#pottertalia headcanons
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Uh, so I have this headcannon where Alfred (America) is in Ravenclaw and Mathew (Canada) is in Slytherin, actually I remember there used to be an au blog with something similar. I think it got deleted though.
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paikothecateater · 22 days ago
What other fandoms are you a apart of that you were considering for the crossover?
Uhm, apart from hetalia there's: slime rancher, portal, animal crossing (honorable mention really), the hunger games, Harry Potter, and a few other really obscure ones.
Pottertalia is a pretty common AU, I think. I could definitely do a crossover.
Portal is one I don't see at all though.
So, yeah, I definitely overestimated my fandom knowledge which has me now going down multiple rabbit holes, so I can figure out which fandoms people are talking about.
It's definitely been fun, but I feel absolutely clueless. Yall, I thought I was in more fandoms than this.
I am still working on those crossover headcanons although they might take some time. In the meantime, here are the fandoms I'm actually an active part of.
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cande1abra · 1 year ago
Pottertalia rambles #3: Scotland edition!
It's a small brainworm that I've had for a while now, but basically Scotland is a Unicorn handler!
Hogwarts called him over to rent a Unicorn for Care of Magical creatures. Probably set around book 5.
The chosen Unicorn is one specifically bred to tolerate males.
My personal headcanon is that Unicorns have a gene that makes them avoid human male pheromones and hormones.
So Scotland chose one that lacked the gene and bred more Unicorns that don't have the specific gene.
The gene exists for the Unicorn's protection though, so Scotland still trains them to look out for signs of aggression regardless of gender so the Unicorns can avoid people with bad intentions.
Scotland is very gentle when handling the Unicorn and encourages the students not to be pushy or loud lest they frighten the Unicorn.
The Golden Trio and most other students understand and follow instructions.
Draco does not. What did you expect?
Instead of attacking, the Unicorn just casually trots behind Scotland.
Cue Scotland coaching Draco on how to properly approach Unicorns.
Draco doesn't care. He's like a kid who likes to tease/scare cats by stomping his foot next to them.
Scotland lets his temper get the best of him and puts Draco in his place and puts him in a timeout from the lesson until he stops being rude.
He also demands a 2k word essay from Draco about why etiquette is important.
Overall, the students have a blast hanging out with the Unicorn.
Until Umbridge arrives and oversees the lesson.
The Unicorn is visibly uncomfortable and it worries Scotland.
He knows his Unicorns well, and the one he brought was the most tolerable and affectionate one he's ever raised.
Of course he starts to get warry around Umbridge.
He writes to England and Wales about the shady DADA professor.
Cue an investigation.
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
Have you ever written Pottertalia?! I think your Tonga bby would fit great in that world
Hmmm I have not!!! But now you got me thinking about it nonny, I'm very tempted. Epic brainrot activated time to spew out my headcanons for silly little nations in the Wizarding World!
I have been in the process of making character sheets! I'll make some for Pottertalia as well, thank you nonny dearest ovo
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hws-selene · 6 months ago
So I headcanon Austria as Jewish and in me and my friends Pottertalia AU, the Benelux siblings are Jewish but not in canonverse.
I do have a Jewish OC too but I'd rather not talk about her publicly so if anyone is curious please DM me!
Here's a better poll because I'm curious
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mysticalmusicwhispers · 4 years ago
i'm just going to put indchuran for the pottertalia ask even if we all know their houses already i just want to read your character analysis of them :D
The bastards!!!!! :)
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For anyone that missed it, Vietnam is here (spoilers: she’s an unconventional Slytherin)! 
I think I discussed before that they’re all in Slytherin, and they’re in there for mostly the same reasons, although China is the only one that I think has almost 100% Slytherin qualities.
China Yao views most of his interactions through the lens of business transactions and mutual interests, and has a lot of “every person for themselves” mentality. He partners up with people (in a platonic business affair way) because both parties have something to benefit from the arrangement, not for sentimentality or loyalty. After both their needs have been fulfilled, he isn't one to stick around because of sentimentality, not unless he's really formed a bond with the other person and genuinely likes them as a friend, not just a good business partner. Yao also has ridiculously questionable morals, so it's logical that he also believes ethics > morals, whereas Gryffindors are more morally aligned. He's incredibly ambitious, partially because he views ambition and success as necessary to keep his footing in the world, but also because he just has a thirst to do better. Quite admirable, but he does shady business to achieve his success (none of it is outright illegal/wrong, but it's still very gray), and this combination puts him firmly in Slytherin to me (Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs would only choose the right, 100% moral path, and Ravenclaws don't really thirst for success/status, and instead seek knowledge above all.) Although canon depicts him as rather sunshiney, that doesn’t contradict his Slytherin qualities (nobody said Slytherins had to brood all the time), and a lot of his actions and thoughts are guided by cunning, reason, and ambition. (also realistically, I think he could tick off every single adjective on the Slytherin corner of this image, even if he doesn’t always show it. In modern day, he can afford to goof off and fool around quite a lot, but when it really comes down to it, Yao’s 100% Slytherin.)
India Also a Slytherin; he’s a fair bit more extroverted than Yao (I think they’re both pretty extroverted, but India is a true social butterfly) and his people oriented tendencies + his cheerfulness might get him sorted into Hufflepuff (at least in the one (1) sorting I’ve seen for him... 😔). However, he’s prone to gaslighting and guilt tripping and overall using emotions as tools to manipulate people to do things the way he wants, and when it comes down to it, he runs on his own agenda and... is not the most sympathetic when his plans are detrimental to others. And anyways, Slytherins can be charming and genuine when they want (biggest gripe with HP is that Slytherins are always shown as unequivocally evil and Bastards) but it’s just not their core goal/personality. I think he’s also rather quick to act on emotion sometimes and his feathers get ruffled very easily on certain subjects. He also loves attention and is at least 70% drama queen, and because he feeds off of praise/attention and values other peoples’ opinions a lot he’s Slytherin (sure he’s self-motivated as well but loves it when loads of people like him.) His egotism and how he preens under attention, flaunting his accomplishments, I think that is also kinda slytherin. India also isn’t a stickler for fairness, and hmm... I think he would pretend to be moral and righteous (a Gryffindor and Hufflepuff thing), but he never actually lives up to that standard and can do quite underhanded things to get what he wants (he doesn’t see it as underhanded but it still is). I think he can fall into periods of laziness and procrastination which is inherently a roadblock to ambition, but overall I think he’s mostly a Slytherin.
