#power rangers crossover au
shieldofiron · 11 months
I have never watched Power Rangers except for the 2017 movie which I love but!
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Billy, Steve, Robin, Heather, Jason and Patrick as Power Rangers.
Chrissy choreographed for them though. Chrissy as that little robot thing?
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hitwiththetmnt · 11 months
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It’s here! Here’s my comic cover for @kathaynesart ‘s Replica Anniversary DTIYS!
(Flat color and no color versions below)
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askponyinuyasha · 3 months
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Kon'nichiwa! You should find your center and meditate, it will help you relax and calm down.
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@ask-purple-power-ranger-pony: Kon'nichiwa! You should find your center and meditate, it will help you relax and calm down.
<Previous> ...
High-res transparent PNGs below the cut.
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Ya boy is so back! My wrist has been feeling quite a bit better, but I'm still gonna try and be gentle with it and pace myself a little better if I can help it.
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morninkim · 5 months
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Green Dragon Battlizer!
(based on the Power Up Green Ranger figure from Bandai's 2010 MMPR toyline)
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kawaiichaoscrusade · 5 months
I have an new au called Mighty Morphin Troll Rangers : Harmonious Extreme
Here's the Plot : before the strings drove the six tribes apart, there are once these warrior trolls from the six tribes who not only harnessed the power of the strings but also an mysterious energy force known as the morphing grid to help defend their kind against various enemies including an all powerful evil enemy who wanted to conquer the world.
these trolls were the most powerful rangers because their bonds and music were very strong together but during their final battle against the more powerful main enemy, they were almost defeated until the red ranger decided to pull the ultimate move into sealing the evil threat
Once the evil was sealed away, order and peace was restored and everything was all cupcakes and rainbows until Pop decided to unite the tribes under one music and this caused all 6 tribes to separate and never live in harmony and that included the rangers, who all decided to give up their ranger powers due to what had happened.
Then years have passed as all the tribes have successfully reunited and mended their broken bonds with each other, Poppy the Queen of Pop and her Beau Branch have also reunited with their siblings and things couldn't be better..that is until one day..an ancient evil decided to awake and escape from its prison and five mysterious artifacts appeared to five trolls from each tribe, two of them are branch and poppy of pop, who became the Blue and Pink Rangers.
They become their tribes's newest power rangers and they defend their homes from the threats of the reawakened evil and its minions.
But unfortunately during a battle in Pop Village, JD gets kidnapped by one of the minions of the evil enemy behind the scenes and he gets corrupted by the evil's energy to become his second in command and personal evil ranger.
What do you guys think? You want more of this?
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mo-ok · 2 years
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Go On/RPM helmet off comparisons
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kenobivirgin69 · 4 months
Katie: you're smiling, did something good happen?
Jayden: can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Lauren: Kendall tripped and fell in the parking lot
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regaliasonata · 1 year
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More ideas for the crossover arc idea when I get there in the JFAU. Looking at all three movies from Gekiranger and Go-Onger for reference and I'm getting a nice idea👀
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itsupermanti · 2 years
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman; Remnant, Chapter 1: Ginga Tensei! A Great Power Found in the Lost Galaxy!
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In the deserts of Vacuo;
Oscar(laying on his back after trying to run back into the portal they came from): NO!!!
The portal they came from starts closing, only for five figures to come flying out of it and landing on a heap on the ground.
Oscar(getting up): Oh my gods…
Oscar approaches the figures as they start trying to untangle their limbs from one another.
Yang(groaning): Weiss, get your elbow out of my face!
Weiss(yelping): Who’s hand is that?!
Blake(yelping): SORRY!!!
Ruby(sitting up): Yang? Weiss?
Ruby(grabbing them in a group hug): YOU’RE OKAY!!!
Oscar(relief in his voice): You all are…
Nora(running up, worry on her face): Wait…
Nora(looking around in panic): Where’s Jaune?
Jaune(voice muffled): Down here!
Ruby glances down and sees that she had landed on top the back of Jaune’s head…With her thighs smothering either side of his head!
Ruby(blushing and petal bursting away): I’M SO SORRY!!!
Jaune(getting up): You’re fin-ACK!!!
Nora(grabbing Jaune in a tight bear hug): I WAS SO WORRIED, I DON’T WANT TO LOSE MY BIG BROTHER!!!
Jaune(wincing): I’m*ack*glad*ack*you see me*ah my ribs* that way Nora!
Nora(letting go): Don’t scare us like that again!
Jaune(rubbing his ribs): I’ll try to avoid it…
Emerald(looking towards the desert): I don’t mean to interrupt this touching moment, but…
Ren(blasting away at the approaching horde of Grimm): We’re about to be overwhelmed!
The group looks towards the group heading towards them, with most of them realizing that they had lost their weapons while on the pocket dimension, and Crocea Mors’ blade was shattered.
Jaune(groaning as he sheaths what remains of the blade): We’re so screwed…
Blake(having lost Gambol Shroud, seeing Jaune walk forward): What are you doing?
Weiss(worried): Your aura broke, remember?!
