#power rangers fanfics ideas
greenmoons · 3 months
Power rangers writing prompts
I decided to do a post to ideas and prompts I have or recieved of Power Rangers, so people might decide to write them. Feel free to use them. It would be nice to get credit or message if you do use them but it's not necessary. If you have other ideas write me in the comments or in a message and I might add them to this list.
Some of the ideas are solid and some are very general.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
Tommy Oliver struggling in school (can also be written as ADHD or learning disability character)
Autisic Billy Cranston
Civilians figuring out the rangers identities because they always stay to fight against the putties even without morphing.
2X08, the tape recorded the rangers morph and their identities revealed (by the news company or because Bulk and Skull screen it to everyone before the rangers were able to stop them)
2X09: Rocky, Adam and Aisha are coming to Angel Grove to the Broomball Tournament.
Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Curtis finding out their cousins are power rangers.
There are many episodes with a child who hang out with the rangers so write fanfics from their point of view about the rangers, maybe what would have happened if they figured out their identities or what happened to them in the future because they appeared only once (Maria, Willy, Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Cameron, Roger, Hallie)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:
Cassie became the pink ranger after Kendrix's death
Power Rangers Dino Thunder:
Rewrite of the season with Kat as Tommy's wife/girlfriend and the pink dino thunder ranger
Power Rangers SPD:
Sky, Bridge and Syd as red, blue and green, and starting as a team of three.
Cruger thoughts on why not giving Sky the red suit.
Z growing up in the streets.
Jack and Z first meeting.
Autistic Bridge Carson. Fic 1.
Cruger finding someone to take care of Z, Jack and Sam instead of letting them be alone in the streets.
Jack and Z experiences in the streets.
The rangers are doing Jack a birthday party since he never had one before.
E14: Bridge tries to read S.O.P.I.E's aura and figuring out she is a cyborg.
E17: Bridge reads Sky's aura and find out the alien switched bodies with him.
Sky handles differently with the whole Mirloc situation.
E30: Bridge thoughts after he got kidnapped.
E31: SPD calls Tommy Oliver of the future for help after the Dino Thunder rangers appeared.
Post series: Jack Landors/Ally Samuels
The other rangers team come to help defeat gruumm.
Z and Syd also got promotion in the colors.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury:
RJ journey to find in himself the wolf spirit and how he became a master.
Why RJ openned a pizza parlour.
Dominic journey when he was alone.
Power Rangers Samurai:
Lauren is the leader of the team instead of Jayden
Serena a ranger instead of Emily
Terry a ranger instead of Mia
General (comics related stuff, crossovers and dynamics between characters from different seasons):
The morphin grid bless the rangers and help them to succeed in life after they finished being rangers
One of the rangers get hurt badly.
The rangers deals with chronic pains from injuries they got in duties.
Power Rangers Mighty Morphin X Power Rangers SPD:
Billy Cranston and Bridge Carson meet and being autistic together. (Ideas for the meeting: Bridge will go to a mission in Aquitar and meet Billy there. Billy is on earth and SPD asking him for help in some tech. Billy meet younger Bridge before he is a ranger because he came to an internship in his company.)
Power rangers overdrive X Mighty Morphin the return:
Thrax and Selena meet
Thrax and Selena grow up as siblings
Kira and Adam talks more about Tommy
Power Rangers SPD X Soul of the Dragon:
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting Dr. Oliver in the future
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting JJ Oliver
JJ Oliver is part of the plot of the season (maybe in D-squad or E-squad)
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regaliasonata · 4 months
Power Ranges: Deino/Þeon
@skyland2703 @hesploro12
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-Long ago the entire cosmos existed as one world, a land filled with the legendary Deinosyns. Reptilian creatures that possessed grand magical energy that kept the balance together, a pantheon in the making based around thus group of divine creatures.
...but unfortunately with infighting that started around topic of who should rule such powers the world crumpled into various pieces that formed the cosmos. The remnants of the deinosyns sprouted on the distant planet of Earth and even after extinction their energy would pass on into future organisms. After linking with two of the pantheon(Green Megaraptor and Pink Cryolophosaurus) the duo of rangers seek to find red and the other rangers who's DNA links with said legends.
