanted people on the server to be happy, so if they were happier with a new owner, then I was fine with that. I was wary of giving it to Liam though due to some past events that I’ll talk about at the very end as “Additional Information”. I decided to figure out people’s opinions of me as server owner and find a replacement if possible. 
It’s Monday now. As I was talking to people and making my decision, I found out some new information about the school event. When I told the LLL group chat that I was going to talk to Wayne and Paige about their perspective, they all got upset with me. Paige was one of the people with the “higher�� roles, and they were upset that they couldn’t time her out (basically discipline/punish) her when she deserved it. I was kind of rubbed the wrong way when they said that, but that wasn’t even the worst part. They started talking about how some opinions didn’t carry the same weight as others; Paige and Wayne didn’t need their opinions about the server ownership heard; Wayne’s opinion about how he wanted the server wouldn’t carry the same weight as the paragraphs of reasoning that they gave; that the complaints that they had with me were objective facts and not subjective opinions and that I was calling Liam a liar when I said that not everyone agreed; Paige and Wayne were liars and if I believed them over Liam then he’d be hurt; that I didn’t want to believe anything bad about myself (which he knows isn’t true because I often ask my friends to tell me the things wrong with me so I can try to fix it and be better); and lots of other kind of nasty stuff. 
Short excerpt:
Me: “It’s related bc you said I don’t want to believe bad things about myself, and that isn’t true no matter how you look at it. Anyone who knows me knows this to be true; you yourself know this to be true—or at least I hope. Which is why I think you should cool down. IDK what I said to upset you, IDK if it was even something I said, but regardless, it isn’t an excuse to get nasty with me. “
Liam: “Oh I’m getting nasty with you, is that it?”
Liam: “I need to cool down? Maybe the reason I’m upset is because after Wayne and Paige harassed me again and I dealt with this whole Liza and Lucas situation that Wayne and Paige started, and after all the lies and all the effort I put in to laying our requests to you out in a nice way, you had the audacity to tell me you not only don’t believe me, but that you are going to weigh my opinion the same as Wayne’s. Maybe I have a right to be upset.”
Then Liza added that she completely agrees with Liam and that I was just stalling. Lucas added that he’s known Wayne for a decade and that I shouldn’t side with him (note: I never said I was siding with him; I only wanted his perspective).
While all of this was happening, I was in a conversation with Wayne too. He said that he didn’t agree with most of the complaints and that I shouldn’t transfer ownership, especially not to Liam. I then asked him about the shipping, and he said that it was entirely his and Paige’s fault; he apologized to Liza and Lucas, but he apparently didn’t apologize for this other incident that I wasn’t aware of. 
It turned out that this other incident was the LiamxPaige thing, so I confronted him on how they didn’t respect Liam’s boundaries and blackmailed him with a personal piece of info. Wayne said that the blackmail was BS and that Liam was lying about things. That’s when Wayne revealed that Liam had played a role in growing the ship and can’t blame it all on Paige, and that he couldn’t expect them to stop and be serious if he was laughing with them too. Wayne also said that he barely played a role in it besides saying that Paige was Liam’s wife, and that Liam had never asked them to stop seriously until about two weeks prior. He also said that Liam said that he had stockholm syndrome and that he liked the ship with Paige. Additionally, Paige had said that they were no longer married at some point on VC, and to get her back, Liam apparently did sent her an inappropriate measurement. Also, Lucas had sent Wayne messages that Liam had sent him, saying that the PaigexLiam thing was funny at first until it wasn’t, which Wayne acknowledged as understandable and fine. What confused him was that him and Paige didn’t know that Liam was serious because he kept laughing. He also told me that Liam and Liza were also not completely honest about the LucasXLiza situation. Apparently, way back at the school event, Liza had asked Liam to ask Lucas if he had a crush on her, meaning thAT LIZA KNEW THE WHOLE TIME? AND SO DID LIAM?
At this point I was so lost and confused, so I decided to just focus on the server ownership thing because the LLL group was starting to pressure me to make a decision. My friend Carol had also run into Liam and Lucas—who were loose cannons atp—in a VC in the main server. They ended up kicking her seven times before timing her out because she kept asking questions about what was going on. While I think Carol should have just left them alone after the third time or smtg, Liam and Lucas were in a public server and their reaction was excessive. I was trying to understand why they timed her out, it was a lost cause because Liam was already angry with me. I feel bad because Carol interjected and said that she was sorry for interrupting them, but she was immediately shot down with a “you aren’t helping” from Lucas. At this moment, I was just waiting to talk to Carol to make a decision with server ownership. Liam and Lucas were weirdly adamant about Carol agreeing with them, but I found out they misconstrued what she said after speaking to her directly. 
