worldtodai · 14 days
Yoga Boobs
How will breast reduction surgery make you feel? Liberated? Empowered? In the world of cosmetic surgery, trends come and go, but one particular procedure has seen remarkable growth in recent years—breast reduction surgery. Once overshadowed by procedures like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, breast reduction is now becoming one of the most sought-after elective surgeries. This shift reflects a…
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soccercleats101 · 5 years
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Isn't it incredible how most of you will be able to picture the front of this boot just by seeing the heel, with no other relevant details!!! - #adidas #adidassoccer #adidaspredator #preds #becks #beckham #soccercleats #davidbeckham #powerboot https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TIjPhJVU7/?igshid=1q6wizuxi9zmd
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doolallymagpie · 3 years
minis that make you think about that inquisition kill team you wanted to make once upon a time
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might even be possible to make it so she’s stabbing, like, a chaos marine or something, looking at the parts
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eggi-63 · 7 years
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brasilnut58 · 6 years
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#boat#moored#earlymornings#song#movie#nyc🗽#August#docked#yachts#powerboots (at Bowlmor Lanes)
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ryancallowayart · 6 years
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More clothing than as of late. Off to a gig. #powerboots #sketch #selfportrait #drawing (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3oWalHOc4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hv65tblb6rqy
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cravitus426 · 6 years
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Today we have a headcanon ramble, and also a couple redrawn canon elites from the Alexovich Concepts!
Some time it has been since the last krevrant, and while I still haven’t done big Irken biology headcanon rant, I’ve been playing around with Elite designs as of late! Thus, I figured what better time to ramble about a military force such as them - one that we both know less of and more of than we do of the actual Irken Armada, in fact!
So what, exactly, is an Irken Elite?
Well that’s the funny thing - it seems self explanatory, like how Almighty Tallests are the tallest people and are the almighty rulers, or how Invaders invade,or Frylords lord over fast food establishments. So, by that logic, the Irken Elite are, well, elite.
What exactly is that supposed to mean? The better question would be, ‘What do we know about the Irken Elite?’
Well, we know a few things, and in particular things around the Elite.
1. To join the Irken Elite, you must pass a trial.
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In other words, you have to take a test. ‘But krev,’ you say, ‘That’s nothing new!’
You would be right, flesh-creature, but in particular the Irken Elite trials seem to at the very least have a seventy year wait period before it can be retaken as seen in Tak’s episode, aside from being held on a military fortress world.
As a side note, Devastis is in fact a legitimate example of Irken architecture and fortifications that aren’t pink or red or deeply purple in color.
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Granted, this is kind of debatable given that Zim fragged over half the planet’s power grid and caused mass chaos, but I doubt that would stall all Elite recruitment for that long - this is either a standard ‘fail, wait, and retry’ period where you can improve your skills akin to real world militaries, or it could in fact be the actual timespan between times that Elites open recruitment.
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Thus, we reach my first headcanon - the Irken Elite trials are, when there are no horrendous casualties or other shortages of personnel - held every few decades, giving plenty of time for a new generation of soldiers to arise and for the washouts from last gen to brush up and succeed.
So, what else do we know?
2. The Irken Elite are the ranks from which Invaders are often selected.
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More from the Tak episode, as well as implications from things such as The Nightmare Begins, wherein Invaders are stated to be, effectively the best. Given how much Tak wanted to be an Elite and how they said that one day they could even become an Invader, it seems like a pretty clear line of progression.
From any walk of life you undergo the Elite trials; should you succeed, you prove that you’re among the best. Should you be the best of the best (or at the very least conveniently the best at sneaking and espionage), you become an Invader.
Now, this isn’t to necessarily say that Invaders are more elite than the Elite, but at the same time given that you are deploying an agent alone into no mere enemy lines, but the heart of their homeworld to effectively conquer it, it probably helps to have been an Irken Elite beforehand.
Regardless, point is, you level up to Elite, then you kind of side-level to Invader.
This brings us to the second real headcanon - the idea that you are not promoted into the Irken Elite, and that in theory anyone from any walk of life - scientist, servant, soldier, or actor - can become an Elite should they succeed in the trials.
Also implied - Invaders may or may not actually be the best of the best, and instead may just be the best suited from the Irken Elite for infiltration.
Anyway, onto the next one! This one may surprise you - or it might not, I dunno. We’re getting into interpretation territory here, which leans more to headcanon.
