279 posts
INACTIVE ON THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!☆You can find me in the stars☆ ☆Quez/Kai ☆ Tongan ☆ They/She ☆ Aspiring Author, Stargazer, Secret Witch☆ ☆This is my writing blog. I post fanfiction and original works ☆ ☆Requests are open! Dm for main blog☆
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
questioned-quetzalcoatl · 1 year ago
The Kingdom of Tonga has voted against the Humanitarian truce in Gaza and I am beyond disgusted by this. I do not, nor ever will, stand with Tonga in support of Israel and what their doing to innocents in Gaza. They are enabling mass genocide of innocent lives and it makes me incredibly ashamed to be Tongan. Because of this, I do not feel comfortable nor inclined to post or use social media unless to spread awareness to this situation. In respect, I will not be using this account until either a situation is resolved or Tonga changes it's revolting ways. I will not support a nation that condones this, fictional or not. I do not stand with Tonga, I stand with Palestine and it's people, with Gaza, Palestine will be free.
Expect more inactivity from this account, understand where I come from and consider those who are dying in horrible ways. Whenever I feel it is appropriate, I will return to use this account but for now I plan to educate myself and spread awareness. The fact my people and government condone this is something I will have to carry with me. What a world we live in, open your fucking eyes Tonga. I've never been more disappointed.
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 1 year ago
me to my buddy jeff: hey jeff can you do something for me
jeff: jeffinitely
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 1 year ago
wait ur fics aren't avaliable on wattpad anymore?? did you take them down??
Yes I took them off of Wattpad due to my stupidness in not being able to figure out how to structure them well as I wrote them all on AO3 so they ended off looking,,, strange??? They weren't very easy or nice to read on their and AO3 is a better choice of fic website for me with better formatting. Very sorry if this is inconvenient to you nonny
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 1 year ago
Great job everybody! This garden is looking beautiful!
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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tiny birthday boy doodle!!
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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Meat Cute - Submitted by @Synoicus
#B84158 #CC4D66 #EA7C91 #E99EA1 #EBCCC6 #F6E3E4
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
"Peter, the sex bots are here."
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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she’s everything
he’s just england
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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© Jee Won Park (ig: zeewipark)
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
If you could travel to any place in the world where would it be???
Scotland, maybe England but Scotland definitely. I adore the vibe of it and the highlands and towns look lovely <3
Just all of the British Isles, I want to visit each one I think
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
Y did you call me a Cum sponge over twitter
I was feeling silly 💔
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
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strawberry french toast 🍓 x
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
Fools Step Boldly where Angels fear to Tread.
Rating: T
Parings: New Zealand/Tonga (Hetalia)
Characters: New Zealand, England, Tonga (Mentioned), America (Mentioned)
Variation: Demon/Human AU
Summary: When Heaven and Hell collide, there are those left in the middle. A new dimension opens, breaking the barrier of something that was protected for a millennia. When the devil starts whispering in his ear, Alfred Jones must choose his fate to seal the barrier and discover what became of one Kainga Tukuafu.
Who knew the suicide of a simple mortal could give birth to a new era of Satanic rage.
AN: Authors note at the end of the fic
Previous Fic
Also available on AO3
Night's peace was something that was not to be disturbed.
A crack of thunder followed the flash of red light that illuminated the sky's infinite darkness with the feeling of merciless fury protruding through the clouds that shadowed above the mountains and shrub like plains around Lake Tekapo, and the single building that lay undisturbed in the middle of it, a church. A single bolt of lightning, shattered its roof top and striking it's floors, it alone tore a hole right into the earth. The opening spilt and parted as if to make way for it, arduous and deformed as it blistered and destroyed with a perilous rage that swallowed the earth around it into its deep fiery grave.
Eye like gateways opened with lines of flame burning through it's center before they died down, a haze of dust and smog and the burning smell of Sulphur and death. A dark curtain that ripples through the void like a hungry beast, snarling, growling as it gnashed and slobbered, there is a constant roar, an infernal howl, like a scream of a billion damned souls. The ground shakes beneath, but the air is silent.
It was a portal, large, sprawling and consisted of an assortment of strange tendrils, membranes and toxic biological growth as it had embedded itself into the earth like Hell's mouth itself. A gate of rot and diseases that infected the ground, its opening had torn through the entire crust of the earth, tearing the veil that had been protected for so long, sealed away from ever being opened again. The air is thick, unbearable with the scent of perversion, of evil and sin. The stench of thousands of rotting corpses, the guts of lost souls spilled out into the world. It looked endless, an entrance way so gargantuan even for a dimensional portal holder. Shredding the light around it in a deep glowing crimson, hisses like scraping sheets of metal of something from the portal that had woken perhaps after years of being desolate in it's dormant state.
