non-amarmi · 1 year
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gennarocapodanno · 1 day
Napoli,piazza degli Artisti: ridotta la carreggiata con barriere Jersey. Riapritela subito alla viabilità veicolare
Chiesto il ripristino del dispositivo di traffico antecedente alle festività natalizie!  Napoli, piazza degli Artisti Come se non bastassero i disastri conseguenti alla pedonalizzazione parziale di piazza degli Artisti, con l’impossibilità degli autoveicoli di potersi immettere su via San Gennaro ad Antignano. il solone di turno ha deciso di restringere ulteriormente la carreggiata acon…
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thegracioustm · 6 months
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. royal edits .   * 15/??
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goingplacesfarandnear · 3 months
Summer in the City: Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governors Island is Escape Back to Roaring ‘20s
Ann Votaw shows why she was the winner of the Charleston dance contest at the Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governors Island, hosted by Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra © Karen Rubin/goingplacesfarandnear.com By Karen Rubin, Travel Features Syndicate, goingplacesfarandnear.com Hop the ferry and within 10 minutes, you are transported in time and place. It’s the Gatsby era,with 1920s…
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napuleh · 8 months
Vincenzo Maria woke up this morning before his daughter, snuck onto the balcony for a cigarette (because it was a beautiful morning and he wanted one), and remembered fondly how he was going to name his child Cloud because it was trendy. 👀
Nefele woke up today and decided she should bite him on the hand. Because she’s a silly four-turning-five year old (in September) and because he tried to comb her hair before she ate and not during. 😽
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pwlanier · 6 months
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Consalvo Carelli
(Arenella 1818–1900 Naples)
Scene in Naples, with Vesuvius in the Background, signed, dated
Con. Carelli 1854 Rome fecit, oil on canvas
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colonellickburger · 1 year
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Letizia Battaglia. On the Arenella beach the party is over, Palermo, Italy 1986
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bb-rr · 2 months
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Roy Arenella
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forfamily · 1 year
Given the size of Bianca's turf, I realized she'd need more than three capos to run it all, so I revamped a lot of things. Now, I may not ever write a number of them, but I do like to have the info on hand as it adds more depth. And I'm always a slut for deeper lore. Please remember that this is just how I visualize Bibi's turf/gang/whathaveyou and her rivals. I will not force this on others, especially those who are part of Passione and whom I interact with.
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The city has ancient churches, narrow artistic streets, imposing palaces, and unique underground landscapes, many of which are situated within Zeppeli's turf. Naples is broken down into thirty quarters which are then grouped together into ten governmental community boards for administrative purposes. Zeppeli controls four of these administrative areas, for a total of nine quarters; these are marked in red above. Thus Zeppeli has eight capos, one assigned to each quarter with their share of soldiers. Now, you might be asking, Nana, you said there are nine quarters, so why only eight capos? Posillipo is watched over by Zeppeli's Underboss, Dante, himself.
1st municipality of Naples Posillipo An affluent residential quarter, located along the northern coast of the Gulf of Naples. Rocky, it is 6km (just over 3 miles) long and surrounded by cliffs with a few coves with breakwaters at the western end of the Bay of Naples. The stronghold of Zeppeli, palazzo Beatrice, is located here on the cliffs and is one of the safest properties within Napoli. Unless a certain spicy vampire is present in a particular verse. Chiaia An affluent neighborhood on the seafront, bound by Piazza Vittoria on the east and Mergellina on the west; one the wealthiest districts in Naples, with many luxury branded shops on its main street. It's also home to a business school, medical school, and a number of other public schools. A landmark is the large public park known as the Villa Comunale, developed in the late 16th and 17th centuries. San Ferdinando A southern district that includes the Royal Palace, Piazza del Plebiscito- the most celebrated square in Naples, the San Carlo opera house, and the church of San Ferdinando, from which the district is named.
5th municipality of Naples Arenella Sitting on Vomero Hill, above the city, and near the main hospital section, many years ago it was considered a place to "get away from it all". Vomero Up on a hilltop accessed by funicular, upscale, leafy, and dotted with gelaterias, alfresco cafes, and refined Italian restaurants; both chain and department stores cluster around Piazza Vanvitelli.
9th municipality of Naples Pianura Bound on one side by Soccavo and the other by the town of Pozzuoli, it's a lively residential area with archaeological sites like Roman mausoleums, and a Roman villa. Pizzaerias, dessert shops, and bars are in the historic center, where the 13th-century Church of San Giorgio stands in the main square. Bargain hunters often hit up the Mercatopoli Napoli Pianura thrift market. Soccavo A western quarter, bounded on one side by the area of Fuorigrotta and the other by the Camaldoli hill; at the base of the hill is a historic quarry, which gives its name to the area. While it's technically a division of Pozzuoli and not Naples, it was included within the administrative limits of Naples when it started being developed as a residential neighborhood in the 1920s.
