#post war snape
theatreslave · 2 months
Not even in a romantic sense but Severus and Hermione being professors together would be hilarious because as the two youngest of the professors they would end up being besties.
Snarky Snape being miffed that Granger shows up way more prepared to be a Professor than he was.
Hermione lowkey annoyed that Snape didn't warn her not to go to the weekly poker night that Sprout puts on.
Them sitting next to each other at the head table during sorting and whispering one word predictions to the sorting and communicating with eyes and eyebrows.
People thinking they hate each other because they are constantly bickering but both of them find it fun and invigorating when they have to deal with dunderheads all day.
Snape seeking out Hermione when weird women hit on him.
Hermione complaining to Severus about her attempts at dating and he's her very sarcastic voice of reason.
Competitive as hell about test score averages.
Competitive as hell about house points.
Snape finding out Hermione doesn't like quidditch because she hates flying and him holding it over her as the one thing she can never excel at.
Hermione finding out Snape's actual stance on bullies when he punishes slytherins for bullying a gryffindor.
Discreetly handing hangover potions to each other.
Dumping detentions they don't want to over see on the other.
Both of them having bad hair days.
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redabeline · 2 months
“Look, it’s Professor Snape!” A peculiar hush fell over the hall at his entrance; hurried whispers fell silent as he passed, only to rise again in his wake. “Was he really a Death Eater? Has he been marked?” “He has, people have seen it! He was You-Know-Who’s right hand man! He ran the school when You-Know-Who was in charge of everything!” “He was Dumbledore’s man, though,” another chimed in, and then a pause. “He didn’t stop me from getting Crucio’d by a first-year, mind.” “Come off it, first-year torture was like getting pelted by potato bullets. Imagine what You-Know-Who did to him.” Imagine what You-Know-Who did to him, indeed, Severus thought. Worse than torture: he’d made him a minor celebrity.
Snape Lives | Postwar AU | Oneshot
Schoolyard Legend on Ao3
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shadowdiyt · 2 months
Memories to Preserve
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ms-snape · 20 days
Hi, i see that request are open.
What if Severus survived the war but didn't tell anyone. He moved far away, to another country (maybe Italy). But at home, his wife was waiting for him and she was his biggest support during the war. She refused to believe he is dead. And a few years later she would find out by accident when she bumped into him on the street hand in hand with someone else. Lots of angst. I mean….. lots of angst. 🙂
Title: Moving On
Request: Finally a request I've been waiting for one for like days.... REQUESTS ARE OPENED
Summary: I don't think I can give a better summary than the request so...
Warning: angst.... sad ending...
Word Count: 2305
In the heart of Italy, where the sun-drenched landscapes mingled with the whisper of ancient cobblestone streets, YN felt a certain heaviness. It was a weight she carried not just in her suitcase, filled with clothes and hopes for a brighter future, but in her heart, where the memory of Severus Snape lingered like a ghost. The world believed him dead, a casualty of a war that had torn apart the very fabric of their lives, but YN had never accepted that finality. She could not bring herself to mourn him as everyone else had; instead, she clung to the thread of hope that wove through her despair.
YN had been broken when the news of his death reached her—a jagged dagger that pierced her soul and left her hollow. The days that followed were a blur of grief and longing. She had wandered through her life like a specter, lost in the memories of their time together, each moment spent with Severus replaying in her mind like a shattered record. She remembered his quiet intensity, the way his dark eyes would soften when he looked at her, the sound of his voice as he spoke of potions and spells, of love and loss. It was as if he had taken a part of her with him when he vanished from the world.
Ella, her best friend, had insisted on this trip—an attempt to pull YN from the depths of her sorrow. They ventured to the quaint coastal town of Positano, with its colorful cliffside houses and azure waters, where laughter echoed around them like a distant memory. But even in the midst of beauty, YN felt numb. The sun could not warm the chill that resided in her heart. Every breathtaking view of the Italian coast felt tainted by the absence of the one person she could not forget.
As Ella tried to engage YN in conversation, pointing out the charm of the local markets and the deliciousness of the gelato, YN’s mind drifted elsewhere. She found herself staring out at the sea, imagining it was Severus standing there, his silhouette framed against the horizon, waiting for her to join him. The thought was both comforting and torturous, a bittersweet reminder of love that once was.
