#posting this before my other ask cause it's not really a story haha
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caramelarchive Ā· 1 year ago
šŸŖanon here! Iā€™m kinda realizing a lot of my thoughts pop out at night for meā€¦ and they are usually about ā€œwould L do this?ā€ And I think yes, yes he would.
I think L would find people doing trick shots with paper and a trash can stupid (marauds would try this and get reprimanded) but if itā€™s marshmallow trick shots he would find it entertaining(reader and L are pretty good with these tricks since it passes time)
P.s. you are also my favorite :3
h. yes. most of my thoughts are about L too...
...almost got distracted there...
I agree with this!! I'm assuming you mean Matsuda not marauds, and MAN Matsuda would be told off BAD. "A waste of paper. at least throw it in a recycling bin. how on earth are you a detective if this is all you do all day, Matsuda?"
and then less than an hour later Matsu walks in to find reader throwing marshmallows into L's mouth.
hahahahaha but yeah if they're like, really cool trick shots where L can look at them and go "oh hey physics" I think he'd get a kick out of it sometimes, like if you put em on in the background before bed.. I'm thinking YouTube channels like dude perfect or whatever his name is, not just paper in bin y'know.
and as for marshmallows? gets lowkey upset, no matter how cool the shot, if they're not thrown right into his mouth. or yours. just don't waste the marshmallows, okay Y/N?
such a silly little man.
I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
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bunni-v1 Ā· 12 days ago
your shadow milk cookie relationships headcanons are now my canon. like what the fuck how can a piece of literature be so accurate to established information we know about him!!!!!!! hejsjsdjejwje ur shadowmilk is so loving and so cute lowkey
if you don't mind, since your requests are open, could you elaborate more on some more aspects of the relationship pre-ep 8 and post-ep 8? (if u haven't finished this part then u can just ignore this hehe) you mentioned how smc naturally gets more and more devoted as time goes on and he opens up (THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO ILL) so i've also wondered how he would act like when there is a threat that legitimately puts his lover in danger, or at worst, sets the tone to losing them. he'd mald, i imagine...
feel free to answer, feel free to ignoreā€”i adore your work and i think it's not strange at all for you to shift to cookie run after dabbling in mostly human-ish games like ZZZ and TWST. all in good fun, plus you're feeding a parched audience (i am audience, haha) have a good day!
šŸ“Okay so this ask kinda has three parts to it, so please excuse me if it seems a little... all over the place. I'll answer both the pre and post ep 8 things, and then I'll be touching on what he's like with the threat. I do hope you enjoy my love <3
Tw: Mentions of body horror (cookie body horror?); Shadow Milk Cookie; Obsessive and Possessive behaviors; unedited
Info: Shadow Milk x Reader; Fluff; Angst (lowkey tho); Pre and Post episode 8 SMC (spoilers ahead lol); Drabble/Headcannons(?)
Pre Episode 8
From how the story seems to be set up, the confrontation with SMC should happen last, they just released it now because of the anniversary knowing he'd be hella popular lol. So I'm functioning with the idea that Gingerbrave and Co. arrive around when the other Ancients are finishing up their own confrontation with their respective beasts, meaning there's a lot of time to work with hehe.
Anyway, pre-episode 8 Shadow Milk leans into the category of 'yandere' a lot more than post. He's very obsessive about you, again stalking and watching you, learning as much as he can about you before he even allows you to see him.
You're more often than not being monitored by him, and if you're not, he's probably with you. He gets annoyed when other cookies talk to you, and he isn't afraid to voice that. While he does give you a lot of freedom, he does subtly limit the things you do and the people you're around. It's harder when you're not with him in the spire, but he goes about messing with the environment to keep you where he wants you.
And, yes, he'll crumble cookies in your name if he needs to. Their lives are arbitrary in the grand scheme of things, especially so if they're causing you strife. He won't hurt any cookies you hold dear to you -- though he really may want to at times -- only cookies that are a threat to your emotional or physical well-being. If the death causes you too much terror, then he'll tone it down to just... making their lives a miserable hellscape. It's what the deserve for hurting you, of course!
When you do join him in the spire (because you will, it's just a matter of how long it takes him to nudge you in that direction), the behavior is a bit more obvious. He doesn't like you leaving the spire for literally anything, and if you do he knows and will pop up by your side the second you stray too far. He plays it up as cute worrying, but he's legitimately scared for your wellbeing, like terrified. You're never alone in the spire if he can help it (and he can).
Like I said he watches a lot. There are eyes all around the spire and they follow you shamelessly. They appear content to just watch you, sometimes even literally forming hearts, so they're no threat to your well-being. Again, he's just observing you, more excited now that you're actually in the spire and close to him.
There is a notable difference in the environment, though you likely don't notice it (because you've only ever seen post you moving in). The atmosphere surrounding the spire is lighter, more colorful, and happy. It reflects his excitement at having you around, a visual nod to his love for you, even though you're not exactly away of it.
Despite the negatives here, there are positives! He's incredibly doting, you'll want for nothing with him. Your greatest dreams will come true with a wave of his hand, even with only half his power. He does let you wander around, you just won't be alone when you do so. He's very aware of the dangerous environment on beast yeast, he's cause for it, so he won't be risking your safety.
He's incredibly showy with his style of loving. Grand gifts and performances just to get you grinning and giggling. (He loves writing plays where the two of you are the main characters, falling in love in a million different ways, cutie he is.) He serenades you with syrupy sweet lyrics all about how much he adores all of you. Scoops you up in his arms and dances around with you. He's very touchy, like I said, always needing to have physical contact for whatever reason. (It's because he's scared you'll leave him too.)
He doesn't kiss you much if only to initiate more intimate activities. When he does, his intent is to fluster you nearly every time. Kissing is something that's hard for him, for whatever reason. It's more intimate than touches, and weirdly enough more intimate than sex in his mind. It makes him so vulnerable, so he tries to avoid it unless it's to get a reaction out of you.
Most of what he does is to get a reaction, actually. He likes seeing the way you express yourself, and regardless of what you do, he finds it cute. It's a little intimidating how much he stares, and he stares a lot. Very frequently you'll find him sitting around just... watching you. He won't stop even if you acknowledge it, just smiles all innocently until you go back to what you were doing.
That's sort of how it feels during this whole time, that he's just watching from the outside. There's a distance he keeps between you and him, the power dynamic is a lot more stark here. However, when you're not aware - be that you're sleeping or doing something where you can't see him - genuine affection comes out.
Floating around the spire in his arms as you rest, he whispers sweet nothings he could never bring himself to say to your face. He'll lead you around the winding halls of the spire with a path of your favorite flowers, aiding you in getting to where you want to go. He leaves gifts around, taking you on little treasure hunts just to reveal something sweet and heartfelt at the end. The spire itself shifts and changes around you to be more to your liking, and there are rooms within it dedicated to the hobbies you enjoy.
This gentleness is all hidden when you're together, though. Only showing itself when you can't look him in the eyes and reject him. He can't bring himself to let you in, he's scared of that rejection. He wants you to think he's powerful and amazing, so allowing you to see just how much he adores you would be terrible. What if you don't like him at his weakest? What if you realize that you could do better than him? What if you meet Pure Vanilla and you realize how much better he is? What if you leave him? Oh, it tears him apart.
So, he can't let you in. He'll put on a performance so dazzling it'll distract you from how much his heart aches when he sees you. He'll prove that he really does love you through flowery words and fantastical shows, anything to hide how much he adores you. Even when you try to get him to connect, he'll brush it off for fear of you not accepting him as he is. He can't handle you rejecting him, not after all he's done to keep you at his side, not after how hard he's fallen in love with you.
Post Episode 8
This is where we see Shadow Milk Cookie open up a lot more to you. After the so-called betrayal of Truthless Recluse, and his being incredibly emotionally vulnerable from Compassionate Pure Vanilla's offer for friendship, he's now forced with the problem of you knowing him. You saw that raw vulnerability, the loneliness that aches deep within his dough and infects his very being with a sickness he cannot cure.
No matter how much he puts on airs, he cannot avoid you knowing him now. He has nothing to hide behind anymore, you saw how much he craves connection and care, there's no going back from that. He briefly considers leaving you, but the idea of losing you sends shivers up his back, so he dismisses the thought as quickly as it comes. He may actively avoid you for a little while, but if you are patient and kind to him, he won't be able to hide for long.
Showing him that you still feel the same way by continuing your regular shows of affection is a huge relief to him. He truly expects you to think less of him now that you've seen that side of him, but you don't. It's rather odd to a cookie like him, who spent his entire existence being worshiped, revered, and feared. He assumes when you see him weak you will despise him - that you were only there for all the grandiose gifts and displays. He doesn't consider the thought that you have fallen in love with him. That you consider him yours as much as he considers you his.
It takes him a bit, but he begins to pick up where you left off. This time, though, he's more... gentle about everything. You get to take the lead around this time, and as odd as it is for him, it's cathartic to be taken care of for once. He can let his walls down and relax while you stroke his hair and hold him close to your chest. You kiss across his face with reverence that not even the most loyal of his followers could ever begin to replicate.
You love him.
He becomes addicted to the feeling, your affections being something he craves with a hunger he'd never felt before. It takes a bit for him to come to you for it, so usually you'll have to initiate it, but he melts into your hands so easily. It's pathetic how much hold a little cookie like you had over a god like him, but when you're humming sweet words at him he can't bring himself to care too much. (He will huff and puff if any of the other beasts give him shit for it, telling them off like a angry child.)
All of those hidden affections of his become much more obvious to you as time goes on. He's a bit awkward with it because he's never really been so open with any cookie before, but it's charming the way he tries so hard to be genuine with you.
You get to hear those sweet words of love from him directly, earnestly said while he holds your hand in an iron-tight grip. He gives you those heartfelt gifts by hand, telling you all about how he worked so hard to get it for you and how much care went into it. He leads you around places himself, preferring to be by your side than guiding you from a safe distance. Even the way he holds you is different, much more adoring than before. It's a kind of care he hadn't really shown you before, more considerate of what you might want rather than what he believes you might want.
And, of course, he kisses you now. Very frequently. He still does do it to fluster you at times, but less than he did before. Now every kiss has a purpose behind it, a means of displaying his affection for you. They're soft and loving, full of emotion.
Something that carries over consistently is the watching. He keeps an eye on you at all times, regardless of where you're at. Since you're no longer in the spire, there's more risk so he wants to ensure your safety. Even if you're with another beast or with Black Sapphire or Candy Apple, he's watching you anxiously.
Now if you acknowledge the eyes, they'll react to you. Before they usually just continued watching, but now they'll squint and shift excitedly at your attention. Sometimes he'll even drop flowers or a little plushie at your feet while the eye seems to grin at you with glee. You can kiss them, if you'd like -- they're warm and soft but they don't feel like eyes. If you do so the pupil with dart around nervously, then it'll pop out of existence and arrange itself to another spot you can't easily fluster him at.
Still, though, they just watch you for the most part. Making sure you're safe and happy when he isn't around. He's a bit less obsessive about who you're spending your time with, though. He trusts that you won't leave him a lot more now, and no longer finds himself threatened by anyone (other than PV).
Bonus below
Now, as a mortal cookie in beast yeast, most things put you in danger. It's a tough environment to live in, and there are a lot of violent characters around that wouldn't care if you died or not. However, most cookies are aware of Shadow Milk Cookie's, shall we say, claim on you.
There are very few things that could actually threaten you, especially with Shadow Milk Cookie monitoring you so closely. He makes the environment around you safer, and he makes sure everyone knows that you are off-limits. Unfortunately he cannot control everything, though he really does try to.
If anything, anything ever puts you in actual danger, he is beside himself with worry and rage. Your soft and sweet dough is not made for battle and danger, regardless of what you might feel. It would take the witches themselves to stop him from tearing apart the lands to ensure your safety. And tear them apart he would. He would carve deep valleys into the ground for you, slice mountains to their base, and raze forests flat if it means you will be safe.
