#pov you check your own hashtag
critblur · 2 years
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0 notes
Closed Position: Week 5 (Rumba Part 3)
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist Dieter Bravo x OFC (Katarina)
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition, Dancing with the Stars, would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on the show to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
Chapter Word Count: 13.5k
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence (not by or toward Dieter), past alcohol abuse, and past drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
👉 Chapter Warnings: Dieter being a menace, improper use of a seat belt, Dieter with a guitar, serious sexual tension, improper ballroom dancing, Dieter's mouth, blasphemy (because of Dieter's mouth), smut, aftercare, fluff, and maybe a smidge of angst
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Chapter Quote: “You know you wanna do it with me. Let’s cause a scene.” 
Kat's POV
On Friday, I awoke sweaty and aroused. I was almost certain I had been having a sex dream…about Dieter. That was a new experience. I was equal parts mortified and angry that the alarm woke me up before the climax. 
I sat up and stretched before reaching over to grab my phone and water bottle from the nightstand, unscrewing the lid and taking a long drink as I unlocked my phone. I turned my attention to email first, opening the app to make sure I didn’t have any new marching orders from Stacia and Joe. I didn’t, but there was an email from the medical clinic indicating that my test results were now available. I figured everything was probably fine, but that didn’t make it any less nerve wracking as I logged into their portal to check. I sighed in relief as I skimmed down the page, all negative. At least that was one less thing to worry about. I closed that app, then noticed there were new Instagram notifications. Dieter had apparently posted a couple of new stories. The first was a picture he had taken of me last night before dinner. I balked when I saw the included text said “My dance partner is hotter than yours,” with the hashtag #YourLoss. 
(Click pics to enlarge. More after the jump.)
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That didn’t do anything to help my current state of arousal. The fact that he absolutely did not give a fuck was a serious turn on. However, I knew it was going to cause some raised eyebrows.
I sent a quick reply to the story, “Dieter, seriously?🤦🏻‍♀️😂”
My eyes rolled at his ridiculousness as I moved to take another drink of my water. I nearly choked, spilling half of it down the front of my shirt as his next story popped up on the screen. It was a mirror selfie of him sitting on the edge of the bed wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs and brown leather jacket. Once I finally stopped coughing, I audibly groaned. He looked so fucking good. Without a second thought, I took a screenshot, just as there was a knock at my door. I quickly locked my phone as I yelled “come in”, realizing too late that I probably looked like a hot mess. Dieter popped his head around the door, “Hey sleeping beauty…what in the world happened to you?”
I looked down at my shirt and rubbed aimlessly, “I spilled my water.” Because of you, you beautiful fucking tease. “What’s up?”
He looked amused, “I’m gonna go grab us some breakfast. I’ll be back.”
I gave him a deadpan stare, “I hope you found your pants.” 
He snorted, “Unfortunately for you, I did.”  
Fucker. I narrowed my eyes and chucked a pillow toward his face, “Shut up. Get out of here.” 
He laughed loudly as he pulled the door shut behind him. I heard the main door to the suite open and close a few minutes later. I screwed the lid back on my water and put it on the nightstand, huffing in frustration as I fell back onto the bed. His mere existence was making me crazy. At least we only had two days left here because I wasn’t sure how much more I could handle. I sighed, pulling up the screenshot of his story. Something about it caused the ache between my thighs to become almost painful. 
I scoffed, “Oh fuck this. I can’t take it anymore.”
I tossed my phone down beside me, then settled back into the pillow and closed my eyes. One hand sliding up my shirt to knead my breast while the other found its way under the waistband of my sleep shorts. I was soaking wet to the point that it was embarrassing. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this aroused. It was almost shocking considering it was over something so small. Or was it? Maybe it had just been building all week and was finally at a breaking point. 
I fought it at first, trying to think of anything but Dieter, but my mind kept going back to him sitting on the edge of the bed, thick thighs spread wide with that smoldering look on his face. Then my thoughts shifted to his large hands being the ones touching me. Now knowing how good he was with his hands had me craving his touch over every inch of my skin. I could only imagine how good it would feel for him to massage other parts of my body. Something told me he wouldn’t disappoint. 
I could feel the tension building, stretching so tight that it had me sweaty and gasping for air, but wouldn’t progress further than that. I was stuck on the edge, unable to finish. I think part of me knew allowing my thoughts to wander down this path was a terrible idea and was still fighting it. I stopped my ministrations, huffing loudly from frustration. Setting up, I sought out my suitcase to find the small vibrator I had brought. I should’ve just started with that. 
After searching it out, I settled into bed again, trying to get back in my zone with light touches, working my way up to it. Now that I allowed myself to freely think of Dieter, I seemed to get to the edge a lot quicker this time. Just as I turned the vibrator on, I heard the front door open and slam shut, followed by Dieter yelling, “Food’s here!”  
I turned the vibrator off and shoved it under my pillow, kicking my legs, groaning, and wanting to cry. How the hell is he back already? If I didn’t do something about this soon, I was going to spontaneously combust.
I rolled out of bed, pulling my hair up into a messy bun as I walked out into the living room. Dieter stared at me with furrowed brows. 
“You good? You look flushed…again.” 
Fuck. “Y-Yeah, I was just doing some yoga.” 
His brows arched, “You could do that in here ya know…where there’s more space. I promise I won’t gawk…too much…but maybe avoid the downward dog. I don’t need to see that.” 
I could feel the wetness on the inside of my thighs, suddenly thinking about how a little yoga session could turn dirty really fast under the right circumstances. 
I shook my head to clear that thought, remembering his last comment. 
“Why don’t you need to see that?” I asked. 
His face turned pink as he chuckled nervously, “Seriously? I’ve already told you that you have a nice ass. I wouldn’t be able to look away.” 
So, he’s an ass man. Got it. I snorted, “Well, at least you’re honest.” 
My eyes raked over the spread of food that he was now pulling out of bags, “Where did you go for all of this? That was super-fast.”
“There’s a diner just around the corner. I called it in and it was ready to go when I got there.” 
I nodded. That explains it. Of all days to get something quick…damn him. 
We sat down to eat. It took everything in me not to be distracted by the burning urge at my core. It eventually passed as we discussed the day’s schedule. Then I had to rush and get ready to head to the studio with him. It was dress rehearsal day, which I was pretty excited about. I couldn’t wait to see Dieter in action. 
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Most of my day was spent standing around, watching Dieter and the cast go through the skits. During breaks he would come over to ask me for feedback. Overall I thought he was doing amazing. The way he could just turn it on and go into character fascinated me. He was so witty, and his timing was spot on. I could already tell the show was going to go well if it turned out to be anything like the dress rehearsals. I did appreciate that he took any suggestions I made as being constructive. He didn’t seem offended and even welcomed the input, giving my ideas a try on the next run through. 
By lunchtime, I was beginning to feel achy. The week’s chaotic schedule was catching up to me and I had hardly taken any self-care measures to avoid it. I’m sure the pent up tension I had been feeling didn’t help matters either. 
Dieter came to sit next to me at the table with our DoorDash delivery and began pulling food out of the bag as he eyed me popping two anti-inflammatory tablets. 
“You feeling ok?” he asked.
I slumped back in my seat and puffed air out through my cheeks, “Yeah…I’m just getting a little run down. My joints are protesting and determined to ruin my day. I think I may take advantage of that soaking tub tonight. It might help.” 
Dieter gave me a sympathetic look, “Anything I can do to help? I can go get you some herbal tea. Turmeric, ginger, and white willow bark are good anti-inflammatories. I drink those when my back bothers me.”
I was surprised he offered such a thing, but I really shouldn’t have been. The man knows his plants, of course that would carry over to herbal remedies. He also seemed to have a tendency to try and take care of me. 
I reached over and squeezed his knee, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine…I think. I’ll keep it in mind though.”
He looked disappointed as he took a bite of his sub sandwich, chewing thoughtfully for a moment.
“We’ve still got a few more skits to rehearse. Why don’t you go relax in my dressing room for a bit…get off your feet…we can do the monologue run through last.” 
I made a pouty face as I picked at my sandwich, “But then I won’t get to watch you rehearse.”
“I mean…you don’t have to, it was only a suggestion…just wanna make sure you're not hurting. I need you on top of your game after all.” 
I smiled at his meager attempt at a joke, “You know what, I may actually take you up on that offer. At least long enough for the pain meds to kick in.” I would never admit it to him, but I was actually starting to ache bad enough that it was getting hard to ignore. 
He nodded, “Good.”
That seemed to placate him for now. I did appreciate his concern. At least he showed me that he cared. It was more than Alec ever did. 
After I finished my sandwich, I stood and perched against the table beside Dieter, who was now scrolling on his phone.
“How long do you think it’ll take you all to finish up?”
Without looking up from his phone, his hand reached out toward me, slipping around my lower back before pulling me into his side. His hand came to rest on my hip as he finally looked up at me from where he was still sitting in the chair. 
It took me off guard, but I didn’t hate it. I responded by leaning into him and resting my hand at the nape of his neck. My fingers inched toward his curls, hesitating briefly before moving to scratch lightly at his scalp. It had to be one of the most casually intimate interactions we had ever had. I wanted more. 
When our eyes met, my breath hitched. God, he’s so fucking beautiful. I could feel his thumb running across the small area of exposed skin where my shirt had ridden up, causing goosebumps to form over my entire body. It would be so easy to crawl into his lap and kiss him right now. I exhaled slowly, attempting to focus my thoughts on something else. 
Dieter seemed to have been momentarily distracted too, but eventually gave me a small smile, seeming to remember that I had asked him a question. 
“I’ll come get you during our next break. Feel free to take a nap if you want. The leather sofa is pretty comfortable, but I can’t promise how clean it is. No telling who has been in that room…” 
I snorted out a laugh, “Noted.” 
I moved to leave, but his hand tightened on my hip. His gaze turned more intense, “Promise you’ll let me know if you need anything? I’ll go get whatever you want.” 
I smiled at him and ran my fingers through the top of his hair, brushing it away from his eyes. It felt strangely satisfying to do. “Don’t worry, I will. I promise. It’s not that bad, really.” 
He studied my face for a moment, seemingly satisfied with my response before dropping his arm. I was suddenly feeling much better and didn’t want to leave him after that exchange, but I didn’t want to try and explain my sudden recovery because it had everything to do with him. 
After that, I made my way to his dressing room and immediately sunk down onto the plushy leather sofa. There was a blanket draped over the back that seemed questionable, but I sort of didn’t care, wrapping myself up in it as I settled in for a nap. I was out as soon as I laid my head down. Hazy dreams that I wouldn’t remember followed. Only traces of the way it made me feel would remain - warm, safe, loved, and blissfully happy.   
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I awoke sometime later to Dieter sitting on the edge of the couch beside me, his hand on my hip giving a gentle shake. He was looking at me with a smirk as I groaned and wiped the sleep from my eyes. 
“Time to wake up, sleeping beauty. How you feeling?”
I moved to sit up, his hand sliding down to rest on the side of my thigh in the process. 
“Better, I think. I didn’t realize how badly I needed that.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I think we’ve both been a little sleep deprived the last few days.”
He stood, “You ready to go over the monologue?” 
I laughed nervously, “I suppose. This is about to be a disaster…”
Dieter shook his head, “Nope, you’ve got this. Just focus on me and the cue cards if you need them. Forget anyone else is in the room.”
That’s easy to do. I do it often enough. I stood and followed him out to the stage, both of us taking our places. The first time through was…rough. By the fourth time, I relaxed into it some, creating a playful banter between us, which was the goal. Dieter’s facial expressions to my joking insults were so on point. It was hard for me to keep from laughing. I really hoped I could keep it together during the live shows. The fifth and final time, we managed to nail it, which left me feeling much more confident about the whole thing. 
Dieter and I were standing just in front of the stage exchanging notes on our last run through when one of the writers, Judy, came over and invited us out for open mic night at a local blues club. I knew there would probably be alcohol there, so I was tempted to decline. I glanced over at Dieter with a questioning look, “I’ll leave that up to you.” 
Dieter shrugged, “We could spare a couple of hours, right? I wouldn’t mind getting you up on stage...” A mischievous grin was now plastered across his face as I started to shake my head. 
“Nope. Not happening, Bravo.” 
Judy’s eyes lit up, “Wait, do you sing?”
Dieter bumped his shoulder against mine, still smiling, “She sings and plays. She’s amazing.” 
I was still shaking my head, “Dieter, no. I refuse.” 
He put an arm around my shoulders, hugging me against his side as he leaned in close to my ear, “I’ll do it if you will.” 
I sighed, “Now you’re playing dirty…asshole.” 
Dieter snorted out a laugh as Judy grabbed my arm, “Come on Kat, it’ll be a good time. It would be amazing to see you two do something like that together.” 
I puffed air out of my cheeks, “Alright fine. We can go…but I’m not making any promises.” 
Dieter bear hugged me, shaking me from side to side as he yelled “Yaaaaasss” a little louder than necessary. I laughed and rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm. Judy snickered at Dieter’s antics, “Great, I’ll let everyone know you’re coming. You can share a ride with us if you don’t mind being squished in. It’s not that far away.”
Dieter glanced over at me, a smirk on his lips, “That’s fine, Kat can sit on my lap if need be.” 
Fucking hell. Why is he torturing me like this? I narrowed my eyes on him as Judy chuckled, “Cool, I’ll go gather everyone up.” 
After she walked away, I leaned over to Dieter and quietly asked, “You sure this is ok? You know they’ll probably be drinking…”
He sighed, “I’m gonna have to be around it at some point. It’s inevitable.” He gave me a soft smile as he took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine, “Besides…you’re gonna be there with me, so I’ll be fine.” 
His eyes crinkled around the edges as his smile grew. I could tell that he believed what he was saying. It caused butterflies to form in my stomach when I considered the possible implications behind his words. 
A short time later, a group of us squished into the back of a black SUV. Dieter sat in the very back corner. I hopped in behind him. Just as I was about to settle into the seat, he pulled me onto his lap, sitting me at an angle across his thighs. He wordlessly reached up behind him with his left hand to pull the seat belt out and motioned for me to fasten it around the both of us. Judy and one other person slid onto the bench seat beside us as he wrapped his arms around my middle and hugged me against his chest.  
Dieter’s proximity caused him to completely invade all of my senses. His face was close enough to mine that I could almost taste his lips. I was cocooned in his smell and warmth, causing me to melt into his embrace. I could feel his hot breath blowing against the side of my neck and hear it hitch as I smiled shyly at him. The sight of his rounded brown eyes gazing deeply into mine made my heart skip a beat. For a brief moment, the world fell away, and it was just us getting lost in each other's eyes. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth before turning his attention to Judy who had apparently asked a question. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” he said almost in a daze.
“Do you play too?” she asked again. 
Dieter shrugged, “I guess you could call it that.”
I smiled down at him, “He plays the guitar and sings. He’s really good.” 
A smile tugged at his lips as a blush crept across his cheeks. He squeezed me a little tighter as he leaned his forehead against my jaw. 
Judy clapped her hands excitedly, “This is gonna be so much fun.” 
I wished I shared her enthusiasm, but I couldn’t. Dieter laughed, his eyes meeting mine again.
“You gonna have some fun with me, Kit Kat?” My brow arched. Fucking tease. 
I shifted to put my arm around his neck, “Depends on which definition of fun we’re talking about.” 
His left hand that now rested on my hip gripped a little tighter as his eyes roamed over my face. I could tell he wasn’t sure how to take that comment. Good. Stew on that one. One side of his lips tugged upward, “I’m open to trying any definition of your choosing.” 
My jaw nearly dropped. What. The. Fuck. Is he doing? I glanced around the car, worried someone was going to hear us, but everyone now seemed engrossed in one of the multiple conversations happening between the occupants. I could feel myself relax knowing that they all seemed distracted. 
He shifted to lean in closer, causing his right hand to slide up my jean covered thigh a few inches. His lips grazed the shell of my ear as he spoke in a low gravelly voice, “We gonna rehearse for a bit after this?”
When he pulled away I couldn’t help staring at his pouty bottom lip briefly before my eyes flicked up to his. I nodded, “I’m not gonna let you get out of it that easily. You still need a little work.” 
He chuckled, “Right…Whatever you say, sweetheart.” 
I gave him an admonishing look over the pet name as he fought a smile. We were interrupted by the opening of doors, having arrived at the club. 
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The club wasn’t really what I was expecting. The walls were dark, but it was hard to tell what color they actually were because every inch of the place was bathed in a crimson glow from the red lantern like light fixtures hanging overhead. A decently sized stage sat in the center of the room with equipment scattered about. The stage was surrounded by tables and plushy booths where people sat enjoying meals. A bar lined the wall on the far side, which made me cringe a little, but overall the atmosphere seemed very chill. It didn’t give off any sort of party vibe. 
We were seated at a large table next to the stage. Judy sat on one side of me, Dieter on the other. I sat in silence taking in my surroundings while Dieter chatted away with one of the cast members seated on the other side of him. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and eager to engage with him. It appeared that whatever damage he had caused during his previous time with them had been repaired. It made me happy that he was making progress in that area because I knew how worried he had been about it. 
A server soon appeared and began taking everyone’s drink order. To my surprise, not a single person ordered alcohol. I briefly wondered if that was something they had discussed as a group beforehand or not. Either way, I appreciated it. Dieter was still chattering away so I’m sure he hadn’t even noticed. 
I had just started flipping through the menu when, without a word, Dieter grabbed my chair and pulled me closer to his side. I looked up at him with furrowed brows. He gave me a cheesy smile as he rested his arm along the back of my seat, “I didn’t get a menu. Gotta share. What are we getting?”
I gave him a disbelieving smile and rolled my eyes, tilting the menu toward him so he could look at it with me. By this point in the week, we had gotten into the habit of picking out meals that we both wanted to try so we could sample each other’s dishes. I settled on the blackened chicken carbonara while he went with a Cajun chicken and shrimp pasta. 
After ordering, his arm remained around the back of my chair as he leaned in closer to talk to Judy on the other side of me. His full attention seemed to be on her, yet his fingers had found their way to the back of my hair, lightly stroking through it as he talked. I tried to be present during their conversation, but it was hard to focus on anything other than his soft touch. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure what the hell they were talking about. 
Our attention was soon drawn to the stage as open mic night got underway. The host of the evening, Brian, was already badgering people to go sign up before it even started. Before he introduced the first performer, he caught sight of Dieter sitting in front of the stage. He stopped mid-sentence and changed course, “OH Damn, we got Dieter Bravo in the house tonight y’all!”
His eyes shifted to me as the room whooped and whistled, “AND Kat Stamos is here too! Y’all shouldn’t have sat next to the stage. Imma be giving you hell all night.” 
We all laughed, but I felt like I was dying inside just a little bit. I hated being the center of attention like this. Judy took that moment to yell out, “Get them up on stage!” Fucking hell.
Brian’s eyebrows arched, “Oh you guys gonna perform for us?”
I shook my head as Dieter tried to laugh it off. He must have sensed my nervousness because his free hand found its way to my thigh and squeezed gently. 
Brian laughed, “I’ll come back to you later. I’m not lettin’ that go.” Everyone cheered. Fuck. This is not how I saw the evening going. The host finally moved on to introducing the first performer just as our dinner was served. Aside from taste testing each other's food, we ate mostly in silence, enjoying the soulful blues performances taking place mere feet from us. I thought we had escaped the wrath of Brian, but I was wrong. Just as we were finishing up, Brian was back on stage asking if anyone wanted to fill the next open slot. When no one came forward, his eyes focused on us.
“A little birdy told me that Dieter and Kat have some hidden talents. I think this would be a good time to get them up here!” 
I glanced over at Judy, who looked guilty before her nervous smile turned to an encouraging one. I felt a sudden adrenaline rush coursing through me as I turned to Dieter. A small part of me really wanted to see him sing and play on stage. 
“Go on, get to it. You said you would do it,” I teased with a smile.
He shook his head, “No, I said I would, if you did. You gotta come too.”
He stood up, which seemed to get the crowd riled up further, “Come on Kit Kat. You know you wanna do it with me. Let’s cause a scene.” 
I laughed. This is NOT what I wanna do with you, sir. I puffed air out of my cheeks. “Fine…but you owe me a solo performance too.” 
“You let me pick the song and I’ll do anything you tell me to,” he replied with a dimpled smile. Fucker. I couldn’t pass that up.
He grabbed my hand, tugging me up out of the seat. The cheers in the room were almost deafening as he pulled me up onto the stage. He grabbed one of the acoustic guitars from the stand, taking a minute to strum and tune it as he chatted with the house band. Brian walked over and offered me a wireless mic before disappearing. The handle felt slick in my sweaty palms as I turned toward Dieter who was moving toward the mic stand in the center of the stage. He gave me a sneaky grin as he worked to raise the stand to his height. I smiled at him nervously as I raised my mic to speak, “Alright Bravo, what's it gonna be?” 
Dieter was still smiling at me as he strummed a couple bars of the opening notes, waiting for my realization to kick in. It didn’t take long. It was the song I had been humming along to on Wednesday. The one he said that he wanted to hear me sing right before we had the almost kiss, or whatever the hell that was. I chuckled, rolling my eyes at him. He turned to his mic, “I hope you’re ready to have your minds blown by this beautiful and talented woman standing on stage with me.” 
I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks as the audience responded with whistles and applause. I couldn’t help hiding behind my hand. I could hear Dieter’s deep rumbling laugh through the sound system. It vibrated through every inch of my body as I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what we were about to do. I had sung in front of crowds before, but that was during family gatherings. This was different, almost daunting. Especially since I knew videos would inevitably find their way online for the world to see. 
Dieter turned toward me and leaned in to ask, “You good?” 
I gave him a nervous smile, taking another deep breath as I nodded. 
“Focus on me if you need to,” he said. I nodded again. 
He bumped his shoulder against mine, “Ok, here we go.” 
I watched as his thick fingers began to pluck out the opening notes to Blood on a Rose. My eyes met his sultry gaze just as the words to the first verse left my lips.  🎶 (Song link for reference)
Your voice in my ear / The world disappears / So I'll fall again / You can keep me right here / Haunting my soul / A beautiful thorn / You rapture my heart / Leave me broken and torn
The lyrics were suddenly taking on a new meaning for me. He WAS haunting my soul, and I was torn between keeping things professional and completely losing myself to him. I was inching closer to him now, singing only for him. We had seemingly become completely entranced by each other as I moved into the chorus. 
This love is killing me / The pain must be part of the cure / It's so hard to breathe when I need you so bad that it burns / You are the fire, love is the blood on a rose
I felt every word of it. This game we were playing had turned into nothing short of torture. My desire for him was reaching a new peak as the electricity crackled between us like it never had before. We were connecting in a new way that suddenly felt more intimate than the dancing. Maybe because we could both sense that there was some truth to the lyrics. I couldn’t keep myself from reaching up to brush the curl away that had fallen down over his forehead, then settled my hand on his cheek as I began the next verse. 
Lost in your eyes / These ties that bind / Body and soul / Leaving nothing behind / Don't know how to stop / Don't know how to stay / These chains might break / But you like it that way
And lost in his eyes I was. I don’t think either of us had broken eye contact since the first note of music sounded. We were standing so close together by the time I went into the next round of the chorus that I could have easily leaned in to kiss him if there hadn't been a guitar between us. After a short building instrumental interlude, he shifted, angling the guitar in front of me. He leaned in toward the mic just as I started the final two refrains of the chorus and joined in. 
The rush that I felt from his closeness was insane. My entire body was tingling and covered in goosebumps with his face now inches from mine, our gazes still locked as he belted out the words, harmonizing perfectly with me. Sharing this moment and this part of myself with him was waking something up inside of me. A craving unlike anything I had ever felt, and he was the only one that could satisfy it. 
When the song ended, we just sort of stared at each other for a few beats as applause and cheers broke out around us. He smirked as he pulled me into his side and kissed me on the cheek. Just as I pulled away, the crowd began to chant “One more!”. I laughed, shaking my head as I raised the mic to speak, “I think the next one is on Dieter. I’m done.” 
Dieter gave me his best sad puppy dog look. I shook my head again, “Nope. I’m done. It’s your turn.” He rolled his eyes as I turned to exit the stage, receiving praise as I went. I politely smiled in thanks, moving to take my seat at the table directly in front of where Dieter was now standing.
I could see that he was feeling anxious as he fidgeted with the guitar strap, then adjusted the mic, “Well, I don’t have Kat up here to make me look good anymore.” He laughed nervously, “So, you all better take it easy on me.”
The audience filled with quiet laughter as he turned around, briefly speaking with the house band one more time before returning to the mic. His voice started with the music, slow and deep. Bluesy guitar riffs intermingling with his somber tone. Every word was laced with emotion as his eyes focused on me. 
🎶 (Song link for reference)
Bright lights with the side of passion / Nightlife, welcome the attraction / Her satin gloves wrapped all around / She lift me up, then, she knocked me down / I fell in love, she showed me how / She takes a puff and it's curtains now
I was happy to be sitting, because my legs would have given out on me if I hadn’t been. He was literally taking my breath away. This was way more intense than the first time I had seen him sing. I could feel it in my bones - in every cell. I couldn’t handle how fucking perfect and beautiful he was. 
Judy grabbed my arm, “I had no idea he sounded like this. He’s so fucking good!” 
All I could manage was a small nod, not taking my eyes off him as he transitioned to the chorus. 
She drives a camera crazy / I think she knows it / There ain't no one above her and she ain't afraid to own it / The glitz and glamor slay me / But is it hopeless? / This goddess of a woman really gets the people going / Close up, zoom out / From every angle, yeah, she lay me down / Choked up, no doubt / She hard to handle, but she'll keep you 'round
His anxiety appeared to have dissipated. He now seemed slightly cocky even. The rawness and passion in his voice was seriously doing something to me. My thighs were now clenching together under the table. The ache at my center went from zero to painful in an instant. I sighed. This may very well be what finally breaks me. 
As he moved into the second verse, something about his expression changed. It was more playful as he fought a smirk, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip during the brief lyrical pauses. His eyes were borderline seductive as he continued to focus on me. Something told me he knew what he was doing, and that thought only made me squirm more. I couldn’t help questioning his song choice. I found myself wondering how much truth was behind the lyrics. 
Might bite when they call for action / Shines like she'll evoke reaction /  I feel it jump, heart starts to pound / She pulled the plug, really show me now / We fell in love, she showed me how / Hands are cuffed as I slowly drown
By the time he hit the chorus again, he was in full performance mode - sliding the guitar behind his back and gripping the microphone between both hands with confidence. It had to be one of the hottest things I had ever seen. A confident Dieter seemed to be my new weakness.
Everyone in the room collectively lost their minds when he finished. I could hear murmurs around about how amazing he sounded and how surprised everyone was by his talent. He was shocking people left and right this week and I was loving every second of it. I was proud of him and suddenly understood the urge of wanting to show him off. He was MY dance partner after all. If he could use that as an excuse, then so could I. 
After a shy “thank you” to the audience, Dieter rejoined us at the table and was met with fist bumps, claps, and pats on the back. He had a dopey grin on his face as he finally sat down beside me. When he noticed me looking at him, his demeanor shifted, seemingly unsure of himself now. I gave him a comforting smile, reaching to lace my fingers with his.
“You did such a good job. I’m a little speechless.”
He huffed out a relieved chuckle, shifting to put his arm along the back of my seat as he leaned in next to my ear, “You were amazing. I could listen to you all night.” 
It was my turn to be embarrassed. I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks, but I still managed to pluck up the courage to ask, “Those were some interesting song choices. Why did you pick them?”
Dieter leaned back into his chair and took a drink of water with his free hand, seemingly weighing his response. He finally shrugged, “They seemed to fit the mood of the evening.” 
He’s being cryptic with that answer. My brows pinched together, “What does that mean?” 
A cocky grin spread across his face, “You tell me.” 
My mouth opened to speak, then snapped shut. I don’t know what to do with that. What is he insinuating? 
We were suddenly interrupted by two younger women who asked to take a selfie with us. We agreed, of course. After they spent a few minutes fawning over us, they thankfully left. Dieter immediately turned his attention back to me, smiling as he draped his arm back around my shoulders.
“I’m almost afraid to check social media after this gets out. You know there’ll be videos,” I said. 
He snickered, “Well, let’s beat them to it. Story time!”
Dieter shifted to pull out his phone and snapped a quick selfie of us, then posted it to his Instagram story with a smirk. I’d have to check to see what ridiculousness he added to it later. After setting his phone down on the table, his hand found its way to my thigh and rubbed gently as he asked “When do you wanna head back?” 