Jaune(converting the sheath into its great sword mode, providing his hilt with a replacement blade): We have to protect these people!
Ruby(grabbing one of Ren’s Stormflower pistols when offered): He’s right!
Emerald(turning to Yang while offering one of her sickles to Blake): Didn’t you go over the edge, how did you survive?
Yang(loading a new set of cartridges into Ember Cecilia): No idea! It was like something grabbed each of us and pulled us out.
Nora(preparing her hammer): Here they come!
Just as the small group of Hunters prepare to meet the horde of Grimm head on, a large gust of cold wind blows past them, creating a blizzard in the middle of the desert.
Whitley(turning to face the source with Willow and Klein): Winter?!
Winter is seen walking forward upon small steps made of ice while suspended in the air, glaring at the Grimm before her.
Oscar(realizing what this power is): She’s the Winter maiden!
Weiss(realizing what else that meant): Then that means…
Yang(looking at Ruby with wide eyes): Penny…
Ruby(falling to her knees in grief as Winter engages the Grimm): No…
Jaune(kneeling down next to her with guilt clear on his face): She told me to do it, even when I said no…
Jaune(as Ruby looks up at him, with tears in her eyes): She told me to let her choose something herself…
Jaune(hanging his head): I’m sorry…
Ruby(wiping her tears): It’s not your fault…
Jaune(looking at her confused): Huh?
Ruby(getting back up): It’s Cinder’s…
Ruby(looking Jaune in the eyes): We’ll make her pay for every death she’s been responsible for…
Jaune(giving a small smirk he draws his great sword): Together.
Just as it seems like Winter is about to be attacked from behind, the Grimm behind her is hit by an electric shock, forcing it to collapse.
Sun(calling out as he and Neptune arrive with a small fleet of Bullheads): Need some help?
Blake(stunned): SUN?!?!
Neptune(as he continues to fire on the Grimm): What are we, chopped liver?!
Ilia(standing besides them): Oh grow up will you?
The Bullheads land and open up, allowing Taiyang to disembark along with most of the staff from Beacon!
Taiyang(motioning towards the bullheads that landed): Okay everyone, hurry up and got on!
Yang(confused): Dad?!
Ruby: What are you doing here?!
Port(shooting at the Grimm): We got your message, and we’re here to help!
Jaune(running up to Sun, Neptune and Ilia, cutting down Grimm that got too close as he went): How did you guys know where we were?
Sun(wielding his gun-chucks): I don’t know!
Neptune(wielding his weapon in trident mode): It’s almost like there were voices in our heads…
Ilia(grabbing a Grimm with her whips and electrocuting it): Telling us where we had to go…
Ghira(helping people board): We can question what it was later!
Kali(guiding others): We have to help the people!
A blond man resembling an older version of Jaune with a mustache runs up and starts cutting apart Grimm with a double edged sword, turning to fire at a group about to pounce upon some of the evacuees with the pistol built into the sword’s hilt, reducing them to ash. This man is Jaune’s father, Nick Arc.
A blonde woman who slightly resembles Saphron, but with her hair a brighter blonde helps organize people as they board one of the many bullheads present, while shooting at Grimm that got too close with a powerful hand pistol. This is Nick’s wife and Jaune’s mother, Blanche Arc.
Nick(turning to a stunned Jaune): What? Did you think we’d just leave you to handle this by yourself?
Blanche(shooting at Grimm): We NEVER turn our back on family! Now we have a job to do!
Ruby(wielding the half of Stormflower Ren gave her): They’re right!
Jaune(glaring at the Grimm): Let’s get to work!
Meanwhile, back in Atlas;
Salem(gazing upon a seer after she finished reforming): They think that they may have escaped me, but they’re sadly mistaken…
Salem(ordering her Grimm to swarm them): Destroy them all!
Jaune(slashing as many Grimm as he can apart): THERE’S TOO MANY OF THEM!!!
Yang(with Grimm jumping upon her): THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!!!
Taiyang(running to Yang, barreling through Grimm as he does): HANG ON SWEETIE!!!
Ruby(being overwhelmed): HELP!!!
Jaune(eyes widening): RUBY!!!
Whitley(seeing Grimm start to get past Winter): THEY’RE BREAKING THROUGH!!!
Ren(starting to slash at Grimm with his pistol’s blade): I’M RUNNING LOW ON AMMO!!!
Oscar(knocking Grimm aside with his cane): JUST A LITTLE LONGER!!!
Jaune(running towards Ruby): HANG ON!!!
Jaune starts slashing the Grimm aside in a mad frenzy as he gets closer to Ruby, he speeds up when he sees Ruby start to be seemingly buried under the Grimm.
Nick runs up and starts slashing and shooting at the Grimm, allowing Jaune to get closer to Ruby.
For a brief second, Jaune sees Pyrrha’s glove over Ruby’s own before he snaps himself out of it and reaches out, grabbing Ruby’s hand and yanking her towards him, slashing the heads off of many Grimm as he does so.
Jaune(as he continues slashing while holding her close): You good?
Ruby(blushing briefly at how close they are): Y-yeah!
