#poses by sciophobis i love all of their poses
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amanda-plays · 14 days ago
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I had to put this gorgeous hair created by @margotaspen on Taylan. I'm obsessed with it🩷
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herecirmsims · 2 months ago
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Day 3 of whatever this is, and my final share for the Family Collab hosted by @theserenadeofshadows! This was another commission for reeyal_state and I actually only made it a couple weeks ago, but they very kindly said it could be released ahead of my usual 1 month hold. 🙏 Thank you!
Pack contains 8 poses for a child and teen/adult sibling (teen Sims use the same rigs as adults) plus all-in-ones. I guess you could also use it with a kid and an elder if you have a particularly badly behaved grandpa. For the bed poses, just place two teleporters in the middle of any double bed.
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - any double bed (for poses 7 & 8 only)
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Download (always free!): SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Bluesky, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Want to commission me and help support my work? Details here! Want to leave a suggestion for poses you'd like to see? Form here!
About the collab:
The Sims 4 Family Member Collab is a collab where each participant shares one or more family themed pose packs throughout November and December. Keep an eye on the other participants:
• Call.MeDomino [Patreon] [Tumblr] • TheSerenadeOfShadows [Patreon] [Tumblr] • LegacyTheSims [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Raspberrywhimss [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Sakura.Simz [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Sciophobis [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Simmerianne93 [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Simmireen [Patreon] [Tumblr] • StarrySimsie [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Subiesims [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Willow's World [Patreon] [Tumblr]
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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xandezsims · 15 days ago
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[Bodice Ripper Romance Novels]
'Roman Darkmoor Must Die.' The Devil of Darkmoor Collector's Edition, by Henford-on-Bagley's own A.D. Dorian. This (pretend) period romance series follows the varied loves of Roman Darkmoor, the man everyone wants, and wants to kill. Our hero is a bisexual disaster on a mission to get himself off--er, offed--and everyone is dying to help him.
Have you read this?
Happy Valentines Day! In honor of those who'd rather just read a book, we brought you a gift! Because why would you brave a date or spend money when you could be at home with a spicy novel?
Featuring fully-designed covers, familiar tropes, and an actual plot (!), the Devil series is bound to bring your Sims some joy. And it looks nice on a table--or, if you're shy, under a bed. We won't tell. Preview gifs, more info, and download below.
Like enemies to lovers? Hurt/comfort? Forbidden love? What about swordfighting? Magic? Time-travel? If any of these ring your bell, this is the fandom for you! Be braced: the forums are a warzone.
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Download: Patreon (free) | SFS
All filed under Clutter or Storage > Bookshelf. The readable books can be bought from a phone or computer, just like any other book. They should also be in the catalogue, set apart by their preview style.
Starring: Etain Bishop as Juliana Lalune Frederick Duncan as Dr. Albert Sterling Fredette Duncan as Lucia del Sol David Duke as Captain Cyrus Astraean "the Traveler" as the Fairy Godmother(/father/parent) and Victor Gray as Roman Darkmoor
Some Facts About this Project:
Dez came up with this in 2022: Harlequin-style trashy novels as unique clutter. The original concept was 2 deco books. It turned into 3 deco books, a full book set, and 5 readable books. So far.
The titles are modeled after 1980s romances. Dez went through hundreds of Simlish fonts, and finally modified the title font character by character to better match the English font, Georgia.
Every bit of text in this is Xan's fault. He went overboard. Back cover blurbs, book pages, the lot. Don't let a writer do anything.
The book pages were meant to be cliche racy novel schlock, but they came out much better than expected. Oops.
We hope you like this--and that, if you do, you'll tell us. Between research, screenshots, photo-editing, font-editing, meshing, writing, testing, designing and redesigning, we spent actual, real-world months on this. And we're proud of it. But it was a lot.
Despite that, Xan is considering a semi-historical version. (Let's be real: dirty books are not a new invention.) So that might happen.
