#postnatal care for mother
chhayawomenshospital · 4 months
Immediate Postnatal Care For Mother | Chhaya Women's Hospital
Chhaya Women's Hospital has a highly skilled team of professionals that takes Postnatal Care and is well-known as Immediate Postnatal Care of Mother. At Chhaya Women's Hospital, we understand that postnatal care is crucial for the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Our comprehensive postnatal care services are designed to support mothers through their recovery after childbirth. We offer personalized care plans, including physical check-ups, emotional support, breastfeeding guidance, and nutritional advice to help mothers regain their strength and confidence. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is here to ensure that you and your baby receive the best possible care during this important time. Trust Chhaya Women's Hospital for compassionate and expert postnatal care that prioritizes your health and happiness.
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hlfppt1 · 2 years
5 Postpartum Care Tips for New Moms
Although becoming a mother is widely regarded as one of life's most rewarding experiences, the weeks following childbirth can be physically and emotionally taxing on women. Your body undergoes many changes after giving birth, so it's critical to focus on self-care as well.
Because each birth and delivery is unique, it can be difficult to predict how postpartum life will be, especially for a new mom, and thus postnatal care for the mother varies according to individuality. You can successfully navigate postpartum life by being aware of the potential changes in your body and prioritizing postnatal care for mother.
Experts provide technical guidance to skilled health personnel and community health workers who support comprehensive primary health care and pregnancy care.
(i)  Assist Your Body in Healing Your body goes through a lot during this time, whether you give birth naturally or via C-section. Postpartum difficulties will not go away quickly, no matter how you give birth; the body needs weeks, if not months, to fully recover from pregnancy and childbirth.
(ii) Get as much rest as possible You'll be exhausted after giving birth. Your clock will never match the infants, making things even more difficult! Because they need to be fed and changed every three to four hours, you may forget to get eight hours of beauty sleep. Try to delegate other household tasks and sleep while the baby sleeps.
(iii) Continue Moving Exercise and other forms of physical activity can help with postnatal care for mother and comprehensive primary health care but consult your doctor first before beginning any physical activity. While most doctors advise against vigorous exercise, they do allow for more moderate exercise such as short walks around the block. Exercise after childbirth will help increase energy levels, improve muscles, reduce stress, and more.
(iv) Concentrate on diet and nutrition A healthy diet is important at all times, but it is especially important after childbirth. Eating healthily can help with weight loss, fatigue, and constipation, as well as reverse pregnancy weight gain.
(v) Maintain Personal Hygiene A new mother is more likely to contract infections that can harm her child and delay her recovery. Because visitors can infect the mother and infant, exercise extra caution with your hygiene. Handwash frequently, clean your breasts after nursing and be mindful of visitors' hygiene.
Pregnancy care is critical because it provides a woman with the physical and mental strength she requires to care for her infant, family, and career. With proper nutrition and relaxation, getting over the post-partum blues will be much easier.
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Chamakkatt Herbal Products: Ayurvedic Postnatal Care Medicines
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Chamakkatt Herbal Products presents a range of Ayurvedic medicines specifically formulated for postnatal mother care for new moms. Our collection is rooted in traditional wellness practices and includes the following:
Dasamoolajeerakarishtam: A herbal tonic known to support overall strength and vitality, aiding in the recovery process after childbirth.
Dhanwantharam Gulika: A tablet form medicine beneficial for its restorative properties, which promote maternal health and well-being.
Dhanwantharam Kashaya: An herbal decoction designed to provide nurturing care, helping mothers regain physical balance and energy.
Kurinji Kuzhambu: An oil-based formula used externally to soothe muscles and joints, enhancing comfort and mobility post-delivery.
Pookula Lehyam: A traditional jam-like preparation aimed at boosting immunity and providing nutritional support for nursing mothers.
Attinbrath: Crafted with special ingredients known in Ayurveda to aid in recuperation, fortifying both body and mind after giving birth.
These products combine time-honored ingredients with modern manufacturing processes to ensure quality care for mothers during the crucial phase of post-pregnancy recovery. Click here to learn more: https://www.chamakkatt.com/shop-ayurvedic-postnatal-mother-pregnancy-care-medicine
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wishesmsg · 1 year
Postnatal Newborn Screening Tests
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It is not difficult to identify certain issues, disabilities, and abnormalities in the baby before birth with the doctor's checkups that begin when the baby is in the mother's womb. There are various diagnostic methods available for this purpose.With the help of ultrasonography, some hormone tests conducted on the mother, and a specific test called "amniocentesis" where samples are taken from the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, some chromosomal and organic anomalies, as well as functional problems, can be detected beforehand.In some cases, termination of pregnancy may also be an option based on these findings.
Newborn Screening Tests
Newborn screening tests are a series of blood tests, hearing tests, and other tests that are performed on newborn babies to check for certain medical conditions that may not be apparent at birth. These tests are usually done within the first few days of a baby's life and can help detect and treat potentially life-threatening conditions early on. Some of the conditions that can be detected through newborn screening tests include metabolic disorders, genetic disorders, and hearing loss. The exact tests that are done may vary depending on the state or country, but the goal is always to identify and treat potential health problems as early as possible to give the baby the best chance for a healthy life.
How are the tests done?
Newborn screening tests are done through a simple blood test. A healthcare professional will prick the baby's heel and collect a few drops of blood onto a special card. The blood is then sent to a laboratory for testing. The process is quick, easy, and generally painless for the baby. Some states also require a hearing test as part of the newborn screening process, which involves placing a small earpiece in the baby's ear to measure their response to sounds.
Not an Intelligence Test!
Some families do not see the importance of newborn screening tests and even consider them unnecessary, and this is a fact. Unfortunately, this test is commonly referred to as an "intelligence test," which contributes to this attitude. Experts warn families and emphasize that these tests are not for measuring intelligence. Rather, they help in the early detection of two critical diseases that could cause several problems, including mental retardation, later in life. Detecting these diseases in the first few weeks of life could prevent their progression. Prenatal tests are not sufficient for detecting these diseases. If left undetected, these diseases could cause brain damage that cannot be reversed. Read the full article
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pritiblog1992 · 2 years
A Complete Guide to Prenatal Yoga
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Events and Meetups
Access info, discuss challenges, celebrate joys! Whether it be webinars on topics ranging from pregnancy nutrition to gestational diabetes and birth planning to postnatal yoga or it be local meetups with other mums – breastfeeding mums, VBAC’s, women in their last trimester – we are your village.
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Stella, her existence for the sole purpose of birthing an heir, and Octavia:
I could see Stella absolutely wanting nothing to do with a kid she was only tjere to produce, and feeling absolutely horrified at having to lay an egg that she (probably, based off how dismissive in s2(but was that rewriting to make her seem more bitchy?)) disconnects emotionally from Octavia for several years and made it harder for them to connect, especially in the beginning.
The creeping guilt of "i wanted nothing to do with this,b ut she's my daughter, so i have to care" and struggling to find the line between "i have been mentally scarred but i shouldn't take it out on A Literal Child" and either then turning the anger inward (why do i hate something that came from me) or outward (this is also partially Stolas's fault because he played a part) and struggling to hide it from Octavia as she grew up.
The balance of hating the pathway to how Octavia was born vs trying to remember thag the child herself is innocent.
She finally finds a balance between the two, just for Stolas to upend their life for someone he brought into their bed. They could have, if either of them really tried, discussed it ages ago and set up a 'we are married for x reason, but here is y, z, a options for pur sexuality clashes and how we want to portray our life to others' but you get flat, 1 dimensional characters who only exist to prop up male characters.
Maybe in the beginning, Stella would have been open to a discussion about Stolas being gay and figuring out how to work with it. But it's all just a game to stolas ("i thought love would be fun" is the line i think of when it comes to Stolas & Stella's marriage. Unsure if it's from when he's singing in his library in the beginning of s2 or from jlmw music video) and Stella is no longer playing the game.
She's bitter, she's never had fun, she was there for one reason & one reason alone.
And it's such wasted potential to talk about how people who have kids suffer post partum and absolutely have a hard time connecting w kids they want, let alone kids that are the product of abusive & r*pe.
Is Stella a bad mother? We don't know because we aren't shown. Is there potential for her to suffer from the marriage and it affect her relationship with Via and make it 1000 times harder to connect, vs Stolas, who didn't have to carry(???) an egg (it's so confusing on the dynamics of egg birthing in this show. Don't just drop a single "glad the egg fell out" like. Give us details, world building, background, please) and thus can connect with a child easier?
And they were maximum 18 when Via was born, which makes all of it so much harder to process & deal with when you become a parent so young.
SERIOUSLY... seriously seriously Stella is such a wasted opportunity to explore what happens when you force someone who doesn't want to bear a child to bear a child. They could have explored amazing stuff like not making her the best mother at first that only bonds with her daughter later due to postnatal disorder, and showing her feelings changing overtime as she comes to terms with losing her autonomy in place of gaining a daughter who didn't ask for any of this either and that shes going to make the most of. Just as 1 example. So much could have been explored...
and I'll just say it. Representation is important. But honestly. This show could have benefited more from more and better focus on other stuff like addiction and not just so much shipping/relationship stuff (tbf I'm talking about the het ones too but I feel like I have to preface in case anyone thinks this is me being annoyed at the existence of any ships/any gay ships at all, its not. Its just a wish some other stuff could get more of a focus because often the content sitting right there for it would have been better).
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ktempestbradford · 4 months
Lactation Influencers... Are Y'all Okay?