10th municipality of Naples Bagnoli Beyond the confines of the original city, it's beyond Cape Posillipo, thus looking over the coast of the Bay of Pozzuoli. The North Warf is the longest promenade in Europe, while Città della Scienza is an interactive science museum for adults and children. Between the Astroni Reserve, which sits an extinct volcano, and the archaeological Terme area, there is Ippodromo di Agnano, the biggest racecourse in Italy and one of the oldest in Europe. Fuorigrotta Beyond Posillipo Hill, it is the most populated suburb of Naples, housing the San Paolo Stadium. There is a Roman bath, the Vesuvian Observatory, the oldest volcanological observatory in the world, and the Naples Zoo.
Within these quarters is Zeppeli's legitimate businesses: Restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, laundrettes, and nightclubs. Chiaia is the location of the five-star hotel, Beatrice; much like the palazzo was named for Bianca's grandmother, so too was Zeppeli's hotel chain, the first opening in Napoli back in the 50s. There is a Hotel Beatrice in New York, London, Tokyo, and Singapore, by 2001.
Of course, among all the glistening glamor, there is also the seedy underbelly of Zeppeli. Gambling dens, fight clubs, and whorehouses. But we'll get more into that later.
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telodogratis · 4 days
#NewsPA - Avanzo di amministrazione, approvato stanziamento per realizzare area a parcheggio in area confiscata nel quartiere Arenella - Dichiarazione consigliere Puma
«Con l’approvazione della delibera relativa all’impiego dell’avanzo di amministrazione si stanzia una mole imponente di risorse su una molteplicità di opere strategiche per la città…  ​Read More «Con l’approvazione della delibera relativa all’impiego dell’avanzo di amministrazione si stanzia una mole imponente di risorse su una molteplicità di opere strategiche per la città…   Feed RSS – Comune…
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gennarocapodanno · 3 days
Napoli, piazza degli Artisti: dopo il periodo feriale, ritornano traffico e smog. Bisogna ripristinare il precedente dispositivo di traffico!
A risentirne anche le attività commerciali della zona che hanno subito forti cali degli incassi Piazza degli Artisti ” Al Vomero l’amministrazione comunale partenopea continua a procedere a tentoni in materia di viabilità, con provvedimenti, da sperimentare sulla pelle dei cittadini, che invece di risolvere però intasano ancora di più il traffico già caotico. L’ultimo di questi provvedimenti…
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Napoli Vomero e Arenella, controlli durante la movida: arrestato 48enne per spaccio
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Napoli Vomero e Arenella, controlli durante la movida: arrestato 48enne per spaccio. La notte di Venerdì, nei quartieri Vomero e Arenella, i carabinieri della locale compagnia insieme ai militari del reggimento Campania hanno effettuato un servizio a largo raggio tra le strade della movida partenopea. Sono 75 le persone identificate e di questi 32 erano minorenni, 17 i veicoli controllati. A finire in manette per spaccio Salvatore De Lucia*, 48enne napoletano già noto alle forze dell'ordine. I carabinieri hanno bloccato l'uomo in piazza Muzii mentre cedeva una dose di cocaina in cambio di denaro a un giovane cliente. Un 16enne è stato segnalato alla Prefettura perché trovato in possesso di modiche quantità di droga. A fare compagnia al ragazzo 2 maggiorenni, anche loro segnalati.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Gattino bruciato a Siracusa, polizia ha identificato autore
La polizia di Siracusa ha identificato l’uomo che, nei giorni scorsi, a bordo di uno scooter ha dato fuoco a un gattino in contrada Arenella. Le indagini sono state avviate, dopo la segnalazione di un cittadino, testimone del gesto, dalle Volanti della Questura che hanno ricostruito l’accaduto. L’autore è una persona anziana che per bruciare il gattino si sarebbe servito della benzina contenuta…
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ITALY: Building evacuated after sinkhole opens up on Naples street
A building had to be evacuated and firefighters called in when a sinkhole appeared on a Naples street this week. The hole, a piece of the street that crumbled away beside a kerb, was noticed on Thursday, October 5. Firefighters were called to Salita Arenella in Naples, and were tasked with securing the area. During the incident, a nearby building was evacuated as a precaution, firefighters said.…
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kritere · 1 year
Siracusa, violenta rapina in villa, proprietari imbavagliati e sequestrati: le immagini
DIRETTA TV 23 Agosto 2023 I rapinatori sono entrati nell’abitazione in zona Fanusa Arenella armati e con il volto coperto da passamontagna, aggredendo le persone presenti: uno dei figli del proprietario e la fidanzata. I fatti lo scorso gennaio, oggi l’arresto dei quattro banditi. 29 CONDIVISIONI Gli autori della violenta rapina in villa, avvenuta a Siracusa, nella zona Fanusa Arenella nel…
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bb-rr · 2 months
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Roy Arenella
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