Nick(delivering a slash of flames using fire dust crystals forged into his blade): Any of you have a plan to push them back?!
Ruby(looking around): I might be able to deal with all of them if you can buy me some time!
Jaune(glancing at her in worry): And if you can’t?
Ruby(looking him in the eyes): Then we make them work for it!
Nick(grinning as he channels some aura into his pistol and releases it as an energy shot): Oh, I like her!
Jaune(scowling as he continues cutting down Grimm): THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!!!
Just as the young hunter finishes his sentence, the sand beneath them starts rumbling and something begins to emerge from it, drawing the attention of everyone present, even the Grimm.
Oobleck(gazing upon the mysterious structure): My word…
This new structure appears to be a colossal temple, with five giant stone statues of a lion, an ape, a falcon/dragon hybrid, a wolf, and a wildcat around the entrance.
Suddenly, without warning the eyes of the statues glow and they transform from stone into living beings and gaining color, the lion becomes red, the ape blue, the falcon green, the wolf yellow, and the Wildcat pink. The colossal beings gazed down upon the Grimm and with a roar from the lion, they begin attacking the creatures of darkness!
Goodwitch(from her place in one of the Beacon bullheads): WHAT THE HELL?!?!
Blanche(staring in shock): You can say that again…
The giants make short work of the Grimm, leaving everyone in shock of the display of power.
Neptune(turning to Sun): Is THAT normal for the desert?!
Sun(turning to his friend): OF COURSE NOT!!!
Ilia(slapping Neptune across the back of the head): NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL!!!
Jaune(holding his hands up as the lion gazes down at him, with Nick holding his sword ready to protect his son): Um, nice kitty?…
Yang(noticing something about the wildcat): Rubes, I think the pink one is looking at you…
Ruby(looks up and sees that the pink wildcat is indeed looking down at her): Uh, why is it doing that?
Ren(noticing the Green Humanoid Falcon looking at him): It’s not the only one.
Oscar(holding a hand up and petting the yellow wolf as it lowers its head before him): They’re friendly…
Whitley(seeing the ape crouch down before him): What do they want?
???: Come…
Jaune(looking around): Did anyone else hear that?
Weiss(confused): Hear what?
Jaune(still looking around): I thought I heard a voice…
Nick(concerned for his son): We didn’t hear anything.
???: Come…Gin…man…
Ruby(perking up): I heard it too!
Blake(straining her ears): I didn’t hear anything.
???: You…ave…en chosen…
Oscar(looking around): Me too!
Ozpin(within Oscar’s mind): What are you talking about? I don’t hear anything.
???: …must…otect…laxy…
Whitley(turning towards the temple): I think it’s coming from there!
???: Seize…destiny….
Ren(hearing the voice and noticing the giant beasts gesture towards the temple): You want us to go in?
The beasts nod their heads in agreement, causing those who heard the voice to start heading into the mysterious temple, with their friends following after them, only for the giants to block their path as they made to follow after them and shake their heads.
Yang(indignant): What’s the big idea?! That’s my sister!
Jaune(turning around): I think we’re the only ones allowed to go in.
Whitley(noticing his family’s worried faces): But why?
Oscar(looking into the temple): Only one way to find out…
Nora(calling after Jaune and Ren): Be careful you guys! You all better come back in piece!
Nick(collapsing his sword’s blade and placing its gun form into a holster on his hip): Watch out for any traps in there!
Back in Atlas;
Salem(seeing this through her seer): WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!
Salem(seeing her inner circle approaching her): THERE YOU ARE!!!
Cinder(smirking cockily with the relics of creation and knowledge in her hands): Two relics, and Atlas and Mantle are all but rub-
Salem(cutting her off): THAT DOESN’T MATTER!!!
Salem(motioning to the seer): We need to start heading to Vacuo immediately!
Watts(seeing that everyone managed to escape the pocket dimension): So they got out? It doesn’t matter, we’ll just cru-
Salem(interrupting him): It’s not that, I’m referring to the giant temple and animals that emerged from out of the sand!
Salem(as she starts creating a new Monstra using her magic): We must depart and investigate immediately!
Tyrian(confused): Why are worried about them?
Tyrian(as the new Monstra starts taking shape): Surely my goddess has enough power to dispatch these lowly creatures?!
Salem(once the Monstra is halfway finished): What concerns me is that I have NEVER seen creatures such as those before! Same with that temple!
Salem(once the new Monstra is completed): We must get their quickly, it might contain another, secret relic of those pathetic gods!
Meanwhile, inside the temple;
Jaune(looking around and noticing drawings of 5 warriors wearing colorful outfits, wielding swords): What is this place?
Oscar(asking Ozpin in his head): Do you recognize any of this?
Ozpin(stumped): I don’t know what any of this even is, I’m just as confused as you all are.
Whitley(looking at a drawing of one of the blue figures holding their sword out to a young man, with the next picture depicting the young man now wearing the blue outfit as they held the sword): I think these warriors were given their responsibilities by the ones who came before them…
???: Keep going Rangers, you’re almost there…
Ruby(looking up without realizing that her aura had recovered and was now pink in color): There’s that voice again!