Hopefully in time, as a group known as the Zyudrans seeks to steal the deinosyn powers for themselves.
I do not have any characters yet but so far the first to find their powers both the green and pink rangers. See every living being possesses the energy of the dinosaurs, it’s an evolutionary trait but only the eight were able to fully realize those powers as they were drawn to the skeleton of their said dinos. Each of the dinosaurs being crystallized into a shrine like corpse and hidden in plain sight as specific points of energy in the world(similar to the theory of ley lines in science or Genshin), green and pink found theirs and were approached by Zenowing, a wise bird like individual who’s been studying the weird waves of energy. Wiring them about the oncoming threat of the Zyudrans both rangers and their mentor went to find the other shrines along with their respective ranger avatars.
Color wise it’s Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple and Nyx are the rangers. Have yet to decide on other dinosaurs but Red WILL NOT have a tyrannosaurus…sick of that trend 😭
Their suits are tbd but definitely magical themes, I think Nyx will have something based on this unused suit for Dino Fury/Ryusoulyer
Pink most likely will be the leader
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The team itself is Dinosaur and mystical themed with their powers connected to to a certain deinosyn(the old word for dinosaurs before they came to earth, Deinosyn comes from the word Deino and Sauros which are Greek terms for the species along with Syn which means “together”). Their morphers resemble a duel disk or arm handle of sorts on their arms and to morph a crystallized card of light appears in their opposite hand to swipe along said morpher, magical chains will be released binding their bodies up before shattering into their ranger suits with energy.
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Have yet to design said morphers but here’s a similar demonstration, the reason for this is to give off an act of ferocity resembling their dinosaur instincts. As if they are giving up everything in the moment.
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Orange, Purple and Nyx will have different Morphers
Weapons are tbd but each ranger has a base sword which can load capsules and cards into them similar to Dino Charge’s and Dino Fury’s fighting mechanics. Super modes and power ups are a tbd as well
The villains are called the Zyudrans, they are both ice and cosmic themed to go with the two components that led to the dinosaur and extinction being both the ice age and celestial bodies crashing into earth.
One cool thing to note is The Original World, held magical power that evolved into evolutionary subconscious, similar to the theory of a collective unconscious where all ideas originate from. This in return caused various things form said world to spread out once it became the universe, for instance the Rafkonian like dragon horns and mental powers being a trait of the Old Ones(the people who resided in the original world), the name dinosaurs being a new phrase for deinosyns on earth, nature and survival all sprouting from the Dino instinct of the old world as well. So in a sense this season can act as a minor sequel of sorts to the other dinosaur seasons…if you haven’t noticed I’m a fan of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy so the original world idea and stuff well👀
Deino/Þheon is derived from Deino within the Greek word for dinosaurs and the world Pantheon being a phrase that people refer to when talking about mythological groups of gods, Þ being a short symbol for “th”
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skyland2703 · 5 months
Should we abbreviate Fireworks For The Dead as FFTD?
If so, then I’m thinking FFTD!Ollie kidnaps Izzy, because he thinks Fern is gonna charge in.
Fern in fact, does not charge, but instead Fern and Javi sneak in, and before Ollie murders Javi, Fern realizes that her Solono Claw basically has a VERY SHARP RAKE on it.
Ollie gets raked very deeply.
Javi and Fern rescue Izzy and leave Ollie to bleed out.
FFTD Works 👀👀👀
I FUCKING LOVE THIS IDEA. The end of everything. Izzy getting taken— possibly when Ollie visits the base?? (I’ve done it once before so I don’t know if it’s the best idea to repeat—)
Javi is retired now. He no longer actively participates in battles. He’s there to torture the POW: aka Ollie after Fern impales him with her Solon Claw because they don’t leave him to bleed out. That’s too easy for him.
Besides. More twists to go brrrrrrrr.
Any more ideas 👀 make it even darker??? Anybody?????
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writers-block-dead · 7 months
So what happens when you have a really awesome world and story idea but can't write it out as a story because it is wayyyy better suited to be a webtoon but you also cannot draw to save your life?
