30 posts
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( hcwlinwclff‌ )
@lcgendcfzvlda; zelda.
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“ zelda !! “ her name was practically hollered compared to the early evening silence which had stretched out across hollingworth’s grounds. at her sight, bael had immediately grabbed his bag, giving no care to the guys he left behind as he jogged the few metres to catch up with her. his smile was dripping with an unusual sweetness, eyes glinting not with a spark of mischief but genuine gladness to see her — which could’ve been a scary unfamiliar sight on him, if it was not for the admittedly mainly selfish reasoning. “ what are you doing tonight? i have an offer for you !! — when’s the last time you played guitar? “
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      ❝ Oh , FUCK - ❞ She was admittedly caught off guard by the sudden exclamation of her name , nearly tripping as she struggled to take out the music-blaring HELLO KITTY earbuds out and look in the direction of the voice. She was evidently hungover ; one could only expect such , given this was never a rarity. But his smile was infectious , and a startled visage turned to one more cheery , slowing down as she slipped her phone and earbuds into her purse. ❝ An offer I can’t refuse ?? Well , I practiced a few nights ago - please go on if that answer suffices. ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
an excited text.
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
“Why did you throw your phone in the bush?”
sex education starters.
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         ❝ Oh. You SAW that ?? ❞ Zelda comments - but where one might be embarrassed , instead , she’s pointing at Felicity and smiling widely. ❝ That’s not mine. Some dude came up to me asking me to put my number in it while he grabbed a drink SO - what we’re gonna do is carefully step away from that bush quickly n’ pray we can skidaddle before he comes back. Sound good ?? Good. ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
a random text.
[ to : fel ] sb left a bottle of unopened cherry wine at gamma’s doorstep n in the spirit of sisterhood i wld like to know if u want some :^)[ to : fel ] it looks GUD
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
✿ ⁇
a suggestive text.
[ to : jrmy ] so like. last night ?? lit.[ to : jrmy ] n just sayin if we did that a lot i wouldn’t mind[ to : jrmy ] peach emoji. eggplant emoji. winky face emoji and sweat emoji 2 top it off. chef’s kiss. mwah.
a drunk text.
[ to : jrmy ] hey if u find jermeeyee psls tell him that id d rly appreciate if he cld answer my calls rn[ to : jrmy ] wiat. i havent called him yet.[ to : jrmy ] can u call him f rme hahahahhahaha
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( jack-eaton‌ )
Jack’s fingers drummed idly on the nearest available surface, absently trying to work out the tricky 7/4 time signature that had been plaguing him for weeks. “Y’know, I accidentally started a dumpster fire once when I was 14,” he mused aloud, the fire at Lamba House being all anyone could talk about on campus today. “My mom ended up dating one of the firemen for two years, so she really couldn’t even be mad at me. He was kind of a dick though. I was glad when she got rid of him…” 
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      ❝ Somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ somethin’ - Eaton started the fire !! It was always burning since the world's been turning !! ❞ Zelda felt the impulse to sing , sitting back and allowing herself to chuckle at her own joke. ❝ But for real - your mom dated one of the firemen ?? Holy shit. Sucks he turned out to be a DICK though - hopefully y’didn’t get in a lot of trouble for it ?? ❞  
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( emmettpk‌ )
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quickly glancing at the ground to be sure there wasn’t sticky beer or something (this was a new suit after all), emmett settled himself down right next to zelda. “ okay, i’m game, ” trusting her to a certain degree, he handed over a glass, a glint in his eye, earnestly looking forward to whatever concoction the gamma pres was gonna come up with - if he’d learned anything about her, it was that zelda king was a creative genius, even if he didn’t totally understand what she made. “ i can’t imagine a more experienced bartender than you, zel. this must be, what, your thousandth party? ” 
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         ❝ DARE I SAY  . . . millionth , maybe. ❞ The blonde quipped , already taking the glass and the solutions to make another. Her eyes would dart between both the glass and Emmet’s face , brown hues reflecting the dim lighting. The GENIUS decision to use the butt of the bottle to act as a cap as she shook surprisingly wasn’t a failure , and soon she had the drink prepared , grinning like the Cheshire cat. ❝ I’ll call this one . . . a Z-SPECIAL. Y’wanna be the first to try it , or should I ?? ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( jvrvmys‌ )
he bows, courteously, glad to still have his TITLE. “ your tattoo would be a LIE, though. KAPPA TAU GAMMA has the superior party status. ask ANYBODY.” jeremy defends. he looks over, eyes going to her ass before pulling them up to where she’s pointing. “ that’s your back. which i guess.. IS above your ass.” he mumbles it slightly, swaying on the spot and taking another swig from his own can of beer. as she leans up, then leans back down to pick up a drink, jeremy’s hand goes out, reflexively, to help steady her, just in case, especially as the alcohol SPILLS into the grass. he’s suddenly a lot closer to her, and takes a moment to make his eyes focus onto her, before he’s grinning and releasing her. “see WHAT?” he goes along with it, before offering his own beer to her. “we can share.” he grins even wider at her compliment. “thanks. does that make you my PRINCESS? QUEEN?…  court JESTER?”