Something moved, something down there was somehow, alive. Moving down there among the shades of deep crimson and the screeching infernal howl, another plane of existence that was not Hell. Far from it. The portal was everything that was once or might be, surrounded by a purgatorial heat and a chthonic murmur. A vortex like a great burning jaw with a horrible forked tongue that yearned for something lost that it once had; it was both remorse and doom. A mix of good and evil, a collision caused by a rift in the very concept of it and had opened again for one soul to enter after it had been closed off and encased since as far back as recorded time to the biblical era, nothing like this had happened before. Nothing like these requirements of its opening again.
The screams had subsided, the torment was just beginning. Sharp fingernails which dug into his neck as if to draw blood for their own nourishment. The ground is cracked and covered in lava pits which belch smoke as if they were giant, aching wounds. The broken remains of bodies and beasts swirl in the currents of heat and flame. Followed by a roar of some gigantic beast as if an explosion had gone off, dragging him further down, already breaking the entrance's fiery veil, below, a wasteland of rot and forget. Soon to swallow him whole to gorge everything down there and out of existence. A fate that was worse than death, it would make any mortal wishful for death to come sooner so that the jaws of pain would release itself from them. Through the veil, until the end, the pain had stopped with a feeling of normality again. Far from death, far from anything both Hellish and Heavenly. The taste and feel of the dirt against sharp breath and full body pain was below him, something that wasn't him being torn through the entrance veil. It was solid ground, another dimension.
It had been opened once again.
He'd waited so long that ice began to cling onto the tips of his wings in large frozen drips, stiffening up the feathers they swayed upon.
Winter’s lacerating hurricanes and whining winds had come and gone, leaving a terrible calmness. The skies above were an unholy mixture of shale-grey clouds and pasty streaks. Callous winter was stifling the world with its icy breath. From up here, he could see nothing but snow covered rooftops of the mortal settlement that lay Northwest of the United States, Minnesota. Why he agreed to meet him here, he didn't know. Perhaps it was because it was the middle of their two respective nations that are on the other side of Earth. He stood invisible to all of them below upon a taller rooftop of an olden brick Church, for he was no mortal being himself, far from it.
An Angel, a Seraphim specifically. Leader of the Arch-angel's, considered God's 'second in command' yet that title nipped more at him than the cold did, despite having six wings in three pairs to cover himself with.
Winters slavering fangs had come and gone. Its lacerating winds had stripped the last leaves from the trees, leaving them naked and brooding in a harsh world. Yet his alert heightened when the wind seemed to pick up around him rather unnaturally, all wind dynamics considered. The screeching of the winds were dreadful, breaking through the tomb-like silence he'd previously found himself in. Like winter’s dangerous clutch had strangled and stifled all life from the air, but it only appeared right in front of him, prompting him to step out of the way of it's fury. It had snarled and gnashed with its deadly voice, sounding like a wailing specter. It had ripped slates from nearby roofs and its fangs had sent a giant limb of a tree within it's range, creaking and crashing down to the road below. Its scavenging skies had compressed down upon him, surveying it with a deadly malice. The rain it had brought with it was bitter, like ice-silver bullets of spite. It had gashed and gouged at every living thing, sparing no one. Doom-laden clouds, bloated with hatred, had roiled in the sky before unleashing their vengeful wares.
"You're late." Arthur didn't even look at him while addressing the man that had appeared out of his manipulation of the storm. His eyes has shifted over the roof to the branch that had landed on some poor mortals car, setting off it's blaring alarm. Brushing the frost off of his robes now that the bluster had died down around him.
"Thank ya for pointing that out, never would've guessed. You're still as enlightening as ever."
The mans tail flicked sharply as his boots crunched against the snow atop the brick church, Arthur watched him not notice what he was standing upon and the man seemed none the wiser to the snow melting around the area where he stood.
"You look like you're in a splendid mood, you must really not want to see me again. Would I be wrong? After all you spent a year in hiding after my first letter. Surely you're not so vengeful in your spite that you'd kept a grudge all these year-"
"Why did you wanna meet me here." The voice was cruel, gruff like shredding of his throat when he spoke and cut into his sentence before he could finish. Arthur just scowled, swearing on his faith to keep all patience with him. No matter how difficult it was sometimes.