Iran Slytherin, but unlike India who might seem like a Hufflepuff, Iran might seem like a Ravenclaw (I think?). They appreciate the fine arts very much and hhh I think they appreciate a well written romance tbh (along with other literature)? And with the amount of learning/inventions/knowledge that’s come out of Persia/Iran I think they’d be very fond of learning and appreciate a great mind or a thoughtful discussion more than most. However their ultimate goal in life (? as much as a country can have a life) isn’t to collect knowledge or to learn as much as possible (although they appreciate intellect), but success (and their ambition, especially in ancient times, proves that success is what they’re chasing), and therefore that aligns them more with Slytherin. They can also be kinda ruthless in their pursuit of that and do whatever it takes, although most of the time they’re pretty amicable with others. But again, like China, they don’t really cultivate friendships for being friends alone, more like “you have something I want and I have something you want so let’s work together for a little until we both get what we desire”. They’re very friendly and mild-mannered about partnering together though, and it’s very chill to work with them, except that they see others as rather disposable and don’t really have a concept of loyalty. Also they can hold a grudge for a really, really long time, but are pretty good at not showing it for business (but they get rather tetchy when someone bugs them to make up) and I think that’s pretty Slytherin (pretend everything’s fine because it gives you the upper hand.) Additionally, they brood a lot and often blow things out of proportion when complaining dramatically. They’re very good at logicking out their next steps (instead of using instincts/relying on emotions and subjective view of others, which I think is more Gryffindor/hufflepuff) and operate based on facts and ethics, and would rather be the first to act instead of waiting for an opponent to strike a blow first (proactiveness). Anyways, their pragmatism + ambition = Slytherin, and although knowledge = Ravenclaw that’s not the thing they ultimately value.
As always, the sorting is based on this and this
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rae-does-stuff · 4 years ago
Hogwart House
I know that J.K Rowling is a transphobe but lately I’ve been thinking of Pottertalia. Don’t like, don’t read.
America/Alfred F. Jones: Gryffindor
England/Arthur Kirkland: Slytherin
France/Francis Bonnefoy: Ravenclaw
Russia/Ivan Braginsky: Hufflepuff
China/Wang Yao (Yao Wang): Ravenclaw
Canada/Matthew Williams: Hufflepuff
Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ravenclaw
Japan/Honda Kiku (Kiku Honda): Ravenclaw
North Italy/Feliciano Vargas: Hufflepuff
Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt: Slytherin
Baltic Trio
Estonia/Eduard Von Bock: Ravenclaw
Lithuania/Tolys Laurinaitis: Ravenclaw
Latvia/Raivis Galante: Ravenclaw
(I know they’re all Ravenclaw’s, I just think it fits!)
Eastern Europe
Romania/Vladimir Popescu: Hufflepuff
Bulgaria/Dimitar Ivanov (I saw someone else use the name so here we are): Hufflepuff
Ukraine/Iryna Chernenko: Hufflepuff (I know there’s a lot of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws I’M SORRY)
Belarus/Natalya Arlovskaya: Slytherin
The Mediterranean
Spain/Antonio Fernández Carriedo: Hufflepuff
South Italy/Lovino Vargas: Hufflepuff
Greece: Ravenclaw
Turkey: Gryffindor
Monaco: Ravenclaw
Denmark: Gryffindor
Sweden: Hufflepuff
Finland: Hufflepuff
Norway: Ravenclaw
Iceland: Ravenclaw (?)
Low Countries
Belgium/Ema de Vries: Hufflepuff
The Netherlands/Abel de Vries: Slytherin
Luxembourg/Henri de Vries: Hufflepuff
Central Europe
Austria/Roderich Edelstein: Ravenclaw
Slovakia/Jakub Murgaš: Hufflepuff
Czechia/Hedvika Libuše Jelínková: Slytherin
Hungary/Héderváry Erzébet (Erzébet Héderváry): Gryffindor
Switzerland/Basch Zwingli: Hufflepuff
Liechtenstein/Erika Vogel: Hufflepuff
Poland/Feliks Łukasiewicz: Slytherin (I didn’t know what to pick and apparently a few people think of him as a Slytherin so yeah, this could be subject to change)
Hong Kong/Wong Ka Lung (Ka Lung Wong): Gryffindor
Macau/Wong Hou Keang (Hou Keang Wong): Ravenclaw
South Korea/ Im Yong Soo (Yong Soo Im): Gryffindor
Thailand/Prasert Chakri: Hufflepuff
Vietnam/Nguyen Liên (Liên Nguyen): Slytherin
Taiwan/Lin Xiao Mei (Xiao Mei Lin): Gryffindor
India/Arjun Patel: Ravenclaw
Egypt/Gupta Muhammad Hassan: Ravenclaw
Seychelles/Therése Laroche: Gryffindor
Cameroon/???: Hufflepuff
Australia/Jett Kirkland: Gryffindor
New Zealand/James Kirkland: I got stumped
Cuba/Carlos Machado: Hufflepuff
I hope y’all are doing good! I’m sorry that this is a bit rushed.
See y’all soon!
- Rae
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mr-nauseam · 3 years ago
Magic Au- Random HCS
Yesterday I found while ordering my papers some notes I made about my Pottertalia Au and I remembered that @needcake asked me for a post about this Au, I did not know what to say but I suppose I can deliver several random hcs that exist:
-Roma is the great and funny uncle of Lovino and Feliciano respectively so in this Au they have parents who are completely ocs (and for the same reason they hardly go out).
-Some ships like rusame and engport have their best enemies in the brothers of some of the ship members (respectively Canada distrusts Russia and Antonio has this thing of love-hate so marked with Iggy).
Belgium (Manon) is the only beloved by her mother-in-law and her boyfriend's family (no engbel but I can make all the brits adore her, why not?) (?
- About pets; many characters do not have a pet or have their nekotalia as a pet. Exception for now:
Arthur has a flying mint bunny, Portugal has a rooster (name suggestions accepted) that guards in the barn of owls. Scott has the Loch Ness monster and many more.
-Yao and Roma are very popular teachers among students.
-Arthur helped the BFT (Fran, Toño and Gil) to escape punishment, they actually get along fine, its just that Iggy pretends he doesn't like them.
-Arthur and Fran spend their time spying on Scott (gossips boys!) And so they discover his relationship with Belgium.
-Don't ask how but we have this trio of friends who occasionally meet to drink butterbeer together: Netherlands (Vincent), Scott and Gilbert.
-Cleo is your typical teacher who for some reason has a lot of students following her and carrying her things and doing errands instead of being in their classes.
-Alfred had a lot of trouble executing the spell against a boggart and it is well known that his boggart was constantly changing of shape (one day it was canada annoying with him, another day it was dora the explorer, terrifying).
-Scott thought the letter where it was announced that he would be a prefect it was a joke. And it took him 2 weeks to realize it was true and he got a big scold and had to catch up on all his duties.