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          ❝ You wanna SHARE ?? ❞ She asks , placing her hands along her cheeks and letting out a small squeal , removing them only to grin widely even more so.  A small sigh of contentment as she sways slightly back and forth , a pensive expression on her features. ❝ Mmmmm . . . what about EMPRESS ?? Can I be an empress ?? ❞ Because princess , queen , court jester - none seemed to tickle her fancy. She doesn’t even note how close they are , Zelda’s lax personality only increasing tenfold when there’s alcohol in her system - or , the opposite , depending on the kind of night she’s having. Gamma’s parties don’t go on without some wild activity from their president - and sometimes , that’s carried over into other houses’ parties , as well. ❝ EMPRESS Zelda. Has a nice ring  to it , don’tcha think ?? ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( jvrvmys‌ )
“I’M SIR?” jeremy’s entire face lit up at this news. he immediately was jumping onto his feet. “SIR WASHINGTON!! KNIGHT OF… knight of...” his brain went blank, too drunk to think of anything else. “KNIGHT OF BEING AWESOME.” people cheered, all as drunk and him and zelda were. “wait, that was a JOKE? so you don’t think i’m sir? knight? zelda… that’s.. very mean.” he hiccuped, drunkenly. he pretended to scoff, “GAMMA? nobody even holds a light to KAPPA, and you know it.” he balks slightly, at the mention of zelda’s ass. his cheeks go pink, because he SHOULDN’T think about that part of her admittedly very beautiful self. “uhhhhh…” he says it for so long that he forgets to breathe. he inhales deeply. “what was the question again?”
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           ❝ SIR - because you know , you are still sir , ❞ she began , steadying herself and placing her hands along her hips ,  ❝ the question would be . . . should I get a TATTOO f’ my frat  -no , my uh - my srat - that proclaims our superior party status above m’ass ?? Y’know , like , ❞ a manicured finger motioned to the small of her back , way higher than one would assume ,  ❝ right about THAT area ?? ❞ And then she propped herself back up on a table - like a heathen who didn’t acknowledge the existence of chairs , kicking her legs and reaching for an open beer along is. ❝ Is that mine ?? I - oh shit. ❞ And kerplunk. Spilled right over the edge , the frothy fluid dripping from the nozzle and onto the grass. A nervous chuckle of an “ oh ho ” as her eyes trailed to Jeremy. ❝ You - You didn’t see that , sir. . . . You’re a pretty cool knight , now that I think about it. ❞   
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( @tophespinoza )
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        ❝ Whew. ❞ An exhausted Zelda finds herself collapsing on the couch next to the other , using her eyes to peer around before she stretches , reclines , and dedicates herself to not moving for the next twenty minutes or so. ❝ It’s been a long night already. Hey - can y’tell me what the time is ?? ❞ She asks , but before there’s even an answer there’s a furrow of her brow , and she’s ALREADY switching topics. ❝ Is that . . . Oh , would ya look a’ that. Lost a SHOE. Who would’ve thought ?? ❞   
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( @jvrvmys )
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           ❝ SIR !! Sir , sir , sir , for a DOLLAR , ❞ she’s using an empty beer bottle as a microphone , holding it upside down by its nozzle and pointing the end of it near Jeremy’s face ,  ❝ who do you think is . . . who do you think is . . . ❞ She pauses , staring at the ground and then back at he beside her. ❝ I forgot my joke. Oh my god. ❞ A delayed fit of giggling as she sets down the bottle , crossing her arms and popping her eyebrows as she tilts her head.  ❝ Y’havin’ fun ?? I am - but for the record , Gamma ?? Can throw WAAAAAAY more badass shindigs than this one. Thinkin’ about askin’ my personal tat artist to design a “Gamma: Number One Party Srat” design to put right above my ass. Whatcha think ?? Good idea or great idea ?? ❞     
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( @shilohstrxfe​ )
