#possibly cosmo
thresholdbb · 5 months
what's the threshold theory
There was a post about how Tom is the only crew member who isn't really affected by the Borg, and there's a theory that he has so much luck because he saw the past and the future when he crossed the transwarp threshold. He saw the past and the future, all of time and space. There's some subconscious part of him that remembers that experience. In fact, Tom refused to play a part in Chakotay indulging Annorax's temporal incursions, probably because a part of him knew nothing good could come of it.
If we extend that same theory to Janeway, some of her wild luck with time travel and other crack plans starts to make sense. She doesn't verbally hate time travel until after the events of Threshold, since it happens in Time and Again without complaint. Janeway has an uncanny knack for time travel, as evidenced every time she deals with it. She hates time travel, but it might be because part of her knows exactly how to manipulate the timeline. She manages to avoid the "inevitable" temporal explosion in Future's End, saving both Voyager and Braxton. She resets the entire timeline in Year of Hell, and no one else followed her reasoning. She pulled it off flawlessly. In Relativity, she senses the incidents are all related, despite it being just one reading that connects them. By the time she's involved, she has a temporal incursion factor of .0036 and a time travel protocol named after her, even if that may just be Braxton's personal grudge. Then there's Endgame, where she intentionally changes the timeline. Up until this point, she has been dragged into time travel, but for the first time, she jumps in on purpose. How does Admiral Janeway know how to get them home sooner in a way that completely avoids the Temporal Integrity Commission? It's because she has seen all of time, and part of her knows exactly what needs to happen so she can get Voyager home and do it in a way that becomes baked into the prime timeline. Maybe she doesn't consciously remember what happened during her transformation, but the experience lives in her mind somewhere, guiding her decisions.
#every day is threshold day#tldr threshold cemented the time travel shenanigans#we're not counting her disparagement of time travel in relativity i know it's technically before threshold#but they've messed with the timeline so much that her past timeline is also changed.#Time travel is funny because the past is the future the future is the past#so while relativity comes before threshold in the prime timeline her timeline has also been changed in a way that it wasn't before threshol#we could chalk it up to a writing oversight but this is more interesting#not to mention her uncanny luck with the Borg which I think ties in as well#it's part of why her instinct is so strong#also the bio neural gel packs but that's a different theory#listen she's amazing with or without having seen all of time and space but she has seen all of time and that must have affected her somehow#those little salamander babies also have all of the cosmos in their mind#tried to explain as concisely as possible but it is part of my overarching theory#she doesn't second guess herself nearly as much following their jaunt into transwarp#I have more but I'm trying to be brief cause it's written up partially in my drafts somewhere and i have some things i need to do today lol#meta#Star Trek voyager#Kathryn janeway#threshold day#did you expect me thresholdbb to not have a serious threshold theory?#listen I can make anything nonsense and turn anything into a serious theory I was known for this kinda bs in grad school#I wrote a 25 page paper on NOTHING once#I wrote a paper about how corn fields were super gay and it made my professor cry I can spin the bullshit it is one of my skills
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cubbihue · 13 days
Who was Timmy's teacher at Pixie School? Was it Sanderson? I get the rivalry now.
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His teacher was Fairy Mason! It's usually HP who teaches incoming Pixies, but Jorgen asked Fairy Mason to teach Timmy's class instead. Mainly because if anybody could help Timmy learn all the cultures and etiquette that comes with being a fairy, it'd be Fairy Mason.
He's one of the few fairies to be granted the honor of the "Fairy" title!! Wow!! Not even Jorgen has that honor!!!
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enjoy :)
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jewishicequeen · 21 days
I’ve rewatched some of the original show, both the original and the(superior) dub, and i have reached a few conclusions. Enjoy.
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poppybros-jr · 1 month
Today’s propaganda attack is extra special!
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I want to cheer on as many people as possible! Since I’ve already done posts for these four in previous rounds, I’ve decided to do one for all of them together! All of them are my friends, so please vote for them!
- Rifty is kind and fun to be around! They’re also purple, which is the best colour. They went out of their way to pose for me to help me draw their horns last time I drew them, and I think that’s really nice of them! I still need to do something for them to repay the favour. This post doesn’t count!
- Peony is smarter than most adults I’ve met, and she’s even younger than my little sister! She has really cool soul magic powers, and even though she’s much smarter than me, she isn’t ever mean to me about it. In fact, she’s a real sweetheart! And her parents are really nice too!
- When I first met Noir, I thought he seemed really cool and I wanted to be friends with him. But now that I am friends with him, I can see that in fact… he is really cool! He’s nice to kids and I respect that a lot! He also once offered to scare away anyone who bullied me. I’d do the same for him!