CC on the covers courtesy of about a million people, including @soft-simmer @happylifesimsreblogs @lady-moriel @midnight-moodlet @trillyke @strangestorytellersims @plazasims @kotcatmeow @candysims4 @okruee and about a million other people. I'll make a proper shoutout when I have time to count it up.
Poses by @sciophobis @helgatisha @natalia-auditore @sewersims and @solstice-sims. Couldn't have done this without you.
@alwaysfreecc @maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @sssvitlanz
...If you made it all the way here, congrats! You earned a cookie. 🍪
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sakurasims-world · 2 months ago
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litte sunshine - posepack #9
hi everyone <33
im back with a small release for @theserenadeofshadows collab month! After what feels like an eternity that i uploaded something, but university kept me busy so i could not properly sit down and get anything pose related ready - im so sorry for it.
About this pack, this was a small idea i had in mind to do for my sims once she gives birth to baby. One of the poses was inspired by a pinterest family aesthetic i saved and i turned it all into a posepack. Its nothing special or crazy new, but i still like how it turned out.
You need:
teleporter of your choice
Please note that i am not a pro at posing so clipping, or problems can occur. If you notice something, please lmk and i will try to fix it asap!
Thanks for all your support. Muah love you and have a good holiday season!!
please dont claim as yours or put behind paywalls!
Feel free to change them for your use!! Tag me on instagram @sakura.simz or here, i would love to see you use them.
Dl x
XO sakura
Also please give some love to the amazing and talented creators who are taking part in this collab:
CallMeDomino Patreon / tumblr
Herecim.sims Patreon / Tumblr
 LegacyTheSims Patreon  / Tumblr
Raspberrywhimss Patreon  / Tumblr
Sciophobis Patreon  / Tumblr 
Simmerianne93 Patreon  / Tumblr
Simmireen Patreon  / Tumblr
StarrySimsie Patreon  / Tumblr
Subiesims Patreon  / Tumblr
The Seranade of Shadows Patreon / Tumblr
Willow's World Patreon  / Tumblr
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decvyed · 1 year ago
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Hey guys, here is the Dakota set featuring a sheer floral dress and a pair of strappy sandals that can be worn together for a full look or on their own with pieces from your virtual closets. As usual, I've included an in-game version as well as a blender version with 4K textures maps. I hope you enjoy this set and look forward to seeing your characters in it! 🙏🏾✨ This drop includes the following: Dakota Dress 10 Swatches - Female Frame - Full Body Category - Alpha Transparency Crystal Butterflies Sandals 8 Swatches - Female Frame - Shoes Category - Custom Elevation - Decor Version - Specular Map for Shine Dakota Set (Blender Version) 4K Texture Maps - Female Frame - Rigged New Mesh • Med-High Poly • HQ Texture • BG Compatible • Young Adults to Elders • All LODs • Custom Thumbnail • Disallowed for Random Base Mesh Credit: Junaidshakoor47 & Wolves Studios Base Body Credit: @magic-bot Render Credit: supavampi Poses By: @sciophobis DOWNLOAD TOU:
Conversions are not allowed regardless of the gaming platform
Do not reupload
Do not claim as your own
Do not edit or recolour the mesh
Alternate Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99254115 Thank you for shopping DECAYED. Feel free to tag us on Instagram or use the hashtag #SHOPDECAYED on Tumblr. We love to see you in our content.🙏🏾💫 You can also see our previous releases on our Pinterest Board 🌟
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maxinesims01 · 6 months ago
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Nora Prather (Sim Download)
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Come back and say you love me Un-break my heart Sweet darlin’ Without you I just can’t go on
🫐‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪🪻 ִֶָ☾.
•Poses by Sciophobis
(When creating sims I use CAS Unlocks Mod! I highly recommend to install the mod here)
♡CC Included♡
♡Credits to all CC creators♡
♡You can do whatever you want with this sim, but please don’t claim it as your own and give me credit!♡
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maxispremades · 8 months ago
🎶Joy Division — Love Will Tear Us Apart
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Почему они все ненавидят меня? Почему, ΜĀΜĀ?!..