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          ❝ PLEASE DON’T GO , PLEASE DON’T GOOOO , I LOVE YOU SO , I LOVE YOU SOOOO , PLEASE BREAK MY HEAAAART - ❞ Her voice is loud , especially amidst the other noises going along in the party. But judging by the way she dances , nearly flailing around and screaming out Breezeblocks louder than anyone else could possibly dream to , she’s enjoying herself. She takes a breath - turning around and surveying the area before accidental eye contact with one amongst the hundreds of faces causes her to start up conversation - just for kicks. ❝ You , um , ❞ she can’t remember his name ; all she knows is he’s from Kappa Tau and that’s it , ❝ PEACHY ,❞ that’ll have to work , ❝ y’listen to ALT-J ?? You look like the type to listen to Alt-J. ❞    
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( @remingtonvaldez )
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            ❝ Oh my god , THIS is gonna be a trainwreck. ❞ Zelda comments - surveying a scene of a cluster of Kappa Tau & Lambda Sig fratboys encouraging another to attempt a one-handed keg stand. She nearly chokes on her drink witnessing that plan go HORRIDLY wrong within seconds , a painful collapse of the few earning some groans and moans that Zelda can’t help but simultaneously wince & chuckle at. ❝ Ooooh , yeah. That’s gotta hurt. You’re smart enough to not try that , right ?? ❞  
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
incoming message -
FINN: i lost me phone : (
FINN: cant find it anywere
FINN: so lost : (
ZELDA: i read that in mr. krabs' voice
ZELDA: dude where do u think u left ur phone???? 🤔
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
* &. ( @wildensteins )
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      She spots him and immediately feels the need to approach him , skipping forward and nearly tripping over herself - ALMOST knocking right into Nic. Fun. ❝ WHOAAAA there. ❞ She says , a hand moving to clutch onto his shoulder to pull herself up. Blonde hair flicks back as she stands up straight , in the middle of a peel of laughter before taking a deep breath. ❝ Duuuuuuuuude. ❞ Her words are slightly slurred , obviously either she’s drinking , or she’s having a little too much fun. ❝ This party is SICK. You guys did a good job ?? Want some Sangria ?? ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( emmettpk‌ )
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emmett loved a good party - almost as much as he loved champagne. beer wasn’t his thing - it tasted awful, smelled like hay, it’s what they drank at car races…champagne, on the other hand, was the epitome of everything he wanted to be: classic, effervescent, rich. so of course, he always brought a bottle with him to parties. “ can i get you a glass? ” he offered to the person beside him. 
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          ❝ I’m actually quite Gucci in terms of drinks , but thank y’kindly for the offer , hun !! ❞ Zelda quipped , perched on the ground and chugging from the bottle in her hand. She’d forgotten if this was her second or third bottle about halfway through ; as per usual , especially at parties such as THESE. ❝ OR - OR maybe you could gimme a glass and I could try and form some sweetass cocktail with what I’ve got here ?? Might be fun. We could BOTH try it. ❞
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lcgendcfzvlda · 6 years ago
( bwaldroop‌ )
“do you have fucking rabies?” it comes out bit harsher than intended. babs lowers the needle, a clearly unimpressed look painting her face. she’s pretty high, surprisingly concentrated and ready to get down to business. only if the other could stay still for a second. she reaches for her cup of green tea, takes a quick sip and puts the mug aside, eyes moving back to the person. “this is not gonna work if you don’t stop twitching.” 
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          ❝ WELL , y’really wanna go around accusing someone of having somethin’ like that ?? ❞ Babs’ statement had unknowingly opened up a whirlwind of possible responses Zelda could shoot back - of course , she would go for the first that popped into her head , but there were many. ❝ Saw some people actually are wanting rabies or something ?? I dunno. It’s WEIRD. Gotta love the Internet - but believe it or not I’m actually not that well-versed on stick n’ pokes so ‘scuse me if I get a little twitchy. My EX is a tattoo artist who did all the ink I have now ; and that was like , with a regular ol’ tattoo gun. ❞   
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