His gaze locked with mine as I reveled in the sensation from his touch. The thigh touching was new, he did it so casually now and I was loving every second of it. I wanted more. 
“Umm, lemme run to the ladies room, then we can go,” I finally said. 
Judy’s attention was drawn to me as I got up. I motioned that I was going to the bathroom which prompted her to stand and join me. We had to wait in line for several minutes, quietly chatting amongst ourselves as we did so.
“I’ve gotta say, Dieter has shocked us all this week. He’s like a completely different person. He’s actually been pretty amazing to work with,” she said.
I smiled, “Yeah, I know he’s been working really hard. He was excited to be asked back.” 
“I’ll admit, a lot of us were not happy about him coming back at first. He was an absolute asshole last time…when he wasn’t trying to get laid that is. He was a mess.” 
That probably shouldn’t bother me, but it sort of did. I had to remind myself that he hadn’t kept his past a secret. I knew he used to sleep around. Maybe it was just starting to hit me differently after the Alec thing. 
“Being sober has done him good though. I think you're having a positive impact on him too. He seems much more relaxed when you're around,” she added with a knowing look in her eyes. 
My brows furrowed, “What do you mean?” 
She shrugged, “I dunno. He just appears to be…happier maybe? You seem very in tune with each other.” She leaned in closer, “I’ve gotta ask…because I honestly can’t figure you two out…Do you have something going on? Like…are you together?” 
I scoffed, “No. Absolutely not. I mean, sure, we’ve gotten close…I understand what he’s going through because my dad had the same issues…And this show and all the drama that comes with it is putting us through the wringer. We’ve just become good friends through all of it.”
She didn’t look convinced, “All I’m gonna say is…he was tryin’ to get with anyone that would give him the time of day last time he was here. Now, he only has eyes for you. That man is one hundred percent into you.”
I laughed nervously, “No he’s not. It’s not like that with us.” 
She gave me a doubtful look as she moved to take the next open stall, “If you say so, honey.” 
I stood there, a little dumbfounded for a moment. Maybe I wasn’t imagining things?
I tried to put Judy’s words out of my mind as I walked back to the table. I was still trying to convince myself that she was wrong. Do I think he flirts sometimes? Yes. But he’s Dieter fucking Bravo. That’s just how he is. To say he only has eyes for me is a whole other level that I was not fully convinced of yet. Of course, now that I was thinking about it, I couldn’t actually recall having seen him flirt with anyone else. Not even in a joking manner. That had to be because he was comfortable around me though. Right? 
As I approached the table, I realized Dieter was saying his goodbyes. He turned to me with a soft smile on his face, “I took care of our bill, and our ride should be here any minute.” 
Damn, he didn’t waste any time. I nodded, then turned to bid my farewells to everyone for the evening and thanked them for inviting us. Once finished, Dieter grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to the exit where we found our Uber already waiting.
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The ride back to the hotel was oddly quiet, but I could still feel a strange electricity crackling between us. Something had definitely changed between us tonight. I couldn’t keep my eyes from shifting in his direction and roaming over his profile as he stared out the window of the car. The city lights occasionally illuminated his face in various shades of white, blue, and pink - emphasizing his aquiline nose and pouty lips in a way that was making it hard for me to breathe. I knew I should look away, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could ignore the feelings I was having toward him. Being with him as much as I had this week was causing a raging monster to grow inside of me, and it wanted him. After tonight, I didn’t think I could lock it away any longer.
Once we reached the hotel, I linked my arm with his as we walked inside toward the elevators. After the elevator doors closed, his arm shifted to wrap around my waist, tucking me into his side. I was suddenly surrounded by the scent of him, earthy and woody with a soft citrus undertone. It was intoxicating and I had to remind myself not to lean in to inhale him. His husky voice broke through my thoughts, “Do you still wanna rehearse some tonight? I guess we probably should, huh?”
I raised my head to look at him, startled by how close his face was to mine. Fuck. He’s beautiful. I cleared my throat, staring up at him through my lashes, “Yeah, I mean…maybe we can just run through it a few times with the music.” 
The elevator doors opened to our floor. I moved away from him to exit, “I’m just gonna run and change first. Tight jeans are not ideal…” I added with a chuckle, swiping into the room as I spoke. He nodded, agreeing that he was going to change as well.  
I changed into black leggings and a matching zip front sports bra, then met Dieter in the living room. We stuck to our routine of rehearsing on the terrace. It wasn’t a cold night but being up on the top floor definitely made it a little chilly. Dieter made some sort of comment about keeping the blood flowing to stay warm and my thoughts spiraled. The fact that we were stuck doing one of the most intimate dances this week was not helping matters. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach realizing what we were about to do while I was in my current state. I don’t know if I can do this and keep it together. 
I queued up the music using the small Bluetooth speaker and my phone, then hit play on my watch once we got into position. On our first run-through, I messed up several times because I couldn’t concentrate, but we managed to make it through in the midst of laughter. Dieter was completely throwing me off my game with his new found confidence and intense focus. His hesitation with physical contact had disappeared only to be replaced by a cocky smirk and playful glint in his eyes, which was beyond distracting. I felt like he knew what effect it was having on me too. 
On our second run-through, we shook off our giggles and managed to focus, if that’s what you could even call it. The electric current between us was buzzing at max levels as we channeled the intimacy of the dance. Our touches became more sensual and less playful, the looks between us now lingering, the space between us disappearing. Instead of just our foreheads touching during those more intimate moves, our noses were now nuzzling against each other with our lips centimeters apart. Every nerve ending in my body was like a livewire, shocking me where our skin touched. By the time the song came to an end, the vibe between us had completely shifted. I stepped away, laughing nervously, “Well, that one went much better. I think we have a pretty good grasp on it. Do you wanna call it a night?” I need to get away from him. Now. Or I’m gonna lose what little control I have.
Dieter rubbed at the back of his neck as he peered up at me through his lashes, the corner of his lip twitched upward before he spoke, “I dunno, I think maybe we should go through it one or two more times…at least. If you’re feeling up to it…of course.” I could feel his chocolate eyes boring into me as he fought a smile. What the fuck is this? Why does he keep looking at me like that? His words from a few days ago popped into my head, “I’ll behave unless I’m told to do otherwise.”
Surely, he’s not…no. Is he? I felt like he was trying to get a read on where I was with things. Did he feel the shift too? My intuition was telling me that if we kept rehearsing right now, something was going to happen. This whole situation we had been thrust into was setting us up for this and I was falling for it. My gut told me he was too. My head was telling me to call it a night, but my traitorous lady bits were throbbing at the possibility of seeing what else Dieter Bravo could do with those loose hips of his. I suddenly felt like everything was hinging on my response. I must have taken longer than I realized to answer him, because Dieter’s brows furrowed as my name slipped out between his lips. My attention snapped back to him as he asked, “Is everything ok?”
My eyes widened, meeting his, “Yeah, sorry. I was thinking through the ending. I’m not sure it feels right.”
He arched a brow as the smirk returned, “I agree, it’s almost sort of… anticlimactic?” 
I nodded, “Yeah…I agree.” Maybe with a new focus, the tension might dissipate some. “Are you good to do another lift?” I asked.
He shrugged, his eyes were almost smoldering now, “I’m good with whatever you wanna do.” 
I felt like his words had a double meaning behind them. I tried my best to ignore my thoughts as I worked through the moves in my head, “Alright, I’m not sure how to explain this…ummm…as I turn, allow me to complete the turn into your side while lifting me up onto your hip. You’re gonna bend your leg slightly for me to rest on as you dip me backward, run your hand down my side then snap me up for the final pose.” 
He stood staring at me with a confused look etched on his face. I sighed, “Ok, hold on.” I moved to pick up my phone, closing my eyes for a minute to think where I had seen that move before. I somehow managed to pull it out of the recesses of my mind and quickly found it on YouTube to show him. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he watched, then nodded, “Yeah, I like that better.” 
We tried it several times and managed to get it down after some struggles and laughter. Then we decided to go through the whole routine again with the new ending. The tension between us quickly returned - pretty much picking up where it left off. Especially when we hit the first lift. From my position on the floor, I raised my legs and hooked them over the tops of his thighs. He slowly lifted me off the ground as I rolled my torso upward and hooked my hands around his neck pulling his face up to meet mine. Our lips grazed against each other this time. The position that we found ourselves in felt more intimate than it ever had as he did a full turn, and I released the hold my legs had around his waist to plant my feet on the ground. We stayed in the embrace a few beats longer than we should have but kept going after finally breaking apart. 
Our lips continued to lightly brush against each other throughout the rest of the routine. This was new. We had never gotten this close and intimate during a dance. It was causing blood to rush to my aching core. There was no way we could keep this up or else I was going to burst into flames. I could feel my control slipping away with each passing second. 
By the time we reached the end with the final lift I was hanging on by a thread. When I turned and he lifted me onto his hip for the dip, he didn’t just run his hand down my side. He started by caressing my neck, skimmed the center of my breasts, then down my side to pull me upward toward his face. Instead of just resting my hand on the back of his neck, it seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved upward and fisted in the curls at the nape. I could feel his heated breath rush out against my lips as he closed his eyes from the sensation, a quiet whimper escaping his throat before nuzzling his nose with mine. He pulled back slightly, allowing his gaze to settle on me. He looked dazed as I continued to slowly pull away to stand. His hand slid down my arm and gripped my fingertips until they were out of his reach.
I turned away, brushing my hair back off my face and inhaling deeply in an attempt to compose myself. Fuck, I’ve never felt anything this intense before. It was really messing with my head. He was like a magnet pulling me in. There was no way I could fight this for seven more weeks. The pull was too strong. If it didn’t happen now, it was going to eventually unless something changed. 
His voice broke through my thoughts, “One more time?” He asked. His voice sounded off. Smoother and deeper somehow. Like honey and sex. I turned to look at him, his eyes widening slightly, “Or, we can call it a night…if you prefer.” He could sense my reluctance and was giving me an out. Deep down I knew he was testing me. I could sense that he wanted it just as badly as I did. 
I shook my head, “N-No…one more time should do it. Our timing was still a little off. I think we can get it right this time.” 
One corner of his lips tugged upward. Did I have a double meaning behind my words now? Fuck. What am I doing? We got into position as I started the music again. The last of the frayed threads that had been holding us back were finally pulling apart. After the first turn, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled my back tightly against his front. I could feel every inch of his broad body pressed against me, including the stiffness in his pants. There was no polite space there this time as I reached up behind me with my right hand to the back of his neck, grasping at his curls. His fingertips slid down the underside of my arm as his lips lowered to brush against the shell of my ear, then trailed down my neck before transitioning to the next move. I could still feel the blazing path of his mouth on my skin, even after it was gone.
Our touches continued to intensify as we got to the first lift. This is when the threads finally snapped. After I rolled my torso upright and pulled his face upward to meet mine, he stopped moving. His breathing was noticeably shallower as I cupped his cheeks and stared into his darkened eyes. Slowly leaning in further, and without thinking, I placed the lightest of kisses on his lips before pulling back to meet his gaze again. His eyes searched my face as a conflicted expression overtook his features. I loosened the grip my legs had around his waist so he could set me down, which he did, but his hands kept me pulled snugly against his chest as they caressed over the bare skin of my lower back. 
He pressed his forehead against mine, I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he was holding back. His words popped into my head again, “I’ll behave unless I’m told to do otherwise.”  I realized then, he’s following my lead in this dance. I pressed my lips against his again, his response was tentative and gentle. Almost like he was afraid he might scare me away if he moved too quickly. My hands slid from his cheeks into his hair, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss. His lips parted, allowing me entrance. It was soft and sensual the way he massaged my tongue with his. God, he’s such a good kisser. I had never really thought that about anyone in the past, now I realized why. There was an art to it, and Dieter Bravo had mastered it. 
My thighs clenched together, the throb at my center was now unbearable. I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew there was no fighting it at this point as my hands dropped down to the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head. The soft fabric was replaced by my fingers splayed across his bare chest. He leaned in and kissed me briefly before pausing and placing his hands on either side of my neck with his thumbs resting on my chin, gently stroking my face. He pulled back, his intense eyes locking with mine. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
I nodded in response, but then he continued, “If we do this…it changes everything. I-I can’t go back to the way things were before. It’s all or nothing for me.” He was deadly serious as his eyes bore into me, unblinking as he searched mine. His intensity took me by surprise, and only seemed to spur me on. I let out a shaky breath, his vehemence causing my heart to pound in my ears. I nodded again, “I’m sure.”
He must have found what he was looking for as his eyes danced around my face, because it was like a dam had broken when his lips finally crashed against mine. He was suddenly full of passion and need. His hands roamed over the length of my body as he walked us backward toward the open door to go inside. Once we passed the threshold, he turned, pressing me up against the curtain covered floor-to-ceiling window. My leg hooked around his hip as he rutted against my center, nearly causing me to come undone from the contact. 
His lips made their way down my neck, but he still seemed hesitant in touching me where I wanted him to. I grabbed his hands and brought them to my breast, encouraging him to have his way with me. He gave them a tentative squeeze, before groaning against my jaw. One of my hands fisted in the top of his hair as the other moved to the front zipper on my bra, “It’s ok to touch me, Dieter. I want you to…need you to…please.” I begged through heavy pants. 
He whimpered against my skin as I pulled the zipper down, his hands immediately reaching for and massaging at the soft exposed flesh as I managed to slide the bra off down my arms. He raised his head, his tongue quickly plunged into my mouth as one of his hands began to move downward at a painfully slow pace until he was finally rubbing against the spot that I wanted him most. It was my turn to whimper into his mouth now. It wasn’t enough, I wanted more. My hips bucked against his palm. He seemed to understand, moving to dip his hand into the front of my leggings, his digits sliding over my slick folds, expertly caressing and teasing me. I quickly turned into a quivering mess as he licked and sucked on my neck and worked me over with his thick fingers. 
He suddenly withdrew his hand, now sliding both down my sides and hooking his fingers under the band of my leggings, he paused quietly whispering into my ear, “Is this ok?” I let out a breathy “yes” as he continued to pepper me with kisses, slowly moving down my body with his mouth as he removed the rest of my clothing, completely exposing me. I was burning for him. I couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before. The hungry look in his eyes as he sucked a nipple into his mouth only exacerbated the feeling. 
Dieter sank to his knees, lifting my left leg over his shoulder as he pulled away from my breast with a pop. He turned his attention to kissing and nibbling at my inner thigh, dragging his patchy stubble against my skin as his lips made a fiery path to the apex. His teasing touches were maddening. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. When he finally moved to my folds, licking up the center with the flat of his tongue, my legs nearly gave out. He hummed against me before latching on to the sensitive and throbbing bundle of nerves, sucking and flicking his tongue in tandem as his hands gripped my ass and held me firmly against his mouth. I doubled over almost immediately, my hands fisting in his hair for balance. Fucking hell, how did he do that? The loud moan that escaped my lips was almost embarrassing. I somehow managed to get myself upright and grabbed onto the door facing to my left for support. I was already covered in sweat, breathing heavily, and thighs shaking from the building release. Another quick jolt of pleasure ran through me, nearly causing me to double forward again. A breathy, “What the fuck!?!?” escaped my lips. I’d never felt anything like this before. 
I could feel the deep rumble of his chuckle as he broke away with another pop, looking up at me through his lashes, “Everything ok, sweetheart?” 
My eyes narrowed at the pet name. I could tell he was using that word purposefully. His defiance only further stimulated my arousal. “I don’t think I told you to stop.”  
That cocky smirk was back again, “Yes, ma’am.” 
He dove back in, more enthusiastic than before - groaning out profane sounds as he worked. I was fairly certain he was sucking my soul out through my cunt. His mouth should be considered the eighth wonder of the world. He should be worshiped. My debauched thoughts were already sending me to hell, so why not add the worship of a false god to the list? 
I couldn’t help grinding and arching into him, it felt so good it was almost painful. My release hit out of nowhere, my vision going dark before filling with bursts of color behind my eyelids. My ears began ringing, muffling all sound. The primal cry that came from deep within my chest shocked me. My whole body was shaking to the point that I could hardly stand. I could feel Dieter in front of me now, nuzzling his slick covered nose against mine with his hands around my waist, holding me tightly against him for support.  
I snorted out a breathless laugh, “I think I just blacked out for a minute.” 
I could feel him laughing against my throat. “Somebody was wound up tight,” he said between kisses. I knotted his hair in my hand and tilted his face upward to meet my gaze, “I don’t think I’ve ever come that fast, or hard…” 
He smirked. “You can wipe that smug look off your face,” I added through a chuckle. 
He shrugged as a cheesy grin spread across his face, “You know Kit Kats are my favorite thing to eat. What did you expect?”
I snorted, “You DID NOT just say that.” 
He laughed loudly, “I totally did, and I’ll never not say it again. It’s too good.” 
I smiled against his lips before pulling him in for a deep kiss, tasting the after effects of his handiwork. I wasn’t done with him yet. My right hand slid down through the light smattering of wiry hair at the base of his abdomen, then down the front of his gym shorts, rubbing his hard length. He melted into me as I swallowed his moans, pushing his shorts and boxer briefs down, exposing him to me. His size was as I suspected, girthy and above average in length, but not in a ridiculous way. He was perfect and I was aching to feel him. I NEEDED to feel him. I hooked my leg around his hip, encouraging him to rub against my slick center. He paused suddenly, his forehead dropping to my shoulder, “What’s wrong?” I asked. 
He raised his head to look at me with a grimace, “I…uhhh…I don’t have any condoms. I wasn’t expecting…this.” 
His rounded brown eyes were full of regret and maybe a little embarrassment at his admission. God, he’s perfect. I gave him a small smile, “I think I would’ve had more questions if you did have them.” He chuckled as I cupped his cheek, “It’s fine. I got the all clear and I’m on birth control…I trust you.” 
His brows arched upwards as he shook his head, “I haven’t…with anyone. I swear” 
I smiled against his lips, “I know…I told you, I trust you.” 
He huffed out a sigh of relief, kissing me once more as he grabbed my ass and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked toward the bedroom. He continued kissing me as he sank to his knees on the edge of the bed, managing to make it up far enough to lay me back on the pillows. He hovered above me on his elbows, fingertips in my hair as he kissed gently on my forehead, my nose, then my lips. He stared down at me for a moment, his eyes full of emotion, “I just want you to know that…with you…this does mean something to me.” I could feel my heart beating out of my chest from his admission. I kissed him back, deeply, before mummering a quiet “I know” against his plump bottom lip. 
He gave me a soft smile, then sat up on his knees, his hands gently rubbing and massaging down my torso as he moved. His eyes followed their path, taking in every inch of my flesh. Seeing him like this, completely bare before me as he began stroking himself between my thighs, was easily the most erotic sight I had ever laid eyes on. His shoulders somehow looked broader from this angle, the muscles in his chest and arm flexed as he slowly slid his hand up and down his length. His messy curls were now hanging down over his lustful gaze, adding to his sexiness.
The way he looked at me was nothing short of obscene as he reached to rub at my inner thigh with his free hand, gently grazing his fingertips down to my ankle, then lifting my foot to rest on his shoulder. His hand continued to rub from the tips of my toes down my calf as he nuzzled his cheek against the inside of my foot. The softness of his touch juxtaposed with the scratchiness of his beard in such a sensitive spot caused a surge of electricity to course through my veins. 
My cunt was suddenly aching to be touched. I couldn’t wait any longer. I surprised myself when my right hand found its way down to my folds to rub at the small bundle of nerves. My fingers briefly dipped down to collect some of the slick to smear around before continuing in my endeavor. My left hand moved to squeeze my breast. I was already feeling that familiar tingling sensation again with very little effort. Something about Dieter made me feel brazen and uninhibited unlike ever before. I never felt safe enough to be like this with Alec. I never felt any of this with Alec. 
Dieter’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he watched me arch into my hands. His eyes flicking up from the apex of my thighs to meet my gaze ever so often to watch me, watching him. Neither of us said a word, our connection allowing us to silently communicate our feelings and needs as we shared this moment of mutual self-pleasure. 
His hand moved to caress my ankle, his thumb pressing THAT spot again just below the ankle bone, causing jolts of pleasure to shoot through me. He tucked his chin, opening his mouth to graze his teeth against the spot his thumb had just vacated, causing a new prickling sensation to creep up to my aching core. I whimpered quietly at the feeling, his gaze meeting mine as he began to gently suck the area. His eyes shifted down to my center, now watching my fingers at work. I watched as his head dipped further, spit dripping from his mouth onto his cock as he continued to leisurely stroke himself, his thumb swiping over the sensitive tip as he moved. Something about his actions made me feel feral. It wasn’t a want anymore. I needed him. 
Dieter must have sensed my growing need, suddenly lowering my leg and sliding his large hands around my hips. With a firm grip, he lifted them up off the mattress and notched himself at my entrance. I watched our reflections in the mirrored ceiling as he slowly sank in, stretching me around his length. The sight and feeling of him forced incoherent sounds from my lips. He let out a loud hiss through his teeth as he sunk in to the hilt. His eyes fluttered shut as his jaw went slack, his head briefly dropping back in ecstasy. The position he put me in had opened my hips up in a way they never had been during sex, allowing him in deeper, eliciting a pleasure I had never felt.
He leaned forward slightly, tucking one arm around my lower back, causing it to arch further, increasing the friction of his movements against my center. He set a steady rhythm, rolling his hips and thrusting upward in a way that hit all the right spots perfectly. His free hand slid up my abdomen to knead my breast and roll my nipples between his fingertips causing my skin to pebble all over. He let out a quiet moan at the way my body responded to his touch. I soon found myself fisting the sheets and coming undone again before he had even broken out into a sweat.
A satisfied smile slid across his face as I clenched down around him and groaned loudly with my release, “That’s it sweetheart, let it go.” His breathy voice was deeper and more husky than I had ever heard it. It was so fucking sexy. I wanted to tell him to stop calling me sweetheart, but deep down, it was only stoking the flames further. I think he knew it too, which is why he kept saying it.  
He gently lowered my hips to the bed while I tried to catch my breath. He shifted to hover above me on his elbows, somehow managing to leave us joined through it all. His fingers worked to brush away the stray hairs that were sticking to my sweaty face, his lips trailing behind them. I caught his mouth with mine, kissing him deeply as my hands wandered over his body. He began moving again, tucking his knees under my thighs to slightly elevate my hips. I arched up into him as he hit just the right spot deep inside of me. The way he moved was causing the base of his cock to rub against my clit in a way that was already making my whole body quiver and shake toward another release as my legs tightened around his hips. One of his arms slid underneath my lower back, holding me snugly against his chest, further increasing the friction as he continued to massage my tongue with his. 
All of his movements seemed to be calculated. Every touch and every angle were done with a single purpose - to give pleasure, not take it. He knew exactly what I needed and how to get me there. I didn’t have to tell him, because he was reading the cues. He was working my body in ways I never thought possible and satisfying every craving that I ever had that had gone unfulfilled. Yet, he was awakening a primal hunger that I didn’t think would ever be satiated.  
He began to quicken the pace of his thrusts, which finally sent both of us over the edge together. The room filled with sounds of our heavy breathing and loud moans as he finally spilled into me.  Our eyes remained locked on each other through our releases. It was intimate and unexpected, making my heart skip a few beats. He wasn’t afraid to show the vulnerable side of himself as he lost control - not holding back any of his soft whimpers. I found myself wanting to see it again and again. 
Dieter nearly collapsed on top of me, burying his face in my neck as he worked to catch his breath. My fingers instinctively combed through his messy curls as I did the same. Eventually, he moved to kiss me again, nibbling on my chin as he pulled out with a groan to lay at my side. He was quiet for a few minutes, now seeming unsure of himself as he finally spoke up, “Do you want me to leave now?” His words came out almost in a whisper, sounding sad, like it was inevitable. He didn’t look my way, instead he stared toward the doorway as he waited for my response. I could see his expression in the mirrored ceiling. He looked sad, like he was fighting back his emotions.
I could feel my brows pinching together, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. “Why would I want you to leave?” I asked. 
His lips set into a tight line as he shrugged, “Because people usually don’t want me to stay…after.” 
I shifted to lay on my side so that I was facing him. I placed my hand under his chin, turning his head so he was looking at me, “I never want you to leave me after…”
He stared up at me with his sad puppy eyes before turning his body to face mine, burying his face in my side and hugging my thighs against his chest. “Is this ok?” he asked against my bare skin. My fingers moved back to strum through his hair, “Of course it is. It always will be.”  
I suddenly felt sad for him, wondering what had happened in his life that would make him ask those questions. I had the overwhelming urge to shower him in affection. I had a feeling he hadn’t gotten a lot of that, in recent years at least. Then again, I hadn’t really had that either.
I felt his hand rub up and down the back of my thigh, his head suddenly popped up to look at me, “Did you still wanna soak in the tub? I know the last few days have been tough on you. I don’t want you to be sore or anything. I can get it ready for you…if you want?” 
I glanced at the clock, it was almost 11:30 PM. “I dunno, it’s getting late.” 
Dieter kissed my hip, “If you wanna sleep in, I’ll go grab us some breakfast in the morning.”
I smiled, “You’re making that really hard to turn down, Bravo.”  
He was massaging my hip now, with a small smile on his lips. It felt amazing. 
“I wanna take care of you. Gotta keep these hips in working order,” he leaned down and kissed where he had just been rubbing as his hand slid down to grip my ass cheek. 
He’s definitely an ass man. I laughed, “Ok, fine. You win, but only if you join me.” 
He smiled against my skin, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
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I stretched out on the bed, watching as he moved around the room to prepare the bath, still completely naked and confident. As he waited for it to fill, he gathered towels from the bathroom then added salts to the water, occasionally checking the temperature. Once it was halfway full, he stepped in and sat down, “Oooh fuck, this might be too hot.” 
I laughed, “That means it’s perfect then.”
He shook his head, muttering out, “Nope. Nope. Nope.”  Then he moved to adjust the temperature of the running water.
Once he settled against the backrest, I got up to join him, piling my hair up into a messy bun along the way. He spread his legs wide so I could sit between his thighs and lean against his chest. I scoffed, “Nope. It could be warmer.” I sat up to adjust the temperature again while he laughed. We were quiet until the tub was full. I reached to shut off the water then got comfortable against him. His thumbs moved to massage into my neck, then down the back side of my shoulders. After several minutes, the rest of his fingers joined in, digging into the top muscles. His motions elicited a quiet moan from me as my head dropped back to his chest. His fingers made their way to the front side, massaging around the base of my neck, then moved down the sides of my arms. 
My eyes drifted closed, “Mmm, I wasn’t aware that a massage was part of this.”
Dieter’s lips brushed against my ear, “I told you, I wanna take care of you. That position I had you in can do a number on your neck and back.”
I sighed, “I’m not really sure what to do with this. I’m not used to aftercare.” 
He scoffed, “That shouldn’t surprise me. I hope he was at least a decent lay.” 
I laughed, “No. He wasn’t. He fucking sucked. I usually had to take care of things myself. He was a very selfish lover. Always wanting and taking. Half the time I just felt like his plaything to be used as he saw fit, then discarded when he was done. He typically didn’t stick around after either.” 
Dieter nuzzled into my neck, “That’s a terrible feeling that I know all too well. I promise, I’ll never do that to you.” 
I turned so that I could see his face, “I’ll never do it to you either…People would really ask you to leave after?”
He pursed his lips in thought, “Yeah, I mean…it was just hookups. It was never meant to be more than that. Either they asked me to leave, or they would leave without a word. It was better in a lot of ways…didn’t have to go through the awkward morning after thing. It’s just sort of what I’ve come to expect I guess.” 
I turned away, now staring at the water, “Why did you do it?”
He sighed, squirming under me a little, “Ummm, that’s more complicated. Most of the time I was so coked out I’m not even sure if I knew what I was doing. Other times, it was an escape…to feel something else and nothing else at the same time…but there was never any connection there. It was just about forgetting my problems and having a fun time.” 
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, suddenly worried that’s all this was to him. An escape. He must have sensed it because his arms tightened around me as he leaned his cheek against mine, “It’s not like that with you. Don’t worry. I told you…this means something to me. You’re making me feel things I didn’t know possible…want things I’ve never wanted because I was too afraid.” 
His voice wavered, which took me by surprise. I turned to face him again, searching his sad eyes. “What were you afraid of?” I asked.
He reached to entwine his fingers with mine on his chest, his eyes turning glassy as he stared at them, “In simple terms…rejection, abandonment, pain, loss. I didn’t feel like I was worthy of being loved. There’s a lot to unpack there, and I don’t wanna do that tonight. I just wanna be with you.” 
