#how did cosmo get noir to smile?
poppybros-jr · 1 month
Today’s propaganda attack is extra special!
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I want to cheer on as many people as possible! Since I’ve already done posts for these four in previous rounds, I’ve decided to do one for all of them together! All of them are my friends, so please vote for them!
- Rifty is kind and fun to be around! They’re also purple, which is the best colour. They went out of their way to pose for me to help me draw their horns last time I drew them, and I think that’s really nice of them! I still need to do something for them to repay the favour. This post doesn’t count!
- Peony is smarter than most adults I’ve met, and she’s even younger than my little sister! She has really cool soul magic powers, and even though she’s much smarter than me, she isn’t ever mean to me about it. In fact, she’s a real sweetheart! And her parents are really nice too!
- When I first met Noir, I thought he seemed really cool and I wanted to be friends with him. But now that I am friends with him, I can see that in fact… he is really cool! He’s nice to kids and I respect that a lot! He also once offered to scare away anyone who bullied me. I’d do the same for him!
- Mr Mapobas is a royal mage! He’s very important! And yet he’s been really nice to me and offered me lots of advice, even though I’m just some random noddy who does magic tricks for a living. He’s one of my favourite people to talk to. And he’s super fashionable! And he has cool hair!
Vote for Rifty!
Vote for Peony!
Vote for Noir!
Vote for Mapobas!
Rifty belongs to @dizzy-dudd , Peony belongs to @giantchasm , Noir belongs to @desultory-novice and Mapobas belongs to @sacrificecage
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romantichopelessly · 4 years
Talking to the Moon
This fic is somehow my favorite thing that I’ve ever written. It started out as a Halloween fic, and then I wanted it to be my longest one shot and aimed for 8k. Now it is so much longer and so much more and I really really hope that you guys like it.
Words: 15,400+
Summary: Logan is a man of routine. Routines are sensible. It's perfectly sensible that his routine revolves around his roommate. Virgil. Even though his roommate doesn't know that he's a vampire. Even though his roommate doesn't know that he is in love with him. (Or: Virgil and Logan are vampires. And neither of them know about the other. And they were roommates.)
Pairings: Analogical, Background Roceit and Intruality
Warnings: Blood, blood drinking mentions, kidnapping, non-graphic violence 
Bright fall leaves littered the cracked sidewalk as Logan made his way home from work. The satisfying crunch of them underneath his loafers was something that he would never admit to enjoying as much as he did. Past the buildings lining the city street, a soft orange hue was beginning to light up the dark sky, encapsulating what most would see as the perfect morning.
Logan glanced down at his watch. 6:53 A.M. He picked up his pace. The stop at the early morning coffee shop had been on an ill-advised whim, and though the warmth that the cup of earl gray tea radiated into the chilled skin of his palm was welcome, Logan did not want to end up regretting the indulgence by arriving at his apartment after sunrise.
An early morning breeze stirred Logan’s scarf and nipped at his nose with a bite that would cause most to shudder and hunch back into their coat. Logan, however, maintained perfect posture, completely unaffected by the temperature as he rounded the corner of the block with purpose, the door to the apartment complex that he lived in now in sight.
Long fingers fished in his pocket for a moment before hooking through his keyring. The black fuzzy keychain that his roommate had gifted him weeks ago brushed against his palm as he climbed the concrete steps and pushed open the door with force, anticipating the way that it stuck, just as it had every morning for the past year and a half.
Logan stepped inside, an unvocalized sigh of relief smothered in his chest. Behind him, the door fell shut, locking out the cold breeze and rising sun.
Logan picked his way across the lobby, keys still in hand. He paused for a moment at the mailboxes, glancing over boxes 221A and 221B. Nothing new. He hummed softly to himself and continued up to his apartment.
His keys turned with a satisfying click in the lock and Logan finally let himself breathe, a habit of relief more than a need.
A deep inhale. In through the nose. Out through the mouth.
Was that tomato soup that he smelled?
Thirst burned at the back of Logan’s throat. He swallowed it down as he toed off his shoes and deposited his keys in the bowl by the front door, the jingle alerting anyone listening to his whereabouts.
Which, of course, was exactly what Logan wanted. A completely artificial warmth bloomed in Logan’s chest.
“Virgil.” Logan called back, an inexplicable smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Padding down the hallway, Logan rounded the corner to the community room to see his roommate curled up on the far corner of the couch--a position that Logan had found Virgil in more times than he could possibly count.
Though he supposed that he would have had to count them had he been asked.
“Hey.” Virgil’s voice was as gruff as it always was. His legs were curled beneath him, cushioning his laptop on his lap, and his hands were curled around a mug of something deep red. Likely the soup that Logan had smelled when he entered. It reminded Logan of the cup of tea that he was still holding. He turned and headed for the connected kitchen for his add-ins before he could drink it. “How was work?” Virgil called after him.
“Satisfactory.” Logan replied, depositing the paper cup containing his earl gray on the counter before opening the fridge. “There were not many visitors at the planetarium tonight. Just the couples.” Logan wrapped his fingers around the jam jar that he was searching for. He pulled the top off of the to-go cup with one hand and rooted around in a drawer for a spoon with the other. He shoveled two or three (most definitely three) spoonfuls of the red gelled substance into his tea and stirred it quickly before closing the cup and jar both, putting the jar back in their shared refrigerator and finally turning to fully face his roommate.
“That’s good.” Virgil watched him with pensive eyes, eyes that made Logan’s mind do funny things, like imagine that Virgil’s look was a bit more fond than it really was. Logan crossed the room again and sat on the middle cushion of the couch, taking a slow sip of his tea. Virgil immediately stretched out his legs and nestled them underneath Logan’s thighs.
“What about you? How was your day?” Logan asked, politely.
Virgil shrugged with a single shoulder. “Same old, same old. Do a bit of work, read a ton of emails, get bored and listen to music and stare at the ceiling on the company dime.”
“You are self employed, Virgil.” Logan felt the need to point out.
Virgil shrugged again, this time with a coy smile on his face. “What can I say? I’m a tough boss. Sometimes you just have to stick it to the man. And by the man, I mean me. And by you, I also mean me.”
Logan watched, emotions that he could not name despite all of his years welling in his chest as Virgil leaned forward and took a long sip from his mug of soup. To suppress the sudden insatiable urge to say something stupid like ‘you look like a dream, sitting on this musty old couch with tomato soup on your upper lip’, Logan took a long sip of his own drink, hiding his wry smile at Virgil’s antics.
Despite the emotions rolling and bubbling within Logan, the silence that followed was not uncomfortable. Rather, the quiet felt full in a way. Virgil’s feet wiggled underneath Logan’s thigh, searching for a warmth that Logan wished he could provide more of. Virgil let out a quiet sigh as he leaned back against the corner of the couch that he was nestled into. Logan let the coppery twinged tea in his throat warm him for a moment, as the stresses of the day rolled off of his shoulders and evaporated, as they were wont to do when Virgil was around.
“Want to watch some Cosmos?”
Logan perked up, a slight smile on his lips. Not so wide that he would show his fangs, which had, of course, descended due to his thirst, but a small quirk of the lips that never could be pulled back in Virgil’s presence. “I’d love nothing more.”
P&J’s Coffee Shop was never truly busy. It was a nice coffee shop, to be sure. Virgil’s favorite, in fact. Where else in the world could he get a perfectly brewed O negative espresso?
Of course, the secret menu being absolutely sublime had nothing to do with the reception of the café, as most of the daytime customers would be appalled by the contents of the midnight drinks. Which was quite a shame for the general public, but the lack of popularity was quite the plus in Virgil’s book, especially on nights like this, when he came to the café specifically to whine to his two best friends.
“Patton isn’t going to let me give you another espresso if you finish that one too soon. I’m already on their list for allowing you four shots in the first place.” Janus was leaning against the back counter, decidedly not restocking the refrigerator like Patton had asked him to.
Virgil grumbled in response, taking another long swig of his drink out of spite.
Janus rolled his two-toned eyes. “You’re a piece of work, Noir.”
On the very rare occasions that Virgil left his apartment, P&J’s was usually his destination. The small, soft gothic inspired coffee shop fit his aesthetic perfectly. P&J’s was one of the few creature-of-the-night-friendly spots in the city that wasn’t completely overrun. This lesser-known energy was exactly what kept it from being a target of hunters as well, which was quite the blessing, even though there were less and less incidences of slayings being reported as time went on.
And while Virgil was glad to be living in such a progressive time, he still was not about to put a target on his back by heading out to the more popular vampire and werewolf bars, clubs, restaurants and coffee shops around town.
“Shut up, Janus. I’m your best customer and you know it.” Virgil paused, thinking. A sly grin formed on his face. “Except for that fae you’re always talking about, of course. But I know that you’re biased towards him.”
Were Janus a vampire, Virgil was positive that he would have hissed at that moment. As it was, Virgil could tell that Janus was just suppressing a growl. “Untrue. Shut up and drink your coffee, I no longer wish to speak with you.” Janus sniffed, turning his nose up at Virgil’s words. Despite the dramatics of the gesture, Janus somehow managed to look poised. He always did.
In Virgil’s--albeit limited--experience, it was very difficult for a werewolf to look so poised all of the time. However, Janus constantly defied those expectations. Even the three long scars that crossed the otherwise blemishless medium brown skin on the left side of his face and his left, caramel colored eye didn’t stop Janus from looking aloof at all times. Even on days like this, working in the café, with his long, dark and curly hair twisted into a loose knot at the base of his neck and a pastel yellow work apron on, Janus could make anything look as sophisticated as if he were about to attend a grand ball, and honestly, Virgil was a bit jealous.
Logan would probably be into Virgil if he took his appearance more seriously.
Janus was watching Virgil with a knowing look now, and the vampire scowled back.
“You know, Virgil.” Virgil hissed, pulling his cup closer to his chest defensively. He knew that tone. “I wouldn’t really be throwing around accusations like that. Glass houses, and all.”
Virgil’s shoulders rose up to his ears. An onlooker would say that he looked remarkably similar to an angry black cat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh you don’t? Must be hard being so old-”
“I’m 38.”
“Let me jog your memory.”
“Physically I’m only 24.”
“Cobwebs in your head aside,” Janus plowed on, “Logan Doyle? Your current roommate who you’ve been obnoxiously pining for for the past few months? The one that you come into my café to bemoan about at least once a week? You know, the studious, oblivious, wonderful, handsome-”
“Okay! I get it!” Virgil snapped, interrupting Janus’s infuriatingly accurate imitation of his voice. “All things unholy, why do I never come in when Pat is on the clock?”
Janus shrugged, a shit eating grin on his face that almost made Virgil want to take his drink and leave. Almost. “It likely has something to do with the fact that you only come out here during Doyle’s working hours. Suspiciously sentimental, wanting to spend every moment you can with your roommate, don’t you think?”
Virgil bristled. “Stop saying stuff like that, Janus.” He knew that the barista was joking. Hell, Janus had teased Virgil about this exact subject far too many times. He really should not be so touchy about it. It was very likely that the only reason that Janus’s ribbing was rubbing him the wrong way today was the events of the night--dawn?--previous.
Logan had looked so… fetching coming home that particular early morning. The soft wool of his sweater vest looked almost irresistibly touchable. The contented look on his face as he took slow sips from his tea. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly as he fought away laughter at Virgil’s not-actually-that-funny quips while they watched Cosmos.
“Ugh, are you reminiscing? Didn’t you see him less than an hour ago?” Virgil curled in on himself, glaring up at Janus’s feigned disgusted look. “Keep that out of my coffee shop.”
Virgil was about to retort when a light, melodic voice piped up from the front door. “Your coffee shop? Well darn! You should have told me that you were taking over, Jan! I wouldn’t have come in.”
Virgil turned on his stool to look at Patton, who was smiling widely, unabashedly showing their fangs for all the world to see. Behind him, Virgil could hear Janus’s amused snort.
Patton Darling was an older vampire than Virgil was, though by all other standards they were still rather young at 49. They looked younger than Virgil, and although their physical appearances only differed by three years, Virgil couldn’t help but feel like he paled in comparison to Patton. Patton had that ethereal beauty about them that all vampires were supposed to have, but on them it looked effortless and… simply put, right. Their smooth, deep brown skin and sapphire blue eyes glowed in an inhuman sort of way that could enchant any mortal, and most immortals that Patton happened to meet. This week, their hair was a pastel purple. The previous week it had been a sunflower yellow. It was like Patton wanted to call attention to themself, something that Virgil and most other vampires avoided.
Between them and Janus, Virgil wasn’t sure who was more mysteriously stunning. Had Logan been in the room, the sheer amount of beauty in the café probably would have knocked him unconscious.
“Hey, Pat.” Virgil couldn’t help but smile back at the older vampire.
“Hi, Virgil! How are you today?” Patton pat Virgil’s shoulder genially as they slipped past him to get behind the counter with Janus.
“He’s pining again.” Janus answered before Virgil could. “Also he snuck four shots of espresso when I wasn’t looking.”
Virgil glared at Janus with a renewed vigor as Patton gasped. “Virgil! You know that that isn’t good for you!” Janus nodded from behind Patton, a smug grin on his face.
“I don’t really digest it.” Virgil pointed out. He certainly was not pouting under Patton’s stern gaze.
“Hmph.” Patton looked dissatisfied with that answer, but they didn’t push it, thankfully. “Well, what did Logan do this time?”
Then again, maybe Virgil would rather they continued to chew him out for his coffee choices.
“He just-” Virgil sighed. If he had a beating heart or blood running through his veins, Virgil just knew that he would have been blushing by now. “You know.” He gestured helplessly.
“Existed in your presence?” Janus quipped.
Patton hummed sympathetically. Virgil knew that they could relate to hopeless crushes. For all the time that Virgil had known them, they had been in love with some man or another. “I’m sorry, kiddo.”
Virgil grumbled. “I look older than you.”
Patton paid no attention, but dropped the pet name. “You should really just tell him. Be honest about your feelings! What’s the worst that could happen?”
Janus and Virgil glanced at one another before leveling Patton with their best ‘are-you-actually-serious’ look.
“So many things.” Virgil could almost name them by heart by now. He had run them over in his mind so many times. “For one, he doesn’t even know that I’m a vampire. I’d have to drop that bombshell on him, and you know that he’d just be scared off. At least now I have him as a friend.”
Suddenly, Janus had turned his dubious stare away from Patton, and Virgil had both of his friends staring at him with matching looks of… amusement? Surprise? Sympathy? Virgil couldn’t tell, but he very much felt like Janus was not on his side in this conversation any longer.
“Are you kidding?” Janus’s voice held a note of high pitched incredulity that only confused Virgil further. Janus turned to Patton, unhidden laughter in his tone now. “Is he kidding? Does he not know-”
From the way that the werewolf winced, Virgil got the distinct impression that Patton had just stomped on his foot. Bewildered, Virgil turned to Patton. “Know what? Pat, what is he talking about?”
Janus looked like he was about to break into a laughing fit. “You-”
“Shh!” Patton nudged Janus, sending him a very severe pointed look. They turned back to Virgil, who felt extremely lost. “It’s nothing, V. He’s just being stupid.”
“What Janus means to say is that you can’t be sure how he’ll react. You really should tell him, Virgil.” Their eyes were kind, but Virgil could not shake the distinct feeling that he was being made fun of.
Knowing that he would definitely not be following that advice, and that Janus was about two seconds away from laughing in his face for some reason, Virgil pushed away from the coffee bar and stood up, clutching his O negative espresso.
“Yeah, alright. Look, I’ve got to be going.” He gestured lamely over his shoulder.
“Oh! Okay, Virgil. Well, good night!” Patton waved as Virgil backed away from the bar towards the door. Janus looked like he was in a lot of pain. Probably because Patton was standing on his foot. “Sucks to see you go!”
Virgil turned and dashed out of the store. As the door to the café swung shut behind him, he could hear Janus break into a deafening cackle.
The view of the night sky from the planetarium never ceased to amaze Logan.
Despite the fact that he had worked at the planetarium as a lecturer for approximately two years now, the sight from the observation deck would always be a sight to behold. Logan had spent many, many years under the same stars, and he had never once beheld anything as beautiful as them.
Well, perhaps there were one or two things that rivaled starshine from the heavens.
Like his roommate’s crooked smile. Or his alluring violet eyes, and how they lit up with a fond twinkle that Logan used to think could never be aimed at him. Virgil’s laugh also rivaled the constellations that Logan knew by heart--the way it dipped and fell, how it was low and gravely sometimes, stirring something deep in Logan’s stomach.
Even now, Logan was staring up at the sky--his one true love for over a century and a half--Logan found himself wishing that he were at home, sitting with Virgil on the couch, watching a sitcom.
Logan was startled out of his musings by the clearing of a throat.
Blinking, Logan tore his eyes away from the open sky. A man--a customer--stood before Logan. The first thing that Logan noticed were the sunglasses that the man was wearing. They were perched on top of his curly black hair, almost unnoticeable in the dark of the planetarium. Why on earth would anyone be wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night? Judging by the rest of the man’s outfit, a black leather jacket, a nondescript gray t-shirt and ripped jeans, Logan presumed that it was simply part of this man’s aesthetic.
Virgil would probably have approved. Or called him a try-hard. It was hard to predict Virgil’s opinions.
“Yes, sir?” Logan finally got around to responding, his polite customer service voice on.
The man smiled charmingly. It was quite unlike Virgil’s unsure smile, which often left Logan feeling as though he were the only one in the world who got to see it. This man looked like he handed out smiles to any and everyone.
There was something… familiar about him. It nagged on the back of Logan’s mind.
“I was wondering when the next lecture was.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of a question. Again, Logan explained it away. Many customers were entitled and downright rude to him. This certainly was not out of the norm, or even noteworthy.
Logan glanced at his watch, as if he didn’t know the planetarium’s schedule by heart. It was nearly 5:30 A.M. “I’m sorry, sir.”  Logan answered as he looked back up. The man was a bit closer than he had been before. Logan took a step back. “We are actually about to close for a couple of hours before morning tours of the museum can begin.”
That was another odd thing. Not many customers stayed around the planetarium as morning was arriving. Logan usually had the last hour or so of his shift free of customers on weekdays.
“Bummer.” The man did not sound too put out by this information. “I was really looking forward to hearing your lecture, Mr. Doyle.”
Logan felt distinctly uncomfortable now. He knew, logically, that the man could know his name for any number of reasons. It was all over the pamphlets set out around the room. It was on the badge stuck to Logan’s turtleneck. However, the way that the man said it…
“It is Doctor, but thank you.” Logan said, stiffly. “If you return another night, I’m sure that you can make it to a show.” Logan very much did not want this man to return another night.
“Do you work any day shifts?”
Logan hadn’t seen the man move, but he was closer once again. Logan took another step back, hoping that his distancing himself was not too obvious. “Sadly, no. I am here most nights, however. There are schedules on our free pamphlets.” He wished that there were not schedules on their free pamphlets.
The man was just opening his mouth to speak again when the doors to the planetarium burst open, and a young man in a pale pink sweater tumbled through.
“Came in early, Doc! Couldn’t get much sleep last night, so I thought I’d come in a few hours early and let you go! I can do the cleaning before my shift starts, and you can get home to- Oh. Hello.”
Logan held back a sigh of relief. It helped greatly that he did not need to breathe. “Hello, Dr. Picani. I was just telling this customer-”
“Nate. Nate Miller.” The man, Nate, had looked very disgruntled to be interrupted, Logan had not failed to notice. Now, however, he was smiling charmingly once again as he crossed the couple of steps between Logan and the door to shake Dr. Emile Picani’s hand.
“Nice to meet ’cha!” Emile exclaimed, sending a slightly confused look over Nate’s shoulder to Logan. Logan shook his head. No. He did not know this man. Emile, the saint that he was, stepped in gracefully, making up for his clumsiness at the door before. “Well, I can answer any questions that you have now! My friend, Logan, here is going to be going home early. You can stick around while I clean up before we close for a bit.”
Nate looked very much disgruntled with this turn of events, but Logan did not give him a chance to respond, grabbing his messenger bag as quickly as a human possibly could.
Nodding his thanks to Emile, Logan tried to maintain a neutral stature and pace as he left the planetarium, scanning out at the buzzer by the door and grabbing his keys.
He felt eyes on him all the way out.
When Virgil got back from P&J’s it was only 4 A.M.
Which meant that he had about three hours before Logan got back from work.
Was it odd for one to measure time by their roommate’s whereabouts? Virgil wasn’t quite sure. To be fair, he had never had a roommate that he was so attached to. Logan was… special.
Virgil shook that thought away. Logan wasn’t even home yet, and all Virgil could seem to think about was him. It was Janus and Patton’s fault. What they had said was sitting in the back of his mind and making him think all kinds of crazy things.
Like that he should possibly… maybe consider telling Logan his feelings.
Virgil bit the inside of his cheek harshly, shoving that thought as far away as he possibly could. No. Not an option. Logan was just a human who was unluckily living with a vampire. Virgil could never ruin his life like that.
Determined to distract himself, Virgil placed his phone face up on the kitchen counter and turned on some music.
Usually, around the apartment, Virgil would only listen to his music with his headphones on. Music was a very personal thing. Not to mention that blasting music that other people may not like was too much of a risk for is anxiety ridden self.
However, tonight--that morning?--Virgil needed to blast the traitorous thoughts out of his mind, and he didn’t feel like dealing with the headache that would surely come with wearing headphones on full blast. So, Virgil queued up his favorite distraction playlist of early 2000s punk songs and played it for all the empty kitchen to hear.
For the next hour or so, Virgil bobbed his head along to bands that reminded him of when he was still alive and worked on his computer. Being a web developer and consultant had its perks, the greatest among them being the lack of strict hours and the absence of human interaction.
Just after half past five, Virgil was bored. Not that his job was particularly thrilling most nights, but what Janus had said earlier was still bothering him.
What had the werewolf been insinuating? He had acted like he knew something that Virgil didn’t. And Patton hadn’t exactly proved Virgil’s suspicions wrong. In fact, they had seemed just as amused by whatever secret Janus was keeping from Virgil.
It was infuriating. His two best friends, and he couldn’t for the undead life of him figure out their angle.
Why did they want Virgil to out himself as a vampire to Logan? If it were just Patton, Virgil would simply assume that they wanted him to be happy, but Janus… Janus knew a bit more about what could happen if their secrets were outed. And yet he had still acted like Virgil keeping his blood drinking habits a secret from Logan was some sort of joke.
Virgil groaned, burying his head in his hands and pushing his computer aside.
Looked like he was going to get that headache whether he liked it or not.
Just as he was lamenting his choices in friends, the song changed and Virgil reached for his phone without thinking. With only a few taps on the screen, Virgil closed out of his current playlist and pulled up one that he had clocked many an hour listening to in the early hours of dawn, shut up in his room, curled up on his bed and hugging a pillow.
It was simply titled “Logan” with a blue heart emoji.
He never had been very creative.
Before he could think about the ramifications of his decision, Virgil had pressed the shuffle button and set his phone back down.
“Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there’s a time to change”
Virgil closed his eyes and let the music wash over him. It was silly. It was really, really, really silly, and Virgil knew for a fact that if Janus were here to see what Virgil was doing, Virgil would probably die for the second time.
That knowledge didn’t stop him from getting up and sliding slowly around his own dark kitchen in his socks, though.
For a good couple of songs, Virgil danced alone in the kitchen. Not really danced, just sort of swayed in place and slid around, but that didn’t matter. All the while, he thought of Logan. His roommate who wore hideously outdated, probably thrifted, sweater vests like they were the height of fashion. His roommate who watched bad documentaries with him and ate terribly sugary jelly right from the jar in the fridge. His roommate who still used that ugly black fluffy keychain that Virgil had given him as a joke weeks ago.
Maybe he should tell Logan. About his feelings or about his nature, he wasn’t quite sure. He hadn’t decided when a pair of smooth, comfortably chilled hands slipped into his and a soft voice spoke.
“Can’t say I’ve ever come home to this before.”
Virgil’s eyes flew open. He had been so deep in his own mind that he hadn’t even heard the door unlock. For the tiniest of moments, he tensed, all too aware of the type of music that was currently pouring from his phone, but he quickly relaxed.
Logan tended to have that effect on him.
Maybe he should have been more wary of that. He wasn’t.
“You’re home early.” He responded, trying to hide his burning embarrassment. It was quickly overshadowed by the sudden, all too visceral knowledge that Logan had placed one of his hands on Virgil’s waist and was now leading the two of them in a real dance.
In the middle of their dark kitchen, illuminated only by the light of the refrigerator clock and the glow from Virgil’s abandoned laptop, while the jazzy notes of Fly Me to the Moon played in the background.
He could die again happy.
Logan was nodding. “Yes. My coworker, Emile, showed up early and let me take the hour off. Something about being unable to sleep. I probably should have been more worried for him.”
Virgil couldn’t stop his lips from quirking up in a small smile. He didn’t even try to. “Lucky me. And- I mean, lucky you, of course. An hour off. That must be nice.”
Logan hummed. “It’s turning out to be, yes.”
The two of them turned slowly as the song faded out. Logan didn’t let go, so Virgil didn’t either. Feeling uncharacteristically brave, or perhaps just a bit too comfortable, Virgil leaned forward and rested his head on Logan’s shoulder.
His turtleneck was soft against Virgil’s cheek.
“I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back, I want you back
My neighbors think I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have, you're all I have
At night, when the stars light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon
Trying to get to you
In hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?”
They were silent as the music played. They swayed slowly. Logan led them in circles effortlessly. Distantly, Virgil wondered whether Logan had some professional training on his front. At one point, during the chorus of their second song, Logan pushed Virgil back slightly. Just as he was about to apologize for taking liberties and invading Logan’s space, though, Logan lifted their joined hands.
Virgil spun underneath, an incredulous laugh floating easily from his chest.
His fangs flashed in the laptop’s glow just as he was facing away from his roommate.
Logan caught Virgil back in his arms easily, pulling him back to their original position and rubbing his thumb along Virgil’s waist in a way that gave him goosebumps.
It dawned on Virgil as the sun dawned on the city streets.
He was desperately, irrevocably in love with Logan Doyle.
“I’m in love with him.”
Remus choked on his thai food, noodles still half out of his mouth. “What the fuck?”
“I am in love with him.” Logan repeated. “What did you think that I said?”
Remus spat out his noodles in a frankly disgusting display that Logan was sadly used to. “No! I heard you, I’m just flabbergasted!”
“Nice word.” Logan commented.
“You’re in- I can’t even say it! You sound like Roman! I knew that you had the hots for Virgey, but in love-” Remus fake retched.
Logan bristled, but before he could make a sarcastic remark about how much less disgusting his feelings were than Remus’s… everything, Roman stepped out from the back room.
“You know that I can hear you, right?”
Roman rounded the counter, his knee length skirt swaying against his legs. Roman and Remus were starkly different. Where Roman wore flowy, soft and stylish clothing, Remus was all hard lines and punk outfits. However, both had plenty of tattoos. Roman’s right arm was nearly covered with brightly colored tattoos that looked like a watercolor project. Remus had a similar, monochrome sleeve on his left arm.
Roman and Remus were co-owners of the tattoo parlor known as King’s Inks, named for their own last names. Logan never came in for an actual tattoo, they weren’t really his style, but the brothers were always welcoming to him. It wasn’t hard, even when living in a big city, for the creatures unknown to most humans to find one another. People like Logan… and people like Roman they stuck together. No matter if they both enjoyed tattoos or not.
Roman King and Remus King looked like normal, human twins to most. Other than Roman’s slightly pointed ears, of course. If someone was not in the know about fae or changelings, then they may just assume that it was just a part of Roman’s unique style.
“I don’t care! Lolo’s lost his mind!”
Logan scoffed. “I assure you, my mind is very much intact and in my head, thank you. Do not insert me into your arguments with your sibling.”
“Please, Rem.” Roman rolled his eyes, completely ignoring Logan, as if the conversation were not completely about him and his emotions. “Stop acting like you’re so disgusted by displays of emotion, already.”
“Acting? Bold of you to assume that I can act. You’re the acting one. Your entire existence is based on acting like me.”
Roman huffed, dramatically. “As if you weren’t waxing poetic about Patton last Thursday! Logan remembers! Don’t you, Logan?”
“I was under the impression that we were talking about me this week.”
Roman waved his hand dismissively. “He means he remembers. So cut the bull, Remus.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but did not defend himself. His mouth was full of thai food again anyway.
Roman glared at his brother for just a second longer before returning his attention to Logan. Instantly, his expression was brighter, almost giddy. “In love?! Finally you got around to admitting it! What happened? Did something happen? Was it cute?”
“We danced.” Logan answered, simply. He had long surpassed any feelings of embarrassment around the King twins.
Roman squealed. Quite literally, squealed. Logan winced and leaned away. Remus fake retched again.
“You’re not going to just say that and not tell us everything, are you?” Roman hopped up to sit on the counter across from where Logan and Remus were sitting at the small table in the waiting room.
And so Logan did. Not because Roman King was particularly good at convincing, but because, not so secretly, Logan really had just come to the tattoo shop to tell his friends everything. That was what these weekly meetings were for, after all. It wasn’t official, or anything, but it had become expected for Logan to turn up at the tattoo parlor every Thursday to chat with Roman and Remus about all manners of things.
Most particularly, their individual romantic endeavors.
As Logan recounted the events of the previous night, Roman looked more and more excited. Usually, Logan would be frightened by such a level of sheer giddy enjoyment on the fae’s face, but today Logan could feel nothing less than happy. Content.
He still didn’t really know where his own courage had come from the night before. What exactly had possessed him upon entering their apartment to find Virgil swaying alone in the kitchen to music? Why had he suddenly acquired the romantic prowess it took to lead his roommate in an impromptu dance around the linoleum floor? Was it simply love?
Did it really matter?
Apparently not, according to the twins. Even Remus looked begrudgingly moved at the end of Logan’s tale.
“So when are you going to tell him?” The human twin asked.
“What do you mean?” Logan asked, confused. He had only just discovered these feelings, why on earth did Remus believe that he should instantly confess them? Honestly, Logan was much more comfortable enjoying this discovery in private, thank you very much.
“You should tell him!” Roman nearly shouted. “Don’t tell me that you’re just… not going to.”
“That was the plan, yes.”
“Wh- Men.” Roman exclaimed, falling back dramatically to lay across the bar that he was still sitting on.
Logan huffed. “This has nothing to do with my gender, Roman.” He wasn’t really offended by the comment, of course, he was just deflecting. Roman himself was genderfluid and was quite liberal with his comments about men, whether he was using he/him pronouns at the moment or not. “I just do not plan on telling Virgil about this right now. I see no reason to.”
“The reason is that you can be happy, Logan.”
Logan blinked, turning to face Remus. The moustached twin looked shockingly somber. Serious. It was like spotting a unicorn, seeing Remus like this. “I-”
“Logan, just listen and don’t talk for once.” Logan desperately wanted to point out that coming from Remus, such a statement was frankly laughable, but he bit his tongue. “You’ve been alive for nearly two centuries.” Logan barely held back a wince at the reminder of his age. Remus continued, completely carelessly. “And how many times have you really, and I mean really let yourself fall in love and stick with it?”
Logan could feel a lump of shame forming in his throat. He swallowed around it.
Roman picked up this time. His voice was much more soothing than his brother’s, but no less stern. “You’re always working, Logan. You’re always going, and we get it. You’ve been stuck at twenty-six years old for over a hundred and fifty years. You keep moving because the world keeps moving around you.” There was something sad in Roman’s golden-green eyes for a split second, but it was quickly masked. “You have to take a chance every once in a while. You should tell Virgil about your feelings. You know that you would be saying the same thing were it either of us.”
Remus continued. “Listen to your besties for once, Logan. You’ve been coming in here and going on and on about Virgil for weeks. Months. I don’t even know, it’s been so long. But the point is that you need to tell him. It’s been long enough, even Roman is tired of it. Not to mention, I’d bet my ass he feels the same.”
There was a moment of silence. Those were few and far between in King’s Inks.
Remus broke it after a few seconds, as though continuing his thought from earlier. “And you desperately need to get laid.”
Logan wrinkled his nose, distastefully. “Honestly, Remus, can you resist being vile for longer than ten minutes?”
Remus grinned, proudly digging back into his thai food. “Nope! It’s what I’m here for.” There was a momentary pause. “No, literally. It’s why the fair folk brought me back after switching me with Ro.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “It is not. Stop talking bad about yourself, or I’m going across the street and telling Patton.”
Logan may have been mistaken, or too caught up in his own issues, but for a moment there, it looked as though Remus’s cheeks were brushed with a light shade of pink.
As the brother’s began to bicker, Logan pulled back into his own thoughts. Perhaps… Should he tell Virgil? Despite the raging swarm of butterflies that attacked the pit of Logan’s stomach at the very thought, he had to admit that letting his emotions out in the open would feel a lot better than continuing living with Virgil for however much longer, pretending that he felt nothing more than friendship for him. It was already agony just in his mind’s eye.
