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horsemage · 8 months ago
oh god. grad school apps imminent. any words of wisdom?
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dooxliss · 9 months ago
CONGRATS ON THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE !!! i hope the rest of your career is smooth sailing !!!
oops forgot to answer this early but tysm marb 🩵🩵
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pinootgu · 1 month ago
a terror academia au has come to me in an insane vision (based off of my experience at elite research uni)
- crozier is going for tenure. its his second time. he hates the dept and franklin is chair this year (its not going well)
- the liuets r dif grad students. little is rethinking this whole grad school thing and probs would he happier in an mfa or something. irving came straight out of undergrad from a small liberal arts college and is having a bad time with unresolved issues. george is just happy to be there
- fitzjames is either a double ivy OR a double alum of their public uni. i dont know which is worse.
- le vesconte is fullbright. makes sure everyone Knows.
- jopson is a postbac w a non traditional undergrad path (not graduating @ 22) and is on the fence about grad school (he commits and gets in to everyone's joy)
- des voux is an annoying undergrad who you hate got into the program and the position he is in (privileged and Aware)
- franklin needs to retire but wont. made chair and is realizing that being chair Fuckinf Sucks.
- blanky runs one of the labs or libraries. doesnt teach classes and is staff
- collins is an engineering masters student that is working in it in the dept under contract. he is Struggling in all ways.
- james clark ross is on sabatical (prestigious residency abroad)
- hickey isnt even a student he's just a guy that keeps fucking with the grad student/ta strikes as an outside leftist that kind of fucking sucks (revcom probs)
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threecheersforsuccess · 5 months ago
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20241002 I went to a research talk conference today, and I'm amazed how much the education I recieved from my postbac helped with my understanding of both wetlab and clinical trials. I seldom had to use google for terms and concepts. Knowledge is power lol. My sticker is from @morilatte 🩷
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zodiacsea · 1 year ago
i already have one useless degree so should i do a postbac in poetry and get another
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borrelia · 1 year ago
gal is here from a lab that doesn't normally do our kind of research, and shes ony a postbac so its okay she doesn't know things. but she put on her poster that it was 'concerning' that their lab mice were dying from borrelia bc 'mice are the natural reservoirs of lyme.' and i stopped her and said erm no. lab mice are literally our disease model for lyme. they are not the new world rodents that ARE the reservoirs. and the guy next to me was like "PSSSH give her a BREAK! btw how often did you say you were doing your behavioral expwriments with your mice?" and proceeded to spend the next couple minutes just ABSOLUTELY eviscerating her for her experimental design 😭😭😭
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jobrxiv · 4 months ago
Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) 2025 Postbac Fellowship National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Seeking recent grads for Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities, a unique paid postbac fellowship in #allergic, #immunologic, and #InfectiousDiseases See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/national-institutes-of-health-national-institute-of-allergy-and-infectious-diseases-27778-intramural-niaid-research-opportunities-inro-postbac-fellowship/?feed_id=86661 #allergies #biology #biomedical_sciences #immunology #infectious_diseases #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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travelwithezz · 8 months ago
#visafrance #a #visa #campusfrance #etudessuperieures #etudiantsetrangers #visaetudiant #etudiantinternationaux #etudierenfrance #etudianteafricaine #afriquedelouest #coachingscolaire #etudiantsafricains #etudesenfrance #reussiteprofessionnelle #tudiant #visabisnis #visanewzealand #visaturis #visainggris #l #tudier #tranger #tudierenafrique #visaturki #visaamerika #boursedetudes #postbac #etudiantcongolais #etudierausenegal
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amelioratewell · 8 months ago
The theme in our postbac cohort this semester is “Good to know, sad to hear” 😂
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seoservice321-blog · 6 years ago
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painperdudotcom · 6 years ago
Trimer ou céder
3 semaines d'hypokhâgne. 3 semaines, 21 jours, 504 heures, environ 30 000 minutes et presque autant de questions.
J'aime la théorie de l'hypokhâgne, j'aime l'image qu'elle renvoie, j'aime ce que je pourrais être dans deux ans, j'aime les relations créées avec ces personnes qui me ressemblent, j'aime la connaissance, j'aime cette enseignante si fine linguiste et oreille attentive, j'aime l'architecture du lycée et sa vue magnifique, j'aime être au coeur de Lyon, j'aime l'émulation, j'aime apprendre de ceux qui savent tellement.