-Before the engport started dating or even they realized that they liked each other, Antonio thought they were a couple and he was upset with Port for "hiding from him" and used to complain all the time. Indirectly he ended up causing that relationship to happen.
-Arthur's magic club wears hoods and meets at 1:00 am in an old basement, many believe they are a cult.
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spaceflower07 · 4 years ago
Alfred: “Ah, we’ve got ourselves a self-proclaimed hero, hm? Well, let’s see how much of that is true. GRYFFINDOR!”  Knows right from wrong with a great sense of justice and bravery! Perfect gryffindor qualities! One could argue that Alfred fits in Slytherin. His secret  ingenuity, determination, leadership skills and most of all, ambition, could very well have landed him in that house. However, the Sorting Hat didn’t even consider it, because inside Alfred’s mind all he saw was a boy who wanted to help others, even if sometimes he messed it up. Alfred was brave and chivalrous. He’s also idealistic, stubborn and loath to back down. The main reason for his ambition in the first place was so that he could help other people. He wasn’t manipulative and cunning enough to be in Slytherin anyway. Clever and ingenius, but not manipulative at all. Alfred was honest to a fault. •Americat is his pet, he named him Bucky. •Really good at Defense against the Dark Arts, horrible at Potions. He likes Defense against the Dark Arts since it's fun and doesn't require books. •His patronus is an eagle. The eagle is a common symbol of strength, ferocity and willpower. The people with this patronus are often visionaries who believe in striving to reach greater personal freedom. Eagles also generally represent freedom, since they are free to go wherever they please and do whatever they want, untethered by the world’s cruelty. Those with this patronus are also eager to try new things and love a good challenge; eagles need to soar, after all. •He’s the Seeker on the Gryffindor team. Initially, he didn’t plan to become part of the Quidditch team. He was much more interested in staying inside his dorm and playing his video games. But when Quidditch was almost shut down in Hogwarts for the lack of players, Alfred joined. That’s because his brother Matthew was part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (Chaser ever since 2nd year) and had been upset at the loss of his favorite past time. So Alfred joined to keep his brother happy. •Wand is Dogwood with phoenix feather. This wand is playful and mischievous, and insist on partners who can provide them excitement and fun. However, it would be wrong to deduce they are not capable of serious magic when called to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with an equally fun-loving, clever and mischievous wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments.  •5th Year •Muggle-born. Arthur: “AHA! A KIrkland. I know exactly what to do with you. SLYTHERIN!” A proud boy from a family of Slytherins. He only cunning and strategic overachiever! He's incredibly clever and a stickler for the rules, but is willing to break them to achieve his ends. He has a prim and proper appearance, but is quite the rebel himself. •Has Iggycat as his pet •He's actually good at Potions, but absolutely despises Divination. He wants to punch his Divination professor. •Ebony with unicorn hair wand. Ebony wands are happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Ebony wand-owners are usually non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand-owners have been found both among the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. Ebony’s perfect match is a person who holds fast to their beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed slightly from their purpose. Arthur is a perfect match for this wand. •5th year
•Thinks Quidditch is vulgar, but interesting. -He's like Hermione except he's mean and grumpy and less of a decent person. -He comes from a long line of purebloods. They used to be highly influential and prestigious, but by the time the Kirkland name had been passed down to Arthur’s generation, they were nothing more than a ghost of what they had been before. Now they’re just an old wizarding family not unlike the Weasleys, but worse (in society’s eyes) since they’re a family of Slytherins. -Arthur’s patronus is a Lion. Prideful, majestic, but ferocious creatures. Lions have a sense of royalty and grace, even the way they walk is elegant. Lions also have a strong sense of protectiveness, family and wisdom. Arthur is wise beyond his years (in a different way than Francis, of course), and as the youngest of five brothers, Arthur also strongly values family, whether by heart or by blood. He is also rather protective, and uses his stubbornness and ferocity to protect those he loves with all his might. Lions are powerful yet elegant; just like Arthur. -His robes and everything he owns are hand-me-downs from his brothers. Only his wand and cat are his. He is the youngest of five brothers, so he never gets anything new. Some of his books have doodles in them from the time they belonged to his brothers.
-When the Hat was put on Arthur’s head, it said, “AHA! A Kirkland. I know exactly what to do with you. SLYTHERIN!” 
-Arthur’s brothers had been Hat Stalls. Scott was nearly put into Hufflepuff, and Liam and Patrick (N. Ireland and Ireland, respectively) were almost sorted into Gryffindor. Owen (Wales) had almost been sorted into Ravenclaw. Arthur however, was a Slytherin through and through. Francis: “Hmm..difficult, very difficult...patient and caring like a Hufflepuff...whimsical, artistic and wise like a Ravenclaw...cunning, ambitious and prideful like a Slytherin...You’re quite the character, Mr. Bonnefoy. Do you have a preference?---Oh? Very well then. RAVENCLAW!” Francis is known for his beauty and arts. He is a wise person with a flair for design. His flair and wisdom would land him in the house of intelligence and beauty; Ravenclaw! -Pierre is his pet -Charms is his favorite subject, he’s a teacher’s pet to Flitwick and they’ve had several tea parties together. His least favorite subjects are Herbology and Divination. Herbology because he hates the uniform they have to wear in the greenhouse and how dirty it is in there (otherwise he actually likes some of the plants they work with) and for Divination he just thinks its nonsense and has no idea how to do the subject.  -5th year -He also thinks Quidditch is quite vulgar. -Alder with dragon heartstring. Alder wands’ ideal matches aren’t stubborn or obstinate, but rather helpful, considerate, charming and sensitive to emotions, which is why this wand mixes poorly with Dark Magic. They work best with charming people, who are open-minded and welcoming. When properly matched, the alder wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in other wands, hence its lustrous reputation. -Pureblood. His family used to also be a prestigious and influential bloodline, but when the title of “wizarding nobles” fizzled out, the Bonnefoys ran from the wizarding world and hid with the Muggles. Francis’ family is quite wealthy in the Muggle world, but not so much the wizarding world. Unlike other purebloods, the Bonnefoys don’t live in the wizarding world. They blended themselves in with the Muggles and live ordinary non-magic lives, they even sent Francis to a Muggle school (that’s where he met Alfred and Matthew) rather than a wizarding one like Arthur. So he knew quite a lot about both the Muggle world and the wizarding world, and acted as an arbiter between Muggle-born Alfred who was clueless about magic and Pureblood Arthur who was clueless about Muggles. -Patronus is a dove. The dove is a well known symbol of love and peace, and is also a symbol of gentleness and compassion, belonging to those who encourage others through example. Between Alfred, Arthur, Yao and Ivan, Francis is the kindest of the group with the most compassion and empathy. Though he can come off as quite haughty and snobbish, he really is quite sweet.