There were so many possible downsides, though. Logically, Logan knew that Virgil would not become angry if Logan were to confess. It was highly unlikely that Virgil would cut off all contact with Logan or kick him out of the apartment, either. In fact, after the previous night’s display…
Logan, holding Virgil against his chest as though he were something precious--because he was, of course--the two of them twirling around their tiny kitchen, as though they were the only two people in the world. Soft music playing from Virgil’s phone, the perfect songs for them luckily playing back to back, as if hand picked. Logan had had the lyrics swirling in his mind on repeat ever since. It had been… magical. Lovely. Wonderful. Everything that Logan had never known he needed.
And it was well worth the risk of mortification that he could forget in fifty years if Logan had even the slightest of chances to hold onto Virgil like that again.
“I’m going to do it.” Logan’s voice rang out, perfectly clear, over the twins’ quickly heating argument.
Roman gasped. “Really? I didn’t think we would be able to talk you into it!”
“You didn’t. I simply decided that it was a low risk, high reward situation. Statistically, I have more to lose by not attempting to tell Virgil my… discovery than I do by telling him.”
“Cut the bull, nerd.” Remus was grinning again, in a way that would have appeared almost… menacing, were Logan not so used to Remus’s odd expressions. “We all know that you did not actually calculate the statistical risk of telling Virgil you’re in-” Remus caught up to his own words and dramatically retched again, as though the very word he was about to say was an allergen.
“In love,” Roman finished for his brother, “I can’t believe you’re going to do it! Oh- You should get some flowers for him from the shop down the street! The warlock who owns it is always so perceptive about what to get for which occasion. Oh, this will be so romantic-”
Logan cleared his throat. “You do know that if- when I tell Virgil, you will not be in attendance, correct?”
Roman waved a hand dismissively. “Details.”
Remus stood and stretched, his back cracking loudly. “Alright, well if you two are about to plan the most boring pre-fuck in the world, I’m going down to the café. You two want anything?”
The vampire and the fae both shook their hands, and Remus left the tattoo parlor, the bell above the door jingling jovially over the quick chatter from Roman as the door swung shut behind him.
Virgil couldn’t focus on his work.
To be fair, Virgil had never been good at focusing on his job. When he wasn’t actually consulting, Virgil was a developer. Which meant that he essentially made his own schedule. Which also meant that he had no accountability for any sort of timeline.
It became especially hard when Virgil’s mind was completely occupied by Logan Doyle.
Virgil, lately, had spent quite a bit of every day thinking about Logan. But after the night before… Virgil couldn’t stop thinking about him. Every time he closed his eyes, he was there again, in the middle of the kitchen, breathing in Logan’s vanilla scented cologne. Every time he paused between keystrokes, the notes from the music that had played that night floated through his mind.
It was unbearably distracting.
Patton had texted Virgil at about 1 A.M., asking whether he would be at the café that night. At first, Virgil had considered sending back a snarky text telling them that he would not be returning to P&J’s until Janus stopped being a little shit and avoiding telling him what his little laughing fit during his last visit had been about.
Instead, however, out of his own gracious nature, Virgil held back his sarcasm.
It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that he had spent the past 20 hours feeling as though his chest were full of bubbles, imagining Logan’s hand on his waist.
Virgil: not tonight. I’ve got work to do.
What happened? Patton texted back immediately.
Virgil cursed his friend’s intuition.
Virgil: nothing! I just don’t feel like coffee.
Pat: And you do feel like work?
Virgil: no, I feel like being at home.
There was a pause. Virgil watched as a bubble indicating that Patton was typing appeared and disappeared about three times in quick succession.
Pat: Hold on. I’m moving this to the group chat.
Virgil cursed. If Janus got wind of what was happening, Virgil would never hear the end of it. Janus could sniff out Virgil’s emotional turmoil like no one else. No pun intended.
Before he could respond and tell them to not tell Janus under any circumstances, Patton had sent a text in the trio’s group chat.
Pat: What’s going on, Virgil?
Janus: Something’s up with Virgil?
Virgil: no. I just said I wasn’t coming in today.
Janus: Why not?
Virgil: I have work to do!
Pat: We’re just worried about you, honey.
Virgil groaned, but didn’t correct the pet name. Even though he didn’t like being coddled, sometimes the affection Patton put into their words wasn’t so bad. It certainly wasn’t a decision ruled by Virgil’s current good mood.
Virgil: I just wanted to stay home today. I’m fine.
Janus: That means you’re either mid depression spiral or-
Virgil softened a bit. His friends really did get him. It wouldn’t have been the first time that Virgil had fallen into a spiral since he met the two, and Janus and Patton were sadly well acquainted with Virgil’s moods. He knew that if he really were in the middle of an episode that Patton and Janus wouldn’t hesitate to close the coffee shop for the night and come keep him company.
Pat: Are you? V?
Virgil shook his head and texted back quickly.
Virgil: I’m not. Really.
Janus: Oh fuck.
Pat: ???
Janus: Are you in bed with Logan right now?
Pat: !!!
Virgil: NO.
Janus: Are you about to be?
Pat: !!!!!!!!!!!
Virgil: no.
Janus: What happened, then?
Virgil: none of your business. I just answered Pat’s text. I do not deserve to be interrogated.
Janus: This is not an interrogation. It is a series of educated guesses and negations.
Virgil: I plead the fifth, then.
Janus: Not an interrogation. You have no rights.
Virgil: didn’t you drop out of law school?
Janus: After my girlfriend nearly killed me, actually.
Pat: Boys, let’s not fight. Are you sure you’re alright, Virgil?
Virgil: yeah, I promise.
Oddly enough, Virgil was considering expanding on what was actually going on--Patton tended to have that effect on him. They were amazingly good at pulling Virgil’s deepest thoughts from him. Something about their trust and gentle concern was surprisingly convincing. Just as he was about to respond, there was a knock at the door.
Virgil instantly tensed. It was only 1 in the morning. Even on Logan’s off nights, like Virgil knew tonight was, Logan never got home before 2 or 3.
And even when he was early or late, Logan had his own key. Of course he did. With that stupid fluffy black keychain that Virgil had clipped onto his key ring weeks ago.
Had something happened?
Virgil glanced back down at his phone and sent a quick dismissal text to his two friends.
Virgil: I’ll see you guys later. Gotta go.
Janus: Chicken.
Pat: Alright! Have a good night, Virgil!
Virgil couldn’t stop the way his lips quirked up at the texts. He was still looking down at his phone as he took his first few steps towards the apartment door. There was another, slightly less polite sounding knock on the door.
“Coming!” Virgil called, clicking his phone off and sliding it into the pocket of his hoodie.
The light from the hallway outside cast a shadow that Virgil could see in the crack underneath the door. Whoever was on the other side was standing rather close to the door. Virgil couldn’t quite shake the sense that there was something off. He tried not to focus on it too much. He was in a good mood. Whoever the hell it was knocking on his door at one in the morning was probably just at the wrong door.
Any other night, Virgil would have been more cautious.
Any other night, when Virgil was in any other mood than completely besotted, Virgil may not have answered the knock at all.
As it was, Virgil opened the apartment door with little to no hesitation.
On the other side, standing in the dimly lit hallway stood a man with a nest of curly black hair and a form-fitting leather jacket, a pair of sunglasses hanging from the neck of his plain black t-shirt. If Virgil didn’t feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up with some sort of instinctual unease, he may have thought that the man in front of him was handsome.
“Can I help you?” Anxiety seeped into Virgil’s tone. He looked the man up and down. The large boots. The perfectly straight posture. The tense shoulders. He suddenly wished very much that he had not opened the door.
The man smiled. There was something distinctly menacing about it. “Is Logan here?”
Virgil’s stomach twisted. He knew, suddenly, that he should not, under any circumstances, tell this man where Logan was. He felt his fangs poking at his lower lip, descending involuntarily. “Who are you?” His voice was gruffer than intended. The question was polite enough, but Virgil’s tone was nearly a hiss.
“I’m Nate Miller.” The man put a hand on the outside of the door. He didn’t push it open any wider than Virgil held it, but Virgil got the distinct impression that he would if Virgil made any sort of move to shut the door in his face.
“And you’re Virgil Noir, aren’t you?”
The warlock from the flower shop suggested that Logan go with a traditional bouquet of a dozen red roses.
Logan, however, while a traditional man of 182 years old, wanted something a bit more creative.
Roman had hovered over his shoulder for the entire exchange, offering his two cents with each choice that Logan attempted to make. His helpfulness was suffocating, but Logan didn’t let it deter him.
By the time that they were done, Logan had a beautiful, and rather pricey, bouquet picked out.
It was beautiful. It was wholly unnecessary, of course, but Logan didn’t mind getting caught up in Roman’s dramatics from time to time too much.
Virgil deserved as much.
The walk back to the apartment passed by Logan in a blur of cracked sidewalk and brisk air.
Logan had made this walk plenty of times before, but that time it felt… different. The air was full of promise, and though he was hesitant to admit it, even to himself, a sort of… hope that Logan hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
It was a breath of fresh air. Possibility.
Probability, if Logan allowed himself to make a couple of more hopeful assumptions based on that look in Virgil’s eyes the night before.
It wasn’t until he got to the door of the apartment complex that any sort of anxiety started to catch up with him. Seeing Virgil usually brought a calm over Logan. Coming back to the apartment to see his roommate was in itself like unwinding after a long day. Virgil had an uncanny ability of loosening every ward that Logan set up around himself.
But as Logan ascended the stairs--the elevator would definitely take too long right then, especially since Logan had noticed that it was descending right as he walked into the building--he took note of the fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach.
The bats taking nest in his gut quickly fell into a pit as Logan saw the door to their apartment.
The open door to their apartment.
The bouquet fell from Logan’s hands, tumbling to the carpeted floor of the hallway.
Logan was at the door in less than a second, much faster than any human could move.
The bolt on the door was scratched, as if it had been forced open. If Logan’s heart hadn’t already stopped beating, this would have put a halt to it. He pushed the door open lightly, slowly, as though the seconds that it took to do so would stop this from happening--stop what he was seeing from being true.
Carefully, residual training from his years of being a detective when he was alive kicking in, Logan picked his way into the room so as not to disturb what was inside.
The apartment, for the most part, was exactly as he had left it. Further in, Logan could see that the living room was undisturbed.
Whatever had happened hadn’t made it past the entryway.
The entryway itself was a mess. The corkboard that Logan had hung up on the wall was crooked, the miscellaneous take-out menus and schedules were either barely hanging on by their push pins or scattered across the floor. The umbrella stand was knocked completely to the ground, as was the dish that usually held their keys. It was laying on the wood floor, shattered. Virgil’s keys underneath.
The knot in Logan’s throat that had nothing to do with thirst tightened. Finally, emotion overtook care. “Virgil?!” Logan called out into the empty apartment. His voice echoed off of the walls.
Dashing forward, past the wreckage of their entryway, Logan entered the living room. He glanced around quickly, desperately, but it was empty. “Virgil?!” He turned on his heel. So was the kitchen. Fast as he possibly could, Logan was at the door to Virgil’s bedroom, throwing it open and finding it silent and desolate. Desperate, Logan shot to the door to his own bedroom and flung it open, only to find the same thing.
Shaking, Logan was back at the kitchen in a blink. Virgil’s laptop was sitting, untouched on the counter. Just as he was about to give up, something caught the corner of Logan’s eye.
A flash of white. Instantly, Logan was back at the front door, pushing it closed.
There, pinned to the door of his and Virgil’s apartment with a silver knife was a slip of paper.
Logan felt sick. It was paper from a pad that they kept in the kitchen. Paper that he usually wrote notes for Virgil on before he left for the night.
I believe I have something you want. You know where to find me.
The shaking stopped. The paper nearly tore with the force that Logan was gripping it. Clutching the note in one hand, Logan reached into the side pocket of his messenger bag for his cell phone. By the time that he had dialed Remus’s number, he was already out the front door of the apartment building.
It was barely fifteen minutes later when they all made it to King’s Inks.
Fifteen minutes too long, in Logan’s opinion.
Roman had just barely been able to talk Logan down from taking off after Virgil.
Rationally, Logan knew that he would have done the same thing if he were in Roman’s place. If he had snatched Remus's phone from his hand and heard himself, desperate and earth shakingly angry, raving about going off alone after a hunter of unknown ability, he would have talked himself down too.
That didn’t mean that he was any less angry about it.
When Logan had reached the tattoo parlor, only one twin had been waiting for him. When Roman told Logan that Remus had gone down the street to get the owners of the local coffee shop, Logan had nearly gone off on him. Thankfully, Roman’s bullshit detector and friendship was stronger than Logan’s ferocity.
The bell above the door had jingled not too long later, and Logan had stopped his pacing to look at the new arrivals.
Remus entered the tattoo parlor followed by two rather eclectic characters that Logan could only assume were the owners of the café down the street. He barely listened through introductions, just gathering the essentials--that Patton and Janus were friends of Virgil’s and here to help.
Roman then had to pry the--for lack of any other possible description, though it made Logan sick to the stomach to think it--ransom note from Logan’s hand to pass it around to the other three.
“Who is NM?” Janus’s voice was gruff, enough so that Logan didn’t even need to register the wet dog smell to know that he was a werewolf.
“Nate Miller.” Logan hissed out. His foot tapped impatiently against the polished concrete floor of the tattoo parlor. “He approached me at my work earlier this week.”
Janus raised a single eyebrow but didn’t challenge it. If Logan were in a better state, he would have noticed the worried tilt to Janus’s mouth, or the way that his back was ramrod straight. He would have noticed that Janus was just as worried for Virgil as he was.
To Janus’s left, holding the ransom note and staring unblinkingly at it, was Patton. They were trembling, their eyes glassy. Remus was leaning over their shoulder to read the note as well. Logan barely noticed the supportive hand that the human twin had placed on the new vampire’s back.
“And there was no sign of Virgil?” Logan swallowed back the urge to snap in his reply, only because of the waver in Patton’s voice. “How long ago do you think-”
“I don’t know.” Logan clipped. “Not long before I arrived back at the apartment. It still reeked of him.” Old Spice and gunpowder. Logan could still smell the phantom of it. “I need to find him.”
Roman placed a calming hand on Logan’s shoulder. “That’s what we’re trying to do, hothead. We’re trying to get your boyfriend back, but you shouldn’t go running off after a hunter alone. Especially not one that is obviously targeting you.”
Janus nodded along. “For once, Roman is speaking sense.” Roman’s cheeks flushed a soft pink at the low-bar praise. “I thought that you were supposed to be smart?”
Logan leveled a glare at the wolf. “I’m sorry, do you know me?”
Janus shrugged. “Might as well. Virgil talks about you enough.”
“What does it mean?” Patton interrupted before Logan could respond. “‘You know where to find me.’ Do you, Logan?”
Logan nodded curtly. “The observatory. There’s nothing else that it could mean. That’s where he confronted me before.” Just thinking about it stirred up Logan’s anger again. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, tugging on it at the ends. “I just don’t understand! Why would he take Virgil if he wants me? He’s a human! He has nothing to do with this!”
The whole room froze and went suddenly, unbearably silent.
“What?” Logan snapped. He should probably feel worse about being so harsh with his friends--and, apparently, Virgil’s friends--but at the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“Are you kidding me? Still?” Remus’s voice was shrill. More shrill than usual, even.
All four of the others were staring directly at Logan, with varying looks of disbelief and resignation.
“Logan, honey.” Patton’s voice was unbearably fond, despite the fact that Logan had only really known them for a couple of minutes. “Virgil is a vampire too.”
Logan blinked. Then blinked again. For a moment, just a moment, he forgot all about where they were and what was going on. And suddenly, everything made sense. “Shit.”
The others watched him, concerned, for just a moment before Janus spoke again, redirecting them all back to the matter at hand. Logan, however, felt as though his head was spinning. Everything that he had known was suddenly turned on its head. He took a deep breath.
There would be time to deal with his revelation later. For now, he needed to focus. Virgil needed him. Virgil needed all of them.
Logan looked up, refocusing back on the others. They were talking quietly amongst themselves. Logan cleared his throat.
“We need to make a plan.”
The planetarium was silent when Logan arrived. Anyone would have assumed that it was deserted.
The planetarium was closed for the night, which is why it was Logan’s day off. Usually the planetarium and, specifically, the observatory was a place of comfort for him. Tonight, however, he wanted nothing more than to not have to be here.
Well, that was untrue. He did want one thing more, and Nate Miller knew it.
His footsteps echoed through the empty halls. Spinning diagrams of planets and moons that would normally have been mesmerizing hung from the ceiling. During the day, the planetarium was beautiful.
Logan had the path to the observatory memorized. He walked down the halls quickly but with caution, not using his vampire speed. There was no way of telling what Nate had been prepared for when he demanded that Logan meet him here. There could be any number of traps and Logan needed to keep his head on his shoulders, as Janus had not so politely warned before they had split up.
Despite his admirable restraint, Logan still moved more recklessly than he probably should have on his way there.
The door was cracked when Logan reached the observatory, propped open with a stopper. Logan didn’t hesitate before crossing the threshold and entering. It was just as quiet inside the observatory as the rest of the planetarium had been. The aisles of plush, fold theatre-style seats innocently lined the rounded walls and radiated inwards, completely empty. The ceiling was rolled back and open to the heavens. A clear night sky shown down on Logan and the empty rows of seats. It was beautiful, but Logan knew the implications of the sight.
It was nearing dawn now. The sun would be rising within the hour.
Behind him, the door slammed shut. Thankfully, Logan had just enough dignity and composure not to flinch at the sound, although he did turn to see that the door had in fact been closed behind him.
“Well, well, well.” The voice--Nate’s voice--seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. The intercom system. Logan scanned the room for movement, quickly and imperceptibly. To the human eye, he would have simply appeared unmoving. Almost bored. “You actually came. Took you long enough.”
Logan’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. He had never hated anything more than he hated that voice. “I got caught up.” He responded through clenched teeth. Logan wasn’t thrilled with the concept of conversing with Nate at all, but he needed the time. “Next time you should call.”
The laugh that followed sounded like nails scraping against a chalkboard to Logan.
“Oh, but darling, you never gave me your number.”
Logan’s fingernails were digging crescent moon shaped wounds into his palm. “Enough small talk. Where is he?”
“Who?” There was laughter still in Nate’s tone. Even though Logan couldn’t see him, his stomach was boiling with rage at the audacity.
“Enough of the games!” Logan hissed, striding a few purposeful steps further into the circular room. “Where is he? Where is Virgil?”
There was a despondent sigh from above, and suddenly, Logan could hear the stage in the center of the room rising.
Logan had been on that platform many times before, giving lectures and presentations to excited audience members. He was always filled with a warm sense of anticipation and excitement before those speeches, no matter the fact that he had given them countless times before.
Now, he felt nothing but dread as he watched the stage rise up from under the floor to eye level.
The figure in the center of the stage was strapped to a chair. Logan’s heart lurched to see Virgil, slumped over and limp, but his worry was rapidly overcome by venomous fury when he saw Nate Miller, standing just behind his unconscious roommate, a wooden stake in one hand.
“The monster is alive. For now. You and I have business to attend to, Doyle. It should be coming around any moment now.”
Virgil’s head was pounding. The world was spinning, and he hadn’t even opened his eyes yet.
It was worse than any hangover that he had ever endured as a human. His vision was blurred as his eyes cracked open, spots of brilliant color dancing at the edges of his vision. He felt his fangs poking against his bottom lip.
Virgil twitched, raising--or at least, trying to raise--his hand to rub at his temples. His eyes shot open as he realized that he couldn’t move his hands. Chest rising and falling rapidly with breaths spurred by increasingly rising anxiety rather than an actual need to breathe, Virgil jerked against the shackles on his wrists. Matching shackles, he realized, locked his feet to the legs of the chair that he was in.
He couldn’t move at all.
“I’d stop that if I were you.” An almost bored voice spoke in Virgil’s ear. Jerking away, Virgil turned his neck to face his captor. Distantly, Virgil recognized the face.
His mind was still swimming, but he remembered it. Opening the door, half expecting Logan to be on the other side, and being met with this man. Knowing almost immediately that something was off, being forced back into his own home, barely having a chance to fight back, barely getting to call out before a sharp pain was radiating through his skull and everything was fading to black.
Virgil hissed, desperately leaning away from the man and the wooden stake that he was gripping with obvious intent.
The man’s eyes flashed, the patient facade disintegrating before Virgil’s eyes, revealing a manic sort of rage that terrified Virgil to the core.
The voice snapped Virgil out of his terror. Virgil’s eyes flew across the room, down to where Logan was standing, in the middle of an aisle--where were they?--worry and--Virgil’s heart panged with hurt--fear in his eyes.
Logan took a single step forward, but before he could move any more, the man behind Virgil was pressing the tip of the stake right against the spot where his unbeating heart was.
“Not another step, Doyle. You even try and move and this monster is dust.” The man growled the words in a way that reminded Virgil of someone barely hanging on to sanity. Virgil kept his eyes trained on Logan. The man’s voice smoothened suddenly, as though he were getting himself under thinly spread control. “We can just talk, can’t we? Just the three of us.”
Virgil sent Logan a pleading look. Logan needed to get out of there. He had to leave before this hunter--because he had to be a hunter, there was no other explanation--hurt him. Logan met the look with a determined shake of the head.
“Why don’t you introduce us all, Doyle?”
Virgil swallowed thickly, glancing back at the hunter before returning his eyes to Logan, confused. But Logan wasn’t looking at him any longer. His gaze was trained on the hunter behind him and Virgil felt as though he were missing something distinctly important.
Logan’s eyes narrowed. Virgil knew that face. Logan was biting back what he really wanted to say, and if there weren’t a stake pointed at his heart, Virgil would have wanted Logan to speak his mind and push this arrogant bastard right off of his soapbox.
Logan’s eyes flicked back to Virgil’s, and once again Virgil could see that little flicker of fear. Virgil swallowed down his own hurt.
“Virgil Noir, my roommate and… my friend.” There was something hesitant in the way Logan said it. Virgil tried desperately to focus on his anger. He had every right to be angry right now, and it had everything to do with the hunter threatening to kill him. He had no right to feel so… betrayed by Logan.
Logan, however, had every right to be scared after finding out that his roommate was a monster.
“And you are Nate Miller.” Logan continued. Virgil grimaced. Fuck Nate Miller. Virgil hated even his name. “A hunter who approached me yesterday at my place of work, and who is not targeting me. Why?”
There was a shocked, deranged sounding laugh from behind Virgil, and the hunter placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder. Disgusted, Virgil shook it off, only to freeze when the sharpened end of the stake pressed threateningly against his chest. “Are you joking?” Nate’s voice was nearly an octave higher than it had been before. He sounded incredulous. “Don’t act like you don’t remember me, Doyle. Stupidity is unflattering for you.”
Logan’s face remained impassive. Virgil curiously looked him up and down. As someone who considered himself very good at reading Logan, Virgil could confidently say that he genuinely looked confused.
Virgil forced a laugh past his monumental anxiety. “Looks like you’re not that memorable, dude, sorry to break it to you.”
Nate grabbed a fistful of Virgil’s hair at the back of his head, tilting it back. “Shut up, bloodsucker! Don’t think I won’t put you down like the monster you are.”
Virgil gritted his teeth to hide the pain. “Do it then! By the time you turn me to dust, Logan will be gone.” Virgil looked down from where his head was still tilted at the uncomfortable angle to meet Logan’s eyes.
Logan shook his head minutely and Virgil’s brow furrowed in confusion.
Nate chuckled, breathlessly, releasing Virgil’s hair from his grasp and stepping around the chair so that Virgil could finally see him fully. Virgil’s first thought was that he was rather short, for a hunter. “Nice try. Goading me into focusing on you. I’m not an amateur. Doyle wouldn’t leave his perfect little boyfriend. That’s why he’s here, you know. For you.”
Virgil ignored the words, though they made something that wasn’t strictly fear squirm in his gut. He wasn’t going to get hope for his relationship with Logan from a hunter who was threatening to kill him. “Sounds like someone’s jealous.” He said instead, taking a vindictive sort of joy from the fury that was clearly written on Nate’s face at the statement.
“Virgil.” Logan warned, taking a single step forward.
Nate held up the stake again, menacingly. “Don’t move, Doyle.” Logan froze. “You want to pretend you don’t remember? Fine, I’ll jog your memory.” Gripping the stake tightly but lowering it, Nate took another step closer, his eyes trained solely on Logan. It made Virgil want to kick him. Luckily for the hunter, his legs were still shackled to his chair.
“We met three years ago, before you moved here. You were working at that bookshop, remember?” Virgil frowned, his eyes lobbying back and forth between Logan and Nate. He was confused. Why was a hunter so obsessed with Logan? “You were always wearing that cute little scarf. For a few weeks there, I came to the shop to see you every day.”
Logan’s eyes were widening in recognition, surprise and confusion warring on his perfectly smooth features. Virgil swallowed thickly. Logan knew this hunter.
“I remember.” Logan’s voice was low, barely there. His hands, which had been tense and balled into white fists since he first arrived at the observatory were relaxing slightly. “But- I don’t understand? If you were a hunter-”
Nate laughed, an odd mixture of pleased--likely at the fact that Logan suddenly remembered their connection--and cruel. “Please. If I had known right away what you were, I wouldn’t have wasted the time. When I found out, it was right before you moved away. I was disgusted. Wasting so much time and energy on a vampire-” Nate spat the word like a curse.
Virgil sucked in a shallow breath. A vampire? Logan? No. That couldn’t possibly be true. The hunter had to be mistaken. There was no way that Virgil would not have known that Logan was also a vampire. Except…
It did sort of make sense. Why Logan was also only ever awake at night, even on his days off. Why he was always just as cold as Virgil was. Why he kept so many jars of jam that Virgil was just realizing were definitely not full of jam. Virgil cursed himself. How had he not known-- How had he not noticed?
He remembered the other day at the café with Janus and Patton. If he got out of this alive, he was so going to kill Janus.
Then, of course, it dawned on Virgil exactly what sort of situation they were still in. If Logan was a vampire, then both of them were in danger right now. Logan had come for him, putting himself in grave danger. A hunter may spare a human, but they saw all creatures of the night as the same. Virgil’s eyes widened and he stared at Logan, trying to convey his urgency with his eyes.
Above all else, Logan had to get out of this observatory okay.
But Logan wasn’t looking at Virgil anymore.
“So you followed me?”
“I had to track you down!” The hunter cried, as if the alternative were impossible. “All you monsters are the same. I couldn’t just let you get away with tricking me-- with seducing me, masquerading as if you could possibly be normal. You’re a killer.”
Logan looked incensed. “If you’ve been watching me for so long, then you know that I haven’t killed anyone recently.”
“But you have before.” Nate spat, his eyes wild. “Don’t deny it. All of you are killers, whether you fancy yourself reformed or not. You need to pay for what you’ve done.” Nate gestured to Virgil, hatred burning in his eyes, despite the fact that he couldn’t even deign to look at him properly. “From the research I’ve done about this one, it took it three years before it managed to stop slaughtering humans. You’re all the same, no matter how much better you think that you are.”
Virgil winced. Guilt clawing at his insides. He barely remembered the three years after he was first turned. It was the darkest period in his past, and having it so gracelessly laid bare in front of Logan made him want to do nothing more than disappear. But when he managed to look back up at Logan there was something… understanding in his eyes.
And that was when Virgil knew that whatever his past, whatever this hunter said and did, Virgil would do anything in his power to get the man that he loved out of this safely.
Even if it meant putting his neck on the line by riling up a deranged hunter.
“And how many lives have you ended in the past year alone?” Virgil hissed, staring defiantly up at his captor.
Nate scoffed. “None that matter, vampire. You dare to compare the lives of you creatures to human life-”
“Say,” Virgil drawled, his voice low, “are we just here to listen to you spew your manifesto about how much more pure than us you are, or are you actually going to do something?”
“Actually, I did have something in mind.” Nate’s face was unnervingly calm again. A pit of dread settled in Virgil’s stomach. Nate nodded up at the ceiling.
The open dome of a ceiling.
Virgil looked up and couldn’t help but notice the tell-tale signs of a sunrise along the edges of the circular opening. The clear implications dawned upon him--Patton would be proud that he could manage to think a pun even in such a dire situation--quickly. His eyes slipped closed in momentary resignation.
The sun is going to rise--likely within the next few minutes--and Virgil was there, shackled to a chair just under the open ceiling. The stake in the hunter’s hand was just for show. He fully intended to burn Virgil alive, and there was nothing that Logan could possibly do about it without risking his own life.
Logan himself just seemed to be putting together the implications of Nate’s thinly-veiled threat.
And suddenly, as though a switch were flipped, Logan’s calm demeanor changed. No longer was he feigning interest in Nate’s monologue or humoring his explanations. His fists were once again balled at his sides, white with tension, and for the first time ever, Virgil could see his fangs.
All at once, Virgil knew that Logan would not be letting this go quietly. He wasn’t completely sure what tipped him off, but he knew that if it came down to it, Logan would not be leaving him to burn alone under any circumstances.
It’s a sobering realization. Logan was going to risk his own life for no reason at all--because, honestly, how would his death help anyone? Virgil was still stuck there. If Logan really was a vampire--and he obviously was--he could have been out of there and safe before Nate could even blink. Virgil could not fathom why he looked so determined to waste his life, but he already knew what he needed to do about it.
Virgil forced a laugh. It was loud in the otherwise silent observatory. “Burning me? Really? That’s the best that you could do?”
Nate looked hilariously offended by the complete lack of shaking in his boots that Virgil was doing.
Virgil continued. “No, honestly, did you sit in your sad little apartment, surrounded by cut out pictures of Logan and red string and come up with this plan? Did you rub your little hands together and laugh maniacally? Did you honestly think that using the sun as your choice of weapon was poetic or something? What are you going to tell your little hunter friends? That you tracked down your old vampire crush and just sat and watched the sun rise with him?”
Nate turned an absolutely alarming shade of red. Really, it would have been funny had it not been immediately followed by his fist colliding with Virgil’s nose.
Virgil barely had time to hold in a grunt of pain before Nate was being pulled off of him and shoved to the ground. Virgil opened his eyes to see Logan on the platform with them, his knees straddling the hunter’s chest, and his hands wrapped around his neck.
“Logan-” Virgil desperately called out, completely ignoring his throbbing nose.
Nate was resisting, thrashing against Logan’s hold, and although Logan had the upper hand with the element of surprise, Virgil could do nothing but watch as the hand that was still clutching the wooden stake rose behind Logan.
“Logan!” The scream tore it’s way out of Virgil’s throat before he could think of the consequences. Logan’s grip on Nate faltered.
Before anything life shattering could happen, the stake was kicked from Nate’s hand by a black combat boot. Virgil’s eyes snapped up to see what--who--the boot was connected to, and his eyes were met with a man dressed in quite a bit of leather that Virgil had never seen before.
His first, terrifying thought is that this was another hunter, but no, this man was very obviously not on Nate’s side.
“Not on my fucking watch.” The man growled, kicking the stake even further away now that it was out of Nate’s grasp. The man looked angry, albeit not as angry as Logan, who was still apparently attempting to choke the life out of the hunter. His wild eyes were matched by a wild nest of shaggy brown hair that had a couple of glinting silver streaks in it, and offset by what appeared to be a very carefully maintained moustache.
He was altogether the strangest looking person that Virgil had ever seen, and he hadn’t even glanced in Virgil’s direction yet.
Virgil’s eyes were pulled away from the struggle by a light touch against one of his wrists, just above the shackle.
“Patton?” Sure enough, Patton was hovering over Virgil now, their eyes kind and concerned.
“Are you okay, V?” Their voice shook a bit. “What am I saying? Of course you aren’t okay. I’m sorry, Virgil.”
“Wh- How did you-?”
Patton smiled kindly, their eyes flicking over to Logan. “Logan called us--or, well, he called Remus,” They nodded in the direction of the punk guy, “and he told Roman, who called me and Janus. We’re going to get you out of here.”
For the first time since he had been texting Janus and Patton earlier, something loosened in Virgil’s chest. Relief.
Before he could say anything to thank Patton or perhaps ask who the hell Remus and Roman were, Patton was gripping the shackle that held Virgil’s left hand in place and tearing it away as though it were nothing.
Sometimes Virgil forgot just how strong they were.
Patton quickly repeated the process with Virgil’s remaining restraints.
“Logan. Get off of him.”
Virgil craned his neck, looking over his shoulder to see what was happening. The scuffle had moved. Logan still had the upper hand, but now there were two more figures standing over him and the hunter. The first was nearly identical to the one in the combat boots, though minus the moustache and with much tidier hair. The second--
“Janus.” Virgil almost felt like smiling at the sight of his friend. Janus looked up, his two-toned eyes flashing in the light.
Right. The light. The sunlight that was quickly approaching.
“Logan.” It was the second unknown one, the one with the perfect hair, that was speaking. Virgil just noticed the pointed ears that were poking out between his curls. “You have to stop. Remus, Jan and I have this. It’s almost sunrise. You have to get out of here, Logan.”