I dislike clickbait headlines as much as the next Gen Xer, but that does not make me immune to them. Thus, when I saw this headline...
Cookbook author speaks out following controversy over lactation cookies ad
...I had so many questions that demanded answers. I had to click.
Friends, I was not prepared for the journey I was about to embark on.
Before I even got to the first line of the article, this assaulted my eyes:
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Whatever I was expecting, it wasn't that.
From the article:
Molly Baz is speaking out following controversy over a Times Square billboard featuring the pregnant cookbook author promoting lactation cookies. ... Brex, the company that sponsored Swehl's billboard, told ABC News the ad was removed following a message from Clear Channel, which owns the digital billboard. According to Brex, Clear Channel said the image depicted was "flagged for review."
Okay, but... lactation cookies?
According to Baz, the concept was meant to "empower" pregnant women and the cookies in the ad are marketed to help postpartum moms produce nutrient-dense breast milk.
*looks it up*
Y'all. They're called "BIG TITTY COOKIES"
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I'll give you a minute to breathe through it.
Eye-rolling aside, this isn't the worst product I've ever heard of and, hey, maybe the cookies are good.
So why did Clear Channel want the ad gone? The answer to that isn't straightforward for a couple of reasons.
They did not remove the ad or even ask it to be removed from their billboard.
Molly Baz decided to use this opportunity tragedy to raise her profile as a lactation influencer the alarm about how men are misogynist (????).
"It's super disheartening and infuriating to me that my, kind of, first public foray into being a public mother was one that was deemed inappropriate," Baz said. Said Baz, "From my perspective, the imagery that we put together was no different from any of the other ads that are in Times Square." "[T]ake one look at the landscape of other billboards in times square and i think you'll see the irony. bring on the lingerie so long as it satiates the male gaze," Baz wrote...
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I feel I can confidently say that I'm not being sex negative when I retort: MA'AM, what?
"There's a bit of a history of, I will say, a double standard that when bodies, specifically breasts are shown when it comes to selling lingerie, let's say, that's more acceptable but when it's something having to do with prenatal wellness or postnatal care, nursing, that tends to get flagged and we see a little bit of backlash," [Zoe Ruderman, a chief content officer for Adweek], added.
I know this is true in general, but in this case, is that what's really going on? After all, Clear Channel didn't even take the ad down permanently, and the marketing company provided an alternate ad without even being asked. One has to wonder if this is a manufactured controversy.
I say that even though I know full well that there is a double standard when it comes to women's bodies and whose gaze is being catered to and when it comes to lactating mothers, lactation, and women's health. That said, there's no way this image wasn't chosen for its Male Gaze Worthiness.
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It's not the amount of exposed flesh, which isn't any worse than any lingerie or bikini ad. It is that this woman is holding cookies up to her breasts next to text that says "Just add milk" and the name of a website/company that is probably well-known to people who are or want to be pregnant and little known outside of that. If I were in Times Square, looked up, and saw that? I'd assume it's an ad for a sex fetish bakery.
In all honesty, the thing I assumed was controversial (before clicking) was that someone had posted an ad for cookies made using human breast milk. That would have made somewhat more sense as a controversy.
There's no way everyone involved in "concepting" this campaign (yes, they used concept as a verb in their official statement) didn't know this was a possible reaction or outcome. They appear to have expected it. Which is why they immediately had another ad to replace it and some very RAH RAH WOMEN! Down with the Patriarchy! social media posts likely on deck. That's real feminist of you, becky.
The disingenuousness of it all bothers me the most. Just because the social justice issue they're highlighting is real doesn't mean they are somehow champions of the cause because they dared to show a pregnant belly on a billboard. If anyone complained, I doubt their complaint was based on a prejudice against lactating mothers or that lactation was hinted at.
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Seeker Allure Part 2 ❙ ES Starscream x Skywarp x Nova Storm x f!robot reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 3400+
Warnings: Smut ( spike in valve, threesome and spark merging ) some angst, postnatal anxiety and sparking cuteness. NSFW 18+.
Notes: I'm really glad I did this! For a while I was considering doing a part 2 but never really put much thought into it until I got the request. Once again, I got carried away with this, no self control. Thanks anon for sending through. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy. 🥰
☕ Coffee
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Those bastards! No, Starscream, damn him!
This wasn't part of the plan, and it was not the best time either. After your last encounter you felt a nagging tug close to your spark chamber, and discovered that you were carrying a sparkling, a seeklet, Starscream's sparkling.
You're terrified and you don't want anyone else knowing about your condition, so you stay in hiding at an abandoned observatory where you make it home for a bit at least, and also a place to help gather your thoughts.
Bumblebee had found out though by accident when coming to check up on her, worried, but promised to keep your secret, wanting to help however possible and also wanting to let you do your own thing with your thoughts. Honestly, you're glad, because he's been helpful and provided you with enough energon.
At first you're terrified, not fully prepared for this, but that fear changes when your sparkling has finished developing within your gestation chamber, and opening your chassis you allow the little one to come out, and you're holding them for the first time.
A femme seeklet. She's beautiful, a striking imagine of Starscream, but still perfect. You're a creator now and your mother instinct kick in finally for you to care and protect your creation.
Despite just having a sparkling, you were still overthinking about everything, what dangers might come, what the seekers might do, or if humans gain interest and will want to take her away from you.
What if Starscream takes her away from you?
No, you won't let that happen.
Things didn't really get better for you though, emotion and mood wise, fearing every possible outcome for your sparkling and struggling to recharge, as each cry from your seeklet dangles you right over the ledge into the abyss. It's not good for you, and you know this, but being on your own did have its impact sadly.
While you're staring out into the city lights from your view, lost in your thoughts, you're -- brought back by the sound of your sparkling and hurried to the crafted nest you made and checked on your little one, spark racing rapidly and clenching anxiously.
"Sweetie, are you alright? What happened?" You carefully scoop her up into your servos and hold them close against your chassis. They whimper as warm lubricant tears stream down their small face before it slowly ceases, sniffling and nuzzling into their creator. "Did you have a nightmare?"
You don't expect answers of course, but she is really the only one you get to speak with. She responds though, looking up at you and lets out a bundle of chirps, reaching her tiny arms up to touch your cheek plating. She's so sweet!
Smiling you nuzzle into her servos and let out a gentle hum. "I love you, sweetling, my universe, my greatest treasure. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."
For a time you hold her, humming a gentle lullaby from cybertron while rocking her into recharge again. It's been too long since you last saw home, you missed it, and it was making you severely homesick.
Once settling her again you end up watching her recharge for a long while, you weren't even sure how long, but you couldn't take your optics off her peacefully recharging. When you are finally able to leave it's only because you needed to refuel, and slowly exit yourself from the crafted nest you made.
Your anxiety won't settle, you fear, your spark constantly clenching and beating rapidly. It's not a good feeling and you hate it, but you don't know how to stop it. You kept telling yourself it'll pass, that it was only for now, but the longer it went on the more you less believe this.
Again, you find yourself staring out into the open view you had, and as peaceful as it was, you don't feel at peace. It's a never ending silent torment that has corrupted you. Constant fear.
"You're a hard one to find." The voice of Starscream suddenly hits your audios like a stinging buzz that stabs right through your spark, spiking your fear as you turn to see him within the observatory, Skywarp and Nova Storm trailing behind him casually.
"H-how did you find me?" You stutter while trying to keep a distance from them.
"We noticed the yellow bug made regular trips out here, and so we followed him, leading us to you. Is there...something going on between you two?" Starscream hints, annoyed if that small bug ever tried to steal what was rightfully theirs.
"Of course not, I mean how can she when she's got us." Nova Storm giggles. Her giggles used to make you quiver in delight, but not this time.
You continue to try to keep away, moving yourself while your optics are fastened on them, fear consuming every inch in you. Every other time you've encountered them it's always been annoyance and uncontrollable lust, but not now, and the seekers soon realised this, much to their confusion.
"What's wrong? Why are you afraid?" Starscream narrows his optics at you.
"Come on darling, we've never hurt you before." Skywarp tries to come closer. "Why would you think that now?"
That's not why you're afraid.
"Please...you need to leave."
It's Starscream that steps closer bluntly. "And why would we leave? What is it you're hiding?" He can tell, you're hiding something and it's causing your fear to spike up. He's never seen you like this before.
"Nothing! Go! Now! Get out!" You suddenly shove at Starscream chassis, causing him to stumble back, stunned by your actions.
However, your outburst is loud and high up in the nest you've created is where your sparkling once again stirred awake again, crying out, irritated that her recharge was interrupted.
The seekers all look up, now noticing the nest and you see the bewildered expressions consuming their faces. You act, and fly up towards the nest where you hastily gather your sparkling into your arms and hold her close, hiding from the world.
Turning around you're suddenly faced with seekers who had followed you, but kept a distance as they all continue to watch on as if they're in a trance. You sparkling continues to cry into your chassis, confused by what's happening as you hold them protectively, using your arms to shield her from the seekers.
"Please..." You can only whimper, fearing they will take her away from you.
"You have a sparkling." Skywarp says in a gentle tone. "Is this why you've been hiding?" You can only nod weakly.
"My sparkling." Starscream declares. He's thrilled, but also annoyed. "Why didn't you tell me?" He goes to step closer, making you step back before Starscream was stopped by Nova Storm.
"What are you afraid of?" Skywarp is the only one who steps closer slowly, knowing you're terrified.
"Please...don't take her away from me." You can only continue to whisper through your shaky voice.
"She? A femme?" Starscream's wings flicker in excitement. He wants to see her, hold her, but Nova Storm stops him. It seems the femmes were the only two understanding your fear and don't want to make it worse.
