#pov he made a flirty joke and you returned it
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majorpatheticcas · 1 year ago
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He flustered.
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lissyyyyyyyyy · 1 month ago
Catch me if you can - Gojo x GN!Reader
AN: I originally posted this on Wattpad years ago, so it isn't excellent writing, but I was proud of it then, so I'm posting it here. I may rewrite it later, but I make no promises.
Warnings: Y/N used frequently, fluff, possibly OOC Gojo, not so very detailed kiss, lousy writing, one use of darling and baby
Word Count: 1,280
I woke up to the sound of birds outside my window. I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was 7 am.
"Damn birds." I mumbled.
I tried to go back to sleep to no avail. Sighing, I decided to try and get up so I could make breakfast. Try being the key word. Long arms tightened around my waist as I tried to move.
"It's too early to get up." He mumbled, "Stay."
I sighed as I turned my head to look at him. You would think someone as energetic as him would be a morning person. In reality, he was probably a worse morning person than I was. If you had to get up early for any reason he would try and get you to stay with him in bed. This resulted in both of you being late on more than one occasion. Today however, you weren't going to let him convince you this time. 
"Satoru, please let go." You said while trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"I don't wanna!" He whined like a two year old.
"I swear I'm dating a toddler." I sighed.
"Well if you're going to be mean you can leave." He said as he dramatically flipped over to the other side of the bed.
"Ok." I said nonchalantly.
I got up and went into the kitchen to start making breakfast. I pulled some eggs from the fridge and put the pan on the stove. As the eggs were cooking, I pulled some bread out, threw it into the toaster, and returned to the stove. As I was plating the eggs, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Why did you leave me?" Gojo asked dramatically.
"You wanted me to leave and I was hungry so it was a win-win situation." I shrugged.
"I was joking." He said.
"I wasn't." I replied.
He buried his head into the side of my neck and just stayed there as I attempting to finish breakfast. I turned the stove off and tried to put the pan in the sink but Gojo wasn't budging. I pulled against him but he wouldn't let go.
"I need to put this in the sink." I groaned.
He didn't respond so I tried to move again. This time he moved with me and I made it to the sink. I ran some cold water over the pan to help it cool down and made my way back over to the toaster. The whole time Gojo clung to me and made it almost impossible to move. I got the toast and moved over to the dining room table. I set the plates down and tried to move to sit down. 
"Gojo, I'm hungry. Let me go so I can eat." I said sternly.
I turned my head to look at him while he put his chin on my shoulder. He stared up at me through his long, white lashes. I honestly don't know how this man is so gorgeous even when he just woke up. It's seriously not fair.
"You're staring." He said amused.
"So are you." I said.
"It would be a crime if I didn't take time to stop and look at something, or I guess I should say someone, so beautiful." He said with a flirty grin.
I could feel my face heating up and I quickly turned away. Even after dating him for so long he still managed to make me flustered.
"What's wrong, darling?" He said with a grin.
I didn't answer and continued to look away from him. He moved us so that he was sitting in a dining room chair and I was situated on his lap. He removed one hand from around my waist and brought it up under my chin. He used two fingers to move my head to look at him.
"Awwww! Is my baby all flustered over what I said?" He said almost mockingly, "Can't handle all my amazingness?" 
"I should've picked Nanami." I said with a straight face while looking him in the eye, "At least he doesn't tease me incessantly."
Gojo gasped and put a dramatic hand over his heart.
"You truly wound me, Y/N!" He exclaimed while tossing his head back.
While he was being his normal self, I escaped. I wriggled out of his arm and dashed to my seat before he could protest. I gave him a triumphant smirk as I started eating my food. He gave me a playful glare but started eating his food as well. After we finished eating, I took the dishes to the kitchen so that I could wash them. As I was finishing rinsing dishes, Gojo came back and started hanging on me again.
"You're awfully clingy this morning." I stated.
"I really missed you." He said quietly.
He had just gotten back yesterday from a mission. He had been away for almost a month and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him too. He may be loud and obnoxious at times but I loved him all the same. He had become a permanent fixture in my life and I couldn't imagine a future without him. 
"I missed you too." I said just as quietly.
He hummed in content before a wicked grin split across his face. He moved his fingers down to the hem of the shirt that I was wearing and slide his hands under the fabric. His long fingers splayed across my stomach.
"Why are your hands so cold?!?" I exclaimed as I tried to pull away.
He just shrugged and moved his hands to my side. His grin broke out into a full smile as he started tickling me. I squealed and started laughing. 
"S-s-stop! I c-can't breathe!" I forced out in-between laughs.
"That sounds like a personal problem!" He said while laughing.
I took the spray hose from the sink and turned it on. Since he had turned his infinity off to hold me I sprayed him right in the face and he stumbled backwards. As soon as he let go of me, I ran. Gojo recovered quickly and started chasing after me. I ran around the dining room table and into the living room. As I entered the living room I realized I screwed up. I was now cornered. Gojo was standing a few feet in front of me with a triumphant grin stretched across his irritatingly gorgeous face. All of the sudden he lunged towards me, knocking us both backwards onto the couch. He pinned my wrists above my head and leaned down until his lips were ghosting over my ear.
"I win~" He whispered.
I let out a sigh of defeat as he slowly tilted his head so that he could see my face.
"What's my prize?" he questioned.
"Prize?" I said quizzically. 
"I caught you. What do I get as my prize?" he asked.
As I stared up at him, I got an idea. I quickly leaned up and pressed my lips onto his. He froze for a second before melting into it. He slide one of his hands behind my neck and pulled me deeper into the kiss. We stayed like that for a while before we broke apart for air and he moved to lay on the couch next to me.
"How's that for a prize?" I asked with a smirk.
"Hmmm. I don't know. I might have to try it again." He said with a mischievous grin.
"Well then,  you'll just have to catch me again then!" I yelled as I jumped up and dashed out of the room.
He chased me around for the remainder of the morning. He caught me a couple of times, which resulted in a heated make-out session before I started running again. Gojo may be the most chaotic being I know, but I wouldn't trade moments and memories like this for the world. 
AN: I hope you all enjoyed this! I was really proud of this when I wrote it a couple years ago and now it kinda makes me cringe lol
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angelthecat153 · 2 years ago
Dylan x reader camp crush part 3
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y/n's POV
when i headed back to the camp Nick came up to me and asked "did you find the others" i nodded "c'mon the others are waiting for let's go" he said and we headed back to the same spot and the others were still here talking "don't worry Jacob i got you i got a full tank of gas" Dylan said reassuring my brother and the others smiled when they saw me come back including Dylan "so fuck me" he said to himself when his phone battery died and i giggled "oh idiot" Jacob said teasing my crush "does nobody own phone chargers anymore" Kaitlyn asked "ok there's no signal out here dude this place is like patchy as balls" Jacob said "your balls are patchy" me and Dylan asked him confused "what no you 2" he said getting annoyed "it's ok i'll just go get juice from Mr H before we go" Dylan said "uh ew" i said and the other 2 girls returned with the bags "hey Nick" Abi said as she came back with Emma "hey where were you" Nick asked curiously "wouldn't you like to know" Emma said teasingly "ignore her please" Abi said getting embarrassed and annoyed "let's go" Kaitlyn said impatiently not waiting any longer "just gotta get these bags up on to the van" Emma said grabbing the bags and Jacob offered to help "oh hey hey here let me um let me get it for you" he said trying to get the bags and she clearly got annoyed when he tried to help "i can take care of my own bag thank you" she said "are you sure because i mean it's really not that big a deal" he asked "she can take care of her own bag thank you" Abi said getting annoyed as well and i gotta admit i feel bad for my brother "we both can take care of our own bag thank you" the Emma said and put her own bag in the van and Abi put hers down "cool" Jacob said
Dylan's POV
he clearly needs to make a move on Abi so i nudged him and he asked to help her with her bag "uh Abi do you need help" he asked still wanting to help "yeah" she said happily and put it on the ground for Nick to pick it up and me and y/n gave him a thumbs up "can i" he asked and picked it up "thank you" she said and thanked him then he walked off to the van and put Abi's bag in to the van
Kaitlyn's POV i just noticed something Ryan isn't here with us "hey has anyone seen Ryan" i asked the others concerned and they shrugged "oh yeah he's off being all brooding and mysterious and alluring somewhere" he asked while smiling and blushing which made y/n feel sad again and i gave her a sympathy look and i felt bad for y/n and i also know Dylan has a bigger crush on Ryan and y/n but he couldn't say he had a crush on her because he didn't know how to confess and we heard a voice "i'm here" Ryan said and it made me relieved that it was just him and the others turned around "what are you doing under there having a little me party" y/n asked sarcastically while rolling her eyes "i was listening to a podcast actually" he said and answered y/n's questuion "oh podcast nice that's" Dylan said and it made y/n on the verge of tears but she just tried not to get upset "what's it about" y/n asked sad "yeah what's it about is it about me" Dylan said in a kind of flirty tone which made y/n had a few tears drop and i just walked over to her and gave her a hug and Ryan looked at her for a second with an apologetic look and i gave him a thankful look that he felt bad then he went back to talking with Dylan "you'd think i was listening to a podcast about you" Ryan asked getting confused "ok if anyone here had a podcast about them it'd be me" i said while hugging y/n and Dylan looked very concerned "why is y/n sad" Dylan asked getting very worried "never mind" he said and went talking back with everyone else
Dylan's POV
yes i still have a crush on y/n but sometimes i can't show it because they might reject and i was out of my thoughts and joked around "yeah if there was a podcast called how to look and smell like a butt" i said still joking around clearly tryin to cheer up my sad crush and Kaitlyn gave me a thanful look "oh my god you are so childish" Kaitlyn said "look and smell like a butt" i said still joking around and i sniffed "no it's a paranormal podcast this episode was actually about this place weirdly enough" Ryan said ignoring my joke "the hag of hackett's quarry" he said "the who of the what's it where now" Kaitlyn asked "what's the hag of hackett's quarry" Kaitlyn asked again and y/n spoke up feeling a bit better so i walked up and stood next to her "you don't know about the hag of hackett's quarry" y/n said shocked and i agreed with y/n how does Kaitlyn not know about the hag of Hackett's quarry "uh if i did would be asking dumbass" Kaitlyn said and y/n rolled her eyes and face palmed "tell her about the hag of hackett's quarry" i told Ryan "i don't think she wants to know about the hag of hackett's quarry" he said "can we please just stop saying the hag of hackett's quarry" Kaitlyn said getting creeped out "it's just this campfire story for the kids" he said and started the story "it's um there's supposedly an old woman who died in a fire a few years back she haunts the wood looking for her lost baby boy there are like reports of whispers or whatever and this figure that floats around you know textbook ghost stuff some people say that if she catches you alone she'll try and turn you into her son or kill you or something i don't know it's not really been clear anyways hag of hackett's quarry" Ryan said finishing his ghost story "you made that up" Kaitlyn said not believing a single word Ryan said "right here in the podcast man" Ryan said holding his phone "cool story bro" Jacob said terrified "seriously you shouldv'e seen the first time you told the story to the kids at the campfire they were scarred for life" y/n said speaking up still in a sad voice and she was obviously still standing next to me and i held her hand "i mean not for life" Ryan said
y/n's POV
i was concerned about the story and said still in a sad voice "you gotta be careful with this stuff man this shit's true" i said still talking through a sad voice "dude bullshit" Jacob said not believing me "what's the hold up Hacketter's" Mr H said and we all turned around "yeah nearly done Mr H" i said still looking sad he noticed me and gave me a sorry look and went back to saying something "drop to it get those butts in gear" he said "sorry Mr H we had to deliberate some luggage" Emma said apologizing and Abi whispered "shut up" and i just kept my mouth shut "maybe if somebody didn't spend so much time trying to impress the ladies with all his ghost stories" Ksitlyn obviously getting annoyed with Ryan "hey you asked" he said "ghost stories" Mr H said raising an eyebrow "the hag of hackett's quarry" me and Dylan said at the same time and Kaitlyn groaned at the sound of the name and obviously doesn't want to hear the name "hey you still have the van key Mr H" Kaitlyn asked getting her mind of the name that must not be spoken of "well yes i do" he said answering Kaitlyn's question "but you know i'd lose my head if it wasn't stuck on back to the office i go" he was about to leave and asked Ryan "give me a hand would you Ryan" he asked Ryan for help with something "oh ok" Ryan said and walked off to help
Dylan's POV
i just remembered something "yo Mr H" i said getting his attention "what's up Dj Dylan" he said "one chance i could get a little charge i want to have some tunes for the road" i asked wanting my phone back "no can do" he said declining my request "cool cool yeah no worries" i said understanding "good man" he told me "uh no big deal you can share my earbuds" Ryan said offering and i just smiled and i turned away
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sebastians1mp · 2 years ago
First post ??? Crazy ikr but i’ve been ready smut about sebastian for DAYS ON END don’t judge pls he’s so dreamy, i’ve decided to write my own story i’m HORRIBLE at grammar and spelling so please bear with me my first language is chinese so try and understand and without further a due
Sebastian x Female Reader one shot??
Sebastian pov ***
“You’re gonna have to come out of your room and stop rotting in there someday” Robin yells down the stairs “All because I didn’t wanna go to the dumb egg festival?” You practically scream.
Robin stomps down the stairs in fury, “Sebastian! I wanted you to meet the new farmer girl, She is a lovely new addition to this town and you don’t even say hello for almost a month?” “To be honest mom I really could care less about this dumb town and whatever that farmer girl has to do here” You say in a annoyed tone.
“You will be saying hello first thing next morning, no if ands or buts” Robin exclaims as she leaves your room, “fuck” was all you could think before becoming preoccupied in yet another project.
Readers Pov ***
Returning from the egg festival you’re filled with joy everyone in the town greeted you kindly except…what was his name? You quickly forgot and went on to do your nightly routine and get some shut eye.
You awake to a knock at your door and zeus on your lap purring and clawing at the fuzzy blanket that lay over you, Opening the door you see a 6’1 figure at your doorstep his dark black hair and hypnotizing eyes were all you could stare at forgetting to even say hello. “uh…hi?” The stranger says awkwardly “Oh my gosh i’m so sorry where are my manners please come inside”
He anxiously walks into your home, upon entering he starts eyeing the sashimi that you had made the night before. “Oh? A sashimi lover” “hell yeah” you both sit down less tense this time having at least something to talk or relate on, Sebastian starts rambling while stuffing his face with salmon sashimi. “Well my name is Sebastian and i’m sorry for not greeting you earlier it’s not exactly…easy for me to do these type of things” You know the feeling well and decide not to take offense to the late greeting and half assed apology.
Sebastian pov ***
I don’t even know why i’m out here, I wanna go back home and do something productive. You finally reach the door of the new farmer in town you slowly knock on the door hesitatingly. A few seconds go by and the door is opened by none other than the famous new farmer. “Holy..shit” you thought “She’s like a beam of light” You both stare deeply into each others eyes until you break the silence “uh..hi?” you say the farmer now looks extremely flustered and mutters “Oh my gosh i’m so sorry where are my manners please come inside”
You enter her house it left you a little uneasy knowing you don’t even know the girl and you’re already in her house, But your thoughts were cut short by you finding a plate of sashimi on the table “Oh? a sashimi lover” “hell yeah” You both sit down and start talking more like apologizing but you were too focused on eating the delicious sashimi to even put together a good apology.