But Logan wasn’t listening. Virgil’s chest constricted. There was something dark--something dangerous--in Logan’s eyes. Nate wasn’t fighting much anymore. Any words that Virgil might have said were stuck in his throat.
Beside him, Patton whimpered.
“Logan!” The one with the moustache snapped, reaching down and grabbing one of Logan’s biceps. “Logan, you need to get Patton and Virgil out of here.”
Something of what the human said must have registered in Logan’s mind, because his grip on Nate loosened until he was no longer strangling him. Luckily, Nate didn’t get a chance to recover, because as soon as Logan was pulling away, Janus had Nate in his grasp, his eyes flashing golden.
Virgil could breathe again. He trusted that Janus, and whoever those other two were, had this.
“Logan.” He called, breathless. His voice was still raw from screaming earlier. His nose was still gushing blood and very likely crooked, but he didn’t care in the slightest. Not when Logan looked up at him.
In an instant, Logan was across the room and pulling Virgil into his arms. And Virgil let him. He didn’t resist for even a second, willingly letting himself melt against Logan like he’s a lifeline.
And in some ways, he was.
“Are you alright?” Logan’s voice was achingly tender. So heartbreakingly tender, given what he had just been doing seconds ago. “Did he- Did he hurt you any more than-”
Virgil cut him off because that dangerous note was coming back into Logan’s tone. It shouldn’t have been as hot as it was. It shouldn’t have been hot at all. “I’m fine, L. Are you-”
“If you’re safe, I am.”
And it was terrible timing. Just feet away, his best friend and two other people who he could only assume were Logan’s friends were fighting with a hunter. Patton was still right behind him, standing just off the stage, watching. But Virgil found himself leaning just that much closer to Logan. It was as if Logan had his own gravitational pull that tugged only on Virgil. He glanced down at Logan’s lips. One was split, but otherwise they looked just the same as they had the other night, when they were safe in their apartment.
Virgil let out a shaky exhalation. When he looked back up, Logan’s eyes were trained downwards. Towards his own lips. Virgil licked his lips.
Behind him, Patton gently cleared their throat. Virgil whirled around.
“I don’t want to interrupt, kiddos, but the sun is going to rise any minute now. We need to get you home.” They didn’t speak for themselves, but Virgil knew that Patton wouldn’t be leaving without them, and he didn’t want his friend to burn alive either.
He glanced back at Logan, but Logan’s expression was shuttered once again.
“Yes, you’re correct, Patton. We need to leave now.”
Virgil glanced back at the other four one last time. They had Nate under control once again. Swallowing, Virgil turned back to Patton and Logan and nodded once. “Let’s get out of here.”
In the end, they did indeed make it back to their apartment before the sun rises, if just barely. Patton left them only once they were sure that Logan and Virgil were okay enough to be left alone at their apartment.
Which was perfectly fair, because they had just had a home invasion only a few hours ago.
When they were back in the apartment building and safe from the approaching dawn, the two of them began to clean the apartment in silence.
It really wasn’t that big of a mess, but both of them seemed to silently agree that they would not be able to rest until the apartment was returned to the state that it had been before. When things were safe.
Virgil’s tongue felt too big in his mouth as he helped right the entryway. Only hours ago he had been trying and failing to fend off Nate in this very spot. And, sure, things were okay now, but somehow it feels suddenly much  more real than it had when they were leaving the observatory.
As for Logan… He looked tense. It was understandable. Because Virgil had gone and got himself kidnapped like some sort of damsel in distress-
His stomach curled in on itself. He couldn’t shake the anxious thought that Logan was… angry with him for it.
And it was stupid. It was so stupid, and Virgil knew it. After everything that Logan just went through to get Virgil back, there was very very little chance that Logan would blame anyone other than Nate for this turn of events. And even if he did blame someone else, Virgil knew Logan, and he knew that if anything, he was likely blaming himself.
Which was even more stupid.
Once the entryway was presentable again, Logan cleared his throat. Virgil paused, halfway through taking his hoodie off. Usually he wore it even when inside their apartment, but right now everything that he was wearing felt… dirty.
“Are you sure that you’re alright?” Logan’s voice was soft. Quieter than usual. Almost… unsure. Which was almost unheard of for Logan.
Virgil softened, pulling his jacket the rest of the way off. “I’m… I won’t lie, Logan, I’m pretty shaken but… I’ll be fine. Are you…?”
Logan dodged the question, finally looking over at Virgil with thinly masked guilt in his eyes. “Your nose stopped bleeding.”
Virgil reached up a tentative hand to his face. To be honest, he had forgotten about it. The pain had numbed, but when he prodded it gently with a finger, he could tell that it was definitely broken. Patton would have said something if it had needed to be set, though, so Virgil wasn’t too worried. “I’m sure I’m a sight right now.” He chuckled weakly. It fell flat. There was silence in the apartment for a moment. “Logan-”
“I’m sorry.” Logan exclaimed, before Virgil could continue. “This is my fault. I… If you were hurt, I would… I never would have forgiven myself.”
“Don’t say that.” Virgil tried, stepping closer to Logan.
“It’s true.” Logan insisted. “If he had hurt you, or heaven forbid-” Logan made a little choked noise. “I couldn’t have lived with myself. You did nothing wrong. You didn’t deserve-”
“And neither did you.” Virgil’s voice was firm, pushing back against all denial. “You didn’t call this upon us, Logan. I don’t care if he thought that he knew you, or if he had hurt me any more than he did. None of it was your fault, and none of it would have been your fault. He is a hunter. I’m- We’re vampires. It could have happened at any time with any hunter.”
“But it didn’t! It was him, and he was targeting me. He only hurt you because I-”
Virgil’s mouth felt very dry as Logan cut himself off. “What matters is that we’re safe. We’re okay.” He tried to reassure Logan.
Logan closed his eyes, defeat settling over his features. “You don’t understand. He only hurt you because of how much I love you.”
The words hung in the air, heavy. They certainly weren’t how Virgil had ever imagined that they would be said for the first time. Still, a soft warmth blooms in Virgil’s chest. There were nerves there too, but he found it easy to ignore them. Mostly, he felt an overwhelming sense of rightness. Two days ago it had been impossible to consider that Logan loved him back.
But now… it was like he could see that Logan had been saying it for a long time now. He had said it earlier, when he had been so obviously terrified for Virgil. He had said it the night before, when he held Virgil close and they swayed around the kitchen. He had said it even before that, when he made sure to be quiet every evening when he left for work just after sunset, when Virgil was still holding on to sleep. He said it when he picked ocean documentaries for Virgil, even though he was not-so-secretly terrified of the ocean. He had said it countless times since they had met, even though Virgil was only just now hearing it for the first time.
Virgil took the remaining few steps forward to close the distance between them. Logan looked almost pained. Before Virgil could lose his confidence in himself--in this--he reached out and placed a hand on Logan’s cheek.
When Logan met his eyes, Virgil damn near melted into the ground. Logan’s deep, chocolate brown eyes always were a weakness of his. He wanted to say something. But, then again, Virgil never really had been the one that was good with words. That was definitely more Logan’s department. Instead, Virgil just leaned forward and closed the distance between them completely.
Logan’s lips were soft, just like the rest of him was, although he was loathe to show it. He gasped softly against Virgil’s mouth, but he didn’t even try to pull away.
Logan leaned into the kiss with an insistence that made Virgil’s still heart pirouette in his chest. Virgil exhaled, and it felt as though he had been holding his breath his entire life, despite the fact that he hadn’t needed to breathe in just over fourteen years.
Kissing Logan was like finally coming home. And though it was terribly cliché, Virgil couldn’t bother to imagine another way to describe it. Virgil couldn’t imagine ever getting tired of this sensation. From his head to his toes, he felt warm.
He felt alive.
Slowly, Virgil parted his lips under Logan’s and even though Virgil had been the one to initiate the kiss, he was surprised when Logan took his lower lip between his own. Virgil didn’t bother to hold back the low noise that arose in the back of his throat, thankful once again that he couldn’t blush.
The noise seemed to be appreciated, though, because Logan made a rather audible noise of appreciation. Right before Virgil felt a sting on his lower lip.
Logan pulled back almost immediately after, a startled--no, a shell shocked--expression on his face. His fangs were descended and Virgil knew instantly that that was what he had felt. He bit back a laugh.
Logan looked breathless. He looked breathtaking.
“I love you too.” Virgil confessed, his hand still cradling Logan’s cheek. “Of course I do. I would have done exactly the same thing if it were you.”
And Logan.
Logan laughed.
And it was the tension break that they needed after the completely awful night that they had both just experienced.
It was not a loud laugh. It was not really hysterical, either, though Virgil would have understood if Logan had lost his mind just a bit after the night that they had just had. It was a laugh of disbelief, mostly, and Virgil wholeheartedly agreed.
He couldn’t hold back a smile, and as he often couldn’t when he was with Logan. He didn’t even want to try. So instead he smiled.
Logan’s eyes turned serious. “I love you.” He repeated, this time with more conviction. He brought up a hand to cradle Virgil’s face, just as Virgil was. Virgil ran the pad of his thumb across Logan’s perfect cheekbone.
“I love you too.” Virgil replied. And after everything, that was enough.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
Tumblr media
-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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moonlightkitkat · 4 years
ML:NYS reaction
Here’s my set of reactions from when I was watching the special, I wrote it all while I was watching. It’s a little scatterbrained lol
The opening is so pretty!
Oh this interaction is adorable! The wholesomeness!
But oh my god I had to pause because this is what I love! Chat can show affection and care about her, but I love how he’s taking her feelings into the gift he brings. He knows that she doesn’t want anything with romantic connotations because it’s leading him on, so instead he offers a rose of friendship, a truce. And I love how after hearing this, Ladybug immediately warms up and accepts, thanking him and offering kind words as well. I’m two minutes in and I already love this. 
Also the animation is so pretty!!
Oh Marinette no.. not the photos.. not the excuses.. ;-;
Yes Tikki hold her accountable!
Oh thank god I wanted my Chloe here
SHE'S PREGNANT?! Oh that poor baby
No no no no no no n no no no no Marinette please stop, please oh my god I’m dying on the inside
Oh my god she put his perfume on her pillow? Why? Why have her do this.
Oh my god she pulled a Twilight Sparkle and ranted about the power of friendship
Oh I know he’s lying but oh that’s such a sweet thing to say.
Gabriel why are you a JERK
That’s so cute! I love that!
Marinette no ;-;
“I’m as serious as it can get.” *squeak*, giggles. That’s adorable
I-I’m actually shocked that Ladybug didn’t think of that
 That’s pretty smart Adrien.
I’m still creeped out by the Snow White like case Emilie is in
Oh no she’s ranting about Adrien I’m crying 
Oh this is definitely fic material
Oh Marinette does not look happy about seeing Adrien 
Chloe’s arrival is amazing 
Alya what the heck
Oh god Marinette no
Oh my hands are crInging-NO HE FELL ON HER
Okay that art is adorable but Marinette looks terrified
Wooowwww the manipulation there lol, nice job class
Oh thank goodness, 
Oh poor Marinette
Ivan and Mylene are cuddling!
Wow Marinette is tiny
Awww DjWifi snuggles
wait why didn’t Mari sit with Rose?
Oh poor Marinette ;-;
Bro she’s physically uncomfortable, why would you move closer?
Oh that’s so cute-nevermind
Same Alya
Same Nino
They’re adorable but I hate this
I’m sorry WHAT
captain Marvel??
Alya is such a nerd I love her
Wair, do actual superheroes exist in this universe? Why hasn’t anyone shown up to help Paris??
wow the cat based pun
“Lil croissants on route,” that’s CUTE
Oh it was just puppets
Jess, yes I like her
Is she an actual AI?
Oh poor Sabrina ;-;
Nice reflexes 
Oh no
Oh now this is adorable, I like the soft music playing in the background 
Hot dog Dan?
Rapunzel Sabrina???
Aww that's cute 
They’re flying!
This is really really cute, but.... aren’t Adrien and Kagami together?
Oh this is such a cute dance
Oh Marinette no....
“Repetitive behaviors,” is that a joke about how they never change?
Adrie is definitely in love, but isn’t he with, you know, KAGAMI?!
What on earth is with Jess’s eyebrows?
Wait, I'm sorry are they sending supervillains to trap them in??
Hawkmoth is wearing a seatbelt, that’s hilarious
Did.. did he seriously offer the atomic bomb
Ohhh a hologram
Oh that’s a cool supervillain 
Did you ... need to transform though? You could have just pushed her out of the way
Theyre so DUMB
Batman? Nope, just Hawkmoth
Oh Ladybug is MAD. Rightfully so though
Oh yes tell him off
Wait, they’ve heard of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Why hasn’t anyone come to help them?
Oh my god she can actually bring people back to life
Ooooo chase scene
Teenage mutant super teens
Oh my god that’s terrifying for what happened to Paris
We are learning a lot about Ladybugs Powers, I’m loving this
Oh those two are lesbi-OH THEY'RE ACTUALLY LESBIANS
....Wow Zag is having fun with her cleavage AREN'T they?
Oh Marinno ;-;
oh this is so sad
I’m getting umbrella scene flashbacks
And Marinette being a thief has come back into
Why are her boobs so BIG
Is this just proof of how dangerous the DC superheroes are?
Wait these three heroes really are just Superman, Batman, Captain America aren’t they? 
I love the AI’s hair so much, it’s so pretty
Wow Jess was won over so quickly
All powerful magic? Useless against a simple AI
Wow he was won over quickly.. is he just really impulsive? That’s.. really not the best quality in a superhero who has the power to destroy whatever he touches.
Plagg that’s TOO CUTE
Wow I am So impressed by Jess
Awww hug
She forgave him a little too easily 
He lost his TAIL
Sparrow is transforming into an Eagle I love this
Ooooooooooooo I love her use of the power
Wow he legitimately s-YES ATTA GIRL
h-how did that reach the sun so fast
I thought Chat hit the guy and not the cuffs and I had a heart attack
You’ve known her for less than a day and you trust her with a miraculous?? Wait, they know all about the miraculous?? But how?
Also I’m really happy that we have an ingenious superhero! I’m really happy that her costume isn’t sexual used, and isn’t a LEOTARD
I’m really curious about what actual ingenious people think about her as a character and her uniform
Wait, she has dreamcatchers for earrings?
Why is she looking so buff in that suit
Oh? Is this a teaser for the Shanghai episode?
Oh that’s such a cute little banner for Adrien
That is a very underwhelming entrance and speech. Talk about rushed how did he say that with one BREATH
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graaythekwami · 5 years
Love Square Fluff Week: Day 7, Reveal
Also read on ao3!
Pairing: Adrienette
Notes: I’m a day late with this, but oh well! Shapeshifting AU once again.
"Marinette, what’s wrong?” Tikki asked, hovering over Marinette’s shoulder.
In her hand she held two flowers, one a pink cosmos, the other a stem of bluebells. The cosmos had been pressed and preserved from when Adrien had given it to Ladybug, and the bluebells were freshly picked.
“The universe is mocking me,” Marinette replied, shaking her head, before opening the large phone book she had used to press the first flower, setting the bluebells in it.
“By Adrien giving you flowers?” Tikki said with a frown.
“That’s the thing, he’s never given me flowers, he’s given me a flower. This first one was to Ladybug, and not me!” She carefully set the pressed one to the side, not wanting it to crumble. “I dunno– does it mean that the flower wasn’t a romantic gesture, if he gave one to a bug in the same way? I’ve just been getting so many mixed signals...”
“To be fair, you’ve been giving mixed signals,” Tikki replied.
“I’m just not sure what I want!” Marinette said in frustration.
Her feelings for Adrien were complicated– she had gotten a crush on him when they had first met, but that infatuation had died down as she had gotten to know him and become friends. But then from there more serious feelings of admiration had formed, but they were ones she had rarely acted on, because she and Adrien had a good friendship she didn’t want to risk, one formed during a time when there was no one else she could talk to about Ladybug and Chat Noir in a positive light except for with him.
That was where the other problems arose– Chat Noir.
She loved her partner, and he loved her. They were both aware of it, but there was nothing either could do about it. There were only a handful of times they could smuggle away into the darkness to interact as humans, and the rest of the time they were trapped in an animal form that prevented any opportunity of a romantic relationship. That hadn’t stopped them from trying– looking up at the stars on rooftops with each other, having meals together, curling up in the warm sun– but they were both aware that there would always be a wall between them as long as their identities remained hidden.
So she was free to pursue someone else, someone like Adrien, someone she was interested in and who was showing interest in her. He had become so much of a flirt recently, dropping winks and puns and just general compliments of admiration, and of course most recently his gift of flowers from his garden. He was showing he was interested in every way without directly saying it, probably waiting for her to do the same before he took anything a step further.
And she wanted to so badly, she wanted to see what could happen between her and Adrien, how much closer they could become. Yet every time she prepared to actually do something she found herself pulling back, retreating from the opportunity.
Because Adrien always seemed to do something right then that reminded her of Chat Noir, and she’d feel the guilt rise within her. She didn’t know if it was guilt for not choosing Chat, or guilt that she could possibly only be pursuing Adrien because he reminded her of someone else. Whatever it was she found herself jumping ship, tucking herself back into the cocoon of friendship.
Tikki landed on her shoulder. “If you want my advice, Marinette, I say go for it. Don’t hesitate, don’t worry, and I promise you that you will be happy.”
“Thanks, Tikki,” she said with a smile, but both of them knew that things would never be simple for her.
The next few days at school were the same as the last few days– Adrien picking her up from the bakery like he often did, hanging out with her friends, and of course the constant pressure of what she would do hanging above her.
Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, no one was pressuring her. If anything Adrien was doing anything but that, keeping his advances clear but distant, refusing to do anything more without her giving the okay. The most bold thing he he had done was give her the flowers, and had done so casually that maybe it wasn’t even meant to be romantic. Like, there was no way his flower to Ladybug had been that way, and so maybe she was over thinking all of this and Adrien was going to think she was weird if she asked him out or–
Okay, now she was overthinking.
“Everything okay, Mari?” Adrien asked as they walked down the hall.
“Of course!” She said brightly, giving him a smile.
He smiled back. “Well, if you ever need help with anything you just let me know, okay Princess?”
She found herself going still as he said these words, vision blurring slightly. Princess... that was what Chat called her. Not what he called Ladybug– but rather Marinette. She had never heard him directly address her as that before, but when he talked about her civilian form with Ladybug it was always with that nickname present. She tried to blink back the forming tears, but the next thing she knew they were running down her face.
“Marinette?” Adrien asked in worry, eyes wide. “I didn’t make you uncomfortable, right? I’m sorry! I’m–“
Green eyes. Blond hair.
“Ex-excuse me,” she choked out, pushing past him and bolting for the nearest bathroom. There was no reason for her to be crying right now– she knew that– but that didn’t stop the tears from falling as she locked herself in a stall, Tikki zipping out of her purse.
“Marinette?” The kwami asked in worry.
“I can’t do this!” She cried. “This isn’t fair! Not to me, and not to either of them!”
“I keep looking at him and seeing Chat!” She cried. “I don’t want to lose my best friend looking for someone else, and he doesn’t deserve someone that’s drawn to him just because he’s like someone else! Someone whose stupid face I haven’t even seen!”
“Marinette, we’ve talked about this before, there’s nothing wrong with–“
“It’s not a type, it’s not just certain traits I find admirable,” she snapped. “It’s Chat! Every time I look at Adrien now I find myself thinking of Chat. When my mind wanders it goes to Chat! I love Adrien, I r-really do, but I can’t be with him if I’m just going to keep putting him as second!”
Tikki looked distressed now. “I think you just need to take a step back, Mari, that’s all–”
She wiped the tears from her eyes, her mind already made up. She did need to take a step back, from all of this. The answer was simple, in front of her the whole time– she needed to go after no one. She wasn’t in the mindset to do this now, not when she was torn so easily, not when she was drawn to someone she couldn’t be with. It would be hard, but easier on everyone in the end.
Things were different between her and Adrien after that, he had understood that she wasn’t interested, and had backed off from his advances– yet they didn’t fall back to how they used to be. There seemed to be a sadness to his smiles, a far off look in his eyes. What was worse for Marinette was that her mind kept looking for similarities between him and Chat, and constantly kept bringing them to her attention.
Things were also different between her and Chat. When he visited her as Marinette he didn’t seem quite as playful, just curled up with her listening as he often did. When they were out battling things seemed to have taken a more professional turn. Their teamwork didn’t fade, but a lot of the lightness of their conversations seemed to have flickered out.
And it was driving Marinette insane.
She was miserable, she knew it, and it was of her own doing. She had been the one to suddenly build up these walls, even in places she didn’t mean to, and it was affecting more dynamics than she had ever realized. What was worse was that Chat and Adrien were so accepting of it as well, never questioning the distance she had suddenly put between them, remaining supportive as always.
Her friends weren’t as quiet, however. Alya was determined to figure out what had happened and fix it, and others seemed keen to just offer support as she found herself growing more withdrawn. She didn't encourage or discourage any of this, just feeling like she had no idea of what to do.
“Morning, Mari,” Adrien said as she took her seat behind him, turning to smile at her. That smile made her want to melt, and she offered a small one of her own.
“Good morning, Adrien,” she replied, yet she couldn’t find much else to say. “Um... you guys ready for today? Test next class, right?”
“Yep,” Alya said, just a bit too cheerfully. “I was up half of the night studying, I’m running on caffeine today. Thank goodness I already finished Miss Bustier’s assignment a few nights ago.”
Marinette’s eyes widened, and she jumped to her feet.
Alya sighed. “Don’t tell me you forgot, girl.”
“Yes– I mean no– I mean–“ she closed her eyes. “I finished it, I just left it in my locker, that’s all.”
“We have time until class starts, dude,” Nino said with a smile. “Go grab it, I’m sure you won’t be late.”
“Right, of course,” Marinette said, relaxing slightly. She hadn’t been running late today, she was fine. She pulled away from her desk. “I’ll be right back.”
“Mari?” Adrien asked right before she bolted for the door, and she turned. “Do you think you could stick my jacket in my locker for me?”
“Yeah, of course,” she said, grabbing the jacket as he held it out.
He beamed. “Thank you!”
She smiled, and for a moment everything felt normal between them. “No problem!”
The four of them all knew each other’s locker combinations, this was far from the first time one of them had ran to grab or drop off something for the others. The hallways were still full of students with class having yet to start, but much to her surprise the locker room was empty, just Juleka walking out right as she walked in. She gave her a wave, before heading to Adrien’s locker and opening it up.
Normally she would have just tossed the jacket in, then headed off to grab her assignment, but she couldn’t help but pause as she looked at his locker door. Pictures of him and his friends covered it, but she couldn’t help but notice a majority of them were of her. One of them together on her birthday, holding up their matching lucky charms, another from the time they had managed to get Adrien’s dad to give permission for him to come to the class sleepover, one of them with Alya and Nino as they went out for ice cream.
She couldn’t help but smile as she looked over them, putting his jacket on top of a pile of textbooks, knocking something off of the top of them in the process. This quickly snapped her out of her thoughts, and she leaned down to pick up the red object to put it back.
Her entire body tensed as she looked down at it– a red ribbon covered in black dots, tied in a bow– and right in the center of the bow was a familiar golden bell.
Her fingers trembled slightly as she held the ribbon. She quickly turned it over, fingers passing over velcro just where she knew it would be. She took in a sharp breath as she ran her fingers over the inside of her ribbon, where she felt her embroidered signature.
Marinette instantly recoiled from it, mind racing between any other possibility, but she knew they weren’t possible. This wasn’t a copy, it was the one she had made with her own hands. He couldn’t have taken it from Chat Noir, because he was too protective of his belongings. Chat wouldn’t have given it away, because she knew just how much he had treasured it.
But he wouldn’t leave it right in the open either, right in the middle of his locker where the entire class could see it if he were to open it. He wouldn’t have sent Marinette to his locker with it there, knowing that she would see it and recognize it–
Her fingers tightened around the bow, realizing that he had wanted her to see it. He hadn’t sent her to his locker to put his jacket away, he had sent her here to find it.
Adrien was Chat Noir.
Her Kitty, her best friend– they were one and the same.
Chat Noir would never give away his identity though, not even to Marinette. She knew him better than that, that he would never pull in an outsider. So if he was willing to tell her... that must mean he knew who she was.
My Lady. Princess. Bluebell flowers. Everything began running through her head, words he had said to her, and her breath got caught in her throat the more her mind opened up. Things he had said to her that only Chat should know, asking her about things she had only confided to him as Ladybug.
He knew and had been waiting for her, and she had pushed him away. Everything had been right in front of her, and she had been blind.
“Tikki,” she whispered, clutching the bow tighter. “Tikki I messed up.”
Her kwami peered up from her from her purse. “No, Marinette, you didn’t.”
“B-but I–“
“I don’t care about what you did, Marinette, and neither does Chat! I think the only thing he cares about is what you’re going to do now.”
And so with the jacket and assignment abandoned, Marinette raced out of the locker room, bow clutched in her hand. No one would blink at her holding it, as it belonged to her cat after all.
Her Kitty.
She threw open the classroom door, her classmates looking at her in surprise from her desperate entrance, as it was still too early for her to be late. She paid none of them any heed, her eyes locking on Adrien’s bright green eyes, which held the same sheepish expression she had often seen on him as a cat. He rubbed at the back of his neck, eyes flickering from the bow, then up to her eyes– gaze hopefully.
“Hello, My Lady,” he said softly, and tears stung her eyes. 
She threw herself forward into his arms, and he brought her into his tight embrace. She closed her eyes, and it was just like when they were alone. Perhaps she wasn’t seeing him, but she still knew him. The feel of his arms around her, his familiar scent, the way his chest rose and fell.
“Chaton,” she breathed– she had found him. He had been right here this whole time, waiting. “It’s you, it’s really you.”
“I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “I always have.”
With that they brought each other into a kiss, neither hesitating, barely aware of the cheers from the classmates, or their shifting kwamis in their pocket and purse. All she cared about was his lips on hers. The knowledge that she could have him, that she didn’t have to choose. She could be his and he could be hers.
They were breathing heavily as they pulled back, looking tenderly at each other, still locked in an embrace. Green eyes, blond hair, just like she had known– but he was more amazing than she had ever imagined.
“And I always will,” she whispered, before pulling him back into a kiss.
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gryffindorcls · 5 years
Chat for a Day:  Chapter 5
I’m Dating Adrien Agreste
The bell on the bakery door sounded as the newly established couple walked in holding hands.  They were greeted by two very concerned looking adults.  Marinette’s parents bombarded them the second the teens crossed the threshold.
“Marinette!” Tom scooped her up into a hug, “The nurse called and told us that you weren’t feeling well.  Are you okay?  What’s wrong?  Do you have a fever?  You don’t feel warm.  You look a little flushed though...maybe we should double check just in case.”
She wiggled out of her father’s hold and retreated to Adrien’s side.  Marinette smiled in an attempt to reassure the panicking man.
“Papa, it’s okay!  I’m fine.  I had a headache, and I went to the nurse’s office to lay down.  I must have been tired because I fell asleep.  When I woke up, I was feeling better,” Marinette turned to look at Adrien, “Much better.”
Sabine hugged her.  “Sweetie, we were so worried when the nurse told us to not send you back to school.  I’m glad it’s nothing serious.”
“Wait!” Marinette exclaimed, “She told you what?  I don’t want to stay at home.  Please let me go back to school.  I don’t want to stay at home by myself.”
Adrien slid his hand into Marinette’s and laced his fingers through her own.  Tom and Sabine’s eyes tracked the subtle (yet glaring) movement and exchanged knowing looks.
“Oh, I see,” Sabine said, attempting to stifle a grin, “How about this?  I would really like you to stay home this afternoon and rest.  I don’t want you to get another headache at school.  BUT...as a compromise, how about you and Adrien head up to your room, and I’ll bring you two some lunch.  Then once the school day is over, he can bring you the assignments you missed.”
“And he can stay for dinner,” Tom added patting Adrien on the back.
Marinette looked between her two parents.  “Okay...I’ll stay home.  I guess I do feel really worn out.  I could use some rest.  As for Adrien, well...only if it’s okay with him.”
Adrien pulled out his phone and began typing.  “Lunch should be fine.  I just need to tell my driver that I won’t be coming home.  As for dinner, let me just text Nathalie.  I’m sure it’s okay though.  I have fencing practice after school, but I’ll be free for the rest of the evening once that’s over.  Thank you very much for the offer.  I really appreciate it!”
“What a polite young man!” Sabine clapped her hands together in delight.
“You are welcome in our home whenever you want, son,” Tom said while grabbing Adrien and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.
“Papa, stop!  You’re squishing him!” Marinette protested.
Tom released him.  
“It’s fine, Marinette,” Adrien turned to Tom, “Thank you, sir.  That’s very kind of you to say.”
“If Marinette wants to be with you, then consider yourself a part of the family.  Just make sure you take care of our little girl,” the man said with a serious expression.
“PAPA!” Marinette groaned.  She buried her face in her hands.
Adrien laughed and draped his arm around Marinette, pulling her close.  “I will do my best, sir.  I care about your daughter very much.”
Tom smiled.  “I can see that, son.  Thank you.”
“Okay...before you two embarrass me anymore, we’re going to my room,” Marinette said, grabbing Adrien’s hand and dragging him up the stairs.
They made their way into the apartment and eventually reached Marinette’s room.  In one sweeping movement, she let go of his hand and flopped onto her chaise.  She then proceeded to dramatically hide her face in the fluffy pillow next to her.  
Adrien chuckled at her antics and joined her on the lounger.  He moved close enough to reach out and stroke her soft, raven hair.  She sighed happily, sat up, and gazed into his bright, verdant eyes.
“They remind me of a meadow,” she remarked quietly.
He looked confused.  “And...what exactly reminds you of that, Princess?” 
“Your eyes.  It’s like looking at a grassy meadow in the springtime.  They’re very soothing.”
Adrien smiled lovingly.  “I get lost in yours every time I look into them.  Every day I’m overcome by their beauty.  I am but a weary traveler on the turbulent waters of life until I am met by the calm, cerulean pools that are your eyes.”
Marinette released a shaky breath.  “Wow, that was...poetry...it was…”
”SO CHEESY!” a small, grating voice exclaimed, cutting off Marinette, “At least his prose has improved over the past year.  He used to come home every night and scream ‘her eyes are so blue it hurts’ into his pillow.  There were even a few times he just stared at a Ladybug doll and ugly cried.  However, he still wears the Ladybug pajamas almost every night.”
”PLAGG!” Adrien growled. 
Marinette giggled.  She then reached out and briefly touched Adrien’s cheek.  “It’s okay, Chaton.  I am in no position to judge.  Trust me.”
Adrien cocked his head to the side.  “What do you mean?”
Marinette hung her head low and played with the hem of her skirt.  “Uhm... I may have told you a half-truth about the nature of the pictures on my wall.  I am definitely interested in fashion, but I may have been a little more focused on the person modeling the clothes.”
A mischievous twinkle flashed in his eyes.  “So, last night when you said that you thought the boy you liked had perfect hair, you meant mine?”
“Ugh, don’t let it go to your head, kitty, but yes...I happen to like your hair.  However, you’re not completely perfect, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“Do you know how refreshing it is to hear you say that?”
“Your imperfections are part of what makes you...well, you.  They aren’t weaknesses.  Everyone has good and not so good qualities.  Besides, it doesn’t really matter because I love all of you...not just part of you.  First, I fell in love with the sincere, kind boy who handed me his umbrella on a rainy day.  Then, I did my best to guard my heart against the charming, flirty hero who ran around in a catsuit...and wound up failing miserably.”
Adrien grinned.  “Wait...I just realized something…”
Marinette could almost hear his thoughts through his expression.  She knew exactly where this was going.
“Oh, no,” she mumbled under her breath.
“OH, YES!,” he exclaimed, “I knew one day you would realize that you were in love with me!”
“That’s not fair!  I’ve been in love with you the entire time.”
“But now you’re in love with Chat Noir.”
“No, I’m in love with Adrien Agreste who just so happens to be Chat Noir.”
Marinette froze after completing her last statement.  The full reality of the situation finally dawned on her.
“Oh,” she thought, “There it is.  Chat Noir isn’t just Adrien Agreste...Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir.  Oh.  My.  God.  I’m...I’m...I’m…”
“I’m dating Adrien Agreste,” she whispered, staring blankly into the void.
Adrien leaned in and touched her shoulder.  “I’m sorry, Princess, I didn’t catch that.”
“I’m dating Adrien Agreste!” she clamped her hand over her mouth did her best to not hyperventilate.
He chuckled, “Why yes, you are.  And I’m dating the radiant, talented, and incredible Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette’s eyes locked onto Adrien’s.  “No.  You don’t understand.  I’m dating Adrien Agreste.  I’M DATING ADRIEN AGRESTE!  I’ve been dreaming of this moment for months.  Now, it’s finally happening...and I don’t know what to do.  I wasn’t supposed to freak out about this in front of you.  Ugh...you probably think I’m weird, and you’re not going to want to date me...and…and...and…”
“Marinette?” Adrien asked softly, attempting to pull her out of her panic.