If it's a cookie? Some insignificant act or protest from a foolish mortal, deciding to use you to get his attention? Oh, they'll know hell.
Depending on how much damage they do the punishment will vary, but it won't be pleasant regardless. If they just take you away for a little while, he'll torture them. Ensuring the life they go back to is much harder for them to live through, but he won't kill them. They have to learn their lesson and live to tell the tale so no one is stupid enough to follow their example.
If they hurt you at all, they're dead. Shadow Milk normally makes a show out of any crumbling he does, but when you are involved? He doesn't waste time with any silly shows, they just crumble. No fanfare, no sparkle, just death. They don't deserve anything more than that, not when they've caused you hurt.
Ah, and if there is a threat to you -- silly or not -- he takes it very seriously. His monitoring will increase tenfold, and he does his best to keep you with him at all times. He will not take your safety lightly, not when he adores you so.
If there is a genuine threat to your life, he will do everything in his power to remove it. After the fact, he becomes much more obsessive of your safety. It's almost suffocating for a while, but if you express concern he'll ease up a bit. Though you can feel the anxiety in his body language and the way which he speaks.
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bth3cowboi Ā· 11 months ago
snoop the bling, cs55xreader
part 1 part 3 part 4
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
summary: summer break starts and that means traveling with a snoopy plushie and a boyfriend (or maybe a future husband). Also, his friend is there.
format: social media au
a/n: people asked for this and I deliver cause i love snoopy
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( instagram )
ynraces 17h
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liked by lewishamilton, f1 and 1.333.561 others
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liked by landonorris, ynraces and 786.566 others
carlossainz55 Best way to spend summeršŸ˜Žā˜€ļø
tagged ynraces;
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user1 here before yn calls carlos his sweet baby or smh cute like that
ynraces SLUT
user1 oh that is not it
ynraces šŸ¤¤šŸ”„I love u my unemployed princess
carlossainz55 I dont know what to think about this
carlossainz55 but I love you toošŸ˜‚
ynraces hes safe ashore!!
user3 wait im new, they have a baby??
user4 nošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they call ynā€™s snoopy their baby
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liked by carlossainz, f1 and 808.445 others
ynraces Mallorca with my baby lovešŸ’™šŸ¤æ (and carlos is here too)
tagged carlossainz55;
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user1 thank you for the blessing (carlos photo)
user2 theres a snoopy, theres a like
user3 a snoopy is always gonna be therešŸ™„ this is ynā€™s page
landonorris Enjoy your alone time for nowšŸ˜ˆ
ynraces im expecting you with HATE btw dont come
landonorris Iā€™ll be there soon and heā€™ll be with mešŸ˜šŸ¤ž
ynraces youre sick!! homewrecker!!!
landonorris girl fuck your baby snoopy
ynraces BRO??? carlos say sumšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
carlossainz55 Please donā€™t fight in the commentsā¤ļø you have the vacation for that
ynraces šŸ¤”
user4 that snoopy deserves some rest god
carlossainz55 2h
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liked by landonorris and 900.343 others
Oh she really doesnā€™t have a clue
I didnā€™t insist either
Donā€™t want her to get suspicious
I canā€™t wait to take the pictures now HAHA
Everything is ready btw just waiting for you both
liked by landonorris
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liked by scuderiaferrari, ynraces and 1.455.320 others
carlossainz55 She said yes! ā¤ļøšŸ’ Thank you Yn for being the woman you are, I canā€™t wait to call you my wife. I love you more than anything in this world.
tagged ynraces;
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ynraces šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ Love you soooo much
carlossainz55 ā¤ļøā¤ļø
user1 OMG OMG
user2 chat is this real??
user3 now thats a rockkkkk
charles_leclerc Congratulations guysšŸ˜ā¤ļø
carlossainz55 Thanks mate!
user4 imagine driving in f1 with your wife THE DREAM
landonorris Wow what a beautiful ringšŸ¤© The friend that helped chose it must be the best
carlossainz55 šŸ¤«
ynraces u did great for once congrats
landonorris šŸ¤©šŸ¤©
user5 Carlos must be crying and jumping seeing this interaction
user6 his wife and his boy lmao
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liked by carlossainz55, lewishamilton and 2.445.678 others
ynraces swipe for a surprise!šŸŖ
tagged carlossainz;
see all comments
ynraces pinned Te amo mucho, Carlos. ā¤ļø You are my everything.
carlossainz55 Te amo tambienšŸ˜
user2 me 2 šŸ˜­ I wish I saw Carlos post first
user3 wym I cant marry Yn anymore
user4 Ohhh are we going to see two sainz in the grid now
lewishamilton Congrats you twošŸ«¶
ynraces thank u lew!
user5 I was worried Snoopy wasnā€™t gonna be here but Yn delivered as always
landonorris Cool photosšŸ‘ Call me for the wedding too
ynraces I dont want you crying at the wedding too iugh
landonorris those were happy tearsšŸ’”
( twitter )
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a/n: The snoopy story continuous!! if you liked it and want to see more just say sošŸ©· my asks are open!!
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sewerpalette Ā· 4 months ago
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My Human AL-AN redesign!! The video is still a WIP because I got sick haha, but yk.
At first I was scared I wouldnā€™t see a lot of visual Improvement, since the video is only 7 months old, but I compared the two and wow, there is a huge difference and Iā€™m very happy with it.
Also this isnā€™t really much of an AU(?) itā€™s kinda hard to explain but itā€™s basically just the alien designs replaced with humanoids for my personal convenience (canā€™t draw em very well), with some minor story altercation that doesnā€™t really affect the plot. I think with AL this is easier to explain as they canonically have the ability to cause visual hallucinations, so this design would probably just be an extension of that, not really how he looks. I always liked the idea of the architects being a little eldritch that way, they have a true form but itā€™s unphysical, the human mind canā€™t make it up so the individual simply chooses what to present itself as: at least thatā€™s my personal interpretation/headcanon.
As Iā€™ve said before in the first post about the concept design where I further explain my decisions -
, I gave him a burn scar over his face from the disease research facility incident wich I imagine stuck with him in a way it, in one way or another, burns itself through every body he possesses aslong as the transfer doesnā€™t go wrong and he remains with the memory (also obviously to resemble his face screen).
His attire is based off of those the alterrans scientists wear, the pattern is a mix of precursor architecture textures and shapes mimicking those on his body, the logo on the lab coat is inspired by the architect statues from BZ, wich i reaaaally loved.
Hair/face shaped to vaguely resemble his face plate thingy and horns.
Also gave them a bag in wich I imagine carries all the different tools that are built into their arms in the game, because Iā€™d rather die than draw those again beyond blocking in rough shapes haha, bag coincidentally ended up having a sea dragon color palette wich I initially wanted to change but ended up really loving because it kinda symbolises his guilt haunting him a little. itā€™s also stacked to the brim with enzyme 42 for obvious reasons.
I also still stand by the idea that the architects would look a little uncanny when trying to resemble humans, they can mimic them to near perfection, but something is just off, the body ratio looks strange, neck a few centimetres too long, shoulders a tad bit too low, lower legs too long, face moving too monotonely, small things like that yk.
Had to rerender this because I started drawing at like 6am at wich point my brain was rotting so hard I completely forgot what brushes I use, but that doesnā€™t really matter since I love to render so yk lol.
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I made a poll on Instagram asking wether or not people liked the glasses, because on one hand I felt it made the colors more even whilst directing attention at and lighting the face nicely, but on the other I donā€™t really wanna make every ā€žsmartā€œ character have glasses, so I decided that these are reading glasses, wich means he does have them but he can also go without.
here is the alternative without:
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erinwantstowrite Ā· 8 months ago
Let me just quickly say, cross-overs can sometimes get REALLY difficult to map out and write in a cohesive way but you have absolutely NAILED IT!! I absolutely ADORE LoF!!! I usually donā€™t even bother reading fics with the ā€˜Richard Grayson is Richard Parkerā€™ premise cause I felt like they were super confusing and overcomplicated but this fic?? SUPERB. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. OH MY GOD I ADORE IT. Everyoneā€™s characterizations are so nice and wonderful aaaaaaah!!!! <33333
Ok ok I did actually have a question as well: would you be willing to share what your writing process looks like in terms of a chapter youā€™ve already posted? I was just wondering since Iā€™m also currently working on my own fic (itā€™s been a few years but I managed to get fixated on an idea and it grew legs lol) and Iā€™m currently fighting the organization of it haha.
How do you keep track of the plot points and/or foreshadowing you want to get a ā€˜lightbulb!ā€™ moment for later? Do you have any tips?
Thank you so much! I absolutely adore your writing AND your art is so gorgeous omg it adds so much to the incredible story :DDD I hope you have a good day!!
I have a secret: I actually didn't like "Richard Grayson is Richard Parker' tag for a while for the same reason. Sometimes they felt like they missed the mark or it's just. A thing that's there? I almost didn't include it for LoF, but I'm glad I did because it changed the direction in such a big way.
Another secret: this made me incredibly happy because I have read so many wikis and scoured the internet to make sure that I had enough info on both fandoms so LoF could make sense to anyone who's reading it, whether they know Spider-Man, Batfam, or neither at all. Sometimes I worry a lot before I post that I'll miss a mark and will confuse people.
As for the question: I definitely am willing to share what my writing process looks like!
Be prepared for under the cut, I love to yap. It's in my blood to yap. And that's why it took a minute to get to this ask haha
(Spoilers for Leap of Faith!! Everything mentioned has already been published ((Chapters 1-11))
I had to go and find out which chapter I wanted to use as an example and I think we're gonna go with Chapter 5 for the most part :)
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My writing process is, as described by alighterwood:
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I think the description fits because while I'm all over the place, I have to be very detail oriented and I store everything in one spot.
Starting with the overall process, what I find is most helpful for me, when organizing, is having a notebook rather than doing it all digitally. I've been using a 70 sheet notebook that I had lying around waiting to be used, and as of yesterday, I officially filled the entire thing front to back. It's been an incredible help, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's a lot easier to remember something I physically wrote down than it is to remember something I typed. I'm now on to my second notebook for LoF, and I might even have to get a third.
In another ask, startupkat asked me this:
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And I shared a little about my outline process there, but I'll try to go into a little more depth here. Emphasis on little because this is so long.
I write a truly insane amount of outlines in this notebook.
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This is just what I can show you, but a good chunk of the notebook is just outlines. Over and over and over again. That's because they're always changing/adapting based on so many different factors. Sometimes I get to a chapter I thought I had fully planned out and then realize it just doesn't work anymore. Other times, I get to the chapter and realize I don't want to write that anymore/isn't as interesting as I thought it would be. A few times I got halfway through a POV of a scene I was struggling on and decided to switch POV's, which will change up the outline for a chapter every now and then.
Which is why I don't write incredibly detailed outlines and try to keep it vague until I actually get to that chapter. It's a lot less daunting to rewrite a chapter outline than it is to rewrite the entire outline.
Fic outlines and Chapter outlines look a lot alike.
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This is what I said in the other ask, but I didn't elaborate on it all the way.
I make a list just like that, and then I try to put it in chronological order/in an order that makes sense. I keep the Fic outline vague by writing down "Goals" for a chapter rather than scenes. But I also keep notes to myself if I really think something is important. The more important I think a scene needs to be, the more details I write down to make sure my future self recalls what I had in mind when I thought it up.
Really simple example:
Chap 1 Goal: Peter gets to Gotham and meets Babs while running around. Meet Nightwing too? Get shelter.