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azurezfiction · 10 months
So a little detail about Broken Universe. As it is a multi crossover.
So the X-Men from Marvel? Their Mutant powers? Gone.
Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Hal Jordan’s powers? Gone.
Ladybug and the Miraculous? Gone.
Charmed and the Power of Three? Diminished to a minuscule level.
Danny Fenton and his ability to “Go Ghost!”? Gone.
Only Ranger powers and the very slightest bit of magic continues to exist.
The enemy has re written the laws of the universe where only they have they advantage. Since the Morphin Grid is the very lifeblood of the multiverse, it can never truly be destroyed or erased.
Thus, learning to adapt and work together.
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
I’m getting next gen feeling. What would you like to see if I made a next gen power rangers fanfic with Minh and jj
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chibysmiley · 1 year
When you want to continue writing one of your fanfictions, but you’re starting to fall asleep and you’ve been working on it for the past few hours.
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fanficwhore1993 · 2 years
Billy Cranston x Skull (Eugene Skullovitch)
Mighty morphin Power Rangers fanfic
I just thought it would’ve been really cool if Billy and skull became friends or maybe something even more than that. I have had that idea for a while now so yea. Sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, this is like literally the first fanfic I have ever written. Anyways enjoy lols. Also idc what anyone says but skull gives heavy bisexual energy. Also this won’t really be anything over the top it’s just gonna be a friendly conversation I’m thinking of writing a part two.🤞
Cw: pretty light hearted, mentions of bullying and regret related to friendship.
It’s almost night time and billy had been studying in the library for the past 5 hours, yet he still doesn’t feel tired of reading, but he has to get home before it’s too late or his parents might freak. He packs up all of his books and starts heading home, but suddenly he hears someone yelling for help nearby, the noise seems to be coming from behind the school, he rushes to the back to find Skull surrounded by putty patrol. Billy throws his backpack and runs to the putty to kick their butts. He punches and kicks through them as skull is on the floor scared yet impressed. He soon beats all of them and the putties disappear into thin air.
Billy says as he runs towards skull
“I’m okay”
Skull says as he is panting
“What are you doing here this late?”
Billy asks
“I should be asking that same question to you NERD!”
Skull says in a mean tone
There is an air of silence before skull decides to drop the bully act
“I was just walking home from a party we were having, I had to leave early because I had stuff at home, then I heard these weird noises nearby and when I checked I saw these weird alien looking thingies. They noticed me and surrounded me, but then you showed up beat them up.”
“Well I’m glad I heard you screaming in the distance.”
Billy says
“Screaming? No! You must’ve heard someone else! Haha!”
Skull says trying to act tough and pretending as if he wasn’t screaming like a girl 10 minutes ago.
“Sure. Just make sure that If you optically discern extra terrestrial creatures, you absquatulate.”
Billy says
“Speak English.”
Skull says
“Just make sure that if you see aliens aka putties or any other monsters, you run away.”
Billy says acting like he is talking to a child
“Yea I heard those power ranger people take care of them, not gonna lie their pretty cool.”
Skull says
Billy says as he starts walking away
Skull says, Billy turns around to look at him.
“I know you live near my place, do you wanna walk home together?”
Billy pauses for a moment to think and then says
Billy and skull start walking down the side of the road towards their neighborhood
“Hey I know I didn’t say it back there but, thank you for saving me.
Skull says in a more nicer and calmer tone
“Don’t thank me, it was only the right thing for me to do.”
Billy says
“I know but if I were you, I probably wouldn’t have helped considering how much of a douche I am to you and your friends.”
Skull says
There is a minute of silence before skull continues,
“I’m really sorry for how me and bulk treat you and your friends. I honestly regret it and the only time I actually have fun is when you end up making a fool out of bulk.”
