#dylan sigworth
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tricoufamily · 1 year ago
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to be fair you have to have a very high iq to like strangerville (also young cahill and. some guy)
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hellodahliah · 6 months ago
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ajay loner's biggest fear is to run into his neighbors and having to socialize with them. he very much prefers his solitude, thank you very much!
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hauntedtrait · 4 months ago
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something sure is going on in this here strange ville!
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dreamlandiasims · 10 months ago
The Last Goodbye
a PLA "short film"
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[0:04]: dreamlandiasims Presents
[0:08]: a PLA Short Film
[0:12]: The Last Goodbye
[1:31]: Boss said we can't afford any disruptions. Shut it down.
[1:48]: They must've cut our fucking power.
[2:06]: ... Screw it.
[2:03]: Our fearless leaders are trying to ruin tonight's event.
[2:07]: So I say... why don't we bring the party to them?
[2:11]: Who's with me?
[2:13]: I said...
[2:15]: WHO'S WITH ME??
[2:50]: to be continued...
[2:54]: Song Credits: ODESZA - The Last Goodbye
[2:58]: thanks for watching :)
[If anyone is having trouble getting the video to load or play for any reason lmk! I might end up hosting it elsewhere because idk if I trust tumblr lol]
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cantaloupi · 2 months ago
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townie makeover: dylan sigworth
gallery id: cantaloupi
download: sfs / dropbox (free ♡)
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maxispremades · 7 months ago
Dylan Sigworth (adult)
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С возрастом Дилан Сигворт стал выглядеть солиднее и респектабельнее (когда твоя жена — секретный агент, нужно соответствовать), но остался по-прежнему верным себе и своим увлечениям. Космос, книги, программирование, домашняя кулинария и выпечка... Благодаря уравновешенному характеру и большому количеству приятных хобби Дилан без особых усилий игнорирует безумие и ужас, которые творятся снаружи его маленького семейного мирка.
молодой Дилан
As Dylan Sigworth grew older, he began to look more solid and respectable (when your wife is a covert operator, you have to match it), but he remained true to himself and his interests. Space, books, programming, home cooking and baking… Due to his balanced nature and a large number of enjoyable hobbies, Dylan effortlessly ignores the madness and horror that goes on outside his small family world.
young adult Dylan
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erehwontownies · 9 months ago
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🪖 Sigworth
The Sigworths are new in town. After Jess was transferred to the StrangerVille National Base and spent a few days there, Dylan has started to notice something off about her, as well as strange behavior from Sims who have been to the base. Although he's is doing all he can to reassure their daughter that everything & everyone is okay, Christie is beginning to catch on and it is only a matter of time until she realizes something is extremely amiss.
Makeover of the Sigworth family in StrangerVille. Includes hand-picked preferences, skills, careers, etc. On the gallery at m0ckest or tray files below.
⤷ simfileshare • patreon
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belsasim · 25 days ago
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Cake eating done, Penny hastily cleared the table. She didn't want to be late at the courthouse, but she also didn't want to leave dirty dishes on her table.
"Pen, you don't have to do dishes on your birthday," Kit smiled, "leave them to me, I'll do them later." Penny shook her head and replied: "I'll worry about the dishes while you change into your suit, Kit, I don't want to be late."
Kit felt butterflies in his stomach. They were getting married. Not with a big party and a lot of family and friends, but still. Married. It was exciting and a little scary.
Then he made his move. Penny had only just placed the dirty dishes on the counter as he took her by the hand and gently pulled her away from the counters. While Penny gave him a questioning look ("Kit, what are you doing?"), he took in the sight this young woman, the love of his life. Then he sank down to one knee.
Kit (trembling voice): "Pen, I wanted this to be different and better. Not rushing into marriage because we need the papers to protect you and Aska... But it is what it is now and I want to do this right." Penny (taking a deep breath, placing her hand on her chest): "Kit, it's ok..." Kit (pulling out the ring, the real one): "Pen, I love you so much. You're smart, you're beautiful, you're kind, you're such a wonderful mother to Aska. I'm so lucky to be with you... Do you want to marry me?" Penny (fighting tears in her eyes): "Of course I do, you silly. I love you, Kit, I love you."
They sealed the deal with a kiss and Kit just knew: he would be Loyal to Penny forever.
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miazims · 2 months ago
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Here is my CC townie makeover of Dylan Sigworth.
CC links under the cut:
Hair: Nikolai Hair | Patreon
Glasses: Copperdale Set Part 2 🍎 | Patreon
Sweater: The Sims Resource - MEN'S KNITTED PATTERN SWEATER
Pants: Physical: A 27 item collection | Patreon
Shoes: *Download* Sneakers Collection Part 2 | Patreon
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cantseemtohide · 1 year ago
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Dylan thought his secret midnight baked potato shame had been discovered by Jess, luckily she was possessed and wouldn't remember anything about it.
