#but that’s a whole hc for another post about how they’re like hey guys I know you want genuine reactions and were heavily improv actors but
milolunde · 2 months
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ren-054 · 4 months
Hey! Sorry, but I'm curious and I would like to ask u something. I've already asked the same question to another blog but I decided to gather different opinions/feedbacks, out of curiosity.
Do you think Sun, Moon and Eclipse, canon-wise, are a good representation of a system?
I know that many people see them differently, everyone has their own hcs and I do too, but if they were a system would it be accurate in terms of shifting/fronting etc?
I apologize if this question sounds weird or if I come off as offensive, it was not my intention. I don't know a lot about DID, I'm still studying, so feel free to correct me or to simply ignore this ask.
Oooh this question! Hrmmm
Also it’s all good, I love answering questions that have to do with pulling from my experiences :] I don’t mind at all!
TL;DR because I’m very wordy— I think the DCA’s a decent rep of the idea of a system but it still ends up with a lot of the pitfalls of current system rep (like alters framed as evil vs good since it’s a horror game and Moon is an enemy + Sun and Moon’s inner conflict being resolved either through a fusion into Eclipse or simply letting a more stable alter front with little further elaboration on the matter)
So the DCA definitely feel like a system that could exist, but it still reads like that awkward middle stage of media rep where there’s still a dependence on shock factor and spectacle over them just being a system that exists, but they’re overall fine.
I think viewing them as a system is very neat and I love how validating/relatable a lot of the fan works can be when tackling the DCA’s dynamic with each other :] I see little issue with viewing them as a system, if that’s part of the question
Long answer below pfpf
Where do I start…
I think I’m a bit torn? Their canon switch from SB, if we are viewing them as a hypothetical system, definitely felt dramatized because it’s a horror game (but maybe some people experience switches like this! I wouldn’t know)
Also the fact the horror effect is likely coming from having an overall benign doormat of a guy suddenly becoming unsafe post-switch feels a bit iffy to me since it feeds into that othering/demonizing narrative of mentally ill + neurodivergent folk, but Sun’s panic about Moon fronting is still a mood, to be fair. I have my own paranoia about certain alters getting triggered out ajhdks
As for fronting, the DCA don’t really get to express how that works for them, so I can’t say. The only thing I could glean is that,
1, Sun was aware a switch occurred that allowed Moon out but, for whatever reason, was upset enough to still kick Gregory out the daycare knowing he could still be in danger so there’s not much info there, and
2, Ruin Eclipse seemed to have less memories than Sun or Moon given he acted like he just met Cassie when he fronted, sort of reminiscent of either an alter coming back after a long period of dormancy or a much more generally dissociated alter. Sun still talked after Eclipse came back so he’s still in there, and presumably Moon too.
For me, I think I have a lot of internal communication and rarely have hard switches (a switch where there’s only one alter fronting with little interference from any other part) so I can’t say too much about hard switches like what seems to happen with the DCA. Sun and Moon were in a terrible rapid switching and/or fighting-for-front situation in Ruin though, and I feel for them. I’ve been through it and it’s not fun.
I was actually surprised at how much more.. system-coded the DCA were in Ruin but I always had a bit of an issues with it for one reason
There wasn’t a lot of closure for Sun and Moon specifically (only implied through Ruin Eclipse’s calm and more child-friendly nature) so I’d feel a bit weird to say that the DCA as we know them at this point is a great.. summary for systems as a whole? Like you gotta do what you gotta do to heal yknow so this isnt judging how they need to help themselves, but I’m looking at the bigger picture of system rep and the preconceptions of a layman audience.
I know not every system likes the idea of their parts being ignored/shunted in favor of a more “complete” fused hypothetical version of themselves, including myself. But for the DCA, as Sun strongly implies, this is the best solution for them in the moment in order to stabilize so really I can’t judge them.
Sun said thank you, though, so I hope that means them and Moon are getting some well deserved rest away from front. I do hope to see things from them feeling better in the future, but I don’t have much faith that we’d be given that.
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exclamaquest · 3 years
Hey! I was curious because I’ve seen she/her chihiro posts on your blog. Why do you head canon chihiro as a girl? No hate at all it just seems like a pretty big chunk of their character is about being a guy and disliking being feminine or seen as such. Really not trying to argue just curious about the hc!
totally willing to explain!
It's gonna be under the cut, since it's a little long. Sorry about that!
Note: If any of this phrasing seems laced with malintent or otherwise meanspirited in the slightest, that is not my intention!
The first thing I need to point out is that it's not headcanoning her as a girl, it's recognizing the fact that she is absolutely coded as a trans woman in the text. as i am TME myself, I'm going to point you to some resources by trans women in addition to my answer:
here's a good post summing a lot up and here's a carrd that explains it more! Here is another great article that's got a really good perspective. I'd highly recommend reading all three because, again, they are written by trans women, and as much as I can do my best to explain, it's honestly better to hear it directly from those affected.
In response to your point about her arc: Her arc isn't about masculinity itself, or about gender. It's very specifically about strength, including the strength to be yourself. To quote the first link:
"It’s true that Chihiro’s gender come about as a result of feeling inferior about her masculinity and hiding herself away to avoid being bullied by cis men for her lack of masculinity. This is an extremely common thing among young trans women. Cis men typically don’t start wearing dresses or changing their name when they’re afraid of their masculinity, in fact in most cases it’s the opposite. They generally only do wear dresses when they do feel confident in their masculinity."
With this said, it's also important to point out that part of the fallacy of saying that she must be a cis man because she "wants to be manly" is playing into Chihiro's own flaws. One of her major problems is internally associating "strength" with "masculinity", when a major message in her arc is that Chihiro is more than strong enough already without being masculine.
In fact, a contributing reason to Mondo killing her is because she was already stronger than him without being masculine. The game goes to lengths to show that her way of thinking is flawed and that she's more than strong enough already, and quite frankly, coming out of the game with the message that strength DOES in fact equal masculinity (which is where Chihiro tripped up) does a disservice to her character, her message, and her arc as a whole.
Also, it's very clear that Chihiro is a trans woman written specifically from the perspective of a transphobic cis man. If the author sees all trans women as insecure cis men, he will write a trans woman as an insecure cis man (which is very clearly what happened with Chihiro). Nearly everything about her arc and character is highly reflective of being transgender--down to her death and how it's handled being a trans person's worst nightmare.
It's important to note that she is very specifically portrayed in a transmisogynistic light. Her death, the way she was outed, and the tropes she play into all reflect transmisogynistic threads found in fiction the world over. You can't just wave that away by seeing her as transmasc or as a cis guy, and it's disrespectful to do so, to say the least.
Hopefully this clears things up for you! Let me know if there's anything else you need explained and I can totally point you in the direction of more resources.
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
I like the hc on being for the Ninjas dating another ninjas sister who’s their soulmate, Could do one where reader (Lloyd’s older sister) Has been dating cole for a bit in secret and Lloyd and Garmadon find out and become overprotective ( I am so sorry I just love the overprotective dad and/or brother trope)
Boo (Cole Brookstone x Garmadon! Reader)
A/N; I stuck with the powers the reader has in this headcannon. I’m currently only writing for Ninjago, the Umbrella Academy, and Stranger Things, so send them in.
Summary; When the Ninja join the Tournament of Elements, Cole and the reader are forced to fight one another. Cole risking himself already raises suspicion to Lloyd and Garmadon, but it isn’t until they confront the reader before they find out the truth.
Also side note, Rest In Peace to Kirby Morrow who voiced Cole.
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“THIS whole thing is so stupid,” You drop your tray onto the table seated with four men, settling next to your father and sensei, Garmadon,
“Hey, their foods great though,” Kai speaks up from across you, seated between Cole and your younger brother, Lloyd,
“Take it,” You mutter, pushing your tray to the hot head before resting your elbows on the table,
“You can’t be skipping meals, Y/N,” Garmadon states, dragging the tray back in front of you so you glanced and glared at him, “You never know when you’ll have to fight,”
“Hopefully never,” You spit, Garmadon raising his eyebrows at your tone, “Come on, dad. We’ve already had four rounds and none of us had to fight. Face it, Chen just wants us here for his enjoyment. He doesn’t want to lose any of us,”
“Me and you are seeing a completely different story here, Y/N/N,” Jay peers over the booth across from you, eyes squinting, “I want to fight. You just know you’ll loose,”
“Want happened to encouragement on the team?” Lloyd asks, looking up at Jay,
“Ehem!” A sharp cough through the speakers above cause everyone’s gaze to shift, “Ehem! Ladies and gents, it’s time for round five!”
“Oh come on,” Kai pouts at his food, poking at the chicken and dumplings,
“Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena; Speed, Gravity, Nature, Mind-,”
“I told you,” You glare up at Jay.
“And our last two, Earth and Natural Occurances!”
Your eyes snap over to Cole, who nearly dropped his fork at the mention of his element, “Remember!” Chen laughs, “Only one can remain,”
“IM not fighting you, Cole!” You turn to stare at the black ninja, arms out in alarm before they raise to your hair, “Oh, God, what if he knows? What if he set this up on purpose and tells my dad-,”
“No one knows, Y/N,” Cole instantly steps up to put his hands at your wrists, pulling them down from your hair, “We just gotta do what Chen tells us to do, and we’ll both make it out,”
“Only one remains,” You remind, “One of us has to take the fall,”
“Easy,” Cole shrugs, your brows pinching, “You grab the blade as soon as it starts. You continue on,”
“No,” You shake your head, “That’s not how this works. Give yourself up instantly and they’ll know,”
“Well I’m not letting you take that fall, princess,” Cole pulls back, when Garmadon knocks and hastily steps in,
“You two ready?”
“IM not fighting you,” You repeat your earlier statement, hands clenched as you and Cole stood feet apart in the arena, every elemental master watching above.
“We can draw it out until they call it a tie,” Cole reassures, not loud enough to where Chen could hear, “Quick- attack me, but not too hard,”
You clench your jaw, throwing a hand out so a small tornado formed and threw itself at your secret boyfriend, knocking him off his feet and into the stone wall behind him,
You flinch behind your mask, stomping a foot down so the earth cracked, where Cole jumps to the side, tossing a wall of rocks in your direction.
“I’m bored!” You hear Chen whine, “Release the Condrai Crushers!”
Your eyes snap to the side, yelping when three vehicles roll out of the tunnels in the wall, one zooming straight for you.
You feel Coles arm loop around your waist, tugging you to the side before his back presses to yours, watching the vehicles surround you. “I got your back,”
“I got yours,” You murmur, hand grazing his before you lunge forward, throwing your arms up so the earth raised into a ramp, the first vehicle leaping off said ramp and ramming into the stone wall,
Cole dodges the next vechile, lunging towards the third to drop a pile of rocks over top of the driver, causing him, too, to crash into the wall.
You huff out a relieved breath and high five Cole, grasping his hand with a smile beneath your mask,
“Enough!” Chen shrieks, so you released Coles hand and turned to Chen, “I know what you’re trying to do. And if neither of you will win, you will both loose!”
You watch in alarm as the ground began to drop in small holes, your feet moving backwards and into Cole, his hands at your hips in alert,
You jump to the side when the floor gives out beneath you, stumbling as you are left surrounded by darkness, eyes looking up at the blade at the top of the post,
“Chen’s right!” Cole calls, as you look to him, “One of us has to be win!”
“And it’ll be you!” You shout back, finger pointed, “Get the blade, Cole. I’ll be fine!”
Cole rushes up the post as you look down at your wobbling knees, Cole jumping down onto a stone still intact, tossing the blade so it hit flat against your chest, your hands stumbling to catch it.
“Winner!” Chen calls, as your eyes snap up to Cole, shocked, “Loser!”
“Cole-!” You lunge forward onto the next stone, barely catching yourself as the floor gave out beneath Cole, dropping him into the darkness below,
You clench your jaw and glare up at Chen, chucking the blade across the arena so it slid off the stones, into the pit beneath.
“YOU seemed really distressed during that battle,”
Your eyes flick up from your food, your fork jabbed into the noodles you received. Garmadon raises an eyebrow, and you look back down at your plate.
“What, am I not allowed to care about my friend?”