Chapter 2 Goal: Bats are like "???" about Peter. Batfam dynamic important... Peter stalking Batfam back? Peter meet Batman >:)
When I get to a chapter, that's when I make a far more detailed list of wants/needs/goals. It's the Step 2 from the Step 1. Here are some examples from Chapter 5:
Needed to have:
More POV's from universe 1299 (Peter's home universe)
Tony's POV more specifically, how he's doing/feeling, what he's figured out
What they've figured out on 1299 side vs what's going on in 1300 (Gotham)
Explaining more about Peter's trauma/his past
Dick learning more about Peter, and vise versa
Wanted to have:
Ned being a more central character
Natasha :)
Loki being a little shit
Tony and Cap bickering
Peter talking to Nightwing again
The last name Grayson
(This is the shortened list, because the chapters are so long)
When I looked at this list before writing my outline, I had to figure out how I could incorporate everything. If I needed more 1299 POV's, and I wanted Ned, Natasha, and Loki, there's one scene accounted for. I had to get their side of things and wanted that trio together. I needed a Tony POV, and I wanted Tony and Cap bickering, so those went together, plus I got 1299's POV of Ohnn and his plans explained.
I needed to have Peter explaining more about his trauma, and Dick and Peter to talk/get closer. I wanted a Nightwing POV, to have Peter say his last name, and them doing gymnastics. I knew Peter wouldn't willingly talk about that, so I had him have a nightmare. Not only did it give readers perspective but it made Peter more susceptible to talking to Nightwing because he was more emotionally vulnerable/lonely, and that's how that scene came together.
That's when I would write down the chronological order of these events by writing out "Scene Blocks." (This is what I wrote down but my handwriting was so bad I can't subject y'all to it):
scene 1- Ned talking to Loki. Natasha should be nearby and observing Loki's behavior. They are not on friendly terms. Ned is more worried about Peter than he is as to what Loki could be up to, so Natasha takes on that role.
scene 2- Tony is freaking out about Peter being in an alt dimension. He should attack Ohnn when he's not prepared for it. Beat his ass? Beat his ass. Cap there too.
scene 3- Peter's nightmare. "Ben, where do you go when you die?" "Where do you think?" "With you. Where you went."
scene 4- Nightwing and Peter.
Of course, things come to attention when writing. Like originally, Tony and Cap were arguing in the Tower. But it was a little too much like his and Natasha's argument, and I kept in mind that Tony is smart. Sometimes I forget that the characters are smarter than I am, so I have to account for what they would figure out. So Tony would have picked up the puzzle pieces and come to more conclusions than I originally thought about, and I figured he'd be way more proactive about it than just. Being in the Tower and waiting.
Which means that that scene ended up being as listed above: having a squabble with Cap, learning more about Peter's dynamic with the Avengers in this universe, and seeing how Tony is reacting to it by throwing himself head first into trying to capture Ohnn.
I'll realize I need something else to be mentioned or put in and I'll have to shimmy things around, but that's basically how it goes.
As for other forms of organization:
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Keeping a timeline is so important because it tells you a lot about the environment your characters are in. It's also important to remember what a character has on them, what money they've spent, who they've met/who you have mentioned, every alias that is being used, to read your work and write down edits you want to make before you make them, to write down ideas beforehand of situations you can use, and, most importantly: MAKE A MAP!! This has saved me so many times. Sometimes your brain WILL trick you or make it harder on you to envision a scene. Make a map of where your characters are physically!! It will save you too!!
As for foreshadowing and plot points, I'll let you in on yet another secret:
Your subconscious is doing a lot more than you think it is.
Sometimes when I foreshadow something, I didn't even know I was until I got to it. I very often go back to read chapters that came before this to see what I've mentioned and what I haven't, and when I do, I'll see something and go "I have to bring this back" or "I almost forgot about that!"
Other times, I am very aware of what I'm foreshadowing, and that's because I follow a mystery plot formula. You have to keep in mind everyone's intentions, all the time. How are they feeling? What are their motivations? And: what are they doing right now, while this character is doing this?
Like Beck and Ohnn. From the very beginning, I knew I had to make sure that it was obvious Ohnn wasn't working alone. From there, I had to weave through the story and slowly build him up as someone who's working behind the scenes. Even from Ned's first POV, I made sure to mention that this person knows Tony and is tech savvy.
My biggest tip is to make sure you reread your work or at least skip through it, because sometimes you don't even know that you placed something there.
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And sometimes, it's very purposeful. :)
I hope this helped! I really tried to keep it short but I am insane and the process is sooooo long. It sounds complicated but it really is simple when you're actually doing it I swear
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theartingace Ā· 1 year ago
Hello! Iā€™ve seen your work over the years and every time I see it I always get a kick over it. I have a sociological question to ask you about centaurs. How do humans or other races fit into their lives? Both in a general sense of life, platonically, and romantically? Sorry if youā€™ve answered this before.
Thank you! It always blows my mind that I've been puttering away in my little corner of the internet with my horse people for this long!
I've covered a couple different specific situations in my cultures; re platonic and romantic? but for the most part is it boils down to that romantic would probably be rare and boil down to individual choices for how they approach it? But for platonic I have sort of covered a lot of platonic relationships just from the standpoint that basically all my centaur cultures have a deep societal tie to another race. At first it was a lot of convenience- a way to get around the difficulties of centaur bodies getting in the way of certain ways of life, but at this point I just do it cause it's lovely to me!
Like the merchants build their cities with the dwarves and they both benefit from the dwarves engineering and centaur's strength and mobility re:trade. The centaurs easily manage huge farms, trade networks, and logging infrastructure on their strength and speed but benefit from dwarves (and a small portion of other bipeds) being better set up for building (try to imagine a centaur making a roof, it's vexed me for a year now..) and generally engineering wizzes so it's a mutually beneficial relationship to entwine their cultures in the main Merchant City
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Obviously my Riders are wholly entwined with their biped family as I've talked extensively about in.. too many posts probably haha
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but then my very lightly covered Mountain folk have a different, almost religious relationship with the Forest Giants in which the relationship between their two cultures is separate other than the spiritual importance they hold with each other. The giants live approximately 300 years but are very slow, sedate creatures who prize a life of peace and telling stories over all else. So the centaurs almost view them as minor deities and the giants keep and love the stories their fiery little companions entrust to them.
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As you can tell, I really love building all these races and cultures and then mashing them together and see what comes out! I find it makes the world feel more real and lived in when I'm not only thinking about how a culture would work and operate, but also how they interact with their neighbors! What's their main export and how does that shape their life and relations?? These are the questions I get LOST in so thank you for asking :D
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faeriichaii Ā· 1 year ago
Hello ! How are you? Hope you're having a lovely day<3 this is a weird request so feel free to ignore haha! What about a Legolas x reader where the story is based on the song "Lily" (by alan walker). It just randomly came in my mind and thought it would be cool šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ thank you!
Lily ~ Legolas x Fem!Reader
A/N: I am alright, wbu?? Thank you so much for requesting!! I had so much fun with the song and I really hope you like the story! I actually almost posted it before adding a bit more Legolas huhu cause like I barely had him in the story even though it is a story for him?? Kinda?? But I think now he really is part of this story and not just the reader hihi
ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Warnings: fluff, lil angst, mention of death ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Words: 4.3k ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Le melin ~ I love You ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Hiril vuin ~ My Lady ąæą¾‚ ā‡¢ Ė—ĖĖ‹ Aranel ~ Princess ąæą¾‚
Summary: Being a princess with a gruesome father as a king makes you only wish to run away. So you do and run directly into the arms of an ethereal prince
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The sound of your feet hitting the stone path outside of the castle walls filled your ears, as you quickly turned around the corner. Your hands were tightly holding onto your dress, making sure that the fabric is far away from your running feet. ā€œThe princess went that way!ā€ A guard shouted, following into your direction. You knew they were hot on your tail, they always were. This wasnā€™t the first time you attempted to run away from a kingdom you have learned to despise. The king, your father, was a ruthless man with no sympathy left for his children. Especially after the passing of your mother. Oh, your mother was the loveliest woman known to Middle Earth. Her heart was made out of gold and every single person that crossed her path was left astonished at the pure kindness she gave away. She was a Queen, who ruled with the goodness of her soul, the complete opposite of your father nowadays. As the Queen still wandered the halls, your father was like her. His radiant smile accompanied his heartfelt actions he shared not only with his family, but also with the whole kingdom.
He was a king that knew how to properly care for his citizens. That was until the Queen fell ill. The sickness quickly taking over her body and making her bedridden. Only her family was able to visit her. You remember sitting by her side, holding onto her hand with your much smaller one. You were still a little girl. Your older brother sat on the opposite side of you, grasping her other hand tightly. ā€œMother, when will you play with me again?ā€ You innocently asked, a smile gracing your lips. She let go of your hand and put it on your cheek. You leaned into her slightly cold touch. ā€œMy dear (Y/N), I will play with you very soon. Do not fret about it my child. Maybe your brother is willing to play with you for the time being?ā€ She tilted her head to the side, as she looked at your brother, awaiting an answer. ā€œOf course, mother, what would you like to play (Y/N)?ā€ His eyes were a little glossy, but you of course didnā€™t notice. ā€œLetā€™s play tea party!ā€ You enthusiastically jumped off of the bed and took your brothers hand in yours, pulling him out of the chambers.
Weeks passed and your mothers condition worsened with each day. ā€œFather, will mother ever be all right again?ā€ You once questioned him, after finding him in the kitchen. A bottle of wine in his hands. His eyes were brimmed red and tear streaks were staining his cheeks. He didnā€™t even look at you, as you slowly began to approach him. But before you get the chance to talk with him again, a guard rushed into the room. He was breathing heavily, almost as if he rushed all the way here in search of the king. ā€œYour highness, the Queen.ā€ The king set the bottle onto the table at once and approached the guard with in quick few strides. You followed behind, almost running to catch up with the two. Approaching the door to his chambers, he almost threw it out of its hinges, as he kneeled at the side of the bed. Grasping onto the Queens pale hand. ā€œMy love, are you alright?ā€ He tentatively asked her, his thumb rubbing loving circles onto her skin. Her head was resting on a pillow as she looked at him. Her eyes were glistening over as she slowly began to speak. ā€œMy king, I am sorry to depart so soon from you.ā€ A pause settled in, followed by a coughing fit. Your father quickly grabbed a glass of water that set at the bedside table and handed it to her.
After taking a few sips, she continued. ā€œPlease take care of our wonderful children. They deserve to feel loved and experience the warmth we hold for them.ā€ Tears were flowing down the kingsā€™ cheeks. His free hand was clasped over his mouth, in order to stifle the sobs that escaped him. You have never seen your father in so much pain. Carefully approaching the both of them, your mother noticed you first. ā€œMy dear (Y/N) sit down.ā€ She gently pet the spot on the bed, right beside her thigh. Lifting your tiny body onto the bed, you took your spot beside your mother. Opening her arms for you, you immediately threw yourself into her embrace. Her fingers gently stroked through your hair, as she hummed a soft tune. ā€œDonā€™t be afraid of the big wide world my child. I will always be with you, either in your heart or the stars.ā€ Tears were streaming down your face as your heart began to ache. ā€œMama, I donā€™t want you to leave.ā€ You sobbed out, holding onto her. ā€œShh I know my child, but it will at some point be everyoneā€™s turn to return to the stars. Mine might have come too soon but I will not be completely gone. Like I said I will be always right here.ā€ She gently pointed at your chest, where your heart was beating away. You buried your head deeper into her, listening to her slowing heartbeat. The pain in your chest tightened, as you felt someone try to rip you away from your mother. ā€œNo, no!ā€ You struggled against your brothersā€™ grip, as he carried you out of the room, where your mother slowly began to close her eyes. The las thing you saw were the white lilies, sitting on her bedside table.