Et pourtant... je rêve de m'en aller. Rien que pour retrouver un semblant de liberté. Liberté intellectuelle, parce qu'on ne va pas se le cacher, nous sommes formatés dans ce genre de filières. Liberté de se laisser aller, et oublier quelques heures les cours pour penser à autre chose, aux loisirs, au futur, à soi. Liberté de profiter de la vie, qui sait ce qui va se passer demain ? Je ne veux pas être forcée de trimer chaque jour pour un futur hypothétiquement agréable.
En théorie, la prépa, c'est formidable. Mais je ne suis pas sûre que cela soit fait pour moi. Je vois très bien, comme tout le monde, tous les avantages théoriques. Mais j'ai l'impression d'être étouffée par tout ce que je n'aime pas. J'aime lire, mais je n'aime pas réfléchir sur des questions abstraites d'auteur, d'oeuvre et de genre. J'aime l'histoire, mais je n'aime pas commenter des textes du moyen âge. J'aime la philosophie, mais je n'aime pas les idées catho réac de mon professeur. J'aime l'anglais, mais je ne comprend pas l'intérêt de la version appliquée. J'aime apprendre de nouvelles langues, mais je ne vois pas à quoi pourrait me servir le latin.
Alors je rêve un autre quotidien. Qui pourrait advenir dès la semaine prochaine si je le décidais. Mais j'ai peur. Peur parce que j'aime la théorie de la prépa. Parce que, le regard des autres. Parce que, et si dans 2 mois, 2 ans ou 20 ans je regrette ? Au même titre que les autres je m'en voudrai d'avoir pris la mauvaise décision, d'avoir écouté mes émotions plutôt que ma raison, d'avoir laissé le doute s'installer, d'avoir cédé à la peur, et surtout, à la facilité.
Alors cette semaine je prendrai une décision, qui se dessine depuis la première semaine de ce mois de septembre. Je crois que je connais déjà l'issue de cette tentative de prépa, je ne crois pas que ce soit la meilleure, mais quand le cœur n'est pas au travail alors comment faire ? Résister n'est pas chose facile. J'ai l'impression d'être plus encline à supporter les regrets, la culpabilité et la honte que l'anxiété, la déprime et le brouillard.
Alors j'attends. Dans la tempête de la difficulté, hésitante à attraper la perche de la facilité. Les prochains jours diront si j'ai craqué, ou si je suis prête à ramer.
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dooxliss · 11 months ago
get the doopliss keychain so we can match, i have one on my purse
working on it! o7
decided i’ll buy in may as a self graduation gift/congratulatory gift for whatever postbac i get into (wish me luck 🙏🏽)
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🐕 Interested in Veterinary Medicine? Check out this Emergency Ovariohysterectomy Veterinary Case Review with our own kickass Vet, Dr. L. 🐕Now posted for questions and answers at www.unconventionalpremeds.com. 🧠 Register. Post. Learn. Share! It’s free to join and free to stay! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #student #college #undergrad #postbac #premed #prevet #prephysicaltherapy #nursing #nursingschool #medschool #veterinarian #veterinarymedicine #veterinaryschool #veterinaryscience #medstudent #dvm #surgery #surgeon #veterinarysurgery #veterinarysurgeon #science #biology #anatomy #animalanatomy #unconventionalpremeds⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9sRhGFCE_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hlcgtgvw0v0r
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threecheersforsuccess · 3 months ago
Gonna add "delete and organize files a little everyday" on my habit tracker because damn I was so burnt out studying for my postbac and MCAT that all my files are just... not in the right places...
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allcaughtup · 7 years ago
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By God's amazing Grace I finally made it 🎓 #uncg18 #uncggrad #undergrad #postbac #godsplan (at UNC Greensboro)
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benningtonpostbac · 7 years ago
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Here are some photos of post-bac students creating Dye Sensitized Solar Cells as part of the lab component of Chemistry III. A key aspect of the science curriculum here at Bennington is engagement with the classroom material through hands-on projects. Students learn to work as a part of a team and to think scientifically in order to prepare for a career in healthcare.
In this lab, students used blackberry dye and a titanium dioxide semiconductor in order to build a solar cell. By applying concepts of electrochemistry learned in the classroom, students were able to generate electricity from sunlight.
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