Both of them giggle
Skull continues
“You know to be honest with you I regret having friends like bulk, because he could probably never apologize to you like this. His ego is too big for him to even start thinking of apologizing for the shit he does. Sometimes I wish I could go back to just being normal and not walking down the hallway thinking of who I’m gonna bully into giving me money next. I can only vaguely remember the time I wasn’t doing these mean things, I used to be a loner really, until bulk showed up and actually was nice to me compared to the other kids, I guess it was because we were both always treated like outcasts. But bulk was the first time I felt real friendship or at least what I thought was real friendship. And then high school came around and bulk changed into this horrible, ego filled, hateful dude, and instead of telling him how mean he was being, I just followed his footsteps. Come to think of it I really haven’t experienced true friendship with anyone in a long time, and you’re lucky dude you have all these friends that you could actually trust to have your back. I’ve dug myself too deep into this bully thing to come out of it now.”
“You can still come out of it!”
Billy says cheerfully
“It’s never too late to change, especially when you regret what you did. And I mean, you have already taken a great step at apologizing to me for your past blunders. You’re in the right track.”
Billy says and smiles at skull, skull smiles back. Billy continues
“Hey if you wish to, we can meet up at the mall this Saturday to hang out, I heard that there’s a new arcade there…….if you’re free that is. My friends aren’t free as they still haven’t finished their assignments and for the first time in forever I have no schoolwork to do, and I was looking for someone to come with me anyways”
“Sure. I owe it to ya.”
Skull says
They slow down as they approach Billy’s house. They stand in front of the door.
“Hey, I’ll try my best to actually stand up to bulk but I can’t make promises so if he is mean then make sure you really embarrass him, and I guess embarrass me too if I say nothing.”
Skull says. They both start giggling. Skull continues.
“But thanks, for being nice to me even though I kinda suck”
Skull says
“Don’t mention it. Thanks for apologizing, and I really hope you’re able to take more steps in the right direction, because you really are a more nicer person than you show.”
They both say bye before Billy walks into his house and closes the door
Skull walks ahead of Billy’s house, towards his house, smiling and blushing. He is very excited for this Saturday.
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one-half-guy · 2 years
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In a lot of fantasy games Warlocks are immortal, or they age 1 year for every 10 years. In 5E, Warlocks at level 20 can be granted a boon of immortality by their patron
In BG3 they never touch on Wylls lifespan, and it's emphasized that he wants/needs out of the contract
But I think they really could have put a lot more emphasis on the consequences of breaking the contract, not just his physical transformation but what it really meant to lose ALL his warlock powers (he just talks casually in epilogue about being a ranger now and it felt really throw away to me idk)
And how he could have been an immortal fighter, the Blade of Eternity, and he gave it up for his freedom from Mizora
Would love to see this idea explored more in fanfic at least
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herrscherofmagic · 4 months
a thought has occurred to me: the Seven Shus in HI3rd Part 2 would make a perfect D&D group!
In both ways too: the Seven Shus as characters in a D&D campaign, but also the Seven Shus just chilling at Thelema's mansion or smth playing D&D (as unlikely as it would be in canon, I imagine it'd make for a killer fanfic lol)
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i was thinking about this because of the recent Thelema web event, and this morning I watched a video talking about fantasy taverns (largely in a historical context, then swtiching to a D&D context). and one of the things the guy was talking about was how nobles might be invested in supporting a local adventuring party, in exchange for being able to use them for special tasks.
and it hit me: Thelema is like, a perfect example of that. Not only is she a cunning noble with the skill to navigate upper society, she also has the willingness (and the power) to get down and dirty with matters.
Thelema would be such an interesting D&D character because she's superficially treated as a hedonist but in reality she's really pragmatic and thoughtful, so there's plenty of room for both fun and serious shenanigans. As for personal motives, she's totally capable of evil, but she doesn't senselessly cause harm (so she wouldn't be a murder hobo type). So she'd be very capable of doing questionable things, but she'd also perfectly willing to save the world if such a thing was in her interests.
While I haven't drawn up a complete character sheet for her, I at least have these ideas in mind:
I imagine she'd probably be a rogue with a noble background. The noble background is obvious; as for her being a rogue, I think her combat style in HI3rd gives off some of those vibes what with her chain-sword being used almost like a pair of daggers, just with a lot of extra pizzazz.