"I think you know why I brought you here to discuss your- wrongdoings- with you, Lucifer."
James sent the Seraphim and withering look over his shoulder, only for a spilt second before being blinded away, a look that could turn someone to stone. "Could ya at least turn that down." He retorted arrogantly, making sure Arthur did before he turned around again to avoid his eyes burning out of their very sockets with Holy light. "Me whole life is full of damn 'wrongdoings' in your books, that's me point, could ya be a bit more specific."
Arthur hummed. "I think you know very well."
James rolled his eyes. "Fine, sorry for skinning that Priest, can I leave now." He smirked evilly.
"You most certainly may not." Arthur started to only now loose patience with him, his face telling a tale of his boredom whilst his voice was sharp and conveyed his feelings clearly as he continued to scold James like you would a child. However his confession of skinning some priest somewhere fell onto deaf ears, what else did he expect from him anymore. "The more you deny the consequences of what you've done, James, what you've opened up, all you do is run, now you've royally fucked up so badly there's no way of escaping it."
James's smirk faded fast.
"The deal James, the one you signed." He stood to face him now, the eyes across his wings glared right at the devil with their heavenly judgmental glaze. "Your moral code."
"Pfft- so whot? I could take on yer heavenly courts any day, what's the point of gettin' yer wings in a twist bout it? That thing is centuries old anyways."
"That doesn't mean you can break it whenever you feel like it." Arthur snapped at him. "You are not above the law James, you are a fool. Now we're all in danger because you've opened something that has laws and rules in place to protect it from opening again after a millennia. That is why I've gotten involved, you've gone too far. Chasing after some human to be your queen, you idiot, did you not think twice?! Then you whine like a child without even considering the sheer importance of what I'm saying to you."
"Well what are ya sayin?" James retorted, his fists shaking. He couldn't tell, from anger or from the fear. James knew, somehow he knew what had happened and he'd keep running from it until it swallowed him whole.
"That mortal who you harassed into suicide did not end up in Heaven."
James stared at him in disbelief. "What-" He repeated, his stomach churning as if he was about to be ill all over Arthur's white robes.
"What- what do you mean 'what'?! What did you think would happen?!" Arthur flared up at him, finding it in himself to take a breath and calm down once more with prayer under his breath, making the devil psychically recoil. "Some other force got involved, because you got involved, Heaven could not take that mortal."
"The plan wasn't to get the soul to Heaven, it was to get it off the mortal plane into my realm so they could be my queen."
"That would've been the case, if it was a suicide... if you didn't kill him."
The silence was loud, deep like stone that was sullen and thick. Sweltering up violently with sepulchral hush, Arthur could feel the heat radiating off of James, as well as the Devil's feet burning due to standing on a church, but that took a backseat to the sound of his heartbeat over taking his own breathing that got steadily heavier and heavier. His only response was that.
There’s an air of something sinister, subtle as it was, a shiver running down his spine and making his wings twitch with nerves from under his clothes.
The bastard knew what he had done now. "Shit. You mean that-"
"By you, Satan, killing a child of God with your own two deceiving hands and Satanic forces, have created a tear in the balance of good and evil, Heaven and Hell. You alone let go of that mortal, you alone made the conscious choice in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to let go of that mortal and sent them plummeting to their demise. Meaning that either way, they could not end up in either Heaven or Hell, they fell into the rip that we've sealed up and kept hidden for a millennia because in the name of the Lord himself, it would create such a catastrophic rift between dimensions it would be the end of good and evil as we know it and the world would collapse beneath it and he would be released once again, hence all the laws of the Holy court, the treaty you signed yourself. James, you have opened the Inversus, your mortal is now stuck in there with little chances of escape and possibly doomed us all. Do I make myself clear."
"It' Kainga' there?" James swallowed thickly. "We've opened and closed it before, we can do it again." He at last managed out coherent words. Shakily running fingers through his hair as a stress relief to lessen how tense he was.
Arthur shook his head. "No. Not we. You. You're fixing this."
James snapped his head around to him. "Yer kidding. you can't do that! Yer know damn well that we need a force of both good and evil to seal it back up, that's how it happened last time."
"I can do what I want. Last time was different." Arthur snapped at him. "Last time, it benefited everyone to banish that creature there. We had to open it, this time it's your doing and your doing alone Lucifer. You figure it out before that thing figures out how to escape and it destroys the world."