“Not with how touchy Cole had been,” Lloyd sits down, eyes squinted, “What’s going on between you two? We both know if you had to go up against Kai or Jay you would have been fine with them giving themselves up,”
“Nothing is going on between us, Lloyd,” You snap, gaze hard, “Coles my best friend. We don’t know what happens when we loose, I didn’t want him to get hurt,”
“Y/N, I read you like an open book,” Your fathers tone softens, leaning forward, “Why didn’t you just tell me sooner?”
“Tell you what?” Kai cuts, and you drop your fork, pushing your plate forward,
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You ask, harshly, Garmadon frowning, “Nothing is going on between Cole and I. And if there was I wouldn’t tell you because I know how you both get,” You gaze shifts to Lloyd, before you slide out of the booth, hands clenched to stop the earthquake at the tips of your fingers.
“I got her,” Garmadon states, Lloyd and Kai sharing glances as Garmadon followed his oldest daughter.
YOUR hand wipes away the blue in your eye, hearing your fathers footsteps behind you, “Why are you following me?”
“How long?” Garmadon avoids, your arms crossing as you stopped, turning to face him with your head ducked,
“Almost a year,” You murmur, lifting your gaze to his,
“And why I am just now finding out?”
“Because you know how you are,” You squint, “Every boyfriend I had you scared away, and now that boys know who my brother is? They won’t even talk to me,” You hiss, shoulders dropping, “Cole is the only one who I seem to be able to control my powers around. I’m scared that without him here I’m going to accidentally kill someone with my powers,”
“You’ve trained,” Garmadon responds, your eyes rolling.
“Yeah, but I have your anger from when you were Lord Garmadon,”
You miss Garmadons flinch, but hear his sigh, “I just wished you told me,”
“I told mom,” You shrug, “She seems to enjoy the fact that I keep my relationship to myself. Guess that’s out of the box,”
“I won’t say anything to your teammates if that’s what you’re worried about,” Garmadon reassures, watching your fists release, as your brows,
“Thanks, dad,” You murmur, Garmadon smiling as he nods his head towards the dining area, hands behind his back.
The Master of Earth turns away from helping Garmadon to his feet, stumbling back upon another figure ramming into him, mind quick to realize it was you,
“Whoa,” Cole laughs, weakly, eyes glancing at Garmadon before his arms wrap at your waist, “Dont worry. I’m fine,”
“You’re such an ass,” You lean back to hit his chest, hands then sliding to hold his face, “Dont do that again,”
“No promises,” Cole murmurs, looking over at Lloyd’s alarmed- “I knew it!”
Your hands drop as Lloyd points an accusing finger, Garmadon chuckling, “I knew something was going on between you two!”
“You’re just now realizing that?” Kai asks, so you spun to look at him, alarmed, “Oh don’t give me that look. You guys suck at keeping quiet at night,”
“Do what?” Garmadons smile drops into a scowl, your eyes widening as you take Coles hand,
“This is our cue to leave. We’ll meet you at the docks, guys,”
Lloyd crosses his arms, eyes squinting to his father, “Did you know about this?”
“Why do you sound like the father here?” Garmadon questions, side glancing his son, “Of course I knew. But go easy of them,”
“What?” Lloyd slacks, “Why?”
“An instinct,” Garmadons hands link behind his back, stepping forward to follow after you, “I have a feeling they’re good for each other,”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Congratulations!! So happy for you!! Do you mind writing a HC for the Tiny!MC, where the brothers see Tiny!MC in trouble with some lesser demons? Like, the lesser demon is bullying them or about to hurt them, how would the brothers react? You don’t have to write this if you don’t want to tho. Again Congratulations!!!
Demon Brothers React to Tiny!MC Being Threatened by Lesser Demons
You know, my first thought was "Which one of you fuckers lost tiny!MC in the first place?? Bad demons! Worse than usual! Keep better track of your itty-bitty human!"
Pretty much uses the same continuity to the rest of my Tiny!Series, I put this somewhere during the “Lucifer, I Shrunk Myself...” portion.
Warnings: Violence, Overly Protective Behavior
Five minutes. Their demonic guardian said they were only going to put them down for Five. Minutes. It shouldn't have been that dangerous, or even risky, because everyone should have known that tiny!MC was under their protection. Sure, an itsy-bitsy human would make a perfect snack... but who would want to provoke the wrath of the student council for no reason??… Okay so, lesser demons aren’t exactly known for their intelligence but still...
This is not going to end well...
Doesn’t that lowlife know who he's messing with? Lucifer almost pities him for being so stupid, really…
He brought tiny!MC out to the gardens at their request because they were getting restless being stuck in his room. It wasn't supposed to be a dangerous area so he felt fine leaving them briefly to answer a call from Diavolo. When he came back he found a lesser demon standing over them... drooling...
What came out was a rather chilling side of Lucifer normally only seen by Mammon. One where he can walk up to a person, demon form out in full, then drag them away by the collar with an eerily calm smile on his face.
Tiny!MC didn't see what Lucifer did to the demon… but they did hear Cerberus get summoned before the firstborn returned to them. Their imagination worked to fill in the blanks…
Lucifer apologized to them rather kindly (a real rarity for him) but they noticed he cut their visit short and took them back to the House quickly. They got the sense he'd rather they be safe but bored in his room than entertained but vulnerable to such a dangerous world…
Pfffffft, Mammon is protective of MC even when they’re normal-sized. Them being tiny doesn’t change much.
He had brought them along with him for one of his gambling nights. Unfortunately, he got too absorbed in the game to notice a group of lesser demons getting closer to tiny!MC than they really should have… At least until they shouted for his help.
It's rare to see Mammon mad. It really is. But there was nothing but pure rage in his eyes when he grabbed one of the demons by the throat and sent him crashing through the roulette tables. His speed made it pretty easy for him to round up all the others that tried to scatter and he gave them a similar treatment.
After everyone was thoroughly on the ground, bleeding, he asked the MC if they were hurt. If they were, then that'd just earn the downed demons another round of his fury. No one hurts his human like that! Big or small.
He'll apologize a whole bunch for letting his guard down… but also complain a little on the way back to the House because his luck was just starting to turn around too! 😖😞
Direct confrontation isn’t something Levi finds himself in often… but there can be exceptions.
He and tiny!MC were in one of the few stores in town that sold otaku goods and he had set them down to do some browsing in that hyper, distracted fanboy way he gets.
A couple of lesser demons were just some other patrons who happened by them, but who could pass up such a convenient snack?
Well, tiny!MC was convenient until the guys heard what was probably the world's most unholy hissing sound coming from the other side of the room…
Levi has never claimed to be at the peak of demonic prowess or anything, but just this once he was at their defense at a speed he’s never pulled off before. In practically a blink of an eye, he has one asshole lifted by the collar and the other getting crushed by his tail. It wasn't a pretty sight...
After the threat was dealt with, he snapped right back into the same ol'Levi like nothing ever happened, though. Blubbering apologies and frantically checking to be sure they were unharmed... What a somewhat terrifying sweetheart. 🤭
He pretty much refused to take them anywhere again until they were back to normal. Who needs the real world anyway?? His room is the only place they ever need to be!
You know this is exactly why he kept them so close in the first place...
Satan had to retrieve a book from the highest shelf in the RAD library so he set tiny!MC down in order to climb the ladder. A small gang of lesser demons decided to strike while he was up there browsing...
When he slid back down and turned to see the demons had surrounded the table that he left tiny!MC at, his shout alone was powerful enough to rattle the shelves behind him...
Needless to say, the Avatar of Wrath made very short work of the threat. And a library ladder can make a surprisingly versatile weapon if you put it in the hands of someone pissed enough to use it... and strong enough to rip it off its sliding track… What was it? Metal? Steel? Eh, not strong enough to stop an angry Satan anyway.
After the dust settled, he double-checked to be sure the MC was okay and apologized for being so careless... But they could tell he was still trying his best to regain his composure post berserker freakout. Someone's going to have to nurse those bloody knuckles for him later...
His overprotective instincts tripled afterward. If you think that Satan was ever going to put them down again then that’s a fantasy. Between the lesser demons and that sly bastard Solomon, tiny!MC was never leaving his hand at RAD again. Period.
Excuse me?? Some lesser demon was doing what now?! Oh HELL no!! Not to his adorable tiny!MC!!
Asmo was shopping with tiny!MC and set them down outside a dressing room while he tried on a cute outfit. Apparently, a lesser demon was doing the same in the stall next to him and came out to find a little human waiting patiently outside… powerless… vulnerable… and tasty!
Asmo opened the door right as the demon picked tiny!MC up to have a bite. The fifthborn's scream shattered all the mirrors in the store like he was some kind of infuriated opera singer then he ripped the demon a very verbal (and physical) new one...
Once the attacker was pretty much decimated, Asmo tended to the MC like they'd just gotten dragged through an active war zone. He asked them, "Are you okay?!" so many times that the words "I’m fine" pretty much lost all meaning...
The sheer carnage left the store employees too damn petrified to ask him to leave so he bought the (now ruined) outfit he had on and took them right home. His sweet tiny!MC was definitely getting a spa treatment that night as an apology… Poor thing...
Apparently, some people just want to go bear poking for fun...
He and tiny!MC were outside a food stall and he had set them down to go wait in line. In hindsight, he probably should have known the meals would attract other hungry demons… ones that wouldn't mind a free snack… And tiny!MC got cornered pretty quickly while his back was turned.
Those demons might have thought twice about their plan, though, if they had known Beel would attack them with the entire stall itself. 😰
Poor tiny!MC, by some miracle, barely got out of the way of the wooden structure crashing down on top of their attackers as if dropped by the heavens in a fit of rage... Those not crushed under the wreckage got squashed under Beel's fists...
In the aftermath, Beel was barely recognizable when he picked them back up, holding his bitty human so close that they might have suffocated against his chest. Even the stall's very upset owner just backed away from him after getting a ferocious snarl…
It took him a couple hours to calm back down… Then a couple hundred apologies to Lucifer who has to foot the bill for that guy's ruined livelihood… But hey, no one would ever be dumb enough to touch his tiny!MC again. 
Heeeey! Picking on tiny!MC is his thing! Like he’s going to let anyone else give them any grief…
Belphie likes to hide on the roof of RAD sometimes to take a midday nap so he thought it would be funny to hide tiny!MC from the others by taking them with him one afternoon. Both were peacefully napping when a lesser demon apparently had the same idea and found them.
Belphie woke up when he heard their distressed cries and saw the demon trying to carry tiny!MC away... Oh, he wasn't having that.
Belphie shot up and snapped the scumbag's wrist to get tiny!MC free before he effortlessly sent him flying over the edge in one fell swoop. Give this to the Avatar of Sloth, when he does get moving he’s pretty efficient.
The demon's fall got cushioned by a grove of trees below, which earned Belphie a slightly less severe lecture from Lucifer. He did, however, get a pretty rough one from Satan anyway because he took the MC like that in the first place…
Beel took custody of tiny!MC yet again but even he was grateful to his twin for protecting their little human. Tiny!MC noticed Belphie started sleeping a little lighter when he knew they were around, but he'd deny that any supposed “guilt” had anything to do with it… Whatever he says, I guess. 🙄
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peach-pops · 4 years
Famous S/O HC
This is very self-indulgent cause I’m the type to make up fake scenarios where I’m famous and going on interviews and press tours asfjdks. If you guys want, I’ll make more of these! Oikawa+Tsukishima underneath the cut!
How The Haikyuu Boys Find out that You’re Famous
-Bokuto- (Pro-Athlete) 
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Bokuto knew you were an athlete but he had NO IDEA that you were super famous. Like he always thought it was normal for people to come up to you after your game to ask for pictures or autographs ??? 
I mean that’s why he was so drawn to you because of how much passion you had for your said sport cause duh he could relate
One day when you two were out at the mall, he told you that he needed to get new shoes to work out in and so the two of you went into the Nike store so he could look around
He was looking through the shoe aisle and after almost two hours of looking through the same shelves, he finally found a pair he liked (shopping with him is so time-consuming but that’s for a different day) 
when he found a pair he liked, the two of you made your way to the cashier to pay for his shoes. As the cashier was ringing Bokuto up, his eyes traveled up to the large poster/banner that was directly behind the cashier’s area and smiled to himself
It was a colorful promotional banner with a bunch of top athletes from around the world and as he’s looking at the banner, he sees this girl and he nudged you like,” Babe, she looks like you!” 
