#porky guy
ekadouble · 1 month
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En voilà un qui a bien profité de la malbouffe... hum... de la culture culinaire américaine.
Here is one who enjoyed the American junk food... hum... culinary culture very much.
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sahnejungsliebhaber · 4 months
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„Junge, wenn du weiterhin dich mit süßem kalorienreichen Gebäck vollstopfst wirst du eines Tages platzen.“ Er hielt die Warnung seiner Mutter für ein Ammenmärchen und mampfte fröhlich weiter. Bis er schließlich ein seltsames prickeln an der Oberfläche seines sphärischen Bauches spürte. Er rief noch „Oh nein! Bitte nicht!“ Dann machte es „peng“. Der Junge war mit einem lauten Knall verpufft.
So liebe Kinder fresst Euch nicht so dick und voll!
“Boy, if you keep stuffing yourself with sweet, high-calorie pastries, you'll burst one day.” He thought his mother's warning was an old wives' tale and continued munching happily. Until he finally felt a strange tingling sensation on the surface of his spherical gut. He cried out, “Oh no! Please don't!” Then it went “bang”. The boy fizzled out with a loud bang. So dear children, don't gorge yourselves so fat and full!
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ducktracy · 3 months
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breaking my self imposed rule of “if i can’t hear Mel Blanc saying this 100% clarity i will labor over this for hours until i can otherwise i refuse to draw it” for a funny. saw this text post months ago, threw the second image together as a placeholder until i drew it and then never did
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kunikuus · 6 months
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oh hey porky . from the mother series . specifically mother 2 . also known as earthbound .
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porky-rat · 25 days
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Grif waz here!!!!!
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ME N MY AWESOME FRIEND!!!! @/johndoom.cosplays on Instagram!
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Finally someone fucking killed him thank god
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cosmitasia · 5 months
Thinking pre-timeskip tazmily was some quaint utopia tainted by Porky/capitalism flattens the story quite a bit. In my opinion, the point was since the Tazmilians chose to forget history instead of learn from it, they were susceptible to the same downfalls as before, Porky just accelerated it.
Tazmily likely would have lasted much longer without his involvement, but their ignorance made them easy to persuade into speedrunning inhumane industrialization and consumerism, so they may have made the same mistakes more gradually without his interference.
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dendenpadreamer · 4 months
Pet emotes for your chosen scrungly: mother extras edition vol. 1
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taxlthomas · 6 months
oh boy oh boy i cant wait for their movie
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milolunde · 2 months
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fl0werfieldz · 1 year
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chemilico · 3 months
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Clumpo dumpo be upon ye
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commandernachos · 4 months
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ducktracy · 9 days
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absolutely a byproduct of watching too much Duck Dodgers but i could hear this post so viscerally clear in Joe Alaskey’s voice and could picture it so clearly that i had to actualize my vision
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skinnyfatprince1 · 5 months
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cute twinks plump up and their juicy porker ass gets fatter and fatter, cute boys get natural BBLs when they pack on 40 pounds. eager to smother anyone’s face for hours, hypnotic greedy porker ass booty. 🍑🐽🫃
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ceobootycall · 9 days
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This is very silly;
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I want to squeeze them until they pop
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blackfairy312 · 28 days
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check it
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