ā€œGot you!ā€ A guard harshly grabbed your arm, as you tried to round another corner. ā€œLet go of me.ā€ You tried to push him away, however his grip was stronger. Other guards followed soon suit and escorted you back into the castle. A huff left your lips, as they shoved you back into your room. ā€œThe king will attend to you and your poor escape plan tomorrow morning after breakfast.ā€ The guard closed the door behind you, a soft click indicating that he also locked it once more. Groaning angrily, you threw yourself onto your bed. You let out a frustrated scream, that was muffled by your pillow. After letting a bit of your anger loose on your plush bed, you turned to your bedside table and took out the paper you had stored neatly away. Walking towards your desk, you used your quill and drew another line next to the other eleven.
Twelve times you had tried to escape. Twelve times you successfully were brought back into this wretched room with your awful father and your oh so loving brother. A knock filled the silence of your room, as you heard a click and how the door opened. Footsteps approached you, before angrily turning you around. ā€œHave you lost your mind?ā€ Your brother angrily asks you, shaking you by your shoulders. ā€œThis is what, the tenth time you tried to escape? Are you insane?ā€ ā€œActually, it was the twelfth time.ā€ You muttered. He raised an eyebrow at you, before letting you go. ā€œI know you do not agree with fathersā€™ way of ruling the kingdom and how he married you off to another, but risking your life to get away from a perfect one? That is just utterly stupid.ā€ ā€œPerfect? My perfect life? I think you are the stupid one. Father is cold hearted and does not care for anybody but himself. He sold me off to a man thrice my age! Have you seen the way he looked at me? He is like a sleezy little weasel!ā€
Your hands were thrown around, to visualize your point of how gruesome the man was. ā€œI know (Y/N), but this is what he wants and it is the only safe way to get you out of his grasp and out of this fallen kingdom.ā€ His eyebrows scrunched up in worry. You knew he cared for you. You knew he only meant well as he told you in advance about this marriage. But this is not the live you wish for yourself, neither for anyone else. A sigh left your lips as you looked at your brother Alaric. ā€œI know, but at this point I donā€™t even know what is worse. Being married off or living in a kingdom with a man who burns every house down.ā€ Alaric gently smiled at you. ā€œ(Y/N) please just promise me to stop running away. Mother wouldnā€™t want that.ā€ ā€œMother wouldnā€™t want me to be married to a pig either.ā€ He sadly sighed, before letting go of you and walking towards the door. ā€œCatch some sleep my dear sister. Father will probably rip you to pieces tomorrow.ā€ And with that, he closed the door behind you.
The sunny rays of the morning lit the dining table up, making it almost look idyllic. Wouldnā€™t it be for the awful scorn that your father wore day and night on his face. It was quite and you almost didnā€™t even dare to breath. Suddenly the king threw his utensils on the table and looked at you from a distance, before standing up. ā€œYou awful child! Are you trying to ruin this kingdoms reputation by running away? I am doing you a favour by marrying you to a noble man! And you just humiliate me with your stupid little actions.ā€ You stayed quiet, gaze focused on your plate. ā€œYou will be sent away in a week. The marriage is going to happen as soon as possible.ā€ ā€œWhat?! You canā€™t do that!ā€ You stood up from your place, rage filling your body, mixed in with the shock of the news. ā€œFather, I have to agree with her. It wouldnā€™t be the right course of-ā€œ ā€œSilence!ā€ The kings booming voice bounced off of the stone walls. Some guards even flinched at the sudden noise. ā€œI donā€™t care what is right and wrong. She will be sent away. Her actions lead to this misery and now she has to pay for it somehow.ā€ Your hands tightly held onto the edge of the table. Taking deep breaths, you tried to calm yourself down. ā€œI apologize my king, but this is absolutely inappropriate and totally ridicules.ā€ The words slipped out of your mouth like pure venom. He raised an eyebrow at your statement, while Alaric looked between you and your father. ā€œYou are such a stupid child. You have the world at your feet and you are still unhappy. So ungrateful.ā€ ā€œUngrateful? Ungrateful?? You are the worst man to walk this earth, right beside this nasty man you married me off to. You are out here ruling a kingdom and kicking it with your feet, while spitting onto the poor citizens who try to get by somehow. They barely have any money and you hoard it like the dragon Smaug once did to Erebor!ā€ You seethed, throwing your napkin onto your plate. ā€œI am done eating your disgusting food and being in your unbelievable terrible presence.ā€ Walking towards the doors, the guards opened the doors for you, as you quickly exited them and marched over to your chambers.
Night quickly approached and you found yourself laying on your bed, hands folded over your stomach. You stared at your ceiling, thinking about how things would have been different if your mother was still around. Closing your eyes, you let out a sigh at the painful memory of her departure. Turning to your side, you cuddled into your blanket.
You were running once more, but this time you were deep inside a forest. Your lungs were burning as you quickly duck behind a tree, in order to lose the guards running after you. The quietness was eery, as the sun was replaced by the moon. It was dark and the only light source you had was up in the sky. You came out from your hiding spot and carefully walked around the forest. A shiver went down your spine at the distant sounds of grunts and howls. Your eyes were wide, panic flooding your system, as you quickly looked around you. A twig snapped and you immediately turned into that direction. ā€œIs there someone out there?ā€ You asked tentatively, praying that it is not a beast which is about to pounce on you.
Instead, a beautiful elf walked out behind a tree. His white hair was partly braided. He had a bow in his hand and the matching arrows were strung on his back. ā€œDonā€™t you worry.ā€ The elf slowly began to approach you. He put his bow back with his arrows, to signify you, that he wasnā€™t going to hurt you. ā€œWho are you?ā€ You ask him, still trying to keep somewhat of a distance between you. ā€œMy name is Legolas, what is yours?ā€ Telling him your name you mustered him from head to toe. ā€œWhat are you doing out here?ā€ ā€œI could ask you the same Hiril vuin.ā€ You tilted your head at the unfamiliar word. Legolas smiled at you gently, taking a seat at a fallen tree. ā€œIt means ā€˜My Ladyā€™.ā€ You sat down beside him. ā€œWhere are you from?ā€ Curiosity filled you, as you looked at him. ā€œI am from Mirkwood. It is quiet the journey from here.ā€ ā€œReally? Is there a chance, that I could go with you?ā€ Your eyes were filled with hope. This could be your chance to get far away from your father. ā€œWell, you can surely travel with me, but I doubt that my father will allow you to stay forever.ā€ ā€œYour father?ā€ ā€œThe king of Mirkwood.ā€ Legolas said, standing up and holding a hand out to you. ā€œI will only share my story, if you are willing to share yours.ā€ A soft smile graced your lips as you stood up, not taking his hand. ā€œWell, there is not much to know about me my prince.ā€ You said as the both of you walked deeper into the forest, pink lilies lining your way.
ā€œI think you must hold quite a deep story, if you, as a princess, run away from your home.ā€ The prince looked around the dark woods, making sure that no thread would approach you. ā€œI was born to the most heartwarming king and queen. However, my mother died while I was only 4. I barely even remember her, but she left a great impact on the king. He turned cold-hearted and pushed me and my older brother Alaric away.ā€ A frown graced your face, as you explained the story of your family to Legolas. He nodded, his gaze focused on you. ā€œI just wanted to be free after all the hardship I had to witness and endure under his rule. I know that my brother will steer the kingdom into the right direction once more, but until then I wish to hide away.ā€ You honestly explained. ā€œIs this why you want to travel to Mirkwood?ā€ You nodded at his question. ā€œIt is not the only reason, but definitely the one that impacts this decision the most.ā€ The both of you walked through the forest, until the sun slowly started to ascend into the sky. Both of you shared different stories, about your journeys or the tragedies that formed you to be the people you are nowadays. ā€œI am so sorry for your loss.ā€ You said to Legolas, as he opened up to you about his mother. ā€œIt is alright. At some point the pain fades away. A sad smile graced his lips. Spotting a yellow lily, you point at the beautiful flower.
ā€œDo you know the significance of the lilies?ā€ He shook his head after pondering about your question for a while. A smile graced your lips, as you gently let your fingers glide over the petals. ā€œThe yellow lily symbolizes thankfulness, as well as joy. I think it also gives off the energy that one should push through hard times. It also gives me the feeling of reassurance. That I will be fine eventually.ā€ Legolas smiled at your explanation and held out his hand to you. ā€œDoes this make you my yellow lily?ā€ A blush dusted your cheeks as you looked up to him. The sun was hitting him gently, making him look like an ethereal angel. Your lips parted in awe. ā€œAnd you must be my pink lily.ā€ You said, before taking his hand. Coldness seeped through you, as you woke up with a jolt. Looking around you, you noticed that you were still laying in your room, hidden deep inside the castle. You stared at your hand that just brushed Legolasā€™ one. Shaking off the feeling of missing something, you stood up and prepared for the day.
The day passed by in a quick frenzy. Spending most of your time with your brother Alaric, as he walked you through the preparations of your upcoming wedding. He also praised you for cooperating so well for the time-being. Of course, you sometimes let one or two cruel comments slip, but nothing that did any significant damage. You also did not argue with your father this time during dinner. Both of you tolerating the other oneā€™s existence. As soon as you prepared yourself for bed, you jumped under the covers and slipped into dreamland, praying to see the prince once more. It was the same scenario. You running through the woods and bumping into Legolas. ā€œHello again Aranel.ā€ A bright smile graced your lips, as you approached him. ā€œSo, you actually remember me?ā€ You asked him, as happiness washed over you. He remembered you. The prince who, strangely enough, did not leave your mind the entire day, remembered you. A chuckle left his lips. ā€œOf course I remember you (Y/N). How could I not? A beautiful princess, running through the woods all alone. It is not something I see every day.ā€ Blushing slightly at the compliment, you began to follow him through the forest. ā€œWell, I wasnā€™t so sure. This is after all a dream. Or is it not?ā€ Legolas pondered in thought for a moment, eyes focused on the small path the two of you were walking on. ā€œIt is indeed quite odd, but I think this is not just a dream.ā€ His gaze wandered to you. ā€œMaybe this is some kind of sign? Do you perhaps think about running away from your kingdom?ā€ ā€œYes, all the time. I even tried to do it a few times, however I have always been caught.ā€ You pout at the thought of you constantly being dragged back into your room.
ā€œI think in that case it might really be a sign. Maybe you are meant to run away.ā€ Your eyebrows scrunched up in thought as you pondered about the elven princesā€™ words. ā€œEven if it is a sign, how would I get past the guards? The farthest I went is out of the castleā€™s front doors. I would never make it to the woods.ā€ Your hope was squashed at the realization of your failing plans. ā€œIā€™ve tried twelve times. I would know if there was any chance left for me to flee.ā€ Legolas took his place beside you on the log. ā€œMaybe you should approach the matter differently now. Change up how you escape or change up when to escape.ā€ Your eyes looked up at him. ā€œBut my father makes sure I never leave the castle by day and locks me up by night. Plus, I only have a few days left until I will be sent away.ā€ Legolas tilted his head, urging you to continue your story. ā€œI am supposed to marry another man.ā€ Fisting the dress in your hands, you let out an angry huff. ā€œYou still have a few days left, try to form a plan and look at the schedules of the guards. There has to be a loophole. And as soon as you find one, we will reunite in this forest.ā€ His eyes were glistening like stars under the moonlight. You stare back at him, as you began to lean towards him. ā€œI will return to you, my prince.ā€ You say, before laying your hand on his cheek.
Days and nights passed, as you intently looked into the schedules of the guards, as well as several other routines. You knew when they would pass your room and when they put the key in your lock at night. Writing everything down, you created the perfect escape plan in order to run away. The only thing holding you back being your brother. You loved him and he was the only family member you could really count on. You knew that you were going to miss him dearly, but you had to get out of there. Today was the last day and you made sure to spend as much time as possible with Alaric. Even if spending time with him lead to you having to deal with wedding preparations. ā€œYou really have changed over the past few days.ā€ He suddenly said, as he ticked off another item on the list. You looked at him confused. ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€ ā€œWell, you havenā€™t really argued much with me or father. You didnā€™t even try to run away or sabotage the wedding.ā€ You nodded gently at his reasoning, guilt creeping up slowly. You knew that Legolas was partially the reason behind why you are so calm and down to earth. The two of you have spent quite a lot of time in the dream realm, constantly sharing stories and laughing together.