I smiled, releasing his hand and reaching to pull his face toward mine so I could look at him. We took each other in for a moment before he leaned down and captured my lips with his. I shifted to straddle his thighs as his arms snaked around me. We spent some time making out as our hands explored each other. It never progressed beyond that. I couldn’t remember the last time I had an intimate moment like this that didn’t turn sexual. It was actually kind of nice just being together. When we finally broke apart, Dieter buried his face in my chest, and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my fingers instinctively going to his fluffy curls. He sighed contentedly, “I can’t believe this is happening right now.” 
I chuckled, “I honestly can’t either…”
“You fought a good fight. I wasn’t sure if you were gonna give in or not,” he mumbled out against my neck.
I scoffed, “Excuse me? You didn’t know I was into you.” 
I felt his rumbling laugh, “Oh I one hundred percent did.” 
I tugged his hair to lean his head back so I could look at him, “Since when?”
He shrugged, “Since last week for sure.”
My head shook from side to side in disbelief, “And here I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it.” 
He laughed, “Maybe for a little while, but no, not recently…I think the water is getting cold.”
I puffed air out of my cheeks, “Yeah it is.”
I slid back off his thighs, then he moved to stand and grab a towel. After helping me to my feet, he began drying me off. Once he was satisfied, he tucked the towel in around my torso, then gave my ass a squeeze as I stepped out of the tub. I squealed, reaching for his towel, then turned to return the favor of getting him dry. 
As I rubbed the towel over his chest, I suddenly felt shy as I asked, “Are you gonna stay with me tonight?”
He smirked, “If you want me to…I mean, I was kinda planning on it…” 
Relief flooded through me. I couldn’t meet his eyes as I spoke, “Good. I wasn’t sure…”
His fingers found their way to my chin and lifted it upward so that I was looking at him, “I’m gonna be wherever you are until you tell me to fuck off.” I couldn’t help laughing. He always had a way with words. 
We didn’t even bother to get dressed before snuggling into bed, tangling our limbs together and making out like a couple of teenagers. I wanted to feel all of him as I drifted off to sleep and I made sure he knew it. He didn’t hesitate to wrap himself around me once we finally settled down. It was the best night’s sleep I had had in a very long time, and I knew it was because of him. 
Next: Week 5 (Part 4)
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A/N: Are you all screaming right now? I'm screaming because FINALLY! Took them long enough, right? Could that build up have been any slower? Dieter was taking a chance when he asked to keep going...it was a rather delicate dance on his part. We will hear from him in Part 4, which I currently have no ETA on as I haven't started it yet. (I know, I'm SORRY!)
Poor Kat just couldn't catch a break in this chapter. Just when she was finally going to do something about her little ache, Dieter had to ruin it. He was literally driving her crazy in every way possible. 🤭
What do you think about Dieter's song choices? Was he trying to make a statement?
Can we talk about how much he wants to take care of her (and honestly enjoys it)? He's too damn cute.
Also, can we talk about the sex? Do you think he's about to give Kat some new experiences? If so, how open do you think she'll be to them?
We got some small revelations about Dieter's past. What are your thoughts on that? We have more to unpack there...
✨This chapter's video is a little different. It was made by two of the dance professionals from DWTS (who are married in real life). I love watching these two dance together because their chemistry is off the charts. They are dancing to the same song that Dieter and Kat will be dancing the Rumba too. Honestly, I think their version is better than the one from the actual music video. Give it a watch and enjoy!
Click HERE for the video.
✨THE LIFTS: I’ve included gifs for reference on the lifts. The first two gifs go together. I had to split them because tumblr has a ridiculous size limit.😒
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CP Taglist: @titlee78 @legendary-pink-dot  @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs  @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes  @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing  @runningmom94  @sin-djarin
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@txlady37 @inkmonster21 @sunnytuliptime @jeewrites @fifitheragertot
@pasc4lfuzz @toomanystoriessolittletime @pedrostories @dieterbravobrainrotclub
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steddiemicrofic · 1 year
⚡️ Welcome! ⚡️
{september prompt: ‘shower,’ 399 words}
view previous prompts/collections here
what is this?
steddiemicrofic is a new monthly drabble challenge started in July. Each month will have a one-word prompt and a randomly-generated word count challenge between 300-600 words.
For example, a prompt might look like: ‘breakfast,’ 522 words.
how do I play?
We’ll announce the new prompt on the first of the month, and then you’ll have until the end of the month to fill the prompt. Your story should be a third person standalone fic with Steve and Eddie as the primary characters (or topic of discussion if doing outsider POV.) If you want us to share your story, you can tag us @steddiemicrofic and use that month’s hashtag.
Please note: word counts are strict. That’s the whole fun of the challenge, so please don’t tag us if your drabble turns into a 2k story.
We’ll use wordcounter.net to check the final word count before reblogging. (Note: your word processor might tally words differently, so be sure to run your draft through wordcounter.net specifically before posting.) WC limits only apply to the body of the story, so titles, descriptions, etc. won’t count against you.
sequel policy, updated 5.7.24
we are officially saying no sequels for microfic challenge submissions. what this means:
going forward, we won’t reblog sequel posts, whether they’re posted in the same month or across multiple months. if your story has “part 2,3, etc” in the title, or links to a previous installment, or mentions that you need prior context to understand the story, we will not reblog it
you may still fill each month’s prompt within a consistent au universe, but again, each submission must work as a standalone story (so don’t link previous installments in your submission post)
as always, feel free to do whatever you want with these prompts on your own blog! write parts 1-20 if you feel inspired, just please don’t tag us beyond part 1
is there a prize for playing?
No, but you can have a head pat and this cool rock I found outside.
are there any other rules?
Please be sure to rate your drabble using AO3 rating system [G=general, T=teen, M=mature, or E=explicit) and warn for any triggers/squicks at the top of the post so we can tag for those when we reblog. You can format your posts something like:
written for ‘prompt’ wc: # | rated: __ | cw: __
can I suggest prompts?
Absolutely! Can’t guarantee we’ll get to all of them, but feel free to send prompts to the inbox and we can maybe run some bonus rounds in addition to the main monthly prompt.
can I participate anonymously?
You sure can, bestie.* To submit anonymously, please DM the mods first (so we can get in touch with you if we need you to update WC/tags or if we have any questions), then you can submit your fic as an anonymous ask to our blog. Anon asks still need to include a header with the title, rating, and content warnings, and WCs will be checked before publishing.
*For now. Not that we expect it to happen, but if for some reason our inbox gets flooded with anon hate/spam then we’ll have to update this rule.
who do I talk to if I have questions?
Send us an ask here or you can message Wynn at @wynnyfryd or Mickala @steddieas-shegoes
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5-7-9 · 4 months
I realize i should probably elaborate on how We Are Robin was inspired by a legitimate movement.
So while researching interviews by We Are Robin’s writer Lee Bermejo, I tried checking for the ones that were straight from his words rather than articles that quoted him. So i almost missed this one article that was worded as though it was not an interview, but CBR quoted from USA Today so it must’ve been. If it weren’t for a DC comics forum that had already read it, i wouldn’t have noticed.
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When the series opens, it really doesn't have an identity, Bermejo says, but the group knows its mission statement. "It's one thing to put a hashtag on your Twitter account as a teenager and feel like you're part of something. It's a whole other thing when the (stuff) hits the fan and you have to stand up for what you believe in."
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"Just with everything that we've seen happen recently with Ferguson, there's a lot of issues here that I think can be touched on and should be touched on."
"There's that element of this particular moment we're passing right now, and with a book like this you have a chance to comment about certain things and bring them into the Bat-universe in real interesting ways."
As a longtime fan of the Dark Knight and his supporting players, Bermejo admits that he always had a hard time figuring out why Batman would have a teen sidekick and put a kid in danger in the first place - for the writer, that was the beginning of how a series such as We Are Robin could work.
"Maybe there could possibly be many of these kids out there on the streets who have different talents and different capabilities that could be useful to Batman," says Bermejo.
"With ideas and big concepts, teenagers can get really passionate about that stuff and it can be their whole life. That was something interesting to me, that this thing could be bigger than just one guy jumping around in a domino mask."
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(Just the first 3/three forum pages, I’m not reading all that 💀) Seems as though Bermejo wanted to make a commentary about Ferguson metaphorically through the Batman mythos. My interpretation of his message: the disenfranchised youth of America that have no one to help them (authority figures like parents and Batman) feel as though they must take justice matters into their own hands. Something Robin originally meant to represent, a child character for other children to project on. Bermejo thought to implement that literally into the story, where Robin is an actual symbol children use. In the case of real life, justice is done by protesting. But in the matters of DC comics, specifically Gotham? Their protesting comes in the form of vigilantism.
In the chapter where the We Are Robin kids try breaking up a random riot that kinda appears out from nowhere?
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But when the Robins join in to stop the riot, they were suddenly framed by the Robot Batman cop as the aggressors (being controlled by Jim Gordon as he was temporarily “Batman”). Indiscriminating its force of authority onto the kids as well as the rioters.
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This carries into the Riko’s POV chapter. After a WAR member died from a bomb, the television shows Troy’s parents being upset at the We Are Robin movement, claiming it “does more harm than good.”
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Troy’s death is probably another comparisons to when 6 Ferguson protesters died. So his death seems to ask the question, is protesting worth it if it gets you killed? Are protesters making the situation of unjust violence worse? Riko answers: “I think… I think he was trying to do what he thought was right.”
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If you aren’t aware of the Ferguson unrest, an 18 year old boy (Micheal Brown) was shot by a police officer after being accused of robbery. When nothing came about the police officer in question, many in the black community began protesting for about 400 days for the officer to be reprimanded. The media would often call it riots, with the negative connotations of unnecessary violence. This was apart of the Black Lives Matters movement of anti police brutality.
(here’s one video but i recommend doing your own research because i’m not great at keeping sources)
I’m sure you can see the similarities now. If not… essentially the We Are Robin is an allegory of the Ferguson protests. The vigilante kids are fighting crime, while the Ferguson protesters were the black community fighting injustice.
Robin War actually touches back on this Ferguson inspired media conflict, by having such an interestingly similar story involving a teenaged boy and a robber and a person dying from being shot 🤔
But here’s the twist: a We Are Robin member walks into a convenience store, he intervenes a police officer trying to stop a robbery, then, because this WAR member was a young probably “immature” teenager, accidentally shoots the police officer with his own gun.
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Ha. Ha. 😐 Certainly not an insensitive plot to use at all (sarcasm)
(I should remind you all that Robin War was a piece of garbage mostly written by Tom King, and other writers like Tim Seeley and Scott Lobdell. i don't really need to explain everything wrong with these guys right now. Except for the parts Bermajo wrote, those were the best despite the surrounding shitty plot).
There’s also plenty of police imagery. See here an iconic picture of the Ferguson protest as a poster right smack down in the middle of a panel. Just in case you aren’t fully convinced about the Ferguson allegory… 🙃
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Smack down in the centre of this panel has a iconic redrawing of a Ferguson protester (Edward Crawford) catching a tear gas canister thrown by the police, and throwing it right back at the riot cops faces 🖕☄️
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So yes, We Are Robin was an activist movement.
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trappedwriter · 2 years
Trapped - Chapter 1
March 3rd, 2017
Jessica’s POV
Standing in my closet pondering over what outfits look good, a familiar sound snaps me out of my deep thoughts. Abandoning the clothes, I rush over to my phone with excitement. “It’s only been up for 10 minutes, I wonder how many likes I’ve gotten” I thought.
Opening the app I felt a spike of excitement when I saw someone had left a comment "Go to www.Iwantabigdick.com to make your dreams come true." My heart sinks. Maybe I need more hashtags, I’m too fat I should take it down and edit it more, why aren’t I getting the same attention as other influencers, I’m practically copying them.” The same thoughts run through my mind every time. Throwing my phone back on my bed, I continue outfit planning.
An hour passed, and I finally have planned all my outfits for the next two weeks. I found this really cute denim patched jacket online and wanted to create multiple outfits with it. I paired it with a floral dress, some faux leather pants and even made a denim on denim look. I think Britney & Justin would be proud if they saw my outfit.
I check my phone again, only a couple more likes, and you guessed it more bot comments. “Ugh I’m so sick of them, why can’t Instagram just get rid of them. It’s not like they’re helping me get more exposure”.
My Instagram page is filled with brightly coloured clothes modelled against simple backgrounds. I’m very proud of my page. Long hours spent planning and researching. Pouring my heart and soul into it. Just trying to be best influencer out there. The potential for greatness is there, they just can’t see it. I gotta do something big, something bold. Then they’ll see. Then I’ll finally get the attention I deserve.
The weekend came and went really quickly. All the outfits I planned out yesterday are now photographed. I’ll have a busy editing week ahead of me. It was such a gloomy weekend. It rained all the time which resulted in me having to take my outfit pics in various establishments.
I live in a small town called New Market born and raised here, everyone knew everything about each other. Like me, my parents died in a car crash when I was 3. I had no other family, so I was placed in the foster system. Eventually, I was adopted by lovely Sarah and Tom Bell. They must have had a kink for wanting a big family cause although they couldn’t produce any of their own, they sure as hell had a lot of kids. 6 including me. Only 4 months after adopting me, they adopted another 5 more kids.
Last year Tom & Sarah decided that New Market was no longer their forever home and moved to California. I decided to stay as the little town held so many memories for me. Like when I fell off the slide and lost my first tooth, my first (and only) kiss, and my high school prom.
I had a part time job working in a thrift store. It’s not my ideal job but it meant I was able to provide for myself, plus I got first picks of new clothes that came in but I wouldn’t want someone else’s hand-me-downs. And yet, despite the fact that I graduated high school and I have a job, the locals still give me dirty looks as I set up my camera for the shots. Just because I didn’t go to college and instead decided to follow my dream meant that they could just sit there and judge me. No doubt gossiping about me too.
Being an influencer has been a dream of mine ever since I first started watching YouTube videos of beauty gurus back in 2015. Although Tom & Sarah never really cared about what I did, they were adamant that I finish high school before starting any silly projects. They didn’t understand that this wasn’t silly, I could get popular and become rich and famous. As soon as I got home from my graduation, I got straight to work. I tried the whole YouTube thing, but sitting down and filming took forever, the hours of filming and editing wasn’t worth the hundred or so views I got. That’s when I decided that Instagram was going to be my main focus.
Chapter 2
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mcmoth · 3 years
Dream SMP fandom etiquette
So. This post is probably too little, too late, considering the fandom and the issues I'm about to talk about have existed for so long now, and a lot of the people who need to hear this probably aren't on tumblr anyways, but I just wanted to dedicate a quick post to talk about fandom etiquette. Mostly pertaining to discourse, and interactions with people outside of our circle. These are just going to be my own personal thoughts, of course, but I felt it could be good to bring some of this to attention. So without further introduction:
Where to (not) talk about discourse:
Don't go into other streamer's vods to only focus about a different character. If you want to analyse, for example, c!Techno, do it in Techno's stream. Don't go into unrelated streams, like Tommy's, Tubbo's etc. to do it, even if they were a part of the event in question. This is, of course, with the exception if the character in question didn't stream their own pov. But otherwise, stay in your own space. This is to prevent cluttering a streamer's comments about unrelated discussion. To give further example: Tubbo's vod comments should primarily focus on Tubbo's character. Not Tommy's, Ranboo's, Techno's or whoever else's.
Don't start discourse in the comments of animatics. Seriously, stop that. Animatics aren't discussion boards. The comments are there to analyse and appreciate the video presented, not argue. It's especially rude if you pick a small detail, that wasn't even the focus of the animatic, or even a completely unrelated issue to rant out your frustrations about. To give examples: starting disc discourse in an animatic of Tommy talking to Wilbur, or rambling about how tragic Techno's character is in an animatic focused on clingy duo, etc.
This applies to fan songs as well.
Video essays are the exception to these rules. I think it's safe to say they're the place to bring your hot takes, if you really feel so inclined to argue in youtube comment sections (Though I'd personally advise to still keep the topic relevant).
Keep negativity out of fanfic comments. This isn't nearly as big of an issue as the last points, but I've seen it happen a couple times, so I'm deciding to mention it. Fanfics are written for fun. Even if you disagree with the characterisation or something else, unless the author is clear in accepting critique, keep criticism to yourself. And definitely don't rant about how you dislike a character unrelated to the fanfic. Sharing your thoughts on the fanfic itself is of course fine and welcomed, but when it turns from discussing the author's story to talking about how you dislike a character in canon, that's when it crosses a line. Example: comment talking about what you don't like about c!Tommy on a Bench Trio fanfiction.
When commenting on art, keep the feedback positive. Even if you dislike any presented character, keep that to yourself. Example: Don't say things like "I hate x character, but this art is good". You might think the author would feel honoured, but it's actually just hurtful.
How to deal with discourse:
This is gonna be a shorter section, because I think we all chose to do it in different ways, and that's valid. Also, it's just that I, myself, am still learning how to do this well, but I thought it could be good to try to lay it out anyways.
Try to scroll past takes you disagree with instead of arguing if you don't think you'd be able to keep your cool. Noone likes a random person yelling at them through a screen, and if you rant, you'll get an equally frustrated reply back, and noone will be happy. Either explain your point in a calm manner, or scroll past/ unfollow/block.
On the keeping cool thing, remember to just step away. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before proceeding. To minimize the frustration you feel on a daily basis, filter tags, block people, avoid videos and youtube comment sections that you know will upset you, and leave certain internet spaces if you find yourself unable to escape negativity even with all those steps. Remember: in the end, it's all a game played by friends, a story, and your enjoyment of it lies in what you take from it. Abandon what makes you unhappy. Marie Kondo your fandom experience.
Also, here's your reminder, to whom this is relevant, to take care of yourself. Hydrate, eat, sleep, clean up, get fresh air, remember the things outside of all this. There's plenty to do outside of this fandom, and what you can do here can wait. There is no pressure, or obligation. Not for the content you create, not for the discussions you bring, not for responding to discourse, not for anything. Fandom is meant purely for fun, so take care <3
Interacting with people outside of the fandom:
This is something that I've seen a bit of talk about, and I thought I'd drop in my own thoughts on this as well. No matter the differences, we're all just trying to vibe, and I think these are important things to keep in mind to leave both sides better off:
Don't interact with hate posts. Just don't. You don't want to see them, they don't want to see you. Even if your response is lighthearted, their animosity is not. They will feel frustrated regardless, and the grudge will only grow. And if they're being agressive, calm discussion most likely won't happen even if you're being polite. Just leave it, please.
Correct misinformation calmly. I completely get how it can be frustrating to see blatant lies and all, but with our reputation, people will not listen if you're being antagonistic. Provide sources, explain, and leave it at that.
Don't be hateful, send death threats, or assume privilege or whatever else. That's stepping into the same shoes of the people you hate. Misunderstandings go both ways, and the fact of the matter is, I think most people who dislike DSMP, even the ones who are agressive about it, don't have their stance rooted in maliciousness. To expand on why the situation became what it is today, taken from a discussion on discord:
I think it's just a combination of Dream growing so insanely quickly + how internet spaces have changed over the years. When ccs like jackstepticeye or pewdiepie etc. grew popular, activism wasn't as prevalent and held to such importance. Now it's thankfully more talked about, but that also leads to Dream being more scrutinized in comparision. Add twitter trends and the general prevalence of the fandom, and you've got everyone feeling tired and frustrated and paranoid. People also tend not to fact check stuff, especially when it comes to celebrities and stuff they're not really interested in, so rumors spread fast.
And actually, I think there's absolutely valid reasons to be made uncomfortable by Dream SMP, either in it's creators, content or fandom, and there is, of course, stuff to criticise in general. The problem is the hate and misinformation and overexposure, but we are not going to solve any of that by being aggressive in return.
(This is, by the way, not talking about more serious cases. Like doxxing, or leaving gore images in hashtags, or similar instances. That's a whole different complicated issue that I don't feel qualified to tackle.)
And finally, don't overwhelm outsiders who merely mention the Dream SMP. Don't send asks asking them to watch it, don't write paragraphs explaining the lore, don't confuse them with inside jokes, just... Don't jump on people like that. Unless they're explicitly clear in wanting interaction and getting into the fandom, that kind of thing will just drive them away. This is in no way exclusive to the Dream SMP fandom, pretty much every fandom has people enthiastic to have more people involved, but since there are so unbelievably many of us, it's especially easy to go overboard with this stuff. Just... be polite, and don't pressure anyone. Be nice, please.
So.... ya! This would be it for this one, I think. Sorry that it's kinda long, thank you if you read it at all. Hope y'all have pleasant days ^^
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lotrthobbit · 3 years
Woodland Princess
Part 4
Happy New Years ( read A/N below )
If you come across this part first, you can find part 1-3 on the hashtag below : Woodland Princess Legolas Fan fic
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I do not own any of the gifs
Enemies to Lovers
Legolas x elf! Reader
Your pov
Legolas was a quick learner. He was improving every time he tried to shoot an arrow. It was amazing, I felt proud.
As we were finishing target practice, he asked me something that caught me by surprise
“Would it really be so bad to marry me ?”
I stared at him. I then realized he must’ve spoken his thought aloud on accident because his eyes widened and his entire face became very red.
I cleared my throat and spoke,” I-I suppose it would not be so bad but marriage is supposed to be based on love, not convenience. “
He looked into my eyes and got closer. He was about an inch away from my face,” who says we can’t fall for one another.”
I felt him staring at my lips
“Princess !“
We immediately pulled away from one another. Augustus was panting,” I-I’m sorry to disturb princess but your father wants you both to have lunch with him and King Thranduil.”
I nodded and thanked Augustus and quickly walked into the palace.
Augustus pov
They were almost going to kiss. I stopped them, I didn’t lie, the king wanted to eat with them but why do I feel relieved that they did not kiss.
I told myself to not intervene with their affairs but I can’t help it. Every time I see her I feel my heart flutter. Despite being treated as an equal, I feel lesser than.
How could I marry the princess?
Would she even like me ?
I began to feel insecurities when I felt a glare on me. I looked up seeing Prince Legolas glaring.
“You must be happy.” He said
“What do you mean, my Prince “ I replied
“You must be happy that I did not kiss the one you love. “ he said
I began to stutter and find a coverup until he raised his hand
“ Do not try to make excuses, I am no different from you. I foolishly have gained some feelings, love, not quite, but I definitely see the interest. She is beautiful and strong and although not directed towards me, she is kind. “
“Please do not tell her-“
“I will not. But I must ask to not stand in my way, I will make her my bride and I will have her fall for me. “
I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I bowed and agreed. I’m sorry my sweet flower, but I must really be weak if I can’t proclaim my love for you.
I hear him walk away and once I feel like he was far enough I fall to my knees.
“I’m sorry “
Perhaps I may not be able to keep that promise. Just the thought of her kissing someone else who isn’t me stings my heart. It feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest and stomped on.
Your pov
“ father ?” I called out.
I saw him sitting at a table near a big window which showed the beautiful trees.
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It was simply beautiful. It reminded me when I was younger sitting in my fathers lap as he told me stories of how he met my mother while traveling.
“Come sit, King Thranduil will arrive any minute now. He claims he will depart right after lunch instead. He is needed back in Mirkwood. “
I sat down and felt a chair next to me move and I look up to see Legolas. For some reason I felt nervous.
“Have a good time training ?”
“Yes my king. “ said Legolas.
My father looked at me and winked, I felt myself blush, there is nothing going on between Legolas and I !
“ I must say Legolas, you are skilled in archery but your Combat skills need a little more work.” I said triumphantly as I sipped on my drink.
“Really now princess last time I checked, I had you under me “
I choked on my drink, a blush evident on my face,” if I recall, it was you who was under me!”
My father began to cough and choke
“Keep your private matters away from me. I do not wish to hear what goes on in your bedrooms. “
Legolas and I became beet read,” no father-“
“Ahh King ( Y/n) sorry for my late arrival, hello Princess, Legolas. “
I stood and bowed. Thranduil sat down and we began to eat.
“ Legolas, I will be returning after lunch, I am needed, Lord Elrond requests to speak to me”
Legolas simply nodded as we carried on eating
“ we must speak about the wedding.”
I felt myself choke on my food.
“We are still proceeding with the wedding and we should discuss dates and begin preparations.” Spoke my father
“But father-“
“No buts, this is an agreement that was made and which shall proceed. “
Thranduil looked up and spoke,” I’ll give you both a month, if you do not fall for one another then we shall not proceed with the wedding, we shall remain Allies and all will be well, but if you fall in love, you shall marry and plan whatever that is needed and both of you shall rule Mystic and eventually rule Mirkwood as well, perhaps your children may rule it. “
“C-children ?!” I rose up from my seat, my father looking at us not even minding the conversations anymore. He seemed to just want to go to bed.
“Deal!” Said Legolas without hesitation simply smirking at me.
“Legolas wh-“ I began to protest but he immediately cut me off.
“I’ll make you fall in love with me.” He said
I was in shock
One big problem, I was beginning to fall for him already……
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To be continued……………………………..
A/N: Parts 1-3 are already uploaded
You can search on the hashtags #Woodland Princess Legolas Fan fic or
You can find them here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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johannestevans · 3 years
Friday Summary 07/05/2021
Good morning!
Another late email, I’m afraid, as I was having such an excellent time at and in the aftermath of the Romancing the Gothic Tea With Monsters event, where we discussed everyone’s creations for the #MonstrousMayChallenge in the past week!
First, a fun little announcement, I’ve now set up my own website! It’s still a little sparse, but it does for now have an FAQ and a contact form, and I’ll be adding further guidelines for contacting me in relation to commissions, collaborations, and event or project invitations later on in the week.
The first seven days of the #MonstrousMayChallenge have been incredible, and I’ve been really enjoying the wide variety of creations I’ve been seeing each day of the challenge with every day’s new prompts. If you’d like to come along to some of the live events with RTG alongside your own creations, please do!
Still to come are:
on Friday nights, we’re going to be running Tea With A Monster events - these will be casual check-ins and discussions of our current progress throughout the month
on Monday May 10th, for the “… and add a monster.” prompt, we’re going to be running a Monster Mash(-Up) - we’ll spin some wheels and match up some random public domain characters and monsters, and run a guided writing session with that monstrous roulette in mind!
on Tuesday May 18th, Angels & Demons, we’re going to be running a movie night! Movie is yet to be selected, but we’re thinking we’ll run a poll closer to the day.
on Saturday May 29th, which is also the day of the #RomancingTheGothic Day of Creation, an INCREDIBLE all-day event RTG has centred around prompting celebrating and prompting new creations, I’ll be running another writing session centred around exploring and building cultural differences!
Sunday May 30th is my BIRTHDAY, and as the ESTEEMED BIRTHDAY BOY, I’ll be giving a presentation exploring the themes of difference and isolation in classical minotaur myth, and discussing the ways in which the minotaur’s POV can resonate with queer and disabled readers!
and finally, on Monday May 31st, we’ll be running a celebration of the hashtag, encouraging everyone to share their work, and a final wrap-up of everything we’ve done, and all the fun we’ve had!
You can sign up for any or all of the above at this link here. Even if you don’t come along to the events, make sure to follow Doctor Hirst on Twitter to see the updates from Romancing the Gothic and, of course, their own #MonstrousMayChallenge entries!
Summary of New Works Published
Personal Essay: I Want To Fuck The Monster
Monsterfuckery from a trans and disabled perspective. 2.3k.
Content warnings in this post for discussions of gender dysphoria, especially body horror and pregnancy, and some chronic illness talk such as descriptions of an asthma attack.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Personal Essay: Why I Give My Work Away For Free
Making a living as a writer in the 21st century. 2.4k.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Erotic Short: Shore Leave
A captain goes down on his sailor. Explicit M/M short between a cis naval captain and a trans sailor. Contains oral, overstimulation, crying, messy sex, and some sadomasochism. 588 words. Potential content warnings for the employer/employee dynamic and undernegotiated (but fully consensual) kink.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Serial Update: Powder and Feathers
Chapter Forty-Four: Ambassadorship.
Aimé and the angels go to the Christmas party at the church.
Content warnings: a lot of drinking, some mild racism (Fr. O’Flaherty making ignorant comments to and about Benedictine and Asmodeus), implications of familial abuse, references to mental illness, past suicide attempts
Read on Medium / / Read on WorldAnvil
TweetFic: Repressed Wizards
A very sexually repressed and difficult wizard enters into a battle of wills with the Dean’s new secretary. Rated M, a lot of sex discussion.
Read on Twitter
Erotic Short: Heat Wave
A secretary struggling to deal with the heat uses his vampire boss to cool down.