- Mr Mapobas is a royal mage! He’s very important! And yet he’s been really nice to me and offered me lots of advice, even though I’m just some random noddy who does magic tricks for a living. He’s one of my favourite people to talk to. And he’s super fashionable! And he has cool hair!
Vote for Rifty!
Vote for Peony!
Vote for Noir!
Vote for Mapobas!
Rifty belongs to @dizzy-dudd , Peony belongs to @giantchasm , Noir belongs to @desultory-novice and Mapobas belongs to @sacrificecage
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marigoldwriter · 6 months
WHY ARE THERE SO FEW SHŌGUN (Not just romance but any kind) FANFICS!?
Like, the series is incredible, I'm grateful that my stepfather introduced this wonderful series to me, and in my opinion, the main couple is great (and sad, very tragic), but it's scary how I had to struggle to find a Mariko x John fanfic relay (does anyone have a name for this ship? I thought of something related to the sea, but I'm not sure), and with the current four episodes, it is now possible for the fanfic writers's troubled minds to create a fanfic of at least two thousand words, seriously, they deserve it! I can think of possibilities, like, what if it was an alternate universe?
What if Mariko ended up in England for God knows what? I really don't know why I thought this, just that it would be a very sudden role reversal.
What if Toranaga had appointed her to be John's consort? I mean, the moment Buntaro died, a widow was born, in this case, Mariko!
What if she was married to someone other than Buntaro? I wish she wasn't married but knowing ancient Japan as it was...
What if Fuji's husband and baby hadn't died? I mean, damn that scene made me cry, it was a little baby, I wish I could change that.
What if Mariko's father hadn't died? I know we know almost nothing about him at the moment, but moments of reflection.
What if (again, alternate universe) there was magic involved in the story? I mean, it's ancient Japan, this is the perfect time to let your knowledge of Japanese legends run wild!
If John had done something and been able to recognize Mariko in the dim light of their night in their room?
What if Mariko ended up sleeping there and he woke up and confirmed it was her?
What if it took place in the modern world? I don't know about you, but I love fanfics that portray a modern setting, it's really cool, for me, Toranaga would almost end up being a politician!
What if (this one touches on the system of power, hierarchy and structural status of women in ancient Japanese society) Mariko had a higher position and was someone even more trustworthy than Toranaga?
What if John and Mariko had met before (through misfortune or any other factor of fate) and had some relationship? Like in a theater!
I literally developed an entire story from scratch just to make these two have a daughter (her name is Umi — I haven't decided if I'll keep that one yet — she has blue eyes, wavy hair and is completely Japanese, a Mariko's mini copy) and develop a whole material with this chaos! I know that the story is focused on politics, and not on romance, I know, but you can never dream too much and I like it when you know how to keep the fragile line of politics-romance well. I just hope there are more fanfics about them, I need fanfics about them!!
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codacheetah · 7 months
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little-pondhead · 1 year
DP Prompt:
Summonings take time.
The first time Danny was summoned, he was just walking down the street with his friends, calm as can be. Then there was a sharp tugging sensation in his chest, and a portal opened up under him, swallowing him into the sidewalk before they knew it.
Danny was pissed with the random portal. Where was Clockwork taking him this time? His mentor was the only explanation he could think of as to why a tunnel of green and blue now surrounded him.
Well, it didn’t matter. Danny could see the end of the tunnel just ahead. Whatever Clockwork needed, Danny was sure he could get it done in time to be home for dinner.
With that thought, he transformed and watched as the end got closer and closer. It felt like he was falling for quite a while, although it was closer to three minutes.
Finally, he popped out of the hole with a groan, strangely tired, and looked around. Oh, Ancients. A weird cult had bound him to a summoning circle. Danny didn’t even know he could be summoned! Something to nag Clockwork about later, then.
The cleanup of the cult was swift, and the destruction of their Realm books left nothing behind. Danny didn’t often deal with humans offensively, but this whole situation felt too easy to solve.
Danny shifted in discomfort, realizing he had no idea where he was. What were the limitations to summonings? How far away was he from home? Danny decided to turn human again and eventually found his way into the busy part of a huge city. He didn’t recognize anything, so obviously this wasn’t Elmerton.
A digital billboard caught Danny’s eye as he was scanning for a newspaper stand. The billboard was flashing between different slides, each containing the current date, time, and temperature.
Danny did some math in his head, dread growing.
The billboard was dated for three weeks after he had first fallen through the sidewalk.
Danny had been in that tunnel for three weeks, not three minutes.