Ivan: *hat barely touches his head* “SLYTHERIN!” He’s all about competition and being the strongest player on the field. He’s not afraid to use his size--or extensive knowledge of unique, painful spells--to get you to agree with him. He is under no false pretense that the things he does are for the greater good, in fact he is aware that some of his actions are considered bad, but convinced himself that everyone else already thinks he is so why not act like it every once in a while. He does what he does for his own sake, rather than for “the greater good”. He’s plays fairly, but if he catches someone cheating he won’t stop them if it makes the game more interesting. He is also quite the leader, and is Professor Winter’s (Head of Slytherin House) favorite student, and is arguably the cleverest and strongest wizard in Slytherin, perhaps the entire school. His second-closest house is Hufflepuff; while he can be manipulative and enjoys power, the most important thing in the world to him are his loved ones. He can soldier on without friends, but he wishes there was someone who could understand his nature, compete against him, and still enjoy his company. He hated being so alone. Unlike Arthur, he had the title of “loner” unwillingly. He’s fiercely loyal and overprotective, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for those close to him. He is also witty, eccentric and creative enough for Ravenclaw, but ultimately, his dark and manipulative ways landed him in Slytherin. Arthur and Gilbert look down on the Hufflepuffs, but Ivan envies how easy-going and friendly they are.
-Russikot is his pet -He’s great at all his subjects, and feels pretty neutral about all of them. He doesn’t exactly feel strong emotions, after all. But if he had to pick a favorite, he’d pick DADA for the reason that he’s partnered up with Alfred in that class and he needs to take that class the most seriously (for a certain life goal he has in mind). The one he hates most is Divination because of how spacey and weird their Professor is and because he thinks it’s utter nonsense. Ivan is a man of logic, even magic had its own certain logic that Ivan could understand, but Divination was impossible for him. And Ivan hated when he wasn’t good at something, so he took the class off his schedule after two weeks of frustration. Usually you’re not allowed to change a class within the term and can only change them at the start of the next term, but Ivan had (unintentionally) intimidated the Headmaster into bending the rule for him.  -Seeker on Slytherin team ever since 2nd year. -Rivals with Alfred in Quidditch. -Yew with phoenix feather wand. Yew wands’ ideal owner is someone unusual, and occasionally notorious. Yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, which might be said about all wands, but yew retains a particularly dark and fearsome reputation in the spheres of dueling and curses. However it’s untrue that Yew wands are more attracted to Dark Arts than others. The wizard best suited for this wand is someone who is a fierce protector of their loved ones. The yew wand has been found in the possession of heroes just as often as of villains. The yew wand never chooses a mediocre or timid owner, the possessor of a yew wand is most likely very powerful with the qualities of a leader.  -Pureblood. Unlike both Francis and Arthur, his family’s influence and prestige didn’t fizzle out. The Braginskies were very much still in power to this day, that’s why when Ivan’s name was called during Sorting everyone looked to each other and started whispering and pointing at him. The Slytherins in particular looked really excited, and when the Hat screamed SLYTHERIN they screamed louder than any other. Whispers followed Ivan the moment he had left his dormitory on the first day. Of course, the whispers died down eventually, but everyone still avoids him in the corridors and even the Professors duck their heads down when passing him. That’s because Ivan’s particular family was a crime family, not exactly Death Eaters, they just did a lot of dirty business in the shadows (which sometimes included taking lives). Ivan had gotten his Hogwarts letter shortly before he was exiled from his family. Since he was eleven now, he had to start training to become the next Braginsky Family Head, but when Ivan finally stood up for himself and said he didn’t want to, his father became furious and exiled him. Ivan was just lucky he had a Hogwarts letter, and had somewhere to go. His older sister secretly put him on a plane to England, but said she couldn’t help him further. Ever since being exiled, Ivan hasn’t had any contact with his sisters, which saddens him, so he hopes to become a powerful wizard so he can finally confront his father and bring his sisters with him to England. Even on the platform, the other students were all being fretted over by their relatives, but Ivan just stood there alone. That’s why Ivan takes DADA so seriously, since his father uses Dark magic. -His patronus is a bear. Bears are famously known to be lovable sweethearts, but they can be ferocious and aggressive. They are very powerful and intimidating, but once you get past that they are very cuddly and caring just like Ivan. Bears are also very protective of their loved ones and are possessive creatures like Ivan is. Now that Ivan doesn’t have his family after being exiled, and he doesn’t have any friends, Ivan only has one person in his life. Ivan has abandonment issues after being exiled, so he’s paranoid that this person will leave him. That’s why Ivan is incredibly protective of him and borderline possessive, but he is also very sweet and caring towards him more than any other.  -5th year. -Ivan stayed in Hogwarts and didn’t go back home during Christmas in his first year. However, in his second year, Alfred took him to spend Christmas with his family. Alfred also had quite the big family (not immediate, but his mother’s family is big) who were over for the holidays so it was fun. 
-Ivan wished he had been in Hufflepuff, but knows that ultimately he would be even more ostracized in that House. Hufflepuffs are kind and friendly to everyone, while Ivan is only kind when he thinks it’s earned. Everyone is “every man for themselves” in Slytherin, and in a way that did make Ivan fit in. He definitely would not ‘fit in’ in Hufflepuff. He’d be like a big sheepdog in a crowd full of sheep. While Ivan’s lack of friends did bother him, he didn’t make the effort to get friends in the first place because he didn’t know how to and the thought of putting so much effort just to talk to people already tired him out so he didn’t.
-While Ivan had the qualities of a leader, the only difference was that he didn’t want to be a leader. He had been asked to be the Slytherin prefect, but rejected the position (now the position belongs to Arthur. The previous prefect was Scott Kirkland, but he graduated). Arthur bragged about it constantly and even said that Winter probably recognized how great he was and was like “Let’s give the position to Arthur! That lad is so responsible and mature! He’d be perfect for it”, but Winter actually didn’t want to give it to anyone other than Ivan. He persisted Ivan for a few weeks, but he was firm in his decision, so Winter begrudgingly gave it to Arthur. When Ivan told Alfred this, Alfred had to hold himself back from laughing in Arthur’s face.
-Despite being “manipulative” in a way, Ivan was actually straight-forward and honest. He never manipulated by lying. He did it through intimidation. Ivan also didn’t like liars and secretive people (even though he was very secretive himself) which is why he likes the honest-to-a-fault Alfred. They were polar opposites in the way that Ivan was mysterious, secretive and impossible to read, while Alfred was an open book, always speaks his mind and wears every emotion on his face. Ivan likes him because he was the opposite of himself.