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stargazingsims · 1 year ago
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D-Mom is pretty pissed that I'm going to Foxbury instead of her alma matter (sp?) Britechester. She always said "university first!" about everything fun, I didn't know she meant her uni. So she didn't come to drop me off - she didn't want to see B-Mom either. I guess they really are getting a divorce, since B-Mom moved out of the apartment about the same time that I did.
Being on campus is so cool. I've got a roommate - Dylan - which is sick because I've never shared a room at all, it'll be like having a brother. And I bet the party-pportunities (party opportunities) will be off the hook!
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kusin-tisdag · 7 months ago
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Well, there might not have been dancing on the tables but there was definetly a lot of awkward dancing by adults who have stopped caring what others think.
Anton excelled in the bar and Una had a great time catching up with her friends!
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charmfamily · 2 years ago
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Transcript Below. Listen to the Intro Music if you like HERE
ERWIN: WwwWwwelcome back to the fifth dimension, conspiracists. It’s another Monday midnight, so slip on your best tin-foil hat and secure your phones, your Alexas, and all other Skynet-Approved citizen-spying devices in a secret location outside the room before you join us for another trip during the Hypnagogic Hour. I’m your host, Erwin – 
DYLAN: – And we’ve been doing this for 58 episodes now so everyone already knows who you are.
ERWIN: You don’t know that we don’t have new listeners, first of all, and two, it’s clearly a stylized intro. Don’t ruin it!
DYLAN: [He laughs] If you’re just now joining us, I’m Dylan, the same co-host that’s been here for 58 episodes. I’m also the more practical, reasonable half of this team and part of that responsibility is making sure we have paid bills, so without further ado, let’s kick it back over to Erwin for the top of the hour Ad-Roll.
ERWIN: We’re all interdimensional interstellar beings trapped here on the blue marble in corporeal Terran forms, and part of the universal experience of being an earth-bound meatbag is that sometimes you grow hair where you don’t want hair to be. With tonight’s sponsor, Bushwacked, you’ll be silky, alien smooth in no time, even in the most tender of your fleshy places. With their 5-piece grooming system at a reasonable price of only thirty-five dollars, no longer will you have to fear your private photos looking like Bigfoot’s thirst traps. Sign up today with code HYPNA50, and get half off your first order, plus a free gift of extra shave gel. Thanks to Bushwacked for sponsoring tonight’s podcast, and to all our listeners supporting the program.
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dreamlandiasims · 2 years ago
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Marisol: Hi hon! How’s the trailer treating you?
Lori: Hm? Oh… it’s been great.
Marisol: Doesn’t sound great. What’s wrong? Can I get you a drink?
Lori: Shot of whiskey?
Marisol: Only if you tell me what’s wrong.
Lori: I’m a horrible mother, Sol.
Marisol: Whoa, whoa. Why are you saying that?
Lori: I promised Frankie we would leave today, but now our car is wrecked and Neal is estimating weeks for the repairs… and they’re going to cost so much…
Marisol: How much?
Lori: 4, 5 thousand. I know I should have savings to cover that, or at least part of it, but… things have been tough lately. Frankie… doesn’t know that.
Marisol: I see.
Lori: I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any family, any friends who can help me. Frankie already hates me, what am I supposed to tell her? Even if I got a job here, it would take me months to make that kind of money.
Marisol: I wish I could help you out with this one, I really do. But—
Lori: No, no, you’ve done enough already. I couldn’t accept anything more from you, even if you did offer. This one’s on me.
Marisol: Well, I would suggest you grab an apron and start waiting tables here, but I can barely afford to keep this place running as it is. I bet if you ask folks around town, though, there will be plenty of odd jobs, at least to get you started. You should also go back to Neal, see if he’d cut you a d—
Sigworth: Pardon me, but I couldn’t help but overhear—
Marisol: This doesn’t concern you, actually.
Sigworth: Ah, Marisol. I’m finished with my meal, would you be a dear and go clean it up for me?
Marisol: Well, since you asked so nicely…
Sigworth: Thanks darling. [to Lori] Dylan Sigworth. What’s your name, ma’am?
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tatselksism · 1 year ago
Riverside Grove Rebuild
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LOT: Riverside Grove (30x20), Strangerville Plaza, Strangerville LOT TYPE: Residential COST: § 96,849 KEY FEATURES: 2 bedrooms | 2.5 bathrooms | Open-plan kitchen/dining/living space | Home gym | Home office | Cat care area NOTES:
The exterior of this house was based on a deco building which came with the Strangerville pack. Like the Grunts’ house which I built earlier , all these shotgun/double-gallery houses are meant to be part of a military housing complex.