The summoning process begins as soon as a summoner starts collecting the materials, not when they start chanting. Depending on how well a summoning is planned and how long it takes to gather materials, someone could be trapped in a special limbo for years before the exit appears. (Even though it’ll only feel like a few hours to the summoned being.)
Danny finds this out the hard way, and scrambles to get back home before he’s summoned again.
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i-lavabean · 8 months
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Legitimate question: if Elsie's clothes get Hulked when she transforms, how does she keep her necklace?
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criticalspell · 6 months
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naaaa na na na na na na na
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ratzhatz14 · 12 days
Holy shit
I've actually got motivation to make lore for my au
Holy shitte
No happy Cosprout
Redzania plz don't choke from angst
Anyways... Uhm, here's all/most of the stuff I did while at hell
Emememememme I love angst
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I'm sorry to any Teagan fans that got offended by this, but I rarely draw her anf... Ermm..... I can't draw chubsters
Or hot women-
ARRHHMMMMM..... EHEH 2nd book!1!1!1! (Forgot to photo them so the quality is from Tumblr's photo mode or whatever)
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Actually... 4 endings.
One of them is where both Cosmo and Sprout live, but everyone else dies coquettely 🎀🎀🎀
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meadowsofmay · 10 months
i genuinely enjoy the amount of respect and love and care the circle has for cosmo. i can't possibly know if it will ever backfire given the circumstances they are in but that's not even what's so important right now. what will happen is what will happen but the beginning, the starting point that is actually a starting point only for us. for them? it's one of many that dotted the path of their relationship, their connection to cosmo.
i suppose it is so nice to see because there is an image of an old, obnoxious, know-it-all figures in media that are presented from the perspective — having knowledge is a grant of respect. but cosmo, at least from what we hear others speak of him, is not that. he is an old man that his grandson relative? father? wants to protect because that's how it should be and not the other way around. he is an old friend to madam glask, and he is the closest and hence the dearest, which means she will step over her fear and lost trust of elsie and follow their mission through. he is an associate, a roommate that elsie trusts to keep her safe and keep others safe from her. he is a professor that has earned his respect from rajan.
and he sees them as his children, he cares for them as he would care for his own and yet, not in a belittling way. they are like children to him but they are not children. they are grown and established in life adults that achieved their status in society and that cosmo respects, while caring for them like he would for his children. and it's almost as if they care and love him the same way in response. his human being does not consists only of work and his studies and they can love him like children would love their elderly parent. and they do.
and surely, we don't know what had happened in cosmo's past 'till it'd be revealed or what will happen in the future 'till it will happen next episode. but i just enjoy how likable cosmo is while being a knowledgeable and important part of the candela and the circle. i like how it's easy for the circle to like him and stick with him even when the circle bends.
and you know, that is the epitome of an actual respect, to have such an influence on people.
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picaroroboto · 1 year
Nothing illustrates the idea that during part 2 Mash has been undergoing positive character development while Guda has been sliding backwards like LB6 does. Mash goes on this whole fantasy novel adventure, apart from Guda for much of the time, and regains the resolve and will to fight that she'd been losing since the start of part 2. She even got Galahad's powers back, albeit temporarily! While Guda...well...I guess you could say they regained something thanks to breaking out of the Garden on their own but it's never been more abundantly clear that their mental health is hanging on by a thread. And those threads' names are Romani Archaman and Mash Kyrielight.
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togglessymposium · 10 months
I feel like theodicy is the place that (post-Plato? post-Zoroaster?) Abrahamic religions tend to really fail as systems of thought.
Like, spiritualism in general tends to be unpersuasive as a question of fact- there's simply no real empirical support for it, even though the construction itself is often powerfully evocative and beautiful. But the matter of evil in Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. is something else, a place where this subset of religious doctrines just has visible and painful problems on its own merits. It's not just that I don't accept the factual claims- it's that the arguments don't add up at all. Theodicy is the crux where you have to fundamentally choose between doctrinal fidelity and the pursuit of truth, because it's where the doctrine is facially, deductively inconsistent and wrong.
At the end of the day, you just can't propose a flawless and omnipotent designer of the cosmos while simultaneously making evil a centerpiece of your analysis. You can be Manichean, and have evil arise from not-God or from some limit God has. You can assert that evil doesn't exist, though that can be tricky: Plato's evil-as-absence thing was largely unsuccessful as an attempt, both because positive evils like pain are regular features of human experience, and because pure deprivation as an ontology of evil still doesn't solve the theodicy problem. But what you cannot do is assert that the foundation of the cosmos is a perfect and all powerful entity incapable of error, and also that evil exists. The toddler's hand is well and truly caught in the cookie jar.
