#post irresistible
scullysexual · 1 year
Five Times Mulder and Scully Shared A Bed (1/5)
i. Irresistible.
Mulder places the phone back on the receiver and trudges his way back to the car where Scully waits.
“Anything?” she asks, half asleep, as he enters the car. Scully leans against the seat, eyes fighting to stay open, her face still cut and bruised from her encounter with Pfaster. She should be home now but there were no flights available until tomorrow.
“Nothing,” Mulder answers with a shake of his head and a sorry smile. “But the manager was helpful, at least. He found another motel not too far from here that says they have rooms.”
“Let’s try there then,” Scully says tiredly.
A No Vacancies sign flashes neon at them as they pull into the parking lot. Mulder bashes his fist against the dashboard, anger, frustration and his own tiredness coursing through his body. He looks over to Scully, who’s face has also fallen at the sight of the sign.
“Maybe we should ask,” she suggests.
They undo their seatbelts and try their pitiful luck.
“Sorry, no space at the inn,” the manager from behind the desk calls as soon as they enter.
“We can sleep in a barn if you have one,” Mulder half jokes yet part of him remains serious if it means he can stop driving.
“Seriously,” the manager says.
“Seriously,” Mulder repeats back. “You don’t have anything?”
The manager’s eyes fall onto to Scully who lingers near the door, staying out of the way. His eyes frown.
“What happened to her?” the manager asks unceremoniously.
Not wanting to get into it, Mulder avoids the question.
“We were told you had rooms and based on all the empty spaces out there, I think you do.”
Clearly not getting his answers, the manager sighs and pulls open a drawer.
“I have one,” he says, throwing the key on the counter. Mulder quickly grabs it. “One,” the manager specifies. “The door is busted but if you’re that desperate you can have it.”
Mulder turns to Scully to gauge her opinion but she looks too tired to care.
“We’ll take it.”
It’s the lock that’s busted, it turns out but with the windows locked and a chair up against the door, they make do.
The room is just a room. A bed and a little corner table. That’s all. There’s not even a bathroom.
“Sorry I couldn’t find anything better Scully,” Mulder says whilst eyeing up the floor- his sleeping space for the night.
“It’s fine,” Scully mumbles. She’s already pulling back the covers on the bed.
“Could I have a pillow?”
Scully frowns. “Why? The bed is big enough for us both.”
Mulder pauses. He considered but after everything… “Are you sure?” he asks.
A pillow is thrown at him.
“Do whatever you want, Mulder.”
He looks at the pillow, then at the floor, then at the bed. A questionable stain on the carpet makes his decision for him and he makes his way to the unoccupied side of the bed.
He thinks nothing of it until he’s laying next to her. Sharing a bed with Scully. He can feel the heat from her body, her presence, her smell. He becomes aware of how big he is, how much space he just might be taking up. He moves to the edge, just to be sure she has enough space.
He’s so tired he can’t sleep. Scully’s breath evens out beside him and he’s envious at how quickly she can fall asleep. Then he repents that envy as it’s replaced with guilt. She’s just been through hell, he recalls.
Mulder shuts his eyes, wills his body to relax and let the sleep overcome him. He’s teetering on that edge when something touches his arm and he’s yanked from that almost slumber. He looks down to see Scully, her body curled around him on his little edge, all the space behind her. Her breath against his bare arm is soothing, little rhythmic puffs off air set up a gentle beat for him to fall asleep.
When the light shining through the see-through curtains wakes him up, Mulder panics when the space beside him is cold and empty. They took her again, is his first thought and he rips back the covers to haphazardly throw on his clothes and track her down.
The door opens and Scully emerges with a soft smile. The cuts not as red, the bruises not as new. He relaxes at the sight of her, throwing his own little smile towards her. He realises then how he slept the whole night through, she didn’t wake up- or at least he didn’t hear her. Did he ignore her cries, he wonders.
“How did you sleep?” he asks, his stomach knotting at the thought of her answer.
“Very well actually,” she answers, a little frown forming across her eyebrows as if she too has just realised she didn’t wake.