She covered her face with her hands and choked back a sob.  “I think I’m going to cry.”
Adrien quickly wrapped his arms around Marinette and pulled her into a tight embrace.  She could feel herself beginning to shake.  He rubbed her back soothingly with one hand and cradled her head into his chest with the other.
He nuzzled the top of her head and spoke comforting words in her ear.  “Marinette...it’s okay.  It’s just me.  I may be Adrien Agreste, but I’m still your silly Chaton.  Yes, I’m your boyfriend, and no, I’m not going to break up with you.  I’m yours, and only yours.  There is no one else for me.  It’s always been you, and I will always be here for you.  Please don’t cry because of me...please don’t.  I love you.”
As Adrien talked, Marinette felt herself slowly melting into him.  He was warm and safe.  She started to calm down.
“He’s right,” she thought, “There’s no need to be scared of him not liking me anymore.  He loves me...he told me that he loves me.  All of me.”
Once her breathing regulated, she pulled away from Adrien’s chest and looked up at his face.  “I love you, too.”
His hand reached up and wiped away a tear that was on her cheek.  “Do you know how beautiful you are?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that I am dating the most amazing person on the planet.”
“Well, you may be imperfect, but don’t sell yourself short, kitty.  You’re pretty incredible yourself.”
He looked down and bit his lip.  “Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
“Yes, please,” Marinette responded breathlessly.  
His lips carefully found his way to hers.  She responded by tilting her head and deepening the kiss.  Adrien’s hands moved to her waist, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Within seconds she was billions of lightyears away soaring amongst the cosmos.  She was a comet being pulled in by the gravity of a bright, shining star.  Adrien’s fiery and passionate aura conveyed to her a thousand different declarations of love.  He lifted her up and he grounded her at the same time.  He was reserved and outrageous.  He was cautious and a risk-taker.  He was Adrien and Chat Noir.  He was her beautiful paradox, and she loved him all the more for it.
All too soon, they were interrupted by a knock at the hatch to Marinette’s room.  They broke apart and scrambled to opposite sides of the chaise.  
“Yes?” Marinette said while doing her best to sound calm.
The hatch opened, revealing Sabine carrying a tray topped with two bowls and several large chunks of baguette.
“Alright, kids.  I brought you some lunch.  I hope you don’t mind soup,” the kindly woman said with a smile.
“Not at all, ma’am,” his voice sounded strained, “It looks wonderful.  Thank you.”
Sabine looked at the two teens and snickered.  “Adrien, dear, you’re looking a little flushed.  I hope you didn’t catch anything that Marinette might have had.”
Adrien cleared his throat.  “I..uh...no, ma’am.  I’m fine...just a little warm.”
“If you say so, dear,” Sabine smirked, “I’ll leave you kids to it then!”
Marinette’s mother left the tray on the desk and retreated into the lower level of the apartment.  As she closed the hatch behind her, a light chuckle could be heard.
“Sorry,” Marinette apologized.
“My lady, please don’t ever be sorry about something like that,” he remarked, scooting closer, “You’re parents are great, and they seem pretty happy that we’re together.”
“You have no idea.  They’re ecstatic...especially my dad.  He has been waiting for the day that I bring home a boy.”
“No, I remember him being like that when you told him you loved Chat Noir.  At least this time he won’t think that I broke your heart and get himself Akumatized.”
“I think we’ll be okay this time.”
“I hope so...because I’d really like to kiss you again.”
“Oh, yeah?”
The pair were now holding each other closely.  They slowly leaned in and allowed their lips to touch once again.  
“NO!” Plagg whined, “Don’t start kissing again!  I’m hungry, and it’s lunchtime.  You’ll have plenty of time to gaze into each other’s eyes and touch each other’s faces later!”
Tikki flew over to the black Kwami and swatted him with her paw.  “You stop that right now.  You’re not starving.”
“And how do you know that, Sugarcube?  Hmmm?” he asked snarkily, “You don’t know the last time I was fed.”
“I know that Adrien takes very good care of you.  Besides, you reek of cheese, so you must have eaten something recently.”
Adrien rolled his eyes at his Kwami’s antics.  “Marinette, I don’t know if you’ve been formally introduced, but this is Plagg.”
“Hello, little bug.  Nice to see you again.  Do you have any cheese?” Plagg asked with kitten eyes.
”I remember you!” Marinette remarked, “We were quite the team when we fought Style Queen together.  I forgot how cute you are!”
She reached out and scratched Plagg on the top of his head.  The kwami closed his eyes and purred. 
”Don’t encourage him, Marinette, “Adrien said while glaring at Plagg. 
She cheerfully continued to pet the tiny, black being.  “But Adrien...he has tiny kitty ears!”
Adrien crossed his arms.  “Yeah, but all he does is complain.”
“Oh, he’s just hungry,” Marinette said without taking her eyes off of Plagg, “I’ll go get him some cheese.”
He put his hand on her arm.  “No, you don’t have to.  I have some in my bag.”
“She’s my new favorite,” Plagg said, turning to Adrien.
“Get in line.  She’s always been my favorite,” the teen retorted, glaring at his Kwami.
“Excuse me,” Tikki chimed in, “Are you two finished?”
Marinette turned to her boyfriend.  “Have you met Tikki yet?”
Adrien scratched the back of his neck.  “Uhh...yeah, I met her while you were still asleep in the nurse’s office.”
Her eyes grew wide.  “Oh, no!  You saw me sleeping!  I must have looked terrible.”
He pulled her close, “No, you looked adorable...and peaceful.  I felt kind of bad that I had to wake you up.”
Marinette leaned in and nuzzled his nose with her own.  “I’m glad you did.”
“Hey, lovebirds!” Plagg complained, “I’m still here, and I’m STILL HUNGRY!”
Tikki sneered at her counterpart, “Plagg, stop!  Once you get your cheese, we are going to leave these two alone until Adrien has to go back to school.”
“Ugh, fine,” Plagg grumbled.
Adrien nodded in agreement and got the Kwami his cheese.  Plagg shoved it in his mouth and zipped away with Tikki.
While he was up, Adrien grabbed their lunches from the desk and brought it back to the chaise.  The pair ate their lunch and chatted happily.  When they were finished, they placed their dishes back onto the desk, and Adrien grabbed his tablet so they could watch videos together.  
They found that cuddling came easily.  Marinette huddled against Adrien’s chest.  He nestled his arm around her waist and rested his cheek on the top of her head.  They comfortably sat together for the remainder of the lunch break.
“Marinette?” Adrien whispered in her ear, “I have to go now, but I can’t get up until you let go.”
“No.” she responded firmly, “I just got you, and I’m not going to let you go.  Also, you’re cozy and warm.”
Adrien chuckled and kissed the top of her head.  “As much as I don’t want to go either, I have to go back to school.”
Marinette sighed and rolled off of his chest. “Fine, but I still don’t see why I can’t come back with you.  I feel better now.”
“You feel better because you slept in the nurse’s office.  I agree with what your mom said before.  I don’t want your headache to come back.  Please rest while I’m gone.”
“But I want to be with you.”
“Princess, there will be plenty of days for us to be together in school.  I will see you when I’m done with fencing practice.  Nathalie texted me back and told me that I can come over for dinner.  Tonight I will be all yours.”
Marinette closed the gap between them and pecked him on the lips.  
“Okay,” she conceded.
A lovesick grin spread across his face, and he reached up to brush a stray hair out of her face.  “Good.  I’ll see you later.  I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Adrien.”
They embraced again before he collected Plagg, walked across the room, opened the hatch, and disappeared into the apartment below.  Marinette immediately felt his absence.
“Tikki,” she called out to her Kwami.
“Yes, Marinette?” the tiny red being responded, zooming over to her chosen.
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“Yes, he is.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“I can.  You two are soulmates.”
Marinette looked at Tikki with widened eyes.  “Wait...really?”
“Yes,” the Kwami answered, “you and Adrien balance each other perfectly...just me and Plagg.”
“Wow...that’s incredible.  Ugh...but I have to wait hours before I see him again!  What am I supposed to do while I’m waiting?”
“Designing usually takes your mind off of things.”
Marinette’s face lit up.  “You’re right, Tikki!  There’s actually something I’ve been meaning to make for Chat.  It’s already sketched, and I have all the material.  I just hope he’ll like it.”
Tikki giggled.  “Oh, Marinette, Adrien will cherish anything that you give him.”
“I think I can get it done before he gets back.”
“You can do it!”
Marinette pulled out her materials.  As she wound the bobbin on her sewing machine, she was suddenly struck with yet another realization.  She took her foot off the pedal and turned towards Tikki.
“What is it Marinette?” the Kwami asked with a hint of concern.
“If I’m dating Adrien, and Adrien is Chat Noir...then that means that Chat Noir is dating Ladybug.”
“That’s technically true.”
“Wow...we really got ourselves into a mess there didn’t we?”
“It was both interesting and frustrating watching you two dance around each other.”
Marinette smiled and returned to working on her project.  “At least we’ve found each other now.  I never thought I could be this happy.  I still can’t believe I’m dating Adrien Agreste.  This is a dream come true.”
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and following this story.  You are all wonderful!
Also, thank you to those who have left comments and asks.  They make my heart feel full, and it fuels my passion to keep writing!  (That and I love talking with all of you!)
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (01) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Smut (future), Angst, CollegeAU! 
A/N: First chapter is finally here! For more intel about who the boys are or what they study in this college universe go to my page, there’s real twitter accounts!!! For more information feel free to message me :) ALSO if you want to appear in this fic (I’ll make it as interactive as possible) send me your name and zodiac sign + what you do or want to do in college and I’ll make it happen!!! I really hope you guys like it :) 
The Characters • Day 1  • Day 2
“Good morning South!” Yoongi’s voice echoed through the halls of the school and even though he should sound excited, his voice maintained in a monotone, a really, really, bored and sleepy one. Yoongi was the radio boy basically. Every morning he had to wake up extra early to be able to do all the announcements the university needed him to. It was his giant love for music that made him volunteer to take care of the station – that and he really enjoyed being alone, so he had a whole studio for himself. Plus, everyday the halls were filled with good music. “Today for lunch we will have pizza and don’t forget everyone, Saturday we have the volley’s male team game. You won’t want to miss it!”
He ended his morning announcements and started preparing the playlist that will play during the rest of the day when there was a knock on the door. He tiredly gets up to open the door that he usually locks to keep noisy and unwanted people out. When he sees Carolina, a smile immediately forms in his face.
“Oh my life saver!” He says tiredly as he swings an arm around her neck and pulls her inside, grabbing one of the coffees she’s holding with his other hand. “Good morning for you too.” She chuckles. “What’s good for today?” “Pizza for lunch.” He chuckles as well. “I’m getting too old to do this morning routine. Namjoon should put some pills on his dad’s coffee.” He complained. Every morning he had to talk with the director to receive the announcements and it was a headache every time. “You’re in your twenties Yoongs…” Carolina said rolling her eyes. “But yeah, that would be nice… maybe. I slept only three hours I think and I have volley practice yay!” She threw her arms in the air pretending to be cheerful but failing miserably. “So I really need the push.” “You’re also getting too old for that… see?!” He laughs when she yawns. “Do you wanna help me with the playlist? There’s still a couple of songs I can add and I always trust your taste.” “Team granddads always.” She smiles. “Sure! What vibe are we setting today?” “Well we have to go more ‘college vibes’” He said throwing air marks and mocking the director’s tone. “So help me out, no swear words either!” He jokes. “Oh god, we’ve gone preppy…” She let’s out a sigh and sits on the end of his lap, looking at the list he already had. “But ok, I’m here to help! What about cosmos midnight to cheer up our morning? Hmm the ‘Talk To Me’ one?” “Once again my lifesaver.” He squeezed her sides. Carolina and Yoongi would seem like boyfriend and girlfriend to everyone that passed by them. They were both crazy for each other, to the point where they would really take a bullet for the other, not just for the charm of Bruno Mars. But in reality, it was a genuine friendship. They were very similar and they were comfortable around each other to the point where not touching was weird – piggybacks, cuddling, hugs. The only thing that kept them from dating each other was the fact that they praised their friendship too much and Carolina now had her eye out to a mystery drawing guy. “Let me just add that one to the playlist and we are good to go.” “Where are we going and can you please take me on your back?” She asked making him let out a laugh. “We’re going to the cafeteria because I’m starving and yes, I’ll carry your lazy ass.” “Just kidding! You need to be in shape for your next game.” She said tapping on his back because he was already kneeling down for her to climb on.  “It’s your loss. Come on.” He said and once again swung his arm around her neck as he closed the door of the radio station and headed towards the cafeteria.
By this time of the morning, the halls of Southern California University were starting to get flowed by people who had morning classes, which was basically all the freshman and junior. There were two juniors in particular that always were theme of conversation and caught a lot of eyes everywhere they went. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. They were childhood friends that were inseparable. Taehyung is majoring in Fine Arts and was the most eccentric it could get. He had blue hair and looked like a god. But he was the kindest person on earth too so that made him have a lot of girls swooning over him. As for Jimin he was majoring in Performative Arts and was head of the football team, he was the quarterback since his first year and that made him be the most popular boy in the entire university in a glimpse of eyes. Now, despite the both of them being the best of friends, when it came to their social circles, they didn’t belong to the same areas and even thought their interest were almost the opposite, they would always talk and support each other on everything.
“And then!” Taehyung almost screamed from the excitement of the conversation. “The little seagull just flew right from the under the barrel and next to the bigger ones and I was getting so soft but then the video stopped and it switched to that meme from Nemo where all the seagulls are saying fish!” “Fish fish fish fish fish!” Both boys started singing like it had happened in the movie. “Why did you stop?” Taehyung asked after a couple of ‘fish’ when he realized he was doing it alone. “Look, there’s Deo. Let’s go to her.” Jimin said cheerfully walking to the girl that was stuffing a book in her locker. “Good morning baby!” “Morning!” She said smiling widely, giving him a tight hug. “Oh… hi.” Deo added once she noticed Taehyung standing behind the other boy. “Hey!” He smiled awkwardly. “Oh c’mon guys, you already know each other, no need to be shy!” Jimin chuckled lightly, pushing his friends a bit closer together. “Hmm… sure! How’s everything going?” “Good!” Deo said almost immediately, as she turned again to her locker to grab her book. “Well, I gotta get to class. See you.” She said after slamming her locker door and throwing a death glare to Jimin, she left. “Ooooook! So are we seeing that movie tonight or what?” "That was weird... She looked weird don't you think?" Jimin basically spoke to himself. "But yes! We are! What movie?" He smiled sheepish lost in the conversation. “I don’t know, you are the friend not me.” Taehyung said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Bro! I told you about it five times already- the vintage one, noir.” "Ohh! That's right! Yeah, we can watch it tonight!" “Ok then, but don’t forget!” He said with warning eyes. “Gotta go, I’m probably late again.” “I’ll be there!” Jimin screamed and his friend was already walking so he decided to also go to his class. For the popular boy, he was suddenly left abandoned by his two best friends and one of them was clearly mad at him but to him it wasn’t that clear so he still had to do something about that.
Nearby, Hyori, Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting in the lounge. The morning sun was so pleasing that the latter made them sit outside to enjoy some vitamin C. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for Jungkook to vent his problems. He knew he could talk to his friends whenever, but sometimes they were too hyped to listen.
“I just don't understand the need for her to call me virgin boy. What's her deal after all? She doesn't even know me." Jungkook let out frustrated. The day hadn't even started and the words ‘virgin boy’ had already hunted him in the halls. "I don't know Gguk, maybe you just need to let it go. Focus on something else?" Hobi suggested. "She just started it out without no apparent reason?" Hyori finally said something. "Apparently. We have some classes together and I know she lives in my building but I don't remember any interaction we may had? She just started calling me like that after a class and when I noticed, it was running the college." He said in a pout. "Ok either you did something and you're just not remembering because boys never pay attention enough or she just likes to rile you up and it's working." Hyori added. “I don’t think I did?” Jungkook basically asked thinking of their interactions. “Maybe she has a crush?” Hoseok shrugged and Jungkook looked to Hyori. He needed her girl intuition. "That's an option yes! Who is she anyway?" Hyori asked already super curious. She loved and lived for a good gossip. "I don't know how to explain it to you. She has purple hair." Jungkook said like it was impossible for Hyori not to know who the girl was by that description. "Here, this is her social media." Hobi passed her the phone. "Really good description." He teased to Jungkook who huffed. 
"Ok… isn't this the girl that dates that trouble maker? The radio guy? She seems bad news" Hyori said as she scrolls down Carolina’s posts. "I know for a fact they are always on that radio booth together, only God knows doing what." "So what should I do? About the whole virgin boy thing..." "I don't know… tell her to stop?" "He already tried that and failed..." Hobi sighed. "Maybe you just have to do the same. If she starts teasing you, tease back?" "That's a good option… I mean the worst that can happen is her boyfriend beating you up but he's way smaller than you so you have a chance. Or she will beat you up… either way, someone needs to teach them a lesson, it was about time" the girl said.  "He wouldn't have a chance. He is way smaller than me." Jungkook said emphasizing in the smaller. "If she kicks my ass you and Deo have to step in, I can't hit a girl." Jungkook laughed. "Listen I would throw my chemistry books at her for you but if she runs for my head please do something! I'm not good at one on one and just by her face she seems like she would break my neck" “Guys! What violent nonsense is this?” Hoseok said getting up front his chair. “Off to class the both of you!” "Wha-" Jungkook started but was immediately cut off by Hobi again. "I'll see you at lunch!" "Let's go virgin boy! Can't arrive late and ruin my perfect academy life." Hyori said also getting up and let out a laugh once she heard Jungkook complain behind her.
As the group parted ways, Hyori walked in a fast pace to her class. She hated being late but the conversation with Jungkook and Hoseok took more of her time than she was expecting and she couldn’t afford to lose any word that left the teacher’s mouth. When she got to her biology class, there were only a couple of seats vacant and she took the one that were nearest to the teacher’s table. That way she could still record the class and take her notes. She was in the middle of a way too long sentence when someone tapped on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Jeonghan, a boy from her class she wished she knew a lot better but never had the guts to go and talk to him.
“Sorry, can I take a peek of your notebook? I can’t keep up the pace with her.” He smiled sheepishly. “Sure! Can you see like this?” She said turning her notebook a little to his side but at the same time trying to hide how red her cheeks already were. “Yeah, that’s perfect!” He smiled sweetly. The class continued but now Hyori was a little out of focus. She could still catch some words but the fact that Jeonghan was almost breathing down her neck was making her lose her senses and the only thing on her mind was the smell of his cologne. “Hey, it’s Hyori right?” He asked leaning against the table as Hyori was packing her stuff. "Yes! That's right!" "Thanks for the help during class! You were a great help really." He smiled as he scratched the back of his neck. "I was thinking, if you aren't too busy maybe we could study together or something? After class?" "Oh it was nothing!" She smiled nervously "Sure, that would be great! Just say where and when." "Can I have your number? I have practice after class but we can check our schedules and set a date?" He said already taking his phone out of his pocket. "Of course! I have some tutoring to do as well, but sure, we'll manage" She laughs and he hands her his phone where she types her number. "I already gave you a ring so you can have my number as well. I'll text you later Hyori!" He said grabbing his backpack and smiling widely to her, walking towards the door. “Bye!” Hyori called out and then she let out a long sigh she didn’t even realized she was holding. Boy, she was starstruck.
As Hyori left her class she immediately spotted Jungkook in the crowd and walked up to him. Hobi was probably already waiting for them in the cafeteria. It was pizza day. No one could push them away from there. But unlike them, there were another group that preferred to eat outside. Not because of the fresh air but because they enjoyed the quietness of the bleachers. It was unusual for people to have lunch there so they had maybe half an hour to eat in peace before the field would be filled with youngsters that wanted to lay down or play some ball.
“Hey losers!” Carolina said coming by alongside Yoongi. The boy had this tired look on his face like he had gone to bed too late, and he probably did. “Where were you this morning? I didn’t even see you” Jin - the oldest of the group and also Carolina's house mate - said. “I have class at eight remember? I don’t have your easy senior life” She replied sitting down next to Taehyung. He was currently sketching something on his journal, not really paying attention to the conversation. “After all this years i deserve a break don’t you think?” The oldest said chuckling. “Not really” “Well, talk in two years about that and you’ll see” “Where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi asked for the first time making everyone even Taehyung look around for their friend. “Is he sick or something?” Carolina asked. “I gave him a ride this morning...” Yoongi added. “He’ll probably show up in a few” Jin said returning his attention to the sandwich he was eating. “I saw him in the cafeteria earlier” Taehyung said still drawing “I think his class ends a little after ours” “Oh there he is!” Carolina pointed looking behind Jin. Namjoon had a fast pace and his hands were full with large books. And although he was a little clumsy, he was a true catch. “Guys!!!” He called out with his dimple smile “Did you heard it?!” “What? What happened this time?” Yoongi asked a little uninterested drinking his coffee. “Did you hear that rumor about JK being a virgin? Do you think it’s true? Like- he’s a nice kid but who is still a virgin in college?!” Namjoon said sitting down and almost falling down of the bleachers if it wasn’t for Jin holding him. “Really? I though he had a girlfriend or something... I think Jimin mentioned it once” Taehyung added to the conversation. “Ya, why do we even care? Let the kid be” Yoongi said taking a bite of Carolina’s sandwich. “What would Jimin know though?” Carolina said to Taehyung “And besides, he uses this purity ring on his finger all the time” “Like the Jonas brothers?” Jin asked incredulous. “Yep, he’s the fourth member for sure” “That was even a thing?” Namjoon asked a little lost. “And you seem to know a lot about the subject” Yoongi said with a smirk looking to Carolina “Odd” “I know because he has some classes with me that’s all” “Let’s ask him today on the way home!” Jin suggested “Maybe his father is a preacher” “No, his father is a designer, I know him” Taehyung said casually. “Oh” Namjoon let out like he was disappointed with the outcome. “Ok but guys-“ Carolina said cutting the subject “Can we discuss the fact that Jin was caught trying to wear my bra yesterday?!” “I SAID I WAS JUST DOING AN EXPERIMENT!!!” Seokjin bursted. “He was probably trying to open it with one hand only... you know, for practice” Yoongi said in a monotone. “Dude, you could have said that, I would help” Taehyung offered. “Wow” Carolina said. “That’s some... kinky shit right there” Namjoon pointed out eating his lunch.
The group can seem a little odd to the outside viewers but they all had a lot in common. Carolina and Taehyung had practically been raised together, their parents were friends for a lifetime and to top that they were neighbours. When she came to college though, her schedule didn’t match his, so she wandered around in some clubs trying to spend some time and also to try and find someone to share her apartment with. She would share it with Taehyung, but unfortunately to her he was already doing so with Park Jimin, his best friend. Already on her first week she got lucky to somehow end in a vintage game conference and ended up meeting Jin, a senior in the college who was desperate to get out of the campus dorm and that somehow knew Taehyung. She didn’t have to think much about it to rent her spare room to him, and yes, he was a guy, but her parents were pretty open minded and if he knew Taehyung... well that was a major plus. On her second week she met Namjoon, a nice and shy guy that was friends with Seokjin and usually would sit with them to grab some lunch. She only discovered he was the son of the dean a month later when her group ended up in a mess (a thing they would do a lot!). Yoongi was a different case... she met him because fate once more moved to her favor. In the building she lived, there were more apartments and one of them belonged to Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook (the virgin boy according to Carolina who may or may not have spread that rumor out). How she discovered that? Well, Jin asked Namjoon for a ride but turned out that Yoongi was the driver. He was a tough one to crack at first but once she discovered they had the same music taste, they became really close. She would mostly spend her days skipping classes at the radio station of the college, where Yoongi was the main dj. In college they would mainly hangout in the bleachers, because it was sunny and pretty far of the rest of the college population. If it was a cold or rainy day, well, they would go to the lounge area to chill and eat something. If it was after classes, always Jin and Carolina’s apartment since they tried it once at Yoongi’s (he isn’t much of going out of the house) but Carolina arrived and Jungkook was casually eating cereals in his pajamas and well, let’s just say she didn’t understood why he was there in the first place. Despite them being super tired already, the day continued on and they still had a couple of classes in the afternoon. The sun made them feel sleepy so when they had to get up to go to class, it seemed more like a herd of zombies walking down the halls. The boys had this protective habit of walking Carolina to her class and once she entered the door they would all disperse, going on with their lives.
Carolina had decided to take her usual trip to the broom closet. She gained this habit in her first week and it became more and more regular when some sketches started to appear on the walls and on the door. It intrigued her. As far as she knew, she was the only habitant of the broom closet in the arts department and those drawings felt like gifts and the smell of cigarettes made it more appealing each time. She was dying to find whom it could be. Unfortunately for her, she had to return to her class of photography. She wasn’t really excited today. What was the point of having a class like that and not photograph? She didn’t need to know how many pixels there were in how many centimeters so, inspired by the sketches in the broom closet, she scribbled on her own notebook. And everything was fine until she heard 'pop quiz next week' coming out from the teacher's mouth. Her mind began racing and she looked around to see from whom she could manage to get some info for the quiz. She really had no choice.
“Psstt, virgin boy!” Carolina called out to Jungkook. Despite unfamiliar, he was the more familiar face she had in that class. Once he turned around, she continued. “Can you borrow me your notebook real quick?” She whispered to him. “Why?” He asked, genuinely confused. They weren’t friends and for what he remembered not even once she was nice to him. “Dude, just help me out. I have zero things written down.” He looked at her not following why she would care and he was about to speak but shut his mouth. “Fine, but you owe me one.” He passed her his notebook that she grabbed firmly, not letting go of his gaze. “That’s not how it works virgin boy.” He couldn’t help but snort. He was so tired of the virgin boy rumor and he was 100% sure she was the one spreading it. He just didn’t know why. “Uhuh, just hurry up.” “If I want to.” Carolina teased harder. “So what? You’re keeping my notebook?” He arched his eyebrow, a smirk showing in his lips. “Why? Is there something here I can’t see?” She asked, interest and curiosity rising from what secrets she could find in his book. “Browse away, but if you just want to keep something mine, I can bring you a sweater. At least is comfier.” He teased. “Is that you flirting with me, virgin boy?” She pressed on his new nickname, making him snort once again. “You wish. Just hurry,” he turned back to the board. “or neither of us will pass the pop quiz next week. I need to write down what she’s saying.” “Here.” She said taking the last picture and handing him the notebook. “And hurry up writing it down cause I need the rest of it!” Once the class was over, Jungkook gathered his things and left. He had volleyball practice tonight so he wanted to go home and rest but as he was about to leave the main hall he heard someone call his name. “Hey, virgin boy! You forgot the rest of the notes.” Carolina said almost skipping to catch him. “Really? I think I got everything she said.” He played dumb. “No dumbass, you forgot to pass them on to me.” “Oh, I don’t think I did.” “But you did.” Carolina pushed back and he smirked. “Nope.” “Seriously, can you just stop this... thing and give me the notes? I really need them and you’re the most organized one so far” “Well maybe if you were nicer and stopped calling me virgin boy…” “Oh so it affects you that much huh?” She narrowed her eyes looking at him, trying to figure out if he was a virgin or not. "You are the one losing here sweetheart. Anyway, you still have a week." He turned around ready to leave but was stopped. “Woah!” Carolina held his arm. “First of all, you should work on that pet name thing virgin boy, ‘sweetheart’ is a major turn off... but anyways! Just-“ She let out a long sigh. “Borrow me your notes, I swear I’ll be quick” “Not today.” He got loose of her hold and started walking towards the exit. “Fine. Just know that I’m kinda resentful sometimes.”
As Jungkook walked off, Carolina was ready to punch someone into a locker but she knew there was no use in getting in trouble over him. Instead she was planning on wasting all her rage at the volleyball practice later on. The halls were all empty and Namjoon found himself wandering through the corridor he already knew like the back of his hand. He wasn’t in the mood for how the rest of his day was about to end but he also knew there was no use in postponing this any further, so he walked into the dean’s office – or better yet, his dad’s office. 
“Son, you’re lat- what clothes are those?” Dean Kim frowned immediately as soon as he saw the clothes his son was wearing. “My going out clothes? Why? There’s something wrong?” He asked looking at himself, from head to toe. “I told you this dinner was important, I needed you in more formal attires.” He said sternly. “I don’t have anything more formal than this dad… I’m just in college.” Namjoon sighed, trying to contain his temper from coming out. “And besides, nobody will even notice me, I’m sure!” He added trying to lighten the mood. “Either way, we don’t have time to change now. Your mother is coming too so we’ll have to go pick her up.” He said without even looking at his son, already picking up his briefcase. “Mom is coming? Why?” “Because it looks better in the pictures if she’s there.” He paused. “You already know these stuff.” “No, I don’t. I don’t know why you two have to keep pretending… Don’t you see it’s a burden for mom?” Namjoon said sadly. It hurt his heart to see his mom sad and for a lot of years, that was the only look he seen in her face. “I don’t think this matter really concerns you.” He said in a cold tone. “Yes it does dad. God!” Namjoon let out frustrated, sitting down on one of the puffy chairs. “I’m your son and I have to see this act go on and how it hurts all of us… This is not right. Can’t we just- I don’t know… Let’s just go the two of us.” “I already said. This is not up for discussion. Since when do you stand up to my word? Those friends of yours…” The dean basically spat. He didn’t approve of his son’s friends ever since the first time they all came into his office for a prank they pulled and the hole cafeteria had to be evacuated. “This has nothing to do with my friends. I stand up for what is right and you would know that if you paid more attention to the real me, not the perfect son you created in your mind.” “Why can’t you just have a good record, study hard so that you have a bright future?! I just want what is best for you. One day you’ll realize that.” “And I do that. I study hard, I have great grades. The only thing lacking for you is appearances.” Namjoon spat, hurt by his father’s words. “You could dress better. You look like a delinquent in those baggy clothes. I’ll ask your mother to take you out shopping soon. Now we have to go.” “Sure thing… dad.” Namjoon said in a quitting tone, following his father to the car.
He just wanted this night to end but it hadn’t even started. Ever since he was little, he doesn’t remember a moment where his mother was truly happy with his father. Since early, she decided it would be best to be a stay-at-home mom and take care of Namjoon and his little sister. Mr. Kim was making more than enough money being an university dean to take care of the whole family so why work? But that made Namjoon's mom become more and more unhappy and she didn’t have the strength to get away from the depending relationship she had with her husband. When she finally managed to find herself a job and ask for divorce, Mr. Kim found a way to continue controlling her. After all, what kind of strong and powerful family is one that isn’t able to hold a marriage? Namjoon just wanted to see his mom happy but it was still far from being capable of such things.
As Namjoon's continued to go disastrously, Jungkook and Carolina were already at their volleyball practice and coach decided it would be a good idea to mix the teams up. Boys and girls all against each other. Unfortunately, Jungkook wasn’t lucky enough to be put in the same team as Carolina and she had a lot of anger inside that she needed to let out and what better way than smashing some balls? Coach even said he wished she could play with the boy’s team this Saturday due to how roughly and determinedly she was playing. That was until she finally managed to throw a ball directly into Jungkook's face, that made him go straight to the floor with a bloody nose. He didn’t thought he could have such an impact on the girl. It were just some stupid notes... how would she react like if she was dumped? He thought that to himself and decided it was better to do some peace offerings after practice. So when the time came to hit the lockers, he got ready as fast as he could and waited for her to get out. In all ways, he found the situation funny that she could be so uptight.
"So I guess practice wasn't good enough to unload your rage?" Jungkook asked with a grin on his face, grabbing Carolina's arm since she decided to pretend he didn't exist. “Better take your hands off if you don’t wanna see what’s left of that rage” "Oh c'mon are you seriously mad because I didn't give you my notes?" He almost snorted. "Yes I am” She said serious. "I can give them to you if it would stop your hulk mode." “No need” "I see you also have a big pride" He teased harder. “No I just have an intolerance to bitchy people. Now if you’ll excuse me” She said, starting to walk away. "I don't actually." He grabbed her arm once more, making her spin back to him. "I'm the bitchy one? Really?" "What do you even want, virgin boy? Tell me cause I’m kinda losing my patience here” Carolina said. She was close to losing her temper and even closer at punching him in the face. "You are the one acting like a child and you have the guts to say I'm bitchy. You need to swallow that temper of yours. If you want the notes just tell me instead of this." Jungkook said, done with her way of talking, making her laugh acidly. "Listen, sweetheart, i asked you once maybe twice for the notes, i won’t ask for them again. And the one being childish is clearly you. You came to offer your notes, I said no, but for some reason you don’t let me go” She never once lost eye contact, done with his behavior. “I call that childish behaviour. Either you state what you want or leave me be” "Fine." Jungkook snorts and leaves.
Jungkook was pissed off so as soon as he got home, he got inside his room and decided it was best to just sleep. On the other hand, on campus, Hyori was trying hard to study for one of her upcoming exams but her phone and a boy was keeping her unfocused.  Deo was on her bed, trying to read a book she had just bought but the constant beeping was making her stress and although she didn’t want to pry, she couldn’t stop herself from asking.