-Ivan’s ‘only person in his life’ is Alfred. They were enemies in their first year, but became friends and Ivan developed feelings for him in their second year. Then Ivan confessed and they started dating in their third year. Being fifth years, this is their second year as a couple.
Yao: "Oh my, another difficult one. You could fit in all the Houses, Mr. Wang. Do you have a certain preference?---I see, very well then. RAVENCLAW!” With Yao's own weathered beauty and wisdom, he landed a spot in Ravenclaw! Smart, mature, and witty. What better words could be used to describe Yao or Ravenclaws? He is also rather creative and very witty, often the one coming up with strategies to everything, but is never the one to do it himself because he’s (as Alfred calls) a baby. He’s like the man in the chair, while the rest of the group are the ones who work on the field. He’s the only one with any real common sense, but is more often than not distracted by food. He fits in all Houses; Gryffindor for his honor and passion; Hufflepuff for his loyalty and kindness; Slytherin for his cunning and the way he views things as “business transactions”. But ultimately he was put into Ravenclaw for his creativity and wit. He is strikingly similar to an Asian mom. -5th year, but was born a couple months before Francis so he lords it over everyone else that he’s “the oldest”. -Accidentally transformed a match into a bug. He freaked out, and had to stand outside the Transfiguration classroom.
-Cedar with dragon heartstring wand. Those with cedar wands have their own unique strength and unusual loyalty. Those who carry these wands aren’t easily fooled. A cedar wand finds its match in those who are shrewd and perceptive. Ollivander himself has never met an owner of a cedar wand who he would dare cross, especially if harm is done to whom they are fond. The wizard who carries this wand can prove a formidable adversary, which comes as a shock even to those who know him. -Doesn't play on the Quidditch team, says it gives him back problems. -Patronus is a panda. Pandas are said to be a symbol of peace and luck, which happens to be true for Yao since he always seems to be in the right place at the right time. Yao is also very superstitious, so he believes that his luck is solely because of this patronus. Alfred says this patronus is fitting for him because Yao also spends half of his day sleeping and half of his day eating. Pandas are a symbol of gentle strength. Yao himself might be small in size but short in stature, but was always bristles and thorns at the slightest provocation.  -Chinacat is his pet. -Is the only one actually good at Divination because of his superstitious ways. Is also good at Potions because he’s good at cooking, but the Potions Professor has to remind Yao not to eat some of the edible ingredients. He just can’t help himself. Yao’s worst subject is DADA, mostly because he can’t be good at it through books and is infamously bad at duels. -Half-blood, but grew up with Muggle-father. Yao’s family is poor, which is why Yao values money so much. They own a chinese restuarant where Yao grew up and learned to cook. Yao constantly advertises the restaurant and even hands out flyers, sometimes he’d randomly bring up the restaurant and start casually advertising it like he was in a commercial. Yao’s business-like way of interacting people both amuses and tires Ivan out. He thinks its deceptive, and he doesnt like dishonesty.
-When Alfred asks how Yao is so thin even though he loves food, Yao answered, “Poverty. Hard to get fat in famine.”
-He carries food with him everywhere.
-Yao had chosen Ravenclaw because he thought it was the best. A House full of creative, intelligent people? Being creative and intelligent was like a business man’s bread and butter! Yao could polish up his advertisement skills for the restaurant. Once again, Yao was only thinking of business when he got sorted into his House. Matthew: “You are difficult. Very, very difficult...” Gryffindor! Matthew had been a Hat Stall. The Hat sat on his head for almost half an hour trying to decide between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but eventually it settled on Gryffindor. Matthew was almost the very definition of a Hufflepuff; kind, loyal, gentle, compassionate, caring; but Matthew also turned into quite the hothead when his emotions were high. Matthew was not shy, just introverted. It’s not like Matthew wasn’t brave after all; He constantly stood up against Alfred whenever the latter breaks rules, he enters duels confidently, he had signed up for the Quidditch team on his own accord, and isn’t afraid to jump into action to protect his brother. He valued morals above all else, and used them for fairplay, but he also used them in confronting others. Matthew was secretive, he was good at keeping to himself and was a loner. He was kind to everyone and often forgotten. He valued fairplay and hardwork. But his inner beast and secret fiery attitude had landed him in Gryffindor. He didn’t need to be separated from his brother to discover himself. Often, Alfred was the one who always encouraged him to put himself out there, so he didn’t regret being put into this House.  -They allowed Kumajirou cause he's still a cub and doesn't cause trouble. -Matthew is good at all his subjects, but his favorite is Care of Magical Creatures. He almost wet himself during the first Potions class though. -Chaser on the Gryffindor team ever since 2nd year. Star player. -5th year -Patronus is a Moose. -Muggleborn. -Maple and dragon heartstring core. Maple itself possesses lethal power, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand never teams with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind. -He's like Neville, but more snarky and powerful.  -Just wants to graduate but is constantly being dragged into Alfred's schemes.
-Unwilling partners with Gilbert in Potions. Matthew wants to punch him in the face.
-The head of Gryffindor House himself said that Matthew was a very strong fighter, physically and mentally.  Feliciano: “Whimsical and artistic like a Ravenclaw, I see. But your fierce loyalty, strong morals and overwhelming kindness win you a place in HUFFLEPUFF!” Feliciano is all about equality and fairplay, he is one of the kindest characters who has never once argued with anybody and isn’t disliked by anyone either. 
-Itabby is his pet -Best subject is Alchemy. He would be good at Potions if Snape’s presence didn’t make him so nervous. -The plants in Herbology scare him sometimes, and so do the animals in Care of Magical Creatures. -Pureblood. The Vargas family also used to be strong and influential, but they suffered the most devastating fall of all.  -His patronus is a fox. -Rowan with phoenix feather wand. The Rowan wood wands are best at defense like shields and healing magic, which works for the kind Feliciano, and his fear of getting harmed. Feliciano’s shields and protection spells are the hardest to break. Feliciano usually uses these spells on himself, and that’s why he’s honed them to perfection. It is commonly stated that no wizard has ever owned a rowan wand, and none of Ollivander’s wands had ever gone to do evil in the world. Rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted, but this reputation of virtue ought not to fool anyone. Often, rowan wands outperform others. Feliciano himself is amazingly skilled at duels, and has defeated Ludwig several times. Duels are all about speed and reaction time, and Feliciano is the fastest of them all. The only difference is that Feliciano doesn’t want to hurt anyone, so he never shows this strength unless necessary. -5th year -Wanted to be on the Quidditch team but is terrified of the Bludgers. -He freaked out and broke a good majority of his bones during his first Flying lesson.  Ludwig: “Aha, a Beilschmidt. Oh, but quite different from the other Beilschmidts I’ve sorted...I know where to put you. Gryffindor!