Most forms of modern Christianity and Mormonism try to use free will to thread the needle; mainstream Islam I think is a bit more Leibnizean, though it still leans hard on human culpability. But you can't actually do this! The claim, of course, is to say that the setting of the cosmos is perfectly good, that human volition itself is also perfectly good, but that volition has the special quality of sometimes (though not intrinsically) producing evil, which we all then have to deal with. But there's nothing in free will that actually makes it a suitable solution to this problem. The deity is necessarily extratemporal, and in that frame, volition lacks the special properties it would need to hold this weight; when you can flip to the end of the book any time you like, there's no such thing as indeterminism. Every human choice has one and exactly one result, just as with any other domain of reality; free will, like gravity and electromagnetism, is a process with wholly knowable outcomes. Hence, 'free will' is (in the context of monotheism) a purely linguistic construction that means only 'the consequences of this process are not God's fault.' It has no properties other than the shift in culpability itself, no proposed mechanism or relationship to other phenomena, no inherent virtues that can be explained in terms of any moral system. It's an entirely circular argument, a way to credit God for very tall apple trees but blame somebody else for the invention of applesauce.
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starrysharks · 1 year
I’d love to learn more about starsaints !! The characters designs are so fun to look at and i really want to know about the characters personalities and Interests!!!
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i do have a relationship/opinion chart if that answers some questions! previous asks have also gone over interests, and i can give a very quick overview of their personalities here -
hero is the quiet type, which is why yao thinks of him 'like a protagonist'. he's very thoughtful and caring, but he lives in his mind to an extent.
chiffon is a bit of a diva, and she always speaks her mind, and can often be a bit brash. she's also a bit insecure about her height.
mallow is the big sister of the group, and probably the most mature. she's a very protective person.
watts is the know-it-all of course, but he's insecure about the fact that he's only really 'booksmart', and stresses himself out by overthinking.
yao is very quiet, like hero, but mostly because he's always focused on his games. he's a bit blunt, and he seems level-headed at first glance, but he does have his own self-doubts.
chantry is overreactive and gloomy, and only certain people can calm them down - specifically mallow, who they've taken a liking to. they're also very superstitious, so being in a carnival of supernatural beings isn't the best experience.
cosmo is someone who's very kind and true to themselves, though they feel ashamed of their self-proclaimed 'unattainable dreams' which i won't say because spoilers. they're able to get along with anyone but often find themselves comparing themselves to that person.
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meimi-haneoka · 9 months
{drabble} I'm here - Akiho/Kaito
Alright, how do you do any of this...😂
I guess what you need to know it's that it is a Akiho x Kaito / YunaAki drabble, it's based on canon (set 3 weeks after the series ended), and it's based on the assumption that, differently from what the ENG translation said in ch. 80, in the JP Sakura affirmed that thanks to his stopped time Kaito wouldn't be hurting more than that...this means that his seizures would continue, just they wouldn't get worse than what we've seen till now.
This is mainly a hurt/comfort drabble, with glimpses of happiness. After all, Akiho is happy with him. And it's mainly a way for me to vent some complex feelings about the finale of Clear Card. I have a Kaito POV on the way (edit: here's the link, go read it after you finished this one!), but it's more difficult to write for him (and, uh, more depressing) so it'll come in the next days.
Easter egg: a line is a direct reference to the lyrics of Anata by Hikaru Utada. 😉
I'm not a native English speaker so forgive me if any line sounds weird!
Finally, I have to thank the "enabler" dandelion-stuff-and-fluff (not tagging in case you don't want to!) for giving immediately support to my whims! 😂
I could feel the tears emerging, but I kicked all of them back, as I threw my 13-year-old self out of the window and summoned the part of me that helped me survive all these years. The resilient one.
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Akiho's POV 
Three weeks had passed by, from that fateful night. 
Most of our stuff was packed, and our days were spent between checking everything for the imminent departure and hanging out with Sakura-san and the rest of the group, making the most out of the remaining time. Everyone was so lovely to us, showing all the support we needed. I really felt like I had acquired a family in Tomoeda, and the thought of it made me incredibly happy.  I was going to miss them so much. Just like I would miss this big mansion full of memories.... and mysterious protective forces, apparently, as I was told by him. 
Kaito-san revealed to me that when we came to Tomoeda almost one year prior, he had chosen this mansion specifically to protect me, as I was carrying a dangerous magical artifact that my own clan had engraved in me.  We talked quite a lot over the span of those three weeks, and swallowing the truth had been hard, at first.  But all of that was gone now and like waking up from a nightmare, the memories of it were getting more and more hazy as time went on. Only a permanent scar remained. 