“YN, you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” Ella said one evening as they sat on a balcony overlooking the sunset. “You need to let him go. It’s been years.He's gone and you need to accept it”
But how could she? How could she dismiss the love they had shared, the promises whispered in the dark? Each time YN closed her eyes, she could see Severus—his furrowed brow, the way his lips curled into a half-smile when she teased him. The memories were too vivid, too real. They were the only thing that anchored her to the world, the only thing that kept the shadows at bay.
The days passed, and YN felt the ache in her heart deepen. She wandered through the streets of Positano, searching for something she could not name. Perhaps it was closure, or maybe just a sign that Severus was still alive. She explored the narrow alleys, the vibrant shops, and the azure beaches, all while carrying the weight of her unyielding hope.
Then, on a seemingly ordinary afternoon, everything changed. YN had taken to wandering alone, her heart heavy with the memories that haunted her. She meandered through the bustling market square, the colors and sounds swirling around her like a kaleidoscope of life. She paused by a stall selling handmade jewelry, absentmindedly running her fingers over the delicate pieces. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over everything, and for a moment, she allowed herself to breathe.
But then, as she turned to leave the stall, she collided with someone. The force of the impact sent her stumbling back, and she looked up, ready to apologize to the stranger. But then time seemed to freeze. There, standing before her, was Severus Snape—alive, breathing, and somehow more real than the memories she had clung to for so long.
Her heart raced, a wild tempest of disbelief and hope. But as her eyes traveled down to his hand, the world shattered around her. He was holding the hand of another woman—a stunning brunette with an easy smile and laughter that danced in the air between them. YN felt her heart plummet, the fragile thread of hope she had carried for years snapping in an instant.
Severus looked at her, confusion etched across his features. The moment stretched, the bustling market fading into silence. YN’s breath hitched in her throat, a mix of joy and agony tearing her apart. She wanted to rush into his arms, to feel his warmth envelop her again, but the sight of the other woman kept her rooted to the spot, paralyzed by the pain of betrayal.
“Severus?” The word slipped from her lips like a prayer, a desperate plea for him to explain, to make sense of the scene before her.
The smile faded from his face, replaced by a flicker of guilt. “YN… I—”
But she couldn’t hear him. The world felt as if it were collapsing around her. She had spent years believing he was dead, clinging to the hope that he would one day return to her, and now here he was, a living ghost of her past, with another woman at his side. The anger bubbled within her, mingling with the heartbreak that consumed her.
“Is this why you never came back?” YN’s voice trembled, laced with a hurt that cut deeper than any spell. “You were alive all this time and didn't even come back to me, you wife? Did you choose to leave me behind?”
Severus’s eyes darkened with regret, but YN couldn’t bear to see it. The anguish she felt was all-consuming, a tidal wave of emotions crashing against the fragile dam she had built around her heart. “I waited for you, Severus. I never stopped believing you were out there, that you would come back to me. And now… this?”
“YN, please, it’s not what you think,” he said, stepping toward her, but she recoiled, the distance between them stretching like an unbridgeable chasm.
“Not what I think?” The bitterness in her voice cut through the air, sharp and biting. “You were supposed to be dead! I mourned you! I grieved for the life we could have had, for the love we shared. And now you’re here, holding her hand like I never existed?”
The woman beside him looked between them, confusion evident in her eyes, but YN couldn’t spare her a glance. Her world had narrowed to just Severus, the man she had loved with every fiber of her being, the man who had shattered her heart without a word.
“YN, I had my reasons—”
“Reasons?” She interrupted, her anger boiling over. “Was it worth it? Was it worth leaving me in the dark while you built a new life without me? I thought you loved me.”
“I did love you!” Severus’s voice rose, desperation lacing his words. “And I never stopped loving you or thinking about you, but I had to survive. The war… it changed everything. I thought you were safe, that you could move on without me.”
“Move on?” YN’s laugh was hollow, devoid of humor. “You think I could just forget? You think I could just pretend that you didn’t mean the world to me? You left me with nothing but the ghosts of what we could have been, and now you stand here, alive, with someone else?”
The bitterness spilled from her lips, a torrent of pain that had been building for years. She felt raw and exposed, like a wound that had never healed, and now it was laid bare for him to see. The anguish in her heart felt like a physical weight, pressing down on her chest, suffocating her.
Severus’s expression twisted with regret, his dark eyes brimming with unshed tears. “I never wanted to hurt you. I thought you’d be better off without me. I thought I was protecting you.”
“Protecting me?” YN’s voice cracked, the pain evident in every syllable. “You didn’t protect me; you abandoned me. I was left to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart while you… you moved on.You found someone else...”