At around 11:30 Monday night, I told the server that I was going start from the beginning so that people would know that I was being as fair as I could be. I started by posting screenshots of Liam’s complaints for people to read, then summarized what the members I was able to reach said about me being owner. At this point, an hour at passed, and Liza and Liam asked if I could get to the point bc they were tired. I told them that I didn’t want any misconceptions like in the LLL group chat earlier, so I kept on. I then shared (with permission) screenshots of my conversation with Carol and Paige. The former thought that the power should be split between people who are neutral when it comes to fighting in the server (like me or Liza), while the latter said that people shouldn’t expect me to be available 24/7 and to prioritize the server over my midterms. Paige also said that she didn’t think it was fair to give me such a deadline bc I put a lot of effort into the server to keep it organized and managed properly. Lucas then added that Carol doesn’t take anything seriously, is incredibly indecisive, forgets things, and has brain fog. At this point, Liam, Lucas, Liza, and one of Lucas’ friends named Paul were telling me to hurry up, so I summarized the results. Five were in favour of Liam and seven were in favor of me. I then said that I would keep the server because 
I hadn’t considered anyone other than Liza to be a server owner, but after some of the things she said about other people, I didn’t consider her anymore.
I didn’t appreciate the teaming sort of vibe from LLL by making a private groupchat and misconstruing what Carol said. They were extremely rude to Carol, this was the second time that they had “ambushed” me, they were pressuring me to decide, etc.
I didn’t want to transfer ownerships after a big fight when tensions were high. 
This sounds cringey, but I know that you guys probably want to see me in person to yell at me, because I had messed up badly. LLL+Paul yelled at me, especially Liam. I understand now that what he said next was true about me, but it really stung.
I spent way too much time with the whole narrative.
I wasted their time
My approach in the situation was not ideal
I was being difficult
My attitude to things leads to worse things happening
I was arrogant and inconsiderate
I was feeling pretty bad at this point, but I didn’t have it in me to say anything else because it was 1 AM. But due to the events that happened next, I deeply regret this.
Paige tries to defend me:
“This is exactly why she wanted to explain how she got to the decision she got. Everyone of you is saying that she wasted yalls time but if she just straight up said “no I am not giving the power to someone else” then would you guys not be questioning how she got tor the decision. I don’t get why you all are getting mad at OP(me) when all she ever did was try to maintain peace in this server—if she didn’t manage it properly this time doesn’t mean we disregard all the other times she’s gotten us through hurdles.”
Then the doors of hell broke loose. 
Liam: “you wasted our time, you obviously made up your mind a while ago and didnt even care about our concerns, and you dragged this on for way too long when i could have slept two hours ago. im so fucking pissed at you right now OP. and this nonsense about you considering everyone's opinion? what i told you were facts not opinions. Wayne and Paige are the last people you should be taking advice from right now and the audacity for you to actually call me a liar multiple times to day, condescending to me by acting like my irritation wasn't valid? and suggesting over and over again that i would be a terrible candidate for server owner? this was a massively wasteful and offensive ordeal and im honestly hurt that you dont care as much about what i think as i do about your thoughts”
Liam never curses at anyone, so this one really hurt. He continued to curse me and Paige out. Paige tried to mollify him by apologizing once again for the PaigeXLiam thing. I don’t think I can type out all of the things he said about me and Paige, but they were explicit and hurtful, even if I deserved it. 
Poor Carol asks everyone to calm down, which sets Liam off further. At this point, Liam was now saying that we were doing this because he was gay—which was totally untrue and uncalled for. Multiple members of are friend group are LGBT+, so that doesn’t even make sense to me. Liam is still crashing out, and Paul and Lucas are supporting him as he goes. At this point, Wayne comes in with an attempt to ameliorate things—unsuccessful though. He says that his apology was genuine and that he shouldn’t say those things about me bc I was a good friend (even though I wasn’t).
Liam then reveals that this whole thing has been going on for a while with people ganging up on him. He also said that he hated how everyone never takes his side and that he should be allowed to be angry and have people understand. Carol apologizes for telling him to calm down.
It’s 1:34 at this point and ppl start to sleep. 
At 3 am, Wayne sends this message:
“I'm just going to say one last thing from thinking about it a lot. I know you're angry Liam and I apologize for making you angry. I am the main reason for it. But OP really has not done anything and has been a supportive friend of yours. Stopping me when I was mean to you and such. Please don't be too aggressive with her and Carol. They have nothing to do with this. Like you said you can take your anger out. But take it out on me. Not to OP and other innocent people. If you really are mad just tell me and take the anger out on me. I'm hearing you out rn and I'm apologizing. I'm being serious not joking I just want to make sure not to damage anyone's mental health over this because you know how weak OP can be when it comes to this (sorry OP). And also i thought Liza wasn't in the best state too which is also my fault but I also feel like she doesn't need this according to what I heard from her how she doesn't want everyone to fight anymore. So if you're mad take it out on me individually and people who have done you wrong not OP.”
At around 10 am, Beth (remember her) asks in the server if I want to talk in person with her, but Liam lashes out at her as well. They kind of provoke each other and things turn up again. 
Lucas, Wayne, Carol, Liam, and I agree to talk things through in a VC that evening. I was afraid of something bad happening, so I recorded the conversation. Wayne said that he was going to cut off online interaction with Liam. Carol, Wayne, Beth, Paige, and three others leave the server. 
I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I don’t know how to fix any of this, or even if it can be fixed. There’s more to the story that I’ll add in a section below, but please give me some advice to fix this. I’ve already apologized profusely to Liam and Liza but idk what else I can do.