Ren(confused): What did it mean by “rangers”?
Jaune(seeing a bright light coming from underneath the double doors before them, with his aura having also recovered and now red in color): Something tells the answers lie through those doors.
Jaune and Ren head to push the doors open, only to struggle with how heavy they were. Ruby begins assisting Jaune with one door, while Oscar and Whitley help Ren with the other, with no one noticing Oscar’s aura flashing and becoming yellow in color, while Whitley’s became blue.
They manage to push the doors open and discover five identical swords embedded within a large stone before them, a bright light shining down upon them.
Ruby(looking at the swords closely): Aren’t those the swords from the drawings?
Whitley(noticing a medal depicting an ape on one of them): They are!
Ren(confused): Why are they in a stone?
Oscar(also confused): And what are we supposed to do now?
???: Draw the swords…
???(as Jaune and Ruby look up and see a drawing depicting five figures drawing the swords from the stone, with the elements flowing around them once they removed the blades): Only those who are selfless and noble of heart can be found worthy of drawing the Starbeast Swords.
Whitley(confused by the voice’s words): Could I really be considered selfless?
???: When a life was threatened, you rose to the occasion and provided assistance, and you did not run when those you truly cared about were in danger…
???(as Ruby gazes at the blade with a wildcat medal): Draw your swords…
???(as Oscar gazes at the sword with the wolf medal): Prove that you are worthy of great power…
???(as Whitley nervously turns to the sword with an ape medal): Of wielding it for the sake of others…
???(as Ren focuses on the sword with a falcon emblem): To prove to yourselves that you will never run from those in need…
???(as Jaune places his hand on the hilt of the sword with the lion medal): That you are willing to protect their smiles!
Jaune’s gaze focuses on the lion medal as he hears a distant roar, and thinks about his family, his sister Saphron smiling at him in pride the last time they saw each other. Of the little children he helped in Atlas.
Most importantly, he thought of how often Ruby would smile at him and their friends in Beacon. Before everything changed, and she started smiling less and less…
Jaune(thinking with determination as he fully seizes the hilt): I WILL protect her smile!
Jaune then draws the sword, with a burst of flames briefly encompassing him without burning him at all, leading them all to realize the change in the color of his aura.
Seeing her best friend filled with determination encouraged Ruby to do the same, as she grabs hold of the sword before her and pulls it out, causing her aura to fully flash pink, as sakura petals swirl around her in place of her usual rose petals.
Ren and Oscar then draw their own blades, as wind and lightning course around them, leaving Whitley to stare at the final blade.
Taking a deep breath, Whitley steels himself as he grabs a hold of the hilt.
Whitley(thinking as he seizes the bolt): I am NOT my father…I won’t stand by while my family is in danger anymore…
Whitley(remembering Weiss hugging him after he brought Klein back to help Nora, of how Willow smiled at them after so long, of how Klein actually treated and cared for him like a normal child, of Winter looking at him with worry as he entered the temple): I’LL FIGHT TO PROTECT THIS HAPPINESS!!!
Whitley draws the final sword as ripples of water swirl around him and his aura glows blue.
Suddenly their auras all start glowing and they all clutch their head as they feel an sudden influx of new memories.
Of warriors who fought off alien invaders on another far away planet. Their experience, their skills, and how they were willing to give it all up in order to protect the planet itself. Most importantly, they learned the name given to the warriors shown in the drawings…
Jaune(after recovering and gazing up at a drawing depicting the group of five warriors): Gingaman…
Jaune(once the others have recovered): That’s who they are…
Ruby(looking at the sword in her hand): That’s who we are now…
Ren(confused): But according to those memories, they’re from another planet…
Whitley(following along): So how did the Starbeast Swords end up here?
Oscar(looking around): Something must have brought it here, but what?
Jaune(after figuring out how to collapse the blade into its storage mode and placing it in his pocket): Something tells me that this is part of something bigger…We should get out of here and meet up with the others.
Meanwhile, outside;
The now identified Starbeasts suddenly turn their attention to the horizon, with GingaLeon emitting a low growl, drawing most of the hunters’ attention.
Taiyang(looking towards the distance and seeing Salem’s Monstra): Oh no…
Tai’s scroll suddenly goes off and he answers, revealing a panicked Qrow.
Qrow(over Tai’s scroll): Tai, get out of there! We don’t know why, but Salem’s on a warpath heading towards you!
Taiyang(nodding): We’re leaving as soon as Ruby and the other’s come out of the temple!
Qrow(worried): They went inside that temple?! Whatever, you need to get them out and leave!
Nick(readying his blade): There’s no time!
Blanche(pulling out her pistol): PROTECT THE BULLHEADS!!!
Before Tai could even start to prepare himself for battle, the beasts start growling and roaring, before glowing brightly.
Once the glowing subsided, the beasts resembled giant mechanical versions of themselves having assumed their Silver Starbeast forms, and they start running towards the Monstra!