Checking the online D&D wiki I also see there's a "soul knife" rogue archetype which might fight Thelema's domination skills. Though, she also fits two other archetypes, Inquisitive & Mastermind, quite well. So idk which I'd pick if I had to choose just one since she has both psychic talent and incredible people/diplomatic/manipulative skills, lol
I could also see her being a sorcerer with Shadow Magic, but that might also be a better fit for a different Shu.
I haven't put enough thought into the rest of the Shus to give this same in-depth analysis but I at least wanted to get these ideas for Thelema out there!
However, I do have some preliminary thoughts for the classes of some of the other Shus:
Songque would probably be something to do with Illusion magic- following the book strictly she'd probably be a Wizard, but I imagine if the DM was a bit loose with the rules then she could be the Shadow Sorcer instead of Thelema; that also fits quite well with how we meet her in HI3rd!
Lantern could be a Ranger in the Hunter Conclave. It'd also be really funny if she refused to use any of the spells she learns, since we know she's adamant about her abilities being her own skill & training instead of being related to the shadows.
Litost gives Oathbreaker Paladin vibes, but idk enough about him or Oathbreaker Paladins to say for sure x-x
Ajita would be an Artificer, duh.
Serapeum could be a Druid (Dreams circle) or Wizard (Enchantment school), both seem fairly fitting for her powers of unity.
Baiji would be none other than the Dungeon Master! he gives DM vibes ngl, and it'd be really funny if the rest of the Shus were actual characters but Baiji was just a disembodied voice speaking at the rest of the gang
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heymrsandman · 5 months
I'll probably never write this fanfic, but with Lower Decks coming to an end, I've been revisiting an idea for what they'd be doing in the Picard era. Tendi and Mariner are captains, T'Lyn's back on Vulcan, and Rutherford's gone missing, which is our inciting incident. So wait, what's Boimler doing? He's stolen the Cerritos and joined the Fenris Rangers, and goes around calling himself "Acting Captain". When Starfleet learns that Rutherford actually fled to join Boimler with some powerful new experimental doodad, they task Mariner with tracking him down. Mariner constantly tries to reach her old friend, reminding him of the importance of the "Starfleet way". Of course Boimler is doing things the Mariner way, helping people because it's the right thing to do and damn the rules. Anyway, the big emotional reveal that gets Mariner to help Boimler save the day is the reveal of *why* he only calls himself Acting Captain of the Cerritos. He stole it in the aftermath of the synth attack on Mars on the assumption that Mariner wouldn't just stand back and go along with Starfleet abandoning an entire species. He stole the ship for Mariner to use to go help with the rescue efforts. This whole time, he's assumed that Mariner is the rightful one to lead this mission.
But they were always better as a pair, and the Starfleet kid and the rulebreaker are now here to save the day.
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chrismerle · 7 months
Elsa's 'A Bitch Is Broke' Writing Commissions
Hey, hi, hello! I'm Elsa and my usual freelancing contracts are being flaky assholes, so I'm extending branches in other directions!
I’ve been informed that I’m a fairly good writer, and I’ve done writing commissions in the past, so I figure I may as well see if it helps! You can check my writeblr tag, my (very tiny) ghostwriting portfolio, or my AO3 account for examples of my writing.
$0.03 per word.
So, 500 words would be $15.
You give me a ballpark of the length you want. So, if you’re willing to spend between $20 and $25, the story will be between 666 and 833 words.
I’ll round down to the nearest $0.10. So if the finished product is 526 words, I’ll report it as being $15.70, rather than $15.78.
I take payments through Paypal or Venmo.
500-word minimum
You don’t need to supply a full outline, but you do need to have some idea of what you want to happen in the story. The longer the story, the more detail I’ll need. If you just want, like, 500 words, then 'X and Y cuddling’ will suffice, but if you want 5,000 words, I’ll need more to go off of than that.
I will write about your OCs, as long as you can provide info on them.
I will write fanfic, as long as I know the source material well enough (list provided below).
I will write smut, just double-check any kinks you want first. (I won’t write any involving bodily fluids, poop, vore, or feet, sorry.)
If I’m super uncomfy with the subject matter, I’ll turn down the commission, if only because it would be a really badly written end product.
