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karatevideoguy · 1 year ago
2024 US Open Breaking Invite ISKA Directors & Affiliates, please accept our invitations to help bring the best competitive martial arts breakers to the 2024 ISKA US Open World Championships in Orlando Florida. We need your help! #usopenkarate #USBA #WBA #USBAWBA #breaking #ISKA #karate #martialarts #creativebreaking #powerbreaking
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gawankeundco · 1 year ago
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powerbreak interview fun with parksy + malla, 03.10.2023
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djchorlocontrolection · 24 days ago
TheDjChorlo Breaktor - PowerBreaks (Megamix) 2025
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maestrocarlo · 5 years ago
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Andrea 👊💪❤️🔝 #Taekwondo #ArteMarziale #Napoli #Vomero #Arenella #TaekwondoNapoli #ArteMarzialeNapoli #Sport #Allenamento #Trainnig #Agonismo #Sparring #Combattimento #Pattern #Divertimento #RagazziNapoli #AdultiNapoli #SportNapoli #Tkd #PowerBreaking #SpecialTecniques #MaestroCarloStanco #MaestroCarlo #Tkdcarlo https://www.tkdcarlo.it https://www.carlostanco.it https://www.instagram.com/p/B6kOm8cIM8T/?igshid=1l9fa7u8i5k9z
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redstuff-amps · 4 years ago
The 'QUARTERSUCKER' attenuator ! Small enough to fit in most combo amps open back . Available for 4•8•16 Ohms reduzes power to 1/4 !••••••••Redstuff Amplification does guitar tubeamps, HiFi tubeamps, studio equipment, pedals and much more...... go to www.redstuff-amps.de https://www.youtube.com/c/RedstuffAmplification or https://www.facebook.com/RedstuffAmplification/ #redstuffamps.de #∅DIИ #pedalboard #tubeamp #@pedalboardarchive #guitar #guitarist #pentode #auerswaldinstruments #tubeequipment #tubepreamp #studioequipment #guitarrack #recordingstudio #vintage #shredding #valve #attenuator #attenuators #powersoak #powerbreak https://www.instagram.com/p/CNrVlZbq0BF/?igshid=k53t8t0ndb4t
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roadrunnerguitars · 5 years ago
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#customamps #handmadeamplifier #handwiredamp #lowwattageamp #europeanguitarbuilders #telecaster #esquire #compactmodel #powerbreak #practiceamp #tedweber #alnicospeaker ...ok i can t wait the faceplates and happy to present our new practice amp named "compact" (because it is ...😉),5 watts ,volume/tone , medium booster , impedence speaker selector , weber alnico speaker , powerbreak and headphone jack ...a great companion to rock your bedroom... (à Roadrunner Guitars) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CGMYpituW/?igshid=ec5iku80xh45
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zeldamaniac44 · 6 years ago
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sugar-free-byproducts · 7 years ago
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Drawn with a mouse. So, I was trying to get myself to write by telling myself I’d read a chapter of a fanfic every time i finished a paragraph...mmmmmm no it doesn’t work, don’t do it
Bonus, because I don’t quite feel like writing again yet:
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magdaclaire · 2 years ago
rowena is so sexy in general but when she powerbreaks herself in 13x12, i just. good googly moogly i love women with magical powers
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karatevideoguy · 6 months ago
Can they break them all? 2013 U S Open ISKA World Breaking Championships #shorts  #shortsvideo
This was videotaped by myself and my company Black and Blue Productions.
#breaking #USBA #WBA #smashingstuff #powerbreaking #breakingconcrete #breakingwood #usopenkarate #ISKA
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sizzymontgomery · 4 years ago
The people who say that Sharon will be a villain or the powerbreaker based on "she acts suspicious" and "she insists a lot on getting a pardon before going back to the US"
uh yeah? It will be because she don't trust the state? literally all the Marvel movies (or at least most of them) show us their incompetence and that it is the heroes and agents who have to take the situation into their hands and solve the problems that they cannot (and i'm not even talking about super villains or alien invasion).
And then when all is settled they use those same heroes and agents as scapegoats, wouldn't you be reluctant to trust them too?
