#powder supplements
wikipediapictures · 1 month
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Bodybuilding supplement
“A chocolate-flavored multi-protein nutritional supplement milkshake (right), consisting of circa 25g protein powder (center) and 300ml milk (left).” - via Wikimedia Commons
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feytouched · 8 months
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sporkberries · 1 year
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darkwood-sleddog · 9 months
babe if you have to make an entire social media post about "adding nutrients to my dog's kibble" have you thought perhaps that kibble is not right for your dog?
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slabime · 1 year
Keep your old man under a heat lamp with mulch
I impulse purchased him at a petsmart, without doing research, where the cashier told me incorrect care info that I did not fact check and he has acquired 15 more health problems under my care
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
Every time I get sick I start googling "how to improve immune system" like maybe they've finally invented the miracle cure vitamin that you just take once a day and never get sick anymore and I just missed the announcement. And every time google returns to me the news that the only thing that even might work is to get better sleep, more exercise and better nutrition. Which unfortunately sounds significantly more annoying than the magic supplement cure.
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constructbreakdown · 5 months
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20doll · 2 days
> refuses to hydrate myself the entire week
> wonders why my bowels hate me
> ???
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musclemsn · 1 month
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 months
on the one hand it's a relief that my little furfreak refusing to eat isn't a loss of appetite, but on the other hand the fact that she just ate an entire can of tuna but refuses to eat anything else is just apex asshole behavior what point are you starving yourself to prove, babe???
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sponsor me @ ghost supps
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feytouched · 9 months
sisyphus (me) rolling the rock back up the mountain again (refilling my medication boxes with 70 pills for the week ahead now that it's sunday)
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eldesstia · 1 year
You choose the right protein powder just might help you elevate your regular exercise capability, gain muscle as well as drop some pounds. When you’re on the search for plant-based, take advantage of or even a whey-based, read on to obtain top-rated protein powder products on the market today. Plus, just how all too often it is important to bring them to discover the virtually all benefits. People with visions to learn about best protein powder review along with fine points can appear at liberty to go here https://www.wishtv.com/sponsored/best-protein-supplements-top-protein-powder-shakes-for-muscle-gain/ .
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kominfyrirkattarnef · 4 months
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fitgirledit · 1 year
Hey fit girls!
If you're looking to take your nutrition to the next level to boost the effect of your workouts, you might consider using supplements.
I created a short list of the most popular fitness supplements that will help fuel and optimize your performance. You can also read about my personal experience with them.
So let's get started on finding out which supplements are right for you!
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1. Protein Powders
One of the most popular supplements for athletes, protein powders provide your body with a steady source of muscle-building protein. They're perfect for those looking to increase their muscle mass or recover faster from intense workouts. Protein powders contain whey.
Protein powders are a fast and low-calorie option to ingest more protein. Remember that a sufficient protein intake is crucial for seeing changes in your body composition. The recommended daily protein intake varies wildly depending on the source, so I suggest tracking your intake and adjusting the amount of protein according to the body changes you observe.
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I've been using protein powders from My Protein for several years now. There are tons of flavors to choose from. They also offer vegetarian and vegan protein powders. I mix protein powders with water to get a protein shake, but you can also use milk or plant milk.
2. BCAAs
Branched-chain amino acids are essential for muscle growth and energy. BCAAs provide your body with the essential building blocks it needs to repair and build muscle.
I personally saw no difference when I used BCAAs before my workouts, but a lot of people include them in their routine.
3. Pre-Workouts
Pre-workout supplements are designed to give you a boost of energy before your workout. They contain ingredients such as caffeine and other stimulants that help increase your mental focus and physical performance.
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As much as I love to optimize my workouts, I am not a coffee drinker so the caffeine in pre-workouts made me jittery and nervous. But many people with a tolerance to caffeine swear by pre-workout supplements as they find they increase their energy and strength.
4. Creatine
Creatine is a popular supplement for athletes looking to improve strength and power. It's been scientifically proven to increase muscle growth, power output, and muscle recovery.
I highly recommend creatine, which is one of the best researched supplements on the market. I find that it improves my performance by about 10%. I currently take 3 grams of creatine per day.
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5. Multivitamins
While all of these supplements are important for optimizing physical performance, multivitamins are sometimes essential for overall health and wellness. They help fill in the gaps of any nutrition deficiencies (eg. if you exclude a certain food group), giving you the energy and nutrients you need to stay healthy.
Before taking any multivitamins, I recommend getting a blood panel done to figure out if you actually have vitamin deficiencies. You might consider taking only a specific vitamin instead of a general multivitamin supplement.
Overall, supplements can be a great way to optimize your physical performance and get the most out of your workouts. However, it is important to do your research before starting any supplement regimen as there are potential risks associated with taking too much or not enough.
Additionally, monitoring your progress and tracking what you eat will help ensure that you're getting all the nutrients you need for optimal health. Ultimately, if used correctly, supplements can give you an edge in achieving your fitness goals- so don't forget them!
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sunildigital · 6 months
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