You look up from your phone and sure enough, you’re plastered on the wall posing with other athletes
“ Oh yeah, I didn’t think this shoot would come out until next month.”
Bokuto didn’t even process what you just said but my dude behind the cash register stopped scanning the shoes to turn his head to the banner and he turned PALE. 
He even does a double-take cause hold up, is there seriously a pro athlete in front of him?
“ Oh my god...You’re Y/N L/N!”
“ How do you know my…” Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the banner again and he even squinted like hold up
“ Y/N? That’s you!” 
“ Yeah-”
Bokuto can’t even believe it and he totally spaced out when you take a selfie with the guy behind the register with the banner in the background like UMMM HIS GIRLFRIEND IS FAMOUS WHAAAAAA
Dude is totally making a scene in this store but he does not give a single fuck
As he’s walking you back home, he’s looking up all of your stats and even watches a compilation called “ 100 times Y/N L/N was a beast!” and he’s just shooketh 
“ I didn’t think it was a big deal I mean, you’re pretty famous too babe.” 
He’s not salty at all he’s just a bit emo cause he felt bad that he never even noticed before
As your fame grows, so does Bokuto’s with his volleyball career. You and him are described as a powerhouse couple and it really hypes the two of you up like THE POWER YALL POSSESS TOGETHER ON AND OFF THE COURT/FIELD/WHATEVER
Lots of training together and joint interviews together like Wired autocomplete or your favorite ~THIRST TWEETS~
“ ~Bokuto could spike a volleyball in my face, crack my nose in two different places, and I’d thank him~ oh my god that’s horrible I would never do that.”
“ I mean, you’ve done it before haven’t you?”
“ That was different anyway, your turn Y/N!” 
*passes that clunky ass bucket*
“ ~Y/N L/N, please tie me up and- oh my god this is too dirty I can’t! My mom will watch this!” 
If you’re a pro volleyball player, you two get compared a lot and it bugged you at first since you felt like you two were two very different in terms of playing style but after a while, you both started to encourage the idea of your own playful rivalries like comparing stats and wins
But if you’re in a different sport, you two get asked questions like who’s sport is harder or what it would be like if you two switched sports like??? But because you two are in different fields, you both have such major respect for each other cause you can’t even imagine how much hard work it is 
He absolutely does not mind it at all when fans approach you two if you guys are on a date. He knows how important your relationship with fans are, especially if they’re younger girls who look up to you as a role model
Bokuto will fall in love with you all over again whenever you crouch down to a younger fan ughhhghgh
He doesn’t care for the paparazzi to be honest. he knows it comes with the territory but he will get a bit protective if they start to get too close to you 
“ Hey, we’re just trying to get back home so just let us through please,” but if it continues, he will not give a single fuck about being nice,” dude, what did I just say? Back off!” 
Mad!bokuto will be the death of me
He knows how stressful it is being a pro athlete but he will always remind you how proud he is of you and if he ever sees you overworking, he will make sure you take a day off even if that means just napping together all day
Long story short, Bokuto would be amazing to have by your side as you’re navigating being in the public eye and you may quote me on that
-Oikawa- (Actress)
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This attention whore I swear 
So Oikawa knows that you act but he doesn’t know that you’re an actress (which is basically the same thing) 
Like as a kid you were in commercials and you had a small role in a tv show but it wasn’t like it was super popular. 
But what Oikawa didn’t know was that a couple months before you two started dating, you were flown out to America to star in an upcoming and highly anticipated movie 
since you were under a contract, you weren’t allowed to talk about it until the trailer dropped and it ate away at you because all you wanted to do was tell people especially your boyfriend 
ANYWAY He decided to take you on a date to the movie theatre and as you two were getting popcorn, these girls came up to you two 
“ Hi! Is it okay if we can get a picture with you?”
“Of course, how could I ever turn down my lovely fans-”
“ No, not you, Y/N!” 
Oikawa is just flabbergasted as the girls hand their phone to him so he can take a photo of you with your fans he deadass thinks it’s some prank
After the girls left, he gave you a weird-ass gaze and asked you what that was about but you just shrugged and told him that maybe it was because of ur mini part in that one tv show
So he thinks nothing about it and teased you that it was so cute how you had a mini fanbase and you weren’t going to lie, it was pretty freaking cool 
You guys entered your theatre and got settled into your seats as the movie trailers started to play. 
(Oikawa loves watching trailers like this dude is the type to take you 45 minutes before the movie actually begins JUST to make sure he doesn’t miss anything)
As you’re chilling in your seat, you see the trailer to your movie so you do your best to keep your eyes on your boyfriend and the screen at the same time cause you want to see his reaction
The trailer plays and Oikawa seemed to be interested in the movie but again, it’s like any normal trailer UNTIL he hears your voice coming from the screen and he immediately sits up in his seat 
“ Wait- was that your voice?”
“ My voice?”
“ Nevermind, I think I’m going crazy-”
AND THEN HE SEES YOU ON THE SCREEN! Since it’s a trailer it was just about five seconds of an intense/dramatic scene but it’s enough for Oikawa to lose his mind
This prompts some people in the audience to shush him but Oikawa doesn’t care
“ Toru oh my god yes that’s me but stop screaming or they’re gonna kick us out!” You whispered loudly as Oikawa clamped his hand over his mouth 
He’s so happy and he’s beaming with pride so he pulls out his phone and  records the trailer to post it in his group chat cause duh he wants to show the boys how proud he is but when he sees you kissing someone else for .6 seconds, Oikawa just (ㆆ_ㆆ) and stops recording
“ Are you okay babe?”
“ Was that real or CGI?”
“ The building crumbling is all CGI-”
“ No...the kiss.”
“ Why didn’t you tell me you were this good?” 
“ I- I was always this good! But I couldn’t say anything, I’m under a contract!”
“ But you could’ve told me! I wouldn’t have told a soul!” 
That’s a whole ass lie, if he knew, he would’ve bragged about it to Iwaizumi 
But foreal, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend like as months pass and your following gets bigger, he just gushes cause yep that’s his famous girlfriend ( he will 100% use you sometimes for clout)
this dude LOVES bragging to his friends that he’s dating a famous actress. Like he was always showing you off and hyping you up before but it gives him such an ego boost when people find out the two of you are dating
Oikawa is an attention whore like I said so you know whenever the paparazzi appears, he eats it up and will pose which is SOO embarrassing like pls why do u do this
But there are some days where you don’t want to get recognized and he 100% understands so the two of you will wear disguises as to not get recognized. One time you two ended up getting caught so he just grabbed your hand and the two of you SPRINTED back to the subway
He will have all of your movies on DVD and if your movie is on a streaming service, he will buy a membership JUST so he can watch your movie
Sometimes you’ll come over to his house and he’ll always try to make you watch your movie for the millionth time 
“ Toru, can we please watch something else?” 
“ But my extremely talented and beautiful girlfriend is in this movie why would I watch anything but this?” 
Don’t be fooled he WILL skip through any kissing scenes or scenes where your character shows any type of affection to another character
LOVESSS tagging along with you to photoshoots, interviews, red carpet events ALL OF IT
Red carpet events give him a chance to dress up and lowkey his outfit is always one of the best there. He won’t outshine you per se but fans actually look forward to see what he’ll be wearing and he’s not even in any of the movies I- 
Your schedule gets pretty busy once your career takes off and even though there are certain time periods where you’re across the world, it won’t stop him from sending huge bouquets to your set 
Basically, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend and is overall so proud of how you managed to juggle your studies with your acting career 10/10 best boy 
-Tsukishima- ( Musician/Singer)
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You and Tsuki had only been dating for a bit and since it was all still new, he kept it on the down-low because the last thing he needed was his teammates pestering him about a girl 
Tsuki knew you liked to sing and write songs but you never told him about how well known you were simply because he never asked
He just assumed it was a side thing for you UNTIL he showed up to practice and some of his teammates were huddled around Noya watching something on his tablet
“ Move your elbow! I can’t see-”
“ Watch your hand-”
“ Shush! I can’t hear her-”
“ What are you idiots watching?” Tsuki asked as he craned his neck to look at the screen
No one answered him so he started to watch the music video and low and behold, your face popped up on screen singing along to your lyrics that he’s heard a million times
Tsuki is a bit taken aback cause why is his girlfriend in such a high production video and why is his heart feeling some type of way seeing you in that outfit
Like lemme just take off my glasses and see that again ( •_•)>⌐■-■
” Where did you guys get that video?”
“ What do you mean, it’s online? She’s trending right now-”
“ God all of her songs are so good I want to see her live-” 
“ I can’t believe she goes to school with us-”
“ I wish she would step on me-”
“ Hey, don’t talk about my girlfriend like that,” Tsuki said dryly as he glares at the back of Noya’s head, which prompted everyone to turn around
“ You’re dating Y/N L/N? Ha! That’s funny Tsuki!” Tanaka laughed as he slapped Tsuki in the back harshly
At first, even Tsuki was questioning himself like wait, is he even sure you’re dating? cause this girl in the music video was NOT the same girl he was on the phone with last night
 If you had asked Tsuki 10 seconds ago if he would ever reveal to the guys he was dating someone, he would say helllll no but now that he knew about this, he didn’t care about keeping the relationship a secret especially if they were thirsting over his girl
He had all the proof in the world that he was dating you but took the salty approach to prove it to them. He pulled out his phone and shot you a text even though you were in class
Tsuki: Come to the gym right now
Y/N: is everything ok?
Tsuki: just come quickly
You left your class to “use the restroom” and practically rushed to the gym thinking that something was wrong with your boyfriend. You slid into the gym, causing the boys to look up from the tablet and you ignored their shocked faces
“ Where’s Tsukishima?” 
The boys slowly did a doubletake from the music video back to you to make sure they were seeing correctly and even though you were a bit embarrassed to hear your song playing in the background, you were just worried about Tsuki
Tsuki walked out to you from behind the guys and you rushed over to him
“ Babe, what’s wrong?” 
“ BABE?!” 
The boys were shocked and the second years practically FAINTED in your presence 
Tsuki pulled the tablet from Noya’s cold, dead hands and showed you the screen,” Care to explain this?” 
“ I- Um, it’s my music video…”
“Well are you famous or something?” 
“ I wouldn’t say famous…more like upcoming artist?” 
And then the next week you’re a nominee for the VMA’s asjfkghdk
 honestly out of Oikawa and Bokuto, he probably handles it the best on the outside, he doesn’t make too big of a deal out of your fame but on the inside he’s can’t even believe it
He doesn’t go around shouting to the world that he’s dating the Y/N L/N but he has his own ways of supporting you. He’ll listen to your songs whenever he’s walking in the hallway or doing homework at home and he’ll catch himself liking tweets that are about you as long as they’re positive
He’s def the type to argue with people online if they say mean comments and will report/block them before you can even see it 
IDC how much he tries to hide it, he is deadass ur biggest fan. Tsuki will tease you about how nervous you act during interviews/award shows but he will ALWAYS go with you to ease your nerves even if he had prior plans
If you ever write a song for him, he gets SO RED AND EMBARRASSED so pls do that 
Will def call you baka for doing so but deep down, he’ll fall in love with you even more cause you’re able to put into words how he feels about you 
I don’t think he’ll be too comfortable with you posting about him but he knows he can’t do anything about people taking photos of the two of you out together in public
Tsuki would never be rude to your fans though like if you were recognized during a date, he wouldn’t make a fit and will take photos of you and your fans to speed the process along
He HATES HATES HATES the paparazzi’s like it’s one thing for fans to come up to you when yall are in public but he gets mad when the paparazzi harasses you with questions/pictures/comments
“ Y/N! Turn around and give a smile!” 
“ Not right now, I’m sorry.”
“ Oh come on, don’t be shy! Just show the camera a little skin!”
“ How about you shut the hell up before I smack that camera out of your face.”
Head empty, no thoughts, just thinking about Mad!tsuki
It’s a big adjustment for Tsukishima that he has a girlfriend in the entertainment sphere but he knows how hard you’ve worked for it and he would never tell you to stop living your dream 
Sometimes he’ll feel insecure because you’re so successful and he doesn’t want to hold you back but since he can’t imagine being without you, he just pushes those thoughts away and enjoys every minute with you 
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey there! Love your writing. What about MC spending a whole day with just one of the brothers? Like you know, if the brothers were deciding what to do? Sorry if it’s too boring and romantic haha, I’m a lost case, I desperately need that night walks with Satan and working out with Beel in my life haha. Thanks xx
Same though. I love writing just typical HCs with the bros during date night or something. And I’m currently writing a few angst HCs so I really needed this too lmao. I hope you don’t mind these not being too long. I hope this satisfies you lol.