Qrow(noticing the Beasts from Robyn’s airship as they approach the temple): What the hell?
The Silver Starbeasts then jump into the air and begin transforming!
The lion’s head folds up while it’s body collapses into itself, forming an upper body.
The gorilla’s arms fold in its body and its chest folds down onto its legs, and it splits open from below the shoulders, forming a pair of legs.
The falcon lands on top the gorilla, forming part of a waist and a back piece.
The Wildcat and Wolf fold in their legs and straighten out their bodies to become arms as fists emerge from them.
The five otherworldly beasts come together, with the lion’s jaw flipping down to reveal a silver face with blue eyes as yellow horns manifest on either side of the head, forming a colossus of metal. They have become;
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Seijuu Gattai, GingaiOh!
Robyn(eyes wide as she brings her airship down to land by the other bullheads): Oh my god…
Jaune and the others emerge from the temple and gaze upon the mighty titan, and smile as they see it approach the incoming Monstra undeterred.
Salem(enraged by this incoming Titan): UNLEASH THE LEVIATHAN!!!
From beneath the Monstra, a great deal of Grimm essence is released onto the sands of the Vacuo desert. A Grimm starts to take shape from the goo as GingaiOh approaches, becoming a Leviathan Grimm!
Sun(eyes widening): Wait, is this really happening?!
Nora(smiling in glee): HELL YEAH, GIANT MECHA FIGHT!!!
GingaiOh draws it’s Silver Armor Sword as the Leviathan draws closer, and meets the Grimm head-on with ease. The otherworldly Titan delivers a savage left hook across the Grimm’s face, pushing it back and causing cracks to form in its boney mask!
Watts(stunned at the sight of the cracks): Impossible…
GingaiOh notices that the Leviathan was left dazed by the punch and proceeds to raises the Silver Armor Sword as it starts gathering energy, causing the blade to start glowing!
Maria(as she and Pietro disembark from Robyn’s bullhead, having been picked up by the Happy Huntress and Qrow as they left Atlas): What’s it doing?
Sun+Nora(grinning widely as they realize what’s about to happen): IT’S ENDING THIS!!!
As the Silver Armor Sword is almost done charging the attack, Jaune and the others hear one of the voices that spoke to them call out the name of the attack as they approach the evacuees, they join the mysterious voice in calling out the name of the attack as they bring out the StarBeast Swords and point them at the Leviathan.
???+Jaune+Ruby+Ren+Oscar+Whitley(once the Silver Armor Sword is done charging and the blade glows with galactic energy): GINGA JŪŌ KIRI!!!(GALAXY BEAST KING SLASH!!!)
The face of GingaiOh scowls at the Leviathan as GingaLeon’s roar can be heard by everyone present as the Silver Armor Sword is brought down onto the Leviathan, slicing its body clean in half!
GingaiOh turns it’s back to the Grimm as the two half’s start falling to the ground, before they explode from the energy of the attack, ensuring that not even ashes remained!
Pietro(adjusting his glasses back into place because of the explosion’s shockwave): Incredible!
Salem is left stunned by the display of power she just witnessed, before she spots Jaune, Ruby and the others holding the StarBeast Swords, and her disbelief soon gives way to anger.
Salem(turning to her inner circle): I don’t care what you do, or what it takes!
Salem(pointing at various Seers she summoned, the first showing the mysterious Temple): Destroy that temple.
Salem(pointing at the Seer showing GingaiOh): Destroy those Beasts!
Salem(pointing at the final Seer showing Jaune and the others before the evacuees, StarBeast Swords in their hands): AND DESTROY THEM ALL!!!
Cinder+Tyrian(bowing down as Watts quickly leaves the room): Of course my mistress!/Of course my goddess!
Salem(enraged): NOW!!!
The Monstra then drops more Grimm essence onto the desert floor, creating another Leviathan as well as many of the smaller Grimm to attack the evacuees.
Another large pool of Grimm essence is deposited and another titanic Grimm starts to take shape! This one baring a slight resemblance to the Leviathan, but with more mass and looking like a kaiju from the popular monster movies. This is the Grimm known only as, the “Godzilla” Grimm(from Ice Queendom’s intro, that’s literally the name they use to refer to it for now on the RWBY wiki).
Jaune(grinning at the two Titan sized Grimm, knowing that GingaiOh would handle them easily as he raised his StarBeast sword in support): YOU GOT THIS GINGAIOH!!!
Neptune(turning to him): You know its name?
Ilia(noticing the swords in their hands): Were those inside the temple?
Ruby(holding up her blade): Yeah, it’s a long story.
Ren(turning to the horde of Grimm heading towards them): We’ll tell you all later…
Oscar(spotting Cinder and Tyrian leading the horde): Right now, we have some business to take care of.
Whitley(gazing at the sword in his grasp): Time to see what you’re really made of Schnee…
Jaune(thinking as he gazes at the lion medal on his sword): From what we saw in those memories, the Gingaman could transform using their powers…
Jaune(as the eyes on the medals on each sword glow their respective colors): Which means so can we!