“Why is your phone always beeping?” Deo asked. Hyori’s phone had been beeping for the past half hour nonstop and it wasn’t the usual routine the girl would do when she studied. “Oh!” She says turning around to face her roommate, a blush already creeping in her cheeks. “It’s just this boy from my bio class.” “A boy?” Deo asked putting down her book and crossing her legs in the bed, paying full attention to the conversation now. “It’s no big deal so don’t make a big deal out of it! But yes, he’s cute and his name is Jeonghan.” “How can I not make a big deal out of this when you say he’s cute and you’re putting your studies on pause to answer him?” Deo said overly excited. “What are you talking about?” “Seriously, it’s no big deal. He’s just super friendly that’s all.” Hyori let’s out a laugh, a nervous one. “If somehow it happens to be something more, I will let you know, don’t worry.” “Do you have a date yet?” The smaller girl wiggled her eyebrows teasingly making Hyori roll her eyes but laugh right after. “What’s up with you though? I could see you furrowing your brows and thinking hard on your bed.” She said more serious now. “It’s just this book… so intriguing.” “I’m sure it is…” Hyori said eyeing the girl to see if she could figure her out. “You know what’s funny? I have like a million texts of Jimin asking me why you won’t talk to him.” “He is such an annoying ass.” Deo whispered more to herself. “You know his friend, Taehyung?” “The artsy one?” Hyori asked raising her eyebrow. “Yeah, the one with blue hair. You know I can’t stand him and today Jimin just came to me with him like ‘oh hey guys you are best friends!’ No we’re not!!” Deo let out a long and hard sigh. “It pisses me off. He already knows I don’t like him but he keeps pushing.” “And why is that exactly? That you don’t like him?” "I can't believe you're going to analyze me now... I think you should drop out of psychology” Deo said trying to ease the mood but Hyori’s face stayed still. “Well, first of all, he's a weirdo. Just the other day he came to Jimin saying that the light bill was getting too high that he needed to watch out for the lights he forgot to turn off. Bro, we live in the dorms!" She rolled her eyes, annoyed of thinking back to that moment. "And the real reason I think it is because I'm jealous?" “Jealous of Jimin or… Taehyung?” Hyori asked in a suggesting tone and made Deo snort. “Why would I be jealous of Taehyung?!” She asked confused. “Of Taehyung… for no big deal. Now, of Jimin… well, the way I see it, maybe you’re having a moment of ‘why this loopy head guy is messing with my emotional’?” “I don’t see it… I just don’t understand why Jimin likes him so much. I mean, I’m his best friend too! I should be enough… I know it’s not fair.” “Yes, he’s a little- how can I say… weird? Out of the box? Anyways, he can be that but he is kinda funny in his own way… And Jimin speaks highly of him, he’s always saying he’s a great friend and moral support, so even if you don’t like the dude, just maybe tolerate him for Jimin? You know you love Jimin.” “I smiled at the dude today!” Deo said in defeat. “I won’t be disrespectful towards him because that wasn’t how I was raised but I can’t stand his face.” “That’s either called love or pure ‘I want to have sex with you’ you know?” Hyori said with a big smirk in her face. “How- I don- Ok you know what! Just go back to studying and texting the cute boy.” Deo said sticking her tongue out to her and picking back her book. “Ok scratch that, it’s more ‘I madly want to have sex with him’” She laughs lightly. “But hey, I’m not judging! The dude is weird but is super handsome!” “I DON’T WANT TO!” Deo protested, throwing a pillow at the other girl’s head. "And you know what? The girls I'm tutoring said pretty good stuff about him too… his hands are THAT big for a reason" Hyori continued teasing. “DUDE!” Deo hid her face in one of her pillows, flustered. “Do you think he’s good at it though? Because he has the fame but you never know.” “Oh I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing.” “I think you are the one who has a crush huh? Loopy is your type then?” “Loopy is super handsome yes, but I’m more of a smartass kind of girl.” Hyori said, slowly in the last part, thinking of what her type would be. “Loopy is more your type really.” “Just… don’t ok! And don’t give Jimin any ideas. And stop having ideas too!” “Will you start talking to Jimin again?” “Yes… you know I can’t stay mad for long.” “Then it’s a secret.” She winked and laughed hard right after because Deo pretended to throw her book to her head like she did with the pillow.
But that talk really made Deo think. It wouldn’t be fair for Jimin to wait until the next morning for them to talk again and it shouldn’t be something done by the phone either. So she decided to drop by their dorms. Hoseok was the hall security so that wouldn’t be a problem for her to reach their door. She put on some sweat pants and went out with her pj shirt. Who cared? She knocked on their door and soon it opened. It was Jimin.
“Hey, sorry to drop by this late…” Deo started and Jimin immediately involved her in a big hug. “I should be the one giving the hug you know.” She chuckled. “Why were you mad at me today?” Jimin asked with a pout. “Can you…” she pointed at the door signaling him to close it and he did so. “I just- I’m sorry. I was being childish just because I’m jealous of all the attention you give Taehyung. I promise I’ll work harder to be nice to your friend.” “You could’ve just stopped at the sorry but I’ll make you keep the last part!” He gave her a big smile when she rolled her eyes. “You are an ass.” She said trying to maintain a straight face but failed miserably. “Do you wanna come in? We were just watching a movie!” Jimin said already opening the door and turning to Taehyung. Somehow they managed to hang an old projector in one of the walls over the bed and were watching the movie like they were in the cinema. They had popcorn and everything. “Oh no! I look like shit! These are my pjs!” “Hey Taetae, look! Deo is here!” “Hey there!” Taehyung gives a little wave with his hand. “Bro can I press play already? I hate to pause it in the middle of an important dialogue.” He looked frustrated to Jimin. “Sorry!” He turned to Deo once more. “Do you wanna watch the move with us?” “Oh I don-“ “Effort remember?” Jimin almost whispered to her. “Sure. Do you mind?” Deo asked now to Taehyung. “It’s ok, but please don’t make me back up to the beginning of the movie.” “I won’t!” She said almost rising her hands up. “I’m clicking play already! Shut the lights Jimin!” Taehyung said turning his attention to the screen. “Go sit!” Jimin ordered Deo, pointing to the bed but she stood still. She didn’t want to have to sit in the middle of the boys. “C’mon!!” “Popcorn?” Taehyung asked, pushing the bowl towards her. All she could think about was that silly conversation she had with Hyori about his hand and she found herself blushing from the thoughts that crossed her mind with the boy right next to her. “No, I’m good…. But thanks.” As someone who didn’t care much about hands and their beauty, she had to admit, his hands were just something. “I want!” Jimin said breaking the imaginary tension and shoving his hand down the bowl and taking a hand full straight to his mouth. For the rest of the movie, Taehyung kept on making comments about the hole aesthetic of the movie while the other two remained in silence, watching. Once it ended, they decided they would enjoy the final credits and the music that came in, Jimin already had his head on Deo's lap and was close to falling asleep because she had been playing with his hair for the longest time. "See? This is the kind of movies that make me regret chosing performative arts." Deo said after a big sigh, with a frown in her face. “Why?” Taehyung turned his body so that he was facing her directly. "Oh well... there's a lot of things I like to do and it gets hard to having to choose only one to do. It's like choosing between kids you know? I like photography, but I also like dancing and singing and I also really like movies so how am I suppose to pick one?" “It’s not that hard if you are open minded enough to be a lot of people at the same time. I don’t think I want to do just one thing for the rest of my life...” "I don't think that either but I meant more like in learning. These majors are too expensive for me to take every single one I like." “Hm.. you just have to choose the one you identify yourself most, not thinking you will be giving up the others. That’s what I think” Taehyung said after a long time of looking at the ceiling, thinking. "That's a good way of thinking" “Why are you so quiet?” Taehyung asked curious to Jimin. It wasn't much like him to be quiet. "Oh no reason! I was just thinking along with your conversation! When I was little I used to get picked on a lot by my family because I liked to dance but I also like football so anything is possible. I'm having the best of both worlds." He chuckles. “Yeah, I remember” Taehyung laughs along with him, thinking about those moments from their childhood. "So yeah, anything is possible" Jimin said getting up from Deo's lap just to pinch her nose right after. "As long as you work hard for it!" "That's also a good way of thinking. Never knew you could be that wise Jimin." Deo said teasingly. "But anyway, it's getting late so I should get going." “Working hard remembers me of the review I have to write due tomorrow” Taehyung sighed, making the others laugh. “There’s never a chill out moment without paperworks to do after” "Do you need me to walk you to your dorm?" Jimin asked to Deo. He didn't like it when she would wander around campus late at night. "Oh no! Thanks for the popcorns" She said to Taehyung as she got out of the bed. "Sure, anytime!" Taehyung showed off his boxy smile. "See you tomorrow babe." Deo put herself on her tiptoes and gave Jimin a tight hug, walking to the door right after.
 > Day 2 <
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lorewytch · 5 years
Last Villain Bio
At last the final one is here! Finally, I have the bio for the worst of the worst! Everyone here is the bio Noir. Warning: Severe traumatic experiences, deaths and pure insanity lay within this post.
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“Maybe one day...you’ll find humanity...”
Name: Lunnoir (Noir) Clypse
Age: 16
Hair: Long and frizzy, unkempt. Black sparkling with stars. Almost the color of the cosmos itself.
Eyes: Piercing neon green
Birthday: May 1
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Activities: Singing, acting, collecting rocks and naming them, a rock band from her home world, sleeping, stargazing, jewelry making.
Favorite Dessert: Dark chocolate
Favorite Color: Green and black Personality: When Lore first met Noir, she was bright like her own star. She was passionate, wild, free loving and dedicated to helping her world in every way she could. She loved her family and friends dearly and even started to form a crush on a neighborhood boy. She and Lore became fast friends, her smile seemed endless and she became loyal and reliable. She looked up to Lore immensely. But after a terrible series of events and Lore was nowhere in sight, Noir felt her entire world crumble around her as she watched her friends and family senselessly murdered before her eyes. The world around her burned and through ultimate despair she ran to the only place she could. She willingly gave up what was left of her soul to possess the goddess’ powers and transformed into the Noir known today. This Noir is so drastically different. The dark goddess latched onto her soul, corrupting it beyond recognition. Filled with hatred and on the constant brink of insanity, Noir is a mix of paranoid, quick tempered, emotionless and almost maniac at times. She is vindictive and not much of her original personality remains. On rare occasions she would be seen staring at the stars and being reminded of her family nearly causes her to break down in sobs. But her ruthless pursuit of Lore is never ending and she won’t care what she destroys in her wake. She will destroy the person who was once her friend.
 Strengths: Gifted power of the stars by a dark goddess that ruled over her world, has a scepter that holds a lot of the magic. Most of her spells are cosmic based. She can bend matter to her will and literally form fire from nothing. Most magic is attack based and not much defense. Almost unlimited supply of magic. The scepter she holds can do massive damage to worlds. It can tear apart the earth around them, activate volcanoes and cause destructive fires.
Weaknesses: Weak defense, has limitations to her human body so most big spells take a lot out of her, isn’t as good at hand to hand combat, weak to traps and is gullible. You can basically use the “HEY A OBVIOUS DISTRACTION!” and she will look every single time.
 History: Noir was a normal girl, her world while in the midst of war lived in a peaceful part of the world. She felt happy and loved her life there. She hoped to become a singer when she became a adult and loved looking at the stars most nights. She noticed some strange things happening around her neighborhood though one night. She caught a strange creature that she believed was a deformed mouse. But the fact it was made entirely with water quickly dismissed that theory. The little beast tried to escape and the chase was on.
Two hours and one exhausted teen later she nearly caught the beast when a portal opened and a girl literally fell on top of her.
And then the water mouse vanished before their eyes.
Talk about awkward.
Lore and Noir began to chat and learning more about each other, Lore explained a bit about what she did. Amazed at her magic and basically everything about her, Noir began to ask a million questions and really wanted to travel with her more than anything. Lore was hesitant at first. No one had ever asked to travel with her and this made her wonder if that was even possible. It’s true she was lonely most of the time. But with her limited knowledge of how the dimensional witch thing worked.. basically learning as she traveled, she wasn’t sure if she could. Still, she didn’t want to hurt her feelings and said she would take her if she really wanted it.
But the only condition would be that she would need to leave her world for quite a while until they could come back.
Noir was torn and needed time to think about this. It was a adventure that only happened once in a lifetime, viewing other worlds. But knowing she would have to be away from home so long was hard to swallow.
She ended up talking to her caring parents about and they said whatever she wished would be fine with them. They wanted her to be happy more than anything and whatever dream she had…no matter how far away she was, she could always come home. That gave her with so much hope and light. It was amazing to see. Lore felt a pang…wishing she could have a family like that. But realizing that could never happen.
One night, Lore was showing off this scepter she found from another world. It was powerful and dangerous but she wanted to show and tell the story of how she stopped this enemy. Noir loved it and asked if she could borrow it. Lore was hesitant at first but let the girl borrow it. She showed it to her family and the boy she liked, not realizing his brother was nearby listening. His brother was a bit of a rebel, hated the world in general and didn’t like anybody.
While Noir was talking with his brother, he stole the scepter and quickly was taken over by the darkness that possessed it.
No one realized what was happening until it was too late.
Right as Lore caught the water mouse thing, the world erupted around her in flames. There was screaming everywhere and the earth itself was cracking beneath their feet. Alarmed, and worried about Noir, Lore ran around trying to find any sign of her friend.
Panic was high as the devastation lay around her. She tried to help as many as she could. But…it was far too late. Nothing could stop the raging inferno around them and a portal opened just as Lore lost her footing on what was once solid ground. Now it was literally crumbling into dust.
It was months before she could make it back to what was once that world.
Now…it was a dead world, nothing remained but a singed landscape, the world itself half the size it used to be because of so many volcanic blasts that it tore itself apart. The only survivor she found was Noir. But she was very different. As she approached, at first Noir seemed normal.
But then Lore saw the very same scepter in her hands.
She knew something was very wrong.
Noir explained what had happened when Lore left. She watched as her parents and friends burned alive, how she barely escaped death herself several times as she stumbled into a nearby cave where the shrine of the Dark Goddess of their world dwelled. Her name was Eclipse.. the shadow of all the stars. She begged the goddess to give her the power to stop this monster.
Her wish was granted at the cost of her soul, Noir didn’t care…she had nothing left but rage and sorrow. As she felt the dark goddess take hold of her, she remembered her promise with Lore and hesitated for just a moment…until the dark goddess rage consumed her and any feelings she had towards Lore morphed into a intense hatred and loathing that would not be sated until her death.
With that, Noir took on the boy who was once her friend and destroyed him, gaining the power of the scepter as well as the powers over the stars.
Realizing the danger Noir possessed, Lore tried to get the scepter away from her friend and tried to reason with her. But nothing worked. Noir attacked her relentlessly, severely wounding Lore in the process in the stomach. At the point of near death, Clix saved Lore and forcibly transported her to a random world which nearly threw the entire balance out of whack for a few minutes. Clix’s world experienced a power outage for a week because of that stunt. She didn’t want to know what happened to other worlds because of her recklessness to save her friend.
Noir started to chase Lore into different worlds…appearing and nearly tearing them apart to get to her. Lore tried multiple times to get Noir to stop. But it seemed like nothing was reaching her. Noir blamed Lore for her planet’s destruction. If Lore never had come…they would have been fine. It was that scepter that destroyed her world, Lore did nothing to stop it from happening. Noir’s twisted logic became so unbalanced, Noir herself was slowly losing herself to insanity. She would have conversations with beings that weren’t there. Certain things would set her off to where she would destroy things for someone mentioning “pie”.
On one of the final meetings with Noir.. she killed someone right in front of her friend…stating that she would destroy everything and everyone to get to her. Lore realized at that moment, that her friend.. the girl she knew was gone forever. In that horrible moment, Lore realized she needed to stop Noir with everything she had. She stopped Noir and sent her spiraling into another dimension. She couldn’t destroy her once friend. Even now she isn’t sure if she can really destroy Noir…even though she has to. If she doesn’t…more worlds and people will die. But can she really do that?!
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miraculousbuebird · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s Day
This gift is for the lovely @damelicorne! It’s part of the @mlshipfleet valentine’s day event and I’m so happy to have been involved! I hope you enjoy @damelicorne
Paris, the city of love, welcomed the sun on a Saturday in September. To all, it was a day that was normal, but to two superheroes it was the day they first met. The day was like any other Saturday, but due to Chat Noir not being able to contain his excitement, Parisians had been told that the superheroes would be getting married this month. All Parisians kept an eye out for the wedded two, but each day yielded no hint of the superheroes. Would today be different?
Nino rubbed the sleep from his eyes as his ears were assaulted with fast breathing. He heard his kwami humming softly while Plagg moaned.
“Adrien, calm down kid. You’re ruining my breakfast.”
Wayzz snapped, “Have you no shame? Your wielder is having a panic attack!”
Rolling his eyes, Plagg spoke through a big bite of Camembert, “This is his third one.”
“Adrien? Buddy, are you okay?” Nino prodded, moving closer.
“What if she decides that I’m ugly and she doesn’t want to marry me?” Adrien shouted hysterically.
The other three’s eyebrows rose while Plagg asked, “Are we talking about Marinette? The one who proposed to you?”
Adrien’s eyes widened, “See! She even has a reason! I put her in a horrible position!”
Plagg murmured quietly, “I highly doubt that girl can be forced into anything.”
“I think you need to take a deep breath, Adrien. I highly doubt that anyone thinks you’re ugly.” Nino bit his lip. He shouldn’t laugh at his friend’s turmoil, but the guy was being ridiculous.
Wayzz flew closer to the blond’s face, so close that Adrien went cross-eyed. “Young man, I’ve known the two of you since the day you were chosen. Your lives have been melded and entwined since the moment your fate was decided.Do not worry so. Why don’t you go hop in the raining bath and we will get breakfast ready?”
Smiling softly, Adrien nodded and left for the bathroom. Wayzz turned his eyes on to the other two who began looking anywhere but at him. “You two! He is panicking and it doesn’t help him if others are selfish!”
“Wayzz, Adrien always gets into his head.  Sometimes you just have to support him while telling him he’s too in his head.” Nino replied heading to find his sweater to go downstairs.
Sniffing, Wayzz pointed to the sweater as his weirder shrugged sheepishly. As he did so, his wedding band sparkled. Ah, that’s what I have to ask Plagg.
“Hey Plagg, I was wondering if you’d like to hand me the rings now since you’re the ring bearer and all.” Nino chuckled at the thought of the little Kwami being the ring bearer with nobody knowing that it’s actually him except a few.
Freezing in midair and mid bite, Plagg spoke slowly, “I thought you were the ring bearer?”
Nino’s face drained of color.
Across town, the beautiful bride to be took her time in the bath as her best friend, who was very pregnant, got last minute details squared away.
“Marinette, the makeup artist will be here in three hours whereas your hairdo person will be here in two.” Alya scribbled a checkmark next to her tasks as well as made sure the alarms were set on Marinette's phone. Nobody will be late getting the bride made up if Alya could help it. “If they aren’t here, please call me so I can deal with it.”
A dry look greeted her as two Kwamis squealed in excitement at a bubble floating up. “You do know it’s just Juleka and Rose right? They did your wedding.”
“I know! But just in case!”
A soft voice contrasted the previous tone out of the blue, “This isn’t going to be spoiled, right? I deserve one day… right?”
Alya smiles softly, “Of course you do. You deserve the world.” Her smile turned vicious. “And if anyone wants to spoil this day, they will have me to deal with!”
“Oh my gosh, Alya is going to kill us. We’ve ruined the wedding!”
“Nino! We can do this! We’ll find the rings, do the vows and eat cake! It’s a foolproof plan.” Plagg responded as he inhaled another slice.
“You don’t understand! Alya is scary enough, but pregnant Alya is a ferocious hamster!”
Wayzz turned his eyes on Nino with disbelief, “Did you just call your mate, a hamster?”
Plagg nodded, “They are ferocious, scary beasts.” Nino began pacing the floor as the Kwamis floated in air before him.
“Okay, okay. I have an idea. Plagg and I will follow his footsteps while Wayzz, you keep Adrien busy. Support him as he gets ready, stuff like that! Deal?”
“As you wish, but I do think it would be better if we just told Adrien.” In response, Plagg and Nino gave him faces contorted in horror. “Or you could just do your plan.” Without another word, he flew into the bathroom to soak up the serene atmosphere, shaking his head the whole way.
Plagg floated up and hid beneath Nino’s cap. “We should start at the venue since that was the last place we were last night.”
Nino nodded, “Good idea. On our way, we’ll have the chef send breakfast up to Adrien.” The two bolted out of the room, shedding their calm demeanors. Adrien’s house wasn’t too far from the event center that served as the venue. Nonetheless, the drive there for Nino took far too long.
In his rush, he didn’t see his wife headed upstairs to check the bridal suite one last time. If he had, he would’ve known to avoid her, but unfortunately it was fate to screw Nino over.
“Alright, Plagg? Where’re the rings at?” Nino whispered. He smiled innocently at a caterer as he passed.
“I think I saw the boxes in the Groom suite.” Plagg quickly flew past, phasing through walls in his hurry to the suite.
Nino sighed, “Hopefully they’re there, but if Adrien wonders where we are, it won’t be too much of a lie. I needed to check the suite anyway.”
The two entered the room and spied the boxes sitting on the table holding snacks. Plagg chuckled, “And you were worried! Some of Tikki’s luck must be rubbing off on me!” Nino ignored him and opened the boxes, and Plagg groaned. “You’re kidding me! Who took the wedding rings?”
A shrill voice interrupted before Nino could respond, and the breath left their lungs fast. “You lost the wedding rings?”
Gulping, Nino named where the scream came from, “Alya.”
Marinette waved goodbye to Juleka and Rose who had just finished her hair and makeup. The two arrived at the same time and with a dance that was coordinated, had her ready in no time.. The three arrived at the venue together and Marinette shared the sandwiches that had a lovely note For the Bridal Party before they left to get ready for the event themselves. She smiled softly at the thought of what was finally happening. A piano broke her thoughts as she realized it was her love’s ringtone.
“Adrien? Is everything okay?” She answered, slightly worried the cosmos were against them.
He laughed in response, “It’s fine, Marinette.  I was just calling to see if you were upstairs?”
An eyebrow raised. “Why do you want to know? It’s bad luck to see each other and with the God of Bad Luck around….”  
Silence answered her until her poor kitty softly said, “I just want to be a little close to you…”
“Pick a utility closet and I’ll be there.” Marinette spoke as she tied a robe around herself. If Adrien needed her, she’d be there.
“The one next to my room?”
“I’m on my way.” She wasted no time slipping her flats on and headed downstairs. She found the utility room easily enough and opened the door slightly. “Adrien? If you’re in here, grab my hand.” The warm, slightly calloused hand greeted her and she sighed in peace.
“Marinette? How are you able to make me feel so happy without a word?”
She squeezed his hand three times, I love you. “It’s easy when you’re soul mates. We were fated always.”
Adrien laughed softly, “That’s what Wayzz said… how are you wearing your hair?”
Smirking, Marinette cocked her hip, “Wouldn’t you like to know? I guess you’ll just have to wait!” Adrien wasted no time in squeezing her hand three times amidst his silent laughter. She smiled in relief, knowing that he just needed reassurance she was here to stay.
“I have to head back upstairs to get dressed and ready for some bridal shots. If you need anything, chaton, let me know?” She brought his hand close and kissed the top as she stepped away shutting the door. She leaned against it and felt her partner on the other side.
“I can’t wait to kiss you every day, morning and night. Especially this night… see you later, my Lady.” With that farewell, Marinette stepped away and headed to the stairwell. As she passed the kitchen, she heard a shout about cheese and pregnant hamsters. She didn’t have time to stay and question what in the world was going on though.  She trusted Alya would be able to deal with whatever was going on.
Alya was at her wit’s end. After scouring the groom’s suite, they still haven’t found the rings and it was three hours until the wedding. They had sent Plagg to discreetly check to see if the caterers had found them, if someone had left them in a room or if he could hear anyone else mentioning the rings. While he did that, Nino was sent to check the garbages. Two hours passed when Alya got the notification that Marinette was on her way over with Juleka and Rose when Nino came in covered in grime.
“You need to take a shower. There’s a shower in the bathroom next door to the bridal suite! Don’t let Marinette see you, do you understand? I’m going to go find Plagg.” Alya pinched her nose as she side-eyed Nino and vacated the room. She was too pregnant for this. “Now, if I was mischief incarnate, where would I be?” Her answer came from a thud in the kitchens. Alya froze because she remembered Marinette groaning that they had to have a cheese buffet for Plagg for when everybody left.
She knew as she looked upon piles of empty plates, she would become known as the extinguisher of the Kwami known as Plagg.
Trixx popped out from behind her as he whistled. “Plagg, you’ve really done it now.”
The only response from Plagg was a burp as Alya began to scream.
Nino heard Alya scream as he jumped off the last steps of the stairs, so he was already moving. To his delight, no danger was occurring except for the life of Plagg. Alya was trying to reach for the Kwami while Plagg held off growling Trixx.
“What’s going on?” Nino asked which was the wrong question.
“Your pregnant hamster is trying to kill me!” Plagg screamed, phasing through Nino’s hat. The man felt Plagg sigh in relief as he laid down, but another force had phased through and Trixx threw the both of them and the hat to the ground.
“How dare you call my wielder a hamster?” Trixx howled.
“Nino did it first!”
Alya’s stormy eyes turned slowly to Nino and he felt the daggers inTrixx’s eyes. Somehow, his savior came in the form of Tikki.
“What is going on down here?” Tikki frowned. Plagg flew to her and hid behind her, trembling.
“They’re trying to kill me, Sweets!”
“I told you not to call me that!” Tikki glared. She took in the sights of Alya and Trixx, hair raised, the empty platters and Nino paling with each second. “Alya, Marinette knew that Plagg might’ve done this, so there’s extra cheese in the deep fridge. Trixx and I will start sorting that out. Nino, you need to go help Adrien get ready. Luka is making sure the reception hall is perfect and the instruments are tuned. Alya, Marinette is finishing getting ready and the photos will start soon. Why don’t you head upstairs? Nino, please take Plagg with you.” Tikki began to head to the fridge when she realized nobody was following through with her orders. If she had eyebrows, they would be raised. “What am I missing?”
After Alya and Nino explained everything, Tikki was sure she would be having a headache. “We have two hours until we have to begin lining up, but Alya is needed now. Plagg, you and Wayzz will find the wedding rings unless you want to face Marinette.” Plagg gulped, but quickly left to find the wiser Kwami. “Everybody else, go do what you need to.” The two humans bolted and left the two Kwamis alone. Trixx and Tikki began the tedious task of placing the cheese on the platters again, hoping that nobody notices the change. As the caterers came in to check on the food, only one seemed a little off that the cheddar was in place of the Brie.
Tikki phased quickly up to the bridal suite to see how things were going there. Trixx had somehow beaten her there, but he just smiled as he hid in Alya’s mermaid tail hair. Tikki found her eyes growing moist as Marinette stood in front of the mirror adjusting the gown. Their eyes met and Marinette smiled in a language Tikki understood. She flew down and landed on Marinette’s cupped hands.
Tikki cried in complete happiness, “You look stunning, Marinette!” In response, Marinette brought Tikki up to give her a gentle kiss on the head.
“Today is thanks to you, Tikki. And of course, Master Fu.”
Shaking her head, Tikki wiped tears away. “No, Marinette. You two were fated long before the miraculous even came into your lives.” Marinette’s eyes filled with tears, but a strong, choked up voice interrupted the conversation.
“Both of you, stop it! You’ll ruin the makeup!” Alya blew into a tissue. “Now, I’m going to go ensure that everybody is lining up. You’re getting married in thirty-five minutes!” Alya left the room, patting her head to make sure Trixx was with her as she descended the stairs. As she got to the bottom, she saw Chloe and Luka standing together. A pin in Chloe’s teeth as she straightened the boutonnière, and she pinned it with expertise.
“Alya!” Luka greeted her as she finally made it to the end of the stairs. Chloe’s eyes showed worry as she watched Alya hobble.
Alya waved her worry away. “I’m fine, Chloe. Have you seen Nino?”
Chloe snorted as Luka bit his lip to keep from laughing, “He’s yelling at the Kwamis where the groomsmen are. They’re just waiting for Adrien to join them.”
Groaning, Alya shuffled over, throwing open the door and eyeing the human. “Did you find them?”
Plagg shrank back while Wayzz shook his head mournfully. Nino began to hit the wall with his forehead.
“Find what?” Chloe interrupted. Luka pulled Nino away from the wall and placed the distressed guy in a chair.
“Plagg lost the wedding rings.” Nino moaned.
“I didn’t lose the wedding rings!” Plagg spluttered. “You did!”
“One of you did and now I have to tell Marinette that we have to put her wedding on hold!” Alya turned to Chloe who had a thoughtful frown on her face. “What are you thinking, Chloe?”
“Well, did you ask Adrien?”
“Ask Adrien what?” The blond professor questioned as he entered the room, fixing his cuff links.
Nino looked wide-eyed and panicky, but Chloe asked before anyone could stop her. “Where are the wedding rings?”
Adrien froze and everybody held their breath in waiting for him to explode and panic. Instead, he raised an eyebrow in question, “In my pocket. Why?”
At that, the room exploded. Alya screaming, Trixx howling with laughter, Nino and Plagg blaming each other and Chloe and Luka as witnesses.
“Woah!” Adrien shouted. “What is the problem? I told you last night that between Plagg and Trixx, I didn’t trust anybody but me with them.”
Alya glared at everyone and grabbed Chloe. “I’m done with you all. I can’t believe this.”
Plagg murmured softly, “Angry hamster.” Just as Trixx tackled him in midair.
Alya and Chloe had twenty minutes left, so the two greeted guests walking in. By the time the last guests began to trickle in, Marinette and her father came out. The large man sniffled a couple of times and Chloe handed him her handkerchief with a small grin. He nodded in thanks and the music began to play. Before either girl could walk in, Marinette grabbed their hands and squeezed.
“Thank you both for standing with me today.”
Chloe and Alya both nodded smiling brightly although fighting tears and the three girls shared a hug before Chloe left to enter the hall. Then it was Alya’s turn, at the last second she blew a kiss to Marinette who giggled as Alya headed down the aisle.Then as the crescendo began, Marinette took a deep breath and headed towards her future. She recognized people from collège, university and work from both of their lives, but as soon as she made eye contact with Adrien, everything faded away. Her heart began to hammer in excitement to finally be married to him.
As her father gave her hand to Adrien’s in blessing, she squeezed three times and her father smiled largely at her as he backed away to sit with her mother. Adrien’s hand was warm, and his nervousness was all there. It made no difference to her. She grinned, repeated the vows and next thing she knew, Adrien was smiling as he kissed her. Their wedding was over and she could finally breathe. Nothing ruined her day.
The priest exclaimed, “I now present, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!”
As husband and wife left the room with cheers following them out, a group of Kwamis hid in a nearby planter. Plagg, Tikki, Wayzz, Pollen and Trixx all watched as the humans began to trickle out while a few stayed by the altar near the kwamiis.
Tikki sighed in content, “I can’t wait for the vow renewal.”
Pollen nodded excitedly, but the other Kwamis shared a stricken, panicked face.
Overhearing the Kwamis’ conversation, Nino told Alya quietly that they would be eloping for their vow renewal. Alya nodded as she slipped out of her shoes and wished she could drink the ills of the day away. She held her bag open for the kwamiis to dart in as they followed the newly wedded to the reception hall.
That night, Parisians were greeted to the sight of  Ladybug and Chat Noir darting across rooftops each holding a “Just Married” sign. The two shared a kiss for the first time as married superheroes on the eiffel tower, but definitely not the last.
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flourchildwrites · 6 years
Ooooh, I saw Havolina on the tags :D :D :D 66 and 77.
A/N:  Thank you for the ask, @lessonsfrommadamexmas !  You requested numbers 66 (it’s not you, it’s my enemies) and 77 (in vino veritas) with a havolina ship.  I will admit, 66 was a tough concept for me.  I had to sleep on it, and I hope you’ll like what I came up with.  And since I’m a “show, don’t tell” kinda gal, I’ll just write a little bit out for you.  I may have gone a little overboard…  This earns a solid “M” rating.
Please keep in mind I know very little about Call of Duty and video game tournaments in general.  Forgive the inaccuracies and suspend your disbelief as this fic will focus on what happens around the tournament as opposed to the gameplay itself.
Read on AO3
“This is bullshit, and you know it!” Rebecca screeched.  With furrowed brows and nostrils flaring, she stared down Roy Mustang, captain of the front runner team in the Call of Duty tournament.  How dare he try to poach Riza, Rebecca’s actual friend, her teammate and the best damn sniper in the amateur bracket, right under Rebecca’s nose!  She wouldn’t have it, and that pretty boy had another thing coming to him if he thought she’d let Riza go on her merry way without a fight.