The Brothers Spending a Whole Day with MC:
-Mr. Prideful doesn’t take many days off
-But when he’s with you, he really feels like he can unwind properly
-Lucifer loves going on walks with you tbh
-He feels like it’s a nice break from all of his office work and meetings
-Sometimes the two of you end up in Majolish or a restaurant
-He definitely has a thing for spoiling you on days like these, because he feels he doesn’t appreciate you enough otherwise
-Like when he yells at both you and Mammon for doing stupid shit around Lord Diavolo
-The two of you could walk through the whole of DevilDom hand in hand if you had more hours in the day
-I see Lucifer as a bit traditional when it comes to dating so it’s obvious you’ll have movie dates and everything
-But a day off for him? With you? Away from his brothers, all of their chaos and the never ending attention his paperwork needs?
-It feels like he’s in the Celestial Realm all over again
-He does love you
-His past just doesn’t let him express his affection towards you very well
-If the two of you could spend the whole day together, there are only three places you could be at: Majolish, the casino or trying to make money for Mammon’s debts somewhere
-But it doesn’t really matter for him
-He could be stuck in a broom closet with you and still be happy (though he wouldn’t admit it)
-Spending a day with just him is bound to end in tears to be honest, on his part usually
-Because everything is going well and you’re having fun
-“Ah shit!”
-“Mammon you OK? What happened?”
-“I accidentally sold Lucifer’s gloves for 50000 Grimm!”
-How does one accidentally sell something?
-So he get a bit of an earful for that
-Other than that, being with the second eldest is crazy enough as it is
-You may have lost all that money at the casino but for the first time in a while, Mammon didn’t care that much
-Because you were there and laughing with him about how stupid both of you were
-You guys hit as many shops as possible and just generally have a messy, fun time together
-He often ends these days saying something like “You should be grateful that THE GREAT MAMMON agreed to let you tag along with him today.”
-But just kiss him on the cheek and he will shut up. For like hours. He’ll be too flushed to even look you in the eye
-He really wants to spend another day out with his human
-Welp, life of a shut-in otaku
-It should be of no surprise that the two of you spend most of your time in his room
-It’s just the one place he’s most comfortable in and having you there makes it so much better
-Anime’s and video games are a must obviously
-But he loves doing movie marathons with you too (while loudly complaining the movie sucks and that you’re a normie for choosing it. Which means he likes it)
-Maybe a few good hours of him ranting about TSL because it’s Levi
-So the chances of you guys getting any sleep on said day are slim to none
-Also, if you agree to go to conventions with him, he will die of happiness
-On the rare occasion that he does go outside, he’s only out there because you went with him so that should tell you how much he loves you
-But most of the time you’re locked in his room to the point where Luci dearest has to come along and drag you the fuck to breakfast
-Ah, true love~~
-I mean, this one should be pretty obvious too
-If he doesn’t enjoy dates in the library, then is he really Satan? (I never thought a sentence like that would ever be typed)
-Most of the time it ends with him reading to you because his voice is sO bEAutIful and you just melt when you hear it
-I will forever hc that he makes sound effects while reading too so imagine that
-You two don’t always get the chance to spend a whole day together
-But he tries to check in on you at least once a day
-*Cue romantic run through the house of Lamentation, trying to find you so he can gossip and bitch about Lucifer*
-Walks with him are very common too
-They usually take place at night, because he’s a sap and he read too many romance books and damn it kiss him already
-He would hold an umbreally over you if it started raining and everything
-Satan takes these moments to chat to you about anything, he just wants to appreciate you being there
-You guys made out several times while on these ‘walks’ ngl skskevshskbeuensb
-One time, you showed him a cat cáfe in the human realm and he went nuts
-Safe to say you’ve been there more times than I care to count, most of which were without permission
-A day with him can either go extremely calmly and end with you guys falling asleep on each other in his room or escalate to either pranking Lucifer or...steamier stuff
-Haha if anyone ever mentions he’s a cheesy bastard, they’re dead before they can say their prayers
-Except you, you get the pass on this one, tease him as much as you want
-Finally, he gets to have you all to himself without any of his brothers cockblocking him all the time~ (same tbh)
-The whole day would be planned from head to toe in activities and events
-It would start with some sort of makeover in the morning (getting your nails done, doing hairstyles, skin routine etc.)
-Then it would move on to some serious shopping sprees where he basically buys everything that he deems to be cute
-They’re for you 100% tho
-The day usually ends with you getting dragged to parties and clubs because Asmo can’t go a day without speaking to other people
-By the time you get home, you’re almost knocked out cold and carrying several bags full of clothes and shit
-But you can never say you didn’t enjoy yourself on these days
-Having Asmo around is exhilarating and somehow, even if crowds happen to not be your thing, it’s still really easy to have fun anyway
-There are times when the two of you stay at home and do each other’s nails and everything
-And you two are very fond of these sort of dates as well
-Of course, all of this assuming he won’t try to seduce you and get in your pants all day
-Turns our Mammon is somehow telepathically connected to you and rushes over any time this happens
-So much for not being cockblocked I guess
-He always switches things up as well which is usually very pleasant because you don’t visit the same shops or clubs every day
-Just be back by midnight or you’ll have your asses handed back to you otherwise
-Beel loves you
-Beel loves food
-If those two happen to be in the same room, he might as well die peacefully
-It’s all he ever asked for (especially if Belphie is there too)
-Half of the day is spent at either Hell’s Kitchen or in your kitchen at home
-For him, the food always tastes better when you’re there so if you’re willing to go, then he’ll be like a cheerful puppy the whole time (how many times have I compared Beel to a puppy lmao)
-The other half of the day is spent training
-Work out sessions are important to him and he’s more than happy to let you join in
-If anything, you’ll be on his back as he does his push ups even though you’re not that heavy to him
-It sort of warms that demon heart of his because you’re always there handing him towels and water after he’s finished
-And you always have snacks prepared too which is wonderful really
-Kudos for being able to hide them from him the whole time
-It’s also not that surprising to know that you, Beel and Belphie hang out a lot
-So these days often mean that Belphegor tags along with you guys everywhere
-You won’t notice him tho, believe me, he’ll just stay attached to Beel’s back and sleep the whole time
-If he gets to spend a day with his loved ones, then Beel can honestly not ask for more
-“Yes MC?”
-“Is.....is that a pillow fort that’s almost as big as the attic?”
-“It is indeed.”
-“Why not?”
-Tbh it would be a miracle if you two didn’t sleep the whole day
-But if he had to go somewhere with you
-It would be anywhere
-Much like Mammon, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the evironment as long as you’re there
-Chances are, however, that he will sneak you two to the human world a few times in secret
-He still insists he hates humans but truth is, he misses them and their realm
-Going back there, without permission the same way he did all those centuries ago, was like a breath of fresh air
-You guys would be chilling at a park in the human realm, probably make small picnic or something
-Belphie, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, loves these dates and would kill anything on his path if it meant he gets to be in your arms while taking a nap in the human world
-He invites Beel along too which makes everything so much better for him
-He will just fall asleep on you while you run your fingers through his hair
-Belphie is so warm too so it’s likely you won’t stay awake for long either
-Poor Beel has to carry both back to DevilDom but he does it anyway without complaining >:(
-He knows that he isn’t allowed to come up here and that he should stop these dates before Lucifer finds out
-But being out here with you brings him an irreplaceable meaning and you’re so soft and gentle, he can’t resist cuddling into you
-Also he doesn’t give a shit what Lucifer thinks
(Idk why my writing is so bad in this post, it kinda feels like I forced myself to write it and maybe that’s why..? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my mess of HCs)
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dahliax · 4 years
Sokka hc sfw & nsfw (water bender fem reader)
bc is 4:20 am and I just smoked some of dat medical and feeling very flirty lmao (and our bb Sokka needs more content) (also we gonna pretend suki don’t exsist even tho I love her)
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(^me rn tbh)
So you meet the gaang like completely by accident
Just chillin bending some water (somewhere in the earth kingdom) and Sokka is the first to see you stopping completely in his tracks amazed by your beauty
Soon you notice and turn around smirking at him
“You know. It’s rude to stare.” You say and snap him out of it
“Yeah Sokka why don’t you marry her while you’re at it” Katara is soooo cheeky when it comes to Sokka liking people. She loves to make him embarrassed
After some introductions and friendly conversation the rest of the gaang knew you’d fit right in and would definitely sweep Sokka straight off his feet (as if you haven’t already let’s be honest)
You offer them a place to stay on their travels and they accept
Katara is super super excited for another girl to talk to so she’s one of the first people to suggest you joining the group
They’re so exhausted by the time you get to your cottage that they pass out immediately
And you’re just like “damn ok”
After a day or two Sokka FINALLY builds up the courage to actually have a conversation with you one on one since the whole staring thing
“Hey... I’m sorry for staring at you before”
“What? Sokka that’s been forgiven for how long”
“Really?! I thought you hated me”
After this he became a lil more comfortable but still very blushy and timid around you because you’re literally his dream girl
Sokka really wanted to tell you how he feels before he left (not wanting to lose another amazing girl) but nobody told him they were planning to ask you to join the group anyways
But they seen this as an opportunity to encourage him to tell you so they didn’t tell him till after he told you
While out shopping at the market he sees this really good looking restaurant and he thinks, “this is my chance!”
“H-hey y/n... would you want to try out that restaurant together?” And you’re ecstatic bc you also have a big crush on him
He’s so so so awkward it’s almost painful dropping silverware and spilling water all over the table. He was a complete mess
“I guess I should just come right out and say it,” he says confusing you
And all you did was laugh which made him mortified and then you grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss completely catching him off guard
If you’re around he has to be near you/touching you bc he’s protective and he really likes showing you how much he cares
“Baby girl” IS HIS FAV
You help him with his insecurities about bending ITS SO CUTE
I’m a big simp for virgin boys don’t JUDGE ME OK 😭💗
There ain’t much action going on at home with the water tribe so the most experienced Sokka is is in kissing
In the beginning he would shudder everytime you touched him ANYWHERE while making out but once he got used to it you figured it was time to take your relationship further 
I have boob guy vibes from Sokka big or small he just loves them. So whenever you had a lower cut shirt on he could barely speak “babe. My eyes are up here” “I know! I’m just distracted” “obviously”
Once he gets more comfortable he’s so grabby all the time he just can’t get enough of you
The first time you have sex he’s a MESS. He has no idea what to do. So you lead him
He’s definitely more on the sub side but if you want him to be more rough he has no problem switching it up
His fav position is when you ride so he can admire you entirely
He cums in like 3 seconds. You’re too much for him
But don’t worry as time goes on I just know in my heart Sokka is a lil kinky boi
King of giving head after some guidance and practice
It’s literally his fav thing to do because he loves being in full control of your pleasure since you like to TEASE TF OUT OF HIM
He was a little scared about you giving him head bc he’s afraid he was small but I’ll tell you right now this boy got a big dick and you can’t change my mind
He made you stop when you gaged bc he thought he hurt you but you just looked up at him and said “sweetheart. You just have a big dick” and he could’ve literally died right there
Jealous Sokka sex definitely hits different. it’s when he’s most dominant and even tho vanilla sex is very awesome seeing Sokka finally take charge and be a little rough takes you to another planet
He could literally cum from the sound of 1 moan coming from your mouth
In conclusion. Sokka is a sex god.
This isn’t my best work but I’m really trying to get practice in so I’m more confident in future posts. I hope you guys liked this one! Send me some requests!! 💗💗
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Your high school hcs made want a scenario about a high school Eren all emotional in a prom dance 🥺 Could you write it, please?
aww this is so cute! i honestly love this request, and i find it to be really fluffy and cute. i decided to include a song for this! it may be a bit old, but not gonna lie, it fits the moment! i hope you enjoy ♡.
Eren x Fem!Reader Highschool AU: Prom Night
Warnings: None
(listen to the song when the dance part starts!)