"Why would we take her away from you?" Skywarp is confused.
Indeed, why would they? You couldn't even explain, it was just the horrible nagging dread that consumes your mind. Your sparkling is all you have, and you don't want that ripped away from you.
You don't answer her, and when you look up you notice Skywarp is much closer now causing you to shrink back in fear, only to hear her giving gentle hushes before slowly reaching out to touch your shoulder, causing you to flinch from the contact. Your spark feels like it's going to erupt from its chamber, throbbing repeatedly, it's horrible.
"No one is taking her away from you." Skywarp assures. "And if anyone did try, I'd scrap them, we all would."
Meeting her optics you don't see the lustful blazing gaze you've always seen on other occasions, and instead you're greeted with gentle kindness. "Promise?"
"A thousand times over, I promise." Skywarp is now standing right beside you as she rubs your shoulders to help try and relax you. She looks down at the sparkling in your arms and smiles. "She's a striking image of you, Starscream."
"Can I see her?" He vents, still annoyed, but anxious to see his creation.
With Skywarp at your side, Starscream and Nova Storm come closer finally. You're still scared, clinging onto your sparkling as she whimpers into your chassis, tiny servos digging into your plating. Their shadows cover you but the feel of Skywarp's gentle servos over your shoulders is what helps you calm your racing spark just a little.
They're all so close, huddling closely, but Skywarp and Nova Storm are stroking your frame and gently rubbing your wings, making you quiver lightly under their touches, but it helps.
Meeting Starscream's gaze, you see the silent plea lingering in those baby blue optics, desperately wanting to touch his creation. Then finally, you move, gently holding your sparkling and allowing Starscream to take her to hold.
"Watch her helm." You whisper while helping him support her.
Starscream is in a trance as he holds his beautiful sparkling in his servos, feeling himself smile as she onlines her teary optics, curiously looking up at the new seekers. She's not use to them, never before seeing any of them, but she feels an odd connection towards Starscream. This is her sire.
You've never seen Starscream like this before, a gentleness, cradling his sparkling closely as she curiously touches his face plating. Skywarp leans her helm against your shoulder and you lean into her, holding onto both femmes as you feel your emotions flood through you, a relief but also guilt.
Afterwards, it was Skywarp and Nova Storm's turn to babysit. Both femmes eagerly cared for your sparkling while making her giggle and chirp away at them. This is the time for you and Starscream to talk to one another.
Outside, on the ramp attached to the observatory, you and Starscream sit together, a long and dreaded silence floats in the air, each of you waiting for who just might break that silence. It's Starscream.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Of course, the top question. Why didn't you?
"I...I was scared." There's a hanging strain in your voice.
"But you told the yellow bug." Starscream is blunt and you feel you deserve that.
"He found out by accident, but I made him promise to not tell anyone. He's just been bringing me enough energon. He's a good friend." You look up seeing the jealousy hanging on his face. "There's nothing going on between us."
"Good." Starscream doesn't want you to be touched by anyone else other than him or his trine. "What were you scared of? I would've been there for you and helped."
You realise this now, that perhaps you should've told him. "I was scared my sparkling was going to be taken away from me."
Starscream narrows his optics. "Why would you think I would take her away from you?"
"Not just you, everyone. The humans, Optimus, Megatron, I...I'm still scared someone is going to take her away. I can't explain it, its all I've been worrying about." You lean yourself against the solid wall behind you.
It's quiet for a moment, a stinging silence, before you feel his arms wrapping around your frame and bringing you closer against his chassis, hugging you, while you lean into the tender comfort.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." You whisper, feeling guilty you've kept this from him. Starscream lets out a low grunt. He's hurt, and you don't blame him for being angry with you.
"I'm staying." His words get you to look up at him, confused. "I'm not leaving you or our sparkling. Skywarp and Nova Storm will probably stick around, but I'm not going anywhere." His servos touch your face and he traces his digits under your optics tenderly.
"So I'm stuck with you?" You can't help but pout, teasing him, and he answers through a soft chuckle.
"Don't sound too disappointed, but yes, you're stuck with me. Tough luck." He feels just how much you're heating up simply by his touches. "Getting warm are we?" He leans closer and lets out a purr into your neck, glossa running against your sensitive cables.
"Your fault." You moan faintly, tilting your helm to give him better access. "You're like a parasight I can't get rid of."
"A parasight you crave." His words murmur out against your neck before feeling his servos moving over your waist, tugging you closer against him that you welcome.
"Shut up and kiss me." You grab his helm and kiss him firmly, pushing your glossa between his lips and devouring him, dominating his glossa with your own with greed.
Starscream smirks against your lips as he kisses back just as hard, servos gripping into your soft armour and moving up around your sensitive wings causing you to shiver under his skillful touches.
For the first time in a while, you don't feel afraid, and that's a beautiful relief. He breaks the kiss and holds your servos, leading you towards the berth, one that was never used since you've been recharging in the nest with your sparkling.
"I've had my trine for a long time. Skywarp and Nova Storm became conjunx's and I became their amica, and its always been the three of us together. I want you to become part of our bond, and we'll become four. So, let's skip traditions, become my conjunx tonight, join me, join our bonds."
He's serious.
You're quiet in thought for a moment, causing him to speak. "Do you see yourself with anyone else?"
"No, not really."
"Good. So?"
Waiting for the granted permission, that's all he was waiting for. Over the years you've always had your lustful encounters with the trine, and it just carried on as if it was normal. Now, you're being offered to break that trine and become their fourth trine member. There is nothing to lose, so of course you answer what you feel is right, no matter how crazy it was.
Almost immediately, you find yourself laid back against the berth, lost in a intense and passionate kiss with Starscream as he presses himself between your legs, smoothly grinding himself against you panel and causing you to moan out in soft bliss, glossas tangling together while your servo move behind to tease his wings tips lightly, earning you a shiver from him along with a satisfied hum.
Breaking the kiss he lets out a giggle at our pouting, but this changes when he starts descending down your body and you feel his lips against your inner thighs making you arch your back under his heated vents.
Without even asking or being told, you retract your panel, revealing your moist valve for him to feast upon. He lets out purrs of delight before moving closer and gliding his glossa against your outer lips and across your ceiling node, earning him a joyful mewl from you. He loves the sounds you make, always like a beautiful melody.
Feeling his glossa wiggle its way into your valve you let out a number of sorts of sounds, moaning loudly while venting and biting your lips, servos clenching his helm as your optics shutter close.
"Such pretty sounds." You hear Nova Storm whisper at your side, joined by Skywarp on your other. As aroused as you are, you can't help but ask.
"She's recharging." Skywarp answers. "She's safe, I promise. Let us take care of you, darling." You relax as you feel them touching you in your most sensitive places, becoming a moaning mess as you embrace the pleasure boiling through your frame.
Starscream lifts your waist up as he buries his face against your valve more, letting out a lingering moan that vibrates through your perfectly, glossa rolling back and forth, drawing out more beautiful sounds from you.
Skywarp tilts your helm and shares a kiss with you, one you welcome very eagerly. It's a lot to take in but you crave every touch and kiss from them. This is what you want, seekers always stick together.
"Can we see?" Nova Storm whispers into your audio as her digits trace over your chassis, right above where your spark was. You respond through a murmur before shifting your plating and relieving your pulsing and glowing spark.
"So beautiful." Nova Storm whispers, before leaning across your chassis, servos carefully touching your chamber, before you feel her glossa lick against your spark.
Never have you felt something so sensational. Soft mewls of bliss erupt from you, greedy for it all, treated like a princess. Your sounds are swallowed by Skywarp again as she twirls her digit against your wing. All three of them, it's quite a lot to deal with.
Being lost in the moment you don't realise right away that they had stopped, Starscream coming up to lean over your frame, his spike already hard and running up against the outside of your valve. When you do realise this, Starscream kisses you, his lips and glossa soaking with your juices while Skywarp and Nova Storm both embrace in a passionate kiss, their own sparks open and touching one another, vocals erupting in chaotic orgy.
Your attention is on Starscream then, and you feel his pulsing spike enter your valve, every ridge pressing in and filling you completely. Arching your back you let out a low mewl as your servos grip onto his arms, legs wrapping around his waist as you clench around him.
Every throb pulses through your channel, sending electric buzzes through you repeatedly, before feeling him move. He's got a firm grip around your waist as he thrusts into you, tugging you back against him at a shallow and firm rhythm.
Starscream leans down towards your neck, thrusts slow and short, causing you to let out a grunt as you try to move your hips quicker against him, and this causes him to giggle into your neck.
"Stop your giggling." You tap his shoulder as a warning.
"Make me." He continues to giggle like a brat, and you roll your optics.
"I could, or you can frag me harder and join our sparks together?"
"You're so demanding."
"You love it." His silence is your answer. He does love it. He smiles, and it's his mischief kind. Damn that smile.
You watch as his cockpit and chassis shift their platings, relieving his pulsing spark and leaning closer again. There's one more kiss, one more thrust, before both your sparks collide together.
His movements grew intense, shallow firm thrusts rocking you into the berth as you wrap yourself tightly against him, sparks joined and pulsing rapidly together while all your blissful sounds fill the air.
You feel either Skywarp or Nova Storm holding her servo and you hold back. You're not sure who it is, though it doesn't matter, and the overpowering pleasure briskly boils even more. You moan, you cry, you fall apart feeling his spike thrust into you over again and his spark wrapping around your own, feeling the bond grow and complete itself, right before Starscream gives a sharp thrust and stills, hissing out as he overloads.