Suddenly grabbing you, Alaric tucked you behind a corner. ā€œWhat are you planning (Y/N)?ā€ Your eyes widened. Did he find out about your plan? ā€œI donā€™t know what you are talking about.ā€ He raised an eyebrow at your denial, before pulling out an all too familiar envelope. ā€œCare to explain this then?ā€ A shiver went down your spine as all the hope left your body. You bit your lip as you stared at the paper in his hand. ā€œYou have a detailed plan on how to escape this kingdom. You even wrote down the schedules of each guard. Have you lost your mind?ā€ You knew he would be angry if he saw that, so you just stared at the floor. Shame filling your body slowly as you listened to him. ā€œHave you lost your mind to not tell me and properly saying goodbye to me?ā€ Huh? Your head whipped up as you registered your brothersā€™ words. ā€œWhat?ā€ You dumbfoundedly asked. He opens his arms for an embrace. ā€œPlease be careful out there (Y/N). There are creatures hiding in the dark.ā€ A tear slipped down your cheek as you threw yourself onto Alaric. ā€œI will miss you my dear brother.ā€ You whispered, tightly holding onto him. His hands wrapped around you, as his hand gently brushed through your hair. ā€œI will miss you too my dear sister.ā€ After the heartfelt departure, you went down to your motherā€™s grave. White lilies were in your hand, as you kneeled down in front of the stone. Her name was written in cursive letters. ā€œI wish you could have been here mother. I mean technically you will still follow me on my journey but please, take especially good care of Alaric and father. They both need you more than I do.ā€ You lay the white lilies on the grave, before walking back to your chambers and preparing for your run.
The sun was setting, as you quietly slipped out of your room. Looking around each corner, you made sure that nobody was crossing your path. This was your chance to escape. This was the day you have been waiting for. This was the day you would reunite with Legolas and join him on a wonderful journey. Jumping out of a window, you quickly began to sprint down the road. Your hood was covering your face as you darted through the dark shadows of the castle. The sun was still up, but barely visible at this point. You ran as fast as you could. Your lungs began to burn as you saw the beginning of the woods. The familiar blaring of the trumpets announcing your disappearance to the whole kingdom. But you didnā€™t care, for you have reached the forest. Pushing away branches and walking over some bushes, you saw Legolas in a distance.
A smile graced his lips as he spotted you. Brightly smiling at him, you quickly rushed towards him and embraced him in a hug. ā€œI canā€™t believe this is really happening. You really came.ā€ You lovingly look up at the elven prince, as he held you by the waist. ā€œOf course I did Meleth Nin. I promised you that we will meet again.ā€ His hands reached for your own, intertwining your fingers with each other. The touch lets electricity free, as you finally realized that you could touch him. You could touch him. A giggle left your lips, making him tilt his head to the side. ā€œWhat are you laughing at?ā€ ā€œI just canā€™t believe that I am finally free. I am finally with you after nights of not being able to touch you. Only seeing you in my dreams. I was scared that you were just part of my imagination, but you are so real.ā€ You wrapped your arms around his neck, gently embracing him. He laughed softly, as he drew circles on your back. As the both of you parted away, he moved his hand to your cheek. ā€œLe melin.ā€ He whispered, before leaning down and gently placing his lips on yours. Your arms tightened around him, as heat travelled to your cheeks. His lips felt like the early morning rays of the sun, gentle and warm. He tasted like spring, refreshing and filled with love. You already craved more of his lips and him as he slowly detached himself from you. Legolas hand however, was still holding onto your own. ā€œI think we should go Meleth Nin. They are after all still searching for you.ā€ You nodded softly, but before you followed him deeper into the woods you took a look back at the kingdom, noticing one lonely white lily laying on the ground. A smile graced your lips as you jogged up to Legolas, took his hand and made your way to your new home. Mirkwood.
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snazzy-mushroom Ā· 6 months ago
Hey yall I made some dialogue between Siffrin and Bonnie pre-loops! Iā€™ll probably make this into a comic but I kind feel like posting the dialogue now for funsies, let me know if you guys think i could add anything to make it better!
Bonnie: ā€œand then nille climbed up the tree and got it for me!ā€
Siffrin: ā€œhaha wow bonbon, your sister sounds pretty coolā€¦ā€
Bonnie: ā€œthatā€™s because she is cool! Sheā€™s the coolest ever!ā€
Siffrin: ā€œoh wow, the coolest ever? Even cooler than Odile?ā€
Bonnie: ā€œwellā€¦nille is the coolest sister ever. But nille and dile are probably the same amount of coolā€
Siffrin: ā€œhehe oh I seeā€
Bonnie: ā€œyeah! Hehā€¦uhm frin?ā€
Siffrin: ā€œyes bonbon?ā€
Bonnie: ā€œdid you have any siblings?ā€
Siffrin: ā€œoh uhmā€¦.ā€
Bonnie: ā€œFRIN!ā€
Siffrin: ā€œ-! Y-yeah?ā€
Bonnie: ā€œI asked you a questionā€
Siffrin: ā€œyou did?ā€
Bonnie: ā€œHow did you already forget that, you crab head?!ā€
Siffrin: ā€œoh Iā€™m sorry bon bon, what was it again?ā€
Bonnie: ā€œI asked what your family was likeā€
Siffrin: (ā€¦my family) ā€œIā€¦donā€™t really knowā€¦ā€
*bonnie gives Siffrin a weird look*
Bonnie: ā€œhow do you not know what youā€™re family was likeā€
Siffrin: ā€œIā€¦ā€
Bonnie: ā€œfrin, are you messing with me?ā€
Siffrin: ā€œno! I justā€¦I justā€¦ā€
Bonnie: ā€œyou have to have at least one story about themā€
Siffrin:ā€¦.(why canā€™t you think of anything, theyā€™re right you must have something you can say about your familyā€¦how many siblings you had, how many parents, what your relationship was like, what you used to do for fun as a kid? Where you lived?! Stars, whyā€¦why canā€™t you remember)
*bonnie seems concerned now*
Bonnie: frinā€¦are you okay?
Siffrin: (WHY CANT YOU-*memory resets*) huh? Yeah Iā€™m fineā€¦
Bonnie:ā€¦are you sure?
Siffrin: yeah, why do you ask?
Bonnie: *looking away* you wereā€¦ *looks at Siffrin*ā€¦never mind
Siffrin: (ā€¦?) ok?
Bonnie:ā€¦Iā€™m gonna go start making lunch
Siffrin: oh do you want help?
Bonnie: uhmā€¦yeah okayā€¦
An alternate ending for this dialogue is Siffrin not immediately forgetting their train of thought and freaking out over it to Bonnie before they forget. Bonnie would probably most definitely tell the other adults to which would cause they to try and talk to Siffrin about it
I think itā€™d be interesting if the party realized that there is something going on with Siffrinā€™s past/childhood pre-loops rather than them all thinking that Siffrin simply doesnā€™t want to talk about it
(I know the party not knowing is important in the game I just mean itā€™d be interesting to think about what would happen if it went differently)
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akookminsupporter Ā· 5 months ago
Hey! A couple of questions for you šŸ˜Š
AYS, to me, was never going to ā€œconfirmā€ jikook. It was just unrealistic considering society and that theyā€™re serving now. That being said, did AYS reaffirm for you jikook might be real? And do you think if it was your first bts content would you also think that there might be going something on (ie watching with no bias). For me, it showed how incredibly close they are and several moments of intimacy that goes beyond most friendships.
The second one is now 6 weeks out from the car convo, has your opinion on it or its relation to jikook changed? For me still, that car convo didnā€™t show they broke up or disprove that they may be dating.
One of my pet theories, even before Face and long before knowing buddy existed, was wondering if they took a step back in prep for military service - a letā€™s focus on solo careers and work on not being as tied together cause we have service a head of us. A practice run if you will. Not breaking up, more letā€™s try long distance.
More so now, and what I havenā€™t seen people talk about, is I was thinking about how for the other guys and jikooks prior relationships, they would know how hard dating as an idol would be. Iā€™m sure Tae and Jennie had a lot to contend w being so busy as idols and on differing schedules. Same thing for dating a non famous, dealing w the insane hours and workload, rarely being in Seoul. And that was never a reality jikook faced - for a period they wouldā€™ve both lived and worked together. They were in the same schedule, the same places. And that wouldā€™ve been for a majority of their relationship. So no wonder post October 2022 was an adjustment, when they truly did not have any schedules as bts. And theyā€™re both human, and Jimin has said both he and jk get lost in their work (from that colouring live). Sometimes we arenā€™t the best and prioritizing work and relationships, especially when it gets busy. You hear stories about loving couples going thru phases where theyā€™re just roommates before making the effort to not just be living together. It seems like Jimin got incredibly busy and focused with Face and Muse. And jk is allowed to have feelings about that. Doesnā€™t mean them not being able to see each other to hang out is any deeper than that. Doesnā€™t show that they broke up or couldnā€™t be dating. I also wonder, since we may never get the background on it, if that period of time solidified the decision to enlist together. Where before it was a ok well enlist it will suck, became after that period of time nah weā€™re not doing 18+ months apart.
Ahhhh sorry for the long post, a couple questions and a couple thoughts for you haha
Hey anon, sorry for taking a bit to post your ASK.
ā€œDid AYS reaffirm for you that jikook might be real?ā€
Yeah, definitely.
ā€œDo you think if it was your first BTS content, would you also think that there might be something going on (i.e. watching with no bias)?ā€
Oh, absolutely. I think if I'd seen AYS without much context, Iā€™d be sure theyā€™re a couple, no doubt about it.
ā€œThe second one is now six weeks out from the car convo; has your opinion on it or its relation to jikook changed?ā€
Are you talking about Jungkook complaining that Jimin never reached out? Honestly, no, I still hold the same opinion I had initially.
I think one of the reasons why that time they talked is confusing for us is that we donā€™t have the context for a lot of things. For example, when did they decide to enlist together? I think that decision shaped many of their choices, like focusing on their work and perhaps on other friendships, because their relationship wouldnā€™t just pause dramatically come December 2023.
Honestly, I think that period in their relationship solidified whatever they have and made them want to be together, which is why they ended up enlisting together through a system that guaranteed they'd be together. Even if Jimin and Jungkook took a breakā€”assuming they really have a romantic relationshipā€”the fact that they decided to film a show together and enlist together in the army shows theyā€™ve overcome whatever was separating them or that theyā€™ve just realised they want to be together.
So, I think itā€™s a bit tiring and unnecessary to speculate about what might have happened during that time in their relationship because, first of all, we have no context, and second, theyā€™re still together. The fact that they enlisted together through the buddy system is the biggest ā€œproofā€ they can give that their relationship is solid, whatever that may be.
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malereadermaniac Ā· 1 year ago
Go to bed ~ Leon Kuwata x Male Reader
Leon trying to flirt word count: 650 m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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It was early in the evening, 9pm sharp
You'd been scrolling mindlessly on tiktok for the past hour
You come across a video you felt you just needed to share, so you post it on your Insta story
Hoping you can making your friends giggle at it
Of course, Sayaka replies to it, and the two of you spiral into a conversation
But halfway through your convo with Sayaka, you get a message from none other than Leon
You and Leon were good friends, you liked the red-head, you went to hid games and cheered him on louder than anyone else
He fucking loved it when he heard your voice in the crowd
Leon had recently realised he had the fattest crush on you, so he did what any reasonable person would do and asked a friend for help
However, that friend he asked was Mondo.
Who encouraged Leon to talk to you as much as he could and to try exert dominance
"Cause a guy like (y/n) would totally love a dominant typa guy ya know?" - verbatim Mondo's advice to Leon
You end your conversation with Sayaka and go check what Leon sent you
It was a short reply to your story
"Go to bed, it's late"
You audibly chuckled, you looked at the time on your phone
It was barely 9:30
What the hell was Leon on to be going to bed so early?