Explicit M/M short between a cis vampire and his trans secretary. Includes cockwarming, vampire biology, mild licking and biting, power dynamics, size difference, and rough sex. 733 words.
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Erotic Short: Sweet Torture
Curt has a surprise for his boyfriend when he comes home from sea.
Explicit M/M short between a cis male lecturer in medicine and his trans boyfriend, set loosely in the late 1800s. 1384 words. Features nipple piercings, nipple play, chest play, rough sex, fingering, D/s, dirty talk.
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If you’d like this weekly summary directly into your email inbox each week, sign up here!
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sleepykalena · 5 years
Rebelcaptain & teamwork, for the ficlet prompt!!
Yes, i’m still doing these prompts LOL
So this actually was meant to bea Zootopia AU, but it got much longer than ficlet length, so I switched it to aSelfie AU instead. (it’s been how many years now and I still have not seen anyred-headed Korean babies, why must you do this ABC…)
I’ve been writing way too muchangst thanks to Parka, so I’m opting for modern, bittersweet fluff instead. Hopeit’s still satisfactory though!
Rating: T // [ao3] // [more ficlet prompts]
Tags: POV Jyn, Modern AU, Selfie AU, Unresolved romantic tension, pre-relationship, friends to lovers
“Jyn Erso, is that really you?Here? In the office? After hours?”
Jyn rolled her eyes at the loftysound of Cassian’s voice but couldn’t suppress the small, proud smile creepingup. For the first time ever, Jyn Erso was staying late at work, after hours,well after the sun had set and everyone else had gone home.
Everyone else, of course, exceptCassian, who habitually stayed after hours anyway.
“Yeah, yeah, come off it,” shewaved him aside, nose still buried on her computer screen as she clicked fromone social media site to the next, checking up on her newly establishednetwork.
“So it’s done? We’re trending?”he asked with rising optimism.
“Yeap,” she said between clicks,her eyes still scanning one tab after another. “We’re trending on Twitter, andour diaper cream is featuring on the Instagram stories of major influencers. Weeven caught the attention of the bored, rich housewives with a high followercount.” She could feel a fizzing of excitement as she said the words, and theybubbled into the air to infect her work companion, whose eyes sparkled withenthusiasm.
“And you thought you couldn’t doit,” he teased.
It was true- there was no way she’ddo it on her own. It was diaper cream,for fuck’s sake.
“Because that whole hashtag-DiaperEyething was a joke,” she retorted. Itwas just an aside during idle chatter, a cynical comment about the power ofsocial media and the gullibility of the masses, a sarcastic product pitchmatched with an eyeroll strong enough for her eyeballs to pop out of her skulland roll away. But-
“You know…we could do that toboost sales,” Leia said with an uplifting tone at the end that caused a sinkingfeeling in Jyn’s gut.
Jyn couldn’t even backtrack on her own words- she was completely frozenwith shock that anyone could even take her so seriously, and all she could dowas blink.
She remembered Leia turning to Cassian in that moment. “See to it thatyou two work together to find a way to encourage our diaper cream to double asan eye cream. Unofficially and off the books, of course- don’t want a lawsuiton our hands. Let’s use the power of social media to save this product! I’mcounting on you two,” she said with a pat to Cassian’s stiff shoulder and awink to Jyn before walking away.
Cassian slowly turned to look at Jyn, and to her surprise, Cassian wasactually siding with her over it.
“No,” she told him flatly.
“Jyn, the company’s own CEO wouldn’t flat-out endorse anything she didn’tlike,” he soothed. “And I agree with her on this one- we really could have somethinghere, and you can give yourself thecredit for it.”
“You want me to actually make good on my sarcasm and make anunofficial, off-the-books campaign about this. Using social media. Which I don’teven have.” She turned her attention away from him and back to her computer screen,contemplating how to best fake a pleasant email for a client.
Cassian leaned over just enough that his stiffly-pressed tie got in theway of her view. “Who was the one who came knocking on my office door threemonths ago asking for help, again?”
“I asked you to help ‘rebrand’ me so that I wouldn’t lose my job; Ididn’t ask for you to help me become the top sales rep or anything.”
“Yes, but part of that ‘rebrand’ was a request to help you appear lessanti-social. Which means following through on tasks that require more socializing,”he said with a sweet smile.
Jyn hated that sweet smile, knowing full-well that his ability to pullthat off was a distraction tactic, meant to divert from his own brand of anti-socialtendencies. Then again, it was his mastery of that tightrope balance between saccharineand sour that helped him secure a position that was nothing short of being theright-hand man for the CEO, who just trusted them both with a project to helpsave a product for their pharmaceutical company.
Surprisingly, Leia was right toput her faith in them- Cassian took great pains to listen to her snark againsthumanity and put the right optimistic spin on them, and soon enough Jyn wasactually talking to her neighbors for once, many of whom she discovered weretired mothers eager to save money by using something they already had in theirhomes rather than heading to their nearest cosmetics shop to diminish the bagsunder their eyes.
And, as it turned out, they werepleasant people once they had the right amount of coffee in their systems.
There was no way she’d ever findthat out about them if it weren’t for this sharp-dressed man, who, at 7 pm, finallylet his “after 5” colors show by leaning casually against her desk with aslight slouch.  
“Still, you actually followedthrough. And you used to not bother with things like this,” Cassian pointedout. “You took a risk-“
“We took a risk,” she corrected him.
“No, no, you took a risk, you leftyour comfort zone, you kept an open-enoughmind to work with me to shape this concept, and we can expect to reap the rewardswhen we take a look at our sales next month. I just helped add the bells andwhistles. All that effort, all that footwork, all that investigation…that wasstill you at the end of the day,” hesaid with conviction, and Jyn’s heart thudded against her chest at theseriousness of his compliments.
Was he always this intense whenhe felt this firey about something? Is this how he managed to build such great rapportwith people?
But then her heart sank a little-was this just an act to get her hopes up with his sense of optimism? Or did heactually believe the words coming out of his mouth? It was hard to tell whatwas a teaching moment and what was a display of genuine pride for a friend.
Does it matter, though? She asked herself. It’s not like you’re seeking his approval.
“Leia said we were a winningcombination at the meeting,” she countered as she finally closed down her tabsand got ready to shut down her workstation. “But you had a large hand in that-people don’t buy products that don’t look attractive. And we both know I’m nogood at that.”
Cassian shrugged. “Alright, so we’rea team. A little bit of you, a little bit of me. But that’s what made us that ‘winningcombination’, so it doesn’t mean your efforts should be overlooked.”
For once, she turned away fromCassian not out of a desire to be left alone by avoiding anyone’s gaze, but outof fear that Cassian would catch the rising blush on her face.
Maybe, just maybe, in the farthest corner of her personal vulnerabilities,a small part of her hoped that he approved of her in a more specific way.
“Yeah…a little bit of you, alittle bit of me,” she muttered.
She checked the time again as shestood up from her chair- 7:20 pm.
“Crap, I’m late for a date,” she groaned.“I can’t believe I got so caught up in this project that I stayed after hours…Ididn’t even buy an outfit for it. I might have to cancel-“
“And miss out on anothersocializing opportunity? Don’t do it, Jyn,” Cassian chided. “You have to followthrough, even on the recreational stuff.”
“Yeah, but I was supposed toleave work right at 5 to buy an outfit, and I really don’t want to wear my workoutfit to a date- it’s already bad enough that people call me ‘Serious BusinessErso’ as it is.”
Cassian took a step back and eyedher. He seemed to really take his time assessing her appearance, and with eachpassing second, she felt more and more self-conscious, like she was anotherpharmaceutical product in need of a rebrand.
Suddenly, without a word, he grabbedhis heavy coat and handed it to her. “Take off your office bottoms and put thison.”
“You want me to use your jacketas a dress?” Jyn asked egregiously.
“Don’t knock it til you try it,Jyn,” he sighed.
Still skeptical, she grabbed itfrom him and made a twirling gesture with her finger. Cassian obediently turnedaround, patiently waiting as she hurried to remove her trousers, throw the coaton, and tighten the waist belt to give it form.
“This feels incomplete,” sheresponded hesitantly, which prompted him to turn back around and take a goodlook at her. There was an immediate frown on his face, and she knew it was amistake to even try it.
But then she looked at her seat,and-
“My scarf,” she said suddenly,and she grabbed it off her seat and wrapped it once, twice around her neck,letting it drape off her chest. She turned around to look at herself in thereflection of the nearby vending machine. It wasn’t particularly glamorous, butthe scarf’s gentle sparkle created an almost jewelry-like effect and, thanks totheir height difference, Cassian’s coat wore like a classy dress, bundling atthe waist and creating a puffy skirt as it followed the form of her hips. Her hairwas already formal, tied up to a neat and prim bun at the base of her neck whilethe loose fringes of her hair framed her face.
Jyn always hated adhering tofashion because it was anything but comfortable. But Cassian’s coat- still warmfrom his body heat and faintly smelling of his delicately pleasant, yet neutralbody soap- defied expectations. It was fashionable without being flashy, and wearingit felt like a hug, the kind of comfort she’d always loved in her own clothes.
In its own way, Cassian’s coatwas encouraging her to relax and have a good time in what could very well be anawkward and unsuccessful date.
But there was no way she’d admitthat to him.
“What do you think?” she asked,spreading her arms out to present herself. “A little bit of you, a little bitof me, right?”
He let out a huff as his smiledwidened. “Yeah. A winning combination.”
“Yeah, let’s hope this winningcombination doesn’t turn out to disappoint this date-“
Cassian took a step closer intoher space to stop her, and Jyn’s gasp caught in her throat. He stared at herwith an intense gaze; there seemed to be so many things he wanted to say, andthe longer she looked past his long lashes and into his eyes, the more confusedshe became. She could feel the words making their way out to match the fire inhis eyes, and her chest tightened with anticipation and a worry that he was aboutto say something that could knock her off her feet and send her into a tizzy.The smell of that body soap intensified as his warmth radiated to her, and thattiny little vulnerable part of her ran in circles, still optimistic, still hopingthat maybe-
“He could disappoint you just asmuch as you could disappoint him. That’s the risk you take when you go on thesedates but make no mistake- a date isn’t a failure if it means you’re able tonarrow down what doesn’t work for you. Then you can keep working to find whatactually does work.”
Jyn rolled her eyes. “What isthis, R&D?”
“For the self? Definitely,” hesaid, but despite expecting a smile, his face remained serious, and the convictionin his tone remained. Slowly, hesitantly, he rested his hands on her shouldersand squeezed them reassuringly. “You got this, Jyn. I believe in you.”
I believe in you.
It was surprising how hard fourlittle words could knock her off her feet and send her into a tizzy. She hadn’theard that from anyone since…
Actually, when was the last time someone said theybelieved in her?
She nodded. “Thanks,” shebreathed, her heart now pounding so rapidly that she swore Cassian himselfcould hear it. She hurriedly grabbed her bag and phone and tucked her chairback under her desk, making sure to turn away from him again to hide her blush.“I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called out as she headed towards the elevator.
The elevator doors closed asCassian waved cheerfully at her, but as uplifted as she felt from his pep talk,that small part of her- the one tucked away in that farthest corner of hervulnerabilities- sank with the elevators as it lamented the ever-increasingdistance between her and her coworker, the first one she ever considered to bean actual friend and someone she could depend on.
Jyn stepped out into the night andthe chilly air brushed her cheeks as she rushed to the train station, but, forthe first time ever, she missed the warmth Cassian stirred in her.
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dragonofyang · 5 years
ABTV Feb 25 Transcript
A complete transcript of the ABTV Voltron interview with Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery on February 25 2019 is under the cut.
@crystal-rebellion @voltronisruiningmylife @felixazrael @leakinghate
KC: The series is over, but we’re not quite done. We are the Afterbuzz TV Voltron: Legendary Defender after-show and we’re here to talk to you guys about season 8 as a whole. We’re gonna talk about character arcs. We’re gonna talk about the end of reality. We’re going to talk about some of our favorite moments, and we’re gonna talk about them with two very special guests. So let’s get this ball rolling and team, it’s time to form Voltron!
KC: Hello, everyone! Welcome back. We are the Afterbuzz TV Voltron: Legendary Defender after-show. This is the season 8 review. We are gonna talk about season 8 as a whole. We are going to have a grand old time doing it. I have with me a green lion, Megan Salinas.
MS: Hey, everybody!
KC: I’m black lion, Katie Cullen, and we have two wonderful, fantastic, returning guests that we are so thrilled to have in studio. Our showrunners: Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim dos Santos.
JDS: How’s it going?
MS: [cheers off-screen]
JDS: It’s nice to see you guys.
LM: Yeah, thanks for having us. We’re happy to be back and talking about the final season.
JDS: Yeah, and we have to sort of give a pre-warning that we haven’t really watched it in a while, so we aren’t really sure what season 8 is anymore.
LM: Yeah, I did, I refreshed myself on the, uh, episode thumbnails on Netflix, so at least I have like, a slight reminder.
JDS: Yeah and they spoil everything for you.
KC: No, just me.
KC: Things I will never be over: when Netflix marketing screws up that bad. Well, welcome back. Before we get started we are gonna do a little bit of housekeeping. As always, we have the livechat going for those of you who are watching live on YouTube. We have the hashtag for those of you who are watching live or listening later. That hashtag is #ABTVVoltron. If you’ve got something to say, throw it in the hashtag, throw it in the live chat, you may well get a shoutout. I will say that we do check the hashtag throughout the week, and it lasts longer than the livechat does, so art, links, fun stuff, throw it in there if you want it to be a little more permanent. And as always, we have our tavern of lions house rule: be nice or get out. We--[laser sound effect]--there we go. Yeah. Everyone has opinions. I firmly believe you can express your opinions in a respectful manner and if you find yourself unable to do that, you will be banned from the channel. No more Afterbuzz animation for you. Buh-bye. Most of you have been pretty dang good at that, which I appreciate. Keep it up and we’ll continue. Season 8, though, you guys.
MS: Oh my goodness.
KC: The series finale. What was releasing this last season like for you?
LM: It was…
JDS: Exhausting.
LM: Yeah. Releasing it was really easy because we were, like, out of, you know--
MS: It’s done!
LM: --out of work for, like, a month and we were like, [noncommittal noises]. We were relaxing, we were kind of like--things were nice and slow. Making it was a whole different scenario. This was where we really procrastinated a lot on a few things, like, we thought we had this beautiful idea that we’d have all this time at the end where there’s no new episodes coming up that we’d have to make and like, we’ll have all this time to, like, reboard all these things that needed to be reboarded and focus all this attention. And we had none of that time, and I don’t even know how that happened. I think what we forgot to realize was doing our regular producer duties takes the whole day, and the end of the day was when we did all of our storyboard stuff.
JDS: I think, I don’t know how the math worked in our head, but I think we assumed that, like, as soon as season 7 was done, we reverted back to being, like, storyboard artists or something, and then we’d just be like, “yeah, we’ll just, like, draw and stuff again.”
LM: Yeah, we’ll have all this time to just, like, make the finale the best it can be. Like, I remember us talking with Eugene, like, “Oh my god, Jean. Eugene, when we’re done with, like, this last batch of episodes can you imagine how much time.” And he’s like, “Yeah, it’s gonna be so great!” And then, like, there was none of that because we were still making the frickin’ show and finishing, like, episodes just in editing and in post.
JDS: Balancing act was still happening, you know, like three spinning plates at a time.
LM: One day, I’m gonna figure it out.
KC: Sending it in at 11:59 before it’s due.
JDS: We’re gonna be, like, 80-year-olds like, “We figured it out!” And they’re gonna be like, “What’s this crazy old person doing here trying to make a cartoon?”
KC: That’s what we’re all trying to do collectively. We’re making a cartoon.
JDS: That’s right.
KC: So you had a lot of story threads to bring together and resolve as well as a lot of new information to give us. Was there… was there anything that got lost in the shuffle? Was there anything you would have liked to emphasize a little more that there just wasn’t time for it?
JDS: A lot, I mean yeah. It-it’s tough. We had this massive Honerva backstory to sort of really set up and queue up, and-and we were able to do that a little bit, sort of, leading up, but season 8 was really our big push to-to get that all set up. I think, you know, that came at the cost of, like, I would have loved to have spent more time with the MFE pilots and sort of figure out what made them tick. And we got a little bit of that with, you know, like, “Day 47”, but…
LM: Yeah.
JDS: I don’t know. There was stuff like that, like incidental side characters that we just were-we were super fond of.
LM: Yeah, it’s one of those really tricky things about having a show this big. As you introduce all these characters, and we had all these great ideas of, like, they’re all gonna come into play in these many different ways. And-and so you would be, kind of, in the writers’ room with the writers, like, talking about all these things. And then slowly but surely as we needed to just kind of whittle it down and make it understandable and get the strongest points across, like, these little things would fall away and so suddenly you’d lose that-that kind of side character involvement. Like, we had this idea of, like, Slav was gonna kind of be, like, with them and figuring out all of these, like, crazy interreality traveling stuff and like he would know all the realities, he would know exactly where to go, he’ll be in the cockpit with them--
JDS: Right, right, right.
LM: --it’s gonna be crazy. And then we were like, “Oh, no. We need to just, like--do we really need Slav in the finale? Like--
KC: Yes you do.
LM: --with all the paladins? Like, we love him, but that might be a little awkward. So, uh, yeah. And honestly, just, like, the finale itself, just that last episode, like, we’ve always…
JDS: Yeah.
LM: With every finale we’ve done, um, in-in our three, like, big seasons, we--you know, Zarkon we consider to be one season, Lotor is the second season, and then this big, like, Sendak Earth/Honerva arc--each of those had a big finale and every time we would write that big finale and we would run out of time. Like, we would overwrite it and I would always try to say, like, “Guys, we need, like, at least an act of wrap-up.” And then for the big series finale, like, it would have been awesome to have an entire episode where we could just dedicate to, like, tying up loose ends, but you can’t do that. We-we wrote an episode and then we got notes like, “Hey, there’s only action in act 1, can we have action in act 2 and 3?” And we’re like, “No! No we can’t!” Like, like, we gotta wrap up 78 episodes! This isn’t just a, uh, a 26 episode wrap-up. This is a 78 episode wrap-up.
JDS: But when you-when you look at that final episode, it really is just the first act of, like, fight stuff and the rest is pretty much wrap-up. Uh, I mean, we were just saying to each other, we wished that the conversation in limbo almost could have had its own episode. How awesome would that have been to really, like, explore, deep-dive into Honerva’s POV and make that transition when she, you know, sort of decides to go along with Allura. Sell that. Uh, but, you sort of deal--
LM: It was--there’s a ton of stuff that just hit the-hit the, kinda, cutting room floor, storyboard-wise, just because we didn’t have the time and so we’re looking like, it’s a kids’ show technically still, even though we’re trying to make it more than that. You have a-a scene that’s basically an act long that’s just in a white floaty space with people talking about, like, you know--
JDS: Bigger emotional stuff
LM: Yeah. And, uh, you know, letting that go any longer than that is just like, “You can’t do it!”
KC: Yeah.
LM: “Kids are sleeping right now!”
JDS: No it’s, what’s interesting, though, is that it seems like we’re in a--I don’t know--sort of social situation now where those types of shows are becoming more and more of a reality. And we were on this, like, weird precipice where we were always working on shows that were pushing the boundaries, and maybe Voltron was on the tipping point. It seems like now animation is way--it’s broadening, like, every day, so hopefully we’ll be able to see more shows that can, like, lean in and get really, really character-centric and still have all the sci-fi, like, big action stuff to go along with it. Um,
LM: I was telling Joaquim how, you know, we were just talking about how during our time on Voltron we-we started in a very specific point in the industry where we were very used to working inside of our boys toys animation box and trying to push the boundaries. And those were literally the only jobs that were available to us because those were the only shows that studios had in animation and during our time on Voltron, like Castlevania came out and changed the landscape and now suddenly there’s all these studios. Netflix opened its own studio here. We were making a show through DreamWorks for Netflix and now, you know, we could have just gone straight to Netflix and made a show that was more geared towards, like, young adults and-and more, but that wasn’t available to us when we started.
JDS: We were, like, trying to, like, like, sneak it in the back door like “this is secretly a much deeper show, everybody.”
LM: But it’s exciting that--because that’s--it’s a reality that we didn’t know if it would ever be a thing because we were working on Korra and we would say to ourselves, like, “This is the last time we’re ever gonna get this chance, you guys.” Like, Korra is, like, a crazy creature where Nickelodeon knows they’re not making it for kids, it has no toy tie-in, has no consumer products tie-in, it’s just meant to be kind of an art project at the studio. And so it was allowed to be this very mature, different show for an audience that they didn’t really understand. And-and so when it was over we were like, “Alright, well, back to the old way.” Uh, you know, we were prepared for it and we, you know, we definitely had more of, like, a fun campy vibe to Voltron, but we still wanted to try to push those bigger themes--
JDS: I think we maximized as much of the, like, sort of pathos and-and sort of hero’s journey and sort of deep character introspective stuff as we could.
KC: Yeah.
JDS: But, you know, it’s-it’s funny too because it just seems, maybe even to ourselves, but it seemed like the lines got blurred even in how it was, uh, uh, received by the fandom and received by, even like, the media outlets. It was-it was sort of, like, on the cusp of being talked about, you know, with other shows that were way more mature like, “Oh, the Game of Thrones of it all” and it’s like “[hesitant honking noise].”
KC: “We didn’t kill that many pe--oh we did kill that many people. We ended reality!”
MS: [indistinct] way more people than Game of Thrones.
JDS: So we did. We did-we pushed the boundaries.
LM: Yeah, and we would--we’d find ourselves getting compared to shows that we were… like live-action shows where, like, “Oh, they should have done it like this,” and it’s like, “That, that would be awesome if that were an option at all--”
JDS: Right, right, right.
LM: “--in any way.” But, uh, us-us to consider our, like, little robot lion show being made, us trying to make this show for as many people as possible under the guidelines of a “boys toys” show, it’s never gonna be able to have, like, quite the ability to push farther that, like, a live-action, like Walking Dead on AMC that’s at 10 o’clock at night specifically for adults where you don’t have to worry about “how are my kids gonna do with this?”
KC: If your kids are watching Walking Dead, you have other problems.
MS: Either that or you’re the best parent in the world.
KC: Uh, disagree.
MS: Agree to disagree!
KC: Disagree!
MS: But was it that sort of desire to push the boundaries that, sort of, resulted in this climax where, “Yeah, we have the big action set piece leading up to it,” but ultimately the resolution is one that’s brought up from empathy and understanding.
JDS: I think so. And I think--I will say DreamWorks was incredibly patient with us with regards to us broaching a lot of these subjects. They were, you know, maybe still figuring things out in terms of how they would approach, you know, other topics that we can-we can get into a little later. But I would say the finale is almost--I don’t know, I don’t want to say unlike anything you would see in other like-minded shows, like, let’s say Transformers or Power Rangers or something that, like, Voltron was by outward appearances being compared to--but it was something, I think, really exciting for us to be able to explore because we did create villains and create heroes that worked within this very, kind of like, shades of gray spectrum. There was-there was-there was black, there was white, but we played in this really weird, morally-ambiguous zone a lot of the time and that was, I think it’s important for, kind of, audiences of every age group to see that.
LM: And, you know, we also came from working on shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Korra which very much pushed those boundaries as well, and were extremely groundbreaking for, you know, children’s programming and it was not something that was coming out of western animation. So, uh, I mean we, I would say we learned an insane amount from Mike and Bryan.
JDS: We just had to reverse-engineer that into the goofy cat lady. [Hosts laugh] You know what I mean? That was, like, that was our, like, little-little trick to the industry. It was like, “How do we do all that cool stuff that-that we were able to do in those shows and sort of cram it into this package?”
LM: Yeah, and honestly, like, a lot of it was just us knowing that our ability to, like, show everything on-screen, like, every type of representation we might have wanted to show. We might not get our way on everything, but at least through having these larger lessons we can-we can still push those messages of acceptance and of understanding and of, like, looking beyond. And you know, those are just important messages. I think, like, everyone kind of learns them in their life in their own way and, uh, I don’t know, like, I was such a little, like, asshole kid [Hosts laugh] that, like, I, like, didn’t understand empathy. I didn’t understand why people cried when they were happy, I was like, “Why would you cry when you’re happy? Like, you’re happy.” And then, of course, now I’m the woman who watched a T-Mobile commercial today and friggin’ cried, so--
JDS: I want to know what this commercial was.
LM: It was beautiful. I’ll describe it to you after because I don’t want to take time.
LM: But uh--
KC: Advertising other brands, uh, [concerned noise].
LM: But uh, you know, there-there are things that come through, I think, life experience and through learning and our paladins had that, kind of, on steroids with their whole Voltron journey, so you know, to really show how that manifested and how they learn from it was… it’s important, and it-I think it’s just important for kids to see it, even if they’re not there in their life yet, to know when they get there they look back and, like, “Oh, I-I saw that, like--”
JDS: “I saw that happening to that character.”
KC: To be able to see it happen to someone else and someone that you’re invested in because, “Oh, it’s Lance! He’s my favorite!” and then you watch him grow from this brat to the right arm of Voltron. Yeah, actually I think this is a good point to start talking about character arcs in this season.
MS: I think so! Yeah!
KC: Let’s talk about Honerva. Let’s talk about this horrorterror! She’s-she is amazing and horrifying and not the villain I expected to make it to the very end. Here we are, I’m impressed.
JDS: Let me ask you, though, were you at all sympathetic to her and her, sort of, cause [indistinct]?
MS: 100%. Um, it-it’s so--she was one of the most fascinating characters to watch because once she gets her memory back and she realized--you know, contextually-speaking we as the audience find out who she is at the same time she does--uh, you, you slowly start to realize how much of this entire scenario she’s responsible for whether inadvertently or not. And so it’s so fascinating watch her refusal to take responsibility for her part in it but still desperately wanting that sym--you know, the human connections that she was denied. You know, human, so to speak.
JDS: Sure.
MS: Altean!
JDS: Altean.
KC: It’s telling that the perfect world that she found to slot herself into is the dimension where she died. [MS makes an agonized noise] Where-where this whole--
JDS: She was taken out of the equation?
KC: Yeah, it’s possible that it’s a dimension where the comet never happened because Voltron was obviously a surprise. The alliances were still there but the giant robots were, “You’ve brought this monster down upon us, what are you?”
JDS: Right.
KC:  So it’s-it’s telling that that’s the perfect dimension that she found is the one where she died super early on.
MS: And correct me if I’m wrong, but her--to obtain the perfect world--she was also basically willing to kill infinite versions of her son and her husband in order to get what she deemed she was worthy of.
JDS: Well, I--that’s, and that’s sort of like the misdirected love, right? Like, she was in one hand looking for the acceptance and the love of family that she never had, but she was blind to everything else, all the other chaos that she was causing as a result. That to me is-is interesting. I feel, you know--
LM: Yeah. It’s an interesting character. It’s not necessarily, like, the most honorable by any means, but you know, characters, when you can understand why they want it but then you see them doing things that are absolutely unacceptable to get it, it’s like you know it’s wrong but you know, you can-can kind of understand--
JDS: We’re hearing crackle in our ears, everybody. [Hosts laugh] That might be me, I’m just gonna go ahead and put it on the floor.
MS: It’s probably mine.
KC: It’s--your phone case doesn’t like the table. It-it’s, no seriously, it’s super weird and I’m pretty sure it’s your phone case. Sorry, I was trying to do that silently so I didn’t interrupt you.
JDS: I was going to call attention to it, please carry on, sorry.
LM: Oh no, we were talking about Honerva, or something.
KC: Great podcasting.
LM: Yeah, there-there’s something really incredible, like, interesting to me about her, kind of victim mentality where she-she really won’t accept that, like, a lot of this is her fault. She just looks at, basically, like, she’s lost her whole life. She’s witnessed it not knowing that it was hers, realizing looking back on all the things she should have done differently, that she could have done differently and it’s kind of, you know, she’s kind of trying to point that blame. I was like, “Well, if I--the quintessence hadn’t, uh-duh-duh,” you know, she-she’ll turn it on everyone except her, even though she was right there, you know, kind of diving into this whole quintessence research and bringing this whole thing about.
KC: “It’s Voltron’s fault.”
[MS laughs]
JDS: But it was also cool, I think, you know, one of the things that I was really surprised of in the room--I don’t really remember how it came up--was the notion that when she shows up in this reality and then Voltron follows, they’re like, “Why have you brought this, like, demon monster to our world?” It’s a-it’s-it’s a-it’s a crazy, sort of, flip of the script where really, you know, Voltron was doing good, but in a lot of people’s eyes and it’s, you know, in a certain people’s eyes, it could be seen as--
LM: I mean, you wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t know any better.