He fills your channel with his warm fluids, your own overload suddenly crashing through as well as you hold onto him and you mewl out in delight. It's so alluring, the moment, everything you're feeling, so perfect.
Your systems start to shut down due to your lack of recharge already, and you feel yourself being wrapped up by the seekers bodies before going into a blissful recharge.
The next morning, you are online, to find yourself back in the nest, tangled up with Skywarp and Nova Storm warmly that makes you smile softly. You can feel the seeker bond between you all, the bond with Starscream, it's a blissful feeling.
Gently, you remove yourself from the tangled embrace, smiling softly as the femmes embrace one another before hovering your way down only to find Starscream outside standing on the ramp with your sparkling in his arms, speaking to her.
Quietly, you come up behind, listening.
"One day you'll see Cybertron, my little seeklet. It's beautiful, and soon it'll thrive, hope for our world and species. You're going to love it." He speaks fondly to her as she chirps in response.
Coming up behind, you wrap an arm around his waist and lean into his side. "One day, we'll go home."
Starscream gives a rare tender smile, a softness he hasn't expressed in a long time. He feels he can finally find peace with his new family, a chance to become something different, something better. He tenderly leans back into your frame, servos holding and stroking your sparkling affectionately.
Home indeed.
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Let's fight the dark clouds and let the sun shine
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Bob x wife reader
Summary: Delivering little Lily had been hard, but Bob stood by you. He was great with her, she loved him, she made the cutest noises with him. With him, not with you. She did fall asleep in your arms at times, but she screamed a lot, at you, not at her daddy. And your husband hadn't looked at you like before giving birth, which made you doubt yourself even more. The baby blues were hitting you, hard.
Warnings: angsty, mentions of birth & C-section, postnatal depression, fluffy at the end
A/N: this is partly written from my perspective, let's say kinda been there (not everything from this fic happened irl, but the mind can take you to dark places). If you ever see someone struggling after giving birth, do not hesitate to reach out!
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It was never going to happen to you. That said you were supposed to have a natural birth, not a C-section. But it was okay, as long as little Lily was healthy. That's what you and Bob kept in mind, as long as she was alright. And she was, she's oh so perfect. A little mixture of Bob and you.
He stood by you during the labor, holding your hand or kissing the top of head when contractions came through, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You let him sleep during the night since your water had broken in the late evening and the labor progressed slowly, so at least one of you would be more alert the next day. 22 hours after your water broke, the verdict came, C-section, or Lily's health might get into trouble. This was the first time you felt you were failing as a mother. You couldn't deliver naturally like everyone else did.
The second time you felt like a failure was just a bit later, when the three of you were moved to your room. You couldn't pick up Lily from her bed. Bob had to pick her up, give her to you when needed to be fed, and did her first everythings, change her first diapers, give her her first bath. You weren't going to admit this to Bob, but it hurt deep down.
The first time getting out of the bed was a victory, a very painful one, but it was a start. Lily was getting an all clear two days later, and so were you. Time to go home.
But you were so scared. You still couldn't pick her up from her bed, in the household you couldn't do anything due to your abdominal muscles needing to heal after the C-section. And sweet Bob? He was taking care of everything, what would you do without him? He was your rockstar.
The first days at home were hard for the both of you, Lily was hungry every 2-3 hours and were still not able to get her out of bed. You felt guilty everytime you woke him to get her. The thing you hated the most of it was that he did it with a smile on his face and always saying "anything for my girls". You hated it because you could read it on his expression that he was tired too.
Those moments when you were feeding her were so precious to you, you were feeding your little girl, you were succeeding in something. But that was all you could give her, food and a little comfort sometimes. You felt so useless. Bob could hold her while walking around the house, show her around, slow dance around the house with her. All you could do was tag along and try to smile though the physical and emotional pain.
Within days friends and family came by to see the little sweetheart. Bob loved showing her off to everyone. But for you, a part of it found it nice getting distracted, but it was also pure torture. Sometimes you got looks for not being able to help out, you were the first one in both families not to give birth naturally, you tried to keep in mind that they didn't knew better, but it made you once again feel like a failure. And your family made clear you had always been a failure to them.
The next week you got cleared by your midwife to start picking up Lily yourself. That was a big victory. This meant you could let Bob sleep at night, so he could get himself ready to get back to work again. And that was you did, letting Bob sleep throughout the night, feeding Lily in the rocking chair in her room, sing her to sleep in her room. Showing him you could take care of her made you a little proud, despite you making your sleep deprivation worse by being this stubborn and not get the necessary sleep yourself. But hey, at least you were a good wife and mom now.
In general you were more enjoying the fact you could hold her on your own without needing any help. Finally a new victory. Things were moving to the right direction, you holding precious little Lily, your scar was healing and Bob was catching up sleep.
The next week you started pumping milk so Bob could give her a bottle too and seeing them both enjoy the moment, your heart melted once again, the two most precious human beings on this planet.
Of course Bob had noticed the dark circles under your eyes and had asked about taking over one of the night feedings so you could rest, but you being the stubborn you shrugged it off saying Bob needed his sleep for his job and you could sleep through the day. Which good mother and wife would let her working husband take night shifts feeding their baby or take care of the smaller household chores (as you were still not able to carry heavy weights)?
Since Bob went back to work, the daggers were coming over regularly to eat after training and cuddle with their favorite niece. Or at least that was what Bob said, everyone loved Payback's kids too.
You should be happy, but why couldn't you feel that way? Your husband was having his -and yours too- favorite people over, you were back to cooking, what you normally love, but you excused yourself to kitchen regularly during the evenings holding back tears, needing several minutes to compose yourself, not to break down in front of your friends. You could only watch how they were laughing together and holding Lily like it was most beautiful thing they had ever seen. And you saw the way Bob was looking at your friends holding your little girl, it was pure adoration and happiness, you didn't get that look when you were holding her. Or at least that was what your mind was making of it, because Bob loved the sight of you rocking her to sleep in chair in her room and many times accidentally falling asleep too.
The week Lily turned five weeks old, things went from bad to worse. Lily started to get agitated more when being with you, Bob was now back to work full time as Cyclone let Bob work shorter days the weeks before, after his short paternal leave ended. You broke down in tears everytime Bob's car left. Apart from that, your milk production turned into a water production. And you hated the sight of yourself in the mirror, the ugly scar on your lower abdomen, your belly still looking like you were three months pregnant because you couldn't start to work out yet. No wonder your husband hadn't t tried to touch you yet. It was all hitting you at once. There could only be one reason for all this: you were a failure as a mother and as a wife. Lily didn't need you anymore now she switched to formula, she hated your guts now and Bob would definitely be happy with someone else, someone who would take care of him, love him like he deserves, someone prettier than you.
Your mind was a mess from the sleep deprivation and negative spiral you had put yourself on. So when your in-laws, who you loved, were over and taking Lily on a long walk, you packed a bag and left in a haze. She was in good care. Leaving a note for Bob.
You're better off without me
You'll be happier that way
Take care of Lily
You don't know for how many hours you were sitting here, the place where Bob took you on your first date when moving here. You had been scrolling through pictures on your phone. Happier pictures. A different you. You weren't her anymore, you were a failure now. You didn't deserve Bob and Lily.
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"Y/N! Honey! Sweetheart!" A voice was calling you, but too deep in your thoughts you weren't hearing it. Until it hugged you, tightly. The hug felt familiar, warm and lovingly. It was Bob crying his heart out. He looked like a mess, red eyes, the area around his eyes also red, damped glasses.
"Why would you ever think we could be better off without you? We need you. Lily needs her momma bear, I need my sweet pumpkin." Bob wasn't angry, he sounded sad, scared, the opposite of what you expected. "Talk to me." You had missed him terribly in the couple of hours you had left, because you still loved this sweet man so much, but your mind was still telling you he didn't need you anymore.
You took a deep breath to explain yourself "She hates me, she doesn't want to calm down anymore in my arms. I can't even produce milk anymore, like a good mum would. She only wants you, her face even lits up when it's you. I can't take care of the house. I hate myself. I still look like a whale, I am the ugliest woman on earth with the ugliest scar. I am a failure. Everyone sees it, that I'm a failure. I can't make you happy anymore. Lily ain't happy with me. It's better if you find a new mom for her. Someone who you can look at again." Bob started crying even harder at the harsh comments you said about yourself.
"Stop all that sweetheart, nothing you said is true. Oh my sweet girl, you have the baby blues hitting you hard. Lily is more fuzzy because she's still getting used to the formula. It's not your fault, nature sometimes has things planned differently. And I guess with her seeing me less she's probably reacting differently with me. You heard it from Payback, babies are the fuzziest with the person they feel most comfortable with." You were sobbing in your husband's chest while listening to his talking, why was he being nice to you? "I'm the one who's got to apologize, I, I should have noticed you struggling, I'm so sorry. And you're still my beautiful and lovely wife. And you're Lily's mommy, she loves you. I love you."
"But -"
"No buts, I love you, no one else. Except Lily of course, I love you both, a lot. I neglected you, you've been doing so much for me and Lily and I did nothing back. No, I just went back to work, not realizing how hard that was on you. When was the last time you slept longer than 3 hours?"
"Be-before giving birth to Lily."
"Oh sweetheart, I am so so sorry."
"Why do you still love me?"
"Because it's you, you're still that sweet girl I fell in love with, that I married, that is now the mother of our beautiful daughter."
"But I'm not, I'm not that girl anymore. She was pretty, I'm looking like this, I have a scar. It's ugly. And you know that because you won't touch me anymore."