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It had been an exciting day for the seniors at Titan High. It was finally prom night! It was sort of bittersweet since next year they wouldn't be returning, and they'd be off to college. Everyone was excited, and it had been the most talked about even the whole week.
(Y/N) was really excited since she was going with her boyfriend Eren. They had been dating since sophomore year, and she couldn't be happier. He even did a promposal about a week or two before, and pretty much everyone in school talked about it.
Their group of friends had planned to take pictures together, and spend the whole night together. Eren hadn't seen (Y/N)'s dress yet, she didn't want to spoil it. She really loved the dress she picked out, her and Eren picked dark blue as their color this year.
Everyone was at Reiner's house. Everyone decided that was a good meeting spot, since his house wasn't far from where they were going to take pictures.
"When is (Y/N) gonna get here?" Armin asked and looked over at Eren.
He shrugged. "I don't know, last I checked she was coming with Mikasa" he replied and looked at his phone.
Armin was taking Annie to the dance surprisingly. Let's just say Bertholdt wasn't the happiest man at the moment, and he was a bit jealous about this.
"We're so going to get lit tonight!" Connie said and looked at Jean.
He laughed a bit. "You and Sasha are probably going to devour the snack table" he said and rolled his eyes.
"That's not true! We didn't do that last year!" Sasha replied and crossed her arms.
Eren sighed as he watched the three argue over it. He was patiently waiting for (Y/N) and Mikasa to show up. He really wanted to see what she looked like, he already knew his girlfriend looked like an absolute queen. She always did! No matter what she wore.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Mikasa were currently on the way to Reiner's house. She wore a long dress that was sort of like a corset, and it was strapless. It was no lie (Y/N) looked absolutely beautiful.
"I hope he likes it" she said and looked over at Mikasa.
She looked at her friend. "He'll love it, don't worry" she replied and continued driving.
Her (h/c) hair was done in curls that were half up, and half down. She credited her mother, since she was hairstylist. Her makeup matched her dress which was dark blue. She wasn't sure how Eren looked, he probably looked really handsome, he always did.
The two eventually arrived at Reiner's house. She saw everyone standing outside talking with one another, they were the last two that needed to show up.
"Hey! They're here!" Connie yelled and pointed at the car.
Mikasa and (Y/N) got out of the car. Mikasa wore a red dress. Jean was her date surprisingly, which made everyone a bit shocked. Eren was astonished staring at his girlfriend, the dress fit her so well. She looked so beautiful to him, he was so lucky to have (Y/N).
"Hey" Eren said and smiled as she approached him.
She smiled. "Hey! You look great" she replied and gave him a hug.
He laughed a bit and hugged her back. "No you look great, I love the dress" he said and held her hand.
"Hey guys! We gotta go take pictures!" Reiner yelled and came outside.
Everyone got together and drove to the park where they'd take pictures. Everyone looked great in their outfits, and some people stared in the park wondering why they were dressed so nicely.
"You take shitty pictures Connie" Jean said and looked up from his phone.
He looked at him. "Shut up" he replied and rolled his eyes.
Eren and (Y/N) stood taking pictures together. "These are going to be so great to post later" she said and looked on her phone.
He chuckled. "Yeah they for sure are babe" he replied and put his arm around her waist.
"Guys I'm starving!" Sasha said and crossed her arms.
Everyone looked around at one another. "We should get going then, that line is going to get long" Mikasa said and looked on her phone to check the time.
The group left the spot, and headed to the banquet that the school rented for the dance. It didn't take long for them to arrive, and they saw many other students had arrived already.
"Let's get this party started" Reiner said and smirked.
(Y/N) stood with Eren, and shivered a bit. "It's cold" she said and looked at him.
He put his arms around her shoulders. "We'll get inside in a bit" he replied and put his head on her shoulder.
Within a few minutes they were let inside. All of them reserved a table for each other. It was sort of chaotic. One side you had (Y/N), Mikasa, Eren, Armin, and Marco talking with each other. Then you had Connie, Sasha, and Jean all yelling because Sasha was eating her food quickly.
"Should we stop them?" (Y/N) asked and looked at Eren.
He nodded. "Nope, I'm actually enjoying the way they are right now" he replied and shrugged.
"We'd like to congratulate the class of 2020, show them some love tonight!" the dj called from his area on the dance floor.
A few people cheered, and yelled. It was a bittersweet day, they graduated in less than 2 weeks.
Music started to play and some people went out to dance.
"I'm gonna go dance! Connie come with me!" Sasha yelled and dragged him onto the dance floor.
(Y/N) and Eren chuckled as they watch the two dance like idiots to the music. "God they are such clowns" Eren said and held her hand.
She laughed. "Yeah, I'm waiting for them to fall or throw their food up" she replied and drank some of her water.
That's when the music slowed, and a slow song came on.
(listen to the song!)
(Y/N) and Eren looked at one another. "Want to go dance?" he asked and nodded.
She took his hand. "Sure" she said and stood up.
He guided her to dance floor, he put his hand on her waist and she put her arms on his neck. They noticed other couples joining them, including Mikasa and Jean. Surprisingly, Connie and Sasha were out there dancing themselves.
"You know, high school wasn't so bad" Eren said and laughed a bit.
(Y/N) smiled. "Maybe... but you definitely made it worth it for me" she said and looked into his eyes.
He smiled and twirled her around. "You made high school probably better for me, if I hadn't met you, I probably would still be that sad loser" he said.
"I would probably still be that loner who was super shy" she said and laughed.
Eren looked into her (e/c) eyes. "You know (Y/N)... I wouldn't trade you for anybody else" he said and smiled.
She blushed and looked into his teal eyes. "I feel the same way about you too Eren, nobody else could replace you" she replied.
"I really hope college goes well for us" Eren said.
She nodded. "Me too, but I couldn't ever bare the thought of losing you Eren. It's too much for me" (Y/N) said.
He smiled. "I'm not going anywhere (Y/N), I love you so much" he replied and kissed her head.
He began to feel a bit emotional, the song, everyone around him, it was all so much. "Eren? Are you alright?" she asked.
He felt tears come to his eyes. "I love you more than anything (Y/N), you're the only girl who has ever made me this happy. I want to love you forever" he replied and looked at her.
She couldn't help but feel her heart flutter. He hadn't ever been this emotional over her before, and it honestly made her smile.
"I love you too Eren, no guy will ever compare to you" she said.
She gave him a kiss and lied her head on his chest as the music continued.
He sniffed a bit. "I can't wait to start a new chapter with you.." he whispered.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile. "It's you and I versus the world" she replied.
Eren smiled at quickly wiped the tears off his face. "Always and forever" he said and laughed a bit.
The song finished and they both looked at one another. They kissed and smiled at each other. Tonight was absolutely magical.
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arhvste · 4 years
Hi! I saw your Dad hcs and istg I wanted more 🥺 can you please make a part two with Sakusa (God i love this man) Hinata, Bokuto and Ushijima (do add more if you want) your works are amazing but the Dad hcs got me 💘
i re-read all my work last night and i consciously kept spelling sakusa’s name wrong 🤠 like i know his name i know what it sounds like but i kept getting mixed up between sasuka, sakura and sasuke because they all look the same to me 😳 I'm sorry sakusa pls forgive me 😼
also i will be doing ushijima in a seperate post for dad hcs with two other haikyuu boys a bit later so dw i haven't accidentally missed or ignored it! :) 
the two fo you only have one kid so far
a 3 year old girl 
you plan to extend your family soon though 👀
you already KNOW this man gets your kid every vaccination available for their age 
he is very protective over his daughter 
boys near her daughter at the playground
NOT on his watch 
he will simply scoop her up and suggest she play somewhere else 
this man doesn't care how mean it may seem
he’s not having his precious daughter surrounded by disgusting b-boys 🤮
“have they had their flu jabs? when was the last time they washed their hands? they're breathing their gross little germs too close to her”
“sakusa, they’re 3.”
sorry but no dating for your daughter 
sakusa teaches his little girl the concept of “boys have cooties” from a very young age 
this man is nothing but proud when that concept sticks with her 😈
“d/n, are you excited for pre-school?”
“daddy said there's going to be boys and boys have cooties so no 😠”
as she gets older though he does become more lenient with her and who she makes friends with 
he’ll secretly love it if you brought her to his games
he’s not huge on pda at all
but he won’t mind being caught on camera embracing the two of you when the team win 
atsumu is not allowed near your daughter when she’s a baby
“omi omiiiii why can’t i ‘ave a look t’cha daughter?”
“because she has been vaccinated and i fear your disgusting germs may be strong enough to over power it”
when she gets older though she straight up approaches atsumu on her own 
“so you’re the rat my daddy talks about a lot? you don’t look like much of a rat?”
atsumu doesn’t know whether he’s flattered that sakusa talks about him or offended that he refers to him as a ‘rat’
he won’t encourage your daughter to play volleyball
he wants her to pick her own hobbies and not feel pressured by his influence on picking an activity she’ll enjoy
secretly hopes your daughter takes up an individual activity like painting or something to keep away from other germ infected kids
but if your daughter does happen to pick a team sport he doesn't complain
she just has to wash her hands before she comes home and have a shower when she comes in
he is a very very proud father 
he may not be very expressive about it 
but he absolutely brags about his kid to other people
“my son won maths star of the week!”
“yeah? well my daughter won student of the year, highest achieving in her class and had 4 boys confess to her this week so”
he does make sure his daughter knows he is very proud of her despite his petty bragging
anything she does he takes pride in her 
it’s her who makes him want to have another kid
so get ready for round two y/n because when sakusa wants something he’ll make sure he gets it 😼
now, you may think hinata would be nothing but pure chaos with his kids 
he is actually very responsible 
it’s hardly a surprise though because he grew up with a younger sister whom he took care of a lot 
from the second your triplet boys are born hinata is on it 
at first when you found out you were having triplets your mind went blank
“so like, 3 little shoyou’s running around my legs? 😀”
“ma’am are you okay?”
“i’m finE :)))”
surprisingly  two of your sons took more after you
but the youngest one 
he doesn't have an off switch 
he’s just like his father 
but that’s what makes him so loveable too
hinata is a doting dad 
he also encourages his kids to go out and make as many friends
he explains all the opportunities he had growing up and how far these opportunities took him to reach is goal
and this is all because he was open to meeting new people and being friendly with them
he makes sure his kids grow up with lots of aunts and uncles surrounding them
he wants his sons to grow up in a close environment 
your kids have so many aunts and uncles because hinata makes a new friend everywhere he goes ufshfi
your oldest son takes a liking to kenma the most 
your second oldest takes a shine to uncle oikawa
and the youngest?
uncle kaegyama ofc 😈
lmao when kageyama holds one of your sons for the first time he holds it by the leg with a straight face 
nobody thought they’d ever see hinata having to show kageyama how to hold a baby properly 
kageyama is lowkey excited he’s the fav but he’s so awkward fjishsgjh
bring your sons to his games 
he will absolutely smile and wave at his kids whenever he scores
and will pull them out excitedly into the arena when they win 
he has you all plastered on his social media 
he thinks everyone should know that you guys are the light of his life
he already had a fulfilled life before his sons but you gave him a whole new concept of love and excitement when they were born
you guys will totally take a vacation to brazil at some point 
hinata wants your family to meet all his friends over in brazil too 
hinata is mr worldwide 😎
with hinata as a dad, your kids will grow up in a very nurturing home
he wants the best for your kids and will teach them from an early age that any goal is possible 
and he’ll support them in every single way he can
hinata as a dad isn’t chaos 
bokuto as a dad certainly is
he’s basically a child himself 
you guys have 2 kids
a 5 year old son and a 6 year old daughter
bokuto will try and BEFRIEND your kids
“kou baby, they're your kids not your friends”
“uh says who?”