“This isn’t poaching.  It’s a couple after dinner drinks, Becks,” Roy said with amused exasperation.  “Riza’s not my mark.  She’s my girlfriend.”  As if to make some salient point - that Rebecca was completely uninterested in, the dark-haired man slipped an arm around Riza.  His fingers stretched, seeking purchase on her slender waist as he pulled the blonde closer, too close.  In the darkness of the hotel bar, Rebecca’s equally dark eyes flashed dangerously.
“She’s not your girlfriend during this competition,” Rebecca lectured.  To drive her point home, she brandished her pointer finger in Roy’s direction and thrust it toward the center of his chest.  “While both our teams are in the running, she is an important member of the East City Strikers, and this year we will see you in the finals.”
“Enough,” Riza interjected.  Ever the picture of poise under pressure, she wiggled out of Roy’s arms and grasped Rebecca’s bicep, leading her down the long granite bar.  When Riza began to speak again, her voice was just above a whisper.  
“You two got off on the wrong foot, I admit; however, Roy has been nothing but friendly toward you since we started dating,” Riza stressed, “Also - I say this with a lot of love - you are starting to sound like a deranged lunatic.  This is just a game.”  
“No, it’s a 500,000 cenz grand prize,” Rebecca retorted defensively, not caring to control the volume of her voice.  “You promised there would be no fraternization during the tournament.”
Riza rolled her eyes and sighed, heavily.  “The tournament starts tomorrow morning.  After the opening ceremony I will be 100% committed to the East City Strikers, but tonight-” Riza paused; she glanced over her shoulder in Roy’s direction, gazing at her insufferable boyfriend with a pair of soft eyes that she wore only for him.  “I’m going to have a few drinks with my boyfriend.  And before you ask, yes, I intend to spend the night with him.  And furthermore, because we are not in kindergarten, you are going to back off and act like an adult about it.  Okay?”
Becca crossed her arms with an agitated huff, barely able to meet Riza’s pointed look.  She hated Roy and all of Team Mustang.  She hated that, after the East City Strikers’ crushing defeat in the semifinals last year, Roy had gone to great lengths to talk to Riza, inexplicably seduce her and then, just to add insult to injury, ask her to be his girlfriend.  The very notion of this grievous injustice gnawed at Rebecca’s pride.  For as certain as the sun would rise, she believed it to be a long con to ensure Team Mustang’s supremacy at the tournament this year.
“Fine,” Rebecca muttered.
She watched Riza cross the glitzy hotel bar, hand in hand with the competition and did the only thing a well-adjusted hardcore competitor with a grudge to maintain could do.  She ordered another pinot noir and told the bartender to leave the bottle.
One by one, the other members of the East City Strikers attempted to lighten Becca’s mood, except for Olivier who suggested they turn in early for the evening to leave Rebecca alone with her anger management issues.  Sheska followed Olivier’s lead, hopping to the tune of her command like a pup adhering to its master’s will.  Maria stuck around the bar for a few more minutes to offer Rebecca a few well-worded pieces of advice.
“When Olivier tells you to lighten up, it’s time to rethink your strategy, my friend,” Maria opined, knocking back the rest of her cosmo.  “Ri is a smart girl.  She knows how to compartmentalize.”
Rebecca took another sip of the dark wine that matched her lipstick to a tee.  “I care too much, Maria,” she explain.  “Unless everyone’s plans change, this will be the East City Strikers’ last tournament.  I want to go out at the top of our game.”
“Then just play the best you can,” Maria stated matter-of-factly like it was a simple thing to do.  “If the best we can do is to get beat in the semifinals again by the team that goes on to win it, I’m satisfied.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s why you’re team captain, and I’m just your average first-person shooter enthusiast.  Ri brings the deadly accuracy, Sheska’s got that crazy agility, Olivier gets us the little real life luxuries that keep us sane, but you have the fire.  You inspire us to go up against the boys every year and spank ‘em until they beg for their mama. We’ve come a long way from East City, Becks.  We couldn’t have gotten here without you.”
With a flushed face, Rebecca grinned, comforted by her teammate’s thoughtful perspective.  “And what would you say you do for us?”
Maria sat back from the bar and smirked in a way that crinkled the beauty mark under her eye.  “I give the good advice, and my advice for you tonight is to take advantage of the fact that your roommate isn’t coming back.”
Rebecca struggled to take Maria’s words of wisdom to heart, but the emptier her bottle of wine became, the easier it was to let her guard drop.  Her taste buds drowned in the tart tang of cranberry with hints of tobacco.   Her competitive glare grew blurry around the edges as the pop music funneled in through the speakers went straight to her hips.  As the time ticked by, the hotel bar became flush with men of all models and makes, but like a hunter taking stock of the available prey, Rebecca waited patiently for signs of intelligent life.
As it turned out, she wasn’t the only one on the prowl.
“Hey, you’re Catalina, right?”
Rebecca swiveled on her barstool to better view the owner of the husky, baritone voice.  The sight that met her was definitely easy on her eyes.  The fair-haired stranger’s frame was muscular, especially his well-defined arms which extended from the unseasonable short sleeves of a black graphic tee.  Rebecca’s eyes flitted over his figure in a flirtatious manner as she swirled the wine in her glass and finally met his blue stare.
“Maybe” she shot right back at him.  “Who’s asking?”
The young man chuckled lightly under his breath and shuffled his feet.  “I’m really no good at this am I?” he said, scratching the back of his head in a way that flexed his chest muscles through the flimsy cotton.  “My name’s Jean.  I couldn’t help but notice that your friends left a little while ago, and seeing as mine ditched me too, I was wondering if you’d like some company.”
Rebecca’s head tilted to the side as she fought the urge to bite her bottom lip.  She patted the seat next to her casually, inviting Jean to sit.  “You’ve got me at a disadvantage, Jean,” she said, relishing the way his name rolled off her tongue.  “I’m Catalina, though I prefer Rebecca.  Have we met before?”
“No,” he replied, sliding onto the stool.  “Not formally, anyway.  I’ve seen you play a few times, and I’ve always meant to talk to you.  I remember your name Catalina_the_wine_mixer.  It’s unique, a Step Brothers reference, right?”
Rebecca groaned playfully, covering her forehead with her free hand.  “It is,” she admitted sheepishly.  “The name sounded so cool when I first started playing, and after my first tournament, it stuck.  I’d change it if I could, but you know… name recognition means something.”
“Tell me about it,” Jean sympathized.  “Between this year and last, I found my way to the gym and kicked a few bad habits.”  Jean scratched at the nicotine patch peeking out the sleeve of his shirt.  “Now, it’s like I’m a complete stranger.”
“So what’s your screen name?” she asked with genuine interest.
Rebecca laughed so hard snorted.  “Don’t take that the wrong way.  It’s cute and… a little familiar.”
“Oh, I agree.  It’s terrible, but I can’t change it now,” he stated.
“Why not?  Name recognition?”
“Because it made you smile.”
Rebecca Catalina was smitten.  Between the gregarious crinkle framing Jean’s baby blue eyes, his adorable country accent and their witty banter, she’d never stood a chance.  All things considered, Rebecca thought it was nothing short of kismet that their paths had crossed on this, the calm before the storm.  The one and only time she’d ever dared to let her hair down at the tournament.
“Maybe I’m too hard on my team,” Becca mused, allowing maudlin emotion to taint her giddy buzz.  “We haven’t made it official, but this is probably going to be The East City Strikers’ last year.  Riza, our sniper, is good enough to go pro if she wanted to, but the rest of us… We’ll have to give this up and focus on boring, practical careers when we graduate.  Except for Olivier, the scary one.  She’d be the first to tell you that her trust fund lets her do whatever the hell she wants.”
“Your sniper’s good,” Jean admitted, “but she’s got competition.  That sniper from Team Mustang, for example.  I think he’s pretty good.  You ever heard of that team?  I think they won the amateur bracket last year.”
“They did,” Rebecca confirmed.  “I know of Team Mustang.  I mean, I don’t know any other them personally, except their captain, Roy…  He’s dating Riza.  We lost to them in the semifinals last year, and one of those guys tried to congratulate me after, but I blew him off.”  Rebecca frowned at the memory. “I- I’m not a gracious loser.  I called him scrawny and said he reeked of cigarettes.  It was terrible of me.”
“Everyone has their bad days,” Jean said.  “And, come to think of it, you weren’t wrong on either account.  But let’s talk about something else.  You said you weren’t good enough to be a pro.  Why?  I’ve seen you rack up crazy amounts of points.  Low on deaths and high on kills every single time.”
“Thanks,” Rebecca offered.  Suddenly, she wished she could place his username and compliment Jean on his gameplay in return, but the gears in her mind wouldn’t turn properly, influence by red wine and those blue, blue eyes.  “My record’s good, but I’m not twitchy enough. You know?”
Jean smirked.  The expression that flashed across his face made her toes curl.  “Don’t be so sure,” he said low and slow, “with the right technique, I bet you’d be very twitchy.”
Any other day, Rebecca would have rolled her eyes and walked away.  But her empty hotel room beckoned and Maria’s advice ricocheted through her mind.  Becca told herself that she deserved nice things from time to time.  She needed to let loose, and Jean seemed nice, respectful even.  If he wasn’t she’d ask Olivier to kick his pretty boy ass all the way back to his family’s rural grocery store.
“Wanna show me your technique?” she chanced flirtatiously.  “It just so happens my roommate’s not coming back tonight.  I’d like to see your moves.”
“What a coincidence,” Jean responded.  He slid from the stool and stood.  His head ducked downward to capture Rebecca’s plump lips in a searing kiss.  “I’d like to show them to you.”
It was a great day to be alive.  The sun was shining.  The birds were singing, and Rebecca’s morning mountain dew tasted like victory.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Riza observed, popping a piece of fresh fruit into her mouth.
Becca didn’t deny it.  TheJeanMachine had certainly lived up to his name.  And if her uncharacteristic good mood didn’t give away the fact that she had gotten laid the night before, the trail of hickeys on her neck and chest, artfully concealed by one of Olivier’s vintage Hermes scarves, would have cleared up any lingering confusion.
“Wonder why that is,” Maria quipped with a playful nudge.  Even the stoic Olivier grinned at Rebecca over the brim her morning cup of Earl Grey. Sheska giggled scandalously as she polished off her turkey bacon.
“Alright ladies,” Rebecca declared.  She straightened her custom team jersey, and stood, ready to tackle the day.  “I checked the brackets this morning.  Our first game is in the Shambala conference room against The Ishvalan Supremecy.  They’re good, especially that Scar guy, but we’ve got this!  Let’s get there early and get a feel for the room.”
“Can we stop by the Aruego room first?” Riza asked hopefully.  “Roy’s team is playing there in a few minutes, and I’d just like to wave hello.”
“Sure.  Why not,” Rebecca merely shrugged to the collective astonishment of the East City Strikers.  “We can scope out the competition.”
The quintet of gamers made their way through the crowded hotel lobby and took the elevator to the fourth floor.  There, on the Aruego stage, Riza spotted Team Mustang, decked out in dark blue shirts opposite another formidable team dressed in black from head to toe, the Briggs Bears. A small audience had already gathered.  Starry-eyed fans and fierce competitors sat in between the two teams, gazing up at a huge monitor that showcased the player’s screens and scores.
It was easy to get lost in the sea of old and new faces, but Rebecca focused in on Team Mustang with a confident smirk.  Roy and the rest of his boys were going down, and Rebecca only hoped that the East City Strikers would be the ones to finally knock them off their pedestal.  Sure, the Briggs Bears were also good, but Miles2Go’s reaction time was notoriously wanting, and that wasn’t even considering…
A familiar face caught Rebecca’s eyes, sending a shockwave along the length of her spine.  Rebecca craned her neck, shifting in the crowd to get a better view of an unfamiliar face amongst Team Mustang.  And when, finally, she saw the fair hair and toned muscles of the man she’d spent the night with wearing Team Mustang blue, Becca’s temper flared.  The name… That familiar name… TheJeanMachine.  The puzzle pieces sickeningly fell into place in a way that made her stomach drop.
“Oh, is that blond guy new?” asked a nearby girl with equally blonde hair.
Her companion, a short boy with a braided ponytail and a sophisticated automail arm scoffed.  “Shows how much you know, Winry,” he said.  “That’s Jean Havoc.  Team Mustang’s sniper.  He’s been with them from the start but went on a health kick after last year.  Stopped smoking like a chimney and put on some muscle.”
“I bet he drinks his milk,” Winry responded, albeit under her breath.
Rebecca didn’t want to hear another word.  She tore from the room, breath coming hard and fast as she weaved through the crowd.  Last year’s events flashed before her eyes enhanced by adrenaline, caffeine and the early morning light.  Jean had been the guy who tried to talk to her last year, and he’d most certainly known that last night when they’d…
“Ugghhhh!” Rebecca exclaimed, overcome with anger and ashamed of her impulsive behavior.  The young woman was so wrapped up in her internal conflict that she didn’t hear her teammate approach from behind.  Rebecca shrieked as she felt the pressure of Sheska’s hand on her shoulder.
“Good gracious, Becks,” Sheska said, straightening her glasses.  “I didn’t mean to scare you.  Are you alright?”
Rebecca looked back at her bespectacled teammate with a cold gleam in her dark eyes.  She vowed to get her revenge on Team Mustang at all costs.  “It’s not you,” she said intently, narrowed eyes darting to the screen now prominently displaying TheJeanMachine in his element.  “It’s my enemies.”
Like what you read?  Send me a FANFICTION TROPE MASH UP ask. 
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lovelylapins · 6 years
au august day 2
au august day 2: college for @auyeahaugust
as always, i made this way longer than intended. enjoy i guess.
Studying was hard.
Even harder, Marinette supposed, was running around the city of Paris in spandex at the wondrous age of twenty, catching articles on the size of her thighs and waist next to ones demanding the space trash age finally be done with.
“Honestly, who even thinks that Ladybug would look the same after six years of fighting crime? A lot of things have happened, people. Puberty happens,” she complains to Alya, textbooks strewn about them yet ignored. She throws her head back and chugs her coffee, the burn only fueling her anger.
“I feel you,” Alya comments, taking a cool sip from her frappe. “Rena Rouge hasn’t been getting lots of love either these days.”
“But Chat Noir is, of all things. I can’t believe it,” Marinette mutters. She picks up her pencil, tracing designs in the air as she continues talking. “He gets all muscly and lands ten Cosmo articles on how cool and strong he is. You and I suddenly get boobs and next thing you know, we’re shamed in those same articles. They don’t even let Chloé live much these days. I heard her ass was talked about on E! just the other day.”
“What? Jealous about how much love Chat’s getting?” Alya teases. She can’t help it, after all. The envy is practically radiating off of Marinette, filling the coffee shop they’re in with the stench of anger.
“No,” she denies quickly, shaking her head.
Alya throws her a look, one that only her best friend could do.
“Okay, maybe a little,” Marinette admits, sighing. “But, can you blame me? If only I knew who he was, then I could have someone to really push all my anger on.”
“Wait, don’t tell me you two haven’t revealed yourselves yet,” Alya says. “It’s been six years!”
“How is it that you still haven’t mustered up the courage to tell that cat? You won’t even let us tell you who he is!”  Alya questions, eyebrow raised. Quicker than Ladybug or Chat Noir could have ever done, Alya, Nino and Chloé had been quick to share their identities amongst their friend group, even going so far as separately telling Chat and Ladybug. The two most revered superheroes, however, have been dodging a confession from each other from years, going so far as purposefully causing the timer on their Miraculous to start to leave the scene quicker.
“It’s different,” Marinette says. And in a way, it is. Chat’s always been different. To her, at least.
“Different my ass. If anything, you know how long he’s been ready to tell you, and I bet you can’t wait to tell him either.”
“Why don’t we get back to studying?” she suggests, trying to change the subject. “Our final is only in two weeks.”
“I’m letting this go for now only because we have to pass, but this is not over,” Alya says, picking up her textbook and opening it up to a random page.
“Okay,” Marinette sighs. She opens up a textbook of her own and reads a section aloud, hoping if she repeats the words enough times it’ll get stuck in her mind. “Although the atom is considered the smallest unit, the atom itself contains smaller particles. Those particles are identified as- “
“Quarks and leptons,” Adrien finishes, sitting down next to Marinette.
“Adrien!” Marinette exclaims, the corners of her mouth raising upwards. After six years, he still manages to bring out the all too familiar feeling of butterflies in her stomach. The only difference now from her fourteen-year-old self was she could actually hold a conversation now (although it did take some time to master). He smiles, lifting up his own copy of the textbook.
“Nino told me you two were studying, and I thought I could lend a hand.”
“You’re a saint,” Alya murmurs, eyes unmoving from her textbook. “We’ve been here for the past thirty minutes with nothing good coming out.”
“Well, what have you guys been doing? Taking notes? Making flashcards?”
“Well, er… kinda just gossiping,” Marinette admits, slightly embarrassed.
“Gossiping?” Adrien raises an eyebrow. “Care to share?”
“It’s a bit on the girl talk side. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to listen in,” Alya says. She grabs her cup of coffee and downs it, feeling the regular caffeine buzz come over her.
“Fair enough. I suppose you’ll let the girl talk rest for a while so we can get to some proper studying?”
“Of course,” Marinette says, beaming. “Do you think you could help explain a bit more on the whole quacks and liptons thing?”
“Quarks and leptons,” he corrects, laughing at how Marinette’s eyes widen. “Hand me a pencil, will you? I’ll write down the definitions for each one.”
Their hands brush a bit as she hands over a pencil, touch lingering for a second. He grabs a flashcard and quickly jots down the definitions, grabbing a highlighter and marking the words for extra measure.
“How can you memorize them so easily? It takes forever for me,” Marinette sighs out, propping her head on her hand.
“I can help you memorize if you want,” he offers, looking at her.
“What? Oh no Adrien, you have to study too!”
“We have all of the same general classes, remember? If anything, it’ll help me out when I become a teacher’s assistant next semester.”
“You’re too nice,” she says, not wanting to trouble him. His schedule is packed to the brim from classes to shoots, and God knows what else.
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Only if you let me buy you coffee during study sessions.”
“Deal! When are you free?”
Marinette closes her eyes, racking her brain around for anything coming up. Patrol tonight and Wednesday with Alya, a quick ceremony with Chat in the morning before class on Thursday, and she had planned to go shopping with Chloé and Alya on Saturday.
“I’m free on Friday all day? And I guess I’m free these next few weekdays, but only if we meet up maybe around lunch.”
Adrien frowns, running his schedule through his mind. Tuesday and Friday he had patrol with Nino, and Thursday was a ceremony with Ladybug, with his weekend coated with various photoshoots.
“Yeah, I guess lunch would be a good time for me as well. I guess I’ve been getting a little busy these days!”
“You could say the same for me,” Marinette says, laughing. A familiar blush is on her cheeks, and she feels the slightest shred of teenage excitement ring through her as she realizes she’s agreed to lunch. With Adrien. For the rest of the week.
“Should we get back to studying?” Adrien suggests. “Just point out anything you don’t feel comfortable with.”
“Will do!”
Alya closes her book silently, looking with increasing frustration at the two. God, did she hate how neither knew the other’s identity. It led to moments like this, where she felt tempted to beat up both of her best friends and just scream “How can you not see!?” in their faces. But, it also led to her growing fond of the moments. Even without knowing, Adrien and Marinette reflected their superhero personas outside of the suit with each other. Marinette was leaning slightly on Adrien’s shoulder to better view the words he was writing out, with Adrien scooting close enough so that his hair brushed against hers.
It was almost like they were destined to be together.
Slightly raising her phone, Alya takes a quick picture. Hey, she can’t help it. She’s been a journalist since she got her first phone. It’s like a reflex now to document things like this. Pulling up the groupchat, she starts typing, glad for once that Chat and Ladybug refused to get added in as an attempt to avoid sharing their identities to each other.
Paris’ Baddest Bitches
Alya: y’all we WON today
Alya: [image]
Chloé: holy shit
Chloé: mari is being BOLD
Nino: who do you think is gonna reveal their identity first
Chloé: mari
Chloé: I love adrien but he’s a lil bitch
Alya: ^^
Nino: true
Alya: but that’s not it
Nino: what else happened??
Chloé: we’re WAITING
Nino: FUCK
Chloé: FUCK
Alya: I KNOW
Chloé: WE WON
Alya: I KNOW
Nino: tell adrien i want notes for the chem final
Chloé: oh shit same
Alya: already planning on taking pics of it xoxo
Chloé: you’re the only bitch in this house i ever respected
Nino: have i ever told you how much i loved you alya
Alya: always
Alya: gotta bounce they’re giving me LOOKS and want me to HELP and FOCUS
Alya: ugh if they don’t end up together at the end of this what’s the point
Nino: uh maybe a degree??
Alya: yeah maybe
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reaperofangelsao3 · 6 years
The Death of Luck
Writer: Hm... how to make a fic that’s both lighthearted and depressing?
Writer: ... Let’s kill someone.
Inspired by Jean Cocteau’s last words; "Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking towards me, without hurrying.”
Luck always runs out.
My death has been walking towards me since the day I was born. He was never in a rush, he just walked to meet me.
The Oracle said to my parents when I was born, "I see Death following this girl. He stands back, watching, waiting for the right moment. This child will do a great many things in her life, most of which no one will know about until Death does claim her poor soul. She will keep secrets from you. Do not ignore any signs, but let her tell you when she's ready. Do not alter her fate."
There were a great many times that I teetered on the edge, let myself wander too close to Death, let him stare me in the eye. But he was patient - he would wait until I was on my knees at his mercy, begging for the weightless joy of death, before he took my hand and led me away to a place better than where I was placed. 
I just didn't think it would come as early as it did.
He was supposed to balance me out; the bad luck to my good luck, the destruction paired with my creation, the loneliness to my love.
But when I met the Butterfly, I understood I was misusing the miraculous, and there were consequences to misusing the miraculous, even if it was unintentional.
The Ladybug and Black Cat were supposed to mirror each other in aspects of abilities, but in terms of emotions towards one another, it was meant to be completely mutual.
If the Ladybug hated the Black Cat, the Black Cat hated the Ladybug, even if the gods of the miraculous didn't feel that way. 
If the Black Cat loved the Ladybug, then the Ladybug loved the Black Cat. But I already had prior commitments, at least I thought I did. I refused the overwhelming amount of love I had for the Black Cat, told myself there was no way I loved him because I was already in love with someone else.
Oh, how ironic that notion became later in life. 
The Black Cat and the Ladybug were meant to circle one another in a perfect balance and stay in sync, even when they weren't embodying their miraculous. 
I don't know why I was told this, or even how it came up, but I remember being allowed over at a friend's house once. I had overexcited myself, for this "friend" was the one I had convinced myself that I loved more than the Black Cat, and his father inspired me to do the things I loved. But his father looked to me and after greeting me, he... told me what the Oracle had said about his son when he was born. 
"This boy has luck on his side. He will not believe so as life goes on, but assure him that he does. He will lose someone important to him, and he will lament this loss to the point of turning to the destruction of oneself. But he will find his luck. You need to reassure him when the time comes that he loses that person; he will always find his luck, again and again, until his luck finally finds him." 
And that was all the Oracle had said. 
His father then told me about how his son talked about how smart and talented I was in particular, and was wondering if I knew what that meant. 
I couldn't find an answer to that question. 
It would be until several years later when the Black Cat and I decided we trusted each other enough to trade Oracle prophecies that it clicked. His prophecy... was the same. His luck will find him, again and again, until his luck finally finds him. 
I knew who the Black Cat was - I knew who my Black Cat was, and I was his luck. The luck he would find again and again until I finally found him. But, that made no sense - I was meant to die, so if I was his luck, then why was he meant to find me over and over? 
Luck always runs out. 
It wasn't until the day that I met the Butterfly that I understood. We had been dragged and placed at the mercy of the Butterfly's feet. I remember hearing the Black Cat's gasp when he saw it was his own home we were being dragged to, and then placed in front of his own father. Our miraculous were removed like it was nothing as if our seven years of fighting meant absolutely nothing at all. I didn't look at my partner; I already knew, but if I got confirmation I might have had a heart attack. But I felt his eyes on me. His wide, surprised gaze, his timid voice trying to stutter out my name but I just blocked it out. If I heard his voice, I would look at him on instinct. If I looked at him, I would completely forget about the situation at hand. 
The Butterfly didn't look any less surprised than his own son but seemed especially surprised to see it was me under the Ladybug's guise. But that didn't stop what he planned on doing with his one wish he got with the Ladybug and the Black Cat gods in his possession. 
Letting down his guise and renouncing the Butterfly, and put the miraculous of the Ladybug and Black Cat on. I then had to watch as my friend and her best friend and lover were used against their will to do something awful. 
The father became a swirl of purple smoke and glowing golden light, controlled chaos in its most concentrated form, uncontrollable desire swirled around his now inhumane body as heavy smoke. It was as if he had killed the gods and eaten their flesh to infuse himself with godlike powers and was now seeing the consequences of his actions as his own flesh disappeared. But he did not seem bothered by this, he merely looked down at the Ladybug and the Black Cat and spoke his one and only wish. 
"I wish for Death to hand over Emilie Agreste," he told Tikki and Plagg, "I wish for Life to embrace my love as one of her own once more. Give me back my wife." 
I remember, when I finally looked over at my partner, he was crying, crying for his father to stop but stopping dead when he heard what his father wished for. Distraught filled his eyes. He was torn between the prospect of getting his mother back and keeping the balance of the world in check. 
I thought back on my mentor's advice about the issues with using the miraculous to wish for something. In order to gain something, you have to get it from somewhere. It isn't magic; it's equivalent exchange. What would the miraculous take in exchange for a dead person? A live one? If so, which one? 
I didn't have to wait long for that answer. I felt a searing pain down in my feet, and upon looking down, I saw them beginning to vanish. I screamed, grabbing the attention of the father and son. The father's eyes went wide in realization when the son screamed and ran to me. 
Nearby, the body of the mother was beginning to form, starting with her feet, and very slowly working their way up. The cosmos was building her from the bottom up, using me as its material. The son cried, hugging me and apologizing for everything and anything he could, but all I could do was laugh as tears streamed down my face. When he asked me why I was so happy in the face of Death, I just smiled at him. 
"Chat Noir- No," I shook my head, "Adrien Agreste. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I am 20 years old. I have grown up all my life with a prophecy telling me that I will die having done great things, but that no one will ever know that until after Death comes and claims me. I have been your partner for seven years and counting, playing the heroine of Paris since we were just 13. 
"Since we were 13, since that first day of school, after you apologized for a misunderstanding and gave me the gift of an umbrella to keep dry in the face of a storm, I have been in love with you. That same day was the day Ladybug and Chat Noir began their career as Parisian Vigilantes, saving the City of Lights from the first ever Akuma attack. And Chat Noir fell in love with the girl behind the Ladybug mask." 
At this point, the wish was well up past my knee, but I wasn't going to let a little pain stop me. 
"We have gone after each other, reaching but never grabbing ahold of one another, for the past seven years. Just delicately circling as our Kwamis used their powers to mask our identities from all of Paris, and ourselves. And I have to be honest with you, I have misused my miraculous. 
"The Black Cat loved me, so I was supposed to love the Black Cat. But I told myself no, I have someone else. Little did I know you were the same person. And now I sit in front of you confessing how much I love the boy that hid under the perfect facade and let out his true personality as a superhero when you've loved me for me this whole time. And it's sad to think that not only is this the first time I've been able to talk to you without stuttering, when I'm finally being honest, but also when I'm dying." 
I had to sigh and look away, staring right into the camera I had planted just several feet away when we were dragged in. He looked as well and his eyes went wide, and so did his father's. 
"And now I know why the Oracle said no one would know of what I did for them until it was time for me to die. I placed that there, thinking we could corner Hawkmoth for good. His identity would be exposed, he would have nowhere to go but to jail. But... now I'm not sure what's going to happen. 
"To my family, to my best friend Alya, to all my classmates and teachers and old bosses and coworkers; I'm so sorry I never told you. I'm so sorry it never even occurred to me that I would wait until I was kneeling before Death himself to tell you. And I want you all to know that I cared about you, which is why I never told you. I didn't want you to get hurt, I didn't want you to be worried." 
It had crept up to my hips now, but there was no way I was stopping. 
"Alya, Nino, Chloe. I gave all of you a chance to feel on top of the world when Adrien and I needed help, and you accepted it so readily and did your parts so well. And I never even told you. Alya, I got you so many personal interviews with Ladybug because I was her. Because I knew how much it meant to you. You stuck with me through thick and thin, whether I was your best friend or your idol. Chloe, I accepted you despite my hatred of you because I knew that in a pinch you could help me. You treated me like garbage when we were civilians but you treated your job as if it was the opportunity you had been waiting for. Nino, you were so calm and collected and you saved us when we needed you most. I couldn't have asked for a better shield. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance when you first expressed your emotions to me, but I'm glad you found solace in your current partner." 
I turned to Adrien. I could feel my stomach burning, crying for help. 
"And... Adrien. I've been through so much with you, I see that now. You were the most deserving of the knowledge of my identity, but I couldn't even trust you with a silly name." I laughed a little weakly. "And I'm ashamed of that. But, Adrien, please don't be sad. Listen to your Oracle's words of wisdom. You will find your luck, again and again, until your luck finally finds you. I just..." 
I leaned forward, pressing my forehead to his and letting out a shaking sigh. The burning was now at my neck. 
"I can only hope that I'm your luck."
"I love you, Chaton."
Paris mourned for weeks. The beloved Emelie Agreste was back. The Akumas had stopped indefinitely. But no one could find it in them to be happy.
Their beloved Ladybug, their beloved Marinette, was gone. People and places she knew seemed to go grey, like the world of the City of Lights mourned her life and soul by going dark. 
Her school was always covered by a dark cloud, and the students always seemed to have clouds of their own. The teachers did their best to cheer the students up, but little to no avail. 
Alya no longer sat at the bench she and Marinette used to sit at every day. She sat in the very front row, and just took notes silently. She didn't talk about Ladybug anymore. She stopped updating the Ladyblog.
Nino wasn't as bad as Alya, but he would occasionally glance back at Marinette's old seat and long to see her there, drawing in her notebook.
Even Chloe mourned in her own way. She started painting her nails a familiar shade of red with black spots, and always wore a little satchel at her waist that was pure white with flowers decorating the front. 
But the one who had it the worst was Adrien. He stopped going to school altogether, saying that seeing the building made him want to cry out. He was typically found inside the Dupain Bakery, up in Marinette's old room. Untouched. Left exactly as it was that fateful day, even the small pile of clothes by her daybed was left as they were. He was silent but clingy, attaching himself to any aspect of her he was allowed to. He often just stayed with Dupain's, ate dinner with them and talked about nothing in particular. But they never asked him to leave. This was his form of grieving, they said, and he needed to work it out on his own, however long that may take.
They taught him a lot of things; how took to cook (mainly bake), how to clean, how to sew, what it was like to live in a true family. Not the neglectful home he lived in - no that wasn't a family. But they also taught him a lot about Marinette and how she grew up. Who she was around them, and how she started acting strangely and the way they had to handle that. Supporting her in any way they could, even though they didn't know what she really needed at the time.
It was hard for them too, he learned. Sabine sometimes became very wistful and mentioned that sometimes she still hears Marinette announce her arrival home whenever the bell rings for school to be let out. And Tom mentioned that there are times that while he's baking, he unconsciously calls for Marinette to pass him something, only for him to turn around and her not be there. It was heartbreaking. 
Four months had gone by in the blink of an eye but the clouds didn't lift. They just... wouldn't, for some reason. It was as if the absence of Ladybug made the city give up. Tourists still loved Paris and didn't hesitate to visit when the good weather was supposed to come, but even they noticed the strange damper over the city, the dullness of the locals' speech. 
Andre found himself running out of blueberry and raspberry ice cream after a while, and when the tourists asked why so many people had the same ice cream cups, he was forced to tell them of the loss of their beloved heroine. The tourists cried at the retelling of the story, something that Andre insisted on keeping very simple but emotional, to avoid accusations of overembellishment. He was known to be a little dramatic, but this was not something he wanted to dramatize. 
A year passed. The clouds had finally lifted, but the memory lingered heavily. Statues of Ladybug and Chat Noir were erected all over the city in their honor, and a single statue right in front of the Eiffel Tower of Marinette herself. Her grave, that had a coffin lying under it but no corpse. Hundreds of flowers and gifts were placed under it when the anniversary of her death came, so much so that the coffin was barely visible anymore. 
Sabine and Tom closed the bakery and spent the whole of the anniversary crying under the statue. No one blamed them. Their little girl was gone. She had died to save Paris, possibly the world. And they hadn’t even known until she was already gone.
Adrien wasn't far away, sitting on a bench and staring up at the girl he had fallen in love with. Just staring. He wasn't crying, much to many Parisians’ surprise. 