Reader pov ***
God why is he so handsome even when chomping down on my leftovers…”Don’t choke on your food” you say half laughing, Sebastian does not look pleased by this joke but gives a pitiful smirk which you send back a flirty one just for fun. You immediately see a slight blush run across his pale cheeks, He looks down almost instantly and keeps eating while blabbering about himself. “This dude is self centered as fuck��” you think.
Once he’s left you feel a sense of relief that you live alone so you don’t have to deal with people, But part of you longed for more conversation whatever didn’t matter you had farm chores to do anyway.
Sebastian pov ***
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god did she see please tell me she didn’t” You think as you leave out of the front door, That smirk she gave you was like magic. You didn’t think that anyone would get you fired up by just a cocky smile but oh my…she’s something else you knew you had to have her.
(Author breaking character !!!!) - Boom Bam time skip ;) You and seb are 4 months into your friendship now and you decide to try something a little..RISKYYYYY 💆‍♀️-
Readers pov ***
It’s 7:50 pm you are rushing to the mountains to see Sebastian before robin locks her door, You have ten minutes flat to hopefully sneak into sebastian’s room to confess to him tonight. Rushing to his door downstairs trying to not make a single sound, You twist the doorknob and shush curious Sebastian til you close the door. “I know it’s really late but..well I don’t have an excuse I truly just wanted to see you” You say sheepishly, Sebastian seems oddly pleased by this a cocky smile on his face “Just couldn’t stay away from me could you?” He asks sarcastically. You say nothing for almost a minute til the silence is broken by a single word escaping your lips “Please” Seb is beyond confused at this point.
“Please..?” Seb asks confused. You walk closer to Sebastian and attempt to sit on his lap, “Woah Woah wait Y/N what are you doing?-“ You cut him off with a quick kiss on his soft peach painted lips. Sebastian looks at you stunned “Y/N..That was um..my first kiss” “I know Sebby that’s why I took it” You begin to straddle yourself on Sebastian’s lap, His breathing becoming heavy and unsteady with anticipation. You sensed this but ignored it “Sebastian, will you please take my virginity?” You ask with innocent eyes, Sebastian can’t hold back anymore and he grabs your ass with one hand and the back on your neck with the other, pulling you in for a kiss.
Things become heated in a matter of seconds from him pulling you in “Se-“ was all you could say before the fire in him erupted, Sebastian starts gliding you up and down his already hard cock grabbing your ass and kissing you rough and sloppy. Sebastian pulls away leaving a string of spit to split between your lips “You’re gonna be mine tonight” Sebastian says in an eager sexually frustrated tone. You don’t have time to react as he rips off your shirt and pants discarding them to the floor, he then turns you on your back with your hands behind your back so you’re completely powerless. Sebastian spreads your legs exposing your already soaked pussy “Look at what we have here, You’ve been waiting as long as I have right? You’re gonna be a good girl for me all night long”
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cwritesforfun · 2 years ago
Robert Bob Floyd x Fem!Reader: Treasure?
You meet at Top Gun. You’re an aviator. 
Y/N = Your Name
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Having friends in the Air Force is hard for a woman. There are not a lot of other women to be friends with and a lot of the men just want to sleep with you with or without your consent. There are a few good ones out there, but they already have a friend group and I wouldn’t want to intrude on that. It’s safe to say I have no friends.
I was chosen for the program called Top Gun. I heard that only the best of the best were selected for this mission. 
I walk into the Hard Deck, a bar nearby that I was told my colleagues would be at and I see some of the aviators. I notice a woman wearing an aviator suit standing near the bar and I approach her. I might as well try to make friends here.
I ask “Hi, are you here for Top Gun?” The woman says “Yes, my call sign is Phoenix, who are you?” I answer “My call sign is Treasure. It’s nice to meet you, Phoenix.” Phoenix asks “Why is your call sign Treasure?” I answer “The first thing some of the guys noticed about me is my breasts. One guy called me Treasure Chest as a joke and the captain heard it. The captain at the time changed it to Treasure as he stared between my eyes and my breasts even though, they were under a uniform and not that pronounced. I hate men and that’s that.” Phoenix replies “Damn, they’re so gross. You can be my friend and we can fight off the male aviators together.” We high-five after that. I laugh and reply “Ok deal.” She replies “Let’s walk over and see how long it takes before one flirts with us or says something about women being objects. I will bet it takes 3 minutes to happen.” I ask “What are we betting on?” She answers “Next round of drinks?” I nod and we shake on it. I bet that the first comment we’ll hear when we walk over is flirting.
We walk over and I notice the crew of aviators playing darts. It’s Fanboy, Hangman, and Coyote. They’re all semi-friendly and never were rude to me. However, they flirt up a storm and I need a break from that sometimes.
Hangman sees us and says “Damn Treasure, I can’t believe you’re here. I think the last time I saw you, your Treasure Chest was smaller.” Are you kidding me?!?!?!  I turn to Phoenix and say “I win. Drinks please.” She groans and walks off to the bar. Fanboy asks “What was that about?” I answer “We made a bet on how long it would take before one of you said something flirty, sexual, or about how women are objects. I bet on one round of drinks for me that it would be the first thing one of you said. It’s a good thing you boys are consistent, right?” They all laugh and keep playing darts. 
Phoenix returns with a drink and I thank her. We see a guy sitting in the corner in uniform eating peanuts and Phoenix drags me over to him.
Phoenix exclaims “Hi I’m Phoenix and this is Treasure. What is your call sign?” He answers “Bob.” Phoenix asks “What does that mean? How did you get that name?” We hear “Baby on board! Look at him getting all the female attention!”  I notice Bob’s face turn bright red and I flip off Hangman behind my back causing him to laugh. 
I exclaim “You’re going to be the WSO flying with me.” Bob replies “Cool. I uh promise not to let you down.” I reply “Thanks. I promise not to let you down too.” Phoenix adds “And I plan on making sure neither of you dies. You’re my new friends and I do not want to be stuck with any of them.”
A week later, we’re back at the Hard Deck. Except for this time, things are different. Hangman knows not to throw out Maverick. Phoenix has become my best friend and my roommate. I think Bob is hot, but he’s nervous flying with me in the sky. I need to change that. I want him to comfortable around me and trust me.
I sit in the high chair next to him overlooking our friends and I ask “So... which do you prefer? Pool or darts?” Bob stares into my eyes and shrugs. I exclaim “Bob... I mean Robert, I want you to trust me and I want you to trust me in the sky. I can feel your nervous energy around me and I want you to be able to depend on me as much as I depend on you. So I think we should play a game together and we should be a team. You can also say that you want nothing to do with me and you would rather not participate.” He answers “I ... We can play pool.” I smile and turn to everyone else. I half-yell “Alright boys! Bob and I challenge two worthy opponents to a game of pool.” Hangman raises his hand and Phoenix joins him. 
As we play, I watch Hangman and Phoenix closely. I notice patterns in their behavior and I occasionally whisper them in Bob’s ear. He’s even started whispering patterns of their playing in my ear. 
The rest of the boys are watching the game closely. There is a 60%/40% vote that Hangman and Phoenix win. I want to prove the 40% right and win.
10 minutes and 2 shots later, Bob and I win.  Hangman and Phoenix have never looked so defeated. I hug Bob in celebration and our partnership grows from there.
Two more weeks pass... Bob seeks me out at the bar. I had a rough week and I just want to drink away my sorrows. 
When he sits down, he exclaims “I think you should be happy.” I ask “And why would you think that? After the week I had, it doesn’t feel right to be happy.” He answers “Finding treasure is always happy. For me, seeing treasure is a happy and good thing... that I like.” I turn to face him and ask “What are you implying?” He answers “Look, I know we just got to be friends and I know that I suck at timing this. I was so nervous in the sky with you at the beginning because I had a crush on you. Then, we started talking and we became friends. But... uh I like you a lot and now I’m nervous being around you because what if you knew I liked you? That’s why I had to tell you. I needed to conquer my fear and get it out in the open.” I reply “Well, I think that’s really brave of you to say that... and I also have a crush on you. I won’t lie that I found you attractive when we first met.” He smiles and I notice his cheeks blush the color of cotton candy.  I laugh and say “Gosh, you’re so cute.” He replies “Thanks... you’re cute too.” I reply “You know when we fly, I don’t think of you as a baby on board. I think of you as a badass on board.” He lets out a big laugh and says “Thank you. You don’t realize how much that means to me... If it makes you feel better, I didn’t understand the treasure nickname. I thought it was because you’re priceless and hard to find while also so beautiful. But the guys told me it was your ... uh breasts.” I reply “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard about my call sign. May I kiss you?” He answers “Yes, please.”
I get up, put my arms around his neck, and we kiss.
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missskzbiased · 4 years ago
Betting Big
Summary: As the one and only Seo Changbin, you would never think that you would be willing to pay for someone to go out with you. At least not until you met her. To be honest, not even after you met her but here you were now… Agreeing with splitting the money from a bet that you never made… And all this for what? Just to get a chance to make her fall for you
WC: 1,5 K
Genre: Romance, Fluff
AUs: High School, Fake Bet
Pairing: Seo Changbin X Fem! Reader X ???
Rebloggable Masterlist    //   Main Masterlist   // Tag List
Warnings: none
Notes: This is in “Changbin’s POV” although written as Self-insert
This is going to be a miniseries, I guess. I’m not sure how many chapters I want to make. I’d like if you guys could vote on this:
Minho as BFF to lovers for the Triangle
Han as Friends to lovers for the Triangle
No Love Triangle at all
     Everyone but you wanted to be the popular guy.
     Not because you were above things like wanting to fit on the wild battlefield that high school was or because you didn’t need people’s approval to feel like a whole person, and even less because you hated being under everyone’s eyes… No. You were petty enough to admit that you loved the attention. The reason why you weren’t like everybody else was that you were the popular guy that everyone wanted to be. That’s right… You were what every single one of those kids wanted to become and you didn’t need to do anything to have your way.
     At least, that was what you believed exactly thirty seconds ago.
     The silent pause following your invitation wasn’t expected, and neither was the way her judgmental eyes scanned you from head to toes. There was this foreign feeling of being embarrassed, and that sudden urge to shrink and hide from the crowd that you didn’t allow to show on the surface. You were too cool for this. So you settled for clearing your throat, leaning on her table in what you hoped to be a flirty way, and glanced at your friends’ table in search of some sort of silent moral support that you were so in need of right now.
     You could say that you weren’t the most subtle human being in the world or else her eyes wouldn’t have snapped right to where you were looking at. As the bunch of overly stealthy people that you definitely were used to be with popularity clogging your better judgment, the four of your friends stared right into her eyes; the expression of a deer caught in headlights plastered over their face. If you had any hopes of not humiliating yourself to that strange girl in the corner ─ who you happened to have a big, fat crush on for at least one year now ─, they were immediately crushed by your own best friends.
     Very well.
     At least, it couldn’t get any worse than this, right?
     Then you learned the valuable lesson of not speaking too soon.
     “You want to go out with me?” That wasn’t the kind of incredulous tone that was meant to hide one’s excitement… It was more like that bewildered contempt that one cannot hide at all.
    She couldn’t even process the fact that you were bold enough to believe that the mere thought of dating you could ever have crossed her mind… And once more, the humiliation hit you like cold water coming directly from an angry, merciless waterfall. Was that how normal people felt in their daily lives? Jeez… It was so much better to be popular! How do those kids even handle that? Definitely not the life for you.  
     Your internal rambling had you missing the slow shift on her expression; rejection dissolving to give way to some kind of resigned interest: “How much?” She spoke up in curious confidence, and you must have been too lost on your thoughts because you had no idea of what she was talking about.
     “Excuse me?” You blurted out ever so eloquently.
     “How much is into this bet?” She asked as if it was the most reasonable thing in this world, and the lack of response had her scoffing, to further prove your point, “Really? You expect me to believe that the most popular guy in school would come all the way to my table, conveniently under his friends’ eyes, just to ask me out on a date with no second intention?” She raised her brows amusedly, chuckling at what seemed to be the best joke she had ever told anyone “Right” She huffed, crossing her arms and tilting her head to take a better look at you.
     That was the moment of the truth.
      You could either tell her that she misunderstood everything and explain how much you really liked her ─ which would put everything at risk because she clearly didn’t believe you could like someone like her ─ or you could play along with it and score a chance to win her heart on a date.
     The answer seemed to be pretty obvious to you.
     “Yeah, right” You laughed dismissively, pulling out the chair so you could sit down beside her. There was no sign of resistance in her face; moreover, there was a shimmering curiosity dancing in her expectant eyes, “You totally caught me…” You admitted grudgingly, shrugging to show her how much you didn’t care about it. Fun Fact: You actually did! And you would very much appreciate her to know that… Damn it! What the hell were you getting yourself into?! “So… Should we split it?” You suggested nonchalantly ─ just like the smooth son of a bitch you were.
     “What about fifty-fifty?” She proposed shamelessly; face twisting in a funny expression that tried to say that she didn’t care about it either but giving it away that she did, “How much is in for me? Like… A hundred bucks or something?” She leaned back on her chair before shrugging, not willing to admit that she was interested in this.
     “You’re good” You chuckled while nodding in agreement; mimicking her as you leaned back on your chair, “Sounds great, right? Getting a hundred bucks to date this hot stuff here?” You grinned as you gestured at yourself, getting nothing but an unimpressed look from her.
     “Look, Changbin…” She began hesitantly “If we’re going to make this work, it might be better for you to let me do the talking, okay?” She smiled sarcastically, looking at you with a mix of… You weren’t even sure what. Was constipation considered a feeling? If so, she looked constipated by your existence, “I’m not gonna lie… I want the money, and as long as we don’t have to do anything stupid like kissing or having sex, I think I’m in” She simply agreed while looking into your eyes.
      She had such pretty eyes… The most beautiful eyes you have ever seen… The type of eyes to hold so many emotions that you couldn’t help but wonder if those would ever be directed at you. Right now, you could see they were. However, the usually captivating trait wasn’t that heartwarming now… Not when there was nothing but pained resignation in them… Not when they made so damn obvious that she didn’t like you back… Not when they shift to sheer excitement to the sound of someone else’s voice.
     “Hey” Was the single word that brought her to such a state of happiness; eyes twinkling and a genuine smile cracking on her face as she looked to the guy talking to her “What’s this?” He asked while gesturing to the both of you before squinting his eyes in suspicion “This table has always been our, shortie, fuck off” He scoffed; sitting down as if it didn’t even cross his mind that you could stand up against him.
     “Shut up, Minho” She rolled her eyes, even though you could see the amusement in them, “He’s here to ask me out on a date” She clarified nonchalantly; eyes attentive to his reaction.
     “Of course he is” He snorted, shaking his head in disbelief while poking his food.
     “I am” You stated seriously while boldly offering him The Look, “Is that a problem?” You arched your brow in a silent challenge.
     “I don’t know…” He dropped his fork; eyes connecting to yours with such a murderer intention that for a second you considered just playing it off as a joke “Is that a problem?” He asked back, studying your face.
     Thank Lord you were a proud Leo or else the “No, Sir” on the tip of your tongue would have slipped just like that from your mouth. Instead, you just returned his glare, choosing to be silent so you would not show him how much he scared the shit out of you. The silent battle was promptly cut off by the damsel in distress herself, a not-so-subtle kick under the table that had Minho wincing on his seat.
     “No, that’s not a problem” She stated firmly enough to end the discussion “I’m going out with him” Even though you were aware of that, it still made your stomach flutter.