"Bro it's 9:30 it's so early wdym???"
"This is actually late for me, I go to bed at 9 pm, its much better for you yk"
"Oh really now?"
"Yeah, clearly why I'm so much healthier and better than you"
Oh no...
Leon clearly misunderstood the kind of dominance Mondo meant.
"(Y/n)? You still there?"
You left him on seen again and then shut off your phone
"Oi (y/n)!"
"Shit please dont ignore me."
"I'm sorry okay"
Leon was panicking, spam texting you as you put your phone on silent and went to bed
Guess he achieved his goal of getting you to go to bed
But he pissed you off while doing so
Truthfully you didn't care, Leon was ditzy from time to time and didn't think before he spoke
You were used to it
But you took up the opportunity to make the man frantic
You weren't thick, you knew the baseball player was crushing on you
And you were crushing on him too, hard
So knowing that Leon was now worrying that he messed up his chances with you gave you a sick pleasure - you didn't care if it was just the tiniest bit toxic
The next morning you woke up well rested
Your phone now plastered with message notifications from a certain ginger
You open them and send one quick message
"Oops I fell asleep sorry... Guess you are better than me for that haha ā¤ļø"
Leon stopped in his tracks when he read that message, toothpaste falling out of his mouth as he froze
The sportsman quickly finished brushing his teeth and screenshot the message
Sending it to Mondo, frantically messaging him
"Dude chill.... he defo fucks with u" mondo replies half asleep
Leon short-circuits, mindlessly changing as thoughts of a relationship with you fly through his head
He was like a schoolgirl, but he had reason to, in his eyes you were the finest of men
"Good morning~" you say with a smile as you sit down next to the muscular man
"Hey, beautiful~" he mumbles flirtily
"Oh? That's a new one?"
"Yeahhh figured I should up my game if I wanna get with you by the end of the year"
Holy shit you were shocked just how much that one heart emoji riled the ginger up
"Hold your horses, BallBoy... who said I was getting with you?" You tease him
"Oh just you wait, (n/n)..."
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Short but eh whatevs!!
This has happened to me before - I doubt he meant it as anything but I just remember the situation while writing this and wtaf...
Anyway hope u enjoyed!
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judesmoonbeauty Ā· 6 months ago
i love your theories on judeā€™s route and also your analysis of his words (the wedding event??? omg <3) so now iā€™m super curious to hear what your theories are in regards to him entering a relationship with kate šŸ‘€ like what would a confession of jude look like? or rather an acceptance of kateā€™s confession / her feelings? because i keep thinking of this one bond level chapter where kate told him she dreamt that jude said "i love you" and he just straight up said "wasnā€™t me. why are dreaming about other men" lmao and all the story events are either sorta pre-relationship or in-relationship. so how do you think the transition would look like? out of everyone jude truly seems like his own category haha and might stand out the most in comparison to the other main routes! the way he shows his love and care is always hidden behind other words so with him reading between the lines is so importantā€¦ idk but iā€™d love to hear your thoughts!
Mild Spoilers from Events & Sexual content - MDNI
As usual, this is just for fun, we can't be dogmatic.
First, thanks for the ask, and Iā€™m glad that you enjoyed my previous posts! I love this question, and sorry for the delay in responding, but I wanted to give it proper thought.
To start, I think itā€™s going to be a rough transition. Um, I feel like Jude is going to do everything he possibly can (no matter how crooked it is), to send Kate back home. I just feel the need to be prepared for A LOT of arguing between them at least in the first few chapters of their relationship.
Often times in his events (especially earlier ones), Jude is described as being cold, dispassionate. The Valentineā€™s Day CE -KissXXX- is an excellent example of this. So, I think he is definitely going to have a thick wall up, and I donā€™t expect him to be kind to her in any way.
I feel like there will be sexual intimacy between them, I donā€™t know how early on in the route, but I suspect that the first encounters will lack actual sentiment and emotional attachment. The island lust story is indicative of that (to me at least), they are together physically, but itā€™s more or less just to fill this sense of longing that they both have.
I can imagine a scenario where Jude says something spiteful and teasing to her about being ā€œplayedā€ with by him, but she wouldnā€™t be able to handle it, and sheā€™d be like, ā€œOh, wanna bet?ā€ Cue the R18 scene. Then of course, the ending will have that emotional attachment when they are actually togetherā€¦.Iā€™m hoping.
Now, in regards to who confesses to whom:
I could be SO wrong about this, but I really donā€™t see Jude confessing to Kate first. Iā€™d love to see it, but knowing how much he goes through in his events (from intentionally sending her to an incorrect location for a mission, to trying to scare her into giving up), I doubt heā€™ll outright confess his feelings.
Of course, Judeā€™s Kate will have none of that.
It wouldnā€™t be surprising to me that Kate would confess to Jude first. His anniversary SE is what makes me think this. Iā€™ve mentioned it somewhere before, but Kate tells Jude that they should just stick together because itā€™s too late. She reasons that she canā€™t ever return to a normal life anyway because people associate her with him now, and he gives in and signs her continuation contract.
Of a similar nature, I think she will tell him that they should stick together, of course with the bonus that she loves him.
I think that Jude will cave into the feelings that heā€™s been denying the entire time, and respond to Kate the way his VA - Kaito - said he would in an interview about Jude pre-game release:
ā€œā€™The line, ā€œIf ya ever plan on runninā€™ from me, ya better kill me first. ā€˜Cause if ya donā€™t, I ainā€™t lettinā€™ ya go till youā€™ve turned to nothinā€™ but bone and dust.ā€™ā€ This line really captures the depth of his love for the heroine, and how at that point, only death could keep him away from her. It felt like he was confessing to her that it was all or nothing, that he was putting his life in her hands.ā€™ā€
Will we ever hear the wordā€™s ā€œI love you,ā€ from Jude in the main story? Maybe, if Kate is on the verge of death, and he says "I love you" when heā€™s terrified that she might die, and doesn't want there to be any regrets??? Or perhaps in a future event after his main story???
I think his above line, coupled with his actions, will shine upon just how much he loves his beloved, Kate. As usual, itā€™ll be fun to see just how off the mark I am when his route hits.
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arcadekitten Ā· 9 months ago
[MY WISHMAKER Spoilers!]
I just played MY WISHMAKER last night and I loved it, so I wanted to give you my thoughts!
Arcade, you are SO SNEAKY AND CLEVER!!! I saw those promo images and was like "oh dear, he has a gunshot wound, what happened?" only to boot up the game and find out HIS WHOLE ARM WAS MISSING! You really can't tell when he's facing right, so I applaud you for hiding it so well.
I LOVE how sassy The Wishmaker is! I was expecting it/them(? I'll just go with them for now) to be kind of highfalutin and regal 'cause they're a deity and all but I really love how you went in this completely other direction! I think it does make sense since The Wishmaker obviously has to, like, grant people's wishes (in some way at least), so having a more casual manner of speech would probably make them less intimidated.
Also! I loved how you implemented the QTEs! I feel like it spices up the gameplay and is a nice little nod to your fans who played My Neighbor Enide. Even though I messed up all of them, though I SWEAR the Vas one was not my fault! I was mashing that Z button for dear life, but my laptop decided to type it into Edge for some reason!? I didn't even have it open!
Oh, and I see you were able to figure out the mouse movement? You said you'd have to move around using the arrow keys, which I was fine with, but I was pleasantly surprised when I booted up the game and I could move with the mouse too! It really completed the experience.
I don't really have much to say about the story, not because it's bad, but because it's so shrouded in mystery that my cogs are still turning as to what it could mean. I did really like the puzzles, though! And I did notice those key items you hid away...
I have plenty of theories I've been ruminating on even before MW, but I don't wanna put them here because 1) since this is an ask it might make you feel obligated to comment on them somehow which you are not and I don't want you to do, and 2) I think I would start rambling and make this ask a mile long LOL.
That's about everything I could think of off the top of my head! Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I hope you the best in all the other chapters and games you plan to make. I'm sure I'll enjoy them just as much, if not even more. Take care!
Haha yes! ā™” I know some people have been asking why Reginald has two arms in the promo images and it's like...it's meant to be a surprise, silly!
Also for our little Wishmaker character, yes! I adore them very much and I'm very excited for people to see more of them and learn their real name!! Another one of my favorites to be sure ā™” Not sure how I'll tag them in posts yet until their name reveal... clock, maybe? Just to avoid confusion? This character can be referred to with any pronouns, but for clarification that in games and in my posts they will only be referred to with "they" and the occasional "it"
I'm happy the QTEs are received well! (Granted they were a bit harder at first haha!) I'm happy to include them in future chapters as I feel future chapters will definitely be more linear and dialogue heavy and so I hope they can spice up the gameplay and keep things interesting and maybe just a tad more immersive! ā™”
As for mouse movement controls it's kinda like a "Well yes, but actually no". You CAN move using the mouse if you really want to but you also have to be aware that you could accidentally hit an object's hitbox and activate its event. And you can't back out of an event once it has been activated like in typical point-and-clicks. (There's only so far I can push the engine with my experience level!) It's for this reason (and the surprise of QTE's!) that WASD/Arrow Key movement is recommended!
Thank you so much! ā™” I am so very happy to hear you enjoyed the experience and I love to hear what people have been brewing up regarding the story and the mysteries still unfolding (even though I can't say anything about it yet!) and I can't wait until I can have more to show you all! I'm really excited for it and I hope everyone will be too! ā™”ā™”ā™”
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yuttikkele Ā· 9 months ago
please tell me more about gen z lotf au šŸ™šŸ™
OFCCC!! i wrote a lot more about this than i thought i could, and i feel like i could keep going but i do wish to go to sleep! ty for the ask! (there was also an anon ask with this question, idk if it was you, but i'm just gonna answer this one lol)
the choir boys all know each other irl (obvi they still have choir together). everyone lives roughly in the same vicinity, but no one knows that.
they all met online during the pandemic. possibly through video games, twitter, or tiktok
how did this ragtag group of people all become friends? idk fortnite probably
i don't know much about fortnite, but it seems like it would start some friendships and/or rivalries. maybe minecraft or roblox too.
how they met and became friends is hazy, like how the beta kids became friends in homestuck. point is: they're all friends. pretty much.
some boys are closer friends than others, but they're all mutuals. they're all in like the same community. what community? that is a good question i should probably think of an answer
piggy uses the nickname people bullied him with as his online name. he gets cyberbullied and has ended up on many a cringe account, but it doesn't really bother him anymore. he likes to spread information, but he was a little self-righteous about it before he quit twitter. now he argues with people on instagram. piggy's also a redditor.
ralph usually just watches other people's content, but sometimes he'll post something and it'll get pretty popular because he's ralph and being well-liked is an innate part of his character. ralph does prefer to go out and do stuff than being online all the time.
simon is chronically online. being shy, he gravitated towards the internet. he's definitely a fandom girlie and has a tumblr (hi tumblr). he spreads positivity on the internet all the time. he's one of the good ones fr. i do hc simon as a Christian, so he does spread the Word a lot as an lgbtq affirming Christian dude
jack doesn't spend too much time on the internet. he also isn't allowed a lot of these medias by his parents, so that may have something to do with it. he does get upset when his posts don't get as many likes as ralph's
roger ragebaits and leaves hate comments all the time, but he has moments where he's nice. maurice memer obviously. sam and eric are the voros twins. i don't have too many thoughts about these guys just yet
they voice chat and sometimes video call
meeting each other irl for the first time led to the utter disgust at ralph's blindness in the fashion department
ok onto them reading lord of the flies cause i think this is such a funny concept
they all miraculously start reading lord of the flies as a class assignment at the same time
they all tell each other this and they're all like "loooool that's crazy we're all reading the same book at the same time"
i saw someone on my last post ab this say exactly what im about to say. it is truly the only way to go with this.
everyone's all "oh haha ralph's got the name of the first character AND he's blonde!" "piggy has the same name as peter's online name! haha how sill-" "WHY IS MY FULL LEGAL NAME IN THIS BOOK???"
the last person is jack btw if you couldn't tell
the exact names and character descriptions matching up a little too well with the boys startles them, but they still joke about it A LOT.
i mean, think about it, if you were forced to read this book in class and you find out you and your friends are basically the main characters, you would NOT stop cracking jokes about it.