He thinks of how she curled up against him, her breath against his arm calming him down. Did he calm her too?
“We should go,” Scully says and Mulder realises that she’s dressed already. “The manager says there’s a flight to DC.”
Mulder nods and collects his clothes off the floor. He walks into the communal bathroom to get dressed, a smile on his face.
@today-in-fic | ao3
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flownwrong · 5 months
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We'll make sure of it.
Star Trek: Discovery (5x07 Erigah)
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pyaari-naari · 2 months
All hot girls wear glasses.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
Lore: The Bhaalspawn
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess and it's borderline impossible to cover everything. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
I decided to compile all of the information I could find/remember on the Children of Bhaal in one place; drawing on the original games, BG3, WotC "canon", and a magazine article written by the writers of the original games meant for playing Bhaalspawn in pen and paper games. There's a surprisingly large amount of information.
Also prodding a bit at the distinction between a Bhaalspawn, as in a quasi-deity, and their tiefling descendants, who are also called by that name.
As with all D&D lore, sources may conflict, but nevertheless, here it is.
There are technically two variants of being that can be referred to as bhaalspawn (three, if we count the Dark Urge as something separate).
The term "Bhaalspawn" is usually applied to a Child of Bhaal, a quasi-deity who has the Lord of Murder for a father. Most are Demigods, born of a mortal parent, although Bhaal has seemingly also produced at least one Titan, who has no mortal lineage at all (hi, Durge). With the exception of that last one, they were all sired before his death during the Time of Troubles. Many, if not most, had Bhaal's priests as their mortal parent - willingly conceived as part of the greater plan to resurrect their god.
As is the norm for half-planar-half-mortals, the offspring of a Child of Bhaal will be of the planetouched (tieflings, aasmiar, genasi). As Bhaal is an evil-aligned god, his grandchildren and descendants are specifically tieflings (or some humanoid equivalent, if they have children with non-humans).
Each Child carries the divine essence of their father, woven into their very being (the god himself specifically derides them as having "borrowed" existences). This divine essence wasn't distributed evenly, and some carried more of Bhaal's taint than others. Some were aware of his influence acting on them from birth, and others never knew what they were until their more powerful and ambitious siblings came knocking to tear their essence out of them.
Being so tied to Bhaal, the souls of his children are inherently tied to him and the Throne of Blood - when they die their essence returns to him and takes their souls with it. A Bhaalspawn can worship another god and receive spells as a divine spellcaster if that deity accepts them, but there is no other afterlife waiting for them except for their father's domain. Specifically, this is the Throne of Blood, a section of Banehold (Bane's domain) which should be on the first layer (Khalas) of the plane of Gehenna (also known as "The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna"). Every single game has placed the Throne of Blood on a different Lower Plane (the Hells, the Abyss, the Grey Wastes), but none have used the one actually given in the tabletop canon, for some reason. Mount Khalas is an active volcano, hundreds of thousands of miles high with slopes of at 45° at their very flattest. The slope is generally more like a sheer cliff face, and falling may "completely shred" the would-be climber. The mountain floats in an infinite void by the border of the Nine Hells. The ground is full of bottomless black chasms and magma flows fed by "waterfalls" of the stuff, and the ground glows crimson from the heat of the molten rock. The air is clogged with pyroclastic ash and it's impossible to see further than a dozen feet in any direction. It also features the River Styx, a river polluted by all the filth and evil of existence that flows through all the Lower Planes. The next layer of Gehenna, Mount Chamada, is visible overhead, glowing faintly, "burning like a small, bloody moon." The spirits of the dead who are sentenced to this plane are those who were consumed by greed and a ruthless and insatiable lust for power in life; in death they are selfishness embodied. The domains of the deities who reside there are carved into ledges on the slopes. Banehold - also known as the Barrens of Doom and Despair - is "an inhospitable locale, filled with vast deserts of black sand and huge plains of dark granite." The sky is blood red and sunless. The only source of water on the plane is the Styx.