Beams of light travel from the hilts of the StarBeast Swords and onto the wrists of their wielders, before subsiding to reveal wrist mounted devices with a golden dial, a series of lines in the five colors of the users, a blue gem, and a silver button with a black zigzag pattern running through it.
Jaune and the others knew exactly what to do as everyone looked at the display of light in confusion.
Jaune(as he turns his dial to the red line while glaring at the approaching Cinder and Tyrian): Ready?!
Ruby+Ren+Oscar+Whitley(turning their dials to their own colors as Cinder, Tyrian and the horde of Grimm stop and stare in confusion with everyone else): Ready!
Jaune+Ruby+Ren+Oscar+Whitley(holding their hands in front of their chest, palms open and facing away from them before swinging their arms out and pressing the silver button): GINGA TENSEI!!!(GALACTIC REBIRTH!!!)
Their bodies become engulfed in light and they raise their hands into the air above them as energy gathers and forms suits upon their bodies.
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Nick(stunned as he sees his son and the others transform before his very eyes): Woah.
Weiss(stunned): What is this?
Yang(concerned): What did you find inside that temple Rubes?
Cinder(annoyed): You really think a change of clothes will be enough to deal with us?!
Cinder(pointing at them with her Grimm and ordering the Grimm to attack): GET THEM!!!
Jaune(turning to the gathered Hunters, and snapping them out of their shocked stares): Tell the pilots to start taking off!
Ren(while facing the Grimm): We’ll help hold them off.
Ruby(looking at her gloves hands): This feels incredible!
Oscar(bending his fingers as if they were clawed): It’s just like those visions we had!
Whitley(looking at his gloves before clenching his fists with determination): Let’s show them what we got!
Jaune(addressing the gathered Huntsmen and Huntresses): What are you all waiting for?!
Jaune(as he and the others start charging at the Grimm, arms spread and crouching as they ran while GingaiOh starts engaging the Titan sized Grimm): LET’S GO!!!
(Cue “Galactic Warriors Gingaman”, the official alternate English version of the Gingaman opening)
Make a dash!
Jaune and the other Gingaman reach the herd first and start fighting them bare handed and keeping them at bay.
Cross the universe saving Mother Earth
Whitley delivers an uppercut, knocking a Grimm into the air with his new found strength.
Dash Off!
Ren jumps up and grabs the Grimm in mid air and slams it into the sands of the desert floor.
Whole 'round the world waiting for the peace
Cinder(enraged as she and Tyrian see the five of them dealing with the Grimm with newfound strength and skills): HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?!
Tyrian(pointing at them as the other hunters join them): WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO STAND IN OUR GLORIOUS GODDESS’ WAY?!?!?!
Howl it!
Jaune(as he grabs a Grimm and tosses it aside with ease): You really want to know?!
Roar it!
Ren(jumping up and wrapping his legs around a Beowulf’s neck and twisting his body in midair to throw the Grimm aside): We’re the latest in a long line of warriors!
Whitley(while lifting a Beringel with surprising ease and tossing it towards a shocked Beringel): Protectors of love and peace!
Oscar(dragging a Creep across the ground while running on his hands and feet as Ruby does the same to a Sabyr, as they proceed to throw them towards Nick and Qrow as they slash the Grimm with their swords): We’re the one who won’t let you hurt anymore people!
Ruby(glaring at Cinder under her helmet): We won’t let you steal the happiness from others!
Jaune(grabbing a Sabyr as it charged at him, before dealing a flaming punch at its face, shocking Cinder as the Grimm bursts into flames, before striking a pose): GingaRed!
GingaRed(giving a thumbs up): Jaune Arc!
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When the heart beats for love, it's gonna beat the vice
Ren(evading a charging Grimm as it was then chopped by Port’s axe, striking his own pose): GingaGreen!
GingaGreen(thumbs upping): Lie Ren!
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Listen close to the ground
Whitley(delivering a kick to a Grimm, knocking it backwards for Winter to stab it with her swords, before assuming his own pose): GingaBlue!
GingaBlue(thumbs upping): Whitley Schnee!
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Beating strong enough to treat the lives
Oscar(with lightning coating his fingertips as he delivers a raising scratch on a Boarbatusk, throwing it onto its back for Emerald and Blake to attack its exposed belly before he assumes his own pose): GingaYellow!
GingaYellow(flashing a thumbs up): Oscar Pine!
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Astro energy filling up power to space
Ruby(dragging a creep across the ground with her semblance, leaving behind pink sakura petals instead of her usual rose petals, before tossing the Grimm towards an awaiting Nick to slash it in half, as she assumes her own pose): GingaPink!
GingaPink(thumbs upping): Ruby Rose!
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Come on kickin' Gingaman!
GingaRed(as they gather and he points towards the sky before bringing his hand down to point at the enraged Cinder and Tyrian): The Legendary Blade that pierces the Galaxy!
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Ride on ridin' Gingaman!
GingaRed: Seijuu Sentai!
Gingaman(posing together): GINGAMAN!!! REMNANT!!!
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Five elements from Galaxy, get all together!