JDS: --bringing chaos.
MS: Voltron was the robeast in that scenario.
JDS: That’s right!
MS: You know, it’s like, “Look at this giant monstrosity that’s gonna wreak havoc on our planet.”
KC: Because Honerva parked hers out back.
LM: She was smart enough to store it off-planet, wink wink.
JDS: And we were talking a little bit before this about, you know, how there’s this portion of the fandom that’s like, “How could you, like, justice for Lotor!” and-and where, you know, “where is his redemption” and “how could you kill him off?” and obviously, you know, we feel we’re coming from a point of, you know, he’s gone so far off the deep end that-that death was really the only, sort of, salvation that he had on some level. But it’s interesting that it was-it was Lotor in that reality, there was a version of Lotor that was, you know, unaffected and uncorrupted, and-and you know, doesn’t come from that-that kind of horrific background that our Lotor did that, uh, was in essence, kind of kicked off everything being turned on Honerva’s plans.
KC: Yeah.
MS: It really does highlight how a person’s, like, the circumstances that they find themselves in really do have an effect on the person they become.
JDS: Right.
KC: But it’s also a matter of choice. Like, this up--these awful, awful things happen to him, like there’s no question that Lotor would have turned out better had his parents been physically capable of empathy. They’re kind of zombies, so it’s an issue.
JDS: There’s nature versus nurture.
KC: That’s not the weirdest thing I’ve said today.
JDS: Aww.
KC: That’s not the weirdest thing I’ve said today. Um, but even after all that happened, he made the choice to go, “You know what? Fine! Violence it is!” And lean super hard into that curve, even while he was still going, “Oh no, I don’t want to mess with my Galra heritage. Oh no, I’d rather be an Altean. Oh no, this.” Like…
JDS: Right. And-and that’s--I think that noncleanliness of, like, where he fits in and, like, the villain category, or the hero category, or the character that’s going to be redeemed, or… That is an area that we like to play in and sometimes does not have the answers that everybody’s sort of hoping for, you know.
LM: We’d like to blur those lines, but sometimes, you know, the lines are blurred, therefore the fans have their own interpretations, but ultimately it’s a story, guys. And not everyone gets to have a happy ending in the story.
JDS: I will say he was beautiful.
JDS: He had beautiful hair.
KC: He did!
JDS: And him and Allura together look beautiful together.
MS: Mm-hmm!
KC: This is very true.
LM: Oh, you’re treading into some dangerous territory there, buddy.
JDS: But, you know, I will--that, you know, that isn’t from a story perspective, sort of, place to, uh--
LM: Yeah.
JDS: --to work back from if that makes sense.
KC: Yeah, but, you ever see those beautiful flowers and then you go to smell them and they smell like death itself? That’s kinda that.
JDS: Hell of a point. MS: I still ship it, but no! It does not work within the framework of the narrative in any capacity.
JDS: Sure, sure.
KC: Look, there is a universe in which it happened and it was fine, this is not that universe.
MS: And that’s the--
JDS: And that’s the beauty of more--
MS: Multiverse stories! There’s an AU where it totally worked out and everyone was happy.
LM: Yes, and there’s comics to be written, fanfics, go crazy.
KC: Yeah.
MS: Yeah, well, and ultimately it’s the memory of what he was trying to do that brings Honerva around.
JDS: Exactly. Yeah. And so there was, there was goodness in him, like, you can’t-you can’t deny that. But, um, some actions are, you know, really your only way out.
KC: You kinda gotta--
JDS: From a story perspective is you gotta, you gotta kind of pay that ultimate price.
KC: Well, for Lotor there was some good in him, but uh, cool motive, still murder.
MS: So much murder!
KC: Lots and lots of murder!
JDS: Totally involved a ton of murder.
KC: Yeah, pretty sure all of the battery Alteans are super dead because I don’t think anyone else found that moon.
MS: Yeah!
JDS: Right.
MS: Talk to Bandor if you wanna hear about why Lotor doesn’t get a redemption arc.
[KC makes uncomfortable noises]
MS: I’m sure Romelle would love to hear your thoughts on that.
JDS: By the way, when that episode came out, and when we were getting, like, the recording, we couldn’t stop saying to each other, “Bandor! Bandor!” Like, we loved that read so much, like, and we love that name.
[Hosts laugh]
LM: Bandor.
JDS: Oh, Bandor.
MS: Well there were-there were a lot of fun--talking about that--there were a lot of fun references to the original series in this season. Like at the very beginning we actually have a clip from the original series playing.
KC: We did! “I don’t sound like that!” God bless Bex and their ability to sound like that.
JDS: Yeah.
LM: We, uh, we love the original show and we always had this silly idea because we played with so many different realities that, like, what if in our reality the show it’s, it’s technically live-action to them and it’s being made about them. And so it’s like, because here we are making a show that’s based on that show, and I was like, “Ooh, what if that show was based on our show?”
JDS: It’s super meta, it’s like inverse meta.
LM: It was just funny to us that, like, we could work it in. And we always wanted to work it in in some way just because, you know, we love it and we like to pay homage to it. But that, like, we-we joked about it and we actually had a few more references, like, in the episode. I ended up way super-overwriting that episode, so we cut a bunch of stuff, like, you know like the rookie writer mistake. Um, but, uh--
JDS: It was all gold, it was all gold. It just had to go.
LM: Yes.
[Hosts laugh]
LM: I paid him to say that.
MS: You have to kill your darlings.
KC: Yup.
LM: But, uh, there was a scene where they were gonna see, like, the Sven dies scene. Shiro wasn’t there, though, but like, Eddie was like, “Hunk and Keith were, like, at little viewing party with, like, Hunk’s family.” And uh, and then they see the scene, they’re like, “Wow, they’re really taking some liberties” like--
LM: “--they were making their own story about the paladins.” And it was just--
KC: There wasn’t a space hospital!
JDS: That’s right.
MS: I would have expired. I would not be here right now if that had happened because I would have died laughing.
KC: I would’ve been doing this show on my own this season.
JDS: There-there was a version of it.
LM: It never made it, it never even really made it past, like, the roughs and storyboard, ‘cuz again, like, I so overwrote that episode that we just started hacking stuff out.
JDS: There was also, Tim Hedrick did an amazing Pidge in the room and a lot of, like, us being so obsessed with him was just going like, “Waaaahhhh?” If ever something was, like, confusing he would just go “waaahhhhh”. Bring in more OG Pidge. Bex.
KC: Yeah, Bex’s ability to emulate that voice.
JDS: Oh, she nailed it.
KC: Oh yeah, they are just wonderful.
MS: They’re amazing.
LM: Yeah, we got to do that, we got to have the little nod to, like, Pidge’s outfit and Allura’s outfit that, like, kind of goes by real quick.
MS: Those are so fun.
KC: That was pretty great.
MS: That montage. And then we got Chip at the end, too! And Vehicle Voltron!
LM: I know! Like, we’re the biggest trolls ever, like, “here’s a show we’re never gonna make!”
KC: That and the epilogue about, “They made the next generation of Voltron!” and it’s like, “it’s happening. It’s happening!”
JDS: We queued it up real nicely for whoever wants to do it, by the way.
LM: Yeah, you know, if anyone wants to take that. But, uh, we, you know, I, so, I’m just gonna admit I never watched Vehicle Voltron.
JDS: How dare you.
KC: Same, I had to google what Chip was.
LM: But, uh, you know, like, I did my research. Like, there’s a cool idea to-idea to it there and-and my husband and I were originally recently watching Patlabor--how they call it, that’s what they call it on the thing--Patlabor.
JDS: That’s probably close.
LM: They call Labors. Patlabor was what we always called it, but they’re called Labors and it’s this, like, cop mech show and it’s really clever, like, it’s fun because they have mechs and they’re cops and they just, kind of, episode to episode do cop things. And I was like, “Well, if you’re gonna make a vehicle Voltron, you’ve got these three teams, they could basically be, like, cops in mechs.” And it would be a lot of fun.
MS: You just described my dream show, oh my god.
LM: But, uh, yeah, we queued it up and then-and Chip I just, I loved the idea, like, Pidge’s one goal in life, you know, going out into the world and seeing sentient AI, like to create one of her own and she’s doing it, like, with her brother and it’s this, like, nice bonding moment. And then the fact that Chip was, like, what, Pidge’s cousin or something?
JDS: Yeah, that’s right [indistinct].
MS: I think it was her brother. I believe it was brother in the loosest--it was really just--
JDS: I thought it was just cousin.
MS: It was--it might’ve been cousin.
KC: Well, I mean Sven had “a brother” that they found later on.
MS: It’s a little hard because they started cutting together different series to continue Voltron, so it’s hard to say.
LM: It just made a lot of sense that, you know, she would pursue that and that would be her passion. Technology is her passion. And then you’re with her family and then obviously being such a huge part of the Galaxy Garrison with Voltron, kind of, you know, taking itself out of the equation, they would then--
JDS: Sort of take up the mantle.
LM: Yeah, and then really--
JDS: I do think there’s a pitch, though, where Chip ends up taking over Earth as, like, a sentient AI and becomes the villain a thousand years later.
MS: And it’s the singularity!
LM: Hey man, I was just about to say, like, the dark version is that, like, the Voltron that Sam and-and everyone creates ultimately is, like, you know, the police and then they--yeah--they become the power-hungry, power-hungry Earth.
KC: And there’s a scrappy Galra resistance.
JDS: And they flip the script and become the good guys.
LM: There you go.
KC: Living long enough to see yourself become the villain.
MS: Oh my gosh, I love it.
KC: I don’t have time to get into how much I love this AU because we are gonna run out of time here in a hot second. I--there’s so much I want to talk about and I’m having such a hard time deciding things.
MS: Let’s talk about Allura.
KC: Oh, Allura. She had such a rough season. Incredibly well-telegraphed, very rough.
LM: For sure, I think, you know, we-we knew, like, coming down to it that with Honerva being the final villain, and basically we have two female Altean people who have had a very similar thing happen to them. They’ve lost their families, they’ve lost, like, the life they knew, and it’s just two very different ways of how they handled it.
JDS: That’s right. They’ve had very, in a weird way, similar circumstances and come-and approached it from very different angles.
LM: Yeah, it’s a storyline we wanted to originally do, kind of with Keith and Lotor back when, like, our kind of original story pitch where Shiro was gonna, kind of, exit the show, Keith was gonna be here, he was gonna stay with the team so he wouldn’t have jetted off and gone into the Blade of Marmora, and it was gonna be a big, like Lotor season where you got Lotor, half Altean and half Galra, Keith, half Galra, half human. And it’s like, you’ve got--
JDS: They sort of were--
LM: --yeah, the duality of those two and, like, how does it work out? And, you know, you see Lotor seems like the guy who has it all together in the beginning, but then ultimately Keith evolves and becomes a better person. So we got to play a little bit of that here with Allura and Honerva, who… very similar situations, but Allura going about it, like, the way that it’s-it’s painful to her. She did lose her entire family, she lost her planet, her home, and even now there’s-there’s a sense in the first episode where she realizes once this war ends, she might not even have, like, her Voltron family. It’s like, they have families--
JDS: They’re all gonna go on their ways.
LM: --like, “what are they gonna do? They don’t need me anymore.” And it’s this, kind of, very--it’s selfish in a way, but it’s beautiful because she can feel that way, but she’s not acting on it.
JDS: Right. She’s allowing herself to feel it, but she’s not acting on it.
LM: She’s not sabotaging the war effort to keep them, which, I would have loved to do that. That dark, sick, twisted version of, like, Allura sabotaging the war effort to keep her Voltron family, but, uh--
KC: There is a universe where that happens.
JDS: Yeah, sure.
LM: But uh, but yeah, it was just beautiful to kind of see how much she was willing to take onto herself
JDS: And at the end of the day, like, you know, we keep sort of using this term “boys toys show” because that’s sort of the reality of what we came into. We sort of were taking on this--this franchise that was very merchandise-based and trying to sell toys to young boys essentially. And at the end of the day it became this story, almost Allura’s story solely when you-when you really sort of, like, step back and look at it, but it was-it was this, sort of, face-off of two strong women that were approaching these problems from very different angles and who the heck would have known that that would have, you know, that would have been the--
LM: Yeah, we didn’t even really know it at the beginning.
JDS: We didn’t. We really didn’t. It evolved.
LM: But, but, yeah. It was nice. It was nice because when we-we told Kimberly, and of course she was sad and like, listen, we know it’s--we never--it’s never personal, we’re not like, “You know, I don’t like that Kimberly, let’s kill Allura.” It’s never that.
KC: At the very last minute.
LM: But it’s, like--
JDS: We also told Neil when--
LM: We told Neil, and we try to be kind and, like, let people know and so we let her know ahead of time and so she’s not just reading the script like, “What the hell?”
KC: “What?!”
LM: And she was sad, but we just let her know, like, “Listen, this is Allura’s story, like, she is literally the hero. She’s not dying to further another hero’s story, she is the hero. Like, this war ends with her.” And then I made her a completely, um, fake promise that I couldn’t really make her. But it--
JDS: I think I know what this fake promise is.
LM: Because I have no control over what they do with Voltron, but I was like, “Listen, if we do any more episodes, I’m bringing her back. We’re not--I’m not making this show without her.” But then, like, I have no control.
MS: But there’s no Voltron without Allura.
LM: I have no control after this point.
KC: Eight seasons, now we need a movie.
JDS: Honestly that the, sort of, post-credits thing was leaving that door open.
LM: Yeah.
JDS: The Lions taking off and seeing the, you know, Allura nebulae, I think, in our minds, it was sort of her quintessence coalescing and--
LM: Reforming. It’s, like, kind of coming back together, so you can do whatever you want with that, like--
JDS: Yeah, but it was--
KC: Have fun, guys!
JDS: Honestly it was-it was a door left open. Like, there’s nobody ever really dies in comics or animation.
LM: I mean, yeah. I feel like comics and animation and sci-fi in and of itself is a door left open.
JDS: Right, right, right.
LM: If the word sci-fi exists in a definition of your show, there is a door left open.
JDS: This was like one step back from the ending of Iron Giant. [hosts going “ohhh”] Like, we didn’t actually, like, show all the pieces going and the thing.
LM: Yeah, like there isn’t an Allura hand that’s just, like, crawling through space.
JDS: Yeah, there’s no hand, like, jumping through the snow.
MS: That would have been terrible! Oh my gosh. But yeah! I think there’s this misconception because Allura is a woman of color and so I think a lot of fans only looking at it superficially were like, “Oh, the woman of color was killed off.” And it’s, like, yeah, there is a trope of people of color dying to save the stupid white people around them, like I understand that trope. But the problem with that superficial interpretation is that they’re ignoring the fact that she’s the main character here.
JDS: Well, there’s that and also just to put it on the table, our original pitch was that they were all gonna die.
KC: Woah!
[Hosts scream and cackle]
JDS: And that got taken off the table.
KC: I love it!
LM: It’s teamwork! Voltron! And honestly, in my opinion, that would have been an easier, like, window to bring them back. If they all disappeared, you could pop them all back anytime and you got the team again. Easy-easy spinoff. But, uh--
JDS: Sorry if the board is blowing up.
KC: So it wouldn’t have been, like, literal bodies, it would have been just disappeared.
LM: Yeah.
KC: Okay.
JDS: We’re not showing, like--
KC: We’re not showing Lotor.
JDS: We showed, like, the melted, like, Lotor body, but--
LM: It would have been the same--
MS: Nobody’s getting Cronenberged in this scenario
KC: Except Lotor.
LM: --same scene except that we, you know, instead of Allura taking it upon herself, they all would have agreed to do it together and-and they would have gone in and essentially taken Voltron out of the equation.
JDS: Right.
LM: That was something we actually really believed for even from early on, we introduced this idea that Alfor had helped to create this thing, not realizing how dangerous it could be; kind of like, you know, the person who created the atom bomb, and, like, having that guilt. And so having Allura be part of the team that took Voltron out of the equation and now that weapon isn’t available to anyone, that was a big deal. We were told that was too sad.
[Hosts laugh]
KC: Uh, you broke chat. Alexis is in chat going, “*rocking back and forth, broken*”. Like, congratulations. Everyone, take a drink of your nonalcoholic beverage of choice.
MS: Oh that is-that is a line of gibberish that she typed.
KC: Oh yeah, no. Everyone’s just losing their noise, it’s great. I love it.
JDS: It was, you know, in a strange way I think, a beautiful sacrifice that Allura is allowed to make. And also really when you think about it, if it had to come down to any one person, she’s from, like, a logistical standpoint she’s the only one powerful enough and we’ve sort of through, you know, being a life-giver.
LM: So, we’ve had a lot of characters, like, who’ve been on, like, the death table. We’ve thrown them all out there at some point.
JDS: Right.
LM: But they all had to, kind of, get thrown out at a point in the story where it made sense that their death would have been worth it. Like, for Pidge, it would have been saving her family. Like if she had died to save her family. For Hunk, it would’ve been saving Earth, which almost happened. Um…
JDS: Hunk was, like, inches away.
[Hosts go “ohhh” and laugh]
LM: We got a yes, and then, like, you know, they were like, “Who’re you gonna replace him with?” And we were like, “A lady,” and then they said, “No.”
MS: Ohhhh.
KC: Would Romelle have been the pilot?
LM: It would have been, it was gonna be Acxa. Yeah, it was gonna be a redemption arc that takes place over this last season of, “It’s not about who you were, it’s about who you are,” and the fact that she’s done some bad things. But she truly believes in doing the right thing and moving forward and she could have been a viable part of that team.
JDS: But I-I also would argue that, like, there’s no--there wouldn’t have been enough time, I think, for everybody to, like, absorb that. If we had, like, a three season run at, like, bringing her in, getting her settled, and then having her, that would have made more sense.
LM: Yeah, that was a hesitation.
JDS: But Hunk’s was especially tragic, like, it was the moment where they were gonna--where they were taking robeast up and there was, like, that ticking time-bomb going off. He literally sees his family, but he’s never actually, like, interacted with them. So he only gets to look at them and see that they’re alive, and then he’s like, “I gotta get this thing out of here.” Sorry everybody!
LM: But he didn’t die! We didn’t kill anyone.
MS: And speaking of dark storylines, princesspony in the hashtag did some fanart of evil Chip.
JDS: Oh wow!
KC: They are very fast.
LM: World domination.
MS: Check out the hashtag #ABTVVoltron to check that out, it makes me very happy.
JDS: Are there red glowing eyes?
MS: No, it’s black and white, but he does look very happy.
LM: But Allura’s death was the only one that made sense from a power standpoint and even from a story standpoint that we were setting up with Honerva. And then also just on--I know, like, it’s probably gonna be highly contested--but on a feminist level from my standpoint, the-the man is always the one who gets to be the hero. Like Armageddon, Bruce Willis sacrifices himself to send, you know, friggin’ Ben Affleck back. And if-if basically Keith had gone like, “I’ll do it,” and then, you know, Allura had to stand on the sidelines and say, “Good thing Keith saved the day! I’m happy!” Like no. I want my women to be able to save the day, too, and even if it’s about making that ultimate sacrifice, if people want to interpret that as sexist, then that’s fine. But we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree.
KC: I mean, Keith tried to do the heroic sacrifice at one point and it didn’t work.
MS: They went, and you guys went, “No! Don’t do that!”
KC: Lotor was just like, “Excuse me.”
LM: We tried to kill Keith, though.
MS: This was--
LM: That’s not a lie.
MS: You guys apparently tried to kill everyone!
LM: We did. It was because we were told we couldn’t kill Shiro. Like, well, we don’t need two leaders, we’ll kill Keith. And they said, “You can’t do that.”
[Hosts laughing and sputtering]
JDS: Also by the way, we’re not kill-happy people. We’re not. We don’t kill for the sake of killing, like, there’s something--it’s a journey and there’s something meaningful, I think, to everybody’s death. And-and so when you even look at, like, melted Lotor corpse. Like, he basically had done to him what he had done to so many other people, so there’s, like, a sort of a give and a take there.
MS: And like a show where--I don’t want to rag on any other shows that skirt around death or anything like that, because again, they are writing for certain demographics--but I always appreciate when shows have, you know, actions have consequences. And sometimes character death is a really good way of conveying that. And I think for a lot of other people, people forget that Allura in season 1 is the same character that picked up Shiro, threw him out of a room right as the doors were closing, and basically could have died in that moment. She was sacrificing herself, so it’s not like this is out of character for her.
LM: Yeah, and Coran said, like, 15 different times, like, you know, “What about the risks? You could-you could not come back from this. If you give all your quintessence to the balmera, if you give all your quintessence to making this gigantic wormhole to transport Zarkon’s ship.”
JDS: “If you take the darkness into yourself.”
LM: And every time, she would say, like, “I know the risks.”
KC: Yolo.
MS: Until she walks into the west with the other elves.
KC: Or into the void with Honerva. I love that she had to do a hard reset on Honerva’s brain and then we could fix things. Like, she’s the only one that would have been able to do that in any capacity.
LM: Yeah.
JDS: Yeah, and it’s allowing Honerva to maybe experience the consequences that came as a result of her actions and really understand what those--
LM: It’s allowing her to get past, like, the cloud of all of the pain she’s felt, realize, like, remember the good things because sometimes you can get so bogged down with the negativity that you can forget what it was that you loved about a thing in the first place. And she was Altean and she loved discovery, she loved knowledge, and she-she reached out with Alfor and she helped multiple people before, you know, they started this quintessence project that kind of messed everything up. So she just kind of had to show--
JDS: She had hopes, she had dreams, she had heart.
LM: Yeah. At one point.
JDS: [quietly] At one point.
KC: Is there anything else that you--’cuz we’re hitting the end of our time--is there anything else you guys want to touch on now or should we save a few things for next week?
JDS: Uh, yeah, I mean, you know, look, we, I think, Lauren made a really good point in that, you know, sometimes you sort of lose sight of the good things for, you know, some of the negative things. We’d only hope that, you know, the sort of big post-mortem from the fandom at large-- even those that are super unhappy with the way season 8 turned out--sort of looks back on the series with positive feelings because I think there’s, while feelings might get hurt and feelings might--people might feel betrayed by, like, story decisions, like, the show was made with nothing but, like, love and good intentions and positivity and yes we told some hard stories to tell and characters came to certain conclusions that weren’t, like, the most popular decisions, but we were just trying to tell a story that, like, looked beyond the campiness and beyond the colorful robotic silliness to tell something that felt a bit more true and a bit more real and had, as one of our execs would always say, stakes and consequences.
LM: No, stakes and urgent stakes.
JDS: Stakes and urgent stakes.
LM: That was gonna be a restaurant.
KC: That’s one of Vrepit Sal’s new chains. It’s part of Hunk’s food empire. “Steaks and Urgency.”
JDS: But we can, you know, leave all the other stuff for our other show.
LM: Good times.
MS: Yeah, and princesspony has made a new version that’s got red eyes.
JDS: Ah! Red eyes! Red evil eyes!
KC: You asked for red eyes and in-chat they went, “I’ll add red eyes!” All for the red eyes. Well, yeah, thank you for joining us this week. This has been absolutely lovely. Are there any other projects you’re working on that you can tell us about?
JDS: No.
KC: Okay! NDAs it is!
LM: I am working on getting my floors re-done, and I’m getting the popcorn scraped off my ceilings, which is a lot more expensive than I realized it was gonna be. And-and moving all of my crap out of the house so that these people can do this work and that is a hell of a project that I would not wish on anyone.
JDS: And I just took a week off with my wife to Marie Kondo our entire house.
KC: Dang!
MS: Nice!
JDS: She didn’t come over or anything, but we definitely--
LM: Did you actually put it all in a pile?
JDS: She did with her clothes, and it was pretty epic, like, my pile went to your sister to eBay off, so that was. And my pile of toys.
LM: Oh, right, right.
JDS: Her sister is a sweet human being and like, will like, yeah. During the course of Voltron, during the production, like, super weighty dark times, I would just go on, like, eBay and be like, “buy, buy, buy, buy” and a pile of toys stacked up behind me that I never opened up.
LM: Yeah, me too. We had a cardboard box fort.
JDS: Yeah.
KC: Oh, goodness.
LM: And then he had a kid and said, “Oh no, I don’t need all this stuff.”
KC: And return to sender.
JDS: Yeah.
KC: Sounds fun.
MS: eBay.
KC: Where can the people go on social media if they would like to keep up with you?
LM: Um, all of the same places: @artofLaurenM on Twitter, @thebestlaurenmontgomery on Instagram, though I will say the Voltron posts are kind of over at this point. So maybe don’t follow me now if you’re just coming for Voltron. You’ll probably be a little disappointed.
JDS: Same for me. Um, @jds_247 on something and @jds_77 on the other thing. There you go. Underscore in between those. Sorry.
KC: So I’m gonna follow you guys now for Voltron. [laughter] No, no!
JDS: That’s fine!
LM: But if you like any of my other artwork, you’re more than welcome to stay.
KC: I like all of your other artwork.
MS: It’s so pretty!
KC: Alright, thanks again for coming, you guys.
JDS: Thanks for having us, you guys have been awesome this entire time.
LM: And we’ll be back next week.
JDS: That’s right.
KC: Yes we will! I was gonna save that announcement for a little bit. Uh, Megan, where can people find you?
MS: You guys can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @themenguin. I was gonna say, I wanted to give a quick shoutout to Mark and Emma and Alexis who all were wearing the hashtag tonight. We miss you guys and we love you and we’ll be seeing you soon!
KC: And on the live chat in Alexis’ case.
MS: Love you, Alexis!
KC: You can follow yellow lion Mark Donica at @MarkBDonica, co-red lion Emma Fyffe at @EmmaFyffe, and blue Lauren--blue Lauren--blue lion [unintelligible]. I am Katie Cullen, you can follow me all over the social medias as well as on YouTube and Twitch at kiaxet, I am also on Overwatch podcast called “On the Point”. Guys, we will be back for the final episode of ABTV Voltron. Next week we are doing a series retrospective. Same lion time, same lion channel, thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you next time.
Voiceover: Our founder: Keven Undergaro and me, Megan Menounos, would like to thank you for tuning in to Afterbuzz TV. Remember, we’re not just the first, we’re the biggest in the world and we’re the only destination for all your favorite TV shows. Whatever you crave, we’ve got it, so go to afterbuzztv.com and check out our lineup. Buzz you later!
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neuxue · 6 years
Wheel of Time liveblogging: The Gathering Storm ch 41
EGWENE!!!!!!! And excellent use of outsider POV! And could Gawyn be more irritating? And EGWENE!!!!!
Chapter 41: A Fount of Power
Ah, the unique and entirely self-inflicted frustration of having to pause for three weeks in the middle of a major battle…
Gawyn continues to exist in this sequence and I am irritated. You’d better impede the awesome, Gawyn.
But we all know what Gawyn’s track record at the Tower looks like, so I’m not holding out a great deal of hope here.
The White Tower itself seemed to burn. It lit a daunting profile in the sky, all white and red, outlined by flames. Smoke boiled toward the midnight clouds above, fires blazed in many Tower windows, and a glare at the base indicated that outlying buildings and trees were also alight.
It’s such a great image, the once-untouchable White Tower burning against the night sky. And on a more symbolic level, it’s as if the truth is finally made visible: the Tower is burning, wounded, vulnerable, and it’s there for anyone to see.
Though right now Gawyn and the soldiers with him are more interested in seeing that there is in fact a secret entrance. And here I was hoping Gawyn might have to resort to banging really hard on the stone wall and shouting for someone to let him in, and eventually Egwene would notice him and shout down to him while lighting a to’raken on fire that she might need to take a rain check on tonight’s date, this really isn’t the best time, she has to go wash her hair.
At least he was finally doing something to help Egwene.
Not all princesses want to be rescued from their fiery towers beset by dragons, Gawyn. Some of them might rather like it there. Standing in a badass hero pose, silhouetted against the night sky, surrounded by power, with their hair blowing in the wind.
She’s doing far more to help herself than you are to help her, is what I’m getting at here, Gawyn.
They were gliding directly into a war zone where both sides were stronger than they were, both sides had little reason to like them, and both sides were wielding the One Power. It took a special kind of man to stare those odds in the eyes.
‘Special’ is not exactly the word I would use.
But this frames the whole situation quite nicely: they’re heading straight into a battle in which they are hideously outmatched, with very little idea of what’s going on, for no reason but to rescue someone who has specifically asked not to be rescued. WHY.