“biology??? their dna?? the birth certificate??”
he literally lets his kids do whatever they want forcing you to be the bad cop (im so sorry)
your kids want ice cream for dinner?
consider it done
they want to adopt a snake?
bokuto has excitedly taken them to the pet store to pick out one each
you’re always the one who has to say no because if you didn’t these kids would be off the r a i l s
the first time your kids cries he cries
the first time your kids talk he cries
the first time they walk he cries
he’s full of emotion and the love he holds for your kids is often expressed through tears of happiness
when you leave bokuto and the kids alone 
things will go smoothly
until one of them starts crying and bokuto can’t stop them
then the other one starts crying and he is clueless on what to do 
he doesn’t want to call you because he doesn’t want to look pathetic 
so he calls the next best option 
uncle akaashi 😼
akaashi is like a walking parent website hfdjbgu
he literally instructs bokuto on what to do through the phone 
and if they still won't calm down akaashi will just sigh and agree to come over
you come home to the sight of akaashi reading a story book to your two kids who are staring up at him in awe from the floor
along with your husband 
“am i interrupting?”
bokuto will break out into smiles and practically pounce on you when you come home
“everything was under control wasn’t it? right akaashi?” :D”
akaashi will just sigh and give a small smile
“yes bokuto-san, everything was under control”
you give akaashi a small smile of apology and he’ll often join you for dinner
yeah your kids spend a lot of time with uncle akaashi but you know who’s adamant on being the favourite uncle?
uncle kuroo ofc 😎
he will spoil tf out of your kids 
we love rich, capitalist uncle kuroo
and he’ll tell them things about bokuto to irritate him
“kids, your dads a criminal he doesn't pay his taxes”
“money everyone has to pay the government - basically it’s illegal and i think you should call the police on your dad 😈”
you actually have to stop your kids from calling the police on their dad fbhjdsfgu
again, another dad who wants nothing more than for his kids to come to his games
no boundaries with pda
will pick you all up and shower you all with affection when they win
would love if your kids took up volleyball
would tell them it’s the best sport to play 
and they actually listen to him hduigefuiew
your son becomes a middle blocker 
and your daughter becomes an ace 
bokuto could die from happiness 
he will absolutely teach your kids and play and bring them to msby practices so they can watch up close and play along too
if bokuto is the father of your kids 
good luck but have fun with it
because while yes, he is still your big baby that needs taking care of from time to time
he is also an extremely loving father who would gladly give his kids the world and all the stars
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drspencr · 4 years
dating matthew would include...
a/n: hi hi here’s a little short hc because i haven’t posted anything in a while :) but other than that my requests are open rn and i don’t have a lot to do nowaday!!
content warning: mentions of an age gap
Tumblr media
definitely keeping your relationship a secret for a while
spotted out in public in the early stages in the relationship
but everybody attacked you guys even when no one confirmed anything
especially getting on your guys asses for the substantial age gap
so ever since then, you two kept it on the downlow until everyone forgot about it
BUT two years later matthew finally convinced you to go public
you posted a nice picture of him sitting across from you and captioned it “happy anniversary, my love”
and matthew posted a pic of you just waking up and captioned it “i can’t believe i get to wake up to this every morning ❤️”
when you finally look at your notifications and see the photo he posted you completely freak
“matthew you chose the worst photo of me!!!”
“oh please, you’re beautiful”
the fans finally accepting you two as a couple
all of them coming to terms with your guys relationship and having to live vicariously through you
horsing around everywhere you go
he’s probably the kind of person to play tag at target
super! fun! dates!
picnic dates
water park dates
disneyland dates
bubble bath dates
but as playful the casual dates are, he seriously knows how to wine and dine
sneaking into abandoned places for fun and clinging onto his arm the whole time
“matthew can we please get out of here? this place is giving me the creeps”
“you don’t want to say hi to the ghosts? they’re really nice once you get to know them”
“im kidding, im kidding”
color coordinated outfits
he insists
(tons of) naked mirror selfies
like getting out of the shower and putting your leg on his hips
or simply just standing in front of the mirror and hugging each other, skin to skin
he’ll probably be obsessed with your body and thinks it’s the most beautiful thing in the world
taking pictures, kissing and touching every inch of your skin, etc
it’s no doubt that he’s very intimate
calls you the step mom/dad of rumple buttercup
it was his way of saying that you’re somewhat of a family
and actually having a conversation about naming your first child rumple
kissing his forehead every chance you get
sometimes he gets insecure and thinks that he’s too touchy
so he’ll just stare at you from afar
probably looking up from his drawing every 30 seconds because he wants to hold you so badly
and you can feel him staring so you just open your arms and he just sheepishly walks over to you, sits down on your lap, and cuddles his head into your neck like a koala
buying him weird patterned socks to add to his collection!
it always brings a smile to his face no matter what it is
tickle fights
all the time
but you always end up winning and he always ends up on the floor with you on top of him
and he tries to ask you to stop but he can’t because he’s laughing too much
staying up because matthew literally doesn’t sleep until 4 am
but he realizes how much of a toll it’s putting on you so he starts going to sleep at a reasonable time
for your sake
watching binging criminal minds
matthew claiming that you probably like reid more than you like him
although, you were never going to admit that to his face jk
“you know that’s not true, baby. i love you and not the character you play, okay?”
“but spencer reid still deserves better, fuck the cm writers”
“it’s true, don’t deny it”
letting you paint his nails
as long as it matched with the socks he was wearing that day
probably the hottest, wildest sex
like constantly experimenting and seeing what works best
and the aftercare? WHEW
he cooks you breakfast the morning after :)
matthew sneaking you onto set so you can watch him do his thing
also because he misses you
and when he has nothing to do and you’re not with him, he draws you from memory with flowers and hearts all around your face
“hey buttercup, how was work?”
“i drew you again”
“so a slow day, huh?”
dinners with his parents!
and it’s great because you and his mom get along so well and he loves seeing his two favorite people enjoying each other’s company
taking walks
like old couples
you would go in the morning, still in your pajamas probably
and just walk around the neighborhood talking about random shit and pointing out the chalk art on the sidewalk
he always has a new magic trick to show you and never runs out of cheesy jokes
sometimes he would pretend to be offended when you call him “grandpa” or “old man”
but other times, he would use his age as an excuse to get out of things
“matthew, do you want to eat dinner with me and my friend?”
“which friend?”
“oh uh,, i– my back hurts, yknow, old joints and all. maybe next time?”
you knowing damn well he just doesn’t want to see bethany
being friends with the whole cast (yk despite the drama and everything)
and going to all the cm parties
being friends with all of matthews friends honestly
another reason for him to love you so much
matthew wanting to propose for a long time but gets nervous and wants to wait for the right moment
he takes the ring with him everywhere he goes just in case
one day you’re just talking and laughing and he asks you out of nowhere
and takes the ring from his pocket like nothing
being matthew’s forever and having the most fulfilling married life 🥰
@timey-wimey-lovi @harrys-creature @spencer-reid-in-a-pool @redbullchick @etherealsxnder @httpnxtt @blushingspencer @groovyreid @plazathehag @anditsdoctor @spenciereiddd @danandphilfan6 @estate-euphoric @yoongi-holland @la-vie-en-amour1
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Weirdos (LoV x Reader)
Pairing: LoV x Reader, platonic relationship
Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, toga, Kurogiri x Reader
I’m combining two anon requests I got for this one (they were kinda similar and I have a lot of requests to go through):  “LOV x young reader (fem or genderfluid). reader just wants to be loved. Toga's like a big sister, Dabi's a big brother, Shigaraki is that one gay cousin and Kurogiri is the father figure (hey no stOp that). Shenanigans ensue” and “Hello love! I just read sleepless with the LOV gang and I was wondering if you could do a platonic LOV x teenage reader where she gets hurt in an attack from the heroes and what their reaction would be. If you’d like to add her quirk maybe something about controlling plant life? Thanks love”
Tags: @wwwwyamd​  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
Genre: Crack I guess
Word Count: 1,260
a/n: Ugghhh this took me a long time and I’m still not that happy with it...  I’ve been slowly losing steam, it’s probably bc of finals coming up and my grades and yeah...  Still!  I hope this crackity type thing makes you guys smile.  This is kiiind of a sequel to Sleepless? It happens in the same continuity/universe/timeline, think of it that way.
Also!  I have a few more requests and more originals from myself, but I have exams this week, so I possibly won’t be posting until after Wednesday, unless I decide to write that Bakugou hc request I just got to tide you guys over.
I didn’t use it very much, but gender neutral they/them pronouns here!
As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, all their eyes were on me.  Their silence is exactly what I expected, and I wanted nothing more than to disappear.  I try tilting my hat down so they can't see my face as I place the plastic bag on the table.  "Sorry I'm late, here's food. I'm gonna wash up-"
A hand comes down on my head and I gulp.
"What happened to your face?"
Dabi's voice lowering a whole octave and a half is the scariest thing in the world, change my mind.  "N-Nothing..."
"That's also not the jacket you left with earlier," Twice adds across from me.
Damnit, when did they get so perceptive?  I haven't been staying here for too long, I didn't think they would care about me other than when I go get their food and run other errands for them.
"(Y/n)," Kurogiri crosses his arms over his chest.  "Take the jacket and the hat off.  Now."
I can't refuse them when they're all piercing me with their murderous gazes like that.  They've been nice enough to keep me here, but they're still villains, I can't say they don't scare me in the slightest.  I'm deathly afraid of what might happen if they see what happened to me.  I slowly remove my jacket first, revealing a few scrapes and bruises on my arms.  When I'm met with silence, I remove my hat too, scrunching my eyes closed and preparing for the worst.
"What. Happened?"
I flinch at Dabi's harsh question, not having the courage to look up and look him in the eyes.
"Answer me, kid."
I pick at a scratch on my palms.  "I-I got caught up in an attack w-with the heroes.  I got a little-"
"A little what?!" Twice slams a hand down on the table and I jolt.  "Your face has a giant sore!  What hit you?!"
"Or who?" Dabi asks, hands clenched as his arms cross over his chest.
I back away, defensive about the whole situation.  "It wasn't on purpose.  They hit the ground and something went flying at my face-"
"You could've gotten hurt worse than that!" Dabi booms at me, stepping forward.  "Why didn't you block it in time?"
I feel myself getting smaller and smaller.  "I was running, and I heard someone screaming behind me, and I wasn't paying attention, that's all."
"Aw Dabi, you don't have to be so harsh," Toga wraps an arm around my quivering shoulders.  "You're being scary again, tone it down a notch."
"Yeah, stupid, you're going too OP on the yelling, no one wants to hear your mouth," Shigaraki pipes up, seemingly unbothered by the whole thing ad choosing to focus all his attention on his handheld console.
Dabi whirls onto him.  "What'd you say, Crusty?  How about you say it with your chest?"
Shigaraki stands up and gets in his face.  "I wonder what burnt chicken ashes tastes like-"
"Enough, you two!" Kurogiri booms out.  "There are more pressing matters than your pointless bickering."
"Yeah, our poor birdie (Y/n) got hurt," Toga rubs my face.  I wince when her finger brushes over the sore spot, but I don't want to push her away for fear she might do something to me.  "That's gonna leave a huge bruise for a few weeks."
"I'm gonna destroy whichever hero it was who caused it," Dabi returns back to me.  "Who was it?  Endeavor?  Best Jeanist?  One of those UA kids?"
"I don't know.  I didn't see them clearly," I squeak.  He's really gonna kill me now.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T SEE IT?"  Blue flames emerge from his palms.
"Hey, hey, take it down a few notches."  Twice wraps an arm around Dabi's shoulder and pats his arm.  "No need to act all tough."
"I'm sorry I got hurt, I'll be more careful next time."  The tears build up behind my eyes, but I try to hold them back.  I don't want to see what happens if I cry in front of them.
"Aw, look what you did," Twice exasperatedly motions to my bowed head.  "This is what happens when you're a tsundere hiding your feelings all the time."
"Come here, (Y/n)."  Kurogiri motions to the seat next to Shigaraki.  "Let me take care of your wounds."
"But," I blink back to clear my vision, "I deserved it, didn't I?"  Shouldn't I be in trouble now?
"Oh, shut up, stop being an emo," Toga pushes me toward the chair.
I end up seated at the bar, still constricting myself inward.  I'm not comfortable with anything going on, not to mention how perplexed I am.
Shigaraki spares a sideways glance at me before mashing at his buttons nonchalantly.  "That's one hell of a bruise, you're gonna look worse than me for a while."
I can't judge from his tone if he's insulting me, or trying to make a joke, or failing miserably at comforting me.
Kurogiri places a first aid kit on the counter.  "I'll do your face first."  He pulls out a few cotton swabs and a bottle solution.
Twice leans his arm on the counter on my other side.  "What's with that face, (Y/n)?  You look worried."
