Crystals: Color and Use
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The best way to work with crystals magickally, is to simply carry them in your pocket or touch them. You can also wear them as jewelry as a single crystal or combined with other complimentary crystals on places such as: over your heart or at your wrists, etc, to disburse the energies throughout the body.
Cleansing Crystals
Many people often handle the crystals before they are bought by you, so aligning and cleansing them is recommended for purest energy.
Crystal Alignment Meditation
Stand before your crystals and close your eyes and focus on the moment
Take three slow breaths: inhale to the count of four, hold for count of four, and exhale for count of four, and then hold for another four counts
State firmly in your mind “My spirit vibrates in harmony with (insert crystal type here)” (Robbins & Bedell, 2017).
Continue to mentally recite the chant until you feel an energetic shift in yourself
Open your eyes and start to feel the crystals before you
Hold them, touch them
The crystal that is right for you will feel like its humming in your hand–the sensation of your energy and the crystal energy aligning
Boosting Crystal Power with a Simple Cleansing Ritual
Your crystals
Bowl of soapy water
Sea salt (in small bowl)
Bowl of cold water
Take all the crystals and put them in the bowl of soapy water. Use your hands to rub them clean
Chant as you wash clean: “Water, cleanse and clean. Remove the negative unseen” (Robbins & Bedell, 2017).
When the crystals feel lighter, individually place them in the bowl of salt. The salt will ground them in your energy and their energy, and remove any remaining energy
Next, dip them in the bowl of cold water to rinse off the salt, but keep the energetic process. As you remove them from the cold water, say “By the water, no more negativity. By the water, blessed be” (Robbins & Bedell, 2017)
Your crystals are now blessed and cleansed and ready for use
Color Associations
White: Pure spirit, innocence, blank slate (any purpose)
Red: Love, life, sex, romance, power, element of fire
Orange: Success, memory, gaining energy
Green: Money, fertility, success, growth, life-earth element
Blue: Healing, peace, dream work
Gold: Money, success, Sun God
Yellow: Success, luck, element of air
Silver: Intuition, money, psychic ability, Moon Goddess
Purple: Intuition, psychic energy, mental focus, spirituality
Black: Protection, grounding, strength
Magickal Associations
Amethyst: Dreams, healing, psychic ability, peace, love, protection against thieves, courage, happiness
Aventurine: Mental focus and psychic ability, eyesight, gambling and general luck, money, peace, healing
Bloodstone: Healing, victory, courage, success in legal matters and business, wealth
Carnelian: Peace, relief from depression
Citrine: Success, protection, anti-nightmare, psychic ability
Clear Quartz: Boosts any other crystals or herbs, spirituality, protection, healing, psychic ability, power
Diamond: Spirituality, reconciliation, help with sexual dysfunction, protection, courage, peace, love, healing, strength
Emerald: Love, money, mental focus and psychic ability, protection, exorcism, eyesight
Fluorite: Mental focus and psychic ability
Garnet: Healing, protection, strength
Hematite: Grounding, healing, divination
Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold): Money, divination, luck
Jadeite: Love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection, prosperity, money
Jet: Protection, anti-nightmare, luck, divination, health
Labradorite: Peace of mind, peace, happiness, tranquility, relaxation
Lapis Lazuli: Healing, joy, love, fidelity, psychic ability, protection, courage
Malachite: Power, protection, love, peace, business success
Moonstone: Love, divination, psychic ability, gardening, youth, protection, dieting, Moon Goddess
Moss Agate: Gardening, riches, happiness, long life, fertility
Red Jasper: Protection against poison and negativity, curing fevers, healing, beauty, grace
Rose Quartz: Love, open-heart chakra, peace, happiness
Ruby: Wealth, protection, power, joy, anti-nightmare
Smoky Quartz: Grounding, relief from depression
Sunstone: Protection, energy, health, sexual energy, Sun God
Tigereye: Money, prosperity, courage, energy, luck, divination