"That's not true, you still my pretty pumpkin that bumped into me at the grocery store. I'm sorry for not showing you how I love you lately, I'm scared to hurt you, it's not that I didn't want to."
"You can just say you can't anymore," Bob stopped your rambling by kissing you, kissing you like before, like the time when you were pregnant and were horny as hell all the time. This was exactly what you needed, feeling butterflies again in your stomach. Realization hitting you what you had done influenced by the negative thoughts. "What have I done?"
"It's okay sweetheart, we're gonna take a new start with being new parents and us. We're going to take better care of each other, we promised.."
"... In good and bad days." You finished Bob's sentence while holding his pinky. "I'm so scared Bobby, so scared for not being enough."
"I know sweetheart, and you shouldn't be because you are, you are more than enough. For me and for Lily. And there will be other bad days, but we're gonna get through together."
"I love you Bobby, I'm sorry for doubting you."
"Let's get home sweetheart, Lily must have missed you."
"I missed her actually too, do you think that maybe we can get away one night, just to catch up a little bit of sleep and I don't know, I just missed you. Why does that actually sound selfish?"
"It's not, I think that that's a good idea, we'll talk things further out and I know some other things we can do." Bob gave a mischievous smile hinting to a much needed you-and-him-time.
Arriving home, you immediately took little Lily in your arms, this time she wasn't fuzzy, she was calm and happy, feeling your renewed energy too. You also apologized to your in-laws, who were very understanding.
"Honey, I know exactly what you're going through, I should have seen the signs. After I have birth to Bob's little sister I tried to run away too, but that little gentleman there, prevented that. I guess he felt it and kept me too busy to actually run away from my feelings. He's always been a charmer. You guys will get through this together." Her comments made you cry once again, but not because of unhappiness, you were relieved you felt understood. "We'll stay here, take shifts for feedings tonight and tomorrow is all about you two. Enjoy it, enjoy each other. Both of you deserve it. And Lily here, she will be a spoiled little brat by the time you two get back."
"I can imagine that, thank you ma."
Everyone taking a shift that night was exactly what you needed, you were still tired, one night of sleep did not fix it the exhaustion completely, but you felt energized for the first time in a while. As did Bob. And Lily, she wasn't fuzzy anymore. Sure she had her little moments, but she could be calmed very quickly and even started squealing. If this is how it's supposed to be, you were completely wrong earlier about everything.
Bob, you and Lily went for a walk, stopping by a cute little coffee place where you sat next to Bob while you were holding her in your arms. Bob had put his arm around you so you could rest against his shoulder. This was perfect, the three of you enjoying each other's company. Until you got interrupted by the waitress.
Finally, just you and Bob.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, I don't mean to be a creep, but I took a picture of you three, because you guys are so cute together." Both your and Bob's first reaction was 'what?' but when you saw the picture, you got it, the three of you snuggled up perfectly together. She exchanged the picture with you and it because immediately your and Bob's new background on your phones.
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"As much as I love our baby girl, I'm delighted that it's just you and me. I love you pumpkin."
"Me too, I love you too Bobby. But I'm so incredibly scared. What if you grow tired of me, or find someone else more attractive? Or what if I fail at being a good mother?" Bob laid you on the king-size bed, he joined you on the bed laying opposite of you. He caressed your jaw sweetly, looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
"My sweet pumpkin, this brain of yours is going in overdrive again. I don't want someone else. I only want you, my sweet and adorable wife, my Mrs. Floyd. And baby, we're new parents, I'm scared too to do something wrong. But we'll figure things out. And if we're stuck we could always call Payback or his wife. He made me promise to bother him if we needed help. We will be okay. We will be great parents. Just think about earlier today, the little squeal she made when you were holding her."
"That was actually a very nice feeling." The memory made your heart warmer. What if Bob was right and you are actually great parents? All these raging hormones were making it hard to know what to think. And with Bob peppering sweet kisses all over your face, your brain started to malfunction, making all the negative thoughts disappear.
"Baby, it's time to let the dark clouds make place for the beautiful sunshine that you are."
"Bob, I love you."
"I love you too, so much. And I'm gonna show you how much."
Taglist: @mrsjaderogers , @bradleybeachbabe , @iamdannyday , @rhirhikingston
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
3 minute read
Right now it feels like every public service employee is having to resort to strike action to gain acceptable standards of employment. Who’s next? If we’re talking about labour that is woefully undervalued and unsupported, it should be mums.
Statutory maternity pay, at £156.66 per week, is less than half of minimum wage (£384 for a standard 40-hour week). New mothers (and their child) have to survive on 41 per cent of the minimum we consider acceptable to live on. 30 hours per week of subsidised childcare is available for three-year-olds, but maternity pay ends at 39-weeks-old. During that two-year gap, nursery fees cost 65 per cent of the average parent’s wages, and many mothers are falling into debt, or dropping out of the workforce, as a result.
Moreover, 54,000 women lose their jobs in the UK every year because of maternity discrimination. Maternity is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, but only for the first 26 weeks. Any claim for maternity discrimination must be brought within three months – almost impossible in the midst of the physical and mental upheavals of matrescence. During which time, 31 per cent of mothers didn’t have confidence in their postnatal care. And, according to the Office of National Statistics, in heterosexual couples women still perform 77 per cent more childcare and 62 per cent of the domestic work.
Surely that’s reason to strike!
There is precedent. In Iceland in 1975, women refused to go to work, cook, clean or perform childcare, during what was termed “the long Friday”. Many schools and nurseries had to close, forcing fathers to bring their children to work. Banks, factories and shops simply couldn’t function. Even the next day’s newspapers were shorter than usual. 
Ninety per cent of women in Iceland took part and the next year Iceland’s parliament passed a law guaranteeing equal rights to women and men. Five years later, Vigdis Finnbogadottir became Iceland’s president – the world’s first democratically elected female head of state. She insists this couldn’t have happened without the strike, which paralysed the country and demonstrated women’s importance to society. She served for 16 years, and, having introduced initiatives such as all-women shortlists and paid paternity leave ahead of the curve, Iceland became known as the world’s most feminist country.
Collective action amongst mothers is happening here. Women’s Strike asked women to refuse all work on International Women’s Day 2022. Then, just six weeks ago, charity Pregnant Then Screwed led 15,000 parents onto the streets across the UK in March of the Mummies. Founder Joeli Brearley told me, “There is such power in protesting. We were under no illusion that the Government would immediately fix the issues, but it is a signal that unless they act soon they will lose votes at the ballot box. Make no mistake – Westminster heard us that day.”
So, what do we want? I propose: maternity pay brought in line with minimum wage; childcare free for parents (and properly paid for by the Government) from birth until starting school; parenthood made a protected characteristic for life; and parents given 12 months to bring discrimination claims. When you consider that more mothers in work could be worth £28.2 billion to the UK economy, this is just sensible. The birth rate has now dropped below the level needed for a stable population, fuelling fears of economic decline. We need investment in motherhood.
As Iceland showed, when women stop, everything stops. In the UK, women are the vast majority of childcare workers, administrative staff, care workers, cleaners, hospitality staff, HR professionals, teachers and nurses. If they refused to work for just 24 hours, the impact for society and the economy would be crippling. Then there’s women’s domestic work, which is estimated to be worth 56 per cent of GDP. Strike once – that includes paid employment as well as cleaning, childcare, cooking, organising and so on – and it’s unlikely we would need to again.
What made Iceland’s strike so successful was so many women took part. But mobilising primary care givers is a nightmare, given the burden of domestic responsibility. We’re missing the cornerstone of effective industrial action – a union. Unions provide support, mobilise large disparate groups, and lobby for members’ rights. We need a union for parents. There are amazing campaigning charities, but unions are protected by legislation, forcing employers (or governments) to negotiate, and keeping workers’ jobs safe if they strike. Unions have teeth.
When do we want it? According to research from YouGov more than half of women say they do the majority of Christmas tasks, 51 per cent of women feel stressed at Christmas and according to Action for Children one in six parents said they would cancel the whole thing if they could. Ancient Anglo-Saxons celebrated Modranicht (“mother’s night”) on 24 December. What if mothers honoured themselves this Christmas Eve by doing absolutely nothing?
No last minute shopping. No festive food preparation. No present wrapping. No stuffing of stockings. No ringing round to coordinate family members or clarifying dietary requirements. Just putting our feet up with a mulled wine and watching It’s a Wonderful Life while someone else takes responsibility for the over-excited, sugar-hyped children. We baulk at the idea, because Christmas would fall apart. But isn’t that exactly the reason to do it? To show how much motherhood matters.
Allegra Chapman is a diversity and inclusion consultant, and co-founder of Watch This Sp_ce.
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lily-valley-cc · 9 months
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Ultimate Midwifery | TS4 Career Mod
Becoming a Midwife allows you to embrace the "delivery" business like no other! You'll be the expert navigator in the miraculous journey of childbirth, providing essential care and support to expectant mothers and their little bundles of joy. From prenatal check-ups to postnatal care, you'll be a parent's guardian angel, ensuring smooth landings and happy beginnings for every baby born under your watchful eye. So, if you have a knack for delivering smiles and want to be part of the world's most amazing delivery team, Midwifery might just be the perfect calling for you!
This is an update and remake of my original Midwifery career. I loved my original mod and have wanted to expand on this for a long time. Hope you all like it!
Ultimate Midwifery includes 1 main track and 5 career branches! Branches include: Midwifery Leadership, Perinatal Mental Health Midwife, Specialist Young Parent Midwife, Bereavement Midwife and Obstetric High-Risk Specialist Midwife.