Additional Info
The first major incident that we had was about a grade-wide school project during freshman year. We were split between two classes (A and B), and then those classes were split into many teams. I was team 1A, Wayne was team 1B, and Liam was team 2B. There were goals that each team had to meet in a debate, so ideally, the other teams shouldn’t know about your goals. However, we (the grade) decided to trade info around. At some point, Wayne decided to trade team 3B’s goals for team 2B’s goals. I found out later that Wayne had accidentally sent the document of all of the goals that his team had to Liam, which included his own teams. They agreed that Liam shouldn’t use the information that wasn’t originally going to be traded, and they called me to be a witness to their “contract”. In this contract, no lying, loopholes, or deception was allowed. But in a call at three AM a few months later, Liam reveals laughing that he actually tricked us and kept the information anyways. Wayne and I get upset with him and Liam doesn’t think it’s a big deal until he realizes how upset we are. Wayne said that he crossed the line, but Liam said that we always cross the line (although, he hadn’t really set boundaries before this incident). I apologize to Liam and he eventually apologizes to Wayne and I.
The second major incident was during sophomore year. Wayne, Liam, another friend, and I are in another project. I worked on the whole thing myself until the final night before the presentation, Wayne watched me work while Liam reviewed things. The other friend said she’d work on it the morning it was due. I think they felt bad, but they didn’t deserve to feel bad. It was like a short story project, and I’m not that good, so it was trash. Liam recognized this too and told me that it was garbage in VC. It’s like 4 AM and he suggests that we start over to make it better. This set Wayne off and he crashes out on Liam and curses him out for like three minutes straight. I still feel really bad about this, because it would’ve been avoided had I did the project right the first time.
The third major incident was also during sophomore year. Everyone except me in my friend group talked about things that may be seen as freaky? IDK it ranges from a gif of two anime characters making out to something out of an Ice Spice song or smtg. It’s like a running joke to collect screenshots and put them in a channel for ppl to see outlandish things someone has said. I caught one of these moments of something that Liam said, but instead of leaving it alone, I just had to provoke him about it. He then threatened this picture of me in my pjs when I accidentally turned on my camera on VC once, so I threatened an entire arsenal of embarrassing screenshots of him. Because he couldn’t find anything else that embarrassed me, he edited messages of me saying inappropriate things about Wayne. For context, people in our grade shipped me with Wayne, which really made us uncomfortable because we don’t like each other—Liam and everyone in our friend group knew this. I should’ve kept it to myself, but I showed them to Wayne. He got really mad though, which is understandable for him because he was dragged into my mess. I shouldn’t have provoked Liam about this to begin with. Also question: does this count as sexual harassment? It’s never happened to me before and it’s far different than the situation with Liam and Paige, which Liam informed me was SH.
Another incident that happened the day before the school event was that I kicked Liam in the side hard once. He brought up something that really annoyed me, so I kicked. The year before, he lied to this racist kid that I had a crush on him, and Liam made a joke about it when he saw him. This is entirely my fault, as I wasn't clear enough that I didn't like those type of jokes. I apologized profusely for this, but it is very helpful for context with the situation. I also unknowingly insult people sometimes, and I don't always understand their jokes. I am not a good friend. If you made it this far, could you please give me advice on improvements. 
There’s more stuff but this is getting kinda long so idk. Pls DM me if you want specific information to give me specific advice, because I have access to these conversations.
0 notes
io-archival · 8 months ago
from under cut:
toki pona is a minimalist conlang, which this post assumes very basic knowledge of. if youd like, u can read the wikipedia page (linked above), or this article from the atlantic, "Toki Pona: A Language With a Hundred Words."
some background on the creation of 'tonsi' - toki pona started development around 2001, and was 1st published in 2014, with 120 "canon" words - including the 2 gender words, meli & mije. however , toki pona is a living language, + words come about as the community needs them - the community came together to create 'tonsi' in a grassroots effort c. 2019 to fill a lexical gap that existed for describing ppl who fell outside the meli-mije duality.
etomologically, the word is from mandarin 同志 'tóngzhì' (meaning "comrade", & commonly used to mean gay / LGBTQ - though "tonsi" itself is generally agreed refer to gender.) some people use it exclusively to mean "nonbinary / genderqueer" , but expanded usage to also include all trans & gnc people (who choose to identify as tonsi) is very common, + is a definition i endorse ( & created the flag in mind with ! ) the word was officialized as an essential word in 2021 w./ the release of the toki pona dictionary
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the sitelen pona ( logographic / hieroglyph writing system ) glyph for 'tonsi'
as for the design & symbolism of the flag - the central blue symbol represents the sitelen pona glyph for tonsi (shown above), in the blue of the toki pona logo - the 3 segments (colored pink, green, and purple) were roughly inspired by colors on the trans, gq, & nonbinary flags - as a whole, the flag symbolizes the way the tonsi community unites people of all different gender experiences & primary-language terms.
toki pona philosophy is all about capturing universal concepts in a way that allows for clear and simple communication, and gender variance is absolutely a universal concept. tonsi is a beautiful + necessary word, & with this flag, i wanted 2 focus not on granular inclusions of which groups fall under tonsi , but rather the unity the term presents, and how it allows us to unite by what we have in common , rather than pick over the terminology we choose.