Some Bhaalspawn feel the pull of their father's domain so strongly that their soul can be pulled into Gehenna before they die. Should these individuals become sickened or injured enough they will fall into a coma as their connection to life weakens and their soul is dragged into their father's realm in the Lower Planes. It will return to their body once they're healed and that the pull of life is strong enough.
Some Bhaalspawn have reported the ability to "feel" deaths occurring around them, which is also said to be a pleasant experience that calls to them.
Due to their inherently divine nature, every one of them has the latent capacity for sorcery, though not all will manifest it.
It was originally claimed that all the Children perished in the Bhaalspawn crisis, however a small ttrpg supplement published by the writers in a magazine article (meant for playing Bhaalspawn as tabletop characters) claimed that while many died, including all the most powerful of their kind, many "weaker" Bhaalspawn survived the crisis.
There is conflicting information about the free will of these survivors following the foiling of Bhaal's first resurrection. As per the original game's canon, Bhaal's command over them is gone once broken, and these Children were free to act out their lives as they saw fit - bar stuff like the occasional nightmare and inherent urge to go on a killing spree. The power in their blood is their own to repurpose.
Baldur's Gate 2 presented the possibility of a Bhaalspawn being totally cleansed of their father's taint and rendered fully mortal and free of all divine meddling. 5e has retconned this in both tabletop supplements and BG3 canon, and posits that while one of the Children can (seemingly) be unchained from most of Bhaal's control, his divinity is an inherent part of them and they may still become pawns in his designs.
Judging by the first two games it seems that a Bhaalspawn's ability to resist their father's control is related to their own willpower and how tied to death and negativity they are. Being sheltered from death and suffering allows themselves to distance themselves from him, while exposure and harbouring feelings of hatred will destroy the barriers and push them closer.
One of the things Bhaal may try to push his children into doing is interfering with the plans of Cyric, who originally killed him during the Time of Troubles and temporarily usurped him as god of murder.
Bhaalspawn grow in power with age and experience. While signs can start early, by the end of their adolescence they will all have begun manifesting various abilities and signs. What defines "growing in power" is rather nebulous - in game mechanics it's tied to character levels. Technically, a Bhaalspawn could manifest the ability to create supernatural darkness and turn into the Slayer at age 17 and, by the time she's 18, have manifested as much as eleven more powers (and a plethora of dark influences plaguing her to go with them, including an addiction to killing). Or she could go her entire existence never having more than those two traits, a nasty temper, and some horrific nightmares.
Quasi-deities are immortal - ageless and unable to die from natural causes. While theoretically, a Bhaalspawn might not manifest this trait, it would conflict with other established lore on half-deities (because D&D lore loves conflicting with itself). Bhaalspawn immortality tends to kick in at any point in adulthood, at which point their age freezes. They could be in their twenties - and is more likely to manifest at a younger age, but theoretically it could kick in when they're 87 or older.
A Child of Bhaal can usurp their father and take his godhood for themselves: They must prove themselves worthy of being Lord of Murder by deliberately orchestrating a thousand innocent deaths (the method can be anything). They must seek out a portion of their father's flesh. Remnants of Bhaal's slain avatars, such as the remains of the Raveger in the Moonshaes, or traces remaining in the Winding Water from the Time of Troubles are recommended. Bhaal's actual corpse would've been in the Astral Plane, pre-Sundering. What one is meant to do with this chunk of flesh is unspecified. And then one is meant to present themselves for judgement by the overgod Ao, who will decide if they deserve the job. This seems to involve some kind of epic quest in a very dangerous location to prove oneself.
The term "bhaalspawn" also seems to be applied to the tiefling children and descendants of the true Children. Tieflings descended from Bhaal show no outward signs of their heritage the way most other tieflings do, appearing as regular members of their species under physical examination and lacking strange quirks - such as those seen on tieflings descended from the god Mask, who cast no reflections. That said, planetouched descended from deities are known to bear birthmarks in the shape of their divine ancestor's holy symbol, so that might be the exception. Like many of the non-Asmodeus tieflings, they bear the taint of the lower planes in their being, and from birth they often feel it pushing them to bend to their whims. In the case of bhaal-spawned tieflings, these urges would be murder ideation and an obsession with death. God-descended tieflings are no more inherently powerful than the regular kind descended from fiends like devils, demons and night hags.