More career information about career levels can be found HERE!
Any issues please get in touch via DM.
Enjoy! ❤
TOU: Please do not put my cc behind paywalls or reupload. Link back to my Tumblr if you use my CC; I’d love to see it!
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 6 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldur’s Gate fanfiction
As each day passes, strange sensations within the brain continue to haunt me, though they aren’t consistent. I wonder if it’s just paranoia or trauma, though the feelings are oddly familiar. The baby is due any day now and the excitement and fear of the birth intertwine with one another like a thread. My belly has grown like a weed and it’s become very heavy to walk around with, though the feeling is hard to explain in the best way possible. Gale has been teaching at Blackstaff and having to come up with magic assignments for his students, so he’s been pretty hard at work. Luckily, he will have a month-long break soon enough, I think in two weeks.
My body aches have been pretty intense, so I’ve been on bedrest. Luckily, a doctor from Baldur’s Gate has been sent here to Waterdeep and has been keeping tabs on me. A new hospital has finally opened up after the high demands (some of them coming from me), and I am excited. I was worried to death I would not have any prenatal or postnatal care, but also that our little one would not have the support he or she needs.
I get up from the bed, feeling every ache and pain throughout my body, and holy mother of the Gods, I just want it to end. I can hardly walk. I need Gale home as soon as possible, because today might be it.
“Take it easy, Emmy,” Tara says. “Don’t you move around too much if you don’t have to.” I groan as I try to take a few steps, but I’m so thirsty; I definitely haven’t been drinking enough.
“I just need…water…” I’m nearly running out of breath as I try to make my way into the kitchen. A contraction so strong suddenly takes over my body, and I hunch over in pain as my water begins to break. I stare at the floor in sheer panic, my eyes wide in fear. “I need Gale!” My voice carries a strong tone of agony as I beg for him to come home, tears streaming down my eyes as I fall to the floor.
“Oh, oh no! Um, Shadowheart is closer. I’ll go grab her and then when she makes it here, I’ll grab Gale. Oooh! How exciting but scary. I’ll be back quickly!” Tara flies out of the house as quickly as she can; so quick, in fact, I could hardly see her. The pain continues to radiate through my body like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Could it really be much worse than being shanked by a rogue or whacked with a battle axe? I begin to scream as the pain gets worse, hoping and praying that Gale will be here soon, though who knows how long it could take?
“Sȇlune, please… Guide me, heal me, help me…” The contractions get worse, feeling like intense cramps while being shanked in the stomach. Shadowheart bolts through the door after only about five minutes, which means Tara is on her way to get Gale. Shadowheart notices me on the kitchen floor writhing in pain and begging for help. My eyes are moving side to side, hoping for some sort of interference that can help me. My heart is racing and the world around me spins as I try to stay calm.
“Ssh, I’m here. I’m not quite sure what to do, but let me see. Astarion and Tara went to grab Gale.”
“Great news! Um. I don’t know how much longer the baby will stay in there… Shar’s BONES!” I scream. I’m surprised my shrieks haven’t broken any glass.
“I’ll need to remove your trousers.” I nod, unable to say another word. She removes my pants and I can feel the baby coming, and I’m hoping Gale doesn’t miss the birth, though I’m sure he could live without seeing any of this disastrous mess. I continue to search around the room, wondering if I can spot a shadow or reflection of Gale, but nothing so far.
Each minute that passes feels like a lifetime, but after about ten more minutes, my contractions start to die a little and I feel more at ease. I notice the front door swinging open, and here comes Gale flying through the door in panic. He’s trying to catch his breath as he rushes to me and holds my head with his strong hand.
“I’m here, I’m here,” he says, smiling at me with the same one that caused me to fall in love with him. That smile. He knows damn well his smile keeps me calm. “Shadowheart! Will you grab her pillow off the sofa please?”
“Will do.” Shadowheart grabs the red velvet pillow – my favorite pillow that has our wedding date embroidered in it – placing it underneath my head. Somehow, this helps, and I can’t explain why. Then again, I don’t think anyone wants to willingly lay their head on a wooden floor for long periods of time. “I hope this helps.”
“It does. Thank you,” I say, trying to catch my breath. The contractions continue again, only this time I feel the baby moving and attempting to make a rapid appearance. Gale’s eyes widen and while he has an expression of discomfort, I can see a particular glimmer in his eye; the reflection of our baby making earthside.
“Um, yeah, I’m going to hang outside with the handsome vampire man,” Tara says. “Good luck!”
After a solid hour of lying on the floor, our baby finally arrives. Gale brings the baby out, holding a tiny body in his hands. He smiles at our child, completely content as his eyes are glistening with happy tears as he welcomes him – or her – into the world. The little cries can be heard and they’re ever-so gentle and the sweetest sign that our little person is alive. We did it.
“Oh…my gosh…” I say, closing my eyes as I feel my body relax. “It’s finally over.” It’s as if my body went from a sharp, piercing pain throughout every crevice of my insides to a feeling of the soft float of a feather, every inch of me ascending into a feeling of numbness and peace. My mind feels relaxed, and my chills are gone. Is it asinine that I want to take a nap now?
“The most adorable…”
“Don’t leave us hanging, Gale. Is it a boy or a girl?” Shadowheart asks. I lean my head back from exhaustion and while I’m extremely fatigued, I feel a sense of clarity in my soul as I notice strings of the Weave floating around the room. I feel alive again and so incredible.
“It’s a girl,” Gale whispers. “Our beautiful girl. Oh, but you know what? We never discussed names.”
A baby girl. I never expected to have a daughter, but I’m thrilled. Ecstatic. Joyful. A part of us has entered this world, and I’m so excited to experience every second of her life as she flourishes and becomes her own person. Gale hands her to me, and I stare at her sleeping face as she yawns, her tiny body stretching as I hold her close. As I admire our daughter, Gale kisses the top of my head so delicately and brushes my sweaty hair out of my face. This is probably the most human I’ve felt in months; sweat dripping, exhaustion, but feeling whole.
“I’ll go get a washcloth to wipe her down. Once she’s clean, I’ll get her dressed. Shadowheart, could you help Emmy to our bed please?” Gale asks. She smiles and nods.
“Of course I will.”
It’s been a very long, intense morning but I survived it, like I always do. Baby girl has arrived. Despite everything, it was worth it. I finally get to lie in bed now with Gale by my side and our newborn on my chest, soaking in this beautiful moment that I will never get to experience again.
“I love you,” Gale says softly. His words bring chills across my body like a sweet song I can’t get enough of. I wish I could just press ‘repeat.’
“I love you too. So much.”
“I’m so thankful for you. If I ascended into Godhood or used the orb to kill myself at the Netherbrain, we wouldn’t be in this moment together. We wouldn’t have her.” As he speaks, I can hear his words shake, as if he’s trying to fight tears. As much as he tried, the tears won. I wipe the tear drops falling down his cheeks with my free hand, smiling at this man I call my husband.
“Gale. You always saw my potential. You made me feel good from the very moment we met. Giving up what we have would have killed me. I could never let you die.” He leans his head on mine, staring admirably at our daughter.
“I don’t deserve you.” His warm lips press against the side of my head, which is still sweaty but he doesn’t care. It’s like he said when we were on our adventures: “I rather enjoy your musk.” From that moment, I knew I loved him and everything about him.
“Why don’t we name her Jenevelle? You know, Shadowheart’s real name?”
“That’s perfect. Oh, Shadowheart will cry.” At that moment, I hear a small gasp from outside our door, and I just knew she was listening. I smile; without a doubt, she will cry.
It took some major adjusting over a course of a few days, but after about two weeks, both Gale and I seem to be doing just fine and our baby is on a schedule now. I nurse her every two hours, she naps every two hours, and she gets changed every two hours. She doesn’t even really wake up in the middle of the night except maybe once or twice. Unfortunately, I have to wake myself up to make sure she’s fed and clean.
We’re now ready to introduce her to our friends. Today, we have a plan to have our friends come visit and say hi to our new addition. I’m a little nervous about it, simply because no one other than Gale and I have held her yet. I need to quit being selfish over my newborn.
“I give it a few minutes before Karlach shows up,” I say. “You know she’s been dying to meet her.”
“Karlach can be heard from a mile away. I’m sure we’ll know before she’s even here,” Gale says, shaking his head but chuckling. “Oh Karlach.” It was at that very moment, we heard her voice and I almost want to believe we summoned her. She always did have great timing.
“Can you keep it down, Karlach? We aren’t even at the door yet,” Astarion says. “Lord knows their child is asleep and gets woken up by an overexcited tiefling.” I head for the door and open it before anyone has the chance to knock. Gale is holding Jenevelle, who is staring directly at him with her dark eyes. Her hair is long, thick and very dark, and you can definitely tell she’s our child.
“Come on in, everyone,” I say, smiling as the group begins to walk inside. They either must have all met up beforehand or they conveniently showed up at the same time. Karlach is so hyped, I’m wondering how she’s even able to contain herself. I assume the self-control is at a minimum.
“Oh. My. Gods,” Karlach whisper-yells. “Look at that baby.” Jenevelle coos, looking toward Karlach as she enters the room. Her bright crimson tiefling skin must be catching her attention. She doesn’t look afraid but rather interested in Karlach; it doesn’t help that she has the energy of a Golden Retriever.
“It seems she already has a fascination in you,” Gale says. “Would you like to hold her?” Karlach turns around with excitement to look at Wyll, who is laughing lightly at her frantic behavior.