Kingdom Hearts (not Back Cover or Union)
Final Fantasy VII (original Compilation or Remake)
Final Fantasy XV
Persona 5, vanilla or Royal
Persona 4, vanilla only
Dragon Age (games only)
Mass Effect
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Avatar: The Last Airbender (original series only)
Good Omens (book or show)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (games only)
Who Killed Markiplier? and related series
The Legend of Zelda (OoT, MM, TP, SS, or BotW only)
Star Wars (movies only)
Power Rangers, Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder
Yuri! On Ice
Fullmetal Alchemist, original anime or Brotherhood
Black Butler, anime or manga
Transformers, cartoons, anime, and live action movies
Critical Role campaign 2
The Sandman (Netflix series only)
Sonic the Hedgehog (recent movies only)
Howl’s Moving Castle (Ghibli movie only)
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Javi/Amelia idea i probably wouldn’t write but here it is
Javi had a fight with his dad and got angry and moved out to live with Amelia for a few weeks/months. Roommates/best friends stuff going on for a while; he’s a really messy chaotic roommate initially, but when he realises she is the one always cleaning up after him, he turns himself around.
So it’s basically a slow burn best friends to roommates to lovers where they’re both idiots and don’t realise they’re actually falling in love. Complications like jealousy and stuff coming in and going when they realise they really only want to spend time with each other.
They’re still co-workers at Buzzblast, so they’re just spending 99% of their time with each other. Driving to work together, coming back together, cooking, making a mess, cleaning it up, washing clothes, decorating the house, setting the bed, all the routine chores. *fluffies* and then towards the climax, one of Amelia’s write ups is due in the magazine, and Javi even helps her out with ideas, proofreading stuff over and over and over and over, till it’s polished to perfection. They hand in the article, have a blast and stuff, things are going AWESOME—
Until Javi patches up with his dad and decides to move out. But Amelia just gets upset at him and yells at him that he should go.
Cue sad moments of them missing each other~ followed by the article coming out, and the first thing Javi does is read it— and realises she’d written it about him. She says she’d written so many other drafts, but something felt missing in all of them, so just before submitting, she tore them all up, and wrote about the one thing that was missing, the one that had been in front of her eyes, all this time.
A boy she fell in love with.
Javi drives up to Amelia’s place, hands her the magazine, and tells her, “WHY DID YOU HAVE TO WRITE AN ENTIRE ARTICLE” he’s crying, basically, “you could’ve told me when we were at home!! You know I’m an idiot!! I don’t get subtle hints!!!”
“I know!! That’s why I had to do an entire article!” She yells back at him??? And he’s like, “I LOVE YOU TOO YOU IDIOT!!”
And um. Just. That’s it. Cutest huggo + soft moments 🥰🥰🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Okay I've posted these ideas before somewhere but hear me out:
Cosmic Fury signalling the end of Power Rangers (And the end of an era that it has been an honour to have been there for the start of. 90s kids stand up) has made me think of where Western Tokusatsu adaptions and reboots could go from here.
Obviously I love the idea of rebooting PR for an older universe and (Like I did in one of my fanfics, to an extent) tying the various seasons together in a more unified continuity...And I like the idea of making it animated.
Beetleborgs.....Kids who wished for the powers of their favourite comic book heroes came out in the 90s, before the MCU and comic IPs beyond the big three being household names, before Crunchyroll and widely available manga and anime. There is a ton of potential in using a Beetleborgs remake as a way to really examine comic book tropes and the tone of the original show would leave it open to a dark action/horror comedy.
VR Troopers.....Again a 90s show, based around a virtual world in an era before the smart phone and actual functioning AI and we live a world where 'Evil Billionaire' is an actual legit threat we face. The potential for a VR Troopers reboots that goes beyond the scope of the original show is huge. Although they'd have to knock the casting out of the park with Grimlord, because if you can't make "Force of darkness empower me, take me back to my virtual reality" sound legitmately imposing then you're not the right person for this.
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azurezfiction · 2 years
Samurai II and Mystic Force II is now being worked on, the Changeman/Mythic Champions Team is almost nearing completion and same with Dairanger/Thunder Legends team.
And yes, you heard right. Samurai II and Mystic Force II. Look forward to seeing that~
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