     “Okay” He said bitterly; lips twitching slightly “So that’s not a problem” He forced a smile, picking his fork and scrambling his food mindlessly.
     “Great!” You offered her a bright smile, too excited to hide your true feelings.
     “Great” She stated monotonously “So… See you later?” She arched her brows as if to say that it was time for you to walk away.
      “Of course” You agreed promptly “I can walk you home later… So… We can arrange the details” You suggested hopefully, and she seemed to embrace the idea.
      “Sounds like a date” She smiled.
     “Yeah” You chuckled; rubbing your arm before waving at her and heading to your friends’ table.
     Well… Getting a date: Checked.
     Having your feelings reciprocicated: Hm… On progress?
     First confession meeting any of your expectations: Hell no...
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junoswrites · 3 years ago
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POV: meeting youcef on the hot tub date.
MC moodboard
Rose Petal
“Hubble bubble toil and trouble,” Najuma hums as Eve squints into the setting sun and the surrounding horizon. The sunset’s rays cast angled slopes of light against the two women sitting on the rooftop. The thought of being picked alongside the feisty Najuma made her mind race with nerves, she was probably going to have to speak up later on. “Remind me to finally laugh at your joke once we come back from the date,” Eve grins at her attempts to lighten the mood. Najuma snorts, throwing herself onto the copious pillows on the bench next to her, “Alright, alright. ”
“I’ll bet there’s going to be more trouble once we’ve had our dates. It’s almost time anyways,” Najuma rises from the pillows sporting her signature winning grin. “Drama, huh,” Eve’s matching smile creeps onto her own face, “sounds fun.”
Scented steam wafts from the hot tub, obscuring the two forms hidden. The translucent veil clears to reveal a man on the left rocking while sitting in the heated waters. His dark hair is dyed with dirty blond combed higher than the rising steam and when Eve wrinkles her nose at the sight she swear she can somehow smell his pomade. Waving madly with a suave grin, he stands with a splash, “Ladies! I’m Bruno. Don’t mind the steam, it comes with this whole package.” Motioning to his well toned physique, Najuma bursts out into loud laughter. Eve grins, leaning onto Najuma for silent support as the girl wraps an arm around Eve’s shoulders in comfort.
Najuma slides into the hot tub enthusiastically after both girls introduce themselves, facing mystery man number two. “Nice to meet you both! What’s your name?” Eve follows suit, careful not to slip and fall into the hot tub in front of the nation.
“I’m Youcef, it’s very nice to meet you both,” the second man rises with a slow smile. Eve purses her lips as her eyes examine him. The water runs down in rivulets over his lean body, tracing lines down his toned arms. Well defined cheekbones and a strong browbone. He wouldn’t look out of place in an advert off some of those fancy boutiques in London or in Singapore’s downtown shops.
Youcef absentmindedly retouches his fringe to flash a steady look towards the girls. One that Eve was pretty sure was directed at Najuma. Of course, two men in the hot tub but both of them were not a match, Eve sighs internally. Time to play the game, Eve reminds herself as she flashes a flirty grin that she can manage as best as she can to Bruno. He returns her flirty grin with a heated wink.
Mid way through the conversation, Eve leans back to pick up a nearby floating rose petal, but it slips out of her grasp to float over to Youcef. Shit. “Being a Parisian modelling is simply exhilarating-,” Youcef’s thick French accent is stopped as it laps against his half submerged bicep. Eve is midway in hastily plucking the petal from his arm, bursting out in an apology, “Sorry! I was…playing with the petal?” Even she can’t believe how ridiculous she’s sounding, letting her hand fall into the water with a splash.
His gaze slides over, as Eve laughs nervously. She was already fucking it up. “Naturally, as an Art curator, you’ll be drawn to pretty things. Maybe we can be your new subjects?” Youcef grins suavely. Eve laughs dryly, unable to stop the words leaving her lips. “Then explain how I’m distracted enough to play with a petal while I’m in a hot tub with you two?” Bruno and Najuma burst out into laughter, Bruno reaching over clapping a hand onto Eve’s shoulder. “At this point you’ll beat me at the standup game,” his easy grin makes Eve’s shoulders ease.
Youcef does a double take, stare intensifying as his brows are raised. A softer smile emerges on his face as Eve raises her brows, before he winks and rejoins Najuma and Bruno’s conversation. Eve’s heart pounds against her swimsuit , the sudden painful sensation a mildly disconcerting one. She was screwed.
He wouldn’t lie, he had originally voted for Najuma to come on a date with him and hoped for a good chance to win her over and secure his place in the villa. Najuma seemed like the type of girl he wanted typically. Passionate, smoking hot and feisty. Love Island was going to help him secure more jobs and he needed a safe choice to give him the victory.
Unfortunately the producers decided to make the hot tub date a double date. That meant he had to share a date with two other islanders. Still, the cameras were rolling and who was he to deny them a good show? Rolling out all the stops, he focused mainly on Najuma with perfect execution of carefully placed French lines and his signature flirty smirk. As expected, he had a good foundation to getting her wrapped around his finger.
Eve’s presence had hit him like a truck. Unlike the tiny petal that had grazed his bicep before, her slim fingers that danced against it seconds later to pull it away left a trail of heat that made him shiver.
“Naturally, as an Art curator, you’ll be drawn to pretty things. Maybe we can be your new subjects?”
A classic line, one that always made the ladies swoon no matter the delivery. Her reply sent him off kilter.
Eve had playfully insulted them. Did she not care about her chances in the show? They were not supposed to tell her who picked who for the date, so she could have very well ruined her chances. He couldn’t understand her.
Refocusing his attention on her, her dark eyes and long hair with the way her eyes shined when she talked about her job, her passions. Youcef noted the way her slim fingers fiddled with themselves and he wondered how it would feel to lay a hand on them to stop her fidgeting.
He caught himself. What was he thinking, fantasising about holding her hand? He was a grown man with such juvenile thoughts, he should be ashamed. He was screwed.
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omigiry · 5 years ago
𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫
Miya Atsumu
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synopsis: Crown prince Atsumu needs to decide who will he pick to be the official crown princess, but the lady he wants is facing her own dilemma.
Royalty AU
POV: Third person (she/her)
wc: 4.1K
ry’s notes: for plot convenience i did not put any love rivals. it was already long without it, even though i have contemplated whether i’d put one or not, but i ended up not to. hope you enjoooy ~~  ♡ ♡ ♡
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Sweat drops on (y/n)’s forehead as she swung her sword to attack the dummy in front of her. The moon serves as her light along three lamp posts on the training ground. She could feel her arms getting tired from the weight of the sword. She tried handling the swords the knight usually uses, but she couldn’t do it if her brother, Kita Shinsuke, or her father was around; they did not allow her since she is still a lady. 
“It’s dangerous for a lady to be out at this hour.” A familiar voice said.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the crown prince making his way towards her.
“And why is the prince strolling around at this hour of the night too?” 
“I needed some fresh air.” Atsumu said and leaned on the dummy. They knew each other ever since they were little because of the loyalty of (y/n)’s family lineage to the throne. His father is the head of the first squadron of the royal family and his brother will be the one taking over.
The king has taken a liking towards (y/n) as he watches her grow up into a wonderful lady. Both of the family have agreed for her to be the crown princess and betrothed to Atsumu since he was the oldest among the twins. After hearing this news on her 8th birthday, she doesn’t know how to react. An 8 year old doesn't know what she wants to be yet so she followed along. As (y/n) grew up she admired the swordsmanship of his father and brother and wanted to be a knight herself as well. 
At the age of 10 she talked to her family about what she wanted. Her mother almost fainted when she told them that she wanted to be a knight. Her mother dotes on her that she doesn’t want her hands to be rough through hard labor. On the other hand Shinsuke and her father were swelling with joy, but her father couldn’t help but worry as well since she was the youngest and only daughter of the family. Not only that, the crown princess couldn’t be a knight. 
They couldn’t stop her, so they had allowed her to practice basic swordsmanship. She practiced together with Atsumu and Osamu with her brother supervising. Sometimes she would practice with the first squadron and she was babied by all of them, they were treating her with extra care as if she was glass. 
“What brings you here? You know if my father and Shinsuke saw you on our grounds they would not hesitate to chase you away even if you’re the prince.” She said as she put the sword back in its scabbard.
“Do they even know you’re here? I’d bet you just sneak around at night too.”
“Touché” (y/n) said and glared at him. She went closer to him and both of them sat at the ground. Despite what their parents had arranged, they remained good friends to each other. Though it mostly consists of sarcastic and snarky exchanges in every conversation they had, they did share deep conversations once in a while when one of them is bothered. 
“You’re turning 18 already.” Atsumu pointed out. When (y/n) told his father that she wanted to be a knight, it honestly gave the king a headache. Nevertheless, being able to see (y/n)’s passion and also leadership skills during her training made the king to not easily give up on the lady. She was the perfect queen for the kingdom in the future. 
“Yes. Is the king still thinking on who to crown as the princess?”
“Every night.” Atsumu would be lying if he said that he didn’t want (y/n) to be his princess. “Why did you want to be a knight?”
“I want to fight as well, I do not want to be protected. I want to protect the people I care about.” There were other females who are knights as well, so it wasn’t against the law of the kingdom, the only hindrance is that she’s to be crowned. By her proclamation of wanting to be a knight the Aristocrats and Imperialists had a long meeting regarding the matter. The best decision was to have candidates for the position of crown princess. 
“Don’t you have a meeting with some of the candidates tomorrow?” She asked. She was also scheduled to have tea with him giving equal chances to talk with the prince, but she had an advantage since she grew up with the prince. 
Atsumu sighed as he thought about the busy schedule ahead. “Yeah, it’s honestly tiring.”
“Osamu has it worse than you. Especially trying to cover for you when you sneak out.” 
“Hey! I cover for him too.” 
“Sure you do.” She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. 
“You wound me, my lady.” He clutched his left chest and acted as if he was stabbed in the heart. 
“I’m honestly concerned for the future of the kingdom on the day of your coronation as king.” 
“Then be my queen if you’re that concerned.” 
“Nice try, but try again.” It was normal for Atsumu to be flirty towards her, thinking that it was only a joke. She would always brush off every flirty comment that came out of his mouth, but she doesn’t mind it at all since she was used to it. 
“Well, it’s getting late. I should go back now before my father and Shinsuke notice that I’m gone.” She stood up and brushed off the dirt from her pants and Atsumu followed.
“Good night, my lady.” 
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(y/n) was roaming around the palace ground as she waited for her turn to be alone with the prince for their afternoon tea. Suddenly, she was pulled into the corner of the hallways and pressed against the wall with a hand cupping her mouth. She saw Atsumu towering over her figure as he looked around if anyone was there. 
(y/n) glared at him for his rash actions. 
When Atsumu made sure that no one was there, he removed his hand and smiled sheepishly at him. 
“Did you sneak out again?” (y/n) said, crossing her arms together and raising an eyebrow at him. 
“I was getting bored. All of them didn’t talk much, I could tell that they’re trying to put a good image in hopes I’ll choose them.” 
“Atsumu, you need to take this seriously. Your coming of age birthday celebration is only a month away.”
“I am taking this seriously, I already made my decision.” 
(y/n) was surprised that he already had decided, as far as she knows this is only the third time meeting every candidate. “That’s good then.” She simply said. Am I out of the choices?
“Aren’t you curious on who I picked?” Atsumu chided, noticing the change of expression. 
“No, it’s your life so it doesn’t affect me.” 
“But your opinion matters. I want to know, from a lady’s perspective, if the one I picked is perfect.” He tested the waters to see if her mood will change again.
“No one is perfect, Atsumu. All of us make mistakes and have flaws.”
He dismissed her comment and described the lady of his choice. “Well, she’s strong, wise, she’s clothed in dignity. She takes pride in her family name, and she will do everything to protect the ones she loves. She might be timid on the outside, but once that wall breaks she’s playful and charming.” 
“Sounds like a great lady.” She simply stated, turning her back to him. “You should return now. I’ll be meeting Shinsuke.” 
She walked away from him not looking back. Atsumu leaned on the wall as he watched her, a smile forming on his lips. Well, this is intriguing. 
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She wouldn’t admit that she felt a little jealous when Atsumu talked about the girl he chose. Whatever it is, it won’t affect her, but she couldn’t deny that she felt aggravated when he talked about her. 
The little voice in her head tells her that she’s already in love with the prince.
No way. Me? In love with him? 
Her face morphs into a frown as she dwells in the idea of her being in love with Atsumu. It’s not that she hates him, they grew up together so she tolerates his presence. It’s just that the way he’d always act so playful and carefree towards her made her feel things she doesn’t know how to address. 
He would always do something unexpected. Like that one time she almost fell out of balance when they were training, he’d used his body to take the impact as she fell to the ground. Or that one time when she sprained her wrist from excessive training that she’d hidden from her family, he was the one who aided her. 
No, I won’t say I’m in love with him. She denied one more time, but the smile on her face says otherwise as she reminisces the time they spent together when they were younger. 
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“(y/n)?” Shinsuke knocked on his sister’s door and called out to her. She was turning 18 tomorrow and she needs to make a decision if she’ll be a knight or officially be the crown princess. 
“Come in!”
Shinsuke entered and saw his sister doing paperwork. When she turned 16 she became a squire and she’s been in charge with reports. 
“How are you?” 
“I’m doing fine.” 
“Have you made a decision?” 
(y/n) let an audible sigh as she placed down her pen and looked at her brother. 
“Do you like Prince Atsumu?” At the question (y/n) bowed her head down. “I know you take pride in our family name and want to be a knight like us, but if your feelings for Atsumu weigh more, you know what to do.” She hates it when Shinsuke reads her like an open book. 
“I know. I really love what I’m doing and I have made a name for myself, I’m not just someone who is the prince’s soon to be princess.” All her life she had been molded to be a lady fit for the throne, even if she was training as a knight. Everyone already knows that she was favored. 
Shinsuke sat at her bed and she followed him. “We’re really proud of your achievements and how you grew up. Whatever you choose, we will gladly support you. You also don’t have to worry about us, you have a reliable big brother right here.” 
(y/n) leaned on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort her brother brings. Being the youngest, she would see how her father and brother protects the family and honor, and how her mother handles her business as well. It also means that she grew up being pampered, it felt like she doesn’t have a role in the family, always being the one they guard. She doesn’t want to look meek in the eyes of others. 
“Thank you, Shinsuke.” They’d talk until (y/n) felt sleepy, updating each other about their recent things that had happened between them. 
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Atsumu was up all night. (y/n) was turning 18 tomorrow, and if she’s still undecided he might talk to his father to give it some more time until his coming of age party. He doesn’t even mind if he waits for another year. Whenever (y/n)’s ready to decide and whatever her choice is, he is willing to wait. 
It’s just that the circumstances don't allow them. If he wasn’t the crown prince it wouldn’t be that hard. He tried to convince Osamu to be the one to take up the crown when he learned that (y/n) wants to be a knight. 
The only good thing about her being a knight is that she would be in the castle more often. But if she chose to be his princess it would be better, since she would be staying at the castle to learn more about the kingdom. 
He stared at the ceiling as he formulates a series of plans for whatever possible situations that could happen tomorrow. 
Atsumu didn’t know when he started falling in love with her, but all he could remember was when he held her hand and he didn't want to let it go. He wanted to keep her hands soft and delicate, he doesn’t want to let her experience the hardships.
You could rely on me to protect you and your family. You don’t have to do it yourself.