The Eiffel Tower was closed in her honor, and many tourists came and asked why it was closed, and they were always directed to Adrien. And that's how, by the statue, there was a large crowd of people listening to him retell wistful stories of his adventures with Ladybug, Marinette. There was no news that day, no reporter. It only, silently, played any and all footage the news station had of Ladybug and Chat Noir to confirm that none of it was a myth.
Some Tourists seemed unimpressed by Adrien's stories, some were bawling their eyes out, some just seemed distraught, but then a voice rang out pleasant and clear above all the sobs and hushed conversations.
"... Why is everyone crying?"
Adrien didn't look up from his hands, in which he held a pair of red and black earrings. "I'm telling them the stories of my most treasured friend and comrade - the person I loved. I'm telling them how she died, and what she did for our city, for our lives. Today is the one year anniversary of her death."
"... Oh. Well, I guess that is something to cry about, isn't it? I sort of hoped you guys would have celebrated me. Guess you can't have everything you want, huh, Adrien?"
Adrien furrowed his brow and looked up slowly. Standing right in front of the statue was the most beautiful image he had ever seen - a pale girl with rosy cheeks, freckles peppering over the blush. Hair dark as night and bluebell eyes filled his vision. The spitting image of the girl he loved was standing right in front of him, smiling warmly down at him. Pink scarf wrapped around her neck and a petty coat on her shoulders to shield her from the autumn breeze. That so familiar smile - the one that haunted his daydreams and made his nightmares more bearable, the one he longed to see just one last time...
He spared no time. He shot up and pushed through the crowd, running to her, and she had the biggest smile on her face. She let him come to her, laughing when he snatched her up in a tight embrace and clinging to him like he was her lifeline. They didn't separate for a long few minutes, and when they did, they just stared at each other. 
It didn't take long for word to spread. Everyone Marinette knew in life came running to the Eiffel Tower, news reporters, and old classmates, police officers, and designers. It barely took them a few minutes, they were all there to mourn anyway. They all froze when they saw Adrien and Marinette standing in front of Marinette's grave, with Adrien cradling her, holding her like if he let go she would disappear again. Alya and the reporters turned on their cameras and began to film just as Adrien spoke again.
"Is it really you, my luck? Did I find you again?" He asked after a long while.
Marinette began to giggle. "No, chaton." She tapped his nose lightly. "I decided that I was impatient. I couldn't wait for you to find me over and over. So I came to find you instead."
Adrien stared at her as tears ran down his cheeks. "Marinette... I... I never got to say this..." He lifted one of his hands, touching her soft cheek, which was as cold as ice under his warm palm. She was as cold as death itself, even though her smile could make a whole city feel like home. He tilted her chin up, leaning down carefully...
"I love you too, Marinette."
All of Paris rejoiced that day with the return of their heroine, and Marinette found herself in a world of more love and support than she could have ever asked for. But the love that she truly relished in was that of Chat Noir's, the person who had treasured her mere existence from day one and would continue to do so until their dying days. 
So this fic was based on Jean Cocteau’s last words, but it was also inspired on this idea I’ve had hitting me in the head for a while now about the idea of Death being an entity of his/her own (I made Death a guy in this so the pronouns didn’t get confusing, but I like the idea of Death being a more feminine character better), and how they have to bring people to the afterlife of Death’s choosing. For Marinette, she was more or less stuck in an awkward purgatory just sort of chilling with Death before she was like “dude, my bitch has been crying for a year now. Either you’re letting me out, or I’m finding a way out my damn self.” and they just sort of shrugged and let her show herself to the door.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed!
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thenoirblogger · 3 years
NOVA Film Festival Review: ‘Trouble Is My Business’
By John Nolan - April 11, 2018
The NOVA Film Festival has been on a roll these past few days.
The international film/music festival, hosted annually by the Angelika Film Center,
has had quite the selection of projects being screened. None, however, piqued
my interest quite as much as Trouble is my Business, a new
neo-noir thriller from writer/director Tom Konkle, who I had the pleasure of
speaking with briefly before the screening began.
Konkle is one of those
guys. Those character actors who pop up in TV and movies and make you go
“oh, it’s that guy.” And he’s proud
of his that guy status. You’ve seen
him before on the FX series Baskets, on Cosmos, and on a John
Cleese comedy special. You’ve heard his voice on cartoons and seen him in Coke
commercials, but you’ve never had the opportunity to see him as the type of
complicated character he plays in Trouble, and that’s part of the
point. Konkle and his partners on the film are all that guy performers. They decided to pool their resources into
making this film, an opportunity for all of them to push things further than
they typically get to. Wisely, they chose noir as the style for their outlet,
and we wound up with this gloriously campy movie. It’s a piece where every role
is a big character, and every piece of scenery requires proper chewing.
Shot in beautiful, shadowy black and white, the film itself
has Konkle doing his best Bill Murray impression as washed-up detective Roland
Drake. Drake is a man who finds himself wrapped up in a classic noir-style
mystery for him get to the bottom of. There’s guys in the shadows with
mustaches and fedoras, femme fetales pulling knives, Russian spies, and
smuggled diamonds. It has everything you’d want in a moody throwback to fast-talking
40’s scuzz, and this group pulls it off. Everyone in this film is having the
time of their life, swinging for the fences with their wild, cartoonishly noir
stock characters, and I loved every second of it.
That being said, nothing is perfect. While it did look very
stylized and professional, at times you could tell the true indie quality of
the film based on the occasionally fuzzy audio or clearly ADR-dubbed line. My
biggest problem, however, is a very nerdy one. Every so often the film would
slip into a handheld camera visual style. To me, that clashed hard with the pitch
perfect noir tone and setting created in every other area of the film. Film
noirs are notoriously static, and while there’s definitely room to
stylistically move the cameras, a true noir would never become quite as
visually kinetic as Trouble is My Business occasionally becomes. And that’s about
it. Past that, this movie was a slam dunk.
This isn’t a comedy, but it’s so hyper stylized, so campy,
and so fun that I just couldn’t help but chuckle throughout the whole thing.
It’s just so silly, and so proud of how silly it is. Honestly my face hurt from
smiling as much as I was during this movie. It’s such a fun ride.
I really enjoyed Trouble is My Business, and look
forward to seeing what those guys come
up with next.
Rating: 4 out of 5
0 notes
ladibugs2 · 7 years
the sparkling lights of the night
@badluckpersonified and I have had this thread on two different platforms since April. It’s our oldest thread, and we finally decided to put it on our blogs. The full length is under the cut. 
I’ll be reblogging shortly with my most recent response. 
Bridgette had always known an arranged marriage was in her future. However, she hadn't had the ability to see into the future and see exactly when she would be getting married. Six months after having her heart broken by the love of her life. Seventeen, and already destined to marry. Of course, she shouldn't be so surprised she was being given away at her age. Things just felt... unfulfilled. Thankfully, Felix was only a few years older than her, rather than the dreadful ten or more years she'd heard of. No matter what though, she'd have Tikki. In the end, so long as she could be Ladybug everything would turn out okay. Today was her first day meeting Felix though. Unfortunately, her father couldn't be here with her. She was escorted inside by a burly man who reminded her of the gorillas she'd seen in story books. She'd been informed that Gabriel Agreste, the head of house, was out on business and wouldn't be returning for a few days. Which was fine, Bridgette would need some getting used to this before she met the owner of the grand Agreste estate. Her baggage had arrived before her, so all she had on her were the clothes on her back, a small handbag, and Tikki tucked inside the hidden pocket she'd sewn into her skirts. 
Inside the Agreste manor was just as grand as the outside. It was a bit breathtaking. To think that one day she'd be the lady of this house. As she scanned the room her eyes landed on the tall blond who she assumed was Felix. She straightened her posture more than the corset did for her, and smiled sweetly. She bowed her head slightly before looking up at him. He was so much taller than her. Bridgette took a few steps forward, just out of the entry. She didn't want to impose herself. There was an image to keep up, after all. "Hello."
It was only through the years of dealing with social gatherings that allowed Felix to have the ability to not to let the scowl he wanted so badly to express on his face. She was everything he expected her to be, polite, posh and pretty. His father's seemingly perfect match for the Agreste heir. Had Felix had his way there would be no wedding at all. He didn't need someone he didn't know or love having a say in his life, his father run the estate just fine by himself anyhow. However when the thought passed his head he remembered the warmth the household once held and forcefully suppressed images of a mother's kind smiles and hair the color of sunlight. There was no way he'd find that connection to anyone and he'd never be foolish enough to believe this girl could compare.
But never let it be said that the Agreste men were anything besides gentlemen. As Felix stepped forward to meet his bride to be, he stiffened momentarily as he felt Plagg get restless in the pocket of his coat. The troublesome little thing probably wanted to catch a glimpse of the girl that was his betrothed. With a little more force than necessary, Felix moved his arm to his front in a motion to bow and effectively clamped his closed fist over the kwami to cease it's wiggling. He gave a small dip in return, the ingrained manners driving his motions. "Hello. Your belongings are in the room adjacent to mine seeing as how we won't be expected to share a room until the day of marriage. Your presence will be only be formally needed when we dine and if you wish to leave the estate, someone will escort you. While at the moment I have no work, I ask that you leave me in peace when I do." Perhaps he was being too curt with the 'rules' but this was his effort to make the arrangement work. 
Resisting the urge to sigh, Felix waved off the bodyguard so he wouldn't follow directly behind them and offered Bridgette his arm, "But, as I said. I have no work today. So I will show you around the estate and we can get... acquainted." Thankfully, nothing besides the small hesitation showed his displeasure at the concept.
Bridgette wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but this cold, borderline rude attitude had not been it. Somehow she forced her way past the first impression. Chloe hadn't been much better, and she'd turned out to be incredible. Chloe... If Chloe was here she'd make everything better. Bridgette already missed her like mad. Perhaps one day things would work out between them. Bridgette's mind wandered a bit to the idea of running away with her love. That was as improbable as ever seeing Chloe again. She smiled at Felix and took his arm, feeling Tikki get comfortable against her leg.
"Thank you. I'd love to see the estate. It's beautiful already, and this is just the entryway." Bridgette tried not to cringe. She could recall the scolding of her etiquette teacher. She was being too open, not quiet enough, not womanly enough. It was hard to fight her nature though, and frankly she didn't want to.
It was hard not to wonder why Gabriel chose her. Was her Asian background a bit of a novelty? An inelegant, well-bread, and exotic wife? Wow. Felix must feel so special. Mentally, she rolled her eyes. 
Felix was direct and to the point. Bridgette took it all in with wide, eager eyes. She asked a few questions, but tried to keep her intelligent questions out of it. That wasn't lady like. However, that flew right out the window when she saw the gardens. Her eyes lit up and she pulled her arm away slightly before catching herself and remaining at his side. "This is... This is incredible!" Bridgette was unable to stop her wide grin as she looked around. "I haven't seen that type of flowers since I lived at home. I didn't even know they could grow this far north! Oh, those plants attract all sorts of lovely butterflies. Spring will be coming soon and-" She cut herself off and glanced over at Felix before blushing darkly and bowing her head slightly. "S-sorry. I tend to get carried away. It's not exactly proper." She cleared her throat, the first outward sign that she was just as hesitant about all of this as he was.
Felix wasn't sure how to respond in all honesty. That was the first sign of true liveliness he's seen in her since he began the tour. Sure there had been her inquires as they progressed, but those seemed simple minded at best. And seeing her flaunt over his late mother's beloved garden caused an onslaught of emotions within him. He looked past her at the greenery, eyes flashing through an array of feelings, anger, despair, heartache and then fondness. The garden wasn't in it's most beautiful state. Some plants were overgrown and a few weeds littered the area. The blame for that was strictly on himself, as he trusted no one to touch this area without his supervision and he has hardly had time to breathe let alone keep a watchful eye on gardeners. The fact was, this girl seemed to treasure the beauty even with it's flaws just as he did and he was immeasurably grateful for that.
Maybe their time together wouldn't be as dreadful as he had assumed.
"Perhaps not. But, this... was my mother's garden. She used to say it was our own personal Eden away from society, and upon entering you leave all worldly troubles behind. Proper manners and all." Whenever it was the three of them his mother forced her husband to forget about deadlines and work. That the garden was their time together and nothing should encroach on that. Every time it worked, at least until her passing. Now his father never visited this place and Felix couldn't blame him.
He lowered his arm to let her know it was alright for her to explore and he wouldn't criticize her for any exuberant behavior. He wouldn't dare take away the safety that the area was meant to provide.This time, he fully dismissed the bodyguard so he could leave the two of them alone and away from prying eyes.
As she enthusiastically went to the plants, he wandered the area nearby and he could feel himself soften both visibly and mentally. Just this once, allowed himself let go for a moment. He knelt down and pulled at a weed, feeling an almost vicious satisfaction as the plant was uprooted. "So you know about flowers? While I'm quite familiar with the species in here, I'm sad to say these don't particularly attract many ladybugs as we do butterflies. Would you know of a kind that does? I'm quite fond of those insects, and while I don't believe in superstition it may do good to attract a creature of luck." He couldn't stop his lips from quirking upwards, a small degree of his Chat Noir persona bleeding through. It was now clear they were going to stay in the garden for sometime.
She listened to him talk, hanging onto every word. If he would let her, she'd be in the garden near constantly. Like Tikki, she loved nature, and it was hard to find in abundance in the city. Bridgette started to explore, glancing over at Felix to see him start plucking weeds. She smiled some. Maybe he wasn't as cold as she thought. All this information she filed away for later. She was going to learn to love him for her own sanity. Hanging onto Chloe was a lost cause, and being heartbroken was exhausting.
Bridgette was inspecting some beautiful roses when Felix's words got her mind whirling. "Of course I do! Caraway, fennel, and dill work fairly well. As for flowering plants, cosmos and daisies work. They are drawn to the white cosmos especially. I can see why, they're beautiful. We had manicured gardens at my boarding school, nothing so wild and wonderful like this, but our own little haven. Every time it was pleasant I took my studies outside. It's just so much more enjoyable." With the free reign to talk she was rambling, waiting to be told to hush.
After noticing weeds intertwining with some flowering plant she didn't know, she bent and started to pluck them as well, not minding the dirt on her skirts. "You'll need ladybugs." She noted. "There's aphids all over these plants." Tikki stirred, and Bridgette tried not to cringe. Now Tikki wouldn't rest until she got a snag of those.
"Infestation? I'll put in the order immediately then." He didn't look up at her, instead continuing his task of pulling the wretched plants from the garden. The dew from the ground seeped through his pants to his knees but he payed no heed. He'd just need a change of clothes and it was easy enough to evade the others in the house, there were so very few occupants that roamed the halls. The garden began looking a bit better for every weed pulled and plant returned to it's place. The process itself was relaxing in Felix's opinion. If he had time he would see himself doing this again. But the next instance may not be anytime soon. He supposed he would have to enjoy the little time he could in this little paradise. 
It was quiet as they worked and the only time the silence broke was when Bridgette would go on about plants and whatever else popped into her head, him only giving a nod or hum to show he was listening. It was still irritating against the solitude he was used to but the one sided conversation was much more refreshing than their earlier interaction. Not to mention Plagg wiggling in his pocket that contributed to his annoyance, but a quick swat to the kwami stopped the movements. When Felix finally looked over at her, he took note of her soiled dress and scowled some. No doubt it would track inside. "Next time, I insist you-"
Unfortunately he was cut off. Plagg must have done something to influence his luck as a revenge because he found his foot getting caught on a root sending him on the ground. Felix hissed and pushed himself up on his palms, his ego bruised and embarrassment washing over him. Of all the things to happen. Even if he didn't like his bride to be he didn't want to come off as a complete imbecile. The only thing that remotely comforted him was that Plagg got squashed when he fell forward. In an effort to save face, he continued on as if he hadn't tripped, "that you wear appropriate attire when attending the garden. At the very least a change of shoes. Those will track dirt as well as rip up the ground."
By the time he spoke, she'd already stopped her weeding,  now investigating some bizarre flowering bushes that were attracting peculiar butterflies. They were beautiful but she'd never seen the type before. She gently moved her hand to attempt to get the butterfly on her finger but then Tikki bit her. She somehow held a yelp in, reaching down and pinching the kwami through her dress. Felix's words made her jump, pulling her thoughts away from the bruise that she would surely have now. She turned back towards him just in time to see him fall. Her eyes widened slightly and she was about to ask if he was alright, but when she noticed the look of embarrassment on his face she restrained. No need to make it any worse. 
Bridgette's lips quirked downwards and she narrowed her eyes, glancing down at his own filthy trousers and muddy shoes. Who was he to talk? She looked down at her own skirts and shoes. There was a bit of dirt along the bottom but nothing that would get anywhere. So long as she wiped her shoes off things would be fine, and no mud would get anywhere. Bridgette raised a brow and looked back over at him. "My dress will be fine for today. So long as I wipe my feet, no mud will track inside. If I remember correctly there's some stones and a bit of moss before the garden entrance. I would be more worried about yourself, Mister Agreste." She realized a moment too late how snappy and improper that had sounded. She cleared her throat and looked away, straightening her posture. Now she was hyper-aware of everything she said and did. The last thing she needed was Felix going to her father and telling him how improper she was. "Should we go inside now? There's a lot of the house I haven't been shown yet, and I should probably change before dinner. Will your father be joining us?" Her personality she'd shown through her rambling and snapping was gone now; replaced by the etiquette that had been forced into her mind since she was old enough to walk.
'Do this, don't do that. Speak like this, keep your back straight. Never let him know you've got anything in that bright brain of your's, Bridgette. Don't you know that men are only interested in lifeless women with nothing to them but the ability to shut up and look pretty?!' Chloe had always said that in the voice of their etiquette teacher, scolding her and pinching her sides before they'd both dissolve into giggles. Unable to help herself, she sighed softly. Chloe had made her presence permanent it seemed; demanding to be heard even when she wasn't around. 
He could only blink at her as he was completely baffled by her rapid and very sudden change in personality, but as soon as he got his wits about him, he scowled darkly. She had the gall to get angry at him then revert back into a walking china doll. He wasn't too sure if he was mad at being snapped at or her submissive demeanor. Either way, his mood was soured and he brushed himself off after standing. Straightening his jacket and holding his head high, he regarded her coldly. "Very well. I'll take you to the room so you can get changed. And no. My father won't be joining us for dinner." The fact she reminded him about his father just agitated him further. The man couldn't even bother to set aside work to meet the girl he intended to marry to his son. He briskly walked towards the garden's entrance, not bothering to turn and see if Bridgette was following. "You aren't allowed back here without my permission or my presence. Now if you will."
He kept his gaze forward as he offered his arm once again. When they were linked, they wiped off their shoes to the best of their abilities and Felix escorted her back inside. But instead of the simple questions said at the beginning of the tour or the honest rambling in the garden, the trek was encompassed by tense silence. Even Plagg went still as they went to her room, but that more than likely meant the kwami was planning a way to cause more mischief. Thankfully they met no one on their way there and when they reached Bridgette's room, Felix pulled away from her. "This room is yours. Mine is next to it. Your belongings are already here so go change and I'll do the same. When you're done I'll show the rest of the house and by then dinner will be served." With that said, Felix entered his own room and shut the door behind him. He pulled off his jacket and Plagg flew out, a cheeky grin on his face, "Aw you were warming up to her. How sickeningly adorable, thankfully you both ruined it." The cold look Felix sent him only added to his amusement. The black cat could tell this was going to be quite the adventure for his chosen.
If the past hour was any indication, she and Felix would not be getting along well. It would always be a balancing act for her. Bridgette didn't have the privilege of acting too much like herself. She didn't know Felix yet, and if he decided, he could decide that he didn't want her. Not only would she have to leave London behind, but her father would likely react in the worst way possible. Perhaps he'd even have her locked up on the pretense of her being crazy. There's also the possibility she'd have to give up life as Ladybug. A lot was riding on this marriage to Felix Agreste, and she couldn't afford to mess it up. So she kept her mouth shut, just nodding and agreeing to whatever he said. Maybe he'd hate this side of her as well. It was frustrating, not knowing. Everything felt fake to her, and she honestly just felt like crying. She didn't have Chloe, her father wanted nothing to do with her except to use her to give the family business to the Agreste line, and Felix seemed to hate her. At least, she had Tikki. 
The only good thing was the fact that her room overlooked the garden. She thanked him for the tour then shut the door, exploring the grand room. There was everything she could need; a few wardrobes, a closet, two bookshelves, a desk, a large canopy bed, a bathroom, a chest at the food of the bed, a small table... Everything. Her things were neatly stacked in one corner, waiting to be unpacked. The only thing she didn't like was how dark the room felt. She threw open the curtains and opened up the windows and the doors to the balcony. The furnature was a dark wood, and the walls had a deep purple wallpaper. Carefully, she pulled Tikki from her pocket, offering the kwami a sad smile. 
"This is home now." She murmured. She set Tikki down on the bed while she went to her things, finding her dresses. She took her overdress off with some difficulty and replaced it with a blue one. She changed her shoes as well, and went to the bathroom to refresh her hair. Bridgette hated wearing makeup, so she didn't bother reapplying. Felix probably wouldn't even notice. 
Tikki floated on over to her. "Things are going to work out just fine, Bridgette." Bridgette gave the kwami a smile, praying she was right. 
Turns out, things weren't going to work out today. Dinner was terrible. It was silent and every time she attempted to start conversation Felix shut her down. Eventually she stopped trying, picking at her food and just eating enough to be healthy. Didn't he realize that this was hard for her too? That she'd been plucked from a life she was happy in and thrown into this? Or was he too wrapped up in his own world to care? 
The only good thing about the day was patrol as Ladybug. Sneaking away hadn't been hard, and it had been easy to find Chat Noir. They met on the London clock tower, just as every other night. He had arrived before her, and as she landed, she took a moment to watch him. His stance was almost feral; hair wild and unkempt. He looked ready to pounce, his stance full of that peculiar grace cats seemed to have. She smiled some. Despite his flirting, he was a dear friend. She'd always cared for him. Somehow he'd find a way to cheer her up, he always did. Even if he himself was upset. Going by how tense his posture was, he probably was. Ladybug moved from her perch, gracefully landing just behind him. She came to stand beside him, overlooking the city in silence. 
Felix was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice that Ladybug had arrived. These nights of being Chat Noir were his escape. From work, from his less than perfect life, from everything. But his problems followed him this time. Once he says I do, despite what he wants or hopes for, it will limit Chat Noir. No more flirting and worse he'll never have a chance to pursue Ladybug as much as he'd like to, he couldn't commit adultery. Just how was he supposed to tell his Lady that he was engaged? To a girl who he didn't love and wasn't loved by in return no less? Was it being unfaithful if he would sneak out after dark to meet Ladybug? Or shared a bed with the girl? He wasn't with Ladybug but still. They were a team even if there was nothing between them. His fists clenched and unclenched at the thought of losing the one thing that was his and his alone because of a decision his father made. He should have guess his father would manage to do this. Strip him of his last bit of freedom and chain him to a girl who was the embodiment of everything he disliked.
He was startled out of his trance when he finally saw Ladybug next to him. Immediately those thoughts that festered in his mind were pushed back, not gone but instead muffled by his happiness at seeing his partner. The feeling of calm between the two went both ways. "My Lady. Always a pleasure seeing you." Chat Noir grinned broadly and his tail which had been flicking back and forth now slowed to a lazy sway. Some of the tension seeped away from his shoulders and he leaned forward on his cane to edge her personal space without fully intruding. Two toned green eyes examined his partner intently. He saw her own rigidity that usually wasn't there and a brow raised underneath his mask. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who had a difficult day. 
"Care to start patrol late and bask in the moonlight with me? When was the last time we spent some quality time together?" Chat purred and gave Ladybug his signature flirtatious smile. However the playful quip was issued more for her rather than him. An offer that he'd sit with her atop Big Ben and listen to her troubles if she so wished. And if not, there was the way out to brush his antics aside and continue their routine as normal. At least with the exception of doting on his Lady with twice the effort in order to erase whatever problems she was dealing with herself.
Ladybug smirked slightly as he leaned in close. She didn't even spare him a glance. Perhaps he thought her a heart breaker, or a tease, she didn't really care. She had bigger thoughts on her mind than to play into the ploy's of a mischievous kitty cat. A small smirk tugged her lips, her keen blue eyes darting over to him for a moment before looking back over the magnificent city they called home. At some point she would talk about her troubles, she needed to. Tikki had encouraged her to. If anyone could help and calm her, it was Chat Noir. Right now though... Right now she just wanted to run. Slyly she unhooked her yo-yo so that she wouldn't plummet to her death when she launched herself from the tower. She took a few steps back before giving him a huge grin. "Only if you can keep up, kitty." She gently tapped his bell before moving back a bit more before running off the edge, a happy laugh leaving her. She swung her yo-yo, catching it on something and swinging off into the night.
Effortlessly she landed on a building and took off, hopping from building to building. She noticed that Chat was right on her tail, jumping across the street to run parallel to her. Ladybug wasn't sure how long they went like that, running and leaping and swinging from building to building. She went into she felt like she couldn't go anymore. Finally she came to a stop, breathing heavily as she stood on top of a church. Without realizing, she'd run far from the Agreste estate, close to her old boarding school. She was compelled to go see Chloe, but she knew that would only cause her heart to ache. She heard Chat land behind her. 
It felt nice to push herself so hard, but now with the distractions gone and the moonlight streaming down she remembered why she had wanted to run so hard anyways. She felt him nearby, but she didn't pull her eyes from the city. 
"I'm engaged." In the silence that followed she started to ramble, needing to get it off her chest. "My finance... Doesn't seem to like me very much. I don't think he understands what's going to happen. He doesn't seem to understand that I'm just as unhappy. My father plucked me from my life, from the person I love, to put me with a miserable man who acts like a child!" All the anger from the day was coming out now. She let out a bitter laugh, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. "He's one of the most selfish people I've ever had the misfortune of meeting! You know, maybe I wouldn't feel like this if he had bothered to talk to me. Our dinner was silent, he hardly even looked my way. He treated me like the biggest inconvenience he's ever had to face." She took a few deep breaths. "I wish I had just taken your offer." She hadn't because of Chloe. Bridgette had been naive enough to believe that she and Chloe could run away together. Now it was too late. No matter how awful Felix turned out to be, she couldn't leave him. 
Chat Noir was stunned at her opening up. After their excursion he came to terms that she wasn't ready to share whatever trouble she was dealing with, yet here she was baring it all to him. The similarity of their situations was eerie though he could definitely relate to her feelings. "Seems we both missed our chance." He doubted he was ever her first choice, but he was at peace with that. Even now, if he could offer her some escape he'd do it in a heartbeat, but he was powerless in this situation just as he was powerless in his own. Matters like these were out of Chat Noir's capacity. It was infuriating, but here in the cover of night he could fully express himself and his anger. That however would come later, now was the time that he had to make his Lady smile again. "I myself am in an arranged marriage. But unlike myself, you have the charm of being you. It may not seem like it now but I assure you that this man will adore you just as everyone in London does." This is the part that will hurt. Both his Lady and him. "Running away isn't an option for us anymore." If he was honest with himself it probably never was. It was in neither of their nature. "And given the situation, you'll probably always love that other person." He certainly carried his own lingering feelings. But here he was, with his first love, giving her advice to cope with a lost love and doing his best to give her strength to pursue another. "As your partner, I know you have enough space in your heart to love more than one person. After all you manage this kitty quite well. One more childish man is nothing you can't handle." His grin was so large it hurt his cheeks. He ignored the pang in his chest at every word he spoke and instead took her hand to raise it to his lips. Placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles he mustered all his will to keep his ears from pressing against his head as he allowed the final vice to constrict on his heart. "I guarantee he will fall for you my Lady. If anyone can make it through this it's you." Chat Noir was confident that this mysterious man would come to love his Lady, and in time perhaps she would love the man back. It was her luck. Just like the miserable existence outside of being Chat Noir was his. Her good fortune was something he's always been both envious and grateful for. Now they would both have to learn to live with the choices that others set for them. He could only hope that her predicament would have a happier ending than his.
Ladybug knew, deep down, that Chat Noir was right. Running wasn't how they worked. She watched and listened, her attention now fully on him. Loving Felix would take time, but she was up for it. She wanted to. This was her life now, and she would be damned if she died before saying that she died unhappy and with love left to give. Felix would just have to accept that he was going to be nestled in her heart soon enough. She gave her heart to everyone, and he wouldn't be an exception. She knew it would hurt though, to love knowing it will likely never be returned. She had tears in her eyes as she flung her arms around him, nearly tackling him. Never let it be said that she didn't show her love in every way she could. 
"I'll love him, I'm sure. I just... I need to stop being afraid of heart break." She sighed softly, and stepped back, holding his shoulders to keep him close and facing her. "Chat Noir, promise me you'll try and love her. She's likely just as unhappy." She cupped his cheeks gently. "She probably feels like the world is on her shoulders, and she's stuck no matter what. Don't forget that we live in a man's world. If she's anything like me, she's going to stay because of her father; because if she leaves she's got nothing for her except the mad house." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek gently before taking a few steps away. "We can be patient and learn to love again." 
It would take time, but maybe Felix wouldn't despise her forever. Bridgette could love him easily enough. If she could love Chloe, she could love anyone. The whole situation hurt. She felt so stuck, so caged. There was nothing else for her in the world, not a thing of worth that belonged to her besides her body. Whoever was marrying Chat Noir was a lucky girl. Ladybug hoped things worked out for him. "You deserve to be happy, Chat." She smiled sweetly at him before looking back over the city. "I need to get back. There's something I need to do in the morning." She started to swing her yo-yo, glancing at him. "Get to know her. I'm sure you'll be surprised." She waved to him before jumping away, back towards the Agreste manor. 
She took her time, landing gracefully on the balcony and letting Tikki take away her transformation. She sighed softly and yawned, catching the kwami. "Let's go to bed, Tikki." Bridgette was up early the next morning, in a shorter dress and apron. She decided to skip breakfast, instead heading to Felix's office. She stopped before knocking, her hand hesitating. She could just go to the garden without permission. Maybe that'd be better than getting denied? Bridgette sighed and caved, knocking on the door before waiting patiently for Felix to answer.
"Give me a moment." Felix ran a hand through his hair looking at the splintered remains of his desk. Besides the scattered papers on the ground showing there was a desk that had been there, hardly anything of the structure after being hit with cataclysm the night before. It was just a testament to his anger at the situation and destruction was the only thing he could do to vent. But since everything on the streets of London were off limits, he was running out of his own things to destroy. His outing as Chat Noir tensed him up rather than provided the usual reprieve of the real world so much so, that this time Plagg hadn't offered any remark after his hissy fit and the destruction of furniture. The kwami seemed to have sensed his chosen's distress after the patrol and the two had went straight to bed after the desk's deterioration. Unfortunately this left Felix to deal with the aftermath of his own stupidity. 
At least he didn't have work that needed to be done today. Felix collected the papers and kept them in a neat stack as he headed to the door. Taking care to make sure Plagg was curled in pocket and putting the papers away, he opened the door to reveal Bridgette. He raised a brow and observed her head to toe, he had expected her to be at breakfast and he wasn't sure why she chose to show herself to him now. Immediately his Lady's words echoed in his mind. Of his intended being just as unhappy with the arrangement as he was, and him having to promise he'd try to love her. While he had given no verbal confirmation, he knew he'd end up doing as she asked. If there was anything that his upbringing taught him it was to grin and bear it, though the grinning part was left out.
He pushed back the previous feelings of resentment at the demure attitude and settled on civility when dealing with her. It was the best he could do when riding on the stress of the day before as well as the aftermath of patrol. "Yes? Is there something you need?" Well it was a start, but Ladybug had asked this of Chat Noir and it was time for Felix to deliver.
He was curt, but that was to be expected. Bridgette offered the best smile she could muster, just shy of a real one. The special, genuine smiles she gave were reserved for Chat and Chloe alone; only those who had her love. "Yes! You requested that I come ask before going into the garden. Would you mind if I did some work in it today? They told me I wasn't allowed to bring my schoolbooks and other novels with me, and my father hasn't sent anything for me to do. I'm afraid my bookshelf is a bit sparse and while I've got nothing to do and it's such a beautiful day I thought I'd tend to the garden some." She glanced down at her clothes. "I don't have any trousers, but this shouldn't drag in the mud too badly. I can take my shoes off if they get too muddy, perhaps even bring a towel down to wipe the ends of the dress." She looked up at him, rocking on her feet some. She hoped that somewhere, Chat was proud of her. She was trying. 
For a moment Bridgette racked her brain, trying to think of something more they could do, another way she could connect to Felix. 
"Perhaps we could take breakfast in the garden. I wasn't sure if you'd be joining me or not. You weren't exactly clear last night." She seemed to deflate some at the mention of the previous night, her mind flashing to the silent dinner. She stopped rocking and just like that her reality was crashing back down. Ladies didn't ramble and talk someone's ear off. She flushed lightly and glanced away before looking back up at him. "I-I'm sorry. They've always lectured me for my rambling. I don't mean to be a pest." Chloe was the only one she thought would tolerate it, much less enjoy it. She didn't expect Felix to tolerate it, no other man did.