What do I mean by that? Why do I think this’ll surprise you?
3. The Irken Elite are equipped with personal power armor.
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Because, quite bluntly, I think people get Elite gear wrong. I’ve seen their boots treated as big shoes with glowing bits, their pauldrons treated as just plain old cloth gubbins, their little tubed chestpiece forgotten, and their gauntlets in particular treated as spherical boxes worn over the whole forearm with three little holes for their fingers.
It feels as if people aren’t thinking about what these could be, and it does do me an anger because I feel like I’ve figured out the design.
Look at the claws on the first, third, and fifth elites (13, 15, and 17) - note how, aside from being way more well defined and sharp-looking than normal gloved Irken fingers, there is a gauntlet with the fingers missing.
Or, more fittingly, retracted. Those are mechanical fingers, and I’d bet on it! They look nothing like normal Irken fingers, and the Irkens here are too small to have the big spindly fingers of the Tallest despite having similar gauntlets.
Think back to the Hobo 13 episode - remember Zim’s big powerfists and overall power armor, and recall how he absolutely yeeted the instructor!
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This technology exists in similar forms used by other alien races as part of training equipment - Irkens would absolutely jump on the opportunity to supercharge metal claws, and if anybody would get them it’d be the Elite.
Canon precedent for power armor that looks very similar aside, it’d explain what those tubes coming from the PAK are - they’re likely power cables, and aside from this giving me an excuse to call the gauntlets something way cooler like powerclaw, the idea that these are mechanical also opens the door up to things like jetboots, minigun hands, and other crazy things!
Plus, I mean, if you want to bring Peridot and Steven Universe into things, well
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they’re basically limb enhancers and you have to admit that’s a pretty clear and logical parallel
Anyway, third obligatory formal headcanon - aside from thinking that Elites have power armor, which they probably do - is that Elites are offered some of the best tech around, and have the opportunity to perfectly customize and personalize equipment to their specific liking and skill set.
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That aside, we now basically run out of canon information about the Irken Elite!
So, in summary, the Irken Elite are:
1. Selected every few decades through mass testing
1b. Implication that they are the best of the best overall given that testing doesn’t seem inherently restricted to ranks or existing military service; supported by 2.
2. The group from which Invaders are selected
3. Armed with advanced personal armor
Now that that’s out of the way, what of actual denser krev headcanon?
When it comes to the way I think about the Elite, I generally equate them to the Spectres from Mass Effect - specially selected, special equipment, special skills, and special freedoms to do their jobs.
Given the infrequency of recruitment aside from what i can only presume is emergency ‘we’re going through soldiers like free nachos’ measures, as well as how each one is branded and literally called an Irken Elite on top of all the neat toys they get, the point of big gaps in trials is likely both to give time for the best of the best to thin out through attrition, be it death or retirement.
By only recruiting once every half generation or so (outside of emergency ‘going through troops like free nachos’ scenarios), this allows the best of a generation to be evaluated, compared, and contrasted at one time. This ensures that only the best of the best get in, and it also ensures that the ranks don’t bloat through constant recruitment.
Bloating the ranks would likely reduce the allure of the Irken Elite considerably, as Elite usually implies that you are the cream of the crop. Arming an entire army of Elites would also likely be obscenely expensive, not to mention how tedious it would be to track every individual properly - if everyone’s roaming around and selecting their own missions, then you just have roaming warbands and no concentrated campaigns, no Irken Armada to power through the galaxy.
Thus, recruiting in one go and waiting for the numbers to thin out keeps you from having too many expensively well-armed independents running around, as well as ensures that you get the absolute peak of years of training and combat.
As such, an Elite is basically expected to be prepared for any situation and to possess general skills in every category.
For an active Irken Elite, a number of classifications exist indicating things such as your specialty, freedoms, and general qualification level. A squad of lower level Elites, for example, may operate as a more traditional military unit and choose to deploy to campaigns as yet another pawn for generals and admirals to use in their pursuit of total Irken conquest.
A higher level Elite, however, typically an officer, may be trusted enough by the Control Brains to effectively go off and do their own thing, and in some cases successful deep recon, research, and infiltration missions have been conducted by freelancing Elites and their hand-picked crews.
In other words, basic elites can choose their missions but still have to act as part of a squad. Meanwhile, the better of an Elite you are, the more willing the Control Brains are to let you go and do Mass Effect, building a merry band of misfit-loyalists and plundering pirate bases to fuel your need for bigger, better guns.