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On the day of (y/n)’s birthday, Atsumu was stunned by her dazzling appearance. His father has gifted her a head dress that she wore almost identical to the crown, clearly showing how she was still the first choice among the other candidates. In his opinion the whole getting to know other potential crown princesses was really pointless when clearly he and his father was already certain who rightfully deserves it.
“May I have a dance with the most beautiful lady among us commoners?” Atsumu bowed and held out his hand.
“I’m surprised you can call yourself a commoner.” (y/n) jested. She took his hand and Atsumu led them to the middle of the ballroom, he wanted to show her off. 
“You look wonderful.” He complimented as they swayed together. The years of practice of dancing made it easier for them to talk. 
“Thanks.” She simply replied and smiled at him.
“Why don’t we just run away and ignore our responsibilities?” Atsumu suggested.
“As if you could even do so.” Atsumu may have a playful character who loves to sneak around but he takes his position seriously and brings results beyond expectations. 
“Is that a challenge, my lady?”
(y/n) quirked her eyebrow. “What if it is?”
“As if you could leave your loved ones behind.” 
After the party, the King called for a private meeting with her. She already knows what they would talk about. 
“Have you made your decision yet, young lady?” 
“I’m sorry, your highness but --” She wasn’t able to finish the sentence when the door opened and Atsumu came barging in. The king was clearly not pleased at Atsumu’s sudden entrance. 
“Father, please extend the time given. After all, the final decision would happen on my coming of age birthday.” He pleaded. The king gave his son a stern look clearly implying that he will face consequences for intruding. “Please, father. Just a few more weeks. Whatever her decision might be, I’ll respect it.”
(y/n) looked at Atsumu and saw desperation in his eyes. She was confused, she thought that he had already chosen someone. Why was he extending her time?
“Lady (y/n)?” The king turned to her waiting for her response.
“If the Prince wishes so, then I will agree.” She said. She didn’t know why she said that, but she felt relieved when Atsumu requested for extension on her behalf. 
“Very well. By Atsumu’s coming of age banquet, you should have your decision already. We cannot prolong this any longer.”
(y/n) bowed down and pardoned herself for the trouble, then the king dismissed her saying that he would like to talk with his son in private.
After that meeting, (y/n) was avoiding Atsumu in the castle grounds for days. She has come to terms that she was indeed in love with him, maybe this was the reason why she was purposefully avoiding his usual routes. I won’t give him the pleasure of finding out that I’m in love with him, he’d probably wouldn’t let it pass by easily. 
Atsumu’s banquet was only three days away. He’s been in a bitter mood when (y/n) would avoid him. You think you’re slick? If you’re avoiding me then I’ll just have to see you myself then. He planned to sneak out again late at night and visit her. 
“Where are you going at this time again?” Osamu asked when he caught Atsumu carefully walking down the hallways. 
“Be quiet.” Atsumu said. “I’m going to visit my lady tonight.”
Osamu gave him a disapproving look. “If Shinsuke caught you he won’t hesitate to hit you even though you’re the crown prince.” 
“That’s why I’m sneaking in.”
“I’m amazed at how stupid your ideas can get at some point.” Osamu sighed and felt a coming headache. He knows that he couldn’t stop his brother no matter what. Besides he also wants (y/n) to be part of the family. Though he wouldn’t say to Atsumu that he’s willing to cover up for him.
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Now that Atsumu was in her family’s home, he doesn’t know where to start looking. He expected to see her at the training grounds but she wasn’t there. He hoped that she wasn’t in her room, that would make the situation hard, but he would still think of ways to see her even if that was the case. 
As he walked around the south area of their house, he finally spotted her in the garden sitting next to a tree. He cautiously moved closer to her hoping that she wouldn’t notice him.
When he was close enough, (y/n) quickly turned around with a small dagger in her hand pointing it close to his neck. Atsumu almost yelled at her sudden defensive stance, his eyes widened and cold sweat formed in his forehead.
(y/n) was clearly surprised when she realized it was Atsumu. “What the hell are you doing here?” she gritted as she dropped the dagger. 
“What are you doing with a dagger?” Atsumu hissed back at her.
“For self-defense, for situations just like what you did a few seconds ago.” Atsumu couldn’t reply back to her response, it was his fault either way. 
“I came here to see you, you’ve been avoiding me.” He said. He sat down and leaned on the tree.
“Well, it’s getting late. I’ll go back inside now.” (y/n) said and was about to walk away when Atsumu grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her to sit next to him.
“No, you’re not getting away this time.” He acted on impulse and wrapped his arms around her. “Though it may be disrespectful for me to act like this, but no way you’re going to escape.”
“Alright, I won’t go anywhere, so you better let go now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Slowly, Atsumu removed his embrace already missing the feel of it. 
“Care to tell me why you’re avoiding me?” 
“I wasn’t.” (y/n) denied and tried her best not to meet his eyes, but Atsumu was persistent as he leaned down and tilted his head to catch a glimpse of it. “I just got busy, that’s all.”
“Liar.” He claimed. “Look me in the eye, my lady.” 
(y/n) slowly shifts her gaze to meet his. Once it did, Atsumu gave her a wide smile where his eyes crinkle into slits. “There we go. Now tell me, why are you ignoring me?” 
She let out a sigh. Atsumu can be very persistent if he really wanted to know and would not give up until he got an answer. “It’s kinda unfair for the other noble ladies. I always get more chances to be with you since we grew up together.” Excuses.
“You’re not really going to tell me honestly? Fine. I’ll not push the subject.” Atsumu said.
How can he see through me like that? Am I getting easy to read?
“But.” He continued. “Stay with me for a little while. I miss talking with you.” 
(y/n) nodded and relaxed herself. It was silent for some time, both of them just gazing at the starry night above them. She could feel Atsumu’s peaceful breathing next to her. It was a comforting atmosphere. 
“You know. I always wonder what it feels like to be just a noble or even a commoner. No responsibilities whatsoever, I could easily marry the girl I want, no sneaking out at this hour.” Atsumu started to ramble, breaking the silence.
She turned to him, bracing her knees closer to her chest and rested her chin on top of it. “Well, I think it’s not much of a difference. Sure the responsibilities would be different. But we still have a role to play. Also, love doesn’t come easy, there would always be sacrifices you have to make and obstacles ahead.” 
“Hmm. You got a point. Life, in general, isn’t easy.” 
“Do you not want to be the King?”
“I had thought about it, but as I grew up I learned to appreciate the role.” 
They continued to talk about random topics, from serious to something funny. Atsumu was so carefree that it was also affecting (y/n), whenever he laughed she would also laugh. And maybe it was because of the moment they were sharing right now, or maybe it was how beautiful the night sky is, maybe it was how Atsumu’s eyes sparkled under the moonlight, she just found herself leaning closer and kissed his cheeks. Atsumu had stopped laughing when he felt the feather light kiss she did.
Registering what she had done, she immediately pulled back and blinked away in surprise. Atsumu turned to her and looked into her eyes, mirroring her expression. 
“(y/n)?” His voice was a whisper but it was loud in her ears like it was echoing. She felt her cheeks heats up and blood was rushing through her head. 
“I, it’s getting late. I gotta go now.” She stuttered and quickly stood up. 
Atsumu was quick to act and grabbed a hold of her hands once again. “What did that kiss mean? You just don’t go kissing someone, (y/n).” He interrogated. 
She hid her face by looking to the other side, hoping that her hair would mask her expression well. 
“Do you love me, my lady?” He asked as he took a step closer to her, squeezing her hand hoping that she would get the message and look at him. 
“No…” She replied, but her tone was unsure.
“You seem to have formed a habit of lying. That’s not good.” He teased. The shade of pink in her cheeks, how she was not trying to pull away, how she was acting shy and flustered all of the sudden, was enough of a sign for Atsumu to know. 
“I love you, my lady. Only you.” Atsumu said and kissed her hand before he let go of it. “You should go home now. I’ll see you in two days.” 
As he was walking away, he was slowing down to hear if she'd say something. Though there might already be a distance between them, he would not miss the sound of her voice even if it was only a whisper in the air. 
“I love you too.”
Atsumu felt his heart swell in joy. He tried to hold himself back from running to her and to spin her around as he declared his love for her again and again. 
“Good night, my princess.”
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“So, did you make a decision already?” The king asked again. He ordered them to meet before the banquet started. 
“Yes, your majesty.” 
“Care to tell me now?” 
“I love being a knight.” She paused, she suddenly felt shy about telling her out loud. When she and her family talked about it, it was honestly harder than the first time she was holding a real sword. But it felt nice to be honest towards her feelings, everything felt clearer. “But I love Atsumu more, that I’m willing to give up being a knight.” She finally said, every word that left her mouth gets quieter.
“I’m happy to welcome you in the family, I know it was unfair for the other noble ladies, but I have always favored you from the very beginning. I’m sure you can still use your skills you learned as a knight some day.” He gave her a fatherly smile that she hasn’t seen in so long, he would always smile at her like that when she was a little kid.
The king dismissed her and she bowed down in return. 
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Atsumu asked (y/n) to dance, his smile couldn’t be contained. It wasn’t because of the banquet, or the people that had greeted him, or the gifts he received, it was because of the lady he’s holding right now. 
“My princess.” Atsumu lovingly said. 
“Shut up. It’s not yet officially announced.” She said and glared at him. 
“Well we could always whisper in the air our declaration of love.” 
“Speak one more time, and I’ll change my mind.”
“You can’t do that. Father already knows, so you can’t just take back what you said to him.”
 She rolled her eyes at him and did not reply. He pulled her closer to him and continued to lead her in the dance. His eyes transfixed on hers and she averted her gaze, feeling embarrassed at how he looked at her. 
Atsumu tuned out the rest of the crowd as he only focused on her, everything felt complete. It was worth the agonizing wait.
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nights-legacy · 5 years ago
Mikey-ish Mistake-Mikey
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Mikey 2003
+ Y/N is over at the station lair like normal, hanging out with the boys, Casey, and April. They were having a great time when low and behold, Mikey decides to do something Mikey-ish. A something that more or less ends up in some sort of disaster. Y/N has had a crush on Mikey forever but has never had the confidence to say anything. When she ends up on the receiving end of the disaster and he laughs at her, she feels crushed and walks off, wallowing.
 Y/N’s POV
Music blared in the background but it didn’t even slightly cover the sound the guys and us were making. Donnie and Raph were reenacting a scene from some random rom-com very badly and we could contain our laughter. Leo was just sitting there with his face in his hands, trying to keep it together while Mikey was bellowing and rolling on the ground.        
“Alright you losers, quiet down. We’re done.” Raph growled but had a small smile hidden on his face that I barely caught.
“Ooo, my turn!” Mikey shot up and jumped up and down.
“Now Mikey, nothing too crazy please.” Donnie nearly pleaded. I chuckled before covering my mouth. Mikey glared at me in my spot, sitting on the back of the couch but I only shrugged.
“Okay.” A determined look came over his face as he pulled out one of his nun-chucks. He swung it around and looked around the room. His eyes landed on the half empty pizza box on the table in front everyone.
“Mikey, no.” I said. He just smiled and quickly picked it up before placing it on his head. He stuck out his tongue and readied himself. He slowly twisted to one side before twirling around in a pirouette motion. The box surprisingly stayed for a little bit before the contents of the box started to fly out.
“Mikey!” Raph growled while dodging a flying slice. I yelped as I ducked another slice. Just as I righted myself, Mikey fell and the pizza box came flying at me. The force of the box was almost nothing but the scare of it coming at my face made me jump and fall backwards off the couch.
“Y/N!” I heard my name as I flipped back and landed on the ground hard. I groaned, noticing that I thankfully missed the piece of pizza for a second time. I sat up slow and jumped again when Mikey’s head popped up over the top of the couch.
“You okay?” He asked. I nodded and moved to get up. I stood up and surveyed the surrounding area. There was pizza and some other stuff strung everywhere from what looked like Mikey hitting the table as he fell. “Good.” He paused for a second before he burst out laughing. “Your face!”
“What?” I asked reaching up and feeling nothing.
“You should have seen your face! It was all ‘AHH!’ and you flew back like a failed flying pig attempt.” He threw himself back on the couch. “You looked just like that. Like a little piggy with irrational dreams of flying through the air. Woosh. I gapped at him. I gulped and looked around the room, avoiding everyone’s eyes. I stepped back and took a breath before turning away.
“Y/N.” I heard April whisper but I kept going and left the lair. I looked up as thunder rolled in the sky. I saw dark clouds clearing away from the city and that everything was soaked.
“At least I missed the rain.” I pulled my jacket on tighter and walked into the city.
Mikey’s POV
I shot up and looked at the place Y/N once stood as the door to the building shut loudly. I saw she wasn’t there and the heard the room was as quiet as a mausoleum. I turned and saw everyone staring at me. Some with annoyed looks and others with one’s of disbelief.
“I said something I shouldn’t have, didn’t I?” They didn’t say anything in return. I sighed and looked back towards the door. I vaulted over the couch and made my way to the door. I opened it and scanned the area for any signs of a slight chance Y/N was still here.
“Go on.” Donnie said behind me. I shot forward and ran in the shadows. I made it to the edge of the woods surrounding the station and climbed up the side of a building. I knew Y/N’s main routes due to paranoia in all of us in the past years.
“Come on. You can find her.” I ran along the rooftops, searching until I finally saw the familiar head of hair and silver jacket. I skidded to a stop and jumped down into an ally ahead of her.
I sniffled and tightened my arms across my chest, fighting the chill that still hung in the air from the storm. I looked down and the ground as I walked, not wanting to meet anyone’s gaze. In New York, that’s probably not the smartest idea. Especially, since next thing I knew, I was being pulled into the ally and pressed to the wall. I went to scream but a hand was placed over my mouth. A green hand.
“It’s only me, Y/N.” Mikey moved his hand but didn’t move away. I could feel his breath on my face as I look away from him. I could feel him staring but did nothing. That was until I felt his gentle touch on my cheek. I looked at him to see a heart breaking expression.
“Mikey?” I said his name in question. He wiped his thumb across my cheek, catching a stray tear.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. “I’m sorry for me and my big mouth. I know that I say a lot of stupid things and especially at the most inconvenient times but know that if I ever hurt you, I am not meaning too.” He looked down for a second. “I never wanted to hurt you Y/N, I was only trying to make a joke and I realized quick that I used the wrong words.” He kept rambling and my heart swelled at his apology.
“Mikey.” I said it so softly. I could barely hear myself so it didn’t surprise me that he didn’t hear me. I chuckled slightly and watched him. I watched as he rambled before deciding on what to do to stop him. I grabbed his neck and kissed him.
“Umph.” He froze. I pulled away and saw his eyes wide. I bit my lip as he shook his head. He looked down at me surprised. I saw joy and desire flash through his eyes.
“Mikey? Are you alright?” I asked, placing my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into my hand. He took a big breath before looking at me with determination. He leant forward and kissed me. I froze this time but only for a second before closing my eyes and kissing back.
“Does this mean that you feel the same for me as I feel for you?” He was breathing hard as he pulled away and asked. I nodded before opening my eyes. His eyes were as bright as the brightest star. Before he could say anything else, someone came into the ally. Mikey grabbed me and we were on the rooftop in the next moment.
“It still blows my mind how you guys can do that so quickly.” I said laughing. I looked over the edge of the building before being turned back around and being kissed again. I kissed back.
“I am truly sorry, kitten.” Mikey apologized again as we pulled away.