Ludwig values bravery of all things. Goes above and beyond to the right thing, he is responsible and mature, knows what's good and what's bad. A brave and courageous person who is filled with determination and chivalry. He follows books to the T, but that makes him too narrow-minded for free-flowing and creative Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws are flexible, they’re whimsical and creative; which Ludwig is none of. The reason he was sorted into Gryffndor is the same reason why Hermione was; Above all, they value justice and morality. Ludwig is too rigid for Ravenclaw, and just because he’s smart doesn’t mean he’s automatically in that House. -5th year -Has Germaneko as his pet cause god knows he can't bring his dogs. -Excels in all subjects. Tries his best at Divination. Is too nice to take out of his schedule because the teacher knows Ludwig is the only one who tries.
-Always has to help Feliciano during Potions. -Chaser on Gryffindor team -Ash wood with unicorn hair core. Ash wands only work well for the owner that they have chosen, so they cannot be passed down or given to someone else for use because they will lose power. The best person suited for this wand is not easily swayed from their beliefs, however, the brash or over-confident wizard who insists on trying this prestigious wood, will find themselves disappointed. The ideal owner may be stubborn and courageous, but definitely not crass or arrogant. -Pureblood, Beilschmidts used to be a large and influential family too but fell alongside the Vargases. They’re a line of Slytherins, so Ludwig is an anomaly. -Gilbert was devastated when he got sorted into Gryffindor. Ludwig was glad though. He loved his brother and father, but he didn’t want to be a Slytherin. Edgar (Germania) was fine with it though, which Gilbert was surprised by, since Edgar had made a big deal about Gilbert being sorted into Slytherin (which is why Gil had begged the Hat to put him in that house) -Patronus is a German Shepherd. -Gryffindor prefect. Alfred calls him “a stick in the mud”
Kiku: “Ooh, I know the perfect House for you. Ravenclaw!” An intellectual know-it-all who is very wise and creative. The most ravenclaw Ravenclaw to every be in ravenclaw. He is the perfect representative of that house. Creative, wise, intelligent and determined. He is a curious person who loves to learn new things. He fits in no other house. Ravenclaw was probably designed after Kiku. -5th year -Has Pochi as his pet. -Excels in every subject. Tries his best in Divination but isn’t very good at it. -Doesn’t want to be prefect, so he rejected the position and it was given to Roderich instead. -Seeker for Ravenclaw. -His actual origin is unknown. He was adopted by a Muggle man and a witch (Yao’s parents), but she died soon after giving birth to Leon and Mei, so he only knew her for a few months. He was raised by Muggles. Yao and Kiku are a year older than Leon and Mei, but he got his letter at 12 years old. Yung Soo was also adopted a few months after Kiku, and his origins are unknown.
-Has a koi-fish as a patronus. -Best friends with Alfred ever since they got partnered up in Charms. -Cedar wand with phoenix feather core. Lovino: “Ooh...hardworking, determined, and loyal...that sounds like a Hufflepuff--Oh? No? You don’t want? Well, there is one other House I can put you in. You sure? Alright. Slytherin!”
One might argue that he lacks the ambition of a Slytherin; Yes, he doesn’t need to be the best, he just wants to be better than his brother at just one thing at least. Slytherins are self-preserved, ambitious, determined, cunning, resourceful and clever. Lovino is very self-preserved, and never goes out of his way to put himself in danger, with the exception of doing so for his loved ones. His ambition and determination is often undermined since he always fails to be better than Feliciano. Every time he thinks he’s finally better at something, Feliciano shows up. However, he doesn’t stop and keeps working at it, to the point that even Gilbert had complimented Lovino for it. Lovino also lives in a very dangerous part of Italy, to the point that he attached a chain to his wallet to avoid it from being pickpocketed, which is proof of his resourcefulness and cleverness. Slytherins aren’t afraid to do whatever they need to achieve what they want, and Lovino demonstrates this; he even uses others (including his brother) for his own benefit. Many argue that Lovino’s (selective) loyalty, hard work and determination is why he’s a Hufflepuff, but the reason why he does it is the difference. Hufflepuffs do all this because they are selfless and humble, while Slytherins do it because it’s best for themselves. Lovino only does something if it benefits him. He always comes first in his mind, in every decision he makes he thinks “how will this help me?” He might fit in Hufflepuff, but knowing his brother is in that House Lovino begged the Hat to put him somewhere else. He was sick of being in Feliciano’s shadow.
-Romacat is his pet -Doesn't like his house. He actually wanted to be sorted into Slytherin so maybe he could be separated from his brother for once (having shared everything in their lives) but unfortunately he’s not. -5th year -Beater in Slytherin. His sole reason for joining was so he could beat a Bludger at Ludwig’s direction whenever he plays against Gryffindor. He has yet to actually land a hit on him though. He loves playing against Hufflepuff too so he could beat his brother, who’s Chaser on the Hufflepuff team.
-Excels at Herbology. He wanted to punch all his other teachers, though. -Laughed at Feliciano when he fell from his broom. -His ‘cunningness’ is normally only used to get Antonio to do his homework. Lovino is mean to everyone, he has a selective loyalty and is very exclusive with his friendships, where even Feliciano has trouble fitting in his circle. He’s decent to Antonio, but that’s because Antonio does his homework for him. -Patronus is a fox -Pure-blooded, and very proud of it. However, whenever someone brings up the fall of the Vargas family or asks about his family’s past, he coughs awkwardly and deflects. -Willow and phoenix feather. The wand wood is the same as Ron’s because they remind me of each other. They value greatness and ache to finally make something out of himself and step out of his brothers’ shadow. They both have that kind of insecurity. -Good at charms, not as good as his brother though -Genuinely does not like any subject other than Herbology.
Gilbert: Slytherin! Sly, ambitious and cunning! Perfect Slytherin, no doubt about it. He knows it, I know it, everyone knows it. He has an extroverted nature, but is actually a lone wolf. He playfully deflects about his loneliness, but everyone knows about it. He loves to write in books and is free-flowing just like Ravenclaws, but his arrogance and (sometimes selfish) ambitiousness overthrows his bookishness. He has big plans for himself in order to prove that he isn’t the infamous letdown that his father thinks he is. He’s actually really good friends with Lovino, the two of them bond over being in their brother’s shadow. Antonio does Lovino’s homework, but being in the same house, Lovino spends more time with Gilbert. They’re often always together.  -5th year -Beater in Slytherin. Conflicted about playing against Gryffindor, he doesn’t want to hurt his brother. Hates the fact that Ivan is the one who wins the game for them. -Excels in every subject, personal favorite is Defense against the Dark Arts. He is good at everything, and just deliberately messes up Potions to get a rise out of Matthew. He enjoys provoking Matthew, wanting to crack the other’s calm and composed mask. It took two months, but Matthew finally sent Gilbert flying through the corridor with a Stupefy spell. He got ten points taken off from Gryffindor for that, but he still though it was worth it. -Pureblood but doesn’t shove it in people’s faces like Arthur does. -Willow and dragon heartstring. Wand wood is same as Lovino’s for the exact same reason. -Patronus is a raven -Gilbird is his pet and he brings Gilbert letters. -Bothers Arthur about being prefect. Alfred had told him about Ivan actually being the first option, and now Gilbert won’t shut up about it. 
