#power of madonna
gleetournaments · 5 months
The Ultimate Episode Tournament: Round 5 Match 4
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is my recap for the La Episode Bonita (Power of Madonna) episode of the podcast.
This was the first tribute episode.
Ryan Murphy directed this episode.
Some of the cast did a spread in TV Guide to promote the episode.
This episode aired on April 20, 2010.
The #1 song was still Rude Boy by Rihanna.
The #1 movie was Kick-Ass.
On April 17 2010 they won Outstanding Comedy Series at the GLAAD Awards.
They also won Future Classic at the TV Land Awards. Kevin and Jenna still have their trophies. Ann Coulter was sitting next to Jane Lynch. Why was Ann Coulter at the Glee table? This was recorded on the same night at the GLAAD Awards.
Ryan Murphy and Jane Lynch are huge Madonna fans.
They go over the song list and start the recap of the episode.
We get a Sue's Journal scene to start off the episode.
Ryan usually always had something to do with a character breaking the 4th wall.
Right before Express Yourself started Kevin shouted Come on squirrels, do you believe in love.
Kevin remembers the choreography to Express Yourself.
The guys were actually really loving the girls number and couldn't show it in character. Well minus Chris of course. All the guys except Kurt didn't want to do Madonna.
Jenna said it was fun to do a real number and actually get to dance. The guys weren't bored and would cheer on the girls between takes.
Kevin loves that we get so much Naya in this episode.
Santana says to Finn that he is about as sexy as a cabbage patch kid and that it is exhausting to look at him. She tells him the truth that Rachel is still with Jesse.
The scene between Sue and Emma in Sue's office is really funny. Sue compares Emma to a panda at the zoo who refuses to mate.
This whole episode was directed really well.
The hallway number with all the different Madonna looks was really cool. Make-up and wardrobe had a fun time with it. There was a look for each era of Madonna.
Ryan loves a hallway shot.
High schools are really alive in the hallways.
Sue and Schue insult each others hair. Kurt and Mercedes were watching the whole thing. Sue reveals she is actually jealous of Schue's hair. She also says she is 29 years old when she talks about ruining her hair by dying it with random chemicals.
Kevin had no desire to direct at this time and didn't care for the Artie being a director storyline in the beginning. Kevin has now directed several music videos. It is like art imitating life. Maybe Artie is why Kevin started directing music videos.
Vogue is a full shot for shot remake of the original music video. Jane looked beautiful. They spent more then a day on this number.
When changing lyrics in a song they would sing two versions of the song just incase they didn't get permission to use the changed lyrics.
Kevin loves the scene with Rachel and Jesse in the library.
Jenna buys Groffsauce playing a sexy straight man. So hot.
Then we move to Will and Emma. Emma wants to do the nasty with Will.
This leads into Like A Virgin. This number is so good. Naya is SINGING on this song. This was the first time they realized they could give Naya more to do in a song. The number ends in a bit of cliffhanger.
We eventually learn that Santana and Finn were the only ones to go through with it.
Jesse St. James joins the Glee Club.
Mercedes and Kurt have been laying the groundwork this episode for them to join the Cheerios.
This then leads into 4 Minutes. Kevin said it was an explosion of joy. Chris and Amber looked and sounded great. It was fun to see them perform outside of Glee Club.
The boys do What It Feels Like For A Girl. This number is so so good. Kevin said shooting this number was weird but recording it was fun. He loves this version. He reverted to his boy band ad libs in this song. This was the first and only time there were no guide vocals for the ad libs.
There were some Tina and Artie scenes in this episode. Ryan kept telling Jenna to go bigger.
Ryan and Paris were very grounding directors.
This scene was not written in the way that it ended up being shot and used in the episode. Ryan rewrote the scene and gave them new lines. The new scene felt so much more right.
Kevin liked that this was a real mature conversation especially after th stupid stuff Artie said earlier in the episode.
The whole cast has a soft spot for Like A Prayer.
They started rehearsing for the first tour a month after this episode.
Amber's mom is right behind her in the choir and her sister is to the right of Amber. There is one shot of them together and it is really sweet.
It was really fun to perform. It was their first number with Groffsauce.
They had a full choir and were performing for no one.
It was nice to see Amber and Lea both getting an opportunity to shine together int his number.
When they did this number at their last show of the tour at Radio City the choir was made up of the crew including Ryan, Ian, and Brad. They had surprised the cast. Jenna was bawling. Kevin also cried and was glad their backs were to the audience. Good memories.
Kevin and Jenna love this episode. The writing and song selections were great.
Tartie Takes:
Cringe Moments/Ouchies - Kevin: The way the guys were treating the girls and Puck not wanting to do songs by a female artist. Jenna: Brittany dating a 7 year old.
Worst Dance Move - none
Best Dance Move - The stilts. 4 Minutes was incredible, and Express Yourself.
Best Song - Jenna: Vogue, Ray of Light, or Like A Virgin. Kevin: Like A Virgin or What It Feels Like. They are all really good.
Best/Word Performance by a Prop - Jenna: the monocles in Express Yourself. Kevin: The head mics.
Best Line: Sue's comment about elves in Schue's hair. Mercedes and Kurt.
Shit We Found on TikTok;
Does the Believe sign in Ted Lasso go back to a Glee SNL sketch?
The next episode is Home.
Alexandria House is dong a Walkathon on March 18th.
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tma-thoughts · 2 months
Genuinely if Deadpool & Wolverine had the exact same plot and character dynamics but with Wade and a female superhero instead of Logan there would be absolutely NO QUESTION that they were into each other. The car sex would be a no-brainer. Them MOVING IN TOGETHER would be confirmation of a non-platonic relationship.
But because Wade and Logan are both dudes the straights call it guys being bros and the chronically online gays call it queerbait
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cryscendo · 6 months
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Mr. Schue, Mercedes and I talked it over, and we love being in Glee, but being in the Cheerios will give us more opportunities to shine. So we’re doing both.
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y2k-2day · 1 month
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Madonna - The Power of Goodbye (1998)
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gleecontext · 8 months
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GLEE S01E15 The Power Of Madonna
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itsallmadonnasfault · 15 days
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 7 months
Watching Protestants wring their hands over Catholic rituals and religious traditions is so funny to me because they'll see a bunch of people kissing a crucifix, taking communion at Mass or carrying a large statue of the Virgin Mary in a procession and act as if Armageddon is happening at that moment. There are actual things in the Catholic Church worth critiquing but Prots miss the mark every time.
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goodytwolose · 5 months
I Heard A Rumor: Lore, Gossip, and Other Tales (70s, 80s, 90s)
If you're a fan of retro music or film and are a Chatty Kathy (or just want to listen to some tea), you are welcome to join this spaces, Friday, May 24 @ 9PM EST/ 2 PM PST
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 1 year
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angelhummel · 29 days
also when the guys start with their misogynistic bullshit i was immediately like "shut up finn!!!" and my sister was like "that was puck talking" i was like oops its just a reflex at this point
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gleetournaments · 5 months
The Ultimate Episode Tournament: Round 3 Match 15
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newyorknyc · 5 months
I'm out...
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iamdangerace · 7 months
Madonna, Beautiful Stranger from the promotional only 12" single (1999).
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At the turn of the century when, though we knew it not at the time, all was comparitively right with the world, people were fucking to this song...
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Just as the Madonna intended.
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
1x15 - The Power of Madonna
Vogue - Sue Sylvester + Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones
“I think we can help. Mercedes is black; I’m gay. We make culture.”
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moghedien · 2 years
crazy how Madonna made Like a Prayer, which is about Siuan and Moiraine, in 1989 before the first WoT book even came out
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