“It is okay, Mikey.” I said while grabbing his hand. I rubbed circles into the back and kissed it gently. “I have liked you, really liked you for a long time. I could never figure out if you felt the same or you were just being your normal, flirty self…”
“I really do.” He said softly. He lifted his free hand and brushed it across my face, brushing hair out of the way. “I have been attracted to you from the very beginning and fell hard and fast when I got to know you.”
“So you…love me?”
“With every bit of my being. I love you with all my heart and more.” He smiled before pulling me into a hug. I smiled and buried my face into his neck. I heard and felt him chuckle as he tightened his hold. “Let’s get you home.”
“Okay.” He picked me up and run across the rooftops to my apartment. He only set me down once we were on my balcony. I reached up and pulled him into a kiss. He pushed me back by my waist against the door just as his t-phone went off.
“Really?” He groaned, pulling away. He picked it up and stepped back. I went inside to give him some privacy. I threw off my shoes and hung my jacket off and hung it on the back of the door. “I have to go. Donnie’s sensors picked up some gang activity. It looks pretty serious.” Mikey said as he walked in.
“I understand.” I smiled and sat on my bed. He knelt in front of me and set his hands on my knees.
“I’ll be back. After were done, I promise.” He assured me.
“Alright.” I giggled and pecked him on the cheek. “Be safe. All of you.”
“Totally, dudette.” He smiled wide and kissed my head before walking to the balcony.
“Mikey!” He paused just as he went to step up onto the railing. “Give em’ heck.” He smirked.
“You know it!” He exclaimed both jumping off the balcony and out of sight. I laughed and shook my head. I looked around and bit my lip.
“Did that really happen?” I asked out loud. I threw myself back and sighed. “What a night.”
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band--psycho · 5 years ago
Remus Lupin Imagine-Pure Magic
Thank you for the request @sooophie19, I hope you enjoy!
Maeves POV
It was weird being back home after so long; but it was exciting too. It was years since I’d seen my family, especially my brother, James...he’s a wizard, like the rest of my family. So he went off to Hogwarts, I, however, am what is known as a Squib; meaning that I don’t have any magical abilities To some people in the wizarding world, we are looked down upon, but my parents weren’t like that, they loved me as much as they loved James. They were shocked at first, I remember they were constantly trying to find signs of magic, but they couldn’t. Once the shock wore off though, they were almost...excited to have a child who would go to a Muggle schools. 
I was four when I started doing ballet...or attempting to do ballet, after watching the Nutcracker at Christmas, that’s when my parents decided to enroll me in a ballet school, at first it was just a hobby, something that I did on weekends. But as I got older, I bean to do it more often. I was a two years younger than James, so it was around the time that he started going to Hogwarts that I started to go to ballet dance camps over the summer, I was doing this until I was sixteen, meaning that I rarely ever saw James-we did write to each other though and then I got accepted into the Royal Ballet School in London..it was intense-but finally all of that work was worth it, because I’d been given the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker performance my school was doing at the Royal Opera House, I was so excited to tell James, mum and dad of the news. 
I excitedly made my way into the family home, I began to make my way up stairs but bumped into someone as I did so, hearing a cup smash; I waited for James to make some sort of joke, when he didn’t I looked up at him in confusion, only to find it wasn’t James, but instead, it was a guy with mousy brown hair, greyish blue eyes, with a prominent scars on his face who was standing infront of me
“Y/N?” he asked as he pulled out his wand.
“How do you know me?” I asked, confusion and slight fear evidently coming over my face causing the man infront of me to chuckle. 
“It would be ride to not know my best friends little sister,” he commented, as the fear faded and the confusion began to slowly be replaced with recognition. 
“Oh wait...you’re Remus..aren’t you..?” I asked, trying to cast my mind back to the letters that my brother had written to me over the years. He simply smiled and nodded as he waved his wand, muttering a single word as he did so and just like that, the smashed cup was fixed, as we both made our way to the bottom of the stairs. 
“Moony?” I heard an unfamiliar voice shout from upstairs, 
“What’s taking you so long-” as I herd those words a guy with wavy dark hair appeared, a small smirk appeared on his face as he made his way closer towards us. 
“Blimey. Prongs, you never said your sister was this cute,” the person who I believed to be Sirius shouted up the stairs to my brother, causing Remus to toll his eyes. 
“Shut up, Padfoot,” James said, pushing past Sirius and engulfing me in a big hug.
“It’s good to see you, sis,” he whispered into my hair. 
“It’s good to see you too,” I whispered, returning his hug.
Time Skip-That Evening
I spent a few hours with James, Sirius and Remus, discussing what had been happening over the last few years at Hogwarts and in the Muggle world; I also learned that Sirius was a very talkative and..flirty person, I noticed James glaring at him a few times when he did and Remus was just very quiet for most of the night. James also told me that mum and dad had gone away for the night; so much for surprise visits...
“Right, I’m gonna go to bed now guy,” I  said, standing up and making my way to the stairs.
“Want some company?” Sirius asked as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Pads..if you flirt with my sister one more time, I’ll stun you into next week,” James warned, scowling at him, causing Sirius to put his hands up in a surrendering motion.  
I don’t know why, but for some reason I just couldn’t get off to sleep..I spent hours, tossing and turning in my bed but to no avail. I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I sat up in my bed-debating whether or not I should carry on trying to sleep or not...I soon decided to just give up on sleep. Instead, I decided to go out to the garden and practice some of my ballet moves. 
Remus’ POV
I woke up with a start, feeling my heart hammering in against my ribcage as sweat dripped down my forehead...Merlin I hated these nightmares....I sighed, attempting to control my breathing as I slowly and quietly made my way downstairs to get some chocolate.Just as I was getting some chocolate from the cupboard, I saw something move outside and that’s when I noticed it was Maeve, dancing, the garden light acting almost like a spotlight as she effortlessly moved around the garden. I don’t know why, but for some reason her movements calmed me, washing away all of my fear from the nightmare. After a short while, I became transfixed by her movements, finding tranquility with every flow of her arm or stretch of her leg as she seamlessly glided along the grass, her feet but a breathe of air touching the ground, only briefly before being lifted back into the sky, shadowing the stars, her midnight hair swaying in the wind as she did so.I could feel my heart beat slow, almost hypnotised by the grace and beauty of her dancing. Never in all of my years of magic had I seen something so magical without a single spell being used. I was spellbound by her. Her movements halted when she noticed me, she slowly lifted her hand and shyly waved at me. I mimicked her actions, cursing myself mentally as I did so. A wash of guilt soon came over me, not only for watching her but also for disturbing her. My eyes glanced over to the door as Maeve slowly made her over to it. Conflicting thoughts ran through my head about what to do ‘do I stay here, do I leave, do I apologise...Merlin,...okay, just apologise, compliment her and leave, that’s all you’ve gotta do,’ I thought to myself. 
Maeves POV
A small blushed came across my cheeks as I made my way back into the house, Remus’ eyes avoiding mine. 
“Sor...sorry...I..I...didn’t mean to interrupt you..” Remus mumbled as he fiddled anxiously with the end of his tshirt sleeve. 
“It’s okay,” I replied. sending him a reassuring smile. 
“You’re beautiful...sorry...I.. I meant your..your dancing was beautiful...not to say that you’re not...beautiful, because you are...” Remus rambled, the warm feeling of my blush now filling my entire face. 
“Merlin...I’m sorry..” He apologised, looking down at the floor. 
“Thank you...” I said, walking a little bit closer to him. 
“For..for what?” he stuttered out. 
“Complimenting my dancing...and calling me beautiful..” I answered. 
“You’re...you’re welcome,” he replied, sending me  small smile. 
“Goodnight, Remus,” I said, making my way out of the kitchen. 
“Goodnight,” he replied simply. 
“Just so you know...I think you’re pretty cute,” I said, winking at him before disappearing up the stairs.
Part 2 
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qupshalfempty · 5 years ago
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Bumblebee X Reader - Flirty Saving and Confession
Requested by: @ozzy-bozzy
Words: 2,211
Reader POV
I was heading out of my berthroom, making my way down the hall when I spot yellow in my peripheral vision. Already knowing it was my favorite scout, I stood with a hand on my hip waiting for him to catch up. He buzzed and beeped once he caught up, thanking me for waiting and asking what I was up to.
“Just waiting for you honeybee, you wanna head out?”
He buzzed excitedly at me, the smile behind his mask made his optics slightly squint.
“Well come on.” I spin on the heel of my pedes and head to the main room. ‘Bee’s pedesteps following closely next to me. As we’re on our way, I look over my shoulder plate to see him already looking at me. His face lights up from being caught staring, or from the smirk I give him knowingly. Could be either.
We entered the main hanger of this old building we called a base. Some of the other’s turned at our arrival, giving us uninterested glances before returning back to work or conversations. Seeing none of the humans were here and needing watched, I transformed and was already outside of the base when I heard ‘Bee just start transforming and exiting the hidden tunnel behind me. I slowed down enough for him to catch up, both of us riding side by side into the hot desert with no destination in mind.
We drove pretty far, surrounded by trees in a forest I didn’t recognize. Both of us transformed out of our alt-modes taking in the view around us. The forest was nearly overgrown, the trees stood three to four times our height and cast the entire forest in shadow. It was a nice place for shade, compared to the heat of the desert. Walking farther in with ‘Bee slightly behind, I was looking up at what little sun peeked through the cracks of the treeline when I decided to make conversation with my all time crush.
“First time something on this planet is taller than us, huh?”
He didn’t speak- er… beep back.
I didn’t have time to turn and look before I was tackled onto my side, both of us landing behind a fallen tree. A shot rang out, I watched as it went past our “shield” and into a tree behind where I once stood. Leaving a black burn into the bark. That would’ve hurt, possibly landing into my shoulder. ‘Bee had already got off from on top of me, me slowly following behind. Hurriedly kneeling out of sight of the intruders, ‘Bee was already up and aiming towards the other bots, using the fallen tree as protection from their returned shots.
And sure enough, ‘Bees right. There stood 5 purple, ugly ass decepticons in front of us. A couple hiding behind trees as shields and the other three standing in plain view, slowly advancing towards us. I shook my head, grounding myself before joining ‘Bee in the fight. Two of them already down, the third one in plain view offlining shortly after. The only remaining two being those behind the trees. For an ambush there didn’t seem to be many here, maybe they expected us to be easy pickings?
While I continued to shoot, I see more of that ugly ass purple in my peripheral. Glancing to the left, a decepticon was sneaking behind ‘Bee, bringing his gun up behind ‘Bee’s helm. Before he could I tackled the bot, sitting above it and landing a single blow to it’s helm. The metal crushed beneath my servos, offlining him with a single punch in seconds. I stood off the bot’s body, fake dusting my frame off.
“We dealt with them quick, and looked good doing it too-”
Turning back, ‘Bee had dealt with the last remaining two. But he had this far away look in his optics as he stared in the direction of the last remaining bots he’d offlined. Looking closer, his servos were clenched by his sides. I hurriedly commed back to base.
“Ratchet, we’ll need a groundbridge.”
I went by his side and took my servo down from beside my helm and wrapped it around ‘Bee’s shoulder, turning him around to face me. He looked slightly angry, keeping his helm down to avoid my optics. I bent down enough to look into them, our helms inches from each other.
“You alright?”
He slowly nodded, but his expression didn’t change.
“What is it?”
He made a sound similar to a sigh before he buzzed angrily and beeping sadly.
“I should’ve known, I’m a scout! And you were put in danger because of me.. Nearly...”
Cutting himself off, his shoulders slumping. He looked up to me with sorrow filled optics. I sighed and squeezed my servo on his shoulder in comfort.
“You couldn’t have known that’d happen! Scout or not, and we’re fine! I’m okay, you’re okay. And we’re going back to base to watch a movie with the human’s that probably got there a while ago.”
While his saddened look didn’t go away, he looked slightly better. He hugged me with a force that nearly knocked me back onto my aft. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He usually doesn’t take things like this to heart, but I had an idea to cheer him up. I lightly pushed him away, grabbing his servos with mine and looking into his eyes. His expression changed immediately, from sad to shock. But not hesitating to grab my servos tightly with his bigger ones. We gazed into each other’s optics, our helms pressed together. After so long of us joking back and forth, and even longer realizing my feelings, I spoke softly.
“I like you, you are so caring towards me. More than anyone else-”
“Incoming groundbridge.”
The familiar sound of a portal resounded from my right, and of course the green and blue swirls was there. Sighing I pulled him along, despite his protests for me to continue, and into the portal. Once inside, I let go of his servo and head down the hallway. Before vanishing, I turn back and give him a smile and enter my room for the night. Leaving a blushing ‘Bee behind.
I couldn’t help but blush once in the private of my berth.
Next Day - Bumblebee's POV
I was having a conversation with Bulkhead in the main hangar, asking for advice. Seeing as everything seemed friendly with Y/N up to this point, I was confused. He wore an incredulous look with a raised brow at my buzzing.
“Hey ‘Bee.” I jumped, startled from my lingering thoughts of yesterday. They were behind me, most definitely seeing me startle from the knowing smile they gave me. They smiled as they passed me, optics locked onto mine. Their servos barely grazed mine that hung to my side. Winking, they transformed and sped out of the base. I stared at the tracks they left behind wide eyed, turning around to the others to see if they saw all of that as well. Arcee had a raised brow and the same incredulous expression as Bulk, aimed at the entrance of the base. While Bulk was just as surprised as me, mouth plates hung wide open. Suddenly Ratchet grunts from his place at his console, taking notice of the events as well.
“Are you leaving or not?”
Not needing to be told twice I sped after them.
They left very distinct tracks as well as a dust trail behind them as they drove in the desert, most definitely going to leave dust on their nice frame afterwards. After driving for a while, I see them just ahead of me. I caught up with them and drove by their side. I beeped and buzzed at them. ‘What are we doing?’
“What does it look like we’re doing? Racing!” And they sped off ahead of me. I beeped competitively. It’s on.
Catching up, we went neck to neck. I didn’t know where we were going, so for the most part I stayed behind. I planned on waiting for the last second to jump ahead once I saw what they deemed the finish line. We sped in circles around tall rock figures in the desert, obvious they had no set path but just taking a cruise. A fast cruise. I could hear them giggling ahead of me, before their mirrors moved slightly, attracting the sun and blinding me. I swerved a bit, before gassing it and returning to their side to avoid the sun’s reflection.
‘Hey’! I beeped in mirth. They just giggled harder, not slowing for a second. They made a sharp turn, heading towards a rock with a cave made into the side.
“Catch up, slow poke!” They yelled before entering the cave, slowing just a bit to hit a curve inside before vanishing from my sight. I follow after them, slowing down quite a bit due to not knowing the turns. Luckily there was only one path so I couldn’t get lost. The jagged hall was lit by weird blue crystals, warning me of curves ahead and lighting my way. Before long I cruised into an open room, with a pool of water inside as well as stalactites hung from the ceiling. More of those odd crystals decorated the walls beaming the lights off the crystallized mineral deposits hanging from the ceiling. The blue off the water reflecting seen clearly as white lines, dancing across the jagged rock walls.
Y/N stood on the other side of the room, out of their alt-mode and crouching by the water, more white lines shining on their frame. I followed suit, transforming then standing by their side.  Different shades of blues shone off of their frame, blinding me from their beauty in this moment. Before I could crouch to see what they were looking at something pushed my lower back causing me to fall forward into the water. While I was submerged under water, I heard full out laughing from the surface. Already knowing what happened, I broke through the water with a playful glare. Y/N calmed for a second, seeing my face and only laughed harder. That’s when I snaked a servos around one of their ankles and pulled it towards me, causing Y/N to stumble a bit following me into the water. Seconds later their bright smile breached the surface, the water up to their chest plates still giggling with the cutest look on their face..