As with all of the non-Asmodeus tieflings, after the first tiefling grandchild the blood tends to go dormant and hide itself for generations, until it suddenly manifests in a child born to an unsuspecting normal family who is unaware that the taint of the god of murder lurks in their bloodline.
There are various abilities (and side-effects) a Bhaalspawn might manifest. Interestingly, while a Bhaalspawn can manifest the vast majority of them, they will never manifest all the possible powers available to their "family." Meanwhile, the most powerful of them will manifest all of the dark urges and traces of evil that threaten to consume their kind.
There are no rules given for their tiefling descendants. Tieflings have been known to manifest a variety of quirks and spell-like abilities, such as those that have been provided for the Children of Bhaal, it's not unthinkable that their heritage may cause them to manifest one or two of them. Going off of the tiefling creation chart from 2e, a tiefling will randomly manifest one advantage, and one drawback.
So a grandchild of Bhaal might have poisonous blood and be unable to control herself from going berserk from bloodlust in battle. One might heal at an unusually fast rate and give off an aura of death that causes strangers to respond to them like they're a monster. Another tiefling may be able to temporarily boost his strength to impressive levels, but be consumed by the urge to murder.
While only the most powerful manifest every trait, the signs of being a Bhaalspawn include:
The undead can sense a Bhaalspawn if they're within 60ft of each other - so clearly that they can pinpoint their exact location. Even protective magics that should hide them from the undead's senses won't keep them from being aware of their presence, it will only prevent them from being able to know exactly where they're standing. In BG2, a vampire named Phlydian describes it as being able to "smell the murder in [their] heart."
Being around the Children of Bhaal triggers the fight-or-flight instinct and makes others uneasy; they give off an unsettling aura that causes those nearby to subconsciously pick up on them as predatory, and Bhaalspawn have a harder time convincing others to like and trust them. Divination spells that reveal alignment and intention will detect them as evil, regardless of whether they truly are or not.
Bhaalspawn are harmed by holy weapons, and those who are particularly murderous can also be harmed by holy water.
Bhaalspawn blood is black and viscous, and the divine essence within it calls out to the lower planes. A bleeding Bhaalspawn leaves a "scent" that calls to all fiends of the Lower Planes, including devils and demons. Even if it doesn't have the texture and colour, the blood is poisonous. If their blood enters the bloodstream of another being it will immediately cause weakness and fatigue. If the blood is not purged, the individual will weaken into a coma and eventually die. Of course this won't affect beings immune to poison. According to Phlydian vampires find the divine blood of the Children of Bhaal irresistibly "sweet."
They experience chronic, horrific nightmares that are traumatic enough to impair the demigod's daily functioning. These visions can occasionally be resisted through willpower, but not staved off indefinitely.
Bhaalspawn always want to kill, and may lose control of themselves in physical conflict, trying to strike at everything within reach. They struggle to restrain themselves, and limiting attacks to non-lethal damage requires will saving throws. They are reckless in combat, paying attention to little except slaughtering their opponent/s - not even caring about their own safety, The urge to kill can be a fundamental need, If not met, thoughts of murder slowly overwhelms their willpower, thoughts and their awareness of their surroundings, until they're finally driven to kill somebody. This urge cannot be sated by anything except for the murder of a sapient being. (This is similar to the effects of some hungers that affect the undead, causing them to devolve into mindless, feral animals driven by hunger - it may look the same.)
They are possessed by a constant undercurrent of rage, and when humiliated or frustrated they must keep a grip on their anger or slip into a state of violent killing rage not unlike that shown by barbarians in combat - their strength and endurance is greatly strengthened as they attempt to attack the subject of their ire.
They may actually find their sense of free will is innately weaker than that of regular mortals.
They are drawn to the sight of the dying and the dead, and take involuntary pleasure in the sight.