Just remember to come back when the Control Brains yell at you to, otherwise you’ll get erased from the history books and hunted down for treason!
As far as equipment goes, while there is a general standard template for Elites, usually including powerclaws, powerboots, and some form of chestplate that acts as the core of armor functions, there can be a fair degree of variety.
Overall, what does this mean? Well, it means that Irken Elites are well-armed, well-armored, well-trained, highly skilled, independent and are not in fact just wearing tin cans for gloves!
there’s probably more here but I’m hungry and it’s almost time for lunch
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ibenhuang-blog · 5 years
Power liftgate installation problem - how to connect cable #PowerBackDoor #PowerLiftgate #PowerBoot #LiftGateAutomatic #PowerdLiftRearGate https://www.instagram.com/p/B4i5mO2hBWA/?igshid=24bdydf8dhev
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planet360de-blog · 7 years
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Boot 2018 in Duesseldorf .. .. .. .. #StephanBednarski #Planet360de #Photosphere #Insta360 #TinyPlanet #Samsung #Gear360 #Theta360 #Planet360 #DJI #MavicPro #Drohne #Drone #360 #xiaomi #düsseldorf #boot #powerboot #porsche (hier: 360°Wassersport-Boot Düsseldorf)
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Delta Powerboats startade sin tillverkning 2003 och är en kvalitetsbåt med detaljerna som sticker ut. Delta Boats har lyckats med att bygga en båt som går mjukt och snabbt utan planingströskel, ...
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mlunkenheimer · 7 years
#powerboot #niceday #wonderful #action #lunkenheimer #irland #Cork (hier: Cronin's Pub)
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soccercleats101 · 4 years
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‪Just because I feel like no one haa talked about Warrior Sports in a while....‬ ‪#flashback to the Warrior Skreamer S-Lite with its eye-catching rubber arrowhead vamp. Extra swerve, accuracy and power on shots! 🎯‬ - Who had a pair of these? 🤷‍♂️ - #soccercleats #warrior #warriorsports #skreamer #powerboot #footballboots #soccerlife #throwback https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgTBm4HpBw/?igshid=4g1ooxaifd0f
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manic-babbling · 6 years
How to keep your hero identity separate from your civilian identity.
1 - Accessories and jewelry
Don't wear conspicuous jewelry that will be noticed in or out of costume.
We understand if your charm bracelet gives you the power to fly and shoot laser beams from your eyes but if someone who shouldn't know about your identities ends up recognizing your power channel in the form of a pretty bracelet and then points it out, WHAM-O! There goes your disguise, meaning costly relocations and possibly even memory wipes. Even after a memory wipe we have to relocate you to keep memories from resurfacing. This goes for watches, necklaces, rings especially, anklets and earrings.
If it belongs on your costume, it shouldn't be in your civilian wear.
Also keep in mind how hard it would be to take off all of your jewelry and accessories to GO HERO. Wearing a pretty diamond necklace with matching earrings may earn compliments from your friends on a day out, but when it comes down to the spandex and powerboots, are you really going to wear diamonds to battle?
If it's part of your civilian wear, it should not be part of your costume.
It may even be better to forget accessorizing all together. Saves you downtime from changing to a hero and back.
This doesn't mean you can't wear jewelry, superladies. It means think smart before you put on something that can identify you later.
Also, chains, strings and scarves make for excellent nooses. Keep that in mind.
2 - Eyes
If you have strange or easily noticed eyes, in or out of costume, invest in contact lenses or glasses. Combine the two if you have very different eyes. We're not saying it isn't cool or pretty to have electric green or bright yellow eyes, or any other variation, it's just a great way to end up blowing your cover.
If you can't handle contacts, glasses of a minor prescription can help deflect people who might catch sight of your eyes. Sunglasses are fine as well but please think of the current circumstances as well. Are you indoors? Is it night time? If people giving you looks that translate to 'Wow, you're trying so hard to be cool' doesn't bother you, go for it.
If you wear glasses or contacts, or both, keep the cases with you at all times in case of an emergency.
Be safe, if your contacts or glasses are making your eyes burn, or bleed, remove them and call a Supers Federal Agency hero support line. We will immediately move to action.