We both locked optics gazing at each other. The lines that danced on the walls was now  on their frame. Assorted blues casted against her chassis and reflecting off their optics.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
They smiled at me, walking around me with their one of their servos grazing my hip. I stood still, just moving my head in their direction as they circled around me. Soon they were directly behind me, moving forward with their left servos on my shoulder and their helm resting on my other shoulder. Their chassis lightly pressed against my back, I leaned into the touch with my head leaning back slightly to see their expression. They took their chance and kissed me from behind. Rolling with it, I brought my right servos up to rest on the back of their helm pushing our helms closer if possible. All without moving from our position, them still comfortably behind me. This couldn’t get any better. We both pulled back, lookking into each other’s optics before I see movement in my right peripheral.
‘Splash!’ Water hit the left side of my helm, blinding me. I turned, buzzing, trying to grab at them before they could escape. They got a foot away when I had a grip on their hips and pulled them closer. I heard giggling, they were squirming, trying to get away.
‘Nope.’ I beeped out, hugging them close before picking them up slightly out of the water by their waist. Their laughs grew louder, causing flutters in my “gut”. I lost my grip, but finally I could see out of my optics and quickly grabbed their wrist before they could get any farther.
“Hahaha, hey!” We wrestled, me trying to trap them in my arms and them struggling to get away. They were laughing too hard to resist, taking my chance, I grabbed both of their wrists and pulled them closer to me. They stopped, knowing they were caught and just kept giggling with their eyes closed. Enjoying our little “fight”. Once I knew they’d stay, I brought both of my servos to their waist. They got the picture and we both swayed side to side in the water. Our hips causing ripples to bounce off the sides of the pool and the lines on the wall to dance with us.
After minutes of silence, they spoke up.
“Ya know, I think we’re past the flirting stage.”
‘I hope so.’
Their laugh is the best sound that’s reached my audio receptors. Even with all of the light around the both of us, they shine much brighter.
After Bee Left…
Ratchet sighed, his gaze remaining locked on the screen as the young scout sped out of the base. “Took them long enough.”
Arcee and Bulk nodded.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 5 years ago
So... I meant to do this post as a picture edit comparing things. But my computer where I can screenshot pictures and then find a way to upload them to Tumblr won’t let me do it anymore--it won’t let me post to Tumblr because it says the browser’s too old, even though I just downloaded the new one--so I’m just going to write an essay instead.
The Reason Why I Think Versus XIII Noctis/Now Yozora and Stella/Now Stella 2.0 (or whatever her name is. We still don’t know it) Might be Alternate Sora and Kairi
1. I was actually going to start this off by comparing the ways that Noctis and Stella flirted with how Sora and Kairi do--which, yes, Sora and Kairi have flirted and have chemistry. Shocking to a lot of this fandom, I know--which are quite similar.
So, in the scene where Noctis and Stella meet (though that’s been retconned, as Nomura later decided he wants them to have been childhood friends: another way they’re like SoKai), Stella is looking at a painting of the goddess Etro in Noctis’ citadel (the top floor of this one area) and Noctis sees her up there and goes up to see her (and there’s one moment where the camera, that was omniscient PoV up until this and will be later, becomes Noctis’ PoV, as the shot becomes slow motion and you can tell that while Stella is focused on the painting, all that Noctis is really seeing is Stella. And we’ve now gotten shots of Sora looking at Kairi that way now. And there are a few other scenes in this trailer when Noctis is staring at Stella when she isn’t looking). 
Anyway, Stella notes that Noctis can see this light that she can--that most other people can’t--and begins talking to him about it. And while Noctis is attracted to Stella... she makes him very nervous for that reason, and he isn’t sure he can handle their meeting for that reason, so he’s trying to scamper off... all while attempting to play it cool. He’s also uncomfortable with the topic, because he knows more about it than he’s letting on. 
But some parts of their conversation that is somewhat banter-y/flirty are:
Stella: Prince Noctis, you can see the light.
Noctis doesn’t confirm or deny, but with his next words he pretty much confirms he can: When did you first notice it?
Stella: When I was a child.
Noctis: Near death experience, right?
Stella: Was it the same for you?
Noctis: It’s not my fondest memory. LOL
Stella then talks about how it’s said that when people die, Etro--the death goddess--will open the gate, welcoming the souls of the departed. And when that happens, a bright light is supposed to appear from the land of the dead (the light that Noctis and Stella can see). And that any who can see that light are rumored to receive great power. Stella says that that’s how the legend goes in her country, of Tenebrae, and Noctis confirms that Lucis tells it the same way.
Stella then asks if Noctis received any power, like the legend says he should, from being able to see the light. He says: “I wouldn’t want anything like that. I’m fine the way I am.” To which Stella in an excited manner replies, “That’s what I thought! Any power... if it came at the cost of someone’s life. It would give me nightmares.” And she shivers. Noctis says, “Me, too. Good thing it’s just a fairytale.” But you can tell from this scene that they’re both lying and have received this power (that’s why they’re fishing for information from the other, to see if they’re the same), even if they don’t want to admit it. And I think Noctis even knows Stella has the power and is lying, and is being somewhat sarcastic towards her with the “good thing it’s just a fairytale.” He then is actually pretty kind in warning her not to talk about the light to other people if he were here, because “being too different from others only causes problems” (which indicates that Noctis has seen this firsthand, which is why he’s all hush-hush about it now).
And since they’re playing this game about the legend not being true, Stella asks: “If the legend is just a fairytale, what do you think the light really is?” Noctis replies: “It’s just something that’s there. Why can’t that be enough?” Noctis indicates that he has to go, and Stella says that she’d better do so, too. Stella introduces herself to Noctis (because she hadn’t until this moment, but she already knew who he was), but it’s clear in their hesitance and mannerisms that they like each other and don’t want this moment to end. Noctis even asks Stella to call him by his nickname “Noct”. 
Stella tells Noctis: “You know, I think I received something from that light tonight. I was given the chance to speak with you.” Noctis then jokes, “Well, then. Enjoy the nightmares,” since earlier Stella had said that if she got anything from the light--as doing so, in seeing the light, meant that someone had just died in that moment--it would give her nightmares. And Stella teases, “You’re a funny one, aren’t you Prince Noctis?” He tells her to call him “Noct” again, and she says she will the next time they meet: so he should come by Tenebrae sometime and she’ll show him around. He says he’ll consider it, and Stella leaves.
Now, let’s compare that with some SoKai banter. At the opening of KHI, Kairi startles Sora awake and she laughs at his expense. He tells her to give him a break, and she says: “Sora, you lazy bum. I knew I’d find you snoozing down here.” He then tries to argue that, “No, this huge black thing almost swallowed me up. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t- ow!” at which point Kairi has slapped him upside the head and asks, “Are you still dreaming?” Sora: “No, it wasn’t a dream... Or was it? What was that place? So bizarre.” Kairi: “Yeah, sure.” Sora then asks Kairi what her home was like: where she grew up. And she says, “I’ve told you before, I don’t remember.” There’s definitely some snark in that “I’ve told you before” bit. Sora asks: “Nothing at all?” And Kairi lies, “Nothing.” Sora then asks if Kairi ever wants to go back and she says that she’s happy on the Islands. Sora is doubtful about that questions, “Really?” Kairi then says she wouldn’t mind going to see it, though, and Sora says that he’d like to see it too, along with any other world out there: he wants to see them all. Kairi then asks what they’re waiting for.
Some other SoKai banter-y moments from the series: Kairi suggesting she and Sora take the raft without Riku, before admitting she’s only kidding. To which Sora teasingly says, “What’s gotten into you? You’re the one that’s changed, Kairi.” And then it continues onto a very sweet scene where Kairi explains that at first she was scared of seeing other worlds, but in knowing she can always return home she feels safe about it. And Sora reassures her that she will alway be able to come home. To which she tells Sora to never change... and though he’s baffled by it, you know he must appreciate the compliment.
The little argument they get into in the Underground Cavern: Kairi: “Well, let’s go.” Sora: “You can’t go.” Kairi: “Why not?” Sora: “Because it’s way too dangerous.” Kairi: “Come on, Sora. We’ve made it this far by sticking together. You can’t go alone!” Sora: “Kairi, even if we’re apart we’re not alone anymore, right?” Kairi: “I can’t help?” Sora: “You’d kind of be in my way.” Kairi: “Okay. You win. Take this. It’s my lucky charm, be sure to bring it back to me.” And she’s almost threatening him to bring it back with her tone, like “bring it back to me, or else.” But this is really her way of saying “make sure you come back home to me alive, you butt”. And Sora answers: “Don’t worry, I will.” And they make a promise that he will. And Kairi tells him that wherever he goes, she’s always with him and he says he’s always with her later, too.
If you talk to Kairi on the Islands, as she’s telling you what to collect. She’ll say something like, “Did you get that?” And Sora can say, “Yeah, I heard you.” Or “What was that again?” And if he says the latter, she’ll say “You’re hopeless!” and then begin telling you it again. She can also, in an exasperated way, give you hints on where to find things....
Which I think Sora references in this KHII conversation, as he teases her yet again: “You don’t remember my name? Thanks a lot, Kairi!” Kairi gasps here. Sora: “Okay, I guess I can give you a hint. Starts with an ‘S’.”
And just... look at all the text bubble things she says to him in KHII (quoting off the top of my head here) “I wish I could fight like you and Riku... I know what you’re going to say,” he was clearly arguing with her here, or about to, “but you two shouldn’t be the only ones getting hurt.” “So you all were out adventuring while I was living a normal life? Why do I always get left out? You’re going to tell me about it later!” “The three of us being together again like this reminds me of old times. If we all make it home, let’s finish that raft of ours!” “I’m sick of waiting so don’t tell me to stay behind. From now on, wherever one of us goes the other follows. Got it?”
And even in KHIII, where people say her feistiness was completely taken away, look at the look she gives Sora when he seems about to deny he ever wanted to share a paopu with her... Or how she says “I told you Sora, you’re safe with me.” (If that had been Nami instead, or something, she would have just blushed or smiled or sweetly said, “You’re safe with me, Sora.” There would have been no “I told yous” going on). And how she gives him that “So you finally figured it out, did you?” look, when he realizes it was her act of true love that saved him.
Other examples of Kairi poking fun at Sora: She actually calls him a lazy bum twice in KHII. The second time is after Leon knocked him out. Kairi: “Come on, lazy bum. Wake up.” And yes, I think that was Kairi and not Yuffie. In KHII, she tells Riku: “Come on, Riku. You know Sora’s completely hopeless without us.” And in KHI Sora says, “I can’t believe it. I really flew. Wait ‘til I tell Kairi! I wonder if she’ll believe me... probably not.” And in 0.2, Kairi tells Riku, “Who’s this Riku and where’s the old one? You sound like Sora.” And when Riku pretty much admits he is being Sora-esque, Kairi tells him, “Well, we still like you.” Which sounded like more Sora ribbing to me. Like, “Oh no, Riku! You’re acting like Sora! Yikes! But don’t worry, we still like you.”
So now that I’ve hopefully established that Noctella and SoKai have some of the same chemistry and flirting techniques, let’s move onto other ways they’re similar:
2. The childhood friends thing, for sure. 
3. That they got separated when they were young (fourteen-year-old Sora and Kairi and probably under twelve Noctis and Stella), as via concept art, I’m pretty sure the scene where Noctis and Luna get separated in Kingsglaive (when the Empire occupies Tenebrae) was actually written by Nomura (there’s quite a bit of evidence to this, but I’m only going to get into it if you want me to)... except I feel Stella would have chosen to stay behind like Luna did, and this might be a reason she came to resent King Regis, Noctis, and Lucis some (as Stella was supposed to be part antagonist... though I have my series that that was a ruse. And that Lucis was secretly the bad guys the whole time, so in somewhat opposing them Stella was really the heroine all along, but ehh).
3.5 And with that, they seem to be separated a lot (like SoKai) and do the “reaching for each other” thing, too.
4. Both couples have the same power. Sora and Kairi can summon Keyblades, and Noctis and Stella both had the Power of Kings (that’s what it’s called in FFXV, anyway, if that was what it was called back in Versus XIII, I don’t know). And with that, and also with them both having the power to see the Light, I think Nomura meant for the two to parallel each other--or perhaps be Foils--that we’ve even seen a bit with Sora and Kairi, like with how their movements in the secret place to see the paopu drawing are exactly the same.
5. Both pairings, for some reason, have connections to the Final World... that should maybe be Sora and Kairi’s place (and I have my theories about that), since it’s where sea and sky meet. But a dead Stella is there, and a dead Sora is there, eventually at the same time(?) (...and Sora and Kairi met there in the main game). And if you get the bad ending of the Yozora fight, it looks like Yozora reaches the Final World and finds Stella. And if you win the Yozora fight, it looks like Sora enters the Final World and finds Kairi. And Stella told Sora about Yozora... and it’s maybe implied that Kairi told Yozora about Sora? And both Sora and Yozora are in a night version of the Final World... which I especially have no idea how Yozora is there, if Sora got there by abusing the Power of Waking. And both boys also got there, somewhat, in presumably trying to save their girls (that I’ll get into more in a minute).
6. Noctis and Stella at least called each other on cell phones in Versus XIII, apparently. And Sora at least had the potential to call Kairi on the gummiphone in KHIII, but never did (but maybe he didn't because Kairi didn’t get hers until Jiminy gave everyone them at the end of the game, and by then there was no point). But perhaps Sora and Kairi will communicate this way, ala Noctis and Stella, in the future.
Which brings me to the more important number seven. 7. In the one concept art, it looks like Stella has the Lovers’ Notebook from XV... which maybe means that that was always Nomura’s idea, and Noctis and Stella would have somewhat communicated through letters to each other like Noctis and Luna ended up doing. And Kairi writes letters to Sora (she’s been doing this since II). And perhaps Sora might write to her in the future.
8. Both girls were presumably killed by their respective game’s antagonist, and the protagonists were distraught by the loss of them (well, this fact is being kept from Yozora, since another’s heart has taken root in him... but Stella says he will be distraught when he finds out. And I believe her. And I also think he knows more about it than she realizes) and go to great lengths to bring them back. Like, I think that’s why Yozora reaches the Final World in the bad ending: he’s trying to find Stella.
9. Reasons I think Kairi and Stella are the same person (other than what I’ve already listed)... From the little we know of Stella, which I admit isn’t a lot, she and Kairi seem to have similar personalities (with them both being teasing, yet kind). Stella is/was arguably a princess like Kairi “is”. Based off the one concept art of Stella, they both clearly like pink and perhaps fashion... They both have ethereal kinds of powers, it looks like... A lot of people have even brought up how the new version of Stella looks a lot like Kairi (and even the past design for Stella had purple eyes like Kairi, as does her new design). Especially the Another Side, Another Story design for Kairi. They both like flowers... And while I do think her name will be star-themed, based on her necklace and her being called the “Nameless Star”, perhaps it represents how the paopu fruit is star-shaped... and the paopu fruit has been connected to Kairi for a long time now, like with how that was the chess piece that represented her on Xehanort’s chessboard. Oh! And they’re both very polite and respectful. And both Kairi and Stella 2.0 have sort of emblem necklaces, but tbh... so do most FF girls. And Kairi can warp-strike like Stella may have been able to. Stella’s magic is now purple like Kairi’s signature color used to be. Part of Kairi’s skirt in KHIII is like Stella’s from Versus XIII.