They’ve brought a hundred soldiers with them? Again…why? What do they think that will possibly do against a Seanchan attack mounted on dragons and wielding the One Power? It’s too many for stealth, and not enough to actually have an effect. I’m just so confused as to why they’re doing this at all. You’re all going to die and to what purpose?
I suppose disguising themselves as Tower guards helps a bit on the stealth front, but still. Everything about this plan seems terrible.
“It’s always a good idea to have a few copies of your enemy’s uniform.”
“It’s not proper,” Siuan said, folding her arms. “Serving on the Tower Guard is a sacred duty. They—”
“They’re your enemy, Siuan,” Bryne said sternly.
Are they?
How long can they look at the Tower as their enemy before it becomes insurmountable truth? This is why Egwene does not want to be rescued; this is what she has learned in her time as a supposed captive of the Tower. She came here as a result of her own declaration of war against them, true, but that’s a part of this whole arc for her, realising that the Tower and the Aes Sedai there are not her enemies, that she cannot afford for them to be her enemies, even if Elaida is. That the solution must somehow be unity, not war.
Gawyn, Siuan and Bryne took up positions at the front—Gawyn and the general walking just ahead of Siuan, as if they were Warders
Gawyn Trakand, the things you do not notice could literally fill books.
All in all, the illusion was very good. On first glance, Gawyn himself would have bought the disguise.
Yeah, sorry, that’s really not a high bar.
The billowing smoke reflected red firelight, enveloping the Tower in a menacing crimson haze. Holes and gashes broke the walls of the once-majestic building; fires blazed within several of them.
It’s so starkly different from how the Tower has always been described up until now; it’s the sort of language that would much more naturally be associated with, say, Dragonmount. But the illusion of a pure white structure, beautiful and untouchable and eternal, a monument and a lasting symbol of strength, has been shattered, and beneath it is…this. A nightmare of fire and a crumbling structure and chaos, burning.
I just love the contrast, because up until now the descriptions of the Tower have been so consistent, so perfectly crafted to suit an entity that presents only and exactly the image it chooses, never changing, never faltering, never letting anyone see what is truly there. In hindsight, all those descriptions feel a bit like looping a single piece of film across CCTV footage while carrying out a bank robbery. Too perfect, too still. And so to now get these descriptions instead is perfect in its suddenness, jarring in the way a shattering is as the illusion is forcibly broken away.
Up above, near the middle of the Tower, several gashes were spewing fireballs and lighting back out at the invaders.
EGWENE! Maybe Gawyn will see her as the absolute fucking badass that she is and will realise that she is way, way out of his league, and will give up and go home and leave Egwene to be awesome in peace.
“Now what?” Gawyn whispered.
Great plan, guys.
“We find Egwene,” Siuan answered. “We start at the base, then head down to the basement floors. She was locked down there somewhere earlier today, and it’s probably the first place we should look.”
Oh, ye of little faith. How can even you, Siuan, have so little confidence in her? You’ve seen her take on a Hall that treated her like a puppet, you’ve sent her to hunt the Black Ajah as little more than a novice, you know her strength and resourcefulness and ability.
Gawyn, she’s supposed to be the woman you love, and therefore someone you should have confidence in, and assume competence of. That’s how it works, right?
Bryne, you swore allegiance to her when, again, she was to all appearances just a girl raised Amyrlin so that it would be easy to pull her strings. You gave her an army and trusted that she would know what to do with it.
And yet NONE OF YOU look at the battle taking place, and think that maybe Egwene is in the middle of it, that maybe Egwene has done what she does and found a way to turn an impossible situation to her advantage, or at least found a way to fight back. Give her some credit already!
I know, I know, based on the information they have, her situation is Hashtag Not Great, but…come on, this is Egwene we’re talking about! Even if ‘ah she’s probably found a way to be badass and claim the Amyrlin’s authority at least as a battlefield commission in order to get shit done when no one else can and save the Tower’ isn’t the default assumption, they should at least entertain the possibility that she’s managed to figure something out, that she’s found a way to fight back.
Though in Siuan’s case, I wonder if there’s an element of…projection? After all, she was a clever and capable and powerful Amyrlin, but she was dancing on thin ice for a long time with the coming of the Dragon Reborn and the secrets she held and the course she was trying to take, and she did not see the coup coming, and for all her own resourcefulness and strength she was unable to save herself from it. So from her I wonder if it’s not so much a lack of confidence in Egwene as a sense of something almost like déjà vu, of looking at this situation and being terrified that it’s happening again, that what happened to her will happen to Egwene because even the most capable can be brought down.
Gawyn has no excuse though. He’s had many, many opportunities to give his girlfriend a single vote of confidence and he always seems to…not do that. It’s very frustrating.
Oh thank the Light it’s a POV switch.
I should have known it would be Saerin trying to actually implement some sort of strategy. Or one of that group, anyway; they’re some of the few who have managed bipartisan talks cooperation and effective work towards an actual goal lately.
Around her, the room was in virtual chaos.
I think this is a case of somewhere the word ‘literal’ would actually be appropriate…
Moradri was a long-limbed Mayener with dark skin, and she was trailed by two handsome Warders, both also Mayener. Rumours said that they were her brothers, come to the White Tower to defend their sister
Okay I know we’re in the middle of a battle here but this is such an interesting little aside! On the one hand, I’m almost surprised we haven’t seen instances of the Warder bond being used between siblings, but on the other hand, speaking as someone who has a sibling…wow. That would be uh. Interesting. And yet it also makes a lot of sense, given that it is by definition an incredibly close bond requiring a great deal of trust and a long partnership…but also two brothers as Warders. What a family! I suddenly want all of the backstory here.
No Greens to be found. We know where Adelorna is, at least, but it’s really not all that surprising, if you think about it.
“A pity,” Saerin said. “They like to call themselves the Battle Ajah, after all. Well, that leaves me to organise the fighting.”
They’re the Battle Ajah, but I think that the Tower’s long tendencies towards secrecy, isolation and insulation, noninterference between sisters, and manipulation rather than outright participation in any sort of war or battle has not just had an impact on the Greens’ ability to work as anything resembling a cohesive group, but is also a set of attitudes that would end up forcing tactics over strategy in a battle situation.
Whereas someone like Saerin, or really any of the Brown Ajah who have made war and strategy a part of their studies might well be better suited to the more administrative – but oh so massively underrated and vitally important – aspects of fighting.
Saerin eyed the Green sister, then tapped the map. “Mark the locations, Moradri. You can go back to the fighting soon enough, but your knowledge is more important right now.”
Yes, exactly this. Moradri wants to be out there fighting, because that’s what her Ajah’s attitude is or has become. And because if they all see themselves as individuals acting separately, of course the impulse is to go out and fight directly, rather than recognise that they’ll actually be more successful if they coordinate, and that all of them just throwing all their firepower at whatever they can reach is not the most efficient approach.
They have fighting skills, it seems, but they don’t know how to function as any sort of military force. Because the Tower’s attitudes haven’t allowed for that sort of thinking or cohesiveness to ever emerge.
So you need the people who can stand back rather than rushing straight in to where the fighting is thickest, who can pull out the maps and watch what’s happening and bring some level of organisation to the chaos, and send out those who do have the actual hands-on fighting ability but may lack the mindset for looking at the bigger picture.
Which of course is just another of the already myriad reasons the Ajahs need to work together and maybe, I don’t know, communicate and recognise that they all have valuable but different skills to contribute and that they’re stronger and more capable as a whole than as a disparate set of individuals, but…well, that’s sort of the whole point of the Tower’s story, isn’t it? United we stand, divided we fall, and all that.
“Captain, our most important task is to form a centre of operations. Aes Sedai and soldiers alike are scrambling about independently, acting like rats faced by wolves. We need to stand together.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Not that that’s ever stopped me from spending a few hundred words trying…
It’s not just that they need to stand together, though. It’s that they need to work together, and delegate tasks, and understand that it’s not just about firepower here. That they need a centre of operations, and that means some of them hanging back from the fighting, in order to make that fighting more efficient.
And I like that it isn’t Egwene organising this. Because Egwene is so much better suited to doing exactly what she’s doing: leading from the front, by example, and demonstrating in highly effective fashion the importance of having battle-ready tacticians who can hold their own in the middle of a fight and respond quickly. Egwene is somewhat more of a tactician than a strategist, and in a way she’s an example of what the Green Ajah could and should be, because she doesn’t only consider herself, and she doesn’t approach the fight as an individual but rather as a leader, taking into account the other people around her and how they can have the most impact.
But she goes straight for the front lines; Egwene is not exactly a character to hold herself back from…anything, really. She’s not the sort of person who would be in Saerin’s role—before or after a battle, maybe, but not during one. So I like that we get to see the importance of both. That Egwene gets to be badass as the Amyrlin in battle, but we also get this quiet emphasis on how important it is for the rest of the Tower to come together, to figure out how to strategise as a whole rather than a bunch of individuals. Egwene is fighting for the Tower, but the Tower also needs to learn how to fight for itself in order to back her up, and follow that lead. And for that, they need not just a leader like Egwene, but people like Saerin who can fill those desperately needed administrative and strategic roles, and look beyond the divisions as Egwene has been trying so hard to get them to do.
I also like that Saerin explicitly acknowledges Egwene in her thoughts, because Egwene isn’t here—and shouldn’t be; she’s doing just fine right where she is—but this is largely due to her influence. She can’t play every role herself, and what she’s doing right now is probably the best thing she could possibly be doing, but this is why she’s been trying to get them to break down those barriers between the Ajahs and even between the sisters themselves. Because Tarmon Gai’don is coming, and they need all of those skills—not just the fighters, or the healers, or the strategists, or the historians, but all of them, contributing their individual strengths. Just as we see Saerin doing here.
“This is a disaster!” an angry voice shouted.
Katerine, at least fifteen minutes late and not even bringing Starbucks.
“How dare they strike here!” Katerine continued.
Yes, Katerine, we see what you’re doing. It’s something the Black Ajah has been frighteningly successful at: sowing this sort of discord and inward-looking righteous anger and doing everything in their power to keep the Tower, and the Aes Sedai within it, from looking past themselves and their status and superiority.
So she comes into this ad-hoc centre of operations trying to rile them all up, because that’s the best way to ensure that they continue to face this threat as no more than an angry set of individuals, rather than putting aside insult or anger or fear for a while in order to fight back.
“We need to scour the Tower and eliminate each of them!”
It’s such a transparent attempt to divide them, and yet they’re all so divided already that would probably work, if Saerin weren’t here to immediately stomp out the bullshit.
Saerin raised an eyebrow. “Since when did the Mistress of Novices outrank a Sitter in the Hall, Katerine?”
Katerine tries to play the Red vs Brown angle but Saerin’s response is excellent not just because Katerine is a pain in our collective arses and it’s nice to see someone give her the verbal slap in the face she so deserves, but because it completely…not just ignores but takes all the relevance out of their difference in Ajahs. Saerin is a Sitter and Katerine is not and they’re under attack and it doesn’t matter what Ajah they are.
It reminds me, really, of Egwene telling Adelorna that for now, Adelorna and the others must call her Mother and accept her authority (also can I just say as an aside how much I love that the title of authority claimed by a leader in the midst of battle is Mother? Like what a way to quietly and without even addressing it subvert military and battle gender expectations and stereotypes). Saerin’s doing a similar thing in the…centre of operations, such as it is. She claims authority through competence, and for now they have to just accept that.
This battle isn’t really about the Seanchan so much as it’s about the Tower having to confront some hard truths about itself, which means it’s a time when characters like Egwene but also characters like Saerin get a chance to shine.
Another boom sounded outside.
“Where do those keep coming from?” Saerin asked in annoyance. “Haven’t they made enough holes?”
“No, Aes Sedai!” the guard said. “I think it was a blast thrown from within the Tower, launched from one of the upper floors out at the flying creatures.” “Well at least someone else is fighting back,” Saerin said.
She doesn’t, does she? Of course she wouldn’t. Because the Tower is a mess and there’s so little communication and even those like Egwene and Saerin who are trying to coordinate an actual defence—either by enacting it with whatever resources they can reach, or by trying to form a central command hub—are isolated from one another, and no one knows what’s going on.
“It appears that there’s a second rallying point for the defence, and it’s doing very well.”
YOU DON’T SAY. Tell us more, Captain. Paint us a picture of Egwene being a force of light, a rallying point for the Tower.
Have I mentioned I love outsider POV? We’re not even seeing Egwene through any of these characters’ eyes but that almost makes it better, because as the reader you know who they’re talking about even when they don’t. You can watch them try in wonder and surprise to work it out, or to see Saerin take it in stride but also with a clear sense of relief and even excitement, and you know who is causing that, who is having that kind of impact. There’s a particular kind of delight as a reader in seeing other characters in some form of awe or respect or even just surprise or relief at what you know to be another character’s actions, but their reaction isn’t for the character, it’s for what the character has done. It’s for the awesome, even when they don’t know the source of the awesome, but as a reader you do and it’s wonderful. This is maybe a weirdly specific thing to love, but love it I do.  
“Where?” Saerin asked eagerly. “Specifically?”
“The twenty-second, Aes Sedai. Northeastern quarter.”
“What?” Katerine asked. “The Brown Ajah sections?”
No. That was what had been there before. Now, with the swapping of the Tower’s corridors, that area of the Tower was…
This slow realisation, the amazement first at the fact that there’s a strong defence at all, and then wondering who and how, and then this gradual realisation that wait, wait…
It’s not suspense, exactly, because as a reader you know exactly who and how, but watching other characters realise is just delicious.
“The novices’ quarters?” Saerin said. That seemed even more ridiculous. “How in the world…” She trailed off, eyes widening slightly. “Egwene.”
This, this is why I absolutely adore outsider POV. It’s that sense of…triumph by proxy, that thrill of other characters realising, and really seeing Egwene for the first time in a new light, even when she’s not actually there. Perhaps even because she’s not actually there. Those moments when characters recognise something in another that you’ve known all along but seeing it through new eyes it’s almost like getting to see it again for the first time.
Also okay, I’m just a simple girl with simple needs, and so if you give me a character breathing another character’s name in astonishment and realisation, I will be happy.
It’s especially effective because this is what Egwene has been working towards for so long, and we’ve seen bits and pieces of it—of the way the other Aes Sedai see her shifting—but this is where it really seems to happen. Where someone like Saerin fully understands that this girl is no novice, that she’s not a wilfull child or a puppet manipulated into declaring herself Amyrlin. This is where, again perhaps because Egwene isn’t actually there, she and maybe the others can look past Egwene’s youth and her novice dress and see what they’ve been unable or unwilling to see before. That this woman is the Amyrlin, and she is a force to be reckoned with, and she will save the Tower by sheer force of will if she has to.
I also like how that realisation is coming right on the heels of a very different mood of outsider-POV-realisations-about-a-character with Rand. Mostly in seeing him through Tuon’s eyes, but even seeing him through Min’s when he burned Natrin’s Barrow. There, it was watching other characters finally realise just how terrifying he has become—or in Tuon’s case, you get the same impression because it’s her first time meeting him and what she sees and thinks about shows Rand in a very different light, seen through the eyes of someone who has not been watching him all along and doesn’t still see, at least a little bit, the boy from Emond’s Field.
And now you get the same thing with Egwene—the realisation that she is not just a girl from Emond’s Field claiming authority she doesn’t have, and that she is a force to be reckoned with, and that she’s so much more than they assumed her to be—but in every other aspect it’s opposite to what we see with Rand. And yet conveyed through the same techniques, and even with the Seanchan as backdrop, to some extent.
Now over to Egwene herself!
Egwene stood at an open hole in the side of the White Tower, wind pulling at her white dress, tugging at her hair, howling as if in accompaniment to her rage.
I do love these…Hero Pose Portraits we get of her. Egwene at the heart of the storm, wind in her hair and fire in her eyes. It’s a strong visual, and a very recognisable one. This is absolutely and immediately recognisable as a Hero Pose, and I suppose it’s a good example of how some tropes are tropes because damn it they work.
Her anger was not out of control. It was cold and distilled. The Tower was burning.
Are you tired of me drawing parallels and contrasts between her and Rand yet? Yes? Well, too bad.
‘Cold’ is definitely a description pretty strongly associated with Rand at this point, cold and hard and emotionless. And right at this moment, yes, Egwene is cold and calm and ruthless. She’s in the middle of a battle; she has to be. She has to be able to order the novices to form circles and fight with her, she has to be able to strike to kill, to bring down raken that may be carrying Aes Sedai captives. She has to be able to think, and to respond to the Seanchan’s attacks, and plan her own.
But the difference between her and Rand here is that Egwene uses that as a temporary state, and even then she doesn’t deny her emotions, or push them down so far that they end up stabbing her to death from the inside with their tiny spiteful knives (don’t lie to me, Rand, that’s exactly what’s going on and we both know it).
It’s like when she told herself steel yourself, Egwene, before reading through the list of dead ladies Black Ajah members. There are times when a measure of cold is needed. There are times to put emotion aside for later. But she doesn’t try to become that cold. She doesn’t try to become steel. She can harden herself to battle when she has to, and she does a bloody good job of it, but she’s not trying to flay herself into  a permanent state of it as a way of dealing with what she must do.
She can embrace pain, but embracing it also means accepting and acknowledging and feeling it, and understanding that her aims are simply more important than the pain. She can steel herself to harsh truth, but she also takes a few moments to work through the emotional turmoil it causes.
It’s an issue of moderation; Egwene seems to have found a balance of sorts, where Rand has gone to an extreme. She can access that place of calm, cold determination, but she doesn’t have to take up permanent residence there (which is good because wow, here I thought America’s citizenship path was demanding). And she has a very clear sense of why she’s doing this; it’s something she has chosen, and something she will fight for because she believes it is worth fighting for. The fact that she cares is what enables her to do this at all, whereas Rand feels like he has to not care about anything in order to reach a state where he can do anything.
She directed her anger—the anger of justice, the wrath of the Amyrlin.
She can be cold in the midst of battle, but she’s channelling her anger into that rather than denying it. She is not unfeeling, here; this is not like Rand so calmly and so quietly erasing a fortress with balefire, knowing it should terrify him and yet feeling nothing at all. She is angry and she accepts that anger and both the power and the consequences of it.
And I think maybe it comes down to choices, again. Egwene can kill for the Tower because she chose her role; she may not actually want to kill people but it doesn’t threaten to destroy her when she has to, because she accepts it as part of the path and cause and role she has chosen. Not that she specifically chose the killing people part, or necessarily would have, but I think she doesn’t see it as a duty she is forced to bear, a role she is forced to play, blood that is demanded of her. She chose the Tower and she chose to be Amyrlin and she chose to leave Emond’s Field and she chose to be the person she is now and give herself to this cause, and so if this is part of it, well, then, that is what she will do. It feels like one of those lines that is both vast and yet so small, just a matter of perspective and nuance, and yet it makes such a huge difference to almost everything.
She was a fount of Power, drawn from deep within the fluted rod in her hands, channelled through a group of novices and Accepted hiding in the room behind, bound to her in circle. Egwene was part of the fires that burned in the Tower, bloodying the sky with their flames, painting the air with their smoke. She almost seemed not a being of flesh, but one of pure Power, sending judgement to those who had dared bring war to the Tower itself. Blasts of lightning stormed from the sky, the clouds churning above. Fire sprouted from her hands.
This is absolutely beautiful, and so, so similar to how Rand was described, as a force of Light, a being seemingly made of light and Power rather than flesh, channelling through a ter’angreal that shone in his hands. And at the end, fire.
It’s such an eerily similar description, and it carries the same beauty and power, and yet the context and therefore feeling it evokes is so completely different. These are the parallels I love, where the scenes are almost mirrors of each other, where the actions or situations are almost identical, and yet a simple shift in perspective or sense of agency or reasoning can make it look completely and utterly opposite.
With Rand, this image was one to evoke a sense of quiet horror, beauty and yet terror, a pause before the step across a line, the sort of silence and blinding power and then act that leaves no breath or words for making sense of what has just happened. But now, the almost identical image is one of wrath and justice and power and triumph—there’s a harshness to it, yes, but it’s all for a purpose, and there is no silent gaping absence of emotion, no moment where it seems the whole world is drawing in in horror before the release.
With Rand, the eeriness came in part from the complete absence of violence in the description. It was just beauty and power and then…that. Whereas with Egwene the violence is a part of it; the description is beautiful and she is a being of power but we have fires the burned the Tower and bloodying the sky and painting the air with their smoke and blasts and churned. There is no denial of violence here, just as there is no denial of the emotional aspect of it. This isn’t quiet the way Rand’s scene was, because nothing is being muted or suppressed here. There isn’t a sense of absence, or of something vital missing. There’s just violent, terrible, beautiful power and triumph and anger and desperate defense and vengeance and justice. No, it’s not kind. But it’s not meant to be. And so it has none of the eeriness of A Force of Light, none of the growing horror at how soft and quiet everything was contrasted with what it was.
And I like the nod here to the Amyrlin being one with the Tower, in the way we’re always given the Dragon as one with the land.
Perhaps she should have feared breaking the Three Oaths. But she did not. This was a fight that needed to be fought, and she did not lust for death—though, perhaps, her rage against the sul’dam approached it. The soldiers and damane were unfortunate casualties.
The White Tower, the sacred dwelling of the Aes Sedai, was under attack. They were all in dagner, a danger greater than death. Those silvery collars were far worse. Egwene defended herself and each woman in the Tower.
Okay, I’m glad we at least got some acknowledgement that this is on the fuzzy side of compliance with the Three Oaths, though I’m still surprised Adelorna didn’t even think about it.
For the record, I have absolutely no problems with what Egwene is doing; the Seanchan attacked first, and they’re attacking to capture or kill, and if Egwene can spin that into defending her life and the lives of all the Aes Sedai in the Tower in order to comply with the oath against using the Power as a weapon, great. But it is definitely in a slightly grey area of that particular oath, so I’m glad we’re seeing some awareness of that.
And…yeah, she’s not killing because killing is fun, but she’s also not going to be torturing herself with the blood on her hands after this. Would she have chosen this battle? No. But it’s here and this is the role she has chosen, and so this is a part of what that means, and she can accept that. Even somewhat coldly, in the moment—but again I don’t think it’s a complete absence of feeling so much as an acceptance, and a lack of…heaping unnecessary pain on herself because of the things that she has to do.
(And I’m just going to continue to ignore the ‘worse than death’ thing because I said so).
The attackers prepared weaves to strike her down, but each time Egwene struck first, either deflecting the balls of fire with a blast of air or simply bringing down the to’raken who carried the women trying to kill her.
A one-woman anti-aircraft gun.
Something I really like about this fight is that it doesn’t shy away from the fact that Egwene is in battle, with a body count, aiming to kill. It’s something that often is…avoided…with female protagonists. Implied, sometimes, but often euphemised or glossed over or never really verified on-screen. A bit like how we see Aviendha, actually; she’s a former Maiden of the Spear and it’s kind of assumed that she has been in fights and has killed people, but it’s definitely told more than shown. So you get a fair amount of that (and then there’s Tamora Pierce, doing the Good Work and providing all kinds of Ladies With Swords content), but this is definitely more rare.
And yet Egwene gets to have that, and it’s not written as a stain on her character, or as something that’s going to cause an existential crisis. It’s just who and where she is: she is the Amyrlin and the Tower is under attack and she is on the front lines defending, and that means she is in a battle, and she is fighting and fighting to kill. Just as Mat and Perrin and Rand have been. And it’s not written differently because she’s a woman, or even written in such a way as to highlight that at all. It’s just written as a powerful main character in a battle for her life and the cause she’s defending.
Between Falme and Cairhien and now this, she’s probably in the running for second-highest body count after Rand (maybe third; Mat is almost certainly higher and it’s hard to say with Perrin), but it’s not made into a Thing any more than it is for any of them. Nor is she the seductress/femme-fatale type you often see with women who have blood on their hands. She’s just…a powerful character in a position that means she sees battle, and she’s really not treated any differently in that sense than the male characters in similar positions. Which I really, really appreciate.
Some would escape. But they would pay dearly. That was another goal. She had to make certain they never attacked the Tower again.
This raid had to cost them.
And this is the other thing I like: that she’s allowed to have this edge. She is fighting on the defensive, and out of necessity, but she is also approaching it as a tactician, and it is a battle, and could turn into an ongoing war. So she’s doing what she can to prevent that, which means making it cost them—which means killing them. She’s allowed that ruthlessness, just as she has always been allowed ambition; two traits that are sometimes hard to find in non-villain female characters.
Over to Bryne now, who is busy dodging a burning raken. Probably Egwene’s welcome gift to him; she’s a bit busy to send flowers.
It’s a shame Bashere isn’t here; he’d probably commandeer one and honestly I want nothing more.
Were the Seanchan running away from something or just looking for a fight?
Not something, Bryne. They are absolutely fleeing someone and I cannot wait for you to work it out. Because watching people work out how very capable and frankly terrifying Egwene is has been the best part of these chapters.
Well, aside from Egwene herself, of course.
I don’t want Bryne to admire Gawyn’s swordsmanship because that means I have to accept that Gawyn’s good with a sword and—okay, this sentence was actually going somewhere but it got derailed when I realised I was just diving headfirst into truly awful innuendo. Ow. Well, whatever Gawyn, Galad is still the better swordsman and Mat could take both of you with a stick and Lan could probably take all three of you without breaking a sweat and—yeah, no, that sentence wasn’t any better. I give up.
Gawyn unsheathed his own blade, on edge. “Look up there,” he said, and pointed with his sword. […] “By the Light…” Bryne whispered, focusing on the gap. A solitary figure wearing white stood in the Tower’s rent.
The theme of this chapter is whispered awe at the sight or even realisation of Egwene and I am here for it.
And yes, Bryne. By the Light indeed. Even more so than you meant it, I think.
It’s just SUCH A GOOD IMAGE, a solitary figure in white, alone and yet the essence of the Tower itself, as it should be; the Amyrlin even dressed as a novice, standing in a fracture in the Tower because she is the one holding it together, holding its attackers at bay.
It was too distant to make out her face, even with the spyglass, but whoever she was
ARE YOU SHITTING ME. ‘Whoever she was’? Surely one of you at least has a fleeting suspicion at this point?
Whoever she was, she was certainly doing some damage to the Seanchan. Her arms were upraised with fire glowing between  her hands, the burning light throwing shadows across the outer Tower wall around her.
Setting aside the fact that her boyfriend and her general can’t seem to recognise her, I love all these glimpses we get of her throughout the battle. We only see briefly from her POV, but to those who see her…the descriptions are all in this mode of the heroic bordering almost on the divine. A force of light and power, a solitary figure in white, arms upraised and fire in her hands, a symbol of strength and determination and everything the Tower should be. And she is always met with awe and almost wonder; it’s such a great way to show a character coming well and truly into her own in the eyes of those around her.
Except, apparently, for Bryne and Gawyn, who still don’t even consider that it could be her. WHO THE FUCK ELSE WOULD IT BE?
I am Disgruntled.
(Also, the burning light throwing shadows is again so similar to the description of Rand in A Force of Light that it’s almost hard to tell the quotes apart…and yet while the visual imagery is the same, almost nothing else is. On the one hand destruction, and on the other, salvation).
The badly wounded would be abandoned into enemy hands, but they had been warned of that possibility before coming on this mission. Recovering the Amyrlin outweighed all other concerns.
Except by ‘enemy’ he means the Tower and not the Seanchan, and he looks at the whole battle against the Seanchan as a distraction from their real purpose, and really none of them should be enemies and he just saw the Amyrlin and she certainly did not need recovering and really…everything is wrong here. None of them should be fighting, and yet they are, and all sides or contingents involved have a different thought as to who the enemy even is, and it’s just confusion and chaos because none of this should be happening at all.
“And if you’d been recognised?” he demanded. “Siuan, these people tried to execute you!”
She sniffed. “Moiraine herself wouldn’t recognise me with this face.”
Wow, okay, I’m not sure why this hit me the way it did but something about the fact that she so reflexively uses Moiraine as the reference point her …as far as Siuan knows, Moiraine is dead, and yet she has for so long been the person Siuan was closest to, the one other person who shared their secret for twenty years, her best friend and onetime lover and just the way she says it, ‘Moiraine herself’, without seeming to even think about it…I don’t know, it came out of nowhere and yet of course that’s what she would say and suddenly I’m a little bit sad.
There are a lot of reunions—or even first-time meetings—I’m hoping for before the end, but Moiraine and Siuan are very high on the list. They are the only ones left of the ones who began this, and I just want them to have a moment to see one another again and be able to share that knowledge of how far they have come and all they have done, even if it’s bittersweet, and maybe even get to finally lay that duty down and look ahead to a life in this world they’ve given so much of their lives to save.