The silence that followed was deafening. Around them, the world continued to buzz with life—laughter, music, the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore—but for YN, everything had come to a standstill. She felt as if she were standing on the edge of a precipice, staring down into an abyss of despair.
“I thought you were dead,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the noise. “I thought I had lost you forever.”
“And I thought you moved on,” Severus replied, his voice heavy with regret. “I never meant for this to happen.”
“But it did happen, Severus.” The tears she had held back for so long began to spill over, a torrent of grief and rage. “You’re here, with.... her, while I was left to drown in my sorrow. You can’t just waltz back into my life and expect me to forget the pain you caused.”
Severus’s expression faltered, a mixture of guilt and longing etched across his features. The woman beside him shifted uncomfortably, the weight of the moment pressing down on them. YN felt the heat of anger mixing with the chill of betrayal, a volatile concoction that threatened to consume her.
“I can’t change the past,” he said, his voice low, almost pleading. “But please, YN, don’t push me away. I still care for you. I always have.”
The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken promises and memories that felt like a lifetime ago. YN looked at him, at the man she had loved fiercely, and felt the ache in her heart deepen. She wanted to believe him, to reach out and bridge the gap that had grown between them. But the reality was too painful, too raw.
“And what about her?” YN’s voice trembled, the bitterness creeping back in. “What am I supposed to do with that? You’ve built a life without me, Severus. It feels impossible to reconcile that with the love we once shared.”
“I never meant for any of this to happen,” he said, anguish etched in every line of his face. “I was lost, and I thought I was doing what was best for you and me.”
YN shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You think abandoning me was what was best? You think I wanted to live in a world where you weren’t there? I was lost too, Severus. I was lost without you.We made a vow, we promised to laways be there for each other, but apparently it meant nothing to you”
The hurt between them was palpable, a chasm that felt insurmountable. YN’s heart ached with the weight of memories that threatened to drown her. She wanted to scream, to rage against the universe that had torn them apart, but all she could do was stand there, feeling the walls close in around her.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the cobblestones, YN felt the flicker of hope extinguish. The world around her was beautiful, but in that moment, it felt like a cruel joke. She had come to Italy seeking solace, but instead, she found herself face-to-face with the man who had become both her salvation and her tormentor.
“I can’t do this,” YN whispered, her voice breaking. “I can’t pretend that everything’s okay when it’s not. I loved you more than anything, but I have to let you go. I have to move on, even if it breaks me... I wish you a really happy life... perhaps better than the one you once had with me....”
With that, she turned away, an instinctive reaction to shield herself from the pain. She couldn’t bear to see him with her, the woman who had become the embodiment of all her fears. It felt like a betrayal—a cruel twist of fate that had stolen her love and replaced it with a bitter reminder of what she had lost.
As she walked away, the tears streamed down her face, each step feeling heavier than the last. The streets of Positano, once vibrant and full of life, felt suffocating, closing in around her as she retreated from the scene that had shattered her world anew.
Behind her, Severus called her name, desperation lacing his voice, but YN didn’t look back. She couldn’t. She had given him everything, only to be left with nothing but the echoes of what once was. The colors of Italy faded into a blur, and as she walked away from the man she had loved, she felt the weight of her heart breaking all over again.
As she reached the edge of the market, the sounds of laughter and joy faded away, replaced by the haunting silence that had become her constant companion. YN had come to Italy to escape her pain, to find a semblance of peace, but instead, she was reminded of the love she had lost and the life that would never be.
In that moment, as she stood alone in a foreign land, she realized that some shadows lingered long after the light had faded. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world into darkness, YN felt the weight of her despair settle heavily upon her shoulders, an unshakeable burden that would follow her wherever she went. She was lost, and the echoes of Severus Snape would forever haunt her heart, a bittersweet reminder of a love that had been both her greatest joy and her deepest sorrow.
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missdawnandherdusk · 2 months
The Confession
The Case The Defendant The Witness
The Auror
Summary: When you talk to Draco again, things that were meant to stay hidden come to light as this case wears you thin.
A/n: Well here it is my loves, some more Draco interaction. Curious to know your thoughts about the nuances of if Draco can be condemned for killing Dumbledore because of his plans. And what do you guys think about Harry? Did he kill Voldemort? Even with the rebound spell what about destroying the horcruxes?
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“Shit.” I took breath and drew my wand, aperating to the Manor. I flew up the front steps and knocked on the door.