Только глухой не слышал о том, что военные и ученые готовят против меня заговор. Простые горожане переходят на другую сторону улицы, когда видят, что я шагаю навстречу. Даже Букет, чистокровный сиксимец и мой дорогой сосед — даже он старается избегать меня в последние дни. Я прокажен? Я болен? Что, ΜĀТþ вашу, со мной не так???
Я ведь всегда хотел только лучшего для них. Благодаря мне этот город стал убежищем для всех тех, кто не смог найти себя в большом мире. Отщепенцы, фрики, психопаты. Сильные женщины и хрупкие мужчины. Потерянные взрослые, трудные подростки и особые дети. Избранники Сиксима, которым выпала честь стать драгоценным сосудом для внеземной жизни. Самопровозглашенные творцы, безумные ученые, инакомыслящие всех мастей, маргиналы и панки — для каждого из них нашлось место под палящим солнцем Стрейнджервиля.
Я принес им ŦßŌЙ дар, я выпустил на волю ŦßŌЮ благодать, я призвал в иссушенную пустыню живительный дождь, чтобы семена ŦßŌĘЙ любви взошли и принесли богатый урожай. Что еще нужно им? Чего еще им не хватает?
Всем своим пиксельным сердцем я люблю ŦĘδЯ, моя ΜĀТþ, моя прекрасная Королева Звездных. Этой любви с избытком хватит — поверь мне! — на весь Стрейнджервиль. Только ŦЬΪ одна знаешь о том, сколько во мне этой любви. Невостребованной, нерастраченной. Порой мне кажется, что еще немного — и она разорвет меня на части... если только военные не сделают этого раньше. Защити меня, молю. И спаси этих неразумных персонажей от самих себя!
english text below the cut
Why do they all hate me? Why, ΜØΜΜ¥?!
Every sim and his dog knows that the military and scientists are plotting against me. The townies cross the street when they see me walking toward them. Even Pol, a pure-blooded Sixamian and my dear neighbor — even he's been trying to avoid me these past few days. Am I a leper? Am I sick? What is wrong with me, ΜØΜΜ¥???
I've always wanted the best for them all. Thanks to me, this town has become a refuge for all those who couldn't find themselves in the wider world. Outcasts, freaks, psychos. Strong women and fragile men. Lost adults, troubled teenagers and special children. Sixam's chosen ones, honored to become a precious vessel for extraterrestrial life. Soi-disant artists, mad scientists, dissenters of all persuasions, marginals and punks — there is a place for each of them in the scorching sun of Strangerville.
I have brought them ¥ØỮŘ gift, I have released ¥ØỮŘ grace, I have called the life-giving rain into the parched desert so that the seeds of ¥ØỮŘ love may sprout and bring forth a rich harvest. What more do they need? What else do they lack?
With all my pixel heart I love ¥ØỮ, my ΜØŦĦ€Ř, my beautiful Birth Queen. That love is enough, — believe me! — for the whole of Strangerville. ¥ØỮ're the only one who knows how much of ¥ØỮŘ love I have in my soul. Unclaimed, unspent love. Sometimes I think it will tear me apart... if the military doesn't do it first. Protect me, I pray ¥ØỮ. And, please, save these silly sims from themselves!
poses by @simsgami (pose request #18), @snarky-sims-creations (echoes of evermore, strangerville mystery), @n00b00simmer (my super girlfriend), @k-sims-7 (descendant of the sun);
and @radioactivedotcom (days of youth), @siimplysims (starry nights), @sciophobis (in colors), @starrysimsie (baby's coming);
and @akuiyumi (anger), @electricwhims (anxiety emotions), @joannebernice (stand and talk, talking/walking).
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pidgotto · 9 months ago
Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 3 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over a month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
This time, the obligatory beach episode. 😎
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Playing in the sand!