Anyway she’s found a novice who should at least be able to tell them what’s going on, and by ‘what’s going on’ I mean ‘that Egwene is a badass and they don’t need to rescue her because she’s busy rescuing the entire Tower, so maybe they could just go help her out with that’.
“The Amyrlin, Egwene al’Vere,” the novice said in a quivering voice. “She was released from the cells earlier today and allowed to return to the novices’ quarters.”
And the novices’ quarters aren’t where they were, so there’s still some reason for Siuan and the others to not immediately put two and two together to make ‘Egwene is a badass and they don’t need to rescue her because she’s busy rescuing the Tower, so maybe they culd just go help her out with that’ but the fact that still none of them have even considered the possibility is DRIVING ME MAD.
“But she’s probably up on the twenty-first or twenty-second level somewhere. That’s where the novices’ quarters are now.”
Okay, no more excuses.
I am, of course, most disappointed in Gawyn who should be the one going ‘Wait! What if that was Egwene! My girlfriend is awesome and capable and maybe she’s managed to find a way to fight!’ but instead goes straight for ‘We’ve got to reach her!’
He was the one who pointed her out, even. Worst Boyfriend of the Year.
I cannot believe I have been forced to a point where I wish that, if she had to choose one of the Brothers Arthurian, she had chosen Galad. I resent this.
“You’re here to rescue her, aren’t you?” The novice sounded eager.
Bryne eyed the girl. Child, I wish you hadn’t made that connection.
What, you thought there was even a slight chance that she wouldn’t? With you storming into the Tower and talking about Egwene and immediately saying you have to go and find her? Just because you three are all being as dense as bricks about what’s right in front of you doesn’t mean everyone else is.
As much as I loved the way Saerin’s realisation that Egwene was the one organising the fight against the Seanchan, the astonishment as she said Egwene’s name and understood what was happening? That’s how much I’m annoyed at seeing Bryne and Gawyn and Siuan fail to realise the same thing.
Especially because really, they have just as much information as Saerin did, and she worked it out. More information, even; they’ve actually seen Egwene, even if they couldn’t make out her face. *Shakes head* I’m not mad; I’m just very disappointed in the three of you.
Pause for a quick Healing break because this lot have brought swords to a One Power fight.
Would [the Tower] ever be the same again, or had a seemingly eternal monument fallen this evening? Was he proud or grieved to have witnessed it?
This, I like, because it’s one of the threads running through this whole chapter—and, really, through most of the series, especially since The Shadow Rising. Now, though, the cracks that have spidered their way up the Tower are made plain for the world to see, thrown open beyond anyone’s ability to hide. It’s that destruction of the illusion of invincibility, which can utterly flip entire worldviews. The realisation that something once considered untouchable is just as vulnerable as anywhere else, and I am…somewhat put in mind of an aspect of a nation’s response to fall of another (set of) tower(s); a lot has been written about the realisation of vulnerability that caused, and the effect it’s had on the sociopolitical landscape of the entire country pretty much since then. There’s definitely a paradigm shift that occurs with that sort of realisation or fracturing of worldview.
I like Bryne’s…confusion isn’t the word I want but it’ll have to do…at whether he feels proud or grieved to be seeing this. He’s not really a part of the Tower—I mean, he serves a claimant to the Amyrlin Seat and he’s bonded now to a former Amyrlin and his focus has been on fighting to reclaim the Tower, so okay, he’s got some ties there, but he’s not Aes Sedai, and he’s not from Tar Valon, and for most of his life he has been no more tied to the Tower than anyone on this continent. But it’s been a constant throughout all that time; love it or hate it or fear it, the Tower has been the Tower for as long as anyone alive can remember. So to watch this…there could be a sense of pride, or perhaps of justice or vindication in seeing the arrogance of the Aes Sedai brought low. But at the same time…it has been a constant, and while the Aes Sedai are far from perfect, what does it mean for the world if they are show to be truly fallible? If the Tower can break, what else will follow? It’s the sense of an ending; it’s one thing to know Tarmon Gaidon is coming, but another to watch as a symbol of your time is destroyed.
No time for philosophical pondering, though, because he has to go stab a guy.
Was this one of the Bloodknives? It certainly looks to be; pity that didn’t help him against a Warder’s reflexes.
Assassins. They always seemed to look the same, regardless of the culture.
This feels like an author poking fun, and I had to laugh.
“Min,” Siuan said, sounding tired. Those Healings seemed to have taken a lot out of her. “She said I had to stay near you.” She paused. “If you hadn’t come tonight, I would have died.”
“Well,” Bryne said, “I am your Warder. I suspect it won’t be the only time I save you.” Why had it grown so warm all of a sudden.
“Yes,” Siuan said, standing up. “But this is different. Min said I’d die, and…No, wait. That’s not what Min said exactly. She said that if I didn’t stay close to you, we’d both die.”
And she proceeds to pull a poisoned needle out of his arm. So Min was right, but her viewing only ended up being true because she told Siuan about it, because if she hadn’t, then Siuan wouldn’t have paused to think about it and about the other half of it, which implies that—okay, no, that way lies brain-pain. Do Not Think Too Hard About Foretellings And Prophecies: rule number one of reading fantasy (without falling into an infinite loop).
“But I wouldn’t have been poisoned if I hadn’t come!” “Don’t try to apply logic to a viewing or Foretelling like this”
It’s like you read my mind, Siuan. Or, more likely, Sanderson. A little nod to the nature of the genre, there?
Egwene sat, exhausted, on a pile of rubble, staring out of the hole in the White Tower, watching fires burn below.
I love that this is how we begin her POV here. We’ve seen her glorious in battle, full of cold anger and justice and determination, we’ve seen other characters look to her in awe, and the Seanchan have fled from her…
And, in victory, all we see is exhaustion. Exhaustion and the aftermath—the Tower is still broken, the fires still burn. They have won, but there is a price.
It’s such an excellent contrast to the imagery and mood from the battle itself, and it’s perfect in the way so many of the battle-aftermath scenes have been in this series. It’s that sense of…only a battle lost is sadder than a battle won.
She has fought, and she has won, but while there was a sense of triumph and strength in the moment, now there’s just…exhaustion and rubble. They’ve won, but it has taken so much, and they’ve taken wounds, and it’s not truly over. And like so many battles in the series, it wasn’t even against the Shadow; it was against those who should not be enemies and yet are, because they cannot find common ground.
And…I just realised something. This was Egwene’s parallel to A Force of Light (well, parallel and inversion) but it was also her Dumai’s Wells. The Seanchan are, in a way, her Shaido; the Shaido were the catalyst for much of Rand’s early arc and steps along the path that led him to where he is now, and at Dumai’s Wells he broke free from the box he was kept in and found himself surrounded by them and thought They will pay. I am the Lord of the Morning. And then he destroyed them—or, commanded and witnessed their destruction until he couldn’t take it anymore and they fled—in a vicious battle that ended in definitive but pyrrhic victory, as well as Aes Sedai swearing fealty to him.
Meanwhile, the Seanchan were the catalyst for much of Egwene’s early arc and steps along the path that have led her to where she is, and now she has just been freed from the box-like prison cell where she was held and beaten, and she finds herself surrounded by the Seanchan and thinks They would pay dearly. This raid had to cost them, and destroys them with fire and the One Power resulting in victory, but one that comes at the high cost to the nearly-destroyed Tower, but has led to Aes Sedai accepting her authority and seems likely to lead to Aes Sedai acknowledging her as Amyrlin.
Though, of course, there’s the usual inversion of tone to a certain extent; this doesn’t feel like Egwene’s darkest hour, even with the exhaustion and destruction that follows. But I think the point is that it so easily could have been, that so much depends on perception.
It’s also just a really cool set of parallels.
A few sisters weaving Air or Water could make short work of the flames, preserving the Tower. What was left of it.
Egwene closed her eyes and lay back, resting against the fragments of a wall, feeling the fresh breeze blow across her.
Here, again, we get a sense almost of the Amyrlin as one with the Tower. Victorious, technically, but beaten and exhausted and still burning, unable to do anything but lie back against the fragments of what was. With the wind, of course. Of course a wind rises, here.
Egwene wanted to help. A part of her did, at least. A sliver. But Light, she was tired! She couldn’t channel another trickle, not even using the sa’angreal. She’d pushed the limits of what she could manage. But she was so worn out now that she woudn’t be able to embrace the Source if she tried.
Oh, Egwene. It is a heavy mountain to carry, even if it is one she has largely chosen, or believes she has chosen. But she has been through so much in the last…well, twelve books but particularly the last few weeks, and she just faced the strength of the Seanchan while barely able to channel unaided, and still the Tower is broken and still there is more to do and she wants to help but there are limits and she is far past them.
Not that that always stops her, but…there’s a sense here not quite of despair but I guess that she’s been doing too much of this alone for too long. She’s held the Tower together and defended it all while those within it have tried to break her even as the Tower itself was breaking—the Tower is one with the Amyrlin and the Amyrlin is one with the Tower—and maybe now it’s up to some of them to put the fires out. To begin the repair. To help her hold the Tower together, because there’s no point if they don’t join her; there’s no point in her holding it up if the Aes Sedai don’t rally to the same cause.
And so perhaps it’s not up to her to help, here. She has done what she can for them, and she will continue to do more, but right now it’s time for them to take some steps of their own, to decide whether the Tower will in fact be saved, or whether they will let it fall.
She’d fought. She’d been glorious and destructive, the Amyrlin of judgement and fury, Green Ajah to the core. And still, the Tower had burned.
This is so, so lovely. I love that glorious and destructive are the words she chooses. There is absolutely a salvation/destruction duality to what she has done here, and I’m not even going to parallel it with Rand’s own entire character and story of salvation and destruction, but instead I just think it’s perfect for her situation and for the Tower itself.
She fought, and fought beautifully, and despite all her power and determination, the Tower burned. Because it can’t just be her; for the Tower to stand, it has to be unified. There is only so much she can do alone, and until the others truly join her and decide for themselves to save the Tower, she can only just hold it together, no matter how strong she is. She can lead, but only if they decide to follow. Otherwise she is holding together an empty shell of a memory of a possibility.
I just love aftermath scenes.
So much.
Especially the way they’re done in this series. Joyful or despairing, gloriously alive or exhausted, bittersweet or just bitter, triumphant or anticlimactic, they’re so varied and yet so perfectly suited to what they follow.
Egwene has done everything she possibly can and more, and yet the Tower is still crumbling around her, and so this almost-despairing exaustion is perfect, because what more can she do? Alone, nothing. And yet she can’t give up, can’t stop trying.
The White Tower was broken, physically now as well as spiritually. They’d need a strong leader to rebuild. The next few days would be pivotal. It made her more than exhausted to consider the work she’d need to do.
I’ve talked a lot about how Egwene is a hero-by-choice rather than a Chosen One, but I like that she gets to have these moments where…despite all of that, sometimes it’s really fucking hard. She belives in what she is doing, and embraces her role, and has a sense of agency that many heroes lack because she did choose, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be pushed past the limits of her own endurance. It doesn’t mean she is immune to despair or to doubt or to sheer tiredness. So much has been asked of her, and she has taken so much upon herself, and there’s still so much more to do, and she’ll do it, but right now…well, I can’t blame her for wanting just a few moments to rest.
She had protected many. She had resisted and fought. But this day would still mark one of the greatest disasters in the history of the Aes Sedai.
Can’t think of that, she told herself. Have to focus on what to do to fix things…
You can almost see her all but physically dragging herself out of that beckoning despair. She’s done everything, and still it’s not enough.
She has saved many but what will be remembered is the destruction, and oh, how familiar that sounds. It’s Rand after so many battles, after so much death and pain and people who hate him for tearing nations apart because it’s the only way to save the world. It’s Rand as a figure, hated and feared and yet the world’s hope for salvation. Seen as a monster but demanded as a saviour. It’s the duality not just of salvation and destruction but of perception and reality, of achievement and cost.
She fought and was glorious and still today will be remembered as a disaster, and how easy it would be to give in to that, to let it drag her down, but she can’t and so she pulls herself back up because if she doesn’t, then they are all lost.
She would get up soon. She would lead the novices and Aes Sedai on thse upper floors as they cleaned up and assessed the damage. She would be strong and capable. The others would be tempted to fall into despair, and she needed to be positive. For them.
And for herself. In a moment, she will be the Amyrlin again…
But she could take a few minutes. She just needed to rest for a little while…
And remember a girl named Egwene al’Vere…
Oh, Egwene. You can only do so much alone.
She barely noticed when someone picked her up.
She tiredly opened her eyes, and—thought numb of mind—was astonished to find that she was being carried by Gawyn Trakand.
“I’ve got you, Egwene,” he said, glancing down. “I’ll protect you.”
DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE HAS DONE? DO YOU? ‘I’ll protect you’ IT’S A LITTLE LATE FOR THAT, SHE’S ALREADY SEEN TO THAT HERSELF. And not just protecting herself but the whole damn Tower. That’s why she’s tired, Gawyn, or hadn’t you noticed? Do you think she just…decided to nap through the battle or have you finally figured it out?
And she doesn’t want to be ‘rescued’ but she’s too tired to say anything and I’m so very indignant on her behalf.
“They just left her there, Siuan,” Gawyn said. His voice was so nice to hear.
IS IT THOUGH? He still assumes she was just…left there. That she did nothing. That she was in need of rescue because of course she couldn’t possible be tired from having basically fought the entire damn battle on her own.
“Defenceless in the hallway! Anyone could have come upon her like that. What if the Seanchan had discovered her?”
I can barely breathe I’m laughing so hard at the wall of unintentional irony upon which I am now going to hit my head repeatedly.
Gawyn you idiot.
Seriously, the degree to which I find it frustrating when characters’ achievements go unrecognised by those around them is entirely proportional to the degree to which I love watching those around them realise or see those achievements. It is possible I am projecting just a little bit here, but I hate it when this happens—when a character does something astonishing but no one who is with them sees or knows or realises, and so they all assume that character is less than they truly are.
I destroyed them, she thought with a smile, thoughts slipping away from her. I was a burning warrior, a hero called by the Horn. They won’t dare face me again.
This contrast here, between his complete lack of even the slightest thought that maybe she was involved—he doesn’t even consider it, just as usual goes straight for the option that accords her the least agency or competence possible, because what more would someone want in a boyfriend—and her unspoken response. The knowledge that the Seanchan sure as hell discovered her, and it was to their grief that they did.
His denial of her competence and her own certainty of it, her own quiet triumph that goes unrecognised by her own strongest allies.
But not by those in the Tower; Saerin realised who she was, and the novices she was with know, and Adelorna was with her. They know what she has done. And Egwene herself knows, and holds to that knowledge.
I like that she gets to have that line, too. That she gets to take pride in what she has done, even if parts of it were terrible, even if she is so tired she can barely think, even if the Tower is broken despite all her efforts. I like that she gets to have that kind of confidence and that she doesn’t have to belittle her accomplishments. Because she was fucking awesome, and she should get to say so.
Called by the Horn is an interesting thought for her to have, by the way.
She distantly heard Siuan’s voice. “What’s this? Light, Egwene! Where did you get this? This is the most powerful one in the Tower!”
“What is it, Siuan?”  Bryne’s voice asked.
“Our way out,” Siuan said distantly.
It’s also really the last puzzle piece you should need, to work out what exactly Egwene’s role in all of this was. Seriously, Siuan, if you and all your political and pattern-finding skill can’t put it together, I’m disappointed. Hm, I wonder what Egwene—who has been given forkroot and so can’t channel strongly—would be doing with the most powerful sa’angreal in the Tower, wearing a white dress and on the same floor of the Tower where Gawyn pointed out a woman throwing fire at the Seanchan. Probably just left ‘defenceless in the hallway’ to have a nap. Yep, sounds about right.
No! Egwene thought, clawing through her drowsiness, forcing her eyes open. I’m winning, don’t you see?
But they don’t see. Because for all that these three are the ones who should believe in you the most strongly—and two of them have shown themselves to be exactly that in the past, by helping you become Amyrlin in truth and acknowledging you as such, and by giving you the army and accepting your true authority—they apparently still see a defenceless prisoner in need of rescue.
It’s especially weird coming from Siuan—enough so that it almost seems out of character—because that’s really not so different from how Egwene appeared, to most, when she was with the rebels. At least until the declaration of war, she gave every outward impression of being the puppet child Amyrlin they wanted, naïve and powerless against the Hall and set up to take the fall if it all went wrong. And Siuan knew how much truth there was to that illusion.
Well, as soon as she wakes up I look forward to her giving them an earful.
And breaking up with Gawyn.
I must say, though, that this chapter has made excellent use of outsider POV, across its whole range. We’ve had those moments of realisation from those who have seen Egwene, and even from Gawyn and Bryne who didn’t recognise her but were still awed by her, and last chapter from Adelorna who almost immediately understood and accepted her authority. And then we’ve had, too, the misperception of her as helpless, by those who found her after the battle had already been won when she’s too tired to do anything more. It’s a great way of showing the effect perception can have, and it also lends it this…kind of bittersweet sense of extraordinary accomplishment and the awe from characters like Saerin, but also the complete ignorance of characters like Gawyn, who don’t even know what an incredible thing she’s done.
It’s very well done, and such an interesting way to play it, even in the times when it’s INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING.
All in all, a truly excellent battle. I sort of wondered whether, under Sanderson, the battles would continue in the standard of excellence but each in their own entirely unique way, because it’s something I’ve really, really loved about the series so far. And in this book, at least, that standard has continued.
Anyway, back to Saerin, who is also very tired.
There were a frightful number of dead, including over twenty Aes Sedai so far.
Yeah, I think this might have been what Min’s vision was about, back in TSR. I assumed it was the coup, when that happened, but I don’t think the death toll was nearly so high then. That’s impressive manipulation of foreshadowing and deception, if so.
And also, once again we’re seeing the cost of the victory. They’ve won, but not without a high price.
Saerin has definitely taken command of the administrative side of this battle and its aftermath, and seems to be doing a good job of it. I like it when relatively minor characters get a chance to shine this way.
It also feels like the beginning of…exactly what Tower needs, which is others stepping up to help—well, not just to help Egwene, but to help the Tower itself. To help her help the Tower. She cannot do it all herself, but now there are those who are finally following the example she has tried to set, and the unity she has tried so hard to foster. It’s the beginning of the Tower saving itself.
Where under the Light was Elaida?
Yeah, good question.
Also, where has Alviarin been in all of this? We saw Katerine, but Alviarin’s been conspicuously absent. Where was Mesaana?
Nobody had seen anything of the Amyrlin during the battle
On the contrary, Saerin. Many saw her. The Seanchan certainly did, by the light of the fireballs she was throwing in their faces.
Only three novices in Egwene’s group of over sixty had died? And only one sister out of some forty she had gathered? Ten Seanchan channellers captured, over thirty raken blown from the air? Light! That made Saerin’s own efforts seem downright amateur by comparison. And this was the woman Elaida kept trying to insist was simply a novice?
Salvation and destruction, all in one neat report.
Can you forward that report on to Gawyn and Bryne and Siuan, Saerin?
Oh shit is Elaida dead?
“The entire wall burst in, Saerin Sedai.”
Yeah, walls and rooftops are dangerous enemies in this series.
Oh. Okay. No, Elaida is not dead.
She’s on a raken with an a’dam around her neck.
I’m not completely sure how I feel about that, actually.
On the one hand, there’s a certain sense of balance to both claimants to the Amyrlin Seat being taken against their will from the Tower at the end of the battle, with none realising until afterwards. In that sense, maybe it’s a way of handing the fate of the Tower to the Hall—Elaida has done her damage and Egwene has done what she can to heal it and now the Tower stands shaken and poised to tip one way or the other and it is up to the Aes Sedai themselves to decide whether the Tower will be saved or destroyed.
On the other hand…what a weird way for Elaida to exit that storyline, after so much has been built up there.
I’ll wait and reserve judgement on this until I see what comes of it, but that’s…an interesting development, for sure.
Also I really, really want to be a fly on the wall when Egwene wakes up.
Next (TGS ch 42) Previous (TGS ch 40)
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page-of-tales · 6 years
HFY Story: Faith in Humanity
Listen, I’ve accidentally deleted this thing twice now. First by not saving manually, and then by overwriting the file accidentally. I’m hoping this counts as my third draft and so I’ve edited it less thoroughly than usual.
Word count: 2040
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Bureau of Alien Contact is a large Ergotoid government agency tasked with protecting the Ergotoid people from the influence of alien cultures. Each new alien species encountered resulted in a new department and new challenges for this agency. Sometimes the threats would be active, such as the subtle hypnosis imagery utilized in the entertainment distributed by the Boral aliens. Or the false claims by the Knorr in their advertisements for Ergotoid miracle “cures.” Other times the threats would be from within, and prove to be far more challenging. Inevitably after contact with a new alien race was made, a cult of personality would form. Admiring if not outright worshipping an alien race, idealizing them to godhood status. These cults would have to be crushed physically and ideologically as they posed a risk to national security.
Senior Agent Barann was well versed in dismantling these deviant worships. Having organized the misinformation campaign to break the illusion presented by the Pladis and their “utopian” society. As well as heading the military campaign to “kill” an Immortal, shattering the supernatural allure the mysterious figures held over the Ergotoid citizens. He had been commended for his effective solutions. Promoted to head his own department for a new alien species. Set for life it seemed. However now his position was now in contention.
Barann had not expected the subject of his department, humans, to generate much attention. They were at a glance an uninteresting species. The usual freakish alien appearance with no close match to any Ergotoid mythical imagery. No supernatural abilities or “magic” technology. Territory far enough away to limit physical influence to just their diplomats. Early assessments had graded humanity a low priority for the BAC, Bureau of Alien Contact. Whoever had made those assessments should have been fired. It had recently come to light that a human sourced series of viral videos was being passed around on the net. Like most such viral instances the videos were not distributed by any accountable source, but continually shared and transmitted by individuals.
Any alien product that reached that level of appeal was immediately appraised for threat analysis. Prior instances of the human cultural artifact known as memes had been brought up before and consequently been dismissed as non threats. These videos were different, despite having no obvious call to action, it was spurring sentiment in favor of the humans across Ergotoid space. Barann had viewed the first video in question several hundred times by now. Despite his seniority status he found that examining the materials under examination to be far more useful than second hand reporting.
The video was formatted as an amateur edit of various clips. With an opening text disclaimer asserting the imagery was not for juveniles.
The first clip has footage drawn from a camera outside the hull of a ship. Text in the corner notes the time and place. The ship is labelled as the Vivian. Barann had heard of this incident, rewriting it to feature Ergotoids had been one of his tasks before his promotion. The Vivian had been a colony vessel, some 10,000 individuals aboard belonging to the Kellarian Constituency. While on route to a potential colony site the Vivian had become crippled by a microstorm in a remote system. The punctured hull and spinning fragments could be seen as the camera panned slowly about. No engines, no shields, just waiting in space for the microstorm to rotate around the star and finish them off. The quietness of the video is unsettling. The camera’s slow movements almost seeming regretful of the loss about to happen.
Then a blink of light in the distance, distinct from the flashing metal and debris. The camera pans over and zooms in search. In the distance a large freighter can be seen moving in slowly. The human freighter, the Pale Air. The silence of the footage is supplemented by a tense music cue as the freighter moves in slowly. Stopping just beyond the edge of the microstorm.
Whatever discussion was taking place ended. The Pale Air’s engines flicker to life and the Pale Air closes in on the crippled vessel. The Pale Air’s shields flash as microstorm debris disintegrates on impact, sections begin to fizzle under the continued bombardment. As the freighter continues to approach it becomes apparent the humans are moving too fast to safely dock. A minute later something large impacts beside the camera. As the camera stops shaking the image resolves to show the Pale Air impacted against the Vivian’s hull. It’s engine roar to life. The vibrations from the engines transmitting to the Vivian and rattling the camera. Text scrolls past the screen as the camera slowly loses fidelity. The Pale Air had slowly pushed the wounded colony ship out of danger away from the microstorm, saving the lives of thousands of Kellarians. The screen fades to black as the music plays into the background.     
The second clip starts with news footage. As footage of a bustling multi-species hub is shown the news ticker describes what is happening. A disease called the Jinkor plague, is ravaging some alien system. Somehow human blood is being used as treatment. The camera moves to an alien reporter who begins to speak, behind them are rows of humans sitting in chairs. Red liquid being drawn from their arms.   
The video cuts to a vertical aspect ratio. A human pointing the camera at themselves. It opens it’s mouth to show teeth, in a predatory manner. It shouts in an alien tongue over a noisy background, “Doing my part, hashtag Give Blood.” and points the camera at it’s arm. Inserted into its arm is a needle drawing blood into a machine. The human raises the camera to show the people sitting behind them who wave a hand at the camera, “These people are also doing their part!” The camera spins around to show the rows of humans giving blood before the video cuts again.
This time it’s a newsreel montage. Footage of red liquid being injected into aliens. Long lines of the same aliens. Crowds cheering, more blood donations. The a blank page with statistics scrolling upwards. Number of donations, quantity of blood, lives saved. The montage ends with a picture of a juvenile alien hugging the leg of a human before fading to black.
The image pans from a cloudy yellow sky to a tree. On the upper branches a purple creature can be seen. Its cries faintly caught by the recorder. The viewer pans down to an alien in distress. Pointing and calling for someone to help its pet. From out of frame a human steps forward. Grasping a lower branch it examines the tree. Then the human pulls themselves up. With surprising agility the human climbs the tree until it is just below the purple creature. An arm stretches out, fingers stretching to reach the creature which shys away. The human jumps, shaking the tree. The human jumps again, and a branch snaps.
The recorder swings wildly, blurred frames of the human falling through the branches. There is a scream, and then the recorder rushes over to the human laying on the ground. The human uncurls an arm and the purple pet springs from its grasp and runs to its owner. The human then slowly rises to its feet. The recording stops as the human hobbles away.
An audio waveform bounces on the screen as an alien voice speaks.
“Distress, distress, this is Hilti Mining Station JV-33, we’ve had a mass casualty explosion event. We require immediate evacuation. Repeat, we have had an explosion. Fires uncontained. We require evacuation. Distress, distress…”
Colors splash onto the screen, a light blinds the camera, then the camera faces at cold metal plating. The angle moving awkwardly before settling into place. “Helmet cams online.” The camera turns, a human in full hard suit makes a hand gesture at the camera. More human voices crackle through a radio.
“The Hilti are cut off from their hangars and escape pods. Fire remains out of control and fuel is leaking into the vicinity. Check your fire suppression tanks.”
The camera moves as the human looks around the small room. A small group of humans wearing hard suits surround them. Various tools and devices at hand.
“30 seconds, get ready!”
The POV camera turns to withdraw a large tube from a locker. The human moves to stand with others alongside a wall. The human crouches down, one hand reaching out to grasp a handle.
“Opening door in 3, 2, 1. NOW!”
One of the wall slides away opening the room to space beyond. Across the distance is a facility floating in space. The lower half clearly damaged with gaping holes exposing the interior to the vacuum of space. Parts of the station glow red and white as internal temperatures rise from uncontrolled fires.
The human kneels down, the large tube protruding into the camera view. After a moment a rocket is fired. Behind the rocket trails a line. Unraveling as it travels, the rocket embeds itself onto the station. Moments later two more lines attach to the station The lines are attached to the ceiling of the room, bridging the gap between the ship and the station. Then the humans attach ascending devices to traverse across the line. The only movement being the humans on the line, and a tendril of orange liquid fuel twirling in space. As the humans are in transit one of them yells out.
“Holy shit! Lookout!”
In the silence of space the facility plating down below seemed to suddenly disintegrate. There was only time for brief incoherent yelling before the expanding metal shards reached them. The camera jerked violently, humans ahead curling up to make themselves smaller targets. Within seconds the shrapnel passes by.
“Roll call!”
“I’ve got a breach!”
The camera turns to look at one of the humans behind them. They have a hand to their leg.
“Return to the ship, everyone else keep moving!”
The video cuts to the humans hanging off the side of the facility. Sparks from torches blinding the camera as they cut through the wall. The panel is launched outwards as the internal atmosphere vents into space.
The video again cuts as the humans make their way through the darkened station corridors. Smoke obscuring their visor lights.. The humans regularly calling out for survivors. Open flame doused with a chemical foam. A hand with 4 fingers reaches out to them.
The video cuts again to the humans traversing the lines back to their ship. The room now filled with aliens laying against the wall. The human turns to cut the line from the roof as the wall slides back into place. The video cuts out and ends.