Bhaalspawn are also known to manifest various quirks and spell-like abilities (which they can cast as three times per hit dice/character levels a day. So a level 12 Bhaalspawn with "death knell" can cast it 36 times a day). Again; not every one of them manifests every ability, many will probably never have more than two, but powerful individuals may still manifest most of them.
They are able to boost their strength to impressive or even superhuman levels (depending on base strength) for anywhere between 1-20 minutes.
They are immune to all poisons and toxins.
They are resistant to being wounded, unless the wounds are caused by an object made of or plated in silver. Complete immunity to being harmed by unenchanted weapons is also a possibility for the most powerful individuals. (I've never been clear on what damage reduction looks like - I suppose either it's harder to break their skin, or else the wounds simply close up or at least heal up a bit automatically.)
They can cure moderate wounds like a divine spellcaster.
If they touch a dying creature they can drain the remaining life-force from them, killing them and temporarily strengthening themselves (as in physical strength and hit points, as well as boosting the power of their spells) Some may manifest the similar ability to drain the life force from a target by looking at them, stealing their vitality to heal themselves. The target doesn't need to be dying, and may be perfectly healthy
They are unaffected by any but the most extreme of temperatures, to the point where they're resistant to elemental damage of that kind (this could be cold or heat, or both). Some Bhaalspawn are also resistant to electricity and any magic cast on them.
They can strike mortal dread into nearby beings.
They can use divine energy to smite their foes - or they can maifest it as a 20ft area of darkness and tangible evil ("cold, cloying and greasy" to the senses) that damages non-evil beings within it.
They can create supernatural 15-20ft clouds of impenetrable blackness that extinguishes all sources of light, as per the darkness spell.
One Bhaalspawn manifested the (involuntary) ability to instinctually teleport to safety whenever he panicked - this is just speculation, but I would assume this works the same as the ability available to Bhaal's Deathstalker priests; they can teleport to the Throne of Blood in the Lower Planes, and from there teleport back into Toril at any location not protected by warding magic.
And, last but not least, Bhaalspawn are known to be able to transform into the Slayer when particularly favoured by their father. In one, exceptional, case a Bhaalspawn was known to manifest Bhaal's other avatar; the Ravager.
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cseni-bean · 4 months
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You know what Tumblr? Maybe I will.
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tiredmoonslut · 25 days
The Elriel/Gwynriel ship war is hilarious to me not only because it's the most 2016 Tumblr Clexa/Bellarke bullshit I've ever seen but also because I don't remember Gwyn and Azriel ever having so much as a scene together---not because it didn't happen, but because it was so unremarkable to me in ACOSF that I instantly forgot it
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comic-sans-chan · 6 months
cursed modern human garashir au where ds9 is an old ruined resort that was built by some evil rich motherfuckers years ago and was recently seized back by the native people whose land and economy it had destroyed. it's since been converted into an affordable apartment complex sort of situation (just... with a pool, bar, restaraunts, spa and tennis court built into it lol) and is run by sisko and kira. since it is rundown, odo gets hired back on to keep kids from further vandalizing it and o'brien's team gets hired on from the nonprofit organization sisko works for to fix the place up best he can. dukat is the old overseer of the property who drops by sometimes to remind them he and his hospitality business still exist, and my, what a fine job they’ve done renovating the place! it’s actually nice again. sure would be a shame if someone bought the property out from under them (lmao jk kardasi hospitality and starfleet are friends! no hard feelings. they should collaborate on some future projects, actually).
garak's a sad bitch who just lost his amazing morally dubious nepotism career at obsidian corp. (which absorbed kardasi hospitality) and moved into the complex just for the comfortingly familiar architecture. even tho he's not on the payroll for his (secret) dad's evil exploitative company anymore he's still vital to its continued efficiency and is an absolute sucker who still does unpaid shady work for them from time to time. so no one in the complex likes him, but also he's a very pleasant and fastidious queer man who pays his rent on time and has completely taken over the laundry room, to the benefit of everyone, because all the machines actually work now, it's always tidy, and there's a variety of forever-stocked detergents and soaps available, plus an iron?? there was not an iron before garak moved in. which is how it eventually becomes public knowledge that garak has an online tailoring and fashion design business, and he's actually pretty good at restoring clothes that get fucked by the washing machine or eaten by rats, soooo. yeah. they let him stick around.
