#positive vibes only <3
writers-ex · 1 year
smol reminder to treat everyone kindly on anon or your ask will be deleted, I am a human with feelings too <3 I’ll be back with an itzy spam shortly i hope everyone is having a good day/night ^-^
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artilite · 26 days
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"Do you know something?"
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angelnumber27 · 2 months
If you can’t be real with me about how you feel and allow me to be real with you about how I feel I don’t want you around me
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strangecreature-fear · 7 months
Hi! I will be posting my progress in working out and transition here and I also want to find a place here for my Astarion and BG3 phase 🦇
So hello everyone! those who are interested in my progress and Astarion! 😜
Have a nice day everyone and see you in the next post 🤍
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coffinflop · 7 months
shadowheart’s hip dips. reblog if you agree <3
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mtsworkshop · 1 year
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Nonbinary Five Eccentrics icons for Nonbinary Awareness Week! Please credit if using.
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tensleepshrike · 20 days
out of character. big day for millie receiving 🧸 🎀🩸Baby's First Blood Sacrifice🩸🎀 🧸 and even bigger day for proud father krou'ahz who gets to gleefully inform her that she cannot unring this bell and will now need this to feel normal until the end of days, otherwise suffering Abominable Withdrawals until the next fix
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Russ Ballard
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altruistic-meme · 26 days
I just keep coming back to your wip list because it sounds so interesting. Could I ask about your wip legally married this time? Please feel free to word vomit.
sobbing crying hi welcome back!!!!!
legally married doesn't really have MUCH of a plan at all to it yet, but it's a very silly concept that i adore and want to try writing on my own!!
the idea so far for it is that before Dazai left the mafia, he and Chuuya had gotten legally married so that they would be able to visit each other in the hospital if they had to or something. like if one of them got injured and picked up by paramedics instead of making a clean escape to the PM's doctors.
also just the thought of it being like a tommyinnit and tubbo situation where Dazai somehow tricked Chuuya into marrying him and Chuuya doesn't even realize that yes, he is legally married to Dazai, until some time later when it gets brought up somewhere :'))) and then he just storms the ADA like "Dazai what the FUCK do you mean you're my husband" and Dazai had also kinda forgotten and goes "what ARE you talking about????" until they look into it and he remembers and just. shenanigans. do they get divorced?? do they discover that maybe it's not THAT bad of an arrangement after all??? only time will tell (and me, when i actually decide how the rest of it will go dfihgh)
[ WIP list ]
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writers-ex · 2 years
anon you should get a live why would some other writer forbid hannie from writing something 💀💀💀 stay mad
*cough her words not mine cough* *sips tea* anyways- positive vibes besties and remember in ryujin we thirst and trust <3
also @ryuttaeng if you ever want to write smt for me lmk bc i'm a huge fan and ILY and you're pretty cool and i'll stop simping for now- 🥺👉👈
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread  
Lucha of the Night Forest
YA fantasy about a girl struggling to survive with her sister in a land overtaken by a forgetting drug, who makes a deal with a forest god to escape
spooky fungi magic, forest, sisters, lesbian MC
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That's it; that's the post.
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voltfruits · 1 year
"homophobic aubrey lmao" "aubrey is such a mean lesbian" "aubrey hates men" stop talking before i rend you limb from limb with my bare hands
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soft-serve-soymilk · 11 days
Having salivated over European food yesterday, here’s the head children’s takes on gastronomy:
#just pav things#Inigo’s favourite food has and will always be paella 🥘#that or a good creamy risotto. rice in it’s most flavourful and nutritious forms is his comfort food ✨#And it makes sense because rice is filling! It helps tide over the heightened anxiety that comes with not eating for long stretches of time#And he also has an affinity for seafood considering he was born in Seraphin. The fondness for it is in his blood.#Especially prawns~ (good thing Amonea has many of them!)#Dism’s tastes in food lies more in the rich saucy/soupy realm of dishes#like coq au vin because I can tell he would like chicken the best#though if he’s anything like me than rajsko omačka should be his favourite 😋#he loves soup and stew :) (remember he had all the time in the world once to slow cook and develop the flavours of these to heaven ✨)#Cynthia’s palate can only be described as unrefined but she loves pizza (don’t they all? don’t we all?)#Matching her high sugar intake anything with a high amount of lipids (fats) is also in her tastes#like cheese and fried things and fried cheese (have u ever tried a cheese schnitzel? THEY’RE SO UNHEALTHY BUT THEY’RE GREAT)#Archie likes his food spicy >:3 He has a much higher spice tolerance than his brother#It’s a direct influence of the spiriters btw. They’ve dulled his sense of taste alongside his vision#And so Archie enjoys spicy things because he can feel something actually ✨#He also likes his starches in the form of noodles 🍝 (Dism is privy to potatoes— especially mashed potatoes— instead)#Archie will eat literally anything though let’s be real. He’s gone through too much food insecurity to be picky#He’d still cry (positive) if you gave him a beautiful cut of red meat though#Very much an enjoyer of bourguignon :> or steak. he’s more carnivorous than one might assume looking at his physique#And unlike the flavour enthusiasts that are the boys Idyllia much prefers things that are subtle and reserved#lending herself more towards pudding and yoghurt and crème brulee#or waffles with maple syrup! Croissants! Flaky little pastries! Things that are easily digestible bc of her medical treatment#And Archie’s kids? Luna likes foods with soft textures. Theon has no preferences because of his upbringing and finds ordering food hard#Ewan is notoriously picky but he likes homestyle creamy cooking with game meat. I like the implied cannibalism that arises from this.#Rabbits ofc are game meat and honestly if the people of Phyme were eating each other that would only add to the cult vibes ✨✨✨✨
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itstimeforstarwars · 5 months
Do you ever see a job posting and you just KNOW that workplace is gonna be toxic as hell
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beauzos · 4 months
it's always kind of a weird situation when you dislike something but it's not because it's bad, so it feels like it's difficult to explain why you don't like it.
i really dislike Ace Attorney 4, just. based on vibes alone. and i sound like a crazy person every time i try to explain it KRKFK
i simply don't like it. but i see why people like it, too. i respect how bold it was with the direction it wished to take the series. it didn't want to rest on its laurels and tried a new angle for the games. it just didn't work for me. i love DD and SOJ, they're my favorite games in the series, but they play way too safe after the mixed reaction to AA4 and it really undermined Apollo's character, and the other characters tbh.
i don't really care about most of the plot points set up in AA4 so it doesn't actually bother me, but i see on an objective level that it's fucking absurd that they dropped everything except for like, the dark age law stuff and if i was an AA fan experiencing DD and SOJ as they came out i'd be kinda pissed they just ignored everything AA4 set up.
it's just profoundly, deeply not for me. and i'm kinda relieved the rest of the trilogy didn't follow in its footsteps. i guess that's all i should have to say.
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