Cinder(forming a blade with her maiden powers): I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU CALL YOURSELVES!!!
Come on kickin' Gingaman!
Cinder(using flames to fly towards them): I’LL STILL KILL YOU ALL!!!
Ride on ridin' Gingaman!
The Gingaman draw their StarBeast Swords from the hilt on their waists and leap forward to meet the charging Cinder and Tyrian.
Piercing through the Milky Way
GingaRed and GingaPink meet Cinder’s blade and easily shatter it with their swords, forcing Cinder to move back and create two more blades to dual wield. She is quickly overwhelmed by their combined might, and is thrown back by a fireball from GingaRed.
Oh, legendary blade
The other Gingaman deal with Tyrian, with Whitley catching his tail before it could stab into him, allowing Oscar to sever the prosthetic stinger from it, before Ren sends a mini tornado at the mad faunus, sending back alongside Cinder.
Galactic Warriors…
The StarBeast Swords glow again, before claw shaped weapons appear in the Gingaman’s hands, the Mechanical Blade Kibas.
Gingaman(holding out their Kibas in a star formation aimed at Cinder and Tyrian): Kiba Imperial Wrath!
The Blades glow as they charge up energy, before releasing a beam of energy at the pair.
The beam hits the two, causing them to seemingly explode, with their auras shattering as they had taken the brunt of the attack, with the skin of Cinder’s left Grimm arm being burnt as a result.
(End song)
GingaiOh easily dispatches the Leviathan like it did the first one, but is pushed back by a head button from the Godzilla Grimm.
GingaiOh gets back up and stares at the Grimm while Salem grins at final managing to land a hit on the mechanical Titan.
GingaiOh then removes the upper half of Gingalcon’s body from its back, forming its secondary weapon, the Galcon Bowgun.
Energy starts gathering at the tip of Gingalcon’s beak as GingaiOh ready’s its ranged finisher.
Salem(seeing the energy being gathered, as she orders her Grimm to interrupt the process): STOP IT!!!
The same mysterious voice from before calls out the name of the attack for all to hear as GingaiOh takes aim at the Godzilla Grimm.
???(as GingaiOh fires the shot): RYŪSEIDAN!!!(METEOR BULLET!!!)
The energy blast completely decimating the Godzilla Grimm as it charged at it in an attempt to stop it, creating an explosion, much to Salem’s anger.
Salem(seeing Tyrian and Cinder being defeated): MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?!?!?!
Ozpin(from within Oscar’s mind, amazed): Incredible! Mr Arc and Miss Rose were able to easily defeat the full might of a Maiden!
Before the Gingaman could approach the downed opponents, they jump back on instinct, avoiding a barrage of explosive shots as Watts runs up in front of his comrades as they get up.
Watts(aiming his gun at the gathered hunters and Gingaman): You two let yourselves be beaten by these people? Pathetic…
Cinder(getting up with a scowl): SHUT…UP…
Before another fight could break out, an angry shout from the Monstra catches everyone’s attention.
Salem descends from her mobile base, and lands before her inner circle, a look of rage on her face.
Nick(readying his weapon): Things just got worse for us, didn’t they?…
Salem(her eyes glowing with her magic): You have NO idea…
But before the Queen of the Grimm could left a hand to blast her enemies with a blast of magic.
???(as the Gingaman, the hunters and the evacuees start glowing): Pardon us…
???(as the glow gets brighter): But it’s time to go…
???(as GingaiOh starts glowing just as brightly): You’ll have to continue this at a later date.
Once the glowing subsides, Salem uncovers her eyes and sees that the everyone has vanished, along with GingaiOh, the Bullheads, and the Mysterious Temple.
Whitley opens his eyes once he feels the glowing light subside, and sees that everyone are now on what appears to be a large hangar bay, with the Bullhead pilots exiting their crafts to look around in confusion. Especially since there appears to be more people than just the evacuees of Atlas and Mantle.
Whitley looks around as well, only to stop as he sees what lies behind the hangar’s exit as his eyes widen in shock.
GingaBlue(getting everyone’s attention): Um, guys…
GingaBlue(as everyone turns to him): I don’t think we’re on Remnant anymore…
GingaRed(turning to Whitley after seeing that a surprised Saphron and Terra were there with his nephew Adrian): What makes you say that?
GingaBlue(pointing outside): Because Remnant’s right there…
Everyone who heard that statement turn in the direction he was pointing and their eyes widen in shock as they see that they are floating in space and see the planet of Remnant before them.
Blanche(gazing out into the void of space in amazement): Oh my god…
Pietro(looking around in amazement): What is this place?
Raven(walking up to them with her sword drawn, and her eyes glowing): That’s what I want to know!
Qrow+Taiyang+Nick(shocked and readying themselves for a fight): RAVEN?!?!?!
???(coming from all around them): Do not be alarmed!
The mysterious voice reveal themselves to be 3 figures with red, blue and yellow hooded cloaks respectively. Underneath the cloaks, they are seen to be wearing costumes similar to the Gingaman, albeit the designs appear to be constantly shifting in appearance, always keeping their respective colors with each shift.