Draco was there waiting for me. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” I breathed out. “I got caught up in a meeting and—thank you for waiting.” I composed myself throwing on a fake smile. 
“Are you… okay?” His grey eyes held concern. There was something so different about his gaze and Harry’s. I wondered if it would be enough to prove innocence. 
“I’m fine.” I said, entering the grand house. “Did you get a chance to look over the case again?”
“I did.”
“Good good,” I muttered. “I have some questions for you if that’s alright.” 
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked again as I searched my bag for a spare quill. I left my other at Harry’s office. 
“Yeah,” I said simply. 
His face pinched in thought like he didn’t believe me. Which was ridiculous. I was fine. Even if I wasn’t it wasn’t for him to worry about. I had a job to do. I had a case to close, and I might just have to fight the infamous Harry Potter to close it. I was fine. 
Everything was peachy. 
He offered me a seat in a small sitting room the disappeared for a moment. When I had finally found my spare quill and gotten my file out he returned with a tray of tea and biscuits as well as the folder I had left him last week. He set the tray down and opened the folder. 
“I have some notes and questions too,” Draco said, taking the other seat. “If that’s okay.” 
I nodded and watched the tea magically pour itself.
“Cream and sugar?”
“Two of both,” I said. “Please,”
An amused smile played at his lips as he complied. 
Don’t let him fool you. Harry’s words echoed in my mind. My mood soured again. 
“What? Did I do it wrong?” Draco asked concerned. 
“No, no the tea is fine.” I said, rubbing my face. “Thank you,” 
“Y/n—“ he tried again but I wouldn’t let him. I could not. He didn’t need to care. 
“So, I have a couple of questions.�� I cut him off quickly. 
“Of course,” he resigned. I let out a soft sigh. 
“Tell me about the day here, at the Manor. When Potter and his friends escaped.”  
“What do you want to know?” He asked kindly. 
“Um,” I paused. “Harry disarmed you and took your wand then correct?” 
“Okay. And… When they brought Harry in, and asked you to identify him—you didn’t. You denied you knew who it was.” 
“I did.” 
“Did you know?” I asked out of my own curiosity. “That it was Harry?” 
“When you spend six years being loathed by someone, you don’t soon forget the hatred in their eyes,” Draco said quite cryptically. I thought back to my conversation with Harry and those green eyes that still held the same hate. I nodded in agreement. 
“So you knew it was him?” I set down my quill and looked at him. 
“I did,” 
“But you didn’t tell them?” I didn’t know why I was so caught up on this. 
“Does it matter?” He asked a little skeptical. 
“Um… I don’t know,” My eyes met soft grey ones. Then I knew the difference: it might not have mattered to the case, but it mattered to me. 
“Well, if it does, let me know,” Draco said as of it were the easiest topic in the world. 
“Okay. Um. Can you tell me about that day in the tower. What happened?” 
“I killed Dumbledore.” 
For some reason his words made me furious. 
“No you didn’t.” I shot back without thinking. Draco looked affronted. I composed myself taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry. Please continue,” 
He nodded, and I could see his walls go back up. My temper had just ruined everything. Draco talked about our sixth year of Hogwarts and things I vaguely remembered. Katie Bell being cursed, Ron Weasley being poisoned. The raid on the castle. 
“I let them in,” He said with his head hung. “I let them into Hogwarts. Into our home. I killed Dumbledore.” 
I wanted to comfort him, but I knew that I shouldn’t. And Harry’s stupid words were still at the forefront of my mind. Was Draco really this manipulative? Was he fooling everyone? Was I fooling myself? 
“Draco, your wand didn’t cast the killing curse. It never cast any Unforgivable.” I said simply, keeping my temper in check. 
“I was tasked by the Dark Lord to kill Dumbledore,” Draco whispered. “I hurt so many people. I was so scared, Y/n.” 
“That doesn’t mean that you killed him.” 
“Doesn’t it?” He looked at me desperately. “Whether or not my wand cast the spell, I am responsible for his death.” 
“That’s not the same thing.” I said weakly. It was all so nuanced I didn’t know how to explain the difference. Maybe there wasn’t one after all. 
But, when he met my eyes, his stare held only sorrow and regret. Lofty and flowing in waves. 
“I’m sorry—I…” Draco shook his head as if he wanted to rid himself of the words we had spoken. 
Silence fell between us. 
“You said you had questions for me?” I recalled, changing the subject before it suffocated us both.  
“Yes, well, just one,” He said, reserved. 
“Go ahead.” I gave him my attention. 