Medical Associations
Amethyst: Relieves arthritis, asthma, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and stress; improves circulation
Amber: Relieves asthma, constipation, and headaches; boosts energy
Aventurine: Relieves anxiety and fatigue, boosts immunity
Bloodstone: Improves circulation, relieves fatigue, boosts immunity
Carnelian: Relives arthritis and fatigue, improves circulation, aids concentration, aids fertility, boosts energy
Citrine: Relieves constipation, improves digestion
Clear Quartz: Aids concentration, boosts energy, immunity, and the properties and strength of all other crystals
Diamond: Relieves anxiety and depression, purifies, cleanses, regulates hormones
Emerald: Relieves asthma, detoxifies, cleanses, boosts immunity, relieves headaches
Fluorite: Relieves arthritis, aids concentration (note: do not use in an elixir or crystal water)
Garnet: Relieves arthritis and depression, improves circulation, aids fertility
Hematite: Relieves anxiety, arthritis, headaches, and insomnia; improves circulation; aids sleep
Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold): Relieves asthma, improves digestion
Jadeite: Relieves depression, balances the nervous system
Jet: Relieves headaches and depression
Labradorite: Improves digestion, relieves stress
Lapis Lazuli: Relieves depression, headaches, insomnia, and stress; boosts immunity
Malachite: Relieves asthma, boosts immunity (note: do not use in an elixir or crystal water)
Moonstone: Relieves anxiety, aids fertility
Moss Agate: Relieves depression, boosts immunity
Red Jasper: Improves circulation, aids concentration, relieves constipation
Rose Quartz: Relieves anxiety, headaches, and stress: aids fertility
Ruby: Improves circulation, relieves constipation
Smoky Quartz: Relieves anxiety, stress, and headaches
Sunstone: Relieves depression and fatigue
Tigereye: Relieves anxiety, asthma, and depression
Crystal Water
This is an energetic healing-water prepared in a glass or jar, with the correct combination of crystals. To make your water:
Place the crystals in the bottom of the glass or jar
Set outside in the sun, or by a sunny window
Let sit for 2-8 hours
Once done, strain the water into a clean glass and store
Dosage is 2-3 drops in a glass of water or juice 3-4 times daily
Note: Some crystals have metallic components and may contain iron or other substances that you should not drink or touch. These minerals include malachite, azurite, fluorite, jet, sulfur, serpentine, tigereye, tiger iron, and turquoise. To still obtain the crystal water energies from these crystals, you should use the No-Touch Method.
No-Touch Method
What you will need
Small bowl
Large bowl
Bottle or jar
Place the crystals in the small bowl
Place the smaller bowl within the larger bowl
Fill the larger bowl with enough water that the water level is above the height of the crystal(s) in the smaller bowl (BUT DOES NOT OVERFLOW INTO THE SMALL BOWL)
Place the bowls outside in the sun or on a sunny window for 2-8 hours
Bottle the water from the larger bowl and store
Usage and dosage is the same as above
Anxiety Relief: Amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone
Arthritis Relief: Carnelian, garnet, hematite
Asthma Relief: Amethyst, iron pyrite, tigereye
Constipation Relief: Citrine, red jasper
Depression Relief: Garnet, jadeite, lapis lazuli, sunstone, moss agate
Digestive Relief: Citrine, iron pyrite, labradorite, energy boost, carnelian, clear quartz
Fatigue Relief: Aventurine, carnelian, sunstone
Fertility: Carnelian, garnet, moonstone, rose quartz
Headache Relief: Clear quartz, hematite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz
Immunity Boost: Aventurine, bloodstone, clear quartz, lapis lazuli
Improve Circulation: Bloodstone, hematite
Improve Concentration: Carnelian, clear quartz, red jasper
Insomnia Relief: Amethyst, hematite, lapis lazuli
Stress Relief: Lapis lazuli, smoky quartz, rose quartz
Robbins, Shawn, and Bedell, Charity. The Good Witch’s Guide. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2017. Print.
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ah yes, my favourite foreign language feel, “I know what all of those words mean individually but not together like that”
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