meanwhile julian's a hot doctor who works at the local hospital and is absolutely buried in student debt that he refuses to let his moderately-wealthy family help him with because they're awful people who had him on illegal drugs without his knowledge since he was a little kid. they were afraid he had something wrong with him, apparently. he was too far behind in his class or w/e. they couldn't handle having a kid with special needs, so they pumped him full of dangerous experimental stimulants. only reason he found out is because he snuck off somewhere to start transitioning and had some tests done that revealed all the crazy shit in his system. he's insanely lucky he didn't end up in the hospital with seizures or fall into a coma or worse. not to mention his parents still dead-name him left and right over a decade later. it's a whole mess and a huge secret, because he technically has a history with illegal drug abuse, and it's a partially ongoing history because going cold turkey off drugs he's been on since he was six is Not A Good Idea, so??? fuck his life, actually. he lives in the apartment just down the hall from garak's. 
garak hates the country his dad's company expanded into and would like nothing better than to move back home, but it's not really logistically possible. especially since everyone there hates him cuz his (secret) dad's company is a mega-corporation that's completely taken over everything p much and is a complete monopoly nightmare, and he did... kinda... work there for decades. no one would hire him if he went back. it would be an extreme conflict of interest, since everyone wants to stay on tain's good side, including garak. but starfleet is interested in him, so he does some begrudging contract work for them sometimes, but he really has no desire to join them. he just wants to resume his old career and reclaim his assets.
julian's hospital is owned by starfleet, tho. his scholarship into medical school was also from starfleet, in fact--they're the only reason he was able to (sort of) afford becoming a doctor at all. so he's a big fan, even tho they are pretty hardcore anti-drugs in a way that's made him have to forge medical records and risk serious legal charges and prison time. julian comes across as a squeaky clean medical professional and an adorable idiot, but he's intimately familiar with back-alley dealings. which is kind of how he ends up helping garak with his drug addiction, and keeps said addiction off the record.
but basically, how it begins is julian likes to support the local restaurants in the complex and garak finds him there and thinks he's gorgeous, and it proceeds as expected. they fuck nasty and become codependent. ten years later, julian lives in a modest house with garak in his home country and garak irons all his old university hoodies.
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dreaming-tonite · 1 year
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warning: office sex, penetrative sex
Word count: 980
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Just an idea: Jason saw you in proper office wear once and was absolutely obsessed from then onwards.
Maybe you were one of the new hires on the Wayne Enterprise secretary team and you just so happened to catch his eye when he swung by unannounced on your first week.
Jason Todd seldom show face around the premise, but he sure would do it more often if someone had told him there was a secretary as pretty as you, in front of the reception table no less. He was planning to pop in and pop out but changed his mind immediately when you piqued his interest.
There was not a crease on your crisp white shirt and the top button was left undone, just enough for him to see the small necklace laying soundly against your collarbone when you tilted forward to look at the documents. Your pencil skirt stopped right above your knee, the subtle hues of your skin barely noticeable under the sheer black stockings.
And it was just who he was, but Jason could not stop himself from wanting to mess you up when he saw you so neat and proper.
“You’re new.”
“Yes, I started on Monday,” you barely looked away from your work at hand when he leaned forward with his bulging forearms against the desk, “Mr Todd.” You added as a second thought.
His lips tugged into a lopsided grin, “Oh? You know who I am?”
“We all do,” you replied politely, so polite it sounded impersonal, “they made us remember everyone associated with the Wayne family as part of orientation.”
“Right, of course they do,” he mused, wondering if he could get your trained exterior to crack at all, “but Mr Todd is my father, Jason is fine.”
He reached his hand to you and you stared at it for a second, before giving it a light shake, the touch of your fingers ghosting against his opened palm as if it was never there at all.
“I’ll make a note of that, Mr Todd.”