“Don’t be nervous,” he tells her. “I know how excited you’ve been.” Gale gently hands Jenevelle over to Karlach, placing the baby in her arms. Another blessing of not having that old engine is that Karlach will now not light herself on fire when she’s excited or angry. Jenevelle looks up at her in admiration, her mouth shaped in a circle as if she’s about to say “oooo” as she focuses into her flaming orange eyes. Gale wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me gently toward him as we watch our child and Karlach exchange amused gazes. If parenthood is enjoying your baby being happily entertained by the presence of tieflings, then I’m glad I’m living in this moment. It’s been a ride so far.
“So, how is it going as parents? Are you two doing alright?” Halsin asks. “I imagine it’s been quite the adjustment, being first time parents and all.”
“It’s not bad,” Gale responds. “I introduced the Weave to the baby and it keeps her soothed. That’s been a blessing. We have her on a set schedule now, thank the stars.”
“You’re doing great. I can tell you are very protective and care so much about your little one. May the challenges stay at a minimum and health flourishes within all of you.” Karlach’s eyes get wide and she stares directly at both Gale and I, immediately handing Jenevelle back to Gale as she spontaneously yet clumsily makes her way off the couch.
“Here you go, Gale. Fireworks? LET’S GO!” She takes Wyll’s hand and off they go, bolting out to our front yard to set off fireworks. I can’t help but raise an eyebrow, for the sky isn’t even dark yet.
“Karlach, what – Oh…” Gale sighs, looking at our daughter with a crooked smile, then glares playfully at Karlach as she runs outside. “I guess I’m changing her. I’ll be back.”
“And I’ll get the grill started,” I say, laughing lightly. “I’ll get the next one.” I kiss Gale’s cheek as I run outside with the others, getting the grill ready for some fresh meat and delicious sides for dinner. We’re long overdue for a get-together, and it feels great to be around the people I adore. I just wish Lae’zel were here. Maybe soon. With the tadpoles gone and evil has vanished for the most part, it seems life is full of normalcy and, in Karlach’s case, extra excitement since she won’t burn places down to a crisp. The question still remains: How is Astarion able to stand out in the sun?
{find my fanfic on AO3 here 👇🏻}
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hlfppt1 · 2 years
The Condition of Postnatal Care for Mother
The global burden of maternal morbidity (or ill health) associated with pregnancy and childbirth is unknown, but it is likely to be substantial. 1 It is estimated that 20-30 women experience significant morbidity requiring healthcare for every maternal death.
Care in the postpartum period is critical not only for survival, but also for the mother's and her newborn baby's future health and development, including physical, mental, and social health. Postnatal care for a mother offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to provide a complete and holistic assessment of the mother and her newborn baby.
Its goal is to keep the mother and baby healthy and to provide the mother with the information she needs to care for her newborn baby. Furthermore, the postpartum period is an important time to discuss and provide family planning options to address a largely unmet need for contraception, start the baby's immunization schedule, and begin growth and development monitoring.
Postnatal care for mother refers to the care provided to the mother and her newborn baby following birth and for up to 6 weeks after birth. The term "early" or "immediate" postnatal care refers to the first 24 hours after birth, whereas "late postnatal care" refers to the period after 24 hours and up to 6 weeks after birth. 10
It is critical that both the mother and the newborn baby receive a thorough examination and assessment within one hour of birth, six hours after birth, and again within the first 24 hours after birth before being discharged home.
For these reasons, mothers are advised to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours after giving birth so that both mother and baby can be closely monitored. 10 This also allows the mother to rest. It is advised that a woman not be discharged until breastfeeding has been established.
A minimum of three consultations in the first six weeks following the immediate postnatal period is recommended. This is usually done 2-3 days after birth, 7-14 days after birth, and 6 weeks after birth. 10 In many cases, this means re-evaluating which components of postnatal care can be effectively provided at/near home by community-based or primary care health providers and/or which components can be effectively provided at the healthcare facility level.
During all postnatal care consultations, it is critical that the mother and baby are seen together by the same healthcare provider and at the same time in a room or area that is warm, light, well ventilated, and allows for adequate privacy.
In the postnatal care consultation, the health and well-being of both the new mother and her baby are prioritised. Postnatal care enables a 'debriefing' and discussion of what occurred during pregnancy and birth, whether there were any complications or difficulties, and what this may mean for future pregnancies.
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months
Children Born During the War in Gaza Will Never Truly Escape It
Jan. 9, 2024, 5:01 a.m. ET
By Alice Rothchild
Dr. Rothchild is a retired obstetrician and gynecologist, an author, a filmmaker and a former assistant professor at Harvard Medical School.
After Israel began its invasion of Gaza shortly after Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7, Aya Khrais — a pregnant 26-year-old dentist, wife of a doctor and mother of a 2-year-old girl living in Gaza City — lost contact with the doctors and health services she needed for prenatal care and for managing her diabetes.
She and her family were forced to leave home and move five times to flee the constant bombings, sometimes trekking several miles on foot. When we spoke in early December, she was staying at her sister-in-law’s home in southern Gaza. Dr. Khrais was 32 weeks pregnant and sleeping on a thin mattress directly on the ground, sharing a house with 74 people from 11 families. They lacked water, adequate food, medications, electricity and the tools for basic hygiene.
For the past two months she has had no prenatal care and no vitamins and has not gained any weight. She found a private obstetrician on Dec. 10 who informed her that she had excess amniotic fluid and needed an immediate C-section. She found a private hospital with an opening on Jan. 16. The estimated cost will be $4,000; the family has lost all of its savings as well as its bombed-out home. She has no baby clothes, diapers or formula and no proper place for postpartum recovery. “I am really frightened,” she told me over WhatsApp.
Dr. Khrais’s account is far from uncommon. There are approximately 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, all struggling with a lack of stable shelter, inadequate nutrition and polluted, salty water. Prenatal, postnatal and pediatric care are difficult to obtain. U.N. agencies have dispatched lifesaving medicines and equipment to Gaza but it’s not enough to meet the needs of the population. Extreme shortages of pain medications, antibiotics, seizure and diabetic medications and blood are common. According to the World Health Organization, of the more than 180 women delivering babies each day, 15 percent are likely to encounter complications and be unable to obtain appropriate obstetric and pediatric emergency services. All the while, the threat of injury or death from bombings and military action looms, as does unimaginable emotional trauma.
If these mothers and their children manage to survive the war, they will grapple with its effects for the rest of their lives. Health research into multiple areas of armed conflict (such as Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Kosovo) reveals that these kinds of conditions are linked to an increase in miscarriages, congenital abnormalities, stillbirths, preterm labor and maternal mortality. Other studies of armed conflict from 1945 to 2017 show that children exposed to war are more likely to suffer from poor living conditions and sanitation, and multigenerational poverty caused by the loss of educational and economic infrastructure...
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krsnaradhika · 10 months
Hello hi- this is a snippet or a chapter from a book I took back and will never write again.
I suck at angst so buckle up. Do not throw tomatoes just in case. I do not remember if I've posted this one before here. The writing is old and rusty and I did not care to edit so pardon me. Maybe I'll take it back or edit, maybe not.
All rights reserved.
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Strength Embodied
His father securely swathed him in his turmeric yellow raiment, looking so very proud and practically glimmering with all his manly charm. Little Pradyumna giggled, reaching out for the slight stubble on Kanha's cheeks as the duo revelled in the company of each other.
A little time before, the new father had scooped his son from the cot, squarely darting in his shared chamber with Rukmini where their son laid, besieged in silk cushions and duvets that came from different parts of the subcontinent. To them, he appeared like the silvery beam of the lunar god who had just added beauty to the welkin doused in minuscule, scintillating stars. Their life had been just like the pulchritudinous eventide, and Pradyumna had added to the beauty of it.
And then, as surely not expected with a juvenile parent, the first scion of the newest generation let out a joyous chortle at the sight of his father; his eyes fluttering open at the momentum.
"My little Dyumna, aren't you my spitting image? I knew my son would inherit my handsomeness!" Kanha chuckled, gently patting his son who looked far from sleep by now, his almond eyes staring right back at his father with an unspoken mischief. Of course I am, and I did. Watch as I steal your woman too, Pitashree.
"My boy, you have stolen my woman." Kanha accentuated, rolling his eyes playfully as the duo turned to the new mother who seemed to have been in a mien, an empyrean smile flickering across her fair countenance. With her slender arms crossed over her bosom, Rukmini leaned against the threshold as the handmaidens were dismissed.
"See, Pradyumna, now your mother is going to run after both of us with a stick. I told you right, you ought to sleep!" He further whisper-yelled, a dramatic edge to his tone as his wife shook her head in a half-vexed half-mirthful usance, sauntering towards them.
Just as Rukmini reached out for her consort's ears, he ducked his head and performed a little sprint, though with their son now closely paying an audience to their capers as the queen gasped.
"Pranesha, careful! He's too fragile!"
Ramaa rose from her seat, and almost followed the fading apparitions of her husband and son, which now seemed to have been mocking her. Startled, her doe eyes traced the thin air, gaping, as epiphany dawned a little harsher than called for.
At the portal decked in cramoisy curtains, lingered Keshava, that bull among men with a blank look to his morose irises. His shoulders dropped a notch further if it was even possible, and she winced at the tension tardily making its way between them. Rukmini's breath hitched as she parted her lips, wishing a coherent word to be made out by her own self but was left appalled.
Several minutes passed, and neither of them made a movement. Long gone was even the eye-contact, and the hush roared like a forest fire, smoldering everything to stygian smokes, the dying embers of which charred their souls.