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a version of the tonsi flag made in a 16:9 aspect ratio 4 convenience
to my knowledge, no one else has made an effort 2 create a dedicated tonsi flag, but reception to having one has been positive thru the toki pona speakers i've shown the design - much thnx to the people on discord who gave their thoughts, as well as @/epikulupu for consulting - sina ale li epiku mute a ( i'll also be posting a lili version of this post on r/tokipona soon + will add a link when i do)
im passionate about toki pona + its community, + am an advanced speaker myself - if you have questions / comments , dm me, send an ask, or leave a reply - id always love 2 chat in / about toki pona if u.r interested in learning, i recommend using this free course (lipu sona pona) & joining the discord , ma pona pi toki pona. as always, my flags are free to use, w./ credit appreciated but not required - stay pona
introducing - our tonsi flag ( len sitelen pi kulupu tonsi ! ) 'tonsi' is a toki pona word that, roughly, means "a gender experience not fully described by 'mije' [man] or 'meli' [woman]." context + design explanation under the cut 🌈❤️
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🗣❗️ : toki pona is a minimalist conlang, which this post assumes very basic knowledge of. if youd like, u can read the wikipedia page (linked above), or this article from the atlantic, "Toki Pona: A Language With a Hundred Words."
some background on the creation of 'tonsi' - toki pona started development around 2001, and was 1st published in 2014, with 120 "canon" words - including the 2 gender words, meli & mije. however , toki pona is a living language, + words come about as the community needs them - the community came together to create 'tonsi' in a grassroots effort c. 2019 to fill a lexical gap that existed for describing ppl who fell outside the meli-mije duality.
etomologically, the word is from mandarin 同志 'tóngzhì' (meaning "comrade", & commonly used to mean gay / LGBTQ - though "tonsi" itself is generally agreed refer to gender.) some people use it exclusively to mean "nonbinary / genderqueer" , but expanded usage to also include all trans & gnc people (who choose to identify as tonsi) is very common, + is a definition i endorse ( & created the flag in mind with ! ) the word was officialized as an essential word in 2021 w./ the release of the toki pona dictionary
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the sitelen pona ( logographic / hieroglyph writing system ) glyph for 'tonsi'
as for the design & symbolism of the flag - the central blue symbol represents the sitelen pona glyph for tonsi (shown above), in the blue of the toki pona logo - the 3 segments (colored pink, green, and purple) were roughly inspired by colors on the trans, gq, & nonbinary flags - as a whole, the flag symbolizes the way the tonsi community unites people of all different gender experiences & primary-language terms.
toki pona philosophy is all about capturing universal concepts in a way that allows for clear and simple communication, and gender variance is absolutely a universal concept. tonsi is a beautiful + necessary word, & with this flag, i wanted 2 focus not on granular inclusions of which groups fall under tonsi , but rather the unity the term presents, and how it allows us to unite by what we have in common , rather than pick over the terminology we choose.
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a version of the tonsi flag made in a 16:9 aspect ratio 4 convenience
to my knowledge, no one else has made an effort 2 create a dedicated tonsi flag, but reception to having one has been positive thru the toki pona speakers ive shown the design - much thnx to the people on discord who gave their thoughts, as well as @epikulupu for consulting - sina ale li epiku mute a ❤️ ( ill also be posting a lili version of this post on r/tokipona soon + will add a link when i do 🌈 )
im passionate about toki pona + its community, + am an advanced speaker myself - if you have questions / comments , dm me, send an ask, or leave a reply - id always love 2 chat in/about toki pona 😁 if u.r interested in learning, i reccomend using this free course (lipu sona pona) & joining the discord , ma pona pi toki pona. as always, my flags are free to use, w./ credit appreciated but not required - stay pona ❤️
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the-bea-hive · 3 years ago
OK ITS ME. going insane anon. anyways ok rant. this whole discourse is stupid shit im gonna be honest. it’s not even about who’s wrong like yeah no duh yall both did stupid shit BUT they literally had a whole discord chat talking shit about luvajax, so their thing is clearly worse and they are like 60% more at fault. using the excuse “oh i was defending my friend” by talking abt luvajax behind their back? by mocking their DNI? like i’ve definitely seen people and users with extensive DNI’s that i’ve raised a brow at but i dont go and make fun about it to my friends i just dont bother following them! i get that sometimes ur mad at someone for something and venting slowly becomes shit talking but they should know when they’ve crossed a line. Also! “i feel exposed and not secure” ok is that luvajax’s fault? no! that’s their own separate problem that they should discuss between themselves and not bring it up as though it’s a valid (or even relevant) defence/counterargument to what luvajax has done/said. it was literally like 4 against one, in what way did they think this was justifiable. and them using excuses and saying that it was everyones fault is so incredibly dumb because while i agree that yes both parties are at fault, it really just stems down to them reacting very very badly to one of luvajax’s somewhat poor response. (said response could have been due to maybe a bad day, maybe their internet tone is very dry as compared to how they actly felt. there were so many possibilities that the group could have just talked to luvajax in private but instead decided to talk shit about them. behind their back.) even then luvajax took the time and effort to change their layout so many times, so clearly their actions spoke louder then their words. this whole thing is so stupid and they should just resolve this discourse privately in their dm’s instead of this frankly embarrassing display of indirecting each other. (i say each other. honestly it’s mainly test-tube, luvajax is just answering asks about the discourse but still like. just handle it in private. and dont like give live updates about your private dm’s on your VERY public accounts. absolutely insane.) [i should be a commentary youtuber…james charles im coming for you next] (oh god im qctually going insane thats so many words i am so sorry for dumpin all this on you! am i projecting because something like thisbhappened to me maybe but also not the point point is dont talk shit about people behind their back)