Barann shifted to a meditative stance. The appeal of the video was obvious. Dramatic depictions of heroic deeds was bound to inspire admiration. The usage of true stories only enhanced that effect. But its effect was becoming much more far reaching. Net searches related to humans had increased several thousand fold. Uncontrolled media outlets also began presenting stories of humans. Interest in humans was statistically on the rise, a positive image working to subvert the BAC’s work.
It seemed obvious that something insidious was going on. Something the BAC had missed. The analysts had combed the video for hidden signals or subversive techniques, finding neither. Attempts to find the procedure had been unsuccessful. Barann suspected it to be a group of individuals human who made the video as part of an amateurish hobby. Which would make it difficult to stem the further production of videos. Hoping to find a clue in the next viral video Barann uploaded the next file, Faith in Humanity #2.
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nomoregraydays · 7 years
Under The Stars (G.D. Fanic) - Part 7 Gray’s Girl
POV: First Person
Word Count: 1157
“I have come to the conclusion that this was the best decision I ever made.” I announced as Chanelle and I entered our place. We’ve been settled for a couple weeks now.
“But you do know if I hadn’t said anything about my work having positions opened, you wouldn’t be down here?”
I shot Chanelle a look with raised brows. “You think so?”
She actually thought about it and nodded. “Mmhm. Although, I do think Grayson would’ve got you out here anyways.”
My cheeks burned and I rolled my eyes in a way to try to ignore her statement. I went to the fridge to grab a Mike’s hard cranberry lemonade and then I pulled out my phone to scroll through my media feeds; mainly to pass some time. I don’t post much anymore these days; I don’t see the need for it.
I nearly spit out the sip I just took seeing one of the trending tags in the Dolan twins fandom.
“Chanelle, have you checked Twitter recently?”
She erupted in laughter from where she sat on the couch and was trying to set up the TV for YouTube. “So, Gray’s got a new mystery girl, aye? No one knows it’s you. This is awesome.”
I shook my head. “Is it though? What happens when they do figure out it’s me? He hasn’t even asked me to be his girlfriend officially.”
“But you want him to?”
“No shit Sherlock.” I flipped her off with the hand that held the bottle and took another drink before walking over to sit down next to her.
She smirked. “Maybe this is the push he needs to finally ask. “
I bit my lip and held a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing hella loud. I don’t know if this is going to help or not, it’s not like I asked for the fandom to start this up. If anything, I would’ve preferred I stayed out of the fandom’s hashtags and new quests.
The green notification light went off in the corner of my phone and I hit the lock button to brighten my screen. It was Twitter, and the number jumped from two to twenty real quick. What the fuck?
I unlocked my phone this time with fingerprint recognition, pull the notifications bar down, and hit the Twitter ones. They were a bunch of follows and @s at me asking if I was the right girl. I knew better than to reply back to any of them. Now a flood of questions asking if we were dating and about our relationship came through; more than I was anticipating.
“What do I do?” I showed my notifications to Chanelle.
She shrugged and shook her head. “I don’t know, my dude. Ask Grayson.”
I sighed, but had to swallow my own nerves down right after. My anxiety caused a tightness in my chest and my body started to ache slightly. I sighed once again that mixed with a deep breath before messaging him.
Kat: Been on Twitter lately?
Gray: Yeah.. but don’t worry, they don’t know it’s you
Kat: *Screenshot attached* think again
What should we do?
Gray: We?
Kat: I mean..yeah..it involves both of us, but it’s not exactly like we’re dating, so what should we say?
Gray: Are you at the apartment?
Kat: yes
Gray: Good
Stay there
My lips left the top of my bottle and I sighed heavily again. This is either going to be bad or going to be bad. I’m not feeling entirely optimistic at the moment.
There was a long honking sound and yells coming from outside, right in front of the apartment complex. What in the hell…
Chanelle and I both got up and went to the small balcony we had. It was Grayson. What the fuck is he doing? Real good, Kat, why don’t you ask that aloud this time?
“What are you doing?”
“Come down here and I’ll tell you.”
I huffed lightly and looked at Chanelle. She shot me a look. “If you don’t go down there, I will throw you over this balcony.”
A smile spread on my lips and I shook my head. “Fine.”
I made my way down and as I walked outside I noticed he was blasting ‘Yours To Hold’ by Skillet.
“Why are you playing this?”
“I...It’s one of your favorites. I don’t- this was short notice.”
“What was?” I cocked a brow.
Suddenly, Ethan popped out from the trunk of their trunk, holding a sign that had “Kat, will you be my gf?” on it. I wanted to slap Ethan for scaring me, but I was more overwhelmed by the question.
“That.” Grayson laughed. “I.. Uh, will you?”
Why was this sort of thing making me want to cry? I don’t get it. I bit my lip and nodded. “Of course, you idiot.”
He smiled big, rather than a shy one, and pulled me in close to him with his hands on my waist.
I leaned in close to his lips and smirked. “Not gonna run away this time?”
“No.” He closed the gap and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as he whisked me up in the air.
“Stop being so fucking extra!” Ethan whined lightly.
I held my finger up in his direction. “Shut up, E. You’re always beyond extra.”
Grayson belted out a laugh, but then pulled his phone out and squished his face really close to mine. Basically resembling from the first photos we’d taken together, but this time he smashed his lips on my cheek too.
“Watcha doing with those?” I looked at him curious as he typed away something on his phone.
He pocketed his phone now with a sly smile.
I knew to just check my phone. I looked at it to see he’d tagged me in photos on Twitter. He picked out two, one of our faces squished and the other of my face still squished with my eyes closed and his lips on my cheek, then he added on “She’s a mystery, but mine<3”.
To be honest, this was crazy but amazing. I retweeted his tweet but did nothing else. My notifications seemed even more insane to the point I felt slightly delusional that it was happening. I muted all notifications coming in.
“I’m a mystery to you?” I questioned.
Ethan retorted, “All girls are mysteries.”
I pointed a finger at him. “Touche.” Then gestured at inside. “Would the boyfriend and his brother like to come inside? We’ve got food.”
“Since you’re offering food.” Ethan jumped out from the back, flicked his hair, and walked inside.
Grayson laughed under his breath. “I guess we’re coming in...girlfriend.”
The word leaving his lips felt foreign, yet when I had said boyfriend it felt so natural?? Maybe it was the same for him, but the words switched around. I took his hand in mine and tugged him towards the building.
Next: Paint War (Part 8)
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wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 4: Destiel Fluff
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 4 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! So many wonderful fics in this list. If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule!
Please signal boost so we can get these great fics circulating!]
A Wonderful Place by @expatgirl 
A case that isn’t a case is frustrating, until it isn’t. 
Teen and Up. 3k words. (Complete)
[Case Fic, Dragons, Kissing, Snow, Hospitals, Christmas Fluff]
lazy mornings, coffee cups and cuddles by @woefulcas
dean brings cas coffee in bed, they cuddle and kiss 
General Audience. .5k words. (Complete)
[hunter husbands, fluff, lazy morning cuddles, seriously tooth rotting fluff]
You May Say That I'm A Dreamer by @envydean
Dean’s been a fan of the men’s figure skating for as long as he can remember. He’s always been fascinated by how the contestants move on the ice, contort their elegant bodies into beautiful positions and land each jump with grace – not that anyone at school knows this, they only know Dean as the tough-man soccer player. When Dean’s favourite under twenty-one’s figure skater transfers to his school, sparks fly.
General Audience. 2.3k words. (Complete)
[Figure Skater!Cas, Fanboy!Dean, first dates, first kiss, High School AU]
For the Dancing and the Dreaming by @cas-essence
Dean can sing after all. He’s just never let himself before.
General Audience. 1.6k words. (Complete)
[established relationship, team free will, singing dean, dancing dean]
pure & simple by @goodgriefdean
The first time Sam sees Dean and Castiel kiss, it’s just like any other day in his life.
General Audience. 309 words. (Complete)
[fluff, sam’s pov, drabble]
Bewitched by @all-i-need-is-destiel
It’s not easy to be in love with a witch. (A story about singing parrots, talking furniture and grumpy cats)
General Audiences. 4.1k words. (Complete)
[Alternate Universe, Witch Castiel, Fluff, Humor, Friends to Lovers, Pining]
I Beg of You Now by @cuddlemonsterdean
Dean was never able to give Sam the birthday parties he wanted when they were kids, and he can’t even remember if he was ever invited to somebody else’s. Probably not.
He’s got no idea what to expect.
That’s why he’s secretly relieved when Jody asks if he can help her out in the kitchen. Dean loves cooking, and a kitchen is a place he knows his way around, even when it’s not his own. Jody had sounded almost comically grateful when he said yes immediately, but other than that she doesn’t seem to think the whole thing is such a big deal. But for Dean, it is. Birthday parties are a thing normal people do, and Dean isn’t normal people. He sucks at those things. He doesn’t want to mess it up for Claire.
So, Dean’s kind of nervous.
Cas, though, Cas is worse.
Explicit. 10k words. (Complete)
[Post S11, Developing Relationship, First Time, Touch-Starved Dean]
The One with the Fanfic Competition by @tenoko1
Started as a prompt fill that turned into accidental!fic due to popular demand. In which friends and family of the Winchesters have gotten into a secret weekly fanfiction battle for best scenario of Dean and Cas finally getting together. That is, until Castiel finds out.
Teen and Up. 81.6k words. (WIP)
[Fluff, Humor, Angst, hobbies and therapy for PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn]
Ward 37 by anon 
When Dean is admitted onto ward 37 yet again, he doesn’t expect his nurse to be cute – they never are. But, on the night of his admittance, Nurse Novak is lying in bed awaiting his first day on a new ward.
General Audience. 54.6k words. (Complete)
[fluff, romance, friendship, happy ending]
under the stars by anon 
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak attend the same high school. One fits into the crowds and stands out, whereas the other’s only wish is to blend in. When their paths meet… let’s just say it isn’t all a fairytale.
General Audience. 38.5k words. (Complete)
[friendship, fluff, love, cute]
The Floor is Lava by @we-all-like-destiel​ 
What starts as a simple game of ‘The Floor Is Lava’ between college roommates Dean and Cas, slowly progresses into a romantic relationship.
Teen And Up Audiences. 3.8k words. (Complete)
[Dean Winchester, Castiel Novak, College AU, One Shot]
untitled by @deanandcasinlove​
Dean and Cas re enact the scene from the Notebook
Teen and Up. 400 words. (Complete)
[Destiel, Supernatural, the Notebook]
On Angel Babies by @ricketyjukeboxer​
After Castiel’s most recent brush with death, Dean asks him about his childhood.
General Audiences. 1k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Angel Origins, Resurrected!Cas]
It’s Not a Date, Dammit by @deanwinchcester​
It’s only after they’ve gotten off the roller coaster when Dean admits to himself that while he is trying to show Cas that being human isn’t all that bad, he’s also discluding Sam from some things because they’re kinda sorta self-indulgent. Because maybe he does want to hold Cas’s hand and kiss him but that’s nobody else’s business but his… And Cas’s.
General audiences. 1k words. (Complete)
[Friends to Lovers, Sam Ships It, Castiel in the Bunker, Human Castiel]
happy by @hell-krieg​
Dean has never seen Cas so happy before
General audience. 326 words. (Complete)
[clueless!Sam, fluff, destiel, kissing, destiel fluff]
This Is Not a Date by @babybluecas​
Just two best friends having a dinner out. On Valentine’s Day.
Teen and Up. 3.4k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Valentine’s Day, First Date]
Beyond the Bluefrosts by anon
Newly eighteen, Dean Winchester finds himself in an arranged marriage with an angel, half a world away.
Explicit. 14.6k words. (Complete)
[arranged marriage, friends to lovers, au - fantasy, steampunk, fluff]
Solstice by @saminzat​
Finding some quiet time isn’t easy when you’re a hunter. Winter forests and poncho blankets can work true miracles about that. 
Teen and Up. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[Canon compliant, Fluff, Romance]
Wandered Many a Weary Foot by @lies-unfurl 
Castiel decides that he wants to kiss Dean everywhere on New Year’s Eve. Everywhere, as in, in every single time zone as one year turns to the next.
Dean goes along with the plan.
Teen and Up. 5.6k words. (Complete)
[Fluff and Crack, Light Angst, Future Fic]
Happiness Is a Warm Cheeseburger by @braezenkitty​
Sam & Jess convince Dean to go to a yoga and meditation retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. Dean is a grump, until he realizes the yoga teacher is a gorgeous dark-haired, blue-eyed, walking hunk of sex.
Mature. 6.5k words. (Complete)
[Implied Relationships, Self-Doubt, Negative Thoughts, Misunderstandings]
Cuddling is Manly by @breathingdestiel​
Castiel Novak has just lost a longtime friend, his cat Moon, whom he had since he was nine. After a while he realizes that his grades are slipping and that he has a hard time focusing on studying, all because he used to do it while petting Moon. When his best friend Dean notices that something is wrong, they cuddle together, believing it would help Cas. But what was supposed to be a one time thing turns into a regular cuddling between them, complicating Cas’ already complicated feelings towards Dean.
Teen and Up. 46k words. (Complete)
[high school!au, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, bed sharing, slow burn]
3 AM by @dr-dean​
“You are an angel and I’m totally into you but you’ve barely noticed my flirting so now I’m sitting here at 3 am reading up on angel courting rituals” Dean and Cas have some misunderstandings about what the other one wants.
Explicit. 6.6k words. (Complete)
[mutual pining, wing grooming, angel courting, miscommunication, case fic]
Warnings: being adorable but you kind of want to smack them, miscommunication, mutual pining, smut, wing!kink, hand jobs, NSFW
The One with All the Candy by @deanisthebeesknees​
Castiel suddenly acquires a sweet tooth, and starts buying up all the candy. OR The Valentine’s Day when Castiel finally reveals his feelings for Dean.
Teen And Up Audiences. 5.5k words. (Complete)
[human!Cas, Valentine’s Day, Chocolate, Shipper!Sam, mutual pining]
Begin Again by @profound-boning​
“Why Professor Winchester,” she mocks. “You’ve got someone special on the line and you’re ignoring them for us?”
“Zip it, Chambers.” He points a finger at her. “Y’all are great, but not that good. We clear on that?”
“Sure,” Krissy teases. “As long as they know they’re coming in second to Billy Pilgrim right now.”
“Everyone comes in second to Billy Pilgrim. Hashtag life hack.” Dean retorts.
Teen and Up. 4.9k words. (Complete)
[Single Parent Dean, Misunderstandings, First Date, Songfic, Meet Cute]
The Perks of Being a Human by @relucant​
“Down here!” Dean yelled breathlessly, and Sam gripped the knife tighter; anything strong enough to get into the bunker and get Dean at a disadvantage was bound to be a nasty piece of work.
But when he got to the kitchen he stopped in the doorway with a start, mouth hanging open.
“Uh… Dean?”
“What?” Dean snapped, trying to maneuver the massive Douglas fir through the door. “Jesus, I swear this thing didn’t look so big on the lot.”
“You… bought a Christmas tree?”
Explicit. 12.5k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Fluff and smut, Christmas, Men of Letters bunker]
spinning by @reallyelegantsharkfish​
“Listen up!” Dean hollers, louder than necessary in the small space. “We are spinnin’ this bottle, and then we’re going to do some kissin’! Happy New Year!”
Teen and Up. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[First Kiss, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics]
Deaf!Dean Drabble One by @justrandomspnstuff​ 
Life after the accident: A short, fluffy drabble with Deaf!dean and Human!cas
General Audiences. .5k words. (Complete)
[deaf!dean, human!cas, destiel fluff]
Worthy by @jadstiel
“… you wanna what, now?” Dean asks, because he definitely didn’t hear that right.
Castiel tilts his head, a leftover tick from his angel days that Dean would be lying if he claimed to find anything but idiotically endearing. He knows this is his own fault, owing to that rather memorable moment a week ago when Cas wandered into this very same kitchen with a (fairly) legitimate question and Dean just didn’t know when to shut up.
Explicit. 15k words. (Complete)
[bunker, human Castiel, porn with feelings, assertive!Dean, shameless!Cas]
Stand By Me by @compulsive-baker
After Lisa leaves an infant Ben in Dean’s care, he stops looking for love, until love finds him in the form of a blue eyed writer named Cas. They fall in love and help each other heal from past trauma and raise Ben as a family.
Mature. 80k words. (WIP)
[Friends to lovers, singleDad!Dean, writer!Cas, domestic fluff]
Warnings: mentioned character death/suicide, mentioned past rape
Dean and the Doula by @whichstiel
Dean meets Cas, Eileen’s doula, at the hospital the night she gives birth. The attraction is instant and mutual.
Explicit. 3.2k words. (Complete)
[Destiel, Saileen, Doula Cas, Fluff]
Warning: some discussion of childbirth and postpartum depression
Cas Liking Pop Music Is Cute by @waywardfic
When Dean can’t stop thinking about Cas, he decides to spend time with him. Dean soon learns that Cas likes pop music, which he finds cute. Fluff and romance ensues.
Explicit. 665 words. (Complete)
[So much fluff, Bunker!fic, first kiss]
How Do I Love Thee by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Dean notices that Cas reads a lot of poetry, and starts leaving him poetry around the bunker to brighten his days. It becomes a challenge: can Dean find a poem that Cas doesn’t immediately recognize?
General Audiences. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[established relationship, canon, human!cas, MoL bunker, fluff (of course!)]
461 notes · View notes
galacticnewsnetwork · 7 years
26 New ‘Star Wars’ Stories Have Been Revealed
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In April, it was announced that a new book would be released called Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View, combining 40 stories written from dozens of writers (including Rogue One screenwriter Gary Whitta, famed comic book writer Paul Dini, Thrilling Adventure Hour creators Ben Acker & Ben Blacker) to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Star Wars franchise.
Each story is told from the perspective of background characters from A New Hope  – “from X-wing pilots who helped Luke destroy the Death Star to the stormtroopers who never quite could find the droids they were looking for.” And with the October release date quickly approaching, Del Rey Publishing has begun unveiling some of the short stories that will be featured in this collection. Below, check out a first look at more than a dozen new Star Wars stories.
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Here are the stories that have been revealed on Twitter today, all found under the #FromaCertainPOV hashtag:
Chuck Wendig’s “We Don’t Serve Their Kind Here” tackles a certain droid-hating cantina barkeep: “Wuher always told people: If you have a drink in your hand, you don’t need me for nothing.”
Gary Whitta’s “Raymus” opens the anthology by bridging the gap between Rogue One and A New Hope: “For years he had carefully steered this ship- his ship- through countless Imperial blockades and checkpoints, always able to avoid detection or suspicion. But now it had been spotted fleeing the scene of the most daring military assault in the history of the Rebellion, carrying stolen goods that the Empire would go to any lengths to recover. Suddenly, the Tantive IV was the most wanted ship in the galaxy.” The title is a reference to Raymus Antilles, who was the captain of the Tantive IV.
Greg Rucka’s “Grounded” tells the story of Nera Kase: “In the space of seven minutes, Nera Kase lost her home and her family. In the space of seven minutes, the Empire had made her their enemy.”
Glen Weldon’s “Of MSE-6 And Men” is a story from the POV of a hapless droid caught up in the Death Star’s “gay demimonde”: “That was quick, G7. Fastest mouse droid in the fleet. It’s those new rotors I put in, I’m telling you. You know what: We should get you on a racing circuit. Would you like that?”
Kieron Gillen’s “The Trigger”: “Aphra’s life alternated between finding interesting ancient artifacts and reactivating interesting ancient artifacts, with brief interstitial periods of selling the interesting ancient artifacts.” This story follows the fan favorite Star Wars comic book character Doctor Aphra.
Paul Dini’s “Added Muscle” tells the story of Boba Fett: “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the whispers of surprise when I walked onto the scene. That’s right, boys. Fett’s here.”
Cavan Scott’s “Time of Death” follows Obi-Wan Kenobi in the moments of his passing: “My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am dead. I know how that sounds. Crazy old Ben with his crazy stories. But this isn’t crazy. This is happening. At least, I think it is.”
Rae Carson’s “The Red One” tells the story of a droid with a bad motivator: “More than anything in the galaxy, he wanted to be sold. Escape the sandcrawler. Fulfill his programming by serving a new master – someone who would clean his joints once in a while, offer a few drops of lubricant, give him a purpose. But time was running out. He was lonely, and he was dying.”
Daniel José Older’s “Born in the Storm” tells the story of a stormtrooper and his dewback: “The barracks are on the outskirts of town, closer to the endless barren infinity of wasteland festering with Sand People, banthas, and a million other ways to die. Also: sand. All the sand. All the sand ever.”
Delilah S. Dawson’s “The Secrets of Long Snoot” tells the story of one of the characters in the Cantina: “Know what your problem is? I say in my own language, quietly and to myself. ‘Your problem is that your entire species thinks itself a sun around which the petty planets and moons spin, but really, you’re just another rock, doomed to ever orbit something grander but remain ignorant of your own insignificance.”
Alexander Freed’s “Contingency Plan” tells the story of Mon Mothma: “Mon Mothma can’t actually see the future. She used to know people who could, but the last of them is dead now, too.”
EK Johnston and Ashley Eckstein’s “By Whatever Sun” takes on the metal ceremony: “Miara Larte breathed in and remembered how much she loved real air.”
Christie Golden’s “The Bucket” tells the story of the stormtrooper who turned Leia in: “I want them alive, Vader had said. Their blasters were set on kill. They were in a batterfield, even now. Too many of the crew were loose and armed, wandering about and opening fire, for the stormtroopers to take chances.”
Adam Christopher’s “End of Watch” is about a reactor leak: “Poul felt the breath catch in her threat. Princess? What princess? And then she heard the voice of the man Tarkin was in conference with, the deep, resonant bass voice echoing down the open comms channel. Well, perhaps man was the wrong word. Because who know what was inside that suit.”
Madeleine Roux’s “Eclipse” tells the story of Breha Organa: “Finances. Galas. Silks. Budgets. Would Leia return in time for the equinox? It seemed unlikely, and yet in a small, private corner of her heart that had nothing to do with rebellions or politics, Breha hoped it would be so.”
John Jackson Miller’s “Rites” tells the story of the Tusken Raiders: “It takes more than courage to lead. It takes eyes that are open!”
Zoraida Córdova’s “You Owe Me A Ride” tells the story of the Tonnika sisters: “Brea and Senni watched the suns set from atop a rock formation. Tatooine might be a desert wasteland lacking in any culinary delicacies, but few things in the galaxy compared to the brilliance of its sunsets.
Charles Soule’s “The Angle” tells the story of Lando and the Millenium Falcon: “Heroes were Lando’s favorite opponents at the gambling table. The worse the odds got, the bigger they bet. Because heroes were suckers.”
Jason Fry’s “Duty Roster” seems to be about someone in the Rebellion named Col (perhaps Legends character Col Serra?): “Col’s first instinct was to knock Wedge Antilles onto the floor and show the whole squadron the joke ended here.”
Griffin McElroy’s “Stories in the Sand” which is about a Jawa named Jot: “There was not a Jawa on Tatooine who did not believe wholeheartedly that there was more sand below them than there was sky above.”
Pablo Hidalgo?’s “Verge of Greatness” follows Tarkin on the very eve of his triumph: “You may fire when ready,’ Targin said at long last. And he allowed himself the briefest of smiles.”
Sabaa Tahir’s “Reirin” reveals new details about the Tusken Raiders: “Reirin daydreamed about proving to them who, exactly, was lesser. She daydreamed about taking her father’s gaderffii and wreaking bloody havoc. And if not that, then simply proving herself.”
Kelly Sue DeConnick?’s “The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper” tells the story of Muftak and Kabe’s adventure at the Mos Eisley Cantina: “At Mos Eisley, everyone has side-hustles, but the Muftak and Kabe? Even their side-hustles have side-hustles.”
Paul S Kemp’s “Sparks” tells the story of Gold Squadron: “Small sparks can start big fires.”
Beth Revis’ “Fully Operational” tells the story of a very important meeting: “A weapon was meant to be fired. Every military man could tell you that. Treat all weapons as charged; never assume a blaster was set simply to stun and not kill.”
Tom Angleberger’s “Whills” is the last story of the book, described as ‘really the beginning of the entire tale. Sort of. It’s a work in progress.’: “May the force be with me as I begin the sacred task of writing in the Journal of the Whills…”
Some of these stories seem to have really clever and compelling ideas. Obi-Wan Kenobi in the moment of his death? The story of the Tantive IV filling the gap between Rogue One and A New Hope? The life of a droid with a bad motivator?
Reading these ideas has me extremely excited to read this collection and makes me wonder if the Star Wars standalone films would ever dare tackle an anthology film. Imagine the greatest writers and directors getting together for a bunch of short films in the Star Wars universe. I could never imagine someone like Steven Spielberg or Quentin Tarantino directing a Star Wars movie, but maybe a five or 15 minute short film could happen? How cool would that be?
You can pre-order From a Certain Point of View (Star Wars) on Amazon now. Del Rey has released the cover art seen above and a list of some of the authors that are participating in this project:
Ben Acker & Ben Blacker
Renee Ahdieh
Tom Angleberger
Meg Cabot
Rae Carson
Adam Christopher
Zoraida Cordova
Delilah S. Dawson
Paul Dini
Alexander Freed
Jason Fry
Christie Golden
EK Johnston & Ashley Eckstein
Paul Kemp
Mur Lafferty
Ken Liu
Griffin McElroy
John Jackson Miller
Nnedi Okorafor
Daniel José Older
Mallory Ortberg
Madeleine Roux
Gary D. Schmidt
Cavan Scott
Sabaa Tahir
Glen Weldon
Chuck Wendig
Gary Whitta
And more!
Source: Slashfilm.com Article by:  Peter Sciretta
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idek-astro · 8 years
HI everyone!
So I’ve seen this tag around blogs, and I know that it’s been out a while, but I love Hamilton and I could’t resist doing it.
If you don’t know what hamilton is, I made a brief description in a previous post, My Obsession with Hamilton
This amazing tag was created by Maureenkeavy, check out the original video here.
WARNING! there may be spoilers for The Deal by Elle Kennedy & Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines.
Let’s begin!
The room where it happens:
A book world you would put yourself into
For this one I have to go with Harry Potter. Honestly who wouldn’t want to live in that world, it’s amazing!
The Schuyler Sisters:
An underrated female character
Britt in Make me. Her whole family thinks she’s so fragile, and that’s understandable because of all that she’s been through, but she is sooo strong and smart. I just love her character!
My Shot:
A character that goes after what they want and doesn’t let anybody stop them
For this one I have to go with Prince Nicholas from Royally Screwed. He didn’t even ;et the Queen of Wessco, his grandmother, get on his way!
the most heartbreaking end to a relationship that you’ve ever read
Hannah & Garrett. Oh my gosh, Their relationship was amazing to read and I ahve to say this series is one of my favorirites!
You’ll be back:
sassiest villain
Nannette from th rosemary beach series. Oh boy, this one was a real villain and really sassy, but you get to understand her in her book.
The Reynolds Pamphlet:
a book with a twist that you didn’t see coming
After We Fell by  anna Todd. If you read this book, then you must know what I’m talking about. What Steph did to Tessa?  yeah, I didn’t see that coming.
a series that you marathoned
Oh the hashtag series is dear to my heart. I discovered the first book, #nerd, and I was hooked. I read the whole series in a week and I loved every secind of it!
favorite book with multiple POV’s
I have lots. Most of the books I read have multiple POV’s. The most recent one is Roman by Sawyer Bennett.
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story:
a book/series you feel like will be remembered throughout history
I kept thinking and trying  to find another answer,but Harry Potter is the first thing that comes to mind. People will always come back  to it, and teach their children about this amazing world.
Stay alive:
a character you wish was still alive
Jace from rosemary beach series. He didn’t even have his own story, but throughout the books we got to know him and his death really hurt.
Bonus Questions
a relationship you were pulling for from the very start.
Tracker and Lana from the Wind Dragon’s MC. I’ve loved the since the book before.
Ten dual commandments:
favorite fight scene.
Opposition from the Lux series. The las fight scene was amazing!
Say no to this:
guilty pleasure read.
Fifty shades darker and freed. Man I really wish I didn’t like this books so much. It’s the drama. They have so much drama that it’s almost overwhelming.
What comes next:
a series you wish had more books
THE VINCENT BOYS. I need more Abbi, Please!
Right hand man:
favorite Brotp
Maverick & Corbin from the sterling shore series. I honestly love them and this series so much.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to do this amazing tag and leave comments down below!
Hamilton book tag HI everyone! So I've seen this tag around blogs, and I know that it's been out a while, but I love Hamilton and I could't resist doing it.
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