10. Reasons why I think Sora and Yozora are the same person (other than what I’ve already listed): their names both mean “sky”. And long ago, Nomura said how he named Sora and Yozora (then Noctis) as opposites for a reason (since Yozora is “night sky”). Probably because Yozora has become corrupted, as someone’s possessing him... and maybe he was even corrupted because his light, Stella, is gone. Like it was so easy for Master Xehanort to turn Sora into Rage Form when his light, Kairi, was gone. Yozora can steal your Keyblade... and apparently if you hack that fight, you can get the words “you’re not the true Keyblade bearer”, or something like that, to appear. Which sounds like some Sora and Roxas type shit to me. Oh! And Yozora can steal your Keyblade, which says a lot right there! And the fight with Yozora begins on Sora’s heart platform/his heart, before Yozora somehow turns it into Shinjuku/the world of Verum Rex. I also think we were supposed to imagine Rex thinking Sora was Yozora was a red-herring when, in fact, it was anything but. Like, I think Sora looks like Yozora some. Edit: And, yes: Yozora is a prince--maybe? His driver referred to him as a commander--but there’s also a lot of evidence that Sora secretly is or is going to become that. Or a king, rather. Edit 2: And Sora is teased over his crush on Kairi in KH, and according to old Nomura interviews... the chocobros were going to tease Noctis about Stella in Versus XIII. They can both warp, too. And they could both be said “I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately, like is any of this for real or not” moments in their stories. Could Magia and Aegis be like Yozora’s Donald and Goofy?
There are even more things I could say... (like, how according to rumors, Ravus was a lot like Riku--and Ravus hated Noctis because he killed his sister Stella... while possessed, no doubt. And perhaps Riku is the Ravus to Stella’s Kairi, as maybe he does see her as more of a sibling now, and we just saw his hatred of Sora when it came to Kairi play out earlier and for different reasons), I won’t because there’s less concrete evidence there... I really think this could easily be a thing, guy. And if nothing else, it’s at least a theory worth looking at, imo.
Edit: Though it’s also just possible that Nomura likes to use similar tropes with his couples. Haha.
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lailannajacobs · 6 years ago
Just Dumb Luck - Loki X Reader
Pairing: Loki LaufeysonX Reader
Summary: Without a date for your double date with your ex, you grab the first stranger you set your eyes on. 
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Fluff, flirty Loki
A/N: First time writing fan fiction (and writing in 2nd POV) so please be gentle! Also tried to make it as gender neutral as possible! Feedback is always appreciated! 
You can't believe you forgot. You know you can always come up with some excuse, like the flu, so that you won't have to show up to your double date with your ex, Brian, but you know he'd see through it. Even if he didn't, it would still feel like you lost the breakup. And you never lose. It wasn't like you had actually thought he was serious when he had said he still wanted to be friends after breaking up eight months ago. You guys hadn't even kept in touch until about a couple days ago when you had bumped into him on your way to work. Seeing him standing there with his pretty blond girlfriend had almost made you throw your coffee on them. Almost. Instead, you had just lied about being in a relationship too, without thinking that he would invite you and your new partner to dinner with them. You had agreed like an idiot, thinking one of your coworkers would play the part for the night, but those asshats were all busy.
You were ten minutes away from the stupid date, on the subway texting every one of your contacts in desperation. You would settle for any of your friends, even some of the ones that he had met. People fell in love with their friends all the time, it was a credible lie. Right? But it didn't matter. No one was free when you needed them to be.
You mount the steps and out into the cool evening air, almost sending Brian a text saying there was trouble with the subway and you were going to be late, so that you could give yourself more time to find your date. But that's when you see him, leaning against a street lamp, staring at his phone in confusion. You don't know what it is that makes you zero in on this guy. Maybe it's because the dark suit, dark hair and angular facial features are the opposite of Brian's golden retriever vibe. Or maybe it's because you have about three minutes left until you're due at the restaurant. Either way, you walk up to the stranger and blurt out your piece.
"Hi. I know I don't know you and you don't know me but hear me out. This might seem like a weird proposition but how would you like to be my date for the night?"
When he lifts his eyes from the phone you falter a bit, caught up in the piercing green of them. He puts his phone into his pocket, his hands remaining there. There's a ghost of a smirk on his lips, almost as if he's trying to hide his amusement. You do your best to ignore the need to keep staring at him and continue on before he can answer, "the only catch is that you'd have to pretend to be my boyfriend. Oh and to convince our double date, my ex, of that tiny little fact."
"What's in it for me?" He drawls tilting his head.
"A free meal and the company of a stunning date." You sass, looking around for Brian and his girlfriend to hide the fact that you find his gaze so intense.
If this guy doesn't say yes, you don't know what you're going to do. You turn your attention back to him and look him up and down. You can't help but think that if this guy says yes, he would be the perfect date. He is definitely handsome even though a guy with shoulder length ink hair isn't normally the type of guy you'd go for.
"I'll do it."
You bring your attention back to those incredible green eyes, surprised. Although you thought you'd be relieved, you're just skeptical. What kind of creep says yes to a random stranger without asking more than one question?
You look up at him with a scrutinizing stare. "Really? Why?"
His lips spread into a dangerous smirk. His gaze rakes up and down your body and you feel your chest tighten but you ignore it. "Let's just say that I have an inclination towards mischief and this seems like fun."
You have the impression that he wanted to say 'you' instead of 'this' but before you can really process his answer Brian's voice cuts through the crowd.
"(Y/N), I'm glad you could make it!"
The stranger looks down at you with an arched brow, silently asking if you'd made up your mind even if you're the one who went to him with a question. You're a little infuriated that this stranger seems to have taken charge of the most random situation so easily but you're out of options. You mouth 'fine', hoping you didn't just bring a crazy person or a murder on your double date, and whirl around to face your ex. As soon as you face Brian and his perfect little girlfriend, you feel a large hand on your waist tugging you towards him. It's a possessive gesture that, although you know nothing about this man and you know that it's all fake, it sends a thrill through you anyways.
"Brian. Hi! Emily, how are you?" You try and greet them as cheerfully as possible.
"It's Amelie."
"Oh gosh I'm so sorry." You lie.
You hear the stranger let out a little breath that might have been a laugh and you feel pleased with yourself. You tell yourself that it's just because you're glad that this stranger doesn't seem like a complete snob, which means you've made a good decision, but really it's because you're glad that, in some way, you click with him. After all, who doesn't like to know they've got something in common with a good looking person? You've almost convinced yourself that you're not actually kind of attracted to the stranger when Brian interrupts your thoughts.
"I don't think I got your boyfriend's name last time we saw each other."
Neither did you.
You're about to rebaptize your date for the night when he pulls his right hand out from his pocket, "Loki. Nice to meet you both."
Brian looks just as confused as you feel. You tilt your head up to get a better look at the stranger but when you see the fake smile on his face - nothing like the one he gave you earlier - you remember that this shouldn't surprise you. You should have learned his name months ago.
Quickly recovering, you snuggle in closer and shoot Brian your best Everything's Good Here smile, "It's short for Lokene. His mother is Hawaiian."
"Why go by Loki then, Lokene?" Brian practically sneers the name.
You can't believe that the stranger's - Loki's - presence is already getting Brian to act like an ass, but you were glad it does. The stranger looks down at you, ignoring Brian's question for a moment, his eyes locking onto yours. His lips are curled into the roguish smile he had shot you earlier as if the two of you were sharing an inside joke. I guess you kind of were. "I was always playing tricks as a child, I guess my mother found it was an appropriate pet name. It just stuck."
"I like it." You whisper, forgetting for a moment that Brian and his girlfriend are standing right in front of you.
His smile drops, as if he's surprised by your words but he doesn't look away. You don't want him to either. You can tell he's observing you, almost as if he hadn't quite seen you until now. Just by the look in his eye you can tell that he's extremely intelligent. He sees more than his arrogance lets on and, although you're assuming, he must like it that way.
"Aww you guys are so cute!" Amelie gushes.
Loki peels his attention away from you and motions towards the restaurant, "shall we?"
You follow the couple into the restaurant, very aware of his hand now on the small of your back. The hostess leads you to a table towards the back of the terrace, in a slightly secluded area.
Loki offers to take off your jacket like a gentleman from the 40s but while he's doing so, he dips his head so that you can feel his breath tickling your ear.
"I promise you that this jacket isn't the only thing I'm going to take off you when we get home and walk through the door. I don't care if we don't make it to the bedroom." His raspy promise isn't very loud, but just loud enough that you see Amelie blush.
You can't blame her. His words send shivers down your spine too. He's playing his part too well. It's not like you're worried about Brian and Amelie not believing your scheme, rather you're wondering if you might get carried away in it too. You tell yourself that it's a ridiculous thought because you've just met him. Nobody is that good of a liar. You worry for a second that you may have brought a conman to the table but the worry goes away when you remember that you have to keep up the charade for an hour. You'll take anyone who can get you through it without a hitch, especially someone who exudes the kind of confidence he does. Whatever he is, you'll take it if it can get you through the night.
His eyes are still focused on you, calculating your response. You know he said that to get a reaction out of Amelie but you wonder if he did that to play games with you as well. If it's both, you know you're not one to lose.
"And this is why I keep saying I can't take you out." You pretend to scold before taking your seat.
You look over at Amelie and roll your eyes as if to say 'men'. She returns the look with a sheepish smile, reassuring you that although Brian may have just suggested the date to rub winning the breakup in your face, his girlfriend doesn't seem aware of that fact.
"So, Loki, (Y/N) said you were some kind of business man?" Brian asks once the waitress has brought all of your drinks and taken your orders.
Loki ignores the condescending tone and answers with a false smile, "I'm in the art business."
"Ooh! What does that entail?" Amelie leans forward with interest.
Your date slides his hand over to cover yours before answering, "I procure beautiful pieces and show them at galleries. Occasionally I'll sell a few. Although," he pauses just long enough to slide a look in Brian's direction, "I'm good enough at my job to know which ones are worth keeping."
You notice Brian's eyes narrow slightly and you twist your hand to interlace your fingers with Loki's. You had been sweating this date when you were on the train here, but you feel an arrogant smile spread across your lips. Your relationship might not be real but that doesn't mean you can't win the break up anyways. As if sensing the shift in your mood, Loki takes that moment to lift your hand and kiss it. If he realizes that Amelie is smitten by you, he doesn't show it and continues the conversation as if these little gestures are every day occurrences for him. "(y/n) hasn't told me anything about you, tell me about yourself Brian."
Brian goes on to tell them about his job as a small business owner and how, because of that he met Amelie, but you can't really focus on his story because Loki is drawing lazy circles on your thigh with his long finger. You've never had this much physical contact with a complete stranger without having any alcohol in your system but you tell yourself that you're okay with it. The act wouldn't be convincing otherwise. But you know you're lying to yourself because it would be crazy to feel so attracted to someone you know so little about. You're so caught up in thinking about this whole crazy situation that you don't realize that Amelie asked you a question until Loki speaks up, "love, Amelie asked you a question."
"Sorry, I got a little distracted."
"It happens all the time when they gets hungry, it has nothing to do with you Amelie." Loki smirks, as if he knows exactly what - or who - has you so distracted.
"Oh that's fine," Amelie waves her hand in dismissal, "I'm absolutely starved too! I can't believe the service is taking this long! I was just asking you how long you've lived in the city for?"
The food comes before you have the chance to answer.
"If you keep getting distracted like that, no one is going to believe us." He taunts in a low whisper. His hand leaves your thigh to place a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You roll your eyes. "I think you've been more than touchy feely enough that I don't have to worry about it."
"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure you wanted to grab my hand when I took it off your thigh."
Amelie asks you another question before you can deny his claim, which is probably a good thing. Having your double date whisper to each other all evening probably isn't the best idea.
The rest of the evening goes by pretty quickly. Loki does an excellent job at selling your happiness together, so much so that you think Amelie has kind of fallen in love with him a little. Brian stopped talking about halfway through dinner and despite the fact that you learned nothing about the man sitting beside you, you grow accustomed to the little touches of affection he shows throughout the night. Loki picks up everyone's bills, infuriating Brian even further, and keeps his hand on your back the entire time you make your way out of the restaurant and onto the street. Saying goodbye to the couple doesn't take long and you're standing alone with Loki in the exact same place you met him.
You face him. You're standing so close to each other that you have to crane your neck to get a better look at him. Neither of you are saying anything but you can tell he's not going to by the slight crook of his lips. He's waiting on you.
"Thank you."
"You're very welcome."
His eyes are alight. He's looking at you like he did when you first approached him, which is distinctly different from the way he did all night in the restaurant. This doesn't feel like an act.
"Is Loki even your real name?"
You search his eyes for a lie but you don't see one.
"Like the Norse God of Mischief?"
"Where are you from?"
"The U.S?"
You think you see something flash through his eyes. You don't know why but you get the feeling he's not telling the truth, and as much as you want to let it drop because he helped you out tonight, you can't. It's not in your nature to let it slide.
"The way you manipulated Brian and his girlfriend was pretty exceptional Loki but that's not going to work with me. I know a lie when I see one. Also, the accent kind of gives it away that you're not from here."
His lips curl into a full on smirk, "Impressive. But I don't think you would believe me even if told you where I'm from."
"Is that so?"
He only nods.
"Try me."
"What do you say we go to your place and I tell you there?"
The proposition is so direct it surprises you. Your first reaction is to say no but you can't get yourself to say it. You didn't want to thank him and walk away earlier and if you're being honest with yourself, you don't want to now either. Like it or not, you want to know more about the mysterious stranger. You know it'll be interesting and, you don't do boring.
You lift your chin defiantly and order, as if it was your idea in the first place, "Follow me."
Part Two
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billyboisfangirlarmy · 6 years ago
Dare Me
Part 2
Henry POV:
I sit on the couch holding the pillow against my face as the tv plays. Belch slumps on the couch and passes me a beer. “You really want to drink right as were going to make you remember your drunken night?” Julie asks as she sits next to Carly. I lean up sipping the beer not listening to Julie. Carly scoffs. “Gosh you two do belong together.”
“Who?” I ask with furrowed eyebrows. The three throw their heads back in frustration. “Dude have you really never through your anger for (Y/n) might be because you kind of like her?” My eyes widen and my mouth dries. “What? Sister Tozier? No way! She’s a-” I stop myself at the right moment. My hands tangle with each other and my eyes avert down to my lap. “She’s a what? A slut? Come on dude we all know you made up that rumor that started it all, and you only made it up because-” “Because she was talking to the nerd from history class. He asked her to the formal, and she said yes. He asked her before I could. So yeah, I made up a cruel joke to deal with it. I was young! I didn’t know my feelings would grow stronger the harder I pushed her away.” I rant finally admitting I have feelings for (Y/n) Tozier.
“Fuck.” I breath and chug the rest of the beer. “That’s not how you treat a girl Henry.” Carly states. “No shit Barbie.” I snap back. “Okay! We need to fix this! We need to get you and (Y/n) together.” I laugh sinking into the couch. “Yeah right! She hates me!” “She only hates you because you hate her.” “But I don’t!” “Well she doesn’t know that!” I huff in defeat. “Alright wing men. How do we do this?” “Sexist.” “Deal with it.” I argue with Carly as Julie pulls out a notebook and starts writing frantically.