For the interior of this house, I tried to do a uniform but still cosy style which is halfway between what the Grunts’ house and the Smiths’ house look like.
There are also lots of floral motifs in the decor to allude to the infection by The Mother Plant.
More pics of their individual bedrooms here: Jess and Dylan, Christie.
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maxispremades · 9 months ago
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«Что подарить тебе на День рождения, любимая?» — спрашивает заботливый Дилан, и Джесс угрюмо огрызается в ответ. «Ничего, Дилан. Это просто день. К черту эти сантименты… во всяком случае, сейчас». Порой ее покладистый муж бывает таким раздражающим!
Совесть и сострадание всегда были слабыми местами Джесс Сигворт — за долгие годы службы сердце женщины так и не ожесточилось до конца, не обросло защитной броней равнодушия и цинизма. И теперь с каждым прожитым днем Джесс все глубже проваливается в липкую, вязкую пучину вины. Та ночь в лаборатории… Как военная, она поступила абсолютно правильно. Но чисто по-человечески она — предатель, которому нет прощения.
Воспоминания проносятся перед глазами, словно кадры из диафильма. Патрулируя улицы города, Джесс нередко останавливалась у «Древностей и дряхлостей» — перекинуться парой слов с забавным рыжим парнишкой, стоящим у прилавка. Жители трейлерного парка и окрестных домов всегда любили Эрвина Прайса и благодушно закрывали глаза на странности в его поведении... Следующий кадр — подвал лаборатории: решительная Белла Гот, зеленая салага Джесс и перепуганный насмерть Прайс. Будущие спасители многострадального Стрейнджервиля, будь он неладен. А дальше — больно. Тошно. Гадко. Лучше-бы-этого-не-было. Вой сирены. Арест. "Я-просто-выполняла-приказ". Джесс в сердцах чертыхается и в сотый раз хлопает себя ладонью по лбу. Передать его в когтистые лапы психопатов Колби — ровно то же самое, что утопить слепых котят в ведре.
Принужденная следить за всеми и вся в этом проклятом месте, Джесс практически с самого начала была в курсе всех злоключений Эрвина. Лечебница, побег, бункер… А не так давно сама Леди-в-красном дала ей особое задание — вести пристальное наблюдение за «Старушкой Пенелопой» и пресекать любые попытки людей Теда приблизиться к ней. Агент Сигворт добросовестно несет свою службу, в глубине души отчаянно надеясь заслужить прощение… хотя бы Смотрящего.
english text below the cut
"What should I give you for your birthday, my love?", Dylan asks solicitously, and Jess snaps back sullenly. "Nothing, Dylan. It's just a day. To hell with these sentiments... at least for now." Sometimes her appeasable husband is so annoying!
Conscience and compassion have always been Jess Sigworth's weak points — over the years of military service, the woman's heart has not hardened to the end, has not acquired a protective armor of indifference and cynicism. And now, with each passing day, Jess falls deeper into the sticky, viscous abyss of guilt. That night in the lab… As a military, she acted completely correctly. But on a human note, she is a traitor who cannot be forgiven.
Memories flash before her eyes like stills from a filmstrip. Patrolling the streets of the town, Jess often stopped at the Curio Shop to have a word with a funny redhead guy standing at the counter. The residents of the trailer park and the surrounding houses have always liked Erwin Pries and complacently turned a blind eye to the oddities in his behavior... The next shot is the basement of the lab: a determined Bella Goth, a greenhorn Jess and a completely terrified Pries. The future saviors of the troubled Strangerville, damn it. And then it hurts. It's sickening. It's disgusting. Wish-it-never-happened. The wail of a siren. The arrest. "Just-following-orders." Jess curses angrily and slaps her forehead for the hundredth time. Handing him over to the clawed hands of psychopathic Beakers is exactly the same as drowning blind kittens in a bucket.
Forced to keep an eye on all and sundry in this cursed place, Jess was aware of all of Erwin's misadventures almost from the start. Asylum, escape, bunker… And not so long ago, the Lady-in-Red herself gave her a special assignment — to keep a close watch on Old Penelope and stop any attempts by Ted's people to approach it. Agent Sigworth conscientiously draws her duty, desperately hoping at heart to earn forgiveness... at least from the Watcher).
poses by @simmerianne93 (conversation), @snarky-sims-creations (strangerville mystery), @beverlyallitsims (you have the right to remain silent) and @akuiyumi (idle)
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