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Poses: Sibling Poses 4 - Ratboysims
The besties having some well deserved hangout time.
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"I hope things always stay like this."
"I do too."
Pose: Companion poses - Ratboysims
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She's plotting to stick sand in his shoes for the disrespect he's dealin' out.
Pose 1: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Sibling poses 3 - Ratboysims
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"We keep this love in a photograph; we made these memories for ourselves."
Pose 1: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Little Troublemaker - Sciophobis
Poses 3 & 4: Sibling poses 3 - Ratboysims
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All I can think of in the 2nd pic is "Hunter, why have you forsaken me?" He tried to make up for it with a hug after, but Omega is starting to reach the age where she's like "omgg, stop, this is so embarrassing."
Poses 1 & 3: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Little Troublemaker - Sciophobis
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This picture just makes me laugh every time. Serious stink-eye.
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dead-lights · 11 months ago
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grand occult bake off: the judges
Who better to judge an occult baking competition than our favorite foodies?
I'm having a surprisingly good time writing these three together. Lily didn't get onboard with the side bangs, but at least L. gets to look like a magical space empress when she's shitting all over Wolfgang's soufflé.
cc below the cut, also a full view of L's dress because I love it and I love her
poses by @helgatisha
pendant earrings by @bluecravingcc
sirius earrings and stardrop rings by @clumsyalienn
dark delight dress 1 by @madlensims
20s bracelet by @glitterberrysims
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pose by @sciophobis
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partheniasimblr · 8 months ago
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(En français sur mon blog)
Thanks to all builders, cc creators and pose makers @adjusted-karma @divadoom @JackTravelsHome @maxiematch 
@natalia-auditore @nell-le @plasma-jane-deactivated20210918
@pyxiidis @rethdis-love @satterlly @sciophobis
Transcription and translation below the cut
Æluin: I got something special for you, i iôn nîn (my son).
Calipsos: What is it, ada ? Tolo nin ! (dad! Tell me!)
Æluin: Edro i chin cîn, Calipsos (Open your eyes)! Your surprise is here…
Néfaria: Calipsos, my little lovely devil!
Calipsos: Nana (Mom)! In your arms!
Calipsos: Nana! Where is the big ugly ork?
Néfaria: Somewhere far, far away, my sweet pea!
Calipsos: Don't be afraid, nana! I’ll protect you from the big ugly ork!
Néfaria: I have the bravest little boy in all of Chalkaos! Æluin: Ci aglareb maethor, Calipsos! (You'll be a glorious warrior, Calipsos!) Calipsos: Mae, ada. Maer vaethathon ! Im rovaer a rhoveleg! (Yes, dad. I'll be a good warrior. The best and greatest)
Calipsos: And one day I will ride the last dragon. Yeah, ain't that right, ada? Æluin: It’s right, my son. Calipsos: Tell me again about the last dragon!
Æluin: My distant ancestors worshipped Sûl, the god of the wind but he betrayed Hervis, the Queen of the gods, who drove him from his own temples where she took his place. A few centuries later, the Grey Elves wanted to resume their old cult but were punished by Hervis who scattered them around the world, condemning them to a lonely and wandering life.
Æluin: Nevertheless, they are endowed with a very great strength coming from Balaur, the sleeping dragon Sûl hid in the bowels of the earth. A legend says that the dragon will free himself from his chains after a thouſand years for the final battle… Calipsos: Is the final battle coming soon, ada?
Æluin: I hope and fear it all at once, my son. You see, the last dragon’s return would mean the end of our wandering. But no one can probe the heart of a queen, especially if this queen is a goddess… Calipsos: Really ? What about mom’s heart? Æluin,laughing: But your mom is a queen, the queen of my heart! Néfaria: You idiot! Calipsos: I wanna be an idiot too… Æluin: Pent i idhren! (Word from the wise)
Néfaria: Ermengarde, take my son to the market and buy him a wooden sword! I need to talk to Lord Elacan. Ermengarde: As you wish, my Lady. Calipsos: And also a wooden dragon! Æluin, laughing: Did you hear that, Ermengarde? And also a wooden dragon… Ermengarde: As you wish, my Lord.