Both of us were in the kitchen, cooking dinner. The clang of kitchen utensils, the sizzle in the frying pan made me strangely happy. It sounded warm. It sounded normal. I love cooking with him. This was the corner of the house where we declared to each other how much we cherished one another, without even fully realizing it. 
“Akiho-san, could you hand me the salt?”  “Here you go!” I said, smiling brightly at him.  He smiled back at me in that soft way that made my knees weak.  God, please, give me this for the rest of my life. Every day, immutably. 
“Done! We’re ready.”  Removing our aprons, we were getting ready to bring everything to the table. 
And then I saw it.  
He stopped in his tracks, his complexion paling by the second. 
Another one was coming.   My blood ran cold, and I rushed to the other side of the room, while he slowly crouched to the ground, out of breath, groaning in pain.   Each cry stabbed me in the chest like a knife. I could feel the tears emerging, but I kicked all of them back, as I threw my 13-year-old self out of the window and summoned the part of me that helped me survive all these years. The resilient one.   I hastily opened a cabinet and took out a finely decorated small box, toppling other items in the process. I didn't care.   Hiiragizawa-san had sent us, through a magic portal, a series of pills he made weaving a complex magic spell over them, to help Kaito-san cope with the seizures. He said they wouldn't do any miracle, but hopefully they could reduce the duration of the seizures and ease the pain a little bit. Cause the pain he was experiencing wasn’t caused by anything ordinary, and no ordinary medicine would’ve been effective. 
I grabbed a towel, flung it over my shoulder and ran back to Kaito-san with a glass of water, spilling some of it in the process. I watched him as he struggled to swallow both the pill and the water. 
How many times did he experience this excruciating pain, completely alone?   How many times did he force himself to not crumble down in front of me, to protect my peace of mind? Just thinking back to all the times I could feel something was not right, and how he tried to deceive me to keep dealing with it all alone.... it brought back in me an anger I didn't know what to do with.  
Yes, I didn't get over it yet. The wound was still so fresh.  But we agreed that we would’ve dealt with this together, from now on.  ...And just like that, the fit of anger quickly vanished, as a gentle feeling got a hold of me, and I began unbuttoning the collar of his shirt to let him breath better, then dabbing his damp forehead with the towel.   "It's okay.... it's okay... I'm here" I whispered softly, like a lullaby. 
As if surrendering himself to me, he held onto my arms and leaned over, trying to regain control of his breathing. I supported him, thanking in my head a hundred times that his time was halted. Yes, we were trying to look for a way to eventually make it flow again, but it was in moments like these that I remembered how numbing the fear to lose him again was.   I couldn't live with that. With that feeling of hollowness. Not again. 
That's why, I said to myself, this time I would've done anything in my power to not lose him, come what may. I wouldn't have spared any effort. Losing him would’ve been a hundred times more devastating than the pain I was feeling in that moment, seeing him in those conditions. After all, he was feeling like that because of me.  
“Momo...please give me strength”, I thought, missing my beloved bunny more than ever. Who knows how many times she had witnessed all of that, and how she dealt with it. I could’ve used some advice in that moment. 
His ragged breath became more regular, the pill was starting to kick in. He raised his head and looked at me.   Those eyes I loved so much, now covered by a mysterious dark fog - a remnant of the dragon appearance, as they explained to me – seemed to regain finally focus.  His face was so close to mine. In another situation, in another more oblivious period, there’s no doubt my heart would've exploded from embarrassment, red in the face like a tomato. But right now, I was preoccupied with something completely different, as I looked at him holding nothing but worry and sadness in my eyes. 
"I'm sorry...", he whispered. 
I could feel my heart catching fire, and it reminded how much I love him, despite being so hurt by his reckless behavior.  But I didn't answer to his apology. Cause that wasn't what I wanted to hear from him.
Instead, I asked him “can you stand up?” and helped propping him up when he nodded. We proceeded slowly towards the couch in the living room, where I helped him lying down. Despite having tons of lovely memories here, this house was starting to be a bit too big for us and for emergencies of this kind.  Hiiragizawa-san's pills had a sedative that inevitably caused Kaito-san to fall asleep, to recuperate. He looked so exhausted.  I arranged some cushions on the ground and sat down beside the couch, watching him closing his eyes and drifting quickly into sleep. I moved some of his hair to the side and dabbed the towel over his forehead one more time.   Then I went back to stare at his peaceful face, lost in thought. Was I truly prepared for this, when I decided that the life I wanted was this one? Probably not.  Would I have chosen anything else? Absolutely not.  Being with him is my happiness, after all.
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