???(pulling their hood back to reveal a red helmet with a black visor in the shape of a phoenix, before it shifts into a helmet with a cheetah motif and a red visor reminiscent of sunglasses, with their costume being a mix between a red and black gi and what appears to be a red and black pirate coat with gold trimming): We mean you all no harm!
Blue(his costume shifting as well between various designs, with even their gender shifting at times): We brought as many people as we could from each major settlement aboard this ship.
Yellow(shifting between designs and genders as well): We did so to save as many people as we could.
A young 12 year-old blonde girl, with blue eyes steps forward with another blonde woman about Winter’s age and height. These are Jaune’s sisters, Kelly and Garnet Arc, respectively.
Kelly(confused): Save us from what?
Emerald(still looking at Remnant): What is THAT?!
Everyone turns back to look at the planet, and notice what appears to be a wave of dark energy washing over the planet, originating from the deserts of Vacuo.
As the wave washes over the planet, they can see the green representing the vegetation turning black, like volcanic stone, causing many to worry, and Ozpin to realize what has happened.
Ozpin(taking control of Oscar’s body in shock): Salem…
GingaGreen(stunned): What did she do?!
Ozpin(explaining): She released a large burst of uncontrolled magic, terraforming the entire planet to mimic the terrain of her Grimmlands…
Ozpin(turning to the others): Anyone left on the planet was likely turned to stone…
Oscar(given control back, and removing his helmet to reveal his wide eyes): No…
Red(addressing everyone there): The change to your planet can be undone. We brought you all here to be relocated to another planet until then.
Jaune(removing his helmet while turning to the figures, shocking his sisters upon seeing his face): Who are you?
Ruby(holding her helmet in her hands beside her best friend): And what do you want from us?
Red: We are the Morphing Masters, guardians of the morphing grid.
Blue: We are partially responsible for granting you these new powers.
Yellow(motioning towards a fourth figure walking out from the shadows): As for your second question, you’ll have to ask him.
The final mysterious voice reveals themselves to be a man in a fully red costume, with a high collar, gold highlights, and a badge on his chest that bears the number “45” over his left breast.
???(striking his own pose, taking the form of various warriors in red, including an outfit identical to the one Jaune’s currently wearing): I am the one who inherits the red souls, Akared!
Akared(crossing his arms over his chest, as GingaiOh separates into the individual StarBeasts behind him): We have quite a lot to talk about with you all…
The Adventure Begins!
Next Time;
Jaune: Our planet’s part of a “Lost Galaxy”?!
Oscar: Oz!
Ozpin: I have my own body again!
Pietro: Penny, you’re alive!
Penny: How is this possible?! I remember being stabbed!
Akared: Welcome to the planet Kaien in the Shishi System!
Weiss: That alien has a dog head!
Blue: The refugees will be staying here until the damage to Remnant can be undone.
Alien: What business do you have all the way out in this part of space?
Salem: I’m a planetary conqueror, and I’d like to place a bounty on the Seijuu Sentai, Gingaman…
Yellow: You must head to Earth to best learn how to use your new powers, as well as uncover the truth about the Brother Gods…
Blue: This planet is well protected by its king, he’ll ensure that nothing happens to the refugees.
Bounty Hunter: I’m here to collect the bounty on the Gingaman!
King of Kaien: YOSSHA, LUCKY!!!
Neptune: What are Grimm doing here?!
Cinder: Time for a rematch!
Nora: He transformed too!
King of Kaien: Super-Star! Shishi Red!
Ren: He’s Super Sentai too?!
Whitley: The alien grew!
Yang: What’s that guy doing?!
Stranger: You go! I go! Here we go!
Strange Device: FUSIONRISE!!!
Stranger: GEED!!!
Geed: I am Ultraman Geed!
Ruby: Something tells me we’re going to get used to seeing things like this…
Gingaman: Next time…
Gingaman: “Chapter 2; Goodbye Lost Galaxy!”
Gingaman: Don’t miss it!
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threespiritstrio · 6 months
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3 notes · View notes
angelmichelangelo · 2 years
just saw the new human designs for donnie and mikey and i’m chewing glass because LOOK AT THEM !!!!!!!!!
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24 notes · View notes
gallagherkun · 11 months
Genshin impact x mystic force:
(Followed of their elements)
Pyro/mystic red:
Hydro/mystic blue:
Dendro/mystic green:
Geo/mystic yellow:
100% itto
Anemo/mystic pink:
Solaris knight:
Aether(yes light.)
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purple1234aaababa · 2 years
Power ranger dormleaders imagine the chaos
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shapeshiftingcloud · 2 years
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It has begun
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angstsplatter · 2 years
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Preview of the upcoming TMNT x Power Rangers crossover comic with the boys utilizing cloaking devices (peep the hand, where the cloaking device makes two of their fingers look like two fingers each to give them the appearance of having five fingers).
Black human!au turtles are a go, babyyyyyyyy!!!
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write2fight · 10 months
Kiramager X Owl House
Just an idea.
Writing it up for kicks. coming soon hopefully.
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