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kel-birdy2809 · 4 months ago
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The beauty of the internet, is that it enables me to play on a server together with some friends overseas. Despite distance, timezones and oceans in the way; we can hop onto the server and play together as if we were in the same room. We can goof around, build, chat, and explore the Minecraft world together. Even if some days I feel like I have to rein in a couple of chaotic gremlins. Playing with my friends has been some of the best times I have spent in Minecraft, and I love those two menaces immensely - gremlins they may be, but I wouldn't change them for the world. I am forever grateful for their in-game company. And I am even more grateful that they allowed me to turn their minecraft skins into Sims 4 characters to go alongside my own recreation. I am so pleased with how they turned out. Poses used: Three Friends 2 : collab by @simmireen , @herecirmsims and @simmerianne93 [SP] Legacy Pt.1 - Flame : by @sciophobis Trio Pose Pack : by @katverse As always, thankyou to all other cc creators that I used custom content from in order to make these shots.
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thalvanna · 1 year ago
✧・゚: ✧・゚♡ ovwrarepair 2024 - day 4 - valentine's day ♡・゚✧:・゚✧
devour me if you really think that you can stomach me i want every other freckle
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happy valentine's day ♡
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full version on my twitter (didnt know how much or how little i could show on here, with the nsfw guidelines, so better safe than sorry lmao)
ovwrarepair24 posts :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5-1 / 5-2 / 6 / 7 ✧・゚: ✧・゚♡ ( list of CC used below ) ♡・゚✧:・゚✧
Clothes :: comfy joggers by Nucrests / JESS ripped top by Plumbobnfries / a strapon cc i dont think i can link on here lmao
Skin details :: About face by Pyxis / Milktea by Capital Co / GPME-GOLD Face Contour C7 by GoppolsMe / Torrada blush by Simandy / Tulip mouth corners by Peachyfaerie / Fallout 4 Scars tattoo by Yakfarm / Body scars by -Merci-
Eyes + eyebrows :: Undotted eyes + heterochromia by Nords-Sims / Eyebrows N48 by Seleng
Hair :: Mohawk by Redearcat
Makeup :: eyelashes 13 by Bobur3
Piercings :: DIY lip piercing set by Pralinesims / DIY eyebrow piercing set by Pralinesims / Piercing set N14 by Pralinesims
Clothes :: paige coat, nancy hoodie, ren socks, avery backpack by clumsyalien / high super skinny jeans by Pinkzombiecupcakes / lace up boots (male) by jius-sims
Skin details :: About face by Pyxis / Milktea by Capital Co / Floral body and face freckles by Peachyfaerie / Torrada blush by Simandy
Eyes + eyebrows :: Undotted eyes + heterochromia by Nords-Sims / 201920 eyebrow by S-Club
Makeup :: Au naturel eyeliner N78 by Pralinesims / Jin lip tint and Myung blush by Simandy x Infiniteraptor
Nails :: Elysia nails by Suzuesims (dark purple recolor by me)
Purple arm :: me (will post for download soon)
Pose packs
chemistry, cravings and endorphine by Simmireen / nsfw 1 - awakening and the choice is yours by akuiyumi / pose request #207 and spark in the eyes by sciophobis / you're home by herecirm
(THANK YOU CC CREATORS SO MUCH OMG im floored by the dedication, love and care everybody puts in all the custom content AND FOR FREE?? sending endless love and good vibes your way) ♡♡♡
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herecirmsims · 2 months ago
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Lily Child
This was a commission for reeyal_state and I'm sharing it now as part of the Family Collab hosted by @theserenadeofshadows!