i think it’s admirable that so many of us in the genshin tumblr community were able to come together to defend and stick up for someone after they were hurt like this. i don’t know if most people realize this, but these exact situations are what lead people (especially kids) to harm themselves. when you sit behind a screen and devalue someone to this extent, it’s really awful. im just hoping these ppl do the right thing and apologize and get off social media until they’re able to act maturely and use it properly.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years ago
omg yes it must be super tiring to have to think of crafting a whole story just in chat convos and twt/ig posts actually... my respect for all the writers who do smaus :OO and all writers too!! i briefly thought about trying to write fics and then gave up bc i was too lazy to continue HAHAHAHA
aaa i’m on anon bc i have this fear of ppl i know irl knowing that i like kpop (and even worse, that i read fanfiction...) i used to be made fun of for liking kpop back when it wasn’t that big in sg (like when we were pri school age) and even in sec school someone dragged me in a class group chat for having a kpop idol in my dp,,, so irl i pretend i have never heard of kpop before so i don’t get judged (even tho it’s kind of the norm now so it’s acceptable to like kpop, but it became so much of a habit that even my closest friends now have no idea that i’m super into kpop)
omg it’s kinda hypocritical of me bc i approached you first and said i think i might know who you are irl but yet don’t want to reveal myself😅😅 i’m sorry AAAA i’m shy ><
omg NOO its ok like legit take ur time to get comfy i have a few anons here that im kinda close to but they also quite inactive cause they have their own lives to live as well so i actly dk them . Its totally fine jus take ur own time!!! But ive made several friends on here (some readers n some authors) who have exchanged our socials like tele, discord, ig and i made friends w a reader who stays in boston and i have her number too so that's very cool and fun, but ofc for you, only when youre comfy!!
Also what the fuck ARE U SERIOUS bruh in sec sch half my cohort was into kpop esp after exo/bts debuted that period like 2012-2014 ish omg im so sorry you had to go thru that like... omg what the fuck lmao (i wld totally scold all the hokkien/malay vulgarities i was taught by my friends but i shant cause i have moots here who speak those languages LMAOOO)
omg ok then hopefully you find tumblr a safe space for you to do whatever u want and like whatever idol u want. Kpop is a genre of music and its a whole damn culture now, i tAkE UMBrAGe in whOEveER SHItS on iT grrr but if you ever find the need to talk to someone (like a fellow singaporean) about kpop, my dm is always open ya 🥺💕
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
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☆ — wait , is that ZELDA KING ? dean lockwood has been looking for them . you didn’t hear it from me but , apparently the JUNIOR might know something about the whole omega chi & kappa tau situation . while they can be BRASH & IMPULSIVE , they’re far too WELCOMING & COURAGEOUS  to be involved , right ? those who know them say they’re reminded of FLANNELS WRAPPED AROUND THE WAIST, THE CLICKING OF A CAMERA, A COMPUTER SCREEN ILLUMINATING A PITCH BLACK ROOM, THE “IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA” THEME, BAGPIPES PLAYING IN THE DISTANCE whenever they’re around .  honestly , the DIGITAL MEDIA major should try to keep their head down . after the events of last semester , lockwood is out for blood . did you know that ZELDA is a member of GAMMA RHO ALPHA ? that might explain why their name is being brought up .
                                               you’re an explosion , you’re dynamite                                                   playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.                                                like for a plotting dm on tumblr , react for a discord dm                                                rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329 on discord.
WOOOO I really can’t keep myself from holding only one muse can’t I. WELL. This is Zelda , a bit more of a happy-go-lucky muse compared to Sam !! She’s both her own character mixed with a few others I have - I love her dearly , so please please please feel free to come at me for plots !! <3 HERE WE GO :
Zelda’s backstory isn’t anything special - growing up in Scotland her parents had a nice marriage , she grew up an only child , always got good grades
But she always felt... average. She never was really anyone to anybody , so Zelda had a bit of a knack for wanting attention and trying to get her voice out there. So some took this as endearing , some took it as annoying.
In high school , she was lucky enough to be selected for an exchange student program in Salem , Massachusetts - and then she’d meet the FIRST person who would make her feel special in SAGA ( Sexuality And Gender Acceptance ) Club , a cheeky blonde boy named Cyrus who had a tendency to hide in the corner of the room and not talk to many people. And they’d date for about a year , up until Zelda would have to go back to Scotland.
They had to break up when Zelda would leave , but remained extremely close and communicating daily through digital connections.
ANYWAY , that little one year romance sort of gave her more confidence to use her voice and try and light up the room - since if she could do it for one person , she could do it for multiple people. That’s what gave her the idea to pursue a career in DIGITAL MEDIA -  namely , film & video ( with digital art and photography on the side ) in the more comedic aspect. Screenplaying and the technicals behind sketch-comedy skits. Stand-up comedy , even though that was more performing.