3 - Bags
If you store your costume in a purse or backpack, make sure you can't accidentally pull it out in front of everyone. It also helps if your friends are suspicious and decide to root through your belongings if they can't immediately discover your hero side. Super-ladies, if you trust your purse with your friends, even for a quick trip to the ladies room, you're trusting them with your keys, wallet, IDs and your persona, even if they don't know it.
If you do stuff your costume and civilian wear into a bag, change bags every so often to keep people from noticing 'oh hey! Marvelous Girl has a pink kitty backpack!'
More heroes have been found out by their matching civilian bags than changing in phone-booths.
4 - Hair style and color
Do you have a signature look? Do you have electric streaks of color in your hair as a hero? Does your hero side's hair have that gravity defying quality? Your civilian side should not. Your civilian side shouldn't have HERO HAIR. Anything recognizable is not good for your civilian persona.
Also, if your hair gets caught in a plane engine's intake system, it is not the plane engine builder's fault. It's yours. Remember, hair can be used as a handhold. Your arch nemesis is not above hair yanking.
5 - Spray on tans, tanning salons and 'oh no! Mask lines!"
The sun exists and will change your skin pigment. Sunscreen can help but tan lines still happen.
If you get a spray on tan or go to a tanning salon, it'll show up in your hero side too. Keep this in mind.
Tanning and unprotected sun exposure causes cancer. Unless you're radioactive, then you already have cancer.
6 - Colds, flus, viral parasites, oh my!
Okay. Let's face it. Some of us have sneezed and set something on fire.
Or blasted something into orbit.
Or frozen something in a block of icy snot goo and now we're getting off topic!
Point is, if you're sick, call into the Supers Federal Agency offices. Not only do we have a trained hero medical staff to take care of you and prevent an outbreak of sniffles and coughs, we can also prevent your friends from coming over with grandma's famous chicken soup and discovering that when you sneeze you have a trigger power.
Anyone remember when Marvelous Girl sneezed and blew her apartment building over like the big bad wolf? No? Just me? Darn those memory wipes.
7 - Don't gossip about hero activity.
Yes, you saved the bank on fourth street. Awesome, great, marvelous.
There are plenty of News reporters to tell the world about your exploits. Pay attention, pay VERY close attention. Did they mention that you dropped a pen that led to the bad guy slipping onto his back? No? Then you shouldn't know this detail as a civilian.
Knowing more than the public is how you cast suspicion onto yourself. Many heroes have lost their persona to "how did you know that? The reporter didn't say anything about that."
It may not be directly leading to the crumbling of your secret identity, but it will make your friends very likely to start 'checking on you' when it's not convenient.
If you slip up, blame another report on the subject. Do NOT place yourself in the situation zone. Even if you were just "passing through!"
Other people can easily prove that you, in civilian form, were NOT on the scene.
Unless you were somehow in disguise, but I doubt anyone would forget the guy in a chicken costume at a bank robbery.
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kyuhu · 6 years
💌 ;v;
fdsafds okay!! There is actually lots of stuff coming to my mind hnghh and at this point I don’t know if I should write in english or german because german is easier but hmmmm… I might as well keep it english.So Yes the first thing is good and funny times I really really miss ;o; lots of silly stuff that makes me laugh if I just think about it. Sleepovers with our visit at the zoo and our “powerboot” :D Waliutsch!! Playing Nintendo games like four swords and crying of laughter because of that drawing game. Insider jokes, ranting about people, waiting way to long for food we ordered at the delivery service :P Teddykekse and Halorenkugeln. Smurfsongs eine fette Fete. Dingo Pictures!! Your incredible ability to mime the voice of the great wezir in Dingo Aladdin. The Rügenwalder commercial. Boris and Doof. Meister Minar, Fritz, Fabio, Meister Long, Langarmguy, Speedhirsch, Godzilla, Brutus, Froschkopf, Allen Bogen, Angelguy, Nekodevil etc. And of course the Series and Characters you like :3 Chats while watching D.etective Conan movies on friday evenings which we can’t do tommorow because  they send Naruto boohoo.