“OKAY! So truthfully you like (Y/n), but all she sees in the hatred and in return that’s what you get back. The first thing you need to do is establish a friendship with her. Then when she’s comfortable enough try making flirty remarks. Oh man bring her flowers, and maybe a teddy bear, and even-” “-We’re talking about (Y/n), not you Julie.” “You don’t think she’d like that stuff?” I ask confused. “It’s (Y/n). She’s simple. Just give her attention, trust, and love.” “Oh you used the L word! She really doesn’t like that!” “She doesn’t like the word love?” Belch asks sipping his beer. “She doesn’t believe in it.” “Why?” I ask even more confused. Julie shrugs slightly, but Carly takes a deep breath. “When you get close enough to her you’ll understand why.” Julie looks down in shame. What goes on behind the scenes for you (Y/n) Tozier?
I slap on the back and laughter is received from Belch. “Good job Herny. The one girl you actually like and she’s complicated as hell.”
3rd person pov:
So, there they sit. The Bowers boy spilling out his feelings and realizations. The girls giggle at the fact that their friend has got an admirer. “Shit. I’ve got it bad for Sister Tozier.” Henry nods his head not sure whether to smile or have a bitch face. “Why don’t we start with calling her (Y/n)? Ya know… Like a normal person.” Carly states.
The next day in school was tough for Henry. His palms were sweaty under his desk as he toyed with his thumbs hesitant on asking for a pencil. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail exposing her shoulders nicely. The smooth skin looking beautiful to Henry. The untouched beautiful flesh compared to his bruised and battered skin enchanted him.
As if she could feel the eyes he was burning onto her skin, she turned around meeting his gaze. “You need something?” Henry looked over to Julie who was nodding encouragingly. “Uhm Yeah… (Y/n) would you mind meeting me somewhere...to study? I’m failing this class.” (Y/n) looked slightly confused, but nodded her head accepting the offer. Henry smiled. “Great. How about my house? Here.” Henry pulls out a folded sheet of paper with his address written to the best of his ability. She nods her head and turns back around. He leans up again. “5 sound okay?” She nods her head getting back to work. Henry leans back smiling slightly. Julie looks at him excitedly smiling at him. This interaction of the two not going unnoticed by (y/n) Tozier.
After the class ends Henry meets up with Belch and Julie. “She’s not even speaking to me.” Belch looked confused. “She’s coming over to your house dude.” “Not like she’s into it! She’s helping me study.” Julie calms the situation. “If she wasn’t open to the idea of speaking to you, she wouldn’t have said yes dumby.”
Henry POV:
She should be here soon. I knock my foot on the wood of my porch. Dad shouldn’t be home tonight if everything goes as planned.
Her car pulls up and I fight the strange tightening feeling in my chest. She steps out of her car; notebooks in hand. As she walks up the steps, she looks at me smiling slightly. “Hi Henry.” I shuffle to the door letting her in. “H-Hey Toz- (Y/n).” I follow her in and advise her to sit on the couch. She flips open her binder to see her notes and worksheets. “So how have you been?” She ignores my question and continued to flip the pages. Her eyes meet my own and she pauses. “I’m fine.” Silence follows.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for the other morning. For treating Four eyes like that. In front of you at least.” (Y/n) closes her book and stacks the papers. “Here’s the deal Henry. I’m only helping you on certain terms. Number one, you treat me as a human being. Number two, you stop picking on Richie and his friends so much!” Henry’s aura falls but he keeps quiet. “Number three, we’re not friends.” Henry smirked finding a loophole. Not friends she says. He could work with that.
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axelsagewrites · 7 years ago
Jace*You wish
Requested by @mrs-weekday
Summary: Jace and (Y/N) are friends with benefits  but don't realise that's not everything they are...
Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
Prompt list HERE
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4. "I'm not jealous!" 7. "You sure about that?" 12. "You wish" 16. "Who do I need to kill?" 84. "Are you kidding me?! We aren't 'fine'"
Jace rolled off of (Y/N) and lay in the bed, naked, together. “Good?” He questioned without looking. “Yeah, I suppose.” “We all know you love me.” “Uh get dressed.” The pair both got up and gathered their clothes that were flung around (Y/N)’s room. Jace sat down on the bed and started to pull up his trousers. “Same time next week?”(Y/N) hummed in response, pulling a t-shirt on. Jace finished getting dressed and walked to the door. “This means nothing remember?” “Trust me I do.” Jace left, slightly slamming the door, while (Y/N) straightened up their room and bed. This was on going in the pairs life. They hated each other, they thought, but to release some energy became friends with benefits. Not even friends.
Everyone thought they hated each other. They always made snide comments or avoided each other when they could. It was difficult for the Lightwood siblings as they were friends with both of them. Everyone thought ‘they would make a cute couple’ but knew it wouldn't work. They really hated each other. Or did they?
Izzy, Alec, Jace and (Y/N) had just finished a mission at the pandemonium. The fierce four had caught the demons with ease and now Jace and Alec sat at the bar while Izzy and (Y/N) chatted to one of Izzy’s seelie friends.
(Y/N) POV “It was great seeing you!” Izzy wrapped her arms round the seelie while they gave a small smile. “As with you.” They walked away and now it was just me and Izzy surrounded by downworlders. “Lets get some drinks!”  I yelled over the music. We made our way to the bar and sat down. “Two (Y/F/D).” The werewolf barman nodded although looking warily at our runes. “Please.” Izzy looked down the other end of the bar at Jace who was staring at me while Alec talked to Magnus. “He’s so looking at you!” She gripped my arm, grinning. I gave her a ‘hoe no’ face and she sighed. “We all know you love each other. I saw him sneaking out of your room.” “It’s just sex, Iz.” I sighed, grabbing my drink. “I don't like him like that. Hell I don't like him in general. I’m sure he feels the same.” “Prove it.” I laughed. “Fine, pick someone.” Izzy surveyed the area, looking for someone presentable. After a few moments she pointed over to a cluster of vampires. “Him. The cute brunette.” I looked over. She wasn't wrong. He had messy brown hair, pale smooth skin and was wearing a band t-shirt and skinny jeans. He was cute, not as hot as Jace but…. No! What am I thinking? “Ok. Don't wait up.” “Ok.” She laughed as I sauntered over, moving my hips more than normal. “Hey there.” I put my hand on this man’s arm. He looked over from his conversation to see me. “Hey.” He turned back and winked at them. I had to repress an eye roll. “Come over here a sec.”
He lead me over to a separate place from his friends. I leaned against the wall while he place a hand on the wall next to my head. I gave some flirty giggles to his sub par jokes and occasional glanced to where Jace was. “Go get us some drinks babe.” “Ok.” As I walked to go get some drinks I could feel his eyes on me.
I went up where Izzy was sitting and ordered them. “Told you. Neither of us care.” “I wouldn't be so sure of that.” She said with slight worry in her voice. “Look.” I turned to look and saw Jace leading the guy outside. “Uh oh.” Me and Izzy quickly sped off to the door they went out.
When we got through we saw Jace punching the guy in the face. I never got his name so yeah… “Jace!” He briefly turned. “What the hell?” Me and Iz pulled him off and the vampire looked at us before speeding off. “Damn it Jace!” I shoved him back into the wall. “I’ll give you two a minute.” Izzy said before heading inside. We stayed in silence. “Well?” I said after a few moments. “It’s nothing. Its fine.” He went to walk inside but I stopped him. "Are you kidding me?! We aren't 'fine'. You just punched I vamp in the face since your jeal-” "I'm not jealous!" He cut me off. "You wish I was.” “Jace we cant keep doing this.” I sighed. “What?” “Don’t you see?! You keep ruining all of my chances with guys!” I yelled. “Angel! We cant keep doing this! I want to date people without you blowing up!” “I’m looking out for you!” He yelled back. “Who do you like” “Thanks what I mean!” I gestured towards him, flailing my arms. “You act crazy every god damn time!” “Maybe its because I love you!” He screamed. “Did you ever think of that?” I got quiet. “Jace...” I started. “Don’t.” Jace stormed off and left me. I sank down against the wall crying.
After a few minutes Alec walked through the door. He saw me crying and crouched down next to me. “Hey, its ok. Who do I need to kill?” “No one.” I stopped crying. “It’s my fault. I hurt Jace.” He sighed and sat down. “Could you really not see he liked you?” “I don't know.” “Do you like him?” I nodded. “So why are you still here?” “He ran away.” Alec put his hand on my shoulder. “He’s just scared. As hard as it is to believe. Love scares him.” He looked around for a minute. “I’ll text him if you agree to go to him.” I nodded and he pulled out his phone and put an arm round my shoulder. “He’s at some mundane place. Its called ‘McDonald's.’” I stood up. “See you later.” I didn't listen to his goodbye and just sped off. I put on a speed rune and went to find him.
I got to ‘McDonald's’ and saw Jace through the window. I walked in and sat in front of him. He was drinking a milkshake and had some fries and chicken nuggets in front of him. At least I think that's what they're called. He slid the box in between us so I took a nugget. I looked it over sceptically. “Its not poisonous.” “The amount of fat in it, it might be.” He gave a weak chuckle but I took a bite any way. “Why’d you run?” “You don't feel the same so-” “I do.” I cut him off. “I think I do. I’m not good with the whole ‘sentimental emotions’ thing but I do like you. Like you like you.” “So...” he trailed off. We sat in silence for a few minutes. “What do you want to do?” “Let’s make this a date.” He looked up with a small smile and a quirked eyebrow. “Go get me some food and we can pretend to be a couple of mundie teenagers in gogo eyed love.” “Ok.” He laughed and slid out of his seat. He returned a few minutes later with more food. “Your royal lovely-ness.” He faked bowed and I snorted. Not a flirty giggle but a proper laugh. We stayed up all night talking, laughing and being honest. We got back to the institute around two am and went to his room and cuddled before falling asleep. We talked the whole time. It was perfect. The next day we were dating and it was wonderful.
Hey. I didn't have clue what to name this so the title isn't the best. Also normally I put a last name but because its jace my only option would be ‘Jace ???’ or ‘Jace Wayland, Lightwood, Morgenson, Herondale’. Whoever he marries I feel sorry for the name change.
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foularcadebanana · 8 years ago
Drarry Street Artist AU
So, as most of my followers are well aware, I’m a huge Jaspar shipper. I’ve written quite a few fics, including a Street Artist AU about them-I’ll link it right over here. In the past few months though, I’ve grown incredibly obssessed with Drarry-the idea of them, the fics, everything basically. I’ve been wanting to write a piece about them for a while, but I had absolutely no idea where to start. Then I remembered the Street Artist AU Jaspar fic I’d written and I thought ‘hey, here’s a great idea’. Now I present to you all, my Drarry Street Artist AU.
Harry adjusted his glasses and pushed his hair away from his face, eyes not moving from the piece of canvas in front of him. They only shifted slightly to the left to acknowledge the woman that he was supposed to be sketching. 
“You have a beautiful smile,” he said to her, giving her one of his own heartwarming smiles in return. He could see the reaction his comment had on the woman. She looked quite flustered and blushed a deep red colour. It didn’t matter that he was just doing it for the tips, the complimenting that is, it still made him happy to see how people reacted when he said something really nice about them. It was cute.
Just as he’d suspected, Harry got quite a heavy tip from the woman when he handed her the sketch that he’d drawn of her. He continued as such, drawing sketches and complimenting his customers or talking to them, cracking a joke a couple of times to keep them entertained and to make sure that they weren’t bored. It didn’t matter that he was just a simple sketch artist in the middle of the busy streets of London, his job was much more than that and he’d learned that on his first day working there.
The sky darkened and the sun started to set by the time Harry decided to wait for one last customer. It was still early in the evening and the cold winds were blowing harshly. Harry shivered against the biting cold and suddenly wished that he’d brought a coat or a jacket with him to protect him from the city’s unpredictable weather.
He was pulled out of his thoughts just then by a polite clearing of the throat and looked up to see the most amazing set of grey eyes he’d ever seen. Was it even possible for someone to have that eye colour? He could get lost in those eyes...and the hair! His hair was a shade of blond that was unknown to him, a sort of platinum blond if he had to guess. The boy’s skin was the palest and smoothest that Harry had ever seen, and he immediately wanted to make this beautiful stranger sit down so that he could sketch him.
Another polite clearing of the throat brought Harry out of his reverie yet again and this time it was accompanied by a raised eyebrow. Harry felt heat flaming his cheeks and he was sure that it showed as he realised that he had very obviously been checking this stranger out. This stranger who seemed to wear quite fashionable and expensive clothes and whose silky hair seemed perfectly styled.
Harry made himself look away from him as he found his voice and said, “How may I help you?”
The man still stared at him and Harry couldn’t really decide on what to make of his expressions but he didn’t have to wait long. “Are you still doing the sketches?” He asked. Harry only gave a nod of his head in response, which the man took as an invitation to sit down opposite him. “One of my friends got one the other day for fun and she told me about what a good sketch artist you were, so I thought that I would come check that out for myself.”
Harry didn’t know exactly when he’d lost the ability to speak but he didn’t think it was going to be coming back anytime soon. This seemed to slightly irritate the man who then said, “Look if you’re not free or have to go home or something you can just say so, but don’t waste my time by sitting there and staring at me without saying a word.”
That was when Harry suddenly regained the ability to speak. “I-sorry, I just-thank you, to your friend I mean, for saying those nice things about me. I’m sorry about not saying anything and staring at you, but-” Harry felt slightly shy and embarrassed at the words that would be coming out of his mouth now, “you’re beautiful.”
Whatever response Harry had been expecting to get, this hadn’t been one of them. The man simply huffed and rolled his eyes, waving a hand at him, dismissively. “Well, alright then, get sketching. I can already tell that this one’s going to be a masterpiece.” The bastard actually dared to smirk at him.
Harry felt his deeply buried stock of sass clawing out and trying to break free of its restraints as he narrowed his eyes at him. “You do know that the quality of the piece depends on the sketch artist and not the subject that he’s supposed to be sketching, right?” He looked at the man innocently with a sweet smile on his face.
The man’s smirk widened and he replied with, “I actually have to disagree with you there. You see, the more beautiful the person, the better the quality of the sketch since the artist doing the sketching has more material to work with.”
“What material?” Harry asked with a scoff. He had a distinct feeling that he’d fallen into some kind of trap as the man’s eyes glinted. He’d been expecting Harry to ask that question, Harry realised a little too late.
“Beauty, of course. Beauty and grace, coupled with my dashing good looks and handsome features-that’s all you need to make a masterpiece,” the man said with a wink.
Harry had no fucking clue how to respond to that because on the one hand the man wasn’t lying and Harry had to agree, but on the other this guy was a bit too full of himself and Harry was extremely tempted to make some sort of a scathing remark. He was kept in check by his knowledge of the fact that this man was his customer and could give him a lot of money for said masterpiece. He also had no fucking clue about whether this guy was being flirty, what with the wink and everything, or if he really was just full of himself.
“What’s your name?” He settled on asking instead, surprising himself and the grey-eyed man.
“Draco Malfoy. And yours?”
The question, though unexpected, had Harry smiling a genuine smile this time. 
“Harry Potter.”
This fic turned out to be longer than I’d expected so I decided to finish it off over here. I’d love to continue with this so depending on the response that I get for this...I’ll figure out when to post the next part. It’ll most probably be from Draco’s POV since this one was from Harry’s.
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