I pause for a moment before I look down at my feet.  "I'm waiting for you guys to do something to me."
The entire room freezes again and goes silent, sending me into another heart-racing mini panic.
Twice is the first to break the silence.  Even the soft hand he places on my shoulder makes me jumpy.  "I don't know how things were before you met us, or if that's the kind of impression we give," he shoots a look at Dabi, who just crosses his arms and looks away, "But that's not how we do things.  It was an honest mistake, how could you have known that would happen?  We're just concerned about if something bad happened to you."
I perk up at his words.  "You mean, I'm not just your lackey running your errands?  I'm not just an annoying kid you found on the street?"
"You make it sound like you're a stray cat or something," Shigaraki comments.  "Though, you are quiet and require a moderate amount of attention..."
"Of course you're not just a lackey, silly!  You're one of us!"  Toga's sweater pawed hands envelop my torso in a hug.  "Dabi's just being a meanie because he doesn't know how to show affection.  He should still apologize though."
"Yes, Dabi!" Twice adds with a flourish, "Apologize to my poor child!"  He grabs my head and forcefully pushes it into his hard chest.
Dabi sighs heavily, rubbing the back of his neck as the two stare at him expectantly.  "I shouldn't've yelled at you, kid.  I didn't know you'd be scared like that."
"It's fine."  It's weird being smothered by a group of housemates who might as well be strangers, but it blooms warmth into me somehow.
"Alright, you get first bite of the grub."  Twice eagerly opens up the bags of food and rips open one of the containers and disposable chopsticks to feed me.
Kurogiri gently blots at my face with his first aid supplies.  "Toga, stop wiggling, you're moving (Y/n)!"
Her grip around my waist doesn't loosen at all, her face snuggling into my back.  "Ey, Twice, it's no fair you get to feed (Y/n) first, I wanna do it!"
It's at this moment when I feel like Dabi and Shigaraki are the most normal ones out of all of them, until they start bickering over a container of noodles and start destroying things so Kurogiri needs to reprimand them again.  Even so, among all the prodding, squeezing, pulling, bickering, and smothering, I wonder if this is what family is supposed to feel like.
A secret smile only I can see quirks at my lips.  Nah, they're just weirdos.
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hey guys, 🦷 anon here!
this is just a quick little vent post, i just need to get this out. (you don’t have to post this by the way, i just want to say something,, ya’know?)
so, i was looking through my photos from early 2020, and i came upon a video of my ex and i. and i still haven’t been able to stop crying for more than a few minutes. we just looked so happy, we were happy. i just wonder what i could’ve done differently, maybe he’d still love me like i love him :’)
i feel like i’m suffocating again, and i mean this in the best way possible, but the (character) taking care of you hc’s and the (character) arriving home; they were fucking amazing. and they also hit me so hard. it kinda reminded me of just how alone i actually am? i just- yeah. i went from talking to him every day, to not talking to him for weeks. and now when we do talk, it’s just small talk, only small talk. and i try to have actual conversations with him, but i always feel like i’m annoying him or i’m being a “creep” for trying to talk to him?
it also doesn’t help that i’ve been skipping days of my medication, which is fucking up my sleep schedule and my chemical balance in my brain even more (the meds i take are to balance chemicals out so that they’re neutral, or so that there is a slight difference in advantage towards a positive chemical)
sorry for this whole mess of a semi vent post, i’m just kind of foggy, for lack of better term.
thank you for listening to me, i love you guys <3 -🦷
1. i'm so so so happy to hear from you - (i was a bit worried after nothing came from your last message, so, thank you for reaching out!)
2. relationships are the embodiment of being vulnerable with another person, you give all of yourself to someone you care for and hope they give it all back -- and when that doesn't work out and the bond is cut, it's excruciating (our hearts pound in our chest and react to our emotions, heartbreak is a real thing) - it's natural to feel what you feel
3. I have mixed feelings about the way those stories made you feel - i am glad you liked them and sad to know they made you hurt -- when I feel lonely (or lately i've been really touched-starved) i write out stories where I can receive what i'm missing and it helps to just get out those thoughts that obsessively conquer my brain -- perhaps that's something to help you? write down everything that you feel and then throw it away? not enough, do it again
4. you are your own person, you're autonomous in any decision you make and to coerce you to do something you don't want isn't going to help -- i just .. please take your medication 🙏
sending you love love love <3
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bisexualmikisayaka · 3 years
okay re my last post. here’s how it goes. under the cut because this is long as shit
luke is adrift in the galaxy, trying to find remnants of the old order so he can kind of have the base outlines for a new one (he’ll eschew more of it than he thinks, but he hasn’t realized that yet). holocrons in particular are super helpful because they can store a ton of stuff and contain lots of info about the jedi order or anything jedi deemed relevant, but not a lot of people know what they are, and because only force-sensitives can open them, they’re kind of hard to describe
luke, talking to some poor seller: hey have you ever encountered any. inoperable jedi puzzle boxes while you were buying stuff this guy, just trying to make some cash: ????
he runs into ezra. somehow. maybe ezra hears luke asking and is like Oh? Is This Guy Talking About Holocrons? is he perhaps... A Jedi????
it’s also a chance for me to expound on my Shielding Headcanons and why luke is never allowed to to teach it at Jedi Boarding School (quinlan has those lessons on lock but literally everybody else is allowed to do it except luke)
anyways. luke and ezra encounter one another, Ezra Comes Home
i’m actually not too concerned with this part because i have a skybridger fic in the works that details the Skybridger Encounter and subsequent Ezra Coming Home and writing it all again is... ehhh
so there’s a flash forward to when ezra’s helping out at jedi boarding school (JBS for short)
after the day is over at JBS, ezra sees luke talking to anakin’s force ghost and lamenting the fact that he hasn’t been able to procure any new material or holocrons lately
and ezra’s like oh hey i. i used to have a holocron. uh. it’s super broken though idk what to do about that
anakin’s like. oh well that’s no problem i know how to build a holocron so i can just tell you what parts to fix :) which sparks a whole discussion of YOU KNOW HOW TO BUILD A HOLOCRON?? obi wan even shows up for that part
i also have a reason as to why anakin knows how to build a holocron but it’s long and it’s kinda sad so it’ll go in the fic proper if i ever write it
so ezra has to track down wherever the holocron’s parts are with the help of luke and anakin’s ghost and determined what needs to be salvaged and what can be reconstructed, and this forces him into conversations with most of his ghost family - sabine has most of it, but one part of it is on hera’s kalikori and i like to think that zeb took part of it 
as this journey goes on luke gives the reigns to cere (his vice principal while he’s in absentia) so he can focus on this and he and ezra definitely get :) quite a lot closer :) and as they go through all of this they also sort of try to figure out what the new jedi order should be
and as important as it is for ezra to go through this process - of confronting his past, of connecting deeply with his loved ones again, and of building a future out of that (i like to HC that the holocron has vapaad on there, which he’ll be able to learn through recordings that mace made, complete with a flashback of kanan teaching him an opening kata) - it’s also incredibly important for luke for this relationship to develop
because i think that luke is someone who, post-empire, would have trouble being able to connect with people beyond his status as a hero and Sole Public Jedi. that’s a lot of pressure to put on a 20 something year old’s shoulders and i think to handle that he’d try to pull away from people and be what he thinks is the Model Jedi, and tbh obi-wan and yoda wouldn’t be a great help
but ezra - someone who can really truly understand him, his experiences, and his struggles, and vice versa - would help him leave from that line of thinking and be the best kind of jedi he can be, not what he thinks is the best jedi. you know?
plus all their new friends at JBS have their own idea of what it means to be a jedi in this new world and they can come up with something. better. longer lasting. (sequel trilogy does not exist in this fic)
the end of the fic would end with ezra slotting the last holocron piece into place, and hearing someone’s voice as it starts up, with luke looking at him and smiling 
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cassyapper · 4 years
Apart from Jotaro and Kakyoin (unfortunately) what are your other favourite jojo ships? I’d love to know
i have a disease that makes me invested in the joestars’ happiness to an absurd level so bc of that a lot of ships i enjoy involve,,,one joestar,,,but there r others i swear let me just start rantingi
jonaeriwagon is soooooo so so cute it involves the most wholesome and purehearted jojo characters and it makes me smile so wide. erina and jonathan r childhood sweethearts and erina helped jonathan back on his feet after he lost EVERYTHING in the first fight against dio at the mansion. jonathan and speedwagon are best FRIENDS OKAY!! SPEEDWAGON LITERALLY CHANGES HIS ENTIRE WALK OF LIFE BECAUSE OF JONATHAN AND THE KINDNESS HE SHOWED HIM. i know erina and speedwagon didn't interact a whole lot in part 1 but like they're BEST. FRIENDS. in part 2, so much so joseph thought something was going on between them. i bring this up bc then it’s proof that this ship is full of ppl who just care for each other so much. they just adore each other and love each other and I'm crying
caejoseq is my FAVVV OKAY they're so stupid and in love. i love love love love imagining caesar and suziq falling in love slowly when he��s first training as lisalisa’s student and like they never do anything about it cause they're both so shy (yes caesar is shy bc these feelings r more genuine romance rather than sexual, unlike his other flings) but it’s obvious enough they both understand to a degree the other knows they like them sjkd;dn cuties. but then JOSEPH BARGES IN with his stupid hamon-breathing mask and his stupid blue-green eyes and his stupid lax personality combined with the moments he takes thing seriously during which is works hard as fuck/smart as fuck. he just completely sweeps them off their feet they had no fuckin warning whatsoever. so after a bunch of messy and intense pining from the both of them they eventually sit down and are like okay. we should do smth about feelings actually. so they Do and it ends with the polycule and I'm (”: smiling so wide they loved each other do u understand
AVPOL!! DO NOT GET ME STARTED OKAY it’s the survivor’s guilt and cherishing and longing for me sis!!!!!! I'm just saying both have pasts (araki said avdol’s backstory was so sad he didn't wanna put it into sdc so that’s where I'm drawing this from) that leave them focused on things other than their direct happiness/their own futures but then they connect and even though they're so fucking different they are SOOO different they're still the same on this level and i think!!! that would be everything for them finally someone who understands...listen I'm ging to go insane do you hear me. avdol loves this stupid fucking Frenchman so much because said stupid fucking Frenchman just cares so much about everything. meanwhile polnareff is in love with this fuckin god of a man who’s patient and kind and funny and a skilled enough fighter it’s stated explicitly in canon “oh avdol’s the one we need to worry about most not jotaro” like fuck polnareff is ENAMOURED WITH HIM!! AND I DONT FUCKING BLAME HIM!! and just dude. when pol thinks avdol came back to life and he starts crying tears of joy and hugs him so tightly and avdol just laughs but hugs him back imfmfjfj help. help. help. help. help. POLNAREFF LITERALLY ASKS HIM OUT ON A DATE THIS IS FUCKIN!!! CANON!!! i cant do this stupid fuckign idiots i love them
JOSUYASU!!!!!! TWO GUYS BEIGN DUDES WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? like listen we have such a SLEW of wholesome moments between these two the opening to the tonio episode is literally just them going on a date OKUYASU WAS GONNA FEED JOSUKE AND JOSUKE DIDNT EVEN FUCKING QUESTION IT OKAY THAT’S KINDA GAY THAT HAS ROMANTIC FUCKING UNDERTONES!! and them fighting against shigechi idk man i just love their dynamic it’s such a pleasant bro relationship and i love them. but even beyond the wholesome moments when okuyasu fucking dies josuke loses his SHIT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME HE GOES FUCKIGN INSANE!!!!! HE’S SCREAMING AND CRYING AND BEGGING OKUYASU TO WAKE UP AT THE EXPENSE OF HIS LIFE FUCKIGN HAYATO HAD TO SHRIEK AT HIM TO MOVE HIS ASS OUT OF THE WAY OF KIRA’S BOMB LIKE!! listen the recklessness and furiousness of josuke’s tactics after okuyasu “”died”” haunts me. he didn't want to live in a world without him and meanwhile okuyaus LITERALLY TRIUMPHS OVER DEATH BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT TO LEAVE JOSUKE’S SIDE HELP ME GIRL FJKF;NDJN FUCK. fuck. so yeah i lvoe them