"'ugly without silliness.' wow jack, william golding really DID put you in his story!"
they do start to get a little more freaked out when, yk, stuff starts going down in the book and they have to analyze it.
piggy's eventually like "OK we, or at least i, have got to figure this out." and he goes and does some research.
aaaaand that is all i can tell you for now :))
i do headcanon a lot of the boys as queer, but my hcs of them as gen z-ers do differ a little from my hcs of them as gen silencers.
piggy is a strict ally, his aunt is an ally, allies all around, until he realizes he is not so straight as he seems and is not really just an ally. bisexual
ralph knows nothing about the sexuality and gender biz he just does what feels right. he's pretty much demisexual/romantic tho.
simon is a gay dude. he is gnc and on the trans spectrum somewhere
jack is the only one using queer slurs, everyone gets onto him for it. he's gay, but he doesn't know it/won't accept it (because everyone in his life is HOMOPHOBIC!!!). when he does finally accept it, he is still using those slurs as slurs he is not reclaiming them.
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whizzing-fizzbee Ā· 23 days ago
hi!! i gave this a lot of thought before sending this ask cause it's kinda embarrassingā€”which is why i appear as anon šŸ˜­. english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this reads weird since i struggle with wording!
soo, in late december i started writing fanfiction in english, hl to be precise! mostly for shits and giggles and because i couldn't find what i wanted to read so i thought "wth i'll do it myself". (i used to write when i was 12 but not in english and very much like shit so then i just stuck to reading)
the thing is, i can defend myself enough when it comes to english, but now that i'm writing in it i STRUGGLE so much to put my thoughts into text (description-wise, to be precise) that i need references; so i started using AIā€”now, don't get me wrong; it's not like i just c&p whatever it gives me because it sounds robotic af, but it does help with wording. i also take references from books and fics i've read if i like the person's writing style! like if somebody had a cool way or word to say "the sky is blue" i'd have it in mind haha
i honestly have no intentions of ever publishing it (and if i've ever did i'd disclose it) but the other day i saw a post where people said they disliked anything to do with AI and i completely understand cause me too, and while i don't straight up, i still used it as a part of the process so it feels like i'm a fraud :(
i've never told this to anyone since i don't have anybody to, nor i am in any communities, and if i was i'd be scared to get called out for this?? anyway i know this might've been a bother to read, so, sorry for that!
on another note, your writing style is fucking fire and i love it!! šŸ«¶šŸ»
Hi anon! First off, thank you for the kind words! I appreciate you taking the time to read my work.
I also appreciate your honesty and willingness to acknowledge the ethical dilemmas around the use of AI in creative work. And your point actually provided me with a really important consideration I hadn't thought of.
Gonna put my thoughts under a cut because I have a lot of them. šŸ˜¬
For some background, I have a journalism degree and currently work in social media, so the debate around AI is something that's become a constant in my industry. I don't use it at work due to ethics. I also don't use it in my writing because I need the challenge and creative outlet.
So for the longest time, I've been very anti-AI in creative work, and for the most part, I still am. I believe we should pay creators for their work and appreciate the human elements and perceptions they provide. For instance, a computer can aggregate and repurpose prose about how it feels to watch your father die, but a computer can never actually put that feeling into words -- its interpretation will always be a superficial regurgitation of others' work. So I've always viewed AI as more of a tool that should be used to improve health care and medicine, accessibility inequities, and minimizing data errors. Plus, the environmental impact is really alarming.
But you make a really astute point about your use of AI to write in a language that isn't your first. As someone who only really ever speaks and writes in English as a first language, I admittedly hadn't considered how a writer like you can benefit from AI to better learn how to craft prose in a different language. If I needed to write my stories in a secondary language, I'd certainly want help in learning to write them in a way that isn't basic, elementary sentence structure, and not everyone has the means to take English classes and creative writing courses.
So yes! I think your use of AI as an educational tool to become a better writer is fair. Like you said, it's not like you're copy-and-pasting AI-generated work and publishing it as your own, nor are you calling that work your finished process. If youā€™re using it for grammatical support and not to craft your prose, youā€™re not a fraud. Also, the fact that you're learning to write in English is really impressive since the English language is so nuanced.
Anyway, just keep writing! And read, too -- one of my professors always used to say you'll never write as well as you read. Keep going, I'm sure your work is great, and I appreciate you for loving your creative process enough to keep working at it!
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s Ā· 2 years ago
āœ© -Flustered- āœ©
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.9k
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None other than some cussing if you squint!
Maddy is pink in text and Y/n is purple in text!
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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ź’° Miguel's Pov ź’±
I stared at the photo on my phone screen, She was so beautiful an angel even.
She was so breathtaking, She had me so flustered and I haven't ever met her.
"Are you stalking y/n's Instagram again?" Maddy asked sitting down beside me, I quickly clicked out of Instagram and turned my phone off,
"What no!" I said playing dumb,
She rolled her eyes sighing, "Why don't you just DM her?" She asked,
"Are serious? DM THE y/n y/l/n?" I asked raising an eyebrow,
"Haha no! She would laugh her ass off- She would probably post it on her Instagram story like Noah Schnapp posted doja cat's DM!" I said throwing my head back,
"No, she wouldn't!" She said rolling her eyes,
"Oh, really how would you know?" I asked looking over at her,
"She just doesn't seem like that type of person," She shrugged smiling.
I was debating on messaging y/n, but the chances of her seeing my DM out of a thousand more are extremely low, I think I'm just gonna have to admire her over the screen and live in my own fantasy world.
"I could do it for you!" Maddy said, I raised my eyebrow looking back at her.
"Do what?" I asked, "I could DM y/n on your phone since you are too chicken," She laughed
"Come on kids we need to go!" I sighed as Maddy and I got up to walk to the limo outside.
"I'll think about it Mads," I said, she nodded as we got in the limo.
ź’° Y/n's Pov ź’±
"Alright, all done!" My Makeup artist Tami said as she closed the lip gloss.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, I had just gotten my hair done as well and I was already in my outfit.
My bestfriend Maddy had invited me to a movie premiere, She was recently in a movie called the black phone.
I of course said yes to going, She is my bestfriend after all, Plus she said she needed to tell me something when I got there.
"Are you ready?" Tami said as I stood up out of the seat,
"Kind of, I'm just nervous." I said playing with my rings, "Awh why honey?" She asked laying a hand on my shoulder.
I was excited to go don't get me wrong I loved supporting my bestfriend in anything she did, but there was a certain someone that was gonna be there tonight, Miguel Cazarez Mora.
"Well, I kind of have a crush on Miguel, But he doesn't know me- And what if I stutter when I speak to him or-"
"You will be fine y/n, if there is one thing I know about you it's how confident you are, I've seen boys flirt with you before and you just end up making them all soft, you make them boy's fall like dominos." She said packing up all her makeup.
I guess she was right, I just need to be confident and not make a complete fool out of myself.
"Let's go y/n everyone is on the way there." My bodyguard said as he walked into the room, I nodded my head got up and walked outside to the limo.
"You got this y/n, remember who you are," I whispered to myself as the limo drove off.
ź’° Maddy's Pov ź’±
We had finally arrived at the premiere and I couldn't find y/n anywhere, I just decided to text her.
Prettiest girlšŸ’•
Hey, where are you?
I just got to the premier
Why what's up?
Come to the green room everyone is back here!
KK getting mobbed lol
see you in a min šŸ˜½
"Bro shut the fuck up that's why you can't pull no bitches." Mason yelled as he and Miguel walked through the door, Brady and Tristan following in after them laughing.
"What do you mean I got tons of bitches on my d-" I quickly cut Miguel off by Calling out for Mason to come over.
"Mason Come here!" He walked over saying a quick bye to the boys,
"What's up?" He said standing in front of me, "Okay, So you know how Miguel has a fat crush on Y/n Y/l/n right?" I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Do I know? He never shuts up about her!" He said causing both of us to laugh,
"Well she's my friend and I kind of invited her without telling Miguel-"
His eyes widened as his jaw dropped, "YOU WHAT!?" He yelled, I quickly put my hand over his mouth, I looked over at Miguel who was looking at me and Mason With a confused look, I sent him a quick smile before looking back at Mason.
"Could you shut up! You're goin' to ruin the surprise idiot!" I said rolling my eyes
He put both of his hands up in surrender, "My bad- My bad," He laughed,
"So how are you going to surprise him?" He asked, "I'm just gonna try to get him close as possible and then I'm going to point her out," I said smiling at my plan.
"That sounds like a shit plan," I gasped, He laughed and patted me on the back.
"I think that you should tell her that Miguel has a crush on her and then she walks up and kisses him out of nowhere," He said smiling, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"You that's an even worse plan, right? Consent still exists, I like my plan better." I said shrugging my shoulders, our conversation was interrupted by Miguel walking over.
"Hey, Maddy hows is it going!?" He smiled leaning in for a hug, I hugged him back,
"We were just talking about- Uhh- How Maddy won her soccer game!!" Mason said scratching the back of his neck, He gave Mason a weird look but didn't question his friend's weird behavior
"Congratulations Mads!" He said, We all heard gasps and people whispering,
Next thing I know Miguel's mouth and eyes were wide open, He was blushing like crazy and his breathing started to pick up, I gave him a weird look before turning around to see what's got my bestfriend so flustered.
I smiled as I watched y/n walk through the door, Thanking the guard that opened it for her, She stopped in the middle of the room looking around, Smiling and winking at some people that were staring at her, Her eyes landed on me and I quickly waved her over.
"Holy shit- Holy shit- Fuck- Do I look good she's coming over here," I laughed at Miguel's panicking state, He was so red, it was so cute to see him all worked up over just looking at y/n.
"Dude chill, You look red as shit, You could identify as a tomato right now," Mason said, Laughing as Miguel rolled his eyes, "She's just breathtaking," He said, staring at y/n as she got closer to our group, His hands began shaking, Jesuse christ this man is whipped already.
She slowly walked up to me smiling, "Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," She said hugging me, I smiled and looked at Miguel who was staring at y/n with wide eyes, Mason hit his shoulder, "OW!" He yelled, rubbing his shoulder where Mason hit him, Mason just rolled his eyes laughing at the flustered boy.
ź’° Y/n's Pov ź’±
"Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," I said giving her a big hug, I haven't seen her in person for two years, But we obviously kept in contact over the phone, "OW!" I looked over to see Miguel rubbing his shoulder as Mason laughed, I smiled as he looked up at me.
"Hi, I'm y/n," I said raising my hand for him to shake, He gulped before shaking my hand, I could tell how nervous he was, "I'm M-Miguel, It's very nice to meet y-you," He stuttered, keeping intense eye contact, He pulled his hand away smiling, "U-Uh h-how do you know Maddy?" He asked looking up at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Real smooth dawg," Mason whispered, Miguel sent him a glare,
"I went to my little sister's soccer game, I was sitting down and Maddy came up to me and started fan Girling," I explained laughing at the memory,
"I was shocked to see you there," Maddy said laughing along,
"I heard that you're filming a new movie, Hows that going?" Mason asked,
I in fact was filming a new movie,
Scream VI, I played as Tara Carpenter and Sam Carpenter's little sister, Alana Carpenter.
"It's going good, I defiantly can't wait for it to come out next year!" I Said smiling.