“Why is this so important to you?” His eyes put me on trial. My eyes widened in shock. 
“Does it matter?” I quickly got defensive. “We’re going to see this through.”
“Why?” He stressed. “The case has been open for years and no one’s batted an eyelash. Why do you care so much?” 
“It doesn’t matter.” I bit, standing. He stood too. 
“Y/n. Why.” He towered over me. We were two strong holds opposing each other. 
“It doesn’t matter to you why.” I stressed each word. 
“I’ll decide what matters to me.” 
I stepped away from him. Reserved and cold my eyes focused on the files scattered on the mahogany table next to our tea and biscuits. 
“If I don’t close this case—“ the words were like stones. “My future is gone.” My gaze met his. “Everything I’ve worked for in the past six years is gone. I fail. My board. My exams. Everything. Gone. I never get to be a pubic defender. I never get to help people.” His defense faltered but mine didn’t. “So tell me. Does that matter to you? Do I matter to you?” 
He hung his head and I had my answer. 
“We’re done here. I’ll be in contact later this week.” I didn’t even bother to gather the scattered papers. 
“Y/n wait,” Draco called. Despite my best efforts, I paused. “Come back on Friday.” He said. 
I nodded once then aperated home. 
The Deceased
@coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco  @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms   @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-johnston  @jiggllyy @darcypotter-blog  @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @beautiful-pegasus@tceedlmao @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @dragonsandbread @the-queen-of-hell-things @alienmotel  @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @dudeimnotgonnakms @auriuswolve @carolineesnell
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smilingformoney · 1 year
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Alan Rickman filmography >> Dogma (dir. Kevin Smith, 1999) as The Metatron
bonus content: hand 🙂
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dinxieyinxie · 2 months
Hiii :3, I read in one of ur posts that sev survives in ur au , what kind of life he lives w yo yo after everything? ( or is it a spoiler ? )
omg hey pookieee! :3
Indeed he does in this universe! I don't wanna spoil too much hehe ya'll just have to stick around and find out >:)
But I will say that Snape lives a life he never had and thought he couldn't ever have in all his years of living. Quiet, blissful, and utterly and unconditionally loved by the person he cherishes the most.
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
Does anyone else get sick of seeing people shame fans who like fictional characters that are antagonists? People who judge someone’s morals off of a fictional character that they like really worry me. Most of the time you will see these people do backflips to defend every wrong their favorite character makes. I wonder if these people actually can tell the difference between fiction and reality because it’s quite concerning seeing how many people make extreme judgements on someone based on them enjoying a source of FICTION.
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madfantasy · 1 year
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On The Nose
Ah, excited to be finally on my snarry drawing list--! I must say thanks to seeing @flymetosnarryland's amazing work 8' ❤️‍🔥
Even thos it been years last his scar severely pained him, Severus can't help sometimes but be skittish to anything arounds his neck/chin area, so Harry developed this habit to still give Sev some affection
5.6.2023, Support Mani
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psdrawsthings · 8 months
thinking about how severus getting better after the war but lucius realises himself an old crippled ex prisoner on the fringes of society
thinking about them every day
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juanasunfall-blog · 1 year
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“I feel a lavender haze creep up on me”
Or it’s just Harry. It might be just Harry.
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alwaysthehbp · 5 months
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a moodboard for my snamione fic ✨
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shadowdiyt · 12 days
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procrastinating studying by reading fanfic... and reading the third chapter and being absolutely SLAPPED in the face with mischaracterisation. and then im like: this concept had SO MUCH potential? *goes to write the fic im thinking of*
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honeydewsour · 4 months
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my attempt of drawing Evelyn Black @josiecarioca ‘s OC from Post War on ao3
go read it if you haven’t ! !
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saintsenara · 2 years
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sirius black/severus snape explicit read from the beginning here masterpost | author's notes | moodboard
chapter one: enif
there is blood under the fingernail of his thumb, from constantly worrying a scab. there is blood on the kitchen floor, where kreacher has failed to clean up the viscera of a dead mouse. there is a crystal vial of blood - black blood, pure and congealing - in the drawing room, set with a magnificent opal. there is blood in his mouth as he bites down on his dry, splitting lip as he walks past his mother’s portrait, because if he gives in to the urge to scream at her then he will never stop.
how funny, then, that a day with so much blood in it should be the day on which he does not die.
a butterfly flaps its wings, a potions master gets punched in the face, and sirius black does not go to the department of mysteries.
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