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hetalihell · 4 years ago
Pottertalia England headcanons. England is a slytherin. He is also a pure blood. He boasts about his blood status, because he thinks it makes him better. No one cares. He's also a parselmouth. He didn't discover this until he was halfway through school however. I'm unsure as to what his patronus is, so any ideas would be appreciated. He is excellent at Defence against the dark arts and potions, but awful at divination. Seriously, it seems as though the opposite of what he predicts will happen. He absolutely hates France. He hates the fact that he's half Veela and he can't seem to keep his eyes off of him. It's definitely hatred and nothing else. Totally. He's amazing at wizards chess, somehow even beating a few of the professors. However, he can't play gobstones for the life of him. He will stay away from the lake at all costs. Ever since he was in second year and didn't realise that the giant squid existed, and had a nasty surprise. Apart from the squid, he has a giant respect for all creatures (magical or not). He is often found near the edge of the forbidden forest, making friends with a fairy. He will deny that fact though. He is clueless about muggles, acting a bit like Arthur Weasely in his ignorance. When he leaves Hogwarts, he wants to work for the ministry, preferably in the department of mysteries. He says that because he wants to help the wizarding world, but really it's because of the ✨ aesthetic✨ he's created for himself.
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wherearemyglassesbro · 4 years ago
Gimme some good ol ScotFra Pottertalia headcanons maybe?
This ask...fantastic
Alastair carries on the Slytherin Kirkland tradition and is the first of his brothers to be a Slytherin! His father and uncles were all Slytherins, his grandfather and his siblings were all Slytherins. A whole family of Slytherins! He has a lot of pride in that and often finds himself bragging about carrying on the family name and bringing glory to his name....yadda yadda
Francis is a Ravenclaw from another old wizarding family rooted back in France. He doesn’t really want to be connected to them anymore so he doesn’t care about the whole ‘bringing glory to the family name’ thing but he supports Alastair!!! He goes to every Quiddich game and practice to cheer him on!! They spend many nights together in the library prepping for big tests
^^ Fran is more prone to getting in trouble. He uses charms to get his way when he wants to though never on Ali or teachers, he isn’t that gutsy. He’s gotten in trouble many times for it but he’s a slippery bastard lmao he usually gets out of trouble once he’s in it. Alastair is very sick of his shit “Quit charming Charlie, that idiot would give you his homework without all that” “I think you’re just jealous that I don’t ask for your homework, cher” “bastard..”
“Ali, wanna see a trick?” “Every time you ask me that you turn my stuff into fuckin frogs” “Come onnnnn!!! :(“ “ugh....ok what?” Ali’s quills or ink pots or scrolls of parchment always somehow become frogs when Fran is bored
They have a rivalry embedded in their relationship, they always pick eachother to duel with. It gets pretty heated because neither wants to lose!! Eventually teachers have to step in and make them stop cause they’re gonna set the classroom on fire holy shit
^^Of course they don’t want to hurt eachother, that’s not it!!! They want to win!! Cause then they get bragging rights :)
They’re a fantastic power couple though. Francis is very popular, he’s charming and intelligent which makes others gravitate toward him. Ali is great at sports and one hell of a comedian when he wants to be so he’s got a huge group of friends too. They’re always doing something together like visiting Hogsmede, dueling, pranking classmates, exploring the school, practicing spells, squishing spiders, talking to ghosts...they don’t have much downtime at all
I lost my train of thought there so let’s just talk about the Yule ball!! Oooooh my gosh you can’t even tell me that they wouldn’t look great together. Fran would insist that they wear colors that complement eachother and Ali would be dressed up for once which is kinda strange cause he isn’t one to dress up but he looks dashing when he puts the effort in lmao. Just envisioning them slow dancing in their fancy clothes in the soft lighting in the ballroom? Fantastic
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hetaliaheadcannonsthatineed · 8 months ago
Happy Birthday America!! (And late birthday to Canada I didn't have wifi bcuz of a religious trip w/ my family and phones and stuff not allowed- I was bored af and saw that god for like 2 seconds smh what a scam, anyway that was on July 2nd-3rd so I couldn't post anything 4 Canada Day)
I've been reading pottertalia fanfic especially the one's with America and Canada attending together to learn magic after England forces America to and makes Canada go along as the responsible one.
I imagine when the golden trio find out they have different last names and nationalities and it'd go something like this (btw in my version Harry, Ron and Hermione are 2nd years when Canada and America join as 1st years)
Also I just binge read the 2nd book like while I was posting this, so apologies for any mistakes I may own all the physical Harry Potter books thanks to my elder sister's old obsession doesn't mean I've read any of them 😭.
-- more
After the chaotic events from last year Harry and Ron end up in more chaos after crashing into a whomping willow, almost getting expelled and somehow managing to still make it. Thankfully McGonagall was somewhat merciful, only god knows what would've happen if Snape were in charge of their punishment.
They finally made it to their dorms after all that, almost getting lost along the way. Still made it though so it's a win in a way.
Looking at the portrait, the fat lady asked "password?"
Less of a win, neither of them knew the password, having not met a gryfindor prefect after being freed from the clutches of McGonagall.
"Er-" said Harry.
Hermione to the rescue, she ran up to them and practically shouted (at least to Ron it felt like it) "There you are! Where have you been? The most ridiculous rumors — someone said you’d been expelled for crashing a flying car —"
"Well we haven't been expelled," Harry assured her
"You're not telling me you did fly here?" said Hermione sounding almost as severe as McGonagall
"Skip the lecture and tell us the new password." Ron said, impatient as he is.
"It's 'wattlebird'," said Hermione impatiently, "but that's besides the point-"
The portrait swung open revealing the gryfindor common rooms, which revealed a bunch of cheering gryffindors who commended Ron and Harry for their insanity.
Two young boys who looked two be twins walked up to the two boys, one of which dragging the other along (he clearly didn't want to be dragged by his brother.)
"DUDE!!! THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, CRAZY ADVENTURE YOU SHOULD TAKE ME THE HERO WITH YA TO THE ADVENTURES!!!!!" the more confident boy had told the two, loud and american? Confusing both Ron and Harry as everyone at the school comes from different parts of the UK.