"You're an amazing actor," Miguel said out of nowhere, Mason and Maddy busted out laughing, While I just starred at Miguel and smiled, He nervously looked away, licking his lips,
"Thank you, I liked your character, Robin Arellano, he was pretty badass," I said smiling, He laughed, looking at me.
A boy with blonde hair came up to us, patting Miguel on the back,
"Are you guys coming, We're going to watch the movie," He said, His eyes cut over to me and he gasped,
"NO FUCKING WAY BRO!" He yelled,
I smiled saying hi,
"I'm Brady- It's so nice to meet you oh my god- you're so pretty," He shook my hand, and We left to go watch the movie.
I sat between Maddy and Miguel.
Me and Maddy were sharing a bucket of popcorn before Mason stole it away.
I sighed as I looked up at the screen, Miguel and Mason's part came up, The bathroom scene.
I felt eyes on me, I looked over to see Miguel staring at me, He quickly looked back to the screen, It was completely dark but I could see the red tint on his cheeks.
"Pst" I heard,
I looked over to see Maddy,
"Miguel has a huge crush on you, Just so you know," She whispered in my ear giggling,
I smiled and nodded my head, "Really! I couldn't tell?" I thought, Laughing to myself,
Miguel looked over at me as we locked eyes, "What's so funny?" He asked smiling,
"Just something Maddy told me," I said looking at the screen,
His eyes widened as he straightened his posture, "What did she tell you?" He asked,
"Nothing important."
He looked back at the screen.
ź’° Miguel's Pov ź’±
Shit, what did Maddy tell y/n, she said she would DM y/n for me,
Would she tell her that I like her here, I fucking hope not- But I kinda hope she did at the same time so I don't embarrass myself,
Fuck I'm shitting bricks right now.
I'm still trying to process the fact she was sitting right beside me!
God do I want to kiss her so fucking bad, But I couldn't, I just had to stare at her like a creep.
ź’° Time Skip ź’±
Everybody had just finished watching the movie and went to go take some group photos.
"I'm starving," Mason whined, placing is hand on his stomach,
"Your hungry? I could eat whole human right now," Maddy said,
"Ah hell Nah!" Y/n said as she moved to hide behind Miguel, everyone Laughed, Miguel blushed.
"Do you guys want to go to McDonald's?" Tristan asked, opening the car door for everyone,
"I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now," y/n laughed as she and everyone else sat in the limo.
"Same," Brady said, everybody agreed on McDonald's.
"We are so bougie rolling up to McDonald's in fancy clothes and a damn limo," Tristan laughed.
"Oh well I want my damn chicken nuggets," Maddy said causing everyone to laugh,
When the group got to McDonald's they ordered and sat down, getting weird looks from everybody in there.
"Hey, I have to ask you something," Miguel said, walking up to y/n,
"What is it," she asked, patting the seat beside her, he sat down and smiled at her.
"Umā€¦ I don't know how to say this," he nervously laughed, she just smiled and grabbed his hands, keeping eye contact, "You can tell me," she said.
Miguel took a deep breath trying to brace himself for rejection.
He basically shitting himself at this point, he knew he would never get this moment alone with her again, So why not shoot his shot, if she did reject it would be super embarrassing but at least he could say he tried.
"Iā€¦ I really like you, Y/nā€¦ I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I think that you are perfect, I would like to take you out on a date sometime, if that's ok with you- I understand if you don't feel the same-"
Miguel was quickly cut off by a pair of warm plush lips on his, his eyes widened in panic but hurried to relax as he saw it was y/n.
When they pulled away Miguel was a blushing, Flustered mess.
He was smiling like an idiot, but who wouldn't be if they had just kissed Y/n l/n, he was definitely losing it when he got home.
"I like you too Miguel, I would love to go out with you," Y/n smiled, pulling him in by his shirt for another long kiss.
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @vancehoppergirl @bradyhepner
@masonthameslvr @theblackphone-incorrectquotes @theblackphonesposts @deadghosy @finneyblakes @luckypinballmachine @mnsnloverhey
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ask-the-druggieverse Ā· 2 months ago
Hey! I've just discovered your blog very few minutes ago or so, and I really like how you executed the way the character's speak their dialogues to asks.
May I ask how you understand the effects and usages of drugs, and how to avoid making stereotypical representations of it?
(I was a bit reluctant to ask this since it's not exactly specified to the druggieverse blog but rather you, the creator, of it- ;-;)
Side Note!
I've also noticed in one of your posts that you struggle answering some of the asks, so I wanted to say please do take your time, no pressure! ^-^
Looking forward to seeing more of your posts! Stumbling upon this blog was quite the experience (/Positive!)
- EEEEE tyyyy!!! ^w^ I wanted to try and make things easy to follow but also leave a bit of clues here and there for the story up ahead
- - (The story up ahead I have planned out from beginning to end not fully as inside of it are the asks, I'm thinking that the asks could play a part in how some characters could end up (I.E Killer avoiding or doing drugs and or Lust being able to get a new and better job)
- As for understanding the effects and usage of drugs this might take a while to type so this'll be under a read more as to not overwhelm someoneā€™s feed (also TW/CW ahead) (itā€™s also easier for me to explain it through the characters within ATDV than just to do ā€œso basically it alters your brainā€ as it makes me feel a bit robotic/AI like so I hope my explanations through the characters will suffice U_U)
And if there's anything I'm missing I am always open to questions! (specifically surrounding this blog any questions that aren't related to this blog I request must go to my main ^^; but don't fear cause this question does revolve around this blog!!)
- As i've stated before in some posts to not abuse drugs, the reason being is that it can fuck you uuup. I.E damage your brain and make you go fucking coo coo crazy. It's irreversible damage if you're too far down in drugs (also I will not be writing too much about deep far down into drugs as I donā€™t think I can properly write that, Iā€™ll mainly be writing about overdosing and addiction U_U)
- And like everyone knows that it makes you go out of the loop/all loopy in stuff haha good feeling but thereā€™s also consequences to it if you abuse it I.E heart problems with abusing edibles (Swap goes through this)
- It hasn't been shown yet but it can cause not so great experiences when sober if abused for a very long time (or maybe even when high? It all depends on the person mind you)
- - I.E Dust has more severe hallucinations when sober for a while and uses pot or other drugs to calm down/relax his mind, although he doesnā€™t do it everyday like Horror and takes it in consideration which is what people should be doing :P (off topic but I remember a family member of mine going bat shit insane off of heroin when I was like 5-6 at the time and she was just going ballistic talking about the government or something(story for another time but Dust is not going to do that, he's more chill)(and also the only person who sticks to one type of drug is Outer(Galaxy Gas) (IK itā€™s not really a drug per se as itā€™s used for favoured whipped cream but nowadays itā€™s being treated as one and me and my friend both said ā€œThis has to be Outerā€ so yeah XP)
- Also same with NM although his sober symptons are more so super fucking angry/irritated (everyone is different when sober... it's kinda scary imo)
- - NM who's heavily dependent on opiods, does sorta make him passive (not good in Druggieverse case) he's still *not* fully passive as I've hopefully left hints of that. This is supposed to represent how people change when out of it either drastically or not (in this case Passive changes drastically while Dust stays more so the same)
- - - Also I donā€™t know if anyone noticed but Passive isnā€™t really Passive and that was intentional, I was trying to depict how despite someone changing when high they donā€™t actually act like that (Seen this first hand, god itā€™s terrifying but more so because the other family member in general is a huge fucking asshole (I donā€™t talk to her anymore thankfully)) (hope I worded this right, itā€™s easier for me to depict then explain)
- - Speaking of NM abusing drugs it's not there yet but skip this section to avoid spoilers!! (which also ties in to my understanding and usage of drugs and its consequences)
- - - In short there's this whole section of the blog where IMO will take a more darker turn from the lightheartedness that's starting off right now (although with Dream's mini section I think some people might have figured out that there's more to this blog than "HEAHEHAEH DRUGS"), Basically Nightmare fans will not be happy because he will end up in the hospital do to his immense amount of opioid take ins causing his heart to stop (heā€™s not dead... *stares*(heā€™ll just be in the hospital for a huge chunk of the story once we get to that part UmU)) (also any asks begging him to get sober will not help as I've seen first hand that even begging someone to get help or sending them help won't do jack shit for recovery)
- - That was a tiny spoiler but with that being said for those who *do* end up in the hospital if youā€™re currently abusing drugs please note that your body will not act the way it does normally, you will be breathing less (IMO that's like super fucking scary) and if you have any mental disorders it *will* worsen it and not make it better, your heart rate may or may not pace differently, and depending on if you do injections or not your body will feel super numb all the time
- As for avoiding stereotypical representations of it I usually go by past experiences
(- - - And if you or anyone are writing about serious topics I also recommend to step back, check yourself, and ask yourself "is this stereotypical?" and if you can't answer I also recommend what I'm doing and ask around but more specifically people who have experience with said topic)
- - Whether that be from using it (I never really used a lot of drugs, maybe hospital drugs, second hand highness from my parents overusing pot those few times, and accidently eating an edible when I was at my cousin's place (all I remember from that is being super tired and being too fixated on whatever I was being fixated on... In short it was a scary experience for a child o.O))
- - And if there's a section or area I have not personally experienced I would go ask around and see if anyone has any experience on them (and I know quite a few people who *have* experienced what drug usage does so I tend to ask if this is alright or if I should tweak a few things as when I first started this blog I wanted to make sure it wasnā€™t stereotypical or harmful (I like to view this blog as a story based PSA but others can think what they want of it!)
- - That being said just know that if I'm missing out on other effects of drug usage I either
A) Don't know how to properly write it (I.E those crackheads around my neighborhood, as much as I want to give out a warning to that, I do not know much of what goes on inside of their heads. I do not want to write homeless crackheads in a horrible and stereotypical light because there has to be something that led them down that path) (Whether it be peer pressure or coping with something??) (unsure but I do not want to paint them in a stereotypical light)
or B) I was unaware of it, I know a lot about drug aftermaths and what happens when high, but I don't know everything so if I'm missing something I would be happy to be let known about it as I want this blog to be as accurate as possible as to avoid painting anything in a horrible light ^^
(Also that's fine!! I'm open to any type of ask!!, although it comes to an extent, any ask about other projects me thinks should be when the story is ending or on my main blog @inkyu XP)
- as for the side note, will do!!! working on ATDV is super fun and also technically a huge cope for me if I think about it
- - Also the ā€œhuge copeā€ is probably to get my frustrations out on alcohol and drug addiction because of a recent death of a family member from it, i'm not sad one bit about this family member dying (It's a problem with me when it comes to death as for some reason I just donā€™t really feel anything >.>) but I'm more so mad about it as we've all warned her to stop and we've sent her to rehab but she would always come back and continue, so I guess ATDV was a way of my brain venting out my frustrations with addictions and how much it makes me angry U_U (I will not go very deep into this family members addiction as that is very personal and I don't like sharing a lot of personal info out on the web)
- and AWAWAWAWWAHWAHWH I'm so happy your experience was positive!! A huge goal of mine (besides building up my art skill) for this blog is for everyone to enjoy the story while playing a part in it and to be enlightened on the usage of drugs (why I chose Undertale AUs? in short I was super fixated on UTAU/UTMV (and still am) and discovered the non-lethal Error AU but to my disappointment that blog was proship neutral and that disappointed me greatly (for those who want my stance on shipcourse despite my disliking of the topic I am on the side of antiship as stated in my pinned post(DNI proship)) and because of that inspired me to create this blog where not only Error is non lethal but Nightmare and the others are too, they just moreso do drugs
(I don't know why drugs in specifically but I think it had to do with that family member passing away and a comic dug of fluttershy getting high on my TV that caused me to use drugs for this blog U.U))
Also characters will have proper backstories to getting high/starting drugs except for Ink, Error, and Fresh who's backstories were purely made for comical reasons (I think Error's is the most stupidest out of all of the joke backstories honestly)
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