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maestrocarlo · 5 years ago
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Destinazione Cacina 2019 on the road #Taekwondo #ArteMarziale #Napoli #Vomero #Arenella #TaekwondoNapoli #ArteMarzialeNapoli #Sport #Allenamento #Trainnig #Agonismo #Sparring #Combattimento #Pattern #Divertimento #RagazziNapoli #AdultiNapoli #SportNapoli #Tkd #PowerBreaking #SpecialTecniques #MaestroCarloStanco #MaestroCarlo #Tkdcarlo https://www.tkdcarlo.it https://www.carlostanco.it https://www.instagram.com/p/B6STxxeI8Eh/?igshid=68iak6gy9yun
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redstuff-amps · 3 years ago
VARISUCKER - ONE/TENTHSUCKER - QUARTERSUCKER - 50 Watts - 100 Watts , with and without Loadbox !!! Attenuate your amp with the flick of a switch ! Redstuff Amplification does guitar tubeamps, HiFi tubeamps, studio equipment, pedals and much more...... go to www.redstuff-amps.de https://www.youtube.com/c/RedstuffAmplification or https://www.facebook.com/RedstuffAmplification/ #redstuffamps.de #∅DIИ #pedalboard #tubeamp #@pedalboardarchive #pedalboardorg #guitarist #pentode #auerswaldinstruments #tubeequipment #tubepreamp #studioequipment #guitarrack #recordingstudio #vintage #shredding #valve #thermonicvalve #metal #powersoak #powerbreak #attenuator #varisucker https://www.instagram.com/p/CXmAVxuMZUV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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julsinglee · 4 years ago
Neverending story - Hyunjin x Reader (female)
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Hey everyone^^ So I've been writing for a while now mostly for myself to cope with reality and I only showed them to my closest friends but I decided to post this now and introduce myself to you guys^^ I wrote this a while ago and I needed to change some details but I hope someone will enjoy it, there is a whole bunch of fluff in it😊 So enjoy🥰❤ And please keep in mind that it's the first scenario I ever post and english is not my first language. Thank you for reading this💞
You knocked down your alarm and excitedly checked your phone, it was your birthday after all. You already had a message from Hyunjin.
Hyunjinnie: Happy birthday Princess, I love you❤
You were really happy to wake up to this, but also kinda dissapointed, you expected a bit more. He's your first boyfriend, you're not sure how should this work, so you didn't want to make a big deal because of it. You wrote back a "Thank you, I love you too very much" and then went to the bathroom. When you got back to your bedroom you heard your phone ringing. "My lil bro is calling" was showing on the screen so you picked it up with a smile on your face.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!! - he literally screamed into the phone.
- Thank you Jeonginnieeee! I'm so happy to hear your voice..
- Same here.. Hey so would you like to hang out in the afternoon? I haven't seen you in a while now, I miss my big sis.
- Aww I really miss you too. And I'll have work til 2pm but after that I'm free so sure.
- Really? I mean I don't want to ruin Hyunjin hyung's plans for your birthday..
- I'm not even sure he has any plans.. But you know what? I'll meet him at work and talk to him, I'm sure he's gonna understand it.
- Oh okay. I'll meet you at the caffé then when your shift ends.
- Sounds good. I have to leave for classes now so bye!
When you arrived at school your best friend was waiting there for you with a cute balloon and a present bag.
- Happy birthday child!
-Oh my god y/bff/n, you shouldn't have to...
- I wanted to and you deserve it - she/he gave you the bag and you checked what's inside. It was a journal with a lock and a key, and she/he wrote some sweet messages at the first page.
- Ahhh I love this so much, I love you thank you - you hugged her/him and then you headed to class. On the way to the classroom you started chatting.
- So.. what's your man planning? It must be something great..
- I don't know y/bff/n... Probably nothing.. I haven't even talked to him today.
- Wait what? If he forgot about your birthday I swear I...
- He didn't. I got a message from him. But that's it. - you handed her/him your phone to show her/him the texts.
After your classes you said goodbye to your best friend and thanked her/him the present one more time then headed to the café. You loved that place so much. Being a barista already had a nice vibe to it, but there was also a piano there, and the guys (skz) were hanging out there a lot, playing songs they've been working on, singing with you. But today you went there with a heavy feeling in your chest. You were afraid that Hyunjin really doesn't care about you and your birthday, he might even got bored of you and wants to break up, you were just really nervous. You walked in and there he was, standing behind the counter, talking to a costumer. He was just as beautiful as always, his sweet smile warmed up your heart. You sneaked up to him while he was talking to the costumer to surprise him.
- Hey - you poked his side.
- Omg y/n, you scared me! - he said but he didn't seem mad at all, he smiled, hugged you and kissed your forehead. - Hey!