"Uh sorry who are you?" Ron asked the obvious first years.
"Sorry about my brother eh, I'm Matthew Williams and that's my brother Alfred," said Matthew much quieter than his boisterous twin.
"So Matthew and Alfred Williams the American twins I assume?" Harry asked, unsure of why they were there.
"I'm Canadian…eh." Matthew stated, clearly upset of being mistaken as American.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were Canadian, different last names are weird, are you guys not twins?" Harry asked, hoping he didn't offend some foreigner wizards.
"NO WAY DUDE I'M AMERICAN, TOTES YO!!" the now known American shouted.
"You're not related at all are you? Then how are you so identical?" Ron asked, forgetting Matthews introduction of them being brothers.
"Huh? No way bro, me and Mattie are twins, almost identical and everything if it weren't for Matties eye color!!" Alfred stated, finally cooling down and speaking at a normal talking level.
Hermione then spoke up, "But you have different nationalities and last names? I'm confused."
"That's a bit harder to explain eh," Matthew looked a bit worried when he said that, not that anyone noticed.
"Ever heard of The Parent Trap?" Alfred said over his brother.
"I've seen it once, the Dursleys watched it. Thinking about it, that would explain that; I didn't think stuff like that actually happened in real life." Harry recalled.
"I'm lost, what's The Parent Trap?" Ron asked, feeling a little left out of the conversation.
Hermione filled in the blanks with the explanation of it being a plot of two twins meeting at a summer camp, finding out about their divorced parents and trying to get them back together.
"It's also a book if you want to read it." Hermione suggested.
"Ugh will you ever stop it with the constant need to read books?" Ron groaned.
"Bollocks, that's a crazy story you two have got, did your parents ever get back together?" Harry asked the twins.
"Uh kinda not really?" Alfred scratched his head in thought.
"It's kind of a split custody eh, we live with our British parent here right now because of school." Matthew explained.
The golden trio nodded, seeming to understand.
After they left Canada and America let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god the story made somewhat sense, but The Parent Trap really?" Canada glared at his brother.
America shrugged, "I mean if you think about it, that's pretty close to what actually happened."
"I guess so." Canada agreed.
A white polar bear cub walks up to Canada, "I'm hungry give me food."
Canada picked up Kumakiri, "alright Kumajerkey, I've got some maple syrup in my suitcase."
"Who are you?" Kumaruru asked.
"I'm Matthew, your owner." he sighed, already tired.
That's it! Happy independence day to all the Americans and late Canada Day to the Canadians!! Sorry about all of the grammar mistakes, ❤!
I haven't written fanfiction in a long while, I kind of dove straight into this one so I'm sorry if some of it doesn't make any sense.
Lmao I think it's funny for America to explain the situation in terms of The Parent Trap
I do not own Hetalia or Harry Potter
Hetalia is created by Hidekaz Himaruya
Harry Potter is created by J. K Rowling
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ashafox · 5 years ago
I've watched like a Harry potter movie and a half so correct me if I'm wrong but I have an idea for pottertalia Ivan that's been heavy on my noggin since I was like 15
So like..... Durmstrang. I have no idea where I heard this but muggle born students can't get in right??? What if the only reason why Ivan is at Hogwarts is because his dad had an affair with a muggle??? And he's very very detirmined to be a great wizard despite the opinions of his shitty parents
Everyone's super intimidated by him but they don't understand his coldness and passive agressive behaviour is just a front to hide how insecure he is
Idk this has been festering in my mind for years
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Nordic 5 Bundle Headcanon #2: Hogwarts Houses
{ Done to death, I know, but I felt like throwing in my own $0.02 for fun. Feel free to agree or disagree. Now, on to the Sorting! }
Denmark: Gryffindor. No questions asked. He’s brave, loyal, bold, brash, stubborn, daring, impulsive, sometimes temperamental, etc. Need I go on? He’s simply a textbook perfect example, the Gryffindor golden standard and model student. // Secondary Option: Hufflepuff
Norway: Ravenclaw. Again, no doubt about it. I actually made a post comparing him to Luna Lovegood (here), so there’s that. Furthermore, he’s witty, clever, analytical, creative, full of wisdom, and eccentric on occasion. He’s also soft-hearted, gentle, and somewhat timid soul with refined tastes in music (death metal being the exception, of course), hobbies, and fine arts. As a student, he’d basically be Hermione Granger’s twin - studious, a hardcore bookworm, and insufferable know-it-all/teacher’s pet. // Secondary Option: Hufflepuff
Finland: Gryffindor. Everybody sorts him as Hufflepuff, and I can kind of imagine it, but ultimately, I see him as more of a Gryffindor. Let’s see: He took on Russia ALONE and kicked his ass. If that doesn’t scream bravery and impulsiveness, I don’t know what else does. He’s also incredibly loyal and would lay down his life for his loved ones without hesitation. He’s much more introverted than Denmark, but no less courageous, and like Denmark, he also has a rather rash and temperamental side to him that very rarely appears. But when it does, DUCK AND COVER. A true lion. // Secondary Option: Slytherin
Sweden: Hufflepuff. He’s just a shy and adorable awkward turtle. He sometimes underestimates himself in terms of his good qualities and talents, but he’s protective, loyal, and dependable. Furthermore, he values justice, fairness, and equality. // Secondary Option: Ravenclaw
Iceland: Goodness gracious, this kid is such an enigma and so difficult to sort! He has a myriad of personality traits and qualities that could fit into any of the Houses. In the end, it was a toss up between Gryffindor and Slytherin. So many sort him as Hufflepuff, but I honestly can’t see it at all. One might ask, then why Gryffindor or Slytherin? Hear me out: His inner fire and passion, though hidden, manifests in the form of a temperamental, stubborn, and impulsive teenage boy whom, nonetheless, possesses a heart of gold. However, I ultimately chose Slytherin. Slytherins are full of ambition and reach for the stars. Iceland is full of ambition when it comes to bettering his nation and becoming more strong and independent as a person. He wants to prove himself as a capable nation and will go to great lengths to do so. I also see Slytherins as being incredibly innovative, which the actual country of Iceland is. In addition, Slytherins are fraternal and value family as extremely important, which Iceland truly (but secretly) does. I’ll tell you what, though, Gryffindor was a very close second. It honestly could go either ways. // Secondary Option: Gryffindor
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fruk-and-usuk-soliditary · 6 years ago
Some uhhhhhh Pottertalia sortings
Because I'm tired and love Pottertalia
America, Canada, China, Sealand, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Cuba, Spain
Austria, Japan, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Switzerland
England, Russia, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Belarus, Prussia
North Italy, South Italy, France, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Ukraine
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hwspoland · 6 years ago
Finland is a ravenclaw, tho
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