I could go on for ever to be honest but I’ll stop now and cry about how rarely we see each other lately ;_; hnghh
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sigma-motors · 3 years
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Toyota Yaris Cross G Model Year 2020 Import September 2021 Mileage 2,300 KM PowerBoot with handsfree operation Electric heated seats 7.1 Surround Sound Speakers Toyota Safety Sense 3.0 Pro Pilot Lane Departure Assist Adaptive Cruise with distance Monitor 28 KM/Ltr mileage 18-inch alloy wheels Climate control 7.0-inch touchscreen 4.2-inch trip computer screen AM/FM/DAB+ radio Apple car play and Android Auto 40/20/40 folding seatbacks Single-zone climate control Keyless entry and start LED headlights Blind-spot monitoring Panoramic rear-view camera Front and rear parking Sensors Contact:-Ali Asif 📱 0323-4166660 🤳0316-9969999 Showroom Address📍: Sigma Motors Lahore: 382-E Main Boulevard near Allah Ho Chowk Johar Town. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Instagram / Facebook / TikTok / Twitter / Tumblr / YouTube: @Sigma_Motors 🌐Website: https://www.sigmamotors.pk/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #SigmaMotors #japanesecars #islamabad #pakistan #sialkot #faislabad #pakistanzindabad #lahore #importfromjapan #importcars #quetta #japan #pakistancars #japanesecar #igpakistan #pakistangram #carsofinstagram #cardealer #importedcars #freshimport #gujranwala #freshimports #ToyotaCorollaGLI #toyota #corollagli #toyotacorolla #Corolla #suzuki #sigmamotorssialkot #sigmamotorslahore
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bephoasan · 4 years
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Bếp Từ Bosch PXJ651FC1E - 7400W Tây Ban Nha
Bosch là thương hiệu được ưa chuộng tại thị trường Việt Nam với tiêu chuẩn chất lượng hàng đầu Châu Âu. Bếp Từ Bosch PXJ651FC1E với thiết kế sang trọng, tinh tế, tích hợp các chế độ nấu đa dạng dễ dàng sử dụng giúp người tiêu dùng chế biến các món ăn theo ý muốn. Tính năng hẹn giờ thông minh an toàn trong sử dụng. Công suất hoạt động mạnh mẽ giúp chế biến thực phẩm nhanh chống hơn. Tiết kiệm điện, tiết kiệm thời gian. Là trợ thủ đắt lực cho người nội trợ.
Model: Bosch PXJ651FC1E
Bếp từ Flex đa điểm 60cm Serie | 6
Loại bếp: Bếp từ âm
Mặt kính Schott Ceran®
PerfectFry: Cảm biến chiên / rán
Chức năng hẹn giờ / tự động tắt
Đèn cảnh báo nóng / khóa trẻ em
Nhiều chức năng cài đặt chuyên sâu, thay đổi cách sử dụng theo ý khách hàng.
Có 17 mức công suất nấu
4 cấp độ để kiểm soát nhiệ dộ dầu
Tần số: 50 -60 Hz
Điện áp dao động từ : 220 - 240 V
Tổng công suất: 7400 W
Số lượng vùng nấu: 3
Vùng nấu số 1: 2600W
Vùng nấu số 2 và 3: 3200W
PowerBoots: 3700W
Có vùng bếp quang được tích hợp trên bếp
Kích thước mặt bếp (CxRxS) (mm): 51x 592x 522
Kích thước lỗ: 51 x 560 x 500mm
Chiều dài dây cắm: 110 cm
Made in Spain
Bảo hành: 24 tháng toàn quốc
Bosch được thành lập bởi Robert Bosch vào năm 1886 tại Stuttgart, Đức. Đây là một trong những tập đoàn về công nghệ lớn trên thế giới về nhiều lĩnh vực.Trong đó lĩnh vực đồ gia dụng được hãng phát triển vào 1933, mà cho đến hiện tại khi nhắc đến thiết bị gia đình thì Bosch vẫn luôn là sự lựa chọn đầu tiên của nhiều người. Những sản phẩm mà công ty mang lại bạn luôn thấy được sự hoàn hảo về mặt thiết kế cho đến kĩ thuật. Ở tại Việt Nam, bạn có thể tìm thấy các sản phẩm của Bosch như: Bếp từ, máy rửa bát, máy hút mùi, lò vi sóng, lò nướng, tủ lạnh – tủ rư���u, máy giặt, máy sấy.
16.999.000 VNĐ
Tiết kiệm: 14.501.000 VNĐ
Giá thị trường: 31.500.000 VNĐ
Công ty TNHH Bếp Hoa San
MST : 0316144583
Showroom: 431 Trường Chinh, P.14, Q.Tân Bình, TpHCM
ĐT: 0822 279 079
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