- Sooo..
- Sooo?
- Is it okay for you if I hang out with Jeongin after work?
- Sure? Why wouldn't it be? Princess, Jeongin is your friend, it's not like you need my permission to hang out with him - everytime you hear him calling you Princess, your heart just melts, but now his words kinda hurted.
- I know but... I mean... Didn't you plan anything for today?
- Nothing special... Why?
- Just... you know what? It's not important... - you said and went into the changing room to change in your uniform and to hide the tears filling your eyes. After that you only talked a few words to him during the afternoon.
Jeongin arrived right at time and hugged you tightly.
- So what you wanna do? - you asked him.
- Uuu... I'm actually not sure. We can figure it out now. But you know I've just realised that I left your present at the practice room, could you walk me there first?
- Uhm, sure, I guess.
You talked about a lot of things on the way, all kind of things except Hyunjin. You avoided that topic and Jeongin seemed to realise it. When you arrived you realised that you've never actually seen their practice room. Your guys were spending most of their time there (since they're all majoring in music) and you haven't seen it yet. It was beautiful, like a rennesaince theatre or something. Jeongin made you sit in the first row and then went backstage saying he left his stuff there. While you were waiting for him the lights suddenly went out. You thought it was a powerbreak but then a video started playing right in front of your eyes. The first shot was your best friend, Bang Chan, Minho and Changbin saying "Hey y/n, happy birthday", the second was Felix, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin doing the same, and after that Hyunjin alone saying "Hey Princess, I love you the most in the whole world, happy birthday". Tears started streaming down your face, you were crying like never before and you couldn't stop thinking about how you have the best chosen family in the whole world. In the video the shots were changing between these 3 and they all were saying things they love about you. You didn't know you mean this much to them, you hoped so, but you never actually thought it can be true. After the video ended you expected them to show up, swipe away your tears and give you the chance to hug each of them and tell them how damn much you love them. But the lights went out again. Music started playing and you recognized it by the very first note. It was a song the guys wrote, one of your very favourite songs called Neverending story. As their parts came on the guys were showing up on the stage and they were all smiling at you and singing to you. You started crying more and more, you honestly thought that this is the happiest day you've ever had. When Hyunjin finished his last part in the song he jumped off of the stage and ran up to you. He hugged you and you hugged him back, holding him really tight.
- I thought you don't care about me anymore - you were sobbing into his shoulders.
- I'm so sorry.. How could I not, I love you way too much, Princess. You're the best thing ever happened to me.
- I love you very very much, I don't want to ever lose you.
- You won't I swear - you listened to the rest of the song resting your head on Hyunjin's shoulders, still sobbing. After the boys' performance your best friend came out from behind the curtains too with a huge cake.
- Blow the candles and make a wish bub - she/he said to you with a wide smile.
- I don't have to wish. I have everything I could possibly want.
So that was it, I hope you liked it^^ don't forget to leave a comment, I'm really grateful for honest opinions^^ and If anyone wanna request, I'd gladly do that too with honestly any idol or fictional character as log as I know them hehe^^ Thank you for reading❤❤
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inky-duchess · 4 years ago
I feel like it's important to mention that Jae is extremely good at pickpocketing someone w/o being caught, this habit actually started because her ex and former best friends (if she tried to leave a party way too early for their liking) would slip her car keys out of her purse while she was distracted. The gig was up when she saw her favorite amethyst bunny keychain sticking out of the purse of one of her friends, before "accidentally" bumping into the girl in question, causing her to stumble and taking advantage of the confusion she caused to swipe her car keys back while the other girl tries to catch her balance. Shortly after that, she lies about needing to go to the ladies room around the same time as some random dude that her ex knows is leaving to go home, goes to where the powerbreaker is and she "accidentally" trips the one for the room where the party is being held. While the others are panicking (they wouldn't survive a horror movie), she takes advantage of the commotion in order to get the fuck out of dodge. To this very day, they still believe that the guy who was leaving (seeing as Jae was allegedly "in the bathroom") decided to play a prank on them before he left seeing as he's known for being the prankster type.
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imagines-all-day-everyday · 4 years ago
Sharon is not the powerbroker, because when zemo brought him up, Bucky was like ”Powerbreaker, Really?” Which means he had met them as winter soldier, before Sharon even got to madripoor
oh wait really!? I must have missed that... oh shit better go rewatch all the eps again for ‘research’ ;)
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