Think like Saturday Night Live - and then think of all the technical stuff that goes into it besides the acting. The script-writing , camera angles , etc. Zelda just wanted to make people laugh.
Soooo… when she told her parents that would be what she wanted to do , her average home-life would turn sour CONSIDERING they didn’t want her to explore such risky career choices. An easier life would be to become a lawyer or a doctor - more stable. But that’s not what she wanted. So after a LENGTHY argument with her parents , Zelda would be thrown out of the house with only the money she saved ( thankfully , she’d always been the frugal one ) , and would call . . . her ex-boyfriend and his mother. Since even though they’d only been communicating digitally over the past two years , it still felt like home in Massachusetts.
Her ex’s mother would pay for a flight for her to go back to the United States , and after some time of adjusting , she’d get into Hollingsworth to pursue her career in Digital Media - staying there , but often traveling home ( being where her ex and his mom lived ) routinely.
Pledging to Gamma , her insistence for encouraging people to live their life to the fullest and readiness to include people in her free spirited antics would leave a great impression on the sorority - eventually even leading to her current position as its president.
So again !! Zelda is my trans female pansexual bby , 5’11 bc tall girls make the world go round and she is the LIVING EXAMPLE of the Halcyon label. She’s loud , carefree , optimistic - never really known to pass up an opportunity to have fun.
...that’s so basic of an intro to her personality BUT IN MY DEFENSE IT’S EARLY
BUT YEAH Zelda ?? Does not give a shit about anything. She holds no grudges towards anyone , waaaay too chill - but she flips from extremely chill and laid back to “HEY HEY LET’S GO DO THESE TEN THINGS” and it’s. Definitely a 360. But nobody’s ever seen her angry and it sort of makes people wonder if she even feels anger or if she has a secret dark side nobody knows about.
...She doesn’t. Zelda’s only habits when angry are that she’s short , to the point , and WILL call you out if you’ve done something wrong. But making her mad is extremely hard and she’ll only remotely get upset if you prove time and time after again to be a shitty person.
Which , can sort of lead her to get taken advantage of because of her chill nature - that’s how the previous issue with Gamma getting in trouble at one of their parties happened. Zelda got pissed. She knows she’s chill but she doesn’t think about how that could lead SOME people to thinking “oh I can do anything I want and she’ll be fine with it” because she doesn’t. Get angry about much.
ALSO THAT DOES MAKE HER A BIT NAIVE - just again. She’s easy to take advantage of because she believes the best in everyone and automatically assumes people will do the right thing as people. Doesn’t really understand why people will do things to hurt others and doesn’t really want to.
Also kind of jumpy like she’s a social person and definitely flips between lax and loud but it is SO easy to startle her.
AS FOR HER INTERESTS IN DIGITAL MEDIA - she is extremely talented with the entire Adobe Creative Suite , especially Premiere , Photoshop , and After Effects.
She has an Instagram dedicated to posting manips , edits , etc. she made in both PS & AE. You know those funky Insta edits you see all the time ?? Zelda makes those.
She ALSO does a lot of editing and promotion for Gamma - a lot of times they’re memey little videos or advertisements or skits that display how welcoming Gamma is , and they do a great job at leaving a good impression on possible recruits.
Her BIG thing though would be a little YouTube channel she runs where she often posts videos just around campus - think Billy On The Street , which is what she really wants to do with her digital media career.
She either wants to do that - or mockumentaries to put on Youtube ( or even documentaries in a whole that she approaches with her extremely sunny demeanor on conspiracies or the like ). She’d also like to film her own show to put on TV , either something like reality comedy , a reality show spoof , or even something like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia or The Office or Brooklyn 99. Comedy film is her passion.
Commentary videos are ALSO something she’s considered , much like iNabber or Strange AEons , but she thinks mockumentaries , skits , and her other work
Also that person who Photoshops heads on people’s bodies and makes memes for all the group chats she’s in
She really doesn’t take herself seriously often but frankly that’s just Gamma as a whole so it WORKS.
A good portion of Zelda’s existence is a meme tbh I honestly adore her
She has a LOT of tattoos that were designed by her ex-boyfriend since he was an art major and now is a tattoo artist in Salem - I’d point you in the direction of Hannah Pixie Snowdon’s body art as a reference , just Zelda isn’t nearly as covered as she is.
This would be the best reference I can think of rn , lots of pretty designs and some animals, maybe some symbols and references from stuff. 
Olivia doesn’t have any tattoos but WE CAN CERTAINLY PRETEND
A lot of her spare money is made doing either graphics commissions or even photography from whoever needs her services !! The majority of her stuff has been done for cosplayers , budding models , budding actors and actresses , and even for other fraternities and sororities around campus. Zelda knows no rivalries when it comes to these things.
She’s also 100% that person who keeps around a polaroid camera so she can hang up pictures she takes she’s just That Person
Decorates the Gamma house with a lot of polaroids she’s taken and memey edits she’s done in Photoshop
She also plays guitar and is fairly good at it but doesn’t have a band or anything rn bc she’s just someone who does it bc she wants to look cool ( and also bc the guitar’s a neato instrument but yeah she started it out just bc she wanted to play SOME kind of instrument at least )
,,,but she also knows how to play the bagpipes
and she owns a pair.
they’re in the gamma house. zelda plays them at meetings.