James stared again, biting the skin off his lip and the inside of his cheeks. He laughed out softly, more of a chuff like he was proud of himself smugly. That was the last reaction Arthur expected from him. "If I get the mortal back, can I keep him to be me Queen?" A demonic grin gracing the other's lips in an evil split smile.
Arthur gave him a bemused look. "Don't jump the gun with that one, we don't know if he's even still alive."
"When did that ever matter?"
Arthur gulped down how disgusting that very sentence was, letting out a frustrated sigh. He really never changed, no matter the circumstances the bastard found himself in. Arthur giving him a look of disbelief whilst rolling his eyes, holding his face in his hand as he muttered something under his breath, passive aggressive in his action like James was only serving to irritate him. "You can keep whatever is left of that mortal then. Whatever bones and flesh you can scrape together from in between the teeth of the Swoerath. You forget your queen was human when you found them." Arthur spoke of the word James referred to the mortal as through gritted teeth to avoid lying off of his own tongue.
"How do ya even expect me to get there if ya won't even help me open it." James retorted, watching Arthur stretch out his wings. "Also what happened to just callin it th' Leviathan?"
"What happened to just calling you Lucifer? It's your mess, for the first time in your pathetic life I'm giving you the responsibility to clean it up." Arthur turned his back to him. "Do what you must, but you'll be the first to go when the Heavenly court strikes you down, if you succeed, your life will be spared and you may.." He choked. "...keep your queen. Does that sound fair?"
He disliked the dodging of questions the Angel gave him, lack of answers to what he was supposed to do only furthered in angering him. A bit of a taste of his own medicine. "I can get them, I can fix it and seal that thing back up for good, I banished that thing once, I'll do it again, you just fuckin' watch me. And I am not pathetic, feathers." His anger faded and replaced with that crocodile grin once more, his foot shifting towards the Seraphim, edging him on towards the end of the churches stone roof that was slippery with ice and snow. A few specks of snow crumbled from the roof below his heal, Arthur only caught himself on his wings. "Yer got yerself a deal."
"Right. And that's not your feet starting to burn through the very ceiling we stand on."
James looked down quickly, only to see his feet were in fact burning. He yelped and sprang up almost feline like as the burns singed at what remained of his shoes and scorched at his feet in blistering holy flame. Attempting to dust off soot that sheared off of his own flesh in pain. "Bastard, on top of a church of all places?" He caught the Englishman's wicked grin before it disappeared like a snap of someone's neck, he could practically hear it.
"Took you long enough to even notice. Thought it'd make my point a bit more clean cut for you, no bullshit, no tricks." Arthur's expression darkened towards him, making James shrink back a touch. "Anything else you have to say to me, Satan?"
James chewed on his bottom lip, feeling the panic starting to settle in. "No, not exactly." He started. "Hows yer boy?"
"My boy?" Arthur asked in rather a bit of surprise. "Alfred? Well, he's doing alright. Got promoted to Cherubim angel recently, couldn't be prouder." He caught the gaze of James who smirked deviously at him with it spilt across his lips, halting himself from speaking further. The devil was in the detail. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason." James said rather quickly. "Just wanted ta know, haven't seen the lad in forever." His voice sounded like he was more so thinking out loud as opposed to actually talking to the angel next to him. "Ar' ya sure yer not gonna hel-"
"No. We will discuss it again when you come up with a plan for this. An actual plan." Arthur interrupted quickly with a snap.
"After all, We don’t want another Kainga."
Hello all! Electric Satanic boogaloo returns for the long awaited sequel to 'Call Me Satan Darling'
Here will be more lore to this Universe, it has been in the works for over 2 years now and I'm proud to share this with you all, although Zeaonga does take a bit of a back seat here at least to start with. For new readers, this is a sequel that needs prior context in order for it to make sense. Please go read the first installment, Call me Satan darling here --> , then you're welcome to come back here to find out what happens next
Thank you all for the support, you all are so lovely <33 - Quez
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
My only head canon is that they're such a cutie patootie that anyone looks at them and just dies from instant cuteness
You're so right anon, I can totally see that happening. It's a blessing yet a curse, though I like to think that the explosion is fire based. Cuteness that kills.
A bit like this, if not then its the heart whoever's the witness ;)
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
i almost forgot with all the glorious fandom freakout over india  that my polynesian brother/or sister (let’s not get too crazy yet guys) from another mother is canon TONGA
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good very good
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