He stared down at her and pressed his lips in a thin line. She wanted to go back to the garden? True her talking was more than necessary when it comes to simply requesting for permission but he found it less irritating than the submission of the other day after their spat. "I despise pests nor would I allow being around one. Wait while I gather some things so I can escort you." That was the closest he'd get to telling her he didn't find her rambling annoying. Felix collected his papers and gave a glance to where the desk once was, yes, he'd need another place to finish his work. Felix entered the hallway and nodded his head towards the way of the garden, "Let's go. I'll have plates sent outside to us. And next time the gardeners show I'll put in the request to see if they'd leave some equipment if you wish." 
Their way to the garden was silent with the exception of his talking to Nathalie about the arrangements for breakfast being served and placing the orders for a desk and some plants, to which he only got a raised eyebrow but no questions. When they reached the garden, he made himself comfortable on a stone bench underneath a tree, uncaring at how the morning dew still on the grass dampened the bottom of his pant legs. It was no matter, his father was out, and outside of his desk work there was nothing that demanded his presence. These next few days were scheduled to be focused primarily on becoming acquainted with his soon to be wife which meant no disturbances thankfully. 
He was hardly into his first paper when he thought back to what Bridgette had told him. Without glancing up he decided to be the first to strike the conversation, "You said before you had some novels that didn't make it here. Are there any in particular you wish to recover? I have an extensive collection myself you can rummage through." 
She took his statement as him not finding her annoying. Bridgette hoped that was a correct assumption, it'd be terribly awkward if it wasn't. "Tools would be fantastic! And I'll come up with a list of plants for the aphid problem. Besides, having ladybugs around can help with other problems as well. They're pretty too." Perhaps that was too much flattery. 
She was silent as she trailed behind Felix to the gardens, feeling Tikki eagerly shift in her inner-dress pocket. Bridgette would have to sneak her some aphids for breakfast. She was also going to have to ask Felix about sweets. Perhaps another time though. 
Once in the gardens Bridgette looked around and found a spot that would due to start work on. Thankfuly her sleeves were three-quarter lengths, so she didn't need to worry about that. She walked over and kneeled in front of it, pulling her dress out from under her legs so she could feel the damp dirt against her legs. She began to pull the weeds then, brows knit in concentration as she thought. So absorbed in her mind, she was startled when Felix spoke. 
Bridgette jumped slightly and straightened before looking over at him. "Yes, actually! I had a few books on plants, and another few on cats and insects. I can't recall the author's names right now. There were a few fiction novels as well as some history books I was quite fond of." She smiled some at him before going back to her work while she talked. "I don't think Father will have them sent. He doesn't exactly... approve. He wouldn't approve of this either." She giggled a bit, grinning to herself. Now that she'd decided to try and love him, she was letting information flow freely. Hopefully she wouldn't get into trouble. 
"I can request them being brought. The purpose of these next few days is to get 'acquainted' and make you feel 'at home' so anything that helps." He could ask under the guise of pleasing his soon to be wife. Or he could claim her possessions as his own because of their union, then give them back once he had them. Whatever would work, though judging by her statement he'd probably have to go with the latter. Idly, he wondered if his Lady would disapprove of him using his new position as suitor and husband to get what he wanted. Taking a glance over at Bridgette, he concluded that no, if he did it for the right reasons then it was okay. So long as he didn't apply that complete authority to Bridgette, his Lady would understand, or he hoped so.
He tapped his pen on the paper, reading through the papers he had before being interrupted by a maid bringing the breakfast they requested. The polished silver tray was set next to Felix on the bench, refreshments and two plates of egg, bread and bacon filled it's contents, there was even a dish of fruit and extra pastries on the side for them. No doubt their attempt to give his betrothed a warm reception from the cooking staff. He gave a nod to the servant, "Thank you. And don't worry about collecting the tray. I'll handle it." She gave a polite curtsy before leaving he and Bridgette alone again.
Picking up his drink, he took a sip then returned to his papers, the work wasn't too complicated by the look of it, only tedious. Felix took his eyes off the document momentarily to look at the wouldbe gardener, "Breakfast is here. Feel free to sit on the other side of the bench when you wish."
The suggestion at her books being brought here wasn't one Bridgette really expected. Maybe Felix offering to buy her new books, but not this. This just seemed so out of the way for him. She stood up and wiped her hands off on her apron, watching him carefully for a moment. Despite trying to open herself up, those guards she'd spent long putting up weren't going to come down so soon. Yes she was working on them, but her first thought was that Felix wanted something in return for the books. When she noticed he didn't even seem to be paying attention to her she relaxed slightly, walking over to the bench and sitting on the other side of him. "I'd really appreciate them being brought. I have all my notes written in. I'd hate to lose all of that." 
She carefully picked up the coffee and took a sip, humming softly. The warm drink soothed her throat from any irritation the pollen was starting to bring out. It tasted better than the coffee they'd served at her school. While tea was her preferred drink, she certainly didn't mind this. She carefully set it down before picking up a plate. The food was wonderful, and sooner or later she'd have to make her way to the kitchens and properly introduce herself to the chef. She didn't eat much, only the eggs, a piece of the bacon, and a pastry over the bread. She carefully set it aside, had a few more sips of coffee before taking a few deep breaths and simply looking over the garden. Bridgette usually didn't eat much, but Tikki stirring in her pocket prompted her to pick up the plate and finish off the bacon and half a pastry before she started to feel sick. 
Wincing slightly she carefully set the pastry down. Tikki would have to be happy with this. Hopefully she wouldn't start complaining about Bridgette needing to eat better or something like that. A light lunch was likely in order after this. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, almost forgetting Felix's presences at her side entirely. She was relaxed out here, a small smile tugging her lips. The only thing that could make it better would be to have Chloe here. 
Bridgette suddenly stiffened and opened her eyes, her smiling vanishing. She stood abruptly, walking to the area she'd started work on earlier. "The food is incredible. I'd like to speak with the kitchen staff before the end of the day. The kitchens in the basement, right? Or is it on the first floor? I can't quite recall if you showed me or not." She glanced up from where she was pulling weeds and over to Felix, watching him.
"First floor. But if you intend on speaking with them I should tell you they typically leave once dinner is served. After of course they finish their own meal." The staff couldn't dine with the masters of the house and had no reason to stay afterwards. Felix tore off a corner of a pastry and popped the food in his mouth. If he noticed the way Bridgette's demeanor changed he wasn't going to call her out on it. At least he didn't think it would be appropriate to. If there was anything his Lady taught him it was that every lady was entitled to her secrets. 
He'd promised his partner to put forth the effort to be kind to his intended but he wasn't sure how to incorporate those types of affections in his actions as easily as it would be for Chat to. His thoughts dwelled on a course of action until he realized he had been staring at his papers without truly processing what they said. He gave a sigh of agitation and started reread the passages describing the finances of the estate soon to be changed. Such a loathsome and tedious process. If he was a rebellious sort, he'd make his father finish the paperwork since the marriage was in fact his idea, but unfortunately he was not. It didn't help that if he didn't do it the chances of his father even bothering to pick up the papers were slim to none.
His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, he was only a day into this situation and already he was tired of the hassles of marriage. It was only when he looked up at Bridgette that he made himself to remember her position was probably the same as his, just like Ladybug said. Unwilling, tried, irritated, but forced to make the best of it. 
Pursing his lips, he only stopped for a moment before averting his eyes from Bridgette and back to the papers in order to avoid her gaze. "I'll be heading into town today. I feel that a trip to the florist and requesting the plants there will allow a quicker order. Would you like to accompany my or just give me a list of the plants that need to be bought?" If Felix wanted the infestation dealt with and the garden looking as radiant as it had once been, he needed Bridgette's expertise. His want to go out also stemmed from the restlessness he was in as well as knowing Nathalie was swamped enough with his father's commands and why ask her to do something he could do on his own.
(...) Three months had gone by faster than Bridgette even realized. Settling into the Agreste manor hadn't been too difficult when everyone was trying their hardest to make her feel welcomed. Over the first few weeks she'd made friends with the kitchen staff, and now took her breakfast with them on the mornings she didn't dine with Felix. Her pleasure in making friends with anyone, regardless of class, had been one of the many things that made her different from her parents. They weren't fond of her habits, and had tried to get it out of her. Of course, it hadn't worked in the slightest. The future Lady Agreste had befriended every staff member in the manor, and seemed to have started to make the manor a home once again. 
Things with Felix were getting along pleasantly as well. It hadn't taken long for her to find herself starting to fall for him. She'd always known her heart was too easy to win, and yet she didn't regret anything in the slightest. Being around Felix made her happy, despite his grumpy attitude. She'd seen it though, the kindness and love that lingered underneath that grouchy thick skin. It always happened when he thought no one was looking, and perhaps that made her love him all the more. Chat Noir had been helpful and sweet, but she hadn't seen nearly enough of him. It seemed they'd both been busy as of late. 
With every up there is a downside though. Her's came with the increased severity of her nightmares. Things had started out slow. Just paranoid feelings and having trouble sleeping. After a month things had started to spiral. Nightmares came three times a week and she struggled to fall asleep, fearful they would come back. Tikki seemed worried, but there didn't seem to be anything they could do about them. So Bridgette coped, getting less sleep than she should, but able to deal with it well enough. It was one of the mornings following her nightmare nights that she went down early to the kitchen, sitting up at the breakfast bar and munching on the food they so graciously gave her while she thought. Felix was always busy working, and she hated seeing him so stressed. It'd been a few days since they'd had any time with each other. Something had come up every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So, it was time for an intervention. Working that much couldn't be healthy. 
So, after his maid came to tell her that he'd eaten, she went to his office. The door had been left ajar, so she let herself in, making her presence known by clearing her throat. She made it a habit to sneak him out to do things about once a week, so really, when it hadn't happened in two, he should have expected it by now. Especially since it hadn't happened in two weeks. He seemed not to realize that she was here, too engrossed in the papers in front of him, that adorable look of focus on his face. Bridgette walked over and stood beside him, carefully moving the papers away from him, sitting on the edge of his desk. Her fingers closed around his hand. "Felix, you've cancelled eating with me every day this week." She pouted out her lip. "Clearly it's to do this, and I'll have no more. You looked like you've aged a year and it's just been a few days." She reached up and brushed her fingers along his face before tucking his bangs back behind his ear. "Come on, let's go do something. If you don't get out of this office you're going to end up like your father." Over the past few months, she'd learned the difficult balance when discussing Felix's father. This usually worked. It seemed to make him realize that, if nothing else, he should leave the office for her benefit.
Already tired blue gray eyes blinked in confusion, surprised by the absence of paperwork and numbers in his vision with it's replacement instead being the vision that would be his wife. It just went to show how truly immersed he was in the work and how little he seemed to realize time escaped him. He only sighed and tilted his head minutely into her touch, no different than a cat would when being pet, listening to her speak. When he first started to notice he liked the affection and being touched, he insistently blamed Plagg and his feline influence. But as days went on he came to terms that there was just something comforting in the gestures and he'd very much like to keep them rather than say something to make them stop. 
Unfortunately, talk of his father easily snapped him out of the lull he had been drifting into. "I would rather not skip our dining together if I could help it but there is a deadline I have to meet you know." The arguing was halfhearted at best as even he knew he was tired of the seemingly endless stream of papers. "Then there had been a mistake in the first set of work, changing everything else that follows so that will all have to be redone..." He continued on, more muttering his to do list to himself than explaining why he couldn't leave to Bridgette. It wasn't until he felt tiny claws poke his leg through his pant pocket that he stopped what he was saying in favor of looking up at Bridgette. With both her and Plagg, who always gives him an earful when working, voicing their concerns, he knew it would be futile to try and get out of it. And considering his own want to leave, it wasn't too difficult of a choice to make, the threat of becoming a recluse like his father was also all the more motivation to leave. 
So rather than forcing a reason to stay, Felix nodded his head and the corners of his lips to twitch upwards in a small smile despite his eye roll, "I suppose it is time for me to get some air and take you out. Heavens knows we haven't given the guard and Nathalie a good scare." While he cared deeply for the assistant and bodyguard, it was nice not to feel so pressured and on constant vigilance. His sneaking out with Bridgette gave him some of the same feelings of freedom he gets when transformed. Thankfully the two seemed to understand their need to get out since the couple usually get a stern talking to as opposed to being ratted out to his father if caught. So Nathalie and Gorilla allow these transgressions to happen even if they have their own concerns.
Felix stands up and stretches, feeling and hearing his spine pop from his lack of movement earlier.  "I'll leave a notice for Nathalie on the off chance that she comes looking for us." He shot her an amused look before making and signing the note and setting it on his desk. Hopefully they would be back before anyone noticed they were gone but better to be safe than sorry. With the warning in place, Felix walked around the tabletop and took Bridgette's hand to go, only turning to shut the door behind them, "As the mastermind behind this venture do you have any place in particular you wish to go?"
Felix's response to her touch would have been missed to an untrained eye. Over the past few months Bridgette had learned quite a bit about Felix and his body language. He was quiet and reserved, and it took a lot of persistence to get where she was now. Bridgette had learned the difference between what was overstepping and what was welcome (two lines that were very hard to decipher). As someone who enjoyed physical contact and craved it, it had taken awhile to settle herself into this. The last thing she wanted was to push him away on accident. So once she got the 'okay' to do it, she gently played with his hair, twirling the light gold locks around her slender fingers. 
"If you need a reason to enjoy a meal with me you could always say it's because we need to plan that party." While she wasn't exactly eager for the engagement party, both her family and Felix's were so high-profile that it was practically required. Nathalie had brought it up and Bridgette had agreed without compliant simply because she knew that this was expected. At first she'd been nervous about the whole ordeal, but with Felix close by everything would surely be fine. There was no way that the her family would be invited anyways. Well... Bridgette hoped as much. She doubted that she'd get a chance to look over the guest list to make sure anyways. "Deadlines aren't the world, Felix. Your associates would be understanding enough for you to at least eat dinner with your soon-to-be wife." Bridgette had no way of knowing for certain though, men could be just as unpredictable as women. 
Felix agreed without any further convincing. Not only that but he smiled, smiled! Bridgette beamed and jumped up, waiting patiently. While she doesn't see the use in leaving a note, she's sure that their guardians appreciate it. Once he took her hand she tugged him ahead slightly, a loud laugh leaving her. She turned back to look at him, giving the biggest grin she could muster. "I have no idea! The world is our oyster, Felix." She giggled a bit before turning back to see what was ahead of her so she didn't fall flat on her face. "If you wanted to leave the estate we could go to the nursery and pick out some more plants, or the bookstore... "She hummed. "Or we could stay here and hide somewhere in the manor. Or we could tend the gardens." She slowed her pace and bumped her side against his, looking up at him once more. "Really we could do anything."
"Without deadlines, nothing would get done in time and you know it. Not everyone can be graced with the ability to finish their work in an hour and have it be both completed as well as excellent quality." Honestly, it really wasn't fair that she could and he couldn't. But he supposed opposites attract, they had managed to make it this far in the relationship even with the shaky start they had after all. The two of them proved to be quite the pair. If someone were to tell him before they'd met, even in that first week, that he'd enjoy the company of a bubbly young lady to the point where he'd allow her to come into his office and openly speak her mind as well as touch him, he would have openly scoffed in their face. Looks like time proved him wrong, and gladly so.
He gave a small chuckle as he followed her, the suggestions bouncing back and forth from her were all pretty interesting to consider. "Let's do the nursery first, we need flowers finalized for the party and no we aren't going there just for business." She wouldn't be happy with him if he went from one work state of mind to another. But since they were already going to go there might as well. "We can pick up some more plants and come back to tend the garden. It's coming along nicely." Felix still kept his mother's place under lock and key, no one really outside of the two of them was allowed spend extended periods of time in there. And in regards to addressing it, he tried to keep it in an objective light, otherwise he'd fall prey to those pesky emotions he needs to get rid of. But he supposed this was much better than how it had been, the garden wasting away along with the occupants within it. 
"However we should talk about the party. Do you have a dress for the occasion? The day is soon upon us." Of course this brought thoughts of his own outfit, which of course led to another train of thought regarding the event itself. Planning, catering, staff, and soon enough he had the same furrow in his brow he usually did when he began thinking too deeply about a subject. Felix, still silent as his mind buzzed with thoughts, escorted her out of the mansion before getting the transportation needed to go through town and to the nursery.
She let out an airy giggle, giving him a large grin. "It's not my fault that I have all the luck, Felix." Bridgette, of course, had no idea how close to true that was. "I wish you would let me help you. What's the point of being educated if you dont' get to use it at all?" She was whining a bit, however she didn't really care. It was boring without schoolwork. Bridgette didn't think she'd ever miss doing essays and assignments, and yet here she was. The garden helped, after all there was plenty of work to be done, but it wasn't enough for her. Perhaps getting a few more books and an art tablet of some sort would help. 
Felix, of course, brought up party plans. She pouted lightly, linking her arm with his. "You better mean that, Felix Agreste. This is supposed to be relaxing for you." Bridgette rested her head on his shoulder slightly as they walked. It was comfortable being with him. She felt safe which, really, was the most important thing. The talk of the garden made Bridgette grin. "It's beautiful, isn't it? By the time of the party it'll create an amazing view." She didn't suggest people going into it, Felix probably wouldn't take too kindly to that. 
The scowl took up it's place on his face before Bridgette even had a chance to answer. She stopped him, stepping in front of him and resting her hands on his chest. She offered a patient smile before lightly fixing his tie, brushing her hands over the lapels of his outfit. She straightened his house crest pin before sighing softly and looking up at him, keeping her hands pressed against his heart. "Felix, my love, everything will be fine. I'm getting a dress tailored this week. It's going to be red, it looks very pretty. I've been discussing food with the kitchen and we almost have something for you to approve. For flowers I was thinking something simple for the fall weather, lots of greenery and oranges and reds; I drew something out, you'll like it." She gently cupped his cheeks so he would look at her, being proper went out the window after she'd gotten used to Felix. "Decorations are being taken care of as well. Take today off, let that busy, beautiful mind of your's rest. Promise me?" She smiled adoringly at him.
Felix felt his face flush at the closeness and even more so at her expression, when has anyone ever looked at him like that, "Yes, a day of would be good for us. It sounds like everything's been handled regardless." Be still his beating heart if she didn't know exactly what to say to him to get him to relax and let go. Reaching up to grasp her hands, he moved them up to brush his lips against the tips of her fingers, nodding once in compliance to her request that he stop thinking.  It was a wonder how he managed to get her into his life when it usually consisted of nothing but bad luck on his end. He pushed back the pessimistic thoughts of wondering when this will inevitably end and have to savor this, enjoy her company while he could.
"And the garden is coming along splendidly, no more aphids and even with the cooler weather settling in it's holding up strong." No doubt the amount of care both he and she put into the area was worth every speck of dirt on their clothing and callous on their otherwise aristocrat hands. He didn't think anyone at the party would appreciate the work that was done in order to get the garden to it's current state and much less at the fact it was the two of them contributing to the hard labor.
When they finally made it out to the nursery he found that the air was still crisp even with the sun overhead on this rare day that London wasn't overcast with clouds. The feline within him purred as he soaked in the warmth of the sun's rays and Felix felt himself feeling immensely better than when he had been sitting in that damned chair in his office for who knows how long. "I must say your idea of getting out of the house is already turning out to be a success. We can send the plants back and walk to the nearest book store if you feel up to it."
A soft blush rose to her cheeks at his gentle kisses. He had a way of surprising her with little, unexpected things. Bridgette adored it. As they walked she kept her hand in Felix's, not wanting to stray too far from him. His closeness had a soothing effect on her, whisking away the last bits of nightmare clinging to her mind. "During the fall when the seasonal plants hibernate for the winter will be a good time to finish up the cleaning. There's still weeds in that back section, and I'm sure we've missed some. We'll get to it all before next spring though. Probably even before the winter really sets in." Bridgette smiled broadly. "It's going to be beautiful next spring." 
"I'd love to! I've read through the ones we purchased last time we went." Bridgette kept her hand in his, a broad smile on her face. She tugged him over to some flowering plants, carefully touching a few of the petals. "Would you rather have flower arrangements or potted plants for the party? I think they'd last longer, and the house could always use a bit more to cheer it up... " Bridgette felt a frown work onto her face. There was something about the house that just didn't feel right. Too empty? Too cold? She wasn't sure. Without really thinking on it she snapped the petal, jumping slightly when she felt her hand slip. She felt Tikki stir under her skirts and she carefully pressed into Felix's side, wondering if she should tell him about the dreams. 
Bridgette glanced up at him. He had enough to worry about without Bridgette adding something that was probably nothing on top of it all. Nightmares weren't unusual when one was anxious. There probably wasn't a thing to worry about. "I think we should get something bright. Like mums," she murmured, gently tugging him over to the plants. She gave a shake of her head, forcing a smile and turning to face him properly. "What do you want?" 
His lips pursed as he looked over her, having felt the small jolt accompanied by the small ramble. Had she been upset about something she obviously would have told him, right, or perhaps it was her own nerves about the party manifesting itself into this jumpy nature. Regardless he decided not to think too much on it, if Bridgette was upset about something she would make it known and confide in him, or at least he hoped so. Instead he chose to gently squeeze her hand and overlook the plants she had picked out with an inquisitive eye. "Yes, something that would last longer would provide dual purpose as both decoration and decor."
There was a slight intermission where Félix spoke to the florist to get the arrangements ready for transport before he turned his attention back to Bridgette. Now was the time he was sure she'd appreciate, bringing the main focus on the garden. "And beauty is fleeting, doesn't mean we shouldn't anticipate their future bloom. Perhaps plan for a bright plethora of colors in the spring." The area itself was returning to it's elegance and refinement however, with the cold weather upon them it couldn't be certain that the plants would stick around. On the positive side, it was as she said, it would be easier to maintain the grounds itself.
The image of the sprouting garden in the spring brought a small smile to his face. Reaching out with his free hand he plucked a flower from it's place and moved it to rest behind Bridgette's ear. "In fact a splash of color would do nicely." Brighten up the house, the outside and hopefully put some cheer in Bridgette's mood. While he wouldn't address her change of demeanor it didn't mean he couldn't do what he could to help.
As glad as she was for his comfort, Bridgette couldn't help but feel like she'd done him a disservice by not telling him what was troubling her. Later she would have to talk to Tikki about it. The choice was such a hard one to make. After all, he was precious to her, and she didn't want to burden him without cause. On the other hand, the nightmares were getting worse, and it was only a matter of time before the lack of sleep would become apparent in the way she lived her life. Surely Chat Noir would notice it as well, how tired his Lady seemed. They'd be seeing each other again tonight to do a patrol. Hawkmoth seemed to be going dormant for now. It worried Bridgette; surely that meant that he was up to nothing but evil. 
For now though, she put those thoughts from her mind. Right now she was here with Félix. She simply wanted to enjoy her time with him. 
"The garden was beautiful this summer. I can't wait to see it when it's just blooming. I bet it's something special." Bridgette knew that Lady Agreste had taken great care when planning and constructing the garden -- she'd seen as much from her own work in it. This spring would bring bright colors and new hope and new life to the dreary manor. It seemed that in the year's since Lady Agreste's death, all the wonders that lay hidden inside the Agreste Estate drained out, leaving two miserable men in a miserable house. Bridgette wanted to do her part to fix it. 
The gentle brush against the side of her head brought Bridgette back to the present and out of her thoughts. A grin tugged her lips upwards. "Something with a fall theme of course -- can't clash with the leaves. In the spring I'm thinking we plant lots of seasonsals with bright purples and pinks," she mused gently. Her fingers curled around the edge of his coat. She was sure they were being watched, they always were. Hopefully people would mind their business, or only assume the truth. She and Félix were just two young adults in love. There was nothing wrong with that. 
"Shall we go to the bookstore now? I trust the nursery to arrange something fitting with what we've chosen."
It was later the same day and while all the errands wore against him, he still looked forward to patrol. A plate of cheese was set out for his kwami and Félix was left with his thoughts. He tapped a finger on his desk, trying to make sense of Bridgette's behavior earlier. He was fairly certain that something had been bothering her, be it the party or perhaps getting cold feet from the wedding? The whole thing made him uneasy, and he wasn't so sure as he'd previously been in the fact she would confide in him. Before he could think too deeply on the matter a satisfied burp interrupted his thoughts. Félix gave an impressed look to the small cat before calling forth his claws. 
In a flash of green lightning Chat Noir stood in the room of the study, stretching as he let out a content sigh at the transformation change. It didn't matter how much time passed, he'd forever feel comfort in donning the mask and allowing all expectations to fall around him, though he did find a similar feeling in his recent change of company. He looked down at the silver ring resting snugly near his knuckle, a sharp contrast to the polished black cat head on his opposite hand. It was almost time yet there was no real feeling of trepidation, rather the want to embrace it. Nodding to himself and making his mind up at the decision, he left the ring on and left the room via the window making sure to carefully sneak out and lock the entrance behind him. 
The air was cool as he leaped on the rooftops, making his way towards the signature meeting spot of he and Ladybug.  It didn't take long to scale the clock face, coming to the uppermost walkways in search of his partner, "My Lady? are you here yet?" 
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swipestream · 7 years
Short Reviews – Joe Carson’s Weapon, by James R. Adams
Joe Carson’s Weapon appeared in the Spring 1945 issue of Planet Stories. It can be read here at Archive.org
Joe Carson’s Weapon may be about the most PoMo thing I’ve read in Planet Stories.
A kid writes into his favorite sci-fi pulp magazine and a pair of Martians whose orders are to take over the earth take the kid’s letter at face value.
While it definitely wasn’t my thing, there were some pretty good laughs to be had on this one. The best part, perhaps, is the nearly page length “letter” to the editor that Joe Carson sends in, which absolutely captures the very essence of the most egregiously banal letters that ended up being printed in the pulps. The adventure itself is practically proto-Aqua Teen Hunger Force with the Martians being completely daft and incompetent while complimenting one another on their superior intellects or saying deliciously comic self-congratulatory stuff like “Yes, we are truly martyrs. My only regret is, I have but nine tentacles to give for my species.” (Try not reading that in Oglethorpe the Plutonian’s voice.)
As a perfect lead-in to next week’s Retro-Fandom Friday, I’m including the entirety of Carson’s “Letter” (oh, my God, Adams nails how some of these letter writers write), but it might behoove you to check out the whole story:
Ye Humble Ed:
  Once again the keeper has negligently left my door unlatched and I slyly crawl from my cage, drawn by one, irrevocable purpose. Glancing hither and yon, to make sure I am unobserved, I dash to the fence and clear it with a prodigious leap that carries me half way to the corner drug-store.
  Snatching a tricycle from a gawking kid, I push his face in the mud and pedal furiously the remaining distance to the store. Leaping off, I rush in and batter my way through the screaming throng, shouting imprecations at all who stand in my way.
  Panting with exhaustion, I at last reach my goal and clutch it to my breast. The crowd surges forward and frantic hands grab at my prize.
  “It’s mine! All mine!” I shout in their faces. “No one can take it from me!”
  Galloping madly from the store I race swiftly across yards and up alleys, quickly losing the howling mob in the distance. Squatting under a street-lamp, I sneak a triumphant look at the treasure. What is it? Yep, you guessed it—Galactic Adventures!1
  But—shades of Major Mars!—what is that horrible monstrosity on the cover? A BEM, no less…an abominable, wretched BEM. Why, oh why, can’t we have at least one different cover painting? Wesley is no good. Get Marlini or Sidney to do the covers. I don’t mind a BEM now and then, but a steady diet of them soon palls on the palate. (Heh heh.) All joking aside, your covers are terrific.2
  Now we come to the task of rating the stories. Only one stands out in my mind as being of excellent quality. I refer to Arthur M. Ron’s super-epic, The Infinite Finite. The other stories paled into insignificance in comparison to this classic. More power to Ron! Percival’s Puissant Pulverizer and Nothing is Something follow Ron’s story in that order. The rest are not worth mentioning.3
  The interior illustrations are somewhat better than the cover, although, for the most part, they are inaccurate and do not follow the themes of the stories. Ye gods! Can’t your artists read? So much for the art, which wasn’t so much.4
  Say! What does that jerk, The Amphibious Android, mean by calling me a “mere child”? His assertion that I’m but a youth of fifteen is a good way off the beam. I’ve been reading Galactic Adventures for the past eight years and I was nine years old when I picked up my first copy, so figure it out for yourself. A jug of sour zeni to him. May fire burst out in his s. f. collection and utterly destroy it. No! I retract that. That’s too horrible a fate, even to visit upon The Amphibious Android. Let him wallow in his ignorance. I, The Super Intellect, will smile down on him and forgive him his sins.5
  That’s an interesting letter from Charlie Lane. The Miserable Mutant has propounded an amazing theory that has set me to wondering. Perhaps G. A. can induce one of its authors to work this theory into a story. I’m reserving my four wooden nickels right now for the tale, if it is written. I’ll even suggest a title—Those Who Are Froze In The Cosmos. How’s that? Well, I didn’t like it either.6
  Once again I tear my hair and roar: GIVE US TRIMMED EDGES!7 Ye Ed must know by now that the majority of fandom is in favor of trimmed edges. As it is, one comes suddenly to the most interesting part of a story, at the very bottom of a page and spends several moments feverishly attempting to gain a hold on the ragged edge and go on to the next passage. By the time he has accomplished this, he is a raving lunatic, a martyr to trimmed edges. I am not a crusader, as is The Misled Biped, but I insist on seeing justice done.
  As a whole, this is a fair issue. I might even call it good, if it were not for the artwork and stories. Ron’s epic will live forever in my mind, although its ending was rather weak and it could have developed into a more powerful tale by having the Slads all die in the Inferno.8
  I enter my plea for longer stories. A long novel by M. S. Jensen would be appreciated. His last, Dr. Higbaum’s Strange Manifestation, was a gem. On the other hand, short stories are not without merit and good old G. A. wouldn’t be the same without them. I believe the story policy had best remain as is.
  Give Higgins a rest. His yarns are rapidly degenerating into hack, with only four out of the last five meeting with this reader’s approval. I don’t like to be finicky, but it seems like he isn’t contributing his best material to G. A.
  Well, this missive is growing to huge proportions and I would like to see it in print, so I’d better sign off.
  Oh, yeh, almost forgot to comment on the departments. They are all good, with The Reader’s Opinion being the most interesting.9 Ye Ed’s ruminations come in for a close second. Do not change the departments in any way, although the quiz and the Strange Phenomena feature could be discontinued, without any great loss.
  Before I close, I wish to make a revelation which will rock the world. Yes, Ed, I have a secret weapon! Nothing can stand against this terrible invention and, with it, I could even destroy Earth, with Mars and Pluto thrown in for good measure. Beware, Ed, lest you arouse my ire and cause me, in my wrath, to unleash this vast force upon helpless, trusting mankind.
  Having read G. A. from cover to cover, I crawl back into my cage, drooling with delight. Prying up a loose stone in the center of the floor, I tenderly deposit the mag among the other issues of my golden hoard. Replacing the stone, I sigh contentedly and manipulate my lower lip with two fingers to indicate complete satisfaction. See you next issue!
  Joe Carson
  The Super Intellect
1. It was not uncommon for letters to begin with flash fiction (often sci-fi-themed) accounts of acquiring the latest issue, ranging from “So, I plunked my two dimes down at the newsstand…” to full-overblown stuff along the lines of the above. Adams really nails how bad many of these are.
2. Covers and quality of the covers were a frequent topic of discussion in Vizigraph. I do think that a lot of writers had justifiable complaints against several of Planet’s early-mid 40s artists, Parkhurst in particular, who, while he did do some good work now and then, had some pretty lousy compositions. Additionally, there was always the debate on whether the girls were too scandalous or not scandalous enough, or the fan who’d quip about the need to hide the front cover… not because of the dame but because of how embarrassingly bad they though Parkhurst’s cover was. Though it was clear that most of his iconic pieces were all based off the same handful of reference photos, Allen Anderson’s run was much better quality and much better received than Parkhurst’s.
3. Obvious joke titles aside, this could be word-for-word cropped from a real letter.
4. More frequent complaints about the interior illos. By the late 40s, the art was jibing with the stories a bit better, there was often a strange contradiction of tone when you’d get a hardboiled SF Noir story paired with Doolin’s illustrations of Flash Gordon silly hats and underwear on the outside.
5. SF Fandom has always been terrible, and letter cols were filled with this kind of stuff…
6. …which often had context lost as they referred to stories and letters from previous issues.
7. A big deal.
8. This and the next paragraphs are fairly characteristic of the unhelpfully contradictory feedback usually included in reader letters.
9. Oddly enough, Planet did get several letters saying that the Letters section was the only part worth reading. Imagine only reading a pulp zine for the yahoos writing in to complain about things! Part of the ostentatiousness of the letters, however, was almost certainly the result of the quarterly competition in which letter writers could vote on their favorite letters, with the top three vote-getters getting a shot at original pieces of interior art-work.
Short Reviews – Joe Carson’s Weapon, by James R. Adams published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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