fugionara... any combination of this ship makes me go nuts okay okay. the dynamics in the bucci gang will forever leave me in tatters but THE ONES BETWEEN THESE THREE IN PARTICULAR. FUCK ME UP. it’s the healing it’s the animosity it’s the regret it’s the trying to figure out your own mentally ill self while also the world ur in with these ppl u love so much and I'm going crazy okay okay okay. idk how to quite put my feelings for them in worlds i just have a lot of them and they are fuckin. overhwelming. just narancia for example meant EVERYTHING to fugo as evidence by purple haze feedback (literally every other paragraph is a flashback) and the only time giorno cries in the anime is when narancia dies. meanwhile fugo saved narancia’s life and giorno knew when to take narancia seriously as opposed to a joke. and then THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ABOUT GRIEF FUGO AND GIORNO HAVE IN PURPLE HAZE FEEDBACK? listen something about these three make me go insane and feral
foolymes like okay. okay. I'm shaking like a dog trying not to go overboard on this justification just listen to me. hermes and jolyne first find someone to trust in prison in each other. jolyne cares abt her enough that she first learns how to use stone free’s string-on-a-telephone ability bc she wanted to watch over hermes. hermes loves nd respects jolyne that after she wakes up from getting a stand shes like “hm. wonder where jolyne is” and goes to find her before all that bullshit happened just hey okay LISTEN TO ME!! and then they get foo they save her it’s just like fucking kakyoin they give her another chance and they show her what relationships are supposed to be like (fulfilling) they enjoy her company and make her laugh and she makes them laugh in return ohmy god EVERYTHING FOO FIGHTERS DID WAS FOR JOLYNE AND HERMES DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!! the marilyn mansion debt collector arc. the kiss of love and revenge arc. foo fighter’s death. I'm going to eat rocks in an attempt to stop feeling oh my god JOLYNE DIDNT EVEN BELEIVE FOO FIGHTERS WAS DYING AND THEN SHE GOT HYSTERICAL LIKE “BUT WE CAN JUST REMAKE YOU RIGHT WE HAVE YOUR STAND DISC??” SHE DOESNT WANT HER TO GOOO HELP ME HELP ME. I'm in tatters these three girls loved each other so fucking much they just wanted each other safe and they DESERVED to be safe and happy together but araki is fucking evil
jotaweather I KNOW THIS IS A CRACK SHIP I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW DONT FUCKIGN LOOK AT ME JUST HEAR ME OUT. jotaro and weather r both of similar demeanor that is quiet soft-speaking intimidating strong big aura of sadness coming from them. both have powerful stands and both had real fucked up luck in the love department. i also hc both to be autistic so that’d be another similarity. i jus think them settling down together after everything went down in a stone ocean au would be very soft and sweet yknow? they wouldn't even necessarily start it off in a romantic sense but they just take the time to try and heal with each other and eventually it just kinda veers that way. yeah
gyjo for OBVIOUS reasons like are you serious? gyro changed johnny’s fucking lfie from the SECOND they first interact johnny begins to push himself and tries to reach further/go further. and in turn johnny shows gyro you cant always be a wet blanket you need to take a stand this both helps his resolve to save the kid AND helps him to take the measures necessary to get to his goal. like gyro would not have been able to find johnny in the “who shot johnny joestar?” arc if he hadn't gone through, say, the ring roadagain arc with johnny first. listen man their relationship is literally the catalyst for this whole part it’s the driving force i just. they love each other they love each other thank you goodnight I'm emo
yasugap is just so so so so sweet it makes me so happy,,like okay josuk8 literally has a daydream where all that happens is he gives yasuho some candy and she eats it and is like “aw josuke this is so good thanks!” and she smiles at him and that’s IT THAT’S THE DAYDREAM 😭 listen they just love each other so much and i am emo. they literally SAVED EACH OTHER OKAY LIKE yasuho pulls him from the dirt and like she mentioned during the flashback chapter with the hairpin and her dad, it was also the other way around....saving josuke also saved herself and just LISTEN TO ME. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. it’s a very sweet and healthy relationship and i hope to god araki makes it canon please sir ill bite you
anyway yeah these are the main main ones ? that i ship ship. like you'll get me excited if u mention them. anyway this post has gone on long enough so I'm gonna end it here by saying i really do have a thing where the relationship focuses on healing/helping one or both parties to save/improve themselves
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Requests Masterlist
Studying You
(Female reader) “Could you please write an imagine where reader is Gibbs’s best friend from childhood, knew his mom, was there for him when she killed her self but au where there’s no Shannon and kelly and they get married and reader names their daughter Ann after Gibbs’s mom”
My Mark
(Gender-neutral reader) “If requests are in fact still open, could you pretty please do something about the reader giving Gibbs’ hickeys just to mess with him?”
Please Don’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), very slight reference to a McGee x fem!reader relationship) Gibbs discovers a little girl at a crime scene who is deaf, and upon learning more of her backstory, he begins to bond with her. The guardians she was staying with were killed in a break and enter, both her actual parents were killed while deployed.
I Won’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), McGee x fem!reader relationship, Mother!reader) This is a continuation of the storyline from the fic Please Don’t Leave, with a time skip.
Forget About Me
McGee x fem!reader/mom!reader, Gibbs x reader (platonic/fatherly relationship) “I was thinking that McGee and reader find out their expecting a baby, and Anastasia finds out and runs away, because she’s scared that Tim and reader won’t want her anymore, and Anastasia gets lost and is all alone, and Tim is in full panic mode, and Gibbs won’t rest until he finds Anastasia, and Gibbs finds her, but she refuses to go home, and clings to Gibbs”
Rare Jewel
(Female reader) “Can I please request a Gibbs x plus size reader? Maybe they have to go undercover to a gala or smth together and the reader walks out in this figure hugging dress feeling and looking FLY AS F**K and Gibbs is like hot damn. You get where I’m going?”
I’m Here
(Female reader)  Request using the prompt - “Don’t be scared. I’m right here.”
What Family is For
(Female reader) “Could you do a Gibbs x Reader were the female reader gets beaten up by a group of boys (broken ribs, bruises, blood…) and just manages to stumble into Gibbs’ house were he will take care of her? A little kind of father-daughter relationsship but workwise. Just him getting very protective, comforting her and patching and cleaning her.”
The Peace Out Here
(Female reader)
“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”
With a Little Help From the Team
(Female reader) “Hello! I saw your post from this morning saying you didn’t have any requests for ncis at the moment and I wanted to make a request. If for some reason you don’t want to write it that’s okay but here’s my prompt,(Idk what to call it) The reader and McGee have been dating for years and McGee has to tell the whole team (Tony, McGee, Bishop, Gibbs. That team please!) including her dad (Gibbs, cause why not?) when he wants to propose. You can decide on if they say yes or no but I hope you’ll write it. Sorry if I’m overwhelming you I just wanted to make a request”
NCIS team:
Helping Hands
(Gender-neutral reader) “Could you do a one shot with NCIS where reader has a panic attack and the team comforts the reader and they validate the reader’s emotions? I just really need something like that”
Aaron Hotchner:
Dream Come True
(Female reader) “Hi sweetie!! I saw that you’re taking requests for reader inserts? I could I request one of either Hotch or Morgan where they have a dream about having a daughter with the reader. (The reader and him aren’t dating or seeing each other at all) but he really wants this dream to come true. Thank you in advance!”
In Your Corner
(Female reader) “can you make an aaron x fem reader where reader has an e.d?”
Spencer Reid:
The Way She Walks
(Female reader) “Can you write something for Spencer (or whoever) where you are Hotch’s assistant. One day you are bringing Hotch coffee and Reid is staring at you and Derek tells Reid not to stare cause it will freak you out. Thank you so much!!!”
The Way She Loves
(Female reader - sequel to The Way She Walks) “Helloo😌😌 could you do a follow up to “the way she walks”? I loved it😩💗”
The Raging Fire Within
(Female reader) “Hi! Could you write a modern au fic with Erik Destler where they’re in a relationship but hes still an awkward muffin and decides hes not having it any longer and tries to flirt with her using (sexual) innuendos but hes still a muffin and she loves it? Thank you so much!!!! (I hope it makes sense)”
An Angel to Me
(Gender-neutral reader) “Erik’s s/o being an artist who loves to draw him but does it in secret in fear of upsetting him but Erik finds one specific drawing. The drawing is a charcoal drawing of him with angel wings (shirtless or not, either one works) and the drawing is of how his s/o sees him. In the drawing he’s radiating like an angel and he’s beautiful despite his scars and that’s when he realizes how much his s/o loves him and that he is worthy of her love (or something like that) and he starts crying. When his s/o comes back, she find him curled up in a corner crying clutching the drawing to him. When he sees her, he tells her how much he loves her and needs her (even tho she already knows) and they end up going through all her drawings of him together”
When You Are Hurting
(Female reader) “hi love! ❤️ i was wondering if i could request an erik x reader? just a hurt/comfort with some soft Erik, maybe set in poto?? maybe one where the reader is having a tough day?? please take your time!!! i know you’ve got a busy schedule :)”
A Modern Lady
(Female reader) “Hello! Can I please request a fic or HCs where erik is in a relationship with the reader but shes really modern and vulgar for someone living in the 19th century and keeps making him blush? But he really loves it?“
(Female reader) “Can I make a Phantom x reader where the reader is the phantom’s wife or somethin’ and the Phantom wakes up from a bad nightmare but she is there to comfort him”
Dark Until I Met You
(Female reader) “Hello, I just want to say first of all that I adore your writing! I haven’t been able to find a story with this particular idea, so I thought I’d make a request. It’s completely your choice whether you want to write a fic of headcanons, but what do you think Erik’s relationship with a blind reader would be like?”
Just a Touch
(Female reader) “Hello! This is my first time requesting, so I’m not quite sure how things work. I was wondering if I could get a Phantom of the Opera x female reader, where he’s touch-starved and they’re just cuddling together. Thank you!”
So Much More
(Female Reader)
Prompt - “You didn’t deserve that…you deserved so much better.”
Promise I Make to You
(Gender neutral reader)
“As I've myself struggled with sh (I am 1 month clean, lemme just flex a lil bit) I've just had this scenario in my head where Erik in a way or another sees the readers sh scars/cuts for the first time and it's just pure fluff with a hint of angst. Also this is my first request ever, I've just fallen in love with the way you portray our not so local (unless u live in france) sewer man. Um ye <3 I shall go to sleep now”
Dancing in the Rain
(Gender neutral reader)
“Can u do poto Erik x reader with a reader who loves walking in the rain, even tho they get absolutely soaked Bc they don’t use an umbrella… so their hair is just absolutely drenched but reader doesn’t give a damn”
One Love, One Lifetime
(Gender neutral reader)
“Could I get a phantom of the opera x reader where the reader is the soulmate of his. The reader has a line of one of his songs. Maybe music of the night? The 2004 version of phantom of the opera. Do you do smut? If not that's fine. It can be fluff too.”
Meg Giry x Phantom:
Leading Woman
(Meg Giry x Phantom) Meg being willing to do whatever the Phantom suggests, even though his attention is on Christine. Finally, Meg has had enough and decided to meet the Phantom on his turf. Although he is upset at the disrespect and blatant neglect of his privacy, he is impressed by her lack of fear towards him and her gumption. Meg makes a case for herself, and the Phantom finally sees Meg for who she is, a leading woman.
Christine Daae:
You Can
(Female reader implied but could be read as gender neutral) Prompt - “I know you can.”
Winchester Brothers:
It’s in the Eyes
(Winchester brothers x gn!reader) “… At the moment I’m sort of dating a guy who was broken up with fairly recently and he’s not sure of his feelings (I think he’s really just scared to open up again). Anyway I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind could you write a happy ending/fluff for us with one of the criminal minds/spn guys?”
Dean Winchester:
Something Good
(Gender neutral reader) “Something Good” from the musical The Sound of Music as inspiration for the fic
Care for You 
(Female reader) “Hello !!! Can I have Dean Winchester x reader? Reader has been so caught up in her work that they forget to eat. They get extremely lightheaded and stumble a little. Dean steadies them and he is worried when he finds out they forgot to eat. While he is making food they faint and land (luckily) on the couch. When he’s done, he comes back,at first he thinks that they’re just laying down but he kinda freaks out when he realizes that reader is unconscious. ( I forget to eat sometimes) THANK YOU🥺💚”
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