Also I can’t 100% guarantee she didn’t get her name from the Legend of Zelda series if y’all know me u know how much I adore that series so yeah
GIVE ME A COMEDY SQUAD PLEEEEEEEEASE maybe even ppl she works to make a webseries or something with ?? give me people who work constantly just to make other people laugh
People she routinely takes photographs of !!
Whether they pay her or she uses as a muse for whatever
Maybe they think she’s too chill. Maybe they think she’s hiding something. Maybe they don’t like how she’s running Gamma but for whatever reason they just DON’T LIKE HER and I want enemies so fucking give me enemies
This is so general but more Gamma sisters would be lovely Zelda’s so eager to bring in more people to make their sorority feel like home
Give me crushes Zelda pines over !! Crushes that pine over Zelda !! Gimme that skinny love shit bc my god it gets me going !!
Hookup plots are also 100% acceptable bc again Zelda’s a carefree spirit and gives No Fucks
Also 100% down 4 cute romantic plots too - Zelda is ur regular poly pan babe w/ room in her heart for 12000 suns
it’s very on brand of me to place the romance/sex plots right smack in the middle as I’m thinking of what to put down
Okay when I was in high school we had majors and I was a Digital Art major and all the Visual Art majors had this bond with us for no reason so I’d really love some Vis. Art buddies that Zelda gets along with much like the bond she has with her ex-boyfriend now
Memey group chat pls
THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR NOW maybe i’ll do a more detailed / organized list soon but yeah !! Come at me !!!
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coolspacequips · 6 years ago
sorry to bother you, but I was wondering about a thing..., so I’m interested in rp-ing but I have absolutely zero idea how to get into it on tumblr? Like, I’ve done it before with one of my irl friends, but idrk how it works here. How do you find people to do it with? How do you let people know you’re interested? Do you have a separate blog for it? is it through dms or? Again sorry for all the questions but I’m v curious and want to get into it but I don’t know how :(
hey anon, ur not bothering me at all!
im worried that i wont have a very good answer, though... a lot of the time, i just kinda stumble into it thru blogging and chatting w other ppl in fandom/shipping/writing tags (like w this shiro). at this point i basically just have a handful of ppl i write with who go thru multiple plots w me, with a promising newcomer every once in a while, and most of my chats are rly hit or miss. ive just been blogging and rping for a long time so ive garnered a little interest along the way :’)
i have never rly successfully rpd on tumblr, i also dont know much about it, but i think if u are committed and try to reach out there are a lot of indie rp blogs out there that might try a prompt or scene w you! that seems to be the main way that ppl find partners on here? i have a few rp blogs that follow me, and ive glanced curiously thru to see that they tend to just be writing scenes w other indie rpers by reblogging from each other and adding on
ive seen a lot of rp groups and games in the different rp and rp advertisement tags, but these tend to be more oc focused, and tbh ive joined a couple and its hard to get that many ppl to commit to writing long term, so they tend to peter out quickly. if youre looking to write voltron characters, specifically, sometimes i see discords floating around, but ive only ever joined one, and it was a voltron rp group that was p much dead and died off not long after
i usually write offsite, there are assorted forums i used to check every once in a while, but again forums tend to be more oc focused. most forums have a one on one section where ppl post adverts saying what sort of things they want to write, though, and ppl express their fandom/shipping preferences there! unfortunately thats all i know afojewafjw idr know what the forum scene is like these days
i know that ppl use instant anonymous/chat based sites, but idk much about them, either. theres gen chat sites w rp communities, some actual rp sites, and a homestuck one, but theres more than hs on there now, so it might be worth a look! these chats tend to be v short form and filled w people looking to cyber, so go w caution if u dont want that, and check that ur partner is 18+ if u do want that, but it can be hard to find anon partners looking for ur same fandom, from what i hear. unless its the hs site and ur looking for hs
for the most part, rping online is a lot of hunting and pecking around for partners w varying degrees of success, its rly just a patience game, and learning where and how to advertise urself, but it seems like i can never rly find any rp hot spots these days. forums have always been slow-moving, and are increasingly less popular w platforms like tumblr around, but its hard to find the rp communities here
i get occasional asks abt rps, and i rly think that there should just be a tag or something like #vldrp so we can all tag and find each other!! maybe a blog or a discord? idk anything about running these things, but maybe ill look into it someday. it seems like there rly are a LOT of ppl that want to rp, but everyone is spread out w no idea of where to look!!
i hope any of that was helpful anon apfjewaepweif 
i know its not much to go off of, but finding a good rp online rly can be like finding a needle in a haystack. on tumblr especially things can seem a little cliquey, but from what i can tell everyone is starving for rp partners so new writers would be more than welcome!