"Welcome back," she finally said, a vulnerability to her voice if not the tears that had long relinquished her. Through the curtain of his lashes, Kamalanayana saw a ghost of a smile casting itself on Padmavadanaa's unearthly visage, a strain to her features which spoke of her postnatal stage, a slight chuberic touch to her frame perceptible. Rukmini hadn't lost her Kanya status, she was still the woman blessed with amaranthine youth, but the signs of a grown queen and mother had graced her.
Then, casting the little memory of their son aside, the weaving which was a mindless gift to him because the winters were looming overhead. He'd catch a cold otherwise, innit? Who would wrap it around him and sing him to sleep?
Or had Nidra Devi been as ruthless to him too, as she had been to his ill-starred parents?
He's not gone, Rukku, he will come back.
Just not now.
Rukmini clasped Kanha's hand in hers as his head shot up to her again, from her lotus feet that were imprinted in his heart - the very place where his Shri resided. "Come," she ushered again, warmth sparking in their touch as she settled on the swing and he followed the suit, with more heaviness, as if his limbs had refused to heed his commands.
"Tell me, don't bottle anything up," she tenderly coaxed, running a hand through his forehead, the sheen of sweat settling on it as if pearls dancing to the tunes of oceanic waves. "Have you been nice to yourself, love?"
A gulp cascaded down from his throat, an ache birthing in it as if someone had wrapped their vicious claws around it. Through the blur of his eyes, Madhava tensed his wobbling lips between his teeth and shook his head in denial. Her heart broke a little more.
The despondency in his eyes had never lingered before for so long. Not when he had left his loved ones beside to put an end to his own uncle, and neither when his own people had thrown baseless accusations at him.
"I couldn't...I couldn't be a good father again." He wasn't even pretending to be fine before her, and as much as heartbreaking it was, she appreciated it. The armour of a de-facto king faded in thin air and it was just a father and a husband sitting beside, the man with just the picture-perfect family, the reality of which was shattered by the whims of destiny.
History repeats itself. Krishna had, of course, been mindful of the fact but never had he ever expected that to come at him this way. Yes, being the lord of the world came with clairvoyant abilities but no, emotional hurt could not be gauged before it occurred. Physical pain always was extravagant when premeditated, but its emotional counterpart came as an understatement when spoken of.
Rukmini envisaged that experiencing too many emotions at once and nothing at all the very next moment would render her numb to them but that just didn't seem to be the case. His words reverberated in her ears like a heart wrenching bellow in the carcass of bygone monuments that only deepened their fissures.
Could not be a good father. Could not be a good father. Could not be a good father.
Not as Ramachandra.
His Sitae retreated with their children in her womb to a jungle, rājadharma demanded such sacrifices. Raghava's eyes had never known euphoria after that, but surely his subjects did.
Not as Krishnachandra either.
Rukmini would still set up the cot of their firstborn who was taken away from them. She was the strength embodied behind the silver-tongued kingmaker whose duty was righteousness's establishment. Their son was to put an end to a despot, just like his father.
Krishna's hands casted away the crown proudly donned by his glorious head and raked through his scalps; his curls bouncing with the howling winds. It was all eerily lifeless and yet suffocatingly tumultuous, much like his eyes that poured elixir but now were red rimmed. Every passing moment came as a threatening knell to her, and she awaited the words that were sitting on his tongue.
He smeared his mildly calloused hands over his features and sighed, a shudder in every breath that was dragged in his lungs, "I am sorry Svamini, I- I don't even know what I can do-"
"Hey, it's going to be fine."
She smiled, at least she tried to. Her husband sunk his teeth to his lower lip again and sighed, blinking away the pooling hot tears in his lotus eyes that stung them maliciously. He abhorred the feeling, it gradually immiserated him like nothing else. "He will come back to us. Just a little time, Natha." Rukmini couldn't tell if she was comforting herself or him, murmuring the same words he was from the last few months.
His throat hurt from holding in the urge to thunder like the clouds that were hovering over Mokshapuri, the storms did not seem eldritch anymore. "The pain goes away?" His voice held a hoarse edge as he glanced at her from the corner of her eyes.
Vaidarbhi pursed her lips, her nimble fingers tracing the brocade on the silk as a fresh set of tears raced down her cheeks, unpleasantly scorching to the skin, "No, you just make room for it."
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careforwomens · 2 months
Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment Options
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One of the most amazing and sometimes most difficult experiences of a parent's life is welcoming a newborn into the world. As anybody who has raised a newborn knows, they are a beautiful, happy, and exciting addition to the family, but they also require a lot of effort and may sometimes hinder mental health after childbirth.
Nobody can predict all that comes with losing so much sleep, being exhausted, having to adjust schedules, and feeling a little stressed. But when these emotions grow intense and moms find it difficult to bond with their child, lose interest in routine tasks, or even discover that they are always filled with feelings of worry, despair, or rage, this could be an indication of postpartum depression.
What is postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression is a mood condition that can strike any woman following childbirth. It can be challenging for mothers who are suffering from this to care for themselves or other people because they experience postpartum depression symptoms such as intense grief, worry, emotional highs and lows, frequent crying, exhaustion, guilt, anxiety, and weariness.
Postpartum depression impacts more than simply the birthing mother. It may also impact surrogate and adoptive parents. People go through hormonal, physical, emotional, economic, and social changes after having a baby. These changes can lead to postpartum depression symptoms.
If you feel you have postpartum depression, you are not alone. Speak with your loved ones or reach out to your healthcare professional to learn about postnatal depression treatment options.
Types of postpartum depression
The Baby Blues: Many new mothers will experience a condition known as the baby blues, in which their emotions might run high, they cry easily, and they can switch moods in an instant. This is extremely frequent and is caused by the body's fluctuating hormone levels as it recovers from pregnancy. The baby blues normally pass quickly and linger for little more than 1-2 weeks.
Postpartum depression: About 1 in 7 new parents experience postpartum depression, a far more serious disorder than the baby blues. Pregnancy increases your chances of postpartum depression by 30% if you have experienced it previously. You might feel guilty, anxious, and incapable of taking care of yourself or your child. 
You might also cry a lot, go through intense highs and lows, and get tired and frustrated easily. Mild to severe symptoms may start a week after delivery or develop progressively for up to a year. Treatment options for postnatal depression include antidepressants and psychotherapy, though symptoms may last for several months.
Postpartum psychosis: Emergency medical intervention is necessary for postpartum psychosis, a severe form of postpartum depression. Only 1 in 1,000 people will have this very uncommon illness and disturbed mental health after childbirth. Usually starting shortly after delivery, the symptoms are intense and persist anywhere from a few weeks to several months. 
Severe agitation, disorientation, depression, guilt, insomnia, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, hyperactivity, fast speech, or manic episodes are among the symptoms. Because postpartum psychosis increases the risk of suicide and injury to the unborn child, it needs to be treated medically. Typical treatments include medication, psychotherapy, and institutionalization.
Postpartum depression symptoms
Some feel guilty about their symptoms, or they think they are horrible parents for feeling the way they do. Depression following childbirth is very common. You are not alone in your feelings, so it does not make you a horrible person.
These are the signs that you have postpartum depression:
Extreme mood swings or depression
Too much crying, 
Trouble bonding with your child
Withdrawal from friends and family
Loss of appetite or eating significantly more than usual
Insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or too much sleep
Extreme fatigue or lack of energy
Decreased enthusiasm and interest in the things you used to enjoy 
Severe irritation and anger
Fear of not being a good mommy
Sensations of inadequacy, shame, remorse, or worthlessness
Reduced capacity for focus, clear thinking, or decision-making
Severe panic episodes
Feelings of hurting your child or yourself
Recurring thoughts of suicide or death
Women who experience any or all of these symptoms should consult their doctor right away or ask their healthcare professional for help. 
What causes postpartum depression?
Progesterone and estrogen levels drastically decrease following delivery, but they increase tenfold during pregnancy. Three days after delivery, these hormone levels go back to what they were before the pregnancy.
Postpartum depression is more likely to occur in addition to these biological changes because of the social and psychological changes that come with becoming a parent. These can include physical changes to your body, lack of sleep, concerns about raising your children, or adjustments to your relationships.
Postnatal depression treatment options
Postpartum depression can be treated with behavioral therapies, medication, or various forms of counseling that target interpersonal interactions or other factors in the family that may be causing the depression.
Getting medical attention as soon as possible is essential for women suffering from postpartum depression or for anyone who believes that a new mother may be suffering from it. If postpartum depression is not treated, it may persist for months or years and lead to future health problems.
Medications for anxiety, sadness, and psychosis may be used as a treatment for postpartum psychosis. Another option is to get admitted to a treatment facility for a few days until you reach stability. If this treatment fails to treat you, you can try electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
It's a common misconception that breastfeeding prevents you from taking medication for depression, anxiety, or even psychosis. Discuss your alternatives with your healthcare professional.
How can you prevent postpartum depression?
Not all cases of postpartum depression can be avoided. Understanding postpartum symptoms and the variables that raise your risk is helpful. The following tips can help in preventing postpartum depression:
When setting goals for yourself and your child, be reasonable.
Once you go home, don't invite too many people.
Convey to people how they can assist you and ask for assistance.
If your baby is sleeping, take a nap or rest.
Exercise to burn off some energy and take a break from your home.
Instead of isolating yourself, stay in contact with your loved ones.
Spend time together and nurture your relationship with your partner.
A mix of good and bad days is to be expected.
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