Your quick wit had only made him all the more determined to win you over, which had proven to be a long and gruesome process the more you made it clear that you couldn’t be easily impressed.
Still, his boyish charisma and many excuses to swing by just to see you eventually softened you up.
(“I’m pretty sure that bringing people coffee is my job,” you lifted your brows, turning the cup in your hand and impressed that he had gotten your exact order down, “but thanks Jason.”)
(It nearly made him combust hearing his name leave your tongue the first time.)
But even after he had managed to charm his way into your heart (and made it clear that he was here to stay), his urge to absolutely make a wreck out of you only intensified.
You should have known that this will happen would he popped into your work one day and just pulled you into an empty storage room after eyeing you up and down.
“Jason!” You hissed, the table he pushed you onto shaking beneath your hips as he rammed into you, “I’m at work!”
“But darling, you’re off the clock,” he purred, licking circles at the side of your neck where the collar of your shirt had already been yanked down, “you’re not working if it’s past office hours.”
“You know that’s— hm!” You bit the inside of your cheeks when you felt a moan slipping through when he smacked the side of your ass, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck for leverage, “not what I mean.”
You let out a frustrated groan when you felt his nails digging into your thighs and the sharp tear followed. God, how many times did you have to tell him that you didn’t want to buy new stockings every week?
“I’ve only worn these twice,” you whimpered, but it only seemed to egg him on as he picked up his pace.
He grinned and you would have believed that he was sorry if his fingers were not dragging down your legs, ripping the flimsy fabric even more.
He licked his lips at your smudged lipstick, skirt bundled up around your waist and stockings pulled down just enough for him to get access to your dripping cunt, your eyes struggled to stay open each time his cock bottomed out inside of you.
“Actually, why don’t you just come work for me instead?” he quipped, “I would love a sexy secretary too.”
“Oh, please,” you still managed to bite back even though your brain was melting inside bits from the burning heat in the pit of your stomach, “you don’t even have an office.”
He let out a wolfish giggle and the vibration of his chest sent chills down your spine, making you arch into him in reflex.
“You’re right,” he swallowed a groan at the proximity, “won’t be able to hold back from fucking you against every surface if I have you around me in this little number every day.”
A soundless gasp left your lips in protest when he pulled away, your arousal gushing out at the sudden emptiness. His hungry gaze racked across your body, exposed and aching for him. Creases that would have never appeared littered all over your shirt the moment he had his hands on you but it was still getting in his way of seeing everything he wanted from you.
“I’ll buy you new ones of everything you have on after I’m done.”
Your eyes widened when he sent you a smirk before his hands snaked to the sides of your waist.
“Jason, no—“
You were just glad that no one caught you walking out with your legs shaking and Jason’s jacket wrapped tightly around you to hide your half-bare torso, while the man in question followed suit looking all too pleased.
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claie171art · 1 year
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Posting my mental illness here so I can delete it from my gallery. I apologize
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tangledinink · 1 year
while we're on the subject of partners for the boys--
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gethoce · 7 months
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Valentine's Day is here and what better way to celebrate than to post ship art of my interpretation of a canon character and somebody else's OC??
Limos belongs to the amazing @quanblovk
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hylianane · 8 months
How do you think the people who have been, since 2005, desperately digging for scraps of chemistry between Robin and any conventionally attractive, young, and marginally emo boy in the series like Law and Zoro so they can ship them together, feel knowing that in the year of our lord 2024 she has canonically only ever expressed DIRECT and EXPLICIT romantic interest in one man and that man is him
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saraminia · 4 months
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I just feel that we as a fandom moved on too fast from these pictures...
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bakedbakermom · 11 months
txf + text posts (3/?)
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l3irdl3rain · 10 months
I don’t usually feed Stanley crickets on account of the chirping, jumping, and the smell but I really thought I was being so kind and giving him a special treat when I bought some yesterday.
He just won’t eat them. Tried having them jump around in his cage, on the floor with him, and even tried holding them with a tweezers and nothing.
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quatarisprite · 1 month
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in honor of @tunder's first DAO playthrough and her awesome warden meeting zevran for the first time ever
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