Pack contains 6 poses between an adult and child, although several of the poses have alternate versions. You will need to have the lily acc on the adult Sim for all poses, and the poses were made specifically for the Mari hair by Sunivaa, BUT this set can also be used with almost any hairstyle (I recommend one that covers the ears, since Sim ear height/shape can change and the lily may clip) and you can also use them without the acc at all.
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - this lily acc (optional)
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Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Bluesky, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Want to commission me and help support my work? Details here! Want to leave a suggestion for poses you'd like to see? Form here!
About the collab:
The Sims 4 Family Member Collab is a collab where each participant shares one or more family themed pose packs throughout November and December. Keep an eye on the other participants:
• Call.MeDomino [Patreon] [Tumblr] • TheSerenadeOfShadows [Patreon] [Tumblr] • LegacyTheSims [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Raspberrywhimss [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Sakura.Simz [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Sciophobis [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Simmerianne93 [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Simmireen [Patreon] [Tumblr] • StarrySimsie [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Subiesims [Patreon] [Tumblr] • Willow's World [Patreon] [Tumblr]
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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plumbaleena · 2 years ago
Plum’s Favorite Pose Makers
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If you’re finding this via my Twitch, you’ll know how much I love poses for my sims. They not only tell a story, but they help you get close, connected and intimate with them. If you haven’t ever posed your sims, DO IT! This game is so dull, so boring, lacking in every type of emotion, yet poses create the connection that the game just does not have. If you don’t know how to pose your sims you can watch my step by step tutorial HERE
Here are my personal favorite pose creators that showcase emotion, beauty, and depth - in no particular order /
✨ - the pose creators I use the most or the creator you’ll see me use the most on stream.
For more resources you can follow my Pinterest board / https://www.pinterest.com/plumbaleena/
And check the pose Masterlist for ALL of your specific posing needs / https://ts4-poses.tumblr.com/masterlist
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adorableorca-sims · 7 months ago
Young Family Portraits
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Autumn... the year's last, loveliest smile.
I can't wait for fall! We're finally starting to have somewhat cooler days here in my area of the country, and while I do love the freedom of summer, there's something about autumn that really speaks to me. ❤️
Well, now that I figured out how to get higher quality pics, I'll present to you, the Young family portraits. This was SO fun to shoot and edit. Look at all the love you can see in these poses! ❤️
I think it'd be WAY too much to list every single creation, but I'll be sure to tag the creators I used below the cut. (I'm sorry in advance if anyone was left off; I'm sure there were several! It's been a long week. Let me know if I'm missing you.) I am WCIF-friendly and can direct you to links though!
@simmerianne93 @lustrousims @sciophobis @katverse @georgiaglm @sims4nexus @kijiko-sims @twisted-cat @sonyasimscc @ennetkasm @soloriya
Photos were edited in Photoshop.
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decvyed · 9 months ago
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Hey there, the Ultimate Streetwear Collection III in collaboration with @poppin-sims and @squaresverse is now live. As usual, I've included an in-game version as well as a blender version of my part with 4K textures maps. I hope you enjoy this set and look forward to seeing your characters in it! 🙏🏾✨ POPPIN's PART • SATANSHUBBY's PART The Drop: Axis Tank Top 24 Swatches - Male Frame - Top Category
JR Hoodie Sweatpants 24 Swatches - Male Frame - Bottom Category Ultimate Streetwear Collection III (Blender Version) 4K Texture Maps - Male Frame - Rigged Axis Tank Top (Sample) 8 Swatches - Male Frame - Top Category New Mesh • Med-High Poly • HQ Texture • BG Compatible • Teens to Elders • All LODs • Custom Thumbnail • Disallowed for Random Base Mesh Credit: Alok Additional Texture Credit: @squaresverse Base Body Credit: @magic-bot Poses By: @sciophobis DOWNLOAD TOU:
Conversions are not allowed regardless of the gaming platform
Do not reupload
Do not claim as your own
Do not edit or recolour the mesh
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