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userdjarin · 3 years ago
Hello love! I saw you rb a post about "THE MANDAWHORIANS discord server" & I hope you don't mind me asking, what is that? What's discord/discord server & how does it work? What kind of stuff do you do there? I'm so sorry my questions are so dumb ㅠㅠ Thank you love <3
omg anon don’t worry at all! i’ve been using discord for years and i still don’t fully get it skdhshd discord is like a messaging app! so u can text, share media, voice call, and video call! a server would essentially be a group chat then, so joining a server means you’re joining a group chat! u can dm individuals or have smaller group chats in discord too, it’s not only for joining servers. servers can be huge (ie. a lot of ppl in it) so servers usually have channels, and all that is are chatrooms within that group chat dedicated to talking about certain topics! for example, within the mandawhorians server, we have separate channels for ppl to update news and pics of mando content, share pictures of their pets, share the content they made, a channel if ppl need to vent, etc. in general, the mandawhorians server was created for fans of pedro pascal and the mandalorian :))
discord has some other features that separates it from other messaging apps that i’m honestly still clueless about LOL but servers can have their own custom emojis which is cute, there is a bot to let everyone in the server know when it’s someone’s birthday or to let u know how much you’ve participated in the server, and there’s more if u subscribe to its membership!
i hope that makes sense love! lmk if you have any other questions and let one of the admins of the server (laurie and marissa who are linked on that announcement post) know if you’re interested in joining!
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clyeds · 8 years ago
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look you guys i love groupchats an for the billionth time and here is ANOTHER groupchat sponsored by yours truly to talk about this shitty anime that i hate sm
cool perks
nice and cool ppl to talk about these shitty boys with??
a lot of new mutuals to reblog your shit like selfies or art or shitposts
a cute lil group of badasses to fight off any one talkin’ shit
just talk about osomatsu san for as long as u want with no fuckin repercussions!!!
some rules
reblog this post ( get it around to as many people as you can so everyone who wants to join can see this shit )
be okay with using Discord as the platform for this groupchat!
!!THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!! Please do not post about B//Lma//tsu in this chat as it is a touchy subject for this fandom in general and I do not want any fights! Keep everything related to it in the DMs
fill out THIS form ( i promise its short i just need a lil info! )
increase your chances
literally just talk to me since i’m the one starting this up my dudes!! if i get to know you before hand the outcome should be good !
i promise i’m p nice so don’t worry too much about that especially if you have questions regarding ANYTHING
tag us in funny things and just be a generally ok person!!
just as a quick warning IF too many people apply then we will have to choose around 10 (maybe more maybe) BUT I HOPE YOU ALL APPLY ANYWAYS! we will pick people on April 25th 2017 or we will pick when we get enough apps for us to close it up. thanks again for your interest and hope to chill w you all soon!
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8stripe · 2 years ago
introducing - our tonsi flag ( len sitelen pi kulupu tonsi ! ) 'tonsi' is a toki pona word that, roughly, means "a gender experience not fully described by 'mije' [man] or 'meli' [woman]." context + design explanation under the cut 🌈❤️
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🗣❗️ : toki pona is a minimalist conlang, which this post assumes very basic knowledge of. if youd like, u can read the wikipedia page (linked above), or this article from the atlantic, "Toki Pona: A Language With a Hundred Words."
some background on the creation of 'tonsi' - toki pona started development around 2001, and was 1st published in 2014, with 120 "canon" words - including the 2 gender words, meli & mije. however , toki pona is a living language, + words come about as the community needs them - the community came together to create 'tonsi' in a grassroots effort c. 2019 to fill a lexical gap that existed for describing ppl who fell outside the meli-mije duality.
etomologically, the word is from mandarin 同志 'tóngzhì' (meaning "comrade", & commonly used to mean gay / LGBTQ - though "tonsi" itself is generally agreed refer to gender.) some people use it exclusively to mean "nonbinary / genderqueer" , but expanded usage to also include all trans & gnc people (who choose to identify as tonsi) is very common, + is a definition i endorse ( & created the flag in mind with ! ) the word was officialized as an essential word in 2021 w./ the release of the toki pona dictionary
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the sitelen pona ( logographic / hieroglyph writing system ) glyph for 'tonsi'
as for the design & symbolism of the flag - the central blue symbol represents the sitelen pona glyph for tonsi (shown above), in the blue of the toki pona logo - the 3 segments (colored pink, green, and purple) were roughly inspired by colors on the trans, gq, & nonbinary flags - as a whole, the flag symbolizes the way the tonsi community unites people of all different gender experiences & primary-language terms.
toki pona philosophy is all about capturing universal concepts in a way that allows for clear and simple communication, and gender variance is absolutely a universal concept. tonsi is a beautiful + necessary word, & with this flag, i wanted 2 focus not on granular inclusions of which groups fall under tonsi , but rather the unity the term presents, and how it allows us to unite by what we have in common , rather than pick over the terminology we choose.
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a version of the tonsi flag made in a 16:9 aspect ratio 4 convenience
to my knowledge, no one else has made an effort 2 create a dedicated tonsi flag, but reception to having one has been positive thru the toki pona speakers ive shown the design - much thnx to the people on discord who gave their thoughts, as well as @epikulupu for consulting - sina ale li epiku mute a ❤️ ( ill also be posting a lili version of this post on r/tokipona soon + will add a link when i do 🌈 )
im passionate about toki pona + its community, + am an advanced speaker myself - if you have questions / comments , dm me, send an ask, or leave a reply - id always love 2 chat in/about toki pona 😁 if u.r interested in learning, i reccomend using this free course (lipu sona pona) & joining the discord , ma pona pi toki pona. as always, my flags are free to